Painkiller Already - PKN #102

Episode Date: August 4, 2016

It's PKN time baby!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we're live! PKN episode 102! How is everybody? Really pissed. Great! Have you been watching the DNC convention the last couple days? I've only been reading about it. And it's tough because I read these really really biased sources and at least i'm entertained apparently it's a total shit show like i wouldn't say it's a total shit show i've been watching so
Starting point is 00:00:34 today was the roll call right and if you if you're a gamer or a house of cards fan you might remember when they did the roll call uh and had that little thing in the show it's exactly like that you know the the lady on stage says and the great state of ohio what is your you know how do you count or whatever and some jackass from ohio whoever they've appointed is like i'm rick shit bag from the buckeye state home of aids and the first human to monkey case of Ebola or whatever they're famous for there. He goes on this whole rant from wherever he is. Some of it's this obscure bullshit like
Starting point is 00:01:11 the home of Prince's Purple Rain. It's like the movie or the song where he wrote it there. He recorded it there. I don't know. They considered filming Family Matters here. Did you know that? This little minutia that doesn't matter it means nothing and then they and then they say you know then they get to the part where
Starting point is 00:01:32 they've got to read the votes out and it's you know we have 73 votes for the greatest man who ever lived or ever will live Bernie Sanders and and 14 votes for Hillary rotten Rodham Clinton. They're not quite that bad with it, but I could tell some of them. You could tell the states that felt differently about things. And the best part is that
Starting point is 00:01:54 I think these are delegates and party insiders and delegates' family members and such that crowd around the speaker to get on camera. So everybody's sticking their face into the shot trying to get in there and smiling maniacally for on camera. So everybody's like sticking their face into the shot trying to get in there and like smiling maniacally for the camera. And there's all these weird characters. There was this one lady from, I want to say Oklahoma, but that seems prejudiced to begin
Starting point is 00:02:15 with. I don't remember where she was from, but probably Oklahoma. But she was the one speaking for the Sanders delegation. You know, the first speaker goes, and I'm going to hand the microphone off to, and then you don't even, he didn't even introduce her properly, he just kind of hands it, and she can't, it's attached, so she's stuck in this weird, awkward place between getting on mic, and like, so she's like leaning a row up and trying to get on mic, and the shadows fall on her face just well enough that you can see that she has as much facial hair as i do she has a mustache that comes down and you can see that it turns it turns into a broader growth that's her whole face and she you know she says her thing for sanders or whatever
Starting point is 00:02:58 it was a oh and then the best part for me is the signs right so you know these people have bernie this guy's up there and and you know, from the great state of Florida, home of rape and crocodile deaths. And there's a guy with a Bernie for 2016 poster right in front of his face, like the whole... like this, like bouncing it, and he's just kind of like... he's gotta
Starting point is 00:03:17 stay on mic, because it's a tax. He can't come over here like this, and be like, get out of here, you quipper snapper socialist piece of shit. He can't do that. He's got to be right here with the sign. And sometimes they've got banners. Big like eight foot long banners that they were wagging. There were people pulling away Bernie
Starting point is 00:03:34 signs from Bernie supporters there. Walking around collecting them. People modifying the Hillary signs to be Bernie ones. In fairness the Republican one was sort of equally a shit show. I mean, Ted Cruz came on there and just pissed all over the presidential
Starting point is 00:03:49 nominee. That was pretty funny. There's two living Republican presidents right now. Neither of them will come because they're Bushes. Maybe they don't have the energy for it. That'd be my guess. No. Paul Ryan, did he speak?
Starting point is 00:04:04 John People showed up the other day for that thing oh i paul ryan had to speak he's the chair person yeah like it's it's a uh requirement um i don't know if we talked about uh i know we didn't talk about the rnc really but good lord like i know cruz didn't come out and endorse him but trump couldn't have handled that like more of a buffoon. You think? Like, he let everybody, he goes, you know, go up there and vote your conscience or whatever he said. Up and down the ticket, vote your conscience. And Trump, like, almost cuts him off near the end after he comes out of there like he's a fucking professional wrestler. And then stands there and allows them to all just boo the shit out of Cruz when it should have been like, you know what, he's exactly right, everybody vote your conscience, and I think we all know where your conscience is going to vote.
Starting point is 00:04:49 And just embrace that. It's like he was endorsing me, because clearly I'm the person whose conscience you would be pointed towards if you have a good conscience. And he just bumbled through it, as he tends to do, because it seems like he's just a buffoon. But he's the better option. Oh, God, I don't even know. I go all over the place.
Starting point is 00:05:14 What's come out lately about Hillary. So it's not a surprise to me that Hillary is corrupt. But to see the evidence come out has had an impact on the way I think about her. Even though I feel like I knew it, you know, it's for people who don't know the Democratic National Committee, right? It's sort of the framework that's supposed to select a nominee. They're not supposed to be on Hillary's team. They're supposed to be the infrastructure that like facilitates the voting and counts
Starting point is 00:05:41 and stuff like that. It has become very clear. There is no distinction between Hillary's team and the DNC. They are just Hillary's team. And the internal emails are coming through where they talk about how to gotcha on Bernie, on religious issues. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been forced to resign early, kind of in shame. So Hillary immediately picked her up and added her to her campaign. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been forced to resign early, kind of in shame. So Hillary immediately picked her up and added her to her campaign, or one might say back to her campaign, you know, because she was kind of on it before.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And, like, it's – look, Trump is crooked as fuck. Trump will lie to you so easily without any weight on his conscience. He'll say anything. He doesn't believe some of the things he's saying. And he has this skill where if he says, I'm pro-life and you're not, you'll say, yeah, he probably doesn't mean that one. And if he says, I'm pro-gun and you are, you say, ah, I bet you that one's real. But the truth is Trump lies too. But something about the way Hillary does it, like it really makes me feel like she's going to get in office
Starting point is 00:06:51 and be corrupt as fuck. Oh, another one. And I don't know if there's any difference on the Republican side, but they're like reached out to donors and they're like, hey, let us know what positions you'd like to have inside the government. You know, it'd be pretty hard to get U.S. Postal Service, but if that's your thing, you know, just put your name inside the government. You know, it'd be pretty hard to get U.S. Postal Service, but if that's your thing, you know, just put your name on the list. They had a whole
Starting point is 00:07:08 list of, I love that they had their graphics for this stuff, so you can really break it down and see. You can see the donations that these individual people made, and then their spouse made as well, because they were doubling up in that way. And then the rewards that they were given. And, you know, $100,000 will get you dinner with the
Starting point is 00:07:23 president. $150,000 and the first lady will be there. It was all of these little... And some guys just got a meeting with the president. And, you know, $80,000 and shit like that. But some of it they were talking about giving them these positions like chairman of the endowment program or the arts program. I don't even know what that guy does. But I bet he gets paid a nice salary and he does very little. Sounds like a fluff position.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Right. And they may have some influence, right? It may be like, all right, so I run a trucking company. Now I'm chairman of the U.S. Postal Service and I'm able to funnel some money into things that would benefit me. That's why people donate money to government. And to see it from Hillary's campaign really get exposed like that, it was like, oh my God, is she the better option? Because I felt like she was three weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:08:14 and I'm having a real hard time with this. Yeah, it's a lot of what you're saying with the fluff jobs and them taking that. It's like they'll give some bullshit. Like if you donate a quarter of a million dollars, but the fluff jobs and them taking that, it's like they'll give some bullshit. Like, if you donate a quarter of a million dollars, maybe we make you the government business outreach ambassador for Indiana. And then that guy's already a business owner, and so of course the businesses he wants to pull into the fold to be government contractors are his businesses,
Starting point is 00:08:42 or friends' businesses, or giving priority. It's crooked across the board. The whole thing with uh this is moving tangentially i guess uh the the fake craigslist ads that they were going to post yeah trying to get like like and seeing the way they talked about it in the email like just like normal people like oh how about we make it so that it says that he only wants hot women to be working for him like oh that's good that's good you know and it's like oh my god these are like gossipy middle schoolers who are really having a real influence on the country just through flagrant lies can you can you remember the name of the guy was it pablo the media director guy
Starting point is 00:09:19 i think you're right that sounds familiar he was the greatest they're, you know, I think they had someone scheduled to arrive early. She just wanted to come later. Like she wanted to sleep in or something. And it sounded like an episode of Veep. Like, you know, how about we just fucking don't do it at all and let them pull in a Trump surrogate instead. They can control the goddamn news cycle that morning. And I'm like, wait, that's real? Because this reads like Veep.
Starting point is 00:09:45 This is incredible yeah did you see like the the actual correspondence of like msnbc and news sites seeking approval from the dnc to post things and the dnc is like no no and msnbc is like oh okay like we're clearly on your side. It's so dirty. And it's what we've always known. It's what we've always known, right? You had a big machine that from the top to the bottom had its
Starting point is 00:10:16 own ideas at heart and it had nothing to do with the people's will. It's not a democracy. The Republican side is the same, but I bet if it was leaked, it wouldn't be the same for Trump. I bet there's some RNC thing who's like, how can we get Bush to win? How can we arrange this question? Trump overcame this, right?
Starting point is 00:10:36 There was a system probably just as, if not more corrupt, going against Trump, and he beat it. That's why Trump is a shithead, but man, he is a winner. Somehow he came out and beat that thing. It's absurd the win that he's had here already, just beating that Bush machine that was in place. They had gone so far as to make Florida, you know, come up at the perfect time in the cycle so that it would be a knockout blow for whoever won it. And of course, who else would win it other than you know the the former governor the beloved bush and it was winner take all too so kyle made like there's two points there one is kyle's like it was right at the point where you get a winner take all like florida like you get
Starting point is 00:11:21 florida and the other people will start quitting because of that and they made it winner-take-all like they really lined up that thing for some incumbents and then trump won florida so yeah it seemed like it was going to be a battle of like well obviously the media just because there's more left-leaning like tv shows and whatnot than there is right because fox is relegated which is why Fox is so much bigger than any liberal news site it's not that like see secretly everybody's conservative it's that no they all go to Fox because that's their they've consolidated that's their lighthouse whereas if you're on the left you can be MSNBC you can be CNN uh HLN any of those so they disperse
Starting point is 00:12:00 that same group what's HLN it's another news site oh maybe i'm saying it wrong but i think that fox definitely is biased to the right but i think they're as biased to the the right as msnbc is to the left and perhaps cnn as well um at least there's not there's not a whole treasure trove of evidence to suggest that uh at least not yet anyway and there is for the dnc i might be looking at oh go ahead i might be looking at it through the lens of a leftist, because to me, MSNBC, and especially CNN, do their best to stick to the truth, and Fox is just all feelings, emotions, and silliness.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I watched Truly Terrible earlier. There's a lot of programs on Fox. Where Taylor was saying that on the left it's all like feelings and stuff on the right it's all facts and stats based i was like oh that's interesting you know like coming from a conservative because for me as a liberal i guess um i've always felt the opposite like oh the liberals are all about policies and facts and numbers and the and the right they're all feelings and you know like emotions selective blindness too because obviously like if i see some i don't watch box i don't watch any mainstream media
Starting point is 00:13:10 so i can't speak too much to how biased they all are although i do know it depends which bugs to the right cnn to the left msnbc very far to the left that's like i would say that's the fox of the left you know yeah um but But yeah, it comes down to, like if you see an emotional argument on your side, you're way less likely to see it as that. You're more likely to be like, well, that's just truth, clearly. Like who cares if it's emotional?
Starting point is 00:13:36 That's just the way reality is. Sometimes emotions are correct, you know? And it's so easy to lose yourself in that. And I do that often where I get lost on my side and I don't look at it neutrally enough. Like, I think it's pretty natural for people. But, you know, I do, they both, like I was talking to Chiz the other day and he's like, you know, Republicans are the party of fear. You know, Democrats don't focus on fear as much. And I was like, well, Chiz, it's just different kinds of fear.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Republicans run on security as their form of fear of there's an outside agent there's isis there's the russians there's this that and the other they're going to come get us we got to build up security we got to make sure we're solid on the home front that's their fear the left seems to have the use the fear of the republican party more often and the corporate machine right whatever that consists of. A lot of vague allusions to institutionalize this or systematic that. No calling out of the actual institution. What system? What institution?
Starting point is 00:14:34 Well, there's no answer to that because they're all embroiled in the same nonsense. And it makes no sense. So I totally see how I'm wrong in a lot of ways. And the left is right. i also like i'm on the everybody believes that they do because they think they're doing like they're believing the correct way like nobody's maliciously wrong so like some people are those are the truly evil
Starting point is 00:14:54 people right like the politicians themselves are i was reading about like the different kinds of uh evil that they had were displayed in monkeys and they were taking talking about the machiavellian evil versus the psychopathic evil and all that stuff. And so all those exist out there in one form or another in humans because they just do. But go ahead. You know who I think is evil that ties in with what you're saying? Glenn Beck. No.
Starting point is 00:15:20 So here, let me hear this out. I watched a Glenn Beck scene. He was on Fox News at the time. And he was like, look at this mural on the side of the street. And there was like wheat in it or something. He's like, you know what wheat is? Wheat is what the Russians grow. That's why they have a sickle on their flag.
Starting point is 00:15:43 There is communist influences on this building. And that building is less than one block from MSNBC. He's literally calling, he makes a connection to MSNBC having communist ties because there is wheat across the street on another building in the same block. There are much easier ways to tie MSNBC to communism than a building with some flowing fields of grain on it. I'm watching this and I'm like, okay, Glenn Beck is a lot of
Starting point is 00:16:11 things, but I don't think stupid is one of them. I think he's making a TV show and some of the people watching it are stupid. Some of the people watching it are buying this hook, line, and sinker and he's just hurting America all the way to the bank yeah i think of him like and the way he does it is very clever too as far as manipulation he is i haven't watched anything he has in a long time i almost want to say i
Starting point is 00:16:35 remember something like you're talking about but he is he's so he's he's crazy he's a crazy person but what he would do is did you you see and notice anything on this building? That's right. And then he does his little drawing. Wheat. And how, pray tell, do you get wheat? With? What's that?
Starting point is 00:17:01 It's a hammer and sickle. MSNBC. Communism. Soviet Union. And then he tries to make it seem like the viewer, what's that it's a hammer and sickle msnbc communism soviet you like and then like he tries to make it seem like the viewer who's clearly not very bright if they're buying into it is like seeing through the da vinci code like all the pieces and the parts are floating into place when really it's just some idiot making connections i don't know that my father bought that one like it but he became a glenn beck fan fan even. I'm on a Disney cruise, right, with my father and that guy Dick. If you guys have watched my videos, you know Dick, the phone book multimillionaire dude.
Starting point is 00:17:33 They show up at dinner, and both of them have, it was like a formal night, so they both rock their Glenn Beck outfits. They have like a sports coat on, a full thing, and then running shoes. They're like, look, we're doing the Glenn Beck! Yeah, Glenn Beck! They're all psyched to be like Glenn Beck cosplaying on a Disney cruise. It showed a level of
Starting point is 00:17:56 fandom that you wouldn't expect from a... My dad's smart. He's smarter than me. He's Glenn Beck cosplaying. Is, like, he's Glenn Beck cosplay. Isn't Glenn Beck a Mormon? I don't know. I'm almost 100% sure Glenn Beck is Mormon. One of the things that I saw...
Starting point is 00:18:14 One of the things I saw from Glenn Beck that stuck with me was I remember when the Fukushima meltdown was happening, and he was trying to reassure people. And he did it, and he demonstrated the containment around these nuclear reactors using pots and pans and M&Ms. He was pouring the M&Ms into this one pot,
Starting point is 00:18:36 and then he put the lid on it, and then he put that one into a bigger pot, and put the lid on it, and he's like, you see? Even if the M&Ms somehow got out of this pot the big pot's just gonna catch him it's just gonna catch him hey they get out of the big pot it's just an m&m no problem here please tell me that part's true no no that's not true at all i want to believe but he was like giving all the i i i feel like he was just reassuring, like why is everyone worried about this? Which isn't his style. You would think he'd be the other end.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Like get your iodine capsules. Everyone on the West Coast is dead. Okay, here's – The Midwest is sterile. I don't know why I put such a high like standard for morality on him. But he really, really pitched the cash for gold stuff all the time. Because real companies didn't want to advertise with him. You don't see Coca-Cola on the Glenn Beck show, but cash for gold.
Starting point is 00:19:34 So he's rallying the fear-based stuff, saying the economy is about to collapse. Everything is terrible. Put your money in gold. If your money is not in gold, your dollars are going to be worthless. And he really went heavy on this cash for gold thing. Cash for gold is right next to those payday advance loan places. You were on the same page.
Starting point is 00:19:55 You know what his new thing is? No. He has started selling these apocalypse food buckets. You get a five-gallon bucket full of his MREs or whatever and supplies, and they're for the apocalypse that he preaches about now. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Yeah. And then he's super-duper anti-Donald Trump. He cried on camera repeatedly. And there was this one time, he's trying to mock Trump, and Trump's not that hard to mock, right? Yeah, pretty easy's pretty easy yeah yeah and to his credit it's rare you get under his skin obama definitely hurt his feelings um but i remember i think it's sensitive
Starting point is 00:20:34 but carry on glenn beck covers his face in cheetos he takes handfuls of cheetos and rubs them into his face and he in his head he's mocking trump because now he's orange he goes look i'm donald trump and the cheetos are just falling oh it's disgusting yeah yeah he's made a mess he's like he's gonna break out so bad you know he is he's got that cheeto grease he's gonna he's gonna have pimples all over his fucking forehead like like all over and he looks now sponsored by dude when he spread the Cheetos all over himself, it wasn't like he over-spray tanned himself, which would be like a decent mocking,
Starting point is 00:21:12 or like change the color tint or something in the cameras. No. Or did blackface. So he has like Cheeto crumbs on his face. It looks like an extreme version of teenaged acne or something. Like it's a disgusting image. The photos of it just ran wild on the internet. He's like, look what I did. I'm so
Starting point is 00:21:32 clever. Look how I mocked Trump. That's what he thinks. Meanwhile, you're looking at him like, isn't that guy like 50? What the fuck is his problem? This guy is a moron. You watch three more minutes into his show and he gets to the food buckets. And you know for sure then.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And Glenn Benbeck, he said he was going to kill himself if Trump got nominated. And at one point, I don't know if it was when he sealed it or if it was just when he had a really good day, Milo tweets out to him. He's like, Glenn, you okay, babe? And something like, I don't know, that sequence of words from Milo. Like, are you okay, babe? Like, with the babe on it? Like, it tickled me. Like, I just loved it.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I was like, oh, my God. Milo crushed him under the illusion of, like, sensitivity. Yeah, concern trolling yeah oh but i listened to live coverage of the republican national convention and it's like brett bear or somebody on there like one of their very established journalists who really does shoot it down the middle and gives trump a lot of shit and he's like is that that that milo person and someone goes they call him nero on twitter he's like yeah yeah he seems to be well he's got a whole bunch of guys with him and well they're all dressed up
Starting point is 00:22:48 like the village people but just the police officers all of them they're wearing biker leathers and like police uniforms and like super flamboyantly gay marching through was that at the RNC?
Starting point is 00:23:05 Yeah, I heard that on Fox News Radio or Politico or POTUS or something like that. I listened to a bunch of I want to see that. I didn't see it but I heard it. They were like and it was probably funnier to hear it than it would be to see it. He's like, they're dressed
Starting point is 00:23:21 up like the village people but only the police officer. Yeah, they're having a great time. Dude, so I've been into politics for a long time, and I'm old. So I've been really following for a good 20 years now. I can't remember a campaign where I thought as little of the candidates and as much of the entertainment. I follow it like sports to some extent. And never has there been this much drama and corruption. There's no Milos in the Barack versus Romney campaign.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Ah, there was Obama girl. You had her on there. That was kind of a thing. She wasn't nearly as incendiary as Milo. There's a Trump girl. It just didn't catch on, but I saw her videos. Yeah, she was only one foot in like she acted like she was hot for trump but then some of the lyrics were kind of anti-trump you know no wonder no one
Starting point is 00:24:12 rallied around her yeah yeah get on board 100 the trump train don't stop and it's not picking up people for uh you know little quick trips either we're going all the way dude i so he's winning i vote for gary johnson if hillary clinton weren't running i really would i really would i thought that like post-convention there was always a giant bounce but i i read recently that um it's not true and there hasn't been a bounce like this since 2000 so good bounce six points um um immediately following but i think he moved like 10 points or 13 points from like thursday to like tuesday or something you know from last Thursday to like today
Starting point is 00:24:50 a massive massive bump and now next week if Hillary Clinton jumps right back and she's within two points will be like oh okay that was the convention now things will settle out and we'll see what happens when a guy who doesn't want to put one billion dollars into a national campaign like a traditional candidate runs up against this established uh connected candidate with all the strings dancing above her and a billion dollars if she needs it for sure a billion and a quarter probably if it took it so we'll see what happens there but if he maintains 10 points going into
Starting point is 00:25:21 next month that's looking real bad if he makes it into next month with 10 points then into next month, that's looking real bad. If he makes it into next month with 10 points, then it's starting to look very serious. And it's embarrassing for the opponent. Did he get better? Because I was listening to a couple podcasts about the RNC, and it was
Starting point is 00:25:39 like, the people were saying yeah, it's not that Trump is getting more popular, it's that Hillary is getting less popular. And now it seems to be that hillary's getting even less popular so is trump actually gaining support for real or is it that hillary even measure that because it seems like a zero-sum game i mean there's a lot of people and i'm not far from this who believe that if you vote for donald duck you've thrown away your vote, right? So they're like, oh, they're not voting for Trump. They're just voting against Hillary. What's the difference?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Yeah, no difference when you get down to it. The driving factor for why I want to vote for Donald Trump is because I want to throw my vote against Hillary Clinton more than anything to do with that. It's a protest vote. I don't like her. The problem with trump is like everybody he he's an he's whatever shape you pour him into yeah he will be anything you know he's not a real conservative and so it's funny to watch people on obviously the left be like this guy's
Starting point is 00:26:39 like so far right wing and just crazy bananas like just a warmongering you know we're gonna start world war three when it's like this dude was like donating to democrats eight years ago like this guy is not a real conservative if hillary wasn't running he would have run as a democrat and completely flipped script because he's kind of crooked and will say anything at all and by the way hillary's never met a war she didn't like. So if that's something that's a big voting point for you, then I think you should throw it away because the truth is bitch loves wars. Yeah. She's the hawkish one.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Trump spoke out against the Iraq war. Trump? I don't know where he stands. I don't know where he stands on anything. You know where he stands? In front of whoever's near him. Whatever's opportunistic at that moment exactly yeah yeah and he will just sit there he will say a today and b tomorrow all the
Starting point is 00:27:32 way through the election he'll make promises in just a second that he knows he can't keep right he knows there's like no way that some of this shit's coming true it might you. You know, Obama had lots of that hope and change that didn't come true. He had Congress the whole time. I've seen him promise jobs would return to America that don't exist anymore. Like, I wish I could remember some more. Otters.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Yeah, just like, you know, all you wagon wheel makers are out of business. We're going to bring those jobs back. Those jobs... Flagsmith of America, I'm talking to you. Yeah, like the textile workers, right? So North Carolina, if you don't know, like if you go back like 20 years,
Starting point is 00:28:13 was huge in making clothing, right? All the textile stuff. They think those jobs went to China and Vietnam. Dude, they're not even there. Machines are doing those jobs now. Like you, you know, who used to sew, you need a new skill, babe.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Because it's not coming back. It's not even over there. It's gone. He was talking to a veterans group today and he was talking about how they didn't have a voice and their problems weren't being heard. He said, when I'm in the White House, there will be a hotline so that you guys can get right to me
Starting point is 00:28:46 he's like you're going to be able to call a number and you're going to be able to get me if you need to and I was like that would be so great like maybe he takes 10 calls a day you know he sets out like an hour of like taking calls
Starting point is 00:29:02 you know 6 minutes a piece or whatever and you get your 6 minutes with Trump it's like all right make it you just like all right make it quick this is POTUS like a State of the Union thing every day he sits there in front of a camera we got a Christie in Wyoming how are you like it's a radio show get Get that shit out of here. We're not talking about that. Like it's a show.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Like it's The Apprentice or something. Like some people would just come to him with like business propositions, like products and stuff. Like that's a different show. You're looking for Shark Tank. Tune in Monday weeknights on ABC. You'll see me there. You need Shark Tank bonus edition.
Starting point is 00:29:43 This is like, you know, Dr. Oz bonus edition this is like you know dr oz bonus edition i would love it i would love it if he treated the presidency like that if he was like fuck i'm the president i could be the star of my own sitcom imagine the ratings and he's just like goes and gets a job like acting and and like real president of dc yeah yeah yeah he's every what if he allowed like cameras like like this is my new show and you're just following him in, and it's like House of Cards a little bit, but it's Trump's day. It's like...
Starting point is 00:30:11 What if he pimps out the White House? What would be funny? He gets in the White House, and he's showing off the room. Everything's fucking gold and gaudy and purple. He's like, this is what it was like when Obama was done. I haven't even touched this. This is just Obama's taste. I remember when Bush was heading
Starting point is 00:30:30 out, or when the Clintons were heading out, I remember the Bushes having something about wanting to steam clean the Oval Office or something. I think they made a statement like that or something. There was some little snarky remark about, you know, how's the transition into the White House gone for George Bush? And they're like, well, there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:30:46 steam cleaning to do, of course, on day one. Wanted to get in all the crevices. You know, something like that. He's under the desk. Just little rips in each other. Did you see how much everybody, or I guess a better one, is the list
Starting point is 00:31:01 of people who are speaking tonight at the DNC, the mothers of the movement. It's all the list of people who are speaking tonight at the DNC, the mothers of the movement. It's all the moms of every black individual who's been shot by a cop in the last year, and they did not discriminate. So it was like, oh, this case where the guy hit a cop with a baton and then got shot, come on in here. You're just the same as someone whose kid was wrongfully shot.
Starting point is 00:31:26 You know, they got the mom of like, and it's meaningless at that point. Like that's, it's the same problem that they have with rape or any kind of thing where they've, they've pushed it so much that like 20 years ago, you say, you know, this person raped me or whatever. It's, oh my God, what the fuck? Now it's, well, is it really that? Or were you really assaulted or what? Now we have to get into like definitions
Starting point is 00:31:49 because it's so pushed and disingenuous and used politically. How did the rape begin? Well, I was on Facebook. I was like, okay, one thing that Republicans are doing so much better than the Democrats is choosing their spokesman. Just imagine what a Republican woman looks like.
Starting point is 00:32:10 In my head is this model photo shoot with some loose-fitting, bra-less, short shirt, Daisy Dukes posing on a chair with a MAGA hat, a Make America Great. Now picture a Democratic woman, right? She's pissed off. She has They have a cave troll. What was the woman's name?
Starting point is 00:32:32 Would they name her who did the shaking of the arms? Trigly Puff. Trigly Puff. Yeah, yeah, right? Or the liberal meme with the she doesn't wash herself and she's got dreadlocks.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Is there a name for that meme? Do you guys know it? I don't know the name of it, but I know the one you're talking about. She looks like Harry Potter. She's dating – not dating. She's voting for Hillary guaranteed, right? Only because Bernie didn't make it. Only because Bernie didn't make it.
Starting point is 00:33:04 The way that they choose their spokesman, Hillary's literally putting all these moms of criminals, like mothers raising criminals on her stage. CMRC, come on up. Today they brought an actual illegal immigrant on stage. And it was like, she was brought over by her family family that she was young she won't be voting for Hillary I would have loved votes
Starting point is 00:33:30 if I'm the Trump campaign and like you know the the the the dates of the conventions were juxtaposed I do the same thing I'd have an illegal come up on stage but then fucking arrest his ass right there black bag him whack him over the head drag him up and trump comes out that's how it's done get him out of here he's like he's like he's he's gonna be put on a trump helicopter and dropped off
Starting point is 00:33:57 75 miles south of the border 100 feet all the way to panama this guy he's gonna have to work his way back up to Mexico. He's starting in the real shit countries in South America now. You know, try it in Venezuela, buddy. You try to get back here. Send you to Honduras. You can make my ties. Big fan of socialism, huh?
Starting point is 00:34:20 I see so many Democrats pointing like, do you realize that Trump's daughter's clothing is made in China? It's like, ooh oh what a gotcha do you realize debbie washerman schultz stacked the deck in the elections against bernie and now she transitioned to like hillary's campaign like and you're going after like trump's kids clothing the real story here is that a nordic lady read a story or a speech that was set in front of her, you know? Oh, his wife. Like it was malicious where they're like,
Starting point is 00:34:52 did she sit down and perhaps get too lazy with her plagiarism? No, she wrote that. She just handed that. No, there is no, they always say they write that. They don't actually write those.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Apparently a speech writer wrote the first draft, and she added that part. I wish I could quote my source, because I thought the same thing. I heard her voice say it. That's my source of her being like, oh, yes, I try not to get too much help. I write. I write. At least before the speech, verbatim, virtually. She was like, I try not to get too much help. She emphasized that. She's like, I didn't get too much help like she emphasized that she's like
Starting point is 00:35:26 I didn't get too much help I wanted to do it myself clearly someone handed her that thing I had fun on twitter with that thing I had like hundreds of retweets but I was like the boys in the hood are always hard you come talk and you trash I'll pull your card Melina Trump
Starting point is 00:35:41 oh I had some fun with that too just like I have a dream and yeah other famous speeches uh-huh it was still funny like i i've given so much shit to bernie supporters like in the last months but it's i'm really you know credit where credit's due i'm really enjoying seeing them stick to their guns at the dnc despite their deceiving leader up there you know going you know I took all your money and and I know it's gonna to be anti establishment and now I am going to hand it to the establishment and instruct you to vote for said establishment it's like what like that you can't just do a
Starting point is 00:36:20 switchy switcheroo like that that's bullshit and his fans are calling them out and I'm liking that I love bullshit. And his fans are calling him out. And I'm liking that. I love it. And those same people called out Elizabeth Warren too, right? Elizabeth Warren, I don't know if you've seen it. It's an older video. And she really details how Hillary Clinton saved this anti-bank bill.
Starting point is 00:36:41 And then when she became a senator, like made it all happen. Like, you know, when she was the president's wife, she heard about the evils of it and saved the day. And then when she was a senator, she led the charge. And Hillary's like, that's the change. Right now that she's in politics, she's, I'm sorry, Elizabeth Warren explained all that. Now Elizabeth Warren, she's throwing her full support
Starting point is 00:37:03 behind Hillary, you know, it just – I sometimes am gullible enough to believe that there are some anti-establishment people in this establishment. But then when it comes down to it, like – One. Who? Donald Trump. Trump. He's the only one because he's on the app. I'm so silly.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Trump is the one who's standing on stage, and his entire establishment is around him like, nah, I won't even go. The Bushes aren't there. None of the – yeah, none of those guys are. You see Cruz. Cruz made a shady backroom video like this. He's just like, you know, a man stands by his word. He starts out like that.
Starting point is 00:37:43 He's like, you know, basically it was almost he might as well had a gun to his head he'd been like just just a not just a knife coming off screen he's just like donald trump is a great man he will be a great a great emperor president that's funny i i um when i watched the rnc thought, this thing is a shit show. This thing is going so poorly. The news of offering Kasich the shadow presidency. Like, oh, you'll be in charge of domestic and foreign policy, which is everything. And Kasich just turning it down.
Starting point is 00:38:20 A lot of notable Republicans were not coming. Trump doesn't have much support. I was like, man, this guy has no friends. Pence, I need to do my research on Pence, but my wife has done hers, and she's just really not a fan. She really, really hates his VP pick. And I'm like, me too. Do you? But he picked his like eighth favorite guy
Starting point is 00:38:45 and you know that's what you get you know who was he gonna get gingrich or chris christie yeah i don't know who was available but i don't know if he ever asked giuliani but if he had asked giuliani i'd feel way more comfortable about voting with him or voting for him rather like giuliani like first of all that would. He'd, he'd have a way better chance of winning New York because as blue as New York is, uh, when New York city was a pile of violent shit, Giuliani went in there and he fixed it.
Starting point is 00:39:14 He fixed it. Took the mobs down. Being New York guys. It lends him credibility. Dude. When I remember when W Bush was hiding in an underground bunker, like a scared fucking child, Giuliani was standing on a pile of burning rubble saying, we're going to make this okay. And, you know, that was a good moment.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Although Giuliani had to stand there because the first response team had a building fall on him. So it really, I mean, Giuliani could have had another one fall on him. George W. was playing it safe. He was like, the first response team, what happened to them? Oh, a building fell on them, sir. They didn't make it. All of them? Yeah, FBI, the locals, really our
Starting point is 00:39:53 best minds on the scene. They're all crushed by a building. Shit! Yeah, to be fair, I don't want my president there. You know, like if that goes down, I don't want to see, like, come and get it! You know, like, I don't want my president there. You know, like if that goes down, I don't want to see like, like he's running, he's like, come and get it. You know, I don't want to see that. Like in Braveheart, he's the one leading the charge.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Like, come on. It was two days later. I, yeah, I have to look and see how long it took. And I remember in my memory, which could be off, Bush hid for like three or four days. What would you think about that though? If you had a president literally lead Some troops into battle what if like
Starting point is 00:40:27 You know something just imagine this Imagine this little thing happens Trump gets elected I don't know who we'd go to war with let's say That like China Nah nothing like that Trump's That's not gonna that's not good You're looking for a smaller opponent nice Portugal
Starting point is 00:40:43 It's gotta be the Cubans Let's say like the fucking cubans invade fucking miami and they're they're like miami is ours it's 70 cuban anyway uh and he's he's like you won't take miralago and he fucking leads those leads his troops down there and he's imagine trump like sticking his head out the top of an abrams, and he's got the four-star general hat on because he thinks he looks like, I think, Patton. I think he does a little bit. I think that's the general that he thinks he looks like, and he's mentioned it before.
Starting point is 00:41:15 There was some kind of reincarnation bullshit that he said a long time ago. So that would be great. It would be like Independence Day. Remember when the president, he's like, I'm better up there. And he hops in a fucking jet. Did he do that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Remember in Independence Day, the president's up there fighting in the final battle in a jet. Like that makes sense at all. Nice. He's like, I'm better used to you up there. Are you? You got the codes. That speech brought me to tears, man. I never thought about that until you mentioned it right now.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Because I haven't watched that movie in so long. What the fuck was the actual president of the United States doing getting in a fighter jet and fighting aliens who, thank God, have USB so you can log in with your computer? There's a deleted scene that explains that. I've heard that. There's a deleted scene that explains that explain and it makes a lot of sense I saw opie and Anthony talking about independence the other day Independence Day the other day and it was really fucking funny Yeah, yeah, they tear it apart pretty good there because it betrays so kneels on there Yeah, you just said and he's making fun of the part where Will Smith punches the alien unconscious and says welcome to Earth He's like just punch him him out he knocked out his outfit two hours later
Starting point is 00:42:28 he kills like five scientists chokes out the president but will smith knocks out his outfit and it was like yeah that didn't make any fucking sense at all and keep in mind this is just post fresh prince of bel-air will smith This isn't even Bad Boys Will Smith yet. He hasn't beefed up for Ali. He's not a big, scary dude yet. This is skinny string bean Smith knocking out aliens outfits. It didn't make any sense. The part where I guess Jeff Goldblum's dad is the most stereotypical Jewish person I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Where it's like, I know you remember this scene. Where they're up in the plane and he goes, oh, you're under arrest? My son David. My son David comes up here. He helps you. And then you turn on him and you say, David, what do you do here?
Starting point is 00:43:16 You Jew. You know, get out. Why would you say that to him? Oy vey. You know, it's like, my God, this is how, that's. It's Jewish blackface. Yeah, it's Jewish blackface. And the gay guy, don't forget the flamboyant gay guy.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Oh, Jesus, Bobby Fierstein. Oh, my God, I'm in so much trouble. I'm going to call my lawyer. No, I'm not going to call my lawyer. Yeah, the way he dies is right at the end. Like, he sees just a billowing wave of destruction coming at him, and he ends his life just with a shitty joke to no one as he's just, oh god, I better check
Starting point is 00:43:48 my fucking deductible policy and it's like, then dead. It's not a good movie in retrospect. I love that speech. Even now if I watch the speech, I'm psyched. The speech is okay. I agree and it does get you
Starting point is 00:44:03 like, today he's independent, you know. He's like redefining what Independence Day is. It's a touching moment and everything. I do like the first half of the movie better. I like all the destruction, everything getting blown up and everything. And it just kind of dies there in the middle when like Will Smith's stripper wife, it was like a needless thing. And like the dog jumping and living. They should have both died.
Starting point is 00:44:27 His wife and dog should have fucking died. That's how him and the President bond. Both their wives died. They become the President fighter buddies or something. Then they fly as a formation or something. Shake and bake. That would have been better.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Maybe. A lot of ways you could have made that movie better a lot of ways i like the movie i know it's a popcorn movie i didn't is the new one out that didn't happen this summer independence day yeah i didn't even know they were making a second one yeah yeah or is it a remake or is it a sequel all right so will smith said that he wanted 50 million dollars and his son to play an integral role in Independence Day, which was also his way of saying, fuck you, I'm going to go do Suicide Squad. So they made it without him.
Starting point is 00:45:13 They had two scripts, one with Smith, one without, that had been floating around for like five, six years. But, you know, everybody keeps getting fucking older, so they keep getting revised. But anyway, they did the one without Will Smith. I think his son, who you see, his stepson, that stripper's kid from Independence Day 1, I think that he is now your fire pilot, cool, young black guy character.
Starting point is 00:45:34 So I didn't watch it in theaters. I think it came out July 4th. That would only make sense. That ties in with some of what I heard. So Will Smith made a movie with his son, Beyond Earth. Is that what it was called? Yes, it was.
Starting point is 00:45:47 And people strongly disliked it. Oh, my God. He just got really raked over the coals for it. I could go on for an hour about it. I haven't seen it. It didn't look good. He was really, really cautious about making another space movie, is what I heard. So that's why he asked for like like you know
Starting point is 00:46:05 like look if i'm gonna ruin my career that's 150 million dollars you know you need to pay that i made up that number but that was what i heard i i know is i i think he wanted to make suicide squad but he's been reluctant to do the independence day thing for a long time it seems like and he keeps trying to get his son like pigeonholed into these movies um and his son is man beyond birth is a shit movie if you want to watch a movie so that the end of it you can like talk about it and how awful it is and just enjoy that then it's perfect because right from the beginning i mean right out of the gate you're like well that doesn't make sense you're just you're stupid like like all this exposition at the beginning when you really think about it's like no none of that makes sense it's it's such a pile of shit of a movie where
Starting point is 00:46:52 like the it was like the writer and the director and the actors none of them knew were telling the same story they all had their own thing you know yeah everybody's doing their own thing there's something i hate too much exposition at the start of movies. Like it, uh, it totally takes me out of the moment when I see like two men walking next to each other and they turn to each other and like one of them gives like a noogie and they're like,
Starting point is 00:47:16 you'll always be my little bro. And it's like, what? No one does that. No one's ever done that in the middle of a street. Like, I know you have to try and get the message through, but i hate that ham-handed a horrible kind of exposition and yeah they really let it flow in the lord of the rings with that 20 minute opening and the land of mordor and the
Starting point is 00:47:35 fires of mount doom like yeah but that's interesting because i like it they did a good job of it in um like how rings? You're like keeping count. What was the Tom Cruise movie where they just kept replaying back in time? It was a space fighting thing. Oh, yeah. Edge of Tomorrow. Edge of Tomorrow. So Edge of Tomorrow opened up with a bunch of news reports.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Like, ooh, the aliens just took this city. They just took that city. And in like 90 seconds, you've watched some news and you get a vibe for where we are. You know what's good on um hbo there's the night of the night of are you getting pulled into that are you watching that dude i okay i love the night of i think the acting is how far are we all in i'm all three in okay well i will not spoil anything for you um I love The Night Of. I've come to appreciate good acting in a way that I hadn't before. I think if you would have talked to me 10 years ago,
Starting point is 00:48:30 what I wanted from a guy actor was to be kind of a hero, right? He should be sculpted like a god. He should be able to swing. He should be Tom Cruise in – what was it, Back to Tomorrow? Help me. I can't remember. Edge of Tomorrow. Edge of Tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:48:43 He should be Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow. That's what I want from my guy actor tomorrow edge of tomorrow he should be tom cruise and edge of tomorrow that's what i want for my actor and women they should be models they should be so gorgeous that i don't see another woman that good looking all week right you know like that that's what i was looking for my actors but then i came to appreciate guys like brian cranston right i don't think anyone watches breaking bad and says i want to fuck that guy but he did an amazing job so when i watched watched The Night Of, that lawyer and the kid, the acting was super, super strong. There is one thing about it, though.
Starting point is 00:49:11 The feet, right? Can I guess what you're going to say? The feet. Yeah, Kyle. So you're only one episode in, and this won't ruin much for you. The next two episodes, they continue to give a lot of attention to this guy's feet. Why? Why? It's so yucky. The camera's on them a lot of attention to this guy's feet why why it's so yucky the camera's on them a lot uh so he has eczema that actually was the what she's disliking most about the show
Starting point is 00:49:32 is that guy's nasty ass feet constantly getting shoehorned in the conversation like john turturro the actor himself i really like him he's a great actor but this whole like oh man he's a he's an attorney with horrible eczema like what did you have to put that in who cares like give him maybe like a like i don't know bacne or something where he can like once in a while it peeks through and he's like oh yeah i'm pretty self-conscious instead of wearing mandals around with his nasty ass reptile feet oh disgusting it's. And they spend a lot of time on it. He goes to like an Alcoholics Anonymous version for eczema.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Welcome to Flakers Anonymous. The guy's like, I got back in the dating pool. I'm going to ruin a scene for you. And he's like, how's it doing? I'm holding my own. We had this guy at work who had, we called him Uncle Bob bob i don't know what his fucking real name was he was like way too old to be working with us and i got assigned to fucking train this
Starting point is 00:50:31 douchebag and and he was just he had the worst dry skin he flaked everywhere so much so that like we had like um computers that were like for the community like. If you wanted to get a key out for a specific car, you get the last five digits of the VIN number and use that code entered into a computer plus a thumbprint and a drawer pops out with the key and it literally lights up with LEDs. It's a cool system. Anyway, I got to teach Uncle Bob how to use this thing.
Starting point is 00:50:59 And I couldn't help but notice that as he's typing, Dandruff is falling off dry skin so much so yeah yeah so much so that i can see it on the black table that that supports the keyboard the the little thing and i'm like i'm watching him like like snowflakes are falling off this guy and so i like got i told my friend i'm like what's up with his skin it's like flaking off and they explained that it was like eczema or whatever like extreme dry skin and at his desk he would be scratching all day and it would be everywhere and it's a little gross but i was 19 or 20 at the time so i'd take my business card and scrape it all up when he was gone and be
Starting point is 00:51:36 like look look at this because we were trying to get our bosses to like do something because he was flaking all over like community stuff like i wasn't going over there like, look at this gross guy you hired. Get him away from me. I wasn't even sitting near him. It was like, Uncle Bob is flaking onto our shit. If when I go to get a key for my customer, I am literally touching chunks of Uncle Bob that have sloughed off of him. And my boss is like, nah, that ain't what that is.
Starting point is 00:52:03 That ain't what that is. And I'm like like because he's black he doesn't understand this kind of dry skin i'm like you know when you get real ashy he's like he's like yeah yeah he is 100 ash he's nothing but ash he's crisping away i picture like a disney princess with little like snowflakes and sparkles following her everywhere, but it's dry skin. And he just walks around the office, singing and talking to squirrels while shedding his skin like a fucking snake. You should have changed the soundtrack for the office
Starting point is 00:52:37 to just start playing when he walks in. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, right in the middle of June. It just gets me so... I do feel bad. Like if he was taking all the precautions and actually like slathering up and using lotion and shit
Starting point is 00:52:50 and still having that, that really sucks because that can be really, really serious. I had a friend who had a... He had a bottle of lotion, but he didn't use it enough. His little brother had this like life-threatening thing. Like he couldn't sweat.
Starting point is 00:53:05 His skin just didn't moisturize. And he pretty much couldn't be outdoors. Wizard man syndrome. Yeah. Stone man. If he looked like... There were aspects of him. He took especially good care of his face.
Starting point is 00:53:20 So his face looked kind of right. But his forearms and stuff. He wouldn't... I guess you can only take care of so much of your hand yeah and while I was never exposed to this I know that like his mother would not to like lotion contagious it wasn't it was genetic but I was never but as a kid I bet you've wondered his mom had to like apply lotion to his back and places he couldn't reach and stuff or his skin would just like it would crack and get like hard to move and uh and it wasn't flexible oh man yeah horrible it was it was a really sad genetic condition but um he was younger than me so i met him when i was
Starting point is 00:53:57 like 17 or 18 or something so i was mature enough to be like oh man like what a bummer of a birth condition but his peers were like 13 and they were acting like kyle real cunts about it yeah like that would be horrible did you know that severe eczema like like there are cases like like even john turturro in that show does not have like the severest of severe eczema. If you get that, it can shut down and fuck with mucus membranes in your body if you get internal eczema. What is eczema? Unless I just made that up, but I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Is this like a bacterial infection or something? It's a dry skin. Eczema is a skin condition. I don't know if it's bacterial based or what it is genetic skin's not producing something it needs to be moist and supple it i think it's as simple as that um but but it's it yeah now not enough gluten in your diet that's what causes eczema but yeah it was so gross i'd never experienced anything like that. And it was generally like a concern. It was like I bet there are offices all over the place
Starting point is 00:55:08 that like trump up charges to get rid of a smelly guy when really he just smells a little in the afternoon maybe and only if you're right next to him. But this guy was a biohazard. It was awful. I'll never forget that guy. It was gross. So gross. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:55:24 So I'm trying to think. Oh oh i want to save this one for pka the rapper shot himself in the face oh yeah revolver yeah so i i didn't watch it we can say let's say because i haven't seen the video yet so i can watch the video on pka because i opened the the the gif on my phone and i got to the part where he like places the pistol his jaw or jowl, and I clicked off of it immediately. And I was just like, ugh, because I knew what was coming because I'd read the description. But in my head, I was thinking maybe it's a joke title or maybe this is not as bad as it sounds, but I can't imagine. I am looking forward to your ballistics opinion on it. I'll save it for the show.
Starting point is 00:56:07 I'm going to guess that his, like, you see one of those at one point, and if it hit any bone, it probably, like, massacred him. But it, I don't know, in and out, I guess. It looked like a small caliber, like,.32. We'll save it for the show, I think. But I've got another topic
Starting point is 00:56:22 that I really don't want to do on the show anymore. The NBA pulled their All-Star game away from North Carolina because of HB2. Did you guys hear about this? I did. Someone was congratulating them on doing that, and that's how I heard of it. Oh, wait. I'm reading it wrong. I actually agree with that person.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Someone spoke publicly and said, you know, good job to the NBA by, you know, taking the All-Star game out of North Carolina. Kudos to you. I don't remember who it was, but that's how I heard about it. So if people don't know anything about HB2, I've got it up in front of me. It's known as the bathroom bill, right? What people think when they hear HB2 is a North Carolina bill statewide where they made
Starting point is 00:57:02 it so that you have to use the bathroom that matches your birth certificate. And it turns out when you get a sex change in North Carolina, you can update your birth certificate. So that's what it has to be. Like if you've got a penis, you go to the men's room and that's it. So, but there's a lot more to it. Like it prohibits municipalities from enacting anti-discrimination policies, setting a local minimum wage, regulating child labor, making certain regulations for city workers,
Starting point is 00:57:31 and... That's the problem with bills, right? They cram so much bullshit in there. So much pork barrel shit. It removes... There's just one more thing I want to throw in. It removes... I don't know if I fully understand this. This legislation also removes the statutory and common law private right of action to enforce state anti-discrimination statutes in state courts. So there's a whole bunch of, like, anti-discrimination things that you can't do anymore, the child labor things you can't do anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Like, it's – but everyone focuses on this bathroom thing. And I think if you look at it on its whole, it's a really, really bad bill. And people who look at it carefully call it one of the most hate-based pieces of legislation that you'll find. If you don't know Republicans... I hope you're going to say literature. Like, really? Like, it surpasses my comp? Like, how bad is it?
Starting point is 00:58:22 The Republicans in North Carolina currently own, at the state level, the House, the Senate, and the governorship. So they've been going hog wild, passing all sorts of things that, for me, maybe I'm too liberal, don't pass the sniff test. The one I keep bringing up is, it was illegal at the time for gay people to get married, but they made it a constitutional amendment. Like, let's make this fucking double illegal so it's harder to overturn um another one they made it illegal to measure the ocean rising uh for global warming that's all that fucking matters and here's one yeah and by the way so this thing was enacted like five months ago and there hasn't been a single arrest it's like a non-problem like-problem. Not a single person has been caught by this law. They're just doing it to fuck with people.
Starting point is 00:59:09 I want you to know that I hate you for being transgender or something. This isn't a problem that we're having. Yeah, I don't think that's the reason. I think the reason that people out there support it is because they don't see it as a... You can't go to the bathroom where you want they see it as like a safety for women thing of like well if we pass this they're going to be piece of shit guys who go into women's restrooms
Starting point is 00:59:35 and take advantage of that fact and then you're like is how is that fair you know so why is it okay to say oh you know if you're offended by the fact that someone with a penis is peeing next to you that's your problem if they're offended by the fact that you don't want them there that's also your problem they're essentially naming all bathrooms unisex you know and and like that seems like something that i should i i don't want to go to the bathroom with a woman in there when i take a violent smelly shit i don't want to go to the bathroom with a woman in there. When I take a violent, smelly shit, I don't want anybody in there. But I certainly don't want a woman in there. You're not allowed to be in there when I take my violent, smelly shit.
Starting point is 01:00:11 I don't like it. From that point alone, I disagree with it. Look, I don't want to deny a transgender person the ability to go pee in a bathroom. I don't. But I don't want... I just want it to be me and some guys in there. I don't want there to be anything else going on. For me, this wasn't a problem I ever had.
Starting point is 01:00:29 I don't want anybody in there. I'm not sure I've ever seen a woman go into the men's bathroom. And I talked to my wife, and she's never seen a guy go into a girl's bathroom. Well, I've gone into some girls' bathrooms before. If you're desperate and you really gotta pee, you can't find it. You usually go the other way, though.
Starting point is 01:00:47 I feel like they trumped up a problem and then made a bill just to fuck with people. And the problem is for me, and God, I'm the liberal on the show right now. I feel like they're picking on a group of people that are already challenged, right? You know, these guys have higher suicide rates than people who don't have gender identity issues. Yeah, not just by a little bit either. By literally the highest rate of suicide by group of any group that has ever existed. A lot of mental illness has come along with suicide. Oh, there's a thing.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Call volume to the Trans Lifeline, the transgender suicide prevention hotline. I'm sorry. Call volume has doubled to it since the passage of House Bill 2. Oh, now that's absurd. Are you telling me that... All I'm telling you is the stat. Maybe I agree that they're being a little sensitive about this. And I got to say, look, look, there are plenty of people who have issues where they either can't or don't want to use a public restroom and it doesn't affect their lives in any way whatsoever i didn't shit in a public restroom until i was a man grown okay i wouldn't do yeah i'm not even kidding i was like 25 years old before i was willing to i would turtle i would be like what they call it turtle head and
Starting point is 01:02:04 like like i'm just just about to shit myself instead of having to go into a public restroom. I didn't want it. So you can go through life without doing it if you want to. It's also just needlessly legislating something, like Woody said, that was never a problem to begin with. You're absolutely right. I feel like I'm... ...special legislation for.0001% of the population.
Starting point is 01:02:25 It's so tiny a group that to just legislate, it seems needless. The other thing for me is the kids. So this one hits close to home for me. We've got a special needs kid, my son. He went to the women's
Starting point is 01:02:42 bathroom just because we didn't trust him to handle adults older than most. Like when Colin was 10 or 11 or something, my wife would still be like, you go in that stall, I'll be sitting here outside, you know, and then she'd go.
Starting point is 01:02:54 And, uh, you know, all the other people, like they're typically moms or even like a 17 year old girl is usually like understands a mom frame of mind, you know, like this 10 year old boy, especially in North Carolina. That's funny. understands a mom frame of mind. This 10-year-old boy is not...
Starting point is 01:03:05 Especially in North Carolina. That's funny. I got a few moms. And this thing makes it a little tougher to bring your kid to your bathroom if they're not the same sex as you. I feel like I was defending an ignorant position earlier. There's so many ways of looking at it. I'm definitely, again I feel like I was defending an ignorant position earlier. There's so many
Starting point is 01:03:26 ways of looking at it. I'm definitely not for denying transgendered people the ability to go in the bathroom they want to but on the other end of it, I see the other side's point. I think the real problem is that someone wrote a bill about this instead of just letting it sort its fucking self out. It was never a big enough problem
Starting point is 01:03:42 to make a bill about but I also, so I don't think problem to make a bill about but i also to like so i don't think that should be a bill like it's such a non-issue to make a bill almost does seem like you were saying that they were making a statement through the bill because obviously it wouldn't be efficacious enough on its own merit to do anything but i also dislike the opposing opposition of people who pretend that it has nothing at all to do with concern for women's safety in restrooms. You know, it's just, oh, you just don't like them peeing or pooping where they want. No, I really don't care where they do that. But like, if there is a huge group of women out
Starting point is 01:04:15 there who are uncomfortable with it, which there is, like, why are their feelings prioritized so much less? Like, or is it something they just have to get over? I don't know. I'm a little torn, right? Because there are some people out there who have real gender identity issues and I feel a lot of sympathy for them. There are also at least some people who almost like trendy, like I identify as an Apache attack helicopter, you know, where's my bathroom? And those people get off my team right stop helping me on this i want to work for people with real issues like you fucking trumped up typically young person inventing new genders like that that that's not my team you know i'm just pro
Starting point is 01:05:02 like if this guy's in a hurtful place or in a hurting place right now, I'm not jumping on his back. Yeah, if you would know that the only people who would, you know, take advantage of that are people who just want to poop and pee where they feel like they should, then I don't think anyone who's not a true bigot would disagree. I think everyone would be like, yeah, sure, whatever. But there are shit people out there. There are shit people who will take advantage, especially if you're like, oh, yeah, in schools now, bathrooms are just meaningless. Walt's in wherever you want. You can't
Starting point is 01:05:34 give that kind of freedom to a 16-year-old boy. You just can't. It's funny. I've heard that, right? One of the arguments was made for me. Now, I have a 17-year-old girl. Hey, why don't guys just identify as girls and share the showers? And I'm like, oh, well, fuck. Like, that is a thing, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:05:51 But it's not a thing. Like, it never happened. Since they passed the bill, zero people have been impacted by this new law. It was really just a fuck you to people. Yeah, there's no way that – well, it not gonna it's not gonna affect anyone i don't like that the laws are being written i think that you need to yeah i like that you know trump sometimes they say that trump is they're like oh whenever it comes to a tough question all i can say is it's a state's issue but it is a state's issue it's the united states of america what
Starting point is 01:06:21 works in california doesn't necessarily work in rhode, Texas, and Utah. To some extent, there should be a lot of autonomy. Not just to some extent, there should be a lot of autonomy between these states. That's the whole point of them, that Georgia does things different than South Carolina, and that's just how it should be done. Now, when that stretches into discriminatory practices, when that stretches into hate, then the federal government should be that check and balance system to make sure that, you know, fucking Alabama isn't lynching people
Starting point is 01:06:51 like they used to. Here's a thing Trump said I didn't like. I know Kyle will agree with the first half of this. If a president says, I'm the education president, which is not a Trump thing, you know they're full of shit.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Education is happening on the state and the county level. That's where that gets done. Pro tip on voting. If a president says he's the guy who's going to teach your kids better, he's full of shit because that's not the president's job and it won't be when he gets in there.
Starting point is 01:07:23 I don't know. I know he said free college and free shit and free ice cream but i don't know um now trump said like i'm the security guy right police are going to be way better under me and i'm like man the president doesn't like run the police unless you want a national police force which i don't like i don't want i do not yeah so so like trump i get where you're coming from, and maybe you're just telling us where your heart is, but, like, you're not going to have anything to do with, like,
Starting point is 01:07:52 the Raleigh Police Department. Yeah, there's, like, 20,000 precincts across the country, and it's not like they all have, you know, a morning conference call to check with each other about how they're going to best subjugate minorities today like it's it to pretend that it's some weird collusionary group of cops specifically you know maliciously targeting minorities is is ludicrous of course it happens of course there's pieces of shit out there but to act as though this is prevalent or commonplace is just nonsense. Yeah, I hate to be a pussy on both sides of this, right?
Starting point is 01:08:28 But I absolutely loathe it when the Black Lives Matters guy stand up for this person who's reaching for his gun while being restrained, you know? And they say, that poor guy! He was literally reaching for his gun. Like, stop it. It was a good shooting. Like, yeah, he was literally reaching for his gun. Like, stop it.
Starting point is 01:08:44 It was a good shooting. And then on the other hand, it's absolutely true that sometimes the police aren't diffusing things like they need to. And the one we talked about, I think it was the last PKA with the caretaker of the autistic guy was a beautiful example of a terrible shooting. You know, that is completely indefensible. My paramotor instructor, not paramotor talk. He was a detective in Germany and he talked about the mindset difference and how, you know, they really, it's all about diffusing the situation. All about calming them down. All about, you know, like, oh, yeah, they'd agree with you if they thought it would calm you down. Like, oh, you want to kick his ass?
Starting point is 01:09:21 Yeah, that guy needs an ass kicking, doesn't he? But we got to do this the right way. And if I can get you off that ledge just like for 10 seconds, you probably aren't going back to that ledge, right? Like there has to be a new event to get you all riled up again. And like, I don't know. I guess the German police were really valued for their ability to de-escalate. In America, it seems like marksmanship is valued.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Well, they could use some marksmanship in Germany as they have Syrian refugees hacking pregnant women to death with machetes in the streets. Or axes. Or really just any... Yeah, sometimes they do use axes, those Syrian refugees. A lot of bladed weapons. They cut a priest's throat today in church.
Starting point is 01:10:04 That was interesting. Don't of bladed weapons. They cut a priest's throat today in church. That was interesting. Don't say that too often. He had it coming. Probably a hate speecher. Probably very intolerant of those refugees coming into his country. France and Germany have been getting hit a lot lately.
Starting point is 01:10:20 So, I was having this conversation in my own head recently. I'm like, why is France getting hit so much? I always thought America was the gold medalist at pissing off ISIS, but it seems like France is pissing them off a lot. It's only because there's more. They have a direct path to get into France because Angela Merkel and the EU,
Starting point is 01:10:42 it's obviously open borders in the EU, so once they get into Germany, they can then traverse to France, they can traverse wherever they want in that region, you know, carte blanche, whatever they want to do over there. Go wherever. And, of course, it's more violence from that source over there when you allow a lot
Starting point is 01:10:58 of people, and of those people, there's going to be, you know, miscreants and shitheads and people who do the wrong thing. Did you hear the statistics on the percentage that have integrated and gotten employment super low it was like five or seven percent yeah yeah there's like a 95 unemployment it's not surprising tell you what when the when you know i doubt trump is always after these mexicans but i guarantee you 95 of mexicans who come over here find a fucking job. They don't speak a fucking word, but they'll be picking lettuce.
Starting point is 01:11:30 They'll be working hard as hell, and they won't cut any throats. They just won't. Yeah. Yeah, they're not here to live off the system, it seems. I don't know. Maybe there's some of that. Little column A, little column B. There's no...
Starting point is 01:11:49 You can't just say one thing about one group of people anyway. There's good ones and bad ones, which is such a racist thing to say on the whole of it. You know, there's good ones and bad ones. You know how it is. You know the phrasing's bad, but I think the thought process is good. You can say that about anyone. Any group.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Some of them get uppity, you know? These are all like, these are buzzwords for fucking racist, racist. Yeah, but it's not. It's like, there's good ones and bad ones of NFL players. There's good ones and bad ones of MMA fighters, of races, good ones and bad ones of YouTubers. I think they used to traditionally say, you know, about black people, a thing that would be said was, oh, he's one of the good ones and bad ones of YouTubers. I think they used to traditionally say, you know, about black people, a thing that would be said was, oh, he's one of the good ones.
Starting point is 01:12:29 I have heard that. Oh, articulate, I've heard. A well-spoken is a way to put it. Well, Biden had so many little gaffes like that describing Obama. Oh, to have, you know, a black with, you black with just the gift of gab who can just carry on and just really get them yammering. He's just like, he just jives.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Buzz phrases. I don't like how articulate is one where they'll be like, oh, clearly shrouded racist intent. That's the word that pops in my head when I want to describe someone of any ethnicity gender or race or belief set who is eloquent and speaks well like articulate is the most
Starting point is 01:13:10 succinct way to phrase that what do i say oh he speaks he talks good sometimes mostly i'd go so far as to say mostly you know yeah something about articulate has become code word for but most of them aren't you know like it's it's i think it's just code word for, but most of them aren't. I think it's just code word for most people aren't articulate. Of any group, most people don't have the gift of being able to articulate themselves effectively. It's just a fact. Most people don't. And so I think it's a compliment just on a person base. Especially if you're talking about complex thoughts and ideas.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Like, it's one thing for a person to clearly let you know that they use Tide detergent and that they would like a Pepsi and that it's too hot in the car. But when you have someone try to explain some big abstract idea and why they feel a certain way about something and not have a lot of, well, you know, I just, you know, like it's easy to come off like a dummy. When if you had a moment to collect your thoughts and write a paragraph down,
Starting point is 01:14:07 you could probably put something halfway decent together. Yeah. But people are stupid for the most part. All of us. It's a good way to end it. All right. Kind of a downer. PKN 102.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Kyle thinks most of you are probably stupid. I think most humans are stupid. Us included. Yeah, I know. I definitely put myself in that group when you said it. We're all a bunch of dummies. 102. Me.

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