Painkiller Already - PKN #103

Episode Date: August 11, 2016

It's PKN time baby!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 PK, Painkiller Nearly, episode 103. Yeah! Dude, we got a couple things on the tip of our tongue. You want to do politics or Kyle talk first? Let's get Kyle talk out of the way while he's still with us. My favorite topic! So Kyle, you're in Texas right now. I'm emaciated.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Yeah, I'm taking explosives training class out here in Texas with my friend Mr. Bonetti. He's a chemist. He holds a couple of licenses, including an explosive license, and he destroys ordnance for the United States military. They send him unexploded bombs, artillery shells, and things like that, rocket motors, all kinds of stuff. And he makes sure that they're safe before they then go to a scrapyard. But he kind of gets money coming and going because they pay him to take it, and then he sells it for scrap.
Starting point is 00:00:50 So he's got a really lucrative thing just in that, and he does a lot of other things. But what we're doing as my training, we're just doing his job while I'm here. So we're digging up these big artillery shells, 155s and 105s and big, big shells that weigh, you know, some of them are 10 pounds, some of them are 40 pounds, like shit like that. And we're digging holes, burying them, putting them in a trench, and then putting high explosive charges on them and, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:15 detonating them off from a safe distance and destroying them. And every now and then, you know, you get a real big boom and you know that, well, that one still had something in it, huh? Like, yeah, good thing we were here. So we left, but I've been out there, and I don't know how hot it is. We're outside of Austin, Texas, a couple hours outside of Austin. 90, 95 degrees, blazing hot, sun directly on me, and all day yesterday, I did this with no water and no food for some reason. I was just stupid, because he kind of works like that like he I didn't see him drinking so I just kept going too and I probably lost I don't know seven or eight pounds yesterday and then today I brought Gatorade but I must have lost another few few gallons because it was just pouring off of me I kept
Starting point is 00:01:59 just getting my wiping it off and just soaking the just it's awful i've lost so much weight in the last two days but i'm having a fucking ball man we're blowing so much shit up and i'm learning so much about chemistry and explosives and all kinds of explosives like we're you know we're getting c4 and forming it into this hershey kiss shaped ball and sticking it to the top of a 40 millimeter grenade and you know sticking a detonator in the top, backing off, and and it goes off, and then we're like alright, now let's use some big shit. And we've got these big, long, linear
Starting point is 00:02:31 shaped charges that are made for slicing a big slice out of something, and we're putting those on our artillery shells, and because I'm sort of training, and this is a class, I do everything. So all the work is me virtually. I'm hooking all the detonators, I'm twisting all the wires, I'm hitting
Starting point is 00:02:47 the detonator switch and everything. So we've done I don't know, four different kinds of detonations, six different kinds of explosives, TNT, C4, linear shape charges, PNEP, and then we went in the laboratory Walter White style and made some homemade explosives.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Three or four different homemade explosives. So I've been having a great time out here. Nice. I went shooting Sunday. Oh, go ahead. And it's not about me, but I don't think I even have fun doing what you're doing. Like, all right, here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:03:24 There's a whole lot of digging a lot of sun a lot of heat uh there's not gonna be any water yeah there's no water no there's no shade b-y-o-w yeah yeah yeah you know if you don't feel well we can get you two shovels maybe maybe then you'll keep up how's that sound you know on the plus side every so often a really loud noise you're like really that really? That's my fucking payoff? No. No. Like, I don't know. I don't want, like, God. But I went shooting Sunday.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And we were shooting at 100 yards. So I brought my, like, AR-15 M4 variant and dialed the sight in a whole lot. And, you know, then I didn't say it. But in my, you know, between my ears, I'm like, can we go now? Like, I got the site kind of worked out. There's holes all over that piece of paper. Really. Most of them.
Starting point is 00:04:12 This is more about education than vacation right now. I'm paying to be here. This is a class I'm paying for to take. I felt like I needed this to know how to deal with my suppliers, to handle all my record keeping, which is extensive. And also not to kill myself, right? Yeah, that's number one.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yeah, yeah. The biggest thing in my head was, at what point does this blow me up, this cell phone? When could that happen? And he showed me. He's like, oh, well, if you use this, this, or this, that doesn't even come into play. I'm like, all right, we'll stick to that. He's like, oh, but you can just put it on airplane mode, and this will probably never win. I'm like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:04:51 We're keeping all of my fingers. What do you mean, real quick, when you say, what would it, like, to blow up a cell phone? Do you mean, like, what's in here to blow up? No, no, no. I mean cell phone interference interfering with the detonator receiver, and it thinking that a trigger has been pulled and prematurely detonating explosives while you're in the danger zone. Okay. So I'm bent over taping something to a bomb, taping one bomb to another, literally,
Starting point is 00:05:19 and you get a... that is my fear. That I'm going to be. He's breaking up for you, Taylor. Yeah, he's roboting a bit for me. Yeah. Just so people know, Kyle's in a hotel room. So his connection is imperfect. Oh, is it doing stuff?
Starting point is 00:05:38 You're kind of roboting. Yeah, I wouldn't just talk over you for no reason. Well, maybe I would. I get accused of that a lot. But in that instance, i was pretty innocent so kyle you actually like when when kyle when i just hopped on the call here if you guys can't see like i actually thought kyle might be very sick or something like his hair looks excellent today but the rest of him like you if you've never been that dehydrated you don't realize how much weight it looks like you've lost really quickly like i would love looking at myself
Starting point is 00:06:10 after hockey games where i'd lost like nine pounds of water i'm like look at this guy this guy's in great shape and then like a gallon of water later and it's all back but jesus i've almost got a six pack at this point yeah i looked at myself in the in the mirror and I was like, yeah, maybe I'll just dehydrate myself every day. I did that today. Today. So I worked in the stable all day, right? Two sessions completely soaked through two different t-shirts. I'm like hopping in the shower just before this show.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And I look in the mirror and I'm like, you're still fat, Woody. I look in the mirror and I'm like, you're still fat, Woody. Oh, that's so, I know exactly that feeling. Except it's even worse when after like 10 days of feeling like you're doing really good, like haven't had any juice, haven't had any beer, no liquid calories. I've been not snacking after eight at night. And then if you really let yourself get to be like 25 pounds overweight, you still look yourself and you're like oh nothing's been done nothing's been achieved except for a lack of flavor and then that's where most people give up that like 10 day point i think that's why that's
Starting point is 00:07:16 why when i go on a diet i hit it so so fucking hard immediately and continuously because i need to see those results to get that positive feedback from my own body even if it feels and tastes like shit I'll drop down to you know 500 calories a day and run until I get lightheaded and that's when I eat but you know I'll wait a while before I'm like maybe I can recover without actual food let's just let's just wait it out you know and just just eating tuna and giving myself mercury poisoning constantly. And after 10 days of really treating yourself like a prisoner of war, you can get some results.
Starting point is 00:07:53 But that's what I need to keep motivated when I'm doing that. I need visual results. I need to be like, yeah, yeah, that's a little bigger. That's a little tighter. Okay. You know you're dieting right when you can't lift your arms over your head. Like the John McCain thing. When driving home is difficult you're like driving arms are shaky yeah yeah yeah but you but yeah yeah i look like i'm dying in water
Starting point is 00:08:16 yeah like a cancer age or something yeah i've uh i've i'm enjoying what i'm doing i'm glad i'm here and i'm doing it but man i would I would have killed for a little Mexican woman running behind me with an umbrella all day. Like just right up above me, just holding a parasol above me or something. I would have killed for that. You could afford that. I'm already paying for the class.
Starting point is 00:08:36 We were already sunk in pretty deep flights and hotel. You went with the basic package. No. No, what is it called? A parasail? What is that little umbrella called? Parasail. Parasol.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Parasail, that would shield you, but it would be unwieldy. So Trump talk? Yes. You were leading off right before I guess we were both about to, but I'm curious what you're thinking about this last, I guess, like 72 hours of Trump gaffes and ruined opportunities. actually punishing him right because previously he would say things like like he could be like fuck the mexicans and any other candidate that would be a negative but for trump like he just doubled down he's like oh i meant fuck the mexicans you know if he would be like yeah
Starting point is 00:09:38 build a wall 10 feet higher you know and like like nothing hurt him no matter how silly it was you know he'd be like oh is mccain a war hero i don't know it got caught i like my warriors not to get caught and and like it doesn't hurt him people just say yeah you know what no disrespect mccain but you kind of suck at war like everyone just yeah yeah you know like i mean they caught rambo how many times he's got to ease off on that. Just because you get caught doesn't mean you're not a war hero. I mean, he should have been like, what did John McCain? I don't know that John McCain, like, flew many sorties and many missions
Starting point is 00:10:14 and did a lot of things, actually. This is what I keep hearing when I ask that same question. Apparently, McCain had opportunities to go home and pass them up because he didn't want to like leave his fellow soldiers behind so that's pretty heroic i've heard the same thing of i don't like that i don't like that i i you want him to be more selfish i don't know like no it's not no think about this jackie's waiting at home for you woody like like it you can't be over if me and you and and Taylor are in that bamboo cage eating rat shit, calling it
Starting point is 00:10:48 jungle rice, you go if they will let you, dude. Go back to Jackie and the kids. Tell our story. You know, he came home and he immediately dumped his wife. Yeah, his wife got, like, injured or something while he was at war. And he's like, you know, you're not as pretty as you used to be.
Starting point is 00:11:05 In Trump's words, you at war. And he's like, you know, you're not as pretty as you used to be. In Trump's words, you're fired. And he fucking got rid of her and found a hotter wife. That's McCain's story. Well, it's because he was a war hero. It's kind of like... It's like being a doctor, right? You upgrade wives.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Or a billionaire. You suddenly strike it rich as a billionaire through some luck. You think you're staying in that same place with the same person? Like, you're going to be like, all right, well, it's time to upgrade on life a little bit. And there we go. Now I've got a supermodel. Like, that's just the way it goes. But from what I've heard, to bolster Woody's point, I did hear that, like, when he was in the camp, they released someone. But he, I guess, wanted them to release the person who had
Starting point is 00:11:47 been there the longest instead of releasing him and so i was like no you know you're you go you've been here the longest and that wouldn't be fair if i left right now which i think is pretty heroic if that is true and not some revisionist history yeah yeah. You know, it's... I'm not going to go into it. So, anyway, so, let's see. Trump previously... I'm sorry, Kyle, you're roboting.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Previously, anytime Trump said something that would hurt a different candidate, he completely got away with it. Lately, that's not been the case. And, and in particular there's the family the khan family k-a-h-n and they spoke at the democratic national convention and they took some shots at trump so trump immediately fires back at the family usually stuff with like a religious bent to it like you know oh that the woman just sat there the whole time not talking
Starting point is 00:12:43 maybe she wasn't allowed to. I don't know. Some people say she's repressed. Whatever. That's a misquote, but that's the kind of vibe he's laying out there. Because that's what Trump does. If you shoot at Trump, he shoots back. But this time it didn't work well. So people don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:02 The Khan family was speaking at the Democratic National Convention because their son died in, I think, Iraq as a war hero. In particular, there was a car armed with explosives. It was a car bomb headed towards the stopping point. And he told all the other soldiers to back off and stay safe while he checked it out. So if something happened, they wouldn't get hurt too. And something did happen. They detonated the car. This guy died. And it's not really unlike jumping on a grenade. You know, he was checking it out.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And so they're kind of in this protected position where you're not supposed to rip on that family. And Trump did. And for the first time, it appears that it's hurting him did you want to add anything taylor i don't like that if they're so protected if these are individuals we're not allowed to like rebut then they shouldn't be on at the dnc speaking like what is that i didn't like that part i don't like what trump said he shouldn't have said that he really stuck in his foot he stuck his foot in his mouth. And he should know that there's certain places you just can't go.
Starting point is 00:14:07 You know? You probably shouldn't say anything about the guy who died in Iraq. Specifically about his mother and father while so much attention is on you. Why would you do that? That seems like a dumb thing. I don't know why
Starting point is 00:14:23 he did that. Because he could only say anything. There was no reason for it. Like, he... Even... I just don't get why he would even say anything that could be perceived as against the armed forces in any way for Trump.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Like, every single election, the armed forces, everyone in the military, overwhelmingly votes Republican. And he just goes out of his way and says oh well you know who knows about the story there like no that dude was a hero the con the captain con i think his name was he was a captain that's pretty high up there like he was a hero he did a great deed and saved a lot of lives and even if you disagree with the guy's fucking dad at the dnc like don't bring it up just Just say, you know, yeah, we really do
Starting point is 00:15:05 respect the Khan family, and we are saddened by the loss of their son. You know, regardless of political affiliation, I can only respect those who give their lives in the safety of this country. Boom! I just did it better than Trump did. Right there. I'm not a politician. It wouldn't
Starting point is 00:15:21 be that hard, but he's an idiot, and there was no reason to go back. idiot. I mean, if he wanted to, he could have, like, under his breath been like, sand nigger. He didn't have to. He could have slipped one of... Just slip it in. That could be perceived as a faux pas.
Starting point is 00:15:36 So my wife strongly dislikes Trump. Doesn't love Clinton, but that's the lens in which she views Trump. And she saw it, and she's like, you know, Barack Obama got up there and spoke. Michelle Obama got up there and spoke. Hillary Clinton got up there and spoke. Joe Biden got up there and spoke. And who does he attack? You know, the one that he perceives to be the weakest of all. He goes after the grieving parents, you know, like
Starting point is 00:16:03 you don't see him going toe-to-toe with joe biden because joe biden will fuck trump up you don't see him going michelle obama would fuck trump up if there was two to go back it is true trump is a fucking idiot compared to any of these guys she would but i don't even know she's got those arms and he's 70 but yeah yeah boxing match michelle obama probably beat no michelle obama Michelle Obama in a debate against Trump I think makes Trump look like an ass. Barack Obama clearly makes Trump look like an ass. Trump is going to look like an ass against most seasoned politicians, Joe Biden even. He did beat 17 of them on the way to be the nominee.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I never felt like he won those debates. I felt like he didn't get into trouble in those debates and won everything outside the debates. He won them all according to... It seemed like they keep score. He didn't win them according to that. I looked every
Starting point is 00:16:59 single time I'd look. It's like, Trump got a B and then this time, Christy Whitman knocked it out of the park. This time, Chris Christie knocked it out. Now, what was their name? The Hewlett-Packard chick I'd look. It's like, Trump got a B and then this time, Christie Whitman knocked it out of the park. This time, Chris Christie knocked it out. Now, what was their name? The Hewlett Packard chick I messed up. Carly Farina. This time, Farina knocked it out of the park. This time, Chris Christie did. This time, Marco Rubio
Starting point is 00:17:16 did a great job. Trump always didn't fuck up. He would just not. He would get a B in the debates and then outside of the the debates he'd do more interviews he'd get more press he'd get more attention that to me is how trump won the primaries not by winning the debates i thought he handled them very so when it when when the conversation turns substantive he really suffers because he speaks in abstract ways you know oh that thing
Starting point is 00:17:43 is bad this thing is good that thing's really bad in the world. You know, oh, that thing is bad, this thing is good. That thing's really bad and it's the worst thing ever. That thing's the greatest thing ever. He's got like two modes. There's very little in between. How often do you hear him go, yeah, it's okay. I'm alright. Do you think he has a favorite flavor
Starting point is 00:18:00 of ice cream or do you think he fucking loves it? And then that rum raisin, oh no, he doesn't just not care for rum raisin one raisin needs to be banned it's the worst flavor of ice like that is a problem with him that i dislike is that the whole so up and so down it's like okay you need to excise that portion of your reality show persona because unlike when you're doing the apprentice like nobody wants to watch the apprentice where he goes yeah you know you did a pretty solid job i think you can improve on this subsection of your marketing plan i think you're you know uh i think your to market plan isn't as thorough as it could be nobody wants to see that they want to see this
Starting point is 00:18:39 is perfect or this is horrible right like and he hasn't made the distinction yet on on this political stage i don't think i don't think you can't i think we gotta see what happens when you get both of them on the stage at the same time i think when we see them debate for the first time we'll probably know what's gonna happen it'll be interesting either i'm sorry i thought i'm gonna say i don't think clinton's great at debating you know debating. Obama smacked her around like the bitch she is, right? And, you know, like, I don't know. What debates have you seen Clinton really do well in? Did she beat Sanders very much?
Starting point is 00:19:14 I remember thinking O'Malley, was it? You know, won all of those debates. But who would know because they were on Saturday night against football or something. But, you know, I don't remember Hillary just like... Final four tonight. You going to watch the debate? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Oh, dude. One of the biggest issues I have with voting for Clinton is that she is provably crooked. Right? Like, we... 250 years ago, they would have hung her. They would have drug her out of that house. For being of that house with Danny Wasserman's jewels right behind her, and they'd have strung them up. They'd have strung them both up for treason, and it would have been over.
Starting point is 00:19:53 That whole thing was rigged. It goes completely against everything this country stands for. It's anti-democratic process. It's awful. Super delegates. Super delegates are like they don't represent the people. Like the Democratic Party isn't like, you know, what happened with the exposed emails tells us that behind the scenes, we know that they were doing subtle things like putting the debates on the wrong nights and, you know, scheduling press appointments that would help Clinton.
Starting point is 00:20:26 nights and uh you know scheduling press appointments that would help clinton but up front they gave like 400 superdelegates to hillary clinton like like behind the scenes is crooked but you don't even need to pull that curtain back to see how crooked this shit is it's right out in front those are the rules it's so absurd that the delegate that that anyone even knows what those superdelegates are going to do. That's what I don't like. Any superdelegate who comes out and even hints at who they like, let's hang them too. Let's hang them too. I'm up for some hangings. I think we need to bring back
Starting point is 00:20:54 the hangings. It's been too long. Thank you. It got some bad PR during certain periods of time in the South and days gone by. I don't want any racial tint to this at all. These are all white people.
Starting point is 00:21:08 You know what? Maybe we should not do the tank hangings. Now that I think about the racial side of it, maybe we should do some drownings, right? That's really new ground, I think. Take some cues from ISIS, maybe. They dissolved those people in nitric acid recently. Maybe we can get some of that into the fold. I think we can
Starting point is 00:21:25 find a cheaper way. Do you remember that? Just cinder blocks and shoes. Reusable shoes. Just shoes. If they're bad swimmers, just shoes. Think of the money we could save with a big rock. That's all you would need.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Oh, the other thing. Someone gave a purple heart to Trump.'s all you would need and then oh the other thing so someone gave a purple heart to trump and i'm gonna try and quote him as closely as possible he said something like ah a purple heart i always wanted one of these sure is easier to get one this way than doing it in combat now the thing is that to me isn't so evil. I feel like I could crack that same joke. I don't know what the bad part about that is. Is that even a joke? That seems like just a declaration that's completely 100% true. I think he said it with a joke inflection.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Like, you know what? It's a lot easier to get this than the way you got it. I'm okay with that. That was a faux pas. I listened to the clip itself, and it's clear that he's trying to joke around, because even at the end of the statement, he's kind of giggling a bit.
Starting point is 00:22:31 He's clearly joking. Not a good joke to make if people can accuse you of dodging a draft. And also, nobody goes to war going, man, I really hope I get a purple heart. Like, nobody does that. They might go, I hope I get a bronze star or the Medal of Honor for saving people or something. But nobody goes to war going, yeah, I want the one that gets you injured.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Along the lines of Taylor earlier in the show, if he had said, oh, I'm honored. Thank you for your service. Then, bam, I did it better than Trump did. Right? If he had said that, there wouldn't be a story. It would be, you know, Trump thanks, you know, man for his service, honored by Purple Heart. Like, that's what he should have said. The joke he made, though, like, you have to view Trump through, you know, a fiery red lens to see it as negative.
Starting point is 00:23:21 But a lot of people are. Yeah, he didn't mean anything bad. Well, those people weren't going to vote for him. Anyone who's offended by that wasn't going to vote for the guy anyway. a lot of people are. Yeah, he didn't mean anything bad by it. Anyone who's offended by that wasn't going to vote for the guy anyway. That's Democrats who are offended. It's not even independents, I would say. Because to me, when you said it, I was like, oh, I thought there was more to the story.
Starting point is 00:23:36 You were going to go, and then he just threw it away. I think independents might be influenced by a lot of negative news cycles, and this is what he's creating for himself. Something I don't like – or I'm sorry, I didn't – No, carry on. So I understand everybody ripping on the Khan thing because he was a tactless idiot, and the way he handled it, he should have – I mean, he always spends time ripping Hillary, obviously,
Starting point is 00:24:02 but he should have spent all his time doing that and none of the time ripping on the parents of a fallen soldier. But the complete opposite side of how the mom of the Benghazi guy is being treated by the media and how Hillary's pretty much straight up called her a misinformed liar and misrepresented her in every way. Nobody's upset by that for the most part in the mainstream media um it just seems like a really big double standard obviously a little different in benghazi compared to a soldier himself but in both ways they're really kind of shit talking the remaining family member of someone who was killed in the middle east doing their job for the united states
Starting point is 00:24:45 there i don't know i don't know that hillary said as much and she certainly didn't like double down and insist that she was right and go wild on twitter and crap like that like trump did this is the this is my least favorite part about the republican party and like dude the democrats are no strangers to the victim olympics if, they're really outmeddling the Republicans. They win every year, yeah. But the Republicans and this fucking concept of mainstream media and bad coverage and unfair this and unfair that, they fucking gold medal in the victim Olympics in the media category all the time.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Rightfully so. No, see the time. Rightfully so. No, see, not that rightfully so. Like, look, the media is just trying to get ratings, you know. Hillary could sit there and talk about how many more interviews Trump got than she did, right? She's not taking any interviews, Hillary. I am sure that both Fox and CNN and MSNBC are all willing to have you, Hillary Clinton. But she's envious of the media
Starting point is 00:25:49 time that Trump gets, that he's dominating the stories all the time. Maybe not right now. We talk about the piles of shit that he steps in and his gaps. Can you imagine if Clinton was on Mike as much and as freely as he is? Because he doesn't... I feel like when she does media, it's virtually a scripted process with that ABC
Starting point is 00:26:07 interview whatever that was that came out just before the the emails a little while a while back it's just really lobbing them in there for Trump goes into all kinds of situations where some where you you know the guy who's asking the questions isn't like Tom Brokaw or something he could throw him a real curveball like so you don't like the blacks theaw or something. He could throw him a real curveball. He could be like, so, you don't like the blacks, the Mexicans, or the Jews? What kind of hate monger are you? When people declare you to Hitler,
Starting point is 00:26:31 does it make you feel good that you're in such good company? You know, they could really come after him, you know, but he still does. He's up at four in the morning. You know, he's doing radio interviews, all kinds of shit. I mean, Fox News dominates news, right? And and then uh when it comes to like the talk show circuit like terrestrial radio and satellite radio you know the conservatives dominate that too uh the liberals tend to stay to the comedy stuff and maybe um something else i was i forgot as far as talk radio rush dominates fuck out of everyone but i wouldn't say that conservatives dominate just to me like rush um
Starting point is 00:27:11 who's the guy savage uh savage um god fucking oliver north sean hannity um gordon litty if there is an area I'm not even sure But when I think of who's doing talk radio There's Stern Who's conservative lately but not that political It's not a politician Is he? Okay my mistake
Starting point is 00:27:37 It's one of the things that frustrates me with Trump Stern Because Trump has been a longtime friend of his show. He's been on the show. He comes on the show and opens up and talks about things. And Howard is, while he won't go negative against Trump, he'll kind of joke on, he'll joke on them both. He definitely jokes on them both, but he's come right out and said, you know, I support Hillary Clinton for the job. I don't think Trump even wants that job is kind of what he says.
Starting point is 00:28:06 If Trump helped me like that, I'd be Dana Whiting this thing. You know, like, I'd be like, look, I'm not that political a guy, but Trump helped me when I was nothing, and I'll always be grateful for that. So I'm going to get his vote. That's all you got to say. That's what Dana White says. You know, Dana White says, I know fighters. Trump is a fighter.
Starting point is 00:28:23 He's not endorsing his position on Benghazi. He doesn't know or give a fuck. White says, I know fighters. Trump is a fighter. He's not endorsing his position on Benghazi. He doesn't know or give a fuck. He says, I know fighters. Trump will fight. Great. That's all you got to say. You know, thank you, Dana. You know, Trump helped you when you were little and now you help him. But that's how I'd like to see Stern handle it. But anyway, when I think radio, apparently I was wrong on Stern, but mostly I just feel news, TV shows, movies. Like, the entire industry leans to the left, not saying that, you know, when you go see Transformers, there's some crazy agenda in there,
Starting point is 00:29:14 but it does lean to the left, not Transformers specifically, just a stupid example. Right, right. But it's frustrating to see the things that Trump does, not just Trump, any Republican does, can be construed as shitty or anything at all. It's all over the place on the internet, everywhere. But Hillary Clinton, an actual felon, and no one is holding her fucking feet to the fire on anything. No one in the media wants to fuck with the clintons maybe it's not just because they're democrats maybe because i've looked into it quite a bit
Starting point is 00:29:49 more and apparently people who have frustrated the clintons in the past uh have a nasty history of either no longer being relevant forced out of their job or mysteriously disappearing see so it i just go from my own like i want to call it circle of influence but circle of absorption might be a better word. So I'm on Reddit a lot and what I see on Reddit are pretty passionate extremes. Usually about Trump by the way. Like I don't see a lot of people talking about Hillary. There are people who just love Trump and people who hate Trump. And those are the people talking. To me, the subreddits that I get a lot of information from are like,
Starting point is 00:30:27 TheDonald and StopTrumpSpan or something like that. And HillaryForPrison. And HillaryForPrison gets up there. Those are giving you very good information. No, they're giving you the two sides, the extremes. But to say that
Starting point is 00:30:42 Trump's not represented on the internet, to me it's like, I feel like the real argument is, Trump's not represented on the internet to me It's like you know I feel like the real argument is Trump's not representing the internet except for the Trump stuff Which you know is on the home page Incorrectly, I didn't mean like on reddit or organically or something everyone knows that organically Way more people are on reddit or whatever in favor of Trump's then for Hillary just to compare the two Kind of hubs for activity. I'm talking about the companies themselves how they prioritize different topics to trend how they prioritize different news stories to show up how they facilitate the discussion of anti-trump anti-hillary things it always seems to go in the same direction and understandably, because Trump is an idiot who continues to put his foot in his mouth every day.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Like, he's... I don't even know if I like Gary Johnson, but maybe I'll vote for him. Nah, I think you're just voting for Clinton. If Clinton were in the mix, I would vote for Gary Johnson, but I'm definitely, definitely voting for Trump. Dude, I have a real problem with both Trump and Clinton. I have a bigger problem with Clinton Trump and Clinton. I have a bigger problem with Clinton. I'm okay with Trump. I think Trump is...
Starting point is 00:31:51 If there's any truth to that thing where he was offering Kasich a lot of power behind the scenes, if there's any truth to that, I think we can expect Trump to be sort of a big idea kind of a president. He's going to have maybe a project or two. The wall, I'm sure, will be kind of a big one. Of course. But I can just imagine. He'll spearhead Making America Great Again. Yeah, he'll spearhead Making America Great Again.
Starting point is 00:32:17 And then he'll, you know, maybe after. What would be funny is if he got it. What if he got it done? What if he actually did it? He builds the wall. Economy's booming. our enemies are terrified many of them are either some of them are either destroyed the others have come to our side it's only two years in and he's like yeah he like retires after two years and he's just like my work here is done do you remember
Starting point is 00:32:40 when stern ran for governor if people don't know. Stern ran for governor. Howard Stern, this is. And he had a two-issue platform. He was like, I am going to do two things. I'm trying to remember them. One was, oh, here, I know them both. One was highway construction will now be gone, will now happen at night.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Instead of during the day, instead of during rush hour, highway construction is going to happen from like 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. or something like that. And the other one was, I think they were changing the tolls. Tell me if I have this wrong. They were gonna make the tolls those electronic kinds that you can drive through. He's like, I'm gonna get those two things done.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I will sign a bill on the first day, and then I'll resign and let this other person who's qualified to be governor be governor. And yeah, he even found a running mate and he made some noise in the election. But in the end... Those things happened. Yeah, yeah. The guy who won, I think, did those
Starting point is 00:33:36 things. Yeah. I hope I had the two issues right. Yeah, I don't believe that the press is as biased as everyone says it is. I believe that there's some press to the left, some press to the right. The press to the right is much bigger. The conservatives that I know seem to bombard themselves with conservative news sources everywhere.
Starting point is 00:33:57 You hop in their car, Russia's playing. You go to the house, it's like a TV in the living room, a TV in the kitchen, both synced up to Fox News, blasting everywhere. I don't know if there's people in your life like this, but I've got multiple people in my life like that. I've got a barber like that. I do that. I absolutely do that. But I also look at the other side of it, and I've kind of come to the conclusion that
Starting point is 00:34:19 I'm definitely conservative. I wish that there were a third party that encompassed all my beliefs. And it would be some form of libertarian for sure. But I don't give a fuck about gays. I don't care about freedom of religion. That's what we need to get rid of. Get rid of that freedom of religion. No more of that.
Starting point is 00:34:40 No. You want to pray to God? Real libertarian of you. You better be in a basement if you want a Bible. You better hide that shit. We're getting rid of them all when I'm president. No more religion. None. I think Kyle actually lines up with a lot of
Starting point is 00:34:54 democratic ideals. If there was a pro-gun democrat, I bet they'd make a real strong argument for the things that... It's liberty. It's all kinds of liberties. It's not just the gun thing. I don't like how they view the Constitution. I definitely am a constitutionalist. I don't like that they look at those things and say,
Starting point is 00:35:11 oh, we'll see here the Second Amendment. That's where the federal government lets people have guns. No! No. That's just where someone wrote down that the federal government is going to recognize that we just have those rights. We already have it. They didn't give us to us.
Starting point is 00:35:26 They're not imbibing us with those or imbuing us with those rights. We already had them. That document is just there so that we don't forget. It's saying that the federal government is backing you up that you have that right, that you always had. It's a God-given right or fucking whatever-given right. I don't like scary stuff like when you go to the conservative side i feel like they're stripping away a lot of stuff too you know like it i keep
Starting point is 00:35:51 mentioning these same ones but in north carolina they made it illegal to measure seawater rising they passed a constitutional amendment about gay people getting married now there's the new bathroom laws they put in there. The conservatives are making all kinds of family value laws. Mostly Bible-based shit. A lot of it hate-based. So while you say, hey, it's liberty.
Starting point is 00:36:15 I get you. And I align with you actually on this thought that I don't want our government to be our morality police. And I don't want them to be stripping away things that I can do. All kinds of shit. If they start saying climbing that mountain is dangerous, you can't climb that mountain, I want to be like, motherfucker, you're not the mountain police. I have every right to go die on that mountain.
Starting point is 00:36:38 It's me. Get the fuck. I would be very upset over something like that. Not paramotor talk, but the thought process behind not needing a license for a paramotor is you know what? No one dies but you, so knock yourself out. I love it.
Starting point is 00:36:53 I love that idea, you know? And then as the planes get heavier, they start requiring more licenses because you hurt other people. You need a license for a passenger. This all makes a lot of sense to me. When someone comes in there and starts saying like, no, we don't want you to hurt yourself. We don't want you to for a passenger. This all makes a lot of sense to me. When someone comes in there and starts saying, no, we don't want you to hurt yourself.
Starting point is 00:37:07 We don't want you to have a gun. We don't want you to marry a dude. We don't want you to do this. No, I don't care what you want, right? I want to do what I want in all kinds of situations, whether it be love or safety or fun. And it's just not your role. It's also your job, right? So if you owned
Starting point is 00:37:27 a small business, say, I don't know, a bakery, and a gay couple came to you, and they wanted to make you a cake, but you're a staunch Christian, and you think that's a sin, I am on the side that I think you should have the right, as a business owner,
Starting point is 00:37:43 to refuse business to anyone for any reason, and that the free market will figure that shit out as soon as it hits Twitter and they realize Woody's good old time donuts doesn't serve gay people. You're going to be in deep shit. If a Muslim wants to start a Muslim only daycare center or something and they only will take kids who are muslims like that's fine that's their business they can do whatever the fuck they want with it if i walk if there's an all-woman taxi service to make them feel safer and i go oh flag you down and they go oh no i only take women i shouldn't be able to go no no you're taking me fuck you like no you're because i'm a person and i can infringe on your right to to operate business the way you want. Like the free market is going to take care of that shit because most of the country doesn't like that. Most of the country likes the inclusive aspect.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And most businesses that are smart are going to include as many paying customers as possible, as many as possible. So I've thought about this a lot and I'm all over the map on this. There are times when I agree with what you said completely. You know, just let it figure it out. If I'm an accountant and you're a douche, I should be able to not be your accountant for that reason alone. You know what? Yeah, or no
Starting point is 00:38:56 reason. You don't need a reason. Yeah. It's your services. I'm busy a lot so I've decided not to grow. Period. Done. Like that's all the excuse that I should need. Having said that, if I run a diner and I don't serve you because you're black, now I think there's something wrong there. I don't think that's okay. If I own a golf course and I say you can't come in because you're black, carry on.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Yeah, you should be able to keep the blacks out if you want. But what's wrong is if you have a huge institutionalized system where we're all keeping the blacks out. You should be able to keep the blacks out if you want but it what's wrong is if you have a huge institutionalized system where we're all keeping the blacks out you should be able to allow or disallow anyone for any any reason into your place i think i think i don't like it the guy who would say no blacks is a piece of shit bigot fuck him and i'm not gonna eat any of his pies he'll be at a business very soon we'll get the place in the foreclosure, and then we'll have all the blacks and Jews and Mexicans in here that we want. There's a difference between
Starting point is 00:39:49 bigotry by an individual and legislative bigotry. Legislative bigotry, of course, is horrific, and it's unacceptable to have a law that says hey, women can't go into this area. Sorry. Fucking illegal. Sucks to to suck you're a lesser
Starting point is 00:40:06 person if one woman owns a bakery and she doesn't want to serve a gay couple though that's an individual bigot and you part of the freedom that we have in this country means you know it's not the freedom to protect what everybody wants and what the population all agrees on that's just mob rule like you need that to protect the bigots like that who are going to exercise their shitty beliefs and everyone around them will probably resent them and dislike them as they should. I just don't know how to form a law
Starting point is 00:40:37 that encompasses my values for right and wrong. I feel like you should absolutely be able to turn down someone just because he's a jerk or maybe he smells bad or something. You should be able to turn down people for almost any reason you want. Yet somehow it's wrong to me when you do it for reasons of race or sexual orientation. It is. It's totally wrong.
Starting point is 00:40:58 But I just don't know how to legislate it. It's wrong to call somebody a fucking cocksucker at random on the street but i'm perfectly it's perfectly legal at the same time i can curse you out anytime i want anyone like like that that lady i cussed out at the gas station those you don't use this language with me like the fuck we're not in your country anymore we can say whatever we want to here fuck you like yeah yeah i even like almost slippery sloped my own argument saying you know oh if you want to have a whole diner with no women or no black people or no white guys or no whatever that that would that will never fucking happen
Starting point is 00:41:37 not even in the most the the smallest business owner of a pub or whatever can't afford to just say, nah, only this little subsection of the country that I like can come in. Like that won't happen. It won't happen because businesses more than anything want to make money. That's why they're businesses. And if a business does give up money in favor of bigotry, they're doomed for failure either soon or in the future a bit. They're not going to survive. There is a business model, though, that says only the right kind of people get to
Starting point is 00:42:09 own this. They do it with high-end sports cars. I've seen it done in wine or champagne or something. I forget the story, but there was an alcoholic drink. I don't really know what champagne or whatever the fuck bubble drinks are. Apparently, it was showing up in
Starting point is 00:42:25 the rap videos a lot because it was like a prestige thing and uh and they were like shutting it down not letting people show their brand and stuff like that because they didn't want to be associated i don't know hennessey but is that a drink for the black people seem to drink that's a drink that black people put in their rap videos until no white people wanted to drink Hennessy anymore. Maybe it was Hennessy. Does that have bubbles in it? I don't even know if I've ever had Hennessy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:54 I'm 80% sure. Don Perignon or something like that probably is what you're thinking. Yeah, I'm 80% sure this was a fizzy alcohol drink. But anyway, yeah, so they did what they could to get themselves out of these rap videos, get the name brand blurred and stuff like that. And there are definitely people who want to only be that upscale market.
Starting point is 00:43:14 And by upscale, I mean white. And I don't know, golf clubs thrive for a long time without having black people in them. And there were some people with money you know who perhaps you know preferred golf clubs without black people in them is it a course that's what i'm looking for i mean you're gonna keep like on a moral level that's that's a morally that's
Starting point is 00:43:36 reprehensible and shitty by the way donald trump bought a golf course and made it then inclusive to black people and jews never hear about that in the media. I bet if Hillary bought one, it would never leave the trending page on Twitter. Where did you hear about it? About what? The Donald. Oh, you heard about it on the internet? That's where I read it.
Starting point is 00:43:57 The fact that the Donald did it? Yeah, I read it on Reddit, and then I looked it up, because all the stats I see on the Donald, they're so in favor of Trump that I'm looking at it like this can't be true nothing has ever favored one person over another in a way this
Starting point is 00:44:14 magnificent like this can't be real like you could replace Trump with Reagan and Clinton with the loser he beat and Mondale yeah Mondale and that would be just as believable like i don't know but like back to the point it's reprehensible for bigots to do that shit but it's also ridiculous for the government to legislate what a business owner can and can't do
Starting point is 00:44:42 and you better believe that a publicly traded business, that will never happen. That will never happen with a publicly traded business. It is only small-time mom-and-pop bigots we're talking about. Energizer batteries is never going to say, we're coming out with a new women's-only battery. It's lighter, and it recharges faster, to keep you not as cranky when it's that time of the month.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Whatever the fuck they would say. That would never happen. It can recharge immediately without a down period, without a refractory period. Yeah, but that's the slippery slope as well, is people acting like it's going to happen with big multinational corporations when it won't.
Starting point is 00:45:22 It'll be little bigots you're dealing with. What was I going to say? Oh, and then on the side of taylor's argument because i've been on that side before too there's a certain like this is slavery side to it when you start forcing normal people to serve others yeah yeah like like i i don't know it take away gay people or black i don don't make it some other group, like, you know, you have to work for this person, because she's a woman, you can't say no, be like, well, damn, like, now, that's, that's next to slavery, like when I don't get to choose my customers. So I, like, we all agree, it's morally reprehensible i feel like it should be legislated but i can't imagine a properly worded law like i guess i'm just not wonky enough to do it well maybe there is a good way to do it i can't think of it either though yeah i just want to be left alone in the end you know i i just want to be left alone i just want you to leave me the fuck i don't need your help and i don't want your hindrance stay the fuck away i and And I swear to God, like,
Starting point is 00:46:26 the only government thing, I'd like the EPA to keep my water and my air clean. Sure. I like that. That's a big one for me. I like the highway, uh, the traffic association, whatever that is, that builds our roads and bridges and all that. That's great. We need that. That is infrastructure. That's what makes us better
Starting point is 00:46:41 than everybody else. After WW, in the middle of WW2, the whole interstate system, the reason there's a median in it is so the tanks can make it across the country to defend us in times of war. That stuff's good, but I don't need police. Can you explain the median part? You know the median between, you know, on an interstate highway, you've got two lanes going north, two lanes going south, and in the middle, you have the median. This big grassy area, that's for tanks
Starting point is 00:47:07 to travel through. Get out, really? Yeah. No way. I've never heard that. I wasn't 100% because I've also... You know what a Jersey barrier is? Yes, those concrete things? Yeah, it's concrete. It's almost triangular shaped. I'm sure you've
Starting point is 00:47:24 seen a million of them. The name for it is a Jersey barrier. I've sure you've seen a million of them. Yeah, yeah. I know what you're saying. The name for it is a Jersey Barrier. And I've heard that called a median, so I wasn't sure what Kyle meant exactly. I'm always impressed by shit like that, when they had a huge path of grass in every road in the country now. That was really smart to think of at the beginning of that. I feel like if I was in charge of that, we would've got all the way to Wisconsin before they were like, you know, tanks don't do that well on roads like this.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I would've been like, Oh fuck. Oh man. Oh shit. Don't tell the president. We got to finish it like this. And then like taxes and do it again. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Just like, I always thought it was for expansion. Like, all right, here's a highway that goes three lanes each way. In case you want to make it for each way, we'll just suck off the median or something. Maybe that's another – maybe there's a secondary reason.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Advantage of the thing. Because I don't think now getting tanks is probably not a big concern now. It's not like the Cubans are coming. They're going to come up through Florida or anything. I mean, they do, but, you know, we give them jobs. We don't greet them with tanks. We give them healthcare.
Starting point is 00:48:28 No, but as far as government, the things that I want from my government, I want a hospital. I want healthcare. I don't want police. I don't need police for any reason. I don't need you. I don't need police. In no circumstance do I need police. I really don't.
Starting point is 00:48:44 I understand that I don't need police. In no circumstance do I need police. I really don't. I understand that populations and civilized societies need police. I don't need police. I'll defend myself. They're never at any point are going to come and save me from anything ever. It's never going to happen. I can't imagine the scenario. So here's where I'm stuck, right?
Starting point is 00:49:02 I remember we had issues like this at Woody Craft and stuff like that where I'd use the same analogy. So your bank gets robbed, right? Your bank's getting knocked over. Every fucking week, there's another bank robber at the door emptying the place out of cash. So you buy a night watchman, right? And the night watchman, he battles off a couple bank robbers.
Starting point is 00:49:21 And now you're going months between bank robberies. Now you've gone three years, and you've never had a bank robbery since you hired this night watchman. So does that tell us that we don't need night watchmen anymore, that we don't need security guards? No, it might mean the security guard's working, right? That's why you're not getting robbed anymore. So the fact that, I know you don't watch Walking Dead,
Starting point is 00:49:42 but in the later seasons, without spoiling anything, because it has gotten good, more people start to form bigger alliances. It's not uncommon for 30 people to bump into 30 other people. And the reason you don't have 30 people with guns kind of warring against you and your friends is that the police exist. That's why it hasn't broken into a bunch of local militias. So maybe they're doing more for you than you notice sure it is perhaps the police are holding holding society together and keeping it from falling apart to some regard there's just way too much of it i swear to god like like when i there there's so many different kinds of police just in my town there's a sheriff's department with like 20 cops.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Then there's a police department in every little town. So in the county, each of them with like eight more cops. And then there's the state patrol station that's just right there too with, I don't know, 25 to 40. I don't know how many. They're everywhere. And then the GBI is nearby and the FBI is nearby. So there's so much fucking law enforcement driving up and down, like, through my town. It's like, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:50:48 All right, let's check ourselves before we go out, everyone. All right, taillights look good. All right, anybody got anything in their pocket? You got a knife? Get that knife out of your pocket. We're not driving with that. No, they don't like seeing that. Like, you're just so scared.
Starting point is 00:50:59 And I'm always driving with guns and now explosives. So it's just like, ah, what a headache they are. always driving with guns and now explosives. So it's just like, ah, what a headache they are. If you like visited me in St. Louis though,
Starting point is 00:51:11 you'd want to know that there were a lot of cops there, right? Or if you went to Atlanta, you want to know that there's a police presence. You go to anywhere where there could be a crime that happens to you. Maybe you're not familiar with the area. I'm comforted by the fact in the new area, when I see a cop and I'm walking around like, oh,
Starting point is 00:51:24 okay, like this kind of looks shady, but at least there there's there's a vague sense of security over there that if something were to go wrong there's someone there to help i'm just so rural here i just feel like there's there's so it's just we're overly law enforced here i feel like there's so much law enforcement that like if i drive to wendy's to get a burger, I see four cops. Well, that's crazy. Yeah. That's too much.
Starting point is 00:51:48 And then you've got this area locked down. Here's where I am. Like, so where I live, like, my yard is rural, right? But, like, remember when we went on the survival trip and it was, like, right after Jack died, the killer attack dog. And a murderer was by the house. Like, he murdered someone. He raped two other women, then murdered another one. It was, like, a busy two days for this guy. Jesus. I can film the area where that happened with my drone.
Starting point is 00:52:17 You know, like, I could get high up and reach it and see that. So, like, it's, like, I don't know it just it's it's in raleigh over there like i could hit it with the camera and um you know so i i feel like yeah police the fuck out of that those people yeah i'm not saying i'm not saying there shouldn't be police i'm saying that i don't need any police me me personally i could go without it. I'd love a little race war. Let's go! Come on, you got 30 of them? 30? God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God. What a coinkydink! That's how many rounds are in my magazine.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Not enough. Dude, oh! I went shooting on Sunday. I didn't film it or anything for vlogs. So first we went and we shot. Well, the whole thing was at 100 yards. So I shot my.22, and I actually enjoy shooting that thing. People were laughing at me. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:53:15 I have a lever action.22 that's fun. And by the way, for iron sights, I don't know what it is about those iron sights, but I seem to hit what I want. I bet I could hit a spray paint can from 50 yards on my first try. I just can. So I shot that thing. I shot this AR-15 M4 variant that I have. And then I pulled out the.50 cal.
Starting point is 00:53:36 And the.50 cal is such a show, man. To carry it, it's in a case, right? So it's not in a Pelican case like a lot of people have it's in this big fucking like chrome case that cabela's makes and when you carry it it makes you lean like this like like and it's so heavy it swings so i time it with my stride you know that thing where like your hand goes behind your leg and whatever so i'm doing that on the walk over and everyone's like huh and by the way the case is like seven feet long or something. Like it's bigger than a normal gun case. And I'm bringing it over to the table
Starting point is 00:54:12 and there's already like, you know, other people's guns and stuff on the table. They're like clearing it out. Like they're making a spot for me. But it takes two gun spots. Like you can take two Pelican cases and put it on a picnic table. This one is as long as the picnic table. So they're like clearing it out. I put the thing on there and I open it up and it's this big show. They're all like, what is that? They're expecting it to be something bigger than a 50 cal.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Like I guess a 20. Yeah. And I'm like, it's just a 50 cal. And they're like, God damn, I've never seen a 50 cal like that. And I'm like, it's just a.50 cal. And they're like, god damn. I've never seen a.50 cal like that. And I'm like, to tell you the truth, I've never shot it. I'm working hard not to pretend I'm something I'm not. You know? And they're like, did you custom make that?
Starting point is 00:54:56 Like this and that? And I'm like, the guy I bought it from did all that. You know, I bought it used. But the guy I bought it from had it all put together. Like, why is it so big? big like why is the barrel that chunky and um i'm like i think it's a competition rifle you know like it's whatever i just bought it because i thought it was cool and i wanted a 50 cal so like i i put it on my they have these um gun tables they're kind of like picnic tables but they're carved out so you you can sit next to it and have a spot for you.
Starting point is 00:55:28 And I look back, and there's a crowd of 15, 20 people who've gathered behind me to watch it go. Oh, no. Oh, no is right. I've never even shot it before, right? So there's not like a magazine. Like I've shot a couple. I've shot a bunch of different kinds of guns. Most of them you either load a magazine or you put it in like the top of the gun.
Starting point is 00:55:53 This one you put it in the back of the gun. So I take the round and I put it in the barrel and then I take the bolt and I put that in. Kyle, have you already spotted what I did wrong? I thought you might. Are you supposed to put the round in the bolt and connect it and then put it in. Kyle, have you already spotted what I did wrong? I thought you might. Are you supposed to put the round in the bolt and connect it and then put it in? Funny you mentioned that. Well, yes, you are supposed to do that. So,
Starting point is 00:56:13 yeah, so what happens is... When you described the action, I was like, never seen one like that before. Of course, neither have I. Put it on the bolt. It still happens. Yeah, yeah. So, the bolt has a little slot where it goes in, but I don't know this. So I put the gun in the barrel, and it sort of, like, mounts there, it seems. Like, it goes in and stops going in further.
Starting point is 00:56:34 And then I chase it with the bolt, and I go to click it, and it won't shut. It won't shut all the way. It just seems to be not in. I don't know what I'm doing. There's a screw thing on the back. I still don't know what that is. But I'm, like, screwing it tighter and loosening it and, like, fucking around with it. And I'm like, I don't really, like, I've never done this before.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Big crowd, right? 18 people back there all watching, waiting to see it go. Yeah, yeah. Oh, it gets so bad. So embarrassing. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. So, like, eventually the range officer, who was actually kind of a nice guy, is like, I think it was supposed to go in here.
Starting point is 00:57:10 And he shows me, like, you look at it and the bolt has a slot. People don't know bullets very well. At the very back of it, like where the primer is. Kyle, is there a name for that, like, ridge where they tend to get a little rib? Okay. Rim. Rim, okay. There's a rim back there.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Yeah, there's a rim back there so it's like kind of a you know bullet shape that you might picture and then it's a little wider part a rim that makes it wider so that rim is supposed to fit in the bowl and when he shows me like i think it goes like this it's like oh i bet you're right well now what so they grab this this device that's for clearing barrels and they like hold it up to my.50 cal, and it's clear that it's like two feet too short. It's two feet too short, it's not even close. And so I grab the gun, and at this point, by the way,
Starting point is 00:57:56 yeah, I'm shaking it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it. That's not getting me anywhere. So then I start banging it on the ground, but on my foot, to protect it. That's not working. So now I have to take the butt of this beautiful gun that all 20 people have come around to watch. And I'm banging it on the ground directly in like sand. And that didn't get it out either. So a friend of mine manages to find like a four foot long stick.
Starting point is 00:58:22 So we start like I clean off all the little like twigs and stuff from the edge of it and i'm banging like the stick against the bullet and uh so many times with bullshit like this oh dude yeah but like what's not the crowd's starting to dissipate right they're like fuck this you know this guy is not worth my yeah oh they're just like they're leaving and and stuff eventually the stick works they're like you're starting to get it like it it budged and i just poke it because by the way it's bullet shaped so it's not like you can push on it very easily the stick is going to the top and the bottom and sort of wedging between the the bullet in the barrel but uh we eventually get it out and i put it in and the crowd comes back.
Starting point is 00:59:05 And there's all these people there with their cameras. And they're like, give me a countdown before you shoot it so I can film you in slow-mo. And it's like, I've never shot this before. And it has a bipod in the front, but in the back, nothing really. And oh, by the way, I didn't know how to change the magnification on the scope. It actually took me over an hour to find it. You'd think it'd be simple, but I'm fucking with everything.
Starting point is 00:59:34 I'm like, well, all that seems to do is make it blurry, and this does this, and this does that, and oh, here's the focus. If that's the focus, then what did the fucking make blurry thing do? I don't know exactly, but I think it was like i fucking make blurry thing do I don't know exactly but I think it was like I class confidence I don't know and I eventually figure out how to like take it off but it's on 40 magnification the whole time and on this scope anyway at 40 magnification like you really got to
Starting point is 00:59:59 get your eye up next to the scope on a 50 Cal for it not to be like a tiny little pinhole you that you're looking at one of those dials is your eye relief adjustment so you'll want to figure that out you want about you know yeah this you want to want to get back off that thing because especially with a call your one eye yeah like i see guys who have done that and it gives you a very distinctive cut you know it looks like like like you could you would it's a semi-circle crescent moon kind of thing around your eyebrow it's nasty yeah well fortunately this thing doesn't actually kick that bad because it's so heavy but um uh anyway i will play with
Starting point is 01:00:37 it some more next time i get it around and uh you know i have to count down and i eventually it takes a while for me to get it on target. You did the countdown? Yeah. Dude, it took me a while too because I'm trying to get it on target, and I don't even see the goddamn target. So I'm, like, peeking past the scope to see, like, where I think it's pointed, getting it closer to the target, and I repeat that a couple of times because at 40 magnification, like –
Starting point is 01:01:01 You're zoomed in so far. Dude, I'm looking at fucking insect eyeballs at 100 meters away and i can't like it's outrageous yeah so i eventually count down and i shoot it and they're all very impressed you know it if you stand 10 feet away from it it'll like fluff your hair back you know when the percussion goes off and um I shot it maybe three times. I let a couple other guys shoot it. I let all my friends shoot it. It shoots $5 bills.
Starting point is 01:01:32 What kind of ammo are you shooting? I think that's about right. How much do you pay for a.50 cal? Two. I shoot machine gun ammo. If you're getting match ammo, you're at 100 yards. You're plinking.
Starting point is 01:01:43 You're playing. It's all about, look how loud it is. Shoot some machine gun ammo through that that thing that shit's two dollars a shot for good stuff you get two three bucks for incendiary a tracer and stuff yeah well that's funny because i think i was shooting tracer but i didn't really see any tracing you know i was the i was shooting though and it was a bit much yeah you could um especially if you go to a gun show and pick it up yourself if you're getting delivered, then all of a sudden you lose all your margins. But yeah, if you go to a gun show, you can get belts of that shit. Two, three bucks a shot.
Starting point is 01:02:11 That's what I'll have to do. I bought mine online, and I don't think I did a great job price shopping or anything. I just wanted.50 cal in stock because I had a.50 cal. It seemed like I should. That story makes me so uncomfortable for you because i've been at ranges and shooting with groups before and like most gun people are pretty nice like normal folks but there is like a weird air of like judgmental elitism with some of them like your first comment about 22s like that i've it's blows my mind that people make fun of 22s.
Starting point is 01:02:45 It's so much fun to just go plinking. But they have that weird complex of, well, when I plank, I use a.357 Magnum because I'm not responsible with my finances. And, like, that's basically what it is. But, like, I was trying to think as you were telling the story, like, what would I have done to not got caught? And I was thinking what I would have done is taken it out, took the gun up there, and then invited someone who looked experienced to come up and, hey, give it a go, Sergeant. Then let him give it a go.
Starting point is 01:03:20 And if he loads it wrong, I just go, oh, jeez. Oh, you put it in there? Okay. And then in my head I go, don't put it there. And then I lift it up. I do the whole maneuver. He's apologizing. It's fine, this guy who messed it up. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Everybody knows. And then finally, you'd be vilified. All it makes makes my stomach hurt thinking about the stress of banging on the ground. There's the safety. So this range, I'm sorry, I know Kyle's trying to talk, but
Starting point is 01:03:53 I've been to a lot of different shooting ranges and there's like different they all have a different take on safety. Some of them seem to have one rule, don't point the gun at each other. Other ones seem to be real stressed about it. This one in particular, you can't load a magazine when the range is cold. That was new to me.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Usually, I know you can't touch the gun, but you literally can't load the magazine when the range is cold. That's new to you too, Kyle, right? I won't go to a commie range like that. That's such bullshit. First of all, i don't like going to ranges so i try to stay out of there i don't want you know i end up with some people watching and i'm trying to have fun um but i try to never do what what you felt i never i try and try to alleviate that as much as possible like i'll start be like hey look at this it's hard
Starting point is 01:04:41 to use this thing trust me everybody messes it up the first time i messed it up he messed it up we all do come on let's have some fun it's got to be like that it can't be like you're walking into math class and doing an equation on the board and everybody's looking and you're like jesus what is fucking in some ways this place is great like that too for example if you want to blow up tannerite they're cool with that uh if you want to like bring things that might react but don't leave a mess like steelite, they're cool with that. If you want to bring things that might react but don't leave a mess, like steel or whatever, they're cool with that. So when I heard that, you can shoot a.50 cal there. Some ranges don't let you shoot a.50 cal. You only can't shoot their steel with a.50 cal, which seemed like a reasonable rule because you put holes in all of their steel.
Starting point is 01:05:23 So they were cool in a lot of ways. They just, I was surprised you couldn't load a magazine when the range was cold. Like that's a new one. Yeah, that would surprise me as well. Yeah, I've never heard that. But, oh, and then like you have to have your gun in a case. That's a thing.
Starting point is 01:05:37 I've heard that one before. Like you can't bring a naked gun. It has to be in some sort of case or even a box they'd be happy with. I have heard that, yeah. Yeah, so anyway, I don't that. Yeah. It's not that. Yeah. So anyway, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:47 It was a decent range. I shot a bunch of holes and stuff. But really there was a part of me that was like, you know where I really went? I'll tell you the truth. I read this thing about how to make friends as an adult. And it's like if someone invites you to an event, you say yes every time. Because if you say no, they might not invite you anymore. And this guy that I went with Adam real cool. He's the contractor friend that I mentioned before he invites me to a bunch of stuff
Starting point is 01:06:12 Most time it doesn't pan out. You know like hey you want to go to some motorcycle race Sure, I don't like that one, but it didn't happen. He's like you want to go shooting. Yeah, I mean I always say yes, and then he texts me the night before. He's like, you still in? I'm like, oh, shit. Of all the ones that actually happened, it's this one? Like shooting holes in paper in the heat? All right.
Starting point is 01:06:34 I said I'd go. I'm in. So I went. It wasn't bad. That's a very underrated trait that people who don't feel like they have enough friends or don't get out enough don't do and i think everybody who thinks like oh i never get invited anywhere i never do this that you can think back to times where someone's invited you somewhere and you've said no and that might have
Starting point is 01:06:56 been the no that made them think well geez i thought we were kind of friends i guess not i'm not gonna ask him twice geez i'll look like a loser. Like, saying yes to those things. Yes, say yes. Yeah, saying yes to those things. Unless it's just something you really don't want to do or you don't like the person, obviously. Right. Or if you have to say no, make a concerted effort to be the person who invites them to something next time. You know, just to be polite.
Starting point is 01:07:19 But, yeah, that's something that too many people don't do. Yes. Well, say yes. So, when I get home tomorrow, I'm going to order a lot of explosives. I'm going to order a lot of explosives. I'm going to get some cowboy dynamite, just like you saw in the movies. Paper-wrapped sticks of dynamite. Bone-in.
Starting point is 01:07:39 I'm going to get – I'm probably going to get 50 pounds of C4. I'm allowed to – Did you say bone-in? I can't. Yeah, because a cowboy going to get 50 pounds of C4. I'm allowed to. Did you say bone in? I can't. Yeah, because a cowboy ribeye is when the bone's in. Yeah. Joking. A little cowboy joke.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Out of the loop. Carry on. Or a steak joke. So I'm going to order a bunch. I'm going to get a case of dynamite. I'm going to get 50 pounds of C4. I'm allowed to have like a thousand pounds in my magazine or something like that. So it's really how much can you cram in there. And
Starting point is 01:08:09 I'm going to have some fun. We'll do a range day at some point where we blow some shit up legit. Where we have to like drive away from it to do it. I want to I'm going to blow some cars up and there's not going to be anything left. I'm going to blow some trees out of the ground. I have a video idea. Remember in Predator, when
Starting point is 01:08:25 they all start shooting into the jungle at the alien with a Predator, and they cut the jungle down with all the machine guns, fire, and grenades? I'm going to go in the woods with the... Dead cord? Yeah, and I'm going to wrap it on this tree, wrap it on that tree, and as needed, add little
Starting point is 01:08:41 supplementary charges and boosters and stuff to make sure everything goes off and gets the desired effect and when i open up you know and just cutting it down with minigun or an m60 something like that something with a lot of rounds they're going to be going off on in sequence and it's going to be just trees falling down. I'm going to cut a swath through the fucking thing. It's going to be great. We're definitely making hand grenades. I was asking him.
Starting point is 01:09:13 I've been playing this game in VR where it's like skee-ball, but with hand grenades. I'm like, I want to do that in real life. He's like, oh, cool, man. Yeah. We'll make you up some grenade bodies. Yeah, sounds good. I'm going to play skee-ball with grenades. I think that'll be fun. Please be careful.
Starting point is 01:09:31 I say it over and over and it comes off as jokey but it is not. I don't want to check Twitter someday and see hashtag RIP Kyle and everybody debating about whether or not you actually were FPS Russia in the trending topic.
Starting point is 01:09:47 To add to what Taylor says, I hope Chiz watches this because he'll remember me saying it all the time. I'm like, all this stuff we're doing is a total waste if we get hurt. We're working on the stable and stuff. I'm like, if you so much as tear an ACL, this was a total waste of time. Like they were working on the stable and stuff. I'm like, if you so much as like tear an ACL,
Starting point is 01:10:07 this was a total waste of time. You know, like, like I told him we're not regular people, you know, we're special ones that shouldn't get hurt. We can hire people to hurt themselves. You know, when we work on a stable,
Starting point is 01:10:18 we need to come out of it. Injury free. If Kyle loses so much as like one and a half fingers, then this whole experiment was a loss that's not true I'd give one or two fingers one and a half is the number for me I think of fingers that
Starting point is 01:10:34 it's acceptable to lose and still do explosives the way I want to I don't want to lose any fucking fingers and the way that that's what I'm doing here you know it's explosives class but we're focusing very heavily on safety because that was my concern he was like what do you want to learn you know while while you're here and i'm like first and foremost not to kill myself like how do we wire in um you know because you've got a series of wires and depending on how you're
Starting point is 01:11:00 detonating thing things and then it's at what point do you connect the wire to the receiver at what point do you connect the wire to the to the deton then at what point do you connect the wire to the receiver? At what point do you connect the wire to the detonator? At what point do you connect the detonator to the high explosive? There's a very special sequence that you have to do that in to maximize your safety. And it wasn't what common
Starting point is 01:11:18 sense would tell you. He was like, no, you're wiring in right now. That way, if it blows up, it's just a blasting cap blowing up, and you've already stuck it in the dirt right there in the sand. Otherwise, if you did it the other way, now you've got your cap in the HE, and if something weird were to happen, we all die. And I'm like, oh, yeah, good idea, good idea.
Starting point is 01:11:37 So we do it that way. You kind of do things backwards and then do things forwards in some regards. But I don't think I'm going to have to worry about that. As far as safety, this isn't going to be any more dangerous. This is going to be safer than what I used to do, shooting cars at 40 yards with 15 pounds of Tannerite. Yeah, that was remarkably dangerous. Don't worry. I'll still do that.
Starting point is 01:11:57 We're definitely still going to detonate cars with binary at close range. I'm going to do it. I like doing it. It's fun. I feel the shockwave and shit flies everywhere. The trick is doing it safely so that a door doesn't fly back past you at supersonic speed. Hypothetically. Hypothetically, yeah. I'm just saying, nobody's gonna trust half-hand
Starting point is 01:12:16 Kyle with their bullshit. When you go in for the handshake and it's like a gnarled stump. That's when they do respect you. All of the explosives guys i've met are just are like that like they're this guy named dangerous bob explosives guy i met him five years ago first thing he did was make he's making flash powder to make a detonator for a binary and he's like making a bomb basically by his truck while we're all having a conversation
Starting point is 01:12:40 i noticed bob ain't got his whole pinky finger and I'm like what happened he's like oh blew it off and then my friend here that I'm working with today he had a little accident at some point a little bit of his hand is missing as well no accidents for me I guarantee it just the way I've decided that I'm going to do things and the explosives that I'm going to use it's not going to happen
Starting point is 01:13:00 what's more likely is I strike oil I'm hoping for that I hope we get some explosives and get some Texas tea gushing out of the ground It's not going to happen. What's more likely is I strike oil. I'm hoping for that. Oh, man. I hope we get some explosives and get some Texas tea gushing out of the ground. I guess that's not worth any fucking thing anymore, though, right? The oil. I'm sure it is. It'd be worth something if you just strike oil.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Yeah. If it comes that easily. Sure. Yeah. I always wondered, what do you do? Like in Beverly Hillbillies, when he when he shot at that animal and then it goes in the intro and you get that wonderful little like synopsis of what happened in their lives in that 30 seconds of you know bumpkins you shoot oil over rich like the whole backstory like what
Starting point is 01:13:37 do you who do you go to a millionaire yeah he goes like you call exxon mobil and you say hey we have struck oil here in Hart County, Georgia. How would you like to lease a piece of my property for 8% and give me 8% of the oil money? And they'll do that. That's what will happen. Because my friend here has done it. He's got two oil wells on his place that they're leasing from him, and he gets 8% of whatever comes out of his wells. He's got another place that he bought, and he gets 8% of whatever comes out of his wells. He's got another place that he bought,
Starting point is 01:14:05 and he gets 50% of the mineral rights. So 50% of the oil that comes out of that place he gets, he's a... Yeah. I guess that's the end of it. That's what I do. You call the oil company. You don't have to do it yourself. My contractor...
Starting point is 01:14:20 The contractor, not my friend, but the one who worked on the house with Jamal and the first guy, he owned what he told me was like $70 million in coal. He's like, now I just got to get out of the ground. And what he really means is he either bought or bought the rights to. I've got a bridge to sell you. Yeah, or leased. It only costs $200 million to get up.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Yeah, he has the right to get coal out of the ground. It only costs $200 million to get up. Yeah, he has the right to get coal out of the ground. And several times I gathered his operation went out of business. And by going out of business, they just had so much in repairs. There's a conveyor belt that's very expensive. There's different machines that move coal around that are expensive to operate. And when the conveyor belt needs a million bucks to be good again you stop you're like we don't have a million bucks so that's that i've been watching the price of coal right because he was
Starting point is 01:15:10 waiting he's like you know this is going to be good you know the republicans are going to take charge again coal's going to be great and i'm going to make tons of money and coal has just sunk and sunk and sunk it's been a year and a half since that conversation. Coal's like half the price it was before. We're going to stop digging it out of the ground pretty soon. At some point it'll just be other forms of energy will be cheaper and it'll just be too expensive to dig that coal
Starting point is 01:15:36 out of the ground. Just like with asteroids. I read on Reddit I'm sure we all did. One asteroid is worth $10 trillion. But what does it fucking cost to mine an asteroid? $20 right yeah right let it keep floating in for a few hundred years we'll get up there eventually trump was saying that he doesn't like solar he doesn't like wind he's like wind power kills kills all your birds wind kills all your birds i want to be like motherfucker that just it doesn't ring true for me it kills birds i'm sure it kills some birds
Starting point is 01:16:06 i don't care if it kills birds i don't give a fuck if it kills birds and i don't know how significantly it kills birds i feel like it kills technically a bird grinder yeah dude spitting out eagle nuggets at the bottom candy yeah how many birds do trump buildings kill you know like is that a thing i just i dude i I used to work in a mirrored building and they would come popping against the windows all the time. They think they're flying into the sky.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Yeah. But Trump is very much for the old school energy. And I feel like that's a Republican thing. He said he has friends who own the coal mines, and he'd like to see them do well again. And I'm just like, dude, that's not what I'm looking for in a president.
Starting point is 01:16:52 He says, you know, solar, what's the payoff, 18 years? I'm like, man, like, no, for starters, it's like 11 or something, 10. And second, like, I want you to tell me you can get it to four, not exaggerate the other way and say it's a waste of time i i i don't know why republicans and and again i'm not like anti-republican everywhere but they always seem to be on the wrong side of energy they always seem to be against progress and they always want old energy and they don't want to find the new thing it's like haven't you watched Star Trek?
Starting point is 01:17:27 Like, just fucking apply your mind. I'm not saying let's close all the derricks in the oil wells. Like, no, I'm not saying that. We need petroleum for the time being. At least start transitioning. Yeah, let's find some fucking, the next nuclear power that's safe. Well, nuclear is safe. Nuclear is the safest source of power.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Everything should be nuclear. It should be nuclear. I can't believe it's the safest. It's the safest. How many people have you heard about dying in a nuclear plant? A handful of them. Yeah, like Chernobyl comes to mind. How many people burn up in oil wells every week? And there was just a nuclear.
Starting point is 01:17:57 There's a terrible one in Japan, too. Yeah. How many people have died in solar plants? That's the question. Well, now the problem... It's also a matter of cost and efficiency there because I do know I'm the energy expert obviously but the little cursory
Starting point is 01:18:13 bits of research I've done have shown that solar is really expensive to implement and it does take a long time and a lot of upkeep to make them eventually pay off where nuclear burns clean and it can give you a ludicrous amount of power just a it's not even like pound for pound it's not it's not it's in its own league like the other fucking energy sources aren't even playing the same game as
Starting point is 01:18:39 nuclear it's so much better it's just a matter of public opinion being you know nuclear that's fucking scary i don't want that radiation i don't want homer simpson running my plant and so much better it's just a matter of public opinion being you know nuclear that's fucking scary i don't want that radiation i don't want homer simpson running my plant and blowing it up like of course there's probably nuclear risks that i don't understand because i'm no expert it just seems like if that has so much potential we gotta start figuring that shit out now there's a problem with nuclear that i don't want it to become pervasive. Ubiquitous. Prevalent works. Yeah. The pronunciation.
Starting point is 01:19:08 If this thing is all over the place, then I'm going to look really dumb. Well, say it. Say nuclear. Nuclear. Nuclear. Yeah. I actually, I'm working towards the right pronunciation. I'm just telling a joke.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Nuclear. Yeah, I know. That's funny though. The thing I like, and you pointed out fukushima obviously and uh um ternoble ternoble island look at three mile island was contained and nothing really came of it right like nobody got hurt because i was zero injuries i think it was alive yeah and in like new jersey so so so those are the the only three that that I think we all know of that were big enough and serious enough to be a thing. Three Mile Island, nothing actually came of it.
Starting point is 01:19:49 No people were harmed from that. Fukushima, I mean, that's Japan. They're literally in the ring of fire on a skinny island in the tsunami zone, in the earthquake zone, in the volcano zone, and it's the Japanese, right? So they're so prideful that they're not willing to like hey China we need help now come over here we need your engineers they would they didn't do that they they were like oh and glowy everyone could use an extra arm anyway like you can do it much faster
Starting point is 01:20:28 so I'm not an expert in this but and then with the Russians and the Soviets you know I watched a thing about how that happened and it just seemed like
Starting point is 01:20:42 American safety protocols oh wait kyle this allowed kyle at your noble we didn't get that so he stopped it i watched it it's oh it always what's it always do yeah i think I think I'm falling out. Yeah. Oh, wait. Are you back, Kyle? So where you left off is I watched a thing on how that happened, and then the rest was ruined.
Starting point is 01:21:15 I think it's always because they can't cool the rods. That's what it always is. It's like we can't get water into these rods to keep them cool. They melt down, on and on and on. Now we've got a disaster. I think the Americans have figured that out now. I think we have figured that out now. I would be comfortable having a nuclear plant right by my house. I live pretty close to Kiwi. I'm a little
Starting point is 01:21:31 uncomfortable. Like, oh, don't worry us Americans are better than everybody else is. I don't know if that's a winning strategy. You're more regulated, though. See, that's the Democrats keeping you safe right there. It's so open. The nuclear energy is so regulated like i think we got that down i'm comfortable with nuclear and i wish we would proliferate i
Starting point is 01:21:50 wish it was there were more nuclear out there everywhere and uh and it's not exactly clean burning like you said obviously you have the nuclear waste at the end that ends up stuffed in barrels and then took out to they had some big hole out there at yuca or something i can't remember radiation and then there's hot water. Hot water is an issue. I've told the story many times. There was a nuclear cooling plant where I used to go jet skiing. And if you get close to the outlet, and this is literally my personal experience.
Starting point is 01:22:17 By the edges of it and stuff, it's really nice. There's a zone in there where you're like, dude, like this is the best part of the bay right here. But if you like go towards the outlet, I was worried it was bad for my jet ski. It's like a bath where you only turn the hot on. Like that's how hot. And this is the bay. Like you have to. That's a lot of water to heat up and keep heated.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Yeah. Although, can I. I don't know anything about hydrodynamics and how temperatures are moved through water, but do you think the surface water was much hotter than, say, five feet down or a foot down? Where is it coming out? I'm not sure. I can tell you, though, that this water moves a lot. The nature of a bay is like you've got an island.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Picture it like 10 miles wide. And then on either side of it, it opens to the ocean. It's called an inlet. And as the tides go up and down, a tremendous amount of water just flushes in and out, flushes in and out like all day, every day. And there'll be like times like when the tides, when it's low and when it's high, it kind of stabilizes that. It's like, you know, going towards the top and going towards the bottom.
Starting point is 01:23:23 But mid-tide, it's really rushing. It's going quicker than a human could swim. Michael Phelps couldn't swim against the tide. So it's really hustling. And it manages to heat up outside. My air conditioner has no impact on outside. You go two inches outside the door and it's outside tip. But this would do that.
Starting point is 01:23:45 So they had to do something about the hot water. It's a constant, like it's a really big deal. I guess it depends where it's going. In my case, like I didn't know. Oh, actually, no. I don't know. For some reason, I was thinking about our local hydroelectric dam. And I was just visualizing the the outlet of that water but yeah i've never
Starting point is 01:24:05 uh looked at where the uh where the hot water the water outlet uh from a from a from a new plant i don't know anything about that yeah well shit are we an hour in i'm so fucking hungry yeah we're an hour and 24 minutes so we're good call it a wrap all right painkiller nearly episode 103 good show guys yeah it was fun

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