Painkiller Already - PKN #119

Episode Date: December 2, 2016

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Live! Painkiller already, episode 119. My beard is coming in magnificently. If you guys are not Patreons, it's not going to last much longer. I told my wife I'd get rid of it for Thanksgiving. So, I almost made it through. No, that's not fair. You've already come this far. I think that sort of totalitarianism in the home shouldn't be allowed.
Starting point is 00:00:22 You should finish your no-shave November and tell Jackie to deal with it. So, one, she really doesn't like it. She doesn't like it. And I noticed, she's not as nice to me. Legit has an impact. She's like, normally you get away with things
Starting point is 00:00:40 because you're cute, but not anymore. It's a thing she doesn't like it at all and it circled back in my head remember when harley shaved his beard he's like this thing is pussy repellent that's what he told us um some women don't like beards and i'm married to one and uh um i don't know that that's what it is. So I don't know. I've had a couple of near beards. Since you guys have known me, I've had a couple near beards. And I don't know that I've ever gotten, like, what is it, the 22nd?
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah, this is like three weeks in, right? Yeah, three weeks. This is a beard beard. I don't think anyone would look at me and say, oh, he's trying to grow a beard. That stage has come and gone. Yeah. You don't look like you're down on your luck. You're clearly doing this on purpose.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Yeah. I even think I wonder if it would look better if it was trimmed a little bit here and there. But I've got a genuine beard going. It's a little warm. Are you doing any trimming? Any trimming so far? I did the neck I trimmed, and it was growing over my lips, so I had to trim that.
Starting point is 00:01:51 And then I trimmed the top just a tiny, like it's hardly noticeable, but I felt like there were a couple stragglers on the cheeks that needed to be trimmed in. I do that too because it comes up real high otherwise, and it just looks odd. You start looking like those Mexican wolf boys. Yes, those Mexican wolf boys. As a little kid,
Starting point is 00:02:10 I thought that was neat. When I saw those pictures, like, man, they must have a little bit, like, have some fun. Pretend to be wolves. You didn't, like, pick up a monkey's paw and say, wish I was that kid. And now we're just slowly progressing to that, like a Stephen King novel. Maybe. Maybe. I still have years to go. But, yeah, that like a Stephen King novel? Maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:02:25 I still have years to go. But, yeah, I felt bad for them later in life. You couldn't even see their noses. They were so hairy. You remember that? No, they were all. Their hair was so curly and fine. Yeah, that's definitely fair.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I didn't know they were from Mexico. Not fine. You know, back in the old days when people would burn witches and stuff, you saw a wolf boy, you got rid of him right away. Like, he didn't stand a chance. And there wasn't anybody to stand up for the wolf boys either. Maybe their immediate relatives, like, no, no, you don't understand, he's just hairy.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Ah, alright, burn him. The fact that the wolf boys survived for long enough for fucking National Geographic to do a special on them is a testament to the modern age. Even like 60, 70 years ago, they would have been dashed on the rocks without even thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I think you're underestimating how many jobs the circus would provide. You see, they're shutting the circus down because of all the elephant torture. There's not really a big draw anymore. Barman Bailey's, is that the big one? They're shutting down their elephant thing next year. What were they doing with elephants that people didn't like? All right, so the way they train the elephants is they've got this long staff, let's call it. And on the end, it's got a poking.
Starting point is 00:03:29 It's like a fire poker in that it's got a poking thing and a hook. And they'll use that hook to hook the backs of their legs and stuff. And it hurts them, but it doesn't draw blood because it's an elephant. And they sort of torture it into learning the routine and when to lift a leg and when to lift two and when to put it up on the thing and it's a it's kind of a mean process the way you train an elephant and then they keep them in those small spaces in the you know when they're not doing shows and stuff too i wonder if they consider everything they do mean like they um don't they erect the tent right isn't that like part of the elephant i think that might have been a thing back
Starting point is 00:04:04 in the day like but but i gotta imagine now with osha on the scene you know they really gotta mind their p's and q's can't have the elephants out there like erecting any buildings no i don't think i think that's ridiculous if there's one thing that you shouldn't be frustrated about people using the elephants for it's helping with construction we've been doing that for thousands of yeah they don't mind that parts of the world saying, like, if I was, you know, the property of some... Yeah, that's a weird way to say it. If I was helping a kid move his, like, little plastic car, those things that you ride in and you push with your feet like the Flintstones,
Starting point is 00:04:36 if he was like, you know, help me pick this up and carry it up the stairs. For me, that's no problem at all. That's not like him subjugating me. Like, I just picked it up. But what if he took you from your homeland? No, that's no problem at all that's not like him subjugating me like i just picked it up there's no issue from your homeland no i that's that's a big key difference all the time for the delight of his children but the elephant's not doing it alone he's looking over hey there's elephant tom there's elephant jerry we're all grabbing our ropes and we're pulling we're getting our tent up our home tom and jerry in your world tom and jerry and richard yeah
Starting point is 00:05:02 i uh i think that that's the future. Everyone's always talking about the LBGTQ community keeps getting more and more letters onto that acronym, but I think we should start talking about giving some personhood to some critters. I think that the dolphins and maybe the killer orcas
Starting point is 00:05:20 and stuff like that, maybe we need to start giving them some protection. I would be up for that. I think the elephants and the orcas and stuff like that, maybe we need to start giving them some protection. I would be up for that. I think the elephants and the orcas and the bottlenose dolphins are just so goddamn intelligent. It seems like a crime to hurt them, to kill them.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I think we need to give them more... See, you hear all this stuff about how smart these animals are and chimps. These things are brilliant. How do you know? Oh, we gave it this rock and it figured out that it could bang the rock
Starting point is 00:05:52 against the thing keeping it away from the banana. And it only took it 60 tries. And guess what? 30% of the monkeys who watched it bang fruitlessly with its fist against the barrier emulated that and didn't figure out the rock thing but you know they're so bright like i want to see real studies real studies of how
Starting point is 00:06:11 smart these animals are by my standard so like lord of the rings trivia um those i've seen ravens so ravens are really intelligent too you know you would i used to think as a kid that it was like maybe it was a certain kind of brain or a certain kind of brain evolution that brought you to be to having this almost personhood this self-awareness that you that you see in some animals almost but it seems like the orcas have their own big brains and then the uh the chimpanzees have their brains that are kind of like ours but then like crows and ravens are like three-year-old children in intelligence sometimes i've seen the ravens do amazing things that I wouldn't have figured out. Like first they're like, hey, look, they needed to get this thing so it stuck its beak in the bottle.
Starting point is 00:06:51 And then it was like, aha, the bottle had a fluid in it and the food was on top of the fluid. So then it just put things in there and displaced the water until the food rose to the top and then it could reach it. OK, aha, well, here's a series of connected bottles. And this one had a lid. So it had to put it in the other one and it raised the fluid throughout the interconnected system of bottles into that and i'm like wait a minute i don't even believe in this anymore now i know it's on video but i can edit a video that can make a fucking dog look smart like most of it is like i think you're right most of it's like mimicry so they had they set the raven there and then they had you know the lab guy go
Starting point is 00:07:25 over and pick up the pellets drop it in there drop it in there drop it in making sure the bird was watching the whole time and then you let the bird come out and do it like if but if i just put a silver dollar on the table and there's a vending machine with a bunch of bird snacks in it and i just release the it could even say on the coin for insert into that machine picture the machine with an arrow free bird snacks still won't get it with an arrow it'll look at it and in no reality it'll it'll pick up that coin and lose it in the corner and it's shitty little nest it's never going to figure it out like it's not actually like discovering things i think that birds for the most part just are very keen mimickers.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Then again, wild birds... Didn't you learn to use vending machines through mimicry, Taylor? Kyle? I feel like we all learned to use vending machines through mimicry. Yeah, I didn't read the instructions. I just did what the other people... I never thought about the inner workings and the mechanics involved.
Starting point is 00:08:23 No, but you didn't have to... If someone gave you a dollar as a child, and you wouldn't be totally befuddled in the same... Yeah, you would know exactly what to do. Because you can read. Yeah, that's true too. They can't read.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Because they're stupid. Because they're animals. Maybe we just don't speak their language I saw that orca the other day that was learning to make the same noises as the dolphins made next door so he could talk to them so instead of he was going click click click
Starting point is 00:08:55 like clicking to them that's fascinating to me I wonder if they're talking to each other or if it's just like when we bark at our dogs right I wonder that too i don't fucking know you know like i bark at my dog all the time sometimes he looks at me like really and i'm like shit did i just say something did did he just make that out you know i can't tell how much smarter is an orca than a dolphin or is it much smarter i don't know but but you know i've
Starting point is 00:09:21 seen uh i've seen them do that thing where they swim in a formation, and they swim in a way to make the waves rise up over a little chunk of ice and wash a porpoise or whatever off of it. Knock that seal off. They get up under, and then the other ones, some of them have the job of blowing air through their air hole to make the water all foamy so the thing can't see and he can't swim well. So they've got a whole team thing going on.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Something I've seen a lot with my own eyes when I was a lifeguard is a whole pod of either porpoises or dolphins, I don't really know the difference, would herd the fish against the beach or against the beach and the jetty, and then they would just go to town in a target rich environment
Starting point is 00:10:05 that they created on their own that was pretty neat yeah animals are smart I feel so bad for the ones that I consider smart like the turkey for example I don't give a fuck about the turkey and it really does have a lot to do with intelligence I don't know if you guys have ever heard this I bet a google search would prove me right
Starting point is 00:10:22 but I've always heard that they'll like get confused and look up in the air when it rains on them and then drown in the rain. They're just looking up into raindrops that eventually drown them. Maybe that's a wives' tale. I just think turkeys are stupid.
Starting point is 00:10:35 That's not true. Did you find it already? No, I just remember... Maybe I'm just implanting this memory, but I feel like I asked my grandpa about it when I was little, and he said that was like a city wives' tale, the same way people think you can actually tip cows.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah, you can't tip cows. It's well-known enough that it's on Snopes. And the example is, my grandfather told me domesticated turkeys are so stupid that upon feeling the first drop of rain, they'll look up in the sky fascinated. They'll continue looking up in the sky fascinated. They'll continue looking up in the air with their mouths open until they drown.
Starting point is 00:11:11 But that's not true, according to Snopes. Okay. Well, they're certainly not, they don't have any reading and writing going on. They're not working in teams. So they're getting fried up. Yeah. Well, like, how much, like, I don't know. Maybe the orca has a really advanced, like, tactic where it uses in, like, a lot of different situations. Wolves do something really similar to that, and I know they're smart, but we don't ever classify them as, like, in the same echelon of intelligence as orcas, you know?
Starting point is 00:11:38 Like, we don't. Is that less impressive? Like, are they not as bright? You know what I feel happy for? I just don't know how you measure animal intelligence. Dogs. Dogs. Their partnership with humans has really worked out for them.
Starting point is 00:11:52 They are benefiting from this in a huge way. My dogs are happy as fuck. There's nothing else like it. We did too. I'm told that. What did dogs do? Was it security? What did we get from dogs?
Starting point is 00:12:03 It was lots of stuff. So when the wolves became dogs or whatever not only are they protecting Us from whatever's out there at night. They're protecting us from other people They're protecting us from you know the other wolves the actual critters, but they're also in livestock But also early on we didn't have horses and and things like that to carry our shit So like the Native Americans they didn't have horses before the white people got here. They had dogs pulling these little sleds across the prairie. They used them as pack animals.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Each dog would have a little sled that's pulling and with a bunch of junk on it. Huh. I didn't know that. And hunting, of course, too. I've heard cats, like this is way back in Egyptian Greek days and stuff, but they would have grain in silos
Starting point is 00:12:44 and the mice would cause big problems. So they befriended cats who are no friend of the mouse. And that was like part of how that relationship got together. But currently, my dogs live in Egypt. I don't know if dogs live there. Yes, they have to. Anubis is a dog. That's an Egyptian god. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Right. So at least there's at least one dog in Egypt. You know, I was going to say, why didn't you think. Anubis is a dog. That's an Egyptian god. Yeah. Right? So there's at least one dog in Egypt. You know, I was going to say, duh, why didn't you think of Anubis? It's Africa. They've got this wild dog. Well, he's a jackal, actually. So there are jackals. But I guess jackals are probably very unpleasant dogs. I bet there's dogs there now. I bet they're all over the streets and they don't get well cared for.
Starting point is 00:13:21 But my dogs are incredibly well cared for. They spend all their time sleeping on like couches or running around in the yard or eating their favorite foods they put the hard work in back you know 10,000 years ago now they're reaping the benefits that's what's happened they picked a winner they paid dividends all the dogs on some alternate reality and they just befriended the dolphin people and they just drowned. Every dog drowned. This was a terrible decision.
Starting point is 00:13:53 You think there was like a Kyle like a discussion between the dogs like when it was humans and Neanderthals and they're like man which horse are you gonna back here? Like we don't want to pick a loser. And then a bunch of dogs probably went with the Neanderthals. And those dogs maybe they were great. We don't know though because a loser. And then a bunch of dogs probably went with the Neanderthals. And those dogs, maybe they were great. We don't know, though. Because they dine out.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Because, I assume, I don't know. We probably took them when we took the Neanderthal women. Do you think we, yeah. Okay, fine. Yeah, good point. We took the Neanderthal women? I didn't know that. Yeah, I think we're all like 3% Neanderthal.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Apparently, not only did we, like we kill them and murder them and kill their sources of food off, but we also just raped the shit out of them until there were no more. History is just a tapestry of mass rape at different times. They did have a low squat wide stance, so perhaps so.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Oh, Taylor. Burns re-signed with the Sharks to a massive eight-year contract? I am looking at this guy. Kyle, this guy looks so hot. We should give Kyle a link because I know Kyle knows, you know, most things about Brent Burns. Not enough. Let me find one for you. Oh, God oh god the fuck yeah he looks homeless he looks like an iraq veteran who's who's really fallen on hard times over the last six or eight years and he's been surviving
Starting point is 00:15:19 on the streets of portland on a diet of pigeons and shame and someone just put a hockey helmet on him to mock him. That's what it looks like. He actually makes $8 million a year. And Taylor, correct me if I'm wrong. In hockey, you get that money, right? Like it's guaranteed, right? I bring it up because in football, people don't know. In football, you often don't.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Like sometimes what happens in football is they'll be like, hey, you've got a five-year, $50 million contract. And the reality of it is they get like $3 million for the first three years. And then in the last two years, they'll get the remaining $35 million. And they always get cut before those last two years. So the contract looks – There may be that stipulation like $12 million guaranteed. and that's what you're always listening for at the end that's sort of the the thing on the end that actually matters like yeah you got a three-year 85 trillion dollar contract 200 000 guaranteed yeah as far as i know with hockey they i know they can do it like if you like i said let's
Starting point is 00:16:21 say if brent burns they just signed him to the eight year 64 million dollar contract if he gets career-endingly injured next year they have to like cut the salary in a third and pay over like twice as many years as the original contract even though he's not in the league anymore but he doesn't count against their cap space that sounds good too it sounds like it eases him into retirement yeah yeah it's more of like you make the it's not it doesn't hit their cap space basically so it's not like well fuck guess the sharks are gonna be bad for the next decade like it's just like they have to do something that it's still like the but that's a great deal for them yeah because i i'm um a lot of athletes go broke. We all know this, right? This isn't news. And so whenever I see these amazing contracts, I always look at them and say, but really?
Starting point is 00:17:10 Like, what's it really? And in hockey, oftentimes it's that. In football, a lot of times they mix in the bonuses with it, right? So they're like, yeah, yeah, this guy's got a $12 billion contract. All he needs to do is break the rushing record this year you know that doesn't happen all that much you know so yeah ricky williams's contract was like except do you guys know this thing ricky williams he was a running back dolphins yeah right dick was working for the dolphins and he got his contract was outrageous it was all he was outrageous
Starting point is 00:17:45 he was the man he was a very good player but his contract was full of this stuff like breaking league records and things and he did not get paid as well as the other people in his performance peer group because he couldn't stop smoking weed he couldn't that was his downfall that was the man's downfall like for people who don't know like 2005 nfl history like fucking ricky williams maybe it was 2004 it was both like like something like that my friend was a massive dolphins fan like his girlfriend got a dolphin as a tattoo it was outrageous but but ricky williams was this huge standout running back who like everybody thought the the talk was next year he's gonna break all the records he's gonna blow this away he's gonna blow that away he might take him to
Starting point is 00:18:29 the super bowl it's gonna be out it's gonna be crazy and then he was just constantly getting caught with these like nitpicky marijuana things where he was just testing positive for marijuana and and they would kick him out for like three months or six months or whatever he'd come back test positive marijuana again he'd be like i forgot that i couldn't smoke weed because i was because i was high that's what he said you know that the nhl is the only of the four major american sports where if they catch you with weed in your system there's no punishment they basically are just like hey you know we know you've been smoking, but for the most part, just stay off the hard stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:08 You know, like... They're like, don't you have the munchies? We've got you some food here. Frankly, it's a little better if the Russians smoke more. They're getting a little crazy out there. The Canadians need to chill. They're violent as fuck.
Starting point is 00:19:27 It's really the opposite. The Russians are like never the big bruising right guys like it was like even like the way they like they kind of portrayed it in miracle like the 1980 like u.s team of like oh we're all just a bunch go lucky college guys we can do it against russia like huge reasons that russia hated playing the u.s and canada is their guys would just get fucking smacked so hard because can canadians and americans played to hit way more and russians had like a finesse kind of style because like the ring that's a part of the story yes because of the ring side if people don't know the international rink is much larger so it's a little easier to like a speedy guy can avoid hits better than he can in the closed space. That's a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:20:08 I didn't know that. Which is better? Which is more conducive for a fun-to-watch game? An Olympic-sized ice rink, which is what they play on in the Olympics, obviously the big ice space, you're not going to have as much hitting.
Starting point is 00:20:24 You're going to have a lot more long stretch passes, and you are going to have more situations where a guy's open to get a good shot in the slot, which are those two areas kind of next to the goal. 45 degrees out from the goal is kind of the slot. It makes a V. That's the slot.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I don't like it as much as NHL sized ice, because I played on NHL sized ice, and you get way more hitting. It's faster, and there's a lot more situations where you see a guy get the puck, and he immediately, within like a tenth of a second, he has to make another pass. He doesn't get that time to kind of recover and let everybody get back in position. It becomes more frantic more quickly, and that's fun to watch, like people getting in those situations.
Starting point is 00:21:03 So I like the small ice. So I appreciate them both with small ice you get the hits and i really like watching the hits don't like being hit a ton but watching hits i like that a ton and um so that's really cool and in american i don't know if it's related to the ice size but we fight in american hot or you know nhl hockey i should say whereas in international hockey the or NHL hockey, I should say. Whereas in international hockey, the rules against fighting are so severe, it pretty much doesn't happen. But the upside of the big ice is people do this like dipsy doodle type stuff. You get more crazy deking. People who have like just mad speed have the open ice to take advantage of that. Whereas in the NHL, there's usually someone nearby enough that your crazy
Starting point is 00:21:45 speed doesn't work for you in the same way. So I feel like if everyone played on international ice, ice hockey would be more likely to evolve like basketball did. Now it's the same sport but quicker and maybe harder hitting. Basketball is not... Of course it's the same sport, but it's very different. With all this behind the back, dunking, flying through the air. Behind the back pass was a big deal in the 80s. Now, it doesn't even open eyes. Now, people are doing all sorts of ridiculous stuff that I can hardly explain. But I feel like ice hockey, if it had space, might evolve into crazy things that we don't see today.
Starting point is 00:22:24 might evolve into crazy things that we don't see today. It would start to move more like a soccer game in as far as how the puck is moving compared to how the ball is moving. Obviously still much, much smaller space, so it's much faster, and it's on ice with a smaller projectile. But I mean, I like watching Olympic hockey every four years when it's on.
Starting point is 00:22:42 But like the lacrosse moves that you don't see in hockey don't like I like that stuff but also what you get when you take the best of the because most players who play in Russia on those bigger rinks they couldn't they can't just step out of the KHL and come play in the NHL it's where NHL is a much better league only the really really good guys like Taraesango or Datsouk or fill in the blank can come over and still do those cool dipsy-doodle dekes on the small ice.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Look at Pavel Datsouk, who played for the Red Wings up until he bitched out on them and went back to the KHL last year. But he was great at that. It's almost like you get what you want, but less often, but from the best of the best people, if that makes a little bit of sense i don't know i i guess i just want to see hockey evolve i feel like i look at it now and aside from the fact that they're skating faster it looks like it did when gretzky played roughly the shots are way way harder because of the difference in the sticks if i told you that like oh the difference in the sticks. If I told you that, like, oh, the difference between basketball 30 years ago
Starting point is 00:23:46 and basketball now is they pass it harder, you'd be like, eh, it's roughly the same though, right? What happens between then and now is wildly different. Yeah, but you also have additions. I'd say it's more different in hockey 30 years ago than it was in basketball just because of the evolution of the goalie position, which is why hockey now is different even from hockey 15 years ago because goalie has basketball just because of the evolution of the goalie position which is why hockey now is different even from hockey 15 years ago because goalie has changed so much as
Starting point is 00:24:09 a position like 30 years ago they didn't have that shit figured out at all like goalie coaches were just like you know just get out there and you know just throw your arms about try and get in front of the puck like you know you don't have a mask on but you know funds are low you know now it's like, it's like geometry, like watch a professional goalie play. And it's just, everything is about angles,
Starting point is 00:24:30 cutting it down, doing like the best practices form of goaltending where you do the best kind of like, there's so much better. Someone scoring 50 goal. I go Vetchkin scoring 50 goals a season. Like he has the last, what? Almost every year in his career like eight seasons i
Starting point is 00:24:46 believe if he were playing in 1970 the same dude he'd be putting up 90 goals a year easy like it wouldn't even be a challenge like it's probably get off hockey talk okay okay yeah you're probably right on uh on the blues hockey talk within nine minutes of the game starting, our old captain scored on us, so that's fun. Which is actually the person I would prefer to score of any of them, because I want him to do well there.
Starting point is 00:25:16 It's been a fun week. I love that we got off hockey talking onto Blues Hockey. You know, this is... We're not nearly specific enough. We need to really cut this down to people
Starting point is 00:25:28 in the Missouri area. This part of the show is only for Taylor's friends. Steve, John, enjoy. There are dozens of people out there
Starting point is 00:25:40 who care about this somewhat. I flew tonight. I know there's another thing people always, it's going to be the show of the century. I'll keep it quick, but two friends and I this somewhat. I flew tonight. I know there's another thing people always... It's going to be the show of the century. I'll keep it quick, but
Starting point is 00:25:47 two friends and I got together and I flew tonight and I was very excited. I really like my new paramotor. Do you have the best paramotor? So are you the guy with the best equipment in the group now? Is everybody a little bit jelly? Oh, they're a little bit jelly.
Starting point is 00:26:10 One of his friends is like all right fire me up and somebody comes around making the sound of like hey i got it my way it's coming through with that old style jalopy horn i i want to say oh there is no best paramotor you know one like like one one guy might like one another guy might but like after i got mine my friend brad was like oh yeah how can i sell mine and get one like yours and then another guy who's actually just learning he was like you know if i knew now what i knew when i was first starting i don't go i went straight i got one like you have and And another guy, I think he just likes his fine. It's the same as mine, but the smaller motor. But, yeah, I look around, and there's no one I'd rather have.
Starting point is 00:26:54 And my last paramotor, it was breaking every, like, 60 to 90 minutes. That was absurd. I didn't like that. For your safety, like, I was having private conversations with people, and I was like, I don't think he's going to make it's gonna hurt i was like woody is gonna break his leg i really thought you were because that thing was breaking down every other trip and it was i i saw you take at least one like hard landing where you're gonna went to your butt and i was thinking like oh man like if it was if his leg gets twisted or anything like that he's coming down with so much force
Starting point is 00:27:22 so i'm glad you got one that works. They should be more reliable. Not only does it just like end my weekend and sort of cut the fun, it, you know, like you said, there's a safety thing involved. And of course you should be flying in such a way that it can break anytime. But look, when it does break all the time,
Starting point is 00:27:36 it adds to it. This thing, I'm six hours into it. The only thing I've ever called on my post-flight inspection is dead bugs in the prop. And that's nice. That's a good a good yeah that's fine yeah they did have it coming so did you see uh uh Trump's YouTube video yes I did I um you know I think I think that's a really cool this isn't like a Trump specific thing this could have been with any president but I think that's neat now
Starting point is 00:28:04 that it's like a president can just be like fuck it I'm gonna throw this out on YouTube people don't have to get up from dinner and watch my State of the Union or watch my address or whatever it is like that I'm just gonna put it on YouTube I think that's neat like it's a cool part of this digital age I'll admit when I watched it I didn't hang on every word like I kind of zoned in a piece of it but in general I was like oh this is good and like taylor says i really like that a president's communicating with the people this way i um i also like it when presidents subject themselves to press questions you know i'd love to see him get on o'reilly and megan kelly and tucker carlson or whoever he's going to talk to you won't see him on megan kelly i i think i should you know i well you know with
Starting point is 00:28:44 the controversy with her book and all the stuff she said i think i might be out of date on that or out of touch yeah yeah she won't be going back on megan kelly's show okay i don't know anything about the book it was at the death threat stuff yeah that that was part of it and you know the the the way he's talked to her she's like she said i saw her interview and she was saying that he threatened her with his twitter he's like i'll have to unleash my beautiful Twitter on you. And the thing where Fox was contacting Trump's people and saying it's not going to be good if she's killed, etc., etc. They were saying she was getting death threats and that they were worried about her safety. Fox literally put a security detail on Megyn Kelly to keep her alive.
Starting point is 00:29:23 And the Trump people were were almost happy-ish. I don't want to characterize, but then they had to get a Fox executive to talk to them and say, you know, it's bad for your campaign if she dies. And they're like, oh, yeah, I guess, I guess. And that changed
Starting point is 00:29:41 their opinion. Not the value of human life, but like, oh, I guess that would hurt me. That's how she spun it anyway. As she promotes her book, that was timed just to come out as the election ended. Do you really think that she would paint herself as a victim falsely just to sell a book? A journalist. She's also leaving it up in the air as to whether she'll come back to Fox. Also, it seemed really credible maybe i just viewed it through an evil lens but i'm like oh do you think trump would not threaten to use his twitter against megan kelly
Starting point is 00:30:13 that sounds kind of trumpish to me well i believe that i totally believe that part yeah i definitely believe that part that seems like what he does right he tweets about you if you fuck with him you know and and it's not a small thing it's not a small thing to be tweeted about by him i looked the other day he's got more more followers than the potus twitter yeah is he gonna have to step down he's gonna have to get into a smaller house in a shittier twitter account it's worth noting he's got a lot of fake twitter followers and he's got a lot of real ones i imagine but every presidential campaign uh pumped up their twitter followers with fakes well he's got a lot of real ones, I imagine. But every presidential campaign pumped up their Twitter followers with fakes.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Well, he's got 13 million or something like that. Apparently, he gets fake replies. I was just reading it. Like, I guess how reply controls how they go or whether they trend. I don't know what the deal is. But he had a lot of robotic replies. And they all cut off after the election. So there was some hanky-panky there.
Starting point is 00:31:06 I might have misused that term. But anyway. Probably some of that too. But I will say, you know, in terms of my Trump bashing, that is par for the course. Fake Twitter followers. I think it was Jeb. Jeb's entire Twitter was fake. That was the thing like early in the campaign.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I think. I believe it. I think it was Jeb. It was like Jeb had like 10's entire Twitter was fake. That was the thing early in the campaign. I think it was Jeb. It was like Jeb had like 10,000 followers or something. And everybody else had like 300,000. It was like, shit, Jeb ain't really cutting it on social media. And all of a sudden Jeb's got 290 or something crazy like that. Like pumped up
Starting point is 00:31:37 out of nowhere. You have to trickle in fake followers. There's two ways to read the whole thing with him releasing his sort of message to the people through YouTube. He is going around the mainstream media entirely. And I read a very right-leaning article today
Starting point is 00:31:56 about how he had that meeting with all the network heads and they called it a fucking firing squad where he basically just kind of laid down the law and was very rude to them and let them know that he wasn't going to put up and they called it a fucking firing squad where he basically just kind of laid down the law and and and And I was very rude to them and let him know that he wasn't gonna put up with their silliness And then of course he just goes around them and releases that thing today on YouTube I watched it twice the one part about
Starting point is 00:32:20 For every new regulation we have to remove to just seemed a bit arbitrary didn't it it was like well why not three or only one that's like yeah that's the kind of thing that sounds really good if you want to cut back on regulation but it it doesn't make any goddamn sense if it's just like we're like all right we need to make a new regulation about uh stop signs are way too close to the corners in new york city uh we got to get rid of protecting cats in Utah and the entire humane society of Maine. Gone. Or whatever. We used to have a regulation in my house in that every time you went to the attic, you had to take something with you that was junk.
Starting point is 00:32:57 So if you went upstairs to the attic, you had to bring down something and put it in the trash because our attic was full of things that we hadn't used in 10 years after about 6 months of that regulation it's like I don't really want to throw anything else away this is a horrible rule like you can't just throw things away every time you step in the attic I think he's saying we got an attic
Starting point is 00:33:19 stuffed full of bullshit and this will work for the next 8 years I bet we've got 8 years worth of bullshit to this will work for the next eight years. You know what? I bet we've got eight years worth of bullshit to clutter out of this attic. Maybe at one point we go to get rid of a regulation or add one and we realize, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:33:36 This is pretty good. Maybe we just get rid of one this time. I think they're giving him a really hard time about this transition thing and him supposedly being behind when and then of course you hear the right come back and say well look look at like george w back in the day he had four weeks to get it all done we're still sitting at week nine he's got nine weeks to go here it doesn't matter if he doesn't come up with a it seems like the media is like no no, you should be telling us now. You should be telling us right now, and if you're not, you're a bad president.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Tell us now. And he's just like, no, no, we're still looking at people. My little exposure is like they called the transition – they said it was going poorly at first back when they like fired Christie and got other people going. Now I don't see them saying the transition is behind schedule, although they might. I just haven't seen it. What I see is they don't like particular guys like oh anything but giuliani for secretary of state anything but sessions for i think attorney general and um yeah for secretary of state why not newt gingrich like he's i thought that's who was the favorite i want um i want mitt romney i think that's the best name favorite. I want Mitt Romney.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I think that's the best name, obviously, in the mix would be a Mitt Romney. He's more of a statesman. Newt Gingrich seems really polarizing and right. He's so far to the right. I know he's got that experience being the Speaker of the House and everything, but he's been like a Trump surrogate since no one took him seriously at all, it seems. So he was the one on Hannity talking crazy. I don't know about Newt.
Starting point is 00:35:07 I like him sometimes, but he's just so far to the right. I could see him pissing off a Saudi or something. In my heart of hearts, getting a non-crazy isn't an option. I have to choose amongst the crazies. That's the lens that I look at this through.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So I'm like, alright, do you want Giuliani? No. His fucking political experience doesn't extend beyond New York City. He's a mayor, right? Would you want the mayor of Raleigh to start working with the Czech Republic or something? Totally unqualified. So that's my issue with mayor. Also, he's crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Mitt Romney is a similar thing, but what was he, governor of Massachusetts? You know, he ran for president. They always speak of him as a statesman. He's that guy who's, you know, I'm sure he's talked to world leaders before. He's got that vibe about him, I'll admit. But like I was saying, Hillary was secretary of state, right? When Hillary took that job, I'm sure she could name the leader of Ibezard – I thought I could pronounce this. Azerbaijan?
Starting point is 00:36:10 Ibezardan? I don't know. I'm messing up. Somalia. She could name the leader of Somalia. She knew where Senegal was. There's no leader in Somalia? She knew where Senegal is on the map.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Like Hillary was sort of ready for that job. Romney is a governor. I think that he'll do a lot of on-the-job training if you go from governor to like, you know, the interface to all the countries around the world. I bet his geography is on par with Hillary's. He might be able to find Senegal, I guess. I like Nikki Haley. I saw him interview her.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I hope he puts Nikki Haley somewhere. If for no other reason, then it kind of shuts up a lot of liberals if he immediately appoints a female Indian governor who had spoken badly of him during the campaign. She's a Republican, did you say? Yes. She's the governor of South Carolina. She's very well spoken.
Starting point is 00:37:02 She's intelligent, of course and she's attractive i think i saw her listed back before they back when they thought trump had no chance i think i saw they were calling her oh was it i think i saw him call her a candidate like for for a different year you know like oh she could be the 2020 person or something yeah i don't know um i i know that I know that her demographic alone really are nice, right? As a conservative to be female and an Indian.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I think there's a big Indian population. It's dots, not feathers in South Carolina. I know that's where Aziz Ansari grew up was South Carolina. Yeah, North Carolina is the same way. Dots, not feathers. North Carolina politics. We could probably get off politics too. So our governor's race is still undecided.
Starting point is 00:37:50 They were supposed to have it all wrapped up on the 18th or 19th, one of those. But the Republican side of it keeps suing and stalling and pushing it on. The deal is on election day, he was down by 5,500 votes and there were 10,000 left to count so they counted those 10,000 and now he's down by 6,800 like it got worse for him so he's trying to disqualify 6,800 votes and they've literally found three, based on what I'm reading, bad votes. One guy was a felon, and he somehow voted anyway. And two people, they mailed an early ballot, and they died before Election Day. And that's all we found thus far.
Starting point is 00:38:41 No dead votes. Yeah. I didn't know. My wife is like, their vote should still count and i'm like honey if the rule is you have to be alive on election day that's the rule like yeah the rule is you can't you can't be i think that requiring people to not be dead is so non-offensive well like just saying just saying hey your voice you know we're not going to listen to you if you are no longer of this world.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I think that's fine. I hear your jokes. I know. But think about it. It's not like someone voted on their behalf. They literally voted and then died. Yes, but they're voting for things that will no longer affect them because they're dead. Well, you don't get to start uncounting votes.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Like, okay, it's still not decided. Do we uncount the next 20 days? Like everyone else who died? No, only people on this day. If you die on November 9th, your vote counted. Because you were alive on the day you needed to vote. That's the rule. That's a good rule. If you die on November 7th and you mailed it in,
Starting point is 00:39:34 I'm sorry, you're a dead person. We're really only talking about two votes here. I'm talking about the principle of dead folks and mail. We just got to get the mail speedier. What if there were a huge terror attack in a heavily Democratic area and there were 10,000 people knocked out like that? Do you throw all 10,000 of those votes away that day?
Starting point is 00:39:56 Because don't say that. You'll give the Republicans some ideas. Yes, you would have to throw all of the dead people's votes away. Oh, and there's another thing that's interesting. So I guess our judges are elected, and probably because of HB2, like a couple Republicans got thrown out of office.
Starting point is 00:40:19 One looks like it's going to happen to the governor, and the other is a judge got tossed, and they voted for a Democrat instead so what the republicans want to do before they leave office is get two more judges so they continue to have the majority like right now there's only seven so they're like ah well instead of having four out of seven the democrats can have four out of nine and we'll just bring it yeah yeah we're just gonna just raise the quorum number like let's just more guys in here yeah come on yeah so that's such locally that's getting a lot of attention too it's like god damn it you people with your fucking gerrymandering your extra judges you're recounting the votes like just just gonna keep
Starting point is 00:41:00 every time you recount more democrat votes are like added to how far behind you are but he's still suing and still like causing Maybe he's hoping that the Democratic challenger will die in the interim. Because then he wins, right? And, you know, Republicans have the guns. Well, let's hope he doesn't have any connections with the Clintons. Because we know what will happen. That person will be found in a burning building gunned down. In a burning building gunned down with acid poured on them it was a very intense suicide it was it was actually
Starting point is 00:41:33 an aerial suicide someone call it mass murder uh anyway yeah so the north carolina politics are kind of crazy right now. We'll see where they go. But it looks like HB2 is the thing. They're now reaching out to PayPal. There are a bunch of companies who were coming to North Carolina, like Swiss Bank, Credit Suisse, something like that, was going to put a company here, and they didn't.
Starting point is 00:42:04 PayPal was going to have hundreds of jobs. And now like the new what we think will be the new governor is like, hey, PayPal. Hey, don't forget our door is still open. All those jobs that you didn't bring in, you know, I'm going to be the new governor. Consider coming back. So that's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully they do. So that's interesting. Yeah. Hopefully they do.
Starting point is 00:42:27 That would be good for the state. It all wraps up because this is far too long. If it takes this long, they should disqualify both of the top two people and just put the third person in charge. I don't think that's a good plan. No, I think it is. I think it will teach people that we've got to tally these votes quick. Of course this is a terrible idea. Of course this is a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:42:49 It would just mean that the party that knew they were going to lose would just fumble and kick around boxes of votes all night until eventually they're like, you ought to give us the last box, man. Remember the other day I was saying that Trump really is doing some kind of 4D chess because the first week he's in Trump Tower, is just constantly talking about trump tower trump tower trump tower word from trump tower here as they wait for it to come down and and then last week it's trump international golf club or whatever it's called specifically we're at trump international golf club and like aerial view after aerial view you see the link can i interrupt you guaranteed that he would be in a different place possibly florida now where does this go he's he's gonna be in mar-a-lago this week
Starting point is 00:43:29 he'll be spending the holidays in mar-a-lago at his resort in florida nice is he really yeah that's that's funny every week is he in a different fucking uh trump property i think he's gonna have difficulty like not promoting his own things during presidential I think he's going to have difficulty not promoting his own things during presidential speeches where he's like, we're going to make America great again. Trump Tower, every Thursday is ladies night. Also ISIS, we have to take care of that.
Starting point is 00:43:56 I could just see him in state gears. These are Trump steaks. You guys like them? Trump steaks? Serving them to dignitaries. Iitaries the president is responsible for all for paying for all the food in the in the white house so he that he should definitely get trump products in there what i think he'll actually do is he'll build the government whenever he can if he can host something or he can uh put people in a trump property or or in a trump
Starting point is 00:44:22 you know facility he will like if they're traveling and the Secret Service needs to be put up somewhere or if they're having some sort of party or something, some get-together, I guarantee they're in Trump hotels and he's billing the government. Yep. Yep, that's... And of course, he gave up the $400,000 salary, but then they pointed out that it's costing a million dollars a day for just the people of New York to protect Trump Tower right now. And then, of course, the whole time, throughout the entire primary campaign, the whole election,
Starting point is 00:44:52 he was bussing the Secret Service around in his jet. And he was keeping tabs, so they had to reimburse him millions of dollars for these free flights around the country. That's ridiculous. I just Googled it. The president and his family have to pay for their own food. Ah, I thought it was all the food. Yeah, I just it seemed like a lot, so I Googled it.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Yeah, they were saying that it amounted to tens of thousands of dollars per month. I wouldn't doubt it. This is not regular food. This is the government cooking your food for you. Yes. There is no competition.
Starting point is 00:45:29 There's probably five-star chefs charging you hundreds of dollars a meal. Hey, government chef Woody, how much is an egg? How funny you asked. $45. What if I want some bacon with that? How much a slice? $65, eggs and bacon together. And do you sell juice by the ounce?
Starting point is 00:45:50 $10 an ounce. That's exactly what they do. And we have a waitress come around and just give you refills every time there's any space in your glass. Yes. Another $10, another $10, another $10. It's just such bullshit. That is what happens when you can build a government for
Starting point is 00:46:07 something, whether it's healthcare, especially all the shady piece of shit doctors who are like, well, I used six Q-tips. We'll call it eight. 10 bucks a piece. Round it up. That's 200 bucks. They're bullshit that they do. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:46:24 I don't know. Politics will be real interesting for me to watch over time yeah they're already talking about what to do with health care and um what's what's interesting with the health care thing is i at least what i'm reading is there's a little bit of sobering like it was it was all fun to say we'll just get rid of obamacare but now it's like oh you know what you are actually doing is a program that ensures millions and millions of people like you just be now they'd be uninsured and in trouble. So they have to improve Obamacare, which some people are saying like Obama's 4D chess there. Like he always there was never exactly what he wanted. He was like, we'll get something passed.
Starting point is 00:47:03 And then over time, there'll be iterative refinement. You you know it'll get better and better and better as it goes through and it might be that the first level of like iterative refinement trump goes and does so yeah and it only makes sense right because we're going to repeal and replace obamacare well obamacare is a big you know socialized medicine system like why do you need aren't you going to just throw a new one right up behind it why tear the walls down if you're if you're just going for a paint job and some new windows like let's just leave the foundation there at least so yeah it makes sense because what were you going to do you want to have like a day where like the whole country was uninsured and like no one get hurt this is anti-purge day it's
Starting point is 00:47:44 the opposite of that everyone be real fucking careful look out for each other look what are you everyone's paramotor in your fucking garage woody yeah no one's insured that that doesn't work so yeah i i'm happy about that i guess because it's not like trump himself is going to be art the architect of this thing people who know what they're doing will or at least from more maybe more right-leaning people but who know what they're doing or at least from maybe more right-leaning people, but people who know what they're doing will come up with ways to improve the thing and hopefully it'll be better than it is
Starting point is 00:48:12 now. I think that's true across the board. I hope it is. I heard about some clean coal coming back and some shale oil that we're going to tap into. Shale oil is a super big thing. That comes from fracking.
Starting point is 00:48:27 And it's the reason that oil has been so cheap and gas has been so cheap for the last whatever, six, eight years. I don't know. And clean coal, I'm told, is one of the dirtiest fuels there is. Like it's just cleaner than the other coal. I think what they do is that I know this is how a lot of coal plants work, but I think they grind – I don't know if this is specifically clean coal. I think it is. They grind the coal into a powder, and then they fuel inject it like it's liquid fuel into a combustion engine.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Hmm. Hmm. Instead of like shoveling heaps of coal onto – like in the old days. Into the locomotive. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So yeah, clean is is an oxymoron of course and uh and shale oil while it seems like it is really destructive to the people who are signing these signing off on these leases you know you might lose your water there might be fire coming out of your tap or at least that's what i keep seeing on tv who knows uh there's a guest
Starting point is 00:49:25 i really have a hard time finding the truth in that you know like i i believe in my heart fracking gets they get better at fracking every year you know they just figure out what the they do shitty and not do that you know one would one would guess we get better at everything else every year why not fracking um coal on the other hand like apparently it's just not a good fuel source it's not as if it was regulations that crushed coal it was like market forces that crushed coal bringing back clean coal is about as possible i'm told as bringing back all those textile jobs to north carolina or furniture manufacturing like one we need nuclear that's what we need clean safe nuclear everybody you know very low output of bad gases I've heard I've read these things many great
Starting point is 00:50:15 people have told me these things about about nuclear some of the greatest some of the greatest smart many youtube videos have confirmed my bias that This is a good path to the future. Yeah, I'm on the nuclear train as well. I definitely agree. Yeah, it doesn't put out any fucking radiation. Everything, there's more background radiation than there is water and steam. There's no emissions. There's just something to dispose of afterwards.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Like, I'm not anti-nuclear. I have always kind of wondered, like, why republicans so pissed off at the like really good ones right like like the wind power the solar power the um well wind power isn't a really good one i it's not good everywhere but i think it's a great one like in the mid-east i'm told not mid-east the the flyover states the the great plain states the midwest maybe i was trying to say anyway um there and then in california you see it they produce a ton of uh of energy with those windmills you see i don't know if you've been there they're lined across the top of the mountains like along the enormous and they get a lot of energy out of it and apparently it's a really good one i hear
Starting point is 00:51:20 naysayers but oftentimes it's like these really hard to qualify and hard to believe things. Like I remember when the Prius first came out, people were saying, oh, actually, you'll be surprised. Hummers are more fuel efficient than a Prius when you consider all the R&D that went into the Prius. And it's like, really? Really? Like how are you like amortizing the cost of – Well, I mean, yeah, that's a stupid comparison. You've got to dispose of that big lithium battery. Really? How are you amortizing the cost of... Yeah, that's a stupid comparison, but I don't think this is apt. I think the big thing with...
Starting point is 00:51:49 Well, and the fact that people who charge their cars in the wall are at those output stations. Do you think that electricity just is magically collected from lightning? No. Most of that comes from coal. Damn it! Taylor, there's an energy source we haven't even
Starting point is 00:52:03 discussed yet. I'm in favor of lightning collection. We haven't even tapped into the sky! Why haven't we? You know, like, am I the only one who's a child here and still hasn't figured out why we haven't tapped into the lightning source of power
Starting point is 00:52:15 on this planet? It seems like that shit's going off all the time, and as a kid, they're like, one bolt of lightning could power every light bulb on the planet for eight seconds. And I'm like, well, shit!
Starting point is 00:52:24 They're happening all the time to that well there is a dude somewhere in fucking Transylvania who dropped out of his engineering course and is frantically looking up at his googly eye and hunchback trying to figure out some asshole with a kite and figured out franklin with this we're gonna tap into that electricity up there that and like like it seems like you know it seems like tidal energy like it seems like you should have this huge amount of like things that are being pushed and swayed back and forth to like you know swing an arm a arm, a pendulum and pump, uh, make energy. A similar but different idea. Um, instead of the, like the waves pushing it back and forth,
Starting point is 00:53:10 the tides lifted up and down in a very predictable way. Right. So why don't we just have something that floats that lifts it. And then as it sinks, it makes this power. And then global warming turns into something that helps energy production. Oh shit. Problem solved here on PKA. And then global warming turns into something that helps energy production. Oh, shit. Higher and higher. Oh, yeah. Problem solved here on PKA. Yeah, problems not only solved, problems harnessed, turned into a positive.
Starting point is 00:53:32 That's what we do. Get someone on the line. Cheers. Donald Trump. I think Donald Trump is who you want to reach out. So you can tweet right to the president right now. He'll read that shit. You know he will.
Starting point is 00:53:43 He might. He literally might. You go on Twitter at 3 in the morning and you tweet at Donald Trump, right now. He'll read that shit. You know, it will He might literally my go on Twitter at 3 in the morning and you just in you tweeted Donald Trump He is probably gonna read that shit. I was I don't feel like he sleeps When does that man sleep because yeah, he every time something calamitous happened I was like bad for the country or some disaster throughout the entire year and a half campaign He seemingly was up at like 418 in the morning being like i'm over here watching this on tv right now i can't believe that hillary clinton is staying in bed not even
Starting point is 00:54:09 coming out and then like 12 hours later hillary would make a statement and then two weeks later 3 14 in the morning donald trump is up like part of it is like man he is on point but the other part is like you gotta you gotta get some sleep don. You can't be staying up this late. How much do you say he sleeps per day? Because it's either four hours per day or six. It's one or the other. He's on that Schwarzenegger program where he just doesn't sleep very much. I fear for the country if it's four hours because nobody should be sleeping four hours. I wish I only needed four hours.
Starting point is 00:54:38 It seems like there are people out there who can be productive 20 hours a day and sleep only four. I am like a shitty rechargeable battery that needs eight plus hours a day to get going again. That's a real thing. There's a tiny percentage of people out there who really can get by on itty bitty amounts of sleep. But there are way more people out there who think that they can do that. For most people, four hours of sleep per night is dangerously insufficient, triggering short-term cognitive impairment and long-term chronic health problems. Luckily for Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:55:10 and increasingly no one else, he's not most people. That's this article. Wow. That's not biased at all. Yeah, he says he sleeps four hours a night. What's the domain? I've heard of it it I don't know anything
Starting point is 00:55:26 about it but Chelsea Clinton's on the board there yeah she really is she really yeah I it appears that some of the leaked emails have her is pretty corrupt as well yeah I think looks like that's more just How much was her wedding? Was it two or three million? I don't know I'm done with Clinton's like I am Bush's Just fucking drain that swamp I'm done with it, I don't want them It'd be very hard
Starting point is 00:55:55 for them to get my vote next time Yeah, I don't like any of these He's the only one man who's defeated them both He's like I feel like Trump is almost like in an action movie when they don't want to call the disgraced hero who nobody likes dealing with. They're like, there's only one man who's beaten them both.
Starting point is 00:56:13 And everybody's like, no, not him. No, no. Not fucking Hancock. He's a loose cannon. He's out of control. We'll see where this goes. We'll see where this goes. I don't know. Right. But I think we're seeing some good things out of control. We'll see where this goes. We'll see where this goes. Right, but I think we're seeing some good things out of Trump.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Obviously the stock market is rallying, doing really well. A real Trump bump. But I think what it's going to come down to is, are his social policies actually going to make him look like the Nazi that MSNBC has been calling him for months now? Is he going to start implementing some sort of round-em-up-and-get-em-out program? Is he going to be accidentally snatching up brown people who were citizens for 30 years? Is he going to be putting gay people in some sort of mind-altering program
Starting point is 00:57:00 where we're giving them LSD and showing them straight porn for days at a time and waterboarding these these things are obviously hyperbolic these things all the things you're saying are obviously hyperbolic and funny but there are people out there who have been you know stirred up into such a fervor that they're really thinking that stuff like that's going to happen he's going to round them up taylor that they're going to boot your door down and be like prove that you're straight and then show you straight porn and be like, prove that you're straight. And then show you straight porn and be like, masturbate for me. It's like, I just can't.
Starting point is 00:57:28 It's like, into the camp with you. You know, like, no, that's. Sheepishly, I hate to admit this, but this is like 20 minutes ago. I just did. Can you come back tomorrow? I'm not 18 anymore. Where's my wife at? Honey, tell him.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Tell him. Well, there was that one time, and you're like, who the fuck is taking me away? They're dragging you out. Check his browser history. They got that pole with the loop on it. They get bad animals with around your neck.
Starting point is 00:57:55 They're leading you out with that. Are you trying to tell me you don't know the difference between MMF and MFM? Totally different kinds of porn. I just misplaced the letters. That's all I swear. letters shut up faggot i thought it was three-way it was cosplay i didn't get it
Starting point is 00:58:12 so anyway be careful now he has said some stuff like um uh you know like okay not letting muslims into the country based on their religion that's the thing that well now it's that it's that he wants to of course you know he bet he stepped that down a couple times he said that at first you're absolutely right you know we're just gonna have to stop letting muslims in you know they're gonna have to do that's what we're gonna do and now it's been stepped back to extreme vetting for people who come from uh muslim countries heavily muslim countries that don't like us so the thing is i almost like while the first one's less american and easier to abuse and and hard to implement i don't know how you've improved someone's muslim you know you just say
Starting point is 00:58:58 you're not and you're not i guess who wants bacon but in the first place. But it almost seemed like a better program, right? Like, oh, are Iraqi Muslims a problem? Well, shit, we'll just use Somalian Muslims. I remember this is like pre-Obama. It seemed like terrorist training camps were popping up all the time in countries I never paid attention to. Like Somalia is literally one it had terrorist training camps in it and you know the u.s would just spend like three million dollars sending guided missiles at like some jungle gyms and knock them over
Starting point is 00:59:36 like oh there's a bunch of tires on the ground monkey bars tires on the ground and we would just be like ah you're fucking with your tires for that dude who sits in the control room who's like squashing those little rebellions and like um somalia oh we got one over in afghanistan like he's constantly got to be sitting there feeling like a guy who is forced into the hell of playing a video game that can never be taken off of easy. There's never a point where he's like, Oh, they're gaining ground in Afghanistan! We gotta get over here and do something!
Starting point is 01:00:12 Oh no, Somalia's getting out of control! Oh, Boko Haram in West Africa! And then like, no, it's just, alright, and... Dude, I thought I might have to shoot twice, only once again! These are good missiles. There's a combat footage. Jesus, they are good missiles there's a um a combat footage jesus they fucked them all up there's a combat footage one in time yeah i've been watching
Starting point is 01:00:31 combat footage that'll knock your socks off people like yeah what's the name of the reddit combat footage and um uh like i saw one maybe two three ago. The guy was filming to say goodbye to his mom as his position was being overrun by ISIS. And a lot of times I don't even know who the good guy is. Like in this case, we were rooting for the guy who dies. But oftentimes it's just like a bunch of people screaming Allah Akbar, shooting at a bunch of other people who are probably screaming Allah Akbar. And I'm like are are these the good ones the bad like i don't even know but um and then oh they're military tactics like look i've never fought in a war i probably suck at it one would assume that like i've never played
Starting point is 01:01:17 piano i'm sure i suck at that too right like you can't just ah but these fucks just like hold guns in the air and give their positions away, aiming at nothing. And I'm like – I guess I'm here talking trash from the comfort of my heated desk. But I just feel like, you know, like, huh, a competitive advantage could be gained by aiming. Yes. It's in every – this is something – this is a general patent quote. Every war is won by aiming. Yes. This is a general patent quote. Every war is won by aiming. Did you know that? I did not know the quote.
Starting point is 01:01:51 No, it's not a real quote, but he would have said it. He would have agreed, I'm sure. I was pretty impressed for a second there. There's a lot of pre-firing, it seems like. A lot of deep impact being used i've seen that too i watched one last night and the guy's got a uh uh like a belt fed machine gun and he's
Starting point is 01:02:11 just just constantly like laying down and he's sweeping the entire area in front of them i don't know how like was it a american shooting was american yeah you say by the a10 i think i saw that one too yeah yeah I don't know how rebels in Aleppo fight. The way the US seems to fight is we find resistance and we're like, oh, step off for a second. Everybody bunker in. Get safe.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Let's measure them. They're 200 meters out. There's some bad guys 200 meters away. Y'all got anything? Oh, yeah. Oh God, oh god. Oh, oh you got them all. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. The only thing is they cheer It's not like oh god. They're like yeah, fuck. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 01:02:57 And it's just like Dude, you got to be cheering because you you gotta keep yourself hyped up in that mindset. You can't suddenly be the guy who's like, well, you know, guys, in this moment where we're all amped up, we gotta remember that that guy, you know, he had a goat back home. And that goat now has no master, no partner to go through the world with. He was about to give birth to a centaur. A centaur? That's horse, right?
Starting point is 01:03:22 That would be horse. What is the half goat? A pan? like a satire a satyr is that how you pronounce it I'm gonna go with yes that's a P-Y-R the guy he dances around with the pan flute
Starting point is 01:03:38 right I need the flute Zamfir master of the pan flute oh you're googling cheaters no I'm not Zamfir master of the pan flute Oh you're googling Cheaters No I'm not You remember Zamfear, master of the pan flute I thought you would recognize that Woody Because it's older, it's before my time
Starting point is 01:03:53 Oh right, I went to high school with Zamfear Back in the Norse days Back in the Norse days During my tribal era I had a fun time this show yeah me too Blues tied it up good news
Starting point is 01:04:14 do they have a winning record yet they're 10-6-3 yes that is 10-9 so they're second place in the division now Oh New Jersey Philly and Carolina who are just the three teams I associate with you I know Jersey not so much but it's just because you don't care about that as much as Phil that's not cool on the Jersey thing okay well I still
Starting point is 01:04:40 assume it we really like Philly, and Jersey. They're all right neck and neck. Carolina and Philly, I'll just use them. Carolina is 7-6-4 on a four-game win streak, though, so they're hot. And then Philadelphia is 8-8-3 on a one-game losing streak. But they've played two more games than Carolina. I think Carolina is going to finish higher than Philadelphia. We'll see.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Philly has been decimated by injuries and penalties this term not penalties like two minutes but like dude you're fucking suspended type penalties and so they may you know if they could just have a bunch of full strength games they might improve their record we'll see yep yep well it's you know what i think is interesting just how quickly you lose kyle on hockey talk right like like you guys could talk about pokemon go and i'll try and stay engaged and ask a question or something you talk about ice hockey i'm searching the next topic three two one he's out of here like there's only one way for me to be constructive here let's look for something new to go to after they're all steamed out of this.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Yeah, I just don't. I've only watched like two games ever, I guess, from start to finish. Two or three, something like that. I just don't have a big interest in it or any basic knowledge. Do you have NBC Sports Network? I'm not sure. I've got like a weird collection of channels because every now and then I add a new package to my sling or whatever because I want to watch a sporting event or something maybe is the answer blues game is on
Starting point is 01:06:08 nbc sports tonight right now middle of the second i'm not gonna watch that though like i'm gonna watch this as i'm off here i'm gonna play some cold before you know i'm gonna eat some delicious food i don't know sometimes i hit yahoo sports just to catch up well i catch up with football because i want to see how it's going i catch up with football because I want to see how it's going. I catch up to hockey because I want to see how it's going. And I'm like researching shit to talk to Taylor. Just waiting for like, I don't know, an ex-player to be on fire, for the Blues to lose a game,
Starting point is 01:06:39 for, heaven forbid, one of my teams to have a better record than his. I have two teams, and they have both managed to be worse than the Blues this year, who aren't even that good. Yeah, they haven't been that good yet. They've been very streaky. So this is a New York Post article. It says, and this is of Donald Trump's meeting with major media outlets today,
Starting point is 01:07:01 it was a fucking firing squad, one source said of the encounter. Trump started with CNN chief Jeff Zucker and said, media outlets today it was a fucking firing squad one source said of the encounter trump started with cnn chief uh jeff zucker and said i hate your network everyone at cnn is a liar and you should be ashamed the source said the meeting was a total disaster quote the tv execs and anchors went in there thinking that they would be discussing the access that they would get to the trump administration but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down, the source added. A second source confirmed the fireworks, quote, The meeting took place in a big boardroom, and there were about 30 or 40 people,
Starting point is 01:07:33 including the big news anchors from all of the networks. Trump kept saying, we're in a room of liars, the deceitful, dishonest media who got it all wrong. He addressed everyone in the room, calling the media dishonest, deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong he addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest deceitful liars he called out jeff sucker by name and said everyone at cnn was a liar and cnn was a network of liars that's amazing now typically it's a really bad decision and the cliche is like never get into a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel right you know because they obviously have a big voice and they can beat you but trump's voice is not small you know he's the only person he's the he has the biggest non-press voice i can think of in the
Starting point is 01:08:15 world right you know like is he the one person that could win a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel i i don't know i think he already showed that he won that fight. Oh, we'll see. With the election. There's a lot of airtime between now and, say, the midterms. Oh, yeah. If the press gangs up on Trump, it hurts him. Yeah, and they have ganged up on him for the last year and a half.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Pretty bad. I think it's's gonna go really well for trump because trump is is showing signs that he wants to govern and not be a backseat president to mike pence he is showing everything to the opposite of that by butting up to people like mitch mcconnell uh bringing the people from the establishment republicans closer to his inner circle he wants power in congress and and when since he's got both houses, and soon he's going to enforce the judicial system with his minions, he's going to be one of the most powerful men that there's ever been in about six months from now. So I think he's going to change a lot of
Starting point is 01:09:15 things. And it doesn't look like he's going to go crazy town with it, but who knows. But it seems like all the stuff that he's putting out, my first 100 day stuff, my first day stuff, it makes sense to a lot of people. And if it's misreported, if everything has a poor light on it, I think the public is just going to get wise to that over the course of a year or two. I don't think they can lie about it. I was looking at the other side, like Rand Paul and John McCain saying they're going to go against him. And I'm like, man, it's rough when your friends aren't very good friends. And that's been Trump's situation all the way through. Now, he succeeded in spite of that.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Paul Ryan is another one who's not a very good friend to Trump. So we'll see. That might start catching up with him immediately. Or Trump could just win anyway somehow. It's hard to bet against him at this point. It just really is. It's like betting against Conor McGregor. There's not a lot of money to be made doing that.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Yeah. He just keeps on winning, keeps defying expectations, and he's getting more and more powerful. Like, he didn't really... Like, now he has such resources at his fingertips. He's so powerful now and getting more powerful by the day. Not just resources but information.
Starting point is 01:10:29 If you're scared of Trump, well, Kyle's right. That's a horrifying thing. Trump has a Twitter account right now. He's nothing to be afraid of and he never was as some sort of hate monger speaking hate speech. There's no reason to ever be afraid of any of that never was, as some sort of hate monger, like speaking hate speech.
Starting point is 01:10:45 There's no reason to ever be afraid of any of that, even if that's what you thought it was. If you're afraid of Trump, the time is coming when he is literally, literally, don't fool yourself, the most powerful human being that has ever existed ever. He just is. He's got a huge nuclear arsenal, multiple fleets of state-of-the-art technology, billions and billions in infrastructure, all at his fingertips. A huge army of a couple hundred thousand foot soldiers. Multiple daytime Emmys. And the Senate and the House. And that's not true about the Emmys and Golden Globe.
Starting point is 01:11:16 He should have won. Not yet. I just made that up. I have no idea. No, he went on a Twitter crusade because he said that the Golden Globes were rigged. Yeah. That was like one of the digs against him he said that the Golden Globes were rigged. Yeah. That was like one of the digs against him.
Starting point is 01:11:29 He's like, this election's rigged. And they went through all the other things in his life that he said were rigged and included the Golden Globes. When you win a bunch of things and when you lose, you must think you've been set up, right? You're like, that's not how shit's supposed to go. I've been cheated. He's a powerful man we'll ah i hope i you know i've been on the same page for two 20 days now or whatever it is um i hope that he's great because yeah he's great you know i hope that he's loud and bombastic and i hope that when the united states wins
Starting point is 01:12:02 he celebrates it on a global stage and I hope he doesn't embarrass us yep that sounds great low expectations right please don't like grope Iceland's prime minister or like say that like a disabled veteran is half the man
Starting point is 01:12:24 it used to be like just don't do it just don't do it those are both things i'm more associate with biden you know he just seems like a groper i remember bush w bush was was fond of giving out back massages to like female heads of state um yeah biden's been the one that i've always seen that does it the most He gets grabby with children You know anyone Like this man woman or child Biden is going to get up close and personal
Starting point is 01:12:53 You know how he feels If there's an adorable 7 year old in an Easter dress You better bet Biden's going to start Snuggling that girl Sugar We need Biden's vice president Would you like a butterscotch candy to be chris hansen to keep him in line yeah i've been watching hansen show like um so it got so hansen versus predator uh became part of another show that was already withstanding and he just took over that show i
Starting point is 01:13:19 don't recall the name of it but he's running the to catch a predator segments and uh they're on youtube now so if anybody wants to catch those they are awkward they're not my cup of tea i feel like he's just beating that formula into the ground and i don't know and also you the guy that came the other day oh he knew the man who came in uh he used to take a commuter train with this guy daily back and forth into the city and they had discussed each other's lives with they had had conversations with one another and then the guy comes in to fuck a kid and he's just like he's like well i'm chris he's like no you're not chris chris he knows him and it's just like oh no this is awkward it was pretty good but yeah they do
Starting point is 01:14:03 it's the same format over and over right and we get the fedophile and then he gets ruined yeah ruined like in the court of public opinion oftentimes the real court throws it all out because it's so poorly like like the evidence isn't collected well and stuff sometimes it happens yeah it depends on the like the area the municipality i suppose how serious they take all that online evidence and the uh the intent that that is supposedly being shown i know it's really important to them to like did you bring condoms like he's not just asking that to embarrass you he's trying to he's trying to prove your intent to fuck this kid you
Starting point is 01:14:34 have condoms in your pocket right now in a child's house because that's a pretty strong piece of evidence you know they're always going to that you got alcohol you got dildos oh you're up the river but if they just kind of came in the rav4 and there's and they have that story of well i don't know your your daughter uh she's been saying some inappropriate things on the internet and i came to set the story straight with you sir and to help her out you know they always have people like that i used to hitchhike when i was like i guess it'd be below 12 so i'd be like eight years old hitchhiking in New Jersey. And people would pick me up and take me where I'm going just so that bad people didn't.
Starting point is 01:15:15 And I'm like, whatever your reason, you're playing into my plan. You know, I would get a free ride and a lecture about hitchhiking. And I'm just like, fuck, that works for me. You know, your lecture is like, the fact that you're taking me where I want to go is a much more powerful message than this lecture, and I'm doing it again. I've only had one circumstance where I wanted to pick up hitchhikers.
Starting point is 01:15:34 There were two hot female hitchhikers on the way from Chicago back to Georgia one time, but my transmission was like dying as we were going. I was just like, nope, Jeremy, we can't stop. Oh, come on, man. There's a blind one. There's a brun like nope jeremy we can't stop oh come on man no we can't like i see i used to pick up anyone in a um who had my high school jacket on like if they were going to the high school i went to i would okay yeah in north carolina there's really none of them
Starting point is 01:16:03 but that would be a thing like if i saw they were going to my high school, I would give them a ride. People don't hitchhike anymore that I know of. Yeah, it's not smart. I still see them. I think because I live right on the interstate. If I'm going somewhere, it's to an interstate town because I am on the interstate. So I'm going north or south to one of those towns so you see a lot of hitchhikers on like a stretch like that at the
Starting point is 01:16:29 at the stops and uh you know on the exit ramps i always feel sorry for those guys because like it'll be nighttime and cold and like they've got far to go like it's not it's never like oh i'm heading to like anderson south carolina which is 45 minutes away. It'll be like, oh, yeah, Newark or bust. And it's like, oh, shit. If we hit it right now and my car didn't stop, it's 21 hours, dude. You're fucked. You're fucked. You're never getting there.
Starting point is 01:16:57 You're going to get raped two or three times on the journey. Can't rape the willing. You got to go through North Carolina. God knows what they'll do. Duh. You better stick to the right bathroom get rid of that rainbow flag alright painkiller nearly episode 119
Starting point is 01:17:14 I had fun thank you

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