Painkiller Already - PKN #122

Episode Date: December 23, 2016

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's Spur Live, Painkiller nearly episode 122, our like offshoot podcast, longer than most podcasts. It's true. You know what to be proud of? Who knows? You know, I was thinking though, like, like, so I, I don't know if Kyle feels the same way, but I think host migration got the whole gaming podcast scene to happen. The one with Hutt, C. Nanners, and Trumpfy, something like that? Correct. Both were right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:30 You got two variations of the same name. Correct. I'm impressed with that. Usually, I take a shot at a name and I get a loss. It's rare that I take one shot and get two wins. Yeah, he's Billy Bob, a.k.a. Stevie Stevenson, a.k.a. the Big Bopper, a.k.a. Little Mike. Like, he doesn't know their other names. That's like a collateral damage in Call of Duty.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Yeah, yeah. He just happens upon two. Two birds, one stone. Not a good one, the kind where he just turned wildly and fired. Oh, shit. Two kills. But yeah, when you look back, they only had like 10 or 13 episodes, something like that. Like it wasn't a ton.
Starting point is 00:01:08 It wasn't even a lot. But somehow it did kick off like this. I guess ours kicked off wings. The way I recall it was that they had started doing their podcast. And then meanwhile, it wasn't that we were interested in making a podcast per se. It was just that we were all in the sky these like group skype chats it would be like me and you and and x jaws and um like maybe sam 5000 or or you know they'd just be a collection of like cold duty commentator type guys hire all those guys and uh we'd all be in like a three-way four-way
Starting point is 00:01:42 eight-way skype call you know getting, getting up to no good and joking around. And sometimes it led to us messing with somebody like Junkyard, but this time it led us to making a podcast. Mostly it was Wings, I think. To be honest, I never listened to the host migration. I don't think I knew how to listen to it at the time. I was aware of its existence and what it was, that it was these three guys hanging out talking and that's you know doing a radio show type thing i
Starting point is 00:02:08 got that but like i never really listened it um like i i think that their podcast is the reason that wings made one i thought wings had a certain like there's a talent in being like hey why not us right because maybe too often i like i'm wired to say like oh well let me list the reasons we are not nearly the men that those guys that's what we do well they always you know the u.s is always like 18th in like mathematics scores but number one in like um and confidence going into the test like globally we lead in confidence so if there's something that and that means a lot there's a lot to be said for that like sure there might be eight other smarter more qualified
Starting point is 00:02:50 guys but they're gonna be like uh uh I'm not getting on that rocket and going the fuck up there but we've got the guys that'll climb on top of that rocket even though everybody else who put it together and set it up the real geniuses go into a bunker two miles away we're happy to get on there you know what you want is you want the nazi guy who went to german school
Starting point is 00:03:09 when they're like that greater than sign is too large it is not a uniform across the page and like no credit like you want that guy building the rocket because he's gonna see that little lug nut or whatever and he's gonna be like that that is not quite enough to the turn oh that is perfect whereas the other guy is gonna be like yeah a couple of loose screws in here there's a jewel about as we say i have to decode that in my head and then the other guy like if you have an american doing that you wouldn't want
Starting point is 00:03:47 it because he would make it and be like it's perfect i know it's perfect because i'm perfect and i make perfect things my mom and dad told me i'm like i got a whole shelf of participation trophies i actually know germans lately like it they're that way the truth is there's a german sort of thing that's like, I am perfect. This is the right answer. The further you deviate from what I think is right, the more wrong you are. It's called perfected schlag.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I'm sorry? Perfected schlag. Anyway, yeah. That's my impression of Germans. They're actually getting kind of beat up in the paramotor world right now because of that exact attitude. They're not changing. A little more german news go on i was gonna talk about uh so angela merkel recently spoke it's interesting her little uh switcheroo her in stance so she just won
Starting point is 00:04:34 her reelection i think yeah and now she's really seeing that that that big um um bunch of refugees that she led into the country really is a problem so Over 50% of Germans say that that is their biggest problem. All of us here at EAA, for God's sake, we should really be one of her advisors. So she just recently spoke about a burqa ban in Germany, which might be big news. It is. And then on top of that, her, what do they call it, defense minister, DM, I think. I think I read that right. I think her defense minister, who's a woman, visited Saudi Arabia and did not wear the burqa or the, whatever the thing to conceal their body, the big black robe.
Starting point is 00:05:17 That would be the burqa, right? The hijab is the head thing. Okay, thank you. The hijab is just the head. The burqa is the whole body. Well, I'm going to get rid of that information right now. okay the hijab is just the head the burka is the whole the whole body yeah well i'm gonna get that information right at right now um but but i just saw a picture of her she's a i don't know a a good looking late 40s blonde woman very petite with like a business suit on with no tie like walking among all these guys dressed as sheiks and they're all kind of they're
Starting point is 00:05:44 all looking at her smiling but in my head i'm like what are they thinking because you know i wonder what they're really thinking i wonder right are they walking around like a person are they like look at that slut that whore or that slut that whore that you know how dare she show her hair or are they thinking like they're disrespecting my culture are they thinking um oh look at that i can do anything i want to them that she's just open for fucking she wants it because apparently that's what the immigrants think with is he i don't know i think i mean what i think what's more likely what i was thinking they were thinking just looking at their faces and reading that was like i think they're almost like some of our more conservative politicians who might on the stump talk about some really harsh
Starting point is 00:06:26 stuff against gays and lesbians and stuff, but when they run into one, when there's one visiting their offices there, they're just another fucking person. I don't think they cared. They didn't seem like they did. But it was definitely like kind of a message to them, right? And kind of a message to the German people, I guess, as well.
Starting point is 00:06:41 That's interesting that that whole thing backfired on her. I saw a video this week of some immigrants kicking an old woman down some stairs i always there are so many horrible horrible youtube not youtube actually live leak um websites like world star hip-hop where it's just refugees beating the shit out of people or causing mischief or mayhem or you know i'm not going to say not all of them because that goes without saying just all of them that we found but this is the kind of issue that i this is the kind of issue i struggle with because i feel like everyone who talks about it has an agenda right so i have definitely seen people say hey immigration makes a country strong on a whole
Starting point is 00:07:21 right whether the people that come tend to be best and brightest from their other country because they need to be motivated. They need to be like whatever. That's an argument I've seen made. And in the IT world, it's often true. You know, like if you look at India's population as a whole and then the subset that works in Cisco IT, we're grabbing the people who did better in school, who came from better families, who had servants.
Starting point is 00:07:45 It's not the servants who are getting over here. So like in my little world, the lens that I see it through, I'm like, all right, all right. So when they say best and brightest come here, I see that. The ones that were motivated to go seek a better life are the ones who go over here. They're sending their best. They're IT experts. They're STEM majors.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Yeah, those high skill, in-demand workers, very much more easy for them to assimilate into a new place than a huge horde of migrants who, a lot of them just will not adapt to a new way of life. They will try and revert wherever they get to, to the way of life where they came from. So I see people making the argument that immigration is really great for a country, that it keeps it strong, that they're getting good people, etc. And then I see people making the counter-argument that immigration is terrible, for a country, that it keeps it strong, that they're getting good people, etc. And then I see people making the counter argument
Starting point is 00:08:26 that immigration is terrible, they ruin the country, they're criminals and they're rapists, and, you know, that they're... And some of them, I assume, are good people. I don't think anybody says that immigration causes that. I think that people are saying that this allowance of these migrants causes that.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Because immigration, in my head, like if i decide hey i would love to live in england and i go to work out and i do imagine this taylor imagine you get offered a job in vancouver and you can work like three blocks away from whatever vancouver's nicest hockey stadium is that you could actually go play and like every week after work and friday you know you're going to like go play hockey with your buddies that that might tempt you to become a canadian i think you're more likely to be canadian in that situation i would be an immigrant yeah but if i invaded canada set up a shack outside of the canucks stadium with a bunch of blues stuff on it and said this is blues country and i started lighting shit on fire and ruining cars and kicking the windows of cop cars you know bring me somewhere to say I can't watch the Blues game here
Starting point is 00:09:32 it's not on local they're like you know settle down this isn't like where you were from it should be why isn't this place is a whale it should be it should be exactly like the place I left which is a horrible hell i'm coming to bring that culture to you the problem with the immigration thing is it seems like the language gets so muddied and blurry because people intentionally try and say immigration i'm not you didn't do this what i'm not saying that people on the news and stuff they'll try and say immigration as a way to co-opt to try and make it seem like immigrant crises like it act like that's all same thing and acting like opposing one of them means oh so you don't think so fucking Bjork from Sweden should be able to come in and make a good life for his families
Starting point is 00:10:16 or whatever he would want to do I just like you can't act like diversity is inherently good like it's not diversity shouldn't be the end goal you know if a bunch of really good people who are diverse come over great pick them because it should be a meritocracy and they're great but just you can't just form a company and go all right well we need nine black people eight hispanics uh we need a lot of women a lot of women and then we need um does can we get someone with one foot maybe, maybe an amputee? And then you go through and you grab those people. And like it's just – diversity shouldn't be the end goal. It's to happen upon it on the way to success.
Starting point is 00:10:52 That's great. But you shouldn't be – that's not – yeah. So Hope was applying for college. And I think it was NC State where I had my master's. One of the essay questions was like, please explain to us why diversity is so important to you and why diversity makes the school better and things like that. And she asked me to proofread it and help her and such.
Starting point is 00:11:13 But we got something in there that we think is good. My knee-jerk reaction is like, diversity is not a goal in and of itself. Like, fairness, meritocracy, you know the the best getting the best and the worst getting the worst these are the objectives right you should be looking to take the best students that your school can get right you know just making your school go to as high as it can you shouldn't just be like oh yeah you know we absolutely have to get some gingers in here because you know diversity that's yeah crazy but you want good you know the way i would
Starting point is 00:11:46 have answered that would have gone i would have gone like a diversity of opinion diversity of thought route and been like oh on university it is so cherished that we're allowed to have different opinions you know and whatever whatever but yeah that's it is stupid the way they try and frame it to program you to think that diversity is somehow this end game when it's like no it's not good diversity is great if someone walks into the boardroom and says hey i've got a different idea you should go that's good that's diversity that's a good idea we'll muse on that you shouldn't go ah well you have a hijab on in a vagina so i'm going to take that bad idea very seriously or oh you have a uh a dick in your white so i'm going to take your idea more seriously or oh you have a dick in your white so I'm gonna take
Starting point is 00:12:26 your idea more seriously than I would if you had a vagina or what it shouldn't matter about that like it's check out this video I was watching I was watching CNN this afternoon and they were so Jim Brown met with Donald Trump today and so then they interviewed Jim Brown on CNN and they they asked him about the fact that you know the lack of diversity in trump's cabinet picture like it's mostly white men and his reaction was great you look at the um one moment please you got an ad to watch maybe uh i gotta like change the screen to the big one and stuff like that i'm ready now are you guys ready yeah ready i play. Pictures of this
Starting point is 00:13:05 cabinet here. Jim, you see, I mean, you have the majority are white men in Mr. Trump's cabinet. There have been, you know, critics have said this is not diverse enough. Yes, there are women. Yes, there are minorities represented, but not the majority. Does does that does that bother you is that a big deal to you i've lived all my life in america and i'm 80 years old so i have seen discrimination at its worst i understand slavery i study history the only thing that i've always done i've tried to make sure that i was a decent person and that I worked outside of myself to make things better. So I don't always look at black and white.
Starting point is 00:13:52 But I'm going to say this to you. And I don't ever say this. The three greatest people in my life were white. Okay? My high school coach, my high school superintendent, and my mentor, in Manhattan, Long Island. I never had a father really. My great-grandmother raised me. But I was in this country where I got help from people that were not of my same color. So when I come out of the box, I don't come out of the box as racial. I look for good people and people that will
Starting point is 00:14:26 be like-minded and help me try to do good for other human beings so that's truly where i'm coming from i thought that was pretty good i do too yeah and i i hated her the way she she posed the question she's like when you look at this look at this, the majority of his picks weren't minorities. Can you believe it? And it's like, are you fucking kidding me? You're the fucking Nazi, you cunt. Are you surprised by the fact? Are you trying to exterminate the whites?
Starting point is 00:14:55 What are you doing here? It's absurd if you heard that about anything else, if there was any other group who was clearly the one who was the outsider. What she's saying is, doesn't it bother you there's so many whiteys in there if we did that about jews or blacks or mexicans or women or anything else there'd be fucking hell to pay dude there are so many questions that are just clever ways of phrasing don't you hate white men don't you hate older white men or young white men whatever we're not're not them. We can talk shit. Just this garbage. And the way that she asked the question shows perfectly this kind of soft bigotry of low
Starting point is 00:15:31 expectations, this head patty, condescending, paternalistic, you know, telling someone like implying that someone voted against their best interests isn't doing them a service telling someone that. That's profoundly condescending. If you would say that to someone, you need to reevaluate the way you talk to people because that's fucking stupid and mean but the way they go you know aren't you surprised by by not any black people like trying to bait him trying to say you know you know what i want you to say you know what you're supposed to say here you're black that means i already know what you fucking think you're our group you belong to our side so i know your opinions i can go right down the checklist and tell you what you believe
Starting point is 00:16:09 oh you don't believe that i'm fucking flabbergasted now i'm acting aghast that someone in my little niche box if i know exactly what black people are like broke out like if you look at like clarence thomas like any really conservative black people, all of them have quotes saying, you know, the worst I've ever been treated are by, you know, elitists, like white or by far leftists, far leftists. I think that's literally his quote. They treat me like I'm a pet. His literal quote is like something about the worst I've ever been treated. It was by whites in the north or something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Who knows? You know, that's all anecdotal, of course, but I just found this pretty interesting. And of course I found it interesting that Trump is meeting with everyone from Kanye West to Jim Brown to leaders of heads of state to billionaires who
Starting point is 00:16:57 have hundreds of millions of dollars worth of assets to move around. It's really fascinating to watch the people who are going up and down those golden elevators and and and responding to the siren call of donald trump he made um the exxon guy his secretary of state yeah and that was the one position where i didn't really want an outsider like it i am obviously not going to get like my first choice or something who might be biden but uh i was hoping they'd be a Newt Gingrich or someone with international experience.
Starting point is 00:17:28 But instead he chose this. I think for most companies, like Vince McMahon doesn't have any foreign policy experience, I would think. that someone who is the CEO of the largest company on earth, who's brokering deals with leaders in countries, is going to have some kind of experience in foreign business, you know? Like, I don't know. Definitely with Russia. That's just a thought,
Starting point is 00:17:55 because it's not like it's, you know, Build-A-Bear that he's running, it's ExxonMobil. They keep painting it like, and Kyle said it too, like, oh, he worked with russia he worked with russia and obviously if you work with oil russia is one of the bigger oil producing countries so you're going to work with russia i'm trying to like remove the lens from it and be like did he really work with russia russia russia was that like his thing was he just on the phone with russia all the time the facts on that okay well let me just finish or was he also talking to
Starting point is 00:18:22 saudi arabia and the you know north and etc.? So please enlighten me. So they definitely deal with everyone. But the thing that's interesting about the relationship with Russia, that being ExxonMobil and specifically – what's his name, Rex Tillerman? Yeah. Yeah. It's not of course, you know, if you're a listener, don't think of Rex Tillerman as the guy who owns ExxonMobil and like in the same way that maybe Donald Trump is sort of the guy for Trump and Trump's empire. But the reason he was dealing directly with Putin in those meetings and drinking champagne with Putin is because Russia's biggest oil company, maybe their only one, I'm not quite sure about that little caveat, is owned by the government. It's nationalized. So, of course, when you do a massive deal with their oil company, Putin's going to be in the room because he kind of owns that thing.
Starting point is 00:19:09 And what's really interesting about the specific deal that they did, and I think it puts us in a real position of power, us being Americans, people on this side of the globe, the whole thing, especially with having him in there as Secretary of State. And that's that the Russians have access to a ton of oil on the North Pole, but they can't get to it. They don't have the technology. No one in the world has the technology to get to that oil except for ExxonMobil. They're the only ones who can get to it. And that's a real nice place to bargain from.
Starting point is 00:19:41 So I like that deal. I like his appointment. bargain from. So I like that deal. I like his appointment. And I kind of feel like I saw them doing the old Charlie Brown pull the football out from under you move to Mitt Romney as he's running along thinking he's Secretary of State. Kind of like that move too. This guy has $200 billion worth of worth just in Exxon Mobil. He's a billionaire. He's a super successful guy that's what i see as a commonality and all of trump's picks is whether you like him or you hate him whether they're bigots or racists they're all winners they're all winners at whatever they do
Starting point is 00:20:13 whatever they chose as their field and uh it's kind of an all-star team of businessmen and and and and uh and people who know what they're doing it seems like. I wouldn't say that lots of losers make it to anybody's presidential cabinet. I do feel like some of his picks, like the EPA one in particular. Hillary made it, and she's one of the biggest losers in history. She was actually the chief of that staff as the biggest loser in history. She was Secretary of State, not Chief of State. I know. I was making a joke about her losing the election making her a loser like like she was a loser i see i missed sorry i thought um anything
Starting point is 00:20:53 yeah i don't know so yeah there were a couple the secretary of state one and then i'm sure someone else could now the epa head was one and i forget the other there's two i think people are throwing stones at more than the rest but they don't like bannon in there but that's probably not what you're thinking about um i'm just looking at the image here let's see defense or was there a was there some guy in charge of intelligence that buys into that retweets fake news all the time is that bannon or maybe his son does i know they both do but his son in particular retweeted the Pizzagate one so his son got fired um but his they both retweet fake news and now they're in
Starting point is 00:21:32 charge of like intelligence or something and then that was a sketchy one to me now and I see now they'll find out about that whole Pizzagate thing I don't know that they will get to the bottom of this one way or another we'll find out where chips are. I didn't see them as strange as Taylor did. It looked like they were talking about pizza to me. Wait, you thought they were actually talking about pizza when he was saying like, oh man, I'd love to fuck me a piece
Starting point is 00:21:55 of pepperoni. He didn't actually say that in the words. I didn't see that one. The text, Kyle read it as well. I don't think there's, like I've said, I don't think there's a cabal of pedophiles running a pizza place in a ping pong joint, but they are abs, to read those and think they're talking about pizza
Starting point is 00:22:12 is silly. The ones I saw, they were talking about some sort of topping I'd never heard of having to do with crushed almonds or something. I forget what exactly they crushed. It sounds like the nerdiest conversation ever. Maybe it's taken out of context. And it's a bunch of them.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Maybe they're all taken out of context, and we just don't get their little inside jokes. And they all really ate up. Maybe they ate a shitload of pizza together while they worked. And we just don't know that pizza is what fuels the DC power curb. That's it. It's pepperoni. Or maybe they were lying. DC powers power curb. Like it's maybe it's pepperoni. Maybe,
Starting point is 00:22:45 or maybe they were lying and satanic seances and they got a little too drunk on semen wine and then just sent a bunch of weird emails. Have some fermented goat cum. We don't. Hey, John, talking to John. It looks like.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yep. I know you're a true master of cuisine and we have appreciated that for years, but Walnut sauce for the pasta? Mary, please tell us the straight story. What was in the sauce? What the sauce? Shit! Was the sauce actually tasty?
Starting point is 00:23:14 It's an amazing linguarian dish made with crushed walnuts made into a paste. Stop being so California. It sounded like they were talking about pizza to me. Well, they're talking about pasta there. Yeah, that sounds like actual pizza. They are talking about pizza to me. Well, they're talking about pasta there. Yeah, that sounds like actual pizza. They are talking about pasta, my bad. They're not even talking about pizza there.
Starting point is 00:23:31 That's pasta. Now, that is pasta talk. I'll co-sign on that right away. Yeah, they're talking about gross pasta. That makes sense, and I agree, because I wouldn't want a walnut paste sauce on my pasta. That sounds terrible. The one particular thing that struck me as odd
Starting point is 00:23:43 is when he's talking about the entertainment for the evening and he mentions three names and followed by a number that I can only imagine is their number, you know, like John 7, Susie 8, Billy 9, you know, something like that.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And how they will be in the pool for entertainment or something like that. It just, I'd love for them to like be like, oh, wow, this email came out and i bet you guys thought this was crazy right let me explain and like and like those three individuals are there and they're wearing i don't know they're wearing their sweaters with those numbers on them
Starting point is 00:24:13 because they all play some sort of sweater number game yeah we just watch them we don't touch them we just get them naked let them swim around a little bit like that uncle's mingle i just like uncle mingle yeah i didn't see the emails you're talking about i just went the article and they showed some uh like imagery where was that article it was on the new york times um the failing new york times the failing new york times they like i guess comet pizza has like a triangle in it, and then they show some other Nambla thing has a triangle for their logo, so it's just code. But then they go in like... Yeah, that stuff doesn't resonate with me
Starting point is 00:24:54 because this isn't the 23 with Jim Carrey. If you were actually running a business, not a business, but I guess an illegal business of trafficking children to have sex with miscreants then you would not be coyishly teasing people like hey you're gonna try and figure it out you're gonna try and figure it out you're gonna try and understand that what's going on behind closed doors like no you would just you would make it you know what you would do you'd make it like uh an h&r block that always had like a help wanted sign in the front door. Nobody would come in.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Or a Radio Shack. Although, code names are a thing. Like someone was just talking about how their local pizza place, you call the pizza place, you say, yeah, I'd like a hamburger with ranch dressing and extra pickles delivered. You say that, you get weed.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Hey, yes, I would like a six-year-old smothered in cheese brought to my door. Oh, fuck. Damn it. They're like, how would you like that cheddar aged? Not very aged at all. Prematurely. You didn't ask for a six-year-old.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Oh, Twitch. So YouTube is a streaming platform, and they're trying to compete with Twitch. Interestingly, I feel like they've been getting more success lately. Just from my sphere of influence, it seems like whenever Joe Rogan's streaming or whenever people are streaming, I see it. It happened during the election a lot, too. People were streaming all sorts of random low-quality bullshit, but it would get recommended to me youtube now streams 4k
Starting point is 00:26:28 at 60 frames per second it's 21 to 50 megabits which is a lot like some people a lot of people can't even download that and um uh but i look at it back in the day back when i was back when i was actually a big streamer um i used to stream on both, but I streamed on YouTube a lot because the video was better. The chat was worse, but the video was better. And it was like, take your pick. The Twitch video at the time was like a postage stamp. And then it got bigger and it kind of matched what YouTube did. And there was, for the longest time, you know, Twitch had the best of everything and YouTube only had equivalent things.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Now YouTube has the best video, by far. Like, they go 4K, 60 frames per second. And there are other settings for 1440p, you know, 60, 30, 1080p, et cetera. I wonder if YouTube is going to be more significant in the streaming space. I don't know. Can you take over?
Starting point is 00:27:27 Because MySpace eventually lost. Twitch seems to be getting so big. They were streaming games from the White House today. I didn't really watch much of it. Eventually, Craigslist beats eBay. Eventually, Facebook beats MySpace. Eventually, these entrenched leaders do lose their spot. The cable companies beat AOL.
Starting point is 00:27:51 I wonder if YouTube is making the right moves to take over the thing. Your money doesn't come from Twitch mostly. If you're a Twitch streamer, you make $1 thousand dollars a night in donations and then seven more from ad revenue and stuff like that you know when i was pimping woody craft i was um streaming a lot i probably stream like you know 20 times a month or something like that and uh shit my i would pull like 3 500 viewers which is a you know it's not nadeshot or anything, but it's significant. And I was earning. It's more than Tucker's got right now.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Is it? Okay. He was at 3K earlier. All right, all right. So, my Twitch money for a month like that was, like. Pennies. I remember us doing the show. $40, $70.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Like, yeah. I remember us live streaming the show one time, and afterwards, I don't know, something about money came up, and you're like, well, I'll split that 87 cents with you guys if you want. And I was like, nah, man, you hang on to that. Let me break it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:54 We'll just say you owe me. Right? Prize. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. If we were to live stream PKA, I bet in ad revenue, we would pull something along the lines of like $1 to $3.
Starting point is 00:29:08 So really the money comes from the donations. And with that reality in place, Tucker could easily switch to YouTube. He might pull bigger numbers there. Sure. We'll see. That's pretty cool. I love that that quality is that high. You could do
Starting point is 00:29:25 some crazy stuff with your current connection you could stream at that 4k 60 fps uh that's pretty neat yeah yeah you'd get the real like local experience you know like it by comparison so 21 to 50 megabit down is what it would take to get that um twitch on the other hand three and a half down that's their max quality three and a half three and a half feels really 2010 to me like that's just it's come on who has three twitch in deep trouble if they can't catch up pretty quick i don't think so i don't know i i think they're so established they're big it's not like they're bleeding right now it's just that oh the competitor has a thing that you don't know. They're so established. They're big. It's not like they're bleeding right now. It's just that, oh, the competitor has a thing that you don't have. Will you adapt and catch up or will you fall by the wayside?
Starting point is 00:30:12 I think that they'll be like, oh, so YouTube's got 4K? Hey, Larry, hit the 4K button. Yeah, it'll cost us. We already calculated what it costs. We've just been waiting for YouTube to do it. We knew it was coming. Yeah, it could be. It's so much easier when you're the establishment because like all you need to do is be nearly as good
Starting point is 00:30:29 Right the competitors are always gonna do things here and there that are better They just need to be almost as good and they're set Well if they release it in the next few weeks few months then Kyle's 100% right They absolutely did just have a 4k button They were waiting until YouTube did it because that's smart business. Like, you kept their hands close to the chest. That's exactly how you would do it if you were really smart. You'd be ahead of the curve, holding back with your thing.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Anyway, and when the enemy thinks that they, oh, look what we have, you're just like, oh, yeah, we did that three years ago, dude. Wait till you see what we've got next year. Boop, here's the 4K. Yeah. Next year's VR stream. Yeah, that's where they need to go with it i want to get inside that game with my vr i want you to you to take his 2d world and and put me inside of it wrap it around my fucking head and let me
Starting point is 00:31:16 in there with him vr is a chicken in the egg problem man like like very few people have it right now so no one wants to like make it awesome and because no one's made it awesome very few people have it yeah it's uh we'll see it's gonna grow it it definitely is i think that valve is just gonna pump money into it because there's no other way for it to work i think they'll just be like oh well let's put another hundred million into it let's let's make it a thing whether the consumers are there or not and you've got all you got so many platforms now you know the the PlayStation thing. That's cheaper, obviously, than...
Starting point is 00:31:49 I can't do the math. It's probably $2,500 to get into, or $2,300 or something, to get a Vive and get a PC and get the peripherals and then play. It's probably $2,300, $2,400 if you're careful and smart. Maybe you can get a J.
Starting point is 00:32:04 It's a really high barrier to entry. And that's not doing it right either. Kyle has a great system. How much is it to do it right? I thought Kyle had it right. Yeah, but he paid more than that. Yeah, I don't know. Fucking the...
Starting point is 00:32:22 The Vive is what, $700? $800. So you got $800 in the Vive is what, 700? 800. So you got 800 in the Vive and then, you know, I don't know what my motherboard was, 200 or 300, and then the graphics card for I think I paid $5,600 for it or something. You're already getting close to
Starting point is 00:32:38 $2,000 right there. We don't have our cooling system. We don't have any RAM. We don't have any cooling system or have any RAM we don't have a storage case yeah yeah I think Kyle I bet if you it depends on what you're counting to write a lot of people when they talk about their computer they don't they didn't buy a monitor for they didn't buy a keyboard they didn't buy a mouse these were all things they had already if you know the whole system that they're really putting together probably 3,500 or something like that yeah now if you're playing at
Starting point is 00:33:06 1080p though of course you can really pc gaming is cheap if you're playing in 1080p it's it's it's competitive for console gaming almost if you really are careful with what you buy you can put together a really nice pc for cheap that'll do 1080p at high frames i agree yeah but when you get into the virtual reality stuff yeah you got to max everything out then then you need a really nice graphics card and then you got to cool the whole thing down all of a sudden the cooling system actually matters and we got to figure out you know our fan situation and all that stuff so yeah it's like oh are you running you know a 1080 uh nvidia 1080 yeah well now you can't go cheap on your power supply either like you know there's a lot a lot
Starting point is 00:33:42 of stuff that's going on yeah so it's pricey it's actually pretty good on power you didn't um it'll a 750 watt will power it um it's actually that's a legit power supply in my mind anyway i suppose it is yeah yeah that's it if you buy some off the shelf dell i bet it's like 350 you know oh yeah yeah yeah so um anyway so yeah we'll see youtube getting into the streaming thing going at it hard that's cool i've got gigabit ethernet now and i like i could talk about this so i remember like two years ago time warner came out and said you know we've discovered that there is no market for gigabit ethernet and everybody threw tomatoes tomatoes at him, right? They're like, you dick. I want gigabit ethernet. How can you be so out of touch with your customers, et cetera?
Starting point is 00:34:29 I have it. It is no different. Zero different. That's how... Zero different. I used to have 300 down, 30 up. You know the maximum speed that YouTube will let me upload a video? First of all, on speed test, my upload speed, 950 megabits, right?
Starting point is 00:34:49 So I'm getting, like I've got real gigabit right to this computer we're talking about. My videos upload on YouTube, 30 megabits, just like before. Like zero difference. The download, you know, like I guess in theory, maybe something could get more than 300. I don't know. This is about multiple devices then. That's the real bonus.
Starting point is 00:35:11 If you had three wives, some sister wives, let's call them. It would take a lot of wives. Maybe a dozen children. Yeah. And everybody's got their iPhones and iPads, and they're pulling from that Wi-Fi. You'd be like, look at this. Everyone gets their share. Ha-ha. Gigabit. But a family of four, you'd be like, look at this, everyone gets their share. Ha ha, gigabit.
Starting point is 00:35:26 But a family of four, family of five, family of six or seven, it is overkill currently, but there's gotta be some new tech coming, right? Some new tech. A Netflix stream at 1080p pulls, I think about four or five megabits, let's call it five. What I used to have was 300. How many is that?
Starting point is 00:35:44 Is that 60 people? but is it directly proportional no of course there's going to be some lack in it so let's say it's not really 60 people that it's really only 50 people 50 netflix streams there's a lot of streams you know make them 4k maybe everyone here is working on 4k right and that cuts that 50 all the way down to like 15. Still, who has 15 4K streams going at one time? And that's 300. We haven't even talked about 1,000 yet. I swear the gigabit Ethernet as it stands is just a penis measuring contest
Starting point is 00:36:22 because it makes no difference. It doesn't get you anything. I'm hoping that there's some future form of media consumption that will tap into all that power though, all that bandwidth. Maybe it's something with VR. There's where you might need it. Maybe you're intaking
Starting point is 00:36:38 a huge amount of information. You're live streaming straight to that vibe. Maybe that needs a lot of bandwidth. But certainly not what you're talking about. It's such a huge fucking number. You would need a vr world that you're existing in constantly live streaming to you to require so yeah a holodeck yeah well there you go like maybe a holodeck is the future so maybe it's video conferencing where we're all fucking there you know in a kind of like the vr thing we were talking about like those awesome things aren't going to happen until other people have.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Like, I would be better off if I took my gigabit Ethernet and gave a third to Kyle and a third to Taylor, right? And, like, if gigabit Ethernet people did that all over the place, then, you know, people would start making stuff that took advantage of high bandwidth. But as it sits, like, you can't make a holodeck and push it over the internet because only a few people will be able to use it. Yep. But yeah, I'm happy to have it, but no big deal. So let me tell you what happened the other day. Dad was telling me this story. He was over there at his farm, and it was like at nighttime.
Starting point is 00:37:39 And him and his brother, my uncle, were hanging out or something. And long story short, he sees that his tractor is missing and he goes to looking for josh and josh's little brother and what they've done is taken his his kubota his like kubota atv that he uses to work with i don't know how much they cost but it's like a used car yeah yeah 10 grand 15 grand it's like yeah it's right in there they have taken this thing and went mud bogging in it in his pond and it is in the middle of the pond and they have his fucking john deere tractor down there trying to pull it out so he drives down there he's like what the fuck are you doing and and josh just points to the toota. He goes, what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 00:38:26 He just points. And they try to blame it on the little one. So they have been ran off. Wait, this is Josh and Jeremy? Josh and his little brother. His little brother who's this red-headed fucker. And then it turns out they've been stealing shit. They've been stealing money.
Starting point is 00:38:42 They've been stealing tools and stuff. So they are banished. Oh, yeah, from them them and i'm almost positive they stole cash out of my car because they came over to my house one day to cut the grass i had like i don't remember exactly let's call it somewhere between 75 and 150 cash stuck out above above my visor and it was there to pay them with so and i'm like fairly sure it was there but i'm not a hundred thousand percent positive that i didn't 20 at a time at a way and uh and so when i go to pay them it's not there and i was them with. And I'm like fairly sure it was there, but I'm not 100,000% positive that I didn't 20 at a time at a way. And so when I go to pay them, it's not there. And I was like, ah, shit, my money's not there. I'll go get some more. But in the back of my head,
Starting point is 00:39:13 I was thinking, did they steal my money out of my car? And dad says they do. He's like, yeah, the change went missing out of my truck, probably $8 or $10 worth of quarters in the console. And then he keeps money above his visor too you know 10 20 he's like that would always go missing and he's got a refrigerator there in his shop his stock was sodas and water and beer and whenever someone comes over oftentimes if they're polite enough they'll throw a dollar bill in there as they take a drink or something like that and so dad noticed there's a dollar bill in the fridge and he thought that was kind of funny because he knows that they would be light fingered so he put another one in there and every day he was going to add another dollar he'd tell him telling his buddy he's like how many
Starting point is 00:39:52 dollars do you think it'll take before they steal it three it took three dollars before they stole it three fucking dollars and then my uncle was like yeah discipline and my uncle was like yeah i saw him over there playing with an air horn one day i was like yeah that's my air horn i use that to signal when we're downrange from the cannon and he's like well they took that i heard him honk it as they was leaving and i'm like well fuck them those pieces of shit what's josh's last name and what town does he live in i don't know they are you know pka used to be hardcore man we used to tweet out phone numbers and doxing was our thing certain that it was a crime and you could go to jail all over the place you know but ever since a couple people get caught for the trolling you know we can't do that guy
Starting point is 00:40:36 i am very upset with him he's he i'm gonna if i see him he's definitely getting cussed the fuck out i just i i know they stole from me now i'm almost positive and if they stole that there's probably who knows what else they might have stolen you know like like some little like what does your dad think that they like what were the what was the thing i guess that set your dad off where he started a thing it was that kubota thing it was taking his uh his thing out in the middle of the pond mud bogging like like that's not even close to something that we do like like you know there's mud in the bearings now, almost certainly. It's a problem.
Starting point is 00:41:08 They fucked up something nice. They're gone. They've been banished from his place. He told them not to come around no more. And I was like, that's it? That's it? They're getting off with that? I'm so mad.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Yeah, your dad's an older guy. He's to that age, I bet, where he's just like, you know, don't come around here no more. That's how my grandpa would handle it. You know, my grandpa's older than your dad, but he would just not want to deal with it. He banished them. But I was so mad. I'm like, fuck them. If I see him, I'm gonna cuss him the fuck out. I'll make a scene somewhere.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I hope there's people around that know him so I can tell him what a piece of shit he is. So fuck that fucking guy. Low class, motherfucking retard. Guy can't fucking read. Fucking illiterate fuck thief thief we need to find a way to give him a thief tramp stamp on the show like could we get the wheel of pain cook in slip him like 200 dollars for a tattoo and then it says thief as a tramp stamp he can't see that guy we've helped him out to no end, financially and with vehicles. And, you know, you need some odd ends.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Like, I'll make up a job that you can come do, and I'll pay you, you know, $10 an hour to do it. You know, that sort of thing. And then to turn around and steal from us, that really makes me mad. I really fucking hate that. Yeah, you should be pissed. I would never steal from someone. Taking advantage of your, I mean, I know exactly what you're doing. Like, giving him busy work jobs, kind of like out of pity. Yeah, it was charity. ever steal from someone taking advantage of your i mean i know exactly what you're doing like giving
Starting point is 00:42:25 him busy work jobs kind of like out of pity yeah that's totally what it was charity yeah he's totally been our charity case for for a while where we look after that guy and take care of him and his brother and then i heard a little karma happened to him like yesterday he wrecked his four-wheeler broke his arm in three places so yeah so deal with that, Josh. Now your arm's fucked. Asshole. Life comes around. That's right. Yeah, that really upsets me.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I guess I didn't ask it right the first time. But like the... They were like borrowing his... What is it? Camboda? A Camboda is a brand. It's a UTV. A diesel one. So think of it as like a golf cart on steroids. Like one of those gator
Starting point is 00:43:10 things? Yeah, yeah. Competitor for that. But like a diesel sort of one that can do a lot of work on the farm. More muscular. Yeah, a muscular gator. Well, that's really shitty. Those are expensive. Yeah, it's $10,000 or $15,000. I don't know what it costs. But he got it when it was new, and he takes very good care of it, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:27 because he doesn't want to buy another fucking one. And they took it into the middle of a fish pond and got it stuck. It just— What was, like— But what was— Because you said that afterward your dad was like, oh, and I noticed this and that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:40 What little things have you noticed, and, like, what little things that he noticed other than— I guess you gave the good beer example for him, but for you, I'm just curious, like, what are the little things have you noticed and what little things that he noticed? I guess you gave the good beer example for him, but for you, I'm just curious, what are the little things that went off in your head that you said no? The only thing that went off in my head was when they had come to cut my grass
Starting point is 00:43:54 and that money wasn't there. I went to go get the money that was for them and it just wasn't there. And I was like, ah, I guess I misplaced the money or maybe I bought a few dinners with that money and it's just gone. Maybe it's just in our pocket somewhere. There's no way of knowing.
Starting point is 00:44:07 It's $80 cash. There was a gun thing in the past too, right, where you had to go to him and say, give me my gun. Oh, that was here. Okay, never mind. That's Jeremy, and Jeremy is bad about borrowing things permanently,
Starting point is 00:44:18 and Jeremy has some light fingers too. Jeremy's probably taken a few of my things, but Jeremy takes what's extra. He's kind of like the lion on the savannah. he's just taking what he needs from the circle of life when he steals something from it you know he takes the sunglasses to himself there you go he is the poor i mean i mean it sounds right he's his own personal robin hood um i jeremy's not i don't think robin hood being personal personal Personal Robin Hoods aren't right. That's just stealing.
Starting point is 00:44:49 That's a great way to frame... Robin Hood and Little John going through your console, taking quarters, taking bills, and trying to get away. Fucking asshole. That's funny. God, what a piece of shit. Why would... How short-sighted and simple-minded and stupid do you have to be
Starting point is 00:45:04 to have a good thing going? Like, he'd have to be truly dumb to not realize that it was a pity job. Yeah. Maybe he really feel like that. He should have known, like, I don't want to kill this goose because it's been laying eggs for me. Oh, that's totally what he's done because his own family don't trust him. Apparently, my dad told me another story. He's like, there's this guy, Steven, who's like an accomplice of theirs or an associate, rather. Steven seems to be
Starting point is 00:45:25 okay. I don't think he's a thief or anything. Seems like a nice enough guy. And he can read, which is a plus. Steven had been blamed for missing stolen chainsaws over at Josh's home. Chainsaws that had supposedly been stolen from Josh's father. When in fact, Josh's younger brother
Starting point is 00:45:41 stole said chainsaws and sold them. So, just thieves. Thieves and they... Like high school age? Well, he dropped out of school, but he's 15, 16, something like that. Real piece of shit. Yeah, no, in my mind he was like
Starting point is 00:45:58 7 or 8, you know, and perhaps a little young to go hard on. No, he's old enough to punch in the head. Yep, that's old enough to punch in the head. Yep, that's old enough to punch in the head. What happens if you punch miners? You punch them in the head, there's no bruise. Or you beat them with phone
Starting point is 00:46:16 books. Then there's no bruise. I've seen that. That's a trick. Or a bunch of bars of soap. A bunch of bars of soap in a pillowcase yeah that'll even do that but I am guaranteed in that movie
Starting point is 00:46:31 oh an orange in a sock won't create a bruise probably but in that movie I was like wait there's no way these guys are beating the shit out of him with soap and socks and that's not bruising him horribly like a bar of dove soap I could really like if I get a good swing with a long gold
Starting point is 00:46:48 toe with a dove bar in there you know that I don't care where did you get the idea they were trying not to bruise him yeah they're not trying not to bruise him that's just their method they're just fashioning weapons yeah they're just oh I thought they didn't want to show okay well
Starting point is 00:47:03 that's a movie that I'm so split on the first part of that movie when they are in boot camp is fucking phenomenal you know private pile you know when he's getting screamed at in that bathroom and he's sitting there with the gun looking all crazy eyed and scary like that's
Starting point is 00:47:19 that's such a good part of the movie and then they go to war and it becomes a totally different and stupid movie an irreconcilably stupid movie once i can't stand the movie i thought it went from great to good i i didn't think i didn't hate it as much as i agree with what incredible to terrible i think i i think you got to watch it you got you got to really like i like stanley kubrick a lot so i'm watching it like looking at blocking and cinematography and trying to figure out what he was thinking when he shot shit.
Starting point is 00:47:48 But I completely agree. Even as a kid when I watched Full Metal Jacket, I was like, the first part of this is it looks like we're getting ready to go do some cool shit and all the gang's going to be together. That's not really what it was. It was more of a sober commentary about just how nasty and awful war is you know even that whole scene where they kill the female sniper and when you get there and she's dead you just feel empty inside you're not we didn't kill the bad guy on the hill there wasn't some big bad
Starting point is 00:48:14 mean nazi to take out it was this woman hiding in this church with a fucking sniper rifle and now she's fucking here dead you know it's the thing about that movie that i always think about so who was the drill sergeant gunny something yeah arlie ernie arlie ernie arlie ernie so he was a real drill sergeant you guys know this most people do um he was a real drill sergeant before that movie well they call him like one of the greatest improvisers in cinematic history right like can you believe none of that stuff was in the script he just started saying it he was a fucking drill sergeant like if i'm in a movie and then suddenly i break into like a lifeguard story or that time i hit a girl and they're like what is the greatest improviser ever motherfucker i've been telling that story for 10 years now like it's not improv
Starting point is 00:49:02 in the same way where people go back and forth. These old... I'm Sergeant Hartman, your senior drill instructor. He's so fucking hard. Yeah, he's like, oh, the only thing coming from Texas is steers and queers
Starting point is 00:49:12 and I don't see no horns on you. And everyone's like, oh my God, he's so clever. No, he's not clever. He's been saying that shit for 27 years in the army. Do you suck dicks? Oh, shit,
Starting point is 00:49:22 I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. Yeah, I just... I feel like what he did was an improv because he was just using his like canned lines i bet whoever is his second income i don't know what a drill sergeant helper is called but i bet you know that guy is like oh yeah i know those lines he says them every six weeks when he gets new people or 12 weeks or whatever it is well yeah i'm sure it's just like anything where i bet the first couple seasons they probably don't call it seasons but i'm gonna call it seasons for him but his first couple seasons as drill sergeant coach he was trying out new lines see now that
Starting point is 00:49:57 really didn't you know that really didn't get under private smith's skin his gun's still dirty nixon that nixon so in your world once these lines start working does he make it to the drill sergeant playoffs? yes then he makes it to the drill sergeant playoffs he gets knocked down in the first round is there a big cup? you hone those little points
Starting point is 00:50:19 it's just a little poignant and the award for best homophobic insult goes to R.D. Army Gun Research Department. Come on up here. And then you just go up there and be like, Yeah, niggers. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:50:33 You know, so you know the movie Stripes where the guys like settle down? Francis. Yeah. There's a character named Francis at the start of it, and he's like, I don't want none of you homos touching me. Any of you homos touch me, I'll kill you. I don't want this.
Starting point is 00:50:51 I don't want that. And then the drill sergeant goes, settle down, Francis. And it was great. He just completely, like, this guy was, like, the baddest guy amongst all the recruits. Is that what you call him? And the drill sergeant just sort of lays down, like, look, I'm the badass here.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Settle down, Francis. Oh, by the way, Francis was one of the things you did. You call him Francis and you die. I feel like referencing that. It's one of the references I always catch myself on because it ages you. People don't get it. If I say settle down, Francis, on this podcast, a large portion of the audience will not get that reference. Yeah, yeah, I won't get that one and i've
Starting point is 00:51:25 seen stripes four times um so so you're gonna have a hard time isn't harold ramus as his buddy yeah you don't know the settle down francis line like that to me sunk uh i don't i don't ever see again i remember the scene where he's got the hot mp up on the stove and he's got he's got the spatula in her butt yeah i thought that thought that was pretty funny. Yes. Dude, so I saw that movie when I was like, I don't know, making up a number seven. And I didn't know anything about seducing women. And I learned that. And it really worked. Like he puts her on there and it's hot and he's putting the spatula under her butt.
Starting point is 00:51:57 And she's like, oh, it's too hot. Oh, oh, oh, oh. And then it started making out. So I'm like, aha, I'm learning the art of seduction. It has something to do with. So the first like in kindergarten you just walk up the art of seduction. It has something to do with... So the first, like, in kindergarten, you just walk up and, like, hold a lighter over some girl's elbow. It was...
Starting point is 00:52:10 It wasn't like I ever executed on the plan, but I kind of, like... It was like, okay, if I ever get put in this situation, I know exactly what to do. I had to get, like, cooking implements and turn the stove on. Not too hot. That must be terrible. He must have turned the stove on low. And, like, this was my thought process as a kid, learning seduction by the movie Stripes.
Starting point is 00:52:29 That was a good movie. I like all those old Bill Murray movies. That one and it's not Bill Murray, but it's kind of a similar movie. Spies Like Us with Dan Aykroyd and Chevy Chase, where they're like flunk outs at the Justice Department or the Pentagon or something like that. And they send them in as the decoys for their spies. They're the decoy spies for men to just die right away. And right away, they get dropped into Afghanistan, and they're posing as world-famous surgeons who are coming in there to do work for the afghanis who were at the time at war with russia and they're like oh this the the village leader's son needs his appendix uh taken out and they're like oh we've got dr hoffman and meyer here come in these guys are
Starting point is 00:53:14 experts at this and chevy chase dead akron are like fuck and he's got the scalpel and he's like getting ready to cut and the doctor's like whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing? He's like, what do you mean, what am I doing? You were about to cut his chest. I'm probing for muscular, what did he say? I'm probing for musculature, okay? It's a new technique. We mock, but we do not understand. And then he moves the scalpel until the old doctor gives him like a nod. So bad.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Dude, you know, unpopular opinion, i never liked chevy chase that much i know you don't yeah he's very hit or miss in vacation i thought it i thought vacation was hilarious when they're going through um the slums like the the horrible ghetto and he's rolling down the window and they get all their like it it's hilarious i love it it's funny what i liked about vacation though i feel like it was mostly in the script and in the music and in the scene and and there are a lot of actors who could have pulled off his role at least as well that's my take he's really endearing to me like i loved him in that role um and i liked all the saturday night live stuff and i love caddyshack um all that stuff he did in caddyshack you You want to talk about improvisation? Bill Murray improvised every one of his lines in Caddyshack, like all of that shit he's doing.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Whenever he's like hitting the – what do you call those flowers that are like a little poof ball, like mums or something? A dandelion? No, it's a really big, beautiful flower that's like on the golf course. And he's like lining up to hit these things with his golf club and just blowing them and just blowing him up and you know he's after the gopher the whole time trying to kill the gopher everything he says in that movie is improvised um i was so young when i watched that movie my favorite character was the gopher yeah it brings that's interesting because i think it's an r-rated movie too and you got this little silly gopher running around meanwhile you got like tits and turds and i watched a lot of naughty movies i wonder if that had much of an influence on me
Starting point is 00:55:08 being like i did too no problems at all i i saw that really my dad like wanted me to watch that when i was really young to like i think i was probably like nine when i saw that the first time and of course it all went over my head all the little innuendos. But speaking of him and Gophers, Groundhog Day, that's a movie I saw when I was young, like right near when it was coming out. When did that come out? 92. 92? Okay, well then it was not right when it came out.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Is that accurate? I would have been way too young to see it then. No, I don't know. I assume he was right. He might be. I'm just really surprised that he would know that. I still remember thinking about it. It was a movie that stuck with me from
Starting point is 00:55:47 when I saw it as a young kid because I saw it horrible. Like, oh no. What if I get stuck in the same day? Will I know I'm stuck in the same day? Is this the 10th time I've lived this day? How long have I been doing it? It's a very unsettling concept for a kid
Starting point is 00:56:04 or at least it was for me. Just thinking like, wait, no, this isn't like this is just a Bill Murray thing. This doesn't happen, right? I'm not going to be like, hey, happy 10th of December again. You know, no. Anyway, I love the idea of like being in that loop. And if you go online and you Google like how many times did Bill Murray die in Groundhog Day? They really break it down and talk about how many days he would have had to live to accomplish all the things that he accomplishes. Whether it's mastering the piano or ice sculpting or wooing.
Starting point is 00:56:36 What's her name who lives like 50 miles from me and it turns out is a cunt? Andy McDowell? Yes. Andy McDowell is her name. All those things. She seems so sweet. Apparently she's not nice to people in real life. I don't know. I can't recall the story.
Starting point is 00:56:50 She's from North Carolina. I think she's got a home here in North Georgia too. But she is from North Carolina, I think. I don't like the silly fanfic stuff. Because I've read the same thing you're talking about. And I don't like it when people impose their own need for something to be
Starting point is 00:57:05 wildly more complex than it is in order to validate their own feelings of how great and worthy it is. They're like, actually, they imagine that 30,000 days is how many he spent in there. It's like, oh, after this, can we talk about how much I speculate a cave troll can bench? Or how hot Sauron's
Starting point is 00:57:21 eye is? Did you know that actually Sauron's eye, that's not just fire. That's the hottest fire that's ever existed. Hotter than anything in the X-Men world, actually. Like, what? No, this doesn't, I don't know. I don't like that. I do.
Starting point is 00:57:34 I like it when they do the math. I like it when they find that. The only thing I don't like is when they do it, I get completely convinced. I buy into it completely, and then a sequel or something comes out, and it turns out they made a lot of improper assumptions. Like, the sequel doesn't follow the fanfic.
Starting point is 00:57:50 And I'm like, oh, man. Speaking of sequels. Did you see the preview for Guardians of the Galaxy 2? It's excellent. I did. I haven't watched it yet. Man, I'm really pumped for that movie now. I think it's going to be good. I really liked what they did with Groot there
Starting point is 00:58:06 that whole scene between the raccoon and the little Groot, it's so cute it's so funny at the same time, it's really well done I like Guardians of the Galaxy better than Avengers definitely see I think the opposite I feel like Guardians of the Galaxy got this big
Starting point is 00:58:22 Chris Pratt boost everyone's on his team, everyone loves Chris Pratt I big Chris Pratt boost. Everyone's on his team. Everyone loves Chris Pratt. I love Chris Pratt. I'm on his team. I saw that movie. I thought it was good. I thought it was a B+.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Everyone's just collectively agreeing it's an A+, because we love Chris Pratt. I think it's a B+, A maybe. It's good. I really, really like the feel of it. It feels different than the Marvel movies. There's, really like the feel of it. It feels different than the Marvel movies. There's a much less serious tone to it, but at the same time, there are things in play that matter. This whole thing matters.
Starting point is 00:58:51 He's got this whole backstory of who's his father, and he's kind of a sad character at his core. He's covering that all up with humor and silliness, but Star-Lord's kind of a sad guy when you get right down to it. And then the way they have fun with the secondary characters, the ancillary characters, if you can call them that, because Rocket Raccoon and Groot kind of steal the it. And then the way they have fun with the secondary characters, the ancillary characters, if you can call them that, because Rocket Raccoon and Groot
Starting point is 00:59:07 kind of steal the show. And then even Batista is showing some acting chops, right? Like, I watched that trailer and Batista's line is like the one that's getting one of the bigger laughs from him. I'm like, fucking Batista, he was the funniest guy in the entire movie, in the first one. Was he an MMA fighter?
Starting point is 00:59:22 He said it went over. Wrestling, pro wrestling like nothing goes over my head my reflex he may have done some mma though i'm trying to think uh he may have crossed over into mma i think he did baby but but definitely began as a wwe wrestling guy i like uh guardians of the galaxy because there's not even like a pretend that they're taking themselves too seriously like it's all fun loving they're enjoying themselves like
Starting point is 00:59:50 very big like I don't like a movie that pretend like a superhero that pretends he doesn't take himself seriously but really takes himself supremely seriously like Deadpool like I didn't that's why I didn't like Deadpool that much it just wasn't very it was everybody being like oh my god Deadpool this is such a clever awesome movie it. It's just
Starting point is 01:00:06 an hour and a half of dick jokes that in any other format would be like, yeah, that's lazy, stupid joking. I really like that movie. I like it. I like it too. He's in a suit and he's shooting people. That makes it funny now because it's ironic. It's pretend irony. The relationship arc
Starting point is 01:00:22 and how they put together pretty much a porn compilation to show how much they cared for each other really worked for me i don't know what it is when i see two couples going at it like a couple going at a doggy style i'm like ah that's a good relationship it happened in 300 as well i'm like yeah those guys aren't just like casual about this they're passionately in love with each other yeah they were definitely good parts to um nearly as much as guardians i looked up his um mma experience batistas he is one and oh in mma i thought that he was uh i thought it was and one and oh in the galaxy you know herschel walker
Starting point is 01:00:59 has fought a couple it was herschel walk was. Herschel Walker, the former like, you know, superstar football player, I think from UGA. He's fought a couple of MMA fights in his like 50s or something. I think he's like 3-0. Dude, that guy is an amazing athlete. Did you know he did like a- Supreme athlete.
Starting point is 01:01:16 He would do like 600 pushups a day, 1,000 pushups a day. Yes. 1,000 pushups. I know a lot about, yeah, because he's from here. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:24 So he was kind of a, people would tell stories about Herschel Walker and his accomplishments and his physical prowess. That guy is in that one percentile of the one percentile. He is a supreme athlete. And you saw it, he just came in the ring, you know, he's fucking Herschel Walker. The guy's a football player, but he beat the shit out of that guy. I saw the fight the other day on some YouTube compilation. Yeah, he did. He played for the Philadelphia Eagles at a time when I paid attention to him,
Starting point is 01:01:52 and that's why I know about him. Yeah. Yeah, he's like, I don't know. This is gay, but I wish you could see more professional athletes with their shirts off. I feel like I'd get a better vibe for what i really got going on i the difference between herschel walker and a normal person you might see throughout your day is enormous and it's a little hidden by what a football player wears yeah i wish baseball had shirts and skins games baseball would be interesting
Starting point is 01:02:21 because i don't know like there's a there's the occasional John Kruk out there. I know he's from the 90s, but that guy. David Ortiz. They called him Big Papi for a reason. That guy had a beer belly. You know, a lot of the pitchers especially because they don't need to be quick, light on their feet, especially in the American League because they're not batting. You know, they're just going out there throwing the ball and catching whatever they can reach to, and they're good.
Starting point is 01:02:40 What about Bartolo Colon? He's 43 years old old and he's been morbidly obese for a huge part of his career as a pitcher in major league baseball and he's still making 30 you know not 30 like he's making a ton of money pitching at 43 and then there's other guys out there like like i don't know there's probably some catcher who just looks like a hairy male fitness model or something and and they're yeah you know and and i feel like i'd appreciate the game more if i could see the physique. I recognize how gay this is, but it just adds to the difference between pros versus Joes.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Yeah, I mean, these sports guys are essentially, you know, like race cars. Like the first thing you want to do with a race car is look under the hood and see how much horsepower it has. So when I see these athletes out there, I'm really curious. I wish the UFC had a combine. I wish that they put all of those athletes through some stuff at the beginning of the year. Let's see what everybody's
Starting point is 01:03:34 vertical leap is. Let's get everybody's 40 in. Let's see how many reps of X amount of weight they can do. I would love that. And I think it would bring a lot of publicity to the sport too. That'd be cool. I did box jumps with Joe Lozon. And he does it like, it's like forehead high or something. Like it's really high.
Starting point is 01:03:52 He turns gravity down. He's cheating, I see. Yeah, no, I, like if you've ever done box jumps, even regular people can get higher than you might've guessed. You know, like I could probably jump onto a dinner table, like if it was as solid as the boxes you jump onto. And I wouldn't have guessed that for me. Could you jump on a 55-gallon barrel?
Starting point is 01:04:15 No, I couldn't. That's right near where I could jump. No, assuming the barrel was rooted to the ground and wouldn't move and stuff. Because that's part of it. You kind of take some of your forward momentum and, let's see, sort of like get here and you know lever up put your feet and then lever up yeah i only mentioned that because they were my dad my uncle were talking about jumping on top of 55 gallon barrels the other day it was something that they did when they
Starting point is 01:04:37 were young guys or something i don't know i think that takes a little more because their barrels i assume weren't a box jump it's solid, the thing that you're jumping onto, that it kind of holds you a little bit. Like, you know, hypothetically if you ran to it, then you'd just, you know, put your feet here and be like, you know, stand up. But a 55 gallon barrel would fall over if you tried that nonsense.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Yeah, but yeah, I'd love to see some kind of combine. I would love to see, I don't know. I'm fudging any... What Conor McGregor can bench press. I'd love to know what Conor McGregor can bench press. You know what? We always talk about how long his arms are, but I was watching a bunch of his old fights the other night. I guess all of his old fights, really. He's got the arms of a six-foot-tall guy at five-foot-nine.
Starting point is 01:05:20 He's got a two-inch reach advantage on everyone else in the world who's five-foot-nine because he's a goddamn orangutan with those arms. That means his bench probably isn't that great. Probably isn't that great, but it's more basketball. Like basketball players probably can't bench shit. I don't know. And those so lanky arms. I've got LeBron James.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Well, LeBron James, he could have decided to play in the NFL instead. He's a super athlete. He could have done whatever he wanted to do, I bet. That guy's impressive. Yeah, basketball player. I wonder how rampant steroids are in basketball because a lot of them, like they come out of college and they're string beans.
Starting point is 01:05:58 And three years later, now granted, I mean, these guys are going from like 20 to 23, you know, a lot of times. With professional trainers. Yeah, with professional trainers. And it's their full--time job it's where all their energy and focus goes to like i get that but man like i don't know they look amazing sure but what doping for sure for stamina to counter my own argument i don't see a lot of basketball players with like tito ortiz heads hgh guts like maybe they just have better stuff
Starting point is 01:06:27 i think it's more like some sports where it just doesn't help you as much like i don't think basketball or hockey for that matter you don't benefit as much from steroids as you do in football where it's just you know you're going to be head-to-head colliding with someone if you're a lineman or whatever it and it's just down to brute force. But basketball, it feels like it might even slow you down. Or, I don't know, you might bulk like you'll... What's the point of bulking up big on your upper body if you're playing basketball?
Starting point is 01:06:55 I don't know enough about basketball to say, but they're always talking about how strong LeBron James is and how that's a benefit of his. And that strength seems to help maybe when you're in the key and you're fighting for a shot when they're all over and you're playing defense. I don't know. It seems like his strength is a real asset to him, but more so I would imagine being able to go seven more minutes out on the court would be big, like blood doping like Lance Armstrong did. I saw, what's her name, Kim Kardashian's facial treatment the other day. What they do is
Starting point is 01:07:23 they take her blood and they centrifuge it until they get the platelets, and then they, while they're like, I can't think of the correct name for it, but basically they use a needle to punch tons and tons of holes in her face while they rub the platelets on the holes.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Science. So the aftermath is her face covered in blood, and she's just smiling like yeah what does it do for her apparently rejuvenates your skin makes you look makes you look uh young and and rejuvenated like a usc fighter like a usc fighter yeah yeah i saw so i know we were we were talking about something similar to that but like do you maybe you were alluding towards this woody where you see like an athlete's like? bust like profile pic just from the head up and you kind of imagine like
Starting point is 01:08:12 That guy's probably he's definitely in better shape than me But the extent to which he's in better shape to me like he's not you know You know totally shredded under there and like in the best shape of his life. Like he's just like, he's wearing pads. Of course he looks bigger. I sincerely thought that, like, I thought like my arms are probably about as big as sweet teas is about as big as Vladimir Tarasenko's. And I saw one interview last year where he was like doing it in a regular t-shirt.
Starting point is 01:08:39 And then I found out that only in the NFL or the NHL rather, they have max benches. So if you want to bench past like 250 pounds the trainer and coach will say no you can't do that that's useless we're not risking you damaging anything and Vladimir Tarasenko and I think Ryan Reeves the really scary guy were the only two that the coaches had to go hey cut it out stop like no yeah no more of that and I just it's a real wake-up call to what a piece of shit potato body that's bad look at my look at him just uh yeah my big numbers on the bench press
Starting point is 01:09:12 keeping in mind that he was literally the fastest fucking guy in the nfl but he's also benching 500 pounds maybe 550 no he wasn't benching 550 let me see what it was i just remember it being shocking and 500 seems like the number in my head. How much? There's no way it's 500 pounds. That's the thing about NFL players. Okay, the big, fat offensive linemen, it is easy to forget. They are way faster than anyone on this call, right?
Starting point is 01:09:39 You might think, like, oh, Taylor's young. He's kind of fit. He can run faster than a 355-pound man. No, no. These guys are of fit. He can run faster than a 355-pound mitt. No, no. These guys are very fast. They're fucking amazing. That guy wakes up in the morning, and he goes to work, and they go, run real quick. I don't want you to lose any fucking weight, you fat fuck.
Starting point is 01:09:55 You keep that weight on. You need to be planted there. We need a bunch of big – that's what every O-line looks like. There's a couple black guys usually, but it seems like a couple guys from like alabama who are six nine seven hundred pounds the the strong guys in the nfl are amongst the strongest people on the planet the fast guys in the nfl are just a step behind olympians you know like it's easy to under these nfl players two five is his 40 mike vick 4.25 is his 40. Mike Vick, 4.2540 and a 38-inch vertical leap. Those are very good numbers. I see here he benched 225 like 50 times.
Starting point is 01:10:31 I'm looking for his max. I bet for those guys, that's what you really want to be able to see, right? I would think if you're at an NFL combine and he puts up like 400 pounds once, you wouldn't like that as much as seeing 225 put up 30 times, right? Because I know they do like an exhaust test at 225. Do they stop carrying? They're like, hey, 30, 35, 40. Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:10:56 All right. I'm curious what it'll be, but I'm going to go. Yeah, like those really giant guys. Like, you know, those giant guys at the gym you see lifting with their enormous friends and you just know that the guy's like lifting it and he's just kind of thinking like what am i gonna make for dinner tonight oh yeah rice and grilled chicken and then they only stop when the guy behind him goes and 90 and they grab it and move he's like oh those those it those real quick all right i'm gonna go stand over there by the water fountain and not fill up my water bottle and leave this machine all sweaty.
Starting point is 01:11:26 335. 335. 335 was his max? Yeah. That's lower than I expected. That is a lot. Yes, although considerably more than me. They say you're in good shape if you can bench press your weight.
Starting point is 01:11:40 So I got to get down to like 120. Howard Stern is always talking about his workout and his 95-pound bench press workout. He's like, but I do that 10 times. He told Schwarzenegger that. Yeah, he's talking to Schwarzenegger, and he's like, yeah, but I do it 10 times. He's like, ah, that's very good, very good. I wouldn't insult you on your own show,
Starting point is 01:12:04 but you're kind of a pussy. Says The Rock here, the biggest bench press ever. On that note, top athletes and movie stars like Dwayne Johnson, better known as The Rock, said that his biggest bench press ever was 425. That again is lower than I expected because The Rock is full of vitamins. 260 pounds of man at the time. He is so big, The Rock. Kurt Angle did 420 once.
Starting point is 01:12:33 I saw Hitman Hart, 405. Watch one of the actual power men bench competition things. Every one of those dudes, first of all, looks like, like once again schillinger's right hand man with their shaved head undoubtedly and number two like they they're so big and bulky that it's it's like they've made they've turned themselves into an unwieldy person like like you've made yourself someone who's now difficult to park you're difficult to maneuver around like you don't fit in a lot of chairs. Your arms don't go down all the way. If your back
Starting point is 01:13:07 itches, you have to get a friend. They really, really devote a lot of their life, including loss of comfort, to that. I don't know. I don't understand getting that. The super fly Jimmy Snuka was a bodybuilder before being a wrestler, and he said
Starting point is 01:13:23 that he bench-pressed 525. I can't find it. There's a GIF that gets popular on Reddit every so often where a guy puts a sticker on this strong man's back, and he just can't reach it in any direction. He's just stuck. Yeah. My dad always talked about,
Starting point is 01:13:43 they used to play softball tournaments when he was in his late 20s and 30s and stuff. And they'd travel around Georgia and play these men's slow-pitched softball. But apparently it was very competitive for some reason. And he was always talking about someone brought a ringer in, this big muscled-up guy they thought he could hit. But he was so big he couldn't swing the fucking bat because his arms were so big. So you can definitely get too big. Oh, yeah, that's funny. I love this. Can we watch it together?
Starting point is 01:14:09 It's only a few seconds long. I found it. Yeah, I'm at zero. All right. Ready, set, play. He knows. Try to get it. Try to get it. He knows. Try to get it. Try to get it.
Starting point is 01:14:31 That guy wants to loop it. I don't know if he's trying as hard as he can. Try to get it. I don't know. There's a lot of belly and a lot of arm there to get in the way. His arms aren't that long anyway. He really didn't know the spot. You know what? I would take that trade-off to have a body like that. Would you?
Starting point is 01:14:48 You could get stickers. Here, look at this. This guy, his name is Kirill Selyachev, and he benches 738.5 pounds. Tiger Woods benching 190 back in 01 and at the peak of his career world record You have to go to like a minute and five before they do it Or a minute and five before we see before you started I'm at 106 now. Ready, set, play.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Yeah. Yep. See how... you see how short of a stroke he makes though? Look how far the bar travels. My arm is so much longer than... It goes to your chest? Well that's a point too. His chest is enormous, so that's definitely got to help. But the distance traveled is probably a third of what my arms travel when I bench press. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:15:52 That guy's also the hardest part is when it's low. It seems like I could significantly increase my bench press if, hypothetically, I could just make my rib cage four times larger. Right? Because I can do the very end of it i can lift a lot of weight that last inch everybody can say oh everybody can that's the easy part right oh the last inch you think yeah kind of like a squat too you know once you get down here is definitely the hard part and if you're not especially if you come to a full stop and you don't bounce off your uh your chest a little bit which is clearly what he's doing with 700
Starting point is 01:16:22 fucking pounds you can't do that in competition exactly yeah well i'm saying that's i'm saying that he was not bouncing because a it's illegal and b like it's probably not an effective technique with that much weight that's outrageous that's the worst feeling i haven't bench pressed in so fucking long but when you're trying to get like the last one up and you just know that there's not enough strength left in you to do it and the guys like saying like come on you got one more one more and it's like no i don't like don't yell at me like i'm gonna like i'm gonna turn into rudy and be like you know what you're right like no i'm fucking out like that's it that's all the strength
Starting point is 01:17:01 i haven't been placed i haven't bench pressed like a lot, like because fitness was important to me since roughly around when Taylor was born. But I remember like, you know, even like five pounds or two and a half pounds lighter would make a big difference. I wonder if that scales up, right? Because I don't know what I'm benching. Some normal person weights. But like at 700, if you just, you know, if you just put two fingers under and help the guy, and he could do so much better, is that true at 700 too? I believe so.
Starting point is 01:17:31 With an athlete like that, I do believe it's so, because I bet for him benching 650 pounds is a whole – it feels so much lighter than this, I bet. Because that's how it is for me, right? Right. Like 150 feels like nothing. 175 is gonna get pretty fucking pretty fucking heavy real fast so let's say he's benching 700 and that's a struggle
Starting point is 01:17:50 for him and then i come along and put two fingers under and help like does that help at all i think it does yeah a little bit because like you're probably putting like i don't know 30 pounds of force like you're lifting up a bit and so you're really taking 30 pounds off of it or 20 pounds or something i just wonder if i take off like five if that makes as much difference for him as it does for regular people when they're at 150 no yeah not as much but it definitely would make a difference i would imagine yeah that always terrifies me when i see guys doing this it makes me wonder like once you get big enough to do 300 400 like what is it in you that's pushing you to 700 dysmorphia dysmorphia testosterone what gets me is um uh the arm wrestlers when i like oh especially if there's
Starting point is 01:18:37 some hint that the arm might break this time that freaks me out because when those arms break here that is hard to look at that yeah it's very unpleasant yeah don't like that yeah i don't like watching arm wrestling videos because it's like one and two that's gonna happen because otherwise what is the fucking point of uploading an arm wrestling video yeah nobody nothing unexpected alone made a possibly happen sylvester stallone made that movie over the top where he's a truck driving arm wrestling competitor trying to win back the love of his son. It's awful.
Starting point is 01:19:10 It's just I can't imagine being interested in what an arm wrestling truck driver does to save his son. And as we're exiting the theater He's trying to win back the love. As we're exiting the theater... The son isn't in danger at all. He's trying to win back the love. As we're exiting the theater,
Starting point is 01:19:25 there's a big group of... Up the top of your head. Name something with... Think of a movie with lower stakes. Try and think. Then a son's love? Then his son... The stakes...
Starting point is 01:19:37 Think of something lower. Think of a movie with lower stakes than trying to make your son like you more. Sleep is in Seattle. Never seen it. He's going for true love. So is the love. Son, you fuck.
Starting point is 01:19:52 And Comet Pizza. Cosmic. I think it's Cosmic. Jingle all the way. There you go. There's a real shit movie. Christmas with the Cranks. The real thing at stake during that movie was with that I was gonna live till the end
Starting point is 01:20:07 I had you know a racer very close to my wrist. Is that the one with Daryl from The Office? I don't I blocked most of it out. The black guy from The Office was he in it? I don't recall it's been so long You guys gonna call it a show? Yeah, we could do that I want to talk it a show yeah we could do that i want to talk about pka later but and and we're ending now but i watched a video where this guy is kayaking and fishing and two hammerhead head sharks come basically attack him he's poking him with his i don't know what you call the paddle that's a thing on each end and it's for kayaks but he's poking him with it
Starting point is 01:20:40 like a spear and cursing at him and then he's he's going for sure and then he has to stop and fight him some more it's outrageous well be waiting for that this teaser on saturday for no patreon that was pkn122

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