Painkiller Already - PKN #143

Episode Date: May 19, 2017

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I did press it. All right. Usually we're at least sure about that. Yeah, right? So as we discussed before, it's going to be a whole episode of Hockey Talk because the playoffs, Kyle has been doing a lot of research. I'm happy to talk about hockey and the poor blues, but I have another topic I want to kick off with, weight loss talk. Yeah, let's do that.
Starting point is 00:00:22 How are you doing, Taylor, with your weight? I don't know if it's in my head but i swear you look fitter do are there any measurable differences i'm losing weight i like took pictures on my phone right uh only one though because when i was doing like i'm so good at self-shaming that a month five weeks ago when i was taking those first pictures i only got one in before i was like why keep a record of this you fat idiot why why even bother why even bought why remember this and then I took one you know just yesterday and you know swiped back and forth to see and it's like there really is a difference at this point I can tell I'm building up quite a bit on my shoulders my arms
Starting point is 00:00:58 are a little bigger they look slimming down I don't know if they middle not in a bad chiseled I was gonna say your arms look thinner and that's not the word I'm looking for. Chiseled. I want to say like your deltoid to bicep, that thing is apparent now in a way that it didn't used to be. It's leaning out in a way with more muscle. And so I'm really liking it. I hit the little line where it's easier to continue now because once you see any kind of result at all, you're like, okay, so this wasn't a total loss. It wasn't for nothing because you're always – you know when you do like fitness or anything, like four days in, you're always like, oh, this will never work.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Who could possibly stick to this? But like once you see that first result, like – but I'm loving it. How much weight have you lost? Like seven pounds total. I was so afraid you were going to be deep into the double digits. I've lost six pounds. I've lost six pounds as of this morning. My max weight, I didn't always want to admit it,
Starting point is 00:01:54 but I'm not sure if I ever saw 222, but I'm positive I saw 220. And so I'm just going with that because I don't want to exaggerate or be untruthful. But I'm sure I hit 220. And this morning I was 214, even a low 214.2, right? So I've just been ignoring it. Like to me, if I hit 213.8, that would be seven pounds. But it's good to know it was a low 214. That's six pounds.
Starting point is 00:02:22 The notable thing about six pounds compared to like five or four is I am sure that's outside the variance of what I do every day. Like, you know, if you lose six pounds, I like 10. 10 was the number I've been holding on to and I don't want to lower the bar for myself. But whatever, six pounds. It's beyond measuring error, I think. It's good progress. whatever six pounds it's beyond uh measuring error i think so progress and it's the level of progress where if you did fuck up bad for like a weekend and you weighed yourself again and you're like oh i'm gained three pounds if you just stuck with what you were doing for like two days after that you'd be back down to where you were you know because it's mostly water weight and you're
Starting point is 00:03:01 in that good that good habit now that's so that's i'm glad we're all sticking to this i'm very happy yeah i don't want to act like my brain chemistry has totally been rewired and i don't like thirst for bad things but i'll say this like my first meals i i used to have dinner with a juice like a whatever cran strawberry or something and kyle we're getting to you i'm sorry i'm monopolizing all the time. But one of my first meals I started having with water, it was like, ah, the drink of sadness. Like, this really sucks. Why don't you get some powder and put it in there, like some of those calorie-less drops.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Oh, Neo. Yeah, like one of those flavoring things. Or at least some lemon. Because I read on the internet. Now, lemon I can't argue against. That would be fine, I guess. But I read on the internet now lemon I can't argue against that would be fine I guess but I read on the internet like water not water with flavor like sugarless sweeteners not this not water water water and you can have all the water you want no limits on this gallons if you
Starting point is 00:03:56 choose gallons of water and uh um so I was like all right water now water just feels like the drink to me not that I'm completely rewired and don't wish I could have a milkshake or something, but water just feels like what goes with meals. And I'm not drinking it with just sadness and unhappiness and frustration in my heart. Do you ever force yourself to guzzle down water where you'll just be like, that helps a lot with appetite for me? Maybe I should try it again because you and my wife like, that helps a lot with appetite for me. Maybe I should try it again because you and my wife both share that thing.
Starting point is 00:04:28 And I'll be like, I'm hungry. And she's like, you're not hungry. You're probably just thirsty. Drink some water. 0% of the fucking time am I ever actually, like, it's like, oh, I have to poop. No, you don't. You probably have to pee.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Try that. No, this is the thing I figured out. Like, I'm always right about this you know i never have these signals crossed and uh and yeah water has never killed my appetite but i suppose drinking unpleasant amounts of water might i should give it a go uh but i i have really i can't think of last week remember i had that cheat day i think it was last week i went to thai food i didn't have water but aside from that like water is the only thing i'm consuming right now and uh i get one
Starting point is 00:05:12 cheat day a week which i haven't taken yet this week so i'm almost looking forward to that i think i might do thai again but uh yeah i don't know six. Step one. Can't lose 20 pounds without losing six first. Unless you're an amputee. I've gained two pounds. All right. I've gained two pounds. And I've been working out almost every day. Even on the days where I don't come downstairs and use a machine, I still try to do a lot of push-ups that day and sit-ups and make sure i go for like a light jog
Starting point is 00:05:45 or something like that so so far so good i feel good i think that's the important thing is i feel really good and i sleep better for sure like after i've been if i if you work out during the day you're just gonna sleep better um you don't have a hard time falling asleep i found that you know i bought a skateboard so i hated running i i some guy there's a guy writing me on Reddit who is a collegiate runner, right? So this is a guy that you'd really take advice from. And he says, you know what? When running sucks, just run a little more. Run a little harder.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Push through that. And eventually, you'll get your glide on. The thing is, I've never achieved a state where I enjoyed running. And I have. I've never got my glide on. At times in my life, I've been fit, right? Like top one percentile in terms of fitness and stuff. and I had never got my glide on yeah my life I've been fit right like I like top one percentile in terms of fitness and stuff I there were times I'd work out
Starting point is 00:06:29 four to six hours a day that was like just but I never enjoyed running I never got to where running was like a good thing I think that maybe this collegiate runner has just never been such a bad runner I don't know but I got a skateboard and I broke out the skateboard it's a longboard have you guys ever ridden a longboard skateboard tried very briefly when i was uh when i was 15 and my younger brother loved skateboarding and it was just sitting in our garage on the floor and i was like i'm gonna try this out i put one foot on it tried to push off to the side, slipped out badly,
Starting point is 00:07:07 and banged my elbow on the concrete ground. I was like, this is bullshit. Like, I'm never doing this again. So I literally never got two feet on the skateboard. I got one foot on, fell, hurt my elbow, and said, this is stupid. That's funny. So I was never, like, a good skater, like, who could do kickflips or ramp stuff or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I could ollie a little bit, like inconsistently get up a curb, like nothing special. But I was a competent skater. There was a period in my high school life when riding a bike wasn't cool. So I'd like ride a skateboard to school with, you know, heavy books and whatever. And I could go down curbs and handle all the cracks and whatever. I was good enough to like go places on a skateboard. And that's what I'm doing now. The thing is, I'm rusty and I hurt my knee. And that sucks.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Like, a good skater, even me at my prime. Here, there's going to be a little yelling and visual here. A good skater is like this, with his foot on the board and the other one just, you know, going like that. There's some pantomimime going on for those listening. Kind of like falls and, you know, like there's a little bit of like recovery and that tweaked my knee a bit.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And it was a little tweaked. And I was like, Colin, you're going to love this. So I went out and skated for like another 30 minutes or so with Colin and just pushed him around and helped him get going. The dream is that the two of us like him around and helped him get going. Uh, the dream is that the two of us like go around the neighborhood and stuff together right now, the skill gap is too big. He's not good enough. Um, so we'll see if, you know, he takes an interest or what,
Starting point is 00:08:35 but he thought it was really cool. Uh, as soon as my knee gets better, I'll get out back out there again. But I was like breathing heavy, like exercise-induced asthma, sweating, coming back, really wishing I had water. And I'm like, that is exercise. It is. Yeah. It is exercise. And I would imagine that having Colin out there makes it so you're exercising more, especially if you're like, all right, you know, I'm going to get ready to go. You ready for your first two steps?
Starting point is 00:09:01 All right. And then he hops on and you run back to get on your thing. But then he falls off it. And so you have to sprint back up and be like, all right, like that makes sense. Or just put him on a bike and then you just pull him. Ooh. Well, I don't know about pulling, but if he was on a bike, we could definitely go places together immediately. I had, that's a great idea. Um, so maybe we'll do that. As soon as I, I don't want to,
Starting point is 00:09:20 like I've got a hurt knee. I should let it heal before I get it back together. But hopefully that's not more than a day or two from now. So I'm pretty excited. And then, of course, paramotoring. I've been doing that a lot lately. Just another way to burn cows. So it's panning out.
Starting point is 00:09:37 About Kyle gaining weight, I want to know where – can you tell where you're gaining weight yet? Like you feel like you're putting on muscle or do you feel like you're so in the beginning of the stacking it on? And I want to know how you're doing with your diet because you're doing the exact opposite of me and Woody. Yeah. Pretty much. You're eating like 3,000 calories a day or something, right? Yeah, eating a lot of meat. Cooked a whole chicken the other day, just the whole chicken.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I didn't eat the whole chicken, but I cooked it. Just eating a lot of meat, eating a lot of calories, trying to eat a lot of protein mostly. I think I'm getting stronger for sure. I'm lifting more weight than I was when I first started, and I feel better. Like the first like 10 push-ups of the day are like super easy. It's just like, ah, am I even getting a workout? But I, of course, know that like the next 30 are going to be hard or however many I end up doing that. So, yeah, I'm getting stronger, feeling better.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Nice. however many I end up doing that. So yeah, I'm getting stronger, feeling better. Nice. That is like the best feeling of like doing the same workout you did like two weeks ago and having that thought and like, am I not working as hard as I was two weeks ago? And then being like, oh no, this is what they've been talking about in working out where you get stronger from lifting things. I'm very conscious of the beginner gains, right?
Starting point is 00:10:42 So when I, maybe not Kyle because he's done this before but like when someone first starts lifting a lot of times their improvement isn't just muscle it's technique you know they get a little better at lifting they're not wasting quite as much energy and it all goes into moving the weight so you know they go from benching 125 to 135 far more easily than when they eventually are good and go from 155 to 165 like that becomes a bigger you know struggle to get through uh and i think with weight loss there's some beginner gains there too like definitely and and i'm just like all right six pounds that's awesome but the next four will be a neat thing for me i want the number to be 10 10 is a big round number with
Starting point is 00:11:22 undeniable like you've done a thing you know someone says they dude if wings of redemption said he cut 10 pounds it'd be like oh well that's that's something he had to try that's a big poop right no stop stop seriously to me if wing said he lost 10 pounds i would think that he accomplished a thing obviously he's got more to go you know but that's that's that's not something that's not a daily fluctuation even for a big guy so and anyway i see it like as a checkpoint like where maybe like for 10 pounds for you you that would you'd be at 2 12 like 210 well depending on how you count it yeah yeah but 210 is the number i'm talking about
Starting point is 00:12:05 i see it as like you know you're not going to go back above that like can you just keep ratcheting it down a little bit i don't know i think of it like a video game i like the thought where you're like a character yeah you have to dupe yourself into thinking weird things about it because otherwise eventually i'm just convinced you'll be like fuck this cheez-its are great and i'll get laid anyway fuck it whatever like i was thinking about my psychology as i gained the weight a lot of the weight i gained i gained when i was making a lot of money and uh it was an unhealthy lifestyle for sure you know up all night i had a staff around the globe and players around the globe so i was like up all night sleeping with like a monitor of the different servers they turn green or red if the servers went down we had that built and um just like
Starting point is 00:12:50 customer service and staff me like all the time and i was gaining weight you know i was eating pistachios at 4 a.m is my like australian developer and i were coordinating on a thing. And, um, and, but I, I was telling myself like, you know, all right, you know, like you gained 15 pounds. Would you take on 15 pounds for a million dollars? I bet a lot of people would. I did. Oh yeah. Yeah. Right. You know? So, all right, now you've got it time to lose it. You said you would. You know, that was the deal you made with yourself at the time. So that's how I gained the weight. It was like unhealthy work-life balance type stuff. And you have to like have that internal monologue.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Like when you are, because I've had that same thought process. Like I'm just going to keep eating like shit for like the next month until finals are over or whatever. And then I'm going to, then i'll get it under control but then like that next day afterward you're in such a loop of bad carbs and just shitty eating that you can rationalize it you have to like i don't know the phrase that always comes to my head when i get to that is like and i want to eat something or like have a beer or something i know is bad for me i'll be like you've had your fill you have had your fill these past few months. Was that whole weekend where you splurged on two family-sized boxes of Cheez-Its?
Starting point is 00:14:11 Was that – you've had your fill. Enough. You did this, and what would you say about someone else? I always try and do that because I'm a judgmental prick. So I'm like, all right, what if a friend of mine was like, I'm just going to be fat until finals. What would you do if you saw them eating a box of goldfish the next day? You'd be like, well, Taylor, you'd be like, I'm better judgmental prick. And so I'm like, all right, what if a friend of mine was like, I'm just going to be fat until finals. Like, what would you do if you saw them eating a box of goldfish the next day?
Starting point is 00:14:27 You'd be like, well, Taylor, you'd be like, I'm better than them. I'm better than you. You know, and so it's like, I need to make sure I'm not that guy. But I don't know. It's such a roundabout, stupid way to think about it. No, it's not. It totally resonates with me. Like, you've had your, exactly, exactly, Woody.
Starting point is 00:14:42 You've had your fill, you know? Like, would you like a snack? You've snacked already, Woody. You've had your fill. Would you like a snack? You've snacked already, Woody. Now it is time to not snack. You are here because of snacking. Yes, yes. If you had a little more gumption and fought back the snacks, you wouldn't be here. But anyway, I'm glad we're all doing well.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Kyle, is it easier for you now to get the food down than it was off the start because those milkshakes are well it's after i drink one of the protein drinks that i it's hard to eat food after that like it just takes a while for my body to like get that out of my stomach because it's like 16 ounces of sometimes i do water but sometimes i do milk i didn't have any i didn't have any milk yesterday. Just some bananas to me. It's a lot of fucking calories. After I drink a full drink with milk, I have a hard time eating
Starting point is 00:15:34 for four, five, six hours, something like that. My stomach just feels like a big balloon full of chocolate milk. I can shake my stomach and hear it. Sloshing. I can slosh my stomach just right, and I hear, womp, womp, womp. And I'm like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:15:48 If I go running right now, I'm going to vomit all of this awful stuff I had to choke down. So there's a lot of like, all right, let's just watch a little West Wing and let this digest. There's no way around it after you drink that milkshake. I finished the West Wing. I finished all of it. I liked it.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I liked it West Wing. I finished all of it. I liked it. I liked it a lot. It was really interesting to see where they positioned themselves on issues that are still issues today, as well as issues that we've kind of like gotten past or kind of all sewn up, like gay marriage or gays in the military and stuff like that. But most of the time, the President Bartlett guy is on the left side of everything. But occasionally, and I can't think of a good example right now, he's definitely on the right. When it came to terrorism, he seemed like he was definitely on the right wing of things. I find myself agreeing with the left side about 75% of the time on that show. There was one, and I think Taylor's heard me say it, the right-wing candidate was Vinnick, the Republican candidate, I should call him, and they were talking about drilling in Alaska. That was a big topic, like, of the day,
Starting point is 00:17:01 and he's like, I'm for it, and Taylor might remember this, and he said, he's like, how many here have been to the Grand Canyon? And like everybody raises their hand. He's like, if we learned there was oil under the Grand Canyon right now, I wouldn't touch it. I wouldn't touch it. I'd leave it alone. You know, it's a national treasure, the Grand Canyon. It's responsible for tourism dollars. And it's just wrong to drill there. How many of you have been to Alaska?
Starting point is 00:17:21 Not a hand goes up. They're like, this is just an unused resource that America has that we can tap into and nobody will be harmed. I was just like, you know what? To some extent, the earth is here as a resource for us. If you told me you can't chop down a tree
Starting point is 00:17:41 because it's a beautiful, lovely tree, I'd be like, no. Trees are here for my pleasure. That's what they're for. If I decide to make a house or a table out of this thing, fuck it. It's a tree. That's what I chop that shit down. Think of how many neighborhoods now are built on what was 200 years ago beautiful landscape.
Starting point is 00:18:02 In my area? All of them. All of them. All of them. I'm telling you, I fly around and I see what happens to places that aren't chopped down. It's trees everywhere. Fucking everywhere is a tree. If you do nothing to North Carolina for 10 years,
Starting point is 00:18:16 like, to a plot of land, it turns into a forest. I read the other day that there's more trees in North America now than there was like, maybe before we got here. there's more trees in North America now than there was like maybe before we got here. There's more trees here than ever. I'll have to find that. Or it may have been – it was that there were more trees now than there were before a time that's very surprising.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Maybe like before around 1900 or something. Find the exact statistic because it's startling. The same with the buffalo i was reading about the buffalo and we always hear about that there were millions of buffalo they cut they they blanked out the the dust clouds blanked out the sun that wasn't always true what happened is we got here and when i say we i mean settlers whoever the fuck the spanish uh gave all the indian smallpox and that smallpox thing killed a lot more indians than I ever realized. I thought that like, ah, maybe it killed 30% of them. It killed like 90% of them or something like that.
Starting point is 00:19:10 That's how we really won the war. Most of them died. It really, it truly is. Like we'd have been fighting that Indian war for a long time. We might not have kept most of like the Midwest. We'd had to settle. But they said that the reason there were so many buffalo is because the smallpox had ravaged all the Native Americans
Starting point is 00:19:28 and then they in turn could not continue to hunt the buffalo and the buffalo population exploded because of the white people. Why do they always say white people? Because there's plenty of Spanish here massacring too. Why do we always bear the brunt of that? They always say when the white man got there.
Starting point is 00:19:43 You know what they never say? They always say when the white man got there. You know what they never say? They never say when the white man got there with the internet and trains and antibiotics and television and the internet and automobiles. Apparently this is racist to say. So you know, of course, we brought slaves over on ships and they had to serve us, right? That was terrible um but the ancestors of those people are oftentimes much better off than the people who are still there just said this the other day and got shit on who was it i think someone say that yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:20:16 a politician just said this the other day oh my god he was a trump guy yeah it's like he was like i would argue it's one of those things that like looking at it logically it's like... He was like, I would argue. It's one of those things that, like, looking at it logically, it's like, of course, exactly what you're saying is correct. People who grew up here as opposed to growing up in Western Africa, chances are they have a much better life. But it's one of those truths that's very inappropriate to say. Assuming it's the truth. But like,
Starting point is 00:20:46 because oftentimes, like my image of Africa, like your image of Africa might be from a Sally Struthers commercial with this like poor kid. But then, you know. But then you go there and oftentimes it's a lot better
Starting point is 00:21:04 than you might have guessed like south africa for example apparently is very nice and in some ways you know better than america etc but uh and then there's places like senegal and somalia which are not as nice so i don't know where exactly our slaves came from but uh i would assume the western part of africa which is kind of i would like to sit in on the board meeting of the Somalian Tourism Foundation. Like the people in the Somali government whose job it is to get more tourism dollars into fucking Somalia. We were led to believe that the Americans very much enjoy pirates and pirate stories. And they have not come to this country since the first time we tried.
Starting point is 00:21:43 This movie, Black Hawk Down, is costing us millions of rupees every year. come to this country since the first time we tried you know it's this movie black hawk down is costing us millions of rupee every year what's their currency you know i love those african countries chis and i were talking about this later who have those like 10 trillion like whatever their first fucking currency is bills because they're they got hyperinflation zimbabwe look that up like yeah like if you look up how much a loaf of bread costs in Zimbabwe, it's like $6 quadrillion. Yeah. It's a shilling. So it's a Somalian shilling.
Starting point is 00:22:10 But – oh, Rob, how was the idea? This is my Somalian accent. Nailed it. Yes, you got it. No, no, no. Don't stop. Keep going. What is his idea?
Starting point is 00:22:22 We will bring the Americans on Somalian fishing boats and go pirate hunting. And Americans will be equipped with AKs and RPGs and we will blow pirates out of the ground until two birds, one stone. What if the Americans get hungry on the boat?
Starting point is 00:22:39 Oh, they are probably just thirsty. Give them water. Because otherwise, there is no option. Tell him to support on food. Just thirsty, give them water. Because otherwise, there is no option. A little tie back to this start. I like it. Yes. Have you watched any of those videos where you see the private security crews defending the vessels from the Somali pirates and they'll open up on them with ARs and stuff? There was one on Reddit today where the Somalian pirates attacked a United States naval warship.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah. Did you see it? No. Was it an accident? I don't know what they were thinking. And that was just the headline. For all I know, they attacked some other ship and the warship got there or something. But the warship was going so fast and whoever was aiming the gun was so bad.
Starting point is 00:23:24 I guess it's difficult. that they were missing a lot. And the Americans started getting concerned. They're like, look, you've got like 15 more seconds to hit this boat, and then it's so far behind us that I don't know, are we going to turn around? Like, what's the strategy here? Every so often you'd see a muzzle blast on the Somalian ship where they're shooting back. And the sailors, like, incredulously were like, they're shooting back yeah and the the sailors like incredible incredulously were like
Starting point is 00:23:46 they're shooting back at us i mean the guy like fuck light them up you know and eventually you saw it a tracer round hit the boat and i don't know what they're shooting with but i assume they're like bigger bullets than i see in my daily life yeah well they're it's they're they're automatic though it's machine it's like so really because i want to me when they get head like human head size they shoot one of them remember that thing that i shot the thing that you sit in and turn the aircraft gun it's a bofors gun they mount i don't know that was mounted on german boats i'm sure we have something i think it's shot i don't know sure it wasn't a minigun though it was it shot big rounds quickly and uh anyway you saw a tracer hit the boat and then the boat caught fire
Starting point is 00:24:35 and within like 15 seconds there's a seven foot tall fire on this thing they're jumping out into the water to avoid the fire and the and the, the video ends, but from what I can tell, just left them there to swim 15 miles back. Can you imagine how frustrating it would be to be like the wife of one of those Somali pirates and be like making your horrible dinner of whatever food you have and like your husband comes home. It's like, did you have a good day of pirating sweetheart what do you think do you think it went a little better today than ever before it has never gone well susan we will never win this fight you have to know our little boat cannot compete with their 10 trillion shilling ship we don't have the funds to compete you know so i went to the comment section of it to find out like like because at first they're shooting
Starting point is 00:25:43 at them and i'm like all for it. Like, yeah, shoot those motherfuckers. Light them up. That's funny. And then I see them jumping into the water to avoid the fire, and I'm like, aren't you going to save them? Like, you know, I'm okay with you shooting them. But when they jumped out, they became people.
Starting point is 00:26:00 And so according to the comments, like they're considered like there's special maritime laws and they're not enemy combatants. Like say America was at war with Japan or something, you know, the 40s. They're like an enemy of all people. Yeah, pirates. Yeah. There is no – they're worse than – there's no other people on earth who get as little protection as pirates. You can pretty much shoot them, watch them jump in the water, and let them drown slowly. That's all you're obligated to do.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Yeah, there's – I wrote the back to show on a dolphin. You'd have to – that would be the miracle, right? If you got a dolphin ride back home, would you continue pirating or would you take that as a sign from Poseidon himself that pirating was your way? It would have to be. You know, I've swum with thousands of dolphins before. I used to do it all the time. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:26:57 You can't get that close to them. Look, I was a good swimmer. Whatever happened out there was what the dolphins wanted to happen that was that was exactly what went down exactly if the dolphin like you're not gonna snare a dolphin and be like yeah fucking you're coming with me now like i'm talking about a dolphin who's like hey there human like you need a little ride back to shore and he like let you get on his back and hold on to his fin and everything like well that's fucked um they really messed up messing
Starting point is 00:27:26 with that boat i wish i could i haven't seen the video you're talking about i watched one the other day and it's kind of in like forward looking infrared so it's kind of black and white and grainy because it's at night and the samoth did not realize that they were fucking with like a u.s navy boat and then the u.s navy quickly just destroys them like you said with their like the whatever this big ship side mounted machine guns they are that shoot like incendiary around seemingly because it seems like when they hit stuff it like pops and catches on fire and they're burning up over there that I've seen a lot of those videos it's very entertaining imagine that the people that get chosen to be like private security force probably have quite a
Starting point is 00:28:03 resume probably like ex-military or something like that but I think a company should open that up to some sort of like tourism so that you could pay to go You know hang out on like like make a section on that on that boat that normally just has containers on it those container ships Make it like a nice like hangout like vacation spot Where rich guys could pay and like have a vacation on the boat, and then if the pirates come, they get to shoot the pirates too. Oh, like a safari. Yeah, exactly like a safari.
Starting point is 00:28:35 But it's much more dangerous. They fish them out. And it costs twice as much to get them out in the dead bodies because you got to stop the human beings taylor is kyle having internet issues yeah i just got him a little robot i was afraid it was my computer or something for a second i just wanted to know if i was alone you're just very pixely for me even more pixely when you wave your hands around yeah you're more pixelated but your audio is better and that's what really counts. Okay. That's true.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Yeah. I know that's weird. I moved, maybe it's because this, I'm on my laptop right now downstairs. I moved my entire gaming setup upstairs because I didn't want to have to go up and downstairs to play the game, so I'm playing, I've been playing the game upstairs
Starting point is 00:29:19 because it's next to everything that I want. I've been playing that game a lot. I'm really enjoying it. I won my first solo last night, which I think is a big deal. There's 100 players in there and I was the last one. I finally won. How many kills did you get?
Starting point is 00:29:33 I think Taylor's going to play tonight. Taylor got his Xbox controller. Five in that game, which is average. The monster, crazy, ridiculous guys get 20. If you get 20 kills, that's like getting 100 kills in COD or something like that. I'm going to give it a go tonight with this new xbox controller which it says just plug plug it in and play but there will be an ordeal i know there will be a problem so i'm anticipating now i've done this before did you change your computer you're gonna plug that thing in and then i'm sorry i got taylor did you get a new computer or is it that laptop you
Starting point is 00:30:11 got like two years oh no i got a new i got this one like seven months ago it's uh an asus gaming laptop i don't remember the i don't remember exactly the kind and it doesn't say it on there so i'd have to look it up but i like it a lot it's got a 17 and a half inch screen it's pretty big and i mean it if i used kyle's setup i'd become quickly spoiled because i'd be like this is of course oh now i can see all the leaves and you know the the patterns on tires and shit but for my purposes, it's fine. Like, even when I was playing with Kyle the other night, he said, like, oh, look over there. You can see, you know, you said something like a car or, you know, something about detail. And I looked over there and I was like, there's no chance.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Like, I'm not going to be able to see what you're talking about. But it's fine. I wasn't living long enough for it to matter. I've got a very similar laptop. I've also got the Asus gaming laptop. And I play the game on it. I was playing it on this upstairs in bed, and I got frustrated because I couldn't see as much.
Starting point is 00:31:17 But it plays the game just fine at like 35 to 45 frames per second or something like that. But, man, this ultra ultra wide monitor and playing in 34 40p at 75 to 85 frames it's just i feel like i'm in there it's so terrifying the the volume of enemy players footsteps car doors approach cars opening car doors opening cars approaching uh is on the same slider as the sound effect that it makes when you get shot by enemy fire, the scream that your character does. So you'll be running along or sneaking or something, and you'll get shot,
Starting point is 00:31:51 and your character goes, like, right in your ear with so loud that, like, so many times I go, and I, like, all tab out of the window or, like, just fall on the ground. Like, it startles me so much that, like, for the first second or two or two i'm not even good at the game and i've noticed that happening to other players too like i'll start i'll open up on them and they're just like oh they can't do shit for a few seconds uh my favorite part of the game is the shitty like human versus human stuff that you would do maybe in the real world that you can now bring into the virtual world like i saw this guy last night who's he's sitting in a parked car in a blind spot you know how cops will sit behind like
Starting point is 00:32:30 a a blind spot to get you he's in that position and when a car comes by at high speed he hops in the car accelerates really hard and then jumps out so the car rolls into the path of the oncoming vehicle and spins it out right in front of him and then just murders the guy and takes all the shit yeah yeah it was that's pretty slick yeah wow i was playing uh two days ago and i was in a boat and i was i was driving along in my boat and when i play solo i i set my audio chat to like so everyone can hear me and i've got pushed to talk because i like to fuck with them and i'm i'm driving along and I crash my boat and I hear a car coming and the car is going overhead. I know he's near enough to hear me. I go, Yar matey, I crashed
Starting point is 00:33:10 me ships on the rocks. Could I stow aboard your land craft? He's like, Sure bro, hop in. I was like, it's solo, it's free for all, it's every man for himself. He just stops right there and I'm like, No, no man, we got to fight to the death. He was like, What was that i was like i gave you a chance i just murdered him
Starting point is 00:33:28 just took all his things like there's so much shittiness like that that goes on where you can uh like lie to people tell them you're their friend and then kill them and take their things a lot of people fall for that i don't normally do that i thought i was being very clever with a maneuver when we were playing last week where i saw through a window in one of those times where the game just gets stressful and me, you, and Chiz are running around, and you're like, oh, there's a guy on the east side of the house. And I'm like, oh, which way is east? Like, I didn't know where anybody was.
Starting point is 00:33:56 And I ran out of the house, and they invaded the house. You guys were over by a car somewhere. And I saw through a window that the guy was going to be coming down, like straight down out the door right to me. But couldn't see me and I had my shotgun and I'm like I'm gonna blow right through this door and I'm gonna kill this guy like obviously my aim isn't good and so but all that happened was I shot and blew a hole in the wall and I blew a hole in the wall as the guy's gonna force me blew a hole in the door and all guy's going towards me, blew a hole in the door, and all that I did was blow the door 100%
Starting point is 00:34:27 apart so he could walk outside and then shoot me. I was like, are you kidding me? Not one of them hit him? All I did was destroy the door for this gentleman to walk out and execute me. And then Kyle would go, oh, Taylor's dead. And then all that I see is Kyle running over
Starting point is 00:34:43 and looting my body and being like oh well nothing good He's got a wounded level one police vest that he has because I blew his level two one off but It is funny It's like the that's what I can see being the most fun about this whole game is just the silly little Interactions because there was once where like one of the times i died what kyle was talking about you were like be careful of vehicles like this isn't like another game where you know if someone's in a vehicle even if you have a gun you think you're pretty good they're gonna run you down and kill you more than likely and as i was running into that you know first building one of those first games i heard
Starting point is 00:35:19 you know just a and i heard kyle go taylor you got to get in here quick got ran over and dead and it was and it just it was the sound of a buggy not a car so i figured my guy could you know muscle one through maybe use the inertia to boost him into the house i don't know but no he died running people over is probably one of the most satisfying things to do uh i set my graphic settings up with the foliage on low so i don't have like a wheat field in front of me all the time because there's lots of wheat fields and grass um and so people will have the foliage all the way up on their games on ultra so they're like
Starting point is 00:36:02 ah i'm in this huge thicket of wheat no one can see me and i just look as i'm driving along and there's this asshole crawling out in the middle of nowhere in bare dirt and i'm driving like 30 miles an hour up to him and he's just not reacting to me he just and i just just drive right over him and then hop out and take all of his shit that's i like that part of the game at first i really dug the scavenging and looting because it reminds me of Fallout and Skyrim and all the dungeon delving that you do in those games. But now I see the other players not so much as enemies but as like slaves to go find cool shit for me. Like if I hear footsteps, I'm like, ooh, somebody's close. And every time I hear a footstep i'm like
Starting point is 00:36:45 he's getting me some more stuff yep get me some more stuff and i just wait and wait until he walks in my room and shoot him in the back and take all this cool stuff once you get a silencer in that game it's like real life they can't hear you where you're shooting from like you'll be you'll be shooting at a guy 100 yards away and he'll turn around and point his ass to you because he thinks it's coming from the other way because it sounds funny in the game. I want to organize a miniature Negan situation with me, you, and Chiz, and whatever else. If we can find another guy, or maybe our group of four
Starting point is 00:37:14 and the random we got, we can find an allied group of four. And we go up to people, and we don't even kill them. We just say, give me half of what you have. And they start giving out all that shitty ammo and i go no no no half is what i say it is and then i go over i make them give me stuff and you reassure them the whole time you know their group of three is there you take some stuff then of course they're going to take a shot at you because it's a video game there's no life repercussions at which point we all open up onto the guy who shot nobody else because we're disciplined assassins and these are my conscripts
Starting point is 00:37:50 and then we say we let you survive because we're going to need another half next time this map shrinks and so we're going to see you right there and see i would love that are you caught in the walking dead enough to know this how are you doing this this? I'm all caught up. You're all caught up. Oh, well, cool. I've seen all of it. Oh, I am. Speaking of Walking Dead, I'm caught up on the comic. I'm going to say something.
Starting point is 00:38:12 It's only kind of a spoiler. In the comic, Rick, the main good guy, marries or sort of marries or he's with Andrea, who's dead in the show. She just died in the comic. And in the the comic world it's a really big deal he wrote like the there's the whole comic book and there's like page after page after page of her last like 20 seconds of life it takes like 10 pages in the comic book and then it's followed with like a two-page apology on how much it meant to her and how there'll be repercussions of this event for years to come and he didn't want to kill her and how he loves this character but he knew it was what had to be done and it was just like whoa like this is a big death in the show she died three years ago. Well, she got embodied in the form of Michonne.
Starting point is 00:39:07 She got what you said? Well, she got embodied into Michonne. Like, Michonne is Andrea in the show. Kind of, yeah. Well, she's Rick's bottom bitch. She's Rick's bottom bitch. She's stuck with him. They're totally going to get married.
Starting point is 00:39:20 I mean, she's black. She has a katana. She's rich. Yeah, but Michonne in the comics wasn't as cool. She has a katana. She's the richest. Yeah, but Michonne in the comics wasn't as cool. She didn't have – I think Michonne has all of – oh, and not just – and Carol as well, of course. Like Carol is – I love Carol. Carol might be my favorite character.
Starting point is 00:39:36 I really like how, like, sneaky Carol is, like especially in that, like, video, like when they first got to the new town. She's like, well, I'm kind of like a den mother. You know, brownies and that sort of thing. And she was threatening that child, which I loved. I loved that. Finally, an adult was like a child that stumbled upon them. And every other show, it'd be like, little Timmy, don't tell your mom about this.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I'm going to make you as many cookies as you want. I'm your cookie gal. I'm the cookie lady. You need cookie, come to me. Don't tell anybody about this. But I'm gonna make you as many cookies as you want. I'm your cookie gal I'm the cookie lady you need cookie come to me Don't tell anybody about this, but she just didn't play into his shit, and was like listen You don't know what's going on, and if you tell anybody about this words can't articulate the extent to which you will regret it You will die alone outside these walls. I think I got eaten alive by zombies by the way I know and that upset me in that when you know of course they have to let the fucking kid come along to that little trip. When did she
Starting point is 00:40:28 threaten the kid? I don't remember it. When she was pilfering bullets and guns from the safe thing. Was it this most recent season? No. It was maybe six. Oh okay. The previous one and then you know the little kid walked in and caught her and she threatened the kid. And the kid, to his credit, didn't ruin anything until he ruined their entire escape. I like Carol. I don't think Carol's in the comic books. If she is, I don't remember at all. But Andrea just died. And I don't know if that means Michonne will die at that point in the story a couple of years from now.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I don't know. I like Michonne as a character okay she earned carl introduction do you remember the introduction of her like i think they had just escaped from the prison or something and then you see her with two zombies on leashes like like suddenly she's the zombie master and it turns out she just like removed their jaw so they couldn't bite her and now she has like zombies on her side. It was like, wow. Just seriously badass. I liked that. I even wrote to Chiz
Starting point is 00:41:29 when I saw that at first. I'm like, oh! This bitch hasn't even talked yet, but I'm a big fan of the lady with the sword and the two things on chains. And Chiz, I don't know what he said, but something like, just wait. And I did wait. And I don't dislike her. The only thing I disliked about her was the thing I disliked about every character in that show
Starting point is 00:41:48 is that there is no sense of urgency when anyone in that show is asked a question about anything. Watch, and when you notice it, you won't be able to unnotice it. It doesn't matter if the question is, Carl, could you pass me the peas? Carl will look into his plate for six seconds before Rick goes, Carl, peas. And then Carl won't do anything. And then Rick will eventually get up, slowly walk over, and as he's about to grab the peas, Carl will grab him and, like, shuffle.
Starting point is 00:42:18 It's just like, oh, my God, like, oh, please, please. And then even important questions where it's like, you know, Daryl, where are the others? Daryl, where are the others? Daryl, you can't sulk in the woods for another 30 seconds looking away. You know what I hate with Daryl? And I swear I haven't forgiven him for this, but they're going to the hillside and they're trying to talk Gregory, I think that's his name, into joining their resistance against Negan. And Gregory's like, no, I don't think that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:42:55 We shouldn't do that. And they're like, oh, we have to. We have to. And Gregory's like, let me be clear. This is not a good idea. I am in charge of this town. I'm trying to keep these people alive. And I'm not
Starting point is 00:43:05 going to join your fight against negan and then daryl the biggest fucking dumb fuck who's ever fucked goes you're talking out both sides of your mouth no he's not he's not he's being very clear with you talking out both sides of your mouth means that like i i'm saying i don't think we should do it oh i think we should i don't think we should do it. Oh, I think we should. I don't think we should. No, no. He couldn't have been more clear. Daryl, you stupid fuck. You're accusing him of being two-faced or something. And he's not. I don't like him.
Starting point is 00:43:33 You're not supposed to like him. He's not a great leader. But he was very decisive on this issue, Daryl. Yes. He was talking out of one side. I know exactly the scene you're talking about. And the only thing they had to show that he's like, ooh, bad guy, is like, they just have him like pouring himself too many drinks while they're in there.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Because they're like, oh, this guy's drinking a lot. So we know that he's probably on the, you know, down low with someone bad. But at the end of the day, it was like, no, I totally get this guy's decision. Because everybody else, like, do you think you're the first you know masked band of brave rebels to walk up and go we're gonna beat negan you know no you're not like you're your group 60 you know you don't even heard of the other groups because they're all dead so except for this guy being like yeah except for those chicks which was one of the stupidest scenes in the entire show was that just hidden enclave of women living in the woods with just a king's ransom of weapons at their disposal.
Starting point is 00:44:30 I think the garbage pail kids who, for some reason, don't speak English. Like, well, that's the dumbest. Yeah. Yeah. Our language skills devolved into this new form of like trash speak in a year and a half. into this new form of like trash speak in a year and a half like those were not the brightest and best before they lived and chose to live in the garbage land like they they actually like it reminds me of when i had friends who would like go to college in like florida or in georgia or in alabama or mississippi and they'd come back and be like saying y'all and and doing
Starting point is 00:45:05 like that and talking more and it's like dude i knew you for 20 years in st louis we both grew up there you didn't adopt a mississippi accent like you don't have an alabama accent like it i don't know but i see it that same way and it bothered me a lot that they picked some weird bang crazy lady who just pushes him into a pit with some albeit very cool ripped zombie with spears through him i did like that fine but but the whole we live in we we what is it uh we take we don't bother it's like you couldn't at least add a few more words to your repertoire to more clearly explain that to people who barge into your trash dump we take we don't bother. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:45:46 Well, it means that we don't have the industriousness, so to speak, to live anywhere but this hovel of trash. And so we wait until other people with values do things and build them, and then we ruin it. Usually just destroy it, turn it into trash, bring it back here, pile it up, throw it in the... I don't know. I didn't like that group at all.
Starting point is 00:46:02 At all. It reminded me immediately of The Office when Kevin came up with a new way to speak. Do you remember this? Here's the clip right here. I was like, this... Kevin
Starting point is 00:46:17 is the ruler of those people. That's what's happened here. Alright. 3, 2, one, play. Hey, so this isn't matching up with this, and I'm not sure which one's right. Can you just hunt down the original part? Yes, me do.
Starting point is 00:46:36 All right. Yes, me do. Hey, Kev, what were you saying before about the paperwork me do it now go stop worry kevin do you feel okay me feel good body strong sleep big last night yeah i think we should get him to the hospital big sleep he's always been like that no he hasn't i mean he's gotten worse he's always been like that statement it's an ironic comment on our expectations of him a fun house image of our model of kevin you can think that me mechanic not speak english but he know what me mean when me say car no go and we best
Starting point is 00:47:19 friend so me think why waste time say lot word when few word do track? Kevin, I appreciate what you're trying to do. Thank. Here we have a word code. The same way we have a dress code. And what we're talking about is basically the speech equivalent to just wearing underpants. Sometimes words you no need use but need need for talk talk but save time more success does it save time though because we've been here for about an hour kevin at most you're saving a microscopic amount of time many small time make big time what are you gonna do with all this time
Starting point is 00:48:08 sea world kevin you can't possibly save enough time to see the world kevin are you saying see the world or sea world sea world oceans fish jump china no see right there that's the problem with your method because i still don't know if you're saying SeaWorld or SeaTheWorld, and it's taking a lot of time to explain it. Fine. Fine. I'll talk normally. When me president, they see.
Starting point is 00:48:37 They see. And now, now make that fade into the Walking Dead episode. You're there. You're there That's what it is. We live trash you bring two times guns To two times guns and cat bring three times guns How do you think negotiating works lady like not you can't even not speak, but you don't negotiate well at all
Starting point is 00:49:02 But man that group of people and the group of the women in the woods even though it's a show about zombies that's totally not realistic obviously when there are ridiculous things like that it oddly enough takes you out of the fantasy world because it's like in this fantasy world we know how humans work we've all been to subway and we've all been to tgi fridays and you see how people work. And in no reality, in Atlanta or around there, a year and a half after this, is there a group of trash folk successfully living their lives, and a group of women with a cavalcade of armaments living alone in the woods? To be fair, they're in Virginia. Okay, well, it's still Virginia. There's people in Virginia.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I don't know what the thing with the women is like why that's so important taylor would you just get it women are smart and they are funny deal with it that's true there's no better place to have a huge the band of amazons sorry well it wasn't a big band of amazons. They had men. They were a full, like, you know, man and woman community. And then the saviors killed everyone with all the guns and fled there. Yeah. I was just quoting South Park because I thought it was funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I just mean after Negan came through, which, by the way, very bad way to make sure that that productivity camp continues when you're like, all right, we're killing every male in the whole camp and you bring us twice the goodies as next week. And they're like, but you killed all of the goody getters. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Actually, you know what? I'm going to take all the guns in that little wooden shed instead. Oh, you want to keep them? You can keep them.
Starting point is 00:50:45 You can keep them. You can keep them. I don't know. That was... He was so adamant about taking them. How would the male-female tasks break down? I think you would return to standard gender roles. You saw that in the early season with the women doing the washing and the men
Starting point is 00:51:03 doing the defending. They went to more of a mixed thing because it's tv show but i think in real life you would you'd return to what you saw in tribal society because that's what you would have you'd have your own little tribe there that makes there wouldn't be i feel like like a guy would get surrounded by six zombies and kill them and they'd be like you know what every time a woman gets next to three zombies, they tend to die. So maybe this is a guy's job. Also, just intrinsically, in a world where you're trying to keep the human
Starting point is 00:51:32 population up and trying to make sure the species survives, women are infinitely more valuable than men. Because women are the limiting factor of reproduction. And so, if you have a whole tribe, you know, and you got 30 guys and 30 gals and you go all right we're going on a scouting run i'm going to bring six men and six women it's like whoa whoa whoa no because
Starting point is 00:51:53 if those six women die that's a tragedy for our entire society forever we're done sorry do not pass go do not collect 200 that's it but if you take 12 guys and those and 11 of them die that one guy can come back and we still have women here like we still have a society that can be built in maybe three or four days i'll tell you what i would return alone no one else would make ah you wouldn't believe it we got out there about six miles and just like 5 000 zombies they got everybody with me how did you make it i don't know i just don't know i i have all their things though it's just like reality i would kill i would kill the man in that situation like any of us dying in our group is way way more of a good thing for the group than any of the you know women who can have children dying unless like you're the one last one
Starting point is 00:52:44 to protect but you probably aren't you know i can make an argument the other way i'm not sure it's right but every guy is twice as productive in terms of like gathering food and medical supplies and such so maybe you lower that maybe you need a 50 50 and also on the show anyway they don't seem to be that interested in repopulating the Earth. Yeah, they don't seem interested. I just mean, like, they're going to be interested in that eventually, because they're going to try and get the world back on track, I would think. Yeah, you better hope that you don't have
Starting point is 00:53:14 like a miscarriage, and then the zombie baby eats you alive from the inside. We've got to get it out now! That's an episode! I want that! When does life begin? Maybe that kid was never born and he's not a zombie the doctor's on the sun the doctor's like your baby's heart just stopped and they all have a moment of like extreme silence while it's in her belly dead and they're like wait a fucking
Starting point is 00:53:35 minute and like the doctor's like scalpel scalpel quickly there's no time for the gas and he just he just fucking guts her basically and pulls the zombie baby out before i can start gnawing at her insides yeah imagine that imagine like you could build it up too she could be carrying that baby for a whole season and then next year it's just a zombie that tried to kill her well yeah that's good like the uh the miscarriage thing like what he said you could like have a funny scene where like it's like as the well not that funny but as you know the baby is miscarried and it dies turns into a zombie in the womb like as it's like as the... Well, not that funny. But as the baby is miscarried and it dies, turns into a zombie in the womb, as it's ripping through alien style,
Starting point is 00:54:09 they're all having their loud realizations about abortion or whatever. We're like, we were wrong! It was murder! The whole time! It'd be funny. I like that. They should do that on the show. That'd be pretty funny. Well, I. They should do that on the show.
Starting point is 00:54:25 That'd be pretty funny. Well, I can't remember the name of the movie. It was a zombie movie that came out in 2004 or something, like Dawn of the Dead. Yeah, in Dawn of the Dead, she has a baby, and then she gives birth, and then the baby dies immediately. So then she has a zombie baby, and then there's a moment where a character has to shoot it in the head
Starting point is 00:54:46 with a.357 Magnum or something. That's a good movie. That's probably my favorite zombie movie is Dawn of the Dead from, I think, 2004, 2005. Is that the one where they can run? They can run in that one. That's the one where they're in LA or something, I think, and they're sniping
Starting point is 00:55:01 zombies from the crowd, looking for the celebrities. The guy's holding up the signs. He's like, Leno next! And the guy's like, and you see a guy that looks just like Leno get his head blown off, but a Leno zombie. And then the guy's like,
Starting point is 00:55:13 damn, he's good. And then he throws Rosie O'Donnell and holds that up next. Because the guy with the sniper rifle is on another building. They can't communicate. They have to look with binoculars and write messages on a board
Starting point is 00:55:23 and hold it up. That's a good zombie movie. It is. I want to look with binoculars and write messages on a board and hold it up. That's a good zombie movie. It is. I want to watch some horror movies. Prisoners is the next one on my list. Have you seen that? No, remind me. I think... I got my haircut today, so I haven't seen the film, but my barber said it was good. He said Hugh Jackman's in it
Starting point is 00:55:38 and it's fairly recent. Him and another guy, I think they kidnapped their kids and they're not happy with the way the police are trying to get them back, so they sort of go rogue and try and do it themselves. That's as much as I know. It sounded kind of taken-like to me, but I'm watching it tonight, I think.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Is this the one where he steams that guy to death? I don't know, but... Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. No spoilers. But yeah, I'm pretty psyched to go see it so that'll be yeah i uh i haven't seen any movies lately i'm waiting on some stuff to come out um oh you know i never i never saw john wick in theaters dude what so i'm caught up on better call saul now the last two episodes were both strong so if you people are watching this would be episode four and five of the current season man like i fussed at that show for how much slow bullshit there was how much like you know oh let's film this through a fucking bag of water with a goldfish in it and
Starting point is 00:56:40 people will try to figure out what no these last two had dialogue people were actually talking and doing stuff and like things unfolded that i really enjoyed so cool oh and we're also overlapping as kyle mentioned before with a breaking bad timeline so that's kind of neat, too, to see, like, you know, how different people got into their roles that we met them in Breaking Bad. So just, dude, like, I watched them, and right now I'm like, man, I wish there was another one. What day of the week does it come out? I want to see some more.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Yeah, I got to catch up on that. I'm probably two episodes behind. I don't know. I'm definitely at least one episode behind. I don't know what day of the week comes out. And I'm trying to remember. Oh, I want to see the new John Wick 2. I haven't seen that yet.
Starting point is 00:57:35 I really want to see that. Oh, I saw that. That was okay. I want to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2. And oh, Logan. I haven't seen Logan. And at this point, I'm just waiting for it to come out on like disc or something so I can see it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Yeah, I guess I'm doing the same. I don't want to wait for it to watch both of those. I don't want to wait for. Oh, wait, I do want to wait for. I don't want to settle for like, you know, when they like if you can pirate it, it's like they film it up there, and all the colors are crushed, and it looks terrible, and people cough. Yeah. I don't want that bullshit.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I'm trying to think. Yeah, I'm doing the same. I don't like the quality of most of the torrents that I've ever gotten. I'm watching Veep now. Do you guys watch Veep? Yeah, I've watched Up to Current, I think. Up to Current. Okay, so you've seen...
Starting point is 00:58:29 Did you see the one where she wanted to be on the Supreme Court? That's the current one. Oh, is there a new season that's just come out right now? Four episodes are out this year. Oh, well, then I'm not... I haven't watched those four at all. Ah, well, the premise of this year's Veep is she's not president,
Starting point is 00:58:45 and she's looking for her second act. She was VP. She was president for a year, and then the people didn't vote for her, or it was very close, and then the Senate voted her out, or however that process went. And now she's trying to figure out what to do next. She's like, should I make a library? She wants to run for president again.
Starting point is 00:59:03 She wanted to be a Supreme Court justice. She has all these high hopes. And I just do the dialogue. Well, Elaine can do whatever she sets her mind to. Yeah. I really like Julia Louis-Dreyfus as an actress. It's so crude. Like, ass in my cheeks.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Oh, funny. That's actually where I lost my back virginity. It was a good day. And I'm like, what? Ass cheeks lost her back virginity. Oh, that's so dirty. I had to figure it out. And there's a lot like that. Like, you know, and the girls are just as crude as the guys in it. It's hilarious. Whatever. I guess i just like dirty words because it makes me laugh no it's a good show i like it the obama said they liked it and i thought that was i think actually michelle in particular is like she thinks that veep is hilarious and it's like oh michelle you dirty bird like that that to me is halfway admitting that you
Starting point is 01:00:01 liked um 50 shades of gray like yeah, I'm kind of into hardcore bondage, too. A lot of women did, so it wouldn't be surprising. Yeah, yeah. But, you know, from a first lady, you don't expect them to admit
Starting point is 01:00:18 they like the crudest show on HBO, but whatever. Barbara wouldn't have liked it. Barbara the Senior? Yeah,. Is Barbara the senior? Yeah, because Laura is the younger one. I mixed it up for a second. I was watching George Bush speak last night on YouTube, and I put it in half speed,
Starting point is 01:00:38 and he sounds so wasted. He sounds so fucking drunk if you put it in half speed. He's there's no saying in tennessee i don't know if it's in tennessee but we got it in texas and it says if you fool me once shame on you the point is you can't fool me you fool me you can't fool me again yeah like we completely again john stewart took that whole line and put it on pillows across the couch like decorative pillows
Starting point is 01:01:10 and he's like, yep, that's exactly how it goes and then you see it on like eight pillows across the couch, it was really well done like, you know, someone might take a cliche there were so there were so many times where he just fell completely apart behind a podium or at a microphone in one way or another.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Just completely fucked up, whatever he was supposed to be saying. It's so entertaining. But in half speed, trust me, he sounds like he's either retarded or extremely drunk. It makes it much funnier. I'm trying to look one up now because it's important that I get it right Donald Trump word salad like his his speaking style a pet here it is this is an actual Trump sentence I'm sure this will be an extreme example look we have nuclear my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer
Starting point is 01:02:04 Donald Trump at MIT. Good genes. Very good genes. Okay, very smart. Wharton School of Finance. Very good. Very smart. You know, you're a conservative Republican.
Starting point is 01:02:12 If I were a liberal, if I, like, okay, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, then they would say I'm one of the smartest people in the world. It's true. But when you're a conservative Republican, they try, oh, they do a number. That's why I always start off. Went to Wharton. Was a good student. Went there.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Went there. Did this. Built a fortune. You know, I gave my light credentials all the time because they were a number. That's why I always start off. Went to Wharton. Was a good student. Went there. Went there. Did this. Built a fortune. You know, I give my light credentials all the time because they were a little disadvantaged. But you look at the nuclear deal. I probably said that wrong. This thing bothers me. It would have been so easy. It's not as important as these lives. Nuclear is powerful. My uncle explained that to me many, many years ago.
Starting point is 01:02:39 The power, and that was 35 years ago. He would explain the power of what's going on. And he was right. Who would have thought? But when you look what's going on, and he was right. Who would have thought? But when you look what's going on with four prisoners, now it used to be three, but now it's four. But when it was three, and even now, almost done. I would have said it's the messenger fellas.
Starting point is 01:02:55 It's because, you know, they don't, they haven't figured out that women are smarter than men right now, you know? So it's going to take like 150 years. But the Persians are great negotiators. The Iranians, they're great negotiators. So, and they, they just killed us. I'm told that this is creating a big problem for the translators.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Like the people who want to have to talk to Japanese or Chinese or whatever. What did he say? I am having so much trouble correcting with this. There's so many translators sweating right now across the world in palaces and premiere rooms and looking at the great leader. And he's like, all right, so what do you say?
Starting point is 01:03:33 And they're like, can I watch it again? Yeah. And that's an extreme example, of course. But yeah, his speaking pattern, that's what it is. With W, you could almost think that he was not a smart guy, at least not anymore. With Trump, dumb isn't usually the word that I'm reaching for. It's just he's got a speaking pattern that doesn't translate.
Starting point is 01:04:03 He's like a fast-talking salesman. He's getting the point across, but it's not proper or standard structured English that he's using. There isn't standard sentence structure anywhere in that. It's these series of instant thoughts that he expresses as he carries you along the way to where he's going. The whole takeaway from that is I'm smart. I a good negotiator so are these guys they've been kicking our butt until now let me edit and and also you know like and nuclear is a big deal i was told nuclear was a big deal a long time ago by my uncle like i'm gonna i'm gonna focus on that now what else did he say um um oh he's like hey you're you're a you're a democrat and i'm a
Starting point is 01:04:45 republican i could have ran as a democrat they said i was a genius based on all the things i've accomplished but because i'm a republican automatically i'm an idiot i'm a dummy and so that's why i started giving my credentials like let you giving you proof that i'm not a dummy and but but he couldn't put any of that into a sentence or even a paragraph of any kind of structure that was i i don't mind it, I guess. It's just, I would prefer if he spoke more like President Bartlett. Yeah, wouldn't that
Starting point is 01:05:12 be great? Bartlett's the best president we've never had. We got him! Martin Sheen is just somewhere right now, right? That guy's not dead. Let's fucking get his ass out there. Do we want Martin Sheen or Sorkin that's the right we want both okay we want both and in addition to trump this is what you do like like you want trump to send fucking jenna what's his name josiah bartlett
Starting point is 01:05:36 out there to talk for him and like martin sheen comes out there and he he looks at the speech and he's like i'm not gonna read this speech because i'm gonna talk from the heart and you're like oh shit all right and he just sells you again like he's like, I'm not going to read this speech because I'm going to talk from the heart. And you're like, oh, shit, all right. And he just sells you again like he did so many episodes of that show with some stuff that – he was excellent. He was a great president in that show. I really liked it a lot. I watched it quickly. It's seven seasons, 22 episodes per season,
Starting point is 01:05:58 and I think they're 42-minute episodes. Maybe I'll check it out if you tore through it that quick. I've never watched a non-political... The only, like, political show that's not comedy-based that I've ever really liked that much I think is House of Cards. Yeah. You know what?
Starting point is 01:06:15 When they took down the religious person, that was my favorite. Ah, yeah, yeah. The president really shut her down right there inside the white house and he's like that closing part he's like and in this white house when the president stands everyone stands and she like has to stand up all he starts quoting from the bible he you know all these things that that all of us have done and are worthy of punishments of death because she was an anti-gay
Starting point is 01:06:40 uh republican or something like that people and then there she was committing a based on the bible from what i've seen on tv like three the equal sin of like mismatched fabrics in her clothing like do you have mixed blends and polyesters in the same outfit you know did you eat shellfish should we stone you and there's oh and my daughter's been thinking about getting married maybe you could tell me what a good price to sell her for what was yeah yeah that's a good show the the gun control stuff irks me um sometimes the there was one episode that i just skipped because like they were creating their own straw man to fight against it was like i don't mind if you rip something from the headlines like if you just take columbine and throw it up there and let's write around that, that's fine. It happened.
Starting point is 01:07:27 They just make up their own story where a concealed carry permit guy misses the bad guy and hits more good people and where there's just a complete meltdown. Because there were guns and because there were more guns, even more
Starting point is 01:07:44 innocent people got hurt and it's like well that didn't happen there wasn't a shooting at a church where an angry husband came in to shoot his wife, accidentally hit another person and then someone returned and fired him, accidentally hit another person and it kept devolving, that didn't really happen so I don't want to watch that bullshit you just made up
Starting point is 01:07:58 because you hate guns I saw Richard Ryan on Facebook today, just like a random video with 5 million views. And some guy has invented a better way to reload magazines for California. Have you seen this? No. So I'm sure Kyle knows the details of how this magazine works much better than I do. But apparently, in California, removing the magazine in and out of an AR-15
Starting point is 01:08:28 is much more difficult than the magazines that I've seen before. Like there's an extra button or it takes two hands or a tool or something like that. There's a hole you put the end of a bullet in. Okay. Was it intended to be a tool and then they figured out the bullets work? I don't know. They wrote a gun control law that said that the magazine could only be detached via use of a tool, basically.
Starting point is 01:08:52 They said that the magazine has to be attached to your gun. You can't just have a detachable mag. But, you know, it's a law, so they have to write specific, like, law jargon. So it says that it has to require a tool to remove the magazine so they you take a bullet and push it into that hole it's called a bullet button and the mag drops okay well the way that this one works is you leave the magazine in there you know where the shell would eject yes rock in this specially built thing that looks a little like a magazine kind of like you might put an ak magazine in you just sort of rock it in the side okay slide all the bullets in and then bang it out uh it's a
Starting point is 01:09:30 strip so it sounds like a stripper clip um that comes in from the top uh it comes in from the side where the shells would eject out of an area yeah the ejection port yeah yeah so and it at a downward angle or it like a sideways angle like a total like and you just sort of slide all the bullets in and i can imagine them in my head like routing down and getting pushed into the magazine so it's kind of like you rock on an ak magazine to the side but there's a the bullets are exposed and you just push them in with your thumb and then you bang it off and it's a quick way to reload without taking the magazine off so it gets around that need for a tool yeah it sounds like a stripper clip yeah
Starting point is 01:10:10 that's what that's the difference between a clip and a magazine you know like you'll have this metal clip that's just a piece of sheet metal and the back of the bullets are like latched into it the brass is and you can just push them all in and load all those bullets into a weapon all at once that sounds what it is that That sounds interesting, I guess. It's kind of like a stripper clip. If you saw it, I really think you'd not call it a stripper clip, though. Because it looks like you've probably seen tools that load magazines that you do on your bench. It's probably like a whole thing you just...
Starting point is 01:10:40 And they all go in at once. It looks like a magazine, just visually. I'm trying to um well that's interesting i think the real trick is just don't go to fucking california if you want to shoot an ar-15 right like that's that's so like it's so like it's so much nicer just to press a normal the actual uh magazine release and then put an actual magazine right back in any size you want whether it's 10 or 100 rounds i would hate to have to worry about it if i had if one of my magazines was illegal or the wrong type or it was made the
Starting point is 01:11:11 wrong year some silliness like that uh you want to wrap all right i was looking for it on youtube i can't seem to find it if i do do, I'll show it to you, Kyle. Yeah, sure. That's the problem with Facebook. I feel like you put content on Facebook and it's gone. You can't search it. You can't find it. It has a very short shelf life.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Whereas YouTube is more like a permanent record. Yeah, like an archive. Yeah. But so it comes and goes. I'll find it someday. Anyway, PKA, the graphic says 142. I think it's actually 143, and it's PKN, not PKA. You know what?
Starting point is 01:11:52 It's time to wrap.

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