Painkiller Already - PKN #145

Episode Date: June 2, 2017

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 145 i want to talk fitness how's everybody doing good yeah i'm doing good overall um cheated on the eating some this weekend because i went uh fishing and went on like a couple day trip with my dad and brothers so but even then like if you feel like shit about yourself as you're eating cheat meals it it deters further things especially like this is what i've i found to do it's like if i order just a regular cheeseburger on the like menu i consider like i really amp it up in my head how much of a cheat day that is when a really severe cheat day would have been getting like the whiskey river barbecue burger at red robin that's like 2000 and that's such a fucking good burger.
Starting point is 00:00:45 But if you just convince yourself that it's way worse than it is, then you don't get that out of control. Because by the end of the day, when I was tallying it up, it's like, oh, I had a cheap day and I ate like 2,600 calories. That's not horrible. Less than what Kyle's eaten. How many calories do you think you burn a day? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I used a calculator. I probably said it wrong. Fuck you people. I used a calculator and it said I was between 2100 and 2500 on a day depending on how active I am.
Starting point is 00:01:23 You mean like one of those websites where it tells you your basal metabolic rate or whatever it is? Yeah. It's got to be more than 2,000. I don't know. Mine's probably like 2,200, 2,300, 2,400. I don't know. I wish we could get some sort of like legit scientific numbers for that, right? Because whenever you're just filling in data on on a website you're getting this broad spectrum just it'll any any size fits everyone kind of bullshit that doesn't
Starting point is 00:01:51 incorporate maybe like you know our i don't know our our our body chemistry and what we're eating and what we're doing and stuff i i know that you can get to like determine your exact fat content you can do that submersion thing where they put you in water and anything that weighs more than they can calculate that way they're not weighing the water i guess they're determining your actual fat content and i wonder if there's anything like that for your basal metabolic rate i've calculated mine a bunch of times it's usually some it's usually like you know 2,000 2,200 2,300 somewhere in there so yeah yeah, I had no idea. Like, yeah, I would hear like, oh, this thing costs 6,000 calories cost, right? And I'm like, yeah, right. You know, like this is my budget and this is what I'm spending on each thing.
Starting point is 00:02:34 And I was like, I really don't know how much I burn in a day. And to me, like if you had told me 5,000 was normal, I'd be like, oh, yeah, because I really didn't know. But there it is so my range is somewhere i think like 21 to 2500 like it i had a really active day saturday um that's actually teaching people to fly i served as like an assistant instructor and uh that's just on your feet 90 degrees wait wait an assistant instructor or an assistant instructor because i wouldn't like that actually i know you do it the way i say
Starting point is 00:03:07 you get the fuck out of here i kind of jumped in because i i saw the other instructor was being very harsh right like this is a brand new thing he was an insistent yeah he was and like i would like pull the wrong brake and the wing goes to the ground he's just learning to kite the wing and uh it's like why are you mad at him like this guy literally has 10 minutes experience doing this and you're pissed he's not good you know like it this is hard and uh so i was just like here you know let me lend a hand and i ended up lending a hand all day long and burnt some calories that's good like i see it the same way with the side i liked how you say it that it cost something because i really think that's the most effective way to think about it because otherwise you just can like you know take it's
Starting point is 00:03:56 so easy i almost did it you know just a few minutes ago and i was like what i want to get for dinner well i have plenty of stuff to make at home or i could go to kidoba and i was like oh but can i afford to spend a thousand calories because i'm not going to go there and get up with something that i don't want to eat get the bowl the bowl isn't bad um i've gotten um that not from kidoba but from uh chipotle yeah i go and get their bowls and uh it's whichever one has the brown rice that you can get because i get i get the burrito places mixed up, but I get the brown rice and make a bowl of that and I don't feel bad about eating that at all, especially if you get double meat.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I don't feel that bad about it. Like, you know, that's what I do when I get bowls there is I get brown rice and double meat. Yeah. But, like, as I'm going through the line of all the ingredients, like, I catch myself stopping on all the things that I usually want. Yeah, sour cream and cheese. Where they're like, do you want our Diablo queso?
Starting point is 00:04:44 And it's like, I do, but forego that. Do you want lots of cheese and sour cream and guac? No, just lettuce. Just lettuce and a heap of vegetables. Is it possible the guac is okay? Because, you know, the avocado has many good properties to it.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I'm always thinking about vitamins and antioxidants. I put the guac in. I just don't like it that much. I'm not willing to spend. That's it. Sometimes I look at food that is not on the good list. It's on the naughty list. And I say, are you worth it? And most of them are not, at least for me right now.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I'm down eight pounds. You know what? Most of last week, I was just barely hanging on to seven. I ignore decimals when I give my big round number, but I knew in my head, like I was weighing 213.8, 213.6, and I was like, I might have a seven to report next week too. You know, like I'm not going to lie. And then come Friday, like clockwork, like the last three Fridays in a row,
Starting point is 00:05:42 no special accommodations. It's not like I went outside and sweated and came in. I just rolled out of bed, hopped on the scale, and I was down eight. Yeah, you're on a good path then. So I went camping this weekend and I usually have my
Starting point is 00:05:58 cheat mail on Thursday for whatever reason. I think Colin has parkour or something. But this week I was like, Woody, I don't think you're trending towards a new number. You know, let's skip the cheat day. And then it turned out on camping there really wasn't a lot of choices. So I had my cheat day for Saturday night. But bottom line is I'm down eight now.
Starting point is 00:06:15 My kettlebell's in. I did my first kettlebell workout today. And I just went, I just Googled for it. And on it, Joe Rogan's, I guess's company has a beginner kettlebell workout with 10 exercises to do. So I was like, oh, well, I'll just do that. You didn't give me yours, did you? No, I'll write that out to you right after this. Yeah, I'd love to see it.
Starting point is 00:06:38 So I was like, well, I don't have any other place to start. So I had 10 exercises, and they had a written description and a video of each one. So I was like cool and uh um so now i got i sort of broke the ice on that i whatever like i mean just unboxing them and putting them in place is your first kettlebell i got a little i got a little tucker just putting them in order my wife had it right by the front door she moved it four feet and called it good and uh so i uh but yeah, so I broke the seal on that. No skateboarding today. It's raining outside. But I've been, you know, on target.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I've only had one cheat meal per week for the last month or so. And I'm losing about a pound a week. I go on the Keto subreddit. I see these people losing so much faster than me. And I, I don't know know I would love to have a phase where I start losing two pounds or three pounds a week I don't know what they're losing though exactly because that ties into the that's what I started looking up calories burnt per day like these people are losing two and three
Starting point is 00:07:37 pounds a day and I was like is that all fat you know they know yeah it would be a lot of water weight it would have to like a little bit of fat and if you lose weight like i know from when i lost a fuck ton of weight a couple years ago like in the midst of the weight loss you're like all right losing fat losing fat and then at the end of it you're like oh god damn like i lost a lot of muscle in this process as well because like if you cut your calories that much and you're not working out a lot or eating a ton of protein, you're just going to start to atrophy. Yeah, I don't think that's my scenario. I am working out and I am eating tons of protein.
Starting point is 00:08:16 So protein is a primary part of my diet, really. The diet is so much harder than the working out part. diet is so much harder than the working out part because like it's so easy to ruin it with the diet where you just are like oh you know just just swinging by wendy's for lunch today can't be that bad i'll eat something healthy no you won't no you won't because there's nothing there that's healthy like you have to is they have a salad but i i don't know i had the salad like a month ago or something. I was nearly forced to go to Wendy's, and I walked away thinking that it was on the good list, but I still don't go there often.
Starting point is 00:08:54 So the salad is not on the good list, unfortunately, because of the dressing. Well, that's on you. I didn't have any dressing. Oh, no dressing. I think I might have used less than a packet. Salad without dressing is like anal without lube. You just don't fucking do it. Just don't strong point yeah that's silly um the dressing is usually the killer uh but i like um like vinaigrette or oil and vinegar something like that it's tangy i don't like the
Starting point is 00:09:16 raspberry vinaigrette that's fucking nasty i don't want any raspberry in my life at all much less on greens um but as long as you don't get the cheese and stuff but at wendy's um i haven't done it recently but i there's been a couple of times where like you just gotta work fast food into like a healthy lifestyle one way or another if you're if you're out doing stuff it's going to happen you're hungry and you you know it's better to eat bad than it is to starve yourself if you're if you're like trying to get your metabolism in order and live a healthy lifestyle. So sometimes you do that. But what I used to do is if it was McDonald's, I would order two grilled chicken sandwiches
Starting point is 00:09:51 plain. And then I would take the chicken out and I would eat the fucking chicken breast. And it sounds terrible, but McDonald's, the way that they cook their grilled chicken, they put the grilled chicken breast that's already like marinated and covered with lots of spices and stuff on a grill and they put like this metal ring around it and pour water in and then cap it and sort of they sort of like steam grill it with uh with all the all that seasoning on it and it's really tasty it really is so like i would just eat those like a caveman while i drove or i'd go to w Wendy's and they have these grilled chicken wraps and I would get those plain and I would not eat the wrap I would I would just I would just pick the chunk
Starting point is 00:10:30 of grilled chicken that's like two fingers worth out and I'd eat like four of those as I went doesn't sound like a good time but it's uh you feel better after oh yeah don't you knowing that you didn't indulge yourself too much the trick is to stop thinking about food as a reward or as like, oh yeah, once I get all of this done, then comes dinner. Like a lot of us get into that mindset of like, yeah, meals are my reward for the work that I do between them or meals are what I'm waiting on.
Starting point is 00:10:58 That's what this all builds up to for today. It's that big dinner tonight. Just get rid of that. Forget that whole mindset and think of food as fuel and and nutrients and vitamins and you know for your body don't think of it as like a pleasurable thing and things will go a lot easier for you that sounds awful right i'm sure you're right but i'm not there no no yeah you've got to get to the point where like sugar like hurts your teeth and it's just that's too sweet i have been pretty disciplined about low sugar uh and and also well i have found that i crave it less and i used to drink water and i've talked about this before has that been hard for you like cutting the sugar more than anything
Starting point is 00:11:34 because i know that you're like the big thing you turn to that you like a lot is like lemonade or like sweet drinks or juices and like lots of sugar has that been the hardest thing to overcome i swear it was harder when i just dip my toe in it like because there were a lot of times where it'd be like you know what i'm only having like a you know cran raspberry for dinner right and with lunch i'll have water and then that lunch would be like oh my god like this sucks so much and then with this round i just like you know what done You know, the sugar's gone. And it wasn't long.
Starting point is 00:12:09 It was only like four or five days before I stopped missing it. So, yeah, it turns out maybe that's why alcoholics and heroin addicts do it the way they do. You know, they just stop cold turkey. They don't be like, you know what? I'm cutting down to one-third the heroin I used to do because it doesn't work. That's true. Yeah. I've heard the heroin addicts who allow themselves an allowance
Starting point is 00:12:31 of it do very poorly. Well, no. See, they go to the methadone clinic, right? They get the artificial heroin, and that's the same thing as you going to get the diapepsi. Yeah, that's kind of true. The diapepsi is way less bad for you. The parallel is falling apart in here i i don't think so i don't think you've done enough methadone i have done very little methadone thinking about food
Starting point is 00:12:55 as numbers makes it easier if you're just like like if you really cement your your thought process like you have a budget in your head like I really try and keep it to 1,700 calories a day right now because that's lower than what I probably should be eating with as much as I'm working out, but I'm trying to lose weight. And so I figure if I do cheat, I'll get mad at myself, but it might only be 1,900 calories. So I get the benefit of the self-shame to encourage me in later days, but also the cheating isn't as bad. How's the mental side of it? Are you proud of your accomplishment? Are you happy? Are you still nothing but disappointed in you?
Starting point is 00:13:35 No, I'm starting to feel better about myself. When I yell at myself in the mirror now, a lot less is shaking around. And I'm like, all right, I'm starting to look pretty good up here. And I'm like, I'm still disappointed. And I got to this point, like, like, like, like, I'm not, I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed. I love this. That's the last thing you say is like, I love you.
Starting point is 00:13:57 And like, you turn the light off. You know what I do? You know what I do sometimes when I'm doing it is like, if I, I can tell I'm really doing a good job shaming myself. If like, I've just been like staring at like my belly in the mirror for a while like shaking it and i can't bring my and i haven't looked in my eyes in a while and i'll be like look at yourself in the eyes what have you done what are you doing and i did oh it it sounds so silly it's so effective it is so dude i that the success i'm having now represents failure of 18 months ago right like i
Starting point is 00:14:29 see 212 on there it's a notable improvement from 220 when i sit in the car with bad posture my uh like i have a belly over the bottom like lap belt part that i'm very unhappy with so i was driving home yesterday i think and it was like, you know, this is not where I want it to be, but it's measurably different. Even eight pounds, I can feel the difference in that belly. But it's like, no, Woody.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Look, 2015 Woody would have been like 212, you fucking piece of shit. It's not time to celebrate. You have more work to go. Oh, and this is a fucking thing so related topic my uh my um my mother-in-law is here with us and she has friends that came and visit her yesterday i haven't seen these people since i got married 21 years ago they came to the wedding and uh she sees me and she's like oh looking me down careful oh yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:15:27 you were thinner yeah i was fucking thinner 21 years ago for fuck's sake that's how you meet me that's how i can't believe you didn't drop the hammer like yeah yeah you were younger yeah dude what happened the fuck happened it didn't even stop there i was like yeah you know i'm working on it and uh and then like i like i wasn't hanging out with him or anything but i guess jackie gave him the tour of the house or something and they see me again they're like no one should be heavy in this house there's so much walking i'm like are you fucking kidding me and i was like you know yeah gain the weight while i was making the money and uh they're like well
Starting point is 00:16:12 that's okay then like like jesus who says shit like that but they're here rude a rude dirty wow i would be livid if someone came into my beautiful home after not seeing me for two plus decades and saying, hey, you've gained a little weight. And you go, yeah, last time you saw me, I was 25. 23. Or 23. Yeah. So of course things have changed.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Like I have a child who's almost as old as I was at the time. And I'm still thinking about it. Or just keep it simple. Just be like, well, you're still the same cunt. Just walk away. You haven't changed a bit. For what it's worth, I was not at all short on comebacks or things to say.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I just bit my tongue. Because, you know, like, look, for all the ribbing I'm getting, they're here to see her while she's sick. And that should count for a lot. No, no, no. If your mother-in-law said some stuff like this, you let it slide. You're like, hey while she's sick and and that should count for a lot no no if your mother-in-law said some stuff like this you let it slide you're like hey she's having a hard time like who knows where that's even coming from if that hey if her picking on me maybe gives her a
Starting point is 00:17:13 little solace let me have it both barrels but it's her friends they're not ill but they're here doing something nice for her that's the thought process so but yeah anyway it's still on my head like all she had the top really we didn't talk about anything else except my weight gain you know like it there was a she just brought it up every time I entered any self-shaming ladies come over man that would piss me off oh god oh i have to like just go outside yeah i i i did i went to the southern sunroom and just started like hanging on i was like i'm getting i'm going by myself that's the ultimate that's the ultimate fuck you to anybody who comes at you you go that's it i'm just gonna go take a break in my southern sunroom. Nobody else I've ever met has to qualify which sunroom they're attending.
Starting point is 00:18:08 The eastern one's a bit chilly this time of year. I'm given the geographic disparity in the size of my estate. It started to snow on the north side of my property. This house creates its own climate storm. So the northerly face of it is very dry and arid because the clouds are stopped by the peace of the home. I went paramotoring
Starting point is 00:18:34 today. The north side of my property was a little windy, so I had to go east. Still lots of room. That's good. But yeah, so anyway, Shaming's been going great.'ve had some i brought in some help and uh but the losing weight i seem to be at a pound a week schedule and i like to believe that it's a real pound they know they're not just like dropping water weight every week or something i
Starting point is 00:18:58 took a pound of bacon last night and i slathered it with half a cup of brown sugar and a tablespoon of Dijon mustard until it was just kind of... I really slathered it with my bare hands. I got it all in a bowl and mushed it into the brown sugar and the mustard until it was completely... And this was around dinner time for dinner? This was at 4 in the morning.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Of course it was. This was 4 a.m. this morning. And I baked it up real good for 20 minutes until it was crispy and then i got it out put it on some racks i'm gonna drip dry and get all the grease and fat off of it and then it hardens it like the bacon after 20 minutes is already pretty dark and crispy which is how i like it but after this process it has a hard candy shell on the outside of brown sugar and tangy mustard. It's delicious. It's amazing. I imagine it is.
Starting point is 00:19:50 It does sound pretty good. I'm about to go on the clean side of my diet. This isn't going to last longer. I've gained almost five pounds right now. Really? Like 86 or so. Feeling like shit. Had some real bad diarrhea earlier.
Starting point is 00:20:07 We're about to go into lots of healthy stuff and lean meats and fiber. Is the weight that you're gaining, do you feel like it's being distributed well or do you feel like, well, I can see that five pounds I've put on. Oh, yeah. It goes to the same places.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I guess I get love handles. I get a little bit of a belly. And I get man boobs. It goes to my thighs for sure. But it's a while before it goes to my face and my neck and my arms. And my arms aren't jiggly or anything at all. Like everything up. Most of me is fine.
Starting point is 00:20:43 It distributes in weird places. But then it comes right back off from those places first i've noticed like whenever i start losing weight i'd be like oh yeah like what he was talking about when you're in the car if your belly comes over the lap belt at all like especially if you're wearing like depending on the shirt you're wearing if you're wearing like a polo sometimes and it's tight it's like ah there's not even any way to hide that i can't even floof that up or anything. That's a good reality check. Yeah, so you definitely see
Starting point is 00:21:08 that go away first. I think it's because of the way our brains work when we're in cars. That sort of inner brain that takes over where we're kind of hypnotized. I'll also notice if I'm working out, the first thing I'll notice is that I'll be in the car
Starting point is 00:21:23 because I always put my arm kind of on the window. I'll be like, oh, that's not how my arm usually looks. Nice. Nice. It's working. So it's always in the car where I notice that I'm like getting fat or losing weight or getting in shape. That's a good point. The areas that motivated me the most to make a change, one was kind of of a general i don't like the way my shirts are
Starting point is 00:21:45 hanging on me you know like my chest and my belly and like like look there should be like a flat chest and the belly area should just all be wavy and not touching you know that that's that's how a shirt should fit on me and that's not how it was fitting especially when you get into like dry fit territory yep and then the other is especially with the wrong like camera angle or something like my neck is not going to be the neck i dream of unless i have surgery or something like i i could see my father um and where i'm going to evolve to and then in and out three day operation or three day you know healing period it'd be good tempting let's lose weight first and see where it stands. Yeah, you do want to lose the weight first. Let's lose weight first before the surgery. But yeah, I can see how I'm going to
Starting point is 00:22:32 age and there's going to be kind of a straight line from here to here. I don't get that beautiful neck that, I want to say a Hollywood neck, but the truth is a lot of people have regular necks. Mike Pence neck. Yeah, Pence has a good neck yeah yeah um but anyway that's an area that i also thought needed some work and i don't know if i've seen any real improvement yet but i will it's it can't if i keep losing weight i can tell like the progress in like the mirror shaming in that like in the first part of doing it like i'm i'm now on week seven of working out and i've worked out at least three times a week an hour every time for seven weeks now so i haven't missed it yet and i'm really that part's
Starting point is 00:23:11 not is going great but the fact that i'm having to like get into different positions to shame myself now a little bit like when i was doing it at first it was like just look at myself and it was like what have you done just look at the way you stand look at the body you inhabit you fuck like but now it's more like i'll like be yelling at myself and i can't get enough fat to yell and so i'll like like scrunch over and be like what the fuck have you done like that kind of shit how much weight have you lost do you know what your weight loss is i i'm like pretty much the same as last week. So I'm down to like 206 and a half, maybe 207. And where'd you start? So like 12, 13 pounds, maybe.
Starting point is 00:23:50 So like 219, 220 is where I started. Wow. Yeah, you're definitely losing quicker than me. We'll see. Part of the reason for me, so I have two motivations to bring in the kettlebell. One was I like the way Taylor's shirt fits. It's the full homo, I guess. But I was like, you know, like we're both making some positive changes, but I like that one and I want that one too.
Starting point is 00:24:09 So that was part of it. Another is just maybe, you know, raise my metabolism or something, you know, add a little muscle. Yeah, the more muscle you have, the more you can eat, which is actually very incentivizing because it means you can just eat more but yeah i looked it up one time like how much how many calories like a pound of muscle burns it's it was a lot fewer than you you would hope you'd hope it'd be like a thousand right like oh yeah right yeah i got a pound of muscle i added back there it burns up breakfast and half my daily metabolic my daily burn rate went from 2200 to 3200 with a pound of muscle. What a dream. Have you guys been taking pictures along the way?
Starting point is 00:24:49 No, I kind of regret it. I didn't take pictures because I didn't want to see them. And now I almost want to have a comparative picture. Maybe I should take one soon. Well, see, I'm not at my worst yet. See, we're trending up. So I may do that. I'm looking forward to the part where I
Starting point is 00:25:07 cut all the calories out and to see how fast I lose the weight because I'm going to really monitor it this time and I'm going to try to see what I do. That's good. I'm glad we're all sticking to it. I've been trying to
Starting point is 00:25:22 record my gameplay on PC. Chiz was saying OBS was the way to go, but it's just not. I've been trying to record my gameplay on PC. Chiz was saying OBS was the way to go, but it's just not. I used NVIDIA ShadowPlay, which is their thing, and it's like two clicks and it just does it. And the quality's perfect. Like, just perfect.
Starting point is 00:25:38 With OBS, it was turning my gameplay purplish, and the quality looked terrible. Like, a third of what my quality should look like and uh with shadow play it looks excellent shadow play never worked well for me like i i couldn't capture i guess there were times i wanted my mic and the pc and and like i could never get the audio either to both work or to be balanced properly like you expect it to be and uh i really love the notion of offloading it to my video card right usually my cpu is struggling and my video card's coasting
Starting point is 00:26:11 it's probably less true as it ages but uh i just never had good luck with shadow play and it's it's perfect in my scenario because the game i'm playing that battlegrounds game is very cpu taxing so it's nice to just let the GPU take over a little bit. And you have a 1080, right? Or is it 1080 Ti or 1080? I don't have the Ti. I was going to get the Ti. I still might.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I want to wait, I guess, until the next edition of the Ti comes out, the special TIs. We'll see. Oh, I didn't know that was going to be a thing. But for what I've got, I mean, I'm playing playing 34 40p or whatever in between 60 and 120 frames per second depending on what's going on and what other programs i'm running it's i'm not
Starting point is 00:26:55 gonna get any better than that like i don't i don't know where the improvement would really be but i'm really loving the game and i was getting so many fun little clips and having so much fun i was like i gotta record some of this just so i can show chiz so he'll believe the thing that i just did just for bragging rights i've been yeah yeah i've been playing uh the squads mode which is the four versus every everybody's in teams of four but uh i realized that you could unselect matchmaking and you could go in by yourself into that mode so i've been doing that and i've been talking to the other team um with the with an open mic the rest of your team or the other team i don't have a team there everybody else's teams of four and just me just just out there so there's
Starting point is 00:27:34 like 20 teams of four just roaming the wilderness and me just creeping around looking for him and last night i was walking and all of a sudden i heard some chatter in the it's proximity voice and i heard someone like yeah yeah there's a helmet right here and I was like alright then I'm hunting now and I got them all I got all four of them the whole time just talking tons and tons of shit
Starting point is 00:27:55 what was I saying I was like I'm gonna take your lunch money boy I'm gonna take your lunch money and I kill him and I go to cause that's what you kill people and you loot them that's the main goal of killing them and i'm like looting him and looking at his stuff and he didn't have anything good i'm like oh this was a poor kid he's on free lunch and i just kept getting sorry he's like fuck you man fuck you i'm gonna take your buddy's lunch money too and i just killed him one by one it was so satisfying my that game makes my heart race so
Starting point is 00:28:22 much more than i any other game really i can't think of another game, except maybe VR, where I'm in a nightmare scenario or something, and there's a leech scorpion on my neck. There's a workout plan, VR. Yeah, I definitely break a sweat when I go into VR. If I'm doing the archery game, where you're constantly reaching back, drawing an arrow, and then pulling it back and letting it go even though you've got those like one pound controllers after you shoot two or three hundred arrows you're dripping with sweat hmm so anyway i guess that's fitness i'm uh simultaneously
Starting point is 00:28:58 excited to still be losing a pound a week and disappointed in my lack of weight loss well over time we'll all hit our goals eventually and then we'll taper off and then probably a year after that we'll be disappointed in ourselves again and we'll repeat yeah everyone's like you know oh it's so stupid because you'll just gain it back yeah well imagine where i'd be like if I didn't do it. I could see where I was trending. It's not so bad to revert that trend and hold it down. Why do laundry or the dishes? They're just going to get dirty again. Why not just live in squalor and pretend you're happy with it?
Starting point is 00:29:40 Don't you hate that never-ending battle with laundry and dishes? Laundry is one of my favorite chores. I wouldn't know. No, shut up, Woody. Get out of here. You're a laundry slave. No, you need what I need. It's a magic basket.
Starting point is 00:29:54 I just put the dirty clothes in the hamper, and then it shows up in my dresser. It's fucking awesome. Some lady takes care of it for me. We had a lady who would come over and do the dishes and the laundry and everything else twice a week, and it was $100 a week. That's too much. You think so?
Starting point is 00:30:13 I don't think you understand the level of dishes and laundry. We make five, six meals a day. There are pans piled up. Every day, I'm doing dishes for 30 minutes, scrubbing pans. Like, it's a thing. And then the laundry as well.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Like, I'm telling you, $100 was a bargain. We were enthusiastic about this deal. And then she got a major heart problem, and she couldn't do it anymore. So now I got to do it. I hate doing it. You save $100 a week, though. I fucking want that $100 a week. I don't want
Starting point is 00:30:45 i don't want pruney hands and kitty's the worst she she'll dump like food into the sink and then some plates will get on top of it and the food has clogged the drain and there's like a millimeter two millimeters of water down there getting all stagnant and like rotten with the food and there's plates on top so i don't even fucking know it but i just think oh there's like four dirty dishes in there and a pan on top like a pizza pan i'll clean that up tomorrow part of why i don't help like jack so dishes waiting to be cleaned should be in at least a semi-clean state right you know put them in the trash. Yeah. But Jackie will use the sink almost as a trash can. You have a garbage disposal? I mean, in the sink?
Starting point is 00:31:31 Not really, no. I mean, we're not supposed to run it because we have a septic system, so we don't use it as one, but it is there. I want one just for her. Like, I don't need one because I'm an adult, and I can chink, chink, ch I can scrape my plates into a trash can. Or if it's cereal, here's a little pro tip for all of you adults who are listening to this.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Pour that shit in the toilet. You just pour it in the toilet and flush it and it's gone. If you have half a bowl of cereal and you didn't eat all your goddamn cornflakes because in the sink they turn into a mushy disgusting paste that's rotten and putrid and then I gotta clean it. So with cereal, I finish my cereal first of all into a mushy, disgusting paste that's rotten and putrid. And then I gotta clean it. So,
Starting point is 00:32:06 with cereal, I finish my cereal, first of all, so that's not an issue with my head. But if I am, for some reason, cleaning the kid's cereal, I go to the backyard and just scatter that shit, like, far and wide. I was gonna say that. And it just disappears. Yeah, I don't know, birds get it or deer or something, whatever, it's just fucking gone.
Starting point is 00:32:23 And, uh, but Jackie, like, in the sink there'll be napkins or something and it's like this is a wet napkin that was maybe served with the meal and you're on your own woman, you know?
Starting point is 00:32:37 You're creating a perfect vacation spot for viruses and bacteria and daring them to start living in your sink. You can just leave wet napkins and food. She does it every living in your sink. You just leave wet. She does it every day. Yeah. So it's a quick turnaround time. This happened today.
Starting point is 00:32:51 And in the end, she thought that she was in the right. It was like, she was like, oh, there's French fries. Your French fries are in the sink. And I go and look and I'm like, what's the rest of that shit? If that even is a French fry at this point who can tell French fries like you dumped all this in there and she's like could you at least get me the gloves so I can dig this out I'm like yeah I'll get you your gloves but I'm not digging that out I'll Bob I'll get a new sink before I do that mess he thought
Starting point is 00:33:20 that's like the same tone is like when you would come home from school after getting in trouble and your mom would be like to your dad like, your son called the girl at school a bitch. It's like, I'm both your son. If Kitty thought you were wrong, you tell her that Woody agrees with her. She thought it was all about whether or not it was a
Starting point is 00:33:38 french fry or not. I'm like, it doesn't matter if it was my french fry that I cut. Even if it is my french fry, that means that it's food that I prepared for you and then you made a mess with it. That's what that means if it was my french fry that I cut. Even if it is my french fry, that means that it's food that I prepared for you, and then you made a mess with it. That's what that means if it is a french fry. But, yeah, I really hate that. When I had roommates when I was, like, 19 or so, they were the worst. And it was their place, right?
Starting point is 00:33:58 Like, I was crashing with them. And I didn't feel like it was my responsibility to be like diving right into their dishes. They almost never were my dishes. And they would stink. They would have them piled up in the sink. And there was a smell that dirty dishes have. And it's always the same. I've smelled it maybe four times in my entire life.
Starting point is 00:34:18 And I recognize that smell. It's the smell of rotten food in your sink. Have you ever been in like a dirty Dishes Cold War with anyone before? Yeah, that's what they would have. And Trash Cold Wars, where it would just keep getting higher and higher, like on The Simpsons. The Trash Cold Wars, I lose those any time. Because eventually I'm just like, I've got to take this trash out. Like, I've got to get rid of this.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Let me tell you about Trash. Okay, so I've had a... Trash is... I've always always in every capacity of my entire life been the trash guy, the one who takes the trash out and disposes of it. And it's always been my job to figure out what is done with the trash. When I, when I lived in apartments and, and when I had shorter driveways, it was really easy to just take the trash to the curb. Woody, I'm sure you have a, you've got a whole system now to get your trash to the curb.
Starting point is 00:35:04 It's an ordeal. It's awesome i love it it's one of my favorite jobs it is my least favorite job probably because i don't have like a special cart with a special hookup and a special trash yeah we have a golf cart and we just sort of push the cans up onto the thing and uh then you get to drive the golf cart and usually I'll bring it like hey who wants to take the trash out and the kids are like I'll come and uh and then we drive to the edge of the property where they come to pick it up when I was a kid I was uh I was gonna take our trash can to the end of the driveway and I and it was very very cold outside and I had waited until like 10 p.m the night before the trash is to be picked
Starting point is 00:35:46 up. So it's nighttime and very cold. And I hop in an SUV and I've got the big dumpster holding the handle and I would drive the SUV down to the end of the driveway, dragging the thing down with my hand out the side with the door open, of course, you know, because it's a big dumpster. And so I get in the car, I open the door, I drag the dumpster up next to the car, I put the car in reverse, and I start driving backwards. And then I realized my mistake. Because the door, of course, gets drug over the trash can and goes up and over the trash can, warping the car door and destroying what turned out to be a very expensive heavy duty city trash can. And I was just like, God damn.
Starting point is 00:36:28 So I was like, back it on off. I get out and I like kick the, I kicked the door basically like that comedian kicked that retarded man the other night. I gave the door one of those and like, yeah, like kicked it kind of shut, but it didn't quite make it. And then back and then just kept going there was no stop and the trash still had to be taken uh at this point in my life i've still got that long ish driveway and it's gravel and i'm not dragging a dumpster in it and for a
Starting point is 00:36:54 while they i had a trash man who would come down my driveway to my house and and take it from dumpsters and then we had a falling out with him i don't remember what happened this is the super trash man yes yeah yeah i haven't seen he's gone since now what i have i have an industrial dumpster at my home a massive dumpster they come pick it up once uh well they come pick it up whenever it's full but that could take two months or something like that because it's so big and i use 55 gallon barrels as trash cans like like the gigantic plastic ones and i use the uh the outdoor trash bags and i have two of them so when i take the trash you do that in your home you have 50 gallon you just have 50 gallon drums as trash bags in your home two of them in the kitchen not like the metal drums but like the biggest plastic trash cans that are made those really really big ones. And I get the biggest trash bags
Starting point is 00:37:46 that are made. 48 gallon doesn't cut it. It's got to be like the 55 gallon trash bags or whatever. And they're like, I don't know how many mil it is. Like 8 mil thick. It's so thick you couldn't escape. You can't even tear through it. They put bodies in.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yeah, you could totally put bodies in there. And I just dump that into the dumpster. Can we watch just a few seconds of this video together to give a vibe for how i do it oh i'm there 14 seconds yeah i time stamped it all right uh ready set play so mine's not playing but there it is basically you you put on the little thing mine's not playing but there it is basically you you put on the little thing and then you push it up and you drive away it's uh and when you she's using it on a truck it fits into like a receiver hitch but we have one on the golf cart so we just do that and then we drive to the curb and all is all as well. That's nice. So that's what the metal bar on trash cans is for. Okay. Yeah, well the trash people come. What a world. Yeah, you know, I don't know what the metal is. I was gonna say the trash people do it, but they don't
Starting point is 00:38:57 use that. They grab it by the side with like a big hugging hook. Yeah, well this is a very convenient way. to take your trash out. Yeah, it's a good system. It's no problem at all. Kyle, well, Kyle has a dumpster so this wouldn't work for him. Yeah, well, I mean, yeah. You said your dumpster can take two months
Starting point is 00:39:18 to fill. I assume it's not like super close to your home or anything, but does it ever smell or anything, or is it just... just yeah like right after it rains sometimes it smells because like the rain water is like draining through the trash and out so but it's not but it's like only smells like when i'm right next to it and like dumping the garbage i just don't give a fuck that's well i mean if it doesn't smell while you're in your house then who cares no no not at all and the other thing that it's really good for is because we've got so, so, so many cardboard boxes.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I can't explain to you how many there are on a daily basis coming in and out of this home with all the packages that we ship out and all of the Amazon shit that flows in. And all of the other companies that are, like, pumping in, like, Kitty's products and my products and stuff. There's cardboard boxes everywhere and it's so nice just to flatten them all out and just throw them into that thing A burn pit would be good, but I'm in the city Can't burn. Oh, so you wouldn't be allowed to burn shit? No, and and you know, they might come and like see what I'm burning and then I'd be like, oh you burned a battery And then I'm in jail How is the city that you're in not rural enough that they'd be like well you burned a battery and then I'm in jail how is the
Starting point is 00:40:25 city that you're in not rural enough that they'd be like well you know common sense you know just I where I am like like like I'm I'm pretty close to it's a very very small little town like it's barely even a town but I'm really close to it and I'm in the city limits so it's it's just a no-go same thing with shooting like loud guns here oh it's nice a no-go. Same thing with shooting loud guns here. It's nice that you said he distinguishes between loud and quiet guns. They don't distinguish between loud and quiet guns. I distinguish between loud and quiet guns.
Starting point is 00:40:56 They're like, look, you can only shoot guns in your yard if they're nice and quiet. In your head, Kyle, when does loud begin? As long as it's suppressed. I shoot my suppressed.22 and I shoot my suppressed.45 When does, in your head Kyle, when does loud begin? As long as it's suppressed. Unsilenced, yeah. Like I shoot my suppressed like 22 and I shoot my suppressed 45 here for sure. I've shot the suppressed 45 in the house.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Is the term silencer wrong? No actually, so it's like the cool kids don't like to say silencer because in every little niche group you'd like to really establish a vernacular so that you can look down on the other people. Well, and so you can you can figure out who's who. Right. Like if I hear a guy talk in a certain way, then I know his experience level in anything, whether it's baseball, football, hockey or or this. So I think that's a big part of it. But silencer is 100 percent correct. that's a big part of it but silencer is 100 correct uh when maxim first if you if you look in the um the uh the patent description when maxim filed it for the first suppressor he called it a silencer he called it a silencer the very first silencer was called a silencer and and and
Starting point is 00:41:56 suppressor is just more i say silencer on a show then gun nuts are gonna know that's a rookie way of speaking unless you go ahead and preface it and say like, yeah, I know some people don't like saying silencer, but Maxon, the guy who invented the first one, silencer. So here's my silencer.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Uh, yeah, I've done that. Is like clip or magazine a better example of that? No. Uh, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:42:18 absolutely. Because they're completely separate things. Uh, a clip is something that holds a bunch of bullets, uh, like a stripper clip. Have you ever seen one with a rifle? It's like the Garand thing, right? Yeah, yeah. You take the rifle, you've got your stripper clip in your hand,
Starting point is 00:42:29 and you push them all in. And actually with the Garand, the clip stays in the gun, so that's kind of a middle ground now that I think about it. I don't think the stripper clip stays in the weapon and then pops out. So that's slightly different.
Starting point is 00:42:45 But there are other weapons that you just... and then the clip gets tossed aside. I read that magazines were first called clips by World War II veterans. That they called everything a clip because that's the kind of weapon that they had in war. And then, you know, magazines became
Starting point is 00:43:02 more prevalent after World War II. I guess. That's what I read. And they just kept calling them clips. Well, a lot of guns. World War II, the Bar would have had a magazine. The Tommies would have had magazines. All the SMGs, of course. But, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:43:16 But it wasn't like now where everyone's issued something that takes a magazine. Certainly not. No. Yeah. I'd never heard that one. But, yeah, magazine Clipper not. No. Yeah. I'd never heard that one. But yeah, magazine Clipper 2, Serpentine.
Starting point is 00:43:27 I still think it's crazy like the World War 2 stories you hear of how American soldiers would pick up German guns when they had the opportunity to and use those instead. Like you've heard about that,
Starting point is 00:43:39 I'm sure. Is that true? Yeah. It would depend on which gun, right? Like they would definitely pick up submachine guns if all of a sudden they're in an urban environment and they were issued a Garand or something. If they had a bolt gun or a long gun and now they're fighting in houses and there's a German submachine gun there, an MP40 or a Papa Shaw if the Russians are nearby. MP40, obviously. That gun's OP.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Exactly. Oh, man. That's such a great gun. obviously that gun's op exactly oh man that's such a great gun i liked when i looked online and saw like oh the mp40 was a very successful gun used in world war ii and it was like yeah fuck yeah finally like it's not like one of those guns in cod where you're like man this thing must be hard as fuck in real life and it's like just some navy seal being like i'd rather have a butter knife than that piece of shit. I'm like, whatever. Woody, you probably didn't. Did you watch that video that I linked from the Fighter and the Kid
Starting point is 00:44:29 podcast? Actually, I was in the process of watching it. I hope it gets good because so far the guy's trying to tell a story and both Brian Callahan and... They're going to interrupt a good bit. They interrupt constantly. I'm like, let the guy tell his fucking story. They're all like, what what temperature was it outside and he's like actually hold on
Starting point is 00:44:50 that's a part of the story and then dude let the let the guest roll it is give a little back yeah so this is a story of a guy who's on seal team six uh he's dropping into the himalayan mountains from high altitude uh which means you have to have oxygen. Although he's like, but I don't need oxygen because I've done it so many times, so I don't use oxygen. And I was like, oh, God, what a hardcore fucker. And he's a big guy. He's like a big, big bustle-up scary guy.
Starting point is 00:45:15 And he's talking about dropping in, and he's going to go tandem. He's going to have an interpreter strapped to his chest, and on the front of the interpreter, there's even more shit strappedpped to his chest and between the two of them are all of his navigation gears altimeter his GPS his compass and basically the interpreter gets cold feet and they have an absolute life and death disaster that takes place between I don don't know, 30,000 or 40,000 feet, and the ground in which there is vomit, beatings, fights, getting lost, equipment failures, toggles. I have to imagine this guy sucks at paragliding. I get it.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Seals are great at everything they ever want to do. But he's probably not good compared to someone whose passion is this. He's just using it as a method of transportation. For some reason, they decided that if they used a paraglider, they said this in the beginning, I think I have it right, they could travel much further. They didn't want big, noisy things over the area they were going to, so they were going to have a paraglider, which travels much further. It's more efficient horizontally than a parachute. A lot of parachutes are designed to get you down in a hurry. It to get you from point a to b so uh but like is he any good at this like how much training has he done i always do like navy seals you didn't hear him have you
Starting point is 00:46:34 gotten the part where he says that like he's like i've jumped this way and i've jumped that way i've jumped in this country and i've jumped in that country and we've done it this way and that way and we did all day every day i've jumped here i've jumped there i've jumped like this with this parachute that pair this guy's a fucking expert with the jumping because that's how they get put in a lot i promise you like i was i was satisfied when he like laid all right i feel like i haven't gotten there yet because i just know the thing is like the at no point like like he saves their lives on the way down because of the stuff he knows and the problems they had are in no way his fault i know i want to see it i feel like navy seal is that level of military where like no amount of like diversity hires or whatever is ever going to infiltrate that
Starting point is 00:47:18 little coven of the military you know because they're just so fucking hardcore drowning each other and flying through the sky and prepared for everything kill you with a fucking thimble and a toothpick you know jerry rigged that together like all the guys are professional soldiers they they spend their whole lives doing that stuff but it's so much more amped up than even like the other levels of soldiers you know those guys are those guys are marines all soldiers, though, right? I mean, but Marines are professional soldiers. Yeah. And Navy SEALs are like, I see it even higher than that. Navy SEALs are as high as you can go in my head.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Maybe I don't know the name of the Royal Guard or whatever the fuck. Delta Force. Delta Force, I think, is typically considered the one that's high. Is that Navy SEALs, though? No. That's a different thing but hey they sit seal team six when they want to get over uh uh right like like who knows i'd say they're all real fucking good strong point yeah the distinguishing the distinguishment that i think
Starting point is 00:48:15 of is that like the i hear about marines and they're like oh yeah i was in the marines for four years or or you know two years or six years or something like that but it seems like every time i hear about a navy seal when like that jocko guy is telling his stories he's like oh yeah it was 1989 that was when uh i went in and did this and that it's like whoa you've been a seal for 25 years like they they start doing it and they just do it for it like for 20 years they are this professional soldier being dropped into the assholes of the world to kill a clan of guys or take out a group of this guy or that guy. Who knows? All the crazy shit they do. And they're constantly training.
Starting point is 00:48:54 It never ends. You guys are right. But there's a series of YouTube videos that keeps getting recommended to me. And it's like, ask a Navy SEAL about this or ask a Navy SEAL about that. And it's like, they can't about this or ask a navy seal about that and it's like they can't possibly have expertise in all these areas like how to handle a dog bite by a navy seal that's really one really are navy seals trained in like hand to dog combat i yes of course right tons i guarantee it and really i haven't watched, of course, because there's war dogs, right?
Starting point is 00:49:25 You're going to have to deal with that eventually. You're going to have to fight a dog. I mean, if you get seven kills in a row, I guess. My buddy fought that dog that time, and what he said he did was he grabbed it by the jowls, like on either side of its mouth. And he was a very strong guy, 6'3". He was a former Marine. He was a career Marine, actually.
Starting point is 00:49:46 6'3", like 230 pounds, I would say. Real heavy set, big arms, just big dude. And he picked the dog up. And he's like, you can't do shit then. What's he going to do then? He's like, you can't do shit. And he slammed the dog on the ground, and that was it. But you've got to get your hands on its jowls, right?
Starting point is 00:50:03 Which is on either side of its chomping machine. Yeah, it does seem... Yeah, that's a one strike and you're out. It would be easy to fight a dog. Missed! Yeah, missed. I don't know. Being a Navy SEAL just seems... You've got to feel
Starting point is 00:50:21 fucking hardcore when you're on a mission or something and you look around at your team of like you and six other guys and it's like, of the whole fucking military these are the seven people who they want to send to get shit done, you know, like to make sure that there are no mistakes
Starting point is 00:50:38 like we couldn't trust this with those other elitely trained units, we need this like special unit that you would purchase for a premium in an RTS game. These guys are the all-stars of the military. They absolutely are. And like an all-star team, these guys work together on a daily basis. It's a team. They number the teams. We hear about SEAL Team 6, but there's a bunch of SEAL teams, right? And these guys all know each other. They're brothers. It's not like you're with a different group of guys every time you go out i i think they're like
Starting point is 00:51:07 dropping into somalia one year with frank and jim and dave and then four years later they're dropping into afghanistan with frank and jim and dave again you know like these guys it's a cool thing i like is living a different life than the he's like a ranger or something. He's elite. He's in the Army's version, I think, of the Navy SEALs. Yeah, Army Special Forces. But like, okay, for example, in the Royal Marines or whatever it is, the British one, Prince Harry
Starting point is 00:51:37 was a soldier. And he was apparently like a real soldier. He flew helicopters and did real war stuff. I just have to believe like every now and then it worked in his favor right like like they're like yeah he's a chopper pilot but you know what if things get really bad we pull him out oh yeah oh they absolutely would because remember it got leaked one time that he was deployed in like bullshit province afghanistan and immediately they were like oh they found out
Starting point is 00:52:06 harry we gotta pull you out somebody like they may actually try to get you like now they know that the prince of england is over here fight high exactly and they pull them out i i can't imagine that there would be much nepotism as far as like getting into the helicopter being able to fly the helicopter being confident. But there was definitely probably some like, oh, sir, you certainly don't want to go out there with those boys. Wouldn't you like to fly one of these twirly birds over here? Rockets and machine guns and such.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, I would. It may have been. I don't know how you get selected to flight school in the first place. Apparently. He said, I wanted to go to flight school and fly a helicopter and blow people up. And they were like, right away, sir. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. And you are the prince, is that right?
Starting point is 00:52:52 W had that, right? W flew, like, fighter jets to the National Guard during Vietnam. And, you know, that was a big campaign issue back in the day. They pulled a lot of strings to make sure that he didn't do anything dangerous and yeah i i can't blame which war was he avoiding combat vietnam was it not fuck who cares who cares chiz was telling us the other day like chiz was asking if my dad fought vietnam i was like i was like nah he didn't get drafted he's like why didn't he volunteer like because he wasn't a fucking moron like they were like he's taught i've talked to him about this before i was like what was it like because i he was born in 53 so he was like toward the end of the war i think he
Starting point is 00:53:29 could have been drafted and uh he was like none of us wanted to go we knew people who had went we knew people who had had a bad time there we knew people died there it was all over television like like the horrors that were going on there it It looked scary. And none of us felt like we had any fight in that war. Like we didn't know who we were going to fight or why. You know, it was like Muhammad Ali said. Well, I can explain the why. They sank an imaginary boat. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:55 It's like, and that didn't, who fucking cared in like 69 or 71, right? Like it didn't. So I was like, no, you can fucking go. And if I had been drafted of course knowing what i know now not 1968 and 18 year old me i you know 31 year old kyle if they draft me today to go into hypothetical vietnam i'm going to canada man i'm not going to i'm not going over there and fighting in a jungle it's going to be nine-toed Kyle real quick after a video shoot goes horribly and
Starting point is 00:54:26 randomly wrong right after you're informed of your civil duty to attend an army meeting or whatever the fuck. Absolutely, man. I would not. I've watched so many I went down a bit of a YouTube rabbit hole last night and if anyone's listening to this and they want some quality
Starting point is 00:54:41 content, go on there and watch the Medal of Honor War Stories. You've got the wants to listen to this and they want some quality content go on there and watch the uh the navy or excuse me the uh medal of honor war stories they you've got the guy sitting in a chair looking at the camera telling you what happened and how he won the medal of honor now some of them not to take any away anything away from these guys but all they did was jump on a live grenade they saved their comrades and many times they lived through it somehow right but but yeah how's that that's nice well they tell that story and those videos are usually short those are like the eight
Starting point is 00:55:10 minute how i won the medal of honor stories right there are some of those videos that are 22 fucking minutes long though you want to click that shit because for 22 minutes he's going to be telling you about the shit he did and these are always these old grizzled manly men like like they like the uh band of brothers kind of clips they'll have where they'll like just have the old guy or the veteran rather just speaking to you about what they did yeah yeah i'll have to check that out because they had one guy they had one guy from vietnam and he looked like on um sin city marv you know how marv's chin was big and square and stuck out, and his face was all rough? He looks like that, and he's got this growly voice.
Starting point is 00:55:51 I followed the Sarge up the mountain, and he walked off the trail, always off the trail. About halfway up, we heard explosions. That was our buddy stepping on the mines. I said, thanks, Sarge, for leading me the right way. Well, he cut Sarge down right then and there, blew me up too. And I looked down through the blood in my eyes and my hands was blowed up. And it just keeps, that's how these stories start, right? He's like, my hands was all blowed up and there was blood in my eyes and all I could see was fire. And I realized it was a
Starting point is 00:56:21 North Vietnamese with a flamethrower burning my friends alive. And he took one look at me and I realized it was a North Vietnamese with a flamethrower burning my friends alive and he took one look at me and I recognized so pitifully he figured he just let me go ahead and die like I was and kept on moving and that's when I crawled and crawled until I found found a few of my buddies and they's hiding in a damn hole not fighting not shooting at nobody I said give me your damn weapon and he wouldn't give it to me what god gave me his pistol though and I was begging for one more magazine when the gook started coming at me and i took one out he's trying to take me alive and i and he's just telling this story and it just keeps escalating and he's like the serge was gone so i said give me all the radios and i had all three radios one for the navy guns one for the artillery man and one for the uh the the the the aircraft and i was calling the air support right
Starting point is 00:57:06 in on top of us and it was blowing up all around and it was 36 of us that went in and seven of us come out and i'm one of them and that's how i won the battle of honor all the stories are like that like that's crazy i like those stories i like the accent it goes into i know it was very well done i like those when like you you almost get to the point of like like when they win a huge battle in lord of the rings like when the fucking uh undead horde show up you're like oh that's ridiculous that would never happen like you get that kind of result with some of these medal of honor stories where like halfway through it'll be like and then i made my way into the into the tunnels i went in and i went in with two ears on
Starting point is 00:57:46 my head and i came out with nine on a necklace around my neck all japanese and you'll be like alex jones is pretty badass over there now the thing you need to understand about this joke the best vietnam never happened you know the best story i heard made me cry at the end it made me cry it was end. It made me cry. It was so powerful and just ridiculous. This guy, I think there was about 40 of these guys. They were artillery men. These are the guys firing the big guns many miles.
Starting point is 00:58:16 And a major lands at their position and tells them, you're going to get hit tonight 100%. Prepare yourselves. So he's like, my Sarge was 27 years old. He was an old guy to us and he was he was always busting her ass making us pop take our bullets out of our magazines and polish them and he'd make us take our artillery shells and polish them and just always constantly with this shit and And so that night The enemy comes and they're using these artillery pieces
Starting point is 00:58:42 With beehive rounds each round fires 18 000 buck shot with a boom straight ahead they've leveled the guns the enemy is advancing i think there's 3 000 of them i i don't remember the exact number but it's it's an overwhelming number of them and he's manning the the the gun that's closest to them there are guns behind him and he's loading up this beehive round he pulls it off and just shoots and just kills many many of them well a mortar round lands next to him and his friends think that he's dead because it's blown up all of his shit it's injured him severely but he's not dead he's getting up trying to reload his friends fire their beehive round and it hits him he gets shot through they're
Starting point is 00:59:21 not ball bearings they're darts i i misspoke He gets shot through the ass with a ton of these darts, like where his flak jacket stops at the top of his butt to the top of his thighs. He's just shot through with darts. So he's laying there all fucked up, unconscious. When he comes to, he is in the middle of the enemy. There are hundreds of them in waves running past him. He picks up an M16 with 400 rounds of ammo and goes through all of it, killing the men around him from feet to yards away from him. Kills all of them he can with that, and then he starts crawling around in the mud and the darkness
Starting point is 01:00:00 looking for the ingredients to load the gun again. It's all blown apart, right? So he's just looking everywhere. He puts the round in, and he's ingredients to load the gun again it's all blown apart right so he's just looking everywhere oh there's the there's he puts the round in and he's got to fill the powder charge up he said i only thought i'd get one shot so i filled it with all the powder it could take we'd never done that before he said and i i finally got there and i said good lord this is my last one thank you thank you for letting me get this load he pulls the lanyard and he goes tink didn't go off he said and i just hung my head and i thought this is the end then that gun went
Starting point is 01:00:30 and started a shaking and it went my buddies behind me said we thought you rigged up some kind of a damn flame thrower because when that thing went off it shot a cloud of fire out. And it blinded half the enemy and blew away hundreds more. And he keeps loading the gun and firing. That wasn't his last shot. He says, I kept loading and firing
Starting point is 01:00:56 until I heard, hold your fire, I'm a GI on the other side of the river. And I looked up and it was my buddy and he's on the wrong side of the river and he's hurt. So he starts crawling to the river. And I looked up and it was my buddy and he's on the wrong side of the river and he's hurt. So he starts crawling to the river. He gets on an air mattress, still shot through and starts swimming.
Starting point is 01:01:11 He starts swimming. He gets to the other side and he says, I looked down in the foxhole and it wasn't one man, it was three. And I said, Lord, I only got the strength to bring one back. You're going to have to help me get the other two. And I started coming back with all three me this is like when you play call of duty and you want like you level up quickly
Starting point is 01:01:35 this is what you want to try and get a whole nother level in in that same game this guy was going for two medals of honor at this I bet he probably got more than turns out that's been an ex-cow was in Vietnam not the real one that the one on the screen people gravelly voice three times maybe at least three times for the Medal of Honor he's like and this is the time he won because he was just always doing crazy shit it's those stories are excellent some of them like I said it's like I jumped on the grenade and I saved my friends or whatever. And that's not as entertaining, I guess I'll say, as the ones where they turn into superheroes.
Starting point is 01:02:11 And it's just unbelievable. I think Brian Stan has a story like that. Brian Stan. He's a UFC fighter. He's a commentator. I'm sure you'd recognize him if you saw him. But apparently, I can't do it. I don't
Starting point is 01:02:25 know the story that well but he was like in a tank convoy and they got ant like like they're driving through some low road and there's hills on either side then all of a sudden the enemy comes over like both sides and he's like all right i guess time to kill all them and that's what he did next if i had the story right it was something like that. Yeah, I really, really like those stories. And they have them from all the wars. There's guys from World War II on there. I'll have to check it out. And they talk about fighting fucking Nazis and the Japanese.
Starting point is 01:02:55 There's a flamethrower guy, and he's talking about crawling toward the Japanese machine gun. And because of the level and elevation, you can only tip the machine gun down so far you can't aim it any lower the bullets are ricocheting off his tank of the flamethrower as he crawls and he's like i crawled back they're just gonna blow me up and burn me alive all my friends gotta keep going and he like he you know he burnt like eight pillboxes up and killed bunches of guys the ones where they go hand-to-hand I really like I like when they're like when they they have to there was one guy who picked up a Machine gun that was hot with his bare hands
Starting point is 01:03:35 Terrible burns you know the barrels get incredibly hot I think I know that one pick it up and like men move it and any just all those stories also happened in Band of Brothers That happened in the other one in like the pacific one and that it was from the true story what is it called the true story was from yeah but it was it wasn't band of brothers what was its like sister one it was called the pacific okay yeah yeah i was pretty close yeah those are both great yeah i you know i what i can't help but like i'll often get emotional when I watch those things because I'm really appreciative that those guys went and did that for our country. And for themselves, you know, they weren't like, yeah, this is for Nicole Sam as they gutted 15 Germans. They were probably like, this is for Dave and Mark back there in that hole.
Starting point is 01:04:18 And for me, so that I don't get captured and tortured, you know. But still, they were there fighting for our country and stuff. I get really choked up when they're like, when he said they wouldn't want a man in the hole, they was three. And I said, Lord, you're going to have to help me get the other two, because I can't. I'm like, aww. I got to pause it.
Starting point is 01:04:35 I'm like, how are you? Yeah, as you tell the story, I'm like, aw, that's so sad. He had to make a decision on which one to say, no, no, there's another choice. Just muscle three people over there with a bunch of darts in your ass. My favorite story of all time that I've told a bunch of times is the one from Vietnam. And it's really – they really sell it because they show the picture of this old man when he was in Vietnam.
Starting point is 01:04:58 And you see this hulking guy who's like 6'2", 240 with very wide shoulders and a real thick body. Like, he's not low body fat. Like, he is a thick, muscular, powerful human being. He doesn't have, like, abs as much as, like, he looks like a power lifter or something like that. And he's got double bandoliers of ammo, like, crisscrossed on his chest. He's shirtless, and he's holding an M60 with one hand, if I remember correctly. Like, this big big beefy motherfucker, and he's telling this story of fighting hundreds
Starting point is 01:05:28 of the Vietnamese and getting blown up twice, and in the end, one of his friends has been shot in the head and half his skull is gone, the other friend has been shot in the ass, and one of his ass cheeks is gone, so he puts them both on his back and swims out to sea three to five miles, I don't
Starting point is 01:05:44 remember, but it was at least three miles he swam with two men so that the Navy could pick him up. Yeah, but like, the guy with half of his head gone. He lived! That's the best part! At the end, at the very, very end of this, like, interview, he's like,
Starting point is 01:05:59 and Larry, he's all good now. I saw him last year. And they cut to Larry and he's got an eye patch and reconstructive surgery. And he's like, yeah, he pulled me out of there. Anybody else would have left me behind. Half my head was gone. He pulled me out of there. He's like, half of Larry's head's gone.
Starting point is 01:06:13 And the other guy, the guy who had pulled that man out of that hole and swam him across the beach, he was like, and I got to see his kids. I got to hold his grandbabies last week. And they got a picture of him holding the guy's grandkids, and I cried again. There were similar heroics in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, so you might like that. No spoilers.
Starting point is 01:06:34 No spoilers, but there are action scenes, and they are very brave. I look forward to that very much. I still haven't seen Logan, and I don't feel like spending $15 to purchase it. I don't like that when movies first get released. I saw Logan, played that.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I thought I'd like it more. I didn't realize that it takes place and Logan has reduced powers, so it's barely a superhero movie. It's almost a badass dude movie. And Logan's aged. I guess I knew intellectually that Logan didn't age. I mean, I had seen all the movies and stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:17 But somehow I forgot that, like, all right, if he has ineffective powers, he's going to start getting older. And it just, I, look, I was looking for a movie called Wolverine. And I saw a movie called wolverine and i saw a movie called logan and and that was that also the same director made the movie the wolverine have you seen it that's when he's in japan and he fights that robot that like i like that one a lot yeah that one i really that's the kind of movie that i was hoping to see um but grittier and like deadpoolish with sex and shit but that's not what happened also the uh if there's a second main character, it was this little girl who is Wolverine-like. You can get this from the trailers. It's not a spoiler.
Starting point is 01:07:51 She barely speaks English. She speaks Spanish. I'm like, why is the main character in this film not able to talk? How is that good? I don't know about that. I didn't know that little caveat. I know they're in Mexico, but I was really hoping she could speak English. She has a few words, but, you know. I'm going to watch it. I saw it last night. It was $15, and I was like, I don't like it $15 worth.
Starting point is 01:08:17 I just want to rent this thing, not own it forever. This is Judge Dredd. He's not the law. I've watched Judge Dredd so many fucking times. It's obnoxious. The people in my life hate it. I'm like, you know, we could watch Judge Dredd he's not the law I've watched judge Dredd so many fucking times like the people in my life hate it I'm like you know we could watch judge Dredd I'm like but he's the law fan sent me the you know the Ultra HD blu-ray and everything and I said so I watched that I watched all the time I love that shit
Starting point is 01:08:44 that's my favorite movies I think that. I watch it all the time. I love that shit. That's one of my favorite movies. I think that's one of the best new action movies that's been made. I love how gritty it is. This is not the Stallone version, but the newer one. No, this is the... It's Carl Urban. See, Stallone, it's based on a graphic novel. Stallone completely
Starting point is 01:08:59 disrespected the graphic novel by taking the helmet off. The character never does that. In years of this comic, across its arc, you've never seen the guy take his helmet off he doesn't do that shit and first things to loan does because he's a prima donna he takes the helmet off but carl urban never does you just get the frown it's just the frown the whole fucking time did you i really you probably know this already but tom cruise was offered the part of iron man and he wanted to constantly take the helmet off because he's Tom Cruise. Turns out Robert Downey Jr. is so good in that role.
Starting point is 01:09:31 DiCaprio could have done it too but I think that Robert Downey Jr. really owns it. He looks like Tony Stark. Do you think DiCaprio could have done it? Oh yeah. He's a shitty actor. Oh my god. Every time he's in something i am distracted
Starting point is 01:09:49 by how bad his acting is he's in these great films really and then you get yeah like the fucking quaalude scene and wolf of wall street was hard to sit through he's such a shitty actor the um i don't know him yelling and doing the speeches on the board he's so shitty in wolf of wall street it distracts me from an interesting story that's the kind of movie i might like um i thought he was pretty good in wall street i couldn't disagree more yeah i am the opposite opinion um what else i think he's the i think he's the best actor at his age or younger that Day-Lewis just kills him Daniel Day-Lewis is the best in my opinion
Starting point is 01:10:29 I think I said one time he's the greatest American actor but he's not fucking American but he's so good at those accents but we co-opt him who's the guy he was heavy he was in Philip Seymour Hoffman
Starting point is 01:10:43 that's who I'm looking for he's dead but I I didn't appreciate how great an actor he was until he died that guy was every role he killed you should watch the uh that movie with him and Joaquin Phoenix it's called The Master uh I think it's shot in 4k no no it's filmed in 70 millimeter that's what it is yeah yeah so it's really nice quality. It's bizarre. Philip Seymour Hoffman is like a cult leader, kind of a Scientology kind of thing,
Starting point is 01:11:11 warping people's minds. Joaquin Phoenix falls under his spell, and there's a lot of really powerful, there's this one really powerful scene where he's making Joaquin walk back and forth across the room, and like, I can't remember the exact specifics, but it's like he walks to
Starting point is 01:11:26 one end and it's like, touch the glass. Now walk to the other end and touch the wood. And he's going back and forth until he can feel the glass when he touches the wood. Oh, I've seen this movie. Yeah, all this bizarre stuff. It's a cult movie. You know what's getting good? Better Call Saul
Starting point is 01:11:42 is turning it around for me. I'm just waiting until it's all available so I can binge it. I ate my mustard bacon while I watched Better Call Saul last night. I haven't seen yesterday's, so I guess I'm one week behind, but I'm looking forward to it. Jimmy. No spoilers. Don't ruin it.
Starting point is 01:11:59 I'll see it probably right after this. Jimmy's the star this week, I think. That's good. The more Jimmy, the better in my opinion. Special guest star from Mike. It's Mike and Jimmy. No horse shit, really, this week. I want to see his brother's downfall, too.
Starting point is 01:12:16 So I look forward to that. Yeah. Rap? Yeah, definitely rap. I want to go play some Battlegrounds. Very good. All right, that was PKN episode 145. Hope you guys like hanging out with us.

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