Painkiller Already - PKN #156

Episode Date: August 24, 2017

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 recording pkn episode 439 for all of you you made it yeah we one way or another time i'm so drugged out yeah so so you had a bit of a foot injury i am told uh should we lead with that? It's funny because on these paramotor Facebook groups and stuff, I'm a celebrity over there. I'm a big deal in the para community. Not as the best pilot, but
Starting point is 00:00:39 a popular pilot. The para community makes it sound like there's a bunch of people in wheelchairs and all sorts of things. I've been doing like updates over there, like, ah, day one of training, day two of training. And they're loving it. You know, they can't get enough of it. But over here in the PKA world, they're like, oh my God, buddy, shut the fuck up with all your paramotor talk.
Starting point is 00:01:01 But just to say, I'll, say, I'll do it anyway. So I came out here to California. I do paramotoring. Everybody knows that. What they call free flight is the same thing but without a motor. You jump off a mountain and you find rising columns of air and you fly without a motor. And I wanted to add that to the menu. Not replace, but, you know, do that.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I have online para friends who go on these vacations to, like, Costa Rica or Oklahoma or whatever. I just can't go because that's not, you know, in my skill set. So I came out here to add it. And first couple days went great, but the launching is different. Like, jumping off a mountain versus, like, running on flat ground under power. And the wind conditions are different. Like, a paramotor is typically seeks out nice calm air and a free flight guy looks for some rowdy air because he needs that lift and uh i just not that
Starting point is 00:01:52 experience of dealing with rowdy air so first couple days got my feet wet even started doing well and then the next couple days was a maneuvers course which will be some videos on my channel and that was awesome you would take your wing and deflate it like those strings that hold you grab them yank them down to your pockets you're falling at like 200 feet a minute or a second or a lot falling a lot maybe 200 feet a second i don't know exactly and it's up there and it's wagging around and my body's getting twisted around like you know when you're on a swing set and there's two chains and uh yeah so at first it's kind of hard to twist but then once you do your first twist it goes real easily that shit's happening and uh i'm you know dude
Starting point is 00:02:36 i learned so much and like i was killing it you know like there's a trick called wing overs where you sort of go left and right i I'm way upside down on this wing. And I was doing really well. Even my instructor, who is not prone to giving compliments, was like, your wing overs are elite. And I was like, yeah, I've been working on it forever. But he wasn't happy with everything I did. But that was like my big thing. I really wanted to get my wing overs nailed.
Starting point is 00:03:05 And then we were going to do cross country. This is like the third phase of my training. And there is an asphalt parking lot next to, I guess I'll describe it as a cliff. I mean, it was maybe 60 degrees. Like it wasn't vertical, but it was steep. And around it, there's something called a venturi effect so even if the wind is like i'll call it eight miles an hour elsewhere coming up this bowl that led to the launch spot it was like 20 and a free flight pilot wants to take off into the gusty like worst
Starting point is 00:03:40 part of it so that he can get lift. Otherwise he jumps off, immediately loses a couple hundred feet of altitude and has a hard time getting up above the mountain. So, uh, the first time I inflated my wing, like to bring it up, it picks me up in the air and it twists me around. And one of the instincts I built in the first part of my training was to keep flying. Right. I was doing dumb stuff at first, like grabbing the risers or breaking my fall. That's wrong. Party number one, control the wing.
Starting point is 00:04:10 So I did that and like I turned around and I was trying to fly off the edge of the cliff, but I didn't make it. I landed in the asphalt. I turned around, killed the wing. Brilliant, right? Even my instructor said I did it well. And like I said, he's not prone to compliments. So this time I set up a little closer to the cliff,
Starting point is 00:04:30 thinking I wouldn't have so much to penetrate. I launched it and I did keep flying the wing, but my body position was all messy. I was swinging around and out of control. And I'm flying backwards but you know my body's in the forwards position I'm supposed to be going that anyway my toe lands and it kind of twists and faces towards my and I could hear kind of a pop up up like so in my head i thought it was ligaments um now that i know i have three broken bones in my ankle i think that so uh bones that's better than ligaments right i hear you i don't try to be a glaf has full kind of guy you know yeah so did you know immediately that it was broken i mean how long i it was pretty good like like um i have a lot of experience just rolling my ankle like to the side
Starting point is 00:05:32 you know probably do and uh i'm like i don't think this is just that and when i just interject when i when i broke mine it there was an audible pop it It was my right foot, and it twisted to the right, if that makes sense. You can picture that. Yeah, the toe went that way, and there was an audible pop. And it felt like I could feel the pop. It was almost like you're sliding your thumb off something, pressing hard, and then it slips and lets go. I could feel the pop. It was almost like you're sliding your thumb off something, pressing harder, then it slips and lets go. I could feel it. And I was so terrified. I was like, I thought the bone was sticking out, but it was so loud. So I know what that's like, the sound and everything. I really don't-
Starting point is 00:06:15 Was it a pain right away? Or was it more like it was a panic of what it was, but pain didn't register until later? To me? Yeah. but like pain didn't register until later to me yeah um i i was a little in shock i uh so for the record mine bent inward like the pigeon toad way and uh and like one of my first things is i'm still attached to this wing and i wanted to get it unattached to me because i could get dragged across the parking yes yeah and uh someone came over and i was like i wanted to get it unattached to me because I could get dragged across the parking lot. Yes. Yeah. And someone came over and I was like, I wanted to get the wing off. And I don't know if he was a paraglider pilot because he was like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Like, you didn't want to move anything. Yeah. It's like, no, no, let's get out of the traffic, you know, like pretending it was a car accident. Step one, let's go to safety if you're in danger. And I was. So all you have to do is unclip half the wing and it loses its ability to be a wing so so that's what i did and uh um then i start like assessing it like all right it's pointed straight right now and i just had a good feeling it was a pretty good one
Starting point is 00:07:17 and uh my instructor he might have had some painkillers with him, so I might have had some of those just to kick things off. Yeah, nothing wrong with that. It's fortunate. People at the hospital didn't seem to think it was all that legal, but I took a picture of the bottles because I knew they'd ask me if I was taking anything or on anything, and they're like, yeah, don't show me that name. That's not yours.
Starting point is 00:07:44 It's like the same thing as in Band of Brothers, where they're like, you don't know if name that's not yours exactly it's like the same thing as in like band of brothers where they're like you don't know if he's had one or two morphine shots what am i supposed to do now and it's like and then they give him one and he dies so oh did that happen i don't even remember that i don't recall yeah allegedly yeah allegedly but uh when that started going did and those took the pills, and I'm sure that you have the nice, good, non-alleged legal pills with your name on the bottle now to get rid of the pain. Is it, like, were you, because I know that that's the one substance that when you do get injured, you take it and you're like, well, all right, this is pretty good. do get injured you take it and you're like well all right this is pretty good like it was part of you when you were taking it like this fucking sucks but also like i need to pick a good show before i take this like i don't think i have anything that good it's called oh oh i thought
Starting point is 00:08:36 you were gonna say anything good to watch asafetamine um so it's a it's a mix between tylenol and it's a vicodin oh it's vicodin okay they also call it norco or narco i don't know but um this is what they gave me before i was going to have surgery and then i had surgery and they prescribed some better stuff those prescriptions were left on the printer and uh and i never got them so i tried to have them like call them in but uh one i'm i'm in california and i had the surgery in nevada and that apparently is a complication and uh two just with like i guess this kind of narcotic they're really uh i don't know careful about how they give it out so all i have is the weaker stuff but it seemed like i usually don't take a lot of pain med have is the weaker stuff but it seemed like i usually
Starting point is 00:09:25 don't take a lot of pain meds usually don't like them and uh and i usually don't finish my bottle or anything like that so but i'm they said today was going to be the big pain day and thus far it hasn't really lived up to expectations so that's good i guess how long were you in surgery like we kind of glossed over that but was it a was it like a you were out for two hours or and what kind of surgery were their pins placed in like uh so the surgery was not long it's 30 40 minutes uh this is i'm i'm uh flying around lake tahoe so these people are like it's ski country they're broken angle experts they they see this every day and um there's definitely a metal plate with some pins on one side and he said he fixed two sides and i i'm not sure if that side also has some metal plates and pins damn it's possible that um i'll want those removed someday he said sometimes people get irritated by them
Starting point is 00:10:18 and sometimes people don't but um so so that's thing. The recovery time is really long and that's, I guess, I guess I'm a little happy right now because of the drugs, but, uh, I like flying a lot, like more than most people like anything. And I feel like, like I land and my wife is like, you're a different person. Like I'm happy. I'm a better husband, father, and dog owner after I land. And, um, I'm not sure I'm a better husband father and dog owner after I land and I'm not sure I'm gonna fly this year like that's how long of recovery we're talking about Yeah, so like this year is in like the next three and a half months until 18
Starting point is 00:10:57 Right, right. Yeah. I'm not sure I'll fly before Christmas if that clears it up and It's if that clears it up and um uh it's eight to twelve weeks with no pressure on it if i understand right and then i switch over to like a walking boot and uh and then there'll be some time in that maybe like another eight weeks time to borrow one of those trikes i actually up already yeah yeah did you it's two days after that yeah i was like eric you know what like you make these great trikes and i can bring some visibility to them and you know just a loader i'm just i don't just you're gonna be on that trike we are let's just get let's just say it now what he's gonna get himself a trike and and i and i wholeheartedly uh support that that because i
Starting point is 00:11:43 my and i don't know shit about it but like just looking at the two platforms as they are from my point of view, I always liked the idea of the tricycle. I know you said that's kind of like the old guy thing or maybe even the overweight guy thing, but to me, you're in a craft at that point. Maybe to you, one of the biggest, coolest things is you're almost like a rocketeer uh when you're when you're out there standing walking around you're really self-contained but to me i always saw at least some semblance of safety in that like that that frame that body that was between you and the earth i don't know some truth to that and both sides of it and trike guys there's a platform there to deck it out a little better like you can have a fuel gauge and they tend to have better lights for like you know evening flights and and stuff like that um whereas when you carry up they're often so the legal limit for fuel is five
Starting point is 00:12:36 gallons but most foot launch guys have like three because you got to carry that around on a trike go five why the heck not you know you're just pushing it so uh so there's definitely some trike advantages heck maybe uh at the end of all this i'll add it to the menu you know dang yeah you're definitely going to end up in one of those trikes given how it's what still in like the hours range post accident and you're like well they say eight weeks but I'm a fast healer and I love these pills. So I'm thinking eight, nine days tops. Yeah. I've read online. If you just tape it very tight.
Starting point is 00:13:12 I already started shopping for new shoes. Like, like they make paragliding shoes and the, um, the instructor instantly pointed to my boots. I had hiking boots on, uh, theirrells and uh he's like those things are terrible he's like you could go in tennis shoes where you'd slip or you could go in proper paraglider shoes where you'd be protected but that is just grippy enough to break your ankle and weak enough not to support oh man the reason mine was broken is because i was wearing steel cleats and the uh the steel cleat steel cleat caught on home plate as I was
Starting point is 00:13:47 sliding in. And so like my right foot is, you know, when you do a baseball slide, you sort of fold your right foot under your left and slide on your hip. And the tip of that cleat caught and just rolled my foot over and broke it. Yeah, that sucks. It's actually the boot. This is my left shoe. Oh, my camera's not working, is it? Oh, yeah, you're froze. Maybe turn it on and off again? I'll try.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Man, as soon as we do a visual. That's the one time we need it. Yeah, right? There we go. So this is the boot. It's a Merrill hiking boot and uh this bottom it's asphalt so it was just super grippy and it planted and i twisted like that yeah yeah as soon as you took that off did it like because you know how it is like in something like hockey
Starting point is 00:14:39 where if you break your ankle or hurt your foot you're supposed to keep your skate on because if you take it off right away it just explodes like did the guy who's helping you take your shoe off and you could just see it swelling in real time almost because yeah well the paragliding instructor has emt training it's like literally a while back he just decided like you know what people get hurt in this a lot i should get some emt training He has brought two people back to life and seven people not back to life. Which is actually a really good ratio.
Starting point is 00:15:12 A little more EMT training, maybe. I don't know. They just keep dying on me. That one just had a broken foot. I didn't make it. What can I say? Put him down. When you lose, I put him down. Were you trained by a vet?
Starting point is 00:15:28 yeah, yeah, yeah he's a doctor this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you he's like, put the gun down so, that's funny but actually, it might be Six who didn't make it, anyway it's a great ratio something like 98 percent
Starting point is 00:15:45 of people that get cpr don't come back so he's he's doing good by comparison but um bad at first but when you think about it like the people who require if you're requiring cpr shit has gotten bad already eh yeah yeah you seem to think it had to do with he got there but um uh he had like an emt kit that he broke out and he splinted it and he had that like proper tape that sticks to itself and ice packs where you like pop them and they get cold and painkillers and it was just like oh yeah like i thought i swear to god i because i've been with him for like a week now that the backpack he had with that little cross on it that was just to be cool or swiss grand i was like oh that's pretty neat but i feel like it's kind of a poser thing
Starting point is 00:16:33 but when he put all the medical supplies for me he was no longer posing like doctor thank you calm down calm down that's one of those things that i didn't like i didn't know that about the cross on the backpack either another thing i didn't know that about the cross on the backpack either. Another thing I didn't know that I learned recently, you know those baby on board stickers? I was talking to, I never understood why those were there except to say like, oh, we just had a baby. You know, rear end us or whatever. But I was talking to a friend who works in the insurance agency, and he was like, no, do you know the real reason for that? Is because if there's a big pile up on the highway and there's a bunch of accidents, the rescue crews will seek out the baby on board cars first and help them.
Starting point is 00:17:08 I've had one of my car forever, because I know. Oh, see? I'm going to do that. They will get me out. I was thinking about it. Like, I would rather be the guy that the EMTs were looking at shamefully as they were pulling me out with the jaws of life than be the guy in the car adjacent going, I wish I'd thought of it is he bleeding out dying so i've i've uh i'm thinking about ordering one on amazon
Starting point is 00:17:31 does that make me an asshole yeah yeah it does it makes you i mean you're gonna carry my baby i'm a baby now there's one more thing um in the sv course you could get a t-shirt if you throw your reserve parachute and uh that was oddly motivating for me uh it so tory pines is the school and the t-shirt says tory pines swim team and like the back of it has a guy for i was like oh my god i want that that's so all about me Like a swimming paraglider. I wanted it so much. And, uh, for like a week, like before the course, during the first two days of the course, I thought you just had like nice fun, straight and level flight. And then you threw your parachute. It turns out that's not how you get the shirt. Um, you have to put yourself into an unrecoverable, like, crashing situation and then throw the reserve.
Starting point is 00:18:26 So it's day three, and I'm worn out. Like, one, when you pull a lot of G-forces repeatedly, they call it getting G'd out, and it kind of wears on you. And two, we had spent three days in, like, the hot sun. There was a tree shade there, but it was, like, 98 degrees and dry, long days. And so by my last flight i'm just not the best version of me and i have to do this so he wants me to do a negative spin which is when you collapse half the wing and start like spinning down and i did a couple of those earlier but i recovered properly now he wants me to recover improperly so that the wing doesn't come back and i'm in
Starting point is 00:19:06 a big problem i fuck it up i can't get into a negative spin it's not going right so then he wants me to go into something called a stable spiral where you're basically just twirling and twirling and twirling super fast that i do right but i'm like not fully aware of my altitude and it's super windy the guy behind me crashed landed on his full face helmet and turned out okay but it was yucky hard to launch didn't get a lot of altitude i'm in a thing i throw my reserve i feel it tug up on me and i think that like i'm okay now right no because it takes a while for the reserve to slow you down. I hit the water hard. Like, it hurt to walk for the next three days.
Starting point is 00:19:48 My back was so hurt. And the harness that you wear is designed to protect your back. Like, it's like a giant airbag. And even though I landed on this airbag and you'd think everything is okay, it was sore. You got to hit the water, like, feet first or, like, back first? Like, what angle were you going into the water uh i was maybe a 45 and uh you assume the plf position you've probably seen parachutists like jump off a chair you know practice that and you do the same thing so i i did that i sort of hit
Starting point is 00:20:17 feet first and then slammed into the water i guess i had no idea dude throwing a reserve parachute is not good like it's certainly better than not throwing it but it's not the sort of thing that you do like unless you really have to it's a mess and I was talking to other people and they're like right like if they learned anything by throwing that reserve it's that try not to throw your reserve you know it's not a soft landing it's dreadful and uh when i landed i thought the reserve would just like fall in the water and like become a towel that's not what happened it was so windy it stayed inflated and i was like to say water skiing would be an example but i have the video of it i am visibly i'm going like five miles an hour just moving and i'm having my um your harness has foam in it like to protect you so it's flotation but it's on
Starting point is 00:21:12 your back so it really wants you on your belly yeah that's what i was gonna so i'm fighting to stay on top of it i'm like on one side and then on the other side and then i eventually get on my back and i'm getting pulled through the water and i'm like okay this is my life now no fuck i guess i'll just keep doing this until the rescue boat uh comes around because what happens is uh part of your reserve when you throw it is gone like the handle yeah that's gone but uh in this scenario if you tap your helmet and tell you tell them you're okay they'll go get the handle and then get you so that's what i had them do and uh i was just like oh here we go so the boat took a little while to get there i'm skiing on top of my harness and then the they just i the parachute blows into the boat they catch it and start reeling me in like a fish oh that sounds but you got the shirt step one until step 99 of that whole thing stresses me out.
Starting point is 00:22:06 That seems awful. Like, I don't want... Like, if somebody told me... I don't know. If I was taking skiing lessons, and he's like, all right, there's a lot of moguls on this one. Just in case you ever have to ski
Starting point is 00:22:17 with one ski down and no poles, give that a go, and you'll see how hard it is. It's like, no, I'm going to fucking take your word for it and take my other ski back and then go talk to a reputable trainer you fucking charlatan yeah you don't even have a fucking one of the sweaters on like you're not real but uh like that being dragged in the
Starting point is 00:22:33 water made me think of you guys have all gone tubing on lakes behind speed boats and whatnot and i'm sure that you've done the uh the trick where like you're grabbing to the handles and if you you can bounce yourself upside down and then bounce yourself back up so like you're grabbing to the handles, and you can bounce yourself upside down, and then bounce yourself back up, so you're like pancaking almost. You guys done that? I've done a full 360. Yeah, we'll do the full flip over. And there is one, if you can do that,
Starting point is 00:22:56 and flip over, and in one second, flip back, you'll succeed in the trick. But the difference between one second being dragged under the water behind a speedboat at that speed and 2.5 seconds of it is the difference between like, all right, and just move.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Oh, no. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. And then you're drowning. Oh, you go from zero to panic so quickly. I've only done that maybe four times in my life. But every time i did it it was like this is what we're doing all fucking day like everybody else gets tired of and i'm like hey man can me and you just go out for a few more laps like like and this time i don't have pussy
Starting point is 00:23:34 shit like let's get some speed going because the faster you go the more that thing is more like a hover thing crap you're on you know like it touches the water at whatever 40 miles i don't know how fast we're going i I have no idea. I've been 80 miles per hour on a boat before because the guy had two big ass engines on the back and he was like, y'all want to see some shit? He says, y'all want to see some shit?
Starting point is 00:23:55 I'm like, yeah, absolutely. I want to see some shit because I was the only one besides him who had a chair. My other friend was having to sit in the base of the boat. When he pulls the throttles back, the nose of the boat goes straight up and i don't i'm like can you see where we're going he's like hell no and he's just screaming i'm like how fast are we going because it feels like 150 in a car yeah maybe faster he's like 80 and i'm like oh my god i can't imagine those guys you see on tv and like the jet boats who are literally just skimming the edge.
Starting point is 00:24:27 How many times have you seen those horrific crashes they get into where the nose of the boat goes up too far because it's bouncing and then just... That's one of the most deadly activities out there is those speed boats. It's regular that people die doing that. Do you ever do the two tube thing where either have, like you have two people on a different tube in the back and you like ram into each other
Starting point is 00:24:50 or you have like the giant three person tube. I remember when I was like 10 or 11 and my younger brother would be on the other tube and I was the only one of us that was strong enough to hold on with one hand to give the thumbs up for faster and he wasn't able to let go to give a thumbs down for slower. And so't able to let go to give a thumbs down for
Starting point is 00:25:05 slower and so just every time it was like just fucking faster and i could hear him over there like taylor stop stop how old is your brother now uh he's two years younger than me so he's uh 24 does he like in adulthood harbor any resentment towards you for all this? No, not at all. Me and my brother are great friends. Yeah. Have you ever seen The Great Outdoors? The Great Outdoors with John Candy?
Starting point is 00:25:34 The Great Outdoors with John Candy and Dan Aykroyd? No, I haven't. There's a part where John Candy's going to ski, and Dan Aykroyd has went and rented this, like, badass jet boat. It's crazy overpowered for what they're doing. And, and, uh, and John Candy's trying to teach his son how to ski. And he's like, all right, son, you, you hold like this and you lean back. And then, and you, and the feet and the kids like, all right, trying to follow this.
Starting point is 00:25:57 And, uh, Dan Aykroyd's like, what's going on? What, what's the holdup? And John Candy kind of waves and she goes, oh, he's going to go. Oh yeah. He's ready to go. So he just fucking grabs accelerator and John Candy gets launched into the water behind this thing.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And the whole time as he's being drugged through like the reeds and like losing a ski and he's on one ski, like going crazy, just being tortured, being drugged through bushes and shit. He's going, you bastard, you bastard. And he goes, what's he say? And she goes, he wants to go faster. And he's like, you bastard! You bastard! And he goes, what's he say? And she goes, he wants to go faster! And he's like, okay!
Starting point is 00:26:32 I hate being in dark, murky water so much that I would often keep holding on to those tubes to get dragged a little closer to where the boat would be if I fell off, because I hated having to wade there in the Lake of the Ozarks or wherever, where it's just muddy, dark, and feeling something. There was one time when I was little, and I remember I felt what I imagined as the largest creature in the history of the world underneath my foot, because I felt like a little suction on my foot. And I swear to God, I jumped a foot out of the water and almost
Starting point is 00:27:04 started crying. I was only like seven, but it scared the shit out of me. I don't, that's part of what I just, I really fear what is in the deep. If it's a lake, if it's a ocean, it doesn't matter. Like there's something in there that's nefarious and I know it's game. I think back to times, I think back to being at that lake house that we were at and I would just jump off my dock and I would swim down to the very bottom and I would like touch the mud and I would come back up. And even thinking about doing that now, and that was like five years ago or something. I'm like, Oh, what were you doing
Starting point is 00:27:32 going down there? What if there'd been something down there? Cause like, it's like in that lake, the scariest things are gar, uh, these alligator gar, which I'm, I don't have much experience, but they get really long. Like, I don't't know three feet long and their mouths are full of teeth but they're little spiny teeth that are meant for grasping small fish and stuff they don't hurt people although one time and i swear this is a thing because like it was in the newspaper they found a piranha in that lake um they found a piranha in that lake uh whether someone put it in there or what that happens yeah you know the deal that people um people buy piranha and then they discover they're not very fun fish they don't swim very much they just sit there and uh the thrill of watching them eat a goldfish wears out quickly so since it's a
Starting point is 00:28:17 live healthy fish they put it in a lake instead of like the toilet and it's trouble yeah that's how you get alligators in new york same thing also true you know when you hear stuff where they're like oh did you know that saint jonathan sedgwick released two rabbits in australia and in 1864 and now there's a billion rabbits it's like all right well fucking saint john probably just didn't really think that through and it's rabbits it's gonna be fine like when if you heard about someone like, Oh, you know, uh, Jeffrey of, of house Englewood released two piranhas in 1540. And now it's called the childless river or whatever. Like if you do something like that, you're an asshole. You shouldn't release animals that can
Starting point is 00:28:55 hurt people anywhere, especially not because if they catch one piranha in a lake, those things don't hang out on their own for that to be alive alive in an adult, there are many other piranhas who went, they got Ted. Thank God there are, what, 7,000, say, 10,000 more of us. And we can eat a cow in 10 seconds. This discussion that we had back then, it was like, all right, was there a one in a billion chance that this asshole caught the only piranha in Lake Hartwell? Or is there a school of piranha living down there,
Starting point is 00:29:23 which probably are doing really well on a lake like that where it's a vacation type lake. Tons of people live on it. So there's plenty of food. I wouldn't think that they'd go after a person. I don't know much about – I watched Wild Discovery growing up, and I've seen a couple shows about piranhas. It seems like they eat dead fish and stuff like that. And only when they get starved and their part of the river becomes a pool and it gets smaller and smaller do they start killing ducks and crazy shit like that. But still, I'm not comfortable being in there. I would not go in that water
Starting point is 00:29:54 right now if I had. I wouldn't. I'm with you 100%. It's lasophobia or something like that, the fear of unknown deep waters. There's that subreddit and every time i see like a picture on there it'll be like a beautiful woman like lying floating on the water but but it's like from like space almost it's really high altitude you're looking down and there'll be like a fictional monster that's so big that it would be a an ocean liner with a mouth like slowly closing around and you're just like that ain't what i want i don't like that the same well it's it's any it's any it's not even just deep water it's any situation where like you know you'd be fucked you'd get a similar situation or feeling i think if you were on a safari and you'd walked 20 feet
Starting point is 00:30:35 away from your jeep and then you saw 50 feet away like a hungry leopard it'd be like oh shit like okay this might be the end that i'm in this thing's domain that's like if you threw me in a in the in the coliseum with a real gladiator who was who was swinging his net and his trident around like they would be that same thing of like oh well fuck that's that's all she wrote for me you mentioned game of thrones so so i got i mean you mentioned gladiator so i got i got a transition to game of thrones now because i've been i have been steeping myself in game of Thrones the last few days watching lots of videos
Starting point is 00:31:07 about the series and trying to looking at fan theories and stuff like that there was a it's easy to miss stuff it's a complicated show it's a very complicated show it is multi-faceted multi-tiered all these characters running around everywhere and the names can get lost on you and it's easy
Starting point is 00:31:24 I was like I didn't know um all right so back at the tower of joy um when you get that flashback of ned stark uh basically fighting those knights to get to his sister uh up in the tower um i was i wanted to know what happened to sir arthur dane's sword uh dawn i think it's called or lightbringer or something like that. It's the sword that's made out of the meteorite in the book, and that seems important to me. They make a clear classification that this is not a Valyrian steel sword.
Starting point is 00:31:55 This is a whole new beast. This is a meteorite sword that's milky white instead of dark black. Sir Arthur Dayne, is he the one that was really good, better than Ned, but lost because he was... The best of them i remember a guy i remember someone going with two swords but i don't remember how he got to two i he was the one when the fight is about to start the first thing he does is take his sword out stick it in the ground and start talking and and he says he
Starting point is 00:32:23 says something to ned and and Ned's like, no, this is where it ends. And then they begin fighting or whatever. He was the baddest of the baddest of them. Or the best of them, I guess I should say. And I wanted to know where his sword is, so I'm looking at that. But, man, the show is moving
Starting point is 00:32:39 really fast. Everybody's got a transporter now. We've all got transporters. We can go from King's Landing to look at just where Tyrion did last week. He went from wherever the Tyrells, wherever they ambushed the Tyrells and the Lannister army, he went from there all the way back to Dragonstone, then to King's Landing, and then back again.
Starting point is 00:33:05 And then you had Davos go from Dragonstone to King's Landing, back to Dragonstone, and then to the Wall, right? I'm pretty sure that's right. I saw an image of where Jon Snow has gone this year. Eastwatch, yeah. Okay, she's right, Eastwatch. Of where Jon Snow has traveled, and it's like you know from the wall
Starting point is 00:33:26 to um where's no help me where does he live winterfell uh down to where dragon stone is and then back up to the wall and then they showed where the white walkers went in the same amount of time it's like a hundred feet it's not even that because like if you think all the way back to like season two i think it was when they're having a fight at the fist of the first men which is just a rock formation you can look on the map and see where that is that's closer to the wall than
Starting point is 00:33:54 eastwatch is eastwatch is like up here in the north like where main is on our map it's way up in the northeast and the fist of the first men is sort of like just north of the wall it's you have to go farther away to get to east watch than they were they're backtracking like it doesn't make a lot of sense i also saw the fan theory or that that the night king is a whole separate entity
Starting point is 00:34:16 to the white walkers so we've got the whites which are like zombie humans and we've got the white walkers with their blue faces that and they shatter like Jon Snow killed one. He shattered it with his Valyrian steel sword. And this suggested that the Night King himself was his own thing that the Children of the Forest made to control the White Walkers. I'm looking forward to when we get more. You mean there's like another creature out there?
Starting point is 00:34:39 Because I thought the Night King was the one with the crown-looking ice spires. That's him. But they're saying that he's different than what seem to be his peers. Yeah, exactly. So maybe he has a few more tricks up his sleeve. I think we're going to get to a point where Valyrian steel swords and dragonglass are being used effectively against both White Walkers and dead men. And then it's going to get to the point where someone sticks one of those weapons
Starting point is 00:35:07 into the Night King, and he's going to be like, bitch, please. And it's going to be that moment where everybody's like, oh, shit. We don't even know what we're dealing with. And then he'll do some shit where he goes like, and everybody who dies just gets back up again,
Starting point is 00:35:22 and then, oh, that would be, all right, if that happens, I'm going to be all in on wanting to see every human die in the show. Well, I'll tell you one thing I know for sure. I don't know anything about the coming episode, but for those who don't know, last week instead of debuting the correct episode that we all watched, in Spain they got this coming week's episode.
Starting point is 00:35:43 They got season seven, episode six last week. So that's out there. How did they not catch that right away? They didn't catch it right away at all. No one seemed to put it on Pirate Bay or anything. You want to talk to Chiz about that? Chiz has seen it, and I'm not going to give you any spoilers. I'm not even going to intimate where it happens or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I'm just going to give you... Yeah, I don't want to know anything. He was like, I'm shaking. It was so good. I feel like I'm on speed or something. He's like, I'm trembling. It was so good. I got to find somebody to talk to about this. I got to go get my dad, make him watch it so I can talk to him about
Starting point is 00:36:18 what I just saw. My night tonight involves a little bit of Vicodin, some pizza, and Game of Thrones. I can tell you that. You're in the fun part just post-injury, where you're just like, fuck it, I'll eat what I want, I'll take my pills, I'll watch, and I can't feel guilty about being lazy.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I tried to be healthy, I swear. I asked you guys, and she's, I think, replied, on how to get food delivered. All three services are not available here in South Lake Tahoe. And the only – so I was like, all right, pop. The only thing I have is Pizza Hut. That's it. So I got a pizza.
Starting point is 00:36:53 There's still some cold stuff left. And I just don't have a lot of other choices unless I want to drive around. If you're going to be there for a day or so more, I highly recommend the cheesy sticks and the breadsticks. That's the best thing they have. I thought you were about to have a healthy option day or so more, I highly recommend the cheesy sticks and the bread sticks. That's the best thing they have. I thought you were about to have a healthy option. I was like, yeah. That. No, hot wings.
Starting point is 00:37:11 You might think chicken pizza hot wings are terrible, but I'd give them a 7 out of 10, 6 1⁄2. They're not buffalo wild wings or anything, but it's decent. They're very tender. They fall off the bone. They're good. For people watching, I swear I will get back on the healthy kick when I get home. I know I can't be as active.
Starting point is 00:37:29 I even think – I was like, which kettlebell exercises can I do on one foot? I'm not done with this, but I do need a pause. You can break that second foot is what you can do. Yeah. I don't know much about the healing factor stuff. A doctor would be the one to ask about that. But I'd take it easy just because of that. I feel like maybe exerting yourself takes some of whatever would be focused on healing that foot away.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Like, you want that thing right. And you're looking good anyway. You've been looking good for a while. I feel much better about myself. I'm 197, if people don't know, was the weight I left for vacation on. I haven't weighed myself on vacation, but I've been pretty good and super active. But yeah, I don't want to get back over two. Let's just keep going down.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I'll cut a bunch of leg muscle, maybe. Oh, that's it. If that calf atrophies, you'll be down to 160 or something like that. But nah, so I've not done the health thing. And plus, I know that the three of us have inspired some people. And that's a responsibility too.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I don't take it lightly. Anyway, that's not done yet. I take some credit for all of your success out there, people. Just let it be known. No, I don't. I'm at 200 and either 200 or 201 right now dropping yeah still
Starting point is 00:38:49 dropping and i added quite a bit more to my workouts so i'm doing like five or six days a week i've been doing that for a couple couple weeks now uh getting getting good comments i've never when i've been going out to bars out and about. I've never had so many girls being more touchy and more things like that, like shoulder and arm compliments. Thank God I wear shirts out, and so they don't see where the illusion is shattered right here. But it's fun. You're right.
Starting point is 00:39:17 You do feel better about yourself. You're like, oh, man. Things you pick up are lighter. I went floating a few weekends ago. Didn't even get sunburned, by the way. Went floating the other weekend. And you know when you're with a bunch of girls and women floating and you ground yourself. A lot of the time, they don't take the time to get out and help you move.
Starting point is 00:39:37 They just stay sitting there and wait until you drag them off of the sandbar. And usually, that's pretty difficult. But dragging it, it was like, this is like real functional strength. This is what Joe Rogan's talking about. Functional strength, pulling people on sand through the river. And it was just, I don't know, it was neat.
Starting point is 00:39:54 It's like building a Skyrim character, but it's your own body, and it's never going to look nearly as cool as a Skyrim character. At the SIV course, it happens on a lake, so we would go swimming to cool off shirtless, as you would. And I just felt so much
Starting point is 00:40:10 better about myself than I would 23 pounds heavier. 23 pounds is a lot of weight. And I think I added some muscle too. I don't know, call it one or two pounds. 25 pounds of fat. Yeah, so that's a that's a significant
Starting point is 00:40:26 improvement i saw a guy on reddit uh it was a couple pictures little album put together and it was like this guy uh dressed as his mom to use her id to buy alcohol level 100 illusion skill and he had he killed it it's like him standing outside the liquor store with a bottle of like md 2020 or whatever this like like silly drink dog yeah yeah yeah and it's he him standing outside the liquor store with a bottle of like md 2020 or whatever this like like silly drink dog yeah yeah yeah and it's he's got his mother's id and he's wearing like a petticoat and like wig and sunglasses and makeup and it's like wow i guess i'd serve that person sure it looks like it's my why did he buy mad dog have Have you ever had Mad Dog? No. It's that wine that's in the goofy color, like Mad Dog 2020.
Starting point is 00:41:09 That goofy glass. It's what homeless people and alcoholics drink a lot of the time. Or young kids, which that's often overlapping. My great-grandpa heard from his doctor that it was good for you to drink a
Starting point is 00:41:24 glass of red wine a day, and he was not a drinker at all and so he did not want to spend money on real wine and so he like we found out like years after this doctor's appointment we went to his house once and there was just a bottle of half empty mad dog 2020 like red sitting there we were like grandpa what the hell like why he's like oh well my doctor told me i should be drinking one glass of red wine every night before bed for my heart so i've been having a glass of mad dog every night for the last few years it's like grandpa like we'll buy you better wine bud like this this is there's no way this is even good for you like this isn't this isn't the kind of wine that you want this is like basically for loco. I read that... I didn't read it.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Joe Rogan told me. So maybe not as... I'm sure he read it. I read his lips, and he told me that salt was fine. Didn't matter how much salt I ate. He said that the whole idea that salt was bad for you is a whole myth. He started pulling up
Starting point is 00:42:22 all these studies, all these actual journal- these studies, all these actual journal-based studies and double-blind shit proving that... Three years ago, that dude wasn't sold that we landed on the moon. Well, he's on board with that now. And hey, if you see the evidence,
Starting point is 00:42:37 you might be swayed as well. Have you seen the videos? I've seen it, and the fact that some of it was fake puts the rest of it into question. I hear you. But I'm with Joe. There were some shenanigans, but they really did go to the moon. I agree.
Starting point is 00:42:52 The salt thing ties into so much of what I've been saying about diet stuff. Now they say eating foods with fat in it is typically not very bad. Eating food with something else I don't recall. It was like fat. And I don't know. But they're like fat free foods typically substitute with lots of sugar. It's worse for you than fatty foods and cholesterol foods that have cholesterol in them like eggs used to be like, oh, my God, watch your cholesterol. You don't want to eat it. Turns out eating foods with cholesterol doesn't necessarily increase your cholesterol. Your cholesterol is increased by eating foods with like sugar and stuff because your body makes your cholesterol. You don't get it through.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Anyway, my point is the fact that what you're supposed to eat changes so much. I want it's hard to keep up to. I don't trust even what they say now because it's going to change. Yeah, there's a new thing all the time. Like I think it was George Carlin or some comedian who was like, are eggs good or bad for you? And it's like, that's probably the best way to boil that down. It's like, I've always kind of thought eggs were good for you. But there are people out there who don't eat eggs because they're convinced that it's awful for you.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Milk, I've always thought was good for you. I guess some people think it's bad for you. I've heard that it's good for you. It might be the lactose that like spurs brain development or something and uh you want some milk in your diet when you're young and when you're old here's what i think about keep it going like calcium it's one of those things that i think that like sugar the milk industry and the milk lobby is so big. And that sounds silly at first, but then think back to Michael Jordan, you know, with that milk mustache. He wasn't doing that shit for free. Jordan's like wearing Hanes, fucking Jordans, and milk.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Like, those are the only three things that had enough money to get that on Gatorade. Yeah. Like, it took some real money to get Jordan to drink that. Milk's not that great for you, I don't think. My guess is that there are things in milk that are good for you, that you should have, but you could probably get them in higher quantities from other things. It's like saying you're getting your vitamin C from orange juice.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Really? Did you have to drink 200 calories of sugar to get 13 grams of vitamin C when you could have gotten it out of, I don't know, a better source? I read that they put sugar in the milk where they've removed the fat. Like, you know, the 1% milk and 2% or non-fat milk
Starting point is 00:45:14 has sugar in it, and it's worse for you than the full fat milk. And then, of course, that... Look, it was right there on the internet. Oh, I'm not saying it's not. I'm saying I hope it's not. Because that sounds crazy. Look at Chiz going to town on these comments right now. Well, you need proper levels of magnesium to make sure that you can absorb the calcium.
Starting point is 00:45:32 It's like, how do I know that's true? That's just big magnesium. They're tired of people using their product to throw in lakes for entertainment. They need people to start eating it. Chiz, I don't know where his source is, but he's agreeing with me on the low-fat milk being worth. I like all milk.
Starting point is 00:45:51 I like milk so much. I can have a glass of milk sometimes. If I wake up at night, especially, and I'm a little hungry, a couple gulps of milk is pretty filling. I can go back to bed with that without getting up. I've cut pretty much bed with that without getting up. I've cut pretty much everything except for today.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Everything but water out of my liquid diet. But milk does – it's not a bad snack substitute. Not at all. If I have heartburn. It's not more than any – it's just like a protein shake but with fat instead of protein, I guess. It fills you up at the same time. And you need fat. And you do need fat, yeah. Okay, your tidbit about it doesn't matter how much salt you eat.
Starting point is 00:46:31 I hear you. I accept it without question because that fits. I was looking at how much salt is in all this fucking turkey bacon that I'm eating all the time because I'm addicted to this turkey bacon. I'm making turkey bacon BLT sandwiches all the time, and they're great. And it's got a fuck ton of protein in it. And I looked at the ingredients list, and I'm eating way too much salt. Like twice as much salt as I'm recommended to be having a day all added up.
Starting point is 00:47:00 But the fact that Kyle just now on our one-hour bonus podcast said that there's no problem with it now i can go months without considering this until there's a real problem this gets published it will be a published fact it's not necessarily peer-reviewed but definitely published we're all peers we'll do a little review peer review here's the thing about salt, though, that is definitely, definitely true. It makes you heavier. It makes you absorb water. You bloat. And so what I do sometimes, retain water.
Starting point is 00:47:31 That's what I'm looking for. Thanks, Chiz. Sometimes we'll have salty popcorn. It's like, ah, it's Game of Thrones night. Let's have some popcorn. And it fucks up my way in the next day. I'll have an anomaly day where I've gained just because I'm filled with water. I must be retaining a fuck ton of water because I take creatine every day and that retains your water.
Starting point is 00:47:52 And I'm eating just, according to the Internet, an inappropriate level of salt. So, I mean, who knows? Maybe if I just cut that out for like two weeks, I drop down. Oh. Then I don't trade. I don't know as much of creatine, but the salt like two weeks, I drop down. Oh. Then I die. I don't know as much of creatine, but the salt effect, yeah, it's short. Yeah. Oh, like alcohol, too.
Starting point is 00:48:13 That causes you to bloat up. I haven't really, you know, in recent weeks, haven't really been drinking much because that's just fucking empty calories. But that causes you to bloat up. That's the big war. Let me tell you how stupid I am. I always thought that vodka was zero calorie. Didn't you and I have a talk about this recently, and I had to convince you? I realize how stupid it is.
Starting point is 00:48:34 I realize it. But I looked at it. I looked at the vodka, and I was like, well, it's clear like water. And I know, of course, Sprite is clear like water. Okay, plenty of things are, all right? But it was like, what's in here that's got calories? And I didn't know anything about the fermentation process. I'm not thinking that, oh, I guess if they make it with potatoes, maybe it's with potato
Starting point is 00:48:55 calories they're carrying on. I don't know. But I know now that vodka has calories in it. But I swear to God, that's a new thing for me. It was like last six months ago, Chiz told me, I swear to God, like that's a new thing for me. Like it was like last six months ago. Chiz told me, I think, or something like that. And I felt so stupid because like I'm usually I can usually look at something like that's not good for you, bro. Like I don't need any science to tell me that's not good for you.
Starting point is 00:49:16 That's that's just not good for you. But with vodka, I was like. That's how all those homeless guys keep their girlish figure. That's what I thought. I swear to God. I always thought like when I'd hear people talk about like drinking beers and like, oh, that's just bread. You're just drinking bread, man. I was always thinking, just do two shots of vodka, man.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Why are you drinking three beers? That's the same thing. And no calories. Such a dummy. I can't find it. There's a word. I saw it on Reddit today, and I can't find it quickly enough. But there's a word for a smart person who – or for someone who does something really dumb, who's otherwise smart.
Starting point is 00:49:47 And that, that describes Kyle. Like exactly like it. I think it was on that. Did you see the Reddit picture where the girl didn't plug in her thing? It was a conversation. They're like, Hey, my Apple TV is not working. Is it plugged in? They go, the HDMI.
Starting point is 00:50:01 He's like, was there a light on the front? No. Is it plugged into the wall? You love me right you know and then the description is they did there's a ah kyle nailed it i'm sorry i'm i'm on drugs but no yeah like kyle i i had to have that same conversation with someone recently who and it's you're not alone in this like I want to make fun of you because it is stupid to think that vodka is zero calories. Yeah, you don't drink. Part of it is I have such little knowledge about alcohol because I just don't drink very much, too, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:50:35 And does it even say on the back? Because I've had bottles of vodka. I guess I never looked at the back. But I just always assumed it would say zero back there. Yeah, I don't know if it does say it on there for bottles of liquor, but I had this conversation with a friend of mine recently, and I've had it multiple
Starting point is 00:50:52 times, where I have to pull out a fucking Google because they'll be in an argument and be like, dude, when I'm just trying to lose weight, I just drink whiskey or vodka instead of beer. You realize that one shot of whiskey or vodka, at the least, is going to have 96 calories in it because if it's 80 or 80 proof that means that just the ethanol in there it's going to carry about 96 calories and then they're like no that's
Starting point is 00:51:15 not true that can't be true and then you pull it up and they're all god damn shit and it's like a realization to these people of like oh man like i I thought I found a loophole in the matrix here. Where they're like, hey, did you hear the aliens forgot to load up the full nutritional facts on vodka? Get in now while it's good. But to Kyle's point, if you were drinking vodka every night, of course you'd notice because you'd start getting fat. But yeah, it's – Vodka in particular ties into my theory that I'm not sure that all calories are created equal. I've said this so many times. For me in particular, frosted mini-wheats, the 10 minutes that they're in my body can't be long enough for me to get all those calories out of them.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Those things are laxative to me. And vodka, of course, a calorie is measured by you burn it and how much it heats water. Does the human body process alcohol as well as it does sugar? I think because the human body tries to process it so well, that's why it can hurt your liver if you drink too much, right? Because you're spending so much energy and insulin or whatever the fuck it is in your liver trying to process the alcohol. that true i think i made that up i think i made that up you're the drinker yeah i don't know anything about that let's talk about charlottesville you want to talk a little bit a little bit so what's interesting to me is i i'm gonna come off like a racist here. I'm so on drugs.
Starting point is 00:52:46 I'll pre-excuse it. But, uh, I'm, I'm not condoning the Nazi white supremacist people or whatever, but the black lives matter crowd, like the, on the left,
Starting point is 00:52:59 the, on my, my team on this thing, you know, they've done some stuff too. Like the, the Nazis are chanting white white love the white lives matter and they're pure evil but the the left chat chants black lives matter and it's a cause
Starting point is 00:53:14 we shall need to get behind and i do feel like go on because everybody's like defending their own side at least the media and the people on the far sides are. And so I think most people in the middle and even people who lean right or lean left, they look at this and they go, yeah, I fucking hate white supremacists. And I also hate these bike lock swinging Antifa causing problems everywhere with violence. But because the media, maybe if they they're like trying to vilify or, you know, rationalize the Antifa or the right wing media, they're trying to rationalize, you know, the alt right just responding to it. It's like because the other side isn't giving an inch at the rationalize the Antifa or the right-wing media. They're trying to rationalize the alt-right just responding to it.
Starting point is 00:53:46 It's like because the other side isn't giving an inch, you have to pretend that your side is blameless in it. Maybe I articulated that very poorly. It seems like people don't like to give an inch or they're afraid they'll take a mile. It's fucking obvious to anybody who watched this that both sides have a lot of shitty people on there. I just listened to the Trump thing where he's like, there's a lot of good people in there for those for this protest.
Starting point is 00:54:09 It's like, yeah, I heard a couple of clips. I don't think so. When they're chanting blood and soil and and and white rights or Jews will not divide us or Jews won't replace us, replace us. That's what it was. It's like if I'm in like if if i got put there and i had a sign that was like lower taxes lower taxes and somebody was like jews will not replace us i'd be like all right this is not my venue i've come to realize i will whoa showed up for the wrong day hey jews will not replace us day i got the wrong line. I'm sorry. I'm here for infrastructure, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, border control, responsible immigration policies. I said nothing about white power.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I don't like hearing that. Like, where do those guys go? In the same way, there are people on the left who are in those Antifa protests, I bet, where they're standing there being like, hey, everybody needs to be treated equally. And I think we need to raise taxes because it's not fair that the rich aren't paying their fair share. And then somebody right next to him is like, racist, KKK, Nazi, fuck you, fascist. And those people are like, oh, shit. I kind of feel I don't belong here either. So tell you what I watch, politics, I really enjoy the chess of it, right?
Starting point is 00:55:29 Like, oh, he made this move. He made that move. And Trump, as much as he's not working for me, his political instincts have been pretty good. I mean, he jumped in. He went straight to president. You can't argue with the guy's success. You might argue that Hillary was one of the more beatable candidates recently, but he won. And here's a spot where I feel like Trump's instincts, he's losing his own people on this.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Well, he went off. All right. So I followed this thing as closely as it can possibly be followed this week. I've seen every bit of the coverage. I watched it all live and then I watched five replays of it. The facts are, unfortunately, that the Nazis got a fucking permit to go
Starting point is 00:56:14 out there and protest that day where they were. And the anti-fa people, the anti-fascism guys who were known to be pretty violent themselves, and BLNs who have been known to be violent themselves also had a permit, except their permit was for a park across on the other side of the city and had nothing to do with the area in which they were actually protesting slash counter-protesting in. protesting slash counter-protesting in. CNN heard that, and he went, oh, well, interesting, and they moved along. That kind of dishonesty, that kind of blatant dishonesty in the face of clear facts is what people don't like. I'm not defending the neo-Nazis or the KKK,
Starting point is 00:57:01 but you've got to call a spade a spade. You've got to be 100% honest every step of the way because if you start bending the truth, lying a little, or ignoring something over here, then we can't be entirely accurate and honest about the bad shit that nobody likes out there. One group had a permit. The other one didn't, and both groups had clubs. That's undeniable, right?
Starting point is 00:57:26 Which group? I don't know because I was busy this weekend. I wasn't following. I haven't followed it much. I heard Ben Shapiro talk about it, and that's about my extent of it. What started it? All right. So there was no starting it. Once they got out there, it was an evolving situation. Every second it was changing, and it was widespread. It wasn't like it was all right here in this room happening. There's people a hundred yards down the road who were maybe having a peaceful conversation between left and right. And then 50 feet this way, there's some guy like jumping in and swinging. It was just violence without a stop. It was just, it was crazy. It reminded me a lot of Gangs of New York. Remember when Bill the Butcher
Starting point is 00:58:07 gets his crowd together and the Catholic guy gets his crowd together and they're all standing out there in their uniforms with their clubs, their knives, their swords, their picks, whatever. And they're getting ready to throw down. Both sides had weapons. Both sides had clubs. Both sides had pepper spray. And I read
Starting point is 00:58:22 homemade pepper spray and I heard them say homemade pepper spray. I don't discount that. I just want to know what they mean by that. They said there was urine in bottles, cement in cans, all that being hurled back and forth. I didn't see any firearms on the left. I didn't, but I did see militia who need to be separated from the different groups. There's all these different groups mixed in, and you just call them the alt-right. And I feel like Trump's point was not everybody who came there is a Nazi.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Not everybody who came there is KKK. It was a unite the right thing. It seems like there has to be some good guys mixed in there on the right side, who like you said, Taylor, were like, lower taxes, though. Or, you know. If there were people like that, like I was using that as an example of me, is I would have left.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Like, the fact that they were, like, I don't know, like, in the heart of it, where they're holding their torches, and they're like, the real, the actual fucking, okay, well then, I clearly don't even know enough to be talking about it i just that one stopped me i had a couple things i've been waiting to jump in so one thing kyle mentioned cnn uh glossing over the permit part and i was at jordan peterson on our show i i got exposed to somebody's great great thought that like the right doesn't hate MSNBC,
Starting point is 00:59:47 because MSNBC is what they say they are. They're the anti-Fox, right? They're the left's version of Fox. CNN says, we're straight down the middle. We're honest and we're unbiased. And anytime they break that contract, then people get especially mad at them. They say, CNN, break that contract, then people get especially mad at them. They say, CNN, you're the fake news. No one calls Fox fake news because Fox is right news. No one calls MSNBC fake news, I think, because they're left news. It's CNN who sometimes shifts to the left. And if you try to say what you just said, people start.
Starting point is 01:00:24 And I'm just talking about from what I've seen on Don Lemon's show, on Wolf's show, and on Anderson Cooper's show, which I mean I've been following this thing 100 percent. CNN has been blasting for a week. As soon as you try to talk this reasonable talk that you just said, they start asking, oh, well, I don't know who raised you. They go to this personal thing, like, who raised you? Your upbringing is wrong. You're clearly a dummy. And the people have to be like, and no conservatives will go on those shows. I saw earlier, Wolf was like, we invited several Republicans, but none showed up. And it's like, no shit, Wolf. They watched the show early in the week. Every time one of them would try to just take an honest position on this thing, you had three other people insulting their upbringing, their education. And these people are like, hey, I have 15 years of law enforcement experience. I kind of know what I'm talking about. And the other guy's like, oh, you're just lying. You're out here lying to keep your job.
Starting point is 01:01:20 You're just lying. You're out here lying to keep your job. Whoa, whoa. Do you remember Jeffrey Lord from CNN? I think that was his name. I might be messing up his name. So CNN hired a guy pretty much to be a Trump defender. And he defended everything Trump would do. And it kind of frustrated me that they didn't hire a better one.
Starting point is 01:01:40 He got fired for saying, she just said it was hail hitler i thought it was sig hail but anyway uh he put it in a tweet and it was mocking and it was sarcastic and um you know he was kind of making fun of a guy he was in a debate with and um anyway 18 months ago this guy lived with his mom right he was not like a heavyweight. And Hannity and Combs, do you guys remember Combs? Combs was a total lightweight, milquetoast. He was not Hannity's equal to the left. He was there to get steamrolled and get his ass kicked by Hannity every night.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Jeffrey Lord, the same thing. He would just show up to a 3v1, get his ass kicked constantly, and he would represent the right on CNN. And that's not what balanced is. Yeah. And if that's where you get all your news from the Hannity and Combs or the Jeffrey Lord thing, if you're insular and that's all that you consume, it's really easy to fall into the trap of like, ha, how can these conservatives or how can these liberals even think they have an argument? These fools. Look, they're getting trounced every day.
Starting point is 01:02:50 They don't have a single argument. It's just emotional angst. Instead, I'm putting a Ben Shapiro on there. Yeah, dude, Ben Shapiro is someone who every time he goes on the channel, he humiliates people. He makes them look like fucking fools. There are so many great clips of him on
Starting point is 01:03:06 Twitter and in video tearing that smug prick Piers Morgan apart, who's like, oh, I live in this country, but I often have things to say about the Second Amendment and such. And it's like, oh, that's fucking fascinating. Go back to where you came from. Stop telling us we can't have guns. You already have your dream land. When outsiders tell us how we should run our country whether it be um jim jeffries or pierce morgan i don't like it i feel like hey man you know like look you want to visit us great you have some sort of talent you're good for the nation i'll take it but don't sit here and tell me that i shouldn't have gun rights you fuck you're not american you know yeah yeah i it aggravates me it's like, you don't, yeah, I'm totally with you there.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Like, Jim Jeffries, like, well, first of all, the entire trend of every single thing in comedy everywhere being like, yeah, have you heard about this Trump guy, yeah? Not a fan. Not a fan one bit. And it's like, oh, my God. Like, it's the same thing over and over. I watched, I just see that Chiz wrote,
Starting point is 01:04:07 he's got a show now. I watched a little clip of Jim Jefferies' show. It's an idiot talking about things he doesn't understand in an Australian accent with lazy infographics behind. It's basically a worse Colbert rapport where it's even more smug unimaginably. Like, that's hard to fathom.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Colbert did a good job this week. It's the same shit over and over. He said that Trump came out and gave a speech that was the equivalent of shooting an air ball into the Third Reich. Everybody you know I dislike is a Nazi. All of them. They're all Nazis.
Starting point is 01:04:45 And in saying so, I am above reproach, and I take the moral high ground while also insulting my opponent. It's intellectually honest, we'd argue. One of the things I heard someone throughout this week was all of those people who were calling anyone and everyone from the right they disagreed with a Nazi,
Starting point is 01:05:03 now they have to use the same word for the actual Nazis, and it just doesn't carry the same amount of weight like they did themselves a disservice in some regard it's funny like all right i get the whole nazi calling and how dumb it is but on the right they call you satan right obama had to literally get up there and tell people he didn't smell like sulfur because that was he's like like, Oh, but he, he, he did. He did say that, you know, because there were a couple people like fringe people saying, Oh, he's the, he's the devil. Obama is Joe. You're a great guy. And I trust you, but Obama is Satan himself.
Starting point is 01:05:34 And Hillary Clinton is Lucifer like that, like that Alex Jones shit. And so I remember that clip of Obama doing that. And it was really, it wasn't because there was like the media sucked. Oh, most of the media sucked obama's dick aside from fox news they did and so i didn't see to do that is more like i don't even smell like sulfur all these fucking big idiots think i do because i'm black i'm not gonna say that right now but i'm gonna imply it heavily you know like that i'm telling you my father said obama was the antichrist you know. And I know my dad a little out there. But to me, that means it's not one in a million. It's some bigger number, one in a thousand.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Maybe. I've never heard anybody say that for real. Even my grandparents who are religious, they're like, yeah, I don't like Obama, but he's not Satan. who are religious, they're like, yeah, I don't like Obama, but he's not Satan. Yeah, I don't think I've ever had anyone actually think he's Satan, but I've certainly read that sentiment online many times. You know what I've read of. And honestly, that's a part of the right that no one wants to talk about. And part of it is the white supremacist guys, to say that it is the base is bullshit, but to say that it's part of the base is just 100% factually accurate because the KKK is probably not voting for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. And it's clear to see why. That doesn't mean, however, that Donald Trump is a grand wizard. You know what I enjoy in this?
Starting point is 01:07:07 so for a long time i have had members on my team with the fucking blue hair and gauge earrings and you know screaming about how you're a fucking white male that i'm like i can't believe you're on my team you asshole can you go somewhere else now here come the kkk members and white supremacists and you guys have the same feeling you know like i've got assholes on my team, too. Dude, and the thing about these fucking alt-right people is they're not conservative. They want a big government the same way a lot of people on the left do. They just think that race is like the most important thing. They want a lot of infrastructure. They don't want lower corporate taxes a lot of the time. They want a big social safety net.
Starting point is 01:07:42 They're like number one issue is just, we dislike non-white people, and we think that this country's going to fail if there are miscegenation or misogyny, whatever it's called. Yeah, whatever white people and non-white people have kids. They hate that. And it's like, how can you fucking idiots not see that you missed the point? You can't see the forest for the trees. Yeah, the society would be way better if we had a lot of good families, nuclear families, raising kids well, teaching them morals. That's what we need.
Starting point is 01:08:11 It doesn't matter if they're white. Yeah, I think most people believe that, but it doesn't matter if they're fucking white parents. If it's a black lady and a white guy or whatever mix you want and they're raising their kids well and they're creating good, productive people to society, it shouldn't matter.
Starting point is 01:08:24 I like gay parents too. I don't know that parents but my impression of them is that they're pretty loving parents like you know of course yeah why wouldn't they be yeah i'm sure a lot of them are and i'm sure it's that old mentality from like the 90s where like they thought that any homosexual was a a child molester i remember watching nypd blue i think it was that was one of the chick lists right the? The fat cop. Anyway, I remember he had a son, maybe with special needs, but I know the son needed someone to look after him. There was a gay guy in the precinct and he was kind of weird about it. He was like, I don't know if I want that guy. They had this whole
Starting point is 01:09:00 conversation where another cop was like, he likes men. He doesn't want your little boy like like you've got to be able to understand the difference and and at the time like like everyone was so ignorant like i i remember thinking that like well i learned something today you know at 13 year old me i don't fucking know you know well that was a good episode then maybe yeah yeah anyway pd blue it raised me it made me I was raised by it. I saw like two episodes, and that was one of them. But that was a good show. No, but so the thing in Charlestonville was just,
Starting point is 01:09:31 that's where it was, right? Charlestonville? That sounds right. It seems like it's got two endings. Too long of a name. Do you remember there was an Adam Sandler movie where the chick lied and said she was from West Chesterton Field.
Starting point is 01:09:47 West Chesterton Field Vilton. She kept adding endings to the pop-up. It was disgusting. When I saw that car plowing through those people and there's a noise that it made, because I've seen the clip 50 times,
Starting point is 01:10:04 there's a noise the car made hitting the people and it's this disgusting noise. It's a meaty noise. It's a disgusting noise to hear. And you look at that crowd of people and I've seen all the angles and I watched the Vice 30 minute special about this thing. They were embedded. I don't know the reporter's name, but she's young, she's kind of pretty,
Starting point is 01:10:30 she's got large glasses that make her less so, but she's a very good journalist, and she's embedded with the white supremacist guys. Unabashedly, 100%, and she's interviewing this gentleman. I don't remember his name, but he's a well-known guy in that community, and she's like, but aren't you guys capable of violence too?
Starting point is 01:10:51 Because he was talking about black violence. He's like, aren't you guys capable of violence too? He's like, oh, we're more than capable of violence. I work every day to become more capable of violence. I carry a pistol. I go to the gym every day. And she stuck with him throughout the whole thing. At the end of the day, when she's asking about the death, he said, I'd say this is a win-an-hour column.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Nobody from our side died. And he started saying that the protesters were hitting that guy's car, and that's why he plowed into them. And, I mean, I've seen all the video, and that's not what I saw. Yeah, but he reversed back into that, didn't he? Yes. Doesn't that kind of destroy any of that? The whole thing is, like, he started at the top of a street and was accelerating in an open area, it seemed to me. I'm not saying nobody hit his car, but there's no excuse for what he did the way he did it.
Starting point is 01:11:44 We've discussed before, like, what if we were on a highway and a crowd is pushing onto us and trying to get into our vehicle? Like, you've got to go, right? They're going to drag you out and murder you. You don't want to get into our vehicle. Like you got to go, right? They're going to drag you out and murder you. You don't want to get Reginald Denny. It's not about running people over. It's about, I got to get out of here. That's not what I saw. I didn't see someone accelerating in terror. I saw someone accelerating with hate. It was a show. Yeah, that was, uh, well, yeah, we should talk more about that on PKA this week because that was just – man, that's a crazy, crazy event. And it's just – it keeps growing by the day. Trump's support is withering away.
Starting point is 01:12:17 It just seems like him and Pence up there now. It's been a crazy news week. Oh, and people are leaving his, are they called councils? Yeah, he had those business councils or whatever, technology, something. He just kiboshed them all. He said, hey, people are leaving. I don't want to put pressure on those who remain to stay. I'm cutting it out. It's over.
Starting point is 01:12:39 It's done. This is not a good presidency so far. No, it's not alright PKN episode 156 or 552 as I call it by time it's a wrap

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