Painkiller Already - PKN #161

Episode Date: September 28, 2017

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, PKN, episode 150, I'm sorry, 161. I know lots of people are very interested in which number it is. So we were talking about comparing, okay. Comparing the shittiness. You guys were frozen on my screen, and I'm like, am I alone? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:15 Yeah, comparing Kyle and Taylor's state. Maybe I'll find a way in. Wonder Woman, Wings, and maybe something else. I forget. What should we kick off with? I guess we could talk about the... So you can talk about what happened in your state, Taylor. But what happened here was that the transgendered leader of the LGBTQTABCD group at Georgia Tech,
Starting point is 00:00:44 basically this individual scout was suicidal and distraught and so a few nights ago he called the police and described himself as a suspicious individual who was armed with a knife or something like that
Starting point is 00:00:59 so then the Georgia Tech campus police show up and oh look here's the guy who matches the description they did not know of course that the man who would call them was the man that they were seeing and I shouldn't say man I suppose but but but his father called him a man So I'm gonna stick with that version and so I watched the video the video is pretty rough You get some once they shoot him he's screaming on the ground until the video cuts pretty loudly it's it's hard it's not can I easy to watch can I ask your question so what did the cops see when
Starting point is 00:01:34 they got there like was he holding a knife was he being aggressive like do you think that it was a good shoot no it was he had a he had a leather man like multi-tool I have that they're terrible weapons terrible weapon yeah i i read i don't know if this is true kyle you caught up obviously know way more about this uh in his tip he said that the man he was describing which was himself had a knife and possibly a gun you know on his side he did say that yeah that that's a that's another bit of it and uh i don't know two cops sort of uh spread away from each other you know looking at the guy put it down put it down stop moving toward us what's your name what's your name was he moving toward them yeah but at a okay
Starting point is 00:02:19 the pace of a very weakened zombie um it just just super slow uh one quarter back pedal speed speed if that makes sense like i can i can run backwards pretty quick even while i'm maintaining a uh shooting point kind of stance and uh i i don't know why they had to shoot him in the heart you know what i mean like i don't know why they got to shoot i know that's what they're trained to do but this wasn't like fight or flight. This wasn't like, oh, God, he's on me. It was like there was plenty of time to, like, have a conversation about where to shoot him. It sounded like a taser opportunity.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Like, I didn't see the video. It really did. Okay. Hmm. Well, that. Yeah, it. Oh, wait, they did use a taser first? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:03:04 It would have been a better choice oh yeah it definitely would have for this situation i think let me grab the video and i want i want to know what woody would have done because i know what i would have done i'm not going to say it quite yet but i want i want to hear i i it so before you look up the video in my head i'm not a guy who instantly says the cops are wrong. I suppose everybody thinks they... Look, I'm a special snowflake. I'd handle it. I accurately look at videos
Starting point is 00:03:29 and determine who's right and wrong like other people don't. I put one right through his big toe and end that situation. It's like, yeah, I bet, buddy. I feel there are some people who think cops are right no matter what they do.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And there are other people who think cops are wrong no matter what they do. And I try to be on target with this. Let's see what we're dealing with. This is a 1 minute and 20 second long live leak video. If you guys want to find it, it says, I think the title of the video is Video Shows Moments Before Georgia Tech Police Kill Student. Alright, I'm ready to play. Are you guys?
Starting point is 00:04:03 I am. Ready, set, play. Still like 10 feet away from him. Yeah, and he's walking forward. If you're listening to this on audio, you know when you walk forward and your toes are equal to your heel and each step is that big? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:29 That's what I'm seeing. The cop's just inching back. And by the way, he'll take three of those steps where there's no gap between your feet. It's just heel to toe. And then he stops for 20 seconds. So you're going to hear some screams in a second. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:50 If you're four years old or something, you're a child, you don't want to hear this. It's not a large segment of our audience. I can only see one cop, but I'm guessing they're kind of at a 45-degree angle. Yeah, one of them's hidden behind the tree, I think. We can't see him.
Starting point is 00:05:04 And he's not moving at all right now. If he's them is hidden behind the tree, I think. We can't see him. He's not moving at all right now. If he's about to get shot... He's taking little steps forward. Oh. Now you can't see him at all. He's behind a tree. He is wailing. That's the rap.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Yeah. is wailing. That's the rap. Yeah. That seems like a taser situation. Like the guy, if anything, he seemed like he was meandering around. If you told me,
Starting point is 00:05:39 this guy's on heroin or something, I'd be like, yeah, looks maybe like he is. He's walking around in a total stupor, you know, whips around away from one cop and kind of just takes a few steps towards the other and then stops and then does it again. Like, I don't know, like this is a taser situation. I agree with Kyle here. But I do also know, based on something I read, that they found multiple suicide notes in his in his dorm that he attempted suicide before, and I don't know who it was or how reliable it is, but a lot of people
Starting point is 00:06:10 seem to think that it's an attempted suicide by cop situation. But it doesn't mean that the cop should still shoot him. It shouldn't be that easy, right? If I call the police and try to perform suicide by cop and be like, I got finger guns, and I'm not afraid to use them.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Pow, pow, pow. And it works. That doesn't make it a good shooting just because I wanted to die. He had what? A Leatherman? Like that's somewhere in between finger guns and like, I don't know. Yeah. He's got like a three-inch blade.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Mine locks. It depends on the model. Good point. He's the greatest Leatherman in history. Make this okay. Look at these! I'm going to murder you! He had hedge trimmers. And a little
Starting point is 00:07:04 nail file. Well, he could have cut anything with those scissors. So what do you do there, Woody? I don't know. So one thing I wanted to say was I wish there was an easier way for a cop to switch from gun to taser. I feel like two hands. So Kyle's motioning for two hands, and he brings up a very strong point. Do it with those bitches. Yeah, I feel like two hands. So Kyle's motioning for two hands, and he brings up a very strong point. Do it with those bitches.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Yeah, I feel like that is a little risky, I think. You know, like if you had put me in a high-stress situation and put a taser in my right and a gun in my left and asked me to make some good choices, I wouldn't make 100 in a row. Okay, that is very true. I in a row. Okay. That is very true. I didn't consider that policy, but, uh, but Kyle is right. It seems like maybe he, I just wish he could have switched a gun from taser. Like he could have assessed the situation and switched to taser. It seemed like the whole time he's like, should I kill him? Should I not
Starting point is 00:08:00 kill him? Should I kill him? Should I not kill him? Stop walking forward. Stop walking. You inch toward me one more time, pal, pal. And I'm just like, man, kill him? Should I kill him? Should I not kill him? Stop walking forward. Stop walking. You inched toward me one more time. Pow, pow, pow. And I'm just like, man, why didn't you ever change gears? Why didn't you change gears? I haven't been in that situation, and I recognize it's stressful. I've said this a thousand times, but I've been with a gun in medium stress situations, like competitions where there's a clock and such, and I'm not half the shot I am when i just plink away if you put me in like with an actual human life on the other
Starting point is 00:08:31 side i wouldn't be a quarter of the shot i am when i get to just plink away i think my uh weapon of choice yeah i just the taser sounds good but i feel like i could whip that kid's ass with one of those extendable batons like the batonsons that you like, you know, do like a hitting motion and they extend out to like two and a half, three feet. I don't know if you've ever held one, especially like the police version. It's very heavy, especially on the end. It's sturdy. There's not a whole lot. There's some flex to it.
Starting point is 00:08:57 But, man, you just know. We did that bit for a video where two guys beat me with them, and we put phone books under my back. And through those phone books, it was like, you're hitting me hard. I told them, hit me hard as you can, but you could feel the impact. You could break that guy's wrist. I feel like I'd want to take him on with a baton. The extendable ones or even the wooden ones that kind of look like an L. Yeah, the nightstick.
Starting point is 00:09:23 You just have to hit your own palm, you know, like a tough guy would with a baseball bat, to know, like, holy smokes, you know, it didn't look like that big of a deal, but mild hits to my palm are painful. Like, this would hurt a guy. Yeah, this is a hard weapon. Curiously effective.
Starting point is 00:09:41 It's not like those soft things that a prisoner in the Eyrie was using to smack. It's like, no, go! No, go! Like that foam thing. It's not that. It's so much harder than you think. If you've ever had a cop friend, I remember as a kid feeling that exact thing. You know when cops would come into the class and be like, I'm officer friendly.
Starting point is 00:10:02 We're your friends. Hold this. It's our nightstick. you hold it pick it up and it's like oh this isn't like for them to swing and whistle as they walk down the street this is for them to beat people to death potentially i couldn't have put that better yeah because it if you've never hit if you've never held one if you've never seen it they're just like you know it's wooden in your head right so you're very hard wood oh yeah yeah like even i you you'd have a hard time scratching it with your fingernail and i think
Starting point is 00:10:30 you can do that easily to a baseball bat but something about like a broom handle you know like broom handles are made out of like this sort of flexi that you feel that it's soft when you scrape with your fingernail but those nightsticks are this very they're teak or something like it's fucking hard dense heavy, heavy wood. And you just know that a man swinging it would break your wrist. It'd break your arm if he hit you right there. It's hard to judge these guys. And maybe it's unfair at times to judge them.
Starting point is 00:10:57 But I'm going to say that that was not a great shoot by any means. And not even a good shoot, really. But the problem here isn't what happened with the cops. It was the response. So the Georgia Tech students staged like a vigil. It was candlelight, very peaceful, kumbaya kind of
Starting point is 00:11:15 let's remember this guy who was taken from us kind of moments. And there was some sentiment of like, why did they shoot? Why did they shoot? That's what his father's out there saying right now. That's what we said. But the Antifa guys showed up with masks and chemicals and rocks and burnt a georgia tech police vehicle down and uh injured a handful of cops two or three or something and then uh several uh several people got arrested two or three arrests i think one of the arrests was a georgia tech student but the other two uh weren't that's just going off what i read last night and uh i i saw the same thing
Starting point is 00:11:49 happen that's kind of what i wanted to get at with this like talk of like what happened was that the antifa guys come in and instigate what could have been just a normal um demonstration like we're all 100 okay with you know this idea of freedom of speech and being out there being able to go out there and voice your discontent uh in group it's it's a core it's one of the cornerstones of like i feel like the american way uh it's how you get shit done but these antifa guys come in and raise it to a 10 and take it to a violent level and then i saw the same thing go down in missouri and i I think Taylor's probably better able to talk about that. I watched plenty of it, but he knows the streets.
Starting point is 00:12:30 He lives there. Yeah, I know all the streets. I saw people on a corner today in like, or I, yeah, it was today, earlier this afternoon, at a corner in like a super white suburban area. And it was a bunch of white kids who obviously, you know, maybe on break for college or something, just haven't gone back yet. And just standing there with their Black Lives Matter signs, just kind of look and it's like, are there any black people? No, no, there aren't. Huh? What do you know? And that's
Starting point is 00:12:58 just in one area. But where it was horrible is near the city, which is, you know, miles away from where I saw that today. And basically there was a shooting in 2011 where a cop killed a heroin dealer. And the cop, a lot of people think it was unjustified. And from what I've read about it, this is not one of those cut and dry ones like some you see where you'll hear like so-and-so shot and it was he was innocent you know he was baking cookies and then you look at it and it's like what no no no no no no they were not and then other ones you'll hear that they were nefarious and you watch it and somebody's just running away and they get shot in the back like that one in South Carolina from a few
Starting point is 00:13:36 years back this seems somewhere in the middle there like I disagree it sounded bad to me can I can I hear you you? So I only know what I read. I didn't see. But here's what I read. There was a chase, yeah. There was a chase, and they got there, and the one officer, the shooter, was saying, like, put the gun down, put your hands where I can see them,
Starting point is 00:13:58 or something like that. And I guess he wasn't fully complying. The other officer was way more chill. The shooter, this is a cop, the shooter said that the other guy said gun, that his partner said gun, but the other guy says, I didn't actually say gun. That's not true, and the video shows the other guy not behaving like you would if he had a gun. For example, his personal gun was holstered, He didn't even take his gun out. The partner was kind of chill, thinking like, all right, this thing's settling down, but the shooter was still amped up. Now, he shot the guy, and there was a question as to whether
Starting point is 00:14:35 or not he had a gun, because the article didn't say the cop planted the gun, but he's like, there was a gun there, and we don't know who really owned it and the cop's dna was on it but the victim's dna was not on it and you're like oh so the cop gave him a gun after the fact oh and by the way on video the cop went like back and forth four times or something like there was ample opportunity and not exactly video proof like you didn't see the cop pull out the gun and put it there but kind of video proof of the cop like having the opportunity to go get a gun retrieve it and put it on the guy so it really seemed like it it's not a far-fetched idea at all to say the cop was way overhyped shot a guy with no gun not causing any threat beyond the chase and planted a gun on him a dna evidence backs that like that
Starting point is 00:15:25 kind of yeah yeah like they're and and that's the most damning thing to me yeah go ahead what makes it a current event i don't know if taylor laid this out he may have is uh while it happened in 2011 he was just recently found not guilty so he's cool yeah so that that's what it was last friday uh where you know, obviously – this was a verge that people were following all around the city because they were like, oh, shit, this cop's going to get off and they're going to burn the city again. Don't you hate it when that happens?
Starting point is 00:15:57 Don't you hate it when that happens every year? It's like, you know, there's tornadoes in Oklahoma, there's hurricanes in Florida, and there's Antifa in Missouri. It's just, you know, there's tornadoes in Oklahoma, there's hurricanes in Florida, and there's Antifa in Missouri. It's just what you do. Violent rioters and brick throwers. Can I just add something to it? Yeah. Your video broke up a little.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Here's what I saw. They're in that chase or whatever, and what came before the chase was the two cops trying to on foot get this guy to get out of his car and then he drives away from him. And that's the sort of thing that the cops usually call attempted murder. When you drive your car near them too quickly. They put that
Starting point is 00:16:38 on the same level as if you were like crashing into a crowd of cops on purpose. They're like, oh he drove aggressively near me. It's clear the guy wasn't attempting to hit anybody he was trying to get the fuck out of there right as the as the cops are chasing him the guy who eventually does do the shooting he says i'm gonna kill this motherfucker you know i left that out and it's and it's like oh shit he shouldn't have said that and when they And when they get there, he kills him. True to his word.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Seemingly plants a gun on him. Seemingly plants a gun on him. You know, like we've all seen in the movies. And that old revolver that gets, like, stuck between a seat. And that's where it was. It was between the seat when, I don't know, whoever found it, found it. I think maybe the cop who supposedly planted it is also the one
Starting point is 00:17:30 who's like, oh look, I'm justified. There's a.38 here hidden in the seat. That's what I saw. That's why I killed him. I nicked it, so if you find my DNA on there, I already told you you would. What was that about? Why was he licking all the evidence?
Starting point is 00:17:46 It was a black and white gun. Thought it was an Oreo. Could have happened to anyone. Yeah, it's not a good shooting. The fact that he might have planted that gun and he was walking back and forth so many times makes me think he probably did, even if we can't know for sure. And the whole, I i'm gonna fucking kill this guy does not do him any favors like it's like it didn't hurt him away yeah if he'd on the way been like yeah it didn't end up hurt well uh let's see because i bet that guy's life is fucking over
Starting point is 00:18:16 unless he doesn't witness protection uh no no he's not still a cop no he hasn't been a cop since it happened okay um but i'm just saying like now he's kind of famous because his face is everywhere. And that's not, you know, maybe the Zimmerman effect. But then that Zimmerman guy ended up, like, selling awful art and stuff to white supremacists or something. But what I don't like is not to do with the shooting itself, because that's not good. It's awful, actually. But it has to do with the rioting and the blocking of roads and the throwing of bricks at police. And the loop, which is an area here, the Del Mar Loop, which is a little closer to North City, was destroyed.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Like dozens and dozens of – I'm sorry, go ahead. What's a loop? To me, it's a road intersection. It's the name of a part of the city. It's called the Del Mar Loop, and it's just an area with shopping and with cool restaurants and a younger kind of hipstery area,
Starting point is 00:19:14 a lot of fun stuff to do around there. Kind of nice, it sounds like. Yeah, it's not... If you live in the loop, you know to look out for muggers and stuff because you're still close enough to the city for that. But it's not like you don't go to the loop and be like be on your fucking guard like you're it's more you know it's more you're on your guard for beer bottles full of piss yes apparently and uh but this place was destroyed like dozens and dozens of storefronts
Starting point is 00:19:42 shattered uh there's looting there's so much trash and upturned stuff and fires. And it's like, God, you're not getting anybody on your side with this kind of behavior. And so many times you hear the excuse of like, well, it was peaceful the entire day up until the point that they started throwing bricks at the police and it's like well then like do we call that a peaceful protest do we say it was a peaceful protest all day until until five and then it got rough or like i don't know there's just too much excuse making not for the people out there because there are also lots of videos i've watched of leaders of the the protest being like if you're coming out here to start shit, don't come out here. Please. You're just making our attempts look bad.
Starting point is 00:20:28 It's hard to lead a protest, though, right? They're not like the FFA. Because there's not accountability. They could say that all day and say, hey, don't come around here, don't come around here. And at the end of the day, you see all those crowds of people with backpacks on. And it's like, oh, I wonder what they have in those backpacks
Starting point is 00:20:44 they've been wearing around all day. And then there's suddenly people running around with masks on with backpacks on who have projectiles to throw and pee bottles and and chemical spray and it's like i love the pee bottles yeah they're throwing people one there's a clip of one cop who like they're in their riot here marching down the street trying to clear an area and a brick just fucking levels a guy one of the cops just boom levels him like hits him right in the upper body or the head or something he goes down and the rest of the cops have to like form in and it's like jesus christ like that could that could kill somebody first of all um i don't know it's just depressing watching because i can i can understand the protest as far as hey this is an uncool this
Starting point is 00:21:26 is not the way it should work the victim was black right the guy that got shot correct yeah so i was either too young for it or maybe on or not born yet or maybe on the very tail end too young for when um black people were really marching for equal rights and civil rights and such but they faced the same kinds of problems it seems right you've got tons and tons of people who are just kind of like peacefully protesting trying to get the word out and then you've got a little piece of it i'll call them the 10 i don't know who make it violent and then all of a sudden you can just paint them all with one broad brush it ruins the effectiveness of the protest it makes them terrorists it makes them like antifa is not i don't think the effective way for people
Starting point is 00:22:12 to make change it's violence on all sides it sabotages it yeah exactly you know there are a lot of like if you just respectfully marched for this and i get why that's not appealing when're protesting, but if you just respectfully march for it and then vote in mass and make some changes, I feel like you'll wield some power. If you break somebody's glass in the loop, it makes people want to win more cups. It's been going on all weekend. I just checked the slmpd their twitter uh since friday night 123 people have been arrested at these events so and of course they don't get everyone and and like yeah they usually pick out the um the most aggressive troublemakers uh because i don't like they're they're whatever 90 of the people doing just peace and then there's i'll say eight percent that can get
Starting point is 00:23:13 influenced by the other two and if they just pull out the guys who are like follow me let's throw bricks and then that guy gets plucked it maybe no one else steps up and says oh i've got bricks i like the different like like you guys brought out so many different kinds of cops that it reminded me of like an rts game right like like first first you got the riot phalanx cops those are up front right they got their phalanx up front shields interconnected they've got nice strategy multiple waves of these guys the first wave they just knock people down and step over them. Second wave, they're zip-tying these fuckers up. Then you got the bicycle cops. They only come out at night because they're ashamed. They've got lights on their head. They're rolling through the loop.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Ring ring! Ring ring! They're locking shit down. Then you've got zip-tie man himself. Now now he's a boss character all right he is covered from chest to groin and a thousand zip ties it looks like he could restrain the entire population of of southeast missouri like he could lock it all down if he wanted to it's it's really interesting to see them all come out and of course they're holding back the real coup de grace they got the national guard over there somewhere with like a tank and a.50 cal. And where's that water hose? I don't know. It's a shame.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I don't think they had a.50 cal. They had a.50 cal in Ferguson. Stop breaking the windows. They had a.50 cal in Ferguson. In Ferguson. Ready to fucking they could have killed everything and anyone if that one guy operating it
Starting point is 00:24:46 had just had a seizure and, like, locked up or something, it's on a pendle mount so that, like, it doesn't go up and just, like, start shooting the sky if you freak out. It's locked in this plane of death where... Police here are ready for this shit. After Ferguson happened
Starting point is 00:25:01 and our new governor is more serious about cracking down on rioting and that kind of thing and so they're fucking prepared if they need the national guard again they're not going to hold back one thing that i thought was kind of funny and i got a kick out of it that of course like on twitter people were like oh the cup shouldn't be doing this and i'm like ah you're probably right but still is um you know how you like you see the antifa people they'll walk down the streets and be like, whose streets? Our streets! Whose
Starting point is 00:25:28 streets? Our streets! There's a clip of the downtown St. Louis SWAT brigade or whatever marching down the street at these protesters who are like starting to flee and the cops are banging it on their going, whose streets? Our streets! Whose streets?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Marching towards them, it's like yeah restore order you know get back under control and like the thing about the loop i want to go back to it for a sec like in like all these areas it wasn't just that one area where stuff was destroyed there was a lot but most of these areas they're like boutique like restaurants or shopping or an independent coffee place of course there's change but there's a lot of that independent like oh let's go to joe's whatever the hell shack like it bothers me so much more maybe it shouldn't but it does it bothers me more when i see those businesses fucked with than when i uh if this happens there's a local business here called pie pizza like pi pizza and the the owner of one of these downtown was like the actual owner he was
Starting point is 00:26:28 like i am not leaving my pizza store again for it to get destroyed and so he set himself up there with a shotgun behind the counter at his own pie pizzeria and waited for people to destroy it and i think they they destroyed some things and he didn't shoot or anything and they kept going. And eventually it was the cops who came in and they ended up like tasing him or pepper spraying him or something to subdue him. Because obviously if you're a cop and you're pretty on edge,
Starting point is 00:26:54 like you're not sticking around to be like, and why do you have the shotgun, good sir? Like, I'm protecting my pizza establishment. All right, carry on, carry on. So everyone knows the Koreans in South Central LA protected their, they got on the roofs, they had their guns, and they protected their
Starting point is 00:27:12 stores. How exactly is that done? Because I feel like, are you allowed to shoot people? At what point do you shoot? All right, hey, the curb by the sidewalk is the red line. You step on the sidewalk, you die.
Starting point is 00:27:27 That's my sidewalk. You step on my sidewalk, I blast you. You can't enforce that. They were shooting. I don't know if you've seen. I did a little research into that thing because I found it very interesting. Because you see those. There's like this accidental renaissance post where you see the Koreans with their silly mustaches holding up like an M1.
Starting point is 00:27:44 And the other guys got his handgun and stuff. I've seen them. They're just blasting at people. There was a boiling point that was reached with these Korean businessmen where they were like, oh, everyone die. You die, you die, you die.
Starting point is 00:27:59 I have an idea. I just thought of trying to problem solve here. If I'm pizza pie owner, maybe I need two shotguns and one of them has non-lethal rounds, right? If a guy breaks my window and I hit him back with a beanbag, hey. I'm cool with that. That seems
Starting point is 00:28:15 like a fair... I like that trade. Oh, another thing they did is the rioters marched to our mayor's house and started throwing bricks through the windows and destroying shit i bet that didn't work out well it did and you know what they just left yeah they just left and you know what's funny is like they went to our mayor and of course it's the mayor of a of a city and so they're always blue for the most part and so she's a democrat
Starting point is 00:28:42 mayor who would have you know come out there and been like, I totally get it. And why you're doing this and that and the other thing. And they go to her house and start destroying it. You know where they're not going to destroy? The judge? It's our fucking governor's house, who's a former Navy SEAL. And all of his campaign ads are him firing machine guns into explosives. They're not showing up at Eric Greitens' house
Starting point is 00:29:03 because they know it's not going to go well.'ll have a flashback probably not nearby either right it's there's enough people that would protest in jefferson city which is the capital here then you know but they're not as much but that just blew my mind too it's like first of all how do you know like 100 where the mayor lives unless somebody's leading the way like of course you kind of know the of know that area, but that's a pointed thing. You don't just stumble upon like, oh, and it's the mayor's house. It says
Starting point is 00:29:31 mayor right out front. When you said the story, I instantly thought like, oh, right. They went to the mayor's mansion, right? It's probably cordoned off. No, mayors don't have mansions. That's governor, you dumbass. That's just the mayor's house. She's just a regular person. It's not even that good paying a job. And this lady,
Starting point is 00:29:48 she got voted in as mayor. I feel bad for her because of this. I think like a few months ago. She's the new one. And so she just got in and they're like, fucking Lita Kruis and you cunt! She wasn't even home. She's in Chicago for some
Starting point is 00:30:04 mayor's conference. Thought she'd look to a safer city. She's probably huddling in the bathroom, like a room with no windows, with her children like there's a tornado out there. That's... They have secret...
Starting point is 00:30:18 The bottom line here is that peaceful protest is a big deal. It should be protected and preserved. But these Antifa guys really need to be classified as some sort of a domestic terrorist group. And if that's a step too far, here's the real answer. Like, disallow the wearing of masks in public, except on Halloween, right? Like, there is no time... There's only two excuses for wearing a mask.
Starting point is 00:30:48 One, it's Halloween, and two, you're like that guy from Boardwalk Empire who got half his face shot off. Those are the only two reasons to wear a mask. It's sometimes cold. That checks out. That's why I wear one. You go the full smash with the eye holes when I paramotor?
Starting point is 00:31:04 Well, you're in the air! I know, I'm just saying, cold is a thing. But yeah, that's literally... would never be cold when I'm in paramotor. Yeah, you're in the air I know I'm just saying cold is a thing, but yeah, that's literally I wear a mask when I paramotor Because like there's no reason to throw a bandana on out of the backpack that you've been wearing all day I'm just here for the fun and then oh my god at 7 p.m. So many people just here for the fun and then oh my god at 7 p.m so many people just appeared like like all the peaceful people left and a bunch of violent criminals came in it's like you think that's what happened you disingenuous liar you think those are the same groups no there's a subsection of the first group that destroys things those are the same people who are duped every time clark kent goes glasses off and flies away to be a locally famous superhero like and a famous reporter at the same time those are the same group of people who are somehow duped by that no you disallow the mask
Starting point is 00:31:56 that's how in a lot of ways the clan uh lost its power you disallowed them wait did they lose their masks they used to like now i don't know what the rules are but back in the day one of the ways that they took the clan down a notch was disallowing the use of those masks and because then you've got to come out and be like yeah i hate every race that isn't me and i i'm all for lynching people and burning black businesses down and blowing up churches with little girls in them. And all of a sudden it was like, no, Jim, you own a bakery. We're going to come burn your bakery down or we're going to come arrest you or we're not going to buy your cakes anymore or whatever it may be. But it would disallow the use of masks.
Starting point is 00:32:35 If they're wearing a mask, you should lock them up. There's no reason to wear a mask. I mean, it was a real cold day and, you know, I understand. OK, but you're not in Alaska. Some sort of right to privacy and like freedom of speech i don't know i feel like that's oppressive but you really might be onto something there because uh like like so when the white supremacists marched in was it charlottesville uh a couple of them were made famous right a couple of them like became the face of this protest they lost their jobs their lives were ruined and there was like three six of them became the face of this protest. They lost their jobs. Their lives were ruined.
Starting point is 00:33:06 There was three, six of them. I don't know. They canceled their next demonstrations. There was going to be a bunch of those. Now there's not. If Antifa guys couldn't wear their masks, then gosh. These people would get kicked out of their colleges. I assume that's where they're from.
Starting point is 00:33:23 They'd lose their jobs. It would be super effective in getting people to stop this. They'd bus in. These people bus in from out of their colleges. I assume that's where they're from. They'd lose their jobs. It would be super effective in getting people to stop this. They'd bus in. These people bus in from out of state to be rabble rousers. They'd look for any opportunity to wave the flag of anarchy and communism and violence.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Are they really going for change or is it just super fun? Because I'll tell you, look, I'm not going to do it i'll never do it i haven't really done it but throwing bricks through buildings or throwing bricks through windows and breaking shit and sticking your middle finger at the man sounds like a really good weekend like that that sounds fun it really is there's something in us that like from childhood we've been told you know you look at a window and it's like oh don't don't ever throw a brick through that window and it's like
Starting point is 00:34:07 well shit i kind of like seeing i don't know if you've ever had the opportunity to like do some demolition in a house or in a structure where like yeah we need that whole wall taken down it's really fun to destroy a wall like my dad had a single wire trailer that was like pushed off to the side and it was like, yeah, that's garbage. You know, we're going to burn that. And I was like, oh, can it be like my playhouse? Yeah, I guess. And my cousin like made a living out of going in there and just like, like we never played
Starting point is 00:34:35 any headbanger music and went to town. But like in our heads, it was playing. We go in there and just smash, just hammers and just knock walls down and kick doors in. Like if you've never kicked a door in as a grown man you're missing out it's a very empowering thing to do to like do you know pull a bruce willis and just fucking drop kick a door i'm not gonna go kick somebody else's door in on a lark because it seems like it'd be fun unless you're wearing a mask yes unless i'm wearing a mask and i can hide my my shitty aggression behind some sort of social justice where you're
Starting point is 00:35:05 like i'm not a piece of shit i'm actually just teaching the owner of this pizza place that what that cop did six years ago not cool like no like you can't do that i'm sure they're out there changing minds and take that pie pizza these like i was uh i remember who i was telling this but like they are like vic or they're like honey and vinegar realty with no honey and all vinegar they're trying to catch as many people as they can with just vinegar and nobody's coming around you know even when the honey people try and be like stop stop you're fucking ruining this it's not getting through to them because they don't if they really cared they'd probably listen to the people organizing the the march or organizing it as much as you can a protest and be like ah you know what we actually are hurting we're we're hurting this entire process
Starting point is 00:35:53 like we should we should not throw bricks and throw pee and acid on police officers like but they don't care yeah they don't care one bit. But anyway, that's enough police talk. I'm sure we're going to get more. I just checked the St. Louis police Twitter. And of course, delays all over the place because people are standing in roads. So that's fun. Enjoy your new neighborhood. Like, just so you know.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Maybe you don't want to say, but Taylor doesn't live awfully far from, like, where the shit is going down. Yeah. Yeah, so that'll... But you're about to move right let's see maybe you'll be further the area i am now still isn't too far from where it is it's just i'm a modicum closer that way and sometimes that's all it takes wait is being one you didn't move yet though right no okay i'm like am i crazy i swear i've seen this room i picked an identical yeah i saw what it's very similar before uh but have you picked your next place or you just yeah okay i've got it all squared away i'm moving in next month okay and uh and so hopefully well when did ferguson happen because that's when we have another resurgence of this at the anniversary every year ferguson day and then let me put my
Starting point is 00:37:12 black face on real quick and now i need to keep a september 15th in my mind as another anniversary from four days ago because a year from now they're gonna be like hey remember when we ruined all those restaurants? Let's do it again. Can I tell you what happened in Raleigh? I'm 90% sure this is what went down. So, like, not too long after the first Ferguson, things were, like, something happened in Raleigh. There was a shooting.
Starting point is 00:37:36 I think it was a drug dealer who was running and they shot him or something. And people were starting to get riled up, you know, with their angry whatever, marching down the street in a group. And it's like, oh, my gosh, you know, we're just a couple hours away. So the mayor comes out, and she addresses everybody. And, like, I think the chief of police or some high-ranking person got out there and was also talking to them, like, hey, we hear where you're coming from. We understand. And they soothed them.
Starting point is 00:38:00 I think they gave out ice cream. It was hot out. It was summertime. It was awful. And they're like, yeah, you know, here's gave out ice cream. It was hot out. It was summertime. It was awful. And they're like, hey, here's some free ice cream. Just chow on this while we talk to you. And exchange some ideas. And they got the leaders of it
Starting point is 00:38:16 to express their concerns. And they had a dialogue. And they ate the ice cream. And I'm just like, dude, why doesn't your mayor hook up with good humor and solve this problem? You know, oh, good humor is an ice cream that you see in the trucks.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Oh, well, I was thinking like, well, yeah, because Ferguson came and our current governor was like, all right, when we got Chris Rock coming in, going to do a few bits for you guys calling this whole thing down. Like, no, no. I think the good humor man is what they used to call
Starting point is 00:38:46 the Edge Cream Man. No, the Blue Collar Comedy Tour was an oversight. That's pretty funny, actually. They put him down. Oh, a bunch of U2 fans and Ed Sheeran fans just got fucked because they cancelled both
Starting point is 00:39:02 of those concerts downtown. 40,000 people had tickets to go see U2 and the night before, Bono was like, I'm not going. I'm not going. He might have been right. I said the cops couldn't protect him.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I wouldn't go if I was him. If they get Bono, we're lost. I want to wrap topics, but I have this... In the midst of it, here's what happened. The Modus, etc. that Kyle was talking about, there are pictures of that. They got circulated.
Starting point is 00:39:32 And they're like, oh my God, these Ferguson police are an army. That's part of the problem. The police and the community don't get along. Obama canceled the sale of surplus army things, like things they would have otherwise retired, to police officers who would get hand-me-down armored vehicles and and maduses and trump brought it back so now it's back in place bringing it back yeah i i think i agree with obama but it's not an easy choice for me like it's one of those middle ones like after it's easy like i can see it's hard for me to take it seriously when people are
Starting point is 00:40:06 like oh look at them in their riot gear and their helmets and their batons and shields like why do those aren't the ones like army men no it's all like let's get bricks thrown at them it's like you can't just dress up like barney fife and take a brick to the head and be like oh well next time we won't put you in a blue collared shirt. No, same team on, obviously, the Riot Gear, but when they have armored vehicles, which I think Kyle might know the name of every one, but to me, they're all tanks. There's some tanks
Starting point is 00:40:33 with tires, there's some tanks with tracks, but they're all tanks as far as I can see. They're tanks. They're all tanks when one's running over you. So I'll call them lightweight tanks if that makes people feel better but there are what would seem to me to be tanks with ma deuces mounted on the top really designed to kill like a thousand people in a reload or something and uh and i see that and
Starting point is 00:41:00 i'm like man this just isn't policing like i don't feel like there's... Water cannons I can get on board with. But when they take the army stuff... At the AR. To some. To me, I'm like... I see some water cannons. And every time I've seen a water cannon engaged, the person asked for it.
Starting point is 00:41:19 The guy that taught me how to paramotor was a German riot police officer, detective person, before he got that job. They would warn people. They'd be like, hey, you need to back up or you're going to get canoned. And the guy
Starting point is 00:41:34 would be like, bring it! And they're like, okay, cannon coming. Five, four, three, two, one. And the whole time it's like, cannon me! Right? And nine times out of nine,
Starting point is 00:41:49 the canon was way better than the person anticipated. Nobody ever just goes like, grits it. It's always just blown back. They think it's a really cool super soaker, but that's not what it's out. I don't mind getting a little wet.
Starting point is 00:42:06 It's like, no, you're going to have your skin torn off. Yeah. The reason that's got such bad PR, and maybe rightfully so, is I want to say Alabama because they were the worst at this. During the civil rights movement, they turned high-pressure hoses and dogs on peaceful protesters. Anybody walking down that street who was black got the hose. And since then, the hoses haven't been used in the United States. They're used internationally very effectively. And I remember watching Future Weapons, and they had all this cool shit, and I never see
Starting point is 00:42:42 any of it. They had the heat ray gun. Remember the giant heat ray gun that heats you up to like it's like an oven in your face all of a sudden and it's very uncomfortable. They had that sticky shit where they would just like hose everybody down and like make them all sticky.
Starting point is 00:42:56 And they'd be like frozen in place. Followed by the feather gun. It's a great thing. It's like that great stuff foam sealant that you like put in your attic crawl space and stuff. It's like that, but on a massive scale. That's great. It's outrageous.
Starting point is 00:43:13 And I find stuff like that. Because when it comes down to it, the water hose makes a lot of sense. That's why you see it used in Europe so effectively. And Woody is 100% right. I've never seen a water cannon footage granted it's not like animal fights i haven't looked up a lot but i've never seen one where they snuck up on him and it's like he doesn't even know we're here in our giant tank like welcome to jackass like what they do is they i've actually seen ones with real counters like on a siren where it'll be like whoop whoop four three two one and then they unleash it
Starting point is 00:43:48 like there was one in turkey where i think it killed the guy because he was standing like uh just obscenely close like just like they told him they're gonna shoot you with his water cannon the guy's like i'm gonna get even get a better look and it hits him in the head and it just flips him up and breaks his neck i guess but um yeah for the most part it seems like the a safer way to control a big crowd right like yeah i agree safer than sticky chemicals sir i like the sticky chemicals let's let's change topics i want to i want to quickly say like i've been going on the draft kings website and uh like if anybody didn't watch the last PKR, didn't watch that segment, sign up on there. We're going to do some shit on there. It looks fun.
Starting point is 00:44:29 There's a lot of free stuff that we could do for just silliness, but the lowest dollar entry amount is $1. And I would really like to just throw a dollar in there because we could have 200 people competing in fantasy football, hockey, MMA, whatever, and we could set them up week to week. Everybody throws in a buck and do a winner-take-all thing. It's a couple hundred dollars. It'd be cool. I'm totally flexible on the idea, but tell me if I haven't looked at the site
Starting point is 00:44:53 like you did, can you put $5 in for a season of fantasy hockey and then the winner? Yeah, I think so. Is $200 the limit or could it be unlimited? I think $. Is $200 the limit, or could it be unlimited? I think $200 is the group size limit, or at least it was in my little quick experimentation. Because I quickly tried to set up, not on purpose, but just to see experimenting.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Like, what if we did an MMA thing? Oh, the smallest amount is $1, and then the most amount of people is $200. The most dollar amount was over $1,000, which seems pretty nuts. Per person? Yeah. No, thank you. Way too much. No, thank you $1,000, which seems pretty nuts. Per person? Yeah. Yeah. No, thank you. Way too much. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:29 I'm not trash talking. Yeah, right? Hockey. Yeah. Why would I bet $1,000 on hockey? Can we play with all 1991 players? Because I know them pretty well. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Yes. If it's anything like every other fantasy thing that at least i've heard of because all my my friends do fantasy sports more often than i do it's like a pattern that the person who knows the least seems to do well and to win often because people who know more overthink stupid things i think and like we'll change their lineup too much and as long as i don't know like i i know that kyle will actually put in some research and figure out who he wants to pick because he's competitive and he wants to win and so i don't know i think kyle's the dark horse in this because i know what he's going to do pretty well because you know about credit yeah i my father-in-law had the same theory that people who had no idea always won the
Starting point is 00:46:26 football pools so he would take the football pool home and have his daughters now i married one of them and they would fill out the football pool for him and then he would hand it in he's like this is increasing my odds i don't know that's so true i i won the 1999 Super Bowl square thing. I was a child, so I had no idea what I was doing. I showed up to the party late, and there were two squares left, and I wrote my initials in those, and I won. In 2015, or no, it must have been 2013 2013 because it was one of my last years of college. I won again when the Seahawks won it. I think they won in 2013. I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:47:11 No idea. I won $50. So that's definite. That's where I get. That's my sample size. And real data will not change my mind. Don't even try. I think I told this before, but quickly, it was like a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I think the Cowboys were playing the Bills in the Super Bowl, and my wife signed up on something, but it was like the biggest payout. It was the end of game final score, and you just pick the last digit. You don't have to really predict the score, but like, oh, it'll be something three against something eight or whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:40 And she's there. She's set to win it, right? And we're excited because she has some credit card debt. Neither of us make any money. So this $300 is like the world to her, us really. And we're about to win. We're set up to win. Everything is awesome. And then somehow this – it might have been Leon Lett.
Starting point is 00:47:58 I forget. But a Dallas guy gets the ball, and he's running it back. He's fat. He's not fast. But he's all out in the open. There's nobody nearby. He's going to run it back for some huge amount, like 80 yards.
Starting point is 00:48:11 And then BB, this speedy little guy, they're losing like 60 to four or something like that. He runs, he swats the ball out of the guy's hand at like the two yard line. Prevents the score. We win. And I will never, like, I will always be grateful to that guy who let us win that guy he made you three hundred dollars yeah it was at a time when three hundred dollars was a lot and uh were you watching that
Starting point is 00:48:37 fat guy run like you son of a bitch have a heart attack like i want to show I bet I can find this play on YouTube in a minute super well was it your call no letter and I remember they didn't see BB Cowboys Super Bowl let's see if here Leon let's celebrates touchdown too soon. This is going to be it. Can we watch this together? Yeah. Yep. Oh, I've seen this one. Yeah, this is famous. All right. Are we ready? This is how Jackie won the football pool.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Ready, set, play. We have celebration in one. We'll give you the rest of it after this play. Fourth down and six. And right. Fumbles. Picked up by Leon Lett. Fucking Langbacker's got the ball. Look at this guy on the right.
Starting point is 00:49:31 He's being chased by Beebe. Watch out. Did he get across? No, they are not. That's going to be a touchback to Buffalo. There's no call yet, though. He has not marked touchdown. It was knocked out of his hands.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I can see you waiting on the call. Please, please. Give it to Buffalo at the 20. And look at left. They give it to Buffalo at the 20. He's going to dig a hole and crawl out of this place. Wow. We can probably, that's enough.
Starting point is 00:49:57 They showed the play. He's going to need a big hole. I missed that. What a great line. D-2-3-E. The count. That broke up. Wow. I missed that What a great line 52 to 17 That broke up Wow Yeah you broke up a little there
Starting point is 00:50:10 But yeah I said Yeah they were Had 52 to 17 Yeah At that time That's why I appreciated it so much And he was still hustling
Starting point is 00:50:17 Oh and by the way That Like I said That was the thing That impacted the final score That was the end of the game They were not About to go
Starting point is 00:50:24 Like Patriot style And score 30 That was the end of the game. They were not about to go Patriot style and score 30 points in the next three minutes or whatever it was. Kyle knows that firsthand. How devastating the Patriots can be. That was rough. Although I'll say this, the Falcons are looking
Starting point is 00:50:40 very good this year. So is UGA. I have high hopes for at least one of them. There's no way they can both fuck this up. UGA's schedule looks really good. Just got to get past Tennessee. I think we can beat Florida this year pretty easily. And I think we're going to beat Georgia Tech
Starting point is 00:50:56 as well. I have high hopes for UGA this year. It's looking good. And the Falcons just stomped the shit out of the Packers the other night. They didn't stomp the shit out of the Packers the other night. They didn't stomp the shit out of them, but they beat them. So very happy about that. They won.
Starting point is 00:51:12 They stomped the shit out of them 23-21. Two years in a row. Two years in a row. So that's real good. Also, you know, they're a good team. They're a great team. So that's looking good for both of them. So I could do NFL.
Starting point is 00:51:28 We could do an NFL fantasy thing and go week to week with it or something like that. I'd be up for that. But when does the hockey season officially start? Early October, right? I think early October. No, mid-October is when all the preseason ends, I believe. We've got like a month almost to go before we get our season going. There's too much preseason. I don't care about these games because
Starting point is 00:51:47 I get my hopes up. There's a Blues preseason game tonight and I'm like, oh, I'll tune in and see. And then, of course, you always tune into preseason and it's like, oh, where are all my favorite players? It's like, oh, well, of course, they don't show up for these games because they're not risking injuring them for this. It's just a bunch
Starting point is 00:52:04 of prospects and young kids. There was a time when I was super into watching pro hockey. I could have named every player on the Flyers. I could have named every player who played a game that year for the Flyers. I could have told you what the current lines were. And I could have named half the players on the Phantoms, which was their minor league team that they would call from. we used to go to phantoms games all the time preseason was super cool to me because i'd see my favorite minor league players in like nhl uniforms and i i know
Starting point is 00:52:34 it's a big deal for them which made it a big deal for me by proxy and uh you know i'm like oh he scored maybe he'll make the team like i was always hoping for the new guys it uh i really liked pre-season but as soon as i got rid of like current tv i stopped paying attention like all i do is just sort of keep up online and text you know a little bit yeah i saw uh somebody linked me on steam the other day to wings like going through like a suicidal rant on on twitter and uh yeah man, somebody show Wings this little clip here. Wings, don't be talking like that. First of all, it's super unhealthy to even get yourself in that mindset. You don't want to hurt all
Starting point is 00:53:11 those people around you. You would hurt all of us here. We would all feel really bad if you did something like that. I had someone kill themselves that I loved just very recently. It's a horrible, horrible thing. I was going to reach out to you, but then I saw that I didn't have you on Skype anymore. I feel bad seeing you talk like that man don't don't don't talk like that it's it's putting you in a mindset where like eventually you know it's you get the more you say something
Starting point is 00:53:34 the number you get to the idea of it and it's not good thing you just need to like get your shit in order and and you know i'm you don't need any critiques i suppose i know you get them fucking constantly and you hate that I know you don't like it in your streams if somebody's talking about something other than you know the team death match at hand but like go play some PUBG man like I would watch you play PUBG play some PUBG
Starting point is 00:53:56 and do your best and don't fucking kill yourself and don't you gotta stop talking about killing yourself or somebody's gonna like come and take your guns away or like put you in a mental health facility and i know you don't want that you don't want to have the guys with the white shirts coming with nets and shit to your house and like get into that mess so like stop talking that stuff it's not healthy and uh and certainly don't do it don't do it happen when you do it. Two things happen when you talk, when Wings talks about it in particular.
Starting point is 00:54:29 One, like that barrier between thinking about it and doing it gets chiseled away. You know, it becomes less of a crazy thing and we don't want that. The other thing is whenever Wings says it, he gets a rash of negative feedback and it's like just take a moment before you put something like that on Twitter and realize how
Starting point is 00:54:46 your next five days are going to suck you know because of it your next five days everyone's going to be giving you shit they're going to be fussing at you in a way that's not good for your mental health it sucks that he's in that spot and and man so i've been depressed like i get it i've tried suicide a long time ago and uh wasn't very good at it. That was my take. Oh dude. That's like, I didn't say, woo. I'm so glad I survived. My thought process was, I can't even do this. I suck at this too. You know, like I suck at everything that's lit. Like I'm on the floor with a leash around my neck thinking, what do you rack it up the failures. Here's another one to add to the list.
Starting point is 00:55:26 That was what happened to me. But I've come to realize now that mental health is health. It's just the exercises are different, right? You know, like everybody knows regular health, you sort of eat right, exercise, be active, and you'll be fine. Mental health, the exercises are like go outside, see the sun, keep a healthy sleep schedule,
Starting point is 00:55:48 have relationships with friends and family. And it's some physical exercise. I know with wings, it's one he doesn't want to hear. But physical exercise, relationships with family, see some sun, take some pride in your productivity. Those are things that's like, that's mental health fitness. And when you're in- There's also something to be said but the way you guys both talked about you know stop saying that even to
Starting point is 00:56:10 yourself like don't even think it have those thinking patterns because like that's a real thing with mental health is is are those self-fulfilling prophecies where you you convince yourself oh i it doesn't even have to be as extreme as suicide it can be something i suck at suck at math. I've always sucked at math. I'm always going to suck at math. And you know what happens after you convince yourself of that is you're already hopeless. You're not going to ever get better at it. If you think, I suck at running, I suck at fitness, I'm never going to be able to do this. I'm not one of those people. Then you're right. If you convince yourself, then you're not going to be able to do it. It's a way that you... It's programming. Your brain remembers the way you think. And so if you have a constant thought process loop going of,
Starting point is 00:56:51 I want to kill myself, I want to kill myself, I want to kill myself, you're right, you're numbing yourself to that, and it's going to look less and less extreme as you get more used to it. So just be wary of those thoughts. Even though it is just a thought, it's like you are poisoning yourself into an even darker place. And it can feel good for a little bit when you do that because you can be like, you know, like, woe is me, like a self-pity kind of feeling of like, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:20 like if life were just easier for me, I could do this, that, and the other thing. But in the long run, you really are just poisoning yourself and making that path to success harder. So, like, I don't know. That's why cognitive behavioral therapy is so much more successful than other forms of counseling because they will take you through and say, okay, let's stop and look at this thought process. Why do you think X, Y, Z? And what are you telling yourself? let's stop and look at this thought process. Why do you think X, Y, Z?
Starting point is 00:57:44 And what are you telling yourself? And how do you think that how you're communicating that to yourself in your head is impacting subsequent decision making? And then when you kind of break that down and pull it out, you can be like, oh, okay, I do kind of see a pattern between my negative thoughts here and then down the line, negative behaviors that bring me back around to negative thoughts and the negative, like you put yourself in a feedback loop. And so, yeah, anyway, agree with everything woody and kyle said but be careful with those those negative thought processes because they can trap you yeah i think you should go outside i think that that room is fucking awful for you i think that room is awful for you like like like
Starting point is 00:58:20 you can take your gaming setup outside and get under the shade. You just need to be outside. I'm not saying – I know that gaming is your thing. That's how you get your money and everything. But, man, going outside, it feels so good to get in the sun for a little while and get that vitamin D going. It makes you feel better. True. Like – I'm not going to say that.
Starting point is 00:58:45 So I practically have a mental fitness routine, and it involves going outside. You know, for me, it's the pool typically. But, like, I'm going out there not just to fix my foot, which is broken right now, or leg or whatever, but I'm going out there, like, because what I spend most of my time doing lately, which is laying down, elevating, and icing, it's good for my physical health
Starting point is 00:59:04 and terrible for my physical health and terrible for my mental health so i gotta i gotta do shit you know i gotta get downstairs spend time with the family get outside spend time in the sun because otherwise i'll just go bonkers and uh not be happy you need a fun thing to do like like uh we go out in the backyard and play disc golf a lot lately like i really enjoy that as lame as it sounds uh it it's fun to throw those discs and there's a and kitty's got like a giant the retrieval like does it but like it in my mind i picture it like playing uh catch with yourself that's why it's nice to have two people like like i'll stand up kitty kitty plays and i retrieve and i enjoy that part because i you know i jog them back to her.
Starting point is 00:59:46 And that's my little workout. I'm getting out there as I play, and we're having a conversation across the yard as we're doing it. And occasionally I'll throw them, but that's not really why I'm there. I'm kind of there to support her and her disc golfing more than anything. And I enjoy that. And when I do throw them, it's fun. I like throwing the discs. And the dog, like, I'm not playing with the dog,
Starting point is 01:00:06 and the dogs have been at the kennel for a little while here lately, but the dog will normally go and retrieve each one for Kitty and bring them right back to her. So that always makes it really easy, too, because he runs like 35 miles an hour or something like that. Does he damage the disc? Oh, yeah, he fucks them up. I was expecting you to be like, like no he's surprisingly gentle with them he recognizes they're expensive uh i guess not
Starting point is 01:00:31 now we got they're not they're actually pretty affordable and we have so so many so many just uh they're like golf balls in that regard it's like ah yeah that was that was ruined you know that's a dak disc now is she sponsored is that why you have so many or they're just not that they're affordable a sponsor sent a bunch of them but but we've also been given a bunch of them and she's purchased a bunch of them so it's just there's like 60 or 70 discs out there in a gigantic disc golf bag uh so you know we're not running out of discs anytime soon i swear one of kitty's skill sets is getting famous in a micro community right like i swear if kitty got into like
Starting point is 01:01:11 reef keeping which is like a high-end fish tank before long like she'd be widely known as like you know fish kitty yeah and uh and like if people be like oh my god you're kidding hey would you like a bigger tank and and that's just something that she uh that she falls into it's really that all those little sports are so interconnected uh that that like her notoriety from paintball has like bled over to anything and everything that's kind of adjacent to it and disc golf is one of those things believe it or not so like there's people that like the guy who runs to it. And disc golf is one of those things, believe it or not. So like there's people that are like, like the guy who runs one of the biggest disc golf companies, like knows her from paintball.
Starting point is 01:01:49 And like, she just stumbles upon these guys in chat rooms and stuff. Like, are you the paintball kitty that played at world cup in like 2002 and did this and that? Yeah, that's me. I'm paintball kitty.
Starting point is 01:02:03 It's up in a whole thing. Cool. Well, that's pretty neat. But yeah, we were talking about getting Wing something to do. I know you don't like taking advice, man, but it's time, right?
Starting point is 01:02:17 Time to listen to somebody. You don't want to listen to yourself, though. I've been depressed before, and you know the right things to do but something about your programming at the moment makes that task monumental you know the bed is just so much more attractive than the sun that dark room with the shades down uh what are they blackout curtains i think that's what they're called oh yeah yeah blackout curtains big fan look look i disagree with you on this one.
Starting point is 01:02:45 A man needs his sleep. All right? This window right here? Forget blackout curtains. I ordered window tint. I window tinted the glass. Are you serious? Black is night!
Starting point is 01:03:01 It's virtually not a window. See, I disagree with you on the blackout curtains and obviously the on who did windows no i just wrote kyle uh-huh yeah i i feel like what he's gonna say something that that i agree with there that i'm about to say here like even on weekends and stuff even if i do get to bed late like i kind of like being forced to start my wake-up process earlier to where like at least the lights there so even if i decide to be lazy and lay in my bed like it's it's not going to be as bad as if i was just snoozing till early afternoon with blackout curtains you know and then if you wake up
Starting point is 01:03:37 past noon even on like a sunday like i just have a feeling all day of like what the fuck like why did you do that why did you not like you woke up and now half your day is gone and you know you're not going to get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight because you slept too long like it's just and that's how you get in one of those traps those sleep traps it is how you get in sleep trap but but it's much easier to like put it all the way back around the clock there's no pesky sun coming in through your windows. You don't want that. I can't sleep from like 20 a.m.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Our ancestors lived in caves. You want to talk about the keto diet and living the way mankind is supposed to live? In a fucking cave. I believe they didn't have doors on the cave though. And I'm not even sure they lived in caves. They were right at the entrance though. They went deep.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Where did all those cave paintings come from? Right? They were deep in the cave, in the darkness, hiding from the shit that lived outside the caves. I've watched enough primitive technology YouTube videos to assure you that they had small huts with clay roofs. It depends where you live. That's the next step forward.
Starting point is 01:04:40 We didn't get into those clay huts until long. Tens of thousands of years we spent within the cave. I don't want to live the way nature wants us to because then we'd die when we were like 28. We'd have shitty little baked bean rotten teeth. We'd be 5 foot 2. We'd have to go hunt for food
Starting point is 01:04:58 and mostly fail. We'd have to live in a cage and sleep on the ground. This is a shit living. It's not fun. Taylor and I have been watching this documentary on YouTube. It's The Adventures of Mark and Ollie, O-L-L-Y. And they're these two British characters who go off and live with the Kambai tribe. And I think maybe Indonesia or New Guinea or somewhere like that.
Starting point is 01:05:22 And just incredibly isolated. they're the people who put the gourds on their penises and wear nothing else uh it's those people my weekend outfits they live with them for I think it's months I think they live for like six months or something and it's to the point where like the first thing the combine people do they're like we're gonna adopt you you're now my son. And they refer to them constantly. The women will be singing and working. They're like, my son, Ali,
Starting point is 01:05:54 is lazy and weak. Is that what they sing? Yeah, they have a favorite one. As it goes on through the months, one of the guys is not nearly as good at the activities as the other guy and so they'll like have the little interviews with the come by people and they'll be like what do you think ollie they'll be like oh his parents didn't teach him how to carve or teach him how to
Starting point is 01:06:14 sew or teach him how to fish or build traps and like what do you think of mark it's like well his parents didn't teach him that either but he's figuring it out he's getting it like he's strong he's a good worker you know like it's a really really good series They live in these houses Yeah, they live in these three houses and and and then you got to go like 80 feet up She's how high the tree house is with these like like bamboo slats and this whole structure It's very impressive when it's done. They said it weighed 4,000 pounds like the house up in the tree and Mark apparently has climbing experience like I guess rock climbing as well as like tree climbing and stuff done they said it weighed 4 000 pounds like the the house up in the tree and uh mark apparently
Starting point is 01:06:45 has climbing experience like i guess rock climbing as well as like tree climbing and stuff and he's like i normally have my gear and it's a bit scary but you know be part of the team i can't let them build my house for me meanwhile ollie's on the ground like fuck that that's great i have to watch it i think i can catch up to you guys because uh it would be a mistake to underestimate how much media i'm consuming right now you'll finish it tonight because this is where those things like i finished the shield interest i i i watched the shield uh the last season was so good it made the previous seasons better i don't know if i recommend it for – I'm sorry, for Taylor
Starting point is 01:07:26 because it's almost 100 hours of content and it's just like a B series to me. Yeah, that's a lot to commit to. Yeah. That final episode. Oh, my God. Can I spoil it for you, Taylor? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not going to.
Starting point is 01:07:43 So the main character's name, is it Vic? Help me. What's the name? Yeah. He's kind of a badass cop. He leads what's called the strike team. And they're the people who kick the doors down and solve crimes. But he often breaks the rules.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Sometimes the rule breaking is semi-acceptable behavior, like mild torture to get information on where a dying kid is. So you're like, you know, sorry I hit the guy. He unplugged the camera and roughed the guy up a little. Can I jump in real quick? If a drug dealer swallows some crack rocks, fingers down that fucker's
Starting point is 01:08:18 throat. We're getting that back up. Give it back! Give it back! That kind of shit. Early on, there's a police captain who was very like honest and straight and there's a kid that was kidnapped and for some reason they felt like she was dying soon and uh uh so the the captain's like interrogating him and using all and he's like you know vick give it a go so vick goes in there closes the door behind him,
Starting point is 01:08:45 unplugs the camera that records all the action. And you hear, I think if I remember right, it goes to the guy screaming. He comes out like six minutes later. She's at 124 Rose Street. You know, like, and so that kind of stuff is like semi-acceptable bad behavior. There's also totally bad behavior like um shooting a fellow cop partner yeah murdered and like like like like set up the whole thing like and murdered him and like framed it on a drug dealer do you remember the the episode of it's
Starting point is 01:09:16 always sunny and the most recent season where they're sitting around locked in the the cruise ship room and uh they're talking about being able to do impressions, and Dee tries to do an Obama impression that comes off super racist, and they ask, what's Dee's brother's name? Like, can you do a black woman? And he's like, God damn it, Dutch!
Starting point is 01:09:37 What other evidence you got us running for the DA? And it's like a perfect CCH Pounder impression. There's a black lieutenant in this show. She's the one in charge. He nailed it. That was incredible the way he did it. Yeah, lieutenant. So anyway, they go through the whole thing,
Starting point is 01:09:56 and Vic's down there banging doors or whatever, and you can tell he's a bad guy. He's not good. He shot a fellow cop, and then he was behind. And at the very end, spoiler, he chooses to confess to every crime. So he's had partners ready to go to jail for him, ready to die for him. Like, you know, look, I'm just one person. You're three.
Starting point is 01:10:16 So I'll die so that the rest of you don't get in trouble several times. And then when finally the screws are turned on Vic, he confesses to everything and sells out his partner. For immunity. Yeah, thank you. For immunity. They're like, anything you say into this recorder, you're immune to. And he's like, how much tape you got? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:37 And he just lays it all out there. So what he does, he gets immunity and he gets a job at ICE. Is that an immigration thing yeah drug okay so uh when he confesses to it like first thing he confesses to is killing his partner now everyone at ice thinks nothing of him and uh then he confesses to all the other stuff and he's just he's garbage he's worse than most of the criminals they catch. They give him a desk job which you can see is clearly as bad as prison. To him, being chained to a cube
Starting point is 01:11:10 is the end of the world. Is this Michael Chiklis? Yes. The fat guy? Okay. I don't know. Some of the videography, the music, everything they captured, just how much this fell apart. I finished watching the show and I'm like, oh my god. I'm so glad I haven't armed like robbed any Armenian money trains because I'd be
Starting point is 01:11:30 very stressed if I knew like yeah it's tough yeah it gets you feel very afraid for the characters because they are in so much shit like an amount of shit that like isn't gonna blow over anytime soon. It's like, ah, it'll be fine a year or two. No, no, they cannot catch us because we've killed way too many people. Way too many people. And the Armenian mob is after us, and they chop people's feet off with axes. And they want their money back.
Starting point is 01:12:01 It's a B series. I agree with you completely, but it's uh it's it's it's a b series i agree with you completely but it's a strong b you know like if it's it's not b there it's not a b series that you walk away from like eh you know like an ncis or some shit you're like oh that had an effect on me like some of that shit they did i've never seen that shit go down before when he's confessing and like they're like yeah anything you say in here you got immunity to the first thing he does he's like i murdered my partner like jimmy uh on august 14th you know blah blah and they just go what the fuck we thought that like yeah yeah like stole some drug money or like like maybe you beat somebody up one time or you murdered a cop it's just and and he's like yeah and then he just keeps going
Starting point is 01:12:46 yeah like the armenian money train he robbed like there were deaths in that like they killed guys to get that money and yeah bad guys right you know it's like that true lie scene like have you killed people yes but they were all bad that that wasn't bad right there huh that's a good that's a that's one of arnold's uh better movies that that's like that's probably a top six it's up there with me in the true lies movie jamie lee curtis when she's got the lingerie on and she's doing her dance and then bill paxton playing the slimy uh used car salesman who's pretending like he's a secret agent to woo Jamie Lee Curtis, meanwhile her husband is back. It almost doesn't make sense. It's hard to cast Arnold because Jamie Lee Curtis, has she never seen Arnold come out of the shower? How has she fallen
Starting point is 01:13:36 for Bill Paxton over here, who's like slimy car salesman, when Arnold Schwarzenegger, slimy car salesman when Arnold Schwarzenegger, multiple Mr. Universe, Mr. Olympia winner, is back at home. He's 240 pounds of chiseled muscle, but she's being wooed away by a slimy Bill Paxton. Tom Arnold was in that
Starting point is 01:13:56 too, and I thought he did a good job. I actually like Tom Arnold. Best performance ever by Tom Arnold. Killed it. The real, it's very racist movie, though, to Arab Americans, I guess. Because of the way they portray the Arab terrorists, they're all goofy and bumbling
Starting point is 01:14:12 and they can't get their shit straight. And at the end, Arnold literally gets in a fist fight with an Arab terrorist on top of a Harrier jet. And the terrorist ends up in New York or something, hovering hovering and the terrace falls and he's got like a backpack with like a rig to hold his machine guns and that gets looped
Starting point is 01:14:32 around a missile and they're in a city so arnold just launches that missile into the building of other terrorists it's a good movie i like like it. It's an action movie. Ridiculous. I enjoyed it too. It's good stuff. Did we have a Wonder Woman? Did we want to cover Wonder Woman or save it for something else? We both liked it, but it had its flaws.
Starting point is 01:14:57 When one's kicking ass, it's really cool, but then they're warping around, getting through the World war one one front somehow and it seemed like the kaiser was just like everybody's really easy to it seemed like if it was that easy to penetrate that deep into german territory and get around these high-ranking german officers and and into their headquarters and stuff that like they'd have figured it out by now without the help of a wonder woman and And the way she penetrates like a World War I battlefront,
Starting point is 01:15:27 it's not as if the trench warfare is only 200 yards wide. It's miles wide the front goes on. It wouldn't have mattered that she knocked out one machine gun because there were dozens and dozens and there would have been hundreds of men. I'm not saying Wonder Woman can't do it.
Starting point is 01:15:44 And they would have shot from an angle, right? She has a shield. If people don't know, one woman's shield is very similar to Captain America's. It's a circle with a star. And there's like, I don't know, 60 people shooting at her on this line. So she puts her shield up.
Starting point is 01:16:01 No one shoots her feet! No one shoots her feet! Or from an angle. She's got the shield out two feet in front of her body. The guy from over there on the side is going to shoot her in the body. It's really a lot of trouble. And by the way, she's watching, so her head's exposed and stuff. She wears that little tiara. That's not going to protect you.
Starting point is 01:16:19 That's not armor. So, but that wasn't actually... That bothered me a little bit. I had two bigger criticisms. One, the athleticism of the women in it was just always one or ten, right? Sometimes they're jumping up. Give me these examples because I disagreed with you there. Hell, I think if you were to rewatch the opening scene on the beach with the fight,
Starting point is 01:16:44 the opening scene on the beach with the fight and you would see there are women who were just like clumsily doing like choreographer choreograph moves and it's terrible they're clumsy they are not athletic they're awful and then they do what either is a stuntwoman or CGI enhanced and they are perfect you know nailing form as they shoot three arrows at a time while flying 30 feet in the air and it's like that's a superhero but previously we had miss america trying to be an action hero and you know it's really wacky wonder woman herself is pretty good yeah well she's the best she's like she's not she's a different thing i guess i meant the casting like it oh yeah like she's so fucking hot
Starting point is 01:17:28 like like she's so fucking hot that it's like hard to look at a woman that's that attractive and they and to the credit of the uh patty what's her name who directed this thing she incorporates that into the film so when you've got wonder woman walking down the streets of World War I London, all the men are like, whoa, holy shit. And Chris Pine's like, come along, come along. Nothing to see here, nothing to see here. Every room she goes into, someone remarks on, where did she come from? I like that because they would. You don't walk into a room with a gal to go without every man especially in like 1908 which i'm 1910
Starting point is 01:18:07 or 11 which is where this would be i guess you don't walk into a room of 1910 men with gal to go wearing panties and like a bra of something yeah the wonder woman costume without everybody being like what the fuck? Another frustration. So I get that it's part of her backstory and whatever, but Wonder Woman was so stupid, right? She reads a hundred languages, doesn't know what marriage is, right? She's reading this thing in like ancient Sumerian because that's their code.
Starting point is 01:18:39 And she's like, oh, it says here, the battle's at the front. The front of what? She doesn't know what a watch is, right? The guy comes in with a watch. She has no concept of like watch or I don't know, maybe time. And it's just like. She's ignorant, not stupid.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Okay. Yeah, that's better. She's so ignorant. And it's because obviously, like I think I compared her to Arnold Schwarzenegger from Twins. And that still stands. Like she's just so clueless fish out of water story that it was a little too much for her to be that effective in my opinion i i like that part of i'm being honest and i felt there were um i thought they handled that quite well because like she's very
Starting point is 01:19:18 smart like she's like oh yeah i read all 12 volumes of the pleasure novels and it's clear right now. No mention of glasses. Well, yeah, because she's like still, they've been isolated on this Island with, since like the days of the Greek gods or something like that for thousands of years. Yeah. They've been isolated for thousands of years.
Starting point is 01:19:39 So they know everything that there was to know from that time period. So she doesn't know what a gun is or what a bomb is. She doesn't know what a watch is. Which explains why they got destroyed in that first battle. Like, they do nothing but train for war all day long. That's what they do. They train for war constantly. And then a couple of run-of-the-mill Germans hit the beach with bolt-action rifles
Starting point is 01:20:01 and fuck up all the Amazonians. They killed three, maybe, right? Like, three or like three or four amazon i mean they killed all those i remember it differently i remember like that island being forever changed i thought they got lots of them oh no they wiped those germans the fuck out and there was like maybe like like the main general died who's played by uh uh the oh god what's her name from from house of cards and princess bride that the beautiful blonde that's married to francis underwood the first lady um she'd click claire claire is like the baddest ass of all the amazons that are just actual regular amazons because diana is half amazonian half god because zeus fucked an amazon and made her
Starting point is 01:20:41 but everybody else is just an amazon which is like the most athletic woman there ever could be. Actually an impossible level of athleticism for any being, really. Kind of a low-grade superhero. Low-grade superhero. Not quite demigod yet, though, which is what Diana is. So yeah, they killed her, and the lady who was swinging from the rope, I saw her die. And I don't recall any other deaths.
Starting point is 01:21:05 There was definitely two or three Amazonians that died, though. They did not fare well against rifles. Because Diana's the only one who could dodge bullets and see bullets in midair. So everybody else just has to move quickly and be evasive, like Daredevil or something. I liked it. I thought it was definitely the best effort from DC Comics thus far. It was better than Batman versus Superman. It suffered from none of the pacing issues that those films have.
Starting point is 01:21:31 It's clear that the studio just let them make the movie they wanted to make. There wasn't a lot of... I was never like, oh, what the fuck? How did we get here? There were no scenes that seemed designed for the video game or to sell merch. It was just a movie. There were no scenes that seemed designed for the video game or to sell merch. It was just a movie. And when she's going into Wonder Woman mode and they start playing,
Starting point is 01:21:54 no, no, no, no, the music, those are cool bits. She just fucks up waves of Germans. Although I would have liked some gore and blood. I like it when my demigod hits someone and they explode. If you hit someone hard enough to send them flying 100 feet, that's not what happens to them. You cut them in half. I'd like a little bit more of that. Like, if Superman ever gets into a fight in one of these upcoming movies
Starting point is 01:22:14 with, like, some regular people, he should be just, like, slapping them and they explode. Like, you know when you slap a bug? I want to see Superman Muay Thai kick a guy and then, like, the bone just breaks or something. And say, yeah, that's what would happen. It cut through him. It depends on how hard he wanted to kick him.
Starting point is 01:22:29 I guess Superman would have that option. He could break your bone or just amputate. He could turn you into a black hole if he wants to. Yeah, yeah. Remember that from the Superman movie? Really cheesy, like when he's going to make Lois Lane a diamond ring. He gets a lump of coal and just goes and makes a gigantic diamond.
Starting point is 01:22:47 It's like, why can't you? You just solved all the problems you could ever have, Superman. Why are you not funding a police force? Really? And you're going to stick with journalism, aren't you? You're going to stick with journalism. You fucking idiot. It would be hard. And they're super smarts.
Starting point is 01:23:01 If you had Superman's powers, I think I'd still be a good guy i don't know that i could be as good as superman though i've thought about this i would not be a good guy i would be your emperor and your god you you would all have to pray to me there would be morning prayers i'd be watching to see if anyone skimped out and those people would would meet a quick and early demise something bad too i feel like i'd be a benevolent helper, but don't get too dependent on me, because I'm not your fucking errand boy or anything.
Starting point is 01:23:31 But look, if you get yourself in a real bind, I'll help you out. That's where I'd want to be. And in exchange, I want to live in Saddam's palace. That's where we go with this. Absolutely. I get whatever I want whenever I want it. And nobody fucks with me.
Starting point is 01:23:47 And you all have to worship me. And do away with the old gods. And anyone who doesn't, we'll have a real holy war. And I'll burn swaths of countries. It's overpopulated anyway. Anything I don't like, politically speaking, if I see Kim Jong-un launches another missile, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:24:03 and here he is i just got you know i just got him just got him just slap him around a little bit get diana to talk to him in korean you know what would happen if i was superman like i i do that right again kim jong-un i'd solve the north korean thing i'd be helpful all the time and then people would be giving me shit online because i didn't help in some other situation. Like, oh, man, fucking Woody's an asshole because we got these people in Ferguson. He could have just blown them away. That's right.
Starting point is 01:24:32 You'd be a mod. You'd just squish heads. Kyle, you're totally in the wrong with letting people know that you're a superhero. You use all of your powers in secret, build yourself your own like legitimate empire because the second that you make it known that you're a superhuman with powers every country on earth secretly starts finding ways to kill you and they will find a way eventually because
Starting point is 01:24:56 apparently all it takes is a one very popular rock that's floating around in outer space everywhere like or whatever i don't know the lore it's very rare very rare okay not rare enough apparently that seems to be the only thing that can him and but then they would find some and so what you want is to not reveal anything until it's too late like until you really until it's too late for them and then establish your dominance right after you've like infiltrated all of the scientific arenas in the world because they'll figure out eventually something's up with you after they're like this multi multi-billionaire still looks like he's 26 and he's been around for decades like what the fuck's happening so that's the move
Starting point is 01:25:34 keep it a secret lay low and then when you finally can you'll have a genuine business you'll be in every corner you'll be in consumer products you'll be in military uh provisions you'll be in fucking uh textiles and and fructose latex and latex yeah latex imports exports real estate and then and then you're too powerful to take down they can't even you know just use kryptonite because they're like well god damn economy's gonna tank if this guy just pulls everything out or if he just flies through and destroys wall street we went to seinfeld there at one point right yeah just a little are you gonna pretend you're an architect instead of a superhero that's what i would do it's a bird it's a plane no it's art vandeley realistically though i would just compete in every one of the four major sports until
Starting point is 01:26:21 it became obvious where they're like, you know, this guy just finished up an NBA game away in Philly and he's back in, and he's back in LA to play for his hometown Kings or whatever. Just tonight is something's up. There were no fights. I thought I was like, what could I get away with before they realized before they kicked me out of the league? I'm like, like, so picture this goal line stand, right?
Starting point is 01:26:44 They, they shoot it way back. almost like a fake field goal kick. I jump over all the offensive line, the defensive line, and land on the field goal and then celebrate. Are they going to be like, all right, Woody, you're out? They're going to find out. They're going to go, no, no, no, no, no. You can't. But then what you'd have to do is you'd just have to go, goddammit, overshot it again. And so you run around the earth to turn time back
Starting point is 01:27:07 and then you, like, to the previous play. And then you do that. Or like a gymnast. If you grab the field goal and spun around with those, like, one-handed giant loops and then... I want to do celebrations. Pull those rings out of the ceiling. I want to do celebrations that are, like, semi-godly
Starting point is 01:27:22 and just see what I can get away with. I've thought about that before, like becoming a professional athlete with my superpowers. Probably the most self-centered thing you could do with superpowers, I think. You're not even helping anybody. You're not fighting crime. You're hurting people. You're just fucking playing baseball and slapping...
Starting point is 01:27:44 Well, there's there's kyle meyer's new record 187 home runs and the 18 games in i think 18 games right i thought about that right imagine them trying to intentionally walk you and you run six feet and hit a dinger you know because you're that good or uh like in my head like so uh dana white has this like tv series called looking for a fight oh yeah and uh in looking for a fight he goes to these smaller things and he like sort of scouts out good fighters who might might make it to the ufc so i picture myself in the cage like dana how do you want me to finish him knock him out no no no i don't want to hurt
Starting point is 01:28:25 him like pick a different thing you know you want to rear naked choke like how about just leg kicks like anything you pick omoplata i don't care like yeah that would be fun but absolutely would yeah i yeah i would be a god i fuck all that like going by regular old human being rules like like i would i would want all the kryptonite. I'd make sure that was brought to me, and then I would send it back into space where it belongs because those are just chunks of this home planet, Krypton. To the sun? There can't be much of that.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Yeah, sure. Well, I'd be afraid that if we sent it into the sun, then I would taint the yellow sun, which is my battery charger. Maybe some other sun? You know, just throw it real hard. Just get it out of our solar system we're only dealing with earthlings they can't do shit yeah you get it past like mars and they suck you you have it made into weapons and you save it in a cache until another superhero
Starting point is 01:29:16 like you shows up from your home planet because you can't be the only person in the universe fiddle fucking around on other planets like just realizing that you're a superhero. So you save it until, you know, Steve, Super Steve shows up from Krypton a few, like, a hundred years later, and then you just kill him right away. I like that. You're like, oh, fellow Kryptonian, come here, brother. You're playing with fire. Because the first thing he said is,
Starting point is 01:29:38 I'll make weapons that can kill people like me. Like, ah, that's a risky plan. That's what Superman does in the Justice League. Everyone involved in the creation of these weapons is murdered, like, ah, that's a risky plan. That's what Superman does in the Justice League. It's an invention of the fact that everyone involved in the creation of these weapons is murdered, like, right after. Oh, of course. You do that like Angus Khan burial ground.
Starting point is 01:29:53 You kill the people who buried him, you kill the people who killed those people, and then you kill the people who killed the people who killed those people. And you gotta kill some families. I mean, you might be an evil villain at this point. Make my own... I have the conscience to watch, You gotta kill some families. You might be an evil villain at this point. I have content to watch and this is no joke, like top-notch
Starting point is 01:30:10 shit. Let me link you right now. So what this is, it's Neil, I'm gonna mispronounce his last name, Neil Blankenkamp, that director, Oats Studios. He has this YouTube channel called Oats Studios where they are utilizing his in-house
Starting point is 01:30:29 cgi as well as his uh hollywood connections to produce these 20 or 30 minute short films that are unfinished like like you watch it and you're like oh why isn't there more but he's got three tales on there right now. They're almost like Twilight Zone episodes. The first one, this is the order I watch them in, is in like a future where we're mining this asteroid that hit in Antarctica, and there are synthetic humans and regular humans,
Starting point is 01:30:57 and there is a gigantic alien monster that is, its form is all of the body parts it's collected from other people so it's just a mass of hands where the arms are a massive legs where the legs are and then this big bulbous head covered with dozens of people's eyes and it's got dakota fanning in it the actress she's the actress in that one um that's the least of them the next one is vietnam and And for some reason, one of the North Vietnam villagers has fucking turned into a superhuman
Starting point is 01:31:29 demon thing. They call the river god. And he's invincible. He's this monster. He's creating insect monsters from the humans he kills. He turns people into zombies. You've got a solid snake. Yes. And you've got a solid snake. Yes.
Starting point is 01:31:47 You've got a solid snake type. It's filmed like a production level movie. It isn't like some YouTube shit. They get solid snake there. He looks just like him. Bandana, long hair, grizzled Vietnam vet. The CIA is hooking him up with this weaponry that's going to allow him to fight. He's like, this is your electromagnetic railgun.
Starting point is 01:32:07 It fires projectiles at 120th the speed of light. And he's like, and this suit, it'll amplify your already God-given abilities. And we call it the cage or something like that. And he walks out, and it's the most badass suit of armor plus gun you've ever seen in your life. And then the other one has Sigourney Weaver in it, and it's the most badass suit of armor plus gun you've ever seen in your life and then the other one has the other one has sigourney weaver in it and it's like 2020 texas where these lizard aliens have come down and uh they're they're they've got giant structures making methane gas they've completely annihilated our military we live in these small bands underground and shit sustain
Starting point is 01:32:42 and like pulling off suicide raids to kill as many as we can because they have like mind control over us like if we look at them they fucking lock eyes with us they're like and like control you so they've got this guy's manufacturing these little helmets to counteract that there's only so many helmets and uh it's got sigourney weaver and another actor whose name i can't come up with but a tough guy and uh I've noticed that big name actors are better like it so it happened in the shield again that uh the shield the tv show we talked about with the detective it has Michael Chiklis in it I think and a bunch of other actors that you may have seen here and there but aren't super famous and uh the shield gets popular and they
Starting point is 01:33:21 bring in Glenn Close I think and all of a sudden it's like, whoa, like she's really delivering in this role. You wouldn't think she could play like a hard-nosed police captain, but she does. She does great. And then they bring in another actor. I don't know his name. Kyle probably will. But everyone will know the guy. He's black and one eye seems a little closed.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Do you know who I'm talking about? Forrest Whitaker. Forrest Whit'm talking about? Forrest Whitaker. Forrest Whitaker. Yeah, Forrest Whitaker. You got two Academy Award winners right there. And you can see the difference between these guys and everyone else. Like they just have a little more drama, a little more gravitas, a little more it. And it's like, wow, like these guys are killing it with these performances.
Starting point is 01:34:04 It's neat. Have you ever seen The Last King of Scotland, Forrest Whitaker's Oscar award-winning performance? He plays Tiki Amon or something like that, an African dictator who's just a madman. And there's this white guy who comes in and they're like, it becomes, I don't remember their exact relationship,
Starting point is 01:34:23 but he's an accountant or something like that, and Tiki's like, oh, my little white friend, I love you, I love you, and then some shit goes bad, and all of a sudden he doesn't love him as much. Well, I don't think I have seen that. Check that movie out. Don't give anything away, because this looks like it'll be pretty good. I haven't really heard much about this. Top notch movie.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Glenn Close has a series called Damages. Yeah, that's 28. I'm sorry. We should probably wrap before this turns into PKA. Yes, because I try to drink my pre-workout like halfway through PKN, and about 12 minutes ago, I started sweating. For PKA, I have this special medical compression sock that stops my leg from hurting, but for PKN,
Starting point is 01:35:06 I don't need it, and it hurts. I was like, I should have put it on if I knew we were going to do it. Check out Oats. Check out DraftKings. Wonder Woman was pretty good. Best DC movie, but not the best thing you've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:35:21 There was another one that had two names in it. Oats and Molly, maybe? Oats Studio, and then it was the guys you know mark and ollie's adventures just search that and you want the one that it's like six parts 45 minutes each okay with the kombi tribe kombi with a k k-o-m-b-a-i all right pkn 161 yeah

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