Painkiller Already - PKN #171

Episode Date: December 8, 2017

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Here we are, Painkiller Nearly, episode 171. I was about to say Kyle, because that's how I start PKA. Kyle? Oh, a couple words from our sponsors. A couple sponsors this evening, and I thank the Pilgrims for making Thanksgiving possible, and asking those dirty, dirty savages. So, Kyle, your Thanksgiving went off without a hitch, right? It really did. So We did Thanksgiving on Sunday. The day before yesterday.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I got my mother and my father over and Kitty and myself. I cooked virtually everything. Your mom and dad at the same time? Yes. That went smoothly? Yeah, it went very smoothly.
Starting point is 00:00:41 My kitty cooked a couple of British Thanksgiving... They don't have Thanksgivinggiving foods so she's like oh yeah gotta cook some british stuffing and i looked at it i'm like i'll cook some american stuffing just in case just so there's something good yeah yeah she made like these these stuffing balls and it was so funny my dad was like i'm to try some of your meatballs here, Kitty. She's like, oh, no, that's stuffing. He's like, well, all the same. Scrowned up lima beans. So I made the dressing and the turkey and mashed potatoes and macaroni.
Starting point is 00:01:13 My macaroni completely melted down. The recipe was all bad. But the turkey was the interesting thing. I fried the turkey. The most important thing. I fried the turkey, and I love frying turkeys. Can't use peanut oil, which is the ideal oil to use because Kitty's allergic to peanuts. And last year, I used vegetable oil.
Starting point is 00:01:30 It didn't taste very good. So this year, I used cottonseed oil. And it's really difficult to keep the temperature right at 350 degrees while you're running inside back and forth and doing the sides. And at some point, it got a little too hot now before I show you this turkey let me just say that the inside of the turkey was delicious okay yeah just fine that I I like carved up all of the extras I could I'm still eating this turkey however this is what the turkey looked like oh my god that doesn't look good it's jet black it's jet black what the hell is sticking out of it like i'm to me i'm like i'm about
Starting point is 00:02:14 dreidel dreidel dreidel we made it out of turkey no that's the jews what what is that thing it looks like a chain well you gotta hold it up the turkey, there's this thing that goes through the turkey and then you hook a thing onto that and lower it into the vat of boiling oil and then you hook it again and lift it out. So that's me holding it by that, uh, you know, by that handle, by that meat hook. Yeah, basically. But that's so overcooked. It's like, how do you, did you forget about it for like an hour?
Starting point is 00:02:46 No, no, no. It's just that it got too hot. Was that supposed to come out at 5.30 or 11 p.m.? Exactly. It is, I mean, black. Yes. On the outside. Was it even edible? I swear to God, it was delicious.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I swear. Like, I'm not even lying well now we know kyle's not going to heaven you can ask it was perfect it was just the outside skin part was like dark and black just the outer like inch of turkey no it wasn't even the outer it's just the skin like as soon as you like cut the skin i carved it up and it's all you open it up and it's juicy delicious white meat i swear it was i'm still eating this turkey it's great but the legs were ruined because you know those cook faster than anything of course but the breast which is all that you need for four people was delicious however when i brought it in my entire family laughed at me they were just like my mom was like the turkey my mom was like
Starting point is 00:03:48 it's just like on a christmas vacation when they cut it and it just goes poof smoke just shoots out my dad's like i saved the neck for me clark so did you go in to the the dining room like with that pre-started excuse where you're like, no, no, no, before anyone says anything, know that the inside's fine. I didn't know the inside was fine. They tell you not to eat dark black meat, but that's a lifestyle. I paused on the porch because you do this outside, of course, so you don't burn your house down.
Starting point is 00:04:19 So I'm standing on the porch looking at this thing in the light of the porch because it's out in the darkness at first, and I was like, oh, it looks really black. Let me get into the lights of the porch. And I'm like, oh, it is black. And I just kind of paused there for like 10 seconds. Like, what the fuck am I going to say? Because as soon as I walk in this doorway, they're all there. They're all right there as soon as you walk in.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I walked in and they're just all like, ah. This is Kyle's Cajun blackened chicken. That's what I'm doing. Even the skin looked inedible. But I'll tell you what, as soon as I tried the skin, it was crispy and salty and delicious. Because I brined this turkey in a bucket of salt water and brown sugar. It looks like the worst thing you've ever seen, but I promise it was delicious.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Probably could have taken it out about... The timing was perfect. It was that the temperature got really hot at one point. It went up like 450 degrees, and it's supposed to be at 350 for 57 minutes. Three and a half minutes per pound. So I guess it's hard to
Starting point is 00:05:23 get the temp right? You don't just dial it? Oh no, you've got like a burner. Within 100 degrees? That's like going 60 miles an hour on the highway. Sometimes I look down and I'm going 210 miles an hour. I'm like, man, yeah, you use that oxyacetylene
Starting point is 00:05:42 torch to get it up to 10,000. I'm running inside and and I'm, like, cooking the mashed potatoes, and that takes, like, 10 minutes. By the time I got up there, the temperature had skyrocketed, you know, because it's just a propane burner under there. You need a man. So when you cook with your regular thing, do you sometimes put it on self-clean, like, just to see how by accident? You need someone manning the burner. That's the key takeaway from this. Your dad should have been standing out there doing guard.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Well, he wasn't there. He got there right about the time the turkey was about to come out. Just in time for the mocking. Just in time for the mocking, and that's how I wanted it. He was like, oh, I'll show up an hour early. I'm like, no, I'm cooking everything. I'm not going to be able to entertain you.
Starting point is 00:06:23 You're just going to be sitting there. Just show up at 6 and everything will be ready. And it was. It was delicious. I swear. It was more than ready. More than ready. Twice as ready as it needed to be. The way you get the juiciest breast is when you cook it at such a high temperature
Starting point is 00:06:40 that the legs are inedible. It was like Auschwitz fried turkey uh you know doing the math it was about 30 more ready than it needed to be the parts of it were but the breast part delicious the legs i just threw those away and the whole carcass it it looked horrible but it tasted delicious it was really funny like while i was finishing up the mashed potatoes the turkey sitting there it needs to rest for 20 minutes especially after what i did to it yeah and my dad's sitting next to it at the table waiting on the sides to arrive and stuff and he's sort of picking at it a little bit and every now and
Starting point is 00:07:13 then he'll put a piece of it in his mouth and it sounds like he's eating potato chips because he's picking like the crunchiest bits off the legs and stuff the outer edge like the turkey jerky that I had made. So yeah, it was an excellent Thanksgiving, I thought. That's good. When I saw that turkey, I didn't think that you had turkey for Thanksgiving. I thought that was like a
Starting point is 00:07:36 well, Domino's is open. We'll go with our sides. It worked out in the end. I was so afraid that when I cut into the turkey, it was going to be like dry and terrible or black on the inside, like black all the way through. But you cut it open. Yeah, that must have been a stressful 20 minutes as you were sitting there like, what does the inside of that thing look like? Shit. Yeah, but we cut it open and it was delicious. Maybe that's how much you should cook it because the inside was delicious. I saved the oil. Don't you want to be able to eat the legs?
Starting point is 00:08:07 I don't like the leg. I don't like the dark meat. We've been over this. I'm going to fry some more stuff this week because I've got four gallons of oil out there. I can cook anything. I've got an extra turkey because we had a friend whose work gave him a turkey and he's like, hey, you want a turkey? And we're like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:26 And so I'm going to cook another fucking turkey tomorrow. I'm going to eat up the rest of this turkey and then new turkey. So we did our Thanksgiving one day late and it was just us, the four of us and my mother-in-law. Hope is back in town.
Starting point is 00:08:42 And I'm such an asshole because I have all these internal thoughts. So my mother-in-law, most people know, she's in her final days now. And they're loading up her plate with all that food. And I'm like, what are you doing? You're wasting all that food. She doesn't eat. She doesn't drink.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Give her a little tidbit of it. Oh my god. So she had... I bet her plate was just like yours, Kyle. Overflowing with the bounty. She'd just maybe poke at it for like 90 seconds. Go to the bathroom. Repeat.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Repeat. Repeat. Just kept getting up. Getting up. She didn't eat anything. She drank water. She wanted water to drink, which is good. Boring. Dude, she put her mouth on the straw and drink, and I'm eyeballing how much. The water level doesn't even move.
Starting point is 00:09:39 The liquid got halfway up the straw and then went back down. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. And I call her. I was like, because she's supposed to be eating and drinking more. It's important. And I'm like, you didn't drink. You know, like, have a drink.
Starting point is 00:09:52 It's important. You need to be drinking. And then she gets the water level to move in the glass, like, most of a centimeter. And it's just like, yeah, that's your go it'll go for it with gusto amount a centimeter yeah you're gonna hang your hat on that yeah right so uh so those are my that was my internal thought process as their thanksgiving was going on i'd have been right there with you i watch people while they eat like i look for i look for people who hold their knife and knife and fork wrong um you know people who hold it like a goddamn caveman.
Starting point is 00:10:25 There's a few different acceptable ways, in my opinion. I'm with you. You don't have to hold it... I wish I had a... I hold it kind of like a pencil. Like a pencil? Like a pencil is perfect. I wish I had a...
Starting point is 00:10:39 But there are alternatives, too. I'm okay if you hold it like a shovel. Depending on what you're eating, you can hold it like this. Like if it's mashed potatoes and you're just scooping them up and really going to town, I'm okay with that. But if you hold it like you're stabbing someone and you're like doing something crazy like that, which I've seen. Who do you dine with? You're one level more tolerant than me because I don't even accept the shovel. Now, I'll accept the little three-pronged pencil grip.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Sometimes people use it like as a lever and they have it like that. And I'll accept that too. That's a lot. If your entire hand is used, it's incorrect. You look like a toddler the way they would like hold a sippy cup. I think I remember this from that horrible cotillion class my mom made me take. You took a cotillion class?
Starting point is 00:11:28 Yeah, so I learned how to swing dance and learned all of... Fox trot? Of course. What do you think? He's an animal? Yeah. And what else did they do? They taught us all the manners and everything you're supposed to do at dinner.
Starting point is 00:11:44 And they said that there are two acceptable ways to eat with your knife and fork like in proper settings you know as this like fucking 52 year old used to be hot lady running the show it's like yeah we get it you're loving this like you probably wish you had kids right like this is filling a hole somewhere jesus christ that was mean she was actually not that bad but they're like all right you can hold it uh fork left hand knife right hand and then cut like european style and then with like the fork going downward you put it in the meat and then you eat with your left hand or the american way which is you cut and then you put the knife down and switch hands to your right hand with your
Starting point is 00:12:22 fork and then eat that way i I never did the hand switching thing because it seemed like too much effort to eat steak. And I mean so fast that, you know, we're... So, yeah. When I took my paramotoring course, the instructor was German. And his father was like... I felt like he was trying to fucking alpha me all the time, right?
Starting point is 00:12:43 And like the first time we went out, he corrected how to fucking alpha me all the time right and uh like the first time we went out he corrected how i ate because i ate the american one now i have good table manners i promise you if you guys are listening like you would be happy with my table well you handle your knife and fork right but let's not go as far as to say you have good table manners you do some shit at the table well i mean sometimes they get horny so the uh they were like you know they were telling me to eat it the european way a fork goes in this hand knife goes in this hand you eat it with the fork inverted and it was just like what the fuck i mean the next time we went out i was doing daily vlogs at the time and uh they're like hey you know can you put that camera down and uh you know like
Starting point is 00:13:21 we're gonna eat here and i, no, this is my living and I don't tell you how to make yours. And I don't know. I was trying to fucking put my foot down, assholes. But what kind of person tells a 43-year-old man how to eat? How did that come up? So you were sitting there eating and then he goes, I can't help but notice that you're not eating correctly.
Starting point is 00:13:39 No? After this, we are going to fly about, yeah? It wasn't far from that he was just like it was more along the lines of like in germany we're really strict on how table manners are done you know if my kid were eating like that i would i would fix it and let him know that this is the right way to eat your food man if you're that passionate about it you probably should have taken those past couple wars a little more seriously because we could all be eating your way we would troll them fucking constantly about the war like every time they had they said anything we'd be like yeah and i i what i do is i'd haze them about the war but i get all my facts wrong so you need this shirt i'm wearing right now oh really uh yeah it's uh back
Starting point is 00:14:20 to back world war world war champions so I would say shit like, you know, if you guys were any good at this, then the Germans would have done better when they bombed Pearl Harbor or something like that. Which, of course, it wasn't the Germans. It was the Japanese. So, yeah, I would just constantly be like, yeah, the Germans, they did really poorly in Africa when, of course, it was the Italians
Starting point is 00:14:42 that did the bulk of the fighting in Africa. And I would just say incorrect shit that they did wrong constantly. Africa when of course it was the Italians that did the bulk of the fighting in Africa. I would just say incorrect shit that they did wrong constantly. That was my trolling. I would study. I would like come in like, I need new material. I don't know that much about World War II. I bet they loved you. Fuck them. I didn't start it.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Just like the war. I have something to say war it'll come it'll come to you all right i was just watching band of brothers it's funny if only we're talking about this right now i i've watched it over the course of the last three days or so man i love band of brothers do you have surround sound um no not not exactly no that show takes advantage of it. Like, bullets. Like, it'd make you look. Yeah. Cool. I'm trying to start the Pacific now. I've seen the Pacific before.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Pacific is just a real step down. And, like, if nothing else, in the cast. Like, the cast of Band of Brothers is fucking outrageous. I saw Jimmy. I'm recognizing people that I didn't used to know from the rewatch. Like, Jimmy Kimmel's in there. Jimmy Fallon. Rolls up in a Jeep. He's like, you got all the
Starting point is 00:15:50 ammo you need? And then he's gone. Of course, David Schwimmer. David Schwimmer, of course. Always knew him from Friends and everything. Who's the big, strong guy who played Buck? You mean... Bull. Is it Bull? Okay. Yeah. I don't really think he's uh i don't know him
Starting point is 00:16:07 i've seen him from here and there but yeah they oh the their cast was excellent i'm glad you said pacific was a step down because that's how i see it band of brothers on a one to ten scale for war films i guess it's a 10 i can't think of anything I've ever liked more Tom Hardy Tom Hardy's in there Oh yeah I didn't recognize that until the last time I watched through Is it fucking Tom Hardy? And I don't think Pacific's bad
Starting point is 00:16:36 It might be a 7 I agree with that I think Pacific at like an 8 or 9 It's just that the first one is so good The only movie that I put almost on that level is Saving Private Ryan as far as war movies. But yeah, Band of Brothers is the best war epic
Starting point is 00:16:51 ever. It just drags and Pacific drags to me. Tom Hanks was involved. In both of them, yeah. Tom Hanks was involved. Yeah, he was an actor. And he provides voice over for the pacific um oh yeah you're right he does yeah it's it's just okay to me like like i don't care for most of the main characters like lucky i'm watching lucky and i'm just like ah
Starting point is 00:17:18 dig yourself out of it like like what's your problem let's go kill some fucking japs come on like you didn't you know the original cast those guys were hard fucking core they're and they're always talking about takoa men and i live 10 minutes from takoa so you know i've been up i do so it's kind of cool so are you a takoa man i'm a takoa man i've been i've been up to korea and down in a car i'm like three miles up, three miles down. David Schwimmer plays the hateable fucking drill sergeant so well in that, where he's, you know, that annoying, like,
Starting point is 00:17:58 Hi-O Silver is running up there. It's like, God, you're fucking a... I watched that, and I'm like, well, was that supposed to be that lame? Or is Hiyo Silver a thing that maybe people said like everyday slang? I don't know. Yeah, that's true. Maybe back in the day that was like, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I think that's from like the Long Ranger show or maybe comics back then or graphic novels, whatever it was. I think the Long Ranger's horse was Silver and he'd say, Hiyo Silver! And like you know get the get the horse moving i'm pretty sure that's where that comes i knew that i just don't know if it worked its way outside the show right because i don't sit here saying x-men unite or whatever the fuck they say you know like but but you know for all i there are other things where like yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker never became common language.
Starting point is 00:18:48 But there are things that come from TVs and shows that people say. Yeah, yeah. I just don't have any examples right now. Like when Floyd Mayweather wanted his bodyguards to swarm in, he went, Voltron, assemble! And all of his bodyguards ran in together. And then became a giant bodyguard a wizard is never late
Starting point is 00:19:05 if they had become a giant bodyguard that would have been so cool no but they just ran up and started whooping on people are they all going to wear the same clothes yeah I was thinking you'd be the arm I'd be the leg I don't know why
Starting point is 00:19:21 in the same outfit oh you think that's better I don't know why I'm in the same outfit, Charlie. Oh, you think that's better? I was watching Ice Poseidon stream maybe last night or the night before. I think he's in Florida. And he was in a Walmart. And there was this guy. And he was like, are you Wings of Redemption?
Starting point is 00:19:45 And the guy was like, huh? No? All right. Okay, never mind, man. And he just keeps on going. That happened? Yeah, yeah. Because he's a big COD guy back in the day, so he knows who everybody is. And if you asked him who T. Martin was, he'd know.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Or, you know, syndicate or whatever. So he just asked a heavy gentleman. He asked a heavy gentleman at Walmart if he was Wings of Redemption. Oh, Ice Poseidon asks. I follow. I thought someone asked Ice if they were Wings. Like they knew Wings, but not Ice Poseidon. I got all mixed up.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Let me see if I can find it. Is he filming himself walking around Walmart? Well, he doesn't. He live streams. He's an IRL streamer. So he streams like his everyday life. And he tries to make it interesting. What he does nicely is, like, you have to do it to understand.
Starting point is 00:20:36 But it takes a certain kind of bravery to interact with other people with the camera on. And I admire that he just dives right into it. He encourages conversation some guy in another car will be saying that's unusual, you've got a camera on your head and he's like, what? I don't see what's unusual he's looking like a fucking unicorn this seems normal to me
Starting point is 00:20:56 and he does that well I'm not exactly sure how it works I may have this wrong but I think he's wearing a speaker now, and the chat, when they donate, the speaker says whatever they type. Nice to meet you. So he's outside in the parking lot of Walmart, and it says, What's up, niggers?
Starting point is 00:21:16 And he's like, Oh, shit. I got to edit that. I got to fix that. I don't want to be the nigger guy. It's too late. you know I don't wanna be the nigger guy it's too late I use if I if I saw anybody live stream in their life in a store I was currently patronizing like walking around with my cart like I would avoid them like I would take different aisles hmm you know or would you I would too I steer clear that I might get in
Starting point is 00:21:40 there I might be like zero percent chance I would get in there I'd be like it depends on the scenario like I've been at like an event before like at I might get in there. There's a 0% chance I would get in there. I'd be like, oh. It depends on the scenario. I've been at an event before, like at VidCon or something, and there's people walking down the streets of LA vlogging. This guy with 400 subscribers, and I'll just run up behind him and just be like, hey, and then I'll just keep going. And I know somebody in their comments is going to be like,
Starting point is 00:22:00 holy shit, you didn't know that that was that guy right behind you? VidCon is, I've never been, but i would think you anticipate that a little bit right like but uh neighborhood walmart when you're like oh man do i really need the cheez-its this week and then somebody comes in like hey what is going on it's like all right i know this is fucking you goofing around and everything but the rest of us are just shopping i I don't know which way I'd go. There's a part of me that would do just what you're saying. There's another part of me that's like, that guy's live streaming. Sun's out, guns out.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Take the shirt off and be like, yeah, fuck yeah. I'm on your stream. I don't know why. And then you have to be like, alright, well, back to shopping. I know. This is inside out now. This is
Starting point is 00:22:48 time stamped if you want to see it. It's funny. Oh, is this the stream? Yeah. Six hours! Yeah, the streaming is a lot of it's about time. You know, you accumulate more people as time goes on and that's where
Starting point is 00:23:06 success is. Alright, 3, 2, 1, play. I paused it. Oh, okay. Wow, that makes sense. Yeah, we're doing a live stream. Oh, I'm sorry. I paused it. I was really waiting for you to call that other guy KSI. Wings of Redemption? What?
Starting point is 00:23:39 He's just confused. Yeah, I don't know what. They were going to go in the woods or something. I didn't watch the rest of it. He was, like, buying a flashlight to go into the woods. He's in Florida. That's cool. There's gators in the Florida woods. Yeah, that's what he was saying. Yeah, he's like, I hope the gators don't get us or something like that. Maybe they did.
Starting point is 00:23:54 That'd be an interesting stream. Yeah. He has me real curious. I don't think I'm on his target market. Whenever I see... I'm interested in it a lot, and then I watch it, and I'm like, oh, I really like the highlights. Yeah, it needs to be when he's really doing a thing.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Like, he had backyard boxing a while back, and the two guys he had fighting hated each other. They're like online enemies. And one guy was like crying. He's like, you said this about me and you said this about you got my mother doxxed and this and that. And they're calling our house. And they're like, all right, calm down, guys. Calm down. Put your headgear on. And they go at it. And they had this fight and the winner ends up crying then.
Starting point is 00:24:40 And then they have another bout, you know, and there's of course, like people. It's a backyard full of just it looks like those pictures of when they have another bout you know and there's of course like people it's a backyard full of just it looks like those pictures of when they have reddit get togethers and then they take a group photo and everybody's just bizarre looking and it looked like that but assembled in a los angeles backyard for an amateur impromptu boxing match all right i'm very curious it sounded like one guy was a dick and one guy was a victim they were both dicks they both had their their arguments there are no good guys in there that everybody in that backyard was was a horrible person you could tell
Starting point is 00:25:14 now was there a clear winner in the fight would one guy outclass the other it went on for so long that i stopped watching but but one guy yeah yeah, was definitely like the shorter, fatter guy was just throwing bombs that were accurate. And the other guy was too gangly. Like he'd get tied up and he couldn't do anything. But the short guy that was throwing like – I'm surprised the fight was long. I don't know if you guys have been in any fights. They're exhausting.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Well, Ice was the referee wearing his referee uniform and everything. And he'd like, whoa, whoa. He'd separate the fighters alright, go and he'd get it going again and they'd tie up or whatever most normal people don't even have the energy to be in a real fight for more than like a minute before you're like
Starting point is 00:25:57 let's put our differences behind us professional hockey players only have like 40 seconds in them yeah, they were getting exhausted. They were taking timeout breaks. And, you know, one guy got hit in the nuts. Taylor, you said not defenseman? Not usually defenseman.
Starting point is 00:26:14 They're out there longer. They're out there. No, no, no. I can see Kyle being exasperated already. A hockey fight. Oh, the fight. Yeah, you're right. Most of them, like, you get exhausted real quick because half the effort is expending just balancing
Starting point is 00:26:25 and trying to keep the other guy from fucking you. But anyway, so the backyard brawl. It was very interesting, I thought. But that's just one. What I was getting at is his highlight shows when they're doing a thing or there's prizes and he assembles a crew of his viewers. He's like, all right, everybody, we're here.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Show up. We're going to have people bob for golf balls in a tank of his viewers. He's like, alright everybody, we're here. Show up. We're going to have people bob for golf balls in a tank of shit and then eat hot peppers and get pepper sprayed for $1,000. Come on down. Then you get three guys actually doing it. Those are great. He was worried that security over here
Starting point is 00:26:59 at this building was going to break it up because they're just on the sidewalk. Then they go up there and check on security. He's watching the stream. He's watching the stream. He's watching the stream. He's one of the viewers. He's like, nah, y'all do y'all's thing. I'm enjoying this. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:27:16 This is an unlisted video with 130,000 views. That's a good amount. Yeah, well, I guess, you know, he's streaming for six hours, and maybe I guess he unlists it after the stream is over. I don't know how it works. But, yeah, I enjoy his stuff when it comes on. I had a bizarre dream about him the other day. Because, yeah, yeah, I dreamed that he, like, burst into my house and, like, started streaming, like, in my bed.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Like, wake up! Wake up! We're on live! We're on live now! And I was like, what the fuck? All right. And then we commandeered Kitty's golf cart and, like, went and killed some dogs. It was bizarre.
Starting point is 00:27:49 It was a real crazy dream. He was like a psychopathic dog killer in the dream. I've been having crazy dreams. Like, I'll have, like, eight different dreams every night. Like, last night I dreamed I fought a giant who was, like, 14 feet tall. And, like, his knee was all I could reach. So I just mercilessly beat his knee until he fell down, and I was the winner of the fight because he just couldn't get me.
Starting point is 00:28:14 He just couldn't get you? Well, he'd have to bend over to get to me, and I was all over that left knee. Just really beating it up. He couldn't do anything. Was it one of those fights where as you were throwing the punch, he was like, it wouldn't go? I've had those. There was a fight a while back where I was throwing elbows
Starting point is 00:28:33 and they were like slow motion elbows that I just couldn't make connect to this guy that I was on top of. But when I fought the giant... The slow motion punches and elbows and kicks and running. That's when my brain, if I don't know I'm dreaming already, that's what triggers me to know I'm dreaming every time. It's like the slow motion punch because I'll be like, I got to get away.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Like I got to fight him off. And then like after a couple slow elbows, it's like, oh, this doesn't matter. It's not real. Yeah, I keep having the ones where I'm too uncoordinated to run. Like, I'll start running, and I'll get, like, three good quick steps, and then it's just, like, my legs are, like, jello. And then it's, like, three more good steps
Starting point is 00:29:16 because I have to, like, think about each movement, and it's really infuriating. Last night, I dreamed I got caught with a prostitute fucking her in a back alley. That was bizarre. No, no, she was normal-sized. But caught by who? Aren't you, like, you're allowed caught with a prostitute fucking her in a back alley. That was bizarre. No, no, she was normal sized. But caught by who? Aren't you like, you're allowed to have a prostitute?
Starting point is 00:29:30 Oh, okay. Well, yeah, there are some people who don't allow it. Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I had a whole audience there watching too. That was part of the dream. They were all kind of cheering me on, like literally a dozen, 15 people or something like that.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Trying to pick some new tips. Yeah, you know, and I remember thinking in the dream like I better bring my A game because I've got an audience for this. And yeah, it was, that was a bizarre dream. Just lots of fucked up dreams lately. All kinds of just weird scenarios.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Trapped in cabins with magical people. Always some intrigue. Like it turns out one of the guys there is eating us because there's no food left. And every now and then he'll ask somebody to go help him with a light bulb. And they won't come back. But he'll show up with a big platter of roast beef for everybody. And everybody's eating the roast beef.
Starting point is 00:30:14 And I'm looking around like, where's Larry? What a generous cannibal. Right? I mean, I hate to be so prejudiced. I would have thought cannibals would mostly keep the food to themselves. I didn't think of them as sharers. That's a good point. That's a good point. That's a good point. I didn't consider that during the dream.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I don't remember the last time I remembered a dream. And Kyle, you seem to remember a dream every night. Yeah, every night I remember multiple dreams. You tend to remember them when something wakes you up. If you just wake up naturally and slowly, you usually won't remember it. But if it's's like bam you wake up mid-dream that's when you remember it i keep a really short dream when i was like i don't know like not i can do a better dream so like jarring
Starting point is 00:30:57 that you wake up right afterward i'm sure of course you have yeah yeah but like all the dream it was the shortest dream i've ever had in my life, where it was just me getting ready for school, and I was running out of the garage, and it was just my mom being like, Taylor, time to go. Get out of here. We're leaving. And it was me, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:13 hitting the garage door thing to close it, and then I would run through as it's closing, as you always do. And it was the entire dream. It was, Taylor, come on. We're leaving. Let's go. And then I hit it, and it goes,
Starting point is 00:31:23 and I run over. I, like, step on my own shoel was, Taylor, come on, we're leaving, let's go, and then I hit it, and it goes, and I run over, I, like, step on my own shoelace, fall, and the garage door cuts my head off, and I die, and then I'm just ahead, laying there, like, looking at the car for a second, and then I woke up, just like, what the fuck? Like, I'm not that afraid of school. Like,
Starting point is 00:31:38 what else could it mean? I had a dream that I was in a convertible, like, Oldsmobile, like, an old one the other night, like, one of the boxy ones mean? I had a dream that I was in a convertible Oldsmobile, like an old one the other night, like one of the boxy ones. And I had a full car of people, and there was a grandma, not my grandma, but just a granny in the backseat. And we went under one of those old-timey roadside billboards, the kind from Boardwalk Empire or something.
Starting point is 00:32:04 And I was like i was like duck and everybody like ducked except for granny and it just cut her head clean the fuck off and i look back and blood is just spurting out of her shoulders where her head used to be and i'm just like ah and then there's cops behind us with the with the blue lights on i'm like young man is this your grandmother's head? I was like, we can't stop. And so I just off-road through woods and bushes and stuff and people are getting thrown from the vehicle
Starting point is 00:32:33 and just all kinds of crazy, fucked up dreams that escalate. It'll start off with some normal shit like we're at Walmart and it'll end up being an alien attack where the whole family's getting wasted. I have crazy nightmares. They're often nightmares really i rarely get nightmares very very rarely i mostly just don't remember my dreams for the most part i guess if there was a theme it's that they're always very disjointed like when i do remember like the beginning part of
Starting point is 00:33:04 the dream will be like me, me and a friend, or you know, whoever. Like, we're gonna rob this bank. It's like, yeah. Because we're gonna rob that bank. And, like, halfway to the bank, like, with all the ski stuff on, we'll be like, oh, like, there's guns here. Let's buy guns. Hey, let's go fight ISIS. It's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:33:19 fuck that bank thing. And it's just all over the place to the, and eventually it just sort of ends you know like uh yeah dennis says for his uh deep full penetration back to the lab full penetration smell some crime like and then eventually just is over and it's always like a didn't get to come feeling in my dreams because it's like it's it's never like yes we robbed that bank that was awesome we got the money it's always like man i made a bunch of grand plans and got like 10 in 20 directions and then woke up yeah yeah i have that a lot how often do you wake up during the night um
Starting point is 00:33:56 pretty often i guess like it's rare that i sleep through the night yeah i never sleep through the night i wake up like three times throughout the night like like every single night it's really annoying i wish i could go to sleep at like lately i've been going to sleep at like 11 p.m and waking up at like 7 or 8 a.m i wish that i could just sleep that solid eight or nine hours or whatever and get it over with but i wake up at like two and then again at four and then again at like six two four yeah are those all to pee yeah usually yeah yeah i i drink i drink constantly like i've always got my my diet pepsis and like i got a gallon of sweet tea for thanksgiving and i've been going through that pretty heavily i drank like a half a gallon of that last night i also ate a half a gallon of ice cream this afternoon.
Starting point is 00:34:45 I love that fucking banana split ice cream. It's my new favorite thing. I ate a quarter of it. I get a half gallon of it at a time, though, this bucket. And whenever I get down to the last half, I just take the whole bucket into my bedroom. It's in here somewhere. Just take the whole bucket? I ate the whole bucket.
Starting point is 00:35:02 It's so delicious. It's wonderful. Does it sound good? It's so delicious. It's wonderful. It's called Banana Split Sundae. You don't eat ice cream, though. I don't know what your deal is. It's too cold. It sounds good, but then I start eating ice cream, and it's like,
Starting point is 00:35:17 this almost just hurts my teeth. You know, like, the flavor's good, but what is this? Is this Kyle as a lady? Oh, a lady oh my oh yeah you're i wish they could have gotten my upper lip completely clean for this i'd still fuck you i definitely fuck female kyle female kyle's pretty hot yeah i'm liking it female cow's pretty hot yeah i'm liking it female taylor would be an ugly bitch just a hairy broad-shouldered big head oh i'm glad you mentioned that because like i had a dream the other night where i was um it was you and i and we were we were like secret agents
Starting point is 00:35:59 and uh and we were doing our russian accents and i was like I'm Dmitry and this is Sergei the Head Gumanov. Like the head was your gangster name. You were Sergei the Head Gumanov. And you were like over there in a leather jacket like slicked back hair and everything.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Just mean mugging him. You were like, yes. I am the head. The head. Do you know why they call me this like, yes, I am the head. The head. Do you know why they call me this? It was a side from the obvious. I head but Putin in amateur hockey league. No one fuck with the head. That was hilarious.
Starting point is 00:36:34 That is a weird ass dream. Yeah, I woke up and I was laughing about the dream. And then I was like driving to the store later in the day to get kitty stuff. And I was like, the head. That's pretty good Sergei the head Gumenov so yeah yeah if we ever we ever do a two-man like Russian thing together like I'm Dmitry Potapov and you're Sergei the head Gumenov I like how your your brain had the time to give me a UFC fighter name in the middle, but you didn't get one. Ah, well, they knew me.
Starting point is 00:37:07 I was bringing you in. Oh, okay. This is the head, my associate. My cousin. We were cousins. That was the deal. That was the story. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Well, that's interesting. Well, I hope we did a good job on our mission. I think they got you. I was okay. The head? Well, I mean we did a good job on our mission. I think they got you. I was okay. The head? Well, I mean, you're an easy target. Easy target. They just popped you right away. If I were one of those targets, like they used a silhouette of me at the gun range,
Starting point is 00:37:36 you know how it's usually like a certain score for the head? Like they'd have to have it. They'd have to be like, no, no, no, no. Can't use that guy's cut. Man, I'm digging female. Like, when I first looked at that, I was like, who's this chick that looks like me? I thought it was just a hot... Man, my eyes are
Starting point is 00:37:54 just sparkling, right? Your eyebrows look nicer. Ah, yeah, they thinned those up a bit and stretched them. Your nose is nicer. Yeah. Actually, I'm just gonna say all of this is nicer because, of course, I prefer the female version. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Actually, where are you on this? You know, I saw it, and I was like, I would fuck her. I'm like, does that make me gay? Because I'm at like 300% already. It's really gone off the charts. It definitely doesn't make you gay to want to fuck a fictional woman.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I'm going to send this to some girls. They're going to love this. This is hilarious. I wonder how those would work if you have a beard. I got it. Did you just make you into a dwarf woman? Yeah, well, if you look at her upper lip, it didn't work all that well. No, they should have polished the rest of the hair off.
Starting point is 00:38:43 And the chin. He's got like a little... You see it on the chin? All I rest of the hair off. And the chin. He's got a little... You see it on the chin? All I see is the stupid overlay. I thought I saw stubble on the chin. Yeah, there's a little stubble on the chin right under my lip. Nice lips on that lady too. They made the eyebrows nice.
Starting point is 00:38:59 They put some makeup on her. She's done it pretty well. She's a little bit of trainee vibe about her but yeah yeah yeah well i mean you started with a with such a masculine man you know that's true technology isn't there yet that's really funny do they have them that go the other way where you could like take like a girlfriend or someone and make them a guy and see what they would look like i like that yeah that would be funny too chiz find that
Starting point is 00:39:35 i don't think he's in the call yeah i want to turn jackie into a man and see if Woody is like, oh. Better yet. I feel a stirring inside my soul that I'd never felt before when I saw man Jackie. That's when I knew she was going to have to transition. Yes. Started sneaking.
Starting point is 00:40:00 And that's how I began sneaking her testosterone. We're having steak for dinner tonight. I don't think it's a great show topic, but I'm very excited. I don't have steak very often. It's probably been two months. Oh, big fan of steak. I haven't had steak lately either.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Next time I do it, I'm going to reverse sear it. You know, you bake it for like 230 degrees or something for a bit. You get the inside temperature up to where it's supposed to be, and then you sear it. It's supposed to be like the best way to do it if you've got a big, thick steak. I don't know. I usually do like that.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Does Jackie do that or the opposite? I forget. Does she sear the outside? I forget. Then bake it. Yeah. I've watched a lot of YouTube videos on this, and my research tells me that reverse searing,
Starting point is 00:40:42 which is baking and then searing, is the best way to make it juicy and delicious. I think that only matters if you've got a big, thick, crazy steak. That's what we used to do. Today's is just sirloin, but usually it's filet. I've got two entire fried turkeys
Starting point is 00:40:57 because my grandparents... On actual Thanksgiving, we went down to the... My mom's side of the family in the deep country part of missouri and she always my grandma and grandpa they tend to go like everybody's like oh man my grandma makes so much food it's like no no there's not a fucking grandma in this country that makes more food than my grandma i swear to. There were 10 people, 12 people total. She made four or five fried turkeys, an entire beef tenderloin,
Starting point is 00:41:31 an entire beef prime rib. Like, these are huge cuts of meat. An entire ham. And that's just the meat. That's just the meat that was available. It was enough. If every single person there wanted to eat five pounds of meat we would have had leftovers so like the next day it sounds like you've got room for one more person at the table i'm just saying yeah i have room for you
Starting point is 00:41:54 and your family and their friends but like and so as i was leaving my grandma's like oh taylor we didn't even get to those last two turkeys you want to take those home with you and i'm like yeah you mean just you're just gonna give me two entire deep fried turkeys yeah yeah for sure so now i have enough turkey to last me until next thanksgiving i love deep fried turkey yes it's so juicy and delicious i i'm when we get done here i'm making a big sandwich out of the turkey i've got a bunch of her homemade bread. Her homemade loaves of bread and rolls that I'm using to make sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:42:29 It's not quite steak, but it's good. Did she make cornbread dressing? Yeah. She made a couple different kinds of dressing. Yeah, I'm a big fan of that. Is there celery and onions in it? I don't know. I didn't watch her make it.
Starting point is 00:42:45 You can see it when you eat it, there's little green vegetables in there that's the celery. I don't know, the meal was a blur. I only ask because there's so many different ways to do stuffing or dressing and everybody's is different. The way I do it is I make cornbread first and I crumble it up and I salt it. Is your favorite thing always the turkey? No. My favorite thing is always the meat. Nothing ever competes.
Starting point is 00:43:14 I really really like the dressing with the gravy on it. The gravy is key to everything. Without the gravy it would be the turkey but when you add gravy that dressing and the mashed potatoes are so fucking good just just drowned in giblet gravy and my mouth's watering i i love it i've got a i've got a jar of the gravy that i saved i got my mother that's what my mother made she made gravy and like deviled eggs like i didn't want
Starting point is 00:43:40 her to have to really do anything so i do not like deviled eggs. We always have them at every event, but it's a texture thing. It's a gross, gross texture. Same reason I don't like mashed potatoes. All other potatoes are fine, but mashed potatoes, it's a gross texture. I'd rather have them diced or baked or anything like that. No, I'm a big fan of mashed potatoes.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I put a ton of butter in there. I mean a lot of butter, like a stick of butter. I just squirt a huge amount of sour cream in there, salt and pepper, grate some American cheese and then mash them all up with my potato masher. Sounds good. Yeah. Except not
Starting point is 00:44:17 mashed. But all that butter, that'd probably make up for it. It does. It does. They're smooth and rich and delicious yeah i do twice baked potatoes right after like 30 seconds after we finish this because all this talk is well you've got a steak sizzling up i hope so i'm afraid the crazy woman is going to wait till the show is over to start cooking oh yeah the show has about 15 minutes left should i ping her now and say you know yeah what would your thought be if you went up there and the credits were playing
Starting point is 00:44:49 and nothing was done or if it was cold I'm kind of expecting that what is the mother-in-law going to eat because I can't imagine steak being a good meal for someone who's I think she's already fed I don't know what she ate though
Starting point is 00:45:02 yeah you should ping her now hey how's that fed. I don't know what she ate, though. Yeah, you should ping her now. Hey, how's that steak coming? I'll say. I'm trying to phrase it right. I'll say 15 minutes minuets. God damn, autocorrect. I'll be done in 15. Hope the steaks are, too.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Yeah, hope the steaks are, too. Yep, that's the way I would say it. Steaks in 15. Hope the steaks are too. Yeah, hope the steaks are too. Yep, that's the way I would say it. Steaks in 15, toots. There's two different messages. 15 minutes left in the show. I'm so hungry. See that? There you go.
Starting point is 00:45:35 I think that'll get it done. Yeah, yeah. I watched Walking Dead, and it was just retarded. I don't even know what it was. I saw it, and it didn't maintain my. I don't even know what it was. I saw it and it didn't maintain my attention enough to watch it. Nothing happened.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Rick got locked up by the trash people. He's naked in a container now because he went in by himself for some reason. The king is crying in his auditorium like a pussy. Rick is unbelievably stupid. Theium like a pussy. Rick is unbelievably stupid. The king is a pussy.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Carol has gone off on some... Everybody else, all the side characters, have gone off on their own little side quests for no apparent reason while leaving their homeland completely undefended during wartime. Rick just went out and started a war and Carl, that chunky chick that they
Starting point is 00:46:25 try to act like isn't chunky the hot latina chick with the scar on her face michonne and daryl have all went off on and carol have all went off on side quests instead of defending the home base as far as i could tell daryl is just doing diving catches on everybody else's fuck-ups, right? Like they got away with the M2 browning or whatever it was. The Carroll didn't stop. So Daryl and Rick stopped that. This week they got away with, I don't know what they were getting away with, but out of nowhere Daryl plows into him from the side with a trash truck. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Duess Machina. Is that? I'm sure I pronounced it close. Not even close. Oh kyle has it there is oh i can't read the words or anything yeah it says you know you got the guy good getting blown up by the uh yeah rpg it with this terrible special effects and then wait was that a real clip because walking dead might be good this time on the back of that truck. And then, boom, lol, it's trash. Yeah, it was a real clip from the show.
Starting point is 00:47:31 She shot a guy with an RPG from 15 feet away and just vaporized him. She's holding the RPG at him and he goes, you won't shoot. And she shoots right on the spot. It was kind of badass. It was kind of badass. also kind of it was it was
Starting point is 00:47:45 kind of badass and as soon as he said that i was like she's gonna blow you the fuck up yeah yeah somebody points an rpg at you you put your hands up you don't say i dare you be bad for her yeah it's usually not good to shoot explosives at people 11 feet from you it honestly like like if we're getting nitty-gritty it depends on what kind of warhead that specific RPG had on it. But it's a TV show. I like it when Kyle knows shit like this. Like, oh, yeah, if it had like a S239, she'd be fine. But if it had a S247.
Starting point is 00:48:17 If it was high explosive, like one of them that's meant for anti-personnel, then she's dead. But if it's an anti-armor one that's got a shape charge in it that's meant to hit something and then shoot a liquid jet of metal through armor and then burn all the people inside of a tank or armored vehicle... From that distance, though, you could fill it full of
Starting point is 00:48:35 paint or silly putty and it would kill you. Oh, yeah. He's dead, no matter what. And, you know, some of those, depending on if it's an old RPG or a new RPG, they have different arming ranges. Like, you know, some of them are, like the older ones, have no minimum distance. So you could be running around with the thing, trip, fall, hit the ground, and it'll blow you up if the nose cone hits the ground. It'll just explode on impact and you die.
Starting point is 00:49:00 But some of the newer ones, you know, it's 30 meters, 30 meters five you know it depends on the one there's there's there's a whole bunch of different warheads for those rpgs uh rpg sevens it doesn't matter though it looks it looks silly what happened like like yeah that was the point is it's stupid and yeah no matter what round they had about it wouldn't have done that yeah there's nothing they could have put in there the whole show done that. The whole show is dumb. What they needed to do was take last season and this season and make it one season. If the first eight episodes were showing how beaten down Rick and his crew were,
Starting point is 00:49:34 and the next eight episodes were them fighting back, because they split it into a mid-season finale, that would have been a nice thing. But to take 16 episodes and turn it into 32, everyone's just talking about how garbage it is. Oh, yeah. Ratings are down to season two levels. Man, I hope the show dies.
Starting point is 00:49:52 I really hope it dies. I guess. Yeah. Let it die. I heard Orville is good. I heard that, too. What is Orville? Is that a new show?
Starting point is 00:50:01 Orville is a sci-fi Star Trek-type show has seth mcfarlane uh as the captain of this starship it's not star trek um and the consensus seems to be from that it's better than the fox i i haven't seen it i'm going into it expecting a star trek parody because they look like star trek that's what people expect is a comedic parody. But it turns out, apparently, from what I've read, is what you get is a good Star Trek type show. It looks like Galaxy Quest. It's not funny. It's comedy, though.
Starting point is 00:50:36 I've got to see it. There's a whole season done. It's definitely going to be a comedy. It's got Seth MacFarlane in it. It's not. I mean, no. Kyle's saying no. Have you already seen it, Kyle? I haven't seen it, but I've read about it a comedy. It's got Seth MacFarlane in it. It's not. I mean, no. Have you already seen it, Kyle? I haven't seen it, but I've
Starting point is 00:50:48 read about it a lot. It's not like a... Alright, so Galaxy Quest. Have you ever seen that with Tim Allen and Sigourney Weaver? Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's a bad movie. That is a comedy. That is just a silly, ridiculous Star Trek parody comedy. This is not that. This is not that outlandish
Starting point is 00:51:04 ridiculousness. This is like an actual Star Trek show that has some laughs in it, from what I understand. Galaxy Quest would have been a much better movie if they had stayed with the R rating like they initially meant to be. There's a part where you can see Alec Ritman saying, fuck, but it's, you know, they just dub over or something
Starting point is 00:51:20 like that. That's got a great cast. It's Alan Rickman, Sigourney Weaver, Tim Allen. It was supposed to be an R-rated adult Star Trek parody that was funny. They neutered it in the end. My friend just got kicked. Paramotor thing. It's hot off the presses.
Starting point is 00:51:37 My friend got permission to fly at this field. He doesn't have a big yard. He has a normal house. He has to go to a farmer and say, hey, can I fly where you are and she said yes right so it goes there she says yeah you can fly here whatever anyway he just writes I just lost my best local flying site because in quotes you got to be out of your ducking mind if you think I'll let you fly that from my land. I don't care what my wife said. Some crackpot lawyer will get your wife
Starting point is 00:52:05 everything I have. When you die on that thing, get out of here. My friend was trying to talk to him, shake his hand or whatever. He would not shake his hand. Another guy was writing, that would have been fighting terms for me.
Starting point is 00:52:21 He's like, I thought that might happen. He nearly ran over his wing with a car. To be fair well not the running over with a car but like if someone asked me hey do you mind if i fly around on this machine on your property where you're kind of liable for it i'd be like abs no you're not allowed to do that if i see you doing it i'm calling the police like no i'm not gonna watch you break both your femurs and then i'm on the hook for it like when i find out that this person that i just met actually isn't that cool or they have a vindictive wife that's going to be litigious. Like there's a lot of stuff that could go wrong. I just had my friend.
Starting point is 00:52:54 My friend launched from my yard today. I had him sign a waiver first. There's like a standard thing. And I wasn't sure if I was being a dick or not, but it's almost like it's not even about you, right? Like your next of kin might, you know, be the issue almost like it's not even about you, right? Your next of kin might be the issue. And it's about protecting yourself. If he catches a bad wind and
Starting point is 00:53:11 flies into the side of your house like a cartoon character, he slides through the east sunroom. His body swings through the windows and he dies on your pool table. There's no eastern sunroom, silly head. Southeast.
Starting point is 00:53:27 There is a southern sunroom. He hits the sunroom, and his body flies through it, and he's laying there sprawled out on the pool table, skewered by a pool stick. You know, like that's that. Yeah, I just thought, because he got permission. And actually, people tend to, to my surprise, more than half say yes. If you ask him and you're nice and you say, hey, you know, I want to do this, there's no damage to your yard.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I'm just foot launching. I run 30 steps and then fly away. They're usually like, yeah, that thing's cool. And they're happy to see the show. But in this case, I guess the wife said yes and the guy caught him in the act i don't care what she says you're gonna kill yourself and like yeah yeah but so i had people sign waivers before they launch here there's a yeah that's what you can get online i've signed many a waiver before i get to go do things that i've done on other people's property. A lot of times they're like, no matter what
Starting point is 00:54:26 you do, even if it isn't your fault, if I fuck up and you die, it's not on me. If my employees fuck up and you die, it's not on me. I'm like, well, tell them to be careful, I guess. Yeah. I want to do this thing, so I guess I'll sign
Starting point is 00:54:41 anything. I'll sign anything. Well, I really want to shoot hogs out of this helicopter so yeah yeah i accidentally catch a bullet in the back of the head you know yeah my family won't come after you yeah i just i don't know if it's interesting but just fix my paramotor i had my first mechanical issue with it ever the starter basically when you disassemble it there's a spring in there that holds this clutch together and it came apart and I was really bummed because I like flying a lot. And when, I don't know if you guys are like this or have anything like this, but even if it was like bad weather and I couldn't
Starting point is 00:55:14 fly, knowing that it's sitting there broken in pieces bothers me. I don't like that at all. So, uh, Aviator PPG got me one and, and you know like instantly mailed off a warranty part but it wasn't coming till thursday like thursday the fuck you know like i can't live that long really i'm 44 i should be able to wait like five days but it turns out that's not the case no you're 44 it's like i don't have the time to wait yeah yeah like the way you think it's ticking down so i bought the wrong part on amazon had it overnighted here disassembled that starter took like cannibalized and i made a new starter and it worked great and i was i was neat i learned a new skill so uh it turned out super cool and i
Starting point is 00:55:57 flew tonight so did you uh did you send a second nagging text of like how is the steak coming you know i i it says grumble grumble grumble i'm like sorry that was my belly and she hasn't replied to any of these messages uh yeah so so far she should i call her she's probably cooking the steak she probably is and the show ends in like four minutes, so it almost doesn't matter at this point. What kind of side item will come along with the steak? It might be a Thanksgiving leftover, like this cranberry thing that we have.
Starting point is 00:56:36 They'll certainly be a vegetable. We have potatoes, but I tend not to eat them because I'm still trying to lose weight. Potatoes are not helping that cause. But they're so good. Yes. I love potatoes. Yeah, it might be my favorite food
Starting point is 00:56:52 because they do so many things. They're fantastic. The baked potatoes I like a lot. Roasted potatoes I liked a lot. These would be mashed potatoes hypothetically. Good, but actually I think that's the third best kind of potato at best.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Maybe. The diced up and roasted is the best kind. My favorite kind is fried. I want to make my own French fries. My second favorite... Yeah, I forgot about that kind. I forgot French fries were made from potatoes. My second favorite is the twice-baked potato.
Starting point is 00:57:27 That's, of course, when you bake the potato and then you gut the potato and you take all the innards out and you mix it with a ton of sour cream and butter and cheese and chopped up bacon that you just cooked. And then you mix all that together until it's homogenous. And then you stuff it back into the potato, cover it in cheese, and then bake it for 15 more minutes. That is definitely my favorite kind. That's a little too Frankenstein-y.
Starting point is 00:57:49 No, no, no, no, no. No, this is delicious. Yeah, Taylor, Taylor. Stay in your lane, Taylor. There's a potato expert talking. We're just here to listen. Do you hear me tell him where he should take off from? Do you hear me tell him where he should take off from?
Starting point is 00:58:05 Right? Talking to him about wind veins and shit. No. There are times when you just listen. And one of those times is when Kyle talks to potatoes. About twice-baked potatoes, yeah. Absolutely. I've got this thing down pat.
Starting point is 00:58:20 They're fucking delicious. They go off without a hitch. It's just amazing, amazing potatoes. I'm a big fan. Food is my favorite thing. It's way up there. I think if it was food or sex, I'd go with the food. Wait, are you talking about
Starting point is 00:58:35 in the moment? No, no, no. Forever. But what would 18-year-old Kyle have gone with? I don't know. I don't know. But here would be the decision. Either you get 18 year old Kyle have gone with. Probably. I don't know. I don't know. But, but here's what would be the decision.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Either, either you get, I don't know all the sex you want, whatever kind you want, however that works, but you have to eat like flavorless gruel, like oatmeal with nothing in it for the rest of your life or it's only masturbation for you and you get a smorgasbord of anything you desire every single day one of those situations you're horny
Starting point is 00:59:13 and fat the other one you just after a couple years you're going to get used to the gruel and it'll just be part of your life it'll just be like oh here's your protein gruel here's your carb gruel here's your fat rule or whatever i i will say it all up that's this is the guy who masturbates and eats really well like do i get a fedora with that lifestyle you know it's how many years until you fucking kill yourself as you look at another delicious plate of something that you've eaten a hundred times that year already you know and you're just wanting some companionship think about it like sex is the correct option there. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:47 If you remove sex from your entire outlook in life, you might be fantastically more successful. First of all, you get yourself a man companion now because there's no sex, right? You can find someone who's sensible and not prone to... I'm bumping you 10% for this. Carry on. I'm just saying you remove the sex and then like a man is definitely a better companion than a woman
Starting point is 01:00:10 right like like sheer wardrobes he's gonna be more sensible he's gonna he's gonna bring financial yeah he can help you carry things he doesn't need any help with carrying things you know do his own thing i don't know if i'd rather have a like hypothetically like gruel would i rather have a guy roommate or like a wife because she you get to keep your how about this you get to keep your wife but just no more sex with her oh i follow but i i was kind of transitioning to the because i think you said hey if there's no sex i'd rather have a guy i'm gonna call him a wife you know yeah and i'm like i don't know because the guy wife certainly would be good at certain things right he might be more adventurous he might uh i don't know he'd certainly be better carrying things and wardrobe and what have you but there's a certain like the fact that
Starting point is 01:00:56 we're not the same and complement each other's weaknesses that works out well in the whole marriage scenario too oh yeah but... What about a gay guy? No. Yeah. Now what's the point in that? I don't know. He might compliment your weaknesses and you know what? My wardrobe would certainly improve.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Oh shit, yeah. Now this is what you need. You just solved all your problems. You want to just eat bonbons, masturbating with your gay partner all day. How do you not see the scenario you're spelling out is the incorrect one? Well, I'm going to be jacked out of my mind on my protein gruel with pussy. Pussy for days. Hey, Taylor, don't you wish you could have a bite of this chocolate ice cream? Oh, I got six girls sucking my dick right now. What are you saying?
Starting point is 01:01:43 What are you talking about? Oh, man, that ice cream does look pretty good got six girls sucking my dick right now. What are you saying? What are you talking about? Oh, man, that ice cream does look pretty good. You're getting heavy, Kyle. Yeah. Hey, you know what guy should be your roommate in this situation? Me. Because then every day you can look out and go, what's he doing? Oh, he's fucking on the couch again with his goddamn
Starting point is 01:02:01 gruel. You know? We need separate couches. Is that l goddamn gruel you know we need separate couches is that loop gruel it comes in every kind i didn't know that was part of the bargain can't change your answer enjoy your fucking ice cream cake well ice cream cake pkn 171 i'm hungry as fuck yeah all right

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