Painkiller Already - PKN #178

Episode Date: January 26, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I think I fixed the reliability problem we had. Only time will tell, but I think I have that wrapped up. That's an experiment I don't want to be a participant in. Yep. You don't get a choice, really. One of those Pakistani mind diffusers.
Starting point is 00:00:16 I think I know. It will be okay. I've been doing this for three weeks since my trainer tragically killed me. Oh! Last week I was talking about For three weeks since my trainer was tragically killed. Oh, so we've got... We were talking about last week, I was talking about getting a brand new TV. And I was like, I don't know if I want to pay for the 4K because I don't know if my eyes can see in 4K. Like, I don't know if I'll be able to differentiate between, like, a high quality YouTube video from 2012 and, like, a really nice 4K TV. youtube video from 2012 and like a really nice 4k tv and so when i got to the to best buy uh chiz gave me shit for going to buy tvs from a store like an old person he said but it's like
Starting point is 00:00:52 chiz if you lived in the area i do you're not going to order a tv to just sit on your stoop because it's not if it gets stolen it's how many minutes it'll sit there until it does like it's it there's a zero percent chance it will not be stolen if they leave a tv on my stoop every so often chis insults me and i'm like i didn't even know what i was that i was being stupid you know like oh you're buying a tea you're shopping at a store like an old person like i hadn't even known chis would like be order be ordering his sixth grub hub of the night, but he'd really just be feeding all of the muggers who live around me,
Starting point is 00:01:28 who are like, you got Buffalo Bawwings? Yeah, you don't know Moe. I can just imagine Rufus over there bawling out with that 65-inch 4K. Y'all want to watch Dead Devil? Yeah, it's in 4K. Y'all come on. Nah, I hooked up to Taylor's Wi-Fi. It's good.
Starting point is 00:01:44 That's why you keep lagging during this show. You don't know I got a password, but I do. I went to Best Buy like an old man, apparently, and I was looking at the TVs, and it was only like $300, $200 and some odd dollars more to get the 65-inch 4K versus the non-4K. And so I was like, whatever. I'm in for a penny
Starting point is 00:02:05 in for a pound i'll just buy the the nice 65 inch samsung 4k one and so i got that and i got home and immediately i put on planet earth 2 just to see what it was like and it's honestly mind-blowingly better like i because i rip on things without knowledge often, you know, it's like I was watching it, like, almost against myself. Like, it's not that much better. And I'm like, well, you're the idiot who just paid $1,100, $1,200 for it, so it better be better. And I'm like, yeah, damn it, it is. It really is better. Like, this is not some goofy scam thing.
Starting point is 00:02:39 It is, you can see every little micro scale on the feet of the birds of prey as they latch on. You can see the little tufts of hair on the hairs, the rabbit kind of exploding out from the impact and the grab. Let me tell you why. The detail is astounding. Even the snow, the granular look of the snow is different. It's not a sheet of white like a painting or something. You can see every little droplet. Is this the part where you tell us about that, right? Yes. yeah okay kyle knows but i have to say it anyway it partly if you
Starting point is 00:03:11 had a 1080p blu-ray right which is like 40 megabits per second or something like that it might look even better than the 4k you're getting at like 20 megabit per second a lot of it is the bit rate netflix is delivering a much better 4K, whereas at 1080p, they're kind of cheesy about it. See, I watched it on Netflix. So that's a pretty good way to do 4K is via Netflix. Well, I don't even know of any, like, I don't know the other 4K ways.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Is there a 4K disc yet? Like, is that a thing that exists? For quite a while, yeah. That's the way, you want the the best looking experience that you can possibly get in 4k anyway let's let's not get into some sort of 8k display that you're going to have to mortgage your home for you get a you could get the you know the ultra uh blu-ray player you know i think that some of the consoles do it you know but you can get one now you know it's just like the old dv players. They started at a grand or two grand or something nuts,
Starting point is 00:04:05 and now I think you can get one for $150 or maybe the great one for $350. And next year, there'll be $19.95 at Walmart. And some will be trampled for it. Yes, it's worth it. I just mean, not as 4K worth it. I'm sold on 4K. I'm saying the super 4K Blu-ray.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I don't feel like physical copies of movies are ever going to come back. I don't think that's ever going to be a thing again. It might with 4K because the internet speeds in the U.S. are so shit on average. And it's what Woody just described. It's the bit rate. You're not getting the pinnacle of 4K experience if it's being beamed to you. Your TV is better than you know. And if you had the disc, you're getting
Starting point is 00:04:50 it all, right? It's reading it right off that disc. It's putting it right there on your screen. It's not being beamed from some server in St. Louis or something like that. I mean, I believe you that it'll be better. I just see it as like diminishing returns maybe. Like this is already so much better. Yeah, another $ for a penny for a pound but an extra 150 bucks and then
Starting point is 00:05:11 i have to spend 50 on every dvd you just steal them from red box steal them from red i'm not a degenerate get rufus to do it that's what he's for oh man rufus is i'm not gonna conscript that man into any kind of services for me, Kyle. He's a homeless gentleman who's addicted to drugs. Undoubtedly. And he hasn't been around recently because it's cold. He's probably hanging out under the bridge with Duncan and the gang. You act like Rufus wouldn't appreciate 4K,
Starting point is 00:05:38 as if he's some lesser kind of person. His eyes are probably better than yours. Yep. That's fair. He's got to keep one eye on both sides of the street. Because he doesn't know when danger's coming. He's almost certainly a veteran. He had to pass some eye exam that you could never pass in your best day.
Starting point is 00:05:56 So he's down there in the cold right now saying, I wish that white boy would pay me to steal some 4K DVDs or whatever they're called. Or whatever they're called. Or whatever they're called. Good guess, Rufus. Because they're like ultra HD or something. I underestimated so much how giant a 65-inch TV would be,
Starting point is 00:06:17 like seven feet from me, how far my viewing distance is. It's perfect. It's wonderful. Even watching the football game on friday or saturday night whatever it was i even enjoyed that i like never watched the nfl unless well i had friends over and they wanted to watch the game of course but like even watching that i'm like god like that turf looks good like you can see that guy's nose shift when he gets hit in the slow motion replay you know like like when he's watching Mythbusters, that guy gets clocked in the side of the head and his face kind of stays static for a second. I wonder how many hertz your TV is, if it's a 120 or a 240 hertz TV.
Starting point is 00:06:54 That's the frame rate, by the way. That's how many frames per second you're getting. They make those things in 240 hertz now, which is pretty nuts. I think that's what it is. It was like just the nicest 65-inch Samsung I could find. what it is. It was just the nicest 65-inch Samsung I could find. Yeah, cool. Got that Korean TV. And I got the flat one because
Starting point is 00:07:11 I thought about what you said. The curved one was actually cheaper than the flat one, which I thought was weird. And then I looked at it from the side and I'm like, ugh, no wonder. And then she's just like, of course. I'm not going to sit with my company in a line.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I guess it depends who you are, right? If you're what I imagine a 4-channer to be, the curved one is perfect. Right? There's no one coming over. You're not doing anything. I am myself. A curved TV and you sit in the spot, the magic, it's great uh but if you're going to share your
Starting point is 00:07:48 tv i suppose brown oh yeah or flat i have a company over multiple times a week most weeks so that would not be a good person is that true that's a lot of company yeah i have people over pretty much every weekend he likes to entertain i do like entertaining. I like being a good host. Like, you can't see from here, but it's always – the compliments I get the most from when girls come over, you know, in like a group of friends and everything, is your place smells amazing, and it is so clean in here. Why can't guys clean like this? And it's always like, you can hear – you're my friend, Ted.
Starting point is 00:08:24 You can hear your girlfriend complimenting me on this right now do you not see that this is an underhanded dig at you being dirty and smelly in your own house I digress it doesn't matter everything women say is a clue you have to piece those together you throw a lot of stones but it sounds like Ted has a girlfriend he does
Starting point is 00:08:39 poor Ted and she's a friend of mine she's a great gal but I like preparing little plates and shit every so often, like the meat and cheese stuff. Not that as much. I like playing board games and shit. I don't know. I have a lot of fun entertaining and being a good host.
Starting point is 00:08:57 It makes you feel good. You guys don't feel like that? No, we do. We entertain, but Jackie does all the work. I have a different topic. Yeah, sure. Help me with his name. Al-Azir Azani, comedian from Parks and Rec.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Aziz Azari. Aziz Azari. Nope. Someone very similar to him. There's two Zs in his name. First and last combined. Aziz. How am I doing so far? Yep, you got both Zs. And Zari?
Starting point is 00:09:32 It's not two people. Look, it's Aziz and Zari! They're here! I wasn't sure if it was Azari or and Zari. I don't know. But Aziz. We're on a first name basis. So Aziz has been accused of like sexual assault and sort of a me too thing. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Like, so if you guys are not up to speed on this, apparently he went on a date with a woman and they had drinks or something like that. They went back to his place. They started kissing. They got naked. They had sex. And now she's doing – and then I guess she was like, you know, well, I don't like this or something.
Starting point is 00:10:15 He's like, oh, well, do you want to just like put clothes on and watch TV? And then they did that. And then she left. And then he hit her up, like text or something. Hey, you know, you want to hang out tonight? And she's like ripping him. Like her up, like text or something. Hey, you know, you want to hang out tonight? And she's like ripping him. Like, oh my God, no. Did you not pick up on my nonverbal clues that I didn't want to do that?
Starting point is 00:10:33 Like he's some sort of sexual assaulter. I don't think they had sex. He did give her a blowjob. Or she gave him a blowjob, right? I could be wrong. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're right on that. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:10:53 She got naked. If this is a public service announcement to all women out there, if you go out on a date with a guy and then go back to his place and then take all your clothes off, he will try to have sex with you. You cannot claim that he failed to read your nonverbal clues because you gave even louder nonverbal clues when you went back to his place and took your clothes off. Yeah. Those are the rules. I think she's really getting thrown under the bus by everybody. I saw that blonde news lady went on Riptor for four minutes today. She said – kind of shamed her her although they're not saying her name uh which is interesting just mentioned that she's a photographer you're right i saw him use one
Starting point is 00:11:32 ripped her with a fake name and another just they could mostly call her his accuser yeah but uh i mean yeah it's totally uh it's just what us and pretty much everybody else said as soon as this me too movement started is that eventually you know people will see it as a way to get attention you know in a way to boost their career and someone like aziz and sorry is hugely popular right now and so maybe and so instead of going oh yeah i had a sexual experience that i didn't like with aziz and you know i didn't think he was very good in bed or i thought he kind of pressured me a little too much or whatever like you could have left at any time you could have stood up and just fucking left you could have like and when you pretend that this is more than just one person
Starting point is 00:12:15 not leaving when they could have and trying to put the onus of responsibility on aziz to to read her mind it's like women, talk to any rational woman, and they'll be like, yeah, we don't need to be treated like that. We're human beings with agency. Like, you, I don't know, when you make this into a real story, you're taking agency away from women
Starting point is 00:12:35 and making it be like, oh, yeah, when you're on a date, you just can't do anything. Like, the man's gonna do what he wants to do, and you have no power to stand up and say no and just leave. Agency is the term I've been hearing tossed around a lot and i like it i like it because um it when you remove her agency right like during the date
Starting point is 00:12:52 but when suddenly she is not able to make her own decisions and decide what she should be doing next that's when the me too thing gets real but at no point in that night did that happen to her she could have left any time when she said she wanted to stop or stop moving forward he was like wanna watch tv i can just picture him saying it in his voice and uh you know raccoon eyes he's like the least threatening male on the planet and she said yes he's like five they watch TV. My understanding of the story was like she gave him head, and then he was trying to move it forward to sex, which to any of the ladies listening out there,
Starting point is 00:13:32 that's going to happen 100% of the time. You're with a guy, and you went on a date, and you're naked, and you blew him. It's going to happen. You set up all those dominoes, and he knocked them down, and now he's waiting for that next domino to get hit. Rationally. It's not like it's some weird disconnect.
Starting point is 00:13:50 It's like, why would you think we'd have sex just because I put your dick in my mouth? Of course. Of course. But like, no, you have to pretend like she's just this doe-eyed like, oh, well, I guess we can do that. I'm not familiar. I'm naked in someone's apartment late at night and I put your penis in my mouth. But now I feel like you're being a little aggressive and and I said no and when I said no you pushed me again And then I said no again. You said okay and Hashtag me too. It's like
Starting point is 00:14:15 Unbelievable like do you know like any real victims of sexual assault and this is so trite been said so many times But clearly these these assholes don't actually care like levying the accusations been said so many times but clearly these these assholes don't actually care like levying the accusations real victims are out there looking at shit like this and going i'm not going to come forward why would i nobody's going to believe me uh because the last you know 10 of these i've seen have been more trumped up than realistic you know like i don't want them to think i'm just you know a a bitter shrew trying to ruin some indian comedian's life like i i am glad that like everybody is on the same page with this one for the most part. Well, he's not white, so it's easy.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I don't know if that comes into it. I think it does. It may, actually, because you give a lot more rope, or at least the media gives a lot more rope to non-white males, of course. Whereas, oh, even James Franco. People coming out like like he said it was nonsense like that were people were accusing him of but i guess you know people were way quicker to demonize him he took hide show away did you notice that you know uh hide from 70 show oh oh yeah well he was accused of actual rape rape yeah like multiple rapes and he's a scientologist too
Starting point is 00:15:25 oh well fuck him wait doesn't that help him uh yeah there'd be powerful scientologists like working on his behalf to get i think that's why it took so long for something to happen because we heard the allegations for like months and it was like well nobody seems to care about danny mass whatever his fucking name is danny masters masterson master baderson he nobody seemed to really care. And then all of a sudden it was like, oh, yeah, they've taken him off the show and his agents dropped him. And it seems like he's in a bit of trouble. So did you hear the thing?
Starting point is 00:15:56 Everyone knows Trump called a couple of nations shitholes or something like that. And I don't want to get too deep into like is he racist or not because no that's not racist at all well that's not racist and i and i feel like a lot of things he says in isolation aren't racist but when you look at the pattern it gets hard not to think that he has some racism issues you know whether it be the good people on both sides, the birther, the shithole countries, this, that, and the other. And like, Oh man, like it there,
Starting point is 00:16:28 there's so much circumstantial evidence around him being racist. I mean, the, the birth at some point, it's a strong case was stupid. Definitely. Uh, it was initially propagated by the Clinton campaign to be fair.
Starting point is 00:16:42 And Donald debunked. It hasn't, it was, no, it has not. I mean, you can say it has it, but I've seen it think that's been debunked. It hasn't. It has. No, it has not. You can say it hasn't, but I've seen it debunked. You can say it has, but it hasn't. Fair enough. Isn't that fun? That's how most talking head argument goes on CNN.
Starting point is 00:16:55 It's like, oh, but I see you are mistaken. Where's your source? Source, sir? Source? Well, I'm here on a TV show for the next 30 seconds. Alright, thanks. Come again. Yeah, right. And nothing gets solved and everybody just gets angrier. But like the shithole countries thing, there are shithole countries out there. And it's hilarious watching
Starting point is 00:17:11 people just because so many people make their barometer of what they believe based on what Trump says. They'll say, oh, that's racist. There aren't shithole countries. It's like none of you people threatened to move to Somalia, threatened to move to Mexico, threatened to move to uganda you all threatened to move to white countries because and it is it's a good point out it's a good indicator of their own
Starting point is 00:17:33 hypocrisy because it would never cross that person's it never crossed lena dunham's mind to move to egypt or africa or anywhere but a nice majority white i saw tucker carlson saying that and you're right. No one wants to go to Somalia. And there are countries that suck. Sorry, to finish the point, the shithole country thing, we all know there are shithole countries.
Starting point is 00:17:52 We all know it. And his point that there are shithole countries, I don't think is an indictment on the people who live there. But I do think that we shouldn't be deciding who we let in based on what country they're from. It should all be merit-based. It should all be who's going to contribute to the fucking economy i'd rather have a nigerian who's an electrical engineer or a chemical engineer or something than some burnout pothead
Starting point is 00:18:13 from norway like i don't see why anyone wouldn't want that on the trump being racist thing like all of these things in isolation aren't like you you know, bulletproof proof that he's racist. You know, like, hey, these guys are from shithole countries. I get that. I get that. That's not by itself proof that he's racist. They're good people on both sides. You know, most people don't usually stand up for the Nazis and the Aryan brothers.
Starting point is 00:18:44 But the Nazis were there. there see that's well they were on you know and it's like well not all of them were in the klu klux klan well they were talking about the you know the riots there you know when the people were actually clashing and there were good people on both sides the whole the thing with the tiki torches was the night before all that and i'm sure that there were still some white supremacists in that crowd of course there were but you know both sides brought weapons i it would have been maybe it would have been people on both sides maybe yeah yeah i think i was about to say i think it would have been more fair to say there were bad people on both sides that probably would have been a better statement but they were all true but but there were definitely good people on both sides you
Starting point is 00:19:22 know they were evicted in court of keeping black people out of his housing units. But I also reckon... That's actually from... That's because they didn't qualify to live there financially. They didn't have the income necessary to lease units in his apartment. I need to do some research on that. Yeah, I thought that he was... I need to research that one.
Starting point is 00:19:43 But it seems like if you apply the right filter On this thing He also received a diversity and urban development award From Jesse Jackson in the late 80s Early 90s If you put the right filter on this thing Then you can kind of brush away Him being racist on all of these
Starting point is 00:20:00 And if you put the right filter on him You can kind of say all of them are proof Yeah but you can't I just feel like most of the times people are like he's racist it's like you take the filter of look at it the most simplistic way and assume whatever you already believed where they're like you know he said that
Starting point is 00:20:15 Mexico only sends rapists and murderers here it's like no he said they send a lot there's a reason that people leave from Mexico to come here they're willing to risk illegal immigration a lot of them a reason that people leave from Mexico to come here. They're willing to risk illegal immigration a lot of them because they're already criminals in Mexico and yeah those people are more already intrinsically likely to
Starting point is 00:20:32 take a risk and commit crimes because they committed a felony just by coming here and so yeah rapists, murderers, people who are more apt to commit crimes are more apt to come here The last time we talked about this we agreed that they were kind of go-getters who got up and left their country and came to America. That it was a self-selecting people of achievers. Yeah, go get her.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yeah, go get her. That's good. But a huge percentage of illegal immigrants here are criminals. Well, actually, 100% of illegal immigrants who come here are criminals because it's a felony. But lots of them commit crimes in Mexico and then come here. Is that an indictment on everyone? No, of course not. I still don't think that Mama and Papa, good, wholesome Mexican,
Starting point is 00:21:11 I don't think they should be coming over illegally anyway. That doesn't make it cool for you to just walk in. If I really want to be a Swedish citizen, I have no fucking right to go into their country and be like, but I'm trying to contribute. I'm trying to make a name for myself like you know it doesn't matter you don't have a right to immigrate to other countries like
Starting point is 00:21:30 countries have a right to have a sovereign border but his notion that like Mexico or any shithole country are like selectively grabbing their worst people and sending their worst which he's repeated again and again that's not how immigration works they're all self selecting these are people who desire to come here. The governments aren't offloading
Starting point is 00:21:48 their people on us. And he paints it like they are all the time. And I don't know. I keep saying, in isolation, I can kind of try to excuse any of the dozen things that he's said or has been convicted in court of. but when you look at them all holistically it's like man it's a pattern that's hard to to look past i feel like there's a very vested interest in the media constructing a pattern where really there isn't one how many people called trump a racist before he ran as a republican three years ago this before too nobody and this isn't like a mood argument it's a real argument he was a mainstay he was it's a mainstay for 30 years for 30 years he's a mainstay in hollywood he receives awards for diversity he was the first person to put a female in charge of
Starting point is 00:22:35 building a skyscraper in in not just in the u.s in the world he's done all these things you know uh promoted small companies on his you know ridiculous show uh the apprentice for so long and there was never a problem with it until he ran as a republican a few years ago and suddenly it's a cavalcade an avalanche of this shit and it's like it's so convenient and the fact that it's come out now that uh lisa bloom was offering hundreds of thousands of dollars to women who would accuse him of sexual assault directly before the election that literally happened another thing that doesn't help me too much oh yeah she was she offered to pay the one lady's uh mortgage off and multiple women yeah
Starting point is 00:23:13 yeah any of his did she pay any of his accusers uh a couple of them uh well she made up that story about the 13 year old right before the election yeah and she was like she was going out looking for these people and that girl she's coming forward you know next week she's coming forward and then oh i do like that and it was all made up that's like dude to contrive sexual assaults and shit to push your political agenda that is so fucked up when she was trying uh the bloom lady was trying to sort of coach the one lady into a story and the lady was like, well that's just not how it happened. And the lady stopped getting back to her and Bloom was on record as saying,
Starting point is 00:23:52 you've got to stop wasting my time. It's like, aren't you supposed to be representing victims? No, because that's not what she was doing. She was trying to make a case against Trump. It wasn't about representing victims. It was about attacking Trump, it seemed like. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Maybe it's the blue lens. I don't know. I'm having a hard time believing Trump is innocent of all this stuff, in large part because I've heard Trump talk about the things he does. You know, bragging about how he goes backstage at the Miss Teen USA, bragging about how he grabs women by the miss teen usa bragging about how he grabs women by the pussy and what he gets away with and a lot of the women came out and corroborated even the pussy grabbing thing that's not that wasn't him grab bragging about grabbing women's
Starting point is 00:24:35 pussies that was a guy bloviating trying to impress another dude saying oh i'm such a look at this really slanted to be like all the things that trump says he didn't mean the things that you know people say he did he didn't intentionally offload social understanding of conversations in a private setting in order to believe that that was a literal bragging of sexual assault that was a guy bloviating we know trump he's hyperbolic he says ridiculous shit and i'll have a winner women love me they just let me grab by the pussy i walk up and i just kiss them like when you're when you're as famous as awesome as me you can do whatever you
Starting point is 00:25:08 want and you really think that's all made up like this thing with the porn star i wonder about right steve bannon said that his attorney silenced like 100 women which has to be hyperbole but is there any truth who knows uh i i don know. I don't think Trump is good with women. And I think he says a bunch of stupid shit. But I think that it takes a lot of finagling to try and take what is clearly locker room talk. That's not just the news, you know, verbiage. That's what it is. Talk to any guy who's played competitive sports in that environment and they'll tell you that is not an extreme thing to hear.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I've heard way worse than that. And women know that shit women talk about they say just as dirty shit in private you know and so it's just an annoying thing of the entire media pretending like oh my god we've never heard anything like this in our whole life and and acting like it was an actual admission you say that that you like that's not what your locker rooms were like and i said that's not what my locker rooms were like it's it's, that's not what my locker rooms were like. It's, it's definitely not it. I don't think that it's that outrageous. I think it's in poor taste. I've heard worse,
Starting point is 00:26:11 but I never heard Kyle. I remember that has been consistent. I've heard worse. Yeah. And it's totally possible. I got sucked up in it too. When it first came out and was like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:26:22 you know, and, and misunderstood it and that's partially because you do get stuff from such a lens from the media like they kind of construct it before they present it to you you know like oh look at this evidence of this and that and then you see it and of course it kind of tricks you in a way just like uh and it's not just on the left that you see that you'll see stuff on on the right which i'm so goddamn tired of the what about uh the clinton's, where like, yeah, if they
Starting point is 00:26:45 did do something illegal, start an investigation into it. Stop making every single point about, well, you know, Trump, he wasn't like this on trade two years ago. He said he was gonna do this. Well, the Clintons have never been like that on trade, frankly. We'll be back to Hannity in 20 minutes or whatever. I don't like that. But I don't know, I just don't buy that he's this big racist.
Starting point is 00:27:06 For decades and decades, he was a mainstay of Hollywood. They're giving him a hard time for not doing some sort of act of service for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Apparently every president since 1985 or something like that has gone out and, I don't
Starting point is 00:27:22 know, kissed a black person or babysat a black baby or whatever on Martin Luther King Day. Yeah. And they're like, and then Trump, on the other hand, just went golfing. He is a 72-year-old fat guy. What do you want him to do, go to Habitat for Humanity?
Starting point is 00:27:37 He can't do shit. You know, like, you're upset that he didn't do a photo op. I don't care that he didn't do a photo op i don't care that he didn't do a photo op i don't care yeah i prefer when they don't do photo ops in a way because like you know when you would see like w or obama or clinton or whoever like at a food kitchen like pretending like they've been there all day with their ladle and some soup it's, if you are dumb enough to believe that he was there for longer, if you think that Obama or Ted Cruz or W or whoever were standing near that soup bucket
Starting point is 00:28:10 for more than as long as it took to get that picture, you're an idiot. The thing I always think about is the Secret Service team. You know, if you think that that soup kitchen ran better because Obama was there volunteering to work the ladle while his Secret Service team was patting down every homeless person. That was not an efficient kitchen. People had a harder time getting food that night, I'm sure of it,
Starting point is 00:28:33 for that photo op. And the fact that Trump didn't do it, I don't care. Go whatever. Go golfing. I don't give a shit anymore. It's fine. Wasn't it like, didn't they give obama shit for like not going to a hurricane site or something like that and it was like w oh i remember one of them blew over got given shit
Starting point is 00:28:52 where it's like same thing i'm like you really think that's gonna make things more efficient like no you explain that too with the same thing i just said with the secret service team he's like if i go down there and the secret service you know cordons everything off like it's not helping the situation and i was like okay i accept that i i really i don't measure them on their photo ops you know let's talk about their voting their productivity and not the photos but um but yeah oh and then uh i forget who it is durbin and someone else they've been defending that trump didn't say shithole countries like on every talk show they've been going everywhere. And it turns out they thought he said shithouse countries. So they're going on TV like, I don't know, I didn't hear him say that.
Starting point is 00:29:31 That quote sounds wrong to me. I sat right next to him. I was as close as that other guy, and I didn't hear him say shithole. And all the time, what they're not saying is that they thought he said shithouse. That's kind of disingenuous. I would prefer shithole, because that's everybody he said shithouse. That's kind of disingenuous. I would prefer shithole because that's everybody understands.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Shithouse isn't as common. I wouldn't know what that means. But what I don't like is that the senators were going on all the talk shows saying he didn't say it. Oh, I don't think politicians would just go out there and lie like that. Like it was fake news, right? Yeah. They're like, that's fake news. It's not true.
Starting point is 00:30:04 You have an agenda. He didn't say shithole. That's the point they're like that's fake news it's not true you have an agenda he didn't say shithole that's the way they're coming on I feel like there's so see this is why like I feel the need to defend Trump on like the racist bigot shit is there's so much valid shit to hit him for
Starting point is 00:30:17 so much valid criticism you can levy at that man as from as far as you know his flip-flopping on trade his total misunderstanding of what daca is which is baffling he doesn't seem to know what it is at all based on his tweets he's not a details person the fact yeah like trade dac he's not a details guy big picture big picture uh you know the stupid ridiculous tweeting and the way he carries himself is not presidential in a lot of ways and so it's like you have this litany of things that you could hit him with that i think that you would get a lot of support on both sides
Starting point is 00:30:49 for but they hit him with stupid shit instead of oh it's not that you know this plan or whatever you know the the it's not that he's using the same list of countries that obama did when he limited immigration it's not that it's a muslim ban which makes him a racist he ran on that campaign platform the muslim ban thing his verbiage of it stupid attack him for that because it's not an actual muslim ban the overwhelming majority of muslims are from nations that aren't included within that you know uh one of the recent terrorist attacks uh was from a guy from somalia somalia isn't on that list i don't believe i think we probably should add them like and so that's what i'm saying is that there's so much shit to hit him for,
Starting point is 00:31:28 and instead they take the easy route of, oh, he's a bigot, he's a racist, he's a sexist, this, that, and the other. And it's like, that really just alienates more people than not, because we've been hit with this, you're racist, biggest sexist, homophobe, for so long that it's become less impactful. It is a card the left plays too much. Reasonable people, and most, I think they alienate regular liberals out of that too. Like you. Like you don't, it's obvious you're not like that.
Starting point is 00:31:54 And so when they play that card, it's the same way as when I see some idiot on the alt-right doing like a white, we need this country to be white. It's not about family, it's about white people. Or the Clinton thing. Yeah, or the Clinton, or Pizzagate or something. You're like, oh Jesus, these fucking retards. And so, I don't know, it drives you further to the center in a way,
Starting point is 00:32:13 which I guess might be a good thing. But anyway, go ahead. Kyle, just jump in. I wanted to talk about Wings' tweet last night. I guess Gangster Grandma has been hospitalized. She was coughing up blood her uh his to quote him i'm pretty good at my life just died uh remembering what he what he says he said that her blood saturation levels were low now i think he means that o2 saturation is probably o2 saturation is low because if she's saturated in blood that
Starting point is 00:32:43 that's probably not good. She's in the hospital and I start scrolling through the tweet replies to kind of see if... I notice that he's replying to people and then I realize that it's a troll account who's replying to the people that is indistinguishable
Starting point is 00:32:59 from Wings' actual Twitter. I gotta find something. Wings made the tweet though, right? Correct. But the replies are all the troll. The replies are all the troll and you cannot tell the difference. Let me try to find some of these replies.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Yeah, let's see. That's terrible. He tweeted today, just to let you guys know, I have two accounts pretending to be me saying negative things toward people. If you see me screaming at you or being negative, please check the follower account. He doesn't say it's not me.
Starting point is 00:33:32 I know. He says check the follower account because it might not be me. All right. So here's his tweet, and here's some of the replies from the trolls. And I swear to God, they use the same profile picture and seemingly they have the same user ID. It's WarGodICP, which I thought was him, but he's WarGodICP. I don't know what, this must be some sort of a thing
Starting point is 00:33:53 that people can do now. Let's see. This guy says, I hope everything goes well for Gangster Grandma. I'm praying for y'all. Really nice reply, right? Troll says, your prayers mean nothing to me. If you really care about my grandmother's health,
Starting point is 00:34:09 you'll donate to my stream for her medical experience. Jesus Christ. Someone goes, I hope she's all right, boss. He replies, could you give me a small pity donation? This guy's a good troll. I know you don't believe in God, but I believe in him. And prayer.
Starting point is 00:34:30 So I'm praying for you, man. Well wishes to grandma and yourself. The guy's name was Zeke. The troll says, Zeke, I don't need your bullshit religion talk right now. You know what's actually proven
Starting point is 00:34:42 to be real? Donations. That's terrible. I feel bad about the gangster grandma thing. I'm sending my thoughts. Much love, dude. How about you send donations instead? Your thoughts aren't going to pay for her medical expenses.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I'm sensing a theme. Was he linking his own donation thing? Was the troll trying to make money on this? No, he's just trolling. He's just trolling. Again, this guy goes, my prayers go to your family. Peace, brother.
Starting point is 00:35:16 I don't need your prayers. I need donations to pay for medical expenses. Donate or unfollow. Donate or unfollow. Here's the best one. This guy, his name is Kenny, but his Twitter ID is at eatmywhopper. He says, sad to hear. Hope she gets better.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Wings replies, Kenny, your name makes me hungry. Don't follow my Twitter. And then, John, look here. Look. Listen. I'm completely dependent on my grandmother i need her to wipe my ass and buy me dr pepper and skittles when my blood pressure gets too low that was a little sugar it should have been didn't i say blood sugar you said pressure wow oh i thought you wrote i thought you wrote it read it the way it was written
Starting point is 00:36:02 no no it was blood sugar i just misread it no maybe it was written. No, it was blood sugar. I just misread it. Maybe not as funny because of that. But yeah. That is very funny. How is Wings responding to the troll other than saying, if you notice a really mean comment, double check. It might not be me.
Starting point is 00:36:19 It may not be me. It could be any of us. Yeah, it could be any of us. I like to believe that it's multiple personality disorder and he's actually logging into these troll accounts and just being real with people that's a shame about his grandster grandma though like you knew that it wasn't forever from now right do you guys have any grandmothers i know taylor's grandparents are still around he talks about him and meets them. Kyle, do you have a grandparent? Grandparents? None?
Starting point is 00:36:45 No. No granny parents over here. Do you have any grandparents left? They're all dead? Yeah, my granny ma parent, she died. She died. One of my granny ma parents, she died like eight or ten years ago. I think she had cancer, and
Starting point is 00:37:04 then the other one died of cancer like six years ago or something like that so yeah and then my great-grandmother she died also like you know in that same sort of period of time so all of my both my granny ma parents and my great-granny ma parents what about your granny pa parents they were both extreme alcoholics and died of alcohol-related illnesses. One at the age of 35. The other died in Dallas in 1994 or so. Also
Starting point is 00:37:34 of alcohol-related illness. Both of your grandparents, your grandpas, were alcoholics? Abusive alcoholics. One of my grandparents was that. That's a twofer. My father's father was like that. Yeah. He slapped my... My grandmother was forevermore deaf
Starting point is 00:37:49 in one ear because he had slapped her in the side of the head one time. When I was a little kid, there was a hole in the wall of my parents' house. You know how drywall... No, you don't. It was plaster. So it was plaster on the wall, and then there's lattice behind it.
Starting point is 00:38:06 If you don't know what that is, it's lots of thin boards. And there was a hole in it, like that big. And I'm like, what is that all about? And they're like, that's when your grandfather threw your aunt through the wall. Lucky for her, she hit between the
Starting point is 00:38:22 joints and didn't hurt. We leave it as a reminder not to fuck with grandpa but he ran away when my father was 10 I think and I think I'm talking about this but I asked him I was like how did you feel like when your dad ran away like suddenly
Starting point is 00:38:38 you have no dad like wasn't that what do you think he's like well I thought that was one less thing to worry about you know I had one less problem in my life. He was glad he was gone. That's really sad. That's the relationship you have with your dad. I have one granny ma.
Starting point is 00:38:55 No, I have two granny ma's who are left alive. And then I have one granny pa who's still alive. And then a step granny pa on my one side but he's raised it wasn't until i was like seven that i understood the concept of like a step grandpa because he was just always my grandpa and then they had to be like you know you're not actually his grandkid that's just your grandma's wife and i was like that can't be true but he's always been grandpa and it's like you never wondered why you had one grandpa? He is Honduran.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Yeah, he is. I had the same thing on my mother's side, except they always told me he wasn't really your grandfather. So I was like, you know, so what do I call him? And to be younger, he said, call me uncle. And I always did. So I always, Uncle Shirley. I called mine Papa.
Starting point is 00:39:49 How old were you when yours died, Kyle? The one that I liked died about seven years ago. Only one of them? Is that one of the alcoholic ones? That was my... The Granny Paw Paws, they died long before. Is that a great granny paw? Is that a granny paw? You're confusing me.
Starting point is 00:40:11 The grandpa pawpaws, they died. Grandpa pawpaw parents, they died. I never met them. The pawpaw crap is all Georgia. I didn't say that. So I never knew my grandfathers because one of them obviously died when he himself was only 35 years old and the other like had fled to dallas and you know died in obscurity we found out on the internet when i was like 90 in like 1994 or something like that and we're like oh well you
Starting point is 00:40:37 were young enough that it didn't mean anything yeah my mom didn't care either yeah it was clear um but my uh my grand mothers uh i only really cared about one of them the other one was kind of shitty and like my dad's mother she didn't really like her very much my mom's mother was great very nice lady uh uh just i i spent weekends with her as a child like almost every single weekend so that my parents would not murder me and uh and uh I was very close to her and her husband, who I call Papa. Yes. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 00:41:10 My father's father, our alcoholic abuser, lived a long time for an alcoholic. When my grandmother was like 65 or so, or 68, she checked in to see if he died. Because if he had, they were still married, like on paper. And she's like, you know, I might have like a social security check coming to see if he died. Cause if he had, they were still married, like on paper. And, uh, she's like,
Starting point is 00:41:26 you know, I might have like a social security check coming to me as a widow. And, uh, she looked him up and they're like, ah, darn still alive. No,
Starting point is 00:41:35 like reach out to him. Or I wonder what he's got going on now. Just, ah, shucks. No check. And that's where that wrapped up. And now we play the waiting game.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Hey, you're still drinking. Gave gave it up isn't that a shame do you ever miss it do you miss it a lot something you ever think like man life's rough the strange family and you just think i want a pint from a gas station think of that warm sensation of comfort when you take a swig of southern comfort what would you feel about that you know i'm having a cold one right now oh it's so refreshing this dude takes the edge right off did you know that's the only use me blade break sobriety video no that sounds great like oh like was sober does he break it or does he destroy it uh the video doesn't go on long enough but here's how it goes down he's live streaming he's been sober for 10 days but which
Starting point is 00:42:33 he refers to as two weeks and uh he's like well i haven't had a drink for two weeks you know i think i'm gonna have a little drink maybe you know you guys donation i'll have a drink to celebrate nobody donates and uh he's like, yeah. He calls it, I think, a responsibility drink. He's like, we're just going to drink responsibly, you know. A responsibility check. Make sure that I can handle this and everything is good. We're going to have a drink here.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Donation. No donation. Pours himself a double. Not a shot. It's like a double. Downs it. And no one's donating. And he just started drinking again on camera.
Starting point is 00:43:09 That was it. And it was like, ah. He had to play it the other way, right? Where it was like, I'm going to take a drink unless we get some donations. And it's like, coming up. And it's like, oh, for every $10, a full second pour down the sink of this handle of vodka. That'd be a good way to do it. Everyone's heard the outrageous stories of what people do when they're drunk from AA.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I haven't been to AA, but we've all been exposed to a story. Like, oh my god, I woke up blackout drunk with no underwear on or whatever. I don't know what happened. That was my low. I was in a gutter. I had peed myself or whatever. That was my low. happened and that was my low i was in a gutter i peed myself or whatever that was my low blade's got some low stories doesn't he like i don't know he can go to a well how about the time he got drunk and stuck his finger up his own anus for i don't think he penetrated though it looked like he was in the crack i saw it differently i may need to re-watch i i oh i've watched it in slow motion
Starting point is 00:44:06 i have uh many times i don't think he penetrated himself i i think he just got it in the crack real good well uh although that was an embarrassing moment i wouldn't say that's a real big low or anything you know it's a live stream people talk about it for years yeah dude did you watch ice's live stream the other night he was sober he was sober shaved his beard put on a put on a dress and a wig went to sephora told her that she he's like i need whatever makeup would make me look like a woman i got a date with a man and he doesn't know that i'm a man and we gotta fool him and she's like okay and so like goes back to his house and puts on makeup he's like then some random
Starting point is 00:44:49 guy from I don't know let's say Denmark some like some bald white guy who's a bit overweight comes in with like Norwegian beers or some shit gives him one and gets and they kiss they kiss a little.
Starting point is 00:45:06 He was just a random fan. But it's not gay. It's just for the memes. It's not for the memes. He had just shown up to meet Ice, and he's like, yeah, yeah, give me a kiss. He's like, dude, you think I'm hot? You think I'm hot? Dude, he's like, you do not look like – no, you look like man. So Ice has a makeup girl from Twitter come over and start doing his makeup she's very cute um and then at one point he leaves the stream to the guy from i'm saying denmark but i'm just
Starting point is 00:45:33 guessing it's some european country he has a strange accent he's very white and when he comes back the stream has convinced this man to strip down to nothing but his underwear and he's like dancing for them in his underwear and he's like dancing for them in his underwear and he's like, dude, what happened here? He's like, they told me to strip. I don't know why Ice gets as much fussing as he does. This sounds like an amazing stream.
Starting point is 00:45:55 And by the way, less embarrassing than Blades. I feel like Blades is out of control a little bit whereas Ice is putting on a show. He's walking the street in a dress with makeup on asking dudes if they'll fuck him. I'm just saying that that to me is more humiliating and i like blade i feel like i'm taking digs at him i'm sorry taylor i just want to get that out there i i don't mean to rip on i'm just saying that what he's doing he's he's not in control of himself right now where's ice was well is like ice was going around you know gallivanting in a dress
Starting point is 00:46:23 like for the show was he was doing his finger in a dress for the show. He was doing his finger in his ass for a show, I assume, right? Or was it not like that? I don't need to see that. It was a small donation. Do you have the link? No, I don't have it. But that's okay. I wish him the best
Starting point is 00:46:40 because that stinks. Especially if people weren't even donating. You'd think, like, parlay the drinking thing into more donations. That's what he normally does. Threaten to get drunk if they don't donate. He does the opposite. He takes a shot if they pay him. Like, Filthy did that for a while.
Starting point is 00:46:58 I don't know if he still does. But he'd do a drinking thing and they would... He'd ratchet it up so he didn't have to drink too much. Like, I'll take a drink for $5. Next drink at $10. Next drink at $20. next drink at 20 next drink at 40 80 or whatever before long people have to come up with like 120 to make them take the fifth my math is probably wrong but work with it and uh yeah just do the inverse of that do it to keep you from drinking if that's what uh blades fans want to do all right by the way ice does not have a face that could easily pass as a woman no not even close not even i mean look at the size of the
Starting point is 00:47:34 dude's nose dude skip all right skip to 14 minutes and 10 seconds that's the perfect time if you just want to taste 14 10 i'm uh waiting on my browser what the fuck is happening that's the random fan who showed up from europe he's still got patches of facial hair yeah he shaved on stream i'm not going to shave. I only watched a little bit of the video. I stopped after the shaving part. But I've never seen somebody shave so badly. Where he took the razor, like, with his facial hair totally dry, just haphazardly slapped some Barbasol or whatever on there.
Starting point is 00:48:18 And then starts going up and down without lifting the razor up. Just going like this. Like, just on his skin man. He's like me. Have you ever seen somebody shave on TV? Like, that's not the way you do it. You ever see a commercial for Gillette? Ice is going above and beyond. This is a top-notch IRL stream here. Go to 1035 if you want another little taste. I thought this was another highlight of the show, because this makeup girl that he had come over, very attractive. She's right up your woody she's very slender she's outstanding i'd have to check her happy trail
Starting point is 00:48:50 but otherwise she looks good in the back has no shirt on yeah and he's posing and he's he doesn't he doesn't lift flexing yeah he's not even skinny yeah she is yeah very pretty and she had a really good personality and a good sense of humor about all of this right like she came into this scenario and just and did well with it like she doesn't seem awkward to be on camera
Starting point is 00:49:16 she doesn't seem like worried about anything that counts for a lot yeah she's a trooper you know yeah excellent stream from Ice I really really, really enjoyed that. I watched that whole video, VOD, video on demand there the other night. Chiz linked me to it, and I was like, yes. If we had Ice again, do you think he'd be great again,
Starting point is 00:49:37 or do you use his material? I think we've got new material. He's done stuff, you know? He's done stuff like this since, and I thought we could wait a little bit longer until he does three more things like this, and you've got a couple hours of material. He had the hooker.
Starting point is 00:49:53 He's dressed up as a woman and walked the streets of L.A. Initially, he was going to pick up a guy off Tinder. That was the idea, that they were going to make a Tinder profile of him as a woman and try to pick up men, but of course that didn't happen. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:50:10 What is this guy doing at the background? I don't know. That guy was great. That guy showing up so randomly. I don't know. It was random. It was bizarre. Copyright mute. He's like, why are they calling me a pedo?
Starting point is 00:50:26 He's like, ah, they're just trolling. I am not a pedo. Ice is great. Yeah, I'd love to have him back on. I want to get Ice back on, Anthony Cumia, and Dick Masterson. Those are three that I'd like to get back that I think would...
Starting point is 00:50:43 It's been more than enough time, obviously, for Anthony and Dick. And Filthy. I think that the guy everyone's really asking for is Ben Gravy. Oh, shit! We haven't had him on in a coon's age.
Starting point is 00:50:59 We want Ben Gravy's background friend. I feel bad... I'm sorry background friend. I feel bad. I'm sorry, Kyle. I talked over you. So, Ben, everyone knows this. I watched 100 hours of his content. He's got a vibe.
Starting point is 00:51:14 He's funny. He's, you know, fighting the law and MTV stuff. And he had a lot of stuff that seemed like it could be the basis of great stories. Like his friend with the, she kicking the balls, uh, as a, on America's got talent and this and that. And like,
Starting point is 00:51:30 it just all seemed like, like there was so much circumstantial evidence there that he was going to be fantastic. And then he was found not guilty of being fantastic. That's the way she goes. You know who I'd like to have? I'm going to be honest. I'd like to get about half an hour of Wings of Redemption.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Yeah, or more. You know? No. Why so quick? Why just a taste? Because he's very rich and fatty. Too much of him, you'll get a stomachache.
Starting point is 00:52:07 He's like 90% cacao. Yeah. You don't make a meal out of cheesecake, okay? He is marshmallow fluff on top of cheesecake with chocolate sauce on top. That's a dessert. You bring him in last half hour of the show, and you've just had a delicious meal. I'm not saying you're wrong because you're making a strong argument,
Starting point is 00:52:29 but I have a suspicion Wings of Redemption is a little bit like a fishing net, and you have to cast him out there and see what she brings in. If you just have him on for half an hour, there is wackiness that might not happen that would have if he was on longer. He might sit there quietly like a bad guest for 30 minutes. And then 35 minutes in, he just says something outrageous I can't even think of. Prostitutes are not people or whatever. And we'll have to explore that philosophy.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Hey, pussy ain't real pussy. What? Yeah. Do you remember when he said that, like, you know, some women have bigger labia than others. Kyle's not a fan of the big labia. Wings of Redemption was convinced that labia size was directly correlated to how many sexual partners she had. Oh, my God. You know, like, shit like that, man.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Yeah. Shit like that. You got to have a lot of show to get that come out, you know? I don't remember that, but that's hilarious. Like, you never know what kind of, like, old wives tales that we've never even heard of. He's incorporated into his, like, psyche as fact. Alabia was a woman's Pinocchio nose counter of sexual partners.
Starting point is 00:53:48 And every time she fucked another guy, it grew a little bit more. You can't wear shorts. It's hanging out on either side. Yeah. I'd like to have him on. I would like to get him on Talk Chicken Sex. He would be a wonderful asset for that topic.
Starting point is 00:54:07 He would outshine Taylor, I'm sure. Chiz is going to watch this. Chiz is watching this right now. He watches right after we upload it. He is literally the first person to watch PKN when it goes up. Right now, he's already typed me a message. Like, what is this bullshit? Why did you get this started?
Starting point is 00:54:24 He does not want this happening. He hates him so much. I mean, we all. Chiz is very good at not forgiving. That's one of his core competencies. At Woody's Craft, I had to lean on him for that. Because people would like rip on my children, right? Or like abuse my staff.
Starting point is 00:54:43 And six months later, he'd be like, isn't it all a wonder under the bridge? later it'd be like isn't all wandering under the bridge and he'd be like no we are still mad at him this is the list of things that guy did and i and i was like yeah all right that's how you run a business hold grudges don't let paying customers back into the fold demand recompense i'm i'm with chis on this one no if you're a fool you will get fooled. If there's a mistake I've made in business too many times, it's trusting people and I get burned. It would
Starting point is 00:55:12 be my asbestos sometimes. Your asbestos? Not a great reference now because it means eventually he's going to give you cancer. Okay. strong point. I see where you're coming from, but he kept me from being burned is what I was going for. I don't know what he could be, my leather gloves? My smock.
Starting point is 00:55:34 This is Chiz. Oh, hold on. Let's see. Oh, yeah. We don't have to sync up. You can just put it in. And you never forget it. And he never forgot it.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Oh, yeah. Yeah, but I would have him on for a little while, I guess. But, you know, he probably either wouldn't come on or he'd want to get, like, paid some exorbitant sum of money like remember we were doing paintball and like there was a just a an incredibly small budget for that first paintball trip especially like like really what we did was we took the money they were going to pay me and i was like hey i don't need the extra money here let's use that to fly in youtubers and pay for their hotels that's literally what we did we just took all of my pay i didn't make anything and we just used it for air for flights and hotels for for everybody and uh and wings was like oh well i want this much i want like five grand for me
Starting point is 00:56:37 and i'm not gonna be playing any paintball we'll do a little meet and greet type thing where they can come to me in the air-cond air conditioned room that you guys keep speaking so highly of. And I'll be in there. And also these cheeseburgers that you keep talking about, this Paul gentleman, I would like some of those from him. And Kitty was like, you're not going. And that was that. Yeah. The biggest thing was he wouldn't play paintball.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Right. Like part of the thing was to promote paintball. And he's like, I will not be was that. Yeah. He was like, the biggest thing was he wouldn't play paintball, right? Like part of the thing was to promote paintball. And he's like, I will not be doing that. I wonder, I don't know, like wings of 2011 or something, whatever that was,
Starting point is 00:57:16 how mobile was he? He could walk and do things like he's not going to be like rolling cartwheels, baseball sliding into cover, but it's, it's not like boogie who at his biggest, like sat down to pee. Cause it just, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:34 it didn't want to stand up that long. I'm going to say that that version of wings, while he couldn't have like kept pace with us, uh, cause I barely kept pace with us. He totally could have like went out there, played a little paintball and, you know, like taking some kept pace with us, he totally could have went out there, played a little paintball, and taken some breaks. 20 minutes out, an hour break.
Starting point is 00:57:51 20 minutes out, an hour break. And that would have been fine, right? If he just got out there, it'd have been fun to see him in all the gear, because we'd have found a jersey that was his size. I didn't think about that. Oh, they make it. You've seen paintball players. While it is an action sport, not all people who play it
Starting point is 00:58:08 are athletes. There are many large, large people who play it. I guarantee Kitty would have gotten him a custom jersey made with a big cow on it. It would have been fun. The biggest paintballer is much bigger than the biggest paramotor pilot.
Starting point is 00:58:24 It's more restrictive. I mean, it's just the laws of physics. That was always the interesting thing at those paintball events is like, you'd look and you'd see a guy who was just frankly enormous to where they're shooting and the tank is resting on its upper belly. I say it
Starting point is 00:58:40 because they've left the realm of humanity. And so they just got that big thing sitting there on their gunt and shooting shooting and it's like you've got you've got three grand worth of equipment right now you've got more pods than anyone could possibly shoot you've got an extra you've got an extra air tank you've got a super small like uh very aerodynamic looking mask which looks hilarious because one of your five chins is sticking out beneath it like a frog about to bellow it makes their head look so tiny like a little praying mantis head you know and they sit there they shoot and it's like you know how much better you'd be at paintball if you just ate a little less and sold half of those pods and
Starting point is 00:59:19 the nice gun like that kid right there with the tipman 98 is going to be more useful than you because you're going to be sitting in the back like a mortar right there with the tipman 98 is gonna be more useful than you because you're gonna be sitting in the back like a mortar just firing in the air and that kid's gonna be able to run around and do shit like I know where I thought I was going if he had devoted some of that like $5,000 equipment budget to a trainer oh yeah too he might
Starting point is 00:59:39 be a or live a different life even more money by not purchasing as much food or just like go for a walk like don't save all of your physical activity for your biannual paintball maybe you know go for a jog aside from that because like i don't know if you're into that enough to spend that much money why not why not at least lose a little weight so you can run around and be faster you'll have more fun with it well uh i i think uh you know, I would definitely have wings on again, I guess. But I wouldn't want them for a whole show. I'm a big fan of, like, short-term guests on the show
Starting point is 01:00:14 because I feel like we are more apt to, like, get into them and start pulling stuff out, whereas when we know we've got them for four hours, you know, it's easy to forget they're there. And I don't like interacting with some of these people. They're adults. What are you doing here? Who likes them? Shouldn't you be in bed?
Starting point is 01:00:31 Come on. I think we should do more short-term guests. One of the issues I have, I know it's time to wrap. Sometimes I feel impolite. A guest is going to come on, depending on how he works out, you know, between 60 minutes and 90. 45 minutes in, I'm like, fuck.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Yeah. Anytime you feel like a guest needs the boot, you just send old Kyle a text message because I got no problem just being like, all right, Ben. Ben, it's been a real pleasure. Why don't you tell everyone where they can go and watch you surf and shit?
Starting point is 01:01:06 All right. Good deal. Good night go and watch you surf and shit? All right. Good deal. Good night. What do you hang up on? I still like Ben. I like his content. I think if I was 20 years younger, we'd be friends. I forget.
Starting point is 01:01:19 But as a guest, you know, like. I like Kyle's unmitigated honesty about it. About guests. Right afterward. Yeah. as a guest that you know like i like kyle's unmitigated honesty about it about guests right afterward yeah the um uh cat gun for example uh she didn't turn out to be our best guest but she was there trying you know she was on the show the whole time people it was fun to mock her yeah you know she wasn't getting up and leaving And even though she didn't hunt for her food She was entertaining a little bit You know It was fun mocking that she had spent
Starting point is 01:01:51 Like 50 grand on an Remote control racetrack Two years later I flew my paramotor Over what I think is a remote control car Racetrack And I was like check that thing out Shout out to Cat Gun The comments were filled with it
Starting point is 01:02:04 They all remember that legendary racetrack moment i was like check that thing out shout out to cat gun the comments were filled with it they all remember that legendary racetrack moment and painkiller already yeah like ben it's not that i think he's not entertaining he said i think he didn't try and that hurts me more you know he he left a lot yeah i think that he is uh his strong belief in cosmic karma was really preventing him from getting on in to the hate for the Nigerians. We had a Kenyan in our... We just mentioned this, and then we cut this thing. We had a Kenyan in our...
Starting point is 01:02:38 Hangout. Hangout, our patron Hangout. And not only did he give us a pass for eight n-bombs whenever we want to use them all right i'm saving it i got a card it just says the n-word on it yeah it just says the n-word on it and it's got fried chicken all around the rim and you punch a you punch a chicken wing out every time you uh that's your watermelon rewards card yeah um but but he said that we could say the n-bomb whenever we wanted um i don't think he's an he's not an african-american though so it doesn't count i won't be doing that unless i want he is an african-american ah he's an american
Starting point is 01:03:16 from africa well i mean how much more qualified can he get he's literally but he's not african-american okay he's literally but not figuratively and that's what counts but he was saying he was he was agreeing yeah i absolutely am there's a it doesn't matter the funny the funny thing i thought was that he agreed about the shithole country things about how kenya is a shithole country and we had a good time talking to him he was like you know my father he doesn't sound like this my father is an electrical engineer to him. He was like, you know, my father, he doesn't sound like this. My father is an electrical engineer. And one of us was like, or as they call it in my country, a wizard. He was the most powerful warlock in the entire tribe.
Starting point is 01:03:59 That guy was great. He got into med school. His story was, I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't pay the $50 to go to a PKA hangout unless I got accepted into med school. And I'm like, say it. Say it. Is it true? And he had just gotten into med school, which is pretty exciting. See, we need more immigrants like that. From Kenya?
Starting point is 01:04:22 Visits and walnuts. Yeah. Or just people who are qualified to doctors you know like that's useful yeah his father presumably was one of those extremely qualified electrical engineering warlocks who was who immigrated here and you know that's a great thing for us as a country apparently he's good breeding stock because he made a doctor. Yeah. Yeah. The Kenyans are missing him now. They're over there. God knows what they're doing. In the dark.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Yeah. With no electrical engineers. All right. That was Painkiller Nearly, episode 178.

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