Painkiller Already - PKN #181

Episode Date: February 16, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, Painkiller already, episode 181. Let's see, there's a car in space, but more importantly, Wings is having a belly button surgery? Yeah, he said he's going to do the Mexican surgery. I thought we had successfully convinced him that that was a dangerous idea. Well, I think he's in that mode where... I'm pro-Mexican surgery. Yeah, yeah, that's how you know this is a bad idea, Winks. Not all of us here want to see you die.
Starting point is 00:00:31 No, I don't believe that these other countries are as wrecked as we make them out to be. Like, oh, yeah, if you just walk around Mexico, you'll surely get abducted and murdered and turned into some sort of human cabbage salad. Like, no, that won't happen. There are tons of people in Mexico who are fine. People break their leg in Mexico and then get it fixed and walk again every day. That's true, but I bet if you were to walk through the streets of Mexico City, you'd see a lot more fucked up hobbly people who had they lived in Cincinnati or something. Like, they'd be fine.
Starting point is 00:01:03 He's walking around with no leg. And Mexico is the fattest country on earth. And so to be fair, they will have a lot of surgeons that are good at this kind of shit. Now that's a good point. Oh, that's thinking. Oh, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:01:14 This is a terrible point because it's not working. When I broke my leg, I was like, I'm in Reno. This is like skiing country. A broken leg for these guys is like a 1040 for my father.
Starting point is 00:01:26 It's no big deal. They do them every day. Yeah, being an orthopedic surgeon in Aspen, you're like, what is it? Just shattered leg? Just come over here. Yeah, that was my line of thinking, yeah. And my local orthopedic surgeon, who I think really highly of, liked his work, so I guess. So yeah, a bariatric surgery in Mexico? Oh, another thing. America is often listed as the second fattest country in the world.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I have learned that is not true. Correct. We are the second heaviest country in the world, but Americans are tall. So we're like fourth fattest, which is pretty good. Yeah. To have it as good as we have. I mean, do you know how many different kinds of Hot Pockets that we have access to here?
Starting point is 00:02:12 It's absurd. All right? You can go down to the freezer aisle. There's a lot of good shit in there. Yeah. I'm going to look up fattest countries because I got to know now. Is it like Mongolia or something where Where they're like little fat people? And they're short, and they don't weigh as much as us.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Samoans are pretty fat, right? I want the highest... These are a lot of Samoan islands. Yeah, those people are fucked by genetics. They can't help it. And what about New Zealand? I feel like New Zealand is filled with Mark Hunts. Well, that's...
Starting point is 00:02:43 New Zealand is where a lot of those Maoris are. That's where the... They're indigenous to that area. What is a Maori? Those people who do the ha! Yeah. When you see those guys do the... Is it the hookah? The honka? Yeah, that sounds right.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Hookah sounds good. When you see those guys smoking their hookahs before the... In their hula skirts though right before their um fucking fake football game whatever the fuck that's called it's like three different cultures right when you see that the the all black um they they all look fat so yeah it's genetic and you know they're not like cramming their mouths full of pineapple and getting that big it's genetics they can't help it and they also eat a ton of pork in those areas of the world yeah huge amounts which is why uh hawaii i think is one of the fatter states
Starting point is 00:03:34 like as far as like the the people who are actually hawaiian i don't like hawaiians it looks like i don't know hawaii is the fattest place on earth. But typically the south is where you find your good fatties. You want some fatties, you go to like Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi. Like there's some fatties. A lot of retired old fat people in Florida. But that's on a time limit. People that put gravy on all kinds of different foods, that's where the fatties are. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Like the breakfast they will try to serve me when I wake up after a meal of ā€“ after a day of eating. You know, the next morning my grandma will make like a big country breakfast, and it's like, good God. Like this is like 2,500 calories of gravy and fried eggs and bacon and beef tenderloin and pork tenderloin and fried chicken just she just makes so much it's like what I'm surprised my grandpa's not dead what I favorite show moments was Taylor being like you think your grandmother feeds you a lot oh get on my grandmother's level I mean you just like laid it out there like there's whole turkeys extra untouched till you took a whole turkey home this year.
Starting point is 00:04:46 No, no, I took two turkeys worth of breasts home. People are always like, my grandma makes so much food. And it's an annoying thing when you know for a fact that it's one of those things of like, man, my dad was so good at this. And it's like, my dad actually played in the Major League Baseball, so he could probably throw harder than your dad. No, my dad could do that. It's like that. Or it's like, my grandma makes like, major league baseball so he's probably he could probably throw fire harder than your dad no my dad could do that it's like it's like that or it's like my grandma makes like she'll make us eat like a 20 ounce steak and it's like you don't understand
Starting point is 00:05:11 my grandma will call the qvc meat delivery division and run them out of stock she has sent me home with multiple coolers of filet mignon frozen that she got from QVC and she thought you know when I saw that I thought this is too good of a deal to mess up I'm gonna get a sandwich. It is out of control when people when I've had like previous girlfriends or friends come and visit my grandparents house I always tell them like it's gonna be more food than you're comfortable with and so my grandma says you still hungry you need something else to eat just you need to learn to say no because when she says i'll make you some more fried chicken she doesn't mean i'm gonna warm you up what i made two hours ago she means she will go into the fucking garage get four
Starting point is 00:05:52 more chickens and start frying them up you gotta shut that shit down because it gets out of control she's gonna go kill some chickens okay don't say yes yes. You know those like 10 pound bags of crab that you can buy, the giant ones that you can then steam? Well, she ordered the same amount that she always does every year, like the fresh crab, because she likes, you know, she knows that we like the way those taste. And so she's like, well, I still ordered the 25 pounds
Starting point is 00:06:17 of those, just to be sure. And then I also got four bags of 10 pounds each, so later tonight, if you boys get hungry, I can make you up some more. And it was like, this this is out of control how big do you think our family is i'm the only me and my brothers are the only grandkids on that side of the family so it's like this isn't my italian side of the family where it's like me and fucking a bunch of cousins it's like it's always just a few of us that's amazing anyway i wouldn't change it for the world wonderful i like it.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Yeah. And I could get that vibe when you tell the stories. Yeah. That's really cool. But yeah, Wings has decided to get that Mexican belly button surgery. I like the way that you say it's a belly button surgery and not a weight loss surgery because it makes me picture like in Jurassic Park where they take a core sample of something where they just go around the belt button and remove it. When you take the eraser out of a pencil and you punch it through a piece of paper or something like that.
Starting point is 00:07:11 That's exactly what's going to happen because he's not going to lose any weight. Why don't you think he's going to lose weight? Well, if he gets the surgery, he probably will lose weight. No! Oh. You want to make a little side bet here? No! Yeah. Oh. But I did say it in that video. You want to make a little side bet here? Oh, well, we have to define the terms.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Because if you're asking, do I think Wings can beat weight loss surgery? Maybe he can. But will Wings lose weight? Yeah. I think he'll lose 75 pounds. Yeah, you guys, if you're going to make a bet on it, you'd have to get a threshold. Because, of course, he's going to lose, like, 20 pounds, right? No matter what, he's going to lose 20 to 50 pounds.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Let's see him get the surgery, and then we'll start placing some bets. Because I'm not sure that he's ever going to get this thing. There's a possibility that... Because, like, at first that surgery was, like, $5,000 or $6,000. And he's got, like, $20,000 in the bank now. I thought it was $15,000 at first. Am I wrong? Well, he keeps making more money. You mean the cost of the surgery?
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah, I might be remembering it wrong. The Mexican surgery is like 5,000 dollars or something like that I thought. And then the US version was the one that was like 25,000 dollars or something like that. And now it seems like he just keeps raising the bar, well, maybe I'll get the surgery in the UK because there it's $87,000 just to donate here. Yeah, yeah. Ah, you know, I want that French bariatric surgery. Ooh, ooh-la-la.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Like, it's a quarter million, though. Keep donating. Like, I don't know what's happening. So let's see him get the surgery and survive it this might be wrong this might be wrong and i might have my facts wrong i want to lay that out there but i have been on the wings is just no filter honesty that's the way he's always been and always will be right that's been my line of thinking for a long time and then i guess he broke down on stream again last week i don't know if it's true
Starting point is 00:09:06 because I was watching highlights. I didn't see the stream live. But was he running ads during his breakdown? I watched the VODs. I get linked the VODs from and there's like four channels making these videos now. And good God.
Starting point is 00:09:22 There was one day when I was I took Kitty to go like get some odds and ends and I just waited in the car and my phone was just blowing up like people are sending me all of these videos and I'm sitting there watching one after the other and I'm like wow I thought I was up to date oh all of this happened
Starting point is 00:09:38 today this is all today and it was just all kinds of stuff you know first of all Wings is not racist they're they're going after him right now saying that he's racist because what happened someone came in his party started playing a really racist song and uh you know it was um i can't think of exactly what it is but they're dropping the n-bomb left and right just like really obnoxiously is he singing along no he stepped away to go to the bathroom and then it starts playing so for like 40 seconds while he's away from his mic
Starting point is 00:10:06 And his headset this is playing to his stream of- I hope people don't really blame him for that that sounds outrageous They absolutely are- I'm sure they're just trying to get under his skin like they're trying to make him start defending himself Because if you defend yourself against an accusation like that, then you've made it a reality. They're weaponizing it so they're going to Twitch They're showing them these clips. They're trying to get him kicked off of Twitch. They're trying to get banned from Twitch. So, like, for a couple days, he's got, like, Twitch admins in his chat, like, watching for him to, like, turn across. They just are using it. Probably.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Probably. Because, you know, and although in the video that I saw, like, he's defending himself. He's like, look, I don't have a racist bone in my body. Why do people think I'm racist? And they added in a clip of him going, I hate that nigga. Yeah, fuck that nigga right there. That's not necessarily racist. I know it's not, but it's juxtaposed with him.
Starting point is 00:10:59 If I drop the N-bomb, I feel like it comes off really racist. Wings has a literal hood pass, right? He has a card because he grew up in projects. And he got shot. If you actually know people from the hood, the only black people who are going to give you a hood pass, and I'm giving the biggest air quotes in the world, did not grow up in the hood.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Wings grew up in the hood. That's what I'm saying. What they will tell you is, hey, can I get the hood pass to say the N-word? They'll be like, yeah, if you want to get the shit kicked out of you at 7-Eleven, retard. Like, no, you can't do that. Wings grew up in the hood, that's what I'm saying. He grew up with black people in projects. If I grew up in East St. Louis and I was the only white guy on the block, I still wouldn't be allowed to say that because I would get the shit kicked out of me
Starting point is 00:11:41 by the seven other kids that heard it. You know, like, never a good idea to try your luck with a hood pass. I think Wings has a hood pass. The man's literally been the victim of a gunshot wound. That's not true. I think it is. Wings came out and said it wasn't. No, he said, I actually know this little tidbit, and I don't know a lot, but I know that's not true.
Starting point is 00:12:02 He lied about getting shot. He was talking about, people were calling him a liar, he was like all right you know a couple lies i was never on like the u.s olympic team and uh i never got shot and that's what i call it when he represented america in starcraft because i thought that was i just imagine i'm picturing him on one of those podiums where they've got the three-tier podium for bronze, silver, and gold, and they're playing the anthem. I can just picture two tiny Koreans on either side
Starting point is 00:12:35 and then him in the middle all proud with a big gold gaming medal. I wish he had... But no, I don't think that he's going to... He's not racist. Let me just throw's going to. He's not racist. Let me just throw that out there. He is not racist. I've had a ton of private conversations with him.
Starting point is 00:12:52 We've been, before and after the show, there's a lot of loose talk or whatever, and people say things. Never once has he ever displayed a racist bone at all. So that's silliness. And you guys should not try to get him kicked off Twitch. That is his livelihood. I don't know if I have any influence over you people. I kind of like the way that the internet is kind of... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:18 There's really no way to put a leash on it. It's just like releasing the hounds sometimes. But if what I have to say has any weight on you, don't try to get a kick off Twitch. Then you break your toy. Then you don't have a show anymore, right? He's on there every day
Starting point is 00:13:35 giving you quality, hilarious content to make into your montages. There are channels devoted to this stuff. I won't shout him out but he does he literally shouts them out he's like look at this there's there's wings tings and there's wings redemption professional e-bagger and there's like like these are all those real examples yes wings tings my face profile picture tings
Starting point is 00:14:02 like wings things maybe? Like just being silly? Yeah, just being ridiculous. There's a picture of me as the profile picture. It's ridiculous. You've got a good face to use for random profile pictures. I've noticed. Do you still have the scurry one on, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:14:22 You're looking better, by the way. Oh, thank you. Yeah, I still have the scurry one on, Taylor? You're looking better, by the way. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Yeah, I still have the scurry one on my Twitter. But to rewind to the beginning of this with Wings, what has made you guys convinced now that he wants to get the surgery? Because I thought the last time we left this off, he was saying, like, nope, it's not for me.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Even, like, that video that I think one of you linked in our chat the other day, Wings was saying like, I'm drinking Coke or I'm drinking Pepsis because I'm not trying to lose weight. I'm not doing it. He's not trying. I'm not doing it. Do you think I linked that video? What are the odds that that one was me? I never link any Wings videos.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Zero. That is fair enough. Yeah, it's always Kyle. At some point, Kyle may... Okay. Back up again. It's usually Chiz or Kyle. Yeah, it's always Kyle. At some point, Kyle... Okay. Back up again. It's usually Chiz or Kyle. Yeah, and it's never Woody or Taylor. Kyle often changes his
Starting point is 00:15:11 profile pic, so at some point it could have been your face on there, Woody. It could have been. Who knows? But it's never Taylor and it's never me. Yeah, I don't know enough. Hilarious. Like, you've got to watch him to understand who this guy is. Because he'll say, I know him very well, I think.
Starting point is 00:15:30 And yet I'll hear him say something and it's shocking. Like, what? Wow, okay. He's sitting there and he's like, I think this one's on Wingtings. And he's drinking Diet Pepsi and he's complaining. He's like, oh, I got fucking Diet Pepsi. Somebody came and drank all my regular Pepsi and I guess someone was like, well, you probably shouldn't be drinking
Starting point is 00:15:50 regular Pepsi. Aren't you trying to lose weight? He's like, who said I was trying to lose weight? You think I think about my weight? The only time I think about my weight is when I have to stand up. And it's like, oh, okay. Once a day. So rarely. Alright. Both times it comes up.
Starting point is 00:16:06 All right. Oh, that sucks. See, now I put myself in his head space. Remember when Boogie was eating too much and he's like, secretly, it was just kind of a slow suicide? Yeah. I feel like Wings is like, I'm not trying to lose weight. I'm not trying to do anything. I don't think about my weight.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I don't concern myself with my weight. This is slow suicide. See, but that flies in the face of what he's doing right now. His whole driving force on Twitch that he uses constantly is that he's getting this surgery. He's moving forward toward this surgery, this weight loss surgery. What it's all about. So you're telling me that this is evidence that it's really just all about accumulating money. I don't know that that's true. Some people might come to that conclusion. I honestly don't know what to think. I hope that he's going to get the surgery because, God, that'll be some
Starting point is 00:16:57 entertaining shit. It's super possible that there's no right answer. If you catch him at one hour, he's drinking Pepsis. In the next hour, he's drinking Pepsi's, and the next hour he's desperately wishing he was thinner. Yeah, he started listing his diet. That's always interesting because he's like, ah, you know, I had a couple plates of... I never trust a fat person talking about their diet. But even the way he describes it, it's like, whoa, whoa, that's way too much. That's way too much.
Starting point is 00:17:22 He's like, you know, on a bad day I have a couple of Zaxby's meals and a large pizza, you know? And, you know, I gained a couple pounds that day. I'm like, that's not how it works. And then, you know, like yesterday, though, I had cube steak and rice and gravy. And I love cube steak, by the way, with rice and gravy. It's what's got that white gravy on there. It's delicious. You know, I had two plates of that and some macaroni.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Two plates. That's it. And then later that night i woke up and i finished off all the macaroni and the tupperware whoa whoa you can't wake up in the night and finish off a tupperware full of macaroni and cheese you don't even want it up did you you savage it's like that family guy episode but like we need some quantities here where it's like you want a desk of cheez-its it's like what are these units of measurement a wheelbarrow of cottage cheese it's like like
Starting point is 00:18:06 when you say oh a couple cube steaks some you know macaroni and cheese like you get a picture in your head of what it is and you immediately what would be a flagon of gravy like you you always picture what you would put on your plate not what a heavy person would and what he's totally right you can never trust a fat person when they tell you what they're eating because it's like you're not some magic matter factory that's just creating stuff out of spinach. It's like when an alcoholic tells you what they drank. Ah, I had a couple of beers.
Starting point is 00:18:35 He had a case of beers. He probably had ten. Yeah, and a fifth. He did have a couple of beers, that's true. He just left some stuff out. Yeah. So, yeah. If he gets the surgery, I think bets are definitely in order about how much weight is lost, how long it's kept off.
Starting point is 00:18:51 And he was talking about it today. He's like, I could, you know, blow my stomach up or something like that. You know, I think he was talking about rupturing his actual stomach, the organ. I've never heard of that. Well, you know, you overeat after you have the surgery, and the little stuff just pop. Like a balloon. Like a big gravy-filled balloon inside. Dude, it would take a tremendous lack of willpower
Starting point is 00:19:14 to, right after you get a surgery, blow your stomach out. There's no way he would do that. Wait, wait, wait. If anyone could do it, our man Wings can do it. He could, but any person that heavy who gets this surgery, I got to believe that to blow your stomach out a week later or something means like, oh, you didn't even really take this seriously at all. Wings used to do a walking series, right?
Starting point is 00:19:37 He was going to post himself walking every day for a year. And I think he made it like 80 days in, 80 some days in. But he would finish walking and then come back and have some sweet tea. And it's just like, oh, my God. Do not know about. That hits the spot. It does. I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I haven't had sweet tea in years. I haven't either. I don't know. A year. I haven't had sweet tea since. Except on the weekend. I had it today. I have coffee sometimes as a liquid calorie.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Yeah, but a black coffee is like two calories. Yeah, if I drank it black, you'd be right. Oh. But yeah, I'm bad. I could be better. I need to be better. I'm lifting. I got that going on.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Nice. Yeah, I haven't missed a workout. It's going well. You know what? The truth is I don't do that much lifting exercises. Like someone who seems to be an expert set me up with a routine and I do lots of combination lifts. Like if you don't know, there are isolation lifts where maybe you put your arm on like a Scott bench and just do biceps. And then there are combination things like pull-ups or bench press, deadlifts,
Starting point is 00:20:42 squats, where lots of different muscles are worked at the same time and i guess for a beginner you're supposed to really focus on combination stuff and i do workouts and i'm like you know that didn't take as long as i thought it would and i'm not as like tired as i thought i should be and then the next day i'm a little sore still yeah oh boy that's good. Wait, what is this? We'll jump to that in a second. What were you saying, Woody? Well, anyway, to wrap it up, it seems like I'm working out the appropriate amount. By Friday, I was like, darn, I'm glad I got two days rest coming after this one.
Starting point is 00:21:17 So I've been going Monday, Wednesday, Friday. And, yeah, it's going well. I do like six different exercises or something. I'm doing it with Colin. How long does it take you to do a circuit? Not even that long. I guess it's probably hard to tell exactly if you're doing it with someone else too. Yeah, but I make them speed. We're not fucking around. And I would say it takes like half an hour, but I throw in some
Starting point is 00:21:40 other stuff. I'm already in workout clothes, so I do some rehab for my ankle. Like jumping on a trampoline and shit. Basically, you jump to the trampoline on one foot, get steady, and then hop off, and some other things. If you throw stretching in and some PT, it probably takes 45 minutes, something like that. Okay. Not that long.
Starting point is 00:22:01 That's pretty solid. Yeah, it's definitely better to do those combination exercises and i like i feel like the more i research about like fitness and like eating better the less i really am knowing about it because i'll find some guy who like is so convincing on youtube where he's like you know in all you need all compound the exercise pavel tatsulini or whatever there's this guy like pavel sassu some like russian guy who like brought kettlebells and like all these russian workouts here he's like all combination exercise do not ever do isolation it's not practical and then
Starting point is 00:22:35 like some other guy will be like you know the way we did it back in the late 70s you know isolation that's the only way to really get that long-strain muscle fiber or something like made-up thing where I'm like, oh, that sounds real. I don't know. You know what's really good? Every time I use it, I think of you. That freaking push-up board is outstanding. It is a great tool. And beyond that, it's like color-coded.
Starting point is 00:23:00 So they're like, this works your triceps. This works your back. And it's right. I really like the thing. And I can feel it. I can feel the difference. And so I usually throw in some pushups. Oftentimes, I just feel like the weightlifting's not quite enough. I don't know. So I throw in some pushups too. And I love that thing that you suggested. Then you can do like the alternating legs on your pushupsups so like you bring one leg up while you're while you're doing it and then track it but i get to a stage that i feel like push-ups aren't getting it done
Starting point is 00:23:31 i'll try tricks taylor you added the fiery coals yeah like i that thing is great you're i'm glad you purchased it and can agree because i've turned other people onto that same board too i probably do 600 push-ups a week on it like i do a fuck ton oh you're way more than me on that thing but i'm hoping i can get some nice beginner gains and rack you know increase my numbers in a hurry at the start oh you will for sure yeah yeah that's and with the setup like you've got like really the sky's the limit like anytime you decide oh i'm not gonna i'm bored of this. Like you've got a full setup. You can do whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:24:06 So I'm definitely envious of that. That's pretty cool. Yeah, I'm really happy. Another part that, I don't know if exercise talk is boring, but another part I really like about it is that it's ready. Like I have a dedicated room to it. When I did kettlebells, one, it was an adjustable weight one, so I always had to like get it ready. And it's sitting there on the arm of a couch in between exercises and you just walk into the gym and start like it's sort of prepared and I don't
Starting point is 00:24:32 know somehow that there's no obstacle to just getting going I like that about it it takes uh an excuse out of it like that's the way I always see it is like if I had to go to lifetime fitness or whatever and and work out I guarantee at least once twice a week I'd be like eh like I don't want to go sit in traffic because I'm not just committing to the workout I'm committing to you know driving home now at seven instead of whatever time and I'm gonna get stuck here there like whereas at home like if I'm looking right at my shit and I know it's you know a wednesday night or whatever i'm do a workout like i'll feel guilty if i don't do it i'll be like five days a week i do uh monday tuesday wednesday uh friday saturday sunday so i do every day but thursday uh but usually like if i do miss a day it'll be saturday
Starting point is 00:25:20 and so like uh i i'm usually pretty good about hitting every day but thursday and saturday and saturday is kind of just like accessories so i'll just do like just something to like stay active or i'll like do a bunch of pull-ups and a bunch of push-ups and then uh like farmer's walks and lunges and uh the my ab wheel which those things are fucking difficult oh my god like you watch people on like uh yeah youtube do it where they're like giving you like full instructions they're like and you want to make sure as you're going down you keep that back arched you want to keep that pressure not on your arms on your stomach and then you'll do it you're like it's so much more effort we'll be like god damn it like if i'm not
Starting point is 00:26:00 allowed to use my arms this is tough i was in better shape when I saw a guy use the ab wheel. And this guy was a perfect specimen, right? You heard me mention it. Perfect specimen. He looked like one of those ā€“ he looked like a model but like not a weightlifter. But what do they call him? The physique guy? Fitness model.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Right? I think there's a term for it. No. Like there's bodybuilder and those guys just get biggest. Powerlifter. It's not that either. But I think they call a term for it. No, there's bodybuilder, and those guys just get biggest. Power lifters. It's not that either, but I think they call themselves physique models. I'm not positive about it, though. But they're just perfect looking.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Anyway, that's what this guy looked like. And I was like, oh, well, fuck, that ab wheel must be great. Clearly. So I tried to do what he did, and it didn't look like he did it. Yeah, it is so hard. It is so hard. It's one of those articles of equipment that I'm like, I've seen this in every middle-aged person's home my entire
Starting point is 00:26:52 life just sitting in the corner by their dumbbells. It can't be that hard. It's like, oh, that's why it's sitting in the corner by the dumbbells because these fuckers don't use it because it sucks. Yeah. I'm really enjoying it. I'm eating a lot healthier. I still cheat on the weekend pretty bad but you know the trend is going down of weight and so you know as long as i'm really
Starting point is 00:27:13 good during the week i'm about to make some fish right after this and a giant spinach salad which is my go-to meal on weekdays and it's just i have to try and not think about what Kyle's going to be eating tonight when I eat my food. Because it's like, oh, my 500 calories of semi-bland fish with a little bit of olive oil at the bottom of the pan. I went to Chick-fil-A last night. Oh, that sounds good. I went to Chick-fil-A last night. I got myself the spicy deluxe chicken sandwich. You know, it's delicious.
Starting point is 00:27:44 And I got fries with it, of course. Those waffle fries. Large sweet tea. chicken sandwich. It's just delicious. I got fries with it, of course, those waffle fries, large sweet tea, large strawberry milkshake, and a 12-piece nugget with honey mustard sauce. It was amazing. Every time Kyle tells us what he ate, I'm telling a paramotor
Starting point is 00:28:00 story. I'm doing it. I will never bring it up again. I'm telling you you Kyle ate a bad meal has far surpassed lawnmowers Mike talk truck talk Kyle ate a bad meal is three times paramotor talk Kyle ate a bad meal is the most covering yeah Oh hockey talk cannot hold a candle to Kyle had a bad meal Kyle had a bad meal is the most repeated story in painkiller already history Click the link the live views of Starman. Yes, look at this. This is fucking live right now It's Elon Musk shot it shot one of his fucking cars into space today
Starting point is 00:28:40 And there's a camera on the hood shooting live video to earth right now Look at this shit. That's pretty cool. What? That's the planet. That is kind of neat. I expected it to be inside of something. I didn't know he was going to put a car
Starting point is 00:28:53 in orbit. I thought that he was going to put a car on Mars. I don't know. I expected it to be in some sort of room. How are they going to get it down? No, he sent it to space space it'll be up there forever is this no they're not actually bringing it down no no he launched the the the the largest payload
Starting point is 00:29:14 that's ever been sent into space today that could be the size of a matchbox car none of us would fucking know right that could be in a studio i I'd have no idea. Yeah. But they'd have to fake all that black behind it. Oh, how would they... How would they do that? Those clouds aren't moving. This isn't real. It's not a real smart system.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Ah, I see. The real Earth is flat. I think that's really fucking cool. We were talking about Elon Musk earlier today. I'm really fascinated by that guy. I wish that he wanted an Iron Man suit, because you know he'd make it happen. If that was his passion, if he was like,
Starting point is 00:29:53 if he was like, I really want an Iron Man suit, then I could be hands-on with solving the world's problems. He'd have one in three years. Oh, there he goes. There he goes. He'd be jetting around, landing landing doing superman his hair back that's impressive he grew his hair i i've told this story before but real quick i worked with a guy named mala
Starting point is 00:30:15 he was indian and his life's ambition was to come into america and make enough money to solve his baldness that was what he wanted. I was shocked. He's like, that's the whole reason I'm in America. I could never save enough money in India. Wow. Yeah. That's one American dream. As soon as he got his hair back,
Starting point is 00:30:36 he was just like, back to New Delhi. I don't know. I wonder if he ever got it done. Probably not. This was the 90ss probably, right? So he got those horrible hair plugs the size of a pencil tip. He went to the Trump guy. I forget.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Someone explained Trump's hair. Like, is it a graft? Or did they just remove the bald part and stretch the rest i forget i have no idea i don't think like uh you can see old pictures of old people's uh not old people but people who got like hair plugs back when it was kind of new and like it looks like symmetrical like a computer went through like it kind of looks like a doll because they'd put like clumps of 10 in a spot, and then there'd be like a grid of clumps of 10. And it looked pretty good deeper.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Like in the middle of my head where you couldn't see a hairline didn't look too bad. But if you saw the hairline itself, it would be terrible. Yeah, it looks like some miniature little Japanese rice paddy worker was going through sticking those in the side of your head every couple feet I wonder how they do it now because they seem to be good at it they place individual follicles now I think that seems like a lot of individual hair yeah which is probably why it's expensive I don't actually know how much it is oh I yeah you'll never have to know I hope I never have to know. I mean, you know, like I, I, I think it was on the show. I forget. We were saying I looked young for my age. I think it's just hair.
Starting point is 00:32:10 And this happens to a lot of people who look young for their age. It's like, Oh yeah, I guess overall, but there's a tell, you know, like in my case, when I smile, I get lines next to my eyes. There's like crow's feet and I feel like they look really 44. Um, and there's always a tell like and i feel like they look really 44 um and there's always a tell like oh yeah she looks good but the back of her hands oh they're totally 55 year old back hands that's a that's actually a good one for for women yeah is like you can see a woman who looks like like a 46 year old woman can still be very, very attractive. She's taking care of herself. But you will notice neck looseness, a little less elasticity,
Starting point is 00:32:49 and then also back of the hands. I'm glad you brought that up because I do notice that. We're all like, man, that's an attractive older woman. And then you see the hands, you're like, oh, no, like the beginnings of discoloration already. Or thin. It's like, oh, yeah, I bet you couldn't see her veins when she was 20. But now you can.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Now, like, I don't know, like, her tendons and her veins are showing in a way that didn't before. Yeah. Like, all these people who look good for their age, there's a tell, you know, that it's not complete. Like, I'm sure all old actors and actresses, like, after the age of 60, use hand models for every shot where they're not in, I bet. I never considered that. age of 60 use hand models for every shot where they're not in i bet i never because like if you actually saw robert de niro's hand you'd see the hand of an old below average height small man who's never done a real day's labor in his life like you're not gonna see that and be like wow this guy's gonna really go crazy with this axe you're gonna be like god that's a much smaller man than i imagined like he's a little guy yeah how old is that not how old how big is robert de niro ah like five nine i've heard that um i forget who it was danny devito is like five inches taller than
Starting point is 00:33:52 uh uh tyrian lannister huh it was um she wrote guys interesting who's the 30 rock woman oh tina fey thank you tina fe Fey said that when you meet a real star, they're even better looking than you thought they were. There's a certain charm factor to them that you didn't see coming, and they're shorter than you thought. Those three things
Starting point is 00:34:18 are almost universally true. I bet that they're not actually better looking than they are. Because she is a celebrity saying that. That would be like, you know, fucking Tom Cruise being like, when you meet a celebrity, they're actually not as short as everyone on the internet says.
Starting point is 00:34:35 And their teeth are more aligned. They're not centered over the... I wonder if... I bet Mr. Cruise. I wonder if, women ā€“ like a hot woman in real life is often like 5'7", 5'9". They're just a really good look to them. But if you're 5'8 in Hollywood, you can't work with Tom Cruise. There's a problem there.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I wonder if being a tall woman is a setback at all. Probably depends on the role still because like i mean there is the thing of like it's a lot of short dudes and being jesus christ yeah there's a lot of short dudes but yeah yeah that's that's something that you notice when you look up actresses heights is you'll be like oh she looks like she's only like a head shorter than that guy like and you know how you always assume the main lead in a show is like probably about your height and then you'll like look it up and you'll be like oh she's like five two then how tall is this badass masquerading hero i've been watching five six oh he's not beating anybody up he's totally not there's another mission impossible coming out there's another one
Starting point is 00:35:42 coming i think it's called mission his leg. I think that one already came out. Okay. I think the new one's called Mission Impossible Fallout. I saw a poster for it. Oh, did either of you watch... I know Taylor did. Did you watch that movie that came on Netflix the other night?
Starting point is 00:35:59 The new... Fuck, what's it called? Oh, Cloverfield. Cloverfield movie. Oh, that's out? I want to see that. Oh, don't spoil anything. Netflix bought it, and they advertised it during the Super Bowl, and they said it's available right after the game. And as soon as the Super Bowl ends, it's on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Oh, nice. That was clever. Because usually, sometimes if there's a big show to introduce, they'll do it right after the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl will lead into something they feel like is a new promising series. Yeah. So that was neat that they tried to steal some of that shine.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Yeah, I'm glad I watched it. I didn't think it was terrible. I didn't think it was as good as the John Goodman movie. I think it's a solid six out of ten what was the other Cloverfield so the first one was shaky cam and it was like a bunch of like 20-somethings and like a New York party like and all of a sudden a monster attacks and you get to see it sort of shaky cam from their point of view because they were like videoing their party and hanging out and stuff
Starting point is 00:37:02 and but they're all kind of in the same universe roughly and they have loose connections. Chiz linked me to a video earlier today that showed all of the connections between the three movies and that made me like the movie I watched on Netflix a lot more. Gave you another point.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Yeah, yeah. Shaky Cam frustrates me a little bit. Yeah, me too. As a guy who's done a lot of vlogs, right? I don't know how many, 200 vlogs or something. Some of these shaky cams are out of this world. I think, like, what is the cameraman actually doing to make this happen? It is outrageous for him to do this while taking a shot.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I don't even move that much when I run. Yeah, if there's a fight scene, it's like, what, did someone hit the camera? Why is it so bad? Of course it's bad, so you can't see how fake it is. But Shaky Cam, I get it. I see what you're doing there, but you've gone outrageous on just how bad this footage is. Yeah, I do not like Shaky Cam for really any purpose or reason at all. I didn't
Starting point is 00:38:07 like it in the Bourne films when they used it to disguise the fact that the fight choreography wasn't like John Wick level. I don't like it in the found footage type stuff. My favorite found footage stuff is like, I like it better when there's a part at the beginning where they're like, oh yeah, and by the way, the guy being haunted, he makes amateur movies in his spare time. So he's got a stabilizer.
Starting point is 00:38:34 He's got a gyroscope on his back. He actually has a YouTube channel. He's good to go. Go ahead and lay that out there. I'm sorry, you were still going. If you buy a modern camcorder those things have great steady cams built into it across the room but yeah you know what I'm gonna show you just one second yeah yeah I don't I did not care for that movie compared to the second one.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Watch what happens when this turns on. Let me take it off this. So what you're going to look for, this, oh, it's reflecting too much. This thing, can you see it? The sort of eyeball in the center will snap into place. See that? Oh yeah, I see it's like a chicken's head. And then when I move around look like it's gonna stabilize. Oh that's cool. It is like a chicken's head.
Starting point is 00:39:38 That's what they look like nowadays. A little gyroscopic action in there. Yeah, and this isn't even super high-end or anything. That's what you'd expect. expect someone's making a home movie they're gonna have that and it's built in digitally to your phone and stuff like it the shaky camera just over field was not shaky cam at all no it was like space and shit but like it was entertaining like it had like all or quite a few of like the space sci-fi tropes and everything but it was still entertaining. I liked it. The John Goodman one, 10 Cloverfield Lane, is genuinely a fantastic, excellent movie.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Yeah. That should have won an award or something, but it didn't. And so don't go into this new one thinking that it's going to be a tenth as good as that 10 Cloverfield Lane because it's not. But it doesn't even feel like the same movie. If the title of this movie was not Cloverfield, I would have no fucking clue that it was the same series. This is the most disjointed trilogy in history. They were like, hey, we made this shaky cam movie
Starting point is 00:40:42 about a big leaf-looking monster or something in like six years ago. What do you want to do? You want to have John Goodman kidnap a bitch? Keep her in a bunker or something? I don't know, man. I'm just spitballing. We've got six months until this is due, buddy.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Goddamn it. We've had years to do this. And then now, they're like, you know what was big? Interstellar. Yeah, but we really committed to that kidnapping thing. And we did have a lot of good character development in the last one with John Goodman. Like, yeah, no, we're going to do it like Gravity or Interstellar. That's what we're going to do.
Starting point is 00:41:09 No spoilers. I'm just scared. I'm very excited. Check it out on Netflix. I think it's worth watching. Six out of ten movie. Still good. Not bad.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Not great. Not great. However, the fourth installment comes out in October. The fourth Cloverfield. Right around the corner. And here's the, guess what it's about? World War II. See, here's the beauty of Cloverfield.
Starting point is 00:41:37 It's the Allies getting ready. It's like the night before D-Day. And the Allies are preparing the invasion. And they're going to fight the Nazis and the Supernatural. Dude, when the movies have nothing to do with each other, you can build them in parallel and just call them sequels. Like, yeah. You know, like the Avengers, they have to follow the next one. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:41:58 This is interesting. It's Cloverfield 6. Ernest goes to Mars. They could just take old movies and slap Cloverfield 6. Ernest goes to Mars. They could just take old movies and slap Cloverfield labels on them. Did you ever watch the Ernest movies? I did enjoy Ernest movies. I haven't seen all of them,
Starting point is 00:42:14 but I watched some of them when I was younger. I've seen all of them. I was a huge fan as a little kid. You're pretty funny. Fucking loved that shit. Ernest Scared Stupid. Ernest Goes to Jail. Ernest, what was... Ernest Goes to Stupid. Ernest Goes to Jail. Ernest...
Starting point is 00:42:26 Ernest Goes to Camp was good when they get that toilet-launching catapult going. Ernest Goes to Africa. I didn't see that one. I really liked Ernest Scared Stupid. Let me find the actual... You couldn't even make this movie now because they'd say it was like cultural appropriation or some shit,
Starting point is 00:42:48 but look at the goddamn... Not thumbnail, the cover of this VHS. Jim Varney. Oh, Jesus Christ. Jim Varney was great. That whole character... Is he dead now? Is there no chance?
Starting point is 00:43:02 Oh, good. Oh, no. Really? Yeah, Jim Varie's been dead for like a decade or something like well i didn't keep tabs on him no lane bar that shit was great hey when he's fighting those trolls i really enjoyed those movies all of them i was a kid you know i was like seven years old so of course i did this guy's been dead for like 20 years should we talk about taylor incident? Where are we on that?
Starting point is 00:43:27 Oh, yeah. Quite the incident. Thank God I've got Wolverine blood and adamantium to recover so quickly. Okay, okay. So basically what happened is I was on Tinder, trolling about, as I do. And this was like eight weeks ago. i swiped right on this girl he was like oh i'm in a in a long-term relationship but it's an open relationship and so i'm just looking for something casual let me know and so i swiped right forgot about it totally and then
Starting point is 00:43:56 recently she hit me back up again it was like hey i haven't been using the app in a while you want to get together sometime and we can you know hang out i was like okay yeah as long as it's an open relationship i'm not i'm not a homewrecker or anything i'm just you know being jokey being playful and she was like oh no no my my husband's totally cool with it yeah he actually likes it i was like okay whatever and so i was like hey you want to come over and she said i'm not really comfortable with that rather you come here and so i said that's fine too you want me to bring anything you know no just come over bring condoms and like maybe a bottle of wine and so i went over there we hung out for like an hour uh got going and whatnot and we had finished uh god how long we'd finished round one and we were about halfway through round two and we were
Starting point is 00:44:38 in her bedroom she kind of wanted the mood set i guess it's kind of weird because she was the only one there and they're like a couple candles lit and music playing more loudly than I was comfortable. You know when that's like music playing too loudly but it's not your house and so you're not comfortable getting up and going and changing it. It was too loud. I usually don't have music playing. I've been in that scenario so many times. Go on, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Yeah. And so I was like, whatever. It was just weird. It was way too loud. So I couldn't hear anything that was going on outside of the bedroom. And so we're in the midst of it, and I hear, you know, that little pressure sound that, like, if a door's closed out, like, if you're in a room with a door closed and somebody in the outside of the home opens the door, you'll get that little, like, micro movement of the door where there's kind of, like, that pressure change.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Well, I heard that, and I was like, oh, you know, someone probably just got home. I don't know if she has roommates or her husband or whatnot and so then the bedroom opens bedroom door opens mid mid coitus mid and this dude who's a large man not the most like jacked or anything but the kind of man that where it's like he had huge hands where it was clear like he's he's been working or doing something or he's got like like he's got mechanic body you know he's got mechanic you know uh side of the road you know picking up litter kind of body and and he's like sharon the fuck screams at this bitch and i am removing myself from her obviously and turned to the side because the bed was back adjacent
Starting point is 00:46:06 like the door rather was back adjacent from the bed he comes over and pushes me off the bed and I fall off onto the other side I didn't like get hurt or knocked out or anything but like I hit the back of my head on one of those like four pound aerobic weights with like the thin rubber I'll actually do the knot in a minute and I was just kind of stunned back there and she was like sharon if i'm not here it's just cheating and then and i i still listening to this and she's like no it's not you told me this is fine we've talked about this we've talked about this he's like it's only okay when i'm here and so it became clear then that this dude was more into like a cucking kind of thing where he wanted to watch me have sex with his girlfriend would have been like you know he's here
Starting point is 00:46:48 now at this point I was like you know a spaceship running out of fuel where it's like 60% 50% trying to recover my head. And then they start yelling and whatnot at each other about how it is cheating if he's not there. And she was saying, no, we talked about this, we talked about this. Guy comes over to me and grabs, not my shirt because I don't have a shirt on, grabs my shoulder and goes,
Starting point is 00:47:21 hey, buddy, I just got to recommend one thing for you. At this point, I'm like, this is a big on. Grabs my shoulder. He goes, hey, buddy, I just got to recommend one thing for you. At this point, I'm like, this is a big, meaty paw on my shoulder. This is in the back of my head. My head's hurt. I hope it's not, you know, I recommend you bend over, buddy. I hope that's not what he says. And he was like, I recommend you take two amoxicillin twice a day by mouth. Contact me in a week.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Because none of this happened, I had strep. I didn't see the ending coming there. I ran out of road. I didn't know where to go. I'm like, what does amoxicillin solve? Does everyone know this? Is it like the clap or something? It probably does.
Starting point is 00:48:08 No, but I did have very severe strep last week, which everyone is why I missed PKA. And I haven't had strep bad in like probably 12 years, but this was the worst I'd ever had it. As time was ticking up to the day, I was like, oh, I might be able to do it even at, like, 2 p.m. And then I'd, like, do, like, test sentences for myself. And I'd get through, like, one, two, three, four, five.
Starting point is 00:48:36 And I couldn't get through, like, counting without my throat starting to itch and shit. So I asked because I had really bad strep a long time ago. Did the medicine make you better in like four hours? Oh, yeah. The antibiotics kick in so fast. I was amazed by this. I've said it before. Like that bad strep was the first time I was really sure medicine worked.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Right? If you have a headache and you take Motrin for it, was it the Motrin that solved it? It was going to get better anyway. But was it time? Right? Or was it time? Like, oh, you have muscle soreness, take an Advil.
Starting point is 00:49:15 I guess it's better. I don't know. Like, medicine always, like, I take preventative. I got the lamest painkiller of all time because like when I went in the doctor like she she looked down my throat and was like oh it is a mess back there I'm like that's what you want to hear from your health care professional that it's a mess back there like that it was apparently like white stuff was secreting out of one of my lymph nodes like it was it was rough like my lymph nodes were so fucking swollen it was it was brutal I
Starting point is 00:49:41 like I was sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office and every time i would swallow like usually like you swallow with strep and it's like oh that sucks like i was seriously considering like maybe they'll give me like a styrofoam cup i can spit in because every time i swallow i'm like like i've been there and she was like man you must be in a lot of pain and i'm like yeah i can't even eat you know woe is me you know and I need a little bit of pain help. And she's like, all right, so I'm going to write you a prescription for this painkiller and this and that. And so I went and got it from CVS and I got it and it was just, it's just 600 milligrams of ibuprofen. That's what I got for a broken leg. It's just three regular Advils that they put into one little white pill. And I was like, this is this, I'm not going to feel good at all.
Starting point is 00:50:25 What, I might get a little drowsy? Not unless I take this fucking bottle. And so I've got enough ibuprofen to last my next 10 streps. I have that too. Yeah. Yeah. That's super lame. It's amazing how quickly that kicks in and makes your throat feel better.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Like it is ā€“ it was eye-opening for me. They can solve stress. Oh, another thing medicine is good at, nausea. I don't know. Have you ever had the anti-nausea stuff? At some point in my lifetime, they beat nausea completely. Knocked it, kicked its ass. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:51:00 I get nauseous coming out of surgery. I can remember waking up and vomiting. And, like, general anesthesia has a really negative effect on me. It's terrible. And at some point, like in the late 90s or early 2000s, they came up with this stuff that solves nausea. And I remember I came out of surgery, and I'm, you know, I'm like, God, I've been here before. You know, roll in the, you, you know, little like kidney shaped vomit cups that you guys have. And they're like, yeah, we got another idea. And they put it in the IV
Starting point is 00:51:31 and they're like, are you still nauseous? And I'm like, actually, no, no, that was magic. That was, that was amazing. And, uh, yeah, they've just beaten on it. Now I tell them in advance, like, oh yeah, you know what what I'm a wreck coming out of this stuff why don't you just hook me up a little bit before I wake up and they're like we got you Woody they always do it's cool I had no
Starting point is 00:51:56 reservations about medicine working and so as soon as I took it how did you know no right well I knew because like it was so unbelievably painful to swallow. And then literally, like, three hours later, it was like I could feel the difference in the swelling. Like, my neck was not as thick as it was before. If I were trying to do this voice last week, I would have had a goddamn conniption.
Starting point is 00:52:20 But how did you know prior to this? Like, how did you know medicine worked? Inception. But how did you know prior to this? Like, what made you, how did you know medicine worked? Oh, like, just things like Advil or Aleve. Very subtle. Very subtle, those medicines you picked.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Not really. Maybe you're not taking enough. Yeah, I mean, do you take one Advil? Because I disregard the back of that. I'm like, if I'm going to be taking this, I'm taking like four and I'm knocking this shit out. And it works. And as long as you're not doing that like every day, you're not going to hurt yourself. Yeah, I take three or four every single time, like the extra strength stuff, and it's like, oh yeah, that headache's gone.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Like, if I get a serious headache where I can like feel it start at the base of my neck and go up into like the back of my head, or even worse, the one that's like right behind your eyeballs, or like right between your between your eyes like a sinus headaches oh shit we're gonna we're gonna have to take something i use uh bc powder like the uh it's it's um you know it's painkiller but it comes these little
Starting point is 00:53:14 packets it looks like it looks like cocaine allegedly and it's in it's in these little wax paper things and i'll get like two of those motherfuckers and drink them down and that's super effective I've heard that BC like banana cream by the beat see that what you're saying yeah British Columbia that'd be a better one or probably early yeah goodies is another brand yeah I get the extra string you know so I'm not convinced of it all is like every time I'm sick I always hear people like take more vitamin c take more vitamin c and i'm like well i just spent six dollars on this little pack of magic powder that may as well have been you know flavor aid or a kool-aid or whatever and like do you guys
Starting point is 00:53:56 do that where you take the emergency packet no i read that's bullshit yeah i'm pretty sure it is bullshit because all it does is make my p brighter. Yeah, I read that's bullshit. It's not totally ineffectual. At the very least, my multivitamin regimen gives me a more festive urination process. It's like, oh, someone's quinceaƱera with this kind of neon yellow. Anyway. I got my new PC today. I'm on it now.
Starting point is 00:54:26 I've still got to fine-tune a few things, but I really like it. It's fucking gorgeous. It's beautiful. Nice. It's awesome. I'm really happy. Is Kitty happy too?
Starting point is 00:54:35 Does she have the old one yet? The old one's behind me on the floor somewhere. She's been busy today. Good deal. How does she like her new home? I can say that. She put it out there. Is she excited about it? She likes it a lot, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Yeah, she likes it a lot. Very happy. I feel her experience has opened my eyes to the idea that internet is an essential utility. I guess I knew it before, but you've got to have good internet service. If I'm looking at a house now and it says like yeah you know like it we don't
Starting point is 00:55:09 really have enough water but you know it trickles out like we can do when you shower you build a cup with your hands that's how you do that would be like Kyle's old internet experience you know if they said like yeah it has electricity pretty much we're not like modern day electricity. You can't run a toaster oven or anything. But if you have LED lights, a couple of them will work. Not every room. Keep them dim. Keep them dim. Keep them dim. Keep them dim. Six waters. Don't you go eight watt with your LEDs.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Those breakers will flip. That's how his internet was. It's like, yeah, yeah, we have, like, I don't know, twisted pair copper wiring to the house, and you know, we get you two down. Two. Two! I had 20 down. I had 20 down. 20 down, maybe two up. Yeah, yeah. Pretty lame, though.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Like, when, especially if you're a gamer, like, when I went to download, like, Total War Warhammer 2, and like, all the expansions and everything it's like 80 gigs of fucking shit today it's like alright I guess I'll play tomorrow you know like but like I next day
Starting point is 00:56:13 maybe maybe next week it'll come around but but with this you know like I sat down with this new computer I it came with Windows 10 already set up so a lot of the bullshit was already out of the way but you know I start downloading all of my programs and applications and stuff, and it's like just instantly every one of them I'm like alright. Here's the real test. Let me install PUBG and Fallout 4 and you know they're each like 40 50 gigs each. I
Starting point is 00:56:37 just did them simultaneously and like I got my laptop over here on a thing and like I'm just chatting with Chiz looking at the spaceman and it's like boom it's done oh shit that took like four minutes or something to download now uh 150 no no no no it's like 500 yeah yeah that's more than you even need yeah like like 300 i think is you know and then the other side will be the weak link yeah speaking of Netflix I know it's probably old news to YouTube but I started watching a little bit of
Starting point is 00:57:11 Black Mirror current season are you caught up no I'm not caught up I've only seen one episode and I watched the Star Trek esque episode season 4 episode 1 and I loved it yeah because I figured it wasn't like you know in order it's not the Star Trek-esque episode, season four, episode one. So you started with season four. Yeah, because I figured it wasn't in order. It's sort of an anthology type thing.
Starting point is 00:57:31 It's a little Cloverfield-y in that the episodes relate to each other in the universe, but you're certainly not out of date. Yeah, I figured it wouldn't matter. And I'm interested in Star Trek. I wanted to see what it was about. And I really liked that. I thought that was fucking great uh it's really dark
Starting point is 00:57:46 and and disturbingly fucked up and you know you start off thinking this guy's such a victim and you feel bad for him and then you're like oh he's more of like a norman bait scary kind of guy he's he's got these digital clones trapped in a bubble universe somewhere torturing them turning them into arachnids if they don't fucking cooperate with this twisted little game. But at the same time, I was like, I'd do that. She was like, what? He took my
Starting point is 00:58:14 pussy? That is the last straw. Yeah, they don't have genitals in this universe. I love that she was so attached to her pussy. I don't know, for some reason, obviously she would be, I hear you, but that seems like more of to her pussy. I don't know. For some reason, obviously she would be. I hear you. But that seems like more of a guy thing. No, I think everyone's attached to their genitals equally. I would imagine.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Now that's the part I'm not so sure about. I think equally. Okay. I think if you told a woman that your pussy's going to be gone, I think she would be like, no. No, it's not. I would like to eat my pussy. I use it.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Yeah. I use it yeah the fact that i just uh i think that's what actually attached me to her the most when she was outraged at that like like you can i guess i'm spoiling a little bit but like you can imprison her you can take her away from her world you can do this you can do that but she like, my pussy's gone. Ho, ho, ho, ho. Now we have to launch some sort of counteroffensive. I'm not sure about the morals of that whole thing. So we can spoil it. You know, if you haven't seen it, then it's one episode of a show. Like basically this guy, he's a game maker in like the near future. And his game is sort of a virtual reality thing.
Starting point is 00:59:21 But, you know, you put these things on the side of your head and you go into that world. virtual reality thing but you know you put these things on the side of your head and you go into that world and uh he has this way of getting he gets someone's dna and he recreates them in his own private corner of of his own game that basically makes them be characters in star track but they still have all the memories and personality and identity of the people whose dna he's grabbed they're like a copy, a virtual copy. Yeah. So at first they're like, she's like, how did I get in here? I was just in the office today.
Starting point is 00:59:51 You all were. And they're like, no, you're a copy of you. The real you is still out there working at the office. You're stuck in here now, though. There's no way to get out. You're his slave now. And he's God. And he really is God.
Starting point is 01:00:04 He can snap his fingers and make your really is God. He can snap his fingers and make your face go away, he can turn you into an arachnid monster. He's God in this virtual reality universe. And I'm not sure about the morals of the whole thing. I think I'd just do that, right? I wouldn't be such a... I would be a generous God. I would be a little bit nicer. Those things are only that lucid and able to have little conversations amongst themselves of like, how are we going to escape? Because he left that part of the programming in where he was like, how realistic do you want these to be? Oh, I want them to be like able to like plot and be like real people and like try and get back at me.
Starting point is 01:00:38 But like they're not really meaning anything. They're not really fearful that they don't have a vagina or a penis. I know this for sure. It's just a fucking robot. In Kyle's virtual world, all the women would have p vagina or a penis. It's just a fucking robot. In Kyle's virtual world, all the women would have pussies. All of them would have pussies. They would just be in any factory.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Absolutely. I have my own little virtual world that I'm about to tend to after this show. And the first thing I'm going to do is start altering the vaginas. Right? Like that's step one. Obviously. Yeah, I really enjoy Fallout and all the... I'm a little god in that world. Yeah, I wonder how your PC will do with it. I assume? I already tried. It's better. You know, it's still... you can't get 100 frames. Although I haven't finished overclocking everything and doing all of, there's a lot of stuff to be done.
Starting point is 01:01:25 There's a lot of INI files to be edited and there's a lot of stuff to do to make sure that it's, you know, doing everything it can do to maximize the game. Well, I can't wait to get mine up and running. I have to sort out putting a Windows disk. I wish I bought Windows on a USB and it'd be like, I bought it on a usb and it'd be like oh yeah so i bought it on a disc and now i have to like copy it i don't know i'm sure it's easy i just haven't done it before yeah i've always i've always used a uh thumb drive i think me too but i put it on a thumb drive now i'm like racking my head for computers that still have discs so but i have
Starting point is 01:02:03 one on the floor behind me. Oh yeah, yeah. My laptop has a disk drive. I didn't even consider that a lot of computers don't have disk drives. Anyway, call it a wrap? Yeah, I think so. Painkiller nearly 181.

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