Painkiller Already - PKN #182

Episode Date: February 23, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Painkiller nearly. 182. Here we go. So, hey, before we start I want to say this. I upgraded OBS in an effort to fix the jittering issues we had before. We spent, I don't know, 10-15 minutes before the show getting audio levels balanced. If they seem imperfect to you, leave a comment and I want to know what the consensus is. This is how good I got it pre-show. I'm sure they'll be overwhelmingly supportful. It's perfect.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Regardless of what support they get, I think I'll get the data I need and we can make it better. Yeah, we'll figure out what's going on here. Kyle, is this video you just linked something you wanted to discuss or not? Okay, let's not then. I mean, it's Wings wiping his nose for an hour on loop. Is it the same wipe?
Starting point is 00:00:44 Yeah, it's just for an hour oh i was hoping it was a montage no unfortunately it's not a montage i saw on the other day where he had so much snot going on like he he did you know when you're like playing a sport and you got to blow your nose and you're all you're only around other guys so you're just like you blow it like that you just pinch your nose and let it go. He did that on stream. And there was so much. It was so much snot. It looked like you had a cold. I think that was an outdoors thing.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Call me crazy. Outdoors only, right? There was so much snot. This loogie went from his nose to his chin. And it was as big around as a quarter. You know? But, you know, Taylor. That was a satisfying one to get rid of.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I bet it was. I bet he felt a lot better afterwards. Yes, I bet. I bet that made him feel better. Paramotor talk, but my nose runs when I paramotor in the winter because, you know, cold weather, winter, whatever. Humans aren't meant to fly. But I have a full-faced helmet. And I have gloves on
Starting point is 00:01:45 and i can barely get the lid up and it's a real problem anyway we'll wrap that story up there super tight yeah and the worst like dude i'll have like a little bit of like you know the pure liquid clear booger that is you know just runny nose not sickness really and if i turn my head sideways it catches the wind and it into the into the face yeah that was an error watch i can watch a poop video i can watch vomit videos but for some reason it is a like a booger thing or a snot thing that grosses me out more like when i see like a little kid with their nose just like caked and it's like dripping into their mouth it's like that's number one that's disgusting and number two like i used to think like why don't why doesn't the parent come over and wipe
Starting point is 00:02:34 that off i'm like oh well they probably already have 10 times today and they're like this kid doesn't seem to give a fuck so let's just let him be as snotty as can be like snot grosses me out the visual on snot is not that bad for me. Of the things you mentioned, I would rank it the least offensive. But the audio on snot, if there's a guy blowing his nose or sniffling or whatever into a mic, that is the worst. That is, I am like throwing up in my mouth. The audio on the whole snot process up close is terrible. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And it's like akin, it's similar to the Whistler booger. Like, I know we've all been in school, and so, you know, it's like to sit close to someone who has a Whistler booger. And everybody's had one before. I've had one on the show once. It's awful. But when you notice it, when you notice your little David Attenborough whistle through your nose, you go take care of it. But there were times where I'd be sitting there like, in college.
Starting point is 00:03:33 In fucking college. Like, I'm 21 years old. And there's another 21-year-old there. And he's sitting there booger whistling like 40 minutes into a class. It's like, you know it's you. We all know it's you we all know it's you like It's fucking gross driving crazy I had a friend in high school yet
Starting point is 00:03:51 He was still my friend who would eat poorly like you you drink juice and you get that red mustache Eat pizza and you get that like Joker smile. No because I'm gonna die school that way it's like dude. You're 17 years old This is embarrassing at seven. You just gave me like a Jimmy Neutron brain blast remembrance of that exact kid in my high school. It's almost like they would eat the way that an Uruk-hai ate when it's like, looks like meat's back on the menu, boys. And they're just trying to be messy like just eating like a starving person like it's saw throwing entrails over their shoulder it's like there's
Starting point is 00:04:29 little little crumbs like a like a bernie sanders kind of corner of the mouth where it's like an old person but they're not an old person they got the red high c uh there was a kid i met when i was 11 who played on my soccer team his name was dal Dalton. And until the end of time, if anyone ever brings that kid up to me, all I will remember is my dad going, hey, Taylor, come meet this other kid who's joining the team. And this kid came over with more boogers hanging out of his nose than I've ever seen in my entire life. This kid had so many boogers, just snot and boogers.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And it was like, practice hasn't even started, and we're 11, so it's not that strenuous, but they're not like running us like, stretch! Like, no. And he came over. I like, that was the first time in my life that I gave a fist bump to someone because I didn't want to touch him
Starting point is 00:05:16 with my outstretched hands, you know? And at the time, I'm like, that's pretty clever. You know? Pinch my fist instead of shaking hands. Touch Dalton's snotty fist and uh yeah so i will never i met that kid again three years ago at a bar just like i don't know he's like taylor oh my god i haven't seen you since like since like grade school and all i wanted to say is like ah your nose is better boogers in there but i i played baseball and went to school with this kid who couldn't eat.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And I just remember he really liked mustard. And so he would put mustard on everything. And it would be all over his mouth, like in a big circle. And I remember we went on the baseball camping trip at the end of the year. And it was s'mores time. And I just, as the s'mores are being made, I'm just watching him. Because I know it's going to be a goddamn disaster. And sure enough, he's just like, you know, s'mores are hard to eat for anyone. It's a messy, messy food. And he's just, he didn't, I had to pay attention and see what's, what's this
Starting point is 00:06:15 guy's problem. He went as deep into it as he could, not a nibble. He's like shoved it until the, the, the s'more was like, yeah, mouth open. Yeah, you don't use molars for that. What are the front? Incisors? I don't know. Yeah. And you sort of grab it and then molar it later. Two-step process.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Yeah. He just crammed it in. And of course, marshmallow everywhere, chocolate everywhere. It's dripping sticky. And I remember thinking like, well, he'll probably really wash off well before bed because no one wants to go to sleep
Starting point is 00:06:45 all sticky and gross no he was just like that was good and now the marshmallow's all over his forearm and i'm looking at it on his forearm i'm like you don't care that doesn't bother you and then he just went to bed he just crawled into his tent all sticky and i an animal how funny would it have been if like ants had came in the night and we're feasting on all the marshmallows stuck all over this little fucker's mouth more snacks yeah Tyler said remember to the end of time you know what's burned into my head now I have been out of high school for a long time anyone who dated more than a year is just like permanently dating for me.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Like, oh yeah, Amanda and Jim. They were like one of the iconic couples of our class. We went to like a 10 year reunion, 15 year. I don't know what it was. Everyone's like, how's Amanda? How's Amanda? He's like, I don't know. He's like, we dated in high school.
Starting point is 00:07:39 That was 10 years ago. But to me, it's like, you guys, you're not still together because a year is forever in high school yeah it really is i still think the same thing too to where like but in your head it doesn't make you seem silly like i've asked a friend like oh dylan how's samantha like it's like well well we broke up freshman year of college and that was nine years ago so i don't know it It's like, ah, okay. Because I was asked recently about that.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I was like, hey, you know, you talked to Sarah in a long time. You know, I guess the girl I was dating when I started the whole YouTube thing. And I was like, God, no. No, not in like, at this point, over a third of my life. Like, in a large amount of time.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Like, eight, nine years. Or I guess eight years, a third of my life. You started YouTube in high school, right? like not eight nine years so i guess you started my life high school right yeah you were in high school when you started youtube no i was a freshman in college oh were you okay yeah because i started in uh oh nine 2010 you well i guess i'm wrong you would know better than me i just felt like i know when you went off to college for the first time yeah i started college in oh nine i started my youtube channel in 10 like early 10 i believe because that's when i met you guys but yeah it is weird like how you get those anchor points of memory in your head and you can't stop thinking about it or not stopping about that's the only thing
Starting point is 00:08:55 you think about uh there was this girl in my high school who was so fucking starved for attention that it was insane she would change her name every year every fucking year she'd be like uh the freshman year of high school she'd be like oh my name's uh kim then sophomore she'd be like i'm going by uh by mandy now and then oh i'm gonna be tricksy this year and then senior year came around and finally a teacher was like what you've been doing this every year no what's your actual name it's like my actual name's kim it's like then you're kim you know so now every time i think about her i like uh i have a game with some friends of mine who i went to high school with where i'll be like all right
Starting point is 00:09:33 think about someone and name them that you have not thought about since we left uh left high school and then they'll be like oh remember that guy um remember that guy joe with the horrible speech impediment you know who would beat up that other kid with a slightly worse speech impediment? Like a little, like a, you know, a nice little dominant thing. You know, he had to go for someone and he couldn't get his eyes right. But the other guy was a disaster. So did that. Anything like that for you guys where you just think back?
Starting point is 00:09:59 It doesn't seem like Kyle would because I just don't think you paid attention much to anything in high school. I mean, I tried. Did you? No. No, I'm sure there's people I could think of if I gave time. What happens to me sometimes is like a friend of a friend. Like, oh, you're like this girl or this guy that I haven't thought of forever. It's suddenly like I found him by following a Facebook friend link.
Starting point is 00:10:28 You know, like here's a person that was on my swim team and then they have a friend of someone I didn't think about. It's like how they turn out. I told the one where the guy turned out to have a lot of Bitcoin and I don't know if he sold in time. Probably not. Yeah. I don't have any connection to any of those people. Does it make you feel good when you see someone who got like really fat they all got really fat yeah really fat or really poor i don't i don't i don't there's only like one or two guys i have ill will towards
Starting point is 00:10:57 from high school and uh you know they're i don't, you know what it is? It's not that I look down, I don't want to look down on them because I don't want to look down on their peers. But it's kind of hard for my peers. No, no. Like there's one guy, he's a plumber in the union, right? That's an honest life that I really respect. I wouldn't trade, but I'm not like, look at you, loser. Good job. I wouldn't trade but I'm not like look at you loser because job you know he's like he's a he's
Starting point is 00:11:26 a hard-working guy who makes his living doing work and you got to respect that um so that that's the situation that like things are in yeah I don't mean like uh like ill will kind of thing more just like you'll see someone who got because I a friend of mine like was always talking in like high school about like I'm gonna be a pilot I'm gonna be a pilot and it was like god this is like i don't i don't get why this is your fantasy but whatever not even like air force pilot just like you know they give you free donuts if you're a delta pilot like whatever and it turns out he became a pilot and i met him this is probably a couple years ago and like i had to do like a double take where I was just like, like if I saw you walking on my plane, like I would voluntarily go sit in the very back to help balance out the
Starting point is 00:12:10 weight issue that you're undoubtedly causing by sitting in a cockpit at that girth. And it wasn't a feeling of like, haha, I'm better than you. It was just like, Oh man, like,
Starting point is 00:12:18 Hey, that's a pitfall. I could have really stumbled down. Yeah. Everybody got fat. I don't know how. Yeah. Like, like Kyle's a little older and I'm older still, have really stumbled down yeah i did everybody got fat i don't know how yeah like like you know kyle's a little older and i'm older still but the people don't get fat in a year typically
Starting point is 00:12:31 people typically put on three pounds a year for 15 years and now they're out of control or maybe they have like one or two bad years like like i i think one thing i've noticed that happens when a guy gets married and then immediately has a kid. Like if they got married in the spring and then she's pregnant by the summer, he's getting fat by the fall. Like first of all, he's got her locked down. She ain't going nowhere. She's going nowhere. He doesn't – and his diet is going to go to shit.
Starting point is 00:13:00 He's feeding her all of her like pregnancy craving foods. He's showing up with Dunkin' Donuts and ice cream and shit to feed her hormones, which is bullshit. Women should lose weight during pregnancy. That's the natural way of things. No, that isn't true. You should lose between 7 and 11 pounds
Starting point is 00:13:17 in Kyle's world. I want your baby to be skinny. That sounds like one of those little homunculi with people proportions, little wrists. But seriously, that seems to be when a lot of guys will gain 15 or 25 pounds in a
Starting point is 00:13:36 spurt and fuck guys up. I noticed Scott has gained a bit of weight. He's certainly not fat, but he's not his trim self anymore. He used to not fat, but but he's not his trim self anymore He used to be like six to 200 pounds and a strong 200 pounds of that really proportional and now I would say he's put on About 20 he's got he's got I saw him last weekend got a little bit of a belly going on and And he has I don't know how many kids he's got now
Starting point is 00:14:01 Not that he's got like so many. I can't keep count. I'm just not really sure Maybe maybe two kids pull out game is weak I don't know how many kids he's got now. Not that he's got so many. I can't keep count. I'm just not really sure. Maybe two. Sounds like his pullout game is weak. His pullout game has been weak forever. It's been weak for a long, long time. I have a friend with four kids, right? One of them is like 10 years younger than the next. And I'm like, your pullout game is so shit.
Starting point is 00:14:23 You couldn't pull out of a driveway. And he didn't it oh yeah he didn't get it he's like you're allowed to not come inside i have to i love another way that you can get fat is uh not getting it in controlling college because like i and kyle to piggyback off that you're 100 right i have a friend of mine right now whose wife uh my another good friend mine, they're both friends of mine. She's pregnant. And he was texting me about starting to use MyFitnessPal because he was like, God, dude, I stepped on a scale today. And I broke a personal record with my fat fucking ass. And it was like, I need to stop doing this because I'm gaining all this sympathy weight.
Starting point is 00:15:04 But other things are... Dude, he can join the accountability buddy team thing. He is. I have him as a buddy on my fitness pal now. He hasn't been logging. It's built... Oh, I like that. I think I want to be an accountability buddy.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I want to be logging with you and your friends. I just invited myself. Maybe that's rude. It's definitely helpful to get my fitness pal. It's super, super helpful. I'm changing topic back on the old topic Taylor said you know hey surprised the fatness well there was that and the turnout different thing one thing that shocked me is there's a couple people who were active drug
Starting point is 00:15:37 users in high school right now it seemed like most of my high school were active drug users but there were a couple who's identity was drugs, right? You know, their clothes represented marijuana and they were talking about the cooler stuff, a cooler, you know, like mushrooms or whatever acid they did. LSD was not that uncommon. They were huge Grateful Dead fans. So these are guys who weren't on meth, but we're just trying all of the other drugs. And it seemed like school and parents and everyone taught me
Starting point is 00:16:10 that their lives would be over, over. And then I see them as grownups, and you know, like something happened at 23 where they kind of got a kick in the pants and they're into like professional jobs, working in IT departments and stuff like that. And it's like, what,
Starting point is 00:16:27 what? Like you, you turned out the inverse. Sometimes it's the kid. Cause I, there were two kids in particular. I'm thinking of from my high school who went balls to the wall with drugs, like way out of control,
Starting point is 00:16:41 like dabbling with a little bit of heroin when we were like juniors and seniors in high school like out of control like after like probably halfway through college you know you meet up with them during a summer or something you're talking and everything and it's like oh you look good it's like yeah i don't i don't drink or do any drugs or anything anymore i just yeah it just wasn't for me you know you start to feel kind of sad about it and then you meet other people who are straight laced and like christian as fuck because obviously i went to a private school in high school and you meet them again and it's like they've gained 60 pounds of alcohol weight in like three years at school and it's like god damn like you're not that that's exactly the pilot guy i was talking about he was wrist deep in christ every
Starting point is 00:17:17 year in high school and then totally fell off the wagon as soon as there wasn't a parent there with a whip to crack you know and that's just another way to get fat, as you know. Kyle, you're fighting back against fat right now. Yes, fighting the good fight. Yeah, I started my diet. I'm eating very, very little food. And it's wonderful. I figure in the next two weeks I'll drop 10, 15 pounds or something like that.
Starting point is 00:17:44 What day are you on? Two. I guess you probably don't do the calorie count. No, I don't care. What's about the amount of food you eat? What's a normal kind of day? Half a piece of whole wheat toast with some tuna on it like twice a day and some spinach with vinaigrette with a little bit of grilled chicken in it twice a day and that's about it lots of cold water no no soda for you at this time a little
Starting point is 00:18:15 soda you know like this is my PK soda so I so I get it but it's diet so that's it's fine doesn't count works for Trump for Trump. Yes, it absolutely does. I love that quote from Trump. I've never seen a skinny person drinking Diet Coke. You know? It's still true, and Trump drinks Diet Coke now. I haven't seen him drink Diet Coke. Does he?
Starting point is 00:18:37 Yeah, the media made a big deal out of it. It is the inferior Diet Cola. It really is. Diet Pepsi is the way to go um i found something the other day called what's the name of that fucking vanilla cream soda i found it's called like waste watcher or something like that that's the brand and they sweeten it with vanilla instead of sugar and it tastes like cream soda it's it's delicious and zero calories is it that good like a lot of times these things i thought thought it was regular soda. That's impressive because
Starting point is 00:19:07 oftentimes, like I sometimes have a tea and the tea itself is kind of sweet and they're like, you don't even need sugar in this. And I drink it and I'm like, yeah you know what? It is almost as good as tea that has real sugar in it. But almost is the key word there. You know, You're not fooling me with this. It's not as sweet. It's just passable. Yeah, that's the soda. But it is better in a way
Starting point is 00:19:31 because when you finish drinking that sweet tea, you have a little bit of guilt. You have a feeling of, oh, damn it. I could have had a sandwich for that and now I'm going to be hungry later. But when you finish a diet drink, it's more like, all right, that wasn't that good but i'm still winning like i didn't sacrifice anything to enjoy that you know like i'd rather get eight out of ten of what i want
Starting point is 00:19:53 without sacrificing anything than 10 out of 10 and knowing that i you know i'm about pure water i had a soda a week ago and that would be my first in like six months probably uh but i was at this like lemonade is your thing right uh that's the big one it was i haven't had lemonade since g fuel last year but um yeah so it's been almost 10 months since i've had lemonade but um uh i just have water mostly but i was at a bar that brewed their own beer and they brewed root beer on site. Everyone else at the table got it and they're like, that's amazing root beer. And I'm thinking to myself, that's just candy in a glass, that's just candy in a glass. And they're like, they brew it right over there, on the other side of that door.
Starting point is 00:20:37 And I'm like, well, I mean, I really want to try this. I guess it's my cheat day. So I had... And it was amazing root beer but yeah i was uh i was playing with a guy last night who's like um it was really funny because like one of the guys i play with was giving him a lot of shit he's like yeah i'm i'm 19 i live in my uh my mom's basement i haven't spoken to a girl in about two years uh i'm making thirty thousand dollars a making $30,000 a year right now as a professional gamer. So I got no worries. And, uh, and, but he mentioned that he's got a G fuel sponsorship and they just sent them an email not to discuss the lead contamination that has been a G fuel issue apparently for some time now. I was like, really?
Starting point is 00:21:20 He's like, yeah, it's a problem. Uh, they not to talk about it, though. I was like, ah, what he used to drink that every day, I think. That was one of the main beverages over there. Hope used to drink a bunch of it. I drank it sometimes before the show. Maybe that's why you got the impression, because I would sometimes have one a week, but it was often before the show. I stopped working with them. It wasn't like a, you know what? So they paid me kind of like on auto payouts every month. And I guess I stopped daily vlogging and I sort of stopped working them into my videos
Starting point is 00:21:55 and I checked my PayPal and it's like, huh, I haven't mentioned them for six months and they kind of stopped paying me six months ago. I guess we're good. You know, like my guilt is relieved and they're not paying me so that's a wrap you know yeah I don't have any ill will towards them I only have lead so that I hope they get that sorted out and six how they won't you know what I know the owners of that company and they are like a hard-working entrepreneurs
Starting point is 00:22:30 they're the kind of people I root for I feel a little Trumpy right now like a wife beater I know but he was really cool at the office you know so that's how I am with the lead guys like yeah, yeah, you know, have we had due process on this lead thing yet? I'm not sure. It's not like they added the lead on purpose. Because the lens that I see them through has always been guys. They're being sued. Who were working so hard, and they honestly cared about their product.
Starting point is 00:22:58 They would talk to me about how to make product, and they're like, yeah, you know, apparently creatine actually tastes really bad. So with the creatine stuff that they use for people who work out, they only could do a couple flavors, it had to be a really overpowering flavor to still taste good when it had creatine in it, but the stuff they used for gamers, which doesn't have creatine, it was just sort of energy,
Starting point is 00:23:18 they added so many more flavors they could do because they didn't have to mask whatever ugly taste is in creatine. I don't know, they knew their drinks and they tried to make good stuff. You know, a little lead gets in, but who among us doesn't put a little lead in our food? A little lead gets in, but hey, that keeps you strong. Yeah. I mean, God, you're so picky about your notes. I've got iron and copper in your cereal. You've got iron, copper, zinc, right? But some lead gets in and suddenly you're flipping out.
Starting point is 00:23:46 I don't get it. Yeah. You need all of your metals. This is why dieting is hard if you don't have a support system. These are garlic and cheese biscuits. They have it like a red lobster. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:59 These are in the kitchen right now. And I've been notified via text for some reason. I assume they'll be wafting under the door. Nothing tasty to eat here. By design. When it gets to be like 10 p.m. Because I'm trying this intermittent fasting thing now where I only eat for like 10 hours of the day
Starting point is 00:24:18 because I don't know. This bitch, this doctor lady on Joe Rogan seemed to know what she was talking about. I saw her. She was very convincing. Yeah, Dr. I saw her. She was very convincing. Yeah, Dr. Rhonda Patrick. She's pretty hot, and she says not to eat, so hey. I listened to all of her podcasts there, and I used so little critical thinking for all of her propositions.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Where she's like, and if you freeze these Brussels sprouts, or broccoli sprouts, it has ten times as much neophyminium as anything else and i'm like i don't know if i'm getting any neophyminium like oh my god what am i missing out on you know like the intermittent fasting thing did kind of make some sense even though like on the other side of the coin there are people like no you need to be eating every fucking 40 minutes a handful of you know roasted potatoes and almonds so i'm doing the intermittent fasting thing. But anyway, I keep nothing. I was complaining to Kyle and Woody right before this that I'm eating flavorless
Starting point is 00:25:11 turkey sausage that I made with five scrambled eggs that I ate. Why is it flavorless? There are condiments that have no calories, like hot sauce and mustard. No calories. That doesn't sound right. I mean, hot sauce, yeah, but that's not enough
Starting point is 00:25:26 to make it good. I don't think so. I know red hot has calories, and I know mustard has calories. Yeah, that's butter. Red hot by itself doesn't, if you do the wing sauce does, because that just has butter added or margarine added.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I might be wrong. Taylor said something that I'm so glad he said. He's like, you know, this fasting thing makes a lot of sense. But on the other hand, there are people who say to eat every 40 minutes. And this changing in the correct answer baffles me. And I struggle with it so much. So I'm lifting now, right? And I'm lifting more, especially this week.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I've like doubled my weights in three weeks because beginners often do that. And also I might have started too late, or too light. But anyway, they're really stressing that I have to get the rest in between these workouts. I have enthusiasm to work out five times a week, but apparently that is not what beginners should be doing. I have enthusiasm to work out for two hours, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:25 but apparently I'm supposed to be doing like a handful of compound exercises. I do like three or five and then stop. And so I follow their instructions. But it's just hard because I feel like the correct answer changes, so therefore I don't know the correct answer. And that's true whether you're talking about building strength, muscle losing fat it's easy to overwork yourself early on so what does that mean what is what is the result of overworking yourself oh i shrunk no but i'll tell you like when i first started like in april of last year or this year last year uh i like really jumped
Starting point is 00:27:02 into it headlong and i'm like all right i'm to do fucking five days in a row or four days in a row or whatever. And then a day off and then do another one and then whatever. And so for like the first week I did that and days one, two, three, like by three, I was fucking exhausted, but I kept doing it because I wanted to be able to get it done right. By four, I could tell like, God, you're just, you're hitting muscle exhaustion way too fast. You're not, your form is not good in a lot of this because you're just trying to get it done for the sake of it. And so I had to back up and be like, okay, for the beginning of this, how about for the first six weeks, I do Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and that's it. And then I'll start adding more days in. And
Starting point is 00:27:43 that's what I did. And eventually it was like, oh, okay, I really can do this. And I'm not sacrificing form and I'm not like going to hurt myself. But yeah, you overwork yourself too early. You might like get tendonitis or some shit and not be able to work out for a while and then be like, oh, fuck. Well, I guess I'll just give up. I really like lifting weight. So for me, and I'm not saying kettlebells are wrong, but for lifting weights, I used
Starting point is 00:28:04 to be an athlete. So I have a lot of experience lifting weights you know i do it all season and off season and stuff and i'm just right back to it ish you know like i hit the bench press and my form is right my deadlifts my squats overhead presses or whatever it is i'm doing i'm like right you know and i it's just uh i guess it's my cup of tea i'm happy that i'm there so if i had room for it i would definitely go the route you have of the full traditional squat, deadlift, overhead press, bench, all of that. I like all those. You shouldn't change a thing.
Starting point is 00:28:34 What you're doing is working so well. It is working pretty well so far. Yeah, you're fine, Taylor. But now I'm pushing for weight loss i want to lose like 18 pounds because yeah i want to get down to like high 170s or well i guess that's i guess i don't even have 18 pounds i'm still stuck thinking i'm like 198 i'm like 195 i think 194 and so i want to get down to like 180 on the dot and see if I look good and see if there's even a beginning of a hint of a inkling towards some definition here. Probably not.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And then I'll have to cut down further to see. Or maybe I'll get to there and be like, this is good enough. I think you will. I probably will. Because I weighed 170 a few years ago and I looked weird. Like I just was too lean. I was on the show at that time. You probably couldn't tell because my camera angle makes me look awful no matter what shape I looked weird. Like, I just was too lean. I was on the show at that time. Like, you probably couldn't tell
Starting point is 00:29:26 because my camera angle makes me look awful no matter what shape I'm in. But, yeah. Anyway, I'm glad you're into the weightlifting thing now, too. That's great. Yeah. There's a lot of fun to talk about. This could be the new, whatever,
Starting point is 00:29:41 our most new lawn mowing or Kyle ate something bad or paramotor talk. We can just do this every show. Colin is lifting with me and I like that. We have something going on in the Skype. Anyway, Colin's lifting with me and his goal is to do pull-ups and that I'm enthusiastic about at his parkour camp.
Starting point is 00:30:00 They have these wristbands, but you could consider them karate belts. And anyway, he needs to do pull-ups to get to the next belt level. We're going to get it done. Barcore Camp, they have these wristbands, but you could consider them karate belts. Anyway, he needs to do pull-ups to get to the next belt level. We're going to get it done. Are you worried about his form at all? Or are you being pretty over the top, like guiding him? It's a mix.
Starting point is 00:30:24 When he lifts, it's pretty much a constant form critique. His form is not where I'd like it to be, but he's kind of... I remember when I started, I wasn't much different. So we're not adding any weight until he gets that form locked in. I don't know what he's doing, but I have these bands for my pull-up bar that you loop your feet into, and they take a lot of the weight off. like because like if i get up there i can only do like three or four or something like that and i don't feel like you're really getting a lot of actual exercise doing that and like like not getting a strong i feel like you get stronger if you put those bands on that reduce your weight a good bit and then you can do more and more and more and then put more bands on and then do more and more and more rather than just i did i
Starting point is 00:31:05 did three and i'm burnt out hey we um so one i do like the bands we actually got them today and just played around with today's an off day it's tuesday but uh tomorrow will be a pull-up day and we'll try the bands in earnest for the first time but yeah i like the band idea that they just arrived today yeah and. And I don't know. I find that if we do them in sets, we don't need to keep stepping up. I have been doing three sets of three, I guess nine pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I don't know if that's lame or not. But I think by tomorrow, I'm going to go for three sets of four, do 12 pull-ups. Nice. Yeah, they... I mean, based on my YouTube research of fitness, like, a lot of the benefit you get from pull-ups isn't even, like, how many you can do.
Starting point is 00:31:53 It's obviously how good your form is. Because you can watch CrossFit people do what's called a kipping pull-up. And they, like, are kicking all over the place and just, like, swinging themselves up there. And it's, like, you're not actually working anything out. You're just like dolphin fishing like the way crocodiles like will jump up and get bits of meat hanging from fishing poles. They'll just go up there. They look so silly. But if you replace the fucking 10 garbage piece of shit, didn't work anything out, but maybe strain your shoulder pull-ups they did for even three or four pull-ups where you get to the top and then you go down really slow and
Starting point is 00:32:26 you're working that like negative tension you're forcing your arm to like hold you up slowly instead of going up and then just drop and going up and drop like you get a lot more out of that same with push-ups like because a lot of people will just get up here and then just drop back down almost like almost like their chest bounced off the ground when what you want to be doing is like really really controlled the whole time dude my form is money and there's two reasons uh one there's nobody judging me like on my weights and stuff and two colin is modeling what i do you know so if i go up there and kick like a jackass then uh he will too now sometimes i'll like kip up on the last one just so i can do the negative. But, you know, it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I don't think that's bad. I even saw it in a video. It said it was good. They're like, yeah, you know, if you can only do whatever, nine, and the last two are kipping, and then you get the negative out of it, then you're fine. What are we looking at? Oh, the last thing I looked was that G Fuel lawsuit. Yeah. Oh, for the lead? Do you gentlemen have any...
Starting point is 00:33:31 Well, it's a big month. It's Black History Month. First of all, how are you celebrating that? Jesus. Well, I live on a plantation, so I got that going, I guess. Okay. Very historical. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's probably not a plantation. Oh, it was. Is it... I want to get the perspective from a black person because I feel like I don't know myself. Is it insulting to have a Black History
Starting point is 00:33:58 Month? Morgan Freeman thinks it is. Yeah, I was about to link Morgan Freeman. He does? Yeah. He's like, do you want a Jewish History Month? No, of course is. Yeah, I was about to link Morgan Freeman. He does? Yeah. He's like, do you want a Jewish history month? No, of course not. Yeah. Stop talking about it. It's American history.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Right? Look, if you were to say, hey, the thing about black history is they didn't get a fair shake. They were kind of suppressed for a while. And most of our historical contributions started more recently. Then you'd be like, oh, okay, that's that. But to lower the bar and be like, you know, this guy made peanut butter is a form of racism to me.
Starting point is 00:34:34 You leave George Washington Carver alone. Did you know that peanut butter is one of the peanut adaptations that he didn't invent? I did not know that. I swear they taught us that he did it in school yeah he made other peanut things okay he did and at the time it was very revolutionary but like he probably could transport now to 2018 and walk through like the condiment and peanut
Starting point is 00:34:56 butter aisle he'd be like damn it it was right in front of you, George. I had no idea. I thought that he invented peanut butter. But even as a child, I could see, like, so wait a minute. We've been learning about the framers of the Constitution and different wars and monumental things that have happened. And why are we covering peanut butter now? monumental things that have happened and why are we covering peanut butter now like do you feel like they were just really searching hard for something that a black person had accomplished uh sometimes it seems like that and it's really condescending i saw something on twitter that was like a list of black inventions to be thankful for and as i got halfway through it
Starting point is 00:35:41 i was like oh man like we you guys shouldn't have posted this list fuck really like like it wasn't it was ridiculous and it's like it's condescending in the same way like all the the same way that all like the actual really strong independent women i know in my life don't like that woman's march don't like that kind of shit because i was talking to one of them recently she's a nurse and she was like yeah i don't like being treated as though i'm retarded because i'm a woman i don't like being told that i need these people out there fighting for my rights and everything it's like no i have all the same rights as you i'm fucking fine like stop treating me like a child in that same way black history month seems to be like like it's fine if
Starting point is 00:36:22 you want to remember that stuff but it is just american history and they try so hard to make it special and unique that it comes off as paternalistic you know like oh these this group of people you know they don't they didn't quite do enough to fill up a year so we're just going to take a month and give them a head pat it's like i don't i don't see why i see exactly why morgan freeman doesn't like it. I'm afraid to say that, but I've had those thoughts. Just like, should we drop this? And I'm not talking about... Look, MLK did huge things for America. I'm not talking about dropping his holiday,
Starting point is 00:36:56 although I think they kind of did. I don't know. Wasn't there a thing? No, they didn't drop his holiday. Maybe they raised the importance of his holiday and dropped something. They dropped Columbus Day and MLK Day popped in uh this is a thing a lot of people got used to get used to be every high school student in america knew exactly when columbus day was i'll tell you why they got
Starting point is 00:37:15 that day off now they don't and they get mlk day off so i had it backwards they didn't reduce it they made it more significant but uh and i fine with that. He did great things. He was a very important, pivotal person in American history. But when they take that invention list and promote that, like you said, this is just the racism of low expectations. Let's have expectations flat for everyone and fair. And that's better, I think. Well, it's also
Starting point is 00:37:45 Valentine's Day Eve. So Taylor, I'm sure you will be doing nothing. And Woody, what are your plans? You know, I really just mirror Taylor's behavior. Well, you're fucking up. Because Taylor is doing
Starting point is 00:38:02 the smart thing as a single man and not doing anything on Valentine's Day. But you, you're supposed to do a thing. Why shouldn't she be doing the thing, right? I'm quite the prize over here, obviously. Shouldn't she be worshiping me on Valentine's Day? She should be. It should be a group activity where you go and do a thing, right? I have ideas for group activities. Who else is coming? There's two, not a group?
Starting point is 00:38:33 I don't know. But yeah, I haven't really put any... I got the wood for the fire. Is that a thing? You got to get at least something. Because all women are upset if they don't get something there, because it's not about you getting them something, it's about them being able to talk to their friends about what they got.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Can I just collect something from the house? If you get outdone by one of her friends' husbands, you don't want that. Collect something from the house. Unwrap it and be like, a salt shaker? Really? Honey, I thought you liked salt. I don't know. It's got salt in it already.
Starting point is 00:39:04 It's the salt I bought. And it matches the pepper shaker. Isn't it perfect? You know what you should do, actually? It's easy. It'll be in the house. You should cook her dinner. That would make her happy, and it's super easy.
Starting point is 00:39:20 You don't have to go out and get anything. Popcorn! I think I'm going to have a heart attack. That's a pretty neat idea. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Cooking for someone is not that hard, and it really means a lot to most people. Because it's very nice.
Starting point is 00:39:35 It doesn't even have to be that good. She'll just be like, oh, that means a lot. He tried really hard. Just do something other than George Foreman chicken. Yeah, I'm sure she'll be happy to clean up the mess after the terrible dinner. Well, no, you have to clean up the mess, too. Even easier, Taylor. Breakfast in bed. That's not a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:39:50 That's true, but by noon, she's getting pissy. So is that everything for the day? Yeah, bitch, I'm working out. Yeah. What would you do, Kyle? If you were a relationship man right now, what would you get your gal? Assume you've been dating for a couple months or something.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I would send some flowers to her work so her friends would see her get a bunch of shit. And I'd go really over the top with it to the point where it was a little ridiculous. I like doing that with gifts. I like the gift to be... I never want just an on-par gift. It should be absurd.
Starting point is 00:40:24 This girl in high school, I got her chocolates. I got her a box of chocolates, right? And you're probably picturing like a box of, no. I got $180 gigantic heart. It was so big when she held it up, you couldn't see her. She was hidden behind this giant heart-shaped box of chocolates. I always go over the top with gifts like that. I got my girlfriend a teddy bear one year.
Starting point is 00:40:45 The teddy bear was literally bigger than her. Where did you get this money from? I mean, current Kyle has money, but high school Kyle had $180 chocolate budget? Yeah. That's all part of the pussy budget in high school. Yeah. Did you have jobs in high school? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Yeah. Absolutely. I always got something to make money. But you've got to... Me too. I mean, it's Valentine's Day. I mean, your parents would normally help you out with that sort of thing, just like prom.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I'm not expected to pay for my prom limo or my... That's the secret. Your dad helped... My father didn't have a Valentine's Day budget for me. He didn't help with that. It came out of my fucking putting shoes on fat old women like Al Bundy working time. I mean, I worked for money, but if I needed some money, I could get it. Especially if it was a worthy cause or something.
Starting point is 00:41:40 It's kind of pathetic. I'm not saying you're pathetic. I'm saying it'd be pathetic if I didn't have $180 chocolate budget from a lady friend. Dad's always going to help out. So in any case, I would go really over the top. She would get like a ridiculous bouquet of flowers and then that would come early in the day and she would think it was over. But then after lunch, more shit would show up and then uh you know probably go out to dinner uh and like someone asked on the subreddit i guess he's taking his girlfriend to morton's tonight tomorrow night i suppose uh morton's steakhouse and he was like
Starting point is 00:42:15 what do you get and uh i sent him a list of like what i get when i go there and that and so i would probably definitely go to morton's as well i like like his idea. I fucking love Morton's. I love everything. Does he have a reservation, I hope? Yeah, if he's smart, he does. Because otherwise it's going to be rough on a Valentine's Day. Yeah, you're not getting in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:34 I haven't been in a while. There's one not too far from me. I'd like to go. Yeah, have you guys ever made the mistake of believing the, you don't have to get me anything for Valentine's Day? No. No, I always get something i have before i have fallen for it was i was like 17 and so like it was like oh you don't have to get me anything and i was like all right and i took that valentine's day thought and i went into the trash i'm not thinking about that anymore and then that day
Starting point is 00:43:02 came around and she was so not enthused. But I was actually, I think I was even younger than that. I think I was 16. And so I was like, you said not to get anything. She's like, yeah, but I thought you would know that I wanted something. I didn't want to have to ask for something. And it was like, God, that was the first time in my life. I was like, God, this whole relationship thing is a big game.
Starting point is 00:43:24 was the first time in my life like i was like god this whole relationship thing is a big game i'm really hoping that she learned something from that experience too i mean clearly you did even your phrasing learned she was the wrong man yeah who couldn't uh read subtle cues someone who didn't know her very well or someone who was fucking 16 and was like not overly concerned with it and so just thought okay i just look if i say sarah has moved on don't get me anything and then you don't get me anything i have some of that responsibility that that's that's just the truth i think oh yeah it is always time to get something like and and it just makes the gift better if she if she says she doesn't want anything and you still get her something, that just makes your gift more powerful then.
Starting point is 00:44:07 You're like, oh, I know you said you didn't want anything, but I just wanted to express how I feel about you somehow. And this is the day of the year to do that. So here you go. Always got to get them something. Now, I don't do birthdays. I don't believe in that. I don't buy people birthday gifts.
Starting point is 00:44:23 I don't believe in birthdays more than Valentine's Day. No. Birthday's going to get you in some deep shit if you don't buy people birthday gifts. I believe a birthday is more than Valentine's Day. No. A birthday is going to get you in some deep shit if you don't buy a chicken birthday gift. You know, birthday I can relate to. I don't know why. I just feel like I should be happy on my birthday. It should be a nice day. And if anyone ever says, man, this really sucked and it's my birthday, I'm like, oh, we got to improve this.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Because everyone has a right to be happy on their birthday. It's a special day for you. I don't think so. See, I'm completely opposite on this. I feel like Valentine's Day is a day for you to show how you feel about someone else. A birthday is just, I mean, you were talking about how you hated how Neil deGrasse Tyson does that whole thing.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Like, actually, it has no astronomical significance. When did we start counting the revolutions around the sun? It doesn't matter. Like, I'm not getting into that, but like, who fucking cares? You're one year older? What does that even mean? I don't fucking care. I don't care about my birthday.
Starting point is 00:45:20 I like birthdays more than... Because a birthday, I can more easily empathize with to Woody's point of I know what it's like to have a shit birthday I know what it's like to have a very very good birthday and it's like oh yeah that was really when my grandma did that or when my girlfriend at the time did this or my friend did that that meant a lot with Valentine's Day
Starting point is 00:45:37 I've never had a Valentine's Day that was for me Valentine's Day is only for her. Nothing about it other than the sex is for both of us. It's all you dancing like a monkey, organizing plans, doing shit, buying flowers, buying chocolates. And it can be fun, but it's not something that is that fun for you. It's not for you, is what I'm saying. It's for her. And they like fun, but it's not something that like, is that fun for you? It's not for you is what I'm saying. It's for her. And they like to pretend that it's for both of you because then
Starting point is 00:46:10 it makes them feel less selfish, I think, but it is for them. So birthdays are more fun. I'm with you. And you should always do what Bill Burr says. Don't go out on Valentine's day night, put it off until the weekend after Valentine's day, save a bunch of money, buy the exact same flowers, the exact same chocolates, and if the chick that you're with is not cool enough to be cool with celebrating it three days later, then she's not a very cool chick in the first place.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Yeah, no, that makes sense. I could definitely get on board with that. Especially if you're going to dinner. Hey, it's going to be impossible to get dinner reservations anywhere that we actually want to go. We're going to end up either waiting in some awful line or eating somewhere we don't want to go. Let's go tomorrow night or the night after. Let's go Monday night, depending on how Valentine's fell. I had a birthday once. So at the time,
Starting point is 00:46:53 I worked really hard. I worked all day and then I went to school at night and I'm getting home. It's like 1130 p.m. And I hear all these voices in my apartment living room. And my wife had organized a surprise party on my birthday for late at night. And all my friends were there. And it was so special. That was amazing. She turned my birthday, which was just a really long, hard day, into something really cool. That was probably 15 years ago.
Starting point is 00:47:19 It was really cool. Yeah. Yeah, I'm totally on the birthdays are more important. Or more fun, at least fun at least i don't care about my birthdays at all i haven't like actually celebrated a birthday since i was like 14 or 13 years old or something like that i don't get it i don't get the point that's weird to me because i think everybody does birthdays are pretty awesome up until about 27 at which point you're getting closer to 30. That's coming up in two months.
Starting point is 00:47:47 I have a birthday coming up too. I don't get it. You're supposed to be getting gifts because I'm a year older? I don't get it. If there were a Valentine's Day, but for men, I don't know what they'd call it. I'll come up with some marketing term, but if there's a Valentine's Day for men
Starting point is 00:48:06 where it was up to them to get you something and to make the plans and to do whatever you want to do, then that would be a better comparison to Valentine's Day. Can we usurp... No, stake in a blowjob day. Can we usurp Arbor Day? Somehow make that our day? Stake in a blowjob day is a thing.
Starting point is 00:48:24 I feel like we just need to popularize it. It is a thing, but I don't want the thing about it to be sex. That shouldn't be a special treat. That should be something you do all the time. And so when people are like, man, stake it a blowjob day, it's like, oh, man, are you really getting blown so rarely by your significant other that you need a day for it? Like, that's sad.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Once a year. It should be about, I don't know, an activity or something. What do men want more than chocolates and flowers? Paintball games? Maybe some jerky. Oh, like a bread and cheese and meats platter. I'd like that much more. Yeah. Yeah, and the blowjob is just implied platter? I'd like that much more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah, and the blowjob is just implied. You don't include it in the name. Of course, it's just another Tuesday, like every other Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Of course you're going to suck it. Maybe just abbreviate it to BJ Day. You know, Steak and BJ Day. I like that better, and I feel like the rhyming
Starting point is 00:49:20 makes it official and undeniable. I don't think Steak and BJ Oh, yeah, steak and BJ Day. Mm-hmm. That's what I'm headed to. Yeah. Okay, well, I'm going to put this on the back burner and think about it and try and start a national holiday.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Apply your whole education to it and see where we go, see where we land. Yeah. You know why that will never take off as a holiday? It's because women would not spend enough money for companies to advertise about it. You would get some arts and crafts doily, sparkly magnet
Starting point is 00:49:52 or something that you didn't actually want but that they made from Michaels and so nobody would be able to market it unless it was just like, buy your fucking husband or boyfriend a bunch of Bud Light for this man day or whatever. We need Big cow to get
Starting point is 00:50:06 in on this holiday and turn it into something popular big cow yeah we need big beef and big beer a beef and beer it's been years is anyone else ready for summer like i i don't know if you guys are as outdoor like i don't know depending yeah i hate as outdoor. Yeah, I hate winter. Oh, man. I am just so ready for t-shirts outside, for not needing a change of clothes to do cool stuff. I sit here and I look at the forecast and the average temperatures for this time of year. I am so ready for springtime. I'm down.
Starting point is 00:50:42 I'm looking at it all the time. It's going to be 78 here this week I'm excited to get a tan at some point because I still have a farmers tan from last summer and I felt like it'll fade yeah I don't know I was cleaning out my pool I did it twice my pools hard to clean out this we have one tree in our whole yard yet it still contributed some pretty significant leaves to the pool and yeah so I'm just out there cleaning it like I can't wait until like this is actually a problem or just spring anything but winter frankly I'm even fine with fall because for most of all you can still wear like a t-shirt or just a long
Starting point is 00:51:27 sleeve kind of shirt it's like I like stepping outside in the morning and it being cold I hate that I like it I like it I like the I like the winter wardrobe I prefer my winter wardrobe to my summer wardrobe I like the layers I like I like the coat shorts and an ill-fitting t-shirt? Yeah, when I was 13. They were very big then. American Eagle had eight different colors. I had every kind of khaki. I'm going to try and do something new this year.
Starting point is 00:51:56 We'll see. Yeah, I like winter, typically, but not this year. This year, I think, has been too wintry. All my friends have agreed. And I didn't have fall. I think that would have helped me if my summer didn't end on August 15th. It was below freezing for a month straight this year here. And not like a little below freezing, like 11.
Starting point is 00:52:22 So I guess me complaining about 45 won't work for you no and it's it's just it's just cold enough that it's miserable but not cold enough that some smarmy cunt from minnesota isn't gonna be like oh you know that's actually our summer weather up here we get minus 40 no problem you see moose frozen on the side of the road. It's like, yeah, yeah, absolutely. Do the swarming cunts actually exist in your life? Do what? Oh, like they exist in the same way that – have you ever talked to someone from L.A. or from New York who didn't bring up the fact that they were from L.A. or New York
Starting point is 00:52:56 in the first three sentences of any conversation? Some implication on how either they or their place is better. Or if you accidentally bring up traffic just the way normal people do where i'll be like god traffic sucked today it took me like an hour to get home i'll be like oh you don't even know what traffic is i'm from la and it's like all right asshole like you don't know what courteousness is i'm from the midwest eat shit like i don't know that you're proving your point but it's like, it was the same point as that. Like there's, you know, the Minnesotans, the Dakotans, all of them,
Starting point is 00:53:29 they got to tell you how cold it is. People from New York and L.A. have to pepper in where they're from immediately. Honorary mention Florida. Honorary mention Florida. Because of where you are in the country, you probably get that more. I haven't experienced that with Florida before. This is a story that burned into my head. I still haven't forgiven the whole state for it I'm an umbrella and chair rental dude on the beach right and I plan her umbrella for her which is a lot of work you got to put it super deep so they're safe and
Starting point is 00:53:57 I put the layout the chair and I brush the sand off and I stand around kind of like not saying it but hoping for it and she's like you know I'm just used to being taken care of I'm from Florida and it's like really so no tip then huh well suck a dick oh let me take care of you the way we do for people from Florida I'll make it my sharpened toothbrush to stab you all right I'll eat your face like a zombie. Where are my bath salts? Anyway. That had nothing to do with that face-eating incident. That guy was stone-cold sober.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Yeah. Just crazy. And hungry. How did the bath salts thing get circulated? Everyone heard it, right? Yeah. Everybody heard it. It was just a rumor, though.
Starting point is 00:54:45 He was a crazy homeless guy. Or maybe it was a government cover-up. Maybe some sort of weaponized zombie gas got loose, made a couple of zombies. They wiped them out, cleaned up the evidence, blamed bath salts. That's probably it. Obama was president, right? Yep. He did stuff like that. Yeah, all the time.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Any one of these presidents could have done that. I wouldn't put it past Bush. I wouldn't put it past Obama. I wouldn't put it past Obama. I would not put it past Trump. They have half a dozen to a dozen of these motherfuckers running around out there just in case the news cycle gets too incredibly dangerous for them. They'd let that happen. You blame it on an upcoming drug.
Starting point is 00:55:15 All these Fox News viewers are going to fall for it. Hook, line, and sinker. CNN will say whatever the fuck establishment wants them to. It's going to be fine. Yeah. Anyway. So, dude, PKA, right? We had Jordan Peterson and everyone saw that.
Starting point is 00:55:30 And if you're on the subreddit, someone linked it and they're like, this thing got 200,000 views. I saw it. Yeah. And I'm like, you know, yeah. Kind of like, fuck that guy, right? Because they didn't credit the show.
Starting point is 00:55:42 They even cut out the rest of us. Our voices are in it, but they just took him and put it on the big screen I never clicked on the actual yeah so they didn't show those PGA they just took his box stretch it out and I'm like that's kind of ass holy so I I I filed a copyright claim on it not because I really cared or felt like it was lost revenue because I don't think anyone would have otherwise watched the two-hour, nine-minute section of our show
Starting point is 00:56:08 where it started. But now I'm not completely... The channel says it's his second channel. The channel's like, oh, here's one where I put my other stuff. There's a fair chance that's a lie, but there's a chance it's real. I tried to rescind the copyright claim
Starting point is 00:56:26 and i don't see anywhere i can do it i can't take that bullet back it's well you can like when they disputed you can uh but i can't right now i can't make it not fired in the first place um so i i hope i didn't actually copyright claim Jordan Peterson. Jordan Peterson. Did I mess up his name? No, that's right. No, I was just saying his name. I misread your tone. But yeah, I think there's a chance I may have filed an actual copyright strike on Jordan Peterson.
Starting point is 00:56:57 That's funny. For things that Jordan Peterson said. Good. That'll be funny. That'll be funny. If we ever have him on again, that'll be a good topic. Sorry about that strike that led to your channel being taken down. I didn't know you already had two on record. I didn't know that was even your channel.
Starting point is 00:57:14 That'd be great. We should have him on again. That'd be great. I want to have Ice Poseidon on again. Kyle nailed it. You're like, you know what? Give him a chance. Let him breathe a little bit. There'll be all new hijinks to discuss
Starting point is 00:57:28 in whatever he said, six months. I feel like there have been. Ice Poseidon and, dude, his subreddit is starting to like him again. Have you noticed that? I don't go there. I haven't been there since the last time he was on. What happens is, well, one, I get kind of deep
Starting point is 00:57:43 into Reddit sometimes. I'll see post number 1,000. And an Ice one will get on. I'm like, oh, and it makes me just check out the rest of them. I won't. They're, you know, still a little critical. But by and large, like, they kind of like what Ice is doing. I watched him lift weights the other night because it's something I'm interested in. My whole YouTube feed is filled with, like like buff dudes talking about weightlifting and form and stuff like that but
Starting point is 00:58:11 uh yes I was live streaming him at the gym and he couldn't lift what he used to be it was funny he was like yeah I'm gonna deadlift and he puts like 345s on each side and he can't pick it up he's like fuck I used to be able to do reps with this and now I can't max it like yeah that'll happen yeah he's done some interesting stuff he got that party rated he got that $14,000 fine he paid it he had some porn star well it's probably still pending at this point he had some porn stars over the other night. What else?
Starting point is 00:58:47 He dressed up. He became a transsexual for an episode. He had that ridiculous, I don't know, Eastern European man come over, Svens or something like that. Didn't an old guy suck his dick for the memes? What? I just got this from his subreddit. And they, like, maybe we have to ask him about it.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Didn't an old guy suck his dick for the memes? I don't think that would have... I think that would have shown up somewhere in my feed if that had happened. It showed up on mine. I like how he doesn't say for a joke. It's for the memes. Like, who the fuck says that? For the image macros that your fans are going to make?
Starting point is 00:59:24 That's why? Yeah. For the image macros that your fans are going to make? That's why? Yeah. Fair enough. When he talked about things being for the memes and the big joke, it helped reset my whole mind. The things that I used to consider hate are now just fans talking about stuff. A year ago, they all said my pool was really small. The truth is my pool is not really small.
Starting point is 00:59:44 It fits the house and the property, and it's what we wanted, and we're happy. But they were, like, posting these pictures and, like, you versus the guy that she tells you not to worry about. And they were, like, acting like we put a kiddie pool in the backyard. And, yeah, like, now I look at that through a different lens. I'm like, they're doing this for the memes. Like, it's just a thing that sort of, you know, got everyone enthusiastic about busting balls. They're not actually giving a fuck about how big my pool is. No one cares.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Yeah, of course not. I was very disappointed. Well, what can I do? Yeah, no, dude, I fly over it, like like a couple times a week and it's like yeah it's just right so it's uh it's what it should be but um i want to see you drag your feet across the the top of your pool that's it's very tricky with the fence there i don't think it's possible i would hit ah a professional could do it i don't think the climb rate exists to do that ah sure sure I've been talking about would have already done this shit dude Tucker's
Starting point is 01:00:48 living the life right so that like I get you know like if I wrote I had a 20 sided die I rolled a 19 I should be happy with where I am right but flippin Tucker hit a 20 somehow every every week he's like you know I went to Costa Rica he's like I'm taking a trip and i'm like i have inside info on this there's a guy flying out to africa to check out what it's like to paramotor in africa and see wildlife and things like that turns out that's a different trip i guess that one's coming up because he's in costa rica this time and he's like tandem paramotoring something i kind of wish i could do and foot drag i don't know he he just tandem paramotored to something and bought beer and flew it back and i'm like you can even foot drag I don't know he he just tandem paramotored to something
Starting point is 01:01:25 and bought beer and flew it back and I'm like you can even do that I don't know um yeah he is so when is the Africa trip happening your Africa trip yeah I so because the race is in March I think so it's almost like a year away all right oh or no no it was in september anyway so that's when it would be my wife is still not sold on the idea that i should go to africa what a stick in the mud right uh so i've i've had some other ideas there's a potential iceland trip that could happen um and i i think she's a little more on board with that. She's under the impression they have first world hospitals and things like that, but Africa sounds cooler to me.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Yeah, me too. I think you should do that one. Have fun. Go nuts, man. And by I think you should do that one, I mean it'll be really fun to watch when this thing falls apart and the cannibals get you. Yeah. Please. That's what's coming don't go to africa they'll kill you they'll kill you probably won't they probably won't but but i mean if you jump in the gator pond they probably
Starting point is 01:02:37 won't eat you but they most likely will and it's my understanding they're more rapists than murderers so like that seems okay. It's like six of one, half a dozen of another over there. You can get away with whatever. Actually, most of the... The one police officer that is not corrupt in this state is miles away.
Starting point is 01:02:59 He's dealing with some sort of lion butcher. I will rape you as many times as I wish. Actually, I am a rapist. I will rape you as many times as I wish. I am a mavest. I will rape you until death. He actually called it here a murderer. That debate is back. Yes, it's back.
Starting point is 01:03:19 I have AIDS spilling out of my mouth, eyes, and ears. It is so bad. I must fuck you to get rid of it. Do not worry white people cannot get AIDS. It is known. I'm gonna land. Do you know the way? Totally new to them. I feel like you could probably like like I have this idea that certain parts of Africa all of it You would you would have a situation like the machine that machine story
Starting point is 01:03:43 Where the guy went to Russia and like they had never been exposed to Western culture so so all of that was like in his back pocket like every joke that had ever been told in a movie all the bits all the skits from a Saturday night live a little coat that guy in a little coat they're dying they love it I'm killing it and then he says to me he eat my shorts, Magoombe, and I lose it. But he was not even wearing shorts. We do not have shorts. We were all naked. I just like I like you probably have experiences in your history where it's like, that's a thing that I'll never forget. That was a thing that I did, an accomplishment.
Starting point is 01:04:27 If I sailed to Italy, that would be a thing. Like, yeah, I've done a transatlantic crossing. That's like one of the things I've done in my life. This, like paramotoring through four countries in southern and middle, central Africa would be like, you know, one of the things that I would put on my whatever. Tombstone. Half a dozen things that's happened in life. I was going to say obituary.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Yeah. Like it would make a highlight list. Yeah. They would have to explain what happened to you. That's a strong point. Yeah. Maybe top of the list. If you want another mediocre Netflix watchflix watch uh chis and i watched
Starting point is 01:05:07 a movie the other night called the ritual and it's about uh four british oh you liked it it was okay right yeah okay yeah i it's pretty you know what i would say it's top 10 percent in horror movies because horror movies are often pretty bad yeah so I watched another one when the boy went to sleep things became real do you know this one no mm-hmm yeah so he basically have a set of parents whose son died they become foster parents and then this new kid moves in and what he dreams about either positive or negative becomes a real life experience and it's a scary movie yeah well i watched it and that was garbage the new it uh i watched i also watched that which is uh and it was garbage it was so
Starting point is 01:05:58 not scary at all uh their cgi was terrible and laughable like when the basically he becomes whatever the kids are afraid of like one kid's parents burnt alive in their house so like he becomes their arms reaching through the door that they couldn't escape through to scare him that was a little dark but then the other kids i guess afraid of like some some scary picture at his uh at his dad's office and so he'll become that scary picture and i'm just like that's not it it looks like shit you're a covered bridge no one gives a fuck about you it was a lot of just lame lame shit it was not scary at all uh it the the kids acting was good and uh it actually had the kid from stranger things i think uh yeah like like the little dark-haired nerdy kid. He plays a little dark-haired nerdy kid. Spoiler. And I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:48 It just wasn't very good. It did really well in the box office. Really, really well, the way I remember it. And everyone said it was terrifying, but fucking shit. I still need to see it. I'd skip it. I think we talked about this already. The Deadpool advertisements are not pulling
Starting point is 01:07:04 me in. I want to see about this already. The Deadpool advertisements are not pulling me in. I want to see some traditional trailers. But I might be in the minority there. Who knows? I just can't wait until they're done with fucking superhero movies. Yeah. It's out of control. No, it started.
Starting point is 01:07:19 It's not going to stop. Yeah, I'm with Kyle. It is the lowest common denominator of movie that's where they are all the same it's all it's all black and white easily digestible hero villain 100 good like it's it's it's annoying because every 10 weeks people are spazzing the fuck out on twitter and facebook about this it's like no it's gonna be the, right now, people are acting like Black Panther is like a civil rights movement. It's like, no, idiots. They called this blaxploitation in the 80s.
Starting point is 01:07:49 They said it was racist to make movies with the express purpose of, you know, coaxing you there by being like, yeah, did you notice this? Black folks. Like, that is the reason. I don't know. What do you remember? It's black. It's very diverse. It's very diverse.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Yes. Diversity just means is black. Higher. It's very diverse. That's very diverse. Yes. Everyone's black. It could be so diverse. Diversity just means fewer white people is all that it means. It's such bullshit. It got Andy Serkis and the guy that plays Bilbo Baggins. I mean, they got them in there. The Tolkien whites.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Oh. Yeah, I stole that. A little bit of worth, though. That would have been pretty good. It still is. I stole it. It's still been pretty good. It still is. It's still good. Well, we'll see. Maybe I'll come out of my superhero movie retirement and actually watch
Starting point is 01:08:32 one or two. If you're going to, I'd watch Deadpool. I've seen Deadpool 1. It wasn't bad. Guardians of the Galaxy is good. I've seen that. That's the last movie I like. You don't need to see anything else, though. Oh, perfect. You haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy is good. I've seen that. That's the last one I like. You don't need to see anything else, though. You haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy 2.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Yeah, I still need to see 2. You guys are saying that. Yeah, I'd check that out. That's good. Yeah. And I think Taylor wouldn't like it, but I like the whole Marvel series. I like the Avengers. I look forward to them. I had nothing against
Starting point is 01:09:03 superhero movies until it got to the point of like Fucking everything Everything is Marvel and DC They've only made 30 films Taylor It's baffling Like it's I wouldn't care if they didn't Pump them out non-stop
Starting point is 01:09:19 One of my issues with not seeing commercials Is I don't get exposed to the other movies i want to see like unless it like um it for example got a lot of attention it has to have it level attention for me to even take notice of the fact that a movie came out i watch movie trailers on youtube i like them a lot um and and i'm i'm pretty good i think of reading books by their covers and like i'm not watching that shit there's a lot of cool games coming out too. A lot of weird shooters coming out this year. They're saying that Call of Duty might have a
Starting point is 01:09:49 Battle Royale mode similar to PUBG. So I'm kind of interested in that. That's a clever idea. Historically they... The machines weren't powerful enough to pull off that many players. And the server too, right? You know, like how are they gonna... They don't have dedicated servers it's
Starting point is 01:10:06 peer it's in call you're hosted didn't they move dedicated servers like two titles ago i don't think so they're gonna have fucking 100 players on that like they're gonna have to do something radical if they're gonna have 100 player battle royale you know it's gonna be like an 18 player battle royale it's uh free for all but we're calling it battle royale yeah that'd be super lame that won't that won't that won't fly but but i would i would play cod on pc my dream would be like cod does so many things right and they got such a huge budget and blue hole's kind of fucking up at this point it feels like they're not advancing the way they were early on they make pub g oh okay um but but yeah if cod made a battle royale and it was on pc with dedicated servers and 100 player
Starting point is 01:10:46 servers and they they didn't have two maps they had 20 maps and you know they didn't have a they had a different dozen guns for every map or something like that and constant support and of course they're gonna add their crates and yeah i uh i read on reddit i don't know if it's consistent or what, that Fortnite passed PUBG and players. Yeah, concurrent players, yeah. Is that like a regular thing or did it just happen once? I don't really know. I would imagine it's a regular thing. That game's really huge.
Starting point is 01:11:17 I'm not into it. There's a lot of things about it I don't like. It's sort of third-person shooting. It's RNG, so you don't use a sight. You use sort of like a hash mark and the bullets go randomly within there. They have this building mechanic where you mine for wood
Starting point is 01:11:32 and metal and stuff. I hate that. I'm not into that. It's funny. On Twitch back in the day, how good you were never seemed to matter. This is back in the day. But something were never seemed to matter this is back in the day but something about these games where like you died once and you've done like pub G and fortnight I really need you to be good I really need you to finish in
Starting point is 01:11:54 the top three most of the time for me yeah like that's what I'm looking for you need to be special because if you're really personable but you die 63rd a lot then yeah like it's just it's not worth it for me i play squad and i play with a good squad we won five games last night i think you know we probably played probably played 15 games won five of them or something like that so we usually go deep in the game it's it's not that hard to go to be like the last two or three teams depending on how you play it's uh it's pub g anyway yeah i'm gonna play some pub g tonight i mostly watch youtube streaming that probably makes me in the minority but it gets like just i don't know youtube really pimps their streaming so like even
Starting point is 01:12:37 me who just watches it now and then it gets on my page and i'm like ah you know this guy's a pro fortnite player and his KD is 11. Watch Shroud. Shroud's very entertaining. I never catch him. Dude, it's incredible. Is he on Twitch or YouTube? Twitch.
Starting point is 01:12:55 He just hit a million subscribers on YouTube. He's got, last time I checked, it was like 35,000 Twitch subscribers, and he's a premium partner whatever so he's getting a bigger chunk of those uh do you know what i'm talking snood or snowed or do you know this person at all no okay but uh shrouds always he'll have post he'll be playing with post malone or uh the rapper or he'll be playing with um uh who's that other like dubstep guy they're like i don't know if celebrities in there that want to play with another dubstep guy yeah yeah what's that other dubstep guy? I don't know. They have celebrities in there that want to play with him. Another dubstep guy. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Yeah. What's that guy's name? The fucking... I can't believe Chiz isn't here anymore. Deadmau5. Yeah. Yeah. He'll play with Deadmau5. Oh, there you go, Woody.
Starting point is 01:13:33 That was a shot in the dark. I can't believe I hit it. Yeah. It's the only... But he's incredible. He's just really next level. Puts on a real fucking show. It's good shit.
Starting point is 01:13:45 And he's got a ton of videos. That sounds impressive. Because sometimes it's one or the other like it's gameplay or personality then you paint it like he's both sounds cool i mean he's he's not an incredible personality i watch the gameplay and but but he seems like a nice guy and i mean even his youtube videos here getting between half a million and a million views each of just the VODs, the videos on demand coming off of Twitch from the streams. He's just consistently amazing, amazing at the game. It's really fun to watch. Good for him. He was a pro CSGO
Starting point is 01:14:13 player, I guess, before. Yeah. I don't know. I've been watching more Fortnite than PUBG lately. Maybe it's the colors and the big animations and stuff it's just a little more attention grabbing whereas pub g is kind of it's somewhere in between that and daisy yeah it's too cartoony for me i like the realism of pub g but i can get where it's
Starting point is 01:14:37 interesting it's it can be interesting to watch fortnight it's got some some interesting mechanics with the traps and the boogie bombs and random shit like that. I almost have a hard time understanding the strategy. I know we're going kind of over in time, but like the high ground seems to be very important in Fortnite. Like more so than it is in COD where it still matters, but you can kill from the bottom. In Fortnite they really care about the high ground and they build themselves up to the high ground and people know three minutes before they die that they're fucked. And I like really like are you that out of it and sure enough they they get it right it's probably because the circles you know you can see the the next circle is going to
Starting point is 01:15:14 limit you to an area that's how pub g is sometimes sometimes you get an advantageous circle you're like oh they're fucked they gotta come to us you know we're in cover they've got to run through an open field right toward us like they got no chance if we get knocked down I'll just pick you up behind cover if they get knocked down Then all of a sudden his teammate has to run back to him crawling out in the open now He's an easier target the circles can fuck you and you know already you're like ah We're probably fucked here. Can you predict the circles? No, okay, it's a it's aren't in
Starting point is 01:15:44 Professional servers there they they very, they're much more central, uh, but in, uh, pubs, it's, um, very RNG, so they'll be randomly, you know, you're in a circle now, and the next circle is gonna be somewhere within that circle, and it could be all the way, you know, where one edge of the new circle is touching the edge of the old circle, or it could be right edge of the old circle or it could be right in the very center or it could be all it could be anywhere within there would change the dynamic of the game if people knew from the start where the best ground was going to be you know do you want to participate in that chaos you know it's kind of like um in day z like there
Starting point is 01:16:20 are military areas that you knew were going to be hot spots right good Good. Oh, it's like that there, but there's weapons That's exactly how pub G is there's um, there's places like the school in the military base that if you land there It's a shit show like you'll see as your as your as your descending you're like, holy shit There are 30 fucking people here one third of the server wants to be in this building and it's just a shit show I said you guys are gonna win big the other 28 are gonna lose fast yeah and that's why shroud's really good to watch is because he lands in those hot zones he lands at the military base or he lands at the school and then just goes ape shit like he'll get there's 100 players in the server right like he'll get 30 kills sometimes that is incredible his when you watch him he's he's had squad games where they get 50 kills
Starting point is 01:17:06 his team of four gets 50 kills you know it's outrageous yeah that's mind blowing it's fun to watch a really good Call of Duty player will have a KD of like three and I think that's one of the reasons people fuss about Call of Duty Xcal put it really well I'm talking forever
Starting point is 01:17:23 he's like if I play and i forget what game it was i know that i can beat a new player like a hundred times out of a hundred it's not just random chance but he's like if it's call of duty and it's me against some other guy who's not very good i'll probably win 75 of the time because in cod there's just a little bit of random like that. You get killed by people who suck. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. It's a different mechanic. If your guy has a 12 KD, that really has to be skill-based.
Starting point is 01:17:56 And you can't get a 12 KD in COD, because a first-day player will find you somehow. Yeah. I don't know what Shroud's KD is, but it's seemingly 10 or 12 or something like that. Or even 7. Easily.
Starting point is 01:18:11 I think mine's 2 or 3. Something like that. I don't think an Optic Scumpy or something, I could be wrong, would have a 7 KD in pubs. People don't really play 7s. What's the show? I gotta get some food. Would have a 7KD in pubs. Like, people don't really play 7s. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Well, that's the show. I got to get some food. Very good. I got to go for a drive. Got to do some chores. Got to do some things. I woke up late today. My pre-workout is cooking in.
Starting point is 01:18:36 So I got to get started. Let us know how the audio balance worked out. I hope I got it right. You'll tell me. Yeah, and let us know what you think about Black History Month. Did they do anything? Jesus Christ. PKN 182.

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