Painkiller Already - PKN #185

Episode Date: March 16, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Painkiller Nearly, episode 185. Hello. Hey. How's everyone doing? Pretty good. Great day? I left my truck windows down. It rained all over my truck.
Starting point is 00:00:12 That sucks. Like, I was up all night playing PUBG with some guys, and I was like, what's that noise? And I just hear, like, rain just pouring as hard as rain can pour. And it had soaked the fuck out of my truck seat so i've been drying my truck seat out for about an hour is it leather or cloth oh it's cloth in the truck yeah oh so it's soaked straight through right you'll sit down with like khakis a week and a half from now and after like just like you know 10 minutes of driving enough to soak down in you'll get a nice little ass stain.
Starting point is 00:00:45 I put a towel in the seat, and I sat on it when I went to go get some stuff. And I feel like that soaked up a lot of the problem. No big deal. It'll be 80% fine for two weeks. Yeah. Hoping for a hot day. That'll just bake it out.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Have you ever done that in the snow, where you accidentally leave a window cracked and it snows? He's from Georgia. Oh, fair enough. Well, I have done that. You feel like such an idiot. And the worst is that terrible feeling of getting in your car on a cold morning
Starting point is 00:01:17 and it taking more than immediately to warm up. It never gets warm when you've allowed snow in the car because it's just all over the goddamn place. So it could have been worse is what I'm saying. Count your blessings. When I was young and poor, I guess all that happened really was we let the radiator level go too low. It didn't have enough antifreeze, which means your heater stops working,
Starting point is 00:01:39 which meant that it literally blowed snow on you. Like, in the wintertime, the snow would come out of the heat vents. Well, it's awful. Yeah, I didn't like it either. But I am sick and I missed a workout for the first time. And I was like, should I try? I don't know. And then I eventually just didn't get up and go.
Starting point is 00:02:01 See that's something I'm like, I think figuring out more is like, I'm less hesitant now to like skip workouts if I can tell. Like last night, I started my Monday workout. My Monday, Wednesday, Friday are my really like tougher ones. And I got like through my first set and I started doing chest presses again where I do that with the 250 pounds. And I was like halfway up and like my right wrist felt like a little tweak. And like four months ago, I'd have been like, play through it. Keep going. You're gonna
Starting point is 00:02:32 feel bad afterwards. I was like, no, you know what? I'm not gonna be stupid. I'm stopping. I'll be happy on Wednesday that I didn't forge ahead. ahead like I don't know it's hard to gauge like what's real pain and injury and what's just like soreness sometimes especially in like the ligament areas but this felt like sharp enough that I was like there's probably nothing to be gained from from continuing are your Monday Wednesday Fridays the same yeah yeah they're all the same and then my Tuesday Sunday are different but I've been shitty recently about my Sunday workout. So I need to kick that back up. But yeah, especially being sick too.
Starting point is 00:03:10 I just do Monday, Wednesday, Friday. But I have two workouts. So it'll go like in patterns. ABA and then the next week is BAB and then start over. Yeah, that's a common way to do it too. Because you're doing full body every time. Yeah, yeah, pretty much. I'm really happy I I know Kyle probably wants a new topic but this guy his reddit name which I had forgotten until I looked it up recently was like
Starting point is 00:03:33 bro swole and he's like hey this is me and your body is kind of your resume in the fitness world and he had a good resume and I think he was a trainer and this and that he's anyway he set me up with my first exercise I didn't know his for mine and they were actually kind of similar but I was like I'll grab his he seems to know what he's doing and it's better than me just picking mm-hmm so since then I've been watching YouTube videos reading articles and websites and the science and this and that and the form and whatever and the more I learn the more I
Starting point is 00:04:04 know that this guy set me up in the right direction. And my level of gratitude is higher now than it was when he did it for me. You know, at the time it was just, you know, like whatever PK family, I didn't know. And now I'm like, wow, I, I wouldn't change a thing. And I've added an exercise or two to both a and B, you know, the two workouts, but, uh, I just, I feel like the guy really put me on the right track so i was grateful yeah it's good it that advice really helps you you know get on the right track because i mean i know i didn't know what i was doing with like full body workouts and i started this like i just it was all youtube videos and and going on like
Starting point is 00:04:42 and looking for you know specific regimens and shit. And then over time, it's just kind of become more like I change it up kind of how I feel like. But as long as I keep like the basic structure of it the same where I'm like, okay, I'm removing an exercise that really gets my, you know, lats or my chest or, you know, triceps or something. It's like, all right, I can replace that as I'm not bored, but I just have to make sure that exercise I replace it with is about the same level of strain and that those same muscle groups yeah i wanted to stay with that what i've been reading is like you know you got to do a thing for like 8 to 12 weeks and get your gains out of it and then uh if you start to stall or plateau you can mix it up so i'm only six weeks so it's there is like a like a curve i feel like of usefulness
Starting point is 00:05:26 like of looking it up online to where like you get more and more and more and more confident and then like the more you look into certain things the more you find like detractors like hidden in the midst like of you know youtube where you'll be like some dude will be like this structure workout is the best and you're like this guy's jacked out of his mind he obviously knows and then in the related videos there's some other jack dude who's like don't you ever get fucked dead doing this and so then you start to lose confidence and so I try to stay right at that peak just repeat in my head like you know the best workout is the one you do and clearly you know your body's looking better and so you're
Starting point is 00:06:02 not really fucking up too bad here. The critical thinking is difficult, right? You were watching the lady talked about fasting all the time and you're like, I didn't apply any critical thinking. She's like, most people don't have enough Zinco flights and you're like, I don't know if I'm getting any Zinco flights at all. I have no idea. She was given like Dr. Rhonda Patrick. She's on Joe Rogan's show. But like sometimes they move so quickly through stuff that I don't know what's real and what's not. Because like so much of diet and nutrition is like, I mean, there's a huge industry, billions and billions of dollars behind that that has a vested interest in getting you to spend money and to constantly be changing things so that, you know, they don't want you to find your lane. be changing things so that you know they don't want you to find your your lane like they they really want you to keep moving around you know that's why the diet industry is like oh atkins you know 2003 it's atkins atkins or nothing right and then you know now they have like little workshopped versions of that and special little whole foods pre-packaged paleo meals and just
Starting point is 00:07:00 i don't know it's hard to tell what's real and what's not especially with like these fuckers can't even decide if eggs are good for you or not eggs is my favorite apparently eggs are fantastic for you dude if it's so you're not as old as me i don't mean to pull like some sort of rank like an asshole but if you've been watching the egg drama since the 70s they have been coming and going for my entire lifetime eggs have been bad then good then bad again and good again and yeah and and all my at first it's like things with fat in it make you fat which seems kind of you know clear yeah it makes sense on a high level it does but now they're like no fat's really not that bad for you it's sugar you know your body doesn't make fat out of
Starting point is 00:07:42 fat well it does but your body really makes fat out of like sugar and complex carbs and it's like oh okay but lately i've just been my fitness pal-ing it that's the thing my fitness pal i feel like it i was just lacking a lot of details like i knew that some of my snacks in particular this trail mix with like M&Ms mixed in it wasn't good for me I had no idea what kind of ratios I was taking in I it might be that half or two-thirds on a bad day of my daily caloric intake would be from a bowl of fucking nuts you know like it I didn't know I knew it was bad I didn't know the ratio it's eye-op. I can have a big bowl of mixed fruit and it's not even like a quarter of my daily caloric intake. I can have chicken and like what seems like two servings of mixed vegetables, something I'd eat all the time. And you know, it's not even a big lunch, even though it's a pretty big lunch. and then i have just a couple of nuts and it's as bad as either of those two meals and when i try and like calculate uh spinach or salad shit like mixed greens in particular with like putting grilled chicken in there like i'll always
Starting point is 00:08:59 like recheck it where i'm like all right i put in what feels like you know when you pick up yard work and put it in those big paper bags that you get at Home Depot that don't stay open, right? You know, like when you have one handful of that, I'll put that amount of salad in there. And I'm like, all right, how many calories is that? And it's like 19. No, that can't be right. It is just leaves. As a snack, I have celery with peanut butter on it now and then. And, like, there isn't, like, a combo of that. So I'll be like, all right, five stalks of celery. Really?
Starting point is 00:09:30 Zero? Like, it's like three. I'm like, oh, the celery is nothing. It's basically just peanut butter with celery shovels. Yeah. Raw vegetables, I don't even enter into MyFitnessPal for the most part. Because it's like, like, I'd have to sit here and'd have to sit here and muscle down as much celery as I could. I don't think you could gain weight on celery.
Starting point is 00:09:52 So that tells me you might not be tracking the rest of this stuff, which I really don't. I put 90% of my attention on calories. Yeah, calories and protein. Yeah. That's pretty much it. And then if I notice I have a day where it's like, I eat way too many carbs and not very much fat, I know that's not good.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Because you need fat for testosterone production and to make sure you're really getting all the muscle building you can. But anyway, Kyle, are you doing anything akin to that? Or are you still doing your one meal a day, dropping those pounds? I had some sort of barbecue yesterday. I got a half a rack of ribs, pulled pork, some macaroni and cheese, some Brunswick stew, a pint of peach cobbler.
Starting point is 00:10:37 So no, nothing akin to that. I'm not finished yet. Some baked beans. And yeah, it was absolutely delicious. It was great. That does sound so good. I ate my one fun meal a day. It's usually like 1,500 to 2,000 calories. And yeah, I'm losing about a third of a pound a day, I would say. I'm down to like 179 now, something like that. You know the Alex Jones before and after pictures
Starting point is 00:11:09 where everyone says he just got redder? But if you look more critically, he did more than just get redder. He did actually get like a tiny bit fitter. Those are the kind of gains I've already accomplished. Oh, shit. I mean, I don't want to make a big deal. But instead of getting redder, you're getting bluer. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Not in this one. I don't know what you see in the Skype call. I love that. I love that clip of you blue. And I put it in that song. It's like, everything is blue for him and himself and everybody. I'm blue and da-ba-do-be-do-wa. Throughout that podcast,
Starting point is 00:11:46 because what happens is the color correction becomes wrong when the sun sets. So I start off blue and then I fix it and I become, I guess, normal. And then I get yellower and yellower throughout the whole thing and then I fix it again by adding the blue back, but to a more reasonable extent.
Starting point is 00:12:03 But yeah, and the auto lighting, I never think is that flattering. So I do it myself. Yeah, that's what happens there. I like Blueberry Woody. I wish that we had Blueberry Woody every time. Next time I like, I don't know, talk trash or anything, I should just slide it over to blue,
Starting point is 00:12:21 go on a rant and then push it back. It should be a thing. I like that. I like that. Stick with that. should just slide it over to blue go on a rant and then push it back it should be a thing i i like that i like that stick stick with that i i saw that remain organic though can't start trying to force them just let years and years of frustration boil over and then eventually it'll happen i saw wings made an apology video and wings thank you i accept your apology i didn't watch the video yet though i saw um it was like linked on the subreddit and people were doing like bullet point things and i don't know what it is maybe it's because i'm sick
Starting point is 00:12:50 it somehow seemed like it took a lot of energy to watch a video i know that doesn't make any sense but uh i was like all right this is on my to-do list i'll i'll come around to it i don't know maybe it's more like emotionally taxing for me than some random F-150 review. Makes sense. Yeah, it was a good apology. I thought it was good. But man wings. I wish that he had doubled down.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I feel like the move to like... He did on the live stream. I'd have loved it if he doubled down. First of all, really good apology. Very heartfelt. I think it's one of the only times I've ever seen him apologize. He clearly felt bad about the whole thing. He was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:30 it just came out in a stressful moment or whatever. But I was gaming last night. I was telling those guys, I was like, but imagine if he doubled down. Fuck you, you tech support bully. You piece of shit. You pale cop. Just went off on you.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Just went as low and mean as you possibly blow me you blue man and then at the end of it and then at the end of it be like you know what i'm not gonna fight keemstar i'm gonna fight you you piece of shit bring it on i'm gonna sit on your face and fucking crush you like if he went full on i feel like i i wish he owned that stuff and like like played that game of the where it sits now so wings has squashed the beef between he and i um he got swatted and wing ting said he's not making any more videos i don't know if you saw that i did my theory is that wing swatted himself 3d chess i don't subscribe to your theory of Of course not. So I just...
Starting point is 00:14:27 Is this a whole new thing? So what was good for Wings financially was terrible for him emotionally, right? Now maybe he's swinging into a new phase that's better for him emotionally, but not as good financially? I don't know. I think the way he...
Starting point is 00:14:44 Or I guess both of you guys could have played it instead of you know him doubling down in sincerity the way kyle is thinking you guys could have you know skype back and forth set up like a wwe like continuation drama blood sport kind of thing where wings is like i'm gonna come back at you really hard be ready with the response you know to you know get this going and then you guys would be basically like vince mcmahon you know and trump yelling at each other like it's all fake it's all ridiculous you don't want to be shaving the other one's head or whatever's happening but like that that would have helped his stream so much i think like that kind of back and forth but all this negativity's been super helpful for him just that's not what he needs yeah but if it were
Starting point is 00:15:25 like a wwe kind of thing where it was a little bit scripted not 100 scripted i'm saying then his emotional health you know would be better you think he could put on you might be right so like because he would know that you weren't actually but the people would yeah yeah and he can't he can't deal with that yeah i don't know. I think it's definitely going to hurt him that some of the parody channels are quitting. And Wingstings is definitely a parody channel. I wouldn't say it was a hate channel because it's just funny.
Starting point is 00:15:57 So it's a shame that he's quitting. A lot of people think I'm Wingstings. I'm really not. I'm really not. The videos would be a little bit different if it were me. And I probably wouldn't... It wouldn't be me, Kyle. And it's
Starting point is 00:16:12 kind of known who Wingstings actually is. Would I know his name? Would I have heard of this person? I don't know. But it's known who he is. Can you put it in the Skype? Yeah, it's this guy.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Oh, I bet it's Kimmy G. Kimmy J. Kimmy J. I totally forgot about that guy. I don't know. I never figured out who that was. I really lost interest after a bit. I used to know, but I didn't know his, you know, I knew who it was. And we had some private conversations. At one point, he was going to buy this $5,000 prosthetic mask
Starting point is 00:16:49 to look like an old Korean man so he could go on camera as Kimmy J, but I guess it petered out or whatever. But yeah, I don't know what's going to happen with the Wings thing. I guess that some of the channels will quit. Wings is definitely going to quit. But like I said, he was more of a parody channel. There are actual hate channels that are really mean. And this will probably just fuel their fire, right?
Starting point is 00:17:10 Like, you know, they may continue. I hope not. I will say my thoughts on it is, like, swatting is really fucked up. You know, he could have died today. So, like, that's – there's a big difference between trolling someone and, making jokes at their expense often rightly so and you know sending a SWAT team to their house yeah committing crimes committing crimes during someone's life yeah and his fan is and his you know his family's lives and stuff you know that's uh but when you had a dog that's how you get your dog shot like almost 100 of the time right it's like a joke but that's no joke, man. No, it's not. Like you see a million
Starting point is 00:17:47 YouTube videos of cops like shooting dogs. You know, not 100% of them are unjustified. They're usually the ones on YouTube are because that's why they're on YouTube, where it's just some angry cop who's just like, ah, enough of you. And they shoot the dog anyway. Those guys are all about that when they show up. They're always, in my experience, they're always like, just ready to shoot a dog. And they'll let you know, you got a dog anywhere? Yeah, Jack, he's in his kennel. Let me let him out.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Yeah. I've seen him multiple times ready to shoot dogs. Yeah, that's what they do. They're already there. And they're like, ah, shit, I can't shoot a person today, but maybe a dog. I want to blood myself. If a rogue hunter shot a magic bullet that somehow came through to your property, Kyle, or I guess now you're in the city, not as likely, and it hit Dak right in the head, dropped him instantly, what would your immediate reaction be? A good day or a bad day?
Starting point is 00:18:45 You know, I think that Kitty would be super bummed out. So I'd feel bad for her. And it'd be like, oh, we've got to get you a new dog. One that loves me as well. One that's not a danger to anyone. So I'd be bummed out for her, honestly. You know, I don't want that to happen to him. I just wish that he weren't a jerk. So I think that's how I'd be bummed out for her, honestly. I don't want that to happen to him. I just wish that he weren't a jerk.
Starting point is 00:19:07 So I think that's how I'd feel. But I wouldn't shed any tears for the dog. I'd just feel bad that Kitty would lose her dog. I'd feel bad about that. Yeah, fair enough. On the swatting thing, maybe I don't have my finger on the pulse of it. I thought swatting went out of style when that guy died. I thought the world said, hey, this is no joke anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Like, it's not cool. I guess some people didn't. I always thought multiple people died from it. Or is it just one guy? Just one guy died that we know of. I think, you know, some people didn't get the memo, maybe. You know, it's possible that it wasn't a coincidence that it was, you know, when we live streamed with ISIS fans. Because, you know, they's possible that it wasn't a coincidence that it was, you know, when we live streamed with ISIS fans.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Because, you know, they're a little, the Purple Army is hard fucking core, right? You know, they've been known to interfere and to go a little bit harder than normal. Yeah. A little harder than paint. Yeah. It's possible that that's what happened. But who knows? You know, I don't think that it was anyone that actually knows him. i don't think it was any of those channels that make the videos about him because
Starting point is 00:20:07 as much as like they wouldn't spend that much time making those videos if they didn't at their core like like him in some way you know like all of them when you listen to them they're like i used to be a fan of yours and then this and this and this and that happened and now you're just kind of someone i know way too much about so yeah who knows who it was but you know it's it's they're they very well may get in a lot of fucking trouble you know because they're you know they're wings wings uh was given the names of like those hate channels to the the cops and they mentioned the like turning them over to the fbi and stuff like that so glad i'm not wing stings.
Starting point is 00:20:45 That's all. That's all I'm saying. You know, I, I guess they're hate channels. I don't mean they're clearly uploading as low as lows. I, I think of,
Starting point is 00:20:56 I don't really have hate channels anymore, but I used to, and they would like invent stuff that was never true. That didn't happen. Or they'd take things that were true. Like one of the worst things ever. We were live streaming and Colin touched Jack's penis. Jack is our dog.
Starting point is 00:21:14 He's dead now. On the live stream. And oh my god, they blew it up into Colin masturbates dogs as this thing that wouldn't die. And all the channels were going nuts with it and they were modifying it to play it forwards and backwards and make it last like a much longer time than it really did um that's a hate channel right if they just uploaded things I actually did like wore the dog collar or I don't like I would be like yeah that that's fair I don't know maybe I wouldn't like it but it certainly wasn't as bad bad as like I used to be on Drama Alert all the time.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And he'd say he just invented things out of the blue. And these weren't invented out of the blue. They were just snippets of his recent streams. I think most viewers out there can kind of discern between, you know, across board kind of an at malicious parody content you know where you're trying to hurt people and fucking around but the problem is i think that a lot of the times people don't care if it's malicious kind of content you know they they just are there for the show which you know you kind of understand because they're viewers yeah i just don't think it's hateful to sort of edit uh someone's own
Starting point is 00:22:27 words into like a montage now if you're being misleading with it if you're taking things out of context that's one thing and we did say like that was bullshit when they tried to make wings sound like a racist and and and i mean he's got tens of thousands of hours of content out there and they found like three random fucking clips of him like telling someone they they look like harambe which is just random and uh and then him using the n word with a without the hard r to like refer to someone and i mean look wings for all wing stories he did grow up in the in like a project in project housing uh with a lot of black friends i'm sure that you know he's got his uh his hood pass he showed'm sure that he's got his hood pass. He showed it that time.
Starting point is 00:23:07 He's got he showed his government housing card. He's like, this is my hood pass. He's like, as long as I don't hit the hard R, I'm all good. And so that was now that is an example of someone sort of pushing some sort of hatred, some sort of false narrative on him. But if you point out that, hey, this guy screams at fans and he yells at people and smashes controllers, now maybe that's embarrassing to him that he does those things. But it's funny to us, and I don't see it as hateful to sort of edit in all of the controllers getting broken back to back to back and sync it to music.
Starting point is 00:23:47 It's funny, and I wish that he thought it was funny. Somebody just made a video where I'm Hitler, right? And I'm bemoaning the future fact that Wings is getting the surgery done in South Carolina, not Mexico, and this is ruining all of our hatred plans. That's funny. Good on that guy for making that video. He takes a shot at each of us. He's like, what are we going to talk? I, as Hitler, am like, what are we going to talk about now? Taylor's fucking my fitness pal?
Starting point is 00:24:15 Bullshit. Does he say that? Because we kicked off with that. That's hilarious. Yeah. So I don't know. I wish she had a better sense of humor about that stuff but apparently it doesn't so um it's not wired for it yeah and then i don't know something about either i'm late to noticing or things have changed a little bit but the it's
Starting point is 00:24:37 only for the memes thing that to me has been born in the last year is a whole new level of like activity around this culture and you gotta brush it off because there's gonna be a lot of it yeah memes are funny you know it's it's it's it's funny there was just laughs 100 pictures of me hold the shotgun in the last week or so you know you gotta let it go but yeah well that's not mean you know it's just a communal inside joke is all that a meme is kind of or at least in some ways in this context yeah that's not mean. It's just a communal inside joke is all that a meme is kind of, or at least in this context. In some ways, in this context. Yeah, that doesn't compare to what Wings is dealing with.
Starting point is 00:25:09 That's true. But, you know, hold the shot. When she's late with your drink and all of a sudden. I think it's hilarious when they stick my mugshot on like Xerxes. Oh, my God. That one was complimentary, Kyle. That was great. Yeah, I think it's great when they put my face on Greek gods and say I let girls blow me too.
Starting point is 00:25:27 I don't know how you deal with it. They use it all the time. I think it's funny. I'm not always on a Greek god. Sometimes I'm just at the bottom of the page on the PK homepage or whatever. It's funny. It's funny. I mean, it's a terrible time in my life.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I'm not going to be a big crybaby about it. I'm going to look on the bright side and find some humor and shit, right? You're still at the bottom of the page. I didn, it's a terrible time in my life. I'm not going to be a big crybaby about it. Look on the bright side and find some humor and shit, right? Still on the bottom of the page, I didn't see that. I've never been able to see it because I'm always signed in or whatever, so I don't know. I actually never saw it, but I was aware that it was there, and I didn't care.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I think Wings asked me, he said, how do you feel that your book showed up at the bottom of the homepage when you signed in? I'm like, I think it's fucking hilarious said how do you feel that your buck shot so at the bottom of the home page when? You're not so I did I'm like it's fucking hilarious. It's fucking great Actually, I don't see it I Open it. I never even noticed it there. I know maybe it's gone put me at the top I don't know I was I was joking with white boy the other day. I'm like my mug shots much better than yours And and but to be fair,
Starting point is 00:26:25 Whiteboy's mugshot is fucking top tier. It is pretty good. It's an emote on Twitch. He has it. It'll pop up in the chat and stuff. It's really funny. Excellent. He's smiling.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Got that big crazy beard. Is he still with... Yes, he is. Kelly. Kelly, thank you. I don't know. I blanked for a second. Kelly, if you see this, don't be offended had a blank for a second kelly if you see that
Starting point is 00:26:45 don't be offended me and names were mortal enemies ah she knows uh yeah i think she's uh i think she's maybe streaming on facebook or something like that she got a good a really good deal with facebook from what i understand oh good uh yeah um she was always really nice i yeah great person i've always thought a lot of kelly Yeah, it's inappropriate. They've been together so long. Are they engaged or talking about that? I don't know anything about that. Kitty's pretty close with Kitty, Kelly.
Starting point is 00:27:16 So I don't know any inside details. But it seems like they're just, you know... They subscribe to the Church of Kyle. No reason for a ring to be involved with any of this. No, we don't need to get the government involved with our love life. Oh, the government is central to core Church of Kyle. No reason for a ring to be involved with any of this. No, we don't need to get the government involved with our love life. Oh, the government is central to core love, Kyle. You don't have the government there to validate your love. Who's to say you're even in love? Right?
Starting point is 00:27:36 That's how I feel. If you don't wait in line with people who have parking tickets overdue to get that done, you're not in love. That's what they said. That's good for Whiteboy and Kelly. That's a very long internet relationship. Or I say internet relationship because that's how I know them. But it's a real relationship, clearly.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Yeah. Well, they met. I don't think they had met before. They met at our paintball event that time in Joliet. Oh, they sold that field, by the the way the joliet paintball field cp exports they sold it uh i think they sold it to the city or the state or something they're putting a highway through there they got a huge fucking payday and they were already you know well to do so they're all just retired they're all just retired with like tens of millions of dollars now
Starting point is 00:28:19 and just just kicking it so they're not even going to start a new paintball field? They're just done? They're done, yeah. Good for them. I imagine a paintball field is troublesome to run. I think there's so many players, so much drama, everyone constantly unhappy with everything. One guy slips and suddenly you're a dick. The cops got it.
Starting point is 00:28:42 There's liability all around. I did like five of those events or something like that. The cops had to get involved at two of them. And a kid died at one. There's always drama, right? Wait, what? Was I there? Yeah, they kept it quiet, though. They didn't want to bum everybody out.
Starting point is 00:28:58 The kid had a brain aneurysm while he was playing, and his parents knew that that was a possibility, that any moment this thing in his brain could brain, it was a ticking time bomb. But he was sort of living his life to the fullest while he could, and it was one of those things where you could die today or next year or five years from now. We don't know, but it's a coming.
Starting point is 00:29:17 And he died during one of the events, and they just kept it quiet and got him out of there. His parents said they didn't want to ruin the event. And then there was a guy. Medic! Medic's not doing anything. Where's Toad Boy?
Starting point is 00:29:33 I've been hitting him with this foam sword, but he can't get it. And he just won't get up. Well, if you're not going to use your gun, let me use it. What the fucking night? I got this fucking tit, man, and he's got it. Dark as shit. And another time, of course, the guy brought all those guns up from Texas and he was a little creepy. And we had to at first we were like, hey, man, thanks for coming all the way from Texas.
Starting point is 00:29:53 It's really nice to meet you. And the more we got to know him, the more scary he got to be. He was like forcing a vlog on me. He's like, so I'm here with with FBS. And I was like, I don't really do this. And I'm in that vlog somewhere. It's super awkward and lame. And I'm just like looking at, I don't really do this. And I'm in that vlog somewhere. It's super awkward and lame. And I'm just looking at him like,
Starting point is 00:30:06 he's not going to stab me at any moment. He's not going to. He's going to be like, and I got him. I got the copy. At any moment, he might kill me. And I think the police got involved with that to check out why he had all those firearms in Chicago. And then there was a time when the guy threatened
Starting point is 00:30:21 to attack Kitty, because I think what happened was she's extra British and there's that netting that you pull back to go in to get chronoed, get your gun speed checked. Sure. And I don't remember the exact way it went down, but either she held the net for someone or someone held the net for her and she said, thanks, love. And I guess she shouldn't have said love to this man in front of his wife because the man took extreme offense to it and threatened to, like, attack her physically. So the cops grabbed him and they put him in the cop car with their attack dog, like, inches. Like, the attack dog.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Yeah. And the attack dog just barked at him for literally half an hour while they decided what they were going to do with him. Yeah, and the attack dog just barked at him for literally half an hour while they decided what they were going to do with him. And he's just like on the other side of a grate. And the dog's just barking at him for literally half an hour. So a couple of things that are right. Yeah, they have a really tough clientele. They're all constantly unhappy with everything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Can you imagine how many times someone's gone up to them? This gun doesn't work i know they don't work yeah i know they're shit do you want a different broken gun i got 100 more in the back 150 more just as broken if not more yeah the guns are supposed to be shitty that's why we sell good ones you're not gonna buy good ones if we give you good ones yeah they they don't see that is a qualm i have with every paintball place i've ever been to is actually cpx sports their guns were better than a couple of the places around here like when we and t-mart use those tipmans like there were the problems were always like us having to
Starting point is 00:32:02 like to get it to go but they would actually shoot albeit poorly but like there are times when like you're waiting in a line of like seven people for one dude who's clearly high as a goddamn kite like trying to help with like one allen wrench you know i guess i guess it wasn't this it might be your tank i don't know go out there and give it a go with this pressurized piece of metal you you know, and come back, Mr. Six-year-old, in 20 minutes if it explodes. Like, to an extent, I understand it's expensive. That's a lot to maintain. But also it's like I am paying for an event here. You know, if I have to come back between every single round and get my gun fixed, like you are failing.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Like that's not excusable. And I've had that happen at not cpx but local places around here when i was younger that is true paying for an event at woody craft uh there were different ranks you could have the lowest one was peasant and the highest was god and your rank was next to your name when you typed in the chat and while a lot of people might think this is the least important thing in the world what your rank was influenced like what your rank in the game was you know it was it was like a prestige except that you pay me for it which i was fine with anyway the lowest rank was peasant and the text color was this sort of gray that just looked
Starting point is 00:33:19 like dishwater and some people would be like woody can you change it I don't like you know I don't like that it says peasant or maybe at least change the color and I'm thinking that's update 2.0 it used to say yeah I'm thinking oh if you don't like it then it's working perfectly you know the next rank was really cheap was five dollars and went like 50 off all the time. If you don't want to pay $250, then you'll just never pay anything. What was the next rank? Surf? I think it was Corporal. Oh, that's a huge step up from Peasants.
Starting point is 00:33:54 They were all kind of like military theology. So it was like Corporal, then Sergeant, then Veteran, and then it started going to like Immortal. My ranking would be so different. I like Kyle's lowest one, a faggot., people are gonna pay to get that out of there. Then maybe like up to peasant. And then like, up towards the top, you get like really complimentary things like big dick daddy. That's what it says. And you get to get that like rainbow text that like changes as you look at it. That really discombobulates a lot of people
Starting point is 00:34:26 and bothers them, because then people will pay a lot just to get the text that upsets other people. Capitalize on that need to troll. We should have sold that. Yeah, and then there's a rank bigger dick daddy who can shut down your rainbow text if he's in a chat. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I don't know. By the end, no one's playing Minecraft. They're just paying Woody more and more money to shit on each other in the chat. And then, I don't know, I'm just... By the end, no one's playing Minecraft. They're just paying Woody more and more money to shit on each other in the chat. Yeah, my server wouldn't do well. There are no games. Oh no, it's King Kong Cock. He's made it so none of us can even type. Dude, I... He's engaged in max censorship. That's $100. censorship a hundred dollars you're a Maximus yeah anymore do people still play Minecraft they do they do actually the biggest servers are bigger than ever but I feel like the middle has gone away,
Starting point is 00:35:26 that now there's just a couple of winners and no one else. I think. I don't really have my finger on the pulse of it too much. Like the American middle class, they've just died out. Yes. Global standarding of the class. Because of all these globalists. Goddamn globalists.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Trump's going to fix it all. Everything is an inside job. Oh, did you hear Alex Jones bitching about his channel getting removed when it was just a bunch of bullshit? I heard that and I didn't know what to believe and I didn't care enough to look it up. Did his channel not get removed? Right. Alex Jones started tweeting about how his channel was going to get removed, how the was after him and such so some journalists called google and youtube and they're like no like that's that's not a thing at all he did have two strikes but apparently they were like really
Starting point is 00:36:14 well-deserved strikes like i know that he went after some of the kids that were attacked and said they were actors and stuff well in florida And they were taking... Did he do that again? I know he did it with Sandy Hook. Sandy Hook. Well, he did it... I know that he did it in Florida. I didn't know about Sandy Hook.
Starting point is 00:36:32 So he got a strike for that because the kid had a lot of negative ramifications. People believe Alex Jones. It's crazy to us, but there are people who do. I mean, he's an agent for truth and justice in the American way. In his eyes, he probably is. So it's crazy to tell her that.
Starting point is 00:36:51 I'm starting to think that you're part of the frog transgender conspiracy now. Like, are you part of turning the frogs gay? Is the blue tint on your video some sort of a signal? Is there some sort of code hidden with that? Some sort of a signal? Is there some sort of code hidden with that? Some sort of
Starting point is 00:37:05 subliminal... Light when passing through. Colors. Fluoride actually turns it blue. Frogs are gay on the Spectrum. They're all a little bit gay to start with. You just add fluoride and it ratchets that up. Yep. I had an awesome time playing PUBG last night.
Starting point is 00:37:22 So I gotta... I'm getting better and better because I've been playing more and more lately. As a squad, I think we won like almost won three in a row the other night. And then I played with my buddy Klaas, who I'm going to hop on with a little bit, from New Zealand. And we just destroyed some duos.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Just had a great time. And I think it's the point where I would enjoy watching what I'm doing. So I'm going to start streaming soon. I have a question for you, Woody, because you are so good at tech work, right? I mean, you're the best at it. You know, people are saying that. I've read many posts about it. They're very supportive of your work.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Now, I think I got my audio down, so I won't need your expertise there. You know, it's harder than they make it seem. I don't think it is. In any case. You don't know shit. What happens is you and Taylor are balanced by Skype, right? It's got a filter on it. It does all that stuff. So to a viewer, it's always Kyle and Taylor never have problems.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Your problems have to be extreme for them not to be fixed by Skype. And if they are, I have you guys fix it before the show. I, on the other hand, usually get my feedback, not always, but usually get my feedback from the people listening. Yeah, those sons of bitches. Anyway, carry on. You've got some sort of tech work. So if I'm streaming on Twitch or YouTube, whatever I decide to do, I understand that there could be a problem because I have a 21 by 9 aspect ratio monitor and and most people are going to be watching in 16 by 9 I suppose and so that means I believe in my little bit of research that I would either have
Starting point is 00:38:51 to play with black bars uh on my screen and get it to make it look correct in the stream or stretch the video out which would look like shit or they would have to view a uh a version of with black bars on it and none of that it sounds good to me so i think i need to purchase a six 16 by 9 aspect ratio monitor thoughts on any of that yeah what i always did because i got the a similar aspect ratio to you is i would play in 16 by 9 yeah it's i's a mild sacrifice for you, you know, for the stream. But that's part of the deal with streaming. So I think I'm going to buy a new monitor then in that case.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I think I'll get like a 1080p 16 by 9 monitor. And so my question to those listening is recommendations, right? Because I would prefer... Why 1080p? Why not 1440p or something? You know, no reason to spend like $800 on a new i'd rather spend like four or five hundred and i if i i'd like to stream and game on the same computer i've got the 8700k and the uh 1080 ti but i still want to get a lot
Starting point is 00:39:59 of frames and if i go 1080 i can get like 144 hertz monitor, which I'm currently playing at 100 hertz, and I prefer to be at 144 hertz and just max that out. Now, I could always just get another PC to do the streaming, and I will do that if I see that like on this new monitor, I'm only getting like 100 frames or 120 frames. I want that thing fucking glued at 144. But I guess my question is, which monitor would people recommend? 16 by 9 aspect ratio, 1080p or 1440? I'm not that concerned with it really. And low response time monitors, I guess would be my recommendation request from those listening. Agreed. Yeah, I don't keep on top of monomans i know you didn't ask me but i wouldn't know where to start there used to be a really good website that helped you pick them but i don't even remember
Starting point is 00:40:51 the name of it yeah uh so so yeah i i'm working on that i'm just having a fucking ball i've been streaming a little bit with i've been playing with midi while he streams and i really enjoy you know interacting with like the 50 people that show up from his... He'll post on the PK subreddit. And I think he's... Mitty, I think you may be making a small mistake by taking a year off school to stream. But, you know... He has tens of people watching, Kyle. Dozens!
Starting point is 00:41:20 Fives of people watching. And, you know, it's funny, though. He does make a little... Do you think Genghis Khan's horde started with a million, Kyle? No, you work up five at a time. At first, he just had those six guys, those hard-as-nails motherfuckers. I'd like to know, right?
Starting point is 00:41:35 Like, now I'm interested in that. Like, who were the original, like, ten guys with Genghis Khan who were like... They existed for, like, the first six months of his conquest until he was like, these guys are starting to get too big for their britches. Alright, the rest of you guys murder all of them and then I'm going to fuck all their wives and then, you know, he probably repeated that often.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Because like, you know all those pictures you see of Stalin? I thought we were talking about Mitty's followers until just a second ago. Oh no, we're talking about Genghis Khan con now wait a minute they killed all the other okay go on like have you seen those like pictures of stalin where like it shows him at different uh areas throughout his way to being becoming a communist dictator where like at first it's on him like standing around like a map like making plans with like three of
Starting point is 00:42:21 his closest confidants and then there's another picture now there's only two of those same guys there i wonder where the other one same picture same picture they're still looking at the same planning board then there's another one where another guy's gone it's just him and this other dude the other dude is probably very uncomfortable and then the last one is just him there by himself like making decisions yes because they literally erase them they kill the people in real life and then they go back and doctor the photos. Like, I don't know what the term would be, but with, you know, physically, like, paint over them. And then, you know, use sort of film technology, whatever, like, you know, 1930s film tech was to, like, remove them, Photoshop them out, you know, pre-Photoshop.
Starting point is 00:43:03 And now, like, it looks like Stalin planned it all. It begins, it's like him in a room full of advisors. And often it's like these outdoor group shots and like people just start missing from the group. So wait, where did Herman go? Maybe it wasn't Photoshop and assassination. Maybe it was some sort of back to the future scenario where they're altering time, the timeline you think think you know and yeah the guy
Starting point is 00:43:26 is just not there anymore like maybe that maybe that guy fucked his own mom well that creates a bit of a paradox woody because if that were true we wouldn't have even noticed the people going missing now would we i just don't know how this works exactly i feel like we go through that timeline and then we go through it again you lose the memory of that and there wouldn't be any photos of the pre uh there wouldn't be any photos of the pre... There wouldn't be these earlier photos still in existence of this whole group of guys. Just look at this. Four guys there at first, and then by the end
Starting point is 00:43:51 it's just him. I did it all. You got a problem with that? No, no, no. I definitely don't want to be in a photo with you. Who was the photographer? That was me too. That's a selfie, bitch. Okay, okay. Whatever you say, mr. stalin. mr. what do you prefer? dictator? chancellor?
Starting point is 00:44:14 premier. premier. yeah, premier. oh man, what a piece of shit he was. yeah, yeah, i don't think he gets enough hate. everybody focuses on hitler. and look look, Hitler, I'm not defending Hitler. I always end up in the position of defending Hitler. I don't know how we always get there. But Stalin was equally evil, and so was Hirohito of the Japanese, right? That's why I always, like, whenever we're talking about a random Japanese person, I call them Hirohito because I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:39 They like that. I've noticed, you know. I wonder if that name's popularity dipped as severely as Hitler's name did, Adolf, after World War II. Just know there were some people in 1931 where they're like, Adolf, a strong name, just like the guy who's saving us from the Weimar Republic and hyperinflation.
Starting point is 00:45:06 People will remember you, Adolf. And then that poor kid's got to go through high school later. Well, I was going to say, and all his Jewish classmates wouldn't care for it. But Adolf also did something about that. Yeah, he took care of that problem. His, never mind. But also did something about that. Yeah, he took care of that problem. Never mind. There are quotes there for problem for you audio listeners. I'm not an anti-Semite.
Starting point is 00:45:32 That's Woody. That's why he's silent. I thought you were going to go Wings on that one. I'm like, yo, you're going to bring back the racist thing. I don't think Wings knows what a Jew is. So I wouldn't go there. No? Are there not very many Jews in the Carolinas? There are none. I didn't meet a Jewish man
Starting point is 00:45:48 until I moved to Atlanta when I was 18 or 19 years old. There weren't any. There weren't any. There is no shortage of Jewish people in New Jersey. I grew up surrounded. My next door neighbor was Jewish. In church, we learn about the Hebrews and about, you know, I knew that Jesus was a Jew, but I didn't have any grasp, any concept of what that really meant. I didn't understand that there was a whole culture of people who are culturally Jewish and racially Jewish and religiously Jewish. I had no fucking idea until I met one. I was like, he looks a little different.
Starting point is 00:46:22 The whole thing about Jesus being a Jew, like, here's what's going through my head. If you worship Jesus and he thought Judaism was right, then shouldn't you think Judaism was right? But I feel like if someone were to try to explain that to me, I would get bored before they finished. I can do it quickly. Good luck. So, Jesus, he came to fulfill the old law you know he was coming and saying hey this whole old testament it's all right it's all good for the time it was but i'm fulfilling this law no longer do you have to abide by these old testament laws of fabrics and and you know shellfish you know and all that sacrifice
Starting point is 00:47:06 you know sacrifices ritualistic sacrifices because i'm going to be sacrificing myself as the final sacrifice and then from here on forward here are the new laws for entering the kingdom of heaven and all the jews were like hell no you're not you're not the real one you know we're still sticking to our stuff and all the christians were, this is way better than being than Judaism. And they don't let us in their club anyway, cuz we're not Jewish. And so hence the explosive popularity of Christianity. And then the Jews killed them. They, yeah, so they let Barabbas out. And then I always thought even as a kid, I'm like this guy punches pilots being put in a very uncomfortable situation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Yeah, it would be like if there was an eccentric prophet now that a ton of people hated and uh trump was like like he thought he had like a brilliant plan where he's like all right everybody okay i'll put him in jail but i'm gonna release the worst serial rapist murderer of all time he's got like 300 people killed murdered and everyone was like yeah do it trump and trump's like exactly what no no you're supposed to say no and then they're like no it's worth it we'll take that risk take take the the profit and so then pontius pilate had to be like god damn it all right well barabbas you just hit the lottery you know and he's coming out fiending for a rape and then they you know he takes he takes jesus puts him in prison and that's why he gets up there and he takes the bowl of water dips his hands
Starting point is 00:48:28 in it and Pontius Pilate's like you guys did this I'm just a regent ruler from Rome if I can't really keep you all 100% under my thumb here so you make your decisions yeah that's where the the whole term you know washing your hands of this situation comes from. Pontius literally washed his hands of it as a symbol of like, hey, this is on you guys, right? And, you know, he had Jesus, what's the word? It's whipped, but they use a different word, like scoured or something like that. Oh, yeah, I think scoured that. Yeah, I think that's right. Yeah, they whooped on him with a cat, with a cat nine tails thing. Like crazy. It's a rough whip.
Starting point is 00:49:06 It wasn't like a bull whip or a cat's nine tails. It's got like lead balls on the end of each string. It's got like a bone and stuff. Like it's meant to totally tear your back to ribbons. Yeah, and he was like, yeah, we got him, right? You guys are satisfied with this? And they're like, no, crucify him. And so that's why there's a, well, that was one of the reasons, I guess, some people don't like Jews.
Starting point is 00:49:31 But see, Jesus was a Jew. So that should at least balance out a little bit for the people who don't like Jews, right? I think it's more of the. Because they really, really like the one. I think it's more of the. They really like the one Jew. This one I'd have figured out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Bible time. Yeah, Bible stories are fun. They were begging for Bible stories during the live stream. Just the chat was filled with, like, make Taylor tell a Bible story. Like, he prepares those. Okay, well, I'll bring one on Thursday. I'll do one because I saw on the subreddit as well, that post got a lot of traction saying to bring that back. So I think I'll bring Moses or something on Thursday. I'll do one because I saw on the subreddit as well, that post got a lot of traction saying to bring that back. So I think I'll bring Moses or something
Starting point is 00:50:08 on Thursday. Moses is such a moron. Yeah, did you see the... I think I know where you're going. You saw that post on Reddit. Excuse me. Someone posts their Apple Maps thing and it's like walking distance between Egypt and Jerusalem and dude, it's not even 10 hours it wasn't six days it's it's like nine hours and 40 minutes or something like that and uh and fucking obviously if you if you know your your bible moses was lost in that desert for 40 years 40 years yep that's also uh um it they use in the Bible like 40 days, 40 nights, 40 years, the same way we use the word like forever today, where if I'm like, God, I was sitting at the DMV forever.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Like if you weren't an English speaker. Taylor's the worst waiting room attendant ever. Yeah. You should have spoke up. The worst one ever. Still though, it's like getting lost in Walmart for like eight months, though. Yeah, it is a little bit. It's like, come on.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Let's go to the front. I lost Moses. Where are we even walking anymore? Are you in electronics? Okay, turn around. It was manipulative, too, because Jesus, or not Jesus, God, at the time, became a pillar that they followed through the desert. You know, he was a cloud of fire at night in the cloud during the day that they all
Starting point is 00:51:27 followed and so he he was just like centipede them around in the same area and you know it wasn't that long like maybe I don't know four days before they're like I'm starting to think he doesn't want us to get out of here I don't want to correct them. Backseat driver and all. I've seen that tree a dozen times or more. I know, because there's one tree. I've called my name on it twice now just to be sure. Last time I was like, I wasn't certain.
Starting point is 00:51:58 What a terrible god. What a terrible god we picked. Like, how did this god went out? That goes to show you how shitty all the other make-believe gods were before we came up with this one right because i don't know thor's actual background outside of marvel movies well that's okay what i'm basing it on mostly i know yeah but you've seen the meme right you know god promised something and thor promised there would be no ice gods for all i know thor like comes down and smashes the heads of penises
Starting point is 00:52:27 of all who don't believe him or something like that with his great Mjolnir. I don't know what Thor's actually about or Odin or anything like that. Mildly annoyed if he cut his hair. Outside of that, good guy. Yeah, I don't know about any of that. But this is the god that won out, and he's the one who led his people, like the only people on the planet, I would presume,
Starting point is 00:52:49 at that point who even believed in him for 40 years on some sort of rat race through the desert. Because, like, what, they made an idol to Baal? Is it Baal? And it was B-A-A-L. Baal, Baal, I've heard both. Yeah, I have too. I hear them all.
Starting point is 00:53:04 He was very, he was a douche in the Old Testament. Bale. Bale, Paul. I've heard both. Yeah, I have too. I hear them all. He was very, he was a douche in the Old Testament. And even in like the New Testament, people like roll over the instances of Jesus getting a little out of control. Where he like walks into the temple one day and he sees all the rabbis like conducting business in the temple. Lending money. Yeah, usury. Like lending money. Yeah, usury, like lending money. And Jesus flips his shit and starts flipping over tables, coins all about, punching these guys, takes a whip, and is just whipping these moneylenders like, get out of my temple! And everybody's like, wow! Wow!
Starting point is 00:53:39 Thank God they probably lost my loan record because I got all this coin now. And then they left. But yeah, he threw a couple different fits but he also did stuff like wash prostitutes feet yeah which is very nice yeah even when like everybody else at dinner sounds like I saw side and though Bring them forth to me. I'll wash your feet. Yeah. Yeah, but then you drink the water afterward or something. Ah! Did you see that he got sponsored by fucking Pornhub?
Starting point is 00:54:16 I only saw, like, I didn't see him talk about it. Did you see him? Yeah. I don't think they want him to fuck in a porno, but I think they want him to, like, be in one or somehow coordinate one and do some premium content for him that way. But I've heard that porno sponsors some podcasts and stuff, I know.
Starting point is 00:54:30 And they're like the most mainstream of all the porn sites. So that's a good deal. Let's have Chiz look into that. Because I know that our audience views porn. I would prefer an ex-hamster sponsorship. I'm a big fan of that site
Starting point is 00:54:46 the only question i have is would a x hamster or pornhub sponsorship chase off some of our other sponsors um i i mean we're i i can't imagine that i do hear what you're saying as i'm processing it in my head i'm like well shit if we don't chase them off then pornhub won't yeah right like pornhub's not nearly as horrible as we are that's that's objectively true i mean pornhub doesn't you know we'll spend 40 minutes talking about bestiality and pornhub doesn't even allow that yeah not anymore no they took all that out that's illegal i'm pretty sure yep it absolutely is everywhere i'm mostly asking about north carolina is it legal in north carolina everywhere you'd want to go asking for a
Starting point is 00:55:37 friend it's legal in the i was gonna say in the East, but then it's like, even then it's probably not legal. Like if an imam saw you fucking a goat, he might be a little upset. Or he'd say, get away from my goat. Or who knows. I'll have to Google that and see. Ah, here we go. So this may be a bit outdated. It's from February 20, 2014.
Starting point is 00:56:02 But there are 14 states where bestiality is legal, according to this. Alabama, Hawaii, Kentucky, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, oh shit, New Mexico, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming. That's where it's legal?
Starting point is 00:56:20 According to this. If I had one guess, I would have picked West Virginia. See, that's like such a random speckling of it though that is that a real law or is that one of those where it's like oh you can't walk backwards while dancing on sundays in nevada where it's like well yeah because some maniac wrote that in and we just didn't fix it you know like we just never went back and held it doesn't matter either way because the point is that there's no law to enforce against you, so it's legal. Yeah. Yeah, you're kind of doing the inverse with your concern. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Well, you know, I think maybe a politician should run on that in those states. Oh. We're going to make bestiality illegal. You think that's a winning platform in West Virginia? Do you like to fuck animals? Well, okay. In Montana, I'm sure it is. They've stepped up their game.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Apparently, five states and the District of Columbia have decriminalized it due to the repeal of sodomy laws. So it kind of went hand in hand with those, which is a little offensive if you ask me. In 2017, five states, Texas, Kentucky, West Virginia, Vermont, and Nevada introduced the legislation to ban bestiality, with Nevada, Vermont, Texas enacting laws banning it in 2017. They just got this shit done last year. But, I mean, as I've said before, it seems like it should be on a case-by-case basis. We should analyze
Starting point is 00:57:45 what's going on here. I saw the other day a North Carolina couple was arrested for just having sex. Now, they were father and daughter, and he did get her pregnant, but hey, come on. You're saying that's illegal in North Carolina?
Starting point is 00:58:01 Incest, yes. Well, I was not told. Did you hear about this survey that showed up on Facebook that a bunch of people got outraged about? Rightfully so. Oh. It was. There are a wide range of topics and behaviors that appear on Facebook. In thinking about an ideal world where you could set Facebook's policies, how would you handle the following? A private message in which an adult man asks a 14-year-old girl for sexual pictures. And then the options are, this content should be allowed on Facebook. And I would not mind seeing it.
Starting point is 00:58:33 This content should be allowed on Facebook, but I don't want to see it. This content should not be allowed on Facebook, and no one should be able to see it. And I have no preference on this topic. I wonder how that how that happened they've like there's clearly like that's pretty like that's not just like something that like an algorithm pops out no well okay like we were um when we were coding we had a whole test environment that was separate from production and like the the data values that we put in test were not public values right just all sorts of things that shouldn't get they were unprofessional and uh i'm like did that happen did someone like promote data from test to production
Starting point is 00:59:19 and that like got exposed to customers i don't know it would surprise me to think that it went through some real facebook policy and a team in a meeting room somewhere agreed that that was a good idea yeah i would hope not because otherwise there's a team of pedophiles somewhere who's like let's just see if everybody still hates us as much as before and And they're like, oh, fuck. Yes, they do. We're gonna normalize it. We are not a popular group. Yeah, that was crazy. But at least they took it down. Yeah, I guess. I wonder how it happened.
Starting point is 00:59:54 I wish we could find out. Yeah, I don't think they'll be very transparent about it. Who knows? They're like, we've always had an anti-child grooming policy. And it's like, wow, hang your head on that moral victory. What the hell is a child grooming policy?
Starting point is 01:00:12 Like the way adult pedophiles will groom a child to want to have sex with them. Oh. And like want to basically be sexually active with children. It just made me laugh because it's like someone being like murder two thumbs down is what my company believes. You don't have to make policy prescriptions about things that evil. It's accepted. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Anyway. Call it a wrap? Yeah. Time to eat my meal. Pankilling nearly 185. Taylor, did you see there's going to be a PKA MyFitnessPal group? Oh, I'll have to check that out. I'm sure it's over at the PKA Reddit. Yeah. I don't know how to join a group, but I'm going to join it when it's done. All right. PKN185.

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