Painkiller Already - PKN #186

Episode Date: March 23, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, PKN186, we're live. We were just talking about ice, and I thought, Kyle, do you want to help catch him up to speed, and then we can continue? Well, you know, he had this thing where he locked, like, five or six guys in his closet for, it was going to be 72 hours, but then the SWAT team got called sometime around hour 12 of day one. But it was pretty interesting.
Starting point is 00:00:23 He was torturing these guys, using text to speak to torture them. Of course, the chat was just rolling in, $3 at a time, messing with them. W, W, W, W. They can't sleep. One of the guys was clearly an actual mental case, shaved his own head, looked just like Private Pyle from Apocalypse Now.
Starting point is 00:00:40 That's a guy you want to be trapped. You mean Full Metal Jacket? Full Metal Jacket, yeah, yeah. He's wearing shorts and a t-shirt, which of course are Ice's because they're in Ice's closet. So he just commandeered some of Ice's clothes. And he shaved his head all over the place. It's disgusting. The hair's everywhere. He's in the bathtub with six inches of water. And the water will get cold. He'll be like, oh, I'm so cold. and he'll run more hot water, but he's still wearing all the clothes, and then every now and then, if you look, he's like, I don't, kind of
Starting point is 00:01:11 masturbating at certain points, it's very disturbing, he raged at one point, stomped on someone, they had a challenge where it was like, alright, ice comes in occasionally, and he's, you know, the dungeon master, as you put it, Woody, and he's like, alright, give me all your phones, or alright, here's a floodlight now so this ought to heat things up well he comes in and he's like okay everyone has to stand for one hour well the crazy guy had been standing and jumping up and down for hours he was tired so he like sits on the bathtub oh that was it chat calls him out ice comes in all right we're handcuffing your feet and your hands and blindfolding you for an hour. They lose the keys.
Starting point is 00:01:51 They lose the keys. They don't know where the keys is. When the cops got there, he was still handcuffed. That looks bad. You have a mentally ill man handcuffed to a radiator? It's for the memes, sir. For hilarious image macros that you'll post on the internet?
Starting point is 00:02:12 Perfect. We learned about that in the academy. You ever see in the movies where they open the shipping container and it's full of immigrants and they're all like... Prostitutes. That's what it looked like. There wasn't a white
Starting point is 00:02:25 guy. I think there was only one white guy, and that was CJ, the absolute mental case, who was shaving his own head and stomping on people and getting handcuffed. The rest of them were all Mexican guys. And like, they've got like Mexican mariachi rap music playing at one point, loud as fuck. Are these friends of Ice's? No.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Are these just people he met? He didn't meet them. They just showed up to face down the challenge of living in Ice's closet for 72 hours. Complete strangers. That seems ill-advised. It was like Saw. They were just in there. They were just in there.
Starting point is 00:02:58 They don't know each other. The chat's like, how the fuck can you all afford to just be here for three days? He's like, I made more here than I would on my job, you know? That's the real factor here, is what day did this happen? I don't remember. Maybe it started on Saturday and it was going to stretch till Monday or something like that. I want to say that's about right. But, you know. So these people had nothing going on till Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Well, they do now because, you know, the SWAT team showed up around 11 hours in. And we're like, show me some hands. And then that's the funny part. Someone has to go, we're coming out. There are seven of us in the bathroom. And like seven dudes come out of the bathroom, one of them handcuffed, one of them wearing a spaceman hat, and all of them looking really distraught because they've been living in
Starting point is 00:03:45 a closet for the last 12 hours or whatever it was i think it was 11 hours uh i watched for four hours i think straight like we got done watching pub g do you watch it the whole time or are you watching something else surfing the like on reddit you're i'm watching i'm locked in like like it was uh me and like my whole pub g crew and chiz uh just showed us that it was happening and we're like oh well it's very interesting like sometimes if he's just walking down the street like you know oh here's a here's a homeless man let's see what he's up to okay you know like like he's gonna talk some gibberish and tell you some lies and then you're gonna move along he. He might get a little scary, but it's not going to be fascinating.
Starting point is 00:04:25 This to me was a bit fascinating because he fed him the laxatives like an hour before I started watching. So I'm watching for the point where they all have to shit at the same time because they're in there with one toilet and two rolls of toilet paper. And the insane man seems to be willy-nilly using that toilet paper to wipe the wet bathtub down for whatever reason. So I felt like they're running low on toilet paper. I wanted to see them all start shitting. I was really tuned in for that. That was going to be the payoff. For me.
Starting point is 00:04:54 After the four hours. And he fed them McDonald's at the start and then chili burgers, I don't know, like three or four hours in. They were only in there for 11 hours. It sounds like they were fed well. These were heavy boys. All there was i'm interested in what you do with live streaming too so like here's the scoop uh kyle's talked about doing in real life live streaming gaming too but the in real life stuff is that it captures my imagination and uh most people when they start streaming have like a real low budget and then somehow hope to pull off the magic trick of getting popular
Starting point is 00:05:26 while doing things at a really low budget and then they can sort of ramp that up i feel like fps russia did that right like you're out of the gate you were fortunate to like work a a win-win with a local gun range that would let you like fire guns and and there it is right out of the gate kyle's doing cool stuff for a low budget. And by the time it was at its peak, you're like driving what seemed like tanks to McDonald's and firing machine guns that you sit on. Like, I don't even know what that, you probably, what was it?
Starting point is 00:05:58 Anti-aircraft gun. What the hell, right? Like I'm making it up. I bet every one of those rounds was a hundred dollars or something like uh something like that they're handmade you know there's only one guy that makes them wowsers right like like so but if i decide to start a gun channel i can't compete with that i have to somehow get popular while like firing glocks down the range right which is hard when kyle starts streaming i think he's going to aim for the middle or the top,
Starting point is 00:06:26 right? He wants to do ice-like things. I don't picture you going into the live streaming game and buying candy bars from Wawa. No, whenever all my legal bullshit's over, I'll definitely start with something
Starting point is 00:06:40 very strong that's attention-grabbing that'll make a little bit of... I won't say news, but some people will be interested in it, and they'll share it. That's always the thing for me. Like, it needs to be something that you would want, that you would willingly share with a friend, right?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Not something that, like, I like this YouTuber a lot, so look at what he did. You want to be like, dude, stop what you're doing. You know, watch this. Watch this. I told you. I want to be like, dude, stop what you're doing. Watch this. Watch this. I told you. I got to show Mark now. I want something that's like that. So if you've got, imagine if you had a couple of fat strippers with midgets on them piggyback, and the midgets have boxing gloves fighting each other. I want something silly. I want something silly and outrageous and fun.
Starting point is 00:07:25 And you're going to do much shorter streams, you've said, right? You're not going to go the 10-hour route and try and keep it more like you always want more. Unless that's the point of the stream, right? That thing that Ice just did was supposed to be 72 continuous hours, and it was making so much money like no one could keep track of how much money was being made but I was listening to that text to speech thing just go off continuously for hours at three five ten dollars speech thing already you donate three bucks it a robot says whatever you want and the the people in the room have to listen to it so people
Starting point is 00:08:05 will type random numbers just to be annoying people type insults people will type interesting questions like or or requests like hey move that fucking light out of the way so we can see that fat boy sleeping there on the floor or somebody will say that that guy looks like a psychopath no one go to sleep around him you know shit like that i see yeah I mean how will you get probably bring like people that you build it hey will come are you you don't you know see that's a little risky to just create a rack rat pack out of whole cloth at like local Merc Taylor it's Kitty's house not his what there's no risk here I would never do it at my control i would never do see that's where ice is fucking up and that's one of the downsides of living in la is like i don't know
Starting point is 00:08:50 what ice's rent is but like his last apartment's um uh what do you call it security deposit was eight thousand dollars and i he may have just lost that so like usually it seems to me in my experience that your security deposit is like one month's rent or two months rent or something like that. So he's paying like four, six, eight thousand dollars a month somewhere in there rent. That's insane! Like I would get a third location where I would do any silliness like where people would show up. I would just get another apartment like a five hundred like in Atlanta. You get a $500 a month apartment even if it's only like two months rent that's four grand a month for a place where you're
Starting point is 00:09:30 inviting vagabonds into your closet to just hang out for three days at a time feeding them things that are meant to if not guaranteeing that they will make it so you don't get your security deposit back do you know what he's have seven men who need to shit out. He solved this little riddle that we're thinking of right now. Next time, they're getting in a U-Haul truck. All of them in the back of a U-Haul truck like that episode of
Starting point is 00:09:56 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. And he's going to be driving them around LA. Dude, I watched him take the giant ball and say that he had ebola yeah i saw some of the highlights there and there's a little production value to that i don't know how you get that ball now if you buy it it looked like it was expensive and it's like a sky mall thing yeah it wasn't cheap it must have been five hundred dollars maybe it doesn't it's not a balloon it's a it's a really durable
Starting point is 00:10:26 ball i'm finding out it's shit he didn't have this one this one's 1500 that doesn't i'm sure you can rent them right nobody wants to buy those things yeah i'm sure he got his deposit back and then he needed a u-haul truck to move it around because you can't move that thing around in a regular car so he had to inflate it, take the truck, go to a place. And then the police repeatedly told him to leave. And he's like, ah, it's no problem, guys. We'll put it in the truck. We'll go three blocks away.
Starting point is 00:10:53 We'll use it there. Oh, sure. The police will likely think it's some other guy with Ebola in a giant inflatable ball and not assume that you defied their orders. We've got another one in Bubble Boy. They're really cropping up a lot. ball and not assume that you like defied their orders autistic to these weird as fuck I don't know the whole I think the business of it is more fascinating to me than the streams for me to enjoy the streams it's just me i need them to be i need the highlights you know i want
Starting point is 00:11:33 the condensed sort of after the fact highlights that's what i like uh i watch the stream itself and to me it has the same issue that prank calls did which is you know people remember the like 10 best seconds of a prank call forgetting that there were like 15 minutes setting it up and you know 10 minutes on voicemail trees waiting for walmart to answer the phone and you know they they forget how just like it drugged the show yeah yeah i i think that's something that he's gonna have to get better at is is knowing how to make the whole thing a highlight uh I think that's something that he's going to have to get better at is knowing how to make the whole thing a highlight. That's definitely, I think that's something
Starting point is 00:12:08 that I'm good at. Total order. OK. I think you got to plan ahead, right? You got to have stuff laid out and ready to go. Like, I felt like even watching his 72-hour prison closet stream, it seemed like he was just, the chat would be like, take their phones.
Starting point is 00:12:22 He'd be like, ah, I got an idea. Give me your phones. It's like, well, that just kind of came spontaneously you should have had a list of torturous things to do to these men and every hour like there should be a level two and why like you should come in there and like like like it should have been like the uh what was that prison experiment they did where they gave half of the student made half the students prisoners and half of them prisoner guards uh and like a prison experiment yes did where they made half the students prisoners and half of them prisoner guards? Oh, yeah, the Stanford prison experiment. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:48 It should have been more like that. It should have gotten dark. And you can't do it at your goddamn apartment because the cops are going to show up. You've got to do it some... I'm pretty sure that that insane gentleman I mentioned, the only white guy in the bunch, is like he told a friend where they were and that friend swatted them or something like that. i'm pretty sure that's what i said as well he's like well that guy's banned you know he can't be on streaming ever ever again wouldn't it be fun to have a kerosene heater in there with them and then you would just keep it going until the carbon dioxide sensor turned on
Starting point is 00:13:17 and then wait a little maybe run the vent and then turn it on again now you're just adding more potential crimes and arson. Oh, man. Sir, there are seven dead Mexicans in your closet. There's a CO2 detector to keep them safe-ish. I think it's carbon monoxide. Yes, I think you're right. And I'm not willing to risk their lives on my Walmart CO2.
Starting point is 00:13:41 You do know you're not risking your life, just theirs. Their lives. I mean, you're going risking your life, just theirs. Their lives. I mean, you're going to be held responsible for all these dead men in your closet. No, but how will people even know, other than the stream, that it's live? They're going to be playing a live stream fails clip in
Starting point is 00:13:57 court. You're on our exhibit A. You can see that Burger Mike is clearly looking very distraught and confused. And you see here, Burger Andy and Agent Pete, their eyes have rolled to the back of their heads. Now you can see they're doing the bit where they take each other's rectal temperature. And Asian Andy is actually at 104.8. Now anyone else would take them to the hospital immediately, which is why I'm suggesting Mr. Ice Poseidon for second-degree manslaughter. That's funny. It was for the memes.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Did you consider that? Not guilty. There are many funny image macros. I did get a laugh. There would be for the memes legislation put in place for more stiffer penalties against live streamers who cause the gist. The For the Memes and Against Child Pornography Act is getting huge support. Whatever you want it to pass, just put and against child pornography. You just lump that in there. Everybody's on board. You can't be against that. Yeah, it was fascinating to watch. Let us have 60 round magazines
Starting point is 00:15:06 and no more child porn act oh fuck they got us like i uh i was sad that that someone like ruined it but with the swatting because like like it wasn't even i'm not gonna say there is a good swatting but but what i mean to say is like it's not like they got any entertainment value out of them doing the swatting like if if that's their sick version of like fun it was more like the stream just got turned off because because and i think that's what you should do like it like like someone just turned the stream off and the the video goes off right after you hear like cops identify themselves you never see the cops or anything like that it's just like all right you broke your toy now that it's game over uh you know now we'll have to rethink this whole thing and do something different but he's gonna do it again like i said in the back of a u-haul driving around la at least
Starting point is 00:15:53 that's what he was said and i look forward to the police intervention in that you know there's a human trafficking situation here for the year there's a u-haul with this and they open the back there's people in there in various states of undress yeah they should be in their swapping clothes like right as the door comes up and the cops like looking through the steam with a flash like like dear god it's uh it's fascinating what he does for a living I I definitely like tuning in I'm with you like there are portions of it that are quite boring. I know some people are really into following someone's life, and they'd love to see you go to the drugstore, and they want to know what brand of soap you buy and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I'm not really that guy. When I see Ice, it's just shopping, although his shopping trips often get turned into some sort of a cops-on-scene scenario. As you lay it out there, I don't even want to mention his name because I don't bring up any harsh blood or whatever i might be interested in watching wing go shopping like yeah well that's just because it's you know he's not a normal human being right like oh is your suggestion that ice is normal look i love ice but normal is not my descriptor like but we hate showering and having sex
Starting point is 00:17:08 see that's just a character though that guy that guy showers more than that you know he brushes his teeth daily the guy wears a retainer you know he he brushes and stuff like like that i i i see both versions of him on stream. The version of him who was Dungeon Master was a very smart, witty guy who knew the game he was playing. There was a part where he did an evil laugh and he was like, ha ha ha ha ha ha. I don't know, something about just the way he was interacting with him. He was not being the center of goofiness. They were the center of goofiness and he was aware of
Starting point is 00:17:45 that and so he had shifted roles uh in a in a way and that that sort of gave me some insight into like what's really going on behind the right if he really did have 83 iq then he couldn't do some of the things he's doing right but he plays a guy who has an 83 i. He does. He does. Yeah. A smelly one at that. Yeah. I don't know if you want to talk about wings or not, but man, he's... So what happened was whenever I... And maybe he'll disagree with this position, but whenever I streamed with him that time, he made the VOD of that, the video on demand, subscriber only. So if you wanted to see that four hour stream, you had to subscribe to him. And so he gained like 100 subscribers
Starting point is 00:18:30 or something like that the next day. Well, it's been a month. And they are not resubscribing. How did we put that together? OK. So that's. Do you only subscribe for a month at a time on Twitch? Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Yeah, and you have to re-up every month. I'm sure there are ways to do it where it automatically re-ups i'm not an expert which would be nice if they did that like your cell phone right every month you have you pay it again until you actively decide not to yeah and i and there are ways there it depends what service you just you subscribe through i believe because i've heard him mention before like hey just so you know that's to re-up next month. And I'm like, shut up! But seriously, though, he's losing subscribers rapidly. And he's like, I've just been sitting here watching the subscribers go away.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Lost 70 today. 71! I vomited twice just watching them go. And everything that comes out of his mouth is deeply depressed. He's very bipolar, right? So so he some days he'll be like rage some days He's like just completely depressed and some days. He's kind of happy I guess though. I don't see many of those anymore And he's just like dude. I'm so scared Alexa Pro. No way no way uh-uh God damn it. Why won't he take the Lexapro? Lexapro would make him less scared of Lexapro.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, it would. There you go. It's like a circular thing. So has he all set in on any of the surgeries yet? I saw on his Twitter he was talking about he's working on dieting to lose like that 50 or 55 pounds.
Starting point is 00:20:04 I know this answer. I think he's up to – Kyle, correct me if I get this wrong, but he's going to spend some amount of time, maybe six weeks, something like that, trying to lose weight. He needs to lose 60 pounds to have it done locally in America, like near Conway.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And he's going to see how much he can lose in the next like four to six weeks. If he makes the kind of progress that would imply he'll be able to lose all 60 on his own then he'll do it locally if not he's going to mexico yeah so that was the roadmap that he laid out there a couple weeks ago since then he uh he lost like four pounds and then he like gained like three back or something like that sorry like i don't know a couple weeks or something like that. His weight fluctuated. He went down like five pounds and then up three or something like that. And they're like, well, what are you eating?
Starting point is 00:20:52 And it's always like three baked pork chops with sweet baby rays and this and that. And it's like, it's not what you eat. You're not really trying here. You should be eating some wheat toast, right? That's, you know, for breakfast and maybe a little oatmeal with nothing in it. And, like, you should really be trying to lose this weight. And the heavier you are, the more weight you can lose more rapidly, you know? This is a numbers game.
Starting point is 00:21:17 There's other factors involved, but by and large, it's a numbers game. And he has to eat 3,750 calories every day to maintain his current body weight. That's a round number that I'm just doing off the top of my head, but it's very close. So if he cuts down to 1,000, I think a pound of fat is like 3,500 calories. He'll melt off a pound or two pounds every three days or something like that. Again, just round numbers in my head trying to do this quickly. How many did he lose at your house for the boot camp like 30 pounds something like 30 pounds and it was that was like 25 days or something right
Starting point is 00:21:50 yeah like around about so like he he knows it's possible like he did it there and it and it wasn't the that the exercises were so difficult that was doing it was the diet the change in diet for those 25 days it was the the driving factor behind that success. There's just no way that you can work out and that anyone can work out enough in 25 days to lose 30 pounds of just caloric surplus.
Starting point is 00:22:15 You've got to be an Olympic athlete to burn off a pound of fat a day. I saw him saying that he's like, so I'm trying to eat right. I'm not having breads. Well, there's not a lot of choices in this house. I'm having some breads and then he lists like every meal had bread in it you know like i had an egg sandwich for breakfast and i had like uh some other kind of sandwich for lunch like are you cutting back on breads at all what was your bread intake before you cut back on breads like a loaf too much i don't any amount of bread is too much. How much did you have?
Starting point is 00:22:45 Like a loaf? A loaf of bread? I have been super disciplined on my diet. I guess I have this in common. I'm not losing as much as I thought. Like I hit 198 on Friday and I weighed in at 199 today. I don't get too upset about one pound, you know, like whatever it happens. It's up and down, water retention and shit.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Exactly. And oftentimes, like, it's you know it's up and down water retention and shit exactly and oftentimes like it's like well i had popcorn yesterday i know i salted the fuck out of it so for me to be 199 today like let it go right no worries there but i i don't know i don't know i just wish i was losing it faster because i've been very good about working out and very good about eating right and I want more watch I watched his stream and he was like up time to eat and He went and made himself a banquet meal now. I'm sure neither of you know what a thing It is a it is a low-class microwave dinner and And he came back with that and he ate it so fast with so few chews that it became a trend in the comment box that was like what bro shoot shoot like we were not openly like we were
Starting point is 00:23:57 watching it like me and my pub g crew or whatever and chis like like five or six of us um and uh and we were remarking to ourselves like he's not chewing like he's eating that kind of like a dog eats i feel like he's devouring a banquet meal with the speed and skill and agility that taylor has with crabs let's not get crazy you would get this big bite of pasta It was pasta and like some sort of like burger meat. And he would get like a chunk of burger meat, like, like two, like, like as big as two fingers. And just, we would count the chews. He would go, chew, chew, swallow. And I was like, holy shit, that, that wasn't enough chews. The spaghetti and meatballs meal? spaghetti and meatballs meal? No, it was like a burger, beef stroganoff maybe, like that's the kind of like thing, because it was like those egg noodles that are like wavy and like a big meat patty. And he'd get this big scoop of noodles and just go chew, chew, swallow, like a dog does. You
Starting point is 00:24:56 know, you give a dog a treat and he doesn't, you know, he's a dog, so he's worried that like maybe you're going to take it back or somebody else is going to come in. So he's like, he's like nomming it down before anyone can take it from him and that's how wings ate that banquet meal and and then when he was done with it he starts scraping up all the gravy with the fork and like getting all the juices that that were in the bottom of the plastic tray and we're just like this is not a diet this is this is not diet food the wal Walmart banquet meal is not part of your diet. Like... See, like, but it could be a diet food if you were eating two of those a day and that was it. Oh, these things are 99 cents a piece. Are you out
Starting point is 00:25:38 of your mind? I don't know how many calories are in these things. No idea. I'm assuming like... 320 to 380. I don't remember what he said um okay so even three of those meals a day that's all you're eating you're gonna lose weight for sure that's about how much how many calories i'm eating per meal i could tell you but it would bore you but yeah it i would say for breakfast sometimes i'm doing an 80 calorie breakfast but like when i have a meal it's between 28050. Do you like oatmeal? The only oatmeals I have experience with are pretty sugared. So what I get, I get Quaker Oats because that's the only kind I'm even aware of.
Starting point is 00:26:15 But it's the little packets. And I get peaches and cream and strawberries and cream, the low sugar kind. And I want to say they're like 140 calories a packet. And I eat two of those, which is $2 you know 280 and that's my breakfast every morning and i'm so full until like like right about now like i had two of those at like 9 or 10 a.m this morning and i'm only now getting a little bit hungry like they're so it's so dense it just yeah no i've been having mixed fruit and the keto guys would hate this, but usually it's like strawberries, grapes, uh, clementines and banana in a bowl. And, uh, you know, I weigh it and it comes out to about 80 calories and I eat that and it's mostly water really like, you know, it's fruit, but it fruits water.
Starting point is 00:26:59 And then usually by the time lunch rolls around, I'm pretty hungry and ready for lunch. Yes. That's what I do. But yeah, I've been eating healthy. It's pretty much chicken every meal. Yeah. Oh, I'm not giving you an ounce of shit. We're talking about the guy eating the banquet meals right now.
Starting point is 00:27:18 So on the weight loss, I wish it was faster. On the weight lifting, It is going really well. You know, I'm sure my weights are not that impressive or anything, but it seems like every week I'm adding 10 pounds or something like, like the, the gap between where I started and where I am now is, is pretty big. And Colin is having similar gains, you know, that's awesome. Yeah. So I was reading about gaining muscle, like how much it
Starting point is 00:27:47 takes to gain a pound of muscle. And for some reason, my research like a year ago that I had done suggested that it was very difficult to build a pound of muscle in your body. Like I had it in my head that it would take months to put a pound of actual lean muscle in your body. But then I did some research like yesterday or the day before because wing sets up he's like I may have gained some muscle and and I rolled my eyes at that of course late like there's no way you've gained enough muscle to like make a difference on the scale and while I still hold by that because it's him you definitely have gained enough muscle to like make the scale do something funny because it
Starting point is 00:28:23 seems I was reading that you could gain a half a pound to a pound of muscle a week. If you're new, especially. Especially. Yeah, there are some beginner gains. Yeah. And that's. I bet if you hadn't started working out
Starting point is 00:28:36 and kept with the same diet, I bet you'd be like 195 right now or something. I might take that instead, to be honest. No, you'd rather have the, because once you put that muscle on, as long as you keep feeding it, that's like three calorie sponges in the future. Because I have more muscle now by a lot than what I had a year ago, which means I can eat a lot more crap when I cheat, and a lot of it just goes to feeding muscle tissue.
Starting point is 00:29:01 It's one of the healthiest. Last year, I didn't start the diet on April 15th, but I started the exercise on April 15th and then kicked in the diet. I happened to be away at this paramotor training thing. So the diet came two weeks later. Anyway, I have that date kind of burned into my head. The beginning of realizing I needed to get fitter was April 15th. Where am I going to be this April 15th you know I would really like to weigh 190 flat I would I don't think I'd settle for 195 but that's that's kind of where I expect to
Starting point is 00:29:35 land between 190 and 195 we'll see but it is definitely going to be better than 220 which is where I saw last year. I think we're almost exactly a year from when we started the fitness kick. April 15th. Oh, that's... I think I might have started... The very beginning of April is when I guess I started it. I keep a tally of
Starting point is 00:29:57 the weeks, and if I miss more than a day, or I'm sick or something and I can't work out, I don't tick the tally up. Since April, I have more than a day or like i'm sick or something i can't work out i don't tick the tally up so since april i have 42 full weeks of working out and probably like a combined total like eight or something where i haven't or six to eight where i've been either sick or like have had to miss like two or three workouts and i don't count that because i don't feel like that that's fair because if i start fudging my own week number then I won't even trust it eventually I'll be like how much does that work you were the one that pitched my fitness pal to me and I've already
Starting point is 00:30:32 talked about so I won't go on too long about how it opened my eyes to where calories were come from coming from it's also like I don't know how to make it a verb but it's video game eyes fitness you know like how many days in a row have you kept your calorie log you know what's your streak and I look at it my streak I could tell you it's probably like 18 or something like that and I definitely don't want that to go back to zero having a hard time finding it but whatever it's probably about 18 it's from whenever I started it I haven't missed a day.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And the calories, and then at the end of it, when you punch in, like, I don't know, I've had 1,600 calories. If you do this for five more weeks, you'll weigh 193. And that stupid sentence by some goddamn algorithm is encouraging to me. Because I didn't check the math, but it sounds good. Because it's a challenge, too. It's like, i can lose more than that by then stupid app like what do
Starting point is 00:31:30 you know and then like i set mine and like on purpose to make it underestimate like the amount of calories that i burn so like under activity amount i put sedentary which is like means i don't do shit and it's like i'm not running or anything but i'm working out for you know on average probably five to six hours a week you know maybe a little more and so like just that little extra boost gives me the confidence when i'm like oh yeah oh i'm beating the shit out of this thing's predictions and even though if i know i'm in my head it's well, you set it up wrong intentionally. I set mine for light exercise
Starting point is 00:32:08 because I thought it was accurate. But I like, so it gives me a daily calorie limit. I don't know what it is, but 2,100, 2,200, something like that. It's unthinkable to match it. You know, like I would never cross that. I would sooner just like stop at lunch. Like no way, no how am I no how am i going the number turns red
Starting point is 00:32:28 and you're in a deficit i didn't even know that so uh so yeah anyway my fitness pal i i pushed back at the idea of like weighing food as something completely outrageous for a while and i'm glad i stopped and just tried it so anyway yeah like kyle's approach of just one big semi-shitty meal a day as long as you're steadfast and that's all you're eating like there's a reason you're still losing weight or i assume you are still losing weight like yeah because you're just doing the the big meal thing like if you ate four of those banquets all at once like you'd still lose weight yeah i went to taco Bell last night, KFC the day before, just eating my favorite awful, awful things and really enjoying it. Those KFC mashed potatoes and gravy are addictive. I watched
Starting point is 00:33:16 that South Park where Cartman's going on and on about the Colonel's gravy, and I was like, I haven't had the Colonel's gravy since I was a boy. And then I only had it once. My family didn't eat KFC. We're not peasants. And so I went to KFC, and god damn it, it's good. It's so good. That gravy is so good.
Starting point is 00:33:41 It's wonderful. And I've been going there like once a week now to the to the fucking kfc and getting chicken tenders and mashed potatoes and gravy and then last night i got uh i got some taco bell i got those nacho uh cheese fries or whatever it is they have now those are pretty awful what works for kyle is not going to work for everybody else i know but uh yeah i'm pretty excited about it and like you said i probably put on some muscle too because i'm hitting that pretty like i put in a good effort it's not that hard but i've been pretty reliable and colin he uh he has i've mentioned this a hundred times but he has these
Starting point is 00:34:15 goals that he he's gonna get that next parkour test by his birthday april 25th i'm convinced of it so uh i was uh i was so like i was a little bit excited for once that the blues were totally falling apart and we might get a top 10 draft pick for the first time in a long time and so i was like consigned to be like all right yeah i missed the playoffs that's fine then our owner will have to you know our gm will have to take responsibility for how shit the season was maybe a couple big changes you know because if we make the playoffs we're just gonna get knocked and bounced in the first round anyway so i guess this is good but then we won't have to give philly our you know our top 10 pick and in the last two games the blues have been like you know what no no first round pick for us and so we've been surging ever since then just enough to still not be in the playoffs. They win 7-2 one game against the Kings?
Starting point is 00:35:06 Yeah, they spent all their goals on them. And then, I mean, last night they scored four against Anaheim and won there. But it's like, God, yeah, it's like you couldn't just commit to the tank and be shitty now. They didn't trust the process. You've got to talk to Philly guys about that. It's a basketball thing. I don't know if you get the reference. Oh, no. Oh, yeah. know you got to talk to philly guys about that it's a basketball thing i don't know if you get the reference but oh no oh yeah no they spent like four years in a row trying to be the worst team
Starting point is 00:35:29 in basketball and they called it the process and now they have some of the brightest young stars in basketball that's what you have to do in professional sports like that tank is kind of a strategy for a reason like and sometimes it goes wrong. Because five years ago, Buffalo was like, all right, we're starting this tank. Three years from now, we'll be pretty good. And then three years from then, it was like, oh, we're worse than we were when we were trying to take. It's like, how did this go?
Starting point is 00:35:58 Leave it to Buffalo. They're a small market. It's hard to compete. Yeah, I wouldn't want to live in Buffalo. Seems cold. Never been there, though. It seems like they hit big snow. What's so funny, Kyle? I shouldn't say.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Oh, is it the meme in the thing? No. I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at this. Is this something to not bring up? Yeah, probably so. Probably so. Is it brand new or is it one maybe I've seen?
Starting point is 00:36:33 It's brand new. Oh. Are you like one of the few people on YouTube that like still has a sub box that you like? No, no. But the way the recommendations work, whatever you watch a lot of gets sent right to you. Let me go to my homepage right now. Let me see what I got here. I've got a ton of Walking Dead filmography type stuff. Not specifically Walking Dead, but Walking Dead is a category of stuff I've got. I've got filmography stuff. I've got PUBG stuff. Lots of film stuff. This Oliver Harper
Starting point is 00:37:03 guy that dissects movies from all years, like from Star Trek to Raiders of the Lost Ark, alien movies. Aculite was one of my favorite PUBG players. CNN, movie clips. And then I've got the Wings of Redemption channels. I've been watching this guy who talks about surviving in prison and his name is like big Mike or hurt Mike or something like that big sound like prison names yeah he's a big strong black guy with a really deep voice
Starting point is 00:37:37 almost just a step down from that Green Mile dude John coffee is that his name is that his name in the show or is it in the show and it's a character's name it's michael uh michael uh duncan clark or something like that that's definitely who i'm thinking michael clark duncan so this guy is just like a a step mild compared to him and he goes and describes like all the things you need to know to do well in prison. And a lot of the terms took me more than one video to catch up on. You know, like who's this guy puts in work. All right. Do you instantly know what putting in work is?
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah. That's when you you do something dirty for a gang. Right. Like that's like if you're doing something for the gang and you go like stab somebody or you'd like move some drugs around for him. OK. Fills up his asshole. You're probably right. I thought work exclusively meant beating someone up but maybe there's other ways to put in work as well uh getting your wig split all right so getting your wig split or splitting something
Starting point is 00:38:37 but somebody's wig um obviously refers to getting beat up or beating someone up but i'm like how self-explanatory severe is a wig splitting you know like does this guy need to go to the infirmary after a wig splitting do people die from wig splittings i don't know you know that's interesting that that's one of them because the only other place i've ever heard that saying in my entire life is my country grandpa you know like retell a story and be like well yeah it wasn't uncommon you know i was going to school in desegregation you know something goes on and someone gets their wig split you know and it's like all right grandpa like i guess it was an interesting time or as they call it now a hate
Starting point is 00:39:17 crime and he would you know like there were other like little prison politics like um he's like you know you better not fart and sleep. If you fart when you're asleep, get that worked out. Because no one wants to smell your stinky ass ass while you're sleeping. Fatso. And I'm like, all right. So he just kind of made an assumption there. And I didn't recognize people would be held so responsible for passing gas while they were asleep.
Starting point is 00:39:44 But it turns out that's a thing. People would be like – What about snoring? You would get your wig split. I think you're right. I don't know what I'd do. I'd put a pillow over my own face. Oh, by the way, my snoring is – I used to snore on an Olympic level.
Starting point is 00:40:02 And now I'm like high school varsity since I've lost 22 pounds. But anyway, yeah. And so the passing gas when you were asleep, the bottom bunk thing, people were like, what happens if you go to prison and you're really fat? Like you're really,
Starting point is 00:40:16 you're an obese guy. And he's like, there's no breaks. There's no, like no one, no one cuts you any slack for being fat. You know, as it gets, you're not going to get apparently bottom bunks to the more preferred ones, which is weird because I'd like top.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I feel like this privacy. I don't know. And cooler, too. I would know it's cooler on the bottom. Yeah. Yeah. That's why they want the bottom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Is it why? Anyway. So if you're fat, he's like, you're going to have to find a way to get your fat ass up in the top bunk. And, you know, basically, yeah, it's just neat to hear him, like, outline all the stuff. One thing you did get a break for was being old. You know, he's like, and he said, like, if you're over 35, you're, like, maybe still in the game. Like, it depends on how you carry yourself. But he's like, if you're 40 or 45 then you know people just like they he's
Starting point is 00:41:06 like they call you an og and you know they won't be asking you to like put in work or like apparently if you're 45 or higher like you're just not mixing it up with the 25 year olds like you know somebody I thought that was interesting. I was like... Thank God. Everything goes south. That needs to be an OG. Yeah, right? So, yeah, I don't know. It's kind of funny with Kyle on the call, but did you ever have, like...
Starting point is 00:41:35 Sometimes I think, like, what am I going to do if I go to prison? You know, like, I don't know what I would be doing that would get me locked up. What I just thought is, like, what if Hector from from um uh optic went to went to prison he's got that optic gaming tattoo oh you were there man you don't understand we're snipers oh yeah we heard about you dude why don't you 360 no scope your way outside of this room
Starting point is 00:42:07 tattoos were a big deal people used to get i guess there are some people on the streets who get tattoos they're not fully earned right so like for example a spider web on your elbow to me that's an artistic decision i don't know it's not my cup of tea but whatever but apparently that indicates a membership in some gang or motorcycle club i don't know what and uh if you show up in prison they'll um pull your card i don't know how the fuck your card is pulled like where this filing cabinet is but but they'll pull your card and get your background and find out that you are not deserving of that elbow spider web and you're pretending to be whatever it is you're pretending to be and you get fucked up or you know there's other ones that are more direct
Starting point is 00:42:50 like the 13 is is a particular i think it was ms13 or something maybe maybe some teardrops or something yeah and then of course there's like like you know gang specific tattoos right like like ms13 like you said or like bloods or crips or something like that yeah and people show up who weren't really bloods or crips and um apparently like i didn't realize how important it was what crime you committed to get in there kind of matters and um there are some crimes that are like bitch crimes so you're not supposed to have like assaulted a woman or a child or something like that. If that happens, then you could get assaulted in prison.
Starting point is 00:43:27 And you know what? You made your own bed. Um, so sometimes people who were like in prison for say purse snatching, we'll say they're in prison for armed robbery, which maybe has a better cred to it. And then they get their card pulled and then they get their wig split. And then they get their wig. Yeah. They get their wig split and yeah my YouTube
Starting point is 00:43:52 terms are filled with this sort of thing now this is what I've been watching okay prison tattoos in their meanings so I know what's got a 1488 on his head which means he's a white supremacist nazi inmate and 14 means like from david lane a nazi we must secure the existence of our people in a future for white children and the 88 is shorthand for H since that's the eighth letter in the alphabet for Heil Hitler. So he's... The 14 didn't make any sense to me at all. It's because that's 14 words in that sentence. Oh okay. 14 words. It's a slogan but the whites firms and then the 88 is Heil Hitler. H is the eighth letter in the alphabet, so two H's is Hail Hitler. So the spiderweb means a lengthy term in prison. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Yeah, so I guess maybe if you show up in prison and you have the spiderweb, cobweb, and they pull your card, and it goes, hey, this guy went to Juilliard. He's a saxophonist, whatever. And then you get your wig split. Teardrop, that's got to mean murder. I'm's a saxophonist. Whatever. Then you get your wig split. Teardrop, that's got to mean murder. I'm not even going to read that. No, that means you lost some friends, right?
Starting point is 00:45:12 I thought that meant that some of your friends died. No, it means that you've committed murder. Oh. I knew it and then I read it here as well. Well, shit. Then there's a five point crown, which spans for the Latin Kings can I interrupt I didn't realize I had seen an outline of a teardrop before
Starting point is 00:45:29 that means attempted murder almost right oh when people get those five dots on their hand it means the four dots on the outside represent the walls and the fifth on the inside represents the prisoner oh i guess that one's not bad or wait no association with the people nation gang i don't even people nation you want to be running with the people's nation fuck with new hands means you're doing time and serving i guess longer sentences are cool okay you know i run with the citizens of humanity they make great genes uh oh man this this kind of intense prison would be just so terrible you'd meet interesting people.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Or you might be beaten up by interesting people. Ah, they got to beat you up. They got other rival game members to worry about. Do you see, if you scroll down a bit, there's a guy whose hands have playing cards, like the diamond, spade, et cetera, and EWMN on his fingers. did you see the picture yeah yeah i see that yeah do you remember the story i told where they flagged me down with a dead battery and i went to help them and they made me really uneasy and then it just happened that a cop showed up
Starting point is 00:47:01 and he helped him with their disabled car and kind of told me to move on. Do you remember that? Yeah. That guy had tattoos on his fingers like this guy with the evil, wicked, mean, nasty. I didn't know what it meant. And I wasn't like, look, I don't know. I'm not going to say I'm the least naive guy ever. But you could tell something was going on.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I thought he spent time in jail, actually, is what I thought. Just by the hand tattoos. I'm no expert, but they look like prison tattoos. You know how poorly done they are and they're one color and whatever. And it was just like, ah, kind of regretting stopping, to be honest. It's socially awkward to leave at this point. But, you know. You guys into paramotoring? but you know I was looking at his engine to like I don't know I was looking for wires that weren't connected like from the alternator the battery the battery the starter because he was having that trouble and I just felt really
Starting point is 00:47:59 uncomfortable not keeping my eye on him while i was doing it and uh yeah so anyway i i learned something new about those letter tattoos i didn't know that i always assume people who have knuckle tattoos don't need to hold down a regular job you know and so i assume that they've probably spent some time in prison right right yeah like like i you were going to put a word there, what would you put, Kyle? Oh, shit. On my hands? Like on my knuckles specifically? Like if you got to get one like this evil, wicked
Starting point is 00:48:33 murder pill. Oh, you're using the thumb? I'd get love. Oh, I heard glove. And I'm like, well, I guess he's going to work the thumb in there. I don't know why glove, but... If you put love on there, nobody's going to get freaked out, right? Like, you know, if you got evil, wicked, mean, nasty,
Starting point is 00:48:51 that's kind of hard to explain on a first date. It's love. It's so you remember that even though I beat you severely, I love you. I've got MKCC, nice, kind, caring, considerate. Man, that's a nice, kind, caring, considerate dude. Who will even pick up your tray for you? He don't even have his bread. He offer it, you know?
Starting point is 00:49:15 Never get raped. Is he Mexican or Asian in this accent? I got a little bit. He's whatever he needs to be. Not a lot of Asian gangs, though. I bet that's not fun for a guy to be like from the samurai lord um speaking of the asian gangs not a single one so there's so there's a movie on netflix that i haven't watched yet it's about uh the yakuza let me let me find the name
Starting point is 00:49:40 of it yakuza movie netflix no a movie. And it's got Jared Leto in it. The guy who played the Joker most recently. Oh, the first thing I got was from the Daily Beast. It says, Jared Leto's Netflix Yakuza movie is a culturally insensitive disaster. Now I really want to see it. I watched a good movie. I'll wait my turn. He joins the Yakuza, and he's like the only white Yakuza member because Yakuza is Japanese mafia, basically. And look at this crazy Yakuza tattoo he's got in the movie. Is the Daily Beast, do they have a political bid? I think they're a...
Starting point is 00:50:21 Oh, wait. Chelsea Clinton sits on their board. She's pretty liberal, right? I don't really. Oh, Chelsea. I'm mixing her up with Chelsea the comedian. Who's the one with the Netflix special? Chelsea Handler.
Starting point is 00:50:35 She's horrible. Handler. Handler is the one I'm thinking of. I like Chelsea Handler because she shows her titties for no apparent reason. She's not funny, though. She's funny enough. Anyway, this is a pretty cool looking
Starting point is 00:50:45 tattoo. I agree. I find those Japanese tattoos to be really beautiful. Like, I wouldn't get a tattoo. Like, that's just not really my thing. But maybe. Like, what if you had, like, from your shoulder to, like, your elbow, like, something like he's got here. Just forget about the entire back, but just, like, your shoulder to elbow. Like, that'd be okay. That looks nice. He's got here just forget about the entire back but just like your shoulder to elbow like that that'd be okay that looks nice he's got some sort of dragon this article's even there's no uh what does she say there's others noted that there's no precedent for the yakuza accepting a white american into their ranks and that the title of outsider is misleading when the yakuza portray themselves as outsiders to begin with. It's like, it's a movie. When I asked if they had a political bent, that's where I was going on this.
Starting point is 00:51:31 I'm like, the culturally insensitive part is my, like, it's the least thing. I don't give a fuck about culturally insensitive. I love culturally insensitive. Yeah, it doesn't matter like the only time when that kind of like race stuff matters in casting is if i'm watching a movie about shaka zulu and fucking matthew mcconaughey comes out there he's like there's a lot of folks over there with guns all right all right all right they just point and shoot and we're in trouble man we can't throw it nearly as far thank god we're good runners right fellas like that kind of shit it's not gonna go that well like you're gonna be like i can't pay attention matthew
Starting point is 00:52:07 mcconaughey just drove a lincoln into battle like i forget what i was like what the bbc is doing where they're like ah we're doing a king arthur story where king arthur is black and you're like this is distracting like that's so not historical if if like uh attila the hun was played by a white guy or a black guy it was you'd be like what the hell dude let me get it like that there was a cartoon parody of hamilton i forget what it was it might have been bob's burgers or might have been family guy and they're like this is distractingly diverse isn't it and yeah hamilton has one white guy one fucking white guy in the no it's diverse because it's got everything and they're black they're white they're asian they're mexican
Starting point is 00:52:51 they're whatever um so it is diverse but it's distractingly diverse and the one white guy is the villain he plays uh king art king whatever james whoever was king during their during alexander ham Hamilton's time. And I don't know. It was a pretty great play. I've only heard the soundtrack. I haven't watched it. But they were all pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:53:13 But still, I feel like they go too far. Like they're intentionally avoiding my people. They're culturally appropriating us. Yeah, it's like when they... It becomes too obvious and ham-handed of an effort to where you're like this clearly wasn't an organic casting situation. It was a – they had their goal, and then they backed it up to make their quotas meet. A blackwashing history that I won't stand for. If they got like a Mexican guy or a Native American Indian guy and then like dressed them up like a white guy and had them play the role it would work for me
Starting point is 00:53:48 like I'm not so sensitive that that they can't you know slip a guy in there who's not like a black is kind of hard to pull off right but if it's one of those near whites like he's Iranian or something but he's the best Alexander Hamilton we could find then yeah like you're white yeah yeah you're right this is an interesting peek into dude so look when i was a kid i felt like it was much easier to be white right when i was a kid jewish people were white i don't know they're they look white to me like they're not they're white people and black people when i was a child and then mexican people came along and they're brown
Starting point is 00:54:25 and I'm like okay like I get it they're not white and then all of a sudden like there's scores of ways not to be white anymore and uh I find their world much more complicated I guess Asians were never white but anyway if they were to like take a Native American Indian guy or a Mexican guy or whatever and then have him be because he was he played the best alexander hamilton or whatever you know uh aaron burr or whatever whatever these savages are a threat against our great constitutional republic like they don't have i just you can come close you know but uh for them to just be like distractingly diverse and have people with long hair that didn't have long hair if it's like fiction
Starting point is 00:55:08 I don't care because it's like oh it's a space world I don't really give a fuck who's the who's the captain if they're black or white or whatever because it doesn't matter because there's no history but if like you're making a semi historical one and someone that you know was a black guy back in the day or was
Starting point is 00:55:24 a white guy back in the day, or was a white guy back in the day, it's like, who did this? Suddenly Ryan Gosling's portraying Muhammad Ali. And you're like, what? All right, so the Klingons are a dark-skinned race of people, but they got all that shit on their head and stuff. They routinely have both black and white people play Klingons, though Christopher Lloyd has played a Klingon.
Starting point is 00:55:44 There's lots of white actors playing Klingons. Nobody says anything. Michael Dorn of course is the most famous of Klingons. Lieutenant Warp or Lieutenant Commander Warp depending on which you know Star Trek you're watching. This little clip I've linked here it's time Sam if you care to watch is John Wayne playing none other than Genghis Khan. Is there music? Let me just click it and make it. Kyle, the kind of clips you gave me gave me 488 copyright violations last week. And they're almost all this kind of bullshit.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Yeah. No music at all. Are you sure? None. Okay. Okay. All right. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I heard a violin. Dude, I got a copyright violation because my phone went off. I'm like, this is ridiculous. Yeah, I was carrying something heavy, and I let my phone ring for like whatever, 12 seconds or whatever, and I had to put my network is on me like white on rice. All right, well, don't play it then because like 20 seconds in, I heard a violin go,. So it's heading towards something copywritten,
Starting point is 00:56:53 although it's 1956. I think of all of us, Kyle is the most musically inclined. So Kyle, I want you to practice humming a copyright-restricted song. And let's see if you'll get shit on for humming it oh this is a great game this could only lead to good places um yeah it was uh i had to push back on them because they were just all over but like there's it might come to about 10 painkiller arrays and by the way most of them recent uh i might have to take down andinkiller arrays. And by the way, most of them recent,
Starting point is 00:57:29 I might have to take down and then re-upload or something after I re-render them. Oh, my God. Oh, pain in the ass. Oh, you get to test out the rendering power of that PC? Yeah, it's better. I made a couple videos, actually. So it's better. But I don't know how I feel about sometimes it works and tubs it doesn't you know when you've got like that this doesn't work you've
Starting point is 00:57:53 got white as fucking white gets John Wayne with that hey there partner we're gonna have to ride across the plains like he's plains. Like, he's Genghis Khan. He's got that Asian mustache on, and he's wearing that fucking hat. It's awful. It's awful. At least in 1956, they're probably like, do we have any Mongolian actors here in the United States?
Starting point is 00:58:23 Not one. Really? Are you sure? Oh, well, okay. I guess we'll get John Wayne then. But even then, it would pull you out of the moment every time you saw John Wayne being an Asian, like a Mongolian guy. All these guys are white. Like, there's a hot white chick being carried around in some sort of a carriage right now.
Starting point is 00:58:41 See? If they made a modern-day Genghis Khan movie, you'd want everyone to look pretty Asian, right? Except, I mean, he conquered a lot of areas, so obviously the conquered people could be different colors. I guess, but he's got to be he's got to look Mongolian. He's got to look like one of those same facial hair and everything, you know, heavy set guy. Asian. Can't have John Wayne. the same facial hair and everything you know heavy set guy asian yeah yeah john wayne i just hit the pka subreddit i'm getting way more than my share of attention on this subreddit like i feel like i
Starting point is 00:59:18 should be getting a quarter of the attention right like there's three of us on here and then usually the gaster or whatever uh there's a whole lot of me in the meme world for some reason. Oh, the meme world evolves quickly. Feeling when you pull a hundred... Oh, God. I like that. What's the hundred? The PKA at the top. Hang on. I got you. Look at this one. This one says you're feeling when you pull a hundred000 views on your paramotor. This one says, oh my god, these are absurd.
Starting point is 00:59:54 I hadn't been on the subreddit in a few days. I just reply to messages on my phone if I get them. Oh, I did see this one. How much charisma does Woody have? Did you see the one where where wings is rolling the dice and like like you got a 19 out of 20 or whatever and then wings rolls a one i did not see that i don't mean to laugh at the poor guy but i'm laughing at the memes it's for the memes literally uh yeah it i my favorite was uh somewhere oh when she catches you fantasizing about being hypothetical single woody and it's that moment she put her hand on my shoulder after
Starting point is 01:00:35 like i was talking about her chili then that one i thought was good yeah i'm looking for the one with the with the dice rolling that may have taken taken it down for being a little too mean or whatever. The subreddit has been fun lately. If I could give them some advice, try not to beat the horses into a pulp quite so hard. Because after a while, it's just a stain. What's fun about these memes is when you make one, you do like three, and then you find a new one, right?
Starting point is 01:01:08 Just saying. Then, of course, there's... Now, this is a friend of mine who made these. I had nothing to do with the creation of these shirts. And, I mean, I wear one in my day-to-day life, but I would never wear one on the show. That's all I'm saying. I did not make or commission the making of these shirts.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Good lord. Did you commission the making of these shirts? Is he going to stay retired, that guy? I heard tale that he was going to make a new make a new channel they're like Kyle is definitely him and he's making a new channel we'll just watch for the editing so he's gonna make a new channel so people don't know that it's him I've heard I've heard tale of such yes I don't know for sure it's my little birds are telling me I feel like he'll get busted immediately for that i could be crazy i i you know what i oh i feel bad for wings but i'm excited to
Starting point is 01:02:13 see the new branding right i don't know where he's going with it but he the other guy's branding is the one that has the dubstep or where it's like either subscribe donate or get the fuck out and then like dubstep music drops it's it's catchy i don't know that one i don't the one that i see i'm gonna mess up his name but i'll come close enough that you can help me is it like sean ranklin or something i have no idea i only knew about wings tings. It's because of the branding. Like, I feel like you knew about wings tings because his branding was cream of the crop.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Uh, the one that, Oh, it's not in my recommended. So this one has the dubstep intro. I can't play it. Like everything I do gets me nailed. There's no way that's copy written, right?
Starting point is 01:03:07 Probably not. Well, listen. Is it in the beginning? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It starts off with it. I'm banning anybody trying to give me advice. Either subscribe, donate, or get the fuck out. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:21 I know I've heard that before. I'm sure. Hopefully I can get away with two seconds of it but yeah he's the guy's got a good intro I'm get you pumped get you ready I listen to it before I work out yeah I'm ready I'm a little anti intro oftentimes only if they're too long. Yeah. Oh, that life in the penitentiary. That's the name of the guy I was talking about with the wig splitting.
Starting point is 01:03:54 His intros are like two and a half minutes. It is distractingly long. Every video talks about, I am this guy. I spent this much time and now I'm coming out and trying to help people, you so that they know to behave sean sean ranklin ranklin yeah that's the channel you were thinking of yeah i was pretty close then um and and i i just i find myself jumping ahead two two and a half minutes into the video trying to get to the part where he answers it yeah there's a couple youtubers i watched it like at the beginning of every one of their videos they try to sell you some shit like the like the first minute and a half is them
Starting point is 01:04:31 selling their merch and like like pimping their shit and it's like fucking get grief i'm not buying your your version of a fallout shirt yeah it'll be like like they're a fallout 4 youtuber and it's like yeah buy my fallout 4 t- and it's like, yeah, buy my Fallout 4 t-shirt. It's like, I want one. I'll get an officially licensed Fallout 4 shirt. I'm not buying your bootleg Fallout 4 shirt, bro. I wonder if PKA can be better that way. Like, are we obligated to say all the sponsors in the front?
Starting point is 01:04:59 If we are, like, I would just love it if we got into the funny inside 30 seconds. Oh, the listing of the sponsors in the front is so quick. I think that's the way to do it. Yeah. See, what I'm describing is like a minute and a half. I'm like, just so you know, guys, I'm selling shirts now. And then on the screen, you've got, like, shirts. And I've got a new design, which will be going away in the next seven days.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Like, yeah, okay, it's going away. And before we get into the video i just made some uh coffee cups with that's exactly cheap labeling on it and only 9.99 uh 20 for two so you don't want to miss out on that you know what's just as bad when they address all the negative things from the previous video like all right before i get into today's video I want to call out Hobo1721 from the last video who said that my bobcat excavator isn't powerful enough to pull rocks. You're wrong. I have pulled rocks. Dude, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Like, you're just going in. That's a dumb example. But when they, like, I don't know, when they reply to comments along the way. You're assuming that everybody who's at this video saw the last one. And really, you're just alienating people. Or gives a shit. Like, all you're showing me is just how sensitive you are. And I'll give some people a break.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Like, I don't know. If you're Logan Paul and there's a general, like, wave of feeling about a certain thing. Or heck, anyone. You know, like Syndicate and T-Mark got a lot of negative attention a couple years ago. Or Wings or whatever. They might have to say, like, look, let me address what you guys are thinking. Here's where I am. You're smart.
Starting point is 01:06:31 You don't. You got to see two different ways to handle a situation like that with the T-Martin Syndicate thing. T-Martin made that video where he's like with his dog. Syndicate did too. Really? Because I saw. syndicate made a video i remember in particular because he's like hey you know this is what i did this is where we
Starting point is 01:06:52 are uh if you want to click dislike you can do them all on this video dislike it as much as you want and i'm like you get to define how many dislikes you get you're putting them all in one video so we can move past this and move on to my next videos that's what syndicate did i but did did he do it like right after did he wait months what it was like so syndicate happened to be on vacation when shit was going down so tmart's out there doing damage control less than fully effective and syndicate is just gone right so what happened though as you know is team art became the face of this problem when syndicate was his partner and team art is just taking all the heat for it and then syndicate returns from his vacation i don't know 10 days
Starting point is 01:07:38 two weeks later addresses the situation once and then moves on and it turned out that like even now like i feel like that sticks to team art in a much greater way yeah for sure i think a lot of people like to make and like when your job is on the internet like this where it's like oh i couldn't address it for a while i was on vacation it's like you mean with your phone and a laptop and your tablet and like you were watching all this go down probably for most of your vacation you know god knows where he was vacationing though he goes on some fun vacations i'm sure he does he may have been on like goddamn tropical island in papua new guinea or something i i bet he was i i one thing i'm not excusing him yeah
Starting point is 01:08:20 probably most people have never been in the cauldron like they have. But whatever minor versions I've had, sometimes it helps to just be like, you know what? If you just walk away from the monitor, that helps a lot. You know it's there. And it's not just internet hate like a regular person might be thinking. It's your career, your money, your family's future. There's a lot more at stake than, you know, whatever Facebook hate you might have had in high school, but, uh, you do get to walk away from it. Just shut the laptop lid and turn it off, which is nice. Uh, that's when they call it a show. Yeah. Uh, PKN one 86.

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