Painkiller Already - PKN #188

Episode Date: April 6, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, sure. All right, we're live. Pangular Nearly, episode 188. A day late. I should have asked. And a dollar short. Taylor in advance. How did your trip go?
Starting point is 00:00:09 I know that you're all... See, here's the thing. I balance this. On one hand, Taylor doesn't like his real life put out there on the show a ton. On the other hand, I'm very fascinated by the real life, you know, things that go down for for a regular person how was your trip it was awesome so went to my dad's place in tampa i got to see a lightning game while i was there bought a t-shirt that was neat um it's amazing how much more fun it is at the stadium when you're somewhere warm than in st louis where it's like they have like a big patio out there where you could like have
Starting point is 00:00:44 fun and drink before the game and whatnot and it's like oh they had like a big patio out there where you could like have fun and drink before the game and whatnot. And it's like, oh, they don't have that back home. I'm like, oh, because it's 28 degrees and snowing right now. It felt very safe walking around the city. I liked that. That and St. Pete, which are like two very close cities there in Tampa. Weather was great. I went fishing a ton. And I'm not usually a big fisher. But the first day, we went out in kayaks in like a more calm like bay area and like kayaked around and like fished there and I caught some trout and and a couple other things and made some fish tacos that ended up being great uh then we went ocean fishing two days later and that was way more fun than I thought it would be
Starting point is 00:01:21 do you think we went over is that a, no, I don't get seasick. But yeah, I didn't even think about getting seasick. I felt fine. It wasn't like a big boat or anything. I don't know if it's worse or better on big or small boats. Probably depends on the person. With big boats, you're less inclined to get seasick. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:38 This is a pretty small boat. It was like four people on the boat total and went around and fished. And we fished this shipwreck,ed and we fished this uh shipwreck which is generous to call it a shipwreck because it was just like a boat that crashed there like 20 years ago and now apparently all the fish like to hang out there and so you go out there and you just cast right on top of it and we were catching these things called sheepfish head or sheephead fish and they you know those pictures online you see of those teeth with uh they have people teeth yeah where like they have molars like that's what these are and so you catch them and
Starting point is 00:02:10 it's just big just like it's like big people teeth and they're this the most disgusting horrible little little fish but they taste great Hasta bindi, welcome, Taylor. Yeah. Yes. But, yeah, caught those, caught a ton of those. And so my dad's freezing them, and he's going to ship them to me so I can make those fish tacos again. But other than that, it was a pretty relaxing time.
Starting point is 00:02:36 A lot of fishing, a lot of sitting on the beach for one day. I had some cousins down there at the same time, so we met up with them. We had a pretty similar weekend then. Really? Yeah, yeah. We went sailing um probably five six hours uh we stopped at several islands um found a lot of buried treasure wow like like eight or nine chests um my brother literally told me he goes have you heard of this game called sea of thieves i was like yes i have and he's like you gotta get it. I need someone to play with me because I'm playing by myself, and I'm always
Starting point is 00:03:08 in this one-person little shitty boat, and I just get torched no matter what happens. We're coming for that ass! We're coming for that booty! Yeah, me and my little squad. He's like, I need three more people so I can get a galleon, I guess. Do you have a custom sale yet? No, fuck that. The game is nothing but cosmetics right now.
Starting point is 00:03:23 See, we're of the opposite mindset. We have the money for the sales, but we want people to underestimate us when they see us coming. So we got the white patchwork sale, like the regular old boat. We have bought zero cosmetics. I think Chiz has a golden hook hand, but that's it. Are you a formidable ship at this point? See, that's the thing all right All the ships are the same may look way doper than yours, but it has does the same Yes, yeah, are you guys getting good at the game? Can you beat other we are very good at the game? Yes, really? Yes. We are very good with the teamwork You know we all play pub G together so like teamwork is like second nature like like everybody has their job I'm doing the sails. One guy's always...
Starting point is 00:04:08 When we get holes in the boat, there's no communication required. I know that I'm patching holes and that she has this bailing water, and if we need a second bailer, he's down there right with him. One guy's always driving the ship. I'm always doing sails. We're always looking for boats. The game's kind of a ripoff right now. They're calling it No Man's Sea, because that game no man's sky was a big ripoff
Starting point is 00:04:28 They promised this intergalactic travel and people play it. They were like, where's all the content? That's what no man That's what the Sea of Thieves is right now. You don't progress at all. You don't get any new items You don't upgrade your character at all other than cosmetics You don't upload your upgrade your boat at all other than cosmetics. You don't upgrade your boat at all other than cosmetics. And it's all fetch quests that are either, there's three guilds that you get quests from. So you're either going to dig up buried treasure, which
Starting point is 00:04:53 you don't even get to open and see cool shit. You just turn the chest in for a set amount of gold. You go catch pigs or chickens. Oh, that's not fun. Yeah, it's super lame. You go catch pigs or chickens for this other group, or you go fight skeletons for a third group, and those get pretty boring after a while. So it's a game of errands.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Three fetch quests. Three fetch quests, and you're out on the open seas. See, but we have found a way to make the game fun. We don't give a shit about those chests, those pigs and chickens, those fucking skeletons. No, we're out for blood. Everybody else is sailing around. Only PVP.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Only PVP. Everybody else is sailing around trying to do these quests. They're like, oh yeah, now we can afford the burgundy sail. And we're just like, we're coming to sink that ass. Like, I'm just up on the, we're all up there with spy glasses, just looking for a boat.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And as soon as we find one, we're just, hard to port, Mr. Dawson. And you're, click, click, click, click, click, click. Oh yeah click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click And we always catch these people and the spawn system is fucked. There's no downside really to dying So if you kill this if there's one guy on his boat all alone you kill that guy He respawns on his boat in like 30 seconds, so we're just waiting on you We're just waiting on you to come back and and we'll kill you again and again that mechanic It's a terrible mechanic if you're that guy we love it So we have to keep going until they get tired and turn it off or we'll sink their ship after a couple times but we'll sink his ship then then
Starting point is 00:06:30 we're looking for a ship to respawn and we'll just chase him down and do it again and they get pissed you know in game this is bullshit stop leave us alone and we're just we're just chasing them down and sinking their ships we we suck eight ships the other night and one game session, which is a lot. Does anybody ever bully you? Sometimes we trade and we both sink. That definitely happens sometimes. Sometimes we fuck up
Starting point is 00:06:53 and we all leave our ship. We'll ram their ship, completely T-bone them, which fucks both ships up, but more for them than us. Then all four of us jump on and like chop them the bits and we're like all celebrating as we like take their bananas and their cannonballs and then we turn around to our ship and it's just like just like nose up sinking to the briny deep we're like
Starting point is 00:07:15 fuck you know where i was hoping that was going they're taking it and sail away we played with a real jack sparrow the other night. He he was crafty as fuck We we found him on an island like like fighting off like eight skeletons all by himself and we were like hey Let's sink his ship while we're here so we sink his ship and we take off and leave and and like ten minutes later Chiz is like Or somebody was like does the moon have a gamer tag, and I was like what the fuck do you mean he's like look up see it says the moon and I'm like that was that bad guy's gamer tag he's in the crow's nest hiding out he's a total way in our ship he's up
Starting point is 00:07:54 there waiting so like like what midi climbs the ladder to get him and the guys wait with a shotgun and blows midi away and I hop up I kill the guy and and like we find him again like ten minutes later in his ship And we're like hot on his ass. Just just following him and I like this guy I like he gets better like we're following him like into a storm or something like he's like Captain Kirk going into the nebula Trying to escape us and I'm I'm out like on the nose the boat like looking through the spyglass I'm like yeah a little more to the left a little more to the right or whatever and and then I look through the spyglass. I'm like, yeah, a little more to the left, a little more to the right or whatever. And then I look, he has set his ship to sail straight and jumped in the goddamn water,
Starting point is 00:08:29 and he's swimming toward us to stow away again. And he does. He hops into our boat, climbs the ladder, and kills one of us before we can take him out. Just a real badass. You couldn't shoot him from the water? You can, but it's hard. It's rocking and rolling in the boat and you know the guns are pirate guns you know you've got a bunch of broken glass and nails and a blunderbuss yeah there is a blunderbuss yeah it's uh it does sound pretty fun what what's your guys yeah it only sounds victory race the people are fun right like oh yeah it seems more like an r RPG. DayZ had an element of sort of make your own fun, too. Like the game itself, trying to survive against zombies.
Starting point is 00:09:10 But it was about who to trust, who not to trust, how long alliances are. And, you know, like there's definitely a benefit to both of you helping each other. You're four times as good with two people as you are by yourself. Not just twice as good, but four times as good with two people as you are by yourself not not just twice as good but four times as good making that up yeah yeah but it's also to your advantage to be the first asshole you don't want to be that asshole's victim yeah it's tricky it was about we win almost every fight i would say like at this point like because we're very coordinated you know we're a full party of four and After a while you master the cannons trajectory and you learn where to aim because at first we were just you know Hit the ship right but you got to hit the ship of the water line so that it leaks water
Starting point is 00:09:55 so that you put actual holes in it and you know sink them and I don't know. It's really but we basically grief other players and that's that's the whole game for us Because there's not enough content for the game itself to be fun um but but like the first the first 10 hours are a ton of fun because you just is midi unusually good at video games i have a feeling he's an ace in the hole he's just good he's regular he's good you know i i don't i i've got i don't know i i did this thing where i ranked up my steam accounts and now I've got like 250 friends and uh I would say he's in like the top he's the top tier of my friends list um I've got friends that are better uh I think he and I are on a pretty even playing field on PUBG uh and he's he's just fine at uh the pirate game he's good at games he posts some of his better games
Starting point is 00:10:42 on the subreddit so it's easy to get the impression like a cod montage that he's good at games he posts some of his better games on the subreddit so it's easy to get the impression like a cod montage that he's just out there winning games and getting 12 kills in pubg on on the norm i had my best game ever the other day um we were uh we were playing pubg and the game before chiz had like bet another one of our friends he's he's like um he's like you want to bet five dollars that kyle clutches this uh because he's like, you want to bet $5 that Kyle clutches this? Because there's like 25 people left and it's just me and it's teams of four out there. And I'm like, you better not take that bet. And Rowan's like, yeah, yeah, I bet Kyle clutches it. And like 30 seconds later, I die. And he's like, shit. So he owes Chiz $5. So like the next game,
Starting point is 00:11:23 same thing happens. And it's just me left and like 26 players. And Chiz is like, you want to make that bet again? And he's like no absolutely not. I'm like make the bet man. I got it this time. He's like no no no wait She's like I'll give you odds. I'll give you odds No way, and I didn't take the odds. No no I ended up clutching it It was my it was literally my best game. I've ever played I which I think is this kind of made $10 but but but I I was by the but that that game has this effect on me like at the end when I'm in the house complete completely surrounded I'm in the center of the circle and there's like 12 people surrounding the house and they're all they all want in but they're
Starting point is 00:11:57 also fighting each other there was so much adrenaline going through my body that my arms went numb like from the elbow down My arms were completely numb and tingly and I'm just like my arms are numb My arms are numb and I but I got like the last six kills the game or something like that I think I got like 12 total, but it was incredible. It was so much That's the most fun. I've had playing a video game in any kind of memory. I love that game It's fun when you're the super you yeah, it was it was great It was and they were the the shittiest versions of them too they had to be i i did that in left for dead once and
Starting point is 00:12:32 i've told the story before but i it's my best maybe my best gaming moment ever where i played with this girl and this guy a lot left for dead has girls in it and uh anyway, in the pre-lobby, there's me, this girl, and two randoms. And the other team was cursing us out like bad. And they heard her voice and they're like, you know, you sound like a cunt. We're going to fuck you up. You don't have a shot. I play this game every day. And I'm like, we'll see.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I play every day too. And then throughout the game, if you haven't played Left 4 Dead much, there's a possibility that you can be a real hero in this thing. You know, picking up the other people, hordes of dead people coming, you know, zombies. And, you know, I was just like taking out the specials, doing everything, and we won the game. We actually made them rage quit before the last,
Starting point is 00:13:24 like on the very last screen you know there you can tell like we don't have any chance of winning and uh so they didn't have to like hear it from us in the lobby but uh it was it was outstanding because not only was i what kyle was in his game but the opponents were just the biggest cunts you can find on Xbox. Yeah, it was great. Oh, one more component of Sea of Thieves that's really fun. If three of you vote, you can put one person in the brig. And the brig is literally a cage down in the bottom of the boat. So sometimes we'll vote.
Starting point is 00:13:59 If it's just three of us playing and there's a random who's not pulling his weight, we'll put him in the brig and then we'll ram the boat into a rock so that water starts filling up and he's in this cage and then we'll play the isis music and then we all stand around him and like play our musical instruments as as the water drowns him slowly it's it's it's a lot of fun like we make you guys also die because your ship? Oh, we just swim out. You know, we just swim out. We go find a mermaid. We tag the mermaid.
Starting point is 00:14:28 We get warped to a new ship. It's all good. Is it possible to make alliances? Or is it all just kind of verbal alliances? So if you wanted to have an uber galleon or something, could you be like, all right, we're going to have eight people join. And then immediately, you guys just jump off your galleon, come get on ours, and then we'll have twice as many people
Starting point is 00:14:46 working the equipment. It would be hard to set it up. You'd have to find people randomly in the world and be like, Ahoy there, matey! Would you like to join our party? And they would have to say yes, rather than just steal your bananas and run for it. They'd have to actually mean yes, instead of you know, oh, of course!
Starting point is 00:15:02 And then before you know it, you're in the brig with ISIS music. Yeah, they can't literally join of course. And then before you know it, you're in the brig with ISIS music. Yeah, they can't literally join your crew or anything, but you could tag team. They could just join your little... That would be really fun, actually, if there were two of you and you could really own the server.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I don't know how many boats are actually out there in the world, but... If you play for an hour, how many boats do you run into? into see it depends like i've heard i've heard like maybe boogie or the angry gamer guy or uh angry game guy review whatever that guy's name is they were like i sailed for four hours and i saw no one fucking no one but when we get but i don't know maybe i'm good at spotting people maybe we're just getting lucky but like we see people every every 10 minutes i
Starting point is 00:15:46 would say and uh and in between there's just islands everywhere to stop off on and fight skeletons which is kind of fun uh there's sure do you ever go to like where the treasure is and then camp out and like kind of try and be sly and then wait and then someone will show up to get it or is it more like when the treasure man goes, all right, go get this chest, that it's only visible to your party because you pulled the ticket or whatever? See, what you just described is one of the things
Starting point is 00:16:13 that we want for the game. We want everyone to have the same mission, or at least the same, like, five missions. So there's a high chance that, like, you and some other vessel get sent off to the same island for the same chest, but that's not the case. You go get this mission, and it's your personal quest to go get this thing. You have a treasure map with like,
Starting point is 00:16:33 they have riddles on them usually. It's like on the east side of the island, old Curly's beard you'll see, dig five, dig five meters, and then you'll be. And it's always something like that, and we always like make way too much of it. We overthink it and get really frustrated. But generally... So you just stake out the chest and wait for them to come? Nah, because there's chests fucking everywhere. You just have to have the map for that particular chest. Generally speaking, we just drive around looking for people.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And we find them within 10 minutes, sink them. And then usually within five oftentimes five minutes later they'll respawn sort of close and uh and we'll just go get them again and again and again and just grief them till they quit the server i have you guys built up a reputation at all of ah it's the the pale patch boys don't be thrown by their you know rudimentary sales they're monsters i don't i don't think we're that hardcore yet you do earn like there's like levels and as you go through the levels you get like under your gamer tag you get like a title and i chis is the only one i think or no maybe midi is the only one with an actual title he's like a golden boy or something like
Starting point is 00:17:41 that something stupid that like nobody cares about it like i said you really have to make your own fun in the game because the games the game's mechanics suck like his name is he earned a title called golden boy golden the sun why wouldn't they at least have like likes that it should be golden god it's something like that like first mate or lieutenant blackbeard like just something pirate related. I don't know. Golden Boy. That's the shirt that Jerry likes. Yeah, that's the Golden Boy. That's his polo. Yeah. There's musical instruments in the game. So you have two. I don't know what they're called. One of them I think is like a stringed instrument. They're pirate music instruments. I've never seen
Starting point is 00:18:23 them before. And one of them has a crank. But we'll all be playing music as we sail around. And as their enemy ships are sinking, we play them a little song. And usually, they're out there swimming, and the sharks are eating them up and stuff. It's all about griefing the other players for me. I don't give a shit about the reputation or the skeletons or the pigs and chickens or the gold or any of that.
Starting point is 00:18:44 The hurdy-gurdy, that's what it's called. Okay. The crank thing? The thing that you crank, yeah. How did you know that? Because I looked it up. Oh, I was like, St. Louis wasn't, in my head, known for its pirate activity. Well, our hockey team was torn between the St. Louis Blues and the St. Louis Hurdy-Gurdys.
Starting point is 00:19:03 And so they took the more popular kind of music. Yeah. What you should do, Taylor, is you sign up, and I'm probably getting the name wrong, but you sign up for some kind of an Xbox season pass or something that's like $15, and then you get the game for free.
Starting point is 00:19:20 And then, I think, after like two weeks... Like a gold membership kind of thing? Something like that. It's like some sort of game pass that you get so that you get certain games free or something like that. So you can... I paid $60 on the fucking Microsoft Store, and I told someone the other day, like, if this were a Steam game,
Starting point is 00:19:36 I'd have gotten my refund by now. This is horse shit. But, like I said, for the first 10 or 20 hours, it's a ton of fun just to play with your friends and sink boats. If you get it, we'll play. But you can get it for free, basically. If you Google how to get it for free, I'm sure you'll find it. On Xbox, you can get it for free, or on PC, you get it for free. Well, we're all playing together, right? I use the Microsoft Store on my PC, and I use the Xbox application on my PC for communication, or or yeah, I can use it for communication
Starting point is 00:20:06 and for party invites and such, so you'd have to add my gamer tag and all that stuff. It's just like playing on an Xbox, except I'm using a PC. Yeah, that might be fun. It sounds fun. Knowing that it doesn't matter and people aren't hyper-competitive
Starting point is 00:20:22 and that it's more about doing pirate voices and fucking around that's more the kind of speed of a game I'd rather be into right now than when I jump into PUBG or whatever it's like I'm I have neither the time nor the inclination
Starting point is 00:20:38 to get good at this game I just don't want to I'll just get butt fucked every time I jump on if I play that one oh yes yes you will Giz doesn't play that at all anymore does he yeah he kind of dropped off oh yeah i thought he dropped off for a while and you clearly became the best um i think i i he pointed out the stats the other day that maybe i think his kd is higher than mine but but like there's some kind of player i don't know how the rankings work the plate My player ranking was like some like point seven point zero seven percentile or something. I I can tell I'm currently Getting better like if I was like a level three player
Starting point is 00:21:14 I'm becoming a level four player or something like that because there was a time when like the most kills I'd get in a game Was like eight and now I'm getting like 10 or 12 So I'm definitely getting better and I'm winning more and more of my gunfights, which I'm happy to see. I thought I'd plateaued. It was like when you're working out and you've plateaued for months and then you get an extra 10 pounds or something. So I've recently
Starting point is 00:21:36 gotten better. I think right now I'm better than Chiz. He might argue that. Well, congrats. Because I know Chiz is very good at it. I commemorated the trophy over there as soon as I got that. Yeah, I would argue this. Not PUBG, but take some other game, right?
Starting point is 00:21:55 Some new Super Mario Brothers comes out. Chiz would probably be the best person associated with the podcast in the first couple days. I wonder, though, because I had this sneaky suspicion that back when we used to do PKA Plays, Chiz would pick the games, and he would sort of organize things, and he would be the guy who was like, all right, Saturday, 1 p.m.,
Starting point is 00:22:14 we're playing with this fan, and we're going to make this video, and everybody be there. But he'd tell you this on Thursday or Friday, and you're like, the game is chivalry. I'm like, oh, oh okay I guess I'll download it day of meanwhile you get in there and it's it's like he's got like 30 hours played or something like that like like he's been he's been practicing his sword swipes and his parries like
Starting point is 00:22:35 like for a week or something like that and he would just slaughter us like speedrun you're not a believer this is fully organic I don't know more of a plotted maneuver i have i think there's a good chance that he would spend a lot of time brushing up on these games or at least enough time so that he had a good solid advantage like i'm still learning the controls and he's just i've known chiz for six or seven years and i've probably worked with him more than you guys because of Woody Craft. He would do that. He would do that. I don't know that he did, but that is not out of line for a thing that Chiz would do. He's got to be prepared and have that muscle memory
Starting point is 00:23:14 because when you're in day seven of a nine-day fast, and you haven't had calories or nutrients in your body for a week, you need to have muscle memory because you're too famished. You're starving. My brain function is shut down at that point. You're working on muscle memory alone. Yeah, I have a sneaky suspicion that that's what was going on, because we'd play games that had
Starting point is 00:23:34 completely different mechanics than one another. It would be, that chivalry game is like swords and shields and all kinds of medieval weapons, like the speakers and stuff. But in some of them he admitted he played before. It was our first time playing first time playing worms and he had been playing it with lefty or i know one of the yeah but like worms was one where like i'm not sure how much better you get over i feel like after like 10 hours you've mastered worms right except to the level where you don't routinely kill yourself you have a huge advantage over the other players yeah that's another one that you
Starting point is 00:24:04 would probably like taylor worms is really fun you haven't played worms taylor isn't that uh the same as uh tanks that other game where you like shoot certain rockets and try and like hit the other person's avatar yeah and knock it you've got like a bunch each person has like five avatars on this weird map and they're worms so the maps are like a big pile of garbage. And you inch your worm along, grab various weapons and power-ups and try to knock the other worms into the water or into the lava or whatever's down below
Starting point is 00:24:35 until you're the only one with a worm left. It's turn-based. And it's PC, right? Yes. It's very difficult to use the worms as well as they can be there's a timer you have to make some decisions and like like there's a grappling hook oh my gosh you know if you can use that grappling hook like tarzan to actually go from one place to another
Starting point is 00:24:58 you've done something that most people can't yeah when someone would pull off one of those moves everyone would cheer because it's like's like, you shoot your grappling hook and you swing and then you can, if you're high level, drop it and shoot another one and swing up and get to an access areas that a single grappling hook just wouldn't get you to. But if you're bad, one of two things happens. Either you just fall into the water and suicide your worm
Starting point is 00:25:24 or you end up in the most awkward like hanging from your your like grappling hook in no man's land thing you're just like oh no and there's a little bit of drop in waste of worm there's a little bit of peggle mixed in have you guys ever played peggle oh hell yeah all right well you know with peggle it's like all right i'm gonna like hit this thing and rebound at that one. And then it hits like 17 things. There's fireworks going off and you're it was really 80 percent luck based in worms. Sometimes it's like, well, I'm going to send this exploding stampeding buffalo towards a wall.
Starting point is 00:25:59 And sometimes I just blow up and blow up and blow up against your guy and decimate him. Other times. Well, I didn't know he was going to turn around and come at me. Like I didn't see that coming at all. And, you know, you just end up decimating yourself. And it's a good time for everybody. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. Very casual game. I will say I might have been the worst at the game, but I swear I had about an equal number of wins.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Yeah. Yeah. Like whoever won got like three wins more than everybody else if we played 10 or 12 games or something you know there wasn't any like domination yeah but but no matter what game we played chiz was always the best whether it was speed runners or chivalry or uh worms or um mount your friends mount your friends mount your friends is a cool game there's a new new one of those. I forgot about Peggle. That makes me want to play. Did you ever
Starting point is 00:26:48 play Peggle? No. I'm looking at a video of it and it looks just really stupid. Extreme fever! Yeah. You know, maybe you need a headset or something. When things start going your way in Peggle and, you know, it's just
Starting point is 00:27:03 it really, really praises you for your dumb luck I was I wanted to think of a way to say that and you said it right it praises you to where you're like like first of all the sound that it makes when you hit the thing where it's like like and you hit the right color bang hit the right color bang like it ranches up like the the and if you get a lucky one it's like oh my god i've never heard noises this high before you know it's just like like in street fighters suddenly you have a 17 move combo you know it's not the greatest at this game but it's 80 except in this it's just you shoot it and it and something happens and then you get
Starting point is 00:27:43 to take credit with your friends because i I used to play with my friends. Like we'd all sit around like we're drunk after a night or something. And someone gets a totally random shot. And he's like, oh, extreme fever. Because it puts on there when you win, like if you win correctly, extreme fever. And it freaks out at you. It's a game that could keep an ADD nine-year-old totally occupied.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Oh, that's the other thing about Sea of Thieves. We like to play very drunk. It's a lot more fun if you're trashed, all right? I bet that helps the pirate accents. Oh, it does, matey. You get a bit of that grog in you. Oh, and that's another mechanic in the game. There's grog.
Starting point is 00:28:24 There's a barrel of grog down below. You just fill your cup up. You drink two big mugs of that grog, and it's got the best drunk mechanic of any game I've ever played. You're doing that staggering around thing uncontrollably, and then you start vomiting green vomit. And so what we like to do is lock somebody in the brig, and then we all get drunk and vomit on them. And then, yeah, all over their face. And then they can't see anything. It's all green.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And then we scoop. It covers their screen. Yeah. Then we scoop the vomit up with our buckets and repeatedly throw it in their face. So they were like, you know, in the designer room. So should we have more than three fetch quests? No, we need to get the drunk mechanic done.
Starting point is 00:29:02 This is what people are going to do. They're going to do pirate voices and get wasted with friends. And ride around griefing. That's exactly what we do. Do you ever go into battle drunk? Where you're like, all right, boys, give them hell. Exclusively. Exclusively.
Starting point is 00:29:18 But your character doesn't work as well, right? Oh, no. I'm drunk. I figured you guys were all drunk oh that's a problem actually yeah yeah if your character's drunk and all of a sudden like someone starts we're like oh i sober up boys sober up eat a banana like you're trying to like god they're coming they're coming right that's how you sober up you eat a banana bananas are the health item like everybody's all you always see them
Starting point is 00:29:41 You eat a banana? Bananas are the health item. You always see them. You don't peel the banana. You just eat it. Please tell me there's a scurvy mechanic. We need all the vitamins. Not much fiber on the high seas.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Not much citrus. No vitamin C to be had. But yeah, man, it's a ton of fun. But you have to make your own fun. If I was playing solo and didn't have any friends, it'd be the worst game ever. I don't know. I would be so pissed off, so upset,
Starting point is 00:30:21 because they made it seem like you were like Fallout. It was going to be like Fallout, but you're a pirate right like i in my mind i was gonna eventually earn like a ship with a big cock on the front and i was literally gonna ram a ship cock in the back of another boat like i was gonna be getting better and better blunderbusses like oh he's got the level three sniper rifle it shoots two musket balls or something but no everything is given to you right from the start. You don't earn anything other than cosmetic items. Like you earn a beard for your pirate or a mustache or an eye patch. There's not even a parrot.
Starting point is 00:30:51 They need a parrot. I want parrot DLC ASAP. Do they let you name your own ship? Well, you don't write it anywhere, but we've named ours. What's it named? The Amistad. The Amistad. The Amistad. What's the Amistad?
Starting point is 00:31:09 Is it something I don't... The reference I'm not getting? It's a slave ship. It's a slave ship from a movie. It's not really named that. That's fucked up. Your name is Toby. That's Roots.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Same general thing. That's hilarious, the Amistad. That must be why they can't let it be emblazoned on the side. That's a good point. Yeah, right? If you could name ships, none of them would be named like YouTube money. Arr, there's a dirty jew off the starboard side i remember black ops came with their uh emblem editor yeah oh my god
Starting point is 00:31:56 unicorns fucking things everywhere it just be like someone getting a facial or like, just like sometimes like a swastika done with such care and meticulousness that you're like, how in the world did they turn this amalgamation of shapes into a perfect swastika? And then you hear him and he's like, yeah, quit being a bag. It's like, you should be at school. How did you use a unicorn, a circle, and a straight line to make a woman take it up the ass?
Starting point is 00:32:34 But well done. And then so many, I remember some were just like, just like a profile of like a man bending over shitting with his asshole face towards you, giving you like the goatzy, goats, goats whatever that meme is called where he's like grabbing and like pull his asshole apart mine was a uh a pretty good towelie from i remember it i actually remember that too it was pretty good yeah that was there were tutorials online about how to do that stuff but like i
Starting point is 00:33:02 never like like that's not i hate those parts there's tedious things in video games i i never i don't think i even had one i literally thought that like as a youtuber i was obligated to have something and i think i did get tally from a tutorial yeah yeah and no shame in that i just i was like i don't know i felt like i shouldn't be blank like i should have something like when someone picked if someone kills me and gets my gun that should be a prize for them. You know, it should be like, oh, this is Woody's gun. Yeah, I forgot that it was on the gun, too. I'm the same way as Kyle, though, with my customization.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Like, I don't give a fuck what my Skyrim character looks like. Like, if it's a first-person game, like, who could possibly care? Like, nobody's going to, like, you can spend 25 minutes, like, oh, do you want him to have a big nose? Do I want to be a big-nosed orc? No, let's not commit to anything too crazy. I'll go with a standard orc nose.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Like, and then two seconds in, you get a helmet, and that's the last you will ever see of your crazy hair color. I agree completely. And I see online people who spend, like, the first day or two customizing their character. But I can't relate. That's not how I play. Yeah. Like this guy who made you in Fallout. That probably took a while.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Was it me? It takes a long time. That is not easy. He did a good job there. Really? The Fallout face modifier is so intricate you've got like this little it's like photoshop you've got this little bubble that you can like polish stuff out with and like change every little minute feature like like
Starting point is 00:34:36 surprise there's surprisingly i don't know 30 zones on the face that you alter in various ways like he did a fairly good job there i I thought. Yeah, it's hard. Fallout at least has, you know, it's first person and third person. It's not bad. I would say that the jaw's a little squarish, you think? I'm looking at it and then you. Yeah, that's what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I think the jaw's pretty good. Maybe a little more square. Your chin comes out. I'm a little more pointy. I think it is too. Your chin comes out. I'm a little more pointy. I look at it and I'm like, that's not me. And then I look at it more and more and it's like, well, which part of it isn't you, Woody?
Starting point is 00:35:16 I don't know. It's not my bathroom. I'm like, that's a big forehead. Oh, well, actually. And the hairline is perfect. Here's where he got something wrong. And I put myself on the big screen so people can see. My eyebrows are like blonde halfway through.
Starting point is 00:35:33 They only go to here. I have one eyebrow split over both eyes. Do you see it now that I say it? I do. That they're very thin? Yeah. I just feel like they're kind of normal in the center, but over here on the edges. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:35:49 If I could throw you some eyebrow hair, magically, I have so much to spare. You know when you get compliments from chicks about stuff that they do that you never do? Where they'll be like, oh, my God, your cheeks are so long. Or, oh, I wish I didn't have to color in my eyebrows. You have such thick eyebrows. That's the one I get. do that you never do like where they'll be like oh my god because they're so long or oh i wish i didn't have to color in my eyebrows you have such thick eyebrows that's the one i get like oh i wish i had as many eyebrows as you you know then i could just cut it down instead of coloring it in which seems like a lot of effort i get man being a man someone eyelashes sometime oh what is wrong oh i'm sorry clicking the wrong thing uh eyelashes they're like i'm like yeah
Starting point is 00:36:27 i hate my eyelashes they like brush against the glasses or something if i have to wear them and they're like oh my god to have first world problems like yeah actually i don't like it yeah yeah i i've always been indifferent about my eyebrows they seem fine they keep sand out of my eyes. I know this isn't Kyle's favorite topic. St. Louis Blues, literally the hottest team in the NHL right now. You know, there's one thing to say about the Blues, consistency. You know, we lose seven in a row, and then we win seven in a row.
Starting point is 00:37:03 And I don't know. They're getting hot at the right time, which is good. So I don't know. I hope they make the playoffs. I hope I'm going to watch the Philly versus Colorado game this time of year. This is the time of year where I always end up watching more games than ever at the playoff crunch, because I have a vested interest. We're like, usually Colorado versus Philly. I don't really fucking care either way. I'll watch occasionally, because I like the abs from the 90s. But they're in our division,, I don't really fucking care either way. I'll watch occasionally because I like the abs from the 90s, but they're in our division, so I don't like them that much. But now I have an interest.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I'm like, come on, fucking Drew. You fuck. Play better. Knowing the Blues' luck, at the very least, Colorado will lose in overtime and get a point because that's just the way it is. Yeah, the Flyers are run a two-game losing streak and they're a streaky team I don't know they just they think I think they're gonna make it uh yeah Carolina's about to be booted Carolina's not gonna make it yeah Carolina's not gonna make
Starting point is 00:38:00 it I don't think New Jersey's gonna make it but I always remember you don't think New Jersey is going to make it, but I always remember you don't like New Jersey, so it doesn't matter. Right. Jersey is... Oh, I see. Oh, Jersey or the Panthers. They're neck and neck. I hope the Panthers make it, because if they make it, they're going to end up playing Tampa in the first round,
Starting point is 00:38:16 and that would be good for Florida hockey. I went to see a lightning game against the Coyotes, and Arizona Coyotes are not good. They are one of the worst teams in the league, if not the worst team in the league. Them and Buffalo are duking it out for bottom of the basement. And I've seen them twice this year, once when they were in St. Louis and then once just happenstance against Tampa. And I need, whoever owns the Coyotes, send me plane tickets to every one of their games because they play well in front of me they're
Starting point is 00:38:45 looking to impress me they blew us the fuck out in st louis like five to one and then they blew out the lightning like four or five to one when i was there that's your theory yeah i think they know i'm there and they're like all right boys you know i'm out there for that one guy from st louis you know he keeps coming you know these, it was, oh, I meant to mention this too. This is actually, it's not strictly hockey related. So Kyle might enjoy it. I imagine the same thing would be true if St. Louis suddenly got a basketball team
Starting point is 00:39:15 because this isn't a basketball city to where like there'd be fouls against a basketball player that were totally reasonable. And our fans being new would be like, oh, come on or or something like that. At the Tampa game, I have never seen fans get so upset at like run of the mill calls. Like there was like a standard slashing
Starting point is 00:39:35 on someone against Tampa and they started like a, refs you suck chant and it was like, it was a slashing. They just replayed it. That was as textbook as it could be. And then, you know how, I'm sure in Philly, because it's a hockey market, there's a breakaway, and you'll hear the fans, oh, yeah, oh, or something like that when they miss or if they score and they get really loud, obviously.
Starting point is 00:39:59 The Tampa fans were doing that on like two-on-twos, where it's just two guys entering the zone, and they two defensemen and they're, oh, oh, yeah. And it's like this is such a run of the mill play. But I respect the Carolina because the same thing happens. Now, there are educated fans because there's a lot of people moved here from the north. But there's also tons of people who don't know hockey at all. So like, I don't know, the whole defense of the other team is set up inside the blue zone the guy you know he's skating around he finally makes it past
Starting point is 00:40:32 center ice and the fans are like shoot it shoot it there's no shot there's no shot he's at center ice you think he's gonna like there's no shot that made it, it would make sports center for the next ten years. And the fans are screaming like, go, go. I saw one where like they were – like Tampa was like on the fucking penalty kill. And so one of their guys gets it and just like flips it down the ice. And I hear someone like away his way like, oh, they're not even trying to score. It's like you're on the penalty kill. Yeah, that was a great play. Do you see how there's fewer of your guys than their guys out there like he burnt 15 seconds with that that was his goal you could you could put the pieces together a little bit
Starting point is 00:41:14 but yeah that was funny uneducated fans are great i should make i should attend more games oh yeah especially in carolina i bet it's cheap as can be right now like yeah they did a thing here with this promotion so the a new owner just bought carolina and he has some ideas so he was like hey everyone who has a ticket you sit up by the glass you know if you bother to come to our game at all even if you have like a nine dollar ticket way up top then you know you can sit down here at the bottom and it made it looked a little more packed, and it gave a little more community. And I should have taken advantage of that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:50 I can't explain. Oh, yeah. You definitely should. Oh, another thing. Apparently, the memo has been put out in the Tampa market that you don't walk back to your seat in the middle of play. like if you try and do that in st louis like where you're like walking with your beer your pretzel or whatever and you try and get into the play you know some sassy lady's gonna be like you need to wait till the blue is a blouse or something like like put your like stop you physically stop you because it's polite to wait here people just waltzing in the middle of a
Starting point is 00:42:20 power play uh a man who was probably 500 pounds sat in front of me and my dad was courteous enough to switch with me because i wasn't able to see the net because the guy was like leaning forward because he couldn't scoot back all the way into his seat because the two armrest things were like they would have gone right through his fucking giant love handles so that was obnoxious but other than that no no ill will towards tampa fans at all it was a lot of fun i enjoyed it and glad they're you know growing the sport down there until they suck again i was thinking that would be the best market to play in the nhl tampa why when the player when your team is good people are going to give a shit like it was pretty packed uh when your team
Starting point is 00:43:03 is bad nobody's hazing you about it like they don't care that much whereas like if you suck in montreal like that's all that you're gonna hear day in and day out is like how much you suck or if you suck in toronto or you know boston or something like that like they're gonna care but tampa and tampa you don't even have income tax so you can well i don't know actually you have income tax. So you can decide. Well, I don't know. Actually, you earn income in the place you play, so it probably matters. I guess half their games are going to be at home, though.
Starting point is 00:43:31 I'm not thinking this. Oh, yeah, I forgot. Yeah, they get paid. So 41 games a year. They must have ridiculous tax returns. Yeah. Like, you know, yeah, they're on TurboTax. Like, you know, we have to buy 22 states.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Yeah. Can you believe it? This guy who plays for Columbus now, whose name is Artemi Panarin from Russia, of course. He was like, so when you go get your coffee, do they have trouble spelling Artemi on your cup? He's like, I never say Artemi. They get it wrong 100%. I say John.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Every time I go in, they say, what name? I say John. And then they made me laugh because, you know, I mean, if I lived in Russia, I would be Sergei or something that they do. Not Rutherford. Anyway, Kyle, any sports related stuff on your end? Did you see Khabib review movies? No. Oh, so I'm hard. you know me in names kabib nerga men off something close to that nerga men off it seems like i'm missing a syllable but anyway go ahead i was gonna say do you want help yeah what is his name abib nurmagomedov he is a russian dude and he kind of like plays no shit like that's how he seems in every video and they asked him to review like love actually and when Harry met Sally and stuff like that and he's like never been kissed he's like I don't know
Starting point is 00:44:55 why she's never been she was good to me Yeah, he's like, but this is... This is good girl. We no need to stone her. In Slovakia, she be in for many rip. And he's like, and every big kiss, I would. And then the next person comes along. He's like, ah, Harry Met Sally. This is love movie.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Too much love make heart soft. We don't watch movie. He did not say too much love makes hearts soft did he oh i'm pretty close like yeah that's that's about what he said um so hardcore yeah and i'm buying all of it i'm buying all of it as you people who watch the show know i left the connor train right as soon as connor retired and pretended like he didn't i I finished with him. He's coming back. He's coming back. He's going to beat the winner of this fight.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Mark my words. Tony Ferguson's going to win this fight. Conor McGregor's going to come back and quip his ass. Then he'll fight Nate Diaz again, win that fight too. Then he'll drop down to 145, beat up Max Holloway, and sail into the sunset on a gigantic $50 million yacht. Okay. Other thoughts. Conor never drops to 145 again.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Of course not. Max comes up for like a non-title fight. After Conor's stripped, he can fight anyone and do anything. That's a thing that could happen. Conor loses, of course. Oh, no way! At 155? That's a good point. At 145, I think Conor loses.
Starting point is 00:46:24 At 155 i don't it helps um or connor gets stripped as we all know and mayweather fights in mma as another like weird promotional thing with lots of money involved there's a hundred dollar pay-per-view he's beaten to death and yeah Connor now here's one I've got Connor winning quite easily oh yeah and uh Connor wins by anything he chooses to and uh that could go down with I think Connor should not have the belt anymore all he does is hold up that man he would beat him so badly in MMA he would beat him until he knew how to read. It would be tremendous. He would beat the literacy into him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:09 He'd be singing the alphabet while he pounded the back of that guy's skull into the mat. It would knock so well. That's it. Yeah, well, they are taking the belt, you know, for this. They're gonna, for this.
Starting point is 00:47:22 If the fight happens. Why would Mayweather agree to that? Oh, if the fight happens why would mayweather agree to that oh seven more days why there's no way mayweather would agree to it there's a theory out there that mayweather and mayweather's good friend 50 cent and more um they all exaggerate by they all exaggerate their wealth as a way to promote themselves so like chael sonnen is like you know there's few things in this world more exaggerated than Mayweather's wealth. Mayweather might take it because he wants more money.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Okay. It would be a terrible idea. Conor hung in there in that boxing match. I didn't feel it was an embarrassment, especially against Mayweather. The same would not be true with the inverse. If Mayweather stepped into that would not be true with the inverse. If Mayweather steps into that octagon, it would be brutal. It wouldn't look the same as fights normally look. It would be brutal
Starting point is 00:48:17 and to the point. It would look like a bully, a bullying. It would look like an attack. It would not go well. Even if he gets paid a lot. Can, is Mayweather too dangerous that Connor can't fuck with him, right? Because don't forget, he does have like the best hands at that weight that the planet has ever seen in the history of mankind thus far. Because his hands are this fucking big, each one of them. He's been learning, he's been learning with gloves.
Starting point is 00:48:44 He's been learning to parry with those gloves his whole life. He's been learning to hide behind those gloves his whole life. Do this in real life and I'm coming under here. Do this in real life and I'm coming over here. It's not going to work. It doesn't provide the same amount of
Starting point is 00:49:00 protection. If anything, you get your fist knocked into your face. Even if he hits your fist. For people who don't know mma like at all the gloves in mma are much smaller like a third of the size they're pretty much just like knuckle covers and uh kyle makes a really good point that he's made an art out of this for the last 30 years or whatever it is 20 years using big gloves now, MMA fighters practice with boxing gloves all the time. So Conor wasn't as much a fish out of water because he uses boxing gloves constantly. But Mayweather will have very little experience with MMA gloves.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Yeah, it'll be a destruction of Mayweather. He'll come out of there looking bad. And if I were Conor, I would make him look bad in both ways. I would embarrass him and I would hurt him terribly. I'd want to hurt him. I'd want his face to be – I'd want him to be beaten and bloody and bruised and like, all right, he's going to the hospital now. He's not going to be available for the post-fight interview. Is that how you do it? So you would ground and pound him, I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:00 That's not my – It's not about that Conor beats him standing. Like if there's one area that Conor beats him standing If there's one area That Conor could possibly lose an MMA match It would have to be They decide to box in the cage I don't know, he's throwing those kicks He throws that kick where he sticks his toe
Starting point is 00:50:14 In your goddamn ribs How many of those is Mayweather Going to absorb? He's never been kicked before He's never been kicked in his life Especially not in the legs I don't know, he's just got so many tools the toolbox that that mayweather doesn't even know shit about like connor does the spinning kicks like like i i just watched the notorious movie and like he does that spinning round kick where he kicks you in the liver yeah i watched him like right at the
Starting point is 00:50:39 beginning of the mendez fight he fucking nails him in the body yeah hard yeah like you could see mendez like i don't know i he'd be fucked up yeah because a conor mendez covers in the opening seconds of a fight and they all miss like yeah he often comes out with a like question mark kick with a oop lay on air that's what i'm going for yeah that's a question mark kick with kind of an oomla on it. Oomla. Oomla. That's what I'm going for, yeah. That's a question mark kick with kind of an oomla on the other foot. It's like, yeah, but that's not a thing that's ever landed
Starting point is 00:51:11 outside of like kung fu movies. I would love to see that fight. I'd rather see that fight than any other fight just because I hate Mayweather, right? And I'd pay for that. I'd pay a hundred for that. I'd pay a hundred to watch Mayweather fight Connor in the cage.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Absolutely. Or like 30 seconds of content before he catches a kick to the jaw. Now, so Taylor brings up a good point. You know, it's going to be a short fight. Conor McGregor is thought of as the pay-per-view champion. And in MMA, he is. He's undeniably the best guy. But a lot of it is that every fight on a
Starting point is 00:51:46 connor card will be amazing you know when i don't know like nunez has to carry a card everyone below her sucks yeah but the casual fans jump in on the connor card and they don't give a fuck that that like the the number three fight is like it is like this number two fighting number one and the the winner from this is gonna fight the champ at one at 170 or whatever they don't care you know like they're there for connor like those numbers get bumped up because all because of his name recognition and his bravado and all that shit i agree completely but i i feel like there's also a lot of people like me who buy like one in every four cards yeah and when there's a connor card you have to buy it even if connor wasn't on it the rest of that card would get my money i'm buying
Starting point is 00:52:30 the next card for sure i haven't bought a card since um since rose fought uh joanna last time and that's been what six months or seven months maybe something like that it's been a long fucking time but i'm definitely buying this card apr 7th. I'm very hyped about this. I won't buy it if the Ferguson-Khabib fight doesn't happen. Of course not. Yeah, I won't buy just for Rose versus Joanna. But I will buy for the Khabib fight. Because I think Max has this.
Starting point is 00:53:00 I think Max can beat him. I think he can. I think you'd beat him. Tony, I think you mean. Yes. Did I say Max? Yeah yeah yeah i think tony has this i i i don't i don't know why we bet five no we bet we bet five on whether uh wings would get the surgery or not and i may have made a massive 458 pound mistake uh you are going to be off. It's really only a $5 mistake. You're going to be on half a 10 spot, I think.
Starting point is 00:53:29 I think so, too. And if this somehow gets back to wings, you have to know, I think, was it this year, though? That's what it was. Was it this calendar year? Yeah, this calendar year. Yeah, he has to get the surgery by December 31st, or I'm out five bucks yeah or I'm out five bucks because I bet that he would get the surgery and after his doctor trip the other day shocker is in poor health and it seems like that may postpone this thing he said to the
Starting point is 00:53:58 summer but it sounded more indefinite to me like There's no real end date on this thing. Wings doesn't have an adventurous spirit. I don't mean to knock him. There are people like that. I had a friend in high school who was like that. He's just way more comfortable after. If you went five towns over, when he got back home, he's like, doesn't it feel better here?
Starting point is 00:54:20 Wings is like that too. Wings hasn't left Conway very much. If you look at what he's done with his 32 years, a lot of them are really localized. That was kind of why I bet against him doing the surgery. Just the idea of him. He may have got the passport. You don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:38 All we know is he got the passport photos. He said he booked the flight. He said he scheduled the surgery maybe. He said he booked the flight he said he scheduled the surgery maybe or he said scheduled the flight like there's a lot he's just making stuff up at this point you can't trust everything he's telling us about the steps he's taking and there's a lot from his history that implies like he's just not the sort of guy who would be like all right you know what it's go time let's make this thing happen so that i can hop on a plane and go places. Yeah. I got to say, I'm kind of the opposite of that. I love being spontaneous and being like, well, fuck it. What's stopping us from getting
Starting point is 00:55:17 in the goddamn car right now? You got anything to do Monday? Me either. Fucking pack a bag. Come on, let's go. Let's go. Come on. If we leave now, we'll be there by morning. Like, I've done that so many times. Like just kind of sitting around the house and like there's nothing to do. And just be like, hey, I'm going to Florida a couple days. Yeah. Well, you want to leave tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:55:37 And it's like 8pm. It's like, let's fucking leave right now. Let's fucking go. There's nothing stopping us. We'll get some, We'll make some coffee. We'll stop at some Red Bulls. We'll be there by 6 a.m. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Let's go. Let's fucking just drive all night. The sun will come up. We'll get some rest, and we'll eat some fish tacos at lunch. It'll be great. And we do it. It's a great time. I love being spontaneous and just going somewhere like that.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Or even catching a flight. Where do you go in Florida? All over. Panhandle? Cocoa Beach, Tampa, Jacksonville. Those are all good places. I like Tampa a lot. I've been to Tampa so, so many times.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Maybe six, seven times. Cocoa Beach maybe three times. Jacksonville maybe four times. Something like that. That's interesting. I don't think I've ever had interesting yeah but also do that to like hey let me let's drive to southern Illinois there's nothing stopping me I've done that I have except for common sense I have I have to the car that's a
Starting point is 00:56:38 long time ago now more determined it's usually like you know what here's the thing I'd like to do step one Jackie says no that means nothing I pay no attention to that you know and then there's the thing i'd like to do step one jackie says no that means nothing i pay no attention to that uh you know and and then there's like some other things i have to like sort like the show is a thing like i i love that i work as little as i do but on the other side like there are certain things that have to have to be done i have to get the show out on saturday i have to be here on thursday you know like i usually don't mess with the schedule of it. There's always complications to figure out, but I get determined and I do things sometimes.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Yeah, same. Whenever I've especially these last few years, if I've got to travel, it's like, all right, well, this thing will go in a suitcase. I'll just take it apart. I bought a travel mic. Yeah. Just pack the shit up and go. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:57:30 When you're driving at four in the morning to like go somewhere that you just decided to go To four hours ago. I really enjoy that. I've done it many times. I like doing that. It is cool. Yeah, I'm Usually a girl involved of course did you see Ronda Rousey's interview on ESPN no so he asks her is there a chance she'll come back to the sport she's like well I haven't ruled it out he says so
Starting point is 00:57:57 I'm trying to quote him perfectly so you could go back in time. And she says, no, I'm not capable of time travel. He's like, but you could go back in time. No, I can't travel through time. Of course, what he means is, in time, you could go back to the sport of mixed martial arts but she's taking it as so you could travel back in time and take on Holly home reset the the the the history books it's it's either she's playing like an idiot to like fuck with
Starting point is 00:58:37 him and like be like come on don't ask me that stupid fucking question we're here to talk about you know WWE or she taking it. And when I heard it the first time, I was like, man, he phrased that poorly. And he did phrase it poorly because he said, so you could go back in time. So you could go back. I want to get it right. So in time, you could go back would be the way to say it. Yes. And he said, so you could go back in time. But he didn't even phrase it the way I did, or put the emphasis on time the way I did.
Starting point is 00:59:10 He said, so you could go back in time. And she's like, no, I can't fucking travel back in time. What the hell are we talking about right now? How did she look? Was she fat? I was watching on somebody else's phone. Oh, okay. Last time I saw her, she looked good when she was, like, walking out for WWE. She has a tendency to pack on weight sometimes.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Yeah. I've always thought that she was going to be a not-hot ex-athlete. We'll see. She's pre-fat. Ah. Looks good. I think she looks pretty good here. Yeah, she looks good there. In the thumbnail, she looks good.
Starting point is 00:59:49 This is a flattering look for her. Yeah, they got some very nice lighting on her, to be fair. They got that 60 minutes lighting on her. Very soft. She looks pretty good, though. I'll tell you. So I've seen Ronda's face Probably more than most people Because I watch
Starting point is 01:00:07 She gets fat face and she doesn't have it right here Yeah She does get fat face Wow The comments are so kind She's a pretty dyke Her match should be less than 10 minutes Wrestling trash nowadays anyway
Starting point is 01:00:23 Great That's funny She's a pretty dyke She's married The match should be less than 10 minutes. Wrestling trash nowadays anyway. Great. All right. That's funny. She's a pretty dyke. She's married. You know, I feel like when you're on top, it's a little easier to be nice to everyone than when you're on the bottom.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Like, if you're a dick on top, then you're probably a dick. And that's my criticism of Ronda. You know, when she was a champion, when she was the best And that's my criticism of Ronda. When she was a champion, when she was the best woman that's ever been seen, when she was all that stuff, she was still kind of hard to get along with. And I don't have longstanding animosity towards her or anything,
Starting point is 01:01:02 but yeah, fuck Ronda. Yeah. Sounds like you got some longstanding animosity towards her or anything, but yeah, fuck Ronda. Yeah. Sounds like you got some long-standing animosity towards her. A little bit. It does, it does, but I guess mostly really I don't want bad things to happen for her. Yeah, that did sound
Starting point is 01:01:18 pretty good. I hope she gets piled-drived into fucking wrestling and gets paralyzed. I hope her parents die in a car crash, but not just any car crash, a fiery car crash. I hope you have to live every day knowing that your parents died in a car crash. Because they were distracted by you getting your ass beat on the radio. Should we call that a wrap? Yeah, that's right.

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