Painkiller Already - PKN #193

Episode Date: May 11, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:01 PKN episode 193. So, Ice Poseidon is in a bit of drama? Yeah, so me, Chiz, and a few other guys were up all night last night. Really didn't get any sleep. I guess I was up till like 6am my time to catch all the 3am drama in LA. Because it just kept going. Mr. Medeker made a recap recap video this whole thing you were saying taylor and i think you watched some of that i didn't catch medicare's video because that's my only exposure to it like i know it went way deeper than that because apparently like you said this was going all fucking night like this was only an hour and a half stream on medicare's
Starting point is 00:00:38 channel but to catch up but can you give us like a higher level breakdown yeah it started at around 9 30 p.m their time and it went until like 3 30 a.m their time and it actually stretched on after that if you count some of the the side quests to this epic tale um basically and when i say basically i mean it's still pretty complicated they had some kind of gathering at ice's house and they had um this this uh oh shit there's a really pretty girl that ice is into that he's sort of using to to get views i suppose you could say cassandra i think her name is very very attractive young lady romantic with ice or no no uh i i'm pretty sure ice is trying to get with her and uh but but she's not having it but she's just as good as show yeah she's sort of
Starting point is 00:01:25 she's sort of using him for uh like like you know to kind of break into streaming i it would it would seem and he's sort of using her to get more views and stuff and it's a it's it's an odd situation one thing to keep in mind because you know this is audio that we're doing and you haven't seen it woody ice is missing an eyebrow through throughout all of this i did not see that he's missing his left eyebrow the one over here and he looks ghoulish if he if he gives you the full face like if he goes half face on you it's like oh yeah he looks respectable because he's got a full beard right now and his hair is kind of normal ghoulish if he looks just straight on so this girl Cassandra is there and they have this girl
Starting point is 00:02:08 Corinne come over when I say girl I mean 40 year old almost tranny looking retarded LA garbage who thinks she's someone special who's always like I know the mayor you know how much money I give do you know
Starting point is 00:02:24 what kind of philanthropist I am? It's freezing out here. She's the most annoying. Kyle is not exaggerating or being hyperbolic with that voice right now. She is the most annoying cunt box on the planet. And while we were watching it, I was like, I want to beat her face in with a baseball bat dipped in acid. So she comes over, too. She's invited by ICE, mind you. isis is like cool your jets kyle no no not anymore um isis maybe but ice is on board with me oh and so i
Starting point is 00:02:57 believe corinne the the disgusting human being she was about 40 which is odd because she's she's much older than that group that group seems to be 20 to 25 mostly. She's been invited over to make peace with this Cassandra chick. Apparently they have some bullshit girly drama going on. So old hag and hot young lady have drama? Probably like 15, 18 years between these two ladies. I wonder why a hot young lady even notices. Like, I'm 45, and I'm fully aware that I am invisible to hot young ladies.
Starting point is 00:03:30 They don't even see me. See, apparently people think, or the thought in the stream at the time, correct me if I'm wrong, Kyle, because you were there live, is that like, oh, this is a big contrived drama, fake and gay, not real. This is unrealistic. Like, you're just trying to force drama. For the beginning part, everybody's kind of pish posh.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I believe that Ice is trying to contrive one of those CX court appearances that he often does where he presides over some silly drama. At some point, he produces handcuffs and he's like i'm having to
Starting point is 00:04:06 handcuff you guys together we're gonna get to the bottom of this and like at first everybody the the hag is like ah don't handcuff me maybe if you handcuff me to you but be gently and she's she sounds a little bit like a female steve-o And so at some point in the night, things are weird, right? It's Ice's apartment. There's various characters around. They all have nicknames. It takes you a minute to get catched up on who scuffed Steve Jobs is and who Jim Carrey is and what all their positions are in Ice's life. His manager is there.
Starting point is 00:04:41 There's a lot of people in tow. One guy has warrants on him and is wearing a hoodie. And so you get used to all the characters. There's a robot. Reputable folks, yeah. There's a robot with a knife trolling around with a camera on it who's also streaming. And it has like a steak knife on it. and uh so at some point ice sneaks up behind the hag slaps handcuffs on her like he's john mcclain and starts trying to handcuff her to the pretty girl but the dumb bitch like pulls as hard as
Starting point is 00:05:17 she can away like she's gonna like escape handcuffs she hurt herself a little okay not in this kind of way that like any of any of us would be like oh look i got a little redness there around the wrist i should listen not interrupt but you do yeah she she gets she blows it way out of proportion and she starts being real shitty uh they let her out of like the proportion that it was like i saw a teeny little bit on my phone on medicare's screen when she was holding her wrist up being like, look at my wrist. Like, look at this. It looked like, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:46 when a, when girls have like a scrunchie or a hair tie on their wrist and they take it off and there's like that indentation or when you wear a condom and there's that indentation around the bottom of your dick after you're done, it looked like that. It wasn't like bloody or anything that I could tell. Is that right? Absurdly low level injury,
Starting point is 00:06:05 a one out of 5,000 type of injury. There's a thing I don't know. He wasn't able to successfully put them together. He only got one side on. No, he only got her on there, and then she starts being real cunty, and so he lets her out of that one. And so she starts being super cun conti she's sitting there she's like
Starting point is 00:06:27 ice the sign is abusive the women hashtag me too generation you need to you need to swat him right now his sponsors need to know swat him his address is 1314 East LA Boulevard. And Ice is like, uh, that's not gonna fly. Come on, you're getting the fuck out of here. That's so perfect. So he like gets her ass up and she's like, stop touching my boob!
Starting point is 00:06:58 And he's like, clearly nowhere near her flabby titties. And like, escorts her out of the house. So now, she begins streaming. So now she begins streaming. So now we're following both streams. One is Ice back at his place talking about the mayhem that just occurred and how crazy this bitch was. The other crazy bitch's stream in a car with her quote unquote driver who is clearly annoyed with her. And that's a repeating theme throughout the night. Clearly annoyed with her.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And that's a repeating theme throughout the night. Everyone who is having to associate with her is clearly annoyed that they're having to do so after 30 seconds. They immediately realize this is a buffoon, a trash human being, and you can see it in their face. She's not pleasant with anyone there. She's being combative, like not a kind-seeming person. So this is a little tidbit that I'm not sure everyone caught and I only know it because I looked at Cassandra, the hot chick's Instagram. At some
Starting point is 00:07:52 point someone produces an iPad and they say, is this Corinne's iPad? Corinne is old hag. Old hag. Thank you. And they're like, yes, that is old hag's iPad. Ayes goes, give me that that she's not getting it back somebody goes ebay motherfucker he goes yeah mexican andy would
Starting point is 00:08:14 love this and he sits there on his little shelf there cassandra's like get pre-chick says give you better give that back give that back now he's, I'm not giving it back. She ain't getting this back. Back in the car. Can I just tell you, the ice impression makes this whole thing four times better. I'm not giving that back. Back in the car. Meanwhile, old hag is like, where's my iPad? This isn't my iPad.
Starting point is 00:08:42 This is Ice's iPad. She has Ice's iPad. And just prior to realizing this, she's going ham. She's like, we need to call the police. We need to call, we need to go to the hospital. I need to go to the emergency room. I need treatment. And then she realizes her iPad may be missing.
Starting point is 00:09:00 And she's like, if I could just get the iPad back, that would really solve everything like we just forget about the police and the the medical care and i just could we do an ipad exchange i need she's talking to her stream which is blowing up because of what she just did at ice's place maybe 1500 at this point and she's never had more than three people on her stream. So she's like, is there any competent people out there who could do an iPad exchange? So I tuned out a little at this point, but basically what ends up happening is she goes back to Ice's house. It's nighttime now there. It's dead of night.
Starting point is 00:09:40 And his iPad gets back to him. Her iPad's not showing up. Everybody's shrugging we don't know where your ipad is bitch it's gone keep your ass down there on the sidewalk meanwhile there are like ice beside and fans kind of in the area yelling at her occasionally and she's getting she's pretending like it's jason and he's over there with a ski mask and a chainsaw or something. There's stalkers everywhere. She calls the cops. Takes an hour for them to get there, but they finally show up. The cops are not impressed with her at all.
Starting point is 00:10:15 They are literally eye-rolling on her stream, listening to her talk, because she's so dim-witted. They're like, well, how many gigabytes is it? I don't know what a gigabyte is what's a gigabyte it's 10 and a half inches they're like well if you don't know we can't tell you ma'am like what you have to give us the they're trying to fill out this report she's just like interrupting them constantly they keep telling her to turn her stream off and she's like now now no no because it's blowing up it's it now it's like 2500 people
Starting point is 00:10:47 and they're streaming upstairs too isis got a stream where they're watching her stream even though she's down on the sidewalk she's talking to the cops they're up there i guess getting their stories together to some extent now of course her the 2500 people in her chat are not her fans because she those don't exist those are figments of her imagination. They're the Purple Army. They're down there giving her a million different places where her iPad is. It's not in any of these places. It's under the carpet.
Starting point is 00:11:17 It's in the jacuzzi. It's in the porta potty outside down the street. She doesn't know what a porta potty is, by the way, so that's very confusing to's in the dryer it's in the oven it's in the microwave ice has it jim carrey has it i learned later that wasn't the real jim carrey but i don't think she knew that because she was like jim carrey wasn't even there so she's telling all this to the cops they're writing a report out they're looking at a risk like big fucking deal because these are people who actually handcuff people on a regular basis. They've seen like actual handcuff bruises and this is lame.
Starting point is 00:11:49 They go up to Ice's apartment and this is the clip we have here at 6.04. I believe what has occurred. I haven't previewed the clip, but I'm pretty sure what Chiz would have linked for us is the cops want evidence from Ice that he didn't forcefully handcuff this girl. They're like, she's saying that you basically kidnapped her, in essence, and handcuffed her against her will. And so could you show us some video of her getting handcuffed so we see what the deal was? And ICE is like, absolutely. You'll see from this video that i am in the right and so the cops gather around ice's pc all of ice's posse uh and it's not a big posse it's like three or
Starting point is 00:12:33 four guys are there and i will direct your attention to the gentleman i wish i knew his name the gentleman with the hoodie on in the background who has open warrants on him and watch his face okay he's as cool as a cucumber i'm ready when you guys are ready oh about how long are we watching just uh maybe two minutes okay ready set play that's the exact time what is this this is the whole thing this is right when it happens, apparently. Okay. Call 911! I don't like the body! Call 911! We need to put this body! Call fucking 911! We need to get some volunteers out.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Yeah. That's a little robot. What's a little robot? Put it in the room so they can clean it off. All the guys in the room are still over there. We don't want you to open anything for me. Listen, Cassandra, it's a two-way deal. Get on the couch. Cassandra, get on the couch! I am getting on the couch. There you go. Get both of you on the couch.
Starting point is 00:13:37 She's obedient. I like that. Context matters. Context matters. I love his one eyebrow. That looks odd, but... Context matters. I love his one eyebrow. Look at him sneaking up with the handcuffs. Like super sneaky mode with fucking cuffs. And he pounces. Now he's got her.
Starting point is 00:14:00 She's just pulling against him. I love that from the cop. So context matters. And she, well, we need to see her saying that she wanted it though. Okay. So she never, she never says,
Starting point is 00:14:20 yes, I want to be handcuffed, but she is live streaming herself making money. Okay. Entertainment. She's in my house. That's fine guys. She don't talk to her. She can walk out at any point He told us that this was all an act and she's trying to break into the industry well and to be careful Look at that eyebrow. It really hurts his credibility as a witness. If you walk into my house and you're streaming,
Starting point is 00:14:50 that's yes to anything. And then you can walk out at any point. I don't think that's true. She fucking sprayed me with the fucking bullshit. Ready, set, pause. He said, if you walk into my house that's yes to anything and he thinks it i don't think this is a goof when he says that i think you know me girls came over here and then i just raped the shit out of them and i was like hey you
Starting point is 00:15:17 walked in here that's yes to anything yes to anything so cops go back down she's even more annoying i promise you if this girl had been if one of us had jumped in this girl's body and done our best to like put our best foot forward and get ice arrested we would have done it because the cops are always willing to listen to to reason it seems to me especially these cops he seemed like really good cops she is so annoying and she starts insulting them a few minutes in she's like she's like what took you so long to get here they're like well we had emergencies you don't think this is an emergency do you know how much money she's she's like she's like what what are you east um west hollywood and they're like no we're lapd what city am i in you're in the city of los angeles ma'am so you're lapd you're not sheriffs no do
Starting point is 00:16:13 you oh that's real funny do you know how much money i give you people wow and you treat me like this and she says i am freezing at no less than 10 times while she stands there on the sidewalk complaining. And we're all out here in the cold, right? She's called them out there to do this fucking bullshit job. And it's L.A. in May, right? It can't be that cold. I don't have a weather report, but what, 60 degrees or something? Sure.
Starting point is 00:16:38 So it finally comes. They go back and forth between the two parties a couple times. They completely search Ice's apartment for the iPad, looking in all the weird places that she's directed them to look. He's like, I looked in the oven. I looked in the dryer. I looked under the dryer. Your iPad isn't there.
Starting point is 00:16:54 And I was thinking, like, you could probably hide an iPad pretty easily, right? We all know what an iPad looks like. You could slip that thing just about anywhere, all kinds of weird places. It's probably in there and so ice's crew realized they've got a little leverage she apparently molested one of these gentlemen a little bit grabbed his cock twice while she was up there earlier in the night and they got that on video and they show the cops the video and they say hey if she's gonna press charges on ice then my boy what i wish i knew his name my boy here korean andy one of the andy flavors then kim jong don't touch my own here is gonna press charges against her all right you let her know that. We're both going down.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And so they come downstairs and the cops literally relay that message. They're like, something you need to understand, ma'am. Could you turn off the stream? Could you just turn it off? No, they're just telling you the cops understood streaming better than her. They're just telling you random things to mess with you right now. That's what happened. That's what happened.
Starting point is 00:18:00 They didn't know the term trolling, but they're like, they're just telling they're they're um what was the name uh i wish chis was on the call they were they were saying nick nick hergs like like a name that they were saying nick hergs took it but if you say nick hergs took it too fast it's it sounds like something bad and so they keep going and going and they said look here's here's the reality here ma'am if you want to press press charges he's like what does that mean charges i don't understand if you want to push this onward and and you want to to like get him in trouble then they have witnesses and video of you grabbing one of those guys up there without his consent you're both gonna go to jail you're both gonna end up in court and we're gonna be out of it and she seems very confused about that because hashtag me too doesn't apply to women okay we can grab all the cocks we want
Starting point is 00:18:58 so finally she just leaves she just walks away she continues streaming goes to her tell doxes herself like half a dozen times times we knew that she's at the hotel mandrian in room 206 i remember this her phone number she read her phone there she probably is she read her phone number out multiple times her phone would not work because it's continuously being called and she answers the call who is that it's j's Jimmy from Alaska. I'm gonna fuck you, you whore. Oh, no. Just crazy shit the whole night. And so Ice has, of course, told the police, we don't know where that iPad is. We haven't seen that iPad. And then the
Starting point is 00:19:40 video comes out today that I mentioned where he's like... Is this Mr. Medeker's video uh no mr medeker i don't think has the particular video i'm talking about in his i the uh the video i saw on her instagram i think it was where she's where ice is like oh that's her ipad she ain't getting that back somebody's like ebay he's like no mex, Mexican Andy would love this. And they've got it. It was such a bizarre night. We're pretty sure Ice is going to get in much more further legal trouble because he lied straight to the cop's face,
Starting point is 00:20:13 and there's clear evidence of that. And he definitely has her iPad. But does she still have his iPad? No, he got that back. Oh, he got that back. That's part of the story. Yeah, he got his back, and they didn't do a trade. He just managed to get his back.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Why wouldn't they do that? Why wouldn't he just give it back? I know he hates her. Finders keepers. That is the ice beside him way. It's not even finders keepers. He just left it at his house. Mr. Medeker covered this in near real time? He already has it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I don't know how he keeps up with all this shit. So basically Medeker was watching pretty much along with us, not in our little call or anything, but he was watching along with us in real time. And as soon as it was kind of over, as soon as she went to her hotel, continue streaming and ice cut his stream off, he starts streaming. Mr. Medeker starts and he does like an hour and 40 minute live stream recapping everything
Starting point is 00:21:11 and dragging videos in and stuff like that and then he uploaded that today as a as a vod it was it was really entertaining it may not sound all that entertaining i'm not sure but to watch it live and you didn't know it we were like they're gonna slap him in cuffs right now we're gonna watch him get arrested live on stream because he just the evidence that he just showed to the cops looks really bad for him i feel like ice has all the entertainment talent that howard stern does maybe more but none of the business talent ice will be broke in 10 years you know in 10 years he'll find himself with no money and no job skills but between now and then there's going to be a lot of
Starting point is 00:21:50 great content be a lot of good streams yeah well maybe as long as this doesn't boil over just fucking hilarious the the whole thing that chick though graded me so badly i think she's my least favorite person from the internet now and and and. And I know most of the evil people on the internet. She is a monster of a person. Okay, okay. So I don't know her, but I'm going to accept everything you said
Starting point is 00:22:13 as completely true. The question is, if you heard she was going back to Ice's house, would you watch again? Absolutely. She's compelling. Terrible, but you know crazy's the show it i i would just i i want i want a i want a big man to decker i i want and you could be that big
Starting point is 00:22:36 man oh i'd love to i'd love to punch that woman in the in the in the eye and self-defense if she put you in a self-defense situation, you wouldn't hesitate. If she was asleep in her bed and I snuck in and I crept right up next to her like Rose Yamagunas and fucking wailed on her. That's my
Starting point is 00:22:57 birthday present that I want from one of you. If you could arrange that for me. Get me in that room. I haven't seen her like you have. I've just seen this clip and heard your description. But the torture I want for her is a little different. I want her to have to solve a problem, right? Can we put her in, I don't know, a remote area, the woods,
Starting point is 00:23:17 and then see a live stream of her trying to solve the problem? That would not go well. It would be a show to me like i want to see her in high heels 12 miles into the woods try to solve this issue she they kept having to tell her to close her legs because she was flashing her pussy to the camera like she's just a she was so trashy she thought she was the the... The disparity between what she thinks she is and what she is, the gap is so immense. She thinks she is a socialite philanthropist.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Meanwhile, she is a white trash dirtbag. Like, it's clear. Let's watch from this clip. This is like the second well there's two clips here this the second one i don't know what that sand pepper thing is okay um this is another time stamp at this point i believe um the cops are about to come into ice's bedroom for the second or third time to see more evidence while they've been downstairs talking to crazy bitch, the boys upstairs have been looking for timestamps for like, you know, evidence in their favor. And this is the part
Starting point is 00:24:33 where we see the gentleman with the hoodie on who has the open warrants. And again, he's the best part of this little clip to me because of like his reactions in the background and stuff, keeping in mind that he has these open warrants right next to the cop and that Corrine has told the cops that he has open warrants, and the cops are just like, we're not here for that. That's not what we're here for. Are you guys ready? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Ready, set, play. To me. Hand it over to me. Can you go back to the clip where she says... There was a dent there. That's a flap. Oh, she has a bracelet. Look at Hoodie Man. He's got the real fear? Look at Hoodie Man. He's walking.
Starting point is 00:25:46 He's got the real fear in him. Oh no. You better watch out lady. Here I come. Here I come. Here I come lady. Here I come lady. Here I come lady. You better watch out. If you were scared for your life you would run out of this house. But since you're manipulating everybody, but it's not working, there's nobody stupid. Concept.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Hold on. Here's the point here. Only if you handcuff yourself to me. Handcuff yourself to me. Okay, but can you do it really gentle now? Yeah. Can you do it gentle? The whole thing no, can you do it to yourself first? no, this is this is my house
Starting point is 00:26:30 this is my house do you actually do it at this point? no, I didn't put the handcuffs he's trying to get he's trying to get head from head it's okay to put it on her as long as it's gentle that guy with the shaved head is the one who was molested.
Starting point is 00:26:46 She was hacked up prior to this. Correct. I didn't ask for that. I guess that's about all there is. It was a bizarre fucking night. It was absolutely fucking weird. Just the characters that he produces are are very interesting to me i i i don't know the the she was just garbage though i i i i hated her so much
Starting point is 00:27:14 and like like i was i was mad i kept turning it off i would turn it off for like three or four minutes and just fume and then i'd be like they'd be like oh look what she's doing now i'm like fuck all right i'd get back on and have to watch some more because like she for the longest period of time it was just her streaming by herself because ice had turned his stream off to like confer with his homies about how to how to best defend these just against him he's guilty as fuck though it's possible that he just said that shit and that someone else like came in there and stole it from him and then he forgot all about it that that i mean could be that would be my my take I want to skip ahead and see how this show ends right?
Starting point is 00:28:12 I bet Ice doesn't she's so inept that I don't think again, if she were a more capable non-retarded person who wasn't a complete piece of shit I think that she would not only be able to figure out what to do next but people would actually take it seriously but but none of
Starting point is 00:28:31 those things are true i could show up with an edited together thing put it on my phone say look this guy stole my ipad i've got him on video here talking about him stealing my ipad this is where he lives can we go get something done and i I think they would. Like that day. They just investigated on the spot. Potentially, yeah. For sure. You'd have a real good shot at it. But she's just none of those things. Like Ice's quote today was, quote, the mark is gone. She can't do anything at this point. She can't sue me. So, she's... America, you can always sue somebody yeah i don't think anything's gonna
Starting point is 00:29:07 gonna come of it i think there's a chance that nothing happens at all but she did some some bad shit too during it like isn't that illegal to just be saying just uh swat this guy's house swat she early in the stream she was like swat this guy's house send the police there they have knives inside they have knives inside they're uh swat this guy's house send the police there they have knives inside they have knives inside they're uh swat this guy's house and then later is like during the stream part of it i heard she was trying to play it back like i don't even know what swat means i don't even know what swat means and some guy she was with goes it means sending a swat team to someone's house and she goes oh well then yeah swat him and it's, my God, you can't even play stupid right.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Yeah. Yeah, she's awful. And that's illegal, right? You can't just, like, be calling in and telling the police to go fuck with people. Yeah. Yeah, you can't do that. She was at the hotel, and they were like, man, we're getting a lot of calls. What are you doing over here streaming in the corner?
Starting point is 00:30:01 She's like, I'm a celebrity. I'm a celebrity i'm a celebrity and they're like they're like i know like what are you doing she's like aren't you used to this dealing with celebrities just ah she's just slurring the whole night just she wasn't even drunk i don't think she's just a just a garbage fucking person it was awful to have to watch i i kind of wish i sat and actually stolen her shit And it wouldn't be it'd be a lot easier to be a hundred percent on his side not on hers at all But but still like I it was very entertaining
Starting point is 00:30:34 I don't know what the next step is. I hope there's more to the story She she at one point She was like she was like playing with the idea of going to hospital hospital. And they're like, if you want to go, go. The cops. They're like, go. She's like, where's the hospital? She's like, where am I? She's like, you're on Olympic Boulevard.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Well, where's the hospital? On Olympia Boulevard. It's right around the corner. Well, can I go to Cedars-Sinai? We don't care. We don't go wherever you want. She's like like what do i do you go we can call you an ambulance so then what happens they come and the fire department
Starting point is 00:31:13 comes do you think i should that's not for us to say ma'am but i'll tell you this if one of those guys up there showed me that arm and asked me if they needed to go to the hospital i'd say no i'd say no they said that yes they were right those cops are not not complete imbeciles failing to function on earth those cops are great those cops are great rodriguez and i don't remember the other guy's name but rodriguez like he's like trying to like work with her. She's streaming him. She's like, I don't understand anything. I'm really stupid. He goes... He literally rolls his eyes.
Starting point is 00:31:54 The whole chat sees it. They fucking love it. They're like, dumb bitch. He's rolling his eyes at you. You're so stupid. He's rolling his eyes at you. These cops, I obviously didn't see as much as kyle did but they were not having it one of the guys at one point said uh not ice one of his friends was like
Starting point is 00:32:12 we think she's here for attention and uh you know he's pretty famous so anybody who gets with him is going to get a lot of viewers and the cop did not give like the response i think that guy thought or he'd be like oh he's pretty famous is he like the cop was clearly the like the response. I think that guy thought, or he'd be like, Oh, he's pretty famous. Is he like, the cop was clearly the face of like, do you think I give a fuck about whatever it is you're doing? You're, you're live streaming on YouTube. You know,
Starting point is 00:32:32 I'm a police officer, right? Like, I don't, I don't go home and sit on Twitch or wherever you got like, no, he doesn't even know what Twitch is. Like,
Starting point is 00:32:39 it was funny. I could be wrong, but to me, the cop is wrong. Right? Like, I'm just talking to his well yeah i hear you i don't know where i'm coming at from this but i just feel like like look this is a guy he can
Starting point is 00:32:53 fucking go to a gym and lift unimpressive amounts of weight and 30 000 people will watch right and i didn't even insult the amount that he lives, but whatever. You know, he can lift within the realms of what normal people do. And everyone, I was riveted. I wanted to see. I wanted to watch the next lift. Can he put three plates on each side? I don't know. And it's an impressive thing.
Starting point is 00:33:17 He puts on a show. Everyone's riveted. We're talking about him the next day. If the cop doesn't get that, that means the cop doesn't understand a thing. Yeah. out on the next day if the cop doesn't get that that means the cop doesn't understand a thing yeah so yeah i uh we'll uh if something else happens maybe we can talk about it on pka but but i think that's all of it right now just um what was this thing about an rv that am i ah yeah there's a there's a medium speed chase in la right now where this guy is in an rv he may or may not have his kids in there with him. He's armed. He's driving 70 miles per hour.
Starting point is 00:33:47 It's a big RV, like a Walter White special. He's been running from the cops for quite a while now. It's on all the news channels. I don't think anything's happened yet. I don't know shit about RVs, but I would guess they have a lot of gas. He could go for like 10 hours if he wanted to. And they'd be hard to pit maneuver
Starting point is 00:34:05 These are things I'm assuming He's in an enormous Winnebago It says straight streaming on the side Mexican Andy is in tow And we believe there's an iPad in the vehicle Mexican Andy is in a Ford Pinto believe there's an iPad in the vehicle. Yeah, Mexican Andy is in a Ford Pinto. Live with Corinne. Kyle, tell me, is it time for a topic change?
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yeah, yeah, I think that's all of it. Can you get a good deal on the truck at the beginning of the month? Sure. Yeah? Yeah. I felt like I missed my chance by not buying it like yesterday or something no i i mean like when i talk about like doing it at the end of the month and like you know if you're just trying to maximize every dollar you could possibly save and it's not even
Starting point is 00:34:59 a given that that like what if you get to the end of the month and they're like and and they've they've got plenty of sales you know let's say that they get their bonus at 300 cars for the month and they got 312 sold they could look at your sale with even less regard right like uh we're golden here we we all got our bonuses we're i'm going to Maui next week. Like, no, we're not want you to go to me. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So but but the the best possible scenario that the way that just thinking back to the times when we lost the most money to sell someone a car. Those were the scenarios. It was the end of the month. We needed one more sale or three more sales.
Starting point is 00:35:42 And it was a Sunday night or whatever. And, you know, up against the wall type situation, but no, it's not like, uh, you, you've necessarily lost some, some big amount of money. And when I talk about saving like, uh, those extra dollars, it might be $800, you know, like, like that you, that you get. Yeah. It's funny. A lot of it is like when negotiating the price of a car it's almost pride i just don't want to think that i was an asshole for the next 10 15 years however long i keep it
Starting point is 00:36:12 yeah um yeah but i am people who watch the show for ages know i've been talking about my new truck since 2013 but i'm less full of shit now i uh i'm growing disillusioned with the Tacoma. In my eyes. After all these years, yeah. In my eyes, maybe when other people see the Tacoma, they see an old pile of bolts with rust and dents and whatever, but I looked at it and said,
Starting point is 00:36:38 that is the truck of a man who marches to the beat of a different drummer. There are no other trucks just like mine, right? It had its own person. A clacking old rusty drum. You're not wrong. Tinny. And it had been reliable, and it was kind of no frills.
Starting point is 00:36:56 I got it no frills thinking that'd be more reliable, like that my coworkers and stuff, one had a problem with his electric door locks. So I thought, well, I won't make the mistake of having that for the next 15 years. You know, I'm going to have reliable old manual locks. People laugh at me when I roll down the passenger window because you have to lean across and do the thing. And they're old, so it takes some muscle to spin those fucking window handle thingies. Well, it's an odd juxtaposition to see your estate and then that Tacoma there. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:37:32 It's almost odd. It's like, do you have a whole fleet of these or something? No, just one. Now, when I look at that Tacoma, I see a little something different. It's not comfortable to ride in, and it's really loud in there. Like I don't know how loud you or the viewers imagining, but it's probably louder than that. You can't really hold a conversation with the passenger in there. You have to yell to each other.
Starting point is 00:37:58 And like when I first start the car, the radio is on so loud because I have it overcoming the road noise that when you started in the driveway you're like whoa is this even safe like this is what I listened to like the whole trip and uh or on the other hand like I can't tell if the music is on if it's at driveway level so I it's uncomfortable and it's loud and i have a couple trips coming up by the way i have to ask chis if he can help me with recording and i'm just like maybe i should just pull the trigger there's no flipping reason why i have this old truck uh i i wanted to wait and pay the taxes and count the money and everything i'm fine i i can have a new truck if i want it and i haven't for some reason and more recently i was like it is time to make this go yeah yeah do it if you're gonna get uh i think
Starting point is 00:38:54 you know the the easiest way to make sure you get a good deal is is comparison right you know go to go to eight different eight maybe excessive go to four different chevrolet dealerships and find you know similar car and and get and you know maybe you bounce back and forth to them a few times very quickly you'll narrow four down to two and then you'll sort of get them to compete against each other a little bit and some of them might just be like we're not gonna do this we're not gonna play this game you know like like like this is today's price, sir. And you've got to make that decision. Like, well, fuck you. Or, you know, all right.
Starting point is 00:39:32 That seems like a reasonable price. All right, that's $300 less than the last guy. And the last guy said that that was today's price only. And I told him to go fuck himself. Well, to be honest, I'm all out of Chevrolet dealerships in the tri-state area, sir. I'm on a list uh the reason i came here is in here is mr mayberry uh you'll find him are you the woodwork
Starting point is 00:39:52 we heard about you yeah yeah i i think i might do that i don't know if i can do it over the phone i think a lot of them might not want to play that game i don't know where the i think i hit the internet and see what people have in stock. But I'm kind of ready to just own a new truck. I recommend going in. Okay. You want to get in the truck. You want to smell the truck.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Yeah, that's true. You want to test drive these trucks. And when you're on the test drive, don't be a bitch about it. Fucking gas that thing up. When you're on the road, do this. Drive the way you're going to drive. drive the way you're gonna drive yeah the way you're gonna drive and uh and you know um definitely definitely they're not gonna be the same truck and that's gonna be like a sales technique that they use well so this truck has blah blah blah all right well what's the markup
Starting point is 00:40:40 on blah blah blah like like just because this one has a sunroof and that one doesn't, like, all right, the sunroof's an $800 package. There's, let's just say, 10% profit built into that. We're talking about $80. Like, don't try to tell me that this truck is $2,500 more expensive because it's got an $800 sunroof in it. That's bullshit. Like, you know, even if they're not the identical truck,
Starting point is 00:41:02 they can still be compared very easily when you account for the minor differences that they may or may not have. But, you know, just kind of know what you want going in there. If color is a big deal to you or if like a specific stereo is or, you know, whatever you're into. Yeah, that actually is one of the bigger deals. Well, look, I need to see how much they cost too. In my head, I'm like, you know what? i kind of want to afford f-150 king ranch package needs to have the bigger screen on the radio for whatever reason that matters to me more than maybe it would other
Starting point is 00:41:33 people and navigation yeah like the navigation the screen and stuff that that to me matters and uh ventilated seats oh you're gonna get the f-250 150 i think okay yeah i i thought about the two really that i don't need it and i think it's harder to maintain and own and more expensive over time so uh yeah i think i got a 150 king ranch that's what i'm looking at i'll go hop in one and see what's what there's a chance i hop on a full- truck and I'm like, this is so hard to park that I look at Tacomas again or something. I don't know. I got rear cameras. You know, you're going to you're going to love that.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Yeah, I I was driving. Just give it like a week and you'll be totally used to parking that versus the Tacoma. Like you might be right. I think I was driving next to some other car and i could tell that when i was in that car's blind spot there was a light on his side view mirror it just turned yellow he had a little like thing and it indicated to the driver that i was in his blind spot and i started playing with it like i i left it i came back the light goes on and off i'm like that is wonderful i like that a lot so a lot of those features are neat my uh my grandma always gets like a new
Starting point is 00:42:47 yukon every year like just leases it and then switches into the new one okay she's such a such a neat grandma you know how the gmc on the front of it is red yeah she gets that blacked out because she thinks it looks better to be in the black gnC. And with that, it not only has the lights on the rearview mirrors, it has vibrating seats. So, like, if someone gets too close on your left side, it'll give your left ass cheek a little zzz, zzz. Really? And let you know.
Starting point is 00:43:17 If you're, like, about to back into somebody, the back of your seat will zzz, zzz. Yep. But I was taking her car through a – I dislike it too, and this was a funny example why i was driving her car through uh uh well i guess i was just the one driving we were all in there we were taking them through a car wash and it freaks the fuck out with that vibrating seat when you go through a car wash because the car's like oh there are objects everywhere and your
Starting point is 00:43:41 whole ass is just non-stop for the entire car you start to like it a little and then when you leave you get that like post numb sensation we're like i kind of wish it would keep going maybe i'll drive a little recklessly you know uh heather she used to be agent to the show and so i've usually remember her uh she got a new car when she was working at woody craft at his team building event anyway i found myself driving her car and it had a feature where if you change lanes without signaling first it would fight you a little bit i mean you could force it but it would be like hey you're drifting and kind of keep you in your lane i i didn't drive it long enough to develop an opinion i just i was mostly evaluating like should my daughter have this you know i like it okay i like it the f-150 i usually
Starting point is 00:44:26 um rent a an explorer if i can like the nice limited explorer if i go somewhere and uh last time i had one it had that feature it had all these features the ones taylor described as well and like you know if you're texting and driving and maybe you start losing your lane it it's it's not that it notifies you a little but it also kind of keeps you in your lane i think it's called lane retention or something like that and it's like oh well thanks you just kept me in here and no i wasn't gonna hit anything i wasn't like all the way over the white line or anything but i was getting to the edge and it sort of starts fighting you and makes it and i want to say that if you stop short or not stop short if you if you stop
Starting point is 00:45:05 late you stop short with my wife if you stop late if if the car feels you're about to rear end somebody it'll give you some more break you know it'll it'll it'll help you not rear end someone um it did that to me once and and i was like whoa what are you doing i'm good here it was one of the situations where the car is what i meant to do like we were both braking me and the car in front of me and like i was gaining on them but like if i could sense the trajectory was that i was coming to a complete stop in a very safe manner but the car didn't think so and it was like it gave me a lot of break and it was like it was like you know sometimes you know that if there's space in front of the car in front of you that he's likely to use that up.
Starting point is 00:45:46 And that's yeah, that was the scenario. Like he me and that car were both sort of breaking. And and the trajectory was that he was going to come to a full stop and I'd be on a full stop three feet behind him or something. We're in traffic and the car didn't realize that I I learned to like it by the end of the week. But at first I was really upset with it. I was like, you don't tell me. Heather's car had, I think the feature is called adaptive cruise control. Probably Kyle has it.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I don't know how new Taylor's car is. But when you're on cruise control, it just matches the car in front of you. And if that guy is bouncing between 65 and 75, then you will. Until he pulls over, then you'll go whatever speed you set it for. And it seems really nice. Yeah, it seems like a really good feature. I prefer that to any of the flashing windows or vibrating seats. Oh, you don't have that now?
Starting point is 00:46:37 Because that's the most annoying thing. No, I don't have the controlled. I just have regular cruise control. But you know when you're on a road trip, you get a little annoyed trying to set it perfectly. Well, you're having it at 70 or something, but the guy in front of you is going 68. And you're like, God damn it. In 10 minutes, I'm going to have to turn this off because I'm going to catch up too much and get around him. All right, let's get it to the perfect speed.
Starting point is 00:46:56 That would be a great feature. Yeah. I like that one instantly. That one was pretty cool. So I want some of these driver assist things. I want the bigger screen. So I want some of these driver assist things. I want the bigger screen and I want ventilated seats. I don't know Missouri weather that well, but in North Carolina, ventilated seats sound really nice. Hop in there. It does sound nice. Yeah. It's like an
Starting point is 00:47:17 air hockey table if people haven't seen it. When are you set a date? When are you pulling the trigger on this? I think May 9th. Oh, my birthday. Oh, really? Is this secretly for me? I think that I have a place to drive on May 11th or something. And I would like to, I'm doing a bigger trip. I think I'm going, starting with Carolina, of course, off to Louisiana, stop by Oklahoma, and then Kansas, and then back home.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Do you know what features you're going to get? So this thing comes in, obviously, the regular cab, the super cab, and the super crew, which is the full four doors. So I need to see them in person. I thought there were two kinds of four doors, and if the middle one has a better turning radius or something, I might opt for that. Its doors, I think it's a better turning radius or something i might opt for that
Starting point is 00:48:05 it's doors uh i think it's got a suicide door or something i don't think it has a door handle on the super cab yeah it doesn't then i might want true four doors yeah uh and i know that you're a fan of that right kyle pardon you're a fan of having actual four doors yeah because if someone's gonna be back there on a regular basis like or even if like like i put my groceries back there and i i fold in my truck i fold the the back seat up and it's just a wide open floorboard back there and like i i just fill the thing up with groceries and or whatever i've got in the truck and it's really easy to get them out uh i don't know i i like that but but i feel like i often
Starting point is 00:48:46 have something to throw back there they might be wings for my paramotor or i'm gonna say a gym bag but usually there's like tools or something in it but five and a half bed six and a half bed or eight foot bed now that one i'm really struggling on because i maybe the shorter bed or six and a half not i like the five and a half bed and then they have this cage that that goes in the bed that can be flipped one of two ways and when you flip it the other way it sort of encapsulates the tailgate when the tailgate is put down so the bed becomes the length of it of itself with a tailgate down i need to look at the convenience of that compared to like because i often put the paramotor in it, right?
Starting point is 00:49:25 That's something I might do twice a week. And if it's going to be in the way or something, then that's a problem. If it folds against the sides beautifully, then that's a consideration. And, oh, wow, these things have 10-speed transmissions. Yes. I think I want the V8. I've given a lot of thought did you want to say something uh no go ahead please the eco boost is their most expensive motor which you'd think
Starting point is 00:49:51 would be the best one and it is the most powerful which is you know again you'd think it'd be the best one but for a guy that keeps their stuff you know i don't know if i want a twin turbo intercool and all that plumbing involved. I might just want a V8 and it's a little easier to work on and understand to me. So it appears to me that a 4x4 10-speed transmission V8 6.5-foot bed with the SuperCrew package begins at $40,000. That's if you want the XL. Actually, I take that back because that does not have the VA to get the VH You got to step on up a couple notches won't come with less than a V8
Starting point is 00:50:31 exactly The Lariat which is quite nice, and I think has most of the features $48,000 the King Ranch $55,000 the platinum $58,000 go The Platinum, $58,000. Go big. Go for that Platinum. The truth is the King Ranch has a make-believe cowboy styling that really appeals to me.
Starting point is 00:50:58 No, no, no. I'm with you 100%. I like how honest you are about that. Make-believe cowboy. See, you've spent so long in that tacoma like treat yourself like you can you should be able to rationalize whatever little extra gadget or gizmo on that truck you want like max this fucker out my wife and i were talking about and she's like look are you keeping the tacoma and i'm like i think i am i think it's
Starting point is 00:51:20 worth very little to anybody else and i'll have something for dirty tasks or whatever. And she's like, we don't need two trucks. Maybe you'd like something else. Maybe you'd like a Mustang. Maybe you'd like some sort of crossover or SUV. Or like, you know, not all of your tasks are putting something in the bed. Why do you need two trucks? And I pondered on that overnight, woke up in a bad mood, and I was like, do you remember when I got that Focus?
Starting point is 00:51:49 Do you remember? I hated it every day. Every day I hated that Focus. I would walk from my office to my car, pass 300 cars in the parking lot. Every one of them I'd prefer over that fucking Focus. I was like, I like my cars to have a bed on them. Why do I have to get something
Starting point is 00:52:09 without a bed? And she's like, you don't. No one's talking about a Focus. I'm like, I know, I'm exaggerating to make a point. And she's like,
Starting point is 00:52:18 oh, you know, like, because she just thought it was a waste of money. She's like, you know how you say jewelry is stupid? I think $75,000 trucks are stupid.
Starting point is 00:52:26 And I was like, it's $58,000. I hear where you're coming from. You don't listen. Well, I don't know. See, I went there. I went to look at trucks last year because I've been doing this for some time. And I saw a Harley Davidson Special Edition F1. And it was over $70,000.
Starting point is 00:52:42 I was like, my goodness, this seems like a lot. And so we're looking and seeing 55 on this but I have a feeling when I walk in there they're going to be like yeah it's 55 but we decided to add a moon roof and a power tailgate or something else and this one's 70 and we'll see what they are what they
Starting point is 00:53:00 look like what they cost how much I value those extras yeah the sunroof that bad boy goes all the way back it's really two sunroofs it's amazing it's amazing that what these things are luxury trucks i i there's probably people listening to this who are from europe or maybe just in a part of america where not everyone drives a truck you have to picture like a modern bmw an suv with a bed on it it's gonna be hard for you to fathom hang with me here i think that maybe it's me that i'm the one who hasn't seen a new car in 15 years and it's like you don't understand like the speedometers
Starting point is 00:53:40 are digital do you get this? It blows me away. And get this. I was at Pizza Hut the other day. They have crust with cheese in it. What year is it? 2018, sir. These things have been around for over a decade. What year are you from?
Starting point is 00:54:00 That's totally it. I try to stay away from pizza because I try to be fat. And I broke my leg. They're the only people that brought the food to me. So I got this cheesy crust, and it was so good. I still think about it sometimes. And that was August of last year. I still remember when that shit came out in, like, 99 or something.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Because it was, like, during, you know, with those Super Bowl commercials where, like, Budweiser. And it was, like during you know with those super bowl commercials where like a budweiser okay it was like and all that like that kind of like that frog sitting on the thing with the alligators and whatnot like then i saw a commercial for it and i had some and at the age of like 10 or whatever i had it for the first time i was like how did they how did they do it like how is this cheese in there? I don't see any syringe holes or anything where it could have been injected. It blew my mind as a kid how they did it. If you told me to make a stuffed crust pizza, I'd fuck it up. I'd just put polio string cheeses around and roll it over, right? Yeah, that's all you'd actually do.
Starting point is 00:55:02 But as a kid, I was like, oh, man. I had never tasted it before. And the crust, I know some people love the crust of your pizza, and I value your opinion. But to me, the crust was always something I kind of suffered through. Like the edges of a Pop-Tart. You just throw them away. Bingo. You guys are both on team no crust?
Starting point is 00:55:19 I usually throw it away. At Papa John's, they come with your garlic butter, and I dip the crust in that, and suddenly I like it. But if I just didn't have that garlic butter, I'd be like... Maybe I eat the crust, but I consider it the worst part of the pizza. You put cheesy crust in there. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:55:36 This is a game changer. This is amazing. Just pizza plus a breadstick. Like, a cheesy breadstick, basically. Taylor, you're a genius. I know. I love the crust. i think you guys are it's the worst part of the pizza it's the part without toppings on it so fuck the crust if it's thin crust pizza the crust isn't very good because it's not even like a doughy texture it's just kind of a shit cracker i throw the crust of
Starting point is 00:56:00 everything away uh i mentioned pop tarts but you, but sandwiches, really anything like that. That's the worst part of it. There's nothing in there. There's no pastry filling. There's no ham and cheese. I usually eat all these things, but mostly in the interest of cleanliness and having less trash or something. Yeah, the roaches will get to it.
Starting point is 00:56:19 I mean, they probably literally will. In the dump somewhere, someone's going to be like, thank God for Kyle. No, no, my bedroom. Oh, yeah, because those surround. Yeah. For weeks. You don't have roaches in your bed?
Starting point is 00:56:35 No. Little eggs. It's okay. The rats get them. Who could survive on Pepsi and Pop-Tart crusts? Rats and roaches, apparently. Speaking of people who survive
Starting point is 00:56:54 on Pepsi, Mr. Medeker's Wings video should be out any day now. Any day now. Recently in a Wings stream, someone asked him what he thought his IQ was. He said probably around 62. I saw that in a wing stream someone asked him what he thought his iq was he said probably around 62 i saw that in a highlight 62 was the number i in my memory it was 60 something it may be 62 okay who said that wings yeah wings if you're watching this wings your iq your IQ is over 62. By a lot. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I peg you at at least 85. Maybe more. Retardation begins at 75. I'm aware. I think it might be 70, too. I mean, here's the scale. Over 140 is genius or near genius. 120 to 140 is superior, very superior.
Starting point is 00:57:48 110 to 119, superior. 90 to 109, average. 80 to 89, dull. 70 to 79, borderline deficiency. And under 70 is definite feeble-mindedness. I don't know how scientific this is. This website looks pretty sketch. I did my own research for LOLs
Starting point is 00:58:12 and I came to a similar finding. I was looking more particularly at the varied types of retardation and how severely impaired. Was it like 20, 25? And there's like a standard deviation of like 15 points or something up and down within all of these numbers, these scores.
Starting point is 00:58:31 And then it seemed that retardation began around 75 and down to like 60 or something like that. And I just kept thinking back to that scene in Forrest Gump where you're like, I'm sorry, Mrs. Gump, but your boy has scored a 74, and in Alabama, he must score at least a 77 to be in public school. Like, he suggested that he's sub Forrest Gump levels. And his mom fucked the principal to get him into school, right?
Starting point is 00:59:02 She did, she did. You didn't realize as a kid what a caring mother she was in that scene. I did. Because that guy was a creep. When I first saw that, I was so young. What did you think they were doing up there? I knew they were fucking, but it didn't internalize to me how much it meant for her to fuck him.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Yo mama sure does care about your schooling. He's like dabbing the sweat off his forehead. I seem so wrong. God, that seem such a trashy piece of shit he couldn't even dab himself off before he left to be courteous it's a hot smell oh give these fingers a smell boy dude there are certain old movie scenes that's one of them right where she like fucks the principal to get her son into school uh the end of revenge of the nerds where the guy dresses up as their boyfriend and fucks her like confused you know where she doesn't know she's fucking a different guy um there are lots of porky scenes where they're like either spying on naked girls in showers or i want to say there's some like digital penetration or something like yeah Gooser surprise
Starting point is 01:00:05 and like it was a rapier generation yeah thank you those are the words I'm hunting for that feels really rapey now you mentioned like spying on girls and I I recently watched a movie that's about 26 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. It's called Observe and Report. It's got Seth Rogen in it. And his sort of group of cast and characters that you've seen before. Danny McBride is in there. I think Big John Oakerson maybe. Like the big ugly fucking comedian guy that's just a ghoul.
Starting point is 01:00:39 He's in it at one point. The guy that wears like Pokemon trainer gloves? I don't know about that. Maybe so. He's enormous. And he looks like the yellow peanut a little bit with like a Jew nose. wears like pokemon trainer gloves i don't know about that maybe so he's enormous and he's got like a like a he looks like the yellow peanut a little bit with like a junos anyway seth rogan plays a mall security guard and i went into this movie thinking it was like any of his movies
Starting point is 01:00:56 pineapple express anything like that where it's silly and goofy it's dark as fuck. It's basically Taxi Driver the comedy. He is Travis Bickle slowly becoming insane throughout the whole thing. He wants to become a cop, right? As a mall security guard, you imagine that all these guys want to be cops. But for one reason or another, they haven't made it. Let's watch this two-minute video, and then we can wrap okay um so this is two thumbs up from you definitely check it out i you know some people are gonna like it some people aren't if you really like seth rogan um i think you'll like like aziz ansari is in it did you leave something i just now there i see it
Starting point is 01:01:40 it's it's a little sad there's a rape scene in there pretty much um you know like there's a far part where he's fucking anna anna ferris and uh she's literally passed out with vomit coming out of her mouth on the pillow is the woman from parks and rec i can't no here oh no uh that's anna paquin right i couldn't even get that wrong yeah that's it's um aubrey plaza aubrey that's Aubrey Plaza That's not who I'm thinking of I'm thinking of the nurse that dated Andy Oh Ann Perkins What the hell is her name? It's Anna Paquin isn't it?
Starting point is 01:02:12 Yes, no, no, no it's not God damn it I'm not going to be able to help you Anna Paquin is Sookie From fucking True Blood It doesn't matter what that bitch's name is are we ready i'm ready yes ready set play okay ronnie today i'll be giving you a psychiatric evaluation to determine if you're competent to enter into the police academy so let's start with your background
Starting point is 01:02:38 where are you from born and raised right here actually oh local boy okay and ronnie do you have any history of depression or psychosis or anything like that? Uh, yeah, but nothing really worth mentioning. Just a little bipolar disorder, not a big deal. Oh, well, are you taking any prescription medications? I am pleased to announce that I am currently off all prescription medication. Congratulations. Why did the doctors take you off? They didn't. How are you feeling? Great, actually.
Starting point is 01:03:10 I met a girl, we're in love, so that is very good. This close to catching this pervert, catching a robber, just generally becoming the man. So at this point in my life, I just really feel like I could destroy some other fuckers yeah right on down why do you want to become a police officer that's the big question though is I have a dream most nights starts on a playground there's kids swinging laughing dogs barking butterflies slapping their little wings okay all right here rumbling and over the horizon comes a black cloud it's made of cancer. Pus starts sweeping
Starting point is 01:04:05 over the playground. Everyone starts screaming and clawing their eyes, pulling at their hair and saying, help, what do we do? You know what happens next? Out steps me, wielding the biggest fucking shotgun you've ever seen in your life. And you know what I do?
Starting point is 01:04:22 I blow every fucking thing away. I am getting god's work done when it's all over and the dust is settled the whole world gathers below me i say thank you ronnie thank you for helping being a great man doing this for us you know what i say you don't need to thank me i'm just a guy with a gun. I'm just a cop. Okay. That should do it.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Thank you for your time, Mr. Barnhart. I think you mean Officer Barnhart. Yeah. It's got a lot of dark scenes like that there's a part where his mother's a complete alcoholic like she's drunk all the fucking time and uh and and he's with her and she's like he's like mom what why did dad leave she's like well you were just born with so many special needs that i i just think it was a little overwhelming for him. And he left. Do you think he left because of me? Oh, definitely.
Starting point is 01:05:40 I know it's time to wrap. But I saw Infinity War, the Marvel movie. And I won't spoil anything. If people are listening to this and you're worried about this, zero, zero spoilers. I enjoyed the movie. And then it prompted me to research more about the universe. Because I'm a guy who catches every movie but doesn't read the comics. So I don't know a lot.
Starting point is 01:06:02 And I'm like, all right, what are we gonna do about this thanos guy you know this big issue the broad you know so then i start researching like can this guy beat him can that guy beat him there's crossover there's videos where people it's a balance i can't figure out whether i'm on team taylor which is like, who can imagine more angels on the head of a pin? Who can imagine? I got 10 million up here on the head of a pin. I got 20 million. And it's just the dumbest thing ever, right?
Starting point is 01:06:33 Or am I like, they do define rules in this universe. And these people become an expert on these rules and talk about who could beat who. For example, as a layman you and i might think superman is very very powerful and he is pretty powerful but he's vulnerable to magic so uh like there's a guy in in the marvel world who does magic dr strange and uh this guy is really really good at magic he's the, whatever. But he's actually a normal guy, right? So like hypothetically, if he didn't use magic, Taylor could beat this guy up.
Starting point is 01:07:10 He's just a regular person. But he has magic. So who wins? Magic, dude, or Superman? They're like the best at the opposite things. And I don't know. So I won't spoil it anymore. But I keep going back and forth
Starting point is 01:07:23 as I watch these YouTube videos. Like, you know, can Wolverine beat up Deadpool? Can Incredible Hawk beat Superman in an arm wrestling contest? Who's faster, Flash or Captain Marvel? I don't know. Where did Dr. Manhattan's power start and end? And I'm like, this is all so interesting. It's so stupid.
Starting point is 01:07:43 No, no, I'm fascinated by this stuff. There's a couple YouTube channels I watch for this stuff. I think it's Comics Explained. I don't think I've seen that one. Yeah, I think it's Comics Explained. They do, like, complete breakdowns, like 15, 20-minute videos about specific comics. And, like, they go really in-depth about all kinds of stuff. Here's one, Deadpool 2, Just Who Is Cable? videos about specific comics and like like they go really in depth about all kinds of stuff here's
Starting point is 01:08:05 one deadpool 2 just who is cable um so so if you're curious if you're gonna watch deadpool 2 and like you want to know who cable is cable has a fascinating backstory uh with that involves time travel he has a myriad of powers he's not just one of these guys who's like oh yeah he's really fast he's got dozens of powers he does all kinds of ridiculous shit cable is one of the most over op people that's ever been written because you know it's comic books right so like yeah they're all op right it's not like the people at marble are all in the same room like all right let's keep everything kind of on a similar playing field they're not call of duty balancing submachine guns and assault rifles like all right this guy's strong here but that guy's
Starting point is 01:08:45 strong there so they're you know six and one half no they all just go nuts and and you don't even realize how overpowered some of them are like you know flash flash moves quickly right that we all know his thing he's a really good runner no he like moves so fast and control every atom in his body at a subatomic level to the point where he runs through time and materials. And, you know, I don't know. When you add enough speed, suddenly the guy has inertia in his punches. And you can't hurt him because he's so quick. And anyway, they're all so ridiculously OP. It is hard to figure out
Starting point is 01:09:25 on the left side of that page like i would read it but it's literally a five minute read to go through his powers they are absurd it's everything from levitation superhuman endurance um yeah telekinesis it's absurd it goes on and on and on not to count the weapons and the time travel and it's a whole thing every time you learn about like you think you know how powerful a guy is you don't understand when you take that thing and multiply it by 10 like just all the possibilities that exist in it and this is uh the old meme that I always think of when you guys are talking about superhero stuff. It's that old 4chan one, Radical Larry,
Starting point is 01:10:11 where it's all of these like freak show participants from like the turn of the century and they assign them like ridiculous strengths and powers. Then number seven is like Radical Larry. it's just like a midget with uh micro encephalitis so he's got a tiny little head and they're like radical larry this guy is all business all the time vibrates through walls can burrow underground it's like it's all uh one girl has an enormous head i don't know what you what that's about, but it's Tina the telepath. Moves objects just by thinking about it.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Number six, William. He might have Down syndrome, but it says philosopher, poet, warrior. Also gay. This is not a really badass team. No, it's not at all. In the second one, Dirk. That guy looks like an odd job. Yeah, Iron Jaw.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Iron Jaw had fastest hands on the planet. He will fuck you up. Dude, I know Taylor doesn't. As I was watching, I'm like, these are what the great movies are right now. Stallone wanted to be in Guardians of the Galaxy because he's like, it is the modern day Star Wars, the epic that people will talk about 40 years from now. I wanted to be in it. That's his thing. And I think he's right.
Starting point is 01:11:37 I'm not saying it's the thing for the next 40 years. I hope Westerns get a shot at it. But have you ever seen Dread, the new Judge Dread movie made in 2012? I think I bring it up a lot. Okay, never mind then. I liked it. I thought you were going to knock it. I love it.
Starting point is 01:11:51 It's one of my favorite action movies of all time. I think it's brilliant. I fucking love it. I think it's the perfect action movie. I think it's better than Stallone's. Oh, Stallone's is known as a complete fucking abomination throughout all reviews. Anyone who watches movies a complete fucking abomination throughout all reviews. Anyone who watches movies knows. Complete abomination.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Judge Dredd is based on a character from the 2080 comics that are written in Britain. And the cornerstone of this man's character is he never takes that fucking helmet off. But Stallone is such a diva that the first thing he does is take the goddamn helmet off and they gave him rob schneider in that movie as comic relief this is a man who has no comic relief he is he he's an anti-hero he just kills people in the streets right he he administers punishment
Starting point is 01:12:39 for like the the harshest sentences for the lightest crimes. I feel like it's this. It's that on a scale of 1 to 10, that movie is like a 5 in my mind. Hear me out, though. It's not notable in being especially good or especially bad. Also, I think that about The Last Airbender. The problem is they took 10 plus source material, Lord of the Rings quality source material, and turned it into a five. And everyone was totally disappointed. That's my take on it. It's a 17% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Starting point is 01:13:13 I'm telling you. It's the gap. It's the disappointment. Maybe you're right. I've seen it more than once. Well, see, nobody knew the source material. They still don't. That's one of the downsides to the new movie.
Starting point is 01:13:26 A lot of people thought it was a sequel. Or it was the same guy. Or something like that. They were just fixing their mistake. The new Dread is fucking excellent. It's got Lena Headey. Yeah, Cersei. Cersei Lannister. She's playing the bad girl.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Like a scarred up crime boss. It's Carl Urban. There's talk of bringing it to Netflix and making it a TV show and having Carl Urban be Judge Dredd. I'd love that. Are you current on Terror? Yes. I'm not.
Starting point is 01:13:57 How was this week's show last night? Man, it's depressing. It's bleak. It's bleak. I hope I like it. Did you like the before it where where there was a fire involved yes i i thought that was okay um it's you know there's the monster is making less appearances and and the real danger seems to be the weather the lead poisoning the weather and the infighting which is all exacerbated by the lead poisoning, you know, because these guys are getting kooky because they've been eating lead for like three years now or something like that. They all have heavy metal poisoning.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Oh, thank you for saying that. I didn't put that together. They told you about the lead poisoning danger, but I still was like, why are this? That guy's clearly a terrible leader you know he did he went that route and i'm trying not to spoil too much and it's like oh right lead poisoning that's maybe that does that i don't know yeah i like to think that even i'm too young to know about lead poisoning i like to think that there is no that that's that's one of the aspects like originally when we first started talking about this show, that happened. The part where, like, a ship got stuck up in the North Pole, and they were eating lead-sealed canned food and all getting lead poisoning from it.
Starting point is 01:15:15 And it was really impacting their ability to form good plans and ideas. And they all perished? They all perished. Spoilers. Dammit. and ideas and and uh and and they all perished they all perished spoilers damn it i oh i mean they let you know on the first episode of the terror that like the first two minutes that first scene like nobody nobody's gonna make it out of this this is this is bleak every every scene of this show like like the most current episode it it's uh it's trending downward things just get worse and worse and they're like oh that's
Starting point is 01:15:46 kind of nice oh nope nope that's much much worse much much worse tough break tough break yeah all right call it a wrap yeah good show guys pkn 193

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