Painkiller Already - PKN #198

Episode Date: June 15, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Painkiller Nearly, episode 198. Taylor, can you retell what you did again? Oh, every once in a while when I see a funny trending topic, this is why you guys should follow me on Twitter, at Mercadurka, is that I'll take pictures from, the last two have been gay related. There was like a trans day
Starting point is 00:00:17 where I tweeted both of your guys' feminized pictures into the hashtag. And of course I don't go like, ha ha, I'm joking. I'll be like feeling fierce today yes queen slay like that kind of like really really gay shit that you see on twitter and most recently there was hashtag pride month so i tweeted kyle's very becoming picture of himself the one he pretends to hate the one he pretends to hate but he actually looks he genuinely looks
Starting point is 00:00:42 good and i put uh feeling cute might delete later with a little kissy face that usually like dominates the lgbt side lgbt whatever twitter and uh it's getting a little bit of traction so kyle you may just be recognizable in the gay community at least a couple gay folks or non-gay folks scrolling through there amidst the rest of the the people posting pictures themselves i've thought this guy's kind of cute i wonder if i see him on the street yeah of course i mean i want to cover all my bases you know like i'm open to new experiences whatever if someone ever comes at you for uh for being homophobic i'll even be like no no and look at this this wasn't even me this was some other guy i don't even know tweeted it. He knows I'm cool with the gays. Don't say the gays. That's not how they like me.
Starting point is 00:01:31 And I don't think saying that it's someone else did it without my knowledge really gets them all that much cred. I don't think that's how that works. We'll reevaluate the strategy and the tactics later. But at least it's out there. Yeah, I really appreciate that. I mean, look, hey, it could be worse. I could be like Wings of Redemption right now. There is literally a group of people who are coordinating to call in bomb threats on his surgery. Are you being serious?
Starting point is 00:01:53 Yes. That's not cool. Wait, it's confirmed? Everything's? I have screenshots. He's good to go? Oh, I meant the, what word am I looking for? The conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Now, you have an in with Kitty. You know that this is all true, that apparently he has it scheduled and booked. Is that the case? I didn't know that. Here's what I know. Kitty tweeted out that the schedule is booked and confirmed and locked in for either June 13th or July 13th. I think it might be June. And then Wings' stream, he kind of
Starting point is 00:02:30 confirmed it a bunch of times. He talked about it for a lot. I don't know if he ever said like, yes, it's true, June 13th, but yeah, I think that's a thing that is just now established fact. His surgery is booked. And his flight is booked.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Yeah, he's been saying that. So, yeah, I believe that it's all booked and ready to go. You know, I know he's been on some sort of like protein shake diet for a minute here. But yeah, the weird thing and it's not cool is someone was sharing a screenshot with me today. It's not cool. Someone was sharing a screenshot with me today. They were like, I was invited to join in on the coordinated bomb threat initiative against the surgery. Now, I don't know if they plan to bomb threat Dr. Garcia's offices or Delta Airlines during the time that he'll be boarding his flight. But their goal is apparently to ruin all of this for him.
Starting point is 00:03:26 That's not a prank. That's a crime. I wouldn't let Kyle finish. Some crimes are pranks, but I will say that I am not on board with this, and neither was my friend either. He was like, you can count me out of that. That's not cool. That goes way beyond little hijinks and silliness and stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:46 That's a crime. Whether it's a prank or not. One, it's not nice. This is a guy who's really going outside of his comfort zone in an effort to change his life. He has a very small comfort zone and this is way outside of it.
Starting point is 00:04:01 A normal person would be nervous about going to Mexico for a surgery. Wings, this is crazy town. That's one. Two, you could really get yourself in some real trouble for trying to call in a bomb threat. Whether it be Mexico or even worse, like Delta in Conway, I guess. I don't really know which airport it's going to be. They hide their RP addresses.
Starting point is 00:04:24 They use Skype. They're probably good, really know which airport. I don't know. They hide their IP addresses. They use Skype. They're probably good, right? You know, I don't know, right? They might be going through three VPNs and be very tricky. Or this might be the kind of, like, when they swatted me, the police tried for a few seconds and were like, well, I don't know. It's all digital. They didn't leave their number.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Yeah. There were no fingerprints and they just gave up because they're fucking jackass regular cops who don't know shit about the internet. But if you prank Delta Airlines with a bomb threat, this might be the kind of thing where they bring in more motivated law enforcement. Yeah, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:59 if I have any sway over any of those who may be listening who plan to do such a thing, I would say that's not cool. Look, it's funny when he fails and flounders with no excuse at all and he makes excuses up but if you give him actual excuses then he starts becoming a normal person all right you don't do that let him fuck this up on his own he'll do it don't worry i mean he even today i i noticed oh i got a staff infection infection on my left titty oh that's gonna be a problem he had to go to the doctor because he's got a staff infection on his left titty that's yeah yeah that's like did he say it like in a blasé way like i've got a staff infection like that's no joke he's like i woke up i felt it it
Starting point is 00:05:44 was hard it was red it was angry you know it was. I felt it. It was hard. It was red. It was angry. It was hot. I knew it was an infection, so I went to the doctor. They've got him on antibiotics, I suppose. I don't know how that affects his surgery ETA. You would think it might affect it, but who knows? Did either of you say the date of the surgery or do you not know? June 13th
Starting point is 00:06:00 is the date that Kitty tweeted. Okay. It is kind of amusing. It is all over the sub... It's not like I'm... Kyle gave a look like I let it out of the bag. That shit is spread far and wide. Well, only a week to see if that comes to fruition. But it is a little bit amusing
Starting point is 00:06:17 that the biggest troll thing for the longest time, other than silly shit like calling him Richard, has been like, you're never going to get... Just get the surgery, idiot. Just get it. Just get just get it you you pussy you coward you'll never do it and then he's like well fine i booked it i got it and they're like let's ruin this right that's there's no way you're gonna get that surgery fatty you know so they just immediately switch
Starting point is 00:06:40 to the other side like but i want it now dr want it now. Dr. Garcia. You know what? If he calls a bone thread into Dr. Garcia, he'd be like, Dr. Garcia, someone on the phone. Another bone thread. I'm in this surgery. No one cares. It's Mexico. So somebody wrote something on the PKA subreddit, and I bookmarked it because they put it in Wing's voice.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And at least between my ears, it was so effectively Wing's voice, I wanted to share it. So the thread topic was that it was booked for June 13th and the guy wrote, doesn't mean anything, can still back out. June 13th, he'll stream and say, what do you want me to do now? I could have died. I was scared.
Starting point is 00:07:18 You lot are all hating on me for being scared. Look, listen, so what I backed out. Just support me and stop kicking me these troll channels destroyed any hope i had and i heard that and i was just like oh that is so wings that is so wings he'll no way support me he's got seventh he's got the money plopped down now man he's got the money like he had to put some sort of deposit down um i don't it's seemingly he made it sound as if like if they called in this bomb threat and he weren't in the flight were to get canceled um he says that what's being done now is a coordinated effort to get him on the no-fly list and he's like and he's like and
Starting point is 00:07:58 i wouldn't know that i was on the no-fly list until i appeared at the airport and then i'd just be turned away and then that's $7,000 down the drain. And that struck me as... Well, this would get him on the no-fly list. Well, I don't know what would, though. Like, he said that there's a coordinated effort to get him on the no-fly list. I don't know what that could be or how that would be orchestrated. But if that happened, what I'm getting at is he suggested that if that happened he'd be out the seven
Starting point is 00:08:25 thousand dollars which insinuates that he's put the seven thousand dollars down yeah i hear you and nothing you said was wrong but the source has been so unreliable historically that it doesn't mean shit to me one this threat of putting him on the no-fly list is such a empty bluff that it like i wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over the idea that that might happen like that wings you're not going to be on the no-fly list that's not a thing that the trolls he's a patron he's a patron of yeah i'm I'm joking because like, like, like how would he hear your voice right now? Oh, I'm sure someone will link it to him.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Do you really think that he's not going to hear this? Um, you know, people, they, people share when people start talking about you, wings said one word about my new truck and suddenly they're like, wings is talking.
Starting point is 00:09:20 It, it gets to you. Um, anyway, he will be not on the no fly list i know that came out weird he'll be able to fly and uh that's not something he needs to worry about and then the idea that he already put down seven thousand seven thousand that he's insinuating that he pays for it all in advance it's just wings man like that yeah he divulged how much this total surgery is? Okay, so the surgery itself is like $5,500.
Starting point is 00:09:48 And there's like another $1,500 in like other costs. I don't know if you, airlines, hotels, like little shit like that. And of course, this is coming from his mouth. So maybe it's $300, you know, because he always blows shit way out of proportion. When he was making excuses for not coming on the survival trip he said there was gonna be like five hundred dollars worth of gasoline that he would need to use to like go from south carolina to north carolina and back which is i mean i drove up there and back and i you know sixty dollars or something like that you know yeah but you didn't take the scenic route
Starting point is 00:10:22 did you consider the scenic route did you even see any great lakes jackass you didn't take the scenic route. Did you consider the scenic route? Did you even see any Great Lakes, jackass? You don't know. If you go from South Carolina to North Carolina and you see some Great Lakes, that is a very scenic route. It's $600 worth of fuel. What the fuck are the Twin Cities? Taylor?
Starting point is 00:10:49 Goddamn St. Louis isn't the only place with an arch Did you send him to Seattle in that scenario? I'm trying to figure out the other one There's no way he's going to just throw $7,000 away Wait, wait, wait Stop the presses Is Taylor's whole argument based
Starting point is 00:11:07 on wings of redemption fiscal responsibility to that is that what i just heard i mean if i'm saying if it's true that he's actually put the money down it's on the table and it's not refundable like now that the die has been cast it's not like telling a fib but you know maybe he's he's not being you know 100 up front about where the money is right now or if he actually had to pay but if he has paid i would bet money that he's gonna go like he's not gonna turn his back on seven grand like we joke about like his his poor spending habits in the past but he seems to be very tight with his money as of late you know what i mean late like it does he seems to have uh learned the
Starting point is 00:11:46 value of a dollar uh you might say and so so yeah if he's spending the money i think he's gonna get it and i look forward to the next chapter in his story because he said something like he wasn't going to stream it he wasn't gonna really document it he said he'd upload like one youtube video that was like 10 would be 10 minutes long like the day of or a day after or something like that and then depending on the the reaction to that he may or may not upload others which i take is like well shit we're not getting any of this we're not getting any of this which made made me think maybe we, PKA, need to embed a reporter. I volunteer you. For tribute.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I volunteer Dr. Chiz. Oh, you know what? I changed my vote to Dr. Chiz. Wait, wait, wait. Are you sure Wiggs is going to Mexico by train? Diablo Espanol. Oh, damn it. Chiz would have had to left weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I would like to hire a burro. I would love to see that. I would love it if Chiz was there in San Diego when Wings lands. Being really aggressive. Pushing people out of the way. With flashbulbs and sticking a microphone in his face. But there's nobody else around. Mr. Wings, your redemption!
Starting point is 00:13:10 Mr. Wings, your redemption! I pictured Chiz with a surgical mask on in the OR and an iPhone filming the whole thing. Before he has those signs he's holding up. It says Wings of Redemption. Kidnaps him at the airport. Taylor, have you ever had anyone greet you with one of those signs no I'm sure Kyle has it makes you feel so special
Starting point is 00:13:34 yeah I'm a big I wish I could arrange that for all my flights yeah the fancy ones don't even have a sign anymore they have an iPad yeah they just have an ipad with your name on it which seems like less effort really no no he's got a thousand dollar sign in his hand everybody else got a little piece of paper they scribbled your name on poorly this meanwhile this guy has an apple product that says mr myers on it and he's like i'm your man and i've always been
Starting point is 00:14:04 tempted to pull a Jerry Seinfeld and just get, like when I'm flying and I don't have a car waiting on me, and just be like, I'm Mr. McDougal. Let's go. And just see where Mr. McDougal was going to go that day. As you're preparing to go give a speech to your Nazi group
Starting point is 00:14:19 in Seinfeld. I can handle that. Oh, that's such a good episode i still think the sign my sign was printed it wasn't scribbled and it was on white cardboard as opposed to a piece of paper and it just seemed like they had really prepared for me as opposed to an ipad where like five seconds beforehand he just typed out my name but uh yeah it was some other schmuck's name on there right before. They had to go to fucking, you know, Michael's and get some crisp new construction paper for Woody.
Starting point is 00:14:52 It really makes me feel special. Yeah, yeah. What would Mr. Woodworth enjoy? You think he's more of a teetle man? No, don't be a fool! Tahoma or New Times Roman? I don't know what to do. I'm going to take a risk and go with chiller.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I don't even know what that is. What font are they using now? Chiller font? Where they're writing spooky things? Kyle, you seem to remember, right? On Windows 98 or maybe Windows 95 or something. I'm sure it was on both the chiller font. I remember all thebumps kind of font.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like oozing, almost. Yeah. There's a font called Wings Tings. Yes, but it's not related to our wings. It was called Wing Dings. Ah, it's Wing Dings. That's right, that's right.
Starting point is 00:15:42 I never understood what that was. I'd be like like all right i just need to memorize that j means means peace sign yeah every time i have space a black square comes up i'm just gonna go back to times yeah it's its own language almost with wingdings it doesn't make any sense at all um i think it's meant to give you the other ASCII characters so you don't write a whole letter in it there's an airplane and a thumbs up sign and if you need those you just do one character
Starting point is 00:16:13 and wings tings I guess so I thought it was just secret agents writing silly messages to one another that would be an easy code to crack just control A change the font suddenly we know hitler's plans do you remember doing like the invisible ink notes with your friends where you'd be like all you have to do is put lemon juice on it and then it'll pop up and
Starting point is 00:16:37 so you'd like get one from your friend and in the middle of class and then you like you'd be like well i gotta wait till i get home you'd use use urine and then you heat it up over a light bulb and you get your message i don't know what your classrooms were like they were a lot more fun it sounds like to me you had light bulbs and bunsen burners around i remember being so excited when i first was in like i don't know sixth seventh grade science class and they're like all right we're gonna use the bunsen burners and the guy like with the when it gets going and he had it like turned all the way up to get our
Starting point is 00:17:10 little minds aflutter with the possibilities. He goes, but you guys are going to use it like this. And it was just like a teeny little pathetic matchstick. Did your Bunsen burner come with gas from the desk or did you have like alcohol
Starting point is 00:17:25 in the burner or something? The desk. You screwed it into the desk. Okay. Ours was like that. It wasn't screwed though. It was a rubber on like a barb. Yeah. Yeah. And anyway, in class, someone accidentally set it straight from the desk. So
Starting point is 00:17:41 out of the faucet thing, there's flames coming three feet. And it was like a big to do. And I, being an idiot, kept blowing on it. Right. So I'm like,
Starting point is 00:17:53 and it would almost go out. Every time I blowed on it, it was like, it almost went out. And then somebody much smarter than me, it would seem turn the faucet off. And yeah, I was so close. And then somebody much smarter than me, it would seem, turned the faucet off. And, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I almost had it! I was so close, it seemed, to getting out. But, yeah, it happened. It was fun. Kyle, you said you were going to go to a clip before I jumped on you about... I like this clip. This is a white cop in a black neighborhood. And apparently they're having a really crazy water gun fight in this black neighborhood, which honestly looks like the most fun. Because when I was a kid, I loved water gun fights.
Starting point is 00:18:34 But I only had like one or two people to play with. You know, my cousin or my sister or my dad. It was like three or four of us would have a water gun fight. And then that would be it because nobody else would water gun fight all day. This seems like the whole goddamn neighborhood gets on in on this shit and for some reason this killjoy of a cop wanted to shut the show down and well it's not gonna go well are you guys ready it's not gonna go well i'm ready i'm ready three two one play they're squirting they're. Get your ass back here.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Get your ass back here. Oh, she took a header. Oh, that was it. That's all there is. I like that so much. Because she was trying to ruin those people's fun. It's water guns. Every so often I see, usually they're dancing.
Starting point is 00:19:24 You see a cop in the street. And for some reason the cop is actually good at dancing. They're out there, like, it's water guns. Every so often I see, usually they're dancing, right? You see a cop in the street, and for some reason the cop is actually good at dancing, and they're videotaping it, and everyone just goes insane. And I actually think that's good police work. It doesn't seem like it's police work. It's PR. Not just PR, but, like, it's establishing a relationship with the community, right? You might be developing informants,
Starting point is 00:19:44 so you might be creating a more safer traffic stop because they could think of cops in a different way because of that experience. Hey, yo, now that you've seen that I can do the worm, where are the drugs at? I wouldn't go tell on you, right? But then I see Officer Davis do the cabbage patch. I'm giving him up.
Starting point is 00:20:02 All right, it sounds like a goof, but when the policemen develop relationships in the community, it's a good thing. Sometimes I see them skate, too. All of a sudden, a cop can do a kickflip or something, and it's like, that's fucking badass, and now that cop is part of the gang.
Starting point is 00:20:17 This is the opposite of good policing. This is just some killjoy trying to... If you don't want to get in a water gun fight, don't approach a water gun fight. Like, if you saw a bunch of kids and people in the neighborhood squirting water guns, and you're like, oh, man, I definitely don't want to get wet.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I'm at work. You would stay in your car and drive by, and if your job was to maintain the safety, you'd go, hey, make sure you're out of the street, or whatever. Whatever little quote you need. Hey, get out of the street or whatever whatever like little quote you need hey get out of the street then you just keep driving make sure even before that clip started she was soaking wet she was soaking wet there wasn't a thing on her dry it was pretty great
Starting point is 00:20:56 i mean this person just seems like a killjoy like this is the worst kind of ambassador for a cop she's a small woman so first of all not a single person there is intimidated or you know feeling a threat of authority they're like if shit goes bad we're all wearing swim trunks and can just sprint away as we shoot her with our you know super soaked 6700 you know with added underbarreled you know piss container or whatever the hell they're gonna do i. I bet Jordan Peterson hates female cops. I bet he goes on there and calls them supportive conscientious or something like that.
Starting point is 00:21:33 And he's just like, they're not designed to be cops. They're not mean enough. They're more nurturing. Or they're just not physically intimidating enough. They shouldn't be cops. That's one of those things that I think everybody in their heart of hearts knows this. But you don't want to come out and say it because it's not very PC.
Starting point is 00:21:53 But if you're in dire straits, Woody, and there's something happening at your home and you need police attendance, fucking now, your family's at stake. And two women show up. You're going to be livid. It's not just police. If two firewomen show up, you're going to be livid. It's not just police. If two firewomen show up, if two female lifeguards show up, if two female spacklers show up,
Starting point is 00:22:15 women suck at a lot of jobs. If two female roofers show up, I'm just going to be like, am I paying by the hour? Jesus. What are we watching? I'm laughing at your joke. Am I paying by the hour?
Starting point is 00:22:36 I've got a minute. I never thought of that. You can only get five singles in one subset ladder? The guy had like 30 bags. He was like two pounds. He walked up the ladder with no hands. She's bringing up shingles one at a time. Yeah, I've been listening to a lot of Jordan Peterson lately.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I really would love to have him back on the show. I've got all kinds of questions. I'd love to pick his mind. But he has a knack for saying things that it seems like you already know, right? He lays out what kind of person is successful at a workplace or different kinds of workplaces. He lays out, he was talking to someone and he's like, man, I'm all stressed out. And he's like, you're 25 years old and you dropped out of college and you have no career path. That just means you're sane. Of course you're stressed out.
Starting point is 00:23:30 And it's like, my God, he's such a voice of reason and common sense. And I don't know. Somehow what Jordan Peterson would say about female cops is very interesting to me because I bet he would say they're just not designed for it. You want to watch this video of three female cops trying to subdue one Arab man yeah I really do hold on I mean I'm sure it goes smoothly right they have no chance they oh well at first I thought you were talking about the cops all right they have no chance ready the guy who wrote the title for this video spelled apprehend correctly, but got single wrong.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Anyway, sorry. Alright, ready, set, play. The camera's already laughing. Is this at full volume? Me and my videos. Is that the cop or the... I think it will quickly become apparent who's who. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Refugee. This is the assailant Oh what a nice guy This migrant is just walking around breaking windows of cars He's just smashing things Damn Oh he missed the cop car He just broke the front windshield He didn't miss it Who is this
Starting point is 00:25:15 And the police are watching They didn't miss a thing Alright so now they've jumped in One of the police is just kind of watching Telling the man who saved them to get up. Oh, so the one of the policemen has taken the helpful man out of
Starting point is 00:25:32 the scene. And now two women are struggling desperately to try and keep this guy under control. Look at these trips they're trying to put on. They're both trying to trip him simultaneously and he's just like, no! I'm bigger than you! All three of them are on this guy they got up against the car trying to push him in if it was three men we'd be talking about police brutality instead of police ineffectiveness they have already done that thing where they've got it bog tied and they're just carrying him like
Starting point is 00:25:59 now he's got one of his arms free and he's swinging it about and now he's free and now instead of running away he's squaring up to all three of them. That's how confident this man is. I think another guy joined. And now it's a Swedish man fighting the migrant as three cops look on ineffectively. The video's small, but the Swedish man might be old. Like, I'm getting this over-50 vibe from him. He's got, like, the back look.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Oh, a cop is down. He's got the back look. A cop is down. He's laying him out. They're coming at him one at a time like it's a Bruce Lee movie. That's the problem. Now he's trying to damage the car again. Just throwing it at the car. One of the cops is
Starting point is 00:26:41 100 yards away right now. Well, he has a rock. In America, this guy would have been shot ten times. This guy would be switching with a thousand, million, whatever the hell volts through his body. Oh, I don't know. A rock is a deadly weapon. I think he'd be shot, honestly, and the cops would be justified in America. They'd have killed him twice by now.
Starting point is 00:27:05 It's his culture! Look, he looks a little tuckered out right now. He's taking a breather while the cops stand back, afraid. Settle down, have a little bit of Swedish taxpayer money. That calm you down? The guy is so tired from beating the shit out of these cops in this cop car, he's squatting. I like that the guy filming has...
Starting point is 00:27:28 There's another person filming, too. I want to see this. Or maybe that's just a hand. This guy's now walking away, the guy who was assaulting everyone, with his hand in his pocket. He's just casually leaving. In America, you get shot for putting your hand in your pocket. Yeah. They couldn't handle his power, and he is just leaving.
Starting point is 00:27:52 One mile per hour. If I saw three women that size hop out of a car, I'd be like, oh, thank God. I'm going to get away. If I'm in Sweden where they don't have guns. On the other hand, I'm betting all three of those cops are pretty hot. I mean, I don't think anyone's disputing that. He probably thoroughly enjoyed molesting them right there. No one's disputing that either, Taylor. Did this guy take a seat?
Starting point is 00:28:17 This guy's not even running. I can't tell. Is he in the frame? Right back into this building, I guess. He's going home. He's not bothered. Alright, that's it. That's it, apparently. Alright, that's all true. They had nothing for him, so he just went home.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Ridiculous! It's ridiculous. That's ridiculous. That's when, uh, you know, trying to be really PC. Because you know, like, everyone, like the police chief, even in a place as progressive as Sweden, when they're like, Alright, we're making the teams. It will be Ivanka, uh, Sharon, and Aaron. Which of course, there is no problem with this Because you're just as capable as the men And then over here we'll have
Starting point is 00:29:06 Sven Who is 6'7 Along with Balrog And Igor Is one of them's name Balrog? I said Balrog I was like Balrog is he from Street Fighter? That guy's pretty badass
Starting point is 00:29:22 I was aiming like he was putting three women together and then three giant nordic guys together yeah like man that's ridiculous like if we're like it's just pretend land at that point isn't it where it's like if if you're in a burning house in a in a you know you're like uh alfred and in you know batman and, and the beams across you. And two little women don't even get to burst in and see you laying there. They can't get the door down as you die. That's not okay. Can't be putting that kind of stuff ahead of actual safety.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Have you ever seen the actual Fireman Challenge, where it was like a reality show, and it was this weighted thing that was supposed to simulate a door being knocked down? And it was like, all right, when the timer starts, you have to run in, knock down the door, whatever the hell thing, run over, kick this down, grab the guy, save him. And you got a minute to do it. Ready? Are we ready? And there was like an actual female firefighter who did it and she could not get the door down the whole time ran out like oh real good try real good try he'd be dead in real life let's not talk about the obvious reality of the situation the danger people are being put into indulge your fantasy no we're not gonna do that just a guy in the competition just a guy. The dude from Deadpool who had no powers. Let's see what you can do.
Starting point is 00:30:46 This is Peter from Deadpool. He runs over, second try, knocks it over, and then he finishes the thing better than she could. He wasn't a firefighter, so it wasn't all five stars. But it's like, ah, you got to think about that stuff because that's a reality of it dude the marines handled this well and i like what they did now i'm maybe the pc guy in this group but they said all right all right all right women can do any job men can we're actually not even going to look at gender when we like you know test to see who can be whatever but there are physical requirements you have to do 18 pull-ups this many you know
Starting point is 00:31:25 you need to lift 150 pounds out of a hole to simulate rescuing someone from a tank if you can do that then you can have this job so yeah the occasional cyborg the uh the ufc fighter we talk about she could be a marine she could be an actual female cyborg or an actual yeah well i'm not sure she'd be female she was an actual cyborg but i Or an actual, yeah. Well, I'm not sure she'd be female if she was an actual cyborg, but I hear you. But yeah, so they just made it an athletic competition to get the job. And that makes sense. It doesn't matter if you're a girl or a boy. If you can lift 200 pounds out of a tank from the top, then you get the gig.
Starting point is 00:32:01 That's how you solve it. That's fair enough for me. If the other person is as physically sound as any of the men then I'm fine with that I don't want a weak man on the team either I don't want some I'm thinking of like remember that 70's show
Starting point is 00:32:16 the Eric like if Eric Foreman shows up to save me from a fire and I'm trapped under that beam I'm like oh shit where's kelso get hide at least this isn't gonna work donna get donna anything but you anything but you he can't save me that guy's like 130 pounds when i was a lifeguard there was no uh interview for the job it was just an athletic. 132 guys and three girls.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And no one had any problem with the girls. They won their way in. They competed like everyone else. Yeah, as long as you can do all the same shit, I don't care. These women clearly suck. If you see someone who's male
Starting point is 00:33:02 or woman who's 5'2", like those women appeared to be, you can't be like, well, you get to be a cop because we told you in grade school you could do whatever you want, even if it kind of puts the safety of others in jeopardy. Men have to be able to subdue a 200-pound man, and women have to be able to subdue a 100-pound woman. Because, you know, that's only fair. Because that's the main threat we deal with out there on the street women yeah dangerous women on the streets being violent and gangs that's that's what we're trying to handle we got a group of seven female miscreants tipping
Starting point is 00:33:37 over trash cans and starting fires said no one in the history of the planet like that that shit just doesn't happen that's actually the premise of the new oceans movie right like they've uh you know they they take movies and make them female cast instead of men i think it's oceans aid i don't know what they're calling i think it's oceans eight but it's all female this time they're pulling a heist it uh comes out thursday i wanted to fail so bad whenever that whenever one of those movies comes out i wanted to fail so bad i really agree because it seems kind of like it's just uh femsploitation again where they're like do you want to come up with a whole new idea no no i think i'm going to take an existing idea throw
Starting point is 00:34:13 a bunch of women in there and then a subsection of the population is dumb enough that they'll go see it because they identify with the characters by virtue of the fact they have a vagina as well oh okay good way to make some money without any thought i if it's a good movie i hope it does well if it's a bad movie, I hope it does well. If it's a bad movie, I hope it does poorly. That's how it worked for Wonder Woman and Ghostbusters. That's how we should be thinking, right? Some of these are so obvious.
Starting point is 00:34:34 They're so obviously pandering that it's like, there's no way they revivified this old franchise and are giving it new life. If they made Wonder Woman, and if they let a man be Wonder Woman, I'd be like, I hope that fucking fails. That stupid Wonder Woman is an Amazonian
Starting point is 00:34:49 princess and she's incredibly powerful. But the Ghostbusters are Bill Murray leading a cast of comedians to go fight ghosts. So if you stick a bunch of fat chicks in there, I'm not going to like that at all. I might just despise it with every core of my being.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Speaking of things I despise, the new Han Solo movie is flopping. And I love that. Have you seen it? I love it. No, absolutely not. You have a lot of opinions on movies you haven't seen. My opinion was that it's flopping because it is. No, your opinion is you're excited that it's flopping.
Starting point is 00:35:24 That's the part that I was getting at. Well just like it because of what disney's doing right you know they they spend four billion dollars to buy the star wars franchise and they're just trying to pump out as many movies as they can and do whatever they can to make some money out of their the thing they bought and sort of bastardized the franchise not that it was ever good i never liked it anyway but still i don't like that and so I'm glad that this is failing. See, now I'm on the other side. Star Wars movies, in my opinion, they're always good, but no movie is good enough to be Star Wars, right? I can't think of a movie that is more culturally impactful than Star Wars. Casablancaca I don't even know I'm too young for that even me um but Wizard of Oz maybe but Star Wars is up there in those very few movies that are part of the American or even the global
Starting point is 00:36:13 western culture so no one meets that expectation having said that every time I see Rogue One or one of the new ones or something I enjoy it I think it's a good movie. I want to see Han Solo because I bet it's good, but it's just not Star Wars good. Even Star Wars wasn't Star Wars good. Somehow. I don't know anything about how the Solo movie
Starting point is 00:36:38 is doing. I don't really have a dog in that fight, but it does seem like they got greedy. I love it! From a business sense, it seems like they didn't let enough time pass between the most recent Star Wars to get people hungry for it again.
Starting point is 00:36:54 I think you might be right. They went up against the other superhero, the new Avengers movie. They went right up against that. And that's the same audience of people. That's the same group of people for the most part, people who really want to go see Star Wars, people who really want to go see Marvel movies.
Starting point is 00:37:11 So it just seems like a silly thing. And Deadpool, too. Yeah, they're going up against both of those. Like, what the fuck were they thinking? I agree. And years past, you might have thought that Marvel movies wouldn't be able to compete against the Star Wars, but that's just not the case anymore, right?
Starting point is 00:37:25 Marvel is king of the hill today. And you said they got greedy and they're pumping out too many. I don't know. Like, I like CPG Grey videos. I wish he made them every week. I wouldn't think him greedy if he made a CPG Grey quality video every single week. I would just consider myself lucky because I like to watch them. I want a Star Wars
Starting point is 00:37:46 movie every year. Hell, I wouldn't consider Game of Thrones greedy if they were able to produce 10 episodes a year. I would be happy that they did that. But they can't for some reason. Yeah, if they could get off their ass and fucking do something. It seems silly
Starting point is 00:38:02 of them, but hell, it's the fucking Disney Corporation. They probably know, or they absolutely know what they're doing. They're doing a, that, the, what the fuck is his name? Boba Fett. They're doing a movie on him, too. Yeah. I don't know anything about him other than he was the clone for all of the other clones, right? He was the original guy.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Stormtrooper. Is that still the lore? He was the original guy. Stormtrooper. Is that still the lore? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Although later in the series, like the newest movies, what you've got is a lot of those old clones have died out. And so they're just recruiting people.
Starting point is 00:38:35 That's why you had a black guy be a stormtrooper who's

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