Painkiller Already - PKN #21

Episode Date: January 8, 2015

In this weeks episode of PKN, go over the events of the most recent UFC event, Jon Jones found using cocaine, goat men and some actor discussion....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh the monocle popped on it's a painkiller nearly episode 21 uh let me kick it off with our dumb joke a mathematician stumbles home drunk at 3 a.m his wife is livid you swore you'd be home at 11 45 no slurs the mathematician i said i'd be home at a quarter of 12 get it 3 a.m quarter of 12 there it is bam i got you jokes are better when they need to be explained yeah i i think that's a terrible joke and you have really nailed it this week because not because everyone has to think about it just a little bit to even know why it's funny and then when you get there you're just left disappointed that's a that's a very bad joke all right yeah finally the uh the darts in the bullseye so how are you i'm pretty good and you just mentioned dart in the bullseye did you happen to catch that darts game where they got
Starting point is 00:01:00 like and let me let me just preface this by saying i I don't know how darts works. I always aim for the bullseye. But this guy knows the Olympic rules, I guess, and he's hitting some tiny green slither in the 12 o'clock position of the bullseye. And I guess he wins the entire darts game with nine total darts. He hits that green slither three times in a row.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Three times. And it's like a perfect game. I didn't know that's how you got a perfect game but i guess it is and and i was astounded you did you see that yes i think there's more than one of them there were a couple perfect games dude there's more than one of them that he's done dude check this out check he's done that before to that guy before. Dude, the one I saw, the guy got a perfect game, but the other guy won. To hit the nine perfects in a row was like one of 11. I'm not a darts expert, but dude, I learned a couple things about darts with this thing getting popular, and it's incredible. So first of all, it's a game which practiced at bars, right?
Starting point is 00:02:06 Everyone knows this. So they get drunk. Well, because they practice drunk, they compete drunk. These guys are all on their fourth beer as they're playing this game. Even when it's on the line. This is the World Dart Championships, and they're like, glug, glug, glug. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Kind of loosen up. It's actually a performance-enhancing drug in their thing. They just loosen up and throw their darts. I think the sliver... Oh, God, someone's going to correct me on this, but I think it's triple points. So what he's aiming for is the triple on the 20. And there's more than one play, of course.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Some people go for bullseye. Some go for the triple thing. And then I think other people, you have to get every number, like 1 through 20 or something like that. And that's another rule set. But darts is interesting. I have no dart talent or real experience. No. I wasn't.
Starting point is 00:03:02 So as a kid, I was kind of dangerous. I liked, you know, the Christmas tree could only have ornaments as high as Kyle could reach. Like, if I was tall enough to reach an ornament, then that ornament was going to be smashed on the tree. So the tree would have this bare spot up to, like, three and a half feet. And then the ornaments would start so that I could, because what I'd do is I'd walk by and be like, Whoops! And like fucking like... Young Kyle is like having a dog. Go on.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yeah, like coffee tables couldn't have anything on them. All that stuff. So, I lost my train of thought. Where were we going with this? Darts, dangerous trees. Oh, the darts. Yeah, yeah. So, I was never allowed to have like a legit dart board.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I had the really lame one that was just plastic, and it stuck between some other pieces of plastic. Like it had lots of holes in it? Yeah, it was lame. It was terrible. So I never learned anything about darts. I've played since. But my coolest dart story is when I went... There was a bunch of guys spending the night at another guy's house and like
Starting point is 00:04:05 we played paintball on the day and then we were playing Doom and stuff at night and it just got boring and then we somehow decided there would be some sort of a war that involved darts and so we split up in teams of like I don't know how many there were they weren't real teams it was sort
Starting point is 00:04:22 of a thing where like three or four of us just grabbed some darts and cornered the other three or four guys and attacked them and there became a dart war in which half half of the group was inside a room on defense and the other half was outside the room on offense and there was a dart war and it had to stop because somebody ended up with a dart stuck in their back it was a real dart they were real darts we were throwing like real legit dark god that's dangerous yeah we put paintball masks on oh well that gets better yeah all right now yeah i figure worst thing that's gonna happen is like i don't know you get you get a dart in your dick right like that heart maybe yeah so i you know i kind of kept a
Starting point is 00:05:02 hand over my crotch and i slung the fuck out of those darts. I never hit anybody. I'm not good at darts, and people were running and diving. But when mine would hit the wall behind them, they'd really dig in, and I just remember thinking, like, somebody's going to pay. Do it like a gunshot, go right through the table. Yeah, I was throwing them way harder than anybody else.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I was way too much of the game dude lozans do you remember we were playing dodgeball uh i think you and joe we were playing dodgeball at a paintball event and i forget what we had it was like oh there was sandbags you don't remember this so we were at we were at a barbecue and we had sandbags i think they were for that cornhole game if you know it yeah i remember now yeah so uh i like many swimmers can't really throw or catch so dodgeball's not my thing and uh and i'm like throwing them and people are like catching my fastballs which is embarrassing and uh and i'm not really hitting anything every now and then i'd miss by like like look if you miss me by like four inches or something that happens, right?
Starting point is 00:06:06 We're not pro pitchers, but if you miss me by like nine feet, like what the fuck were you just doing? That was happening to me. But, but Joe, dude, not for Joe,
Starting point is 00:06:18 Joe, all the, like, first of all, he doesn't give a fuck if you hit him. Right. That's not an issue. You know,
Starting point is 00:06:24 like you'll, you'll do the manly thing where you don't dodge. He won't dodge. It doesn't matter. He doesn't care. And then he throws it back at Mach 1. And it's like, fuck. Dodgeball against professional athletes sucks all the fun out of this. Who'd have guessed?
Starting point is 00:06:38 And I think you were the other, like, were you a baseball player or something? You were the guy, right, who kept playing? Yeah, I played a little bit. I've played baseball. I wouldn't call myself a baseball player, but I know how to throw a ball. It was me. It was like this chubby guy from Ireland. It was, I forget who else.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Maybe, I don't remember who else was there. Maybe T-Mart. You and Lozon. And it ended up being you and lozon who were like everyone else just sort of got out of the way and you and joe kept throwing you know heat at each other yeah that's been a while ago that was fun i remember i walked into the screen door of that of the house it was like we were like on an outside patio area doing like a barbecue thing and there was one of those screen doors and it was fucking invisible and I walked right into it.
Starting point is 00:07:26 That was embarrassing. Damage it? No! Well maybe I might have broke it actually. My dog ran through a screen door once. It was never the same. Those guys are fucking millionaires. They'll buy a new door. Is that all from paintball? The
Starting point is 00:07:41 younger brother, Paul all his money is from paintball. He, he, he, um, that's all he does. And the father, that's, that's his main source of income as well. But the younger brother, the one who had adopted those Asian children, he, um, which I bet that's expensive. He, uh, he runs some sort of a, um, an aeronautics, uh, company. They, they, um, it's not, that's not the right word. some sort of an aeronautics company.
Starting point is 00:08:06 That's not the right word. It's a helicopter and private plane rental or something like that. They charter flights. They've got a lot of helicopters and private planes. So he does well too. It seems like it wasn't that capital intensive to make that paintball field. The land it's sitting on
Starting point is 00:08:25 um from what they said was pretty expensive maybe that's the deal because i was like dude i could make a place you know it's like what 50 minutes from chicago yeah that's about right i could do 20 minutes from raleigh and get that much land then it wouldn't be so bad having said that raleigh's not Chicago. I don't think that's a very... I don't think it makes as much money as... I don't know. She keeps saying that it doesn't make money,
Starting point is 00:08:54 but then I see them with money. Yes, clearly they live a lifestyle most people would envy. Yeah, they're really having a good time. Even when I first met Paul, he had a very nice condo, and he was driving a different very nice Mercedes then. He's got a newer nice Mercedes now, and I just don't feel like that's a... I feel like they're doing well at the paintball thing.
Starting point is 00:09:19 So maybe it doesn't make money for everyone. Maybe it's just the owner of the paintball field makes off for you. Did you see that story about the guy who bought a truck for $75? All right, so this guy 38 years ago bought a truck and I think the truck was like 18 years old at the time for 75 bucks and then he drove it for the next 38 years and he's retiring now. $75 truck that he's gotten 38 years out of. It made my frugality seem like so lightweight.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I was like, man, I can't believe I might get a truck next year as Hope learns to drive. Perhaps I'm being a bit spendy. I don't know. But his truck was a wreck too. He should have made it nicer. Like if you're going to have a 38 year old truck at some point, like he had duct tape all over the upholstery and that seems retarded.
Starting point is 00:10:13 It was rusty. Right. That's not, that just seems stupid. And that's, it's like some Forrest Gump shit. It's what that is. That's something that a retarded person.
Starting point is 00:10:23 It still runs. Jen. Hey, yeah, no, no, just get a new fucking truck. That's something that a retarded person would do. It still runs, Jen, eh? Yeah. No, just get a new fucking truck. It didn't have a radio. It didn't have heat. It wasn't nice enough. You gotta have some basic shit. A radio isn't asking for too much.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Some basic shit. At some point, why didn't he install a radio? Because you want to have a radio. You could drop that in. He had bench seats. I'm sure for a $300 investment, he could have had nice seats. It just seemed... It was pretty extreme.
Starting point is 00:10:56 But on the other hand, $75 for 38 years? You know how much he saved? Where did the rest of his money go? That's one thing. If he said, for the last 38 years, $75 was my initial investment. There's been some repairs over time, but I don't have more than $500 in the car that's been driving me around for the last 38 years. And the savings are in this IRA fund or here or there. He had calculated and he had extracted that money. I've lived in this house.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I put my kids through college, all because I haven't been buying cars. But little Timmy here, Timmy who lost his parents in the Ferris wheel accident, the carnage of 1972. I put him through college. If he had done something with the money, I'd be convinced. But when he says something like that,
Starting point is 00:11:43 I feel like it's almost a publicity stunt or something. Like the guy who eats two big macs a day for the last 25 years like really every day you didn't miss one i mean he had the truck i don't know it just he had the he had proof right he had the truck he had no other car keep it in the garage what if he just keeps it in the garage and he puts some more duct tape on it and he goes in there every now and then roughs it up a little? Meanwhile, he's driving a Dodge Caravan around town. Everyone seemed to imply that that was the truck he drove all the time. And everyone knows when Bob's coming and, you know, that's Bob's truck. And I'll tell you, the thing was, like, worked.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Like, it didn't look nice. It looked like he drove it like he had a lot of use on it. It wasn't nice at all. Well, I think that's frugal. There used to be a man in my little neck of the woods, at least he'd come through here every year or so, called the Goat Man. Now, the Goat Man was this old hillbilly
Starting point is 00:12:36 who lived up in the North Georgia mountains, and he'd ride down south to do his business once a year, whatever the fuck that means, in a wagon pulled by a team of goats. The goat man. He traveled by goat. From what I'm told, he looked a little
Starting point is 00:12:55 bit like the wizard from the Hobbit films. The one with the bird shit all over himself. No, the one with the bird shit. The rabbits. Remember the one being the birds. Oh, the one with the, oh, wow. The rabbits. Remember the one who was being pulled by the rabbits? Imagine that guy, except he's a hillbilly and they're goats. And now, I mean, he's definitely got less money in his transportation.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And I bet if he wants to, pick off one of the herd and eat them, milk them. I'll tell you, so there is a debate right now as to whether horses would be better for the environment than cars. You'd think it's a no-brainer. Like, dude, cars are terrible. They pump out all these emissions, the oil trade, et cetera, et cetera. But we also know steak is terrible. Like, in terms of, like, the impact on the environment
Starting point is 00:13:41 and all the methane those farting cows produce. It's both ends. Is it belching too okay so yeah apparently eating steak is very much not green it's not environmentally friendly if you apply that to horses dude horse might be worse than a car and by the way my car right now it's not doing anything like it's just sitting in the driveway if i had a horse it'd be out there farting you know here's the the thing i wonder i think that the reason one of the main reasons that the cows are so uh and or make so much methane is because um uh they had those those ruminating uh stomachs right you know all those extra gases. Do horses have that same gastrointestinal thing going on? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I think it passes. I think a rumen is like the eight-chambered stomach, and the rumen is the first one where it stores the cud, and then they cough it back up and chew it like fucking cows do. I don't think I see horses doing that. I don't think horses do that. As a matter of fact, a cow poop as you probably have seen cow poop it's like really processed slime puddle of baby food awfulness baby food yeah
Starting point is 00:14:52 cow poop on the other hand is practically unprocessed looking like oats and hay coming out the other side yeah that's why i think that they're not like you know re-digesting it and going a couple that stuff hardly finishes by the time it passes through yeah so perhaps horses aren't as environmentally impactful as cows are could be i don't know i mean i i'm guessing have you ever eaten horse no have you um i've had some salami that that had horse in it i think uh i think that's like one of the ingredients
Starting point is 00:15:24 i would think horses are a very expensive ingredient worse than lami that had horse in it. I think that's one of the ingredients. I would think horses are a very expensive ingredient, worse than cattle. It's a lean meat. I bet. I want to try deer. I have to make that happen. I have no idea. I have like... I could make that happen. I've got
Starting point is 00:15:40 frozen bricks of it. Really? I got hamburger and steaks and yeah dude an electrician wrote to me on painkiller already now as you know i've been getting quotes for generator installs and the main pieces of hardware for a generator install for the smaller one the the panels and the generator combined to like six grand and for the bigger one it's like i don't know 10 grand or something and then the overall quotes are coming in at 14 and 25 grand like it just feels like there's a ton of labor i know it's not all labor right there must be like smaller wires and wire nuts and stuff like that but the big pieces's like, it's certainly not, what did I say? Six to 14?
Starting point is 00:16:27 For eight grand, I bet there's another one tops in materials. And then the rest is all labor. So this guy is an electrician and he wrote to me on Reddit and said that, you know, he was a fan and that if I needed advice, that he would like coach me just to make sure I'm not getting robbed on this thing and then he said hell i'd go out there and do the labor if i could hang out with you and kyle it's like oh maybe i'll take him to go laser tag with kyle and i next trip will you how did i get roped into this what kind of compensation does kyle get like i could use some electrical work around the house too.
Starting point is 00:17:07 How about this? How about we do some laser tag with Woody, you hook him up with a generator, then you come on back to Kyle's house. I got a few things you could do around here. And then we'll hook him up again. So here's the deal, right? You'll come to my house, tractor rides, laser tag, generator install.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Then all four of us go to Kyle's house, electrical work, right? Some sub-panel installed, and then, generator install. Then all four of us go to Kyle's house, electrical work, right? Some sub-panel installed, and then we shoot guns. No! Why not? I was teasing. I guess I will show up for his generator trip, but I guess I feel like I'm being used, though.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I feel like I'm some sort of generator currency. I feel like you're whoring me out for generator currency. We can make it like a five-day trip, right? We'll come by my house. We'll get some stuff done. We'll go have fun, laser tag, tractor rides, and then we'll go to your house. We'll get the basement finished out,
Starting point is 00:17:58 and we'll shoot some weapons. I think I've actually got... I honestly don't think I need any electrical work done. Oh, well. Does he do drywall? How about hardwood? Can you lay hardwood? I think he said he was an electrician,
Starting point is 00:18:12 but I'm bad at it. I mean, I can help. Maybe he could be... No, I don't actually want to do anything. I wasn't suggesting that we all team up on this or anything. Not that. Are you ready for a new topic? Yeah, let's hear it.
Starting point is 00:18:34 John Jones. Do you know who John Jones is? The 205-pound light heavyweight champion in the UFC? Yes. He tested positive for cocaine. Yeah. It's a hell of a drug. It's hard to tell who his toughest opponent ever has been. You know, I think the fight before this one was probably his toughest. And this guy just stylistically, I'm going to mess this up. Gustafen, something close to that. That guy gave Jones a real hard time.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Gustafson? If you say so. Mispronouncing things is my thing. I'm just going to say that more often. I like it. Anyway, just the way the guy matched up. The guy had lots of lateral movement and long limbs, and that made Jones' plan A not work very well.
Starting point is 00:19:24 But Jones was able to beat him with his plan b this other guy comes he's a wrestler olympic caliber amazing and uh jones didn't really do what he usually does so well which is like keeping him at range and kicking him in the legs and stuff instead he wrestled with the olympic wrestler and he beat him at that it's like well god damn but now it turns out he's got a bit of a coke issue and he entered rehab and uh i think it's more like now now is it that he's got a bit of a coke issue or is it that he tested positive for cocaine and now he has to to appease the ufc he has to go to some sort of rehab.
Starting point is 00:20:06 That's great. It could be exactly what you said. I had that same thought process, but he got busted like on a random test. He just happened to have Coke in his system. And it could be that he got busted the first time he did coke or it could be that he does enough coke that if you test him randomly two or three times you'll probably catch him on a coke day yeah so coke's out of your system after like three days 30 hours i read oh yeah yeah and it tends to be super fast in in uh high people, like a pro athlete.
Starting point is 00:20:49 So this guy is low body fat, high metabolism, working his buns off. Still called the Coke. So he most likely either did cocaine the day he was tested, the night, while he was being tested. Yeah. Please, Mr. Jones, could you sit still? We're trying to get that blood supply. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. All right. Wait, wait. Jones, could you sit still? We're trying to get that blood supply. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, all right. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:21:09 All right, now. Yeah, go ahead. I should be good. I should be good. This guy, he's doing coke. You know, what do you say? It's a thing. For me, I like him more than ever.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Not because of the coke, but because of his last fight. I am totally Jones in for Jones. I like him more than ever. Not because of the coke, but because of his last fight. I am totally Jones in for Jones. I like this guy. Here's what happened. He has been trying to give the people what they want. But not necessarily being himself for a long time. And I'm sympathetic to the calls of how fake he is. Because everybody's a lot of different
Starting point is 00:21:45 people right like when you're at the dinner table with your mom and dad you're probably a slightly different version of kyle than when you're at your dinner table with like a girlfriend or a slightly different version than with you with the guys etc so when jones would be like you know hey respectfully i think that i can do this or that everyone's like dude you're not respectful inside you want to kick his ass which is probably true he's just trying to be nice about it and you're calling him fake for it and i was always sympathetic to that lately though he's gone full heel like he he beat this guy daniel cormier cormormier. And he beat Daniel Cormier and they're interviewing him afterwards.
Starting point is 00:22:28 And Cormier, by the way, has a habit of like crying after he loses. It happened in the Olympics. It happened at NCAA championships. There's a UFC title fight. And he's like, yeah, yeah, I just beat him. And I hope he's back there crying right now. As a matter of fact,
Starting point is 00:22:44 I'm pretty sure he's back there crying right now. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure he's back there crying right now. Shedding tears. Good. You know, he sold shirts. His name is John Bones Jones. Bones is his nickname. And Cormier's like battle shirt and walkout shirt and stuff was Break Bones. And he's like, all you guys that bought those Break Bones shirts, return them.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Get a refund. Here's an unbreakable shirt that I'm selling. And it's like, all you guys that bought those Breakbone shirts, return them. Get a refund. Here's an unbreakable shirt that I'm selling. And it's like, go Jones. And it was just like, you know, and he danced on his grave a little bit. And the thing is this. Before the fight, DC, his opponent, said, I'm not just going to beat this guy. I'm going to rid Mixed Martial Arts of him. I am going to beat him and then
Starting point is 00:23:26 he'll know that he's beatable and because of the legend that he has they're gonna give an immediate rematch and I'm gonna beat him again and after that he'll be mentally broken and he'll never be the John bones Jones that you know right now that guy is about to end and I'm about to end it yeah right so you're like ah and and you know Jones is John Jones is end and I'm about to end it. Yeah, right? So you're like, ah. And, you know, Jones is, John Jones is like, dude, I'm going to do everything in my power to break you. I'm going to crush you in that octagon. And DC is like, everything in your power is not enough.
Starting point is 00:24:00 It's over for you. Remember the Key and Peele sketch? Yeah, that's great. remember the key and peel sketch yeah that's great yeah it was like well you're laying in the hospital bed paralyzed and your family gathers around and they cry you will know and he's just like the other guy's like crazy person because that's not fair not for him or me so anyway their trash talk before this fight was was on a whole other level and it was true it's not always true sometimes they find a thing to needle each other with etc these guys really don't like each other all the way down to the core and after jones beat him
Starting point is 00:24:38 i'm glad he didn't do what george st pierre did which is say like oh it was all a game i really respect him i feel differently about him. No. Jones was like, I hope he's back there crying. Get my t-shirt now. And it was like, yeah, Jones. It's combat. You get to win. You won. You clearly won. You beat him four out of the five rounds. No one's disputing
Starting point is 00:24:58 the decision. His mom is going to look at that fight and be like, yeah, my son just lost. Sorry. And when you win, you get to win. You earned it. It's combat. I was going to ask. I didn't catch the fight. I watched something else. I watched a movie.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I don't remember what I watched, but I was going to ask who won that fight. So I'm glad he won. I like champions. I don't care. I like winners. I like champions. I guess't care. I like winners. I like champions. I guess everyone does. We all want to see someone win eight in a row or ten in a row or whatever it is that sets a new record or a new bar.
Starting point is 00:25:35 That's what you always want to see. It's neat to see that. One of the things in UFC that I really like is active champions. And Jones fights twice a year last year he got an injury so he fought once but that was a serious injury too it was a knee god damn that was awful oh you're thinking of the toe dude they didn't even slow him down he fought six months later oh no i wouldn't have walked for six months that That's why I like him. I just want my champs to fight. That's all I ask. Please fight twice a year.
Starting point is 00:26:07 So this guy fought once in 2014, but he fought like January 3rd in 2015. And he says he's going to fight three times this year. So we'll still get four fights in two years. If a champ is fighting and defending his belt, go, go, go. If we've got a champ like Anthony Pettis,is you know who seems to break all the time he's fragile as fuck i hope we get a new champ you know someone who'll defend it and just to be clear like the injury i was talking about earlier was he ripped his big toe off basically it was dangling by skin the boneless snap most of the flesh it was just the skin. And I thought they would... Oh, it was so bad.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And he twisted it off. He tore it off. He twisted it off on that mat because he's so powerful. Oh, that was so terrible. I've got a picture of it right here. Have you ever beaten someone so furiously that you twisted your own toe off? Oh, dude. So the Patreon guys watching this on video are looking at his toe right now
Starting point is 00:27:07 if you're not a patreon guy by the way uh slash pka it makes you bigger taller stronger and sexier and you get yeah you wouldn't be and you wouldn't be listening to this a week after everyone else yeah you get it immediately so um yeah dude so so jones wants sarone cowboy So, yeah, dude. So Jones won. Cerrone. Cowboy Cerrone. He fought this guy. And here's the back story. Miles Jerry fights Diego Sanchez. Diego lost. And Miles was like, you know, I think people are going to be surprised at how easy I made this look.
Starting point is 00:27:40 It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I beat him easily. Something close to that. Cerrone is the loser's training partner. And he's like, oh, that's disrespectful. Give me some Miles Jury. And he calls Dana White and says, I want Miles Jury. Give me this guy. I'm going to kick his ass for the shit that he said. Anyway, they get in and Miles Jury tried to turn it into a grappling contest in the first round and just got smashed, almost got subbed. Turns out Cerrone's grappling game is better. So then he spends the next two rounds running away,
Starting point is 00:28:10 just going backwards, putting on his Nikes, jogging backwards, all fight long, trying to avoid damage. In the last minute of the fight, Miles Jerry finds himself on his back and Cerrone starts beating the fuck out of his legs. I'm going to look for it on... I want to see this. His legs?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Yeah. Dude, it was... Give him a leg pounding. They're going down as fuck you kicks, right? The guy was on the ground. The fight was over and he's kicking his legs. I've never seen this done before.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Let me see. It sounds like he was just trying to cause pain. Oh, yeah. He was just beating the crap out of him. I'm sure I can find this. out of him! I'm sure I can find this. Let me see if I can find this. I'm finding still images. It'll happen. It'll happen for sure. God, these still images are even great but let me see oh wait I let's go to video let me see ah it's an interview god damn it well maybe we'll find it later i'm interested in seeing this so he just oh wait i found it here we'll watch it together all right right. Now, I'll warn you, they added Indiana Jones whip sounds. I think I like that better.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Are you ready? I am at zero. Ready, set, play. He's got now. Ragdolls. Yep. Oh, my God. Those are the kicks that made him mad!
Starting point is 00:30:26 He is cleaning up the game! Oh my god! Those are the kicks that made him mad! Look how mad he is! Look at that! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!
Starting point is 00:30:43 Oh that was so good oh I love that I love it so much yeah it was great oh god I'm crying that was so funny that was so much better than you described oh that's great
Starting point is 00:31:02 oh oh that was hilarious. He kicked the shit out of him. He was kicking his calves, his shins, his thighs, the bottom part of his ass, his entire leg. He was getting as much of it as he could and kicking as fast as he could. He was like, left, right, and the guy on the ground was trying that like it didn't hurt. But every now and then he'd grimace. Heaced he just like like you could tell they really fucking hurt oh that must have been terrible the ref is just watching like you know whatever man you know yeah
Starting point is 00:31:35 this is the ufc whip him that job you're doing is hard so the hat at the end yeah he always wears that hat man it's donald cowboy serone serone i thought they they photoshopped that in oh god he was actually wearing the hat he always wears that hat yeah that's his hat man his nickname is cowboy i thought they were making an indiana jones reference oh i see yeah no that i think that part was real that's even funnier serone's badass man he's funny apparently he doesn't train that hard he just lives like a really super active lifestyle and uh you know does fight camps i don't know that's that's great well you you might argue he cross trains really hard if that's take the shit out of that guy. Dude, yeah. That guy's legs will be nothing but bruises now.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Like, all up and down his legs and calves, it's just black and blue. You know it is. If people don't know, like, when a pro fighter kicks you with his shin like that, it's a little bit like an amateur dude hitting you with a baseball bat. Like, it's a comparable kind of injury and damage. And he was just beating the crap out of him. It was pretty cool. It was a good fight.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Yeah. Yeah. He was kicking him so fucking hard. You can hear them. So trying to think of what else is new. Dude, in my head, the whole cable situation is zipping forward.
Starting point is 00:32:58 But when I give status updates, it's like, dude, when did we do the last PKN? Was it like six days ago or something? Five days ago. Five days ago. Five days ago, yeah. So in five days, it went from I'm sure they got my payment to I've confirmed they've got my payment.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Five days, bam. How are we rocking and rolling for you? Huh? Is that good? But that's where it is. They're going to send people out now on site to, I guess, take another look before they send construction people. And they talked about it being installed this week it's the sixth as I say this but I think the reality is maybe they come out this week and install sometime after that well has there been any more progress on the
Starting point is 00:33:39 paint situation the painter comes out the eighth and the thing is Jackie hasn't given him the final colors so I'm like what is he going to do? He's going to tape everything off. It could be. There's some carpentry work to be done. I don't know. The old owners had put a TV
Starting point is 00:34:00 there so patch those holes and stuff. So that's going to happen and um and i guess well maybe they'll go by the colors that day jackie's picked out all the colors it's just not like firm for example the navy blue she picked i think when you put it on a wall looks kind of blackish so she needs to like adjust it so there's just tweaks but whatever painting starts on the eighth i think the eighth andth, it'll get done. I hired an electrician to help me run some Ethernet cables,
Starting point is 00:34:29 and we got stuff rolling. Did you do any cool paints? Did you do like a chalkboard wall anywhere or anything interesting like that? No. That'd be cool in the kitchen, wouldn't it? Like one of those chalkboards, you know, maybe a cube. That'd be cool. I like that stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:45 I like paints that do more than just look yellow or green i don't think we did anything like that i mean we've got some colors like hopes i think is painting her bedroom cream circle orange or something and do you have any uranium glass in your new home that's very hot right now yeah no uranium glasses yesterday we need bad neighbors or whatever yeah do you have any bad neighbors i'm pretty happy with my neighbors yeah we're the bad neighbor no karma for you we're the bad neighbor we uh we moved in immediately broke the sweet girl's arm so go-kart student shit oh wait you broke oh you did break her arm that's right yeah yeah hope was drake taking her for a ride she flipped the go-kart the girl was so nice all night, she had a broken arm,
Starting point is 00:35:26 and she hung out with us and didn't want to be a bother. It's like, speak up, sweetheart. Oh, man. So that's a thing. I hope she's feeling better. That's great. Yeah, so we are the bad neighbors, guess i did i did think that your uranium glass was cool i'm i kind of amazingly cool is it dangerous no i i don't think that's a thing i
Starting point is 00:35:53 think that and i think you have to expose it to uv light before it will do that as well so i think part of this it is really neat it glows green you know it's it looks magical yeah i love i love the one-upsmanship that came like first there was one glass and the guy was like you think that's cool look at my grandma's collection and she had like 14 pieces and the guy was like you think that's cool look at my look at my masterpiece collection and he had like a cabinet full of this shit like like a museum quality collection yeah until eventually there's like this commercial uranium glass production facility like it was can you still
Starting point is 00:36:30 get that uranium glass yeah i yeah you can buy it like like right now off amazon i think like it's i looked at it i like quickly google searched it on my phone saw it was purchasable and then lost interest let me see how much this stuff actually costs last it's been treated oh here we go uh here's vaseline opalescent glass tumbler yeah is this fake here's antique knife rest holder here's that looks real yeah oh and here's some other stuff like this is like a sherbert depression glass yeah the hocking block optic green champagne sherbert glass and you have to put it under a black light like you said uh-huh and it comes with those it comes with the
Starting point is 00:37:25 glass uh with the lights and stuff are there links for lights from the 1920s it's almost 100 years old cool so yeah if you wanted some uh some uranium glass you could make that happen dude amazon's awesome can i give you my amazon experience experience? I was buying a new case for my PC because I want to rack mount it. And, you know, it's via Prime. And I buy it. And I view the tracking, the shipping tracking. And on December 30th, it just, like, gets stuck for a while. Like, it's not going.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And it goes all the way to the 5th. And I'm like, damn, you know, like, I get there's holidays and everything. And maybe they took a couple days off. And then stretched out there a couple days off and then that hit the weekend so i can see why it didn't move then all of a sudden i get a refund i'm like what the hell you know a refund like why and uh i call up and then i go to like buy it again or you know because i still want it and the price is going up by 30 bucks. So I call Amazon and I get customer service and I'm like, look, I feel like you guys did me wrong. And I'm going to see if he can make it right. And I explained just what I explained to you. I bought this, they shipped it somewhere
Starting point is 00:38:36 in mid shipping. They just turned around and gave me a refund. And she's like, oh yeah, it doesn't really say why that happened or whatever. And she's i'll tell you what i will credit your account 30 bucks you can buy it again at the old price well damn what else do you want yeah you know i yeah amazon's really cool about that stuff i saw i saw like a tale on reddit where what had happened was um i guess his package had been stolen off his front porch and amazon amazon refunded his money for that. It's not even their fault. It's got nothing to do with them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:09 So I'm soon, soon. Yeah. Good company. I guess. I'm super happy. You ever seen those, uh,
Starting point is 00:39:18 warehouses, how enormous they are. Yeah. And they've got neat stuff. They have like scooters and like segways and things to help them get around. It's pretty cool. So now Jackie and I went furniture shopping today. It turns out stuff takes a little while to get delivered.
Starting point is 00:39:36 So even though we don't have the paint done yet, it's like we can buy furniture. It won't come this week anyway. We're getting close. So we started doing things like that. How much furniture are you replacing? Almost half. We've got some crappy stuff, for example.
Starting point is 00:39:57 The bed Jackie and I have is like... Some crappy stuff that you could make sets out of for Woody's Lab videos so that you find out what flamethrowers would do to people sitting on couches and such maybe you could you could take an airbag out of a car and like stuff it into the seat of a couch and dude I could go I could talk furniture like our the master bedroom thing where we have right here is not even a bedroom set like you know like like something a poor person might have that little metal frame with no headboard and no footboard, just a mattress sitting on it. That's how we sleep at night. Too frugal.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Let's see. Colin and Hope are bringing their existing bedroom set. We're going to get a new set for the guest room. The kitchen table. Sorry, dude. I'm on a call. Getting a new kitchen table, like... Sorry, dude. I'm on a call. Getting a new kitchen table. The one we have now, like, dude, we got a new kitchen table.
Starting point is 00:40:52 And then within, like, three hours of it being new, someone spilled acid on it and, like, ruined the top. Well, thanks. Now it's crappy. Did you have fucking aliens over here? Stop it! Stop it. How do you say no to a call? From where? Is it a phone call?
Starting point is 00:41:12 It's an iPhone. Oh, the side button. Yeah. So we need a bunch of new furniture, and some of the stuff doesn't fit. You know what we want to have? In the master bedroom, they sell this like TV lift cabinet. So at the foot of your bed is a cabinet and the TV rises out of it.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Well, I thought you were going with the projectors. We were, but the master bedroom is so long that I'm not sure a projector is still the right way to go. Is there a big wall though? Could you do like a... The wall has doors on it. So there's two doors entering the master bedroom. We have double doors, and they both fold out.
Starting point is 00:41:51 So the screen would go down in front of the doors, which is doable, but I'm not sure I want that. Okay. So maybe a magic TV coming out of the bed would be more convenient. Yes, that's what I'm saying. And I think the experience of like, I don't know, a 55-inch TV like rising from the foot of the bed would still be pretty cool. Yeah, I think the TV needs to be at least as wide as the bed is wide.
Starting point is 00:42:17 I'm not sure. I'm serious. I'm serious now. Like if you get like, imagine this. It's a California King king bed it's a big tv you're talking about all right stick with me here so the what the the problem with those curved tvs is that you have to be sitting right in the uh in the zone right yeah the fucking parabellum of the the viewing aperture as it were you have to be sitting right in the center to like get the full effect and if you're off to the side,
Starting point is 00:42:45 it's not as nice at all. Maybe that would be cool when coming out of your bed, but maybe that's not possible. You're getting a California king, or you have a California king? We have a queen. We're going to a California king.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Oh, my. Yeah. That's going to be a big step up. I want to do that as well. I've been thinking about that. I've been a queen forever, and I just realized one day, and I was just like, why am I in a queen like such an expensive mattress like like my
Starting point is 00:43:09 bedroom suit was like thirty eight hundred dollars or something and i hate to do that like once i've done it i hate to do it again i don't know how i ended up with a queen but it's a queen our bedroom that we live in today wouldn't really fit a much bigger bed maybe one of the kings i think a king is not as long as a california king but it's even wider and that would fit okay maybe but um in the new room a queen would look weird it'd be like a pinpoint or something like it sort of requires a more magnificent bed what about a water bed what about what about a waterbed is that even cool i don't know we've got dogs that's part of why we want the king because like like i feel like a queen is plenty big for jackie and i but you throw a couple great danes in there it's packed all of a sudden you're like you're all curled up and everything of course the great danes are fine but uh yeah there's there's no room i was
Starting point is 00:44:06 watching i just watched an episode of the office or re-watched rather it was the one where michael is with jan and uh they have jim and pam over for a dinner party and they get they get a tour of the house and he shows him the bed he's like yeah it's a king-size bed and and and they're like oh it's a lovely food like like cushion cushion or something at the end of the bed. He's like, oh, and that's my bed. Jan has space issues or something. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:44:33 He sleeps down at the foot of the bed on this little ottoman, basically. It's like an ottoman. He's like, but I fit just fine. He gets on it and curls up. He looks like what people look like when they have to sleep at the airport or on a bench or something you know you try to curl up in the fetal position and they're like this is my my flat screen tv and it's like a 19 inch monitor plasma plasma it wasn't 19 it it was one of those tvs that they put in the back
Starting point is 00:45:01 seat of cars and it it wasn't even that big. It was legitimately like a six or eight inch monitor. Something like that. It was like this. He's like, check it out. It was because it was on a hinge or something. He's like, there's a lot of people in the room. He pops it back in. It moves a quarter of an inch.
Starting point is 00:45:19 You just push it back in. It makes more space for the room. That show was great. I know you weren't a big fan, but... No, I'm a huge fan. I love it. I thought you didn't like Michael Scott. I don't like Michael Scott.
Starting point is 00:45:34 I liked everybody else, though. I tolerate Michael, and he's funny some of the time. But after he left, I enjoyed it even more, I think. Most people hate those episodes. I like the last couple seasons i like all the seasons yeah i thought they did yeah the only show that really got bad scrubs did you see the last season of scrubs oh no after after actors started dropping off i i left yeah they switch it all over and the doctors became like professors and they were like students
Starting point is 00:46:02 and they wanted to like reboot the whole thing and and it just didn't work out yeah scrubs wow yeah that sounds terrible yeah uh er was one that they did a pretty good job of rebooting that thing like yeah one actor at a time keeping it fresh moving along they it started out and they had uh you know ge George Clooney was the star of that show. And Julianne Margulies. And those were big actors. That guy from Revenge of the Nerds and Top Gun. Mark Green,
Starting point is 00:46:34 is that his name? Maybe that was his show. Yeah, the bald guy. He was in there for a long time. He was on for 10 or 12 years. And then as they lost their George Clooneys, they would bring in a John Stamos and keep the show going that was a good show and it was neat to see the actors get promoted and stuff i guess the characters get promoted you know as they like you know this this head guy would drop off and then suddenly clooney's got his job
Starting point is 00:46:57 like oh neat you know yeah i like that in shows i've been watching the uh the shield lately i hadn't... I never watched it from the beginning. I started watching Californication. Dude, just this second I caught on that it's a play on fornication, like sex. I always thought
Starting point is 00:47:17 Californication, like the process of turning more California-like. You know, I don't know. Occasion, right? I don't know, like occasion, right? Like it's, I don't know. If I were to turn something into Kyle, it would be like Kyle-ification. You know, I'd be Kyle-ing-ifying it. I never realized it was a Cala and then fornication combo word there.
Starting point is 00:47:39 It's silly me. And I don't know if I like the show. It was also that song. It was... There's a song called Californication that predates the show. Dude. Basically, this main character
Starting point is 00:47:55 is... Women fall for him. He has sex with all of them. And I don't think there's much more plot than that. I've seen the first two seasons it's um so you're a little ahead of me i'm in the first season well i think in the first season at the end of the first oh i was i would have had to be like well at the end of the first season
Starting point is 00:48:17 this happens then the second season it's a and i was about to ruin it but yeah i'm keep going yeah it's it's at least watch the first season i thought the first season was pretty good does game of thrones start in march that can't be that far off anymore that's a good question now february 27th is when house of cards starts again oh that's that's getting there yeah and keep mind, you get all 14 episodes or whatever the hell it is the same day. April 7th... Oh, wait. No, that was when it started, the first season. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:48:56 HBO, your website's crap. Let's see here. Episode... Well, people want to know about... Well, it was April 5th last year. Wait, is this season 5 that's about to start? Season 5, episode 1? Oh, that's April 5th. April 5th? Yeah, it's already got
Starting point is 00:49:20 some information here. The cast... Oh, that's cool. The cast is here. You can look to see if anybody's going to be... As much as we like to poke at Hodor, the fact that he's not in this season at all tells me that that guy who controls other animals doesn't
Starting point is 00:49:40 use Hodor as his horse and jump on dragons and shit all the time. Or that guy who controls animals must have a bit role because he's with Hodor. I don't know. Maybe he's moving on. Maybe he doesn't need Hodor anymore because he's got that crazy wizard guy. Or maybe he's just not in this season. Do they not advance his plot line at all for a whole year?
Starting point is 00:50:03 I heard someone say the little boy wasn't going to be in this season. Huh. He's not here in the cast. He's not in the first episode, I promise you that. At least he's not in the listed cast. What do you know? I don't know. Hodor's around doing his DJ thing everywhere.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yeah, I see that. I don't know why I see that, but I do. It gets tweeted at me and and people call them a bitch and they really know how to pound a joke like like the deadest of horses i think dude so sometimes someone will make like a video about me or something and they'll be like well woody i'll probably never see this and i I'm watching it like, you'd be surprised. A thousand people just told me about it. Or even if it's like six people,
Starting point is 00:50:49 I'd probably catch it. I know Hodor, whatever his real name is, is tired of this bitch thing. That he sees it all the time. And that he probably hates us. I hope he doesn't think it's homophobic. Oh. I hadn't even considered that angle. Yeah might i don't know but it's definitely realizes that we think he's just a bitch regardless of
Starting point is 00:51:14 what he does sexually yeah i didn't even i knew he was gay i don't know if we knew he was gay when it started i did oh maybe we did i don't remember man he's not a bitch because he's gay he's a bitch because he's a bitch he's a bitch because he said he'd come on and then he got like what too many tweets requesting that he joined the show and he felt attacked and he's really not a bitch at all we're just
Starting point is 00:51:38 teasing him because he's kind of a jerk to us but yeah that's why he is a bitch he's a bitch beat that horse to death. It looks like the Red Viper of Dawn's bastard sister slash love interest.
Starting point is 00:51:53 She's going to be in the first episode. Oh, I like her. Alexander Sittig. If she's who I'm thinking of. Ooh, he's going to be in the show. He plays Doran Martell. He's the ruling prince. Oh, he's the older brother of the Viper,
Starting point is 00:52:14 the guy who died, remember? Oh, what do we know about his older brother? He's supposed to be badass? It's Doran Martell. He's the ruling prince of Dorne. And it's going to be played by the actor Alexander Siddig. He was in...
Starting point is 00:52:28 I'd have to look him up. I'm not sure what else he's been in. I get him confused for the Star Trek guy, but there's another actor. Yeah, he is the Star Trek guy. I just looked it up. Okay. That'll be cool. It's April, though. February is going to be House of Cards. It's just as good a show.
Starting point is 00:52:45 That should be cool. It's just as good February is going to be House of Cards. It's just as good a show. That should be cool. It's just as good a show, but because I binge watch it, I feel like it's not as big an event. Like, when's it come out? February 26th or something? Is that what you said? 27th. Oh, I was close.
Starting point is 00:52:58 So, February 27th, this thing is dropping. I'll be talking about it all the way through, like, what, March 5th? And then it'll just be a done thing. I finished it. It was good. With Game of Thrones, all the build up is just for the first hour of entertainment.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Then you wait a week. It's about three months because they skip some weeks. If they wanted to, they could monetize that thing in a way that would really milk me to pay for that show if they wanted to. If they were like, say, you want the whole season up front? $65. Join the Game of Thrones fan club. Cha-ching!
Starting point is 00:53:34 Cha-ching! Let's roll them out. Everybody come out. Get in the living room. Let's go. True, but it'd also be on Pirate Bay that day as well. Well, it's's gonna be anyway i guess you know it just you know episode that that's where that's where chis watches it i'm sure he pays for it i'm sure he gets it on dvd of course yeah blu-ray uh yeah so i'm trying to think of what else is new in my life. Jackie and I are trying to plan for a fence. We can't seem to agree on that. You guys have been on that fence for a while. We've been on the fence.
Starting point is 00:54:13 You need a fence or you need, you need a fence building company and then to come out and, and look at what you got and be like, what you need here is a 12 gauge fence. That 10 gauge won't do. Not if you ever want goats. You need that guy there to let you know what's up. Because for all you know, you're going to install some special wire that the soil will react to or something.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Jackie's been talking about six-foot privacy fences. Really? It turns your house into a prison when you have like six foot fences so you can't see in or out and what's wrong with black chain link i don't think chain link is classy enough but to be honest i like the um the like the you know the like split log fences i don't know what else to call it yeah the ones where they put some black hogwire on it or something. Yeah. That would probably do the trick.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Or maybe the white horse fence, like the three-rail horse fence with the hogwire on it. That would look good. Actually, I like that better. The three-rail horse fence with the heavy gauge fencing stuff. It comes in squares. But I think that would be expensive. I think you're looking at a really expensive cost per foot at that rate.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Maybe $10. We need a fence guy. Maybe you just come out and be like, some people in your situation do this, or people in your situation do that, or if you want this, that's what it would cost. And then we can make some educated decisions yeah it's you don't want to spend twelve thousand dollars on the fence though mm-hmm no I don't want to we'll see where it goes down it's
Starting point is 00:55:57 figure it all out barbed wire is classy barbed wire is classy and then the other like the-rail horse fence that i like so much my lab would easily fit between those but he's not a big issue my danes would easily jump it and it's like well great now i've got a worthless fence you need like an invisible fence well what if you hadn't gotten those goddamn horse dogs like you got the hounds of hell over there you're like yeah well we could get the 12 foot fence but they'll just chew right through it you know how they are like jesus christ and then i've been like i'm like jackie what if we got dog runs right like like picture like a really
Starting point is 00:56:36 durable clothesline where they can run back and forth yeah and i'm like hell we could put like a couple posts in the ground and have them go different areas. I don't know. Work it out. She doesn't seem to like that idea. Yeah. They should be able to run around. It's called a dog run.
Starting point is 00:56:56 That's what it's called, I think. Maybe the trick, like I know they're like pretty obedient. But what if you took them to some sort of obedience school where they became like fucking soldier dogs where when you were like seats they were like fucking sit man fucking sit and don't move i mean i consider that they're they're semi-obedient now because we had a trainer actually come on site and help train them we could do that again but i don't think it would turn him into super dogs. Like, your dog's been, like, really trained, but is he super trained? You lose it. You have to, like, reinforce that, and that has to be, like, a thing.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Like, when I bought him, the guy told me, like, if I wanted him to be, you know, like, super trained and, like, do what he needs. It was the German word for dog kennel. He told me, he's like, you need to go to thelitzschund pound and sign up for the classes and you gotta take him and you need to go like once a week and you need to like do this and that I'm like shit I don't have time for all that but if those dogs were like fucking soldier
Starting point is 00:57:56 dogs like 100% obedient and they knew that like you don't cross that line and like like I've seen dogs that like you know they'll just if somebody's yelling at them or another dog's barking they look at the other dog like it's crazy. They're just like, what's your problem? Discipline. It's almost, it reminds me of the hierarchy that you see in movies like Django when you've got, like, the house negro who's like, yes, sir, Mr. Candy, I miss you.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Like, I miss a rock in my shoe. And then you've got, like like the guys fighting for their lives, like the Mandingos, and they hate those guys. It seems like that. Like a super well-trained dog is like, he looks at those other dogs like, what are you doing? Shut up. We got business over here.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I'm with him. It's, I don't know. I just don't see us having like that. A family environment. I don't think is conducive to the kind of dog you're describing. Those are working pro dogs, canines, unit dogs and stuff. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Many, maybe it's possible, but just like you, I don't want to dog training is not my new hobby. I got plenty of stuff to work on. Yeah. That seems like a hobby for Hope. You can't give other people interests.
Starting point is 00:59:11 When you do that, it's a job for Hope. What about tasks? Yeah, you can give people tasks. Dude, training Hope is harder than dogs. I don't want to do any of this shit. Yeah, but you could pay Hope to train the dog. Kyle, I'd sooner buy a fence than deal with the bullshit that you're laying out in front of me to turn my dogs into super dogs i think that would be so cool i'm just imagining like if if you like paid hope 50 a week to take the dogs to the training class and after like six months she
Starting point is 00:59:41 was like the pack leader and when she walked they like walked like a foot behind her and like six inches to the left and right like I'm like flanking her everywhere she went I'm not the slight like the guaranteed failure and fights like that's the path you're describing and that'd be so cool if your daughter became some sort of Beastmaster like she's not a beast master though she's not built for that that's what the classes are for and the bribery i i just you know i i quickly see this like well hope has homework or some other priority that i can't argue with and it's like fuck all of this fence time all Alright well you're going to need one hell of a fence. I gotta say
Starting point is 01:00:27 as I think more and more about this fence it's a lot of fence. Or a smaller area. I don't know. See we're going to do a pool at some point I think. So we need a fence anyway and Jackie's just kind of like well if we put it here then it would double as the pool fence and stuff. Are you going to do a pool
Starting point is 01:00:44 or a lagoon? we were thinking pool oh do you mean moat when you say lagoon what about a grotto something like that what what if like the basement sort of became like part of it and it was like there was like an underground part like like at the playboy mansion that was like a rock wall and stuff down there is a grotto i'm google image searching grotto it appears to be the word for thumbs up or thank you or something uh it's an italian course is there how do you spell grotto i don't know how to spell grotto let's i thought i was thinking of like an under sort of like a like a cave with water where the water went inside of the cave and you like hung out
Starting point is 01:01:29 in there I'm going to search alright here's another GROTTO alright well this looks nice and yeah there's lots of caves involved in this. Yeah, you could do that under your house.
Starting point is 01:01:49 We should have a giant outdoor saltwater reef tank that you can swim in. Like pool-sized. Could you put tropical fish in there and make a giant aquarium? Yeah. That you can swim in? Uh-huh. Is that your lifelong dream, to be Scuba Steve? To be what, you said?
Starting point is 01:02:06 To be Scuba Steve and to have your own, like, giganto aquarium where you can basically, like, scuba down, scrub the tank. Like, your expensive fish swim around you and you're just like, thumbs up, buddy. 65-year-old retired Woody is going to, like, don theoth, like a volunteer at Baltimore Aquarium wearing nothing but like my Speedos cleaning the side of the glass. I don't think a lot of people know about your passion for these fish. I don't talk about it much. I haven't done it lately. But, yeah, I've been an aquarium keeper, saltwater, reef tank, discus.
Starting point is 01:02:44 A reef keeper. I've been a reef keeper. I've been an aquarium keeper, saltwater, reef tank, discus. A reef keeper. I've been a reef keeper. I've been a reef keeper. I didn't know anything about this side of you until maybe a year or two ago. Yeah. Yeah, it's very interesting. I don't think it's because it's the sort of hobby that seems like it takes a lot of upkeep and maintenance. Upkeep and maintenance.
Starting point is 01:03:04 And there's a lot of research. Like the point of like when you keep a fish tank, and that's especially true as you go all the way towards like the reef side, which is like the highest end part of the hobby. You're not just like maintaining a fish. You're maintaining an ecosystem. Like I'm sitting here checking the sand for worm activity because that's like really essential to how it breaks down all this stuff. And, you know, I've got a whole ecosystem that I'm sitting here checking the sand for worm activity because that's like really essential to how it breaks down all this stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:26 And, you know, I've got a whole ecosystem that I'm maintaining and there's a lot to learn to make that go well. That's pretty cool. Yeah, it's pretty cool. I think I might do a pond at the new house. A pond would be cool too. A garden pond with a fountain and stuff out front. I think it'd be a pretty neat thing i wish there were cool predatory fish that you could feed things to and just watch
Starting point is 01:03:50 them like gobble them up there are lots of cool predatory fish you can feed things to really i mean i like i think that would be cool to like to like throw like goldfish in and like have some fish like gobble it up real quick and just like yeah that's tony it's funny if you want to see a a goldfish get eaten like you throw a fish in and watch the shark eat it and it's really anti-climatic the shark's like barely moving and whatever and he gets super close to the fish and then zap he turns his head and the fish is gone and you're like well i saw it the same is true with like feeding a turtle or um a piranha if you ever watch a piranha feed a fish it's not like really really cool but a remora a remora that's the fish that you know when sharks swim they have like suction heads and they just sort of attach themselves to shark bellies you feed goldfish to a remora and
Starting point is 01:04:45 it is a pursuit motherfuckers goes back and forth across the tank it's like 18 trips goldfish hauling ass remora chasing it i don't know what the like he's right behind him going going going same speed high speed chase the shit is insane and uh eventually the remora catches it not like that's the most intense fish eating thing i've ever seen well that sounds kind of sad it's always sad i just i just want to see the gulping that's what i i kind of like that where it's just like yelp and the fish is gone like i don't want to i don't think so i think if you saw the remora you'd be like that is the coolest thing ever well I don't want to see it. I don't think so. I think if you saw the remora, you'd be like, that is the coolest thing ever. Well, it doesn't sound like it.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Does it suck the fish's insides out? What does it do to the fish? I'm trying to remember. It was the chase that really made a big impact on me. I don't think he ate it slowly. He was just, it just took him a while to catch it. And it was incredible. I'm imagining that scene from that Disney film, Sword in the the stone where the wizard merlin turns uh arthur into a fish and
Starting point is 01:05:49 they're swimming around in the the the moat down there and the barracuda is chasing him it's awesome it's awesome it's uh yeah feeding a remora is cool but uh i don't know if they're super hard to keep or not i don't know a pond is not so bad to keep especially once you get it stable you know again you're maintaining an ecosystem but if you do that well and you get like all the frogs and fish and stuff that you need then then you're set you gotta keep the birds away is there a water source on your place? No. Just, I mean, there's the well, but there isn't, like, a river or anything like that, which would be nice. Wonder how many... Nah.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Well, that'll be good, then. There's a place to put a pond, though, right? Yeah, yeah, for sure. There's, um... What was I going to say? There were so many birds in the yard today. There was, like, a flock of them. What was I going to say?
Starting point is 01:06:43 There were so many birds in the yard today. There was like a flock of them. We were driving around in the golf cart, and I look over, and there's like 75 birds standing on my grass. I was like, what the? Maybe that's just normal. I don't know. But I'm not a... Was it blackbirds?
Starting point is 01:06:56 Mm-mm. They had red chests, but they weren't cardinals, or like orange chests or something. They weren't crows, but they were black, I guess. Just not solid. I don't crows, but they were black, I guess. Just not solid. I don't know what they were. I guess they were, like, eating seeds or something from the ground. Yeah, maybe so.
Starting point is 01:07:13 But, yeah. So, I think that's, is that PGA in? 21? Yeah, I think so. I think we got at least an hour or so in here. Very good. All right. So, hopefully we can get Merker on these. I know he's
Starting point is 01:07:25 been in maybe one or two. Three maybe. Yeah. Definitely two. So Merker has asked us under no uncertain terms not to talk about his job at all. But I think he wouldn't mind me saying he's looking for
Starting point is 01:07:41 a job where he'll be able to do more on PKA. So hopefully that works itself out. When that happens, then it won't be so difficult to schedule for him anymore. So that'll be great. Yeah, I agree. I think that'll be a lot better. It'd be good to get him on these and be more flexible you know be more flexible with our our timing in general
Starting point is 01:08:05 and and with trips and stuff i want to people i think some people don't realize but woody since woody's moving house right now we we can't really do a lot of the cool stuff that we want to do but i want to go on some trips and do some stuff yeah that'd be awesome all right pkn episode 21 later everybody

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