Painkiller Already - PKN #212

Episode Date: September 21, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, Painkiller Nearly, episode 212. Topics, we've got two we talked about before the show. I want to start with Kyle's. Yeah, I haven't heard anything about it. I know nothing. Yeah, I guess Dr. Disrespect was streaming some Call of Duty. Okay. And someone shot, it's for the second day in a row,
Starting point is 00:00:20 someone shot at his house, but today they hit his upstairs window. And that's about all there is to it right now is there like footage of it like him sitting there like reacting to the shot or is it like reported yeah there's a part where he gets up and then he comes back and he's pretty upset and he's like i'm gonna end the broadcast you know some second day in the road someone shot outside the house and today they hit the upstairs window and then he gets pretty upset and uh you know he's got children and uh it's his it's his home you know who could possibly dislike a twitch stream i don't follow him at all but he just is a video game player on twitch how could you hate someone
Starting point is 00:00:55 who does that yeah the thing about yeah the thing about him is like you know he it's a persona right you know he's dr disrespect so you're he doesn't really take a hard, right? You know, he's Dr. Disrespect. So you're, he doesn't really take a hard stance on anything. You know, it's, it's, it's all about, he's a jokester, right? Exactly. It's, it's about, you know, like kind of overreacting to video games and like when you die, it's the end of the world. And when you succeed, it's a, it's a triumph of victory. And that's, that's a big part of the fun for, for the viewers i guess someone you know doesn't either doesn't like him or is looking for some attention or whatever but yeah they does he live in a bad place a place where this could happen you wouldn't think so i doubt he's parking his lambo in a bad
Starting point is 00:01:37 place um i i would say that that he's in a is in a nice uh nice area is it public where he lives like for a long enough time that it public where he lives? It's public where everyone lives. Like LA somewhere? I just mean the city itself. I don't know exactly where he lives now. If it was Salt Lake City, that would be a little surprising. It's certainly not.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I don't know if that's what you're getting at, but it certainly isn't random what's happening. Someone's targeting him. That's what's going on, literally. They're at his house have you have you guys ever had death threats of course yeah i had some too nothing meaningful nothing not like yeah most of them aren't that credible there was one guy who made a it was after the uh i never literally said women are built for rape but that was the was the quote that everyone thinks I said. And a guy took it super mad,
Starting point is 00:02:29 and he made a video saying he was going to kill me. Put it on YouTube. And it was like a vlog of him driving in his truck while vlogging, saying that he was going to kill me. Was he doing like standard bad amateur vlogging things where he starts the recording as he's finishing up a quick trip hot dog? He's like, so anyway, I just wanted to game with that guy. I'm going to murder him.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I apologize for my vertical video and bad sound quality. He did have lousy audio. His truck was kind of noisy inside. I described the guy as country strong and a little bit fat, but let's not pretend. But a corn fed kind of fat, like throwing hay bales or something. Yeah. I mean, it's it's a real concern. Like there's been there's been YouTubers who've been murdered before. I mean, you look to go back right before that Pulse nightclub thing.
Starting point is 00:03:17 There was a female YouTuber who did who did music and someone someone uh someone murdered her oh that does sound familiar and there's plenty of like circumstance for like fans of anything really coming and killing the person that they're fan of uh selena was killed by the president of her fan club um john lennon right like you don't think that guy like like was a little upset about the the beatles breaking up i john lennon probably deserved it though am i right he was the one beat his wife. You break up the greatest band of all time for that silly bitch Yoko Ono. Yeah. Have you seen that clip?
Starting point is 00:03:51 I think it's the one that Bill Burr riffs on. Where it's like, it's John Lennon, Yoko Ono, and fucking Chuck Berry up there. And Chuck Berry's like the Beatles idol. For John Lennon to be there with Chuck Berry, he's like, oh my god, I'm playing with Chuck Berry. And like they're in the middle of really riffing.
Starting point is 00:04:09 You know, not my necessarily kind of music, but it's very good, obviously. And then all that Yoko Ono does is get up after like hitting some like percussion instrument off beat for 15 seconds. Comes right up to the mic and look this up. Put up Yoko Ono, Bill Burr, Chuck Berry. She goes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And if you think I'm exaggerating at all, look this up. Put up Yoko Ono, Bill Burr, Chuck Berry. She goes yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. If you think I'm exaggerating at all, look it up. If anything, I didn't do it enough.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And Chuck Berry's eyes, because he's not looking at her. He and John Lennon are on the same mic, face to face, jamming out, fucking harmonizing. Chuck Berry's fucking dancing with the guitar and spinning around and stuff. And there's a full like band everybody's jamming out and everybody there is an incredibly incredible musician that's why they're oh and the audience is loving it this is this is the greatest thing
Starting point is 00:04:55 ever and then when she goes chuck berry's eyes go he's just, John Lennon doesn't flinch. He's just like, yeah, that's what she does. That's what she does? I'm too much of a pussy to say no. Oh, it's awful. It's awful. But yeah, that's really fucked up. I don't understand, A, why anyone dislikes Dr. Disrespect. Certainly not enough to go shoot at his home.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yeah, I can totally see why people dislike Dr. Dis like he dr disrespect his family right that that's the guy that's who he is now right he's the guy that cheated on his wife i thought he's more famous for that than i think he is for gaming but i don't see why people are homicidal towards him did something happen big with dr disrespect recently like i know that thing like last year whenever it was with him cheating on his wife. But anything huge? No. No, he's just continually growing and being, like, incredibly successful and popular. You know, he's rather beloved.
Starting point is 00:05:58 On Reddit, every time he pops up, everyone remembers the whole cheating on his wife thing. Like, it'll be two cheating on his wife thing. It'll be two-thirds of the comments. It defines him. Half of them are Woody. Zero of them are Woody. I don't say shit. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:06:16 I treat my Reddit account like it's public, like anyone can see it. But yeah, no. That's not to be forgotten. He fucked around with other people on his wife. He didn't fuck your wife. Jesus Christ. No, but that's who he is. I don't like when... He's just pro-cheating on people. I think that's other people on his wife. He didn't fuck your wife. Jesus Christ. No, but that's who he is. I don't like when... I think that's where it comes down to.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I just don't think that it's a hanging offense. I don't want to shoot him over it. I'm just saying that's who he is. Where were you today, Woody? Where were you this afternoon? I was getting groceries. And unsuccessfully trying to buy gas. I was all alone.
Starting point is 00:06:45 My whole family's in New Jersey. My phone tracks my every move. I bet. Hmm. Well, you know, according to you. Where is he? Oh, he's on the other side of the country, I think. That's convenient.
Starting point is 00:06:57 I'm here in time. Well, we know you can't be where you are. You could have flown there in a fortnight. Yes, about that. Even faster with the hurricane backwinds. Is this going to be a real one? Like a real hardcore hurricane? I saw lots of posts on PKA being like, oh, look out, wings.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Like Myrtle Beach apparently right in the middle of it. But it's like this happens every year, right? Well, I want to go. I've been watching this, and I've been making the call before the weather and have i'm like isn't that high pressure system going to push this thing off the coast right i'm just a dumb ass ex-surfer but i'm like dude there's a high coming in it's going to push it off the coast the current models don't have it doing that it has it sitting on top of wings of redemption for like two whole days, which is probably worse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:48 At first, it was just going to make a beeline in for like Raleigh and then Charlotte and then just sitting out there. So I think that high-pressure system is going to, but not stop it from making landfall, having it sit on top of the edge of the country there. I think those people are kind of fucked. Kyle, did you want to say something? I don't have anything on the hurricane. I don't know anything about it.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I think it's dangerous. It's dangerous when people say, like, oh, I'll ride it out. They were wrong last time. I think a lot of those people are going to get drowned. Yeah, it only takes one time for you, making the wrong call there, for you to be standing on top of your truck as the water's rising.
Starting point is 00:08:26 It would be really annoying to have your life kind of upended and have to move inland 100 miles for the weekend, I guess. But better safe than sorry, I think. Dude, if only there was a pattern where people could predict this kind of thing and then live in places other than that, if it was that big of an issue to them. But the real estate there is so inexpensive. They get suckered in by the cheap beachfront property the cheap myrtle beach beachfront property i'm uh i'm showing people the path of the hurricane i've never been to myrtle beach i
Starting point is 00:08:54 have no idea it's not bad and it just sits there it's a little north of myrtle beach but it yeah it kind of sucks it's going to do tremendous damage to the coastline. It's going to cause lots of erosion. That's a big deal if you live everywhere on the East Coast beach anyway, pretty much. The beaches are all too small, right? They're just never as big as they used to be. They're constantly eroding, getting smaller and smaller. And if a hurricane sits off of it for three days, it'll be noticeably different three days later. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Well, hopefully Wings is okay because he is not moving an inch Wings is okay, because he is not moving an inch. He is staying right where he is, he said. Oh, he said that. He's confirmed. Yeah, they're going to have to, unless they forcibly remove him, he is not going anywhere. I thought there were mandatory evacuations at a Myrtle Beach.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Well, he's a little bit inland of Myrtle, in Conway. I don't have a map in front of me, but it's a little ways. It's not a terribly long distance, but he could definitely get dumped on by the rain and get some high winds. I mean, there's trees near his house, I think. It could be dangerous. Yeah, I'm glad I don't have to deal with that. Yeah, nothing like that.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I don't like all the rain and tornadoes, but who cares? I'm not a fan of tornadoes either no i'm not a fan but like i've never been like oh no the tornado season is here like like that's more rural that those people get fucked like joplin and that place got destroyed a few years ago oh yeah i remember that what is there a like meteorological reason that rural places get hit with hurricanes? I'm sorry, tornadoes? Or is it just that most areas are rural by landmass? I think that area they call hurricane or tornado alley right through the center of the country is mostly farmland through Kansas and Oklahoma. It's really flat land, which causes it.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Because in an urban city area like there wouldn't be enough space for it to get going like you're not going to look into a urban area and see a tornado right in the you know between two buildings there's just not you know there's not enough space to get it kicking but in the middle of nowhere you know it's got all the space it needs is my understanding based on a cursory recollection of a documentary from 15 years ago on discovery channel before you're like 27 you were a little kid i was like i was like 12 like learning about xbox speaker yeah that was uh that was before that was like an area of discovery on call of duty to learn about tornadoes well i had a long day of being racist online and then had to
Starting point is 00:11:25 tuck in for a little bit of Discovery Show documentaries. That's back when the Discovery Channel was good, though. It was all stuff about World War II or sharks or monkeys or actual animals. There was nothing about a big fat guy from Wyoming living on an oil derrick
Starting point is 00:11:41 for six months of the year. That wasn't on there. I hate the reality. They should have just made a new channel called discovery reality or something and put all that horse shit on there i really miss there was a there was a show called wild discovery and i loved it it was like it would go wild and there would be like this montage of like different animals with like with like african drummies and it's like, oh, tree frog, panther, leopard, lion, shark. Oh, is this shark week? It was great.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I love that shit. And then TLC, of course, you actually used to learn stuff. They had surgeries. They would have actual surgical operations on the learning channel where they would be like a close-up of an eyeball being operated on. I saw a guy get a vasectomy one night. It was ridiculous. And now it's like home decorating. I don't know how the Learning
Starting point is 00:12:30 Channel became... Yeah, it's called the Learning Channel and it's the same channel that had Honey Boo Boo. Oh, is it? Is that where that was? Yeah, I just looked it up. Some of their anchors of shows over the years have been 90 Day Fiance, 17 Kids and Counting, Little People, Big World, Cake Boss, Yes to the Dress, Sister Wives.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Fat guy on an oil, Derek. Is that an actual show or did you just make up a premise off the top of your head that sounded real? I made it up, but if I said that was a show, you wouldn't think twice. I bet there's a show about that. Let's see. Is there an oil war? Spoon. That's what it's called. Oil drilling reality show. I mean, Ice Road Trucker's a show about that let's see is there an oil war that's what it's called I mean Ice Road Trucker's a thing
Starting point is 00:13:10 or like Crude Living it's called Black Gold and there is one it's called Black Gold see that's so fucking lazy like I hate these shows there are five seasons of this shit I wonder if we'd like it more if it was more real,
Starting point is 00:13:27 right? Cause that's usually my frustration with the show. A whole, hear me out. Right. Um, I watch a show called gold rush. Are you guys familiar with that at all?
Starting point is 00:13:35 Yep. I've heard of it. So the premise of gold rush is that there are some like fledgling entrepreneurs who catch gold fever and give a go at excavating massive amounts of land, putting it through these washing machines and getting the tiny little gold flecks that come out of just the dirt that's up there in the Kodiak. That's the idea. Then every week, they kind of weigh it and see how well they did. Are they on pace to meet this year's goals? Are they not on pace? Like, how are we doing? So that's the premise of it.
Starting point is 00:14:08 The reality is total bullshit, and it's frustratingly bullshit. They lie about how much they get out of the ground. I think they just pump those numbers up, lower those numbers down, whatever makes the show more interesting. There's deep know deep voiced guys acting like the world just exploded when they get a flat tire and that there's some unusual unnatural rush to make that tire unflat again i'm never gonna make it by
Starting point is 00:14:39 thursday the road's too icy man it's like you knew that going out you left yesterday that's reality shows in general you know they they fabricate drama because that's what people want to see and then they hit you with the the the like intense music like they've just lost another auger there's only one more in the truck and if that one breaks yeah bum bum bum and they zoom in on the old guy who's financing this shit, it's game over for Rusty. And Rusty's like, actually, we'll just get some more from Winnipeg. You know, we actually live in a logging community.
Starting point is 00:15:17 There's plenty of this stuff all around. Believe it or not, everyone around here has the same job, mining for gold. And there are people who have the job of just supplying us with more conveyor belts and things like that. Believe it or not, we didn't drive 700 miles here with one auger. But the thing is, I'm sure that if a reality reality show worked, then it would be done.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Like it's twofold. One, like reality isn't that entertaining. And two, it's definitely not that entertaining but but but second of all it's it it's a lot more expensive to do like you have to film you have to do so much filming to wait until a thing actually happens otherwise every episode is the identical thing is the last episode so if you don't fabricate some drama if you don't make something up or if you don't get everybody together say all right here right, here's what we're going to do. We're going to pretend like this thing that broke last week, we're going to pretend like it broke today.
Starting point is 00:16:10 And you're going to get really mad at Jim Bob for not hitting the safety lever in time because we're going to pretend like we lost a lot of gold in the river. All right? Because otherwise I have to film 2,000 hours worth of raw footage and find the 30 minutes of good shit. We could just make 30 minutes right now. We go 30 for 30 here. It makes sense. But, I mean, you're in the real world, right? It doesn't make sense, right?
Starting point is 00:16:36 So everything you said, I agree with. You know, they can make – it's an easy way to drum up some content. On the other hand, it ruins the show for me, right? So maybe it doesn't make sense if it's a bad product. Yeah, I don't watch reality anymore. Well, it's for a different demographic. It's for a very stupid group of people who
Starting point is 00:16:55 they don't just suspend their disbelief. They exist in disbelief. They don't, they can't see that they're being worked by the TV show. I don't know how people watch shows like Big Brother or even Survivor anymore. It's scripted. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:14 It seems like... You're right. I don't know who the fuck is watching these reality shows. I know Real Housewives of XYZ is huge with older women. It's one of the biggest shows on TV for women 35 and up. My family likes the cooking one sometimes, like Cake Boss and Ace of Cakes and stuff like that. And I think it might be more real because it fits that model Kyle talks about where like what actually happens in that 30 minutes is show worthy. You know, they give them a time constraint, ask them to build something they've never built before.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Oh, a competition show. It's a cooking competition show, yeah. I think that's a little different. Yeah, like Iron Chef was probably the first one of those. And that I can get on board with. That's kind of interesting for a lot of reasons. It's not just a cooking show because obviously there's a competition. And then to make it even more difficult,
Starting point is 00:18:06 it's a surprise ingredient. If you gave them beef, everybody would be like, oh, okay, we'll settle down here. Let's make a nice tenderloin. But they're like, cuttlefish! And the guy's like, oh, fuck! Cuttlefish!
Starting point is 00:18:22 They don't have any cuttlefish recipes in their back pocket. They're just riffing on it. I don't know what to do. recipes in their back pocket they're just they're just riffing on i don't know what to do yeah and honestly i like gordon ramsey i like almost every single the only show i don't like that gordon ramsey does is he's got this new one called like 24 hour kitchen nightmare where he like rides into town he's like your restaurant sucks it's filthy it's disgusting i've got a mobile kitchen out here he's got like a million dollar like transfer truck like a and the bandit and it like explodes into a kitchen that you can come inside of and with a big screen on the outside with a timer ticking down
Starting point is 00:18:57 from 24 hours he teaches the staff how to do like eight recipes like this is your new menu it's eight things all right it's simple it's delicious it's great do it simple it's rustic and and then he leaves and and you know that like none of these people are going to succeed because they didn't even have time for the poison that they use to kill the roaches to take effect the roaches are just running around and they're sick at this point 24 hours later like like it it doesn't make any sense. Like, the original Kitchen Nightmares I enjoy because they have to go in there and exterminate. They give them a whole new kitchen. They redesign the restaurant. But doesn't that seem fake, too?
Starting point is 00:19:31 I always thought the Kitchen Nightmares was pretty fake, and there was fake anger at the chef and at the owner. That's not how people interact with each other. I definitely, it depended episode by episode. I've watched a lot of episodes of that show there are some where it's like okay you're clearly you know pumping up your hatred of their food because you gotta make it way worse because like if you came in you're like honestly not that bad like it wouldn't be a very good episode but like there are some like amy's baking company in arizona or Scottsdale, somewhere there, where it was fucking
Starting point is 00:20:05 evident that she's a crazy person. They discovered real stuff in real time where he's like, one of your services told me that your husband is keeping the tips. Your husband! And he's in the middle of the restaurant, loudly speaking while customers are there. You should know, people, this man is
Starting point is 00:20:21 keeping the tips. Yes, when you leave a tip, it's going to this man right here. And it's like, oh, he's really blowing up your spot. They filmed him being like, hey, you might not want to scream at customers telling them to leave. Get out of my store. Get out of my baking shop. As he's doing that in the middle of the show. That was the restaurant for months and months.
Starting point is 00:20:41 If you go to their page right now on Facebook, I bet it's the same shit of people trolling them because they would not let it go they were like on the level of retarded as like that that guy from the years ago like jesse slaughter's dad where he's like i'm getting the cyber police on the on the case and i'll find out who you are but yeah that one was real but i agree woody it is kind of sifting through because some of them are too forced he hams it up a little bit for sure with his anger because that's what that's his character right you know like like and to some extent that's how he is like like if he's in his kitchen if he's working at one of his restaurants which he doesn't do anymore right like but but when he was doing that in his early years that's definitely like like the way things were not only with him but in the restaurant industry
Starting point is 00:21:23 with that sort of anger and vitriol and violence and and certainly from the guy he learned from marco pierre white that guy is like a fucking sociopath that guy's a maniac he he would make gordon cry literally cry he would beat him he would attack him i doubt that's actually typical of the business i just don't believe that i from everything i've read a lot into this It absolutely is Really just every restaurant just berates the staff And brings them to tears Even like good restaurants You don't think they're a
Starting point is 00:21:54 Like functioning business group That gets work done together And collaboratively Sure but through like threats Of losing your job And lots of shouting and screaming. Like those Michelin star restaurants. Not now, it seems, from what I've read.
Starting point is 00:22:11 It seems like the culture has changed. But in the 90s, for sure. For sure, there was a lot of that in all of those restaurants. Not that I've ever been to one. I haven't either. I'm a big fan of the... It doesn't pass the smell test, right? That, like, every single day they're just bringing their staff to tears
Starting point is 00:22:31 and it's a terrible work environment. And, you know, that's not how groups function together on a daily basis. It might happen sometimes if your group is fucked, if you're a lousy manager, if you're a lousy manager if you're a lousy leader but i mean like the military doesn't work like that businesses don't work like that i haven't been in the military my father has but uh you know they don't just routinely bring people to tears on a daily basis and make them feel like shit like although it maybe happens sometimes it's it's not a normal work environment
Starting point is 00:23:05 yeah but you don't have to be in the military to enjoy walking around in the uniform and getting undue praise we've all done that we've all stolen a little valor for a cap on god I just love the respect Starbucks discounts why are you dressed like the're from the 60s?
Starting point is 00:23:26 Ah, shut up. I've got Benjamin Button disease. Fuck you. I'm a Marine. You were on the USS Arizona? As far as you know. Yes. See, that's what I don't get with the Stolen Valor thing.
Starting point is 00:23:43 It's funny. We're like, dudes, all they have to do is like we're the most basic bitch lowest level private in the most inconspicuous you know national guard you know regiment or whatever and instead they'll wear like you know fucking uh ottoman empire looking like the way that the north koreans look where it's like god you guys haven't even been in a war in 60 years. And like, you've got that much shit like they deck themselves out and then they get caught by some like genius every time where they're like, oh, you're in the 161st Airborne Battalion. But you also have a Navy cross on there. What's that mean? What's that?
Starting point is 00:24:19 When they could have just been like, no, I'm just private Joe fucking blow here for my cheap coffee. Is it genius or is that just standard industry knowledge if you're a military professional of any sort? I'm sure it is just standard military knowledge. But then that's what I'm saying. If you're going to steal valor, do it on a very low level. Get your discount. Get out. Don't be putting Purple Hearts and Silver Stars on there.
Starting point is 00:24:42 You're going to get found out, my friend. Well, there's two different kinds of valor stealers, there's the there's the low level guy who's not putting a lot into it he just he just straps on some camo pants they might say real tree on them like like he's got he's got he's like yeah i'm a i'm a army hunter and and he just he doesn't pass the smell test at all even to the basic person but then there's people who like live a lie like like like they've made it part of their identity that they're a navy seal they have the tattoos like like they may have gotten their job by like using that as as as part of their resume and they tell everyone and they often go to not just like weddings and funerals and whatever
Starting point is 00:25:19 wherever else you're supposed to wear your your your full dress garb or whatever like they're wearing it like every day they're always walking around like the fucking commandant or something with medals dangling off them and and the best is when their medals don't match when they've got medals from like multiple branches of the service that's great wars i need an opinion out of you guys so i i used to have a friend he was an off-roading friend we kind of drifted apart because i don't off-road anymore he didn't steal valor right he actually was a marine that worked on helicopters he was a maintenance guy and uh everywhere he went he asked for a discount but on top of that he would argue for a discount if they didn't offer one to
Starting point is 00:26:02 military and i i thought it was tacky. I don't know. And where are you coming? We went to lawnmower races, right? This is the most redneck thing you can possibly go to. People take these riding lawnmowers and soup them up to go like 50 miles an hour around a dirt track.
Starting point is 00:26:18 We went to check it out because it's crazy and it seems like a neat thing. And he like, I don't know, just went back and forth and back and forth with the ticket person saying that they should give discounts to him because he fixes helicopters in the Marines. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:34 He sounds like a prick. Like, you know what? That's insane. To, like, argue with a person who works there that, like, well, your policy should be changed. I repaired helicopters. I bet he doesn't mention that he repaired helicopters on a ship far from the action for your freedom i've i've screwed those lug nuts in tight thinking of all the women and children back home like no
Starting point is 00:26:55 what do you know you shouldn't be able to first of all you're a fucking helicopter he's stealing valor You didn't even know. He's stealing my plug. That's on a helicopter. They don't have tires. I don't even know if this is a thing. Some do. Some of them do. The one I worked on, dude. You wouldn't know. Have you ever flown an Apache 567 XY?
Starting point is 00:27:15 I think not. I don't think so, civilian. You ever plan for your country? You know how many knuckles I've scratched? Fair point. You know how many days I had to wake up early? That's true, probably. Lots of them.
Starting point is 00:27:28 It doesn't even matter if it's military or anything else. If you argue with a low-level person at any company for why you deserve a discount for something, you're a prick. You're an entitled prick who's making a poor, low-level person's life needlessly more difficult because now they can't do what people should do. No, we don't have that.
Starting point is 00:27:48 I think you should really have... Fuck you, get out out it was literally a person standing in a dirt parking lot with an apron taking like selling tickets like not the decision maker you should be arguing with yeah i totally agree with you that's really douchey yeah it's it's cheap like like i don't i don't like cheap people like there's one thing if you're if you're being responsible with your money, I suppose. But when you're just incredibly cheap, that is tacky in its own right. But then what he's doing is next level tacky where he's like – it's almost begging. It borders on begging when you're like, oh, but you shouldn't charge me as much. Why are you charging me so much?
Starting point is 00:28:22 Sir, it's $3. It's $3 to watch the lawnmowers three dollars to watch the it wasn't a lot like three dollars did you walk up and like all right we unfortunately you're our 101st customer we got to recoup the losses from the 100th one so your ticket's actually six hundred dollars like no that's silliness i videos, though. I'm sure you've all seen them, of the guy who makes it his business to go out and expose the people who steal valor. I enjoy his videos a lot. I believe he's a former
Starting point is 00:28:54 Navy SEAL. Actually, I'm positive he is. His wife kind of reminds me of Dog the Bounty Hunter's wife. She's kind of heavyset and annoying as fuck. But she seems to fuel the fire and keep things going. I can see maybe he's willing to let somebody slide and then she gives him the speech he's you know what he he's he's it's a slap in the face to everything you did mike every every every every blood every drop of blood you shed every fellow seal that that died in a
Starting point is 00:29:22 foreign country and couldn't even you couldn't even tell his family what happened to him. This is a slap in their face. They're spitting their eye and just getting them all fired up until he's ready to go out there with that fucking digicam and make somebody pay the iron price. It's not actually... I'm trying to think. So the person doing it,
Starting point is 00:29:43 I don't think is disrespecting them at all. If anything, he's honoring them by dressing up as them, right? Like if I cosplay as Spider-Man, it's not because I dislike Spider-Man. It's because I dream of being Spider-Man. And I feel like that's where they're coming in. They're like, man, I am dressing up like a Navy aviator because – I'm on Woody's team. Yeah, because I think so highly of them.
Starting point is 00:30:09 How dare you? That I wish I was them. I dream of being them. I consider them better than me, so I'm going to cosplay as them and hope that people think that I am like them. Now, I get it. They didn't earn that respect. Now, I get it. They didn't earn that respect. They're making that accomplishment a little more commonplace, but they're not actually spitting on anyone. They're just dreaming of being them. This is like the argument I use with everybody who gives me shit for dressing up like a cop and, you know, accosting people in public. I like the power. I love the power, the threatening, like the, hey. Where are you going with this? What are you doing, sir?
Starting point is 00:30:46 It's the hand job. It's the hand jobs. Just the authority that you get. Like I love pretending to be someone in authority. Prostitutes are free if you wear that uniform. Exactly. You know, they pay you money is what it is. You get to steal a little bit from the, you know, the Johns vis-a-vis the prostitute. So, yeah, I'm totally on board with that. If you see a job that you really like a lot, you should be able to impersonate them and pretend to be them in public.
Starting point is 00:31:08 But only if you really, really want to. It's got to be disrespectful. Have you ever walked up in your fake cop uniform and tapped your gun, your real gun, your real firearm on the glass of somebody sitting in the parking lot late at night obviously we all have yeah and they look at you and you they get that feel those big eyes and you go oh god yeah officer stevenson roll down the window you point the gun at him right away they know you mean business you say that there's you get double the respect you say that there's been a rape and you know you say that there are reports of a rape almost in progress. They had a report there was a rape about to occur here.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Right about now. And you know what? They're nothing but yeses after they hear that rap-ta-ta of your hard, cold steel up against their glass. They know it could all be over in the blink of an eye. That's why I like pretending to be a cop in public. That's funny. But really, the guys dressing up as them are doing it because they admire them. Not all of them.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I think some of them are trying to get free shit. They want free shit and they're getting admiration and respect that they don't deserve, that they didn't earn. Yes. Yeah. And that's the stealing valor part. that they don't deserve, that they didn't earn. Yes. Yeah, and that's the stealing valor part.
Starting point is 00:32:25 But I'm just saying, I don't think they have disrespecting the people who did earn it in their hearts. I'm not saying it's okay. I'm just saying, they twist their motivation to make them seem like bigger assholes than they really are. They're really just pretenders and liars.
Starting point is 00:32:43 But it isn't up to them to decide whether what they're doing is disrespectful. It's up to the people who actually serve, right? And those guys all seem to agree that it's highly disrespectful. Is it up to them? Yeah. Is it up to them to tell you whether or not what you're thinking? He knows why he did it.
Starting point is 00:33:03 You're spitting on our flag. he no i mean not if he's not i think it's up to the the soldiers it's about how it makes the people who actually served feel because i hear them often say hey my brothers died wearing that uniform you can't wear that and then they express their feelings and usually it's it's profound i'm gonna ask my friends against those people paramotor actually has a lot of active military guys and what if i were riding around pretending like i was a paramotor right i would not give a fuck oh yes but i wasn't a real airman i had no training i didn't have a wing i didn't even i just had the jacket I just had the jacket.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I just had the jacket. I'm not familiar with the jacket. I don't want all the training and difficulty, but I want the benefits. I want to be able to walk up to a girl in a bar with my pilot hat and glasses on and say, hey, baby, do you mind if I consume the next 20 minutes of your life and explain this niche hobby? They always want to. the next 20 minutes of your life and explain this niche hobby and they always they always want to yeah and it's also a federal crime right you know i didn't i didn't know that but it makes sense i don't know i just feel like uh it's almost in my head there was a parallel to the kaepernick thing where they're like he's spitting on the flat no no that's not what he's saying he's been very clear
Starting point is 00:34:23 that he actually doesn't like, he feels like policemen don't treat black and white perps the same way. That's what he's protesting against. I don't think it's the same as Kaepernick's thing at all. I was just saying there's a parallel there. In my head, I could be off. I'm not married to this idea. But really, some of them, I'm sure, are just trying to get free shit.
Starting point is 00:34:43 I've actually never heard of that motivation. I usually see them trying to get respect. I see them outside of... That's what I like about more. More respect than 5% off your tires at Walmart. Yeah, yeah. There's big savings. Depending on where you're going, like hotel rooms.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I've traveled a lot with military guys and they get a big discount on hotels and stuff. Really, everywhere has a military discount, it seems, virtually. It's more widespread than I knew. Yeah, it's a big thing. I wonder if it stacks with a senior discount. If you were in World War II, are things essentially free at that point?
Starting point is 00:35:15 Well, you'd probably be dead. If you were 20 in the 40s, you're over 80 now. Are we out of World War II vets? Did I see that? No, there's a few left. I think we are we out of world war ii vets did i see that no there's a few left i think we're almost out of world war one vets maybe that's what i saw one vets yeah last one just died recently oh i must have had it i think it was a couple years ago maybe or maybe no i think there's still one but it's like not real veteran what you're thinking of like it's not a dude who fought in a trench it was like a very young nurse who's
Starting point is 00:35:45 still alive because i lived 110 yeah it's like it's like technically but no not really the same yeah i'm not counting that that's kind of weird like all memory living memory of these wars just kind of going away wrote something on reddit they were like looking for depressing thoughts and they were like you die and then at some point someone thinks of you for the last time and then you're just gone forever and it was like yeah i guess that's from a movie oh is it yeah it's like you die two deaths one when you die and the other one the last time someone Someone Speaks Your Name. Yep. Is it from the Brad Pitt Achilles movie? Am I saying? No. Oh, Troy?
Starting point is 00:36:29 Troy is what I'm thinking of. I don't recall where it's from. But yeah, that is weird. And then like, that is like, I haven't really dwelled on that, but I've thought about it before where it's like, then I'll think, okay, what were your great-great-grandparents' interests? That's a Banksy quote. What were they like is it a
Starting point is 00:36:46 banksy quote that's a banksy quote holy shit all right oh i don't know it sounded like something from a movie yeah a little less profound than i thought do you think about that where it's like oh i can't even tell you what my uh great great grandparents lives were like or what their history was or anything they were into for the most part you know and it's like that was pretty relatively recently and i'm on the i'm up next on the chalking block or a few people from now it's just interesting like how quickly we all fucking forget yeah nobody thinks about it yeah it's not a thing that bothers me at all i have i don't want to act like i'm some sort of celebrity but i have more fame than i actually want already uh you can forget about me.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I'm fine. Oh, I wasn't saying, like, not so much as, like, a sad thing, just kind of like a cruel reality that you live your life and everything that is so important to you now, like, people won't even know, like, 100 years from now. Even people in your family, if you choose to have family, like, they won't even know. It's odd. I guess it's not. What are you supposed to do like remember everybody forever that'd be
Starting point is 00:37:48 fucking exhausting and a lot of them probably shitheads you could try to be do great things in your life so that you are remembered i mean donald trump's gonna be remembered in 100 years from now yeah all the presidents are gonna live on it you know for for eternity that was one of the things that like so when he won, I wasn't crying like the liberals at the celebration parties, but I was like, he is on the same list
Starting point is 00:38:14 as Lincoln and Washington and Glover Cleveland. All these great men now includes Donald Trump. And he's not just an average president who's not just a average president who's not going to do it. Like, you know, Grover Cleveland. I don't know what Grover Cleveland fucking did.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Buchanan? I don't know what he did. But Trump, I feel like in a hundred years, oh yeah, that was the crazy one, right? Yeah. Yeah, he was just a rich guy, right? He told him to print more money. And that would fix the debt.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Okay. I wonder how it'll go down. And world peace. The whole, I don't want to get too deep into the politics stuff, but the Russia thing will define his presidency, right? It'll either be like, oh, the poor guy was hounded all the time. And it turned out he had nothing to do with it. And what was it?
Starting point is 00:39:04 They bought 5,000 Facebook likes? Let it go, you assholes. Or, he'll literally get impeached over it. It could go down one of those paths. He's got to win the midterms for that to even be a possibility. I don't think the Republicans will.
Starting point is 00:39:18 You don't have to prove anything to impeach. They can impeach if they want. I'm sure that's right, but I doubt it will be impeached without much proof i don't think that happens won't be impeached without the votes that's what's going to matter i think i think proof or not uh the dems will will impeach uh if they if they win um and proof or not, the Republicans will not impeach if they win. I disagree. You know what? I'm not looking – like, this is political, too, but it's not, like, home political.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Like, I'm really not liking the trend I'm seeing on many sides of the mainstream aisle, both left and right, clearly pushing for more intervention in Syria. Like, a fucking gen. It's like, holy shit, how many of these wars do we have to get involved in, and how much money do we have to blow, and how many people have to explicitly tell us over there, we don't like you. Go away. Stop. Taylor, are they
Starting point is 00:40:17 saying it in English? Maybe we're just confused. Right? They probably speak some yabba-dabba-doo language, and we don't know. we think they like us You know, we should have brought Translator 17 years ago At this point it's too embarrassing to admit we're wrong You shut up with your Middle Eastern Gobbledygook
Starting point is 00:40:35 That would make sense I think I cracked the code I hate that In my little universe, I'm not seeing much Syria activity You both are. Yeah. I listen. The neocons on the right and a lot of people on the left are coming together
Starting point is 00:40:53 being like, we got to step in on Syria. And it's like, again? Again? And the people don't want this. The people of America don't want this at all. I believe this war will be shorter than 20 or 30 years. I think. I can't guarantee you, but I bet.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Probably. Yeah. I don't care if he gases all of his people, frankly. I don't know any of them. I don't care. I don't know any serious people. When we distinguish between conventional weapons that he's killed hundreds of thousands of people with and chemical weapons? I don't care about that either.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Was it hurt a little more? That one always got me too. Like, yeah, he's killed 150,000 people so far, but nine of them with phosphorus, so we really have to do something. See, yeah, it's such a horseshit line in the sand, just like as an excuse for us to have carte blanche to go in whenever we want.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Hey, you better have murdered all those people with regular little bullets pal like oh you did okay i'm sure he's a mad man so it's all okay he's a mad man he's crazy he's like all those other people that we used to trust and then murdered yes if there's if there's one message I wish I could get out with whatever little platform PKN offers, it's that if someone tells you that that guy over there is a madman, view them suspiciously. Right?
Starting point is 00:42:12 Yes. It's like Gaddafi, like a few years ago, when Gaddafi's like, hey, I may wear weird hats and be kind of a kook, but if you get rid of me, there's going to be millions of people, of refugees or migrants from, you know, Africa and the Middle East coming into Europe. And they're like,
Starting point is 00:42:28 you nut! You kill him! Get out of here! Saddam Hussein said, look, I don't have any weapons of mass destruction. Would it be possible for me to debate George Bush? They said, shut the fuck up, madman. We're rolling in tanks.
Starting point is 00:42:44 And there were no weapons of mass destruction. We know what you've got. We saw silos that Israel told us is totally legit. And they don't have any other alternative motive in this. You know? Like, yeah, it's so silly. I'm so tired of being involved in wars all over the world. It's such a waste of money and American lives.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And it costs the lives of natives there who aren't going to like us anymore. I forget if it was a left or right wing thing. It was probably left because they were fussing about the government. But anyway, they were saying that a lot of America's success is coasting on the laurels of investments that the government made a long time ago. Our traffic system is kind of outdated. It's all based on cars. We don't have any public transportation. We don't have 300 mile an hour per hour trains. The internet that we're riding high on right now, right? That was an investment made in the 60s and 70s. And they had another really prime example of why America works and why we were doing really well. But what's coming next is energy. And we're
Starting point is 00:43:41 not investing shit into energy, right? We're just trying to like fire up coal again while china and europe are just pouring tons of money into energy and they were making the same point i guess i've made before but i'm like yeah god you know maybe maybe we need to do something clever here we're working on the space force another way for companies like lockheed martin and halliburton and and Boeing to make a fuck ton of money like it we're gonna make a new military branch yeah that's what we need somebody's another military branch I wonder if it's defense or jobs program I guess it can be both but like where's our primary motivation or some of these things just jobs programs I totally I think so like some of them are but it's not jobs for you know a lot of
Starting point is 00:44:26 the small people it's you know government contracts that are enormous negotiated between these giant multinational conglomerates that control our production military and our military production i'm saying it like you know is it possible meanwhile they're like all right we're going to build our f-35 in 17 different states and combine those parts in Washington. This is the state, not the D.C. And it's like, yeah, yeah, I'm sure. It is obviously a jobs program. That's why there's a little
Starting point is 00:44:54 bit built here and a little bit built there. They got a vote from every senator that they're building F-35s in. So, hey, Serena Williams, poor girl, treated so unfairly by, is it a ref or an umpire? I don't want to sound like an idiot. I think it's an umpire.
Starting point is 00:45:10 And then the ref is the higher level? In tennis. I don't know much about tennis either, but I did watch the clip. And you know who really gets fucked in all this? Yes. Is Osaka, the woman who beat her. Like she's 20 years old. This is her first win woman who beat her. She's 20 years old. This is her first win.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Against her idol. She beats her idol, Serena Williams. And the story is not like, wow, there might be a new queen in town, like a new titan in tennis for all you people who like tennis. That should be the story. Instead, Serena Williams, with her tantrum,
Starting point is 00:45:43 siphoned all of the attention away from this poor girl. And she called the dude a thief. You stole a point from me. You know, breaks her racket. Serena was obviously correct. She's a mother. I saw that. She literally is like, you stole a point from me.
Starting point is 00:45:57 I'll have you know, I'm a mother. And this has to do with tennis because I'm honest. You know, you stole a point from me. I'm going to throw my racket. I'm going to jump up tennis because I'm honest. You stole a point from me. I'm going to throw my racket. I'm going to jump up and down and be angry. Here's what people need to know. I've looked into this a little bit. She did three things.
Starting point is 00:46:15 The first thing she didn't really do, her coach did. Her coach was coaching her. This is the thing. I didn't know that was a penalty in tennis, but apparently it is you can't do that in tennis apparently it's fairly common and the coach was giving her hand signals it's on video he absolutely did it um sometimes they just look the other way on that and sometimes they enforce it this guy has a reputation for being an enforcer and when he saw the coach give her hand signals he he said, Serena, you know, that's your first penalty or whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:48 And the penalty for that was nothing. Nothing happened. Like a warning. I think, though, that a warning might mean something else. I've been trying to get educated on this. Because a warning actually is like... The point is we're close enough. So he gave her her first demerit.
Starting point is 00:47:03 I'm sure that's the term. So then, I don't know if it was right after that or shortly after that she throws her racket on the ground and throws a giant temper tantrum because she's being outplayed all right that cost her a point you know 15 so now she's down 15 love um and it was because it was the second thing she did so then she goes back and they act like because i've been watching cnn and msnbc carry cover this and it's been frustrating for me because they're totally on board with the feminism like this would never happen to a guy guys are just rewarded and praised for their aggressive attitudes and women are held down and punished for it dude she berated that ref for umpire for like five minutes like he just kept
Starting point is 00:47:54 going and going and it wasn't one time either it wasn't like you know you're a thief you did this nope nope she just kept going on and on and on and they acted like she kept her cool bullshit she was on the edge of tears for ages right just you know that i'm a mom thing was her choking back i would never look i would never cheat i'm a mom and it was literally a tantrum yes yeah the first part was when she threw the racket that's literally a tantrum. Yes. The first part was when she threw the racket, that's literally a tantrum. When she called the ref a thief and acted like she couldn't possibly be wrong. I'm zeroing in on the I'm a mom thing.
Starting point is 00:48:32 But it made me crazy. And that's when he took a game. If you're unfamiliar with tennis scoring, there's a point which they took, then there's a game, and you have to lose six games, and then you've lost a set, and you lose two or three sets, and you're you've lost a set and you lose two or three sets and you're down the whole match so uh so what he took from her was the equivalent of like two
Starting point is 00:48:52 points in basketball and then maybe six points you know like uh the second time around doesn't help but she clearly was just off her rocker and that's why she lost. And I think her opponent beat her handily enough that none of that ended up mattering. 6-2, 6-4? Am I right on that? Yeah, those numbers would mean that they didn't necessarily matter if it was 6-2, 6-4. But like
Starting point is 00:49:17 because I saw the media thing as well and it doesn't sound like I followed it as closely as you would but it is funny that every time something like this happens, it's like, you know, but it is funny that every time something like this happens, it's like, you know, if there were a man, people wouldn't be critical of him. Oh, that wasn't enough. No, it's the exact opposite of that.
Starting point is 00:49:36 The fact that she's a woman is the reason all of you are so frantically trying to backwards engineer a reason that she's not responsible. Don't you see? It's so annoying watching a group of people that literally has the benefit of the doubt in the situation they're complaining about while claiming to be the ones victimized in that given situation. I think Serena led that train, right? She's the one saying this wouldn't have happened to a man. A man would have been – And the media picked it up.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Yeah. I saw both CNN and MSNBC talk about it on a couple different segments. And they're just – they're parroting the things that she said. You know, guys would be rewarded for this behavior. I, on the other hand, am penalized for it. And by the way... Don't women made it a race issue, right? Her opponent is like half black.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Yeah, half black, half Japanese. Oh, okay. Yeah, half Japanese, half black. Wow. They definitely made it a race issue last night. That, oh, this black heroine is just being just being disparaged in the media right now they brought up this cartoon right this uh australian cartoon apparently this is racist um how when are we not it is a little racist it's it's only right no it's
Starting point is 00:50:37 is it right it's not though it cartoons exaggerate people's features those are her fucking features exaggerated i like you ever see a cartoon of don Like, you ever see a cartoon of Donald Trump? You ever see a cartoon of Jay Leno? You ever get yourself cartoonized on the beach? A little. It's your features blown up and, like, accentuated. That's nothing racist about this. It's like a caricature.
Starting point is 00:50:57 I don't know. There are certain black features that are impolite to exaggerate. The thick lips is one of them. So they get special treatment? Yeah. Yes, Kyle, you racist. Don't they, though? No.
Starting point is 00:51:12 You guys don't see it? It's absurd for them to get special treatment. No, your features get accentuated. Whether you have thin lips or thick lips, they get thinner or thicker. If you've got a big nose, it gets bigger. Now, there's a difference between making someone's nose look bigger and give them a big, scary, goblin, Jew nose. That's racist.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Her lips aren't enormous here. Her lips aren't bigger than her head here. That, to me, is what blackface lips look like. Well, blackface is a whole different thing. Yeah, that's definitely different than a cartoon, I would say. That's what it what she looks like. That's what it triggered in my head. Let me pull up a picture of Serena Williams real quick.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I mean, she's not a pretty lady. Isn't her time being the queen of tennis approaching an end anyway? Seems like it, right? She just lost. it must be like she's getting well everybody loses how old is serena well i'm saying like maybe this like in some way is her realizing her limelight her time in the limelight's kind of coming to a close like seeing the next wave of people who's going to be you know stealing her thunder i mean i could see how that would upset she uh an athlete. They made such a huge deal when they
Starting point is 00:52:26 wouldn't let her wear that Black Panther cat suit a few tournaments ago or whatever. And they were like, it's for blood clots! Why is she dressed as a Black supremacist then? Wait, who?
Starting point is 00:52:43 When you say Black Panther, are you sure it's not the movie I'm trying to see it to go the other way well does it it's taking a while to load for me is it the Black Panther emblem
Starting point is 00:52:56 no oh well then it's probably not the movie I would need to see the outfit to have a real opinion on it but um I don't think she looks like that I think that cartoon is not very Serena Williams looking like regardless of the cartoon
Starting point is 00:53:16 I think that it's silly that everybody's having to pretend like you know there's two sides to this we gotta consider all the intersectional feminist and racial implications no we can recognize when an athlete is behaving uh inappropriately and say no this is it zero percent of this the only reason there's a backlash at all in her favor is because she's a woman and here's the other thing some people will say oh my gosh what about these other people that acted just as badly as she did, like a McEnroe or whatever.
Starting point is 00:53:47 But what happens with these other people is they behave badly and then they get a warning or they get their first demerit. I'm pretty sure that's what it's called, where nothing happens. And then they shut the fuck up, right? Where Serena was unique is she got a, this counts, that was your warning. Then she got a point taken from her. And then she got a game. Like, she just wouldn't freaking stop.
Starting point is 00:54:15 And that was the, most other people, when they behave like that, they stop. They stop. I gotta say, though, I thought it was a little fun when they booed the Japanese chick until she cried. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:54:27 Yeah, that's so shitty. She just won her first thing. And all those cunts in the crowd are booing. They're all on stage. And the guy's like, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your... I don't even know what they were fucking playing. Your United States Tennis Master Grand Slam
Starting point is 00:54:41 Open Champion. And they're already booing they're already that would suck and the boosts are droning and get louder and louder and louder and she she pulls her visor over her eyes and there's tears rolling down her cheek and serena's like ah it's okay it's okay oh and then serena's a hero for it yeah right serena comforts her victorious opponent after facilitating environment that would get her attacked. It's like... It's like...
Starting point is 00:55:09 Oh, that's so shitty. I was waiting for someone in the crowd. Remember Pearl Harbor! There was so much hate for that little girl. Who gives a shit? It's women's tennis. I agree. But, like, if we're gonna give a shit...
Starting point is 00:55:23 For a real sport, I watched Tyron woodley beat the fucking shit out of darren till this weekend just beat the fucking shit out of darren till this weekend it was absurd tyron definitely heard our criticisms of him that he was that he didn't engage and he wasn't aggressive enough because he went in and just attacked. And I know people don't like it when they break the fighters up, but he just got like this body lock on him. They were standing there hugging against the fence. And I was like, this probably isn't going anywhere.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Till's takedown offense is really good. I don't think he's going down. They're just going to stand here and hug for three minutes if you don't break them up. They broke him up twice, and god damn, Tyron caught him with a right. Not necessarily on the chin, more on the throat than anything. And then he got on top of him and started elbowing him in the fucking face
Starting point is 00:56:16 for what felt like four minutes. It was so long. And this is the guy who was ridiculed by Dana White for being boring, right? Where they're like, why would I fight you again, Mr. Boring? The same guy. Yes, yeah. Who wants to watch him fight, he said. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Dude, Woodley was fantastic in that fight. He reminded me of all the good fights that led him to the belt. When he took out, why can't I think of the big, strong white guy's name that he beat to get the belt? Lost to Nick Diaz a long time ago. Shit. Lawler? Yeah, Lawler. When he took out Robbie Lawler, that was a quick first round knockout.
Starting point is 00:56:55 His whole run up was like awesome knockouts and amazing fights. And then when he became champ, suddenly he had three boring fights in a row, and I turned on him. And he had submission there with a darts. Yeah, that was badass, too. It was a really, really badass fight. I sold this joke from Reddit, but I loved it. So Darren Till's nickname is The Gorilla. And they say they should name him Tyrone Cincinnati Zoo Woodley for what they did to Harambee.
Starting point is 00:57:27 He killed the gorilla gorilla I love it if he came out there just one fight as the Cincinnati Zoo that would be the best nickname in MMA history it was a good night of fights the card looked like it was going to be absolute dog shit because the co-main event was out and the
Starting point is 00:57:42 co-co-main event whatever the fight below that that was also out. But the 115-pound girl, I can't think of her name right there. Taylor, these girls weigh 115 pounds. They're little girls. This chick came out with arms like you. It was your arms. It was like your Skype little image here,
Starting point is 00:58:03 how the ridiculous arms are on a little body. This Brazilian chick comes out with giant your arms. It was like your Skype little image here, how the ridiculous arms are on like a little body. This Brazilian chick comes out with giant man arms. What's her name? And she was fighting against like Carolina Kowalski or something like that. I'll get the whole – I'll find the gif. She one-punched Kate. First of all, it was clear from the start that this was going to go badly for the white chick. It was clear from the start that this was going to go badly for the white chair.
Starting point is 00:58:26 It was clear right away. And when she hit her, it was awful. I've never seen a knockout like that in women's MMA with a hand, with a punch. I usually watch these fights 19 times out of 20 and think, man, this is awesome. Even when someone's losing badly, it's like these are two willing participants. Maybe that guy has a shot. I just started feeling bad for her opponent early. It was this massive, strong, aggressive Brazilian woman against what seemed like a regular person.
Starting point is 00:58:57 It was just mean and impolite to beat her down like that. It was... That match seems like it shouldn't have happened it was such a mismatch that there's a beast but it was it was number two versus number four i know i know but it was what a gap what it was crazy are there uh are there any assumptions of maybe some steroids or something shit obviously she's brazilian They're all on steroids coming out of Brazil. I forgot about that trope. I'm looking for a gif of the fight.
Starting point is 00:59:31 It was an absurd knockout. It wasn't one of those knockouts that's like a TKO where they get wobbled, they go to the ground, and then the pressure is so much. Oh, let's stop this before she actually gets hurt. She was unconscious as she was floating toward the ground as she was falling her eyes are in the back of her head and she didn't
Starting point is 00:59:49 wake up when she hit the ground she was fucked yeah it just i felt bad for her i felt bad for it was like she was picking like i don't know an eighth grader against a fourth grader like a matchup that that she wouldn't expect and like Kyle said, they're both highly ranked. But man, from beginning to end, it just was so one-sided, so dominant. It was bad. We'll have to find that clip. Yeah. I'm struggling here.
Starting point is 01:00:19 I'm on the MMA subreddit. Darren Till's loss was almost just as lopsided. Except somehow with him, Woodley's just raining down these elbows on his face, on his jaw, on his nose, on his eye. He cut open his forehead. And the whole time it was like,
Starting point is 01:00:37 I think Till's hanging in there. I don't know what he's going to be like after this scrum, but I think Till thinks he can still win. This other girl, it just seemed like she needed an exit. It was clear that Shu could not win the fight. Almost
Starting point is 01:00:53 immediately, it looked bad. Then Zabit came out and fought that Brandon guy and got him in a fucking knee bar that looked like something out of a cartoon. I even know that move. I've never seen that one. It out of a cartoon. A banana split. I didn't even know that move. I've never seen that one. It happened twice that night.
Starting point is 01:01:10 I think there's been two banana splits in UFC history and they both happened on Saturday. And neither one of those guys got bonuses. Oh yeah. Tyron got the bonus. He split it with his team. And I think maybe the chick with the KO got the other bonus.
Starting point is 01:01:26 That would make. And I think maybe the chick with the KO got the other bonus. That would make sense. I think... Did there used to be three? Oh, there used to be... Yeah, yeah. There were two performance of the nights and a fight of the nights.
Starting point is 01:01:34 There was kind of four. Well, there could have been a third or fourth that I don't know about. Yeah, because the loser of fight of the night usually gets a bonus too. I was just watching
Starting point is 01:01:42 the Tommy Toho video and, you know, the cartoon versions of Zabit and the other guy were complaining because they didn't get a bonus ah okay i like that guy tommy told he was on the show once i don't remember that yeah he was he didn't do the voice all night but we had him on he was one of my ideas and he was good but not great that's right yeah i like his show a lot well i i'm i'm now i'm worried for rose because rose is absolutely gonna have to fight that that man that we saw the other night he's gonna have to fight female taylor oh my god maybe she should retire i i don't want to see her fight that that was awful i did i want to watch her real lopsided fight
Starting point is 01:02:23 i wish i could find this gift for you then because that was it. Dude. Man. Because normally the champ is the favorite. I just don't know what Rose is going to do. Rose is a good grappler, a good striker, but mostly grappler it seems. What is she going to do against this Brazilian chick? She can't out grapple her.
Starting point is 01:02:50 I don't know well the best thing that came out of this thing was that now that that card is out of the way they can finally start promoting the uh the uh the mcgregor nurmagomedov card and of course they're working in the dolly throw yeah i love that they're working in the dolly throw we knew they would but it's it's they used it as like a transition it's like like you see like habib habib highlights and then a dolly hits the screen and the whole screen shatters but it's like yeah yeah it's so far that's what you know they're going to show the genuine doubt they're going to of course they're going to use it they oh yeah this is like whenever one of these things that Dana White absolutely hates occurs, it makes its way into the promotional material 100% of the time.
Starting point is 01:03:32 So, this isn't a surprise. But, yeah, that'll be a big fight. I think it's early October. Oh, yeah. Like, that's the 7th, 9th, something like that. Yeah. Is it the next event? It's the next event like yeah is it the next maybe it's the next event yeah the next like the next paid event i know there's a couple um fight nights yeah there's fight nights and shit like that that oh they're going to russia soon so so maybe that's a fight night
Starting point is 01:03:57 it is the next yeah yeah so there's there's two fight nights and then like kyle said the next. Yeah, yeah. So there's two fight nights, and then like Kyle said, the next pay-per-view is October 6th with Conor and Khabib. I want to find this chick's name. I think that would be helpful. But I'm just fucking retarded, I guess. I can't. Was it Jessica Aguilar? Is that who did it? No, it's Jessica Andrade.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Yeah. That's it. All right, it? No, it's Jessica Andrade. That's it. Alright, so that'll help. So Jessica Andrade. Let me go to YouTube. Well. well yeah i know kyle wants to search for a video are we supposed to keep the show going until he finds it uh that's up to you i'm definitely gonna watch it no i felt like i was waiting on you what What video is it? You know how YouTube is with copyrighted shit. It's hard to find a decent one. Yeah, yeah, right. And then all the clickbaiters.
Starting point is 01:05:13 There's a cottage industry of people who will be like, Conor McGregor versus Khabib Nurmagomedov. And then it's like the UFC video game where they make them fight each other. And it didn't match the thumbnail at all. And they just tricked you there it has 90 percent dislikes and you wonder who the other 10 percent are like really they tricked you yeah you didn't come here to watch two ai fight each other here is a horrible video of the knockout a horrible quality video it's it's not ideal i'm at zero all right one moment
Starting point is 01:05:47 nice thing this is pkn i don't even mind showing it no uh ready set play wow Wow. Unconscious. Look how hard she hits her here. It showed the knockout well, but the problem with this highlight that showed the last five seconds of the fight is it didn't accurately, in my mind, capture how hopeless the situation was
Starting point is 01:06:23 two minutes before this. This was an inevitable conclusion to this one-sided beatdown yeah we were uh there's like five of us watching and and we were all just like oh no oh no oh no like it was hard to watch the beating that i think her name is carolina kowaks kowalski or something it's polish it. It's difficult. But it was a rough beating to watch. Kowakalit? Kowakawicz? Something close to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:50 It was Polak. Stand aside, Kyle. I will help you with the pronunciation. Nailed it. Anyway, that was PKN 212.

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