Painkiller Already - PKN #228

Episode Date: January 11, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKN episode 228. Hello boys! Hello there! Happy New Year everyone! 2019, can you believe how time flies? Oh my god, I'm still writing 2018 on all my checks. And you know what never gets old? Are all the jokes on Twitter where people are like, oh, can't wait for 2019, 2018, oof! And it's like, it's gonna be even worse. It's gonna be just an escalation upward at this point. So last week or at least I was told that we talked about either the forest
Starting point is 00:00:33 or raft a lot. And I was told that people thought that I was being paid to promote raft. No. But we are open to the idea. I was going to start shitting on the raft and talk about how it's how it's an early access game you pay like 12 or 15 dollars for
Starting point is 00:00:52 and you've beaten eight hours and now you never and you never play again you do be fair to it you do get 12 dollars worth of fun out of that game that's true that's true and it's also so poorly optimized that you can't build your raft the size that you really want to no we're not getting paid by them like you have a blast and then i didn't notice before the show your gain is a little high if you could bump it down a touch that'd be awesome yes yeah i have a hard time figuring out what 12 dollars to get like people used to shit on cod right it was a 60 game but it was really 120 game because guys like me would buy the season pass but for 120 it was one of the cheapest games
Starting point is 00:01:26 per hour that i bought that year right something like borderlands i'd play for i don't know 12 hours and just never touch civilization or fallout like a lot of those games you really if you're going by like hours played versus cost it's it gets kind of crazy and that but so i don't know um i would recommend raft to someone who's maybe into that sort of thing, but I thought The Forest was an even better game. Did we talk about The Forest here? We did. We didn't talk about it as much as RAF. I don't want to
Starting point is 00:01:53 reiterate or anything. I played it a lot more, and I beat it. It has a good storyline. It's creepy as fuck. There are cannibals. You're on an island. There's crafting and survival and teamwork up to eight players. There's cave diving diving like spelunking um i played a little bit just by myself yeah trying to figure it out it really is a good game but now i'm on to rust now now i've been sucked into the rust world and that's the prison one no that's scum rust has it okay so
Starting point is 00:02:22 i've never played rust but i have uh yeah i have people in my universe that do and they say it has a cheating problem there's something inherently wrong with the way they try to detect cheating on the server side and it makes it very difficult to figure out the difference between good and cheater how has your experience been is it rampant is it uh i haven't seen any anything that i thought was cheating um lots of gunfights um essentially like if you don't know anything about Rust, I'll quickly lay it out. You spawn and you are a naked
Starting point is 00:02:50 man or a woman with tits and cock hanging out. Not both the same time, one or the other. This is 2019, Kyle. It should be both. It's one or the other. You pick. And it's funny, there are different penis sizes and I always get an Asian man with a huge donger. I i've seen that in real life okay and i've noticed that um i always make fun
Starting point is 00:03:11 of my friends who have the smaller penises because mine is just i mean we're in the snowy mountains and i'm five inches flaccid it's impressive yeah it's not bad so you spawn in part of the game or this okay yeah you spawned yeah you spawned naked and uh completely naked and all you have is a rock depending on the server some servers give you a little extra gear but for the most part you got a rock that's it about this fucking size and you start beating trees to get wood and then you start start picking up rocks. And then he has seven inches. And now you've got sticks and rocks. All upgrades in this game, ten levels in, you're still naked with a rock. You just have a huge cock.
Starting point is 00:03:53 It's all dick-related upgrades. I'll say this. We have a castle and machine guns, but my cock's still hanging out. That's not going away. I don't bother with the pants. But yeah, as you work work your way up you build these big fortresses with like double locking steel doors that you have to make like an airlock because god forbid you walk you just make one door and you walk outside someone shoots you now they're in your house and it's game fucking over
Starting point is 00:04:23 the the tens of hours of work that you've put in is fucking over. And there's this, there's like a set of rules for how a base can be rated. Not like gentlemen's rules, but like the way things are interacted with, the way permissions are granted for a base, for who can use the code and who has a key, who knows the digital key lock. It's really frustrating and really really funny at the same time really really fun at the same time i hate my neighbors in this
Starting point is 00:04:53 game because like we're in our fortress and they're over there and we don't talk we just hate each other i know they hate us do they not abide by the hoa I know they hate us. Do they not abide by the HOA? We're on our roof. They're on their roof. And we're just... And we never get anywhere. We're just hurting each other.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Get that broken catapult out of your front yard and try to re-fell this castle. But the fun part is, it's a rich versus poor type situation often. So we're rich. Our neighbors are rich. The people with houses are rich. But there's little houses everywhere, like little bitch houses,
Starting point is 00:05:31 like somebody just nailed up four stone walls, and they're living in there, one guy. And sometimes you'll walk by and just talk in game chat. Hey, buddy, you in there? And you'll be like, I don't speak good English. I have berries. And no, we don't want your berries. In the big dick.
Starting point is 00:05:48 All right, join the team. We don't want your berries. We want your blood. We kill everyone that we come upon that's naked. I don't know if that's good, if that's gentlemanly. I highly doubt it. It's the opposite of that. Every time we find someone, and look, I'm open to making friends with these people,
Starting point is 00:06:05 but I start feeling bad. It was just me and one of my friends playing very early this morning, and we're doing okay. We both have a pistol and a shotgun and a little bit of gear, very low-tier gear stuff. We've been playing four hours, and naked guy runs by,
Starting point is 00:06:22 doesn't speak English. He tries, but he doesn't, so he crouches up and down. You know, that's the universal sign for, hey, buddy, I'm no threat. And then he throws out, like, two metal ingots, right, which are kind of rare. And we're like, oh, thank you for your metal ingots. I don't know where you were keeping these because you're naked. He didn't show the part where he's like. Yeah, these smelled a little weird
Starting point is 00:06:46 One kerthunk he's like Wait one more I think I'm not sure I was just like Well thank you have a nice day And he goes have day And he starts walking away and my buddy's just like Bang
Starting point is 00:07:01 And I'm just like And a gold ingot falls out of his ass You says you hiding that told you he was holding out on us well you never know right so that is kind of part of the game like like once you when you shoot someone you don't insta kill them you knock them down and they lay on the ground like help help and then you have this option even as an enemy you can go up and finish them off you can just rob them as they lay there crawling or you can rob them and then pick them back up and send them along their way which is my preferred method it's funnier that way i i shoot people rob them and then like all right i've had all i want now you keep that bullshit i don't want that send them along your way but yeah i've rust is the new
Starting point is 00:07:40 is the game of the week for us so have have you moved on from Forest? Not completely. I played Forest like a night ago. I still like Forest. It's fun to go back in. And mostly I just like walking people through the forest because there's about a dozen caves that are hidden throughout the island, and each one has a different treasure at the end of it. It might be a rebreathing apparatus for diving.
Starting point is 00:08:00 It might be a climbing axe for climbing up rocks. It might be a compass or a flare gun whatever but i know where they all are now by heart then i'll need to play with you because i only played for like 20 minutes by myself just running around trying to get a feel for the game it looks really cool whenever you want to like skyrim and but those bad guys are way way harder to kill than i thought they would oh we Oh, did you play on normal or hard? Normal. We're on hard now.
Starting point is 00:08:29 It gets rough. It's a hard fucking time. I was dying to them early in the game on normal. Because, first of all, when you are on the plane in the beginning of that and you try and turn, the look sensitivity is so goddamn high that I'm like, oh, I'm fucked. I turned it down to i think 18 percent yeah just so i could control it a little better and even then the little uh i like the aesthetic of the bad guys those goblins or cannibals or whatever they are covered in blood i didn't see
Starting point is 00:08:57 any headdress ones i only saw the like covered in blood i guess probably the grunts some of them have headdresses and there's there'll be a skull on top of their head and they'll have a candle burning inside that skull so they can see them running throughout the night. They'll use CDs as armor because they've killed so many people and they don't know what a fucking CD is so they're just wearing it like a big armored necklace. I like the spooky camps
Starting point is 00:09:18 you come across. I only saw one but I assume there are more. Did you say animal camps? Cannibal. Oh, cannibal camps. Yeah, they eat you. It seems like a cool aesthetic, so hopefully you don't totally move on. So I told you a little bit about what the storyline is last time,
Starting point is 00:09:36 but there are two possible endings. You have a choice at the end, and I won't spoil that, but at the end you have this choice, A or B. It's almost like good or evil, and we only did the evil ending so i anytime you want we could probably beat the game in two and a half hours if we really focused on like you know just going to the caves where the not how are you dragging me through the game at once no there'll be probably three or four of us that'll that'll join up and we'll knock it oh something i thought was really cool with that game is i was trying to kill one of the guys with the
Starting point is 00:10:10 axe i was missing wildly and i was here and they're like chittering and and you know screaming as they're running through the trees and they killed me and i was like god damn it i guess i'm out and then it just goes to a cut scene of them like they're creepy covered bodies like chittering once again at each other dragging me into their lair and then like you wake up hung upside down next to a bunch of other people who weren't able to get out and now they're dead and so
Starting point is 00:10:36 and then you're trying to escape that that got my heart pumping a little bit it was pretty spooky that's the spelunking horror games get to me a lot because it's just a scary thing to think about doing spelunking is scary spelunking horror games get to me a lot because it's just a scary thing to think about doing. Spelunking is scary. Spelunking is scary. I mean,
Starting point is 00:10:51 I like to do things that sometimes people would call scary, but spelunking, my god, sometimes I just imagine myself in this situation where like I don't fit. My chest is stuck. What do you do when you're stuck? And if you take a deep breath, you're more stuck?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Yeah. You could be stuck in like a crushed car. And that's a problem, but it's kind of a fixable problem. You bring in some jaws, you expand the car, you whatever. When you're stuck by planet Earth, there isn't an easy solution here. Fuck. How does this work exactly? It's awful.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Oh, spelunking is so scary to me. That's why the dissent is so horrifying. Yeah, I agree. It's because you're putting yourself in their situation the whole time. I still maintain the dissent was horrifying because none of those women got topless. They don't understand horror movie rules. You need to have Reddit or something open with, over there so when you're watching these kind of movies, you're like, this is...
Starting point is 00:11:47 Let me get through. Alright, I'll get a side glance. I've been playing... Jackie, show me. I've been playing a game Warhammer Vermintide 2. I might call it in the Left 4 Dead family. Four of you
Starting point is 00:12:03 go through this maze and there's a story and bad guys are doing this or that and you need to go there and undo it. But different than Left 4 Dead, each of your characters behaves differently. In Left 4 Dead, they look different, but it doesn't matter what you choose.
Starting point is 00:12:17 In Vermintide, some guys are better at shooting, some guys are better at melee and they have different weapons. They're not all the same, I think think i'm very new uh we like it but i think it might be the freshness of it i think left 4 dead might be a better game but we'll see what we what i like about left 4 dead what colin also likes about it is just how team focused it is if one guy goes off on his own like best player in the world can't deal with that and this one just every so often i need a hand like i got downed or something like that.
Starting point is 00:12:47 But we're still playing on recruit. You have to earn your way to the higher difficulties. And actually, our next game, we'll be able to try it. We just got off to veteran or whatever. But there's four levels, and we're in the easiest one. I want to see what that game is like when it's harder. Yeah. I'm watching some gameplay of it.
Starting point is 00:13:02 This looks great. Yeah. It's got great reviews well that's what we played taylor it's it's total war warhammer like the but oh i know that's what i mean like this kind of aesthetic it's so lord of the ringsy and oh yeah goblins and everything it's just neat and i see this guy this video he has like a dwarf on his team yep clearly some sort of ranger an elf yeah so he's got a blunderbuss that's cool yep yep yeah colin plays i guess the classiest guy he's like a fencing type dude and like one guy will talk shit and
Starting point is 00:13:32 he'll be like i'm sure i just misheard you and uh but it's fun i don't know i guess what i like is playing games with colin and also it's this is a unique requirement to us but borderlands 2 was kind of too complicated for Colin. Not the gameplay, but like the weapon analysis. Like this gun does a little more damage or does this damage, but it's times six because it's a shotgun. And the reload time is this.
Starting point is 00:13:56 And they have like, I don't know, 12 stats about the gun. And you go into it and you're like, well, I think we're about to fight robots. So an acidic special effects multiplier would be helpful compared to like a fire because robots don't give a fuck about fire. And it just meant I was like micromanaging him all the time. This one, you build up your character, but it's simple enough that he doesn't have any trouble doing it right. So it's fun.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I guess what I really like is just playing with Colin. Yeah, yeah, for sure. I like, but yeah, not getting paid to promote Raft. Not at all. Just really enjoyed the game. It's a fun game. Forest, very good game too. There's a really cool YouTuber that does the Forest
Starting point is 00:14:35 videos. I was talking to Chiz about I said some of his videos to Chiz. I'm like, see if you think this guy would make an interesting guest. You never know. He's got an interesting personality. But yeah, now we're on to Rust. I'll definitely go back to Forest anytime you want to play, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:14:51 You might even like Rust. I'm sure I will. I'll look it up. I know you've told me about it before, but I get it mixed up with Stun. I'd never played it. I'd never played Rust before, like three days ago or something like that. I'm certainly a noob at it, but I've watched a bunch of videos and and you know it's the gunplay is pretty basic uh i think there are rust servers there might be a for-profit model like there is when i was deep into woody
Starting point is 00:15:16 crap i considered rust as a you know whatever woody rust or something they are doing very well over there yeah minecraft servers servers still might be the top. Who knows? Back in the day, it was like, yeah, we could do it, but it would distract us from a much better business. Yeah. Have either of you guys on Netflix seen that movie Bird Box? I have.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Yeah. Did you like it? I don't want to poison your... I liked it, but I like six out of ten liked it. Like, you know, and I grade differently than Kyle. I think sometimes Kyle sees a six and he's like, that's not very good. But I see it as above average score. That's my six out of 10 scoring.
Starting point is 00:15:54 And yeah, it was good. Maybe six and a half, but not great. I feel like it, I didn't think it was terrible. I didn't think it was very good, but I think it might've been better if i didn't think it was terrible i didn't think it was very good but i think it might have been better if it didn't come out right on the heels of a quiet place because it felt like it exactly was that kind of structure except shittier and not as interesting because at least when like the the deafness is going on in silent place like you're there with it like you're watching all the little leaves on the trees kind of blow
Starting point is 00:16:26 and move, and you're seeing John, or what the fuck is his name from The Office, Jim from The Office, getting all spooked. The worst thing in that movie was that they showed the monster too early. They should have not let you see the monsters, so you were still spooked at what it was. This, because it's blindness,
Starting point is 00:16:43 there are whole scenes where you're just looking at light dance through a cloth on sandra bullock's eyes and it's like i hate that this is not not good this is just like a jokey shit version i liked it i think i liked it more than you and i think i like john krasansky is that's his name a little less like that movie is widely regarded like most people seem to think that movie was great and i thought it was good i'd have given it like a 7 out of 10 you know but i'm just not with the guys who are like calling it one of the best movies of the year what's me or when do i don't even know i've never i never watched those award shows what won this year the best film or best
Starting point is 00:17:19 of 2018 is it too early i don't. I don't think it's happened yet. I don't know. I just know the last few years, I'll see their list when someone tweets it. I'll be like, who's seen these? These are obscure indie movies. A lot of them are that I'd never heard of.
Starting point is 00:17:40 There was one that was called Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri. For real? Yeah, that was a real movie that was on there last year. And I was like, there's no fucking way that was one of the best movies of the year. I live here and I've never heard of this. I don't remember the plot of that one, but it's not lame. It was something like maybe the lady's son or someone's family member is killed or kidnapped or poisoned by a company.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I don't remember what, but they buy three billboards along the road that they're like calling out. They're either looking for the kid or calling out the company that poisoned them. I don't remember the exact plot, but it was, and you know, they're trying to make her stop. I haven't seen it. I'm not saying it's good either. You know, I haven't seen it, obviously.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Rotten Teethers has a list. I'm waiting to load it. Super slow to say. haven't seen it obviously rotten letters has a list i'm waiting to load it super slow site what i didn't know until recently is how long it takes to put together furniture for an entire house i could i just i looked up
Starting point is 00:18:38 best movies of the year right i didn't really it took me a second to realize the list was in reverse order and i'm like, Ready Player One? Best movie of the year? Oh, oh, fuck you. Like, I saw that movie. But that was the 202nd best movie of the year.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I don't know how to get to the bottom of this. 202nd. Like, that's some horse shit right there. Oh. You know, I always enjoy when I see ratings for those like kind of more independent movies and it'll be like reviewer score 97 audience score 14 or the exact opposite sometimes yeah best movie of the year paddington 2 are you familiar with this oh that's the paddington bear thing the reckoning are you are you on rotten tomatoes yes well see these are like
Starting point is 00:19:25 the scores depend on what kind of movie it is right it's the audience consensus yeah exactly no trace is the second best you guys know it because everyone who went to that animated movie about a bear of course loved it it's like you know what i mean like if you think about it like like a think about it, a drama might get a much more mixed audience who have different opinions about things. But every audience member who actually goes to watch an animated bear movie,
Starting point is 00:19:54 as long as there's an animated bear... They're happy. As long as that bear doesn't go... Start ripping kids apart, disemboweling people. I linked this website on um on the discord and uh and my tip to you is to hit the end button to get to the bottom rather than like try to scroll
Starting point is 00:20:15 through 202 movies i'm having a hard time finding a movie that got my attention this year towards the top of the list leave no trace Trace. Do you guys know it? Never heard of it. Summer of 1993. This might be in Spanish. Minding the Gap. Pick of the Litter. Again, that's a puppy movie.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Very unplugged from the best movies. I don't know how to pronounce this. Shirkers? Shirkers. Shirkers. Yeah, thank you. Oh, yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Shirkers is one woman's interrogation of a pivotal personal disappointment for affecting observation. I'm already bored. I'm already bored. No, thank you. Eighth grade. Won't you be my neighbor,
Starting point is 00:20:59 the Mr. Rogers movie? I haven't seen a movie here that I want to yet, and I'm at 14. I think there's something wrong with the way this list is put together. I don't seen a movie here that I want to yet and I'm at 14. I think there's something wrong with the way this list is put together. I don't think that it's that we have bad taste or that we didn't watch enough movies. I think it's
Starting point is 00:21:12 something about the way the scores are accumulated. Maybe these movies are only rated like 8 times or something and 8 people liked them. I've seen Free Solo. Have you guys seen that? It's number 18 on this list. That's the rock climbing thing? Yes. I saw his Joe
Starting point is 00:21:27 Rogan interview. It was the same guy. Yes, I did see it. It was the same guy. What did you think of it? I really liked it. I liked him. I liked him. I think I might be coming at this from the wrong
Starting point is 00:21:43 direction. I kind of wanted to know more about him and not just about rock climbing. You know, so he was talking about grips and mountain ratings and what the walls are like and how he... I want to know what is... He lives in a van. I find that interesting about him. You guys, I know I'm weird on that.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Oh, no, he's got a house now. He said that on Rogan. Like, he used to live in a van. I find that interesting about him. You guys, I know I'm weird on that. Oh, no, he's got a house now. He said that on Rogan. Like, he used to live in a van. No, I was on Rogan. He upgraded his van, he says. I think when he wants to live in a house, he's with his parents. But I know that he upgraded his van.
Starting point is 00:22:15 He said it's nice now. Oh, my. He may have a house, too. I'm not sure. But when I last tuned in in he had lived in a nicer van and when he wanted to be in a house he just check in with his parents um but like he lives this nomad lifestyle in a van going from like it's a dream if you're a rock climber i'm not of like living at the base of the mountain and just hitting it all the time and And I want to know, like, what's dating like living in a car? How does that work out?
Starting point is 00:22:47 Like, fatigue, interest, do you, you're getting tired of this. There are some days, do you climb like it's a workout you don't want to do or is every day your dream? I want to know more about the guy. And they just were like, well, you know, there's like ratings on 110 and then the walls got even harder. So now they just like on a list you can get you climb an L-14. And I'm like, yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Kanye West is going to go on Joe Rogan's podcast. I see him. Kanye. He is an entertaining follow on Twitter because he will just for like two hours sometimes just sentence fragments and no punctuation but like between thoughts he'll put like six to eight just spaces no commas no anything just spaces in the text
Starting point is 00:23:33 he's uh it's entertaining I'm not finding the entertainment yet I didn't know spaces to put spaces no but just the stuff he says where he'll be like it's all love and Where he'll be like, it's all love. And then he'll be like, you can't tell me not to wear this red hat because I'm black.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And then he'll just say just random shit. Let me go to his account right now. I watched his interview with Trump. And I found him just hard to decipher and crazy. Yeah, there you go. That's what I'm talking about. We're on the same page. You're picking up what he's laying down.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I want to see him on the Rogan show because Trump just listened and Kanye went unchecked. Rogan, on the other hand, is a professional communicator. And I want to see where he guides Kanye and what we can learn about his thought process that I hope it's great. I hope it's great, but left to his own devices. It's just, it's like you took thoughts in a bucket and poured them on the ground.
Starting point is 00:24:38 That's Kanye. I've heard him. I've heard a few interviews with him. I think, I don't know if he was on Stern. I definitely heard him on Shade 45 Getting interviewed by That guy's famous
Starting point is 00:24:49 I can't think of his name He's this black guy on XM radio Maybe Sway or something like that Anyway they got into a whole argument Like just screaming at each other It was pretty entertaining About music, politics He was saying he was the genius of our generation or
Starting point is 00:25:06 something uh-huh i didn't agree with that well he was saying that i want to i believe that what kanye was saying at the time was like he thought that someone needed to come to him and give him like billions of dollars so that he could make his genius just flow right i've seen this yeah and and andway was like, if you're such a genius, man, why don't you make a few billion dollars, and then your genius can flow all it wants to. No, you don't understand.
Starting point is 00:25:33 You don't understand how it works. And he's, well, tell me. The whole time, it is abundantly clear that Kanye has no idea how it works. No idea. He's like, you don't know how to run a shoe empire? And the other guy, I think, is like, well, you probably need a lot of capital to start it.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Kanye's like, nah, you just gotta believe in, I am God. I am the Lord, your God. He'll say stuff like that. He is the most egocentric guy in the world. I think he barely edges out Trump.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I wasn't going to say it because I talk about it too much. No, no, everybody. Trump is egotistical as shit. Trump doesn't think he's God, though. I don't think. He never said it. Kanye says it. Kanye has been doing it for, well, I guess Trump has too.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I don't know. They're neck and neck. I'm trying to find good Kanye tweets. I bet in private Trump thinks very little of Kanye. Oh. Yeah, well, it's only a matter of time until he's like, which one's that? The one that was on Degrassi in Canada?
Starting point is 00:26:33 Like, which one are the rapists? I think that Trump thinks highly of anyone who thinks highly of him. Kanye changed teams there, so kind of. He didn't change teams. He just kind of sidled away. He said he had been used, which to me was not a very good endorsement. But he didn't single Trump out.
Starting point is 00:26:56 He was talking about some other people. He tweeted yesterday, Trump all day. Well, now we know. Now we know his nuanced statement. Now we know where he is yesterday but where is he today it's hard to say man he probably doesn't even know the man's a maniac he's he's so eccentric he's very entertaining uh well yeah i i like to see him in front of a camera as much as possible i wish that
Starting point is 00:27:26 i don't know i wish he had his own like talk oh a talk show give him yeah for real like it's like the like give him a late night show i'd watch that shit i need more kanye exposure because it i i am so far getting mostly just like word salad of discombobulated thoughts. Here, I'll read you something that will probably reinforce that opinion. Some tweets from two days ago. These are all from two days ago over the course of a couple hours. I only play by God's rules. I don't follow no man-made codes. Or is it cool if it's a diss record because it's more entertaining?
Starting point is 00:28:00 I'm going to break all codes. I ain't taking advice from no one who ain't got nothing to actually help I ain't never followed anybody else's methods I ain't trying to be cool if I got any cooler I would freeze to death I like that one uh see when you care about your family you don't put let no man push you to do nothing that could risk your freedom tweeting is legal and also therapeutic if something's on my mind and spirit, I let it out. What if I just stole some of these thoughts
Starting point is 00:28:28 and acted like I thought them? I want to write if I got any cooler, I'd freeze to death on my Twitter and just see how that goes over. Yeah, well, he's getting thousands upon thousands of people loving all these. My mind is open. I want to hear a little more Kanye and see how good it is.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I think on the JRE it's going to be very interesting. Oh, I'm so pumped. I hope he doesn't try to make it serious and he just like pumps him for ridiculousness. I hope we get both and I hope they go. I hope it's not one of those one hour shows is what I hope. I hope it's two and a half, three and a half hours that they go with them because like some guests like clearly are like there for an hour they're like all right i'm done some guys are there for two hours some guys will stay for four fucking hours i i want it as long as possible that depends how big they are i feel like like a
Starting point is 00:29:18 comedian who's not that popular will hang out until joe rogan carries him out and you know closes the door behind him whereas i the one i remember being an hour long i think was mel gibson yeah mel gibson can tell you you to fuck right off i gotta go like i didn't he i didn't listen to that one because i saw a bunch of comments that were like yeah he didn't talk about anything he just like was trying to sell supplements the whole time like his own like health uh health regimen or something like that which you know if it's a facial hair sometimes going into it i feel like they get misinformed like like if we were to have fuck i don't know joe rogan on the show to promote his comedy i'm
Starting point is 00:29:57 trying to think he's not a good example but they would come on the show they'd think the show was about their upcoming special when that's not what we're looking for out of a guest. We're asking you to be co-host for a few hours. That's kind of what Steve Hofstetter articulated last time he was on. He was like, oh, the first time I came on, I was expecting it to be more interview style. Then I realized quickly it's just kind of a hang and I
Starting point is 00:30:17 interject when I have something funny. Yeah, sure. Cat Gunn got all mixed up. She thought we were going to interview her about what's new with Cat Gun. She thought this was an RC podcast. Kyle, I interrupted you. We started at the same time. Annoying, silly bitch.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Great UFC fights this weekend. It was one of my top five favorite cards of all time. Jon Jones won, didn't he? He did. Jon Jones didn't just win john jones won so convincingly john jones didn't get punched in the face well can i lay it out and tell me if you disagree if you want yeah all right so um first of all you have to mention this guy's been suspended for steroids twice he tested positive for steroids taylor this is for
Starting point is 00:31:03 you and you left but this guy tested positive for steroids every Taylor, this is for you, and you left! But this guy tested positive for steroids. You've told him every show we've ever done! It's not true. No, because more information came out since Thursday. He tested positive for steroids leading into this fight three times. Three times. And then the UFC changed their policy to not discussing
Starting point is 00:31:20 the results of positive drug tests until, I don't know, some fucking other time. So that John Jones, the known steroid abuser who deserves no benefit of the doubt, would not have his name sullied by testing positive for steroids
Starting point is 00:31:34 three times. The Nevada Athletic Commission says, fuck this fucking cheating dick shit. We're not going to let him fight in this state. And California's like, well, we'll do it, taxes. Oh, I remember that clip. Who's going to pay my share of the taxes? let him fight in this state and california is like well we'll do it taxes and uh oh i remember
Starting point is 00:31:45 that clip yeah who's gonna pay my share of the taxes yeah yeah so so they do the fight and obviously the steroid abuser wins the way that i saw it on the feet it was kind of even ish gustaf is a very gustaf you know i say it in my head fine and then on mike it's terrible gustav son gustav son uh and john jones i thought we're kind of there wasn't a clear winner maybe it was jones on the feet and then jones got the takedown he missed a couple takedowns but that's okay i don't deduct for that uh and then he finally got a takedown held him for a bit advanced position and then beat the dickens out of Alex. He just, like, he started wailing on his head,
Starting point is 00:32:29 and I'm like, that's not nice. Like, this is not a normal thought in MMA, but he just, he won. There is no question that Jon Jones won that fight. What the scientists say, Woody, is that these are metabolites. This is his body's reaction to previous steroid use
Starting point is 00:32:47 that could have been up to seven years from the time that this is actually happening because they are these long-term metabolites. I don't know anything about what I'm saying. I have looked into this so much. But they say it. Actually, with this kind of steroid, he took Ternibal or something close to that. Terenibal. Terenibal.
Starting point is 00:33:03 There's never been a pulsing effect in Terenable testing history. However, there was another drug that was kind of similar to Terenable that one time they found a pulsing effect of like 180 days, 220 days. So it makes perfect sense that this guy who took a different steroid would have a pulsing effect for like 200, no, 460 days. Like it's more than twice as long as the pulsing effect that they have seen before hey and john jones is bigger better faster stronger of course he's going to test positive for longer than the average they've never tested a man as badass as john jones that's what you're saying woody and i i agree you're right and he proved it well you know the important thing is that i was right he was laughed at
Starting point is 00:33:50 throughout history copernicus galileo they said fuck you galileo uh this is a helio uh this isn't a heliocentric universe they same thing this is going to go down in the history books it was not close on the feet jones j Jones fought that fight at kicking range. Gustafson never got into punching range. How long did it go? It ended in the third round. Jones tore Gustafson's groin so badly that Gustafson could barely move. That's why Gustafson just laid there once he got the takedown
Starting point is 00:34:26 and why he was limping at the post-fight press conference. It was everybody in my world was cheering and jumping up and down because they all, you know, they like Jones, right? And more than that, they kind of dislike Cormier a little bit. And they love the rivalry between them. You know, Darth Vader needs Luke Skywalker. If Luke's just out there fucking beating up sand people, nobody gives a fuck. But if you've got Darth Vader over there just waiting, going,
Starting point is 00:34:53 DC, I could slap your wife's ass and you could do nothing. Is that what he said? Yeah, he said it. I saw it on Reddit as, let's talk about sexually assaulting the wife of my opponent. And I'm like, I'm going to need to know the details on this one. He said, I could slap your wife's ass and you couldn't do shit about it. He's such a bad guy. I watched Jon Jones.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I got your belt now. You want it? Come get it. Dude, after he said that, right? So I'm there watching this thing. And I'm like, you know, sometimes bad things happen in real life. Like sometimes the bad guys win. And there's no script on this.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Like this is awful. This is awful. Today is a rotten day. My text message is blowing up my discourse blowing up my skype's blowing up everybody's like call him a crybaby bitch too and i'm like nah he can't call him a crybaby bitch because he cried too they both they both are crybabies but john jones did cry the two most lethal men in the world are both kind of cry babies but nobody says most lethal men in the world yeah they probably are one and two i mean they're they're they're
Starting point is 00:36:16 you know they're in the top five however you want to mix it up there might be some who know who the fuck knows well in unarmed combat. Yeah, that's what I mean. And then, of course, fucking Chris Cyborg gets... Oh, I was so happy. First of all, I called that. That's exactly how I saw that thing going down. I was so happy. I knew Amanda Nunez could destroy her. I knew she was faster.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Not stronger. She can't deadlift more, but as far as punching power goes she's right there adequate i knew she had what it took and she fucking destroyed cyborg dude fucking bomb after bomb after bomb until cyborg was chopped down like a big huge clitted tree so cyborg is a legend perhaps the toughest female next to nunez who's ever done the sport right people would go in and fight cyborg and just consider every round they weren't knocked out to be a moral victory you know if i if look if i lose in the second fuck that's better than most of the
Starting point is 00:37:20 girls did am i right am i right nunez is kind of a fast starter she's not known to be like a fourth and fifth round powerhouse and she went in there and did nunez shit she just didn't get hit much hit the other person really hard until she won that's that's nunez shit and it was bad i actually have a ufc related question that maybe you guys know like i remember a few maybe like three years ago maybe a little more now when ronda rousey was the big yeah the big one i remember saying multiple times like she's like the fucking you know whitey willoughby or whatever bill burr's jokey old-time baseball name is like the 1920s best slugger like she's gonna suck in a few years like is it accepted now and then even people like joe rogan were like i think on
Starting point is 00:38:05 this podcast he's like yeah she could beat up i bet she could beat up maybe even some of the guys in like the featherweight division like he was so pumping her tires which is his job to be fair but is it kind of accepted now where it's like okay she was really never that good she was just kind of she was good no she was a she was a specialist she was very good and and a lot of people kind of played into her hand by, by kind of coming right at her and, and her judo is world-class. She was an Olympian. Uh, and, and she was very good at what she did, but when she started running into like the, the premier strikers and Holly home and Amanda Nunez, it was clear that that was her kryptonite. She didn't have the stand-up game,
Starting point is 00:38:45 the boxing to deal with them. And her wrestling, judo, sort of like ground skills weren't good enough to take them down. They were both girls who had good takedown defense. And they were... So really, she was really good at her own game. She was really good at her own game. She was really good.
Starting point is 00:39:07 In the whole amalgamation of MMA, all those different styles, she wasn't that great. Here's the thing. She was kind of a one-trick pony maybe. I don't know. Her stand-up game wasn't great, but her ground game made up for that. She was awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:21 The thing is, her takedown game all came from the clinch. She didn't hit these wide-open double legs. In judo, the thing is, her takedown game all came from the clinch, right? She didn't hit these, like, wide-open double legs. And in judo, the thing she had spent her life training in, the clinch comes for free, right? They just walk up to each other and grab each other's shoulders and elbows, like, to start it. That's the beginning.
Starting point is 00:39:38 So when she had to earn her clinch against a world-class boxer like Holly Holmes, shit didn't work out right. And when she had to earn her clinch against Nunezclass boxer like holly holmes shit didn't work out right and when she had to earn a clinch clinch against nunez the same thing went wrong so nunez would just throw her just just get off me and go back to fucking just hit her with those really heavy hands it's like oh no no can we can we not do the punching thing for a second i swear i'll win oh it was hard to watch she got yes like like as much as i enjoyed watching Cyborg get pummeled by those huge fucking punches, I really felt bad watching Ronda get annihilated.
Starting point is 00:40:11 There is still a piece of me that sometimes feels bad when a woman gets really hit like that. And watching Cyborg, that doesn't happen because obviously she's got a penis. Not at all. And the best part was when she finally was knocked unconscious, she landed face first on the mat it was perfect like it was just
Starting point is 00:40:30 she ate the fucking mat it was beautiful bj penn was the first fight on the prelim which is like crazy bottom tier shit um he was he he's i mean it is right like huge right like he's the first fight which is like the lowest tier on the lower tier card and he goes out and they they fed him one they give him this other guy who's um a ground specialist a submission artist and that's bj's game in a lot of ways too, but BJ's also pretty damn good at stand-up. Used to be. And so you gotta figure, like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:41:12 BJ's probably got the... Yeah, it's a good match-up for BJ. I was telling I was like, they're feeding BJ a good one here. This is a great match-up. Not according to this tale of the tape that I'm looking at now. he got annihilated and probably damaged his knee in the process did he um i think i only saw the finish of that fight i saw the move um how do you know how it went before that uh bj never tried to
Starting point is 00:41:38 take it to the ground um i think i want to say he stuffed maybe a takedown or two. And it seemed like he was trying to box and being very aggressive going after the guy. And it looked like he was getting... He definitely had like octagon control, like he was the aggressor. But when that guy sprung for that takedown and wrapped him up like that, it was like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:42:00 He does a really weird takedown. Oh, I just watched it. It's called a heel hook. The heel hook is the finishing move. The takedown, I always mispronounce it, like a barimblo, a barimbello, something like that. And it's not one you see very much in terms of a takedown. People don't go for it.
Starting point is 00:42:17 And it would put you in a really bad position if you don't hit it. But this guy's the best on the planet at it. And there it goes. It looks like, if you're not good at this, it's a good way to eat a knee from someone who sees it coming. Because when he went for the takedown, I was surprised watching it,
Starting point is 00:42:31 even as someone who knows so little about this sport, that he was so overextended. You can't knee a downed opponent in MMA. So you can't just drop your knee on his face. That would be a violation. But if he's coming in low, I could just drive it at him. Yeah, right? Or if you can just stand on your feet and punch him in the head,
Starting point is 00:42:49 it seems like that would work. But somehow with this guy, that never works. You always end up like, yeah, I'll take advantage. Oh, fuck, he's got my knee. He's heeling at me. This is a really impressive finesse, clearly high, high-level skill takedown. And something that you would not want to happen to you. I would personally much rather get punched in the head head knocked unconscious than have someone do that to me especially me
Starting point is 00:43:09 and my inability to know when to tap because i don't know what the fuck i'm doing maybe bj even bj looked like he didn't tap nearly fast enough like once that thing is sunk in and it's tight that guy can absolutely destroy his knee if he wants to. I mean, destroy it. Rip it completely apart on the inside to the point where he's going to need eight fucking surgeries if he wants to. Kyle's right. You've got to fucking – I want out. If you're choking a guy or if you're doing their arms and shoulders,
Starting point is 00:43:39 everyone kind of knows when it's time to tap. Weird thing about knees is it really doesn't hurt until it's injured. So in my gym, there were no knee submissions against white belts because they might not know what's going on. I would tap instantly to fucking knees. I had blown ACL and shit. My man said, yeah, you win. Fine, dude.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Yeah, it's not worth it. I got a mortgage to pay tomorrow. No one's ever going to pay me to fight. But yeah, and then in a UFC environment, sometimes people will try to escape too long and get hurt. Yeah, especially somebody like BJ. Rogan felt that he may have sustained some injury, although watching BJ leave the arena, he looked okay.
Starting point is 00:44:25 But you never know how much of that's adrenaline, you know, or how much of it's going to set in tomorrow. BJ's alleged. BJ fought heavyweight, right? BJ belonged at 145. And if you don't know, that's one of the smaller weights. At 155, you know, he was champion there too. So I guess he belonged there.
Starting point is 00:44:43 But if he were in today's world where people try to cut a little more than uh then he'd be at 145 he fought i think it was machida and heavyweight he was like fuck it any weight you know bring it i fight he's he's just a man right yeah i can beat any man dude people love that about him yeah and uh he didn't win but he was game he you know he was he was in the fight it wasn't like you i i was so upset when uh gsp beat him during grease gate uh i watched that one fucking live like just quickly taylor and we've probably been over this before but basically george saint pierre who's kind of considered by the purest and and probably me too is like the greatest ufc fighter of all time Like the best pound for pound guy.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Just the best, really. I mean, just the best. He's only lost, I'm probably wrong about this, but I can only think of like two or three losses and he went back and beat the shit out of both of them when they got a
Starting point is 00:45:41 rematch. Like we joked about it before, it's hard to beat GSP gsp and if you do you better watch out he's coming it's hard for you for like a vaseline related thing that's what i'm talking about okay baby so what he did is like he got into like a hot bath and what heat does is it opens your pores up right like a really hot bath and uh then he rubs baby oil all over his body and his skin absorbs it. It's my understanding he bathed in the baby oil. Okay, there you go.
Starting point is 00:46:11 That's even better. He's hot baby oil. He's simmering in baby oil, right? And he's soaking it into his pores. And then so then when he gets in the octagon and starts fighting, he starts sweating and the sweat pushes the baby oil out onto his skin.
Starting point is 00:46:30 And now he's, now he's that slippery pig at the fair that nobody can grab. Dude, they are wiping him down. They're wiping him down with towels between like, they're complaining. The refs wiping them down. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:46:42 try, try if you want this stuff stuff just coming right back out in 15 seconds you can't wipe out the inside of my skin and that's where the oil is there are these videos on youtube where they like do a split screen of bj doing that um that that that um that thing where he wraps his legs around people and just locks in perfectly and when when when they're in his guard and how effective it is and how he's able to keep them from uh from passing it a guy after guy after guy and then they show him lock his ankles behind gsp and he goes and it's like what did gsp just flex and like beat this world-class athlete i'm such a hypocrite because when john jones has 60
Starting point is 00:47:28 fucking picograms per milliliter in his steroid in his urine actually i'm like string him up string him up he's evil he's a cheater right bring him up oh yeah i didn't think about the ramifications of that but when gsp likeays himself on oil, I'm like, that clever bastard. That is way more clever. It's like when you see somebody cheat in school when they do something really unique. It's interesting.
Starting point is 00:47:56 We had a kid. You remember when you would get a flash card that you could put as much information as you wanted on there and you could use both sides? Then by the time you took the test, you'd be like, I know everything on this card. I don't even need to use it. And the teacher's like, fooled you into learning, idiot.
Starting point is 00:48:12 We had someone who peeled it enough over time that they turned their one note card into two tremendously thin note cards. And he left the back quarter inch attached so he could be like, I did not do anything. I just am using what was provided to me. And the teacher even
Starting point is 00:48:34 was jokey and was like, now you're not allowed to use magnifying glasses. And he's like, and you'll even notice that it's large enough text that I don't require any sort of augmentation there. And he let him use it. He put too much effort into doing the card and not enough into learning. enough text I don't require any sort of augmentation there we had a guy very well he put too much effort into doing the card and not nothing to there was a guy in my class and this is I don't even know if it's good but he wrote out his
Starting point is 00:48:55 note cards and then he put on Xerox copier and shrunk it he just did that until he put more on the card he could read it because he had good vision he's 17 but it was smaller than a human could write, because he had just shrunk it. Yeah, yeah. That's smart. I've seen on Reddit where they do this thing where they write in red ink and blue ink over one another.
Starting point is 00:49:16 And then they use 3D glasses. So through the blue lens, you can see one color and through the red, the other. You drinking a Budweiser Tallboy? Yeah. One thing left in my fridge when I moved in. How was the move? How many people did you have?
Starting point is 00:49:34 How did it go? I was thinking about you on moving down. I bet he's exhausted and happy right now. I was exhausted the whole time. I hired movers because it's not that i don't trust my friends it's just i don't like inconveniencing people with that like it makes
Starting point is 00:49:50 me feel guilty and like i want to be able to have somebody like on the clock getting paid so like i don't have to feel bad if it's like oh actually yeah that doesn't look good they're like i thought move it back over here or whatever and so right now i'm in the midst of assembling uh furniture for an entire house it is taking forever did you pack yourself or did the movers do that too oh no i i packed everything away all they did was help me carry stuff out and then carry it in here and then uh you know they'll help put stuff together too if if i want them to but i'm trying to get a lot of it done on my own. And then I bought a stud finder, because I want to mount this TV and get it up above my fireplace.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Put it on your chest yet? That's mandatory. Yeah, I already made a lot of jokes. And I went up there, and I was using it, and all of my confidence went away. When I was like, I would go over an area and it'd be like, beep! I'm like, oh, wow! This technology's incredible. I can't believe how easy this is. And then I'd feel like I would go over an area and it'd be like, beep. I'm like, oh, wow, this technology is incredible.
Starting point is 00:50:46 I can't believe how easy this is. And then I feel like I would go over the same area and it would flash. And I look in the little booklet and it's like, if you get a little flashing icon, that means there are wires right there. And so I'm not fucking with that. I need a couple things done, so I'm going to need to get a general contractor, but I'm not drilling into my wall like a retard. I'll fuck it up, guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:51:06 I've got a really good one, I think. Maybe they're all really good now, and I just got one recently. But you know when you're in the center of the board. I don't know. It's got graduated lights that as you approach it, they're like, dee, dee, dee, doo, doo, doo, doo. Well, I'm going the wrong way. Dee, dee, dee, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Yeah, that's what mine does. You get right in the middle of the stud. You can't fuck it up. For you listeners out there, stud finders are a buy it nice or buy it twice item. Really? Yeah, just get the good one. How much is a good one?
Starting point is 00:51:38 Mine was $20. Yes, I was going to say $28, something like that. We might have the same one. I don't know how much they cost. Yeah, but I had the first one I ever bought. All it had was a single light on it, and when you went over something, it would be like an off-on.
Starting point is 00:51:52 You didn't really trust it. You didn't know where the center of the board was. My new one has an LED display and left and right. Are they called LEDs too? Lights. And you just really know when you have it right. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Yeah, it's very nice when you're hanging a TV or a picture frame or whatever. Yeah, so I'm trying to figure out. I got my couches put together in my living room. I need to get everything put together downstairs and in my bedroom. I slept on a mattress last night because I didn't feel like staying up even later to assemble my whole bed frame, which I don't think I'd be able to do by myself anyway. A lot of that shit's fucking heavy okay but i don't know i'm also shit at putting stuff like that together i get aggravated very very quickly must be a heck of a
Starting point is 00:52:34 bed frame yeah it's pretty big it's one of those ones that has like the the the big back and then like the kind of like the pillow topped area you know... Oh, like the back of it is cushy? Yeah, the back of it's kind of cushy. That was a request from my girlfriend. And so we got that. You're like, no, bitch, I'm buying this slatted one. I can't tie you up on a cushy bed frame. Yeah, you can't.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I still corrected. Alright. Did you by any chance get it from Amazon? The bed frame? yeah no i just went to a furniture store okay yeah i got the one off amazon it was like 250 bucks or something like that which is crazy cheap i thought i like it so fucking cheap yeah yeah i like it's like the cushy like headboard thing and i don't know i've taken it apart put it back together maybe five times now so i can i definitely went the for not with my stud finder but with the furniture
Starting point is 00:53:25 the buy it nicer buy it twice route and like most of this stuff like both of my couches the like they're full-size couches in the living room and both of them recline all the way to laying like the entire thing does in different sections if you want uh well i guess that's really the extent of it that and then I bought a nice sectional I'm setting up my office right now and then when I was coming home today I realized ah fuck I don't have any lighting in there yet and so
Starting point is 00:53:54 I'm on my kitchen table right now hopefully I'll have it set up in time for PKA or I guess that's just tomorrow maybe not but yeah I'm really excited with it I'm pretty pretty anxious because there's still so much to get done and it feels so cluttered.
Starting point is 00:54:07 And all those tubs or plastic tote containers, whatever you call those, I must have 15 of those still full of shit. And I'm a fat-headed retard, so I didn't take a Sharpie and label all of them. And I got lazy in the last part of the of the tub packing to where like all the big things like most clothes were away most electronics were away but it would get to the point where it was like all right this can be a miscellaneous tub just just throw shit in there
Starting point is 00:54:34 and now and now i've got like seven miscellaneous tubs i had to buy new toothbrushes because i don't know what my quip is these nine kitchen drawers are all labeled junk. That's what I did right away. I picked a junk drawer, and then unthinkingly later put junk in another drawer, and I was like, no, you can't. Day two, you can't start putting multiple junk drawers. This is where I'm keeping pen caps and dull scissors.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Yeah. And knives. I was cutting open so many fucking boxes uh over the past couple days getting my furniture out and first of all whoever's fucking packing furniture you don't need to make it so secure that if the people driving the moving truck fall off a cliff that your chairs are okay because i don't need 10 layers of shit there's so much shit in there my entire garage is full of boxes when the guy pulled up in the truck and with an entire house almost worth of furniture and i was like i want to get this knocked out i want at least get everything in the garage or at least get it unassembled and into place in my in my house
Starting point is 00:55:40 he was like all right we can do that or we can you know leave it here and come help you uh another day and i was like it stressed me out a lot less so we could just kind of get this going it was already nighttime we've been doing this all day and he's like your entire garage is going to be full of boxes i'm like this motherfucker it's a whole garage like it's two car garage how can it be full of box it's totally full it is 100 full of boxes torn up and styrofoam and shit when i have too many boxes and stuff i just we have a fire pit in the back and i burn that shit and when i first moved here it was like oh i wonder if the neighbors are like you know judging me for my 15 foot fire i've been here like three or four years now it's like bitch you know how we do if i were to get some lighter fluid and take all
Starting point is 00:56:29 these boxes i have out into my backyard it'd be on the fucking news it would start a fire it would light one of the like there's a there's a woods behind me it would start a fire undoubtedly as a mild breeze came by and carried like three sofa boxes aflame into it. We just, in my garage, I've been sort of poking away at doing my garage for a while. And I just undid all the cabinets. So, I don't know how to picture it. There's like two cabinets that you put clothes in almost size. And then there's four rolling cabinets.
Starting point is 00:57:00 And there's a two-spot desk. And it was a lot of boxes. It was two pallets. And all that shit's up in flames now it's gone um yeah that's how we do now it's clean and the garage looks better i was gonna try and still do the show from my office with like makeshift lighting but all i had was this sharper image lantern and it's not going to look good there's room for improvement there it's not gonna look good and so so i settled in the kitchen but yeah overall i'm really stoked
Starting point is 00:57:33 about it i'm very very lucky to be like i this is so much nicer than i thought my first house would be and all the furniture and everything i just i'm really fortunate so it's really cool to finally get it all moving it's nice to not have to share a wall i sense a I'm really fortunate, so it's really cool to finally get it all moving. It's nice to not have to share a wall. I sense a little pride. How often are you proud of yourself, right? Yeah. Yeah, I'm proud of myself, but I'm also not so dumb
Starting point is 00:57:58 that I think it's 100% me. Well, I guess it kind of, I don't know. It feels so much nicer than I thought. It's almost like I've been living in apartments mostly shit ones the most recent one i had was the only one that was nice all the other ones were kind of shit and like now that i'm somewhere where it's like holy shit like this is like where grown-ups live and it's mine i feel like i'm almost undeserving of it but but i did write that fucking check so I need to start feeling deserving. Yeah. I know exactly these feelings.
Starting point is 00:58:31 I feel like I did the same sort of thing. I'm just 20 years further down the path or something. But yeah, I know what you mean. Good for you, man. I'm going to post some pictures of my gym as soon as I get that all up and running. Well, you'll have to burn the boxes first. Yeah, I'm going to post some pictures of my gym as soon as I get that all up and running. Well, you'll have to burn the boxes first. Yeah, I will.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I'm going to have to figure out a way to get rid of those. I'll get a fucking... I'll figure it out. Rufus is going to miss you. I will not miss Rufus. No, Rufus has already moved into that vacant apartment. Rufus is living it up. Rufus is like, look at these boxes.
Starting point is 00:59:04 This is legit He's in his garage I go out there in the morning and there's just a rustling There's 14 boxes in here It's a suite boys You can all drink my beer You were here first too Rufus the murderer Alright You were here first too?
Starting point is 00:59:27 Rufus the murderer Alright I got a lot of fucking shit to screw together Do you have a Impact wrench yet? Yeah, I went and got some Good tools that should help What did you pick? Which brand did you go with? I need to know I think it's DeWalt
Starting point is 00:59:43 Can't go too wrong. Yep, yep. DeWalt's good. I went with Milwaukee, but they're parallel. I don't know. Pierce. That's what I'm going for. Alright. PKN episode 228. Yeah.

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