Painkiller Already - PKN #229

Episode Date: January 18, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKN episode 229 Kyle has been chomping at the bit for Rust Talk Man He's also exhausted Because he's been rusting for days on end I got some sleep Last night honestly It was the first night in about 4 days that I got any sleep
Starting point is 00:00:16 So this is as rested as I've been in a while So Rust is the best game I've ever played I think It has the highest highs And the lowest lows And I think that's the That is the best game ever played i think it has the highest highs and the lowest lows and i think that's the that is the equation for a perfect game i just want to like clarify so you're putting that head to head i've always thought cod 4 is your favorite for sure it used to be this is it now if you know nothing about rust it's a first person shooter but there's building and crafting involved it's kind of like a cod minecraft but i'll try not to say minecraft much i've heard the criticism but but um but yeah that's like
Starting point is 00:00:51 minecraft shit negro dude that's all you had to say i watched that movie the other night with my girlfriend she'd never seen it and when that clip came up uh Pulp Fiction I remembered uh first of all I'd never realized that techno band Zedd's Dead I'd never put those pieces together and when we were watching it she goes oh like the band I'm like oh yeah like the band Zedd's Dead baby Zedd's Dead but yeah when he did when Samuel L Jackson did that in the movie I finally I laughed really hard having seen the the PKA. So, first of all, let me start out by saying, I'm going to need some Rust players to add me on Steam. We'll get to that
Starting point is 00:01:30 later, but if you're a Rust player with a lot of experience, stay tuned to the end of this little rant. Rust is the best game I've ever played. It has the highest highs, the lowest lows. You start out as a naked guy with a rock and nothing else, and you craft your way up until the point where you have an enormous castle with rocket launchers and C4
Starting point is 00:01:45 and everyone fears you. And they do fear you if you're the big guy in your own little region of the map. The maps are often enormous and the servers are anywhere from 100 to 200 or 300 players. The team sizes vary between server to server. Can you lower
Starting point is 00:02:02 your gain a tiny bit? I didn't catch it before the show. Is 200 or three hundred people way bigger than the other? Okay. Whatever it's called. Survival games? Yes. It's like Call of Duty. Battle Royale is a hundred players.
Starting point is 00:02:17 PUBG Battle Royale is a hundred players. But this obviously is different because when you die, you lose your shit, but you respawn back into the same world. It's an ongoing world. They wipe the servers of everything that's built on different schedules. Sometimes it's bi-weekly, sometimes it's weekly, sometimes it's monthly. Sometimes it goes on for
Starting point is 00:02:34 long periods of time. There's basically a technology race going on in the game constantly where people are trying to acquire resources to research items like guns and armor. And if you want an AK-47, which is the best gun in the game, you've got to find one first and research it in-game using an in-game interface,
Starting point is 00:02:53 which costs scrap metal, which you have to find. What's the tediousness like? Like, is it a lot of, oh, now I'm going to spend a real-time 45 minutes finding metal scraps. Like, is it that bad? 45 minutes wouldn't get you much scrap, Taylor. Yeah, that's not what bad is, Taylor. Okay, well, what really bad is, is what I remember doing in Skyrim, which, okay, my first character, I didn't know that the blacksmiths didn't come back
Starting point is 00:03:20 if you murdered them, so I killed every blacksmith in Skyrim, and then nobody could sell me the supplies, and so I had to, like, start mining start mining and like doing it all whole cloth and after like four hours of that making seven daggers i literally quit and started a new character like i can't maintain this i've got school i've got family you made your bed you brought you lying but yeah that's truly bad just making iron daggers and bracers for literally whole weekends. But how long does it take to make an AK-47? We never made an AK-47. No, we never got an AK-47, and six of us worked for about 200 or 300 hours.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Would that have given you were all working to make one AK-47? We were all working to finally find one or kill someone who had one and have it. It never happened. Are there other guns that are in the same class? Nothing's in the same class as the AK-47. It absolutely dominates everything else. It's a full automatic assault rifle, whereas the tiers below it are submachine guns
Starting point is 00:04:17 and semi-automatic assault rifles, which are pretty lame. So if you walk up to somebody or somebody sees you and they're rocking an AK and you've got your SMG... They melt you. They melt you. They melt you and you die in a fraction of a second. Sometimes it seems like if they're good with it. It has a very difficult to control recoil pattern. It's a very difficult gun to use, but it's definitely the best gun in the game.
Starting point is 00:04:36 So basically we joined a six-man server and we put different amounts of time in it. But me and my buddy Middy probably put the most time in it. we put different amounts of time in it, but me and my buddy, maybe probably put the most time in it. We each put in a 20 hour shift, slept for four hours and then put in another, and then put in another 20 hour shift at one point early on because the, the server was pretty fresh there.
Starting point is 00:04:55 And, and we were trying to like grind our way to a lead in the sort of the technology race. And early on when we, especially when, when we would have numbers, when six of us would be online, which is the maximum party group, our group size, we'd just rush people, right? Like all of us would like long bows.
Starting point is 00:05:12 And even if the guy had a handgun, we'd mow him down with archery fire and we'd take his handgun. And that's very effective. But we didn't always have six people in line. A lot of times it was two or three of us. And there's a lot of grinding. there's a lot of mining for resources a lot of killing people and taking their resources and a lot of um you get like this random junk like screws and nuts and bolts and then you have to take it to a recycling place and putting in put it in this machine and press go and then it makes a loud noise that people will come to there are nerve
Starting point is 00:05:44 racking periods where your heart is absolutely pounding because so much is at stake. Hours of work are at stake on a regular basis. So we were doing pretty well. We had a nice base. Not anything that you would brag about, but it was a medium-sized base. Yeah, it was okay. We had a decent amount of loot.
Starting point is 00:06:02 We had semi-automatic rifles and a submachine gun or two. And I'm pretty good at negotiating with people in-game and bartering with them, trading a little bit of this for a little bit of that. And I had made a friend to the north. Is there a way to do that safely, or do you need to gain their trust? There's a way to do it safely for one end of the deal for example you can set up you can set up this uh this shop interface at your base and they put items in uh you put items in and you and you press start and it swaps the items safely but they could just kill you right after they get the items and then take the items that
Starting point is 00:06:42 you took out of the box. I bet that's common. I trusted this guy. I would absolutely do that. I trusted this guy and I had already done a deal or two with him. Anyway, I talked to him after a while and I was like, hey man, my group would really like to move out of this area. And sort of dot, dot, dot.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And he's like, let me talk to my friends. And he's like, right, we all agree. You guys can come live with us. You can move in next door. Nobody fucks with us. I'm like, all right, sounds good. Now we're planning on this big move, which is a scary fucking thing
Starting point is 00:07:15 because we've got 200 hours worth of loot that needs to be moved, parcel piece, across about five kilometers. Are you carrying it all, or are you making several trips? Just backpack by backpack. You're shoveling it back and forth. Several trips was the plan. Because we're thinking of doing that, we haven't armored our base yet.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Our base is sort of mid-tier, made of stone. You do this honeycombing process where you make multiple walls and V's and stuff so that if they do come at you, they've got to go through a lot of walls to get in. Then the guy comes on last night and he's like, hey, I have a surprise for you. Come to my base.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And I'm like, what is it? Because that sounds kind of scary. I'm afraid you're going to fuck me. And he's like, no, no, no. We left the server. We're going to a different server. There's a three by one shed. The combination is
Starting point is 00:08:05 zero one nine zero enjoy so i'm like all right boys rally up six of us go out hard we all put on our best armor our best guns and we because you're concerned about being taken advantage of at this point i believe him i believe that we're that he's left us a lot of his good shit and he's just quit the server i believe him i trust him fully so we we we fucking rush across the map in the dead of night there's a sun cycle that lasts like 20 minutes day 20 minutes night and nighttime is fucking pitch black like you can't see your hand in front of your face and uh but if you light a lantern everybody fucking sees you and comes at you so we're walking in the dark fucking like a like a squad of marines or something we get there and sure enough there it is there's this little shed outside of his base we go in and there is like
Starting point is 00:08:49 300 man hours of free loot in there high end stuff like i i won't go into like the specifics but like a rocket launcher and c4 like this is the stuff you need to break other people's bases and really move up in the world they didn't even have an AK Like they had an AK, but they didn't give us one for whatever reason. I don't know why but but there wasn't one in there They had a case But we've got all this loot so now we're sitting in there loaded with Hundreds of hours of grind time worth of loot and my heart's pounding I'm so worried because we're in enemy territory. There's a bad guy. There's a bad base there.
Starting point is 00:09:26 There's a bad base there. You can hit him with a bow. They're so close. And my buddy alt tabs and his gun goes off. Bang. And I'm like, I'm usually pretty chill, but I scolded him. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:38 That's it. God damn it. That's the eighth time you've done that. I've had a fucking enough of it. You could not do that. You fix that shit right now. You fix it it either you don't alt tap or you leave and he my again just doesn't say anything i i apologize later but it was like 45 seconds after he fires that shot there's footsteps outside our little shed there's people out there now we've drawn
Starting point is 00:10:00 attention at least you're in the demo shed with all the, you know... I mean, what are we going to do? Just sit in there forever? You know, there's no windows for this thing. You've got to blast your way out to freedom. That shit don't work. It'll mow you down. At some point, you've got to open a door that's going to go... And there might be like three guys waiting there with shotguns
Starting point is 00:10:19 and machine guns who just pepper you down, right? And just take all of everything that we just acquired and the stuff we brought with us it's hundreds of hours of work and uh and so finally like one guy goes out naked so that like he nothing nothing lost if they get him he's like all right coast is clear so i'm like all right let's go go go go and we're all crouch walking in the dark now just just just just terrified my heart's pounding so much. My hands are fucking shaking for ten straight minutes. I've got one
Starting point is 00:10:48 guy back at the base. He's like, coast is clear. Nobody's near the base. Come, come, come. The sun's coming up now, though. I'm like, the sun's coming up! Sprint! So now we're all running. We're all running in the fucking darkness, trying to get back to the base before the sun comes up and people can see us. We make it back.
Starting point is 00:11:03 And I'm so relieved that we're all laughing out loud like we just won the fucking lottery we're so happy we're so happy it's the happiest i can remember like the soldiers at bass stone when they finally get relieved laughing with joy except laughing now did you get the advanced players base or did you just get their gear and bring it back to you i got their gear um they had allowed their base to decay which is a boring thing that i won't go into the details of but basically their base was no good anymore because they had taken all the resources out of it you have to keep a certain amount of resources in the base or it starts falling apart uh essentially and theirs was falling apart it was no good anymore go back to our base now we're in this weird dilemma
Starting point is 00:11:42 where we we're incredibly rich and we don't like where we are and our base is weak, but we still plan to move. Why don't you like where you are? Because I'm picturing it to be all desert and one patch of sand is the same as the next. No, no. It's like four or five different biomes. There are snowy areas, there are desert
Starting point is 00:12:00 areas, there are wooded areas, there's tropical areas on this one map. so if somebody has a base like in the i guess tropical area and just like the middle of a tropical area but somebody else in that same tropical area is right next to a river or right next to you know some sort of natural resource producing thing does that give you a benefit in this game or no the the resources are sulfur metal uh stone and wood and uh they're plentiful placement have any impact on that other than just oh i'm closer to the trees if you're in the forest obviously there's trees if you're in the mountains there's more rock that's about it
Starting point is 00:12:39 but the real thing that people do is once you get to a certain level you you don't chop trees anymore you kill people and take their trees right once you're once you you become the bully you become the guy who everyone fears like you roll out with six guys with ak-47s you kill anyone you see you take their loot and it instead of chopping trees for for an hour and getting 20,000 wood you kill one guy and you get the equivalent of 100,000 wood in five minutes. You become the guy who takes from others. You really become like a warlord, essentially.
Starting point is 00:13:12 And there's a snowball effect that happens that's rapid if you're doing that sort of thing. Long story short, we decide to go out on a mission. Everyone gets equipped. There are missions in the game where you have these cards you find randomly, blue, green, red.
Starting point is 00:13:28 You go on a quest, you go to this base, you swipe the card, you do a little puzzle. Lots of loot in there. We're like, ah, let's go do that. Suddenly, four guys ambush us right outside our base with AKs. They kill us all. We respawn in the base and that's when we hear it. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:13:45 It's rockets hitting the base. Rapid fire. It is a coordinated attack. The rockets fire at a very, like the rocket is like boom, and then you gotta like open the back and put a new rocket in and close it and tap it. No, this is four guys.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Each of them have a rocket launcher, and they are simultaneously firing at the same spot. They bore their way in. Let me get the video. I have the video. They bore their way into our base in less than 20 seconds, and we are caught with our pants down. They take hundreds and hundreds of hours of work.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Of somebody else's work mostly our work it was still your the first base you made right i'm sure you've started a couple times this was the first time we'd made it anywhere like we've played before and like gotten a little wooden shed together and played for you know four or five hours and then kind of quit or we died or whatever this was the first time we had a big base with a lot of shit in it and we had we had gone up the tiers of weapons and we were right on the precipice of the of having everything there was to have and at that point i felt like we could become like a powerhouse in our region the reason woody I didn't like our area is because we're sandwiched between two big clans And we're in the woods where it's hard to get a line of sight We really wanted to go and get closer to one of the monuments that are in the game as well
Starting point is 00:15:15 Which are full of high-end loot we weren't near any does it just wasn't high-end loot in the monuments. Yeah like daily Rust is so fun because of those that was incredibly low low right when they took all our shit it was very upsetting um some people just immediately logged off and and left the discord uh some of us were able to laugh about it i was i i was like good game guys you know enjoy the profit you've got uh you know 20 20k sulfur and 5k gunpowder office and enjoy all those satchel charges and shit it's enjoy it uh and one of them was cool about it one of them was an absolute piece of toxic piece of shit and that's the mixture that
Starting point is 00:15:56 you find when you run around when you when you run around naked in this world you'll find different kinds of individuals sometimes you can run to me hey me, hey, hey, I'm naked. You can have my torch and rock if you'd like them, but I'm just going that way. Kill me if you want, but I'm just going to respawn. Do your thing. Sometimes people are like, no, man. It's cool. Do you need some food? I do need some food, as a matter of fact.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I'm literally starving. You can't fight him with the rock when he's looking for potatoes. That won't work. You've got to be a badass to get the rock killed. You gotta really be like crouching and strafing and pummeling them with this rock. It takes several rock hits to get a kill.
Starting point is 00:16:32 It's not easy. Yeah, here's the video. This is the end of our... Oh, this has got... You're telling the story really well. This makes me want to play this game. It seems like an epic. This has video game nudity in it?
Starting point is 00:16:50 It's unless it's video. If it were PKA, I'd be more concerned, but for... Yeah, we would, yeah. We are the RSK clan, the Real Sweet Kids, as you'll see by the title of the video. There were two, four, five of us online at this point Can we just put play yeah, yeah ready set play I'm looking for the one with the big dick
Starting point is 00:17:21 This isn't as big of a base as I was imagining Oh no, really? This isn't as big of a base as I was imagining. Oh god. Midi is unshaven female. Hey, don't let him catch you with the, um... Christ. Midi's trying to armor the wall right now, but he can't get to it. It's happening, boys.
Starting point is 00:17:36 He's trying to armor it, but there's someone in the way. He can't get close enough to the wall to do it. I need a gun. So was that the end of that playthrough? Close the fucking TC room! Close the TC room! My game crashed. And his game crashed.
Starting point is 00:17:50 I got it closed. And that was it. Have you started a new one since then? No, because next time we are going in with a mission plan. And a mission statement. If you've seen that scene from Inglourious Basterds...
Starting point is 00:18:07 We're going to have increased synergy across all departments. Yes, there will be increased synergy. There will be higher levels of skill. There will be focus maintained. I need me eight men. Eight nerdy, no-life men. We're going to be doing one thing
Starting point is 00:18:24 and one thing only. Killing nakeds. Dude, your mission statement should be to glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I'll keep that in mind. I'm looking for people who are good at PVP because that's where we struggle a little bit amongst my group. I need two to four guys who are good at PVP, who know how to do high-level base design. Add me on Steam. I deleted a bunch of people
Starting point is 00:18:59 so I can accept some friend requests. It's OFPSKyleO. I don't want some people who are going to play for two hours a day. If you can you can't put in an eight hour shift it's probably not going to work uh and you need to be 18 years or older because i don't play with children unlike some people um no offense to anybody to be second to process that yeah i'm looking for some grown-up men who like are into this game and or women uh you know, you could be a lady, but I'm looking for some people who are good at PvP, who
Starting point is 00:19:28 have 1,000, 1,500 hours plus in the game and know what's up, because we want to start on a freshly wiped server where everyone's starting with rocks, and we want to grind hard with six to eight men and own our little corner of the map, right? I don't like being bullied by
Starting point is 00:19:45 my fucking neighbors which is what we did for most of that uh that that playthrough that we did there that's i i hope you find what you're looking for yeah i i i've been biting my tongue about the minecraft parallels but dude they're there so it's exactly like minecraft even the fresh it's it's like factions which is a game mode we ran factions yes yeah um and then the the like the the idea that the amount of time and effort you put into it huge yeah it yeah i'll stop because i think people heard it but um but yeah it's i it's like yeah i i lived this for years i i know all about... Well, I know something like this. Dude, I've been playing Vermintide 2. Did you want to say something more before?
Starting point is 00:20:30 I was going to say, that's our base from the outside. Oh, let me share that. Yeah. I wish I'd taken pictures of our loot because we really had acquired an enormous amount. We could have built the whole base in armored plating and that raid wouldn't have even worked. But we were saving it for our new base. It's of a damn shame we had 600 high quality metal and maybe 15 000 metal frags for those of you why is your roof just spiked pieces of wood like uh it's not just spiked
Starting point is 00:20:59 pieces of wood it's it's about one two three it's three layers of of uh stone that they would have to go through to get through the roof. There's some honeycombing there. The spikes are because people like to climb your roof with ladders and start drilling through with C4. And it's kind of hard to run out the door and deal with them if they're doing that. The spikes just kept people from climbing on the roof, especially early in the game before C4 had become so prevalent and rockets had become so prevalent. Satchel charges are the early game thing that people use and it takes a lot of them to make stuff happen. We raided a lot of people
Starting point is 00:21:30 ourselves. Different in-game specialties are a thing that comes across these games too and you're just like, hey, I need a guy who's willing to do this mind-numbing task for 12 hours. You don't need much talent. You're the scrap metal like souvenir hunter
Starting point is 00:21:47 yeah and uh you know that that's your job you get to be on our team in spite of the fact that you suck at video games i'm glad you mentioned that go ahead thank you for mentioning that if you're out there and you really have a lot of time like if you're taking the summer off for school or something or it's not summer if you're taking a's not summer, if you're taking a year off of school, if you're taking a year off of school, or like... If you just flunked out after your fall term, and you don't really have a plan for January, we're looking for a guy
Starting point is 00:22:14 who enjoys fighting scrap metal in the video game Rust. I need somebody mining sulfur for me. Do you have a lot of free time? Are you a fucking loser? You gotta be a fucking loser to take this job. If you're literally willing to work 12 hours a day for me mining sulfur, I mean, we might be able to find some kind of monetary compensation
Starting point is 00:22:33 for a guy like that. All right? I might pay you actual cash for sulfur in the real world. If you're willing to put in 12 hours a day every single fucking day and mine sulfur for me. Can you just have two people that do six hours am i missing something there's a maximum the way i want to play is on a server with a maximum player count per squad because what happens and is that the fucking koreans and the chinese
Starting point is 00:22:59 like a billion of them same squad! They get together in these enormous squads of like a hundred people or something like that, and they dominate entire servers. And our base would be like a shed in their fortress. It looks like Minas Tirith from Lord of the Rings.
Starting point is 00:23:20 And it's just lived by a bunch of Koreans. Yes, absolutely. We don't want to play on a server with no player count or anything like that. We want to play six or eight man or something like that. Can you spend money in these servers? Is there a business model for the server owner? There are modded servers, and in those that is the case. But we play vanilla because you get rewarded for your grind, not for your purse.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I don't like pay to win. There's also skins for the game that you can buy on the Steam Marketplace or directly from the Rust interface. And some of those skins are like $100, $200, $300 and shit like that. I bought some cheap shit, like $1 here, $1 there, just so that the chest that you store things in
Starting point is 00:24:02 would say guns or medical or whatever, and maybe a skin for a gun here and there. Like, not a large amount of money, like $10 or something. Yep, yep. Parallels all over. I won't even go there. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Like, we all agree. It's exactly like Minecraft Factions. But it has an updated aesthetic. It's what Minecraft should have been. Yeah. Right? Because Minecraft, it was described as cringy for years like especially as i was exiting it and it's like cringy oh man why you gotta be a gatekeeper but i see it you know yeah and it's also the the player
Starting point is 00:24:37 groups is quite young in that and whereas it's a lot of grown-ass men that play rust um you run into some children but there's a lot of grown men and a lot there's a lot of grown-ass men that play rust um you run into some children but there's a lot of grown men and a lot there's a lot of role players too was that a thing in minecraft for people to role play uh not so much in factions but i talked about the creative server with the strip clubs and the adoption centers and stuff it was awful there are weird incestuous homosexual and sort of snm type relationships that go down in these servers where like there's there's a female player and she's calling this other guy daddy there's a lot of calling each other daddy by the way if you ever busted into like a shitty shed to loot it and it's just a bunch of people there's no loot they're all just naked and like the only thing they've
Starting point is 00:25:21 crafted are leashes for one another not what have i stumbled into and that's where you get cracked on the back of a head by a rock and you wake up naked that's literally a thing on ours like so yeah on creative action everything is free right so how do you monetize it it's like all right kyle i'm selling you the ability to turn into a cow you know and and all right taylor all right, Taylor, you have a bestiality relationship with this cow, and you're going to lasso it and walk it around. That's your thing. And if you're this rank, we allow you to get married. And sure, I could look up who to get married to.
Starting point is 00:26:00 You know what would be a fun way to get resources where it's like, well, you can go and mine sulfur, or you can go to the sulfur king's house and sleep with his homosexual son and he'll provide you with lots of sulfur and then it's like but it's still a grind it's seven hours of you fucking him where you have to move back and forth and if he gets bored there are little audio cues where you have to do different things and at the end you get a fuck ton of sulfur. Yeah, there's all kinds of weird role playing. I have done it a little just as like a gag. Three of us come upon a naked guy in the gas
Starting point is 00:26:32 station and we shoot him and then we pick him back up and give him some meds after we've looted everything off his body. So now he's super naked. I made him give me oral sex. Obviously. He was gagging and frothing and getting really into it.
Starting point is 00:26:47 He's like, and I'm going, yeah. He's like, oh, daddy, it's so big. I'm like, yes, son. You're just like your whore mother. Having this weird fucking moment with him. I come and I leave and I hear
Starting point is 00:27:03 behind me, Middy's a woman in the game that you don't have a choice what your character looks like it just happens and now it's that forever i'm an asian man with a huge cock um midi is a is a white woman who looks like rose nama unis the ufc fighter and i listen and i'm like wait what's going on over there and midi's like oh he's eating my ass i'm like oh okay but i'll like look in the chat and there's like a girl who's like an actual girl playing and she's calling this other guy daddy and he's calling her his baby girl and she's mining for him and she's like i lost all the sulfur daddy and he's like it's okay baby girl i still love you and i'm just like oh no that's cringe that's that's cringe right i would so much rather come across like fake blowjobs between clearly
Starting point is 00:27:51 tongue-in-cheek dick and yeah yeah uh people then like an actual thing like that where they had an actual are they sitting in the same room is she actually on a leash right now yeah they had an actual weird internet relationship going on clearly and then some there's a guitar in the game for some ungodly reason and when you tilt your head up or down it changes the pitch. Left click is strumming and right click is picking. So it's different. Or ping ping pong.
Starting point is 00:28:16 You can play songs if you're some sort of savant. This guy types in chat. He's like, guitar player here, roleplaying, I do birthday parties for Sulphur. And he's literally selling his guitar
Starting point is 00:28:32 playing skills for Sulphur in the game. Sulphur makes gunpowder, explosives, meds, stuff like that. Anyway. I like the roleplay aspect of this. It seems like a lot of potential to be funny. There's not a lot of it that happens, but there is a little bit of it there there is this i i see it in the videos that i've watched and i i've experienced it and we're gonna buy rust spawn him with a small
Starting point is 00:28:52 penis and just fuck this game never play again yeah one of my friends is a black guy with like a cock about this big and and it's we started joking about like... The Asian versus the black thing? Well, no, like a Justice League that was only racial oxymorons. Like the Asian woman who's like a NASCAR driver. And like the black guy with the tiny... The Hebrew hammer.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Where he's like, no, put those wallets away. This is on me. Exactly. Stuff like that. But yeah, I love the game. I'm obsessed with the game. I have 110 hours in the game and that all happened this week, I think.
Starting point is 00:29:37 It's been an absolute obsession. I'm surrounded by so much junk right now because I've just been sitting here drinking coffee. There's so many empty coffees. I've constantly got heartburn because I'm just drinking so much coffee. This is my second bottle of Tums. There's an empty bottle here.
Starting point is 00:29:54 It's a good thing on the back of those. It says take as many as you want often. I don't know if this is what caused it or if it was the Starbucks breakfast sandwich I had the other day. But I had liquid diarrhea for a solid 12 hours, and it was really cutting into my Rust gameplay. Luckily, there's a bathroom right by this door, and it was like that South Park episode, like, Mom, bucket!
Starting point is 00:30:18 I need him! I just want to slap the bathroom bucket under my ass and just spray. It was awful. Seriously though, if you're out there, you're listening to this, you're into Rust, you want to play with us, I really am looking for some people who are good at the game. Not to be shitty, but have a couple thousand hours.
Starting point is 00:30:38 PvP is what we care about. We lose a lot of gun battles. That's been upsetting for me. The slave thing, finding somebody just to just loot stuff is a lesser priority but i would probably take a guy like that as well if you had an enormous amount of time to work every day because you know if you play rust you know what's up and uh and i need that so i'm trying to get chis in i can't get him to play uh i think yeah i think Chiz knows better He's played enough factions
Starting point is 00:31:08 I think he's had his fill He's been playing a flight simulator game Where people role play as pilots And air traffic control And it's really funny There's a guy He follows me on Twitter I'm looking at him now
Starting point is 00:31:24 SinShadows299 I don't know how. Different planes. I'm looking at him now. Sinshadows299. I don't know how, but he sees that I'm playing Vermintide 2. And he says, you know, if you ever need it, I have 85 hours. I can show you the ropes. I guess I just want a Vermintide 2 player with a serious backpack for Colin and I. There are four difficulty levels in this game. I won't name them, but let's just call ours two, right? The second easiest.
Starting point is 00:31:48 And Colin and I, we're so close. We're so close to beating the big boss on the final level. Most of the levels have one big boss. That's kind of how it goes. This level has two big bosses on the way to the final big boss. And then the final big boss, after you kill him, another guy
Starting point is 00:32:04 jumps off at a back or out of him and and it's like two big bosses at the end and we've had his health down to like a sliver three times every effort takes like an hour so it's a big thing and we're just getting our asses kicked again and again and again and i might i might i might be reaching out for a backpack. Like, hey, because it's Colin, I, and then two AI. And the AI, they're helpful, but I am far and away the best character. And if there were two me in the party, we'd be fine. So that's what we need.
Starting point is 00:32:39 I don't need anybody to help me with magic, because I don't think you could. Not that I know that much, just it's not functional like that. But I haven't played anybody to help me with magic because I don't think you could. Not that I know that much, just it's not functional like that. But I haven't played as much recently, but I have an overwhelmingly winning record when I do now. Nice.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Nice. Kyle and I played probably like two and a half hours of video games today, maybe three. I know for Kyle that's, you know, that's rookie shit. We got to pump up those numbers. But I'm in this state of like blah,
Starting point is 00:33:04 like, oh man, my day. I didn't do anything. I know what you mean. How much sulfur did you collect? Not a bit. That's why I feel so bad. There's the core of my frustration. You bring me 10k sulfur and you can pat yourself on the back, my friend. You've accomplished a lot. You find me 8 SMG bodies?
Starting point is 00:33:25 Maybe I feel better if we were successful. You've accomplished a lot. You find me eight SMG bodies? Oh! Maybe I feel better if we were successful. We've just been pounding our heads. I could lower the difficulty and beat it right now. That would be not a problem. But that's not what I'm going for. It's not satisfying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:38 I'm a little delirious. I've been playing so much of this game. I dream about it now. My dreams are Rust now. I dream that I am in the Rust world with my friends in real life. But my bodily actions are still controlled by a mouse and keyboard.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And you're still a naked Asian man? I didn't notice if I was naked or not. But I was definitely fighting people in a train station in the Rust universe as myself, and it was terrifying. So, man, I can't believe I didn't know this game sooner. I knew of it. I'd watched some.
Starting point is 00:34:17 There's this guy named Daniel. Maybe your mic came on. Oh, your mic just switched? Or something like that. Kyle? Sort of trolling comedy videos. Your mic switched, and it seems like maybe you can't hear us.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I don't know. We good now? That's better. Yeah, I just tugged something wrong, apparently. Yeah, I can't believe I didn't get into the game sooner. It's the best game there is. There's so much. Until how long that you move
Starting point is 00:34:45 on to the next thing i don't think that's going to happen for i think i found my game man i really do i will have gray hair and still be playing rust at 6 000 frames per second i like the that you start out naked that's very funny and it's something that i've never seen before yeah can you spawn in like do you just spawn in as a random race, gender, where everybody's kind of the same height and weight and everything? Or could you spawn in as a super tiny woman and then have a huge advantage because your hitbox is so small? No, I think the hitboxes are all the same size.
Starting point is 00:35:18 And it seems to me that once you buy Rust, you are assigned a race and gender, and that's you forever across any and all servers. Like I said, I'm the Asian guy with the big dick. Middy is a white woman. I think my buddy Class is a black man. And yeah, we're all... That's who you are now.
Starting point is 00:35:40 That's who you are forever, unless you make a new Steam account or whatever. That seems like fun. I'll have to give it a go at some point once i get everything yeah if you ever like like when i get off here like like we're just kind of practicing right now but i don't know if i'd be able to run it on my laptop right maybe if you turn everything down real low you could i don't know to look it up i don't even have the specs yeah the so my idea for success is that if the server has a six player maximum per team then we go in with six players because that we would be a rarity in that just that we had six people online who are good at the game or good issue at the game or at least had a role in what they were doing
Starting point is 00:36:22 that makes us that already puts a step a step ahead and then if we have a strategy where we we coordinate and we rush people sort of zerg people with low-end weapons and acquire higher end weapons we go on the missions we go we shoot down helicopters we take out bradley's we can really snowball into a very powerful faction that controls an entire quadrant of the map whereas there's a lot of solo and duo and trios out there who just can't do that and even if they're better even if they're better than us um we just have the numbers advantage so are there any like one man army servers where it's like absolutely groups solo solo is the hardest way to play a lot of people play solo
Starting point is 00:37:02 in the in the service where there's no limit on how many players there's this guy named h zune i know h h june it's like the letter h and then the month june i think he's asian i don't know if he's korean he's like the shroud of uh rust he's just outrageous he's really fun to watch he just mows four or five guys down at a time when we all struggle to mow down one or two at a time. Do all the women have the same pubic hair? Or do some have a racing stripe and some
Starting point is 00:37:31 are bald? I've noticed the same pubic hair for all of them. Aren't the pussies all the same? They are. They're all any pussies. And the men are all uncircumcised. You'll like that, Taylor. Well, I mean, I picture uncircumcised men running around that taylor well i mean i picture uncircumcised men running around in this world and i picture hairy pussied women that's what you got that's what
Starting point is 00:37:51 you got hygiene must be terrible with all of us wearing can you imagine how bad it would be to like because i i remember like probably years ago at this point woody you initially said like not everything's going to be your favorite, but like, can you imagine being asked to eat pussy in the year, like, 71? Like, your wife smells awful. I feel like you didn't go back far enough.
Starting point is 00:38:16 It's just a thicket. Because 71, I suspect, is roughly like now. Okay, you're anywhere out of Rome or Persia. Yeah, yeah, right? Or even, like, I don't know why I do this, but I, there's, like, videos of people walking around in the Great Depression, you're anywhere out of Rome or Persia. Yeah, yeah, right. Or even, I don't know why I do this, but there's like videos of people walking around in the Great Depression, you know, like Model Ts rolling around in the 1930s.
Starting point is 00:38:33 And I'm like, dude, there's no air conditioning on this whole planet. All these buildings, all these people, these guys are wearing suits and hats. These women have six layers on. It's like 1918, the summer of 1918 it was a swelter i tell you out there the dog days truly me and my brother wearing a three-piece suit now what do you fuck like if all those pictures came out with color instead of black and white you'd
Starting point is 00:38:57 realize immediately like these people are fucking gross yeah they're just just sweaty motherfucker i think that you get used to bo though and those odors like that, like for us. Look at India. For us, exactly. I mean, that's true. I didn't say it, but I thought it. I remember when I worked in IT. Sure, you get used to it.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah, for us, BO is kind of like a punch in the face. It's something you don't run into every day. But if you just ran into it every single day you would acquire uh you know you might even like the smell of bo that's me that's what it's for i think is you know to it isn't it like a pheromone type thing yeah like a pheromone type thing i get it here's an article that smelly bombs imported from israel are not stinky enough to work in india says crpf the bomb smell decomposed bodies and sewage. They're like,
Starting point is 00:39:48 smells like Thursday. I am much, much closer to the river than I thought. This is really, really not too bad today. There's a lot of deception in Rust 2. I'll tell you a quick story that happened. All of a sudden
Starting point is 00:40:04 I hear coming over the communications I'm not at base Someone left the front door open Now you do this thing in the game called an airlock And our base had four doors in our airlock So there's a door And then another door And then another door
Starting point is 00:40:16 And then another door in sequence Now this prevents This makes it so that if you open your door And someone's standing there and they blast you They're not just into your base So when you leave You close every door behind you in sequence so that if someone is outside, you only lose one door. They still can't do shit. It's also because it takes X amount of explosives per door to destroy it and get in. Four doors and two of them are garage doors would take
Starting point is 00:40:41 like 16, it would take like 24 satchel charges to get into our base it's pretty expensive someone left the front door open they got shot as soon as they walked out I spawn across I spawn about 5 minutes walk away from the base and I start walking toward the base naked and I run
Starting point is 00:41:00 into a fella who's in a new base a new little shit shack near ours I'm like hey how's it going I'm naked I don't have anything but you can have what i you can have my corn seeds if you really need them and he's like no no that's okay i don't need anything and i'm like do you have any food i could have and he's like yeah here he gives me a mushroom i munch down i'm like i'm heading that way i indicate my base's direction is it safe over there you know do you know what's going on or anything he's like well my friend is door camping some kid with a submachine gun i'm like oh okay well i'll say hey to him as i pass by so i get up there i'm like hey i just talked to your friend he gave
Starting point is 00:41:37 me mushrooms this guy's like oh hey how's it going man i walk up right next to him and i shut our fucking door in his face and laugh at him and because they're coded doors like he can't even i'm just i'm like and he blows me away but i don't have anything you know door closed door closed problem solved what's he gonna do take my torch and my rock i don't give a fuck there's a lot of fun game for that there's so many mind games manipulation of it there's a ton of manipulation. There's a ton of social skills that come into play. I won't name any names, but one of my friends likes to kill naked people
Starting point is 00:42:12 and I'm constantly scolding him. We don't know if they're naked because they just joined the server or if they're naked because they're a badass and they're scouting us out. You piss someone off and make an enemy and they remember you. Is there like usernames
Starting point is 00:42:26 above the head of people? Yes. Okay. Yes. There were some people who pissed us off. We went to their base while they were asleep, and we used a flamethrower to burn into it and took all of their things. And then we hacked their bodies to bits. And then we hacked their tool cabinet to bits, which is like the thing that gives them control over their base.
Starting point is 00:42:41 And we destroyed everything. And then left. And laughed and laughed. We're up all night, motherfucker. You got to go to school tomorrow. That's probably the biggest thing is you're like, you win this round, but what are you doing at 9 a.m.? I'm doing this! It's called offlining someone.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Another commonality in factions in Minecraft, I'm sure, in that you just wait until these motherfuckers go to work or go to school, right? All you do is... Everybody but me has obligations. You can see what the population... Yeah! You can see what the population of the server is at any given moment. The maximum is 200.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Sometimes it hits 200. Often it's at 150. It's dangerous out when it's 150 people roaming. 7 a.m. on a Monday, it's 45. It's time out when it's 150 people roaming 7 a.m on a monday it's 45 it's time to go out and fuck some shit up six of them are you yeah there's only like two or three of us on at 6 a.m you mentioned your biggest what was it called not a gang but like how big can your group be what's your group called six um team team okay i think i think it's the six person team on on factions it'd be like 120 person team now there weren't usually 120 people oftentimes
Starting point is 00:43:51 you know 10 of those people are kyle so like it but um it'd be really valuable to have people from around the globe so that somebody was always there protecting and i don't know about rest but the nature of minecraft is that it's sort of easier to defend oftentimes than it is to uh to defend than it is to be offense so one guy might defend against six you know because he just totally keeps coming oh it's same keeps repairing and and like upgrading even like there are like four tiers of of material so like if you see they're coming in from the north wall, maybe it's made of stone because it's not economically sound to armor every single fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:44:29 But oh, they're coming in from the north? Well, they already wasted X amount of explosives and rockets. Armor, armor, armor, armor. Yeah, come on in now. Oh, you got through? Wall, armor, armor, armor, armor. Yeah, keep coming. Keep coming. And you make it cost them. You make it so that they can't profit off of you, essentially, so that they don't want to fuck with you.
Starting point is 00:44:47 We would do live streams where we raided people. But I'm an admin, so you wouldn't want that, right? Like, how ruined would your day be if I just went in there? So afterwards, we would do, like, pimp my base. And it's like, all right, the reason we were able to fuck with you is because, like, the way you ran water over the corners wasn't how a pro would do it. We'd make their base better. We'd leave them a gift and a sign on it that explained what happened while they were gone.
Starting point is 00:45:12 That was how we did it without ruining people's lives. I saw someone describe Rust in the comments of a YouTube video. They were like, it's like a bunch of psychopaths and children playing, but they all have advanced degrees in engineering and construction. And that's kind of the case.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Like there's, you look at some of the construction that people have done and it's incredibly impressive to, to see what they they've done and what they come up with. There's electricity in the game. Now, no user manual, no,
Starting point is 00:45:40 no description of how to use the components. You need to be an electrician, Woody. It's helpful. If you have an actual electrician on your team. Oh, is that two-phase? All right, well, that's a simple circuit system you got there. You're going to want a splitter right here in the middle, though, but that's going to take your power down.
Starting point is 00:46:00 We'll add a capacitor over here, though. That'll boost it back up. Okay, I really just wanted the door to open on its own. We have an electrician in our Patreon chat. Should have him there. I've played with scum a little. We need an unemployed electrician, right? This is a hardcore game.
Starting point is 00:46:15 He's going to be out there fucking around with wires or whatever they do all day, trying to make a living. Yeah, man. I fucking love it. I can't express how much fun it has been high highs low lows that that's the that's the equation for a great great game called kyle's new favorite game taking over for cod 4 that's a it's a big day absolutely and going cod 4 came out in 07 i think so that's over 10 years well you don't know that pub g didn't have
Starting point is 00:46:43 pub g was very good but i you never said you liked it more than cod 4. Well, you don't know that PUBG didn't have its moment in the sun. PUBG was very good, but I... You never said you liked it more than COD 4. I don't think so. The thing about PUBG I loved was that moment at the end in the last circle when it's just you and if you get this headshot, you get this kill, you pick your team up in time, you win the whole game. And Rust to me is like an orgasm that's just drug out over hours sometimes. That's right.
Starting point is 00:47:08 But as you come, you never know if she's just going to start slapping your balls as hard as she can, right as you're coming. And that's always a possibility. It's wonderful. I love it. starting out is so hard we just played for uh about 45 minutes three of us trying to start a base uh and it took us i don't know if we've got it done yet because you're running around naked and everybody bullies you and you have to kind of have the gift of gab if you're going to talk people into like hey man let's be friends here okay as a matter of fact, could I have a little something from you?
Starting point is 00:47:46 I'm just starting out. Please. Oh, you're going to kill me. Oh, that's it. Okay. And I'm dead. And I'm dead. And that'll happen so much as you're just trying to meet each other up on the map.
Starting point is 00:47:56 I got my power rack finally today. It showed up like when I got home right before we started this. I saw it outside my garage. And I was like, oh, I'm'm gonna put this together after pkn and then i like moved a couple of the boxes like oh this is this definitely feels like a lot of steel and then like the giant box like longer than the length of the hockey stick didn't you get a free one from your like brothers no no i uh a cousin of mine is giving me plates. Oh, okay. This is the rack that finally came in. And I moved everything a little bit, just into the garage
Starting point is 00:48:30 so I could run in here and set up for this. And then the biggest one, I like... It's very rare for me to push something and it not move. Like, to where I went, no, that can't be right. There's no way. Against against the wall i had to
Starting point is 00:48:47 really like get down like this like just maybe that like a box like that big and 82 inches long 90 inches long whatever push that in there and like as i was doing that i realized like oh you fucking idiot there's no way you're gonna be able to put this together by yourself like it's not i have to bolt uh i don't know about yours woody if it's like welded in a lot of places to where it was like one giant frame was that what yours was like like some of them are like that mine's more like it's all bolt yeah yeah and so it's gonna it's so many things and i decided to not get the t2 which is like the two inch wide posts i decided to go for the x3, which is the shorter, uh, like three inch one. And so it's like more solid and three sounds longer than two inch to me. Where am I going wrong? No, no. I was
Starting point is 00:49:31 meaning the, uh, I was meaning that I shouldn't have said shorter cause I was talking about the height, but just the actual posts of it. Like they're thicker. You got like the beefier ones. I got the beefier one and I did did i severely underestimated how much this is gonna weigh because this is insanely heavy i'm gonna drop a piece and kill myself i try to do that alone so i'll have to i guess i couldn't use it it's not anyway i don't have plates but i don't know i was just excited workout number one for me was assembling the rack no that's what the workout is gonna be i guarantee because i get so upset uh putting things together um oh i had a i had some movers try and take advantage of me uh i guess it was uh earlier this week i
Starting point is 00:50:14 wasn't raped barely made it out um but so basically they they moved a bunch of shit for me like basically a house worth of shit that they they got and brought over from a furniture store. And we were all unloading it together, me and the, the other couple of guys and like putting it together and doing it. And I was like, well, we didn't really get as much done as I wanted to.
Starting point is 00:50:34 And he was like, well, same rate. I'll come over, you know, two days from now and do this. And I'm like, okay,
Starting point is 00:50:39 well I can't be here. I'll make sure I'm sure my girlfriend's here, but I can't be here. And he's like, okay. I'm like, just to make sure same rate as today and everything. good he's like yeah and so i go you know that next day i'm i'm out and about doing stuff i can't be be home my girlfriend's here and you know she's
Starting point is 00:50:55 calling every once in a while to get an update they're putting stuff together getting the final finishing touches and it was only from 9 30 a.m to 1 p.m okay like to 9 30 like 1 30 maybe four hours i get just a ding on my phone uh and it says at like 1 32 and it says my invoice i'm like i wonder how much it was and i open it it's 820 dollars 820 dollars for what is what was effectively finishing a job from a couple days ago and i was like, oh, fuck no. Fuck no, it's not $820, you piece of shit. And so I called this guy, and I'm very courteous, but also very forward when I'm upset.
Starting point is 00:51:33 And so I was talking to him, and I was like, hey, you probably know why I'm calling. He's like, no. And I'm like, well, I just checked my text, and you sent me an invoice for $820. You've only been at my home for for actually less than four hours and so he starts going on this thing like explaining all of his costs and expenditures he's like well i brought an extra guy this time and i'm like i didn't no i never said
Starting point is 00:51:55 you could do that then that's that's not okay he's like well and i also uh i offered to take care of all the boxes and trash and i was like yeah and you told me that would be 60 dollars and you're charging me 260 for it he's like well we also have to wait in a line to dispose of the trash after we leave your home and that took us about two hours a little more and i'm like absolutely not like no no you're not charging me for first of all an extra guy to sit in there and wait for this like this is this is unacceptable like this is you know i used the old jim norton trick don't get mad just say this is absolutely unacceptable like uh the the person who referred me uh to you i respect a lot and i would hate for it to get back to them who make a lot of referrals because their line of business that this is the way you treated me that you and i straight up said to him like what happened is you saw that i wasn't there
Starting point is 00:52:44 he was just my girlfriend and you knew you could take advantage of the fact that she wasn't going to just be the charge that's what you did that's what you did he's like i would have handled it the exact same way as you and i said no you wouldn't have like you know what you did like it was like a like a shaming tactic of like you and i for the record he does he absolutely fucking knew what he did. You piece of shit. You took advantage of my girlfriend and me transitively. And so I continued to make a fit, not a very polite fit as far as fits go until he agreed to come by my house and drop off a significant check to mitigate the cost of that in response. And then he still had like the the audacity though to be like well
Starting point is 00:53:25 you know i did give you my cards uh so if you can you know refer me to anyone i was like absolutely i'll hop on yelp right now did you say that did that really happen yeah i i didn't say the yelp thing i was like yeah maybe and and then yeah i just went through all his cards away um handled very well by the way i think yeah he i i think i did because i was way madder than i acted like i was probably even a little more polite than what i was here i have made the mistake of like you know like being in your position and arguing it and then all the sudden one time like i don't know use the word hate right or maybe drop a bad word be like this is fucking ridiculous all of a sudden now the conversation is about that. Now the company. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:54:08 What? Clutching my pearls. Did he say fucking in front of us? We have an irate customer situation. So true. Yeah. And it like it. Oh, my God. Any ledge they can see any little foothold do not have to address the main thing. But it pissed me off. Wasn't even the egregious lie about the pricing. It was like you motherfucker. Even if that was your pricing structure for this you would not have walked up to me in my house and given me a bill for 820 after three hours of work after because you know first of all when you rolled up i would have been like i did that i'm not paying for that guy no no no no we can all this is not a three-man job but anyway ended up coming out to a okay
Starting point is 00:54:47 so it turns out be be mad guys out there but be appropriate don't curse don't yell at them you know make them think that you're still salvageable as a future customer or referral person because if they think that they have an incentive to help you if not they're gonna go fuck this guy he's not gonna do anything for me anyway i don't see any incentive i got i didn't get fucked but my employer did so when i moved to north carolina uh part of my uh like hiring deal is they covered all my moving costs okay so i don't even know what it costs like i'm just out of the loop on this and it turns out they bill by the box so you know like it is what it is and i'm looking at them pack our house which was another feat like
Starting point is 00:55:33 they came and they wrapped everything up and i'm like damn these guys are good right like we have a salt shaker salt shakers are damn near they're glass but indestructible glass somehow they take it they wrap it with um you know those like big brown sheets of paper put like six of them on there you're fit and tailored like four salt shakers to a box yeah right this is a box that could hold a lampshade and they just pack everything get totaled on the way to your new house and your salt shakers are fine like That's like no exaggeration, you know? And then, you know, they put a number on that box. Turns out they bill by the box.
Starting point is 00:56:10 So I'm just seeing what seems like a first-class job. They treat my stuff better than I treat my own stuff. I had a bunch of hockey sticks, right? So what do they do? The stickers are in like a row and you kind of like perforate it and tear it they just wrap six hockey sticks with about 12 stickers as if a bundle of hockey sticks is 12 boxes that you should be charged for yeah that's what they you know like bigger things like a dresser right every drawer is a separate box and the dresser is a strip of
Starting point is 00:56:46 them and they would just yeah they could it was hundreds and hundreds of boxes and i had no idea that that that's what was happening to cisco and it wasn't until like much later that i kind of like i guess we was unpacking it's like yeah it's kind of nice when you have corporate deals because you don't have the homeowner like you know eyeballing every box that you put things into and it was like oh wait i see what's happening here but yeah yeah every box is light as fuck they're walking them in six at a time oh another 200 for us loser i love that mouse and cinderella with all the cheese it's just it's just 15 high as he runs. He goes to the hole and it hits the top.
Starting point is 00:57:27 One of the movers, he was a black guy. He was like 55 and he looked 35. And he was the guy, he was like the stronger one of the group. But he didn't look strong. Like he looked like just sort of a thinner version of me. And he'd put a refrigerator on his back and he'd carry it by himself. And the other guy was like the truck driver and sort of owner. So he...
Starting point is 00:57:48 A refrigerator? Dude, yeah. He solo carried... He had like a harness. And so he'd just walk it in like a giant backpack. And for bigger things like a dresser, they would carry it together. But like, yeah, this guy was just like... I once described a person as built for carrying things and they all said that it was racist but this guy was he was born to carry
Starting point is 00:58:13 shit dude he was great at it he was just really really good at carrying things you might even say bread for it he was just so good like i was like man i want to look like him when i'm 55 i'm not trending there he was amazing no you're not even a little black yet yeah but yeah he was he was really good they were both really nice but i didn't realize you know of course they were happy they got paid for three jobs that job when you're uh when i think about people carrying a refrigerator on their back like it's just there's only one scene in the movie where i remember that and kyle it might even be too young for you uh little giants where did you ever see that the football movie yeah i saw it but i don't remember this part there's when they're like afraid of the other team and they're all practicing by that shitty gas station they're like there's the
Starting point is 00:59:02 other team's ringer or whatever and it's that guy from the 90s in his flat top and his son comes out in a cut-off tee holding the whole refrigerator. He's like, that's my boy! That's my boy! And the fat kids are from the Sandlot. It's like, oh, no! Was Tom Arnold the coach of the bad team?
Starting point is 00:59:19 He may have been. Yeah, yeah. God, that movie was so bad. The Sandlot. You know the Red Headed Kid? No. Two of the kids in that have criminal records now.
Starting point is 00:59:32 One of them is bad. The one that was the star and made it into the Mets or something. I think he's in prison right now. Really? In Sandlot? I can Google this real quick. I know the guy from uh from mighty ducks goldberg uh got in some legal trouble um yeah the guy on star mike vitar who played benny the jet
Starting point is 00:59:57 rodriguez avoids prison after arrest for assault i want to say that he had like he has a couple of them where he's arrested for assault. He avoided prison one time and not the other. These might be falling into PKA facts, but it's taking me too long to get the details on this. I'm pretty sure two of them, because they did like a where are they now kind of thing, and there were two guys missing, and it was like, oh, yikes. I like Sandlot a lot. That was the movie I liked.
Starting point is 01:00:33 I watched that several times. Not so much like Sandlot or Little Big. Little Giants. Little Giants. There's one called like Green Something about a soccer team. Oh, shit. It's got the red-headed kid from Sandlot in it. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:00:53 It's Green Something. Big Green or... The Big Green. Oh. If you just Google soccer movie red-headed Sandlot kid, you can find it on the first thing. I love it when Google knocks your socks off like that. There'll be a song that's like,
Starting point is 01:01:10 na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey, hey, hey. You just Google na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, and they're like, yeah, I know what you mean. How did you know? You can look for sound effects. What's that thing where it's like, And then it'll come up with that. It's like, holy shit, how'd you know? This is right.
Starting point is 01:01:31 The only difference in all those DAWs was in my head. Yeah, yeah. It's amazing. I hope I beat Vermintide tonight. I might have to reach out to some ringers. Yeah, if I get a few things done, I think I'm going to download Rust. I might have to reach out to some ringers. Yeah, if I get a few things done,
Starting point is 01:01:47 I think I'm going to download Rust. I'll hit you up if I download it. So good. It's so good. Yeah, we'll play some casual Rust. Yeah, Taylor, I don't know that you're invited to the six-man project that he has going on. We'll play some casual Rust for sure anytime you want.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Definitely so. It's a great game. It really is. Everyone's running around naked. You never know who you're going to meet. You never know who you're going to meet. Some people are role-playing as warlords and they want to murder everything.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Some people are just friendly little kids. Everyone's running around naked. It could be a man, a woman. Well, actually, it's going to be one of those. It could be one of two things Yeah Alright I guess that's PKN, episode 229 Hit me up on Steam

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