Painkiller Already - PKN #240

Episode Date: April 5, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 240 kyle's groaning lustfully is that were you going for lustfully yeah it's all that it's all that color that taylor has on his face it's but not but not an even color i wouldn't want an even color oh you definitely wore goggles goggles you cleverly got the eye protection down pat yeah you look medium rare oh i'm it's a mix of sunburn and wind burn because the first day like like i'm not that great of a skier but i i ski hard when i go like i don't do like the you go down half a run and then you stop and you fool around like i just i bomb down the mountain as fast as i can because that's the fun part of skiing is see how fast you can get going like fuck the moguls and all that I'm not like I can do that but it's it's hard and
Starting point is 00:00:50 it's slow I'd rather just go somewhere like really steep and really flat and just boom shoot down and the wind was so intense the first day we were in Breckenridge that like I went to the top of the mountain and that's in the picture that I sent you guys where we like got stuck uh me and my brothers and my dad we got like stuck on a lift for a little while and it was you couldn't see 10 feet in front of your face the snow was so bad and my whole beard froze and that was very uncomfortable and I'd never had windburn before in my life. But yesterday morning when I woke up, I had blisters and like scabs all over the tip of my nose and it was disgusting. Did you have more skiing to do that day or were you just ready to heal? No, beginning of yesterday we were done. Like we were about to head home. So
Starting point is 00:01:38 I was all good, but I'd never seen it that bad. And so I look like I have like some illness right now. My nose is so red my my cheeks are so red it's just it's this isn't gonna go into a good tan the worst is when you're in that condition like oh my god i am burnt to fuck you know my wind and sun and whatever and i have two more days to come you know yeah good luck with that situation yeah by the end it was like i could like like hold my hand hand right here and feel heat emanating off my nose. So we'll see. Thankfully, my camera isn't HD enough for any memes.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yeah, when I was a teenager, my nose existed in a permanent state of being able to chip off what used to be flesh. You know, like everyone's peeled off flesh. No, no, no. You are but a rookie at the burning game. My nose, I just couldn't seem to get it to heal. I worked in the sun, so that was a thing. And if you don't know, your sunglasses, if they're reflective at all, and they all kind of are,
Starting point is 00:02:40 it doubles down on your nose. You get the direct sun, then you get the reflection off your sunglasses. Oh, I never thought about that. And it just makes your... And also your nose kind of points up It doubles down your nose. You get the direct sun, then you get the reflection off your sunglasses. Oh, I never thought about that. And also your nose kind of points up, you know, and most of your skin is kind of vertical, but your nose can receive a lot of sun. And those things combine to
Starting point is 00:02:54 just turn into... It made it really hard to care for. Imagine how bad it is for bald guys. Guys with completely shaved heads. Ooh. Right? Like you've really got a sunscreen. I've always used sunscreen. I've only had sunburn where my skin peeled once, and it was like bubbled.
Starting point is 00:03:11 I'm sure you've had it, but it was that bubbled up thing where there's liquid-filled bubbles of flesh on my back, and I was maybe 13 at the... How big were they? Like where... Most of them were like quarter-sized, but they were like oval shaped you know
Starting point is 00:03:26 and like there was definitely one or two that was really big and gross but you know i i left them alone and uh i i don't remember what we did but i just remember after a few days they were dry and they didn't hurt anymore and you could peel them off and it was almost like satisfying to do but i i remember reading like pulling the plastic off of new electronics exactly like that and this flesh underneath is as extra new but i remember reading um how much that ups your risk for skin cancer and my uncle uh it was brain cancer that killed him but it began as skin cancer and uh and so that always like worried me and so i ever since then i've always just i put on like the really heavy duty sunscreen and i wear sunscreen on my face every single incredible
Starting point is 00:04:10 track record for a 32 year old to have only gotten peeling skin sunburned once yeah i mean i learned my lesson that one time and it was like it's one of those things that you're so uncomfortable for a few days sleeping on your stomach and like being gross and like not wanting people to see you that like it it it hit home yeah i just i i use sunscreen too but it was impossible one maybe early 90s sunscreen wasn't as good i don't know but i'm just saying that and uh two you know you're sweating you're in and out of the water you're like it was just an environment where even a couple applications a day didn't seem to keep up yeah but uh bullfrog like i went uh yeah i went kayaking maybe five years ago and you know that's a shirtless activity where you're the water's reflecting the sun up at you and you're you don't notice if you start burning
Starting point is 00:05:00 because you're being physically active and a lot of fun of fun. I enjoyed kayaking. I had so much bullfrog on me. Like SPFA or something. Something stupid. It didn't go on clear. It didn't go on clear. It went on as a light gray paste. You know what I did this weekend that was stupid? I went paragliding, which is not the stupid part. I really enjoyed it. That was cool.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Made some new friends. Had a good time. I'll put that aside. I'm out there on the mountain and it's cold because you're spending all your time on the top of a mountain and it's windy and it's it's like i'm i'm cold so i just didn't really associate being cold and sunburning together like it didn't really raise my alarms like a summer day would so after a couple hours i feel my ears are burning and here's the dumb part. I get out my sunscreen, which I keep in the truck,
Starting point is 00:05:50 and I put it on my ears, and I call it good. And I finish the next day. I'm a little better now because it's been three days. But I was really kind of red in the face, and I should have known better. Yeah, and I always wear a hat. Like if I'm doing something, like if I'm driving a tractor, like I've driven the tractor before and cut like a 20-acre field or something like that.
Starting point is 00:06:09 And that takes a couple hours depending on your piece of machinery. Woody's like chomping at the bit. He's like, whoa, if you got a bat wing, though, you can make that. Year by year, I learn not to interrupt stories. But yeah, I got a cowboy hat. I i look pretty pretty damn good in it i'll put that bad boy on get a little chaw man i need a cowboy hat or leather tell me about this hat it's straw it's a straw hat it's uh it's one it's more of a kenny chesney uh than it is a wyatt erp you know now i'm seriously considering the cowboy The cursory idea that just came to my head, is it a
Starting point is 00:06:45 funny bit if the first exposure my neighbors have to me working in my backyard, I'm wearing an Asian rice patty farmer's hat.
Starting point is 00:06:56 And I never address it. Is that funny? Yes. Konichiwa, motherfucker! Konichiwa,
Starting point is 00:07:03 just clearly a white guy. I don't know. Dude, that hat feels racist to me taylor chan there was a vietnamese guy did the pka hangout wearing a vietnamese hat in my little liberal like sensitivity triggers are like dude you should be more respectful of your own the culture i don't know i i love when that guy you were born here you can't wear that i love when he puts on that hat even more so when he pulls out an ak-47 and he looks like he's full vietcong yeah he's a little too heavy to be vc like he should be like more gaunt a little malnourished eyes sunken in a little more you know a hungry look of desperation in his in his face he He looks like maybe
Starting point is 00:07:46 the VC general. He's hanging back in the tunnel, not getting much sunlight, but plenty of rice. Plenty of rice, not much sun. Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm going to buy one of those hats and rake my leaves in it. We were on a pleasure trip
Starting point is 00:08:01 that took a long weekend? No, me, my dad, and my brothers just went on a trip so we could ski together we used to years and years ago way more often it's just we haven't gone in probably five years and i was nervous going there i'm like ah i used to be kind of good at skiing i don't want to make an ass out of myself but like skiing seems to be just like riding a bike like once you get into riding a bike or ice skating, once you get maybe five minutes into it, you're like, oh, okay, I remember all of this. This is pretty easy.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I've always resisted calling myself good at skiing because I was good at surfing. And there would be people who live in Philadelphia who called themselves good at surfing. You'd be like, get the like, you suck at surfing. You think you know how to. You're shit. Anyone who didn't live at the beach was shit.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And I just assume the same kind of applies to skiing. Yeah, I'm good at it. I live eight hours away, but trust me, I'm really good. For someone who lives in St. Louis, I'm decent at skiing. I can go down any black run pretty confidently. I don't fuck around with the extreme terrain things or the double blacks where it's just weaving in and out of trees where it's like, I'm going to hurt myself.
Starting point is 00:09:20 I have a friend who lost both of his front teeth because he went on one of those runs hammered and blasted himself into a tree and he was in the middle of a woods run and so he ran into it thank god he was wearing a helmet but he knocked his front teeth out and then i guess laid there knocked out for who knows how where is that i think they were in like uh i wasn't on this trip i think they were like snowmass uh where's that it's near aspen oh okay it's just another or like keystone or something like that and like he's like yeah and i i ran into the tree and i passed out and i came to laying there in the snow by myself and realized that nobody was coming to help so i didn't get down there. So I have to keep the rest of the way back down. Yeah, back down. And for the next five
Starting point is 00:10:07 years, I'd be like, oh, dude, so good to see you again. It's been three years. It's been forever. And we'd sit down to have dinner again, where he'd leave out. I lost both of them. Oh, I'm back.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Yeah, I lost you guys for a sec. Maybe that was my internet. I don't know. Maybe it was the global Discord service. Let's go with that. No one takes the blame. Sometimes when I lose you guys, I sit there and put a ping on the stream so people know that my internet is still good. Because it's usually
Starting point is 00:10:38 pretty good. Oh, wow, I'm losing. I might do that right now. Don't think I will. Show them, Woody. Don't let them fuck you up.'t let me tear you down i uh i watched a new movie uh so there's a there's a movie on netflix called triple frontier and it's a netflix original and it had the makings of a great movie it's got a really good cast it's got ben affleck um it's got um I think his name's like Charlie Knox or something. Whatever. The guy from Sons of Anarchy, like the main guy with the blonde hair.
Starting point is 00:11:09 He was also in Pacific Rim. Okay, that guy. He's in it. Oberyn Martell. Oh, Pedro Pascal. Yeah, Pedro Pascal. The Red Viper of Dorne. He's in there.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And maybe another guy that I recognize. Basically, they're like ex-military. Maybe ex-special forces. The Oberyn Martell guy. What's his name, Taylor? The real name? Pedro Pascal? Is that what he said? Pedro Pascal is his name.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Yeah. He and the whole group basically go down to South america to brazil and uh their their plan is to take out this drug cartel and rob the guy with no permission um just to do it because like who's gonna who's gonna say boo right let's just go down here let's take out this drug cartels like money, his safe, basically. Rob him blind, get out of the country, and let's just not tell anybody.
Starting point is 00:12:10 And it does not go well. It's a pretty good movie. There's a lot of killing, a lot of gunfights. But I'm going to give it a 3 out of 10. I was not pleased with this movie. It looked great with the cast and the subject matter and the way it was filmed. But three out of ten. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Where was it? I didn't catch where the bad part was. Like you said, it was pretty good that the gun. Yeah, I don't want to spoil it. But man, I just didn't care for it. I didn't like it. It felt poorly edited, poorly written. Like all I had was a cast and a good idea.
Starting point is 00:12:44 And it seemed like it fell apart everywhere else that explains it yeah i was i was i was afraid you gave it a three out of ten because you're like i gave it a three out of ten um looking forward to one pair of boobs weren't there and in like the the ending they chose like it had a sad ending and i'm like ah those are good reasons to hate a movie it It was not fun to watch. They committed the cardinal sin that I cannot tolerate or abide in any movie. That's when money is wasted. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:13:16 You know, in that Michael Chiklis movie or TV show, The Shield. In The Shield, there's a scene where basically these dirty cops have robbed the armenian mob of like let's call it 10 million dollars and one of the cops gets scared and he starts burning the money so that they'll no longer have armenian drug mobster money and he's just dumping these wads of money into a furnace. And that was the point where I started to hate the shield and hate that character. It's so unrealistic.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Was he burning his share? He was burning everybody's money. See, now that's where my issue was. Yeah, yeah. You're not allowed to make decisions for everybody else. Yeah. I never got into that show because I didn't buy into michael chickless being a tough guy who can run even 15 yards you're so right if i commit a crime i pray michael chickless is the
Starting point is 00:14:16 officer in pursuit because i can i could stop at subway as i'm leaving and pick up a foot long and then like skip away i suck at running but taylor do you also suck at running uh not suck it i don't like doing it um it's not fun but i could outrun michael chickless i don't want to get high on myself i might have michael chickless as well i did we've all got him i promise you he's he's in a show i'm watching now. Like current day, Michael Chiklis is in Gotham. The Batman prequel TV show which I like. Some people... Jackie said it was good. I like it.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Everybody else shits on it. I call it a guilty pleasure for me. But Michael Chiklis is in there. And he's basically the same character. He's kind of the captain of the police force and he's the new captain. He's gonna whip these guys into shape. No more dirty cops. No more slapping suspects around. You see a cop do a thing, you tell me he's the new captain he's gonna whip these guys into shape no more dirty cops no more slapping suspects around you see a cop do a thing you tell me he's going down and he's huge he's
Starting point is 00:15:11 gotten huge and his story arc involves him becoming a super villain like he goes insane and the bad guys capture him and they put him in like this super suit and they give him one hand that's just a big blade and he's the executioner and he's he's there to punish the the the guilty and uphold the righteous which sounds like a good thing cool but the smallest infraction makes you guilty and he is judge jury and executioner and uh and i'm just like i'm not afraid of him at all i'm like what a big target he'd be yeah yeah what uh what kind of small infractions uh just little stuff you know you spit you spit on the ground double parking bubble gum in class that sort of thing it's a judge jury and executioner and he's got the one hand that's a blade the show's kind of bad i'll admit it's a no it sounds
Starting point is 00:15:57 really bad like it does sound worse than i thought they're always cocking their gun hook hand but stick with me it's one of those shows where like the main cast of eight people which include like the penguin and the riddler and the joker and uh you know bruce wayne and alfred and all these people like you know they're not gonna die and cat woman and maybe he gets a little airtime what is the penguin's power what does he do he's a he's the penguin's power? What does he do? He's a ruthless criminal mastermind. Can he do anything? Can he jump high?
Starting point is 00:16:32 Do any of them have powers? The Riddler is an absolute genius. He seems to literally be smarter than anyone else. Just because he's the most autistic person in that universe does not make him a superhero or a super villain. Ra's al Ghul is Batman's main bad guy. He's like an immortal magician kind of guy. That's power. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Yeah. All right. There's one person with powers in this whole show. Can he do anything but tell riddles? The Riddler? show and then anything but tell riddles the riddler um well he sets up these diabolical um situations where the police are distracted elsewhere while he can rob like five banks in a night because he's so smart he sounds like one of those guys that makes escape rooms you know like yeah yeah oh he's really smart he makes escape rooms that'd be funny if he was down and out and that's what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Riddle me this, riddle me that while you're out. There's a seven of diamonds and a nine of clubs on the table. What does that tell you? You gotta get to the Fifth Street Bank. He's robbing it. He's robbing it. I can't figure out
Starting point is 00:17:45 if a boy and his doctor are fishing and the boy is the doctor's son but the doctor wasn't the boy's father then who is the boy who's who's on the dog he's murdering people i gotta finish this riddle yeah not a lot of them have actual like super powers that you would like the scarecrow he's got this like gas that's ridiculous poison ivy You know if she scratches you you're infected this awful plant virus thing that just kills you okay, and she's a trollage No Real power Mr.. Freeze has a real power well and not a power, but he's got technology
Starting point is 00:18:23 Yeah, I don't think he's actually a power. He has a frosty inside his suit. It's like saying I have a real power in that I can shoot bullets. Yeah, that's true. So Mr. Freeze's backstory, and this has kind of been consistent through the comics and everything,
Starting point is 00:18:37 was his wife has this disease and she's dying. And so he's trying to come up with technology to freeze her and preserve her for the future. Now, in some versions, he does successfully freeze her, but he hasn't quite figured out yet how to thaw her back out. And in some others, she dies during the process. As a result of all this, at one point he tests one. There are multiple formulas where he's mixing like liquid helium and glycol together to successfully freeze a person without their cells exploding. And he tests one of them on himself.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And so now he has to exist at like a sub-zero level, or he'll just die. So his suit is keeping him refrigerated, and his gun freezes people. And his whole crime spree is about getting up enough money to solve his wife's debacle. So I learned a little bit about cryogenics. I think you can like Slytherin and get his ice gun. In cryogenics, there are two things you need to do for this to actually work successfully one is to freeze somebody super duper quick and that they can do i don't know if they can do it on the scale of a human body but they can freeze things really quickly the other
Starting point is 00:19:35 thing is you have to thaw it out really quick and that is a sticking point that like that there's people haven't even imagined the tech where you thaw something out without burning it and making it not die during the thawing process. Have they considered having a lot of people blow at the same time? Not in the thing I saw, no.
Starting point is 00:19:57 The show had an interesting way. Although all the soups were cool. Yeah. The idea of all those superheroes that have these alter egos that are kind of ridiculous is dumb, right? And I was wondering how they're going to make this work in a live action TV show. And they came up with a good way to do it.
Starting point is 00:20:12 The guy who's running the asylum, the Arkham Asylum, where they send the criminally insane, he like brainwashes these people and then he injects a new personality that he can build a framework on to control them. So he'll be like... Who's doing this, which bad guy? Uh, his name is,
Starting point is 00:20:27 um, fuck. He's the guy who runs Arkham Asylum. His name's like, uh, fucking Dr. Hugo strange. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:20:34 that's his name. And so, uh, yeah, strange. Dr. Hugo strange, different than Dr.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Strange from the Marvel, uh, universe. But yeah, it's, it's an okay, it's not a great show. I've watched... I'm four seasons in.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Is it a show that you're invested in a bit, or are you doing something else on the computer while you're watching? I'm watching. I don't do that. If I want to watch a show, I watch it. I want to be able to recount what happened and all that shit. The Joker's cool. The Joker's just ruthless. The Joker... You know how in movies and... He's always the cool one,
Starting point is 00:21:04 though....and stuff, when they'll have like a bunch of like hostages with like bombs on their neck and he'd be like do my bidding or they'll get it and he never pushes the button the joker starts by pushing one of the buttons he's like just so you know i'm not kidding around and he blows like a catholic cardinal's head off. And they show it. The head explodes. Brains go everywhere. And they're like, fuck. And maybe an hour goes by.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And he's like, you took too long. And he blows another head off. And he's got three more heads to blow off. Does the Jekyll and the Riddler, do those two ever team up? Because they seem to me like they're a good match. Yeah. And the Penguin, too. They all team up? Because they seem to me like they're a good match. Yeah. And the penguin too. They all team up at one point.
Starting point is 00:21:49 They're always backstabbing each other and you'll think they're together and then they'll backstab, but they never actually kill each other. That's the thing. Like the penguin, all of them have died at least once and they'll come back in various ways.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Sometimes they'll come back with literal magic. Sometimes they'll come back with technology. Sometimes they'll fake you out. Like. Sometimes they'll come back with technology. Sometimes they'll fake you out. Like, oh, I wasn't really dead. It's always something. And that's my main complaint. I need more deaths. There's this one character who'd been in for three seasons and finally
Starting point is 00:22:18 the lady goes, bam! And shoots him right between the fucking eyes with a gun. And I was like, that's it for you, butch. I was tired of your character. The next season, the hospital, I guess, had him in a coma and they were running out of beds, so they dump him in a swamp. Well, the swamp was full of radioactive waste, of course.
Starting point is 00:22:38 So he came back as this pale Hulk-type creature who's retarded. So now his name is Grundy and Grundy Smash. Oh, Solomon Grundy. Solomon Grundy. There you go. That's the thing that Game of Thrones did right. They killed people. They dumped his comatose body into a toxic waste swamp and he
Starting point is 00:22:58 came back as a I did a little research on this. That is not HIPAA compliant. It is not. He came back as a swamp elemental creature. That's kind of neat. Imbued with quite a few powers. I did a little research. Apparently he's as strong as Superman.
Starting point is 00:23:14 But not in this TV show at all. He rips people's arms off and beats them to death with them. Chewbacca used to do that. Not a good show. Not a good show if I'm being honest. I think I just convinced to do that not a good show not a good show if I'm being honest I think I just convinced myself it's not a good show by explaining what the show is about have you talked about Captain Marvel yet?
Starting point is 00:23:34 we've talked about it I haven't seen it Salma Grundy is way more powerful than I thought he's got superhuman strength and stamina healing factor like Wolverine near invulnerability virtual indestructibility and immortality and that seems like like a lot of very good things yeah immortality and near invulnerability a lot of these characters are skinny black girl beat him up with a wrench
Starting point is 00:23:57 last episode so they've toned him down a little yeah this guy doesn't see this guy's totally op superheroes are oftentimes more powerful than you know like if you see i don't know captain america to this feat of strength where he punches a punching bag and it comes off the chain and you're like damn that's strong but there's probably animals that strong like you know a silverback maybe can do that i don't know yeah um but then you see some other feats like in the comic, oh, that's true, but there was this one other time he pushed a moon away or something. And you're like, oh my god,
Starting point is 00:24:31 that's another level of truth. Incredible Hulk has healing powers better than Wolverine. He can come back from a drop of blood. I didn't know that. That doesn't seem to be in the books or in the movies, I mean to say. Yeah, the cinematic universe is a lot different than the comics in a lot of ways i watched a whole video the other day about that about about how the differences between a lot of the the characters and between the
Starting point is 00:24:53 cinematic universe and the comics the hulk is one of those characters that's just been so strong that it's just retarded at times you know and there's all those versions of different characters like the world's breaker hulk and all that shit yeah i think it's a little convoluted it is a children's i guess i shouldn't latch on too hard on the numbers but i do i do anyway they have to tone it down like a lot of these powers like it would ruin the show if they could do this right and and it could be tricky to write a good show when they have these get-out-of-jail-free cards all over the place.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I know I've talked about this before, but, you know, like, Incredible Hulk has a sonic clap, and this clap is like an energy wave that can make tanks blow away across a field, right? So I don't know what kind of force it would take for a tank to like blow like it was windy but my goodness you'd think he'd be able to clap in time square and knock all the
Starting point is 00:25:51 buildings down or something yeah he stopped once in new york and like the whole eastern seaboard had an earthquake is that a real thing yeah yeah so if you start introducing all these powers then it's like oh you know like he could solve a lot of problems with this level of outrage. My thing is in those like movies, like let's say he's up against Solomon Grundy or who, some, some powerful guy that the Hulk needs to take out. And he does his like,
Starting point is 00:26:17 wham, clap. And it like sends out the disc of power or whatever. And, and the bad guy dodges it. Dodges. Okay. Dodges the, the blade of power or whatever the the bad guy dodges it. Dodges? Dodges the blade of power or whatever the fuck. And then like
Starting point is 00:26:30 what's his name? The Hulk would be like now I gotta try and punch him. They only ever try those moves once. Like if I were him I just would be That's a solid point. Just a rapid fire clap. But it's always like that. Kind of like Hawkeye or someone would like take like a super awesome arrow and miss and be like well back to the regular broadheads
Starting point is 00:26:52 yeah why would you bring one you seem to be well funded yeah you're already the bow and arrow guy take every advantage you could get. Yeah. I feel like the explosive arrows would solve every single scenario. You never need the broadhead unless you're... Oh, it's a deer. While we were out fighting evil, I saw a deer and I thought we'd all enjoy some venison for dinner. No!
Starting point is 00:27:17 I only wanted to hurt Loki a little this time. Yeah. Yeah, they all do that. You know, and it makes for better stories. If Superman just always flew in and immediately burnt everybody to death, it wouldn't be as much fun. And one of these YouTube comic book guys opened my eyes to this idea that when they're really powerful and the people they fight are really powerful like Thanos, it's the sign of a mature comic. I mean, they all sort of start just being sort of superhuman, you know, better than human, but regular-ish. And then it just escalates
Starting point is 00:27:50 and escalates and escalates. Because if all Spider-Man ever took on were, like, neighborhood thieves robbing ATM machines, that would get boring in a hurry. So he has to start dealing with super-powered bad guys. And they just keep ramping up
Starting point is 00:28:06 until they're both super powered are there any superheroes who only go after one type of criminal like a guy who's like nope sorry that you're getting raped but I deal with bank robbers there's only one I can think of Captain Planet he only goes after
Starting point is 00:28:22 polluters he's never once raised a hand against a bank robber or a street thug that's like yanking pearls off some rich old lady. No. As long as he puts his number five plastic in the number
Starting point is 00:28:37 five container, Captain Planet salutes you, Robert. He's just flying over red carpet events dumping paint on wood on fur biodegradable paint yeah i've never i never got into captain planet captain planet he's a hero you got like five kids each of them with a ring that does their remember the poor asian kid who had to have heart hot oh yeah that kid's like a little cambodian fucker i don't know where he's from he's got a monkey as a side they gave him like a sidekick to make up for the fact that his this faggy ring his heart
Starting point is 00:29:08 yeah like you know that he was pissed on ring handout day when they were like all right you get the one that can summon fire you get the one that can like bring earth like jagged rocks out of the ground and you you can you can really show people you care. I looked it up. Captain Planet was from 90 to 96. I was a junior in high school. I wasn't watching that shit. I was doing junior high school things.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I watched that last night. Where did you see it last night? Never mind. I've got the full series downloaded on Blu-ray. Yeah, yeah. The full series on Blu-ray. Can you imagine owning Captain Planet on Blu-ray? Have you seen the Don Cheadle? The HD Blu-ray, the new one.
Starting point is 00:29:50 The 4K. Funny or Die does this whole bit about Captain Planet with Don Cheadle playing Captain Planet. Have you seen it? I have not. Oh, it's hilarious. It's real funny. It's very adult.
Starting point is 00:30:04 It's on YouTube. I'll link it to you later. It's good shit. Captain Planet and the Planeteers. Oh, speaking of superheroes, Jon Jones is going to fight again. Jon Jones, look, I've been on record of being against Jon Jones
Starting point is 00:30:16 many, many times for many, many things, but mostly Pico related. But he's doing something I like. He's fighting. And he's fighting Stipe Miokic it's a kind of semi-confirmed rumor I mean Bones is John Bones Jones it's his Twitter so it's not like you know less confirmed source someone who'd know he's fighting that's my issue like like when I hate it when people like get a belt and then semi-retire or stretch their championship reign by fighting once
Starting point is 00:30:46 every 18 months so like they get a couple title defenses that last for four or five years like that sucks and he's taking on not an easy matchup you know like like this i don't know who's gonna win this uh so i i look i'm gonna root against him but i appreciate that he's fighting a tough so I look I'm going to root against him but I appreciate that he's fighting a tough fight I don't bet against Jon Jones I didn't say I was going to bet against him I was very clear I was going to root against him
Starting point is 00:31:15 I cannot see that ever happening who was the oh fuck last event Wonderboy got KO'd by Pettis. Chiz had money on Pettis. Yeah. Yeah. Was that unexpected? Oh, yeah. No. Well...
Starting point is 00:31:31 He was the biggest underdog of the night. It was like a 3-1 underdog. Yeah. Very unexpected. Not 3-1, though. It was like 2.8-1. So that's... He's very... Wonderboy's the one. He's really, really good. He's kind of getting older, past his prime. Or am I mixing him up?
Starting point is 00:31:46 I think he's still quite good. He's 34, maybe 36. That kind of describes Pettis, actually, the guy that won. 34, that's getting up there in MMA years, isn't it? This guy hasn't been hit much. He doesn't look 34. He looks 28 or something. He looks like a superman. He looks like a superman.
Starting point is 00:32:05 He looks like a superhuman person. He's tall. He's muscular. He's thin, as you might expect. He looks like the result of clean living. He has good skin, good hair. He looks like a superhuman person. That's what he looks like.
Starting point is 00:32:17 He's blonde. He's great looking. Wonder boy? Yeah. They call him Wonder Boy. He's fighting a guy who's coming up to his weight class. He normally fights at 155. You know he's a big boy, you know, but he does.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And coming up to 170 and Pettis hasn't had the greatest outings the last few times out, you know. He got pummeled not too long ago by I can't remember who. Tony Ferguson. Tony Ferguson. Tony Ferguson. That's, well, when you're fighting crazy, you know. Dude, yeah, there's a scene of Pettis did not lose that entire. He lost the fight, so he lost the entire fight, but he didn't lose the entire way through.
Starting point is 00:32:58 He had his moments, and there's a point where he's maybe ground and pounding on Pettis, and he sticks his tongue out and makes a crazy look, and there's blood dripping on his face. And it just, ah, I really appreciate that. Pettis is a fighter. There's a fighter. Like, I love that how he's a fighter.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Chael Sonnen has this thing about saying how Ronda Rousey was a good fighter. She was a successful athlete in MMA. But she wasn't a fighter. You know, she never overcame adversity. The first time she had a loss, she got fat and hid in her room for a year. You know, like a fighter overcomes the hard spots. They have a spirit about fighting in them. And Ronda Rousey was a great athlete, like a it's not a not a fighter who refuses to lose and uh pettis is a fighter and i appreciate that in him yeah lawler is as well yeah a lot of
Starting point is 00:33:54 those guys are real warriors in the in the cage but yeah uh wonder boy was putting him together wonder boy was picking him apart uh really accurate striking you know he he throws this jab from his hip that's that's real weird looking and you seem very unorthodox and it's fun to watch and he's just he's just softening Pettis up Pettis is bleeding pretty profusely rounds got like five seconds left in it and Pettis just superman punches wonder boy in the face and knocks him unconscious and then follows up with two more that he didn't need to you know he's in the cage whatever the and wonder boy it was out like a movie unconscious knocked out like for a solid minute at least another thing pettis did i like so wonder boy at the end was sitting on a chair a stool in the
Starting point is 00:34:38 middle of the octagon and uh he's suffering from a concussion a knockout whatever he's coming to he knows he's alert enough to know that he lost and he wishes he hadn't. And Pettis kind of gave him some respect, you know, some kudos. Thank you for the fight kind of thing, which I really like compared to celebration.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Like that other guy, wasn't a person or a big, if you like when they spit on the other guy's team or something like that, like a Michael Bisping. Bisping did that to... Michael Bisping did that. He comes over and spits on the guy's team. Dude.
Starting point is 00:35:12 So he does regret that. He's a little older and wiser now. But those guys went at it in the lead up to the fight, back and forth. They really got into each other's heads. So he was very happy to to win wonder boy's reaction too he was like that's a hell of a shot he said something like that it's like nice shot like as
Starting point is 00:35:31 he's sitting there on the stool i didn't even see that coming i don't remember it wonder boy's shot so i don't i don't claim to be mr boxing or anything don't get me wrong but the boxing i had it opened your like you were like he shoots these jabs from his waist. Surprisingly invisible, right? You would think, Taylor, that if I had my hands by my hip and I went to touch your beard, you'd see it, right? And you probably would. I'm not that fast. But there's a whole thing of, like, you might be surprised how you don't see these things. Like if I went to kick your leg, like it was too late to react half the time.
Starting point is 00:36:11 You know, like, ah, fuck. How am I going to look at all of him? You know, it's tricky. Trickier than like if you're the listener, don't fight. You're probably not as good at it as you think. Try boxing or kickboxing and you'll see. It's no fun. You don't want people trying to hit you. Range you range it sounds like a good idea it sounds like it might be fun to hit people until the people start hitting you back and you're like this isn't this is no fun at all
Starting point is 00:36:34 and the people who do it are like human human fucking dog fight a human it's a human cock fight and i want no part of it these people if they've got any brains in their head they should be doing something else i enjoy fighting with the other students like the other people my peers that was a blast brazilian jiu-jitsu especially i really got into for a longer time yeah but like the boxing and the muay thai and the kickboxing if they were my peers and stuff that was always kind of good my boxing coach i'm looking back at this now with a little reflection, he didn't have to be that hard. Like, was he proving something? One time I asked him, like, you hit so hard.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Is that how hard you hit when you're, like, he did, like, professional boxing. I was like, is that how hard you fit when you're hitting? He's like, no, that feels like this. Roughly the same. this roughly the same roughly the same and it's just like fucking like you know and he of course he's he's making it matter maybe so that i'd block it properly and i don't half-ass block it or whatever but uh i don't like that at all it was it was more than i needed it was more than i need like look i i tell dick jokes on the
Starting point is 00:37:45 internet i don't really need to you know prepare myself for the ring the sparring that i saw go down was pretty light there'd be a bloody nose or a mouse under an eye yeah maybe once a night out of like six sparring sessions or something like that like six different groups of people going at it for the most part you get a little red you know and and that was it and i didn't take part in that i was just watching it on the sidelines oh sparring was my favorite fridays we hit each other in the head which is funny but that's that's how we did it it turns out you can get pretty effective training just by punching like a collarbone and stuff uh so that's what we did except fridays and fridays we hit each other in the head.
Starting point is 00:38:26 And I really like that. I would look forward to Fridays. No, I just did jujitsu. He was always conscious of the brain damage. Our coach would be like, yeah, you know, like either keep your hands up when he's talking about brain damage or if he's like, look, no head shots except on Fridays. I don't know where my keys are right now. He's like, you don't want this. And I'm like, yeah, I do know where my keys are right now. You don't want this.
Starting point is 00:38:46 And I'm like, yeah, I do know where my keys are. I don't want that. Definitely not a worthwhile trade-off to get kind of good at MMA late in life at the sacrifice of your later cognition. It's like when you're shaking with a spoonful of soup in 25 years to be like i wish i hadn't taken up boxing at 40 i just kind of like it and um great i don't know i so there's these um the five languages of love people listen to me for ages know what i'm talking about one of them is physical love and i feel like guys that like they one of the types of love they like to receive is receptive uh it also translates to like other relationships you know i think guys like me might be more likely to like
Starting point is 00:39:32 not at this age but you know wrestle in their teenaged friendships or uh you know enjoy boxing or jujitsu or whatever like i just i don't know i'm touchy like that oh there was something with mma i wanted to ask you about like i saw like somebody retweeting connor saying that he's retiring was that just it's i didn't even think about it for more than a second because i was like okay this is clearly a a troll or a way to get some some media rolling so connor's saying it's real right he's not right but sometimes it's difficult from where i sit to tell what's real what's a like negotiating tactic you know like he has to fight with ufc he's under contract with ufc for fights so it's not like he can like go
Starting point is 00:40:18 elsewhere and start getting different bids so basically the only way connor can negotiate is to say yes or no so when he says look i'm never fighting again that could be his way of pressuring it and dana his response has been i believe it sounds right fuck it because he's good at negotiating as well and that's where it stands and connor doesn't he doesn't need the money so the question is does he enjoy the fighting isn't he also like he got arrested for something like an actual thing right yeah um he got arrested for what they're calling strong arm robbery in florida and essentially what that means is a camera uh he took a fan's cell phone and smashed it there's two things currently one is like kyle's talking about a cell phone was i'm sorry a fan was filming him so he took the
Starting point is 00:41:11 camera smash it and i think he actually ran away with the camera so that's one thing but i think it's the sort of thing we all know there's different levels of justice for different levels of income so he should be fine um well what i read on that like just to interject was i guess that that calling that sort of thing a strong-arm robbery is a thing they do a lot at that in florida at that beach um for like various types of like assaults and like petty crimes and that it always it's basically a misdemeanor and not a big deal for like okay average joe guy i'm not trying to defend him i although i will say this I bet we could all imagine a scenario Where someone recording you Or taking pictures of you on the street Could be incredibly frustrating and annoying
Starting point is 00:41:50 We probably wouldn't smash a camera But On a super quick aside Last year I met a paramotor fly in And a paramotor fly in I'm actually famous Not really famous but in this
Starting point is 00:42:05 event i am i don't i'm sick i go back to my trailer i close the door i lay in bed and i just am sick guy knocks on my door and wants me to fix his paramotor for him i'm not like i'm a people pleaser i guess i'm like putting shoes back on and I work on his paramotor. And so thankfully a friend of mine takes over and actually fixes it. Take that, multiply it times 10,000 and you have Connor's world. Rain, shine, sickness, health, everything, always. Anytime someone sees you, they want a piece of him.
Starting point is 00:42:40 If I saw Connor, I'd want a piece of him. I'd want a selfie. I'd want to say hi. I'd want a thing. Rip a button'd want a selfie. I'd want to say hi. I'd want a thing. Rip a button off his shirt and get my ass kicked. So I can imagine, like, I got annoyed and I'm still low-key sore about it. That times 10,000, who knows what kind of asshole I'd be.
Starting point is 00:42:59 That's true. And then is that sexual assault charges in Ireland? That's the other one. So I guess that's... Is that old or is that new too it's newly reported it was in the wall street journal or new york times recently but it's like an old thing that they say is untrue so that's all i know kyle do you know more uh you you nailed it it's a it's an old case new report um yeah we'll see what happens with connor you know like like i i want my fighters to make as much money as they possibly can um because i i side with the fighters over the sport to be honest
Starting point is 00:43:32 because i heard brendan um shop talking recently i'm sorry my camera's fucking stupid i already replaced this thing it's pkn most of these guys are on audio that's good um but the uh i heard him talking about it, and he was talking about even in jiu-jitsu that there's brain damage. And he was like there's studies for brain damage in jits. There's studies that support brain damage in Muay Thai and boxing and taekwondo and judo. What sport combines all those things together?
Starting point is 00:44:02 And he was bringing this up because of what's going on with tony ferguson he's like i don't think this is tony having a bad time and he's he's like you don't think tony ferguson is mentally strong i think tony ferguson is physically diminished because he's taking so many shots to the head this is cte whatever that fucking stands for that's probably not even the correct. He's not a real word. CTE is right. Yeah. It's a real word. It's not a woody word though. Like,
Starting point is 00:44:27 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:29 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:29 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:30 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:30 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:31 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:31 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:33 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:34 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:34 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:36 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:39 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, um so so yeah i'm starting to worry that like i'm with you woody i want to see these guys fight
Starting point is 00:44:48 every single month i and in john jones case i think you'll be okay but his opponents won't you might want to fight john jones once in a lifetime john jones can go out every three months and he can crack some skulls. But like, if you're that, that middle tier guy or even worse, that undercard guy who's making whatever 15,000 to 15, 15 or something like that. I don't know what they make, but that's probably not too far off. 15 to show and 15 more to win.
Starting point is 00:45:16 And maybe like a starter guy. Yeah. Those guys, Jesus, you're doing a lot of damage to your fucking brain. And you know, those guys, they put those the highlights that are on the mma subreddit are often people getting fucking cracked just taking a shin
Starting point is 00:45:33 to the skull or just getting caught on the chin and then you know they always follow up with like one or two more when they're on the ground it's like i feel like those are just as bad you're completely unbraced with a mat behind your head. And the ground itself is sometimes the biggest hit. The way they fall. When Wonderboy fell, did you see his head bounce off the mat? I don't remember it like you do. But yeah, and I've seen that a million times. I bet Taylor has too because it's also a hockey thing.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Yeah, except they got fucking helmets on. They don't wear them very well oftentimes. Fair enough. They often come off. Yeah. I love mixed martial arts. I really do. But goddamn, I feel like our favorite martial arts stars in 20 years are all going to be retarded.
Starting point is 00:46:16 There's a guilty pleasure aspect of it for me. I love martial arts. I love the heart that it takes to do it well. I love the guys that demonstrate heart that that have their comebacks that don't quit that's one of the reasons dude if i never met joe lozon he'd still be one of my favorite fighters ever because of the heart that guy oh my god he there's no quit in him and that's amazing i love that about fighting but my oh my there is an intellectual part of me that understands what's
Starting point is 00:46:46 happening to them and i don't wish it upon them as much as i thank them for doing it yeah yeah this is the best head bouncing one i can think of and here's one here's here's the question that answer it for any of us like would we want our child to get into mixed martial arts in a competitive format no of course not right i mean but i'm gonna push him into hockey so arts in a competitive format? No. Of course not, right? I mean, but I'm going to push him into hockey, so I'm a hypocrite. That music people heard was this video Taylor linked.
Starting point is 00:47:14 I didn't want people to think that I was like moving away from the... You know what? I'm just going to pop on Spotify while they talk. It seems like the worst knockouts are when the head doesn't just lay on the the ground afterwards when it does like that cocked up thing where like their their head isn't like even laying down it's so tense like it looks like your neck shattered yeah
Starting point is 00:47:36 that's a that's a weird response that your body's having that you're you're completely out now at that point i was watching the video we talk about the fencing response i don't know when your body's when your hands go up i don't know what it is when your head sort of goes down yeah like like that i don't know like if you watch this clip like watch the way after he gets knocked out his head doesn't lay on the ice it just it's like tilted up like he's trying to look at his sternum almost and i don't know what the hell causes that but it can't be something neurologically good yes yeah and i was gonna say oh i see the fencing response because one hand is up but the stick complicates that a little bit oh i'm on the wrong one yeah so man that's such a dirty play i i know all about that play i've laid it out before i want to say the dirty intent behind that was a four out of ten but the way that it played out was a 10 out of 10 like it yeah
Starting point is 00:48:34 if people don't know hockey enforcers are supposed to fight each other if i want to fight you and you're also an enforcer the code is you kind of say yes for sheer said no and i think there was something else involved like for sheer was being the bad guy all fight long and mcsorley was like hey let's do this and he's like nah i'm good we'll just take our win and move on which breaks hockey code so he intended to hit him on the shoulder he says uh with the stick and it was kind of a light hit but he hit him on the side of the head and then the head hit the ice and that made it a terrible horrible injury yeah sometimes that hockey code is dumb though like there's this guy who's like he's one of the smallest guys in the nhl he's like five eight or something paul
Starting point is 00:49:24 byron he plays for the canadians and he has a history of concussive concussion problems because he's fucking five eight playing in the nhl and uh somebody like jabbed at him or did something to one of his teammates and he did like the hockey code thing of like throwing it down and putting up his dukes and the other guy beat the shit out of him. Like caught him with like a, like, you know how you watch those fights sometimes and like a non fighter will go
Starting point is 00:49:51 up against a fighter and you can see the fighter be like, Oh, now's the time to unwind my like cartoony punch to really deliver it. That's what he did. He hit him with the hardest uppercut and he's like staggering out of there. And now he's out again. Cause he got punched into another concussion that was imagine being in a sport where half of it is hitting people with your shoulder but your head is shoulder height yeah
Starting point is 00:50:13 good luck with that that's true yeah there was that fight a few weeks ago where uh like a real fighter i don't remember who it was but he's like six three but he tried to fight zidane ochara who's like 6 10 and it was, but he was 6'3", but he tried to fight Zidane O'Chara, who's 6'10". The whole clip was like, McDavid, whatever, really trying to overcome Chara's reach. It's just a guy like,
Starting point is 00:50:37 he can't hit him at all. Chara's just boxing him in the fucking mouth. The reach is extra big in hockey, too, because they wear clothes on. If I'm pretending I'm much bigger than Taylor, I'm not. I could just hold him away. I don't know why the other guy had to be Taylor. I've got a
Starting point is 00:50:52 little video that I saw last night on Reddit on the what the fuck subreddit. Oh, I think I saw this. Oh, it got posted on the PKA the pka subreddit yeah that's right wow they repost everything on that subreddit all right i'm ready i need a moment please yeah this is the video this is so weird it was so weird i sent it to everyone i knew as soon as i was like i don't know midnight last night when i found it keeps going yeah it
Starting point is 00:51:27 just keeps getting crazier like it's crazy immediately and then it's great it's only a minute long but it feels like a movie i'm ready all right ready set play me too damn that's a It looks so big. It is. It's in a toy car. And he's playing that music. He is. He really is playing it. I didn't catch up on that.
Starting point is 00:51:59 So there's a midget. And then her. She's not young. And then another midget. Look at these push-ups you see push-ups yeah little midget does the push-ups i think you might be ahead of me she's eating ass on my screen yeah you missed oh i missed it okay yeah it's fine she does like she starts in push-up position and goes to full inverted like handstand push-up yeah i saw that on the first watch i don't know why the
Starting point is 00:52:26 little one is showing her butt i don't need that i the big one is he's got a big ass though i don't the full-sized one yeah the normal sized human being it's i watched that video and somehow this is on me i expected the little person and the I'll call, medium person to be more angelic, right? Like, oh, you're born with dwarfism. Surely you'll never smoke pot or twerk. Or cherubic. Yeah, you'll forever be a child, right? And now I'm like, oh, I think that makes me an asshole.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Oh, motherfucker, I take cock. I like how they start the video with a class 5 midget coming in and then a class 2 midget comes in. And you get that comparison. Imagine being even like, imagine going to midget
Starting point is 00:53:22 conventions and being short. That would suck. The class two midget walks in and she has sunglasses and a jean jacket on so i'm like this doesn't seem appropriate to have a nine-year-old in here and then and then once i see her a little more closely i'm like she's not a nine-year-old she's an adult who i expect to act like a nine-year-old yeah yeah confirm to what i think you should be. Yeah, right? None of these people did anything really wrong. The most wrong
Starting point is 00:53:50 thing with quotes on it is smoking pot, which is going to be legal, hopefully, soon. I want to know where the rest of that video is. There's no way that they only shot that 58 seconds. What else is out there? That went on for hours. Texas has a bill to decriminalize, I saw a couple days ago but that that was almost certainly in california
Starting point is 00:54:08 if they're if they're rolling up that enormous fucking it's still illegal to be a midget there really it is they'll shoot you on sight with a very tiny gun do we know anything that's one of those like 1850s laws that like you'd see on you know reddit would be like today i learned that it's still illegal to be a dwarf in michigan the cory booker's introducing something that's nationwide and i'm like so what's the hold up right marijuana oh i'm sorry yeah i should have been more specific to make marijuana legal in america the states will still have the rights to make it illegal at the state level if they choose but at least the nationwide ban will be lifted and i would guess states follow suit but um uh i'm like what takes so long can we get this through like how long does this take why does it take months who's the hold up is it probably big pharma i was about to say that i
Starting point is 00:55:01 i don't know i don't know what the scoop is but couldn't Big Pharma make a lot of money? They should just get on board. They could, yeah. There's a lot more markup in opiates than there is in marijuana. Yeah. They need a good opiate guy like me. And they've already got a total hedge
Starting point is 00:55:19 on the opiate market, and so it's like, they don't want this. But opiates have, well, I don't know. I could be picking and choosing my news. There have been opiate market and so it's like they don't want this but opiates have well i don't know i could be picking and choosing my news there have been opiate backlash socially on the people that make it there's like opiate changes in the law i think they're putting things in opiates now that would make people less inclined to want them not less addictive but like i think it makes the experience suck a little i didn't hear about that. Maybe that's why I don't like opiates.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Yeah, they do weird things to opiates, or not to opiates, to all kinds of things that people start abusing to make them less attractive to their abuse. I've talked about the compressed air before that you use to clean your keyboard. Fucking degenerates get high off that shit. So now if you were to spray it into the air in your room trying to be Mr. Freeze
Starting point is 00:56:05 and some lands on your fucking keyboard then you touch the keyboard then you put your finger in your mouth it's like you licked a stick of deodorant for the next three hours.
Starting point is 00:56:15 I forget what they did to opiates but they made them less pleasurable and I hate opiates. I don't like it. I don't like them either. If they prescribe me
Starting point is 00:56:24 ibuprofen and opiates, I see if I can make it on the ibuprofen until things get better. So some of them make me really itchy. I've been prescribed a few things. Same here. Not me. That cough syrup. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Yeah. Tylenol 3, I think, has... Oh, I don't know what exactly. Oh, that's the one that's got some kind of pain reliever in there. Yeah. It's got an actual Narcotic in there mixed with the Tylenol I enjoyed those
Starting point is 00:56:50 I was prescribed them when I got my tooth cut out And it was like Fuck I see how people get addicted to these And have a problem It has codeine Oh codeine is my favorite I got codeine that time before when they gave me the cough syrup That was codeine Dude my favorite. I got codeine that time before when they gave me the cough syrup that was codeine.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Dude, it's the best thing ever. It's the best thing ever. You feel so relaxed and chill and warm and everything feels real happy. It's great. Kyle's codeine endorsement is as effective on me as Limitless's Adderall endorsement. Suddenly, I just want these things in my life. I guarantee you that. First of all, it wouldn't be safe to do what I'm about to suggest, but if you
Starting point is 00:57:29 went paramotoring, and once you got up there, you had yourself a couple sips of codeine, you'd be like, maybe Dad's right. There's got to be a God up there making all this beauty. There's got to be a man up in the clouds who's making all this glorious
Starting point is 00:57:45 goodness up here maybe i should be the passenger in this scenario i did that i know i try to avoid paratalk but this weekend i uh there was a much more experienced paraglider pilot this is no motor and uh i convinced him to take me up we flew for less than an hour about a while and he just explained all his decisions the whole time it was like a mind meld of like where he was looking for lift and mitigating risk and i was his passenger and uh man i want everyone to have that experience who has my interest which is yeah but i mean i mean i mean i i group on it a lot but like i would definitely do it once it's just not something i could see doing as like like like every weekend like for me i mean i i do find it a lot but like i would definitely do it once it's just not
Starting point is 00:58:25 something i could see doing as like like like every weekend like for me i would like i like fishing maybe twice a year maybe twice fly fishing is fun i usually don't like regular fishing but fly fishing is a good time you know what i like about fishing i like sitting in a boat or on the dock side with like some drinks and some snacks and like some friends and just i like cat fishing which is you know you just throw out your your your your lure or whatever your your bait and it's either on a float or it sinks to the bottom and you just wait and when they bite there's these moments of excitement i guess this is all fishing i don't know what i'm doing here but but you know catfish are huge a lot of the times though you'll get 15 25 pound catfish
Starting point is 00:59:04 sometimes 50 or 60 pound catfish and it's kind of you know they catfish are huge a lot of the times. You'll get 15, 25-pound catfish, sometimes 50 or 60-pound catfish. And it's kind of, you know, it's fun. Oh, yeah, they're enormous. The best part about that experience to me. I feel like people who are from the Midwest and South think they're gross. Oh, my favorite part of that would be when you take the boat to the place. That sounds like fun. Power boating.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Yeah. You would be the fisherman who, like, gets their cast once, and you're like well nothing here let's let's go three miles that way at 60 miles an hour yeah rip it around you would be the most the annoying guy there because i was i was fishing like on a trip with my family in florida last summer and like we were on a boat fishing like with a guide and like some dick like 30 yards away comes by at like 25 miles an hour 30 miles an hour just and the guides are like well everybody reel it in we gotta move because that guy had to come by screaming and i was like oh i had no idea that like one boat doing that is
Starting point is 00:59:59 enough to apparently scare fish which doesn't make sense because those fish should be used to boats they should be like squirrels on college campuses who are like coming up to eat out of your hand which is what squirrels on college campuses have you ever been underwater listening to a boat oh no no i'm sure it's scary it's scary i didn't i didn't care for it you probably have more experience but i was diving in the lake and i heard a boat and i was terrified i have a lot of experience with it and it's still scary. So unlike your normal sounds that you hear every day, you get a real good, you don't have the same vibe for distance.
Starting point is 01:00:32 As far as you know, that thing's about to cut your ear off. Yeah. You hear it, but you don't even know where it is. Yeah, it's something else. Yeah, we were in a cove at nighttime and me and a couple of girls were like jumping off my dock and we were throwing like these led lights down and letting them sink to the bottom and then i'd dive down to the bottom and get them and i wasn't far down like like compared to like the
Starting point is 01:00:56 rest of the world's divers but i was i might have been 12 or 15 feet that's far far-ish. Yeah. I was getting to my limit and I could hear these and I'm like, I don't know what to do because I'm running out of oxygen very soon. It's time to come up. But what if he's going to pass right over me and hit me in the head and neither of these bitches are going to rescue my ass.
Starting point is 01:01:21 They can't rescue an LED light. No. There's a reason I'm going for the lights and they're watching that's funny uh it's i i just picture it is like a weird kind of mating dance to get laid like look at what i'm capable of ladies light retrieval from the bottom of the plate make children with me this is a valuable skill to pass on. And are they subconsciously like, I should breed with this guy.
Starting point is 01:01:54 This display of physical prowess is working for me. I don't know what girls think. That's how women think. I will present myself to him later. Where were they going to go? I mean, only one of them had a car. Just the implication. You've just shown how hardcore you are by diving that low. Now they know that you've got the stamina to catch them if they get an idea.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Oh, yeah. Oh, I thought you were going somewhere else. I was like, that kind of breath-holding ability will come in handy later. Absolutely. Fair enough. Both of those things. Yeah, due to the implication That was a given anyway Because they didn't know where they were
Starting point is 01:02:27 I don't know if you ever came to my lake house No, I think I came to the house after that Yeah, we were in the middle of nowhere Out there It was remote Did the internet suck? No, it was like 15 down and like 3 up The way I remember it
Starting point is 01:02:44 That was pretty good back in the day. It wasn't terrible. You know, it got the job done or whatever. I liked it there a lot. It was cool being right there on the lake. It's about time to wrap, but it's gotten a lot better recently. Like I want to say 15-3 was a decent 2010 thing, and now it's like nine years later, ten years later, and I'm at
Starting point is 01:03:05 a thousand both ways. Yeah, I'm supporting the candidate who legalizes marijuana and wants some sort of federal fiber bill. That's me! I want fiber everywhere, right? Vote for Woody. But no women. No. Oh, well, look.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Still vote for Woody. I agree. That's my number one thing. No agree. That's my number one thing. No women. Yeah, I hope Trump pulls some stuff out of his, you know, back pocket. I hope he's not just about, you know, we'll get the wall up and get them brown people gone and we won't let any more in. I hope that's not his 2020 campaign. Obamacare. We'll get rid of Obamacare. We'll get a wall up. Yeah, I hope that's not his 2020 campaign. Obamacare. We'll get rid of Obamacare. We'll get a wall up. Yeah, I hope that's not
Starting point is 01:03:48 2020. I hope that 2020 he's got a few new tricks up his sleeve and he's like they tell me fiber's the best. It's the fastest. I have no idea what it is. I thought it was that stuff on top of my head. When I go cybering I use fiber. They said you need to be trying
Starting point is 01:04:03 Google Fiber. I said I eat lots of wheat bread, lots of brown rice. I don't eat wheat or additional fiber. They said, you need to be trying Google Fiber. I said, I eat lots of wheat bread, lots of brown rice. I don't eat wheat for additional fiber. You know, as much as I fuss about a lot of Trump things, they're usually character-based. There are a few things that he does that I really like. I like that even if he's not executing on it hardcore, he's anti-war. You know, he's not just fucking firing up wars all over the
Starting point is 01:04:25 world or doubling down on current wars for no particular reason and i agree with him on that stance um our trade war that we're in that had to happen you know we are getting fucked over they steal all their ideas chinese they steal so many of our ideas from us it's like we're do their we can't do all the r&d and then let them sell the product. We had to try. No one else even tries. I know it's not going great yet, but what was the alternative?
Starting point is 01:04:53 Not trying like, give it a go, see how it works. Um, I mean, his tax cuts had some good and bad in it. You know, our corporate tax rates,
Starting point is 01:05:01 I feel like, like, despite what everybody wanted to say, he's been pretty hard on Russiaussia he cut off their pipeline he killed 200 of them in the middle east remember when he wiped out 200 russian mercenaries i do know he armed the ukrainians yeah i mean he didn't do it it's not like he dropped in right right right right i'm here arnold schwarzenegger fucking photo of him handing out rifles like the paper towel rolls just tossing a handful of bullets at children um big fast yeah there are some counter examples i
Starting point is 01:05:35 can't pull everyone out of my hat but you know they they implement they try to put sanctions on russia and he like slow walked it and prevented it for as long as he can and then in another case he just simply didn't do it uh they were sanctions on russian oligarchs like a couple of key ones and russia and he like slow walked it and prevented it for as long as he can and in other cases he simply didn't do it uh they were sanctions on russian oligarchs like a couple of key ones and he just relieved those and um so he's they did uh i i on whole i don't know if i'm even qualified to say been tough or easy on russia maybe i don't think i am either yeah and i think there's a lot that we just don't know about because it's geopolitical craziness, right? Like my experience comes from watching House of Cards.
Starting point is 01:06:10 One of those oligarchs might have had like some key information on an Iranian sneaking nukes into the Middle East. And he was like, hey, if you turn my money faucet back on, I'll give you Hamid Akbembaradu. He wanted to pull out of Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, right? And a couple of presidents. I want to say Obama had a similar thing. And then once they try to do it, somehow they get him to change his mind. And from my chair, I can't see what they said to him. Maybe it was a rational decision to stay in Syria.
Starting point is 01:06:42 I can't tell. But they all seem to land that way. Are they all corrupt in the same way? Or dumb in the same way? Or we just don't know. Informed in the same way. That's better. I mean, all of your
Starting point is 01:06:57 suggestions could be equally true. They could be informed. They could be corrupt. They could be stupid. They could be misinformed. But they're all getting the same be corrupt, they could be stupid, they could be misinformed. But they're all getting the same information and coming to the same conclusion. Something made Trump change his mind, which makes me lean towards the informed part.
Starting point is 01:07:13 But I don't know. All right, Taylor's got to run, pick up a rental car. He's got some sort of weird shenanigans going on. Oh, all right, cool. All right, PKN 240. Yeah, good night, everyone.

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