Painkiller Already - PKN #243

Episode Date: April 26, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. I wanted to press record because three topics have come up. I'm excited about all of them. And I was like, I want to get started. Which ones first? I'd say we lead the way with the most relevant one, which is the lightning strike. That's not even one of the ones I... I was interested when you sent the text because I was like, that's how lightning works? Dude, I didn't know. It started off this way. I was awake. It was pretty late. And I don't know how to put this into words. But we have blackout curtains.
Starting point is 00:00:34 And the lightning strike was super loud. And it seemed like the echo came from further away than the lightning strike did. Like it was backwards of what you'd expect. Like the lightning was here. And I didn't know that we had been struck by lightning yet and like we have blackout curtains yet i felt like i saw it like lightning was stronger than blackout curtains somehow like i saw through it because i was awake and i was like looking outside the it wasn't like horribly raining or anything it wasn't even terribly windy just out of nowhere crack my whole world thundered and like i so like an idiot i moonlight as an idiot i guess
Starting point is 00:01:16 i go outside to see the damage but i wanted to know like i care about my house i want to see what's up i there could be a tree smoldering or whatever. Oh, yeah. I couldn't find any damage. I couldn't find any damage anywhere. I sort of checked the guest house. I went around. But the start of the electrical stuff had just started to blossom.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I looked at the, I don't know. Because I was outside already. I'm running the pool filter, making it better every day. And it was off. But I'm worried running the pool filter, like making it better every day. And it was off. But I'm worried there's going to be another crack of lightning. So I just like, all right, it's off. You know what? I'm going to deal with this tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I go back upstairs and the internet's out. And I'm like, all right, so I guess that's a thing. I have since discovered that the power supply to the optical modem thing, you know thing you have gigabit right so it's fiber the power supply to that went bad whatever it also supplies like the outside of the house wherever the optical plugs into the house power that thing needed replacing the network attached storage needed replacing an xbox one needs replacing a like the home theater thing that does the surround sound in our living room it needs replacing oh that sucks yes okay uh i feel like the list is longer the the switch so i have a switch but it's like a commercial switch that does power over ethernet and um i i just want to mute this site so the noise sorry so it's it uh everyone knows ethernet
Starting point is 00:02:48 right it delivers your internet connection everywhere well you can also get some that deliver power which is nice because if you have like security cameras or in my case uh wireless access points like the wi-fi you don't have to run extra power cables you can just run an ethernet cable to it and it gets power from there well that thing went bad and I didn't have another one like on hand to replace it with so we're sort of limping by it where the ethernet cable connected from that switch to the switch here in my office that port went bad but only that port so I'm like all right I guess I'll just live with that for the short term and have another one. Today, I got to the show early to test things. And the rest of that switch went bad.
Starting point is 00:03:30 So I've got another switch just laying on the floor that I'm using. Anyway, the list goes on. Today, while mowing, I discovered the base of my tree seems to have been hit. Like out of nowhere, it didn't look burnt like i expected it to be so it might not even be related to the lightning strike but there's like a two foot hole and bark missing from the side of the tree and i'm like maybe that was the lightning i don't know i'll have to take a picture for you guys but uh yeah it seems like every day there's a new thing oh and by the way my shit wasn't plugged to the wall like i have
Starting point is 00:04:05 these like uh apc american power company like uninterruptible battery backup supplies and surge protectors and in some cases that surge protector battery backup connects to another surge protector and shit still broke i talked to the at&t guy about it he's like yeah i haven't seen anything that stops lightning from doing what it wants to do yet. I don't know. So surge protectors are a lie? Apparently, in some cases, double surge protectors
Starting point is 00:04:34 are a lie. It would seem. That's blowing my mind. All you need is a lightning rod. I guess. You can get that now. I have a lightning rod. I know that I do. I've seen it. Maybe lightning rods are a lie.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I don't know. I put a lightning rod in already. At like 3 in the morning, I climbed up a nearby neighbor's tree and taped a nine iron to it. And I had no idea. So any strikes in the area are gonna be right over the houses down fuck you imagine piece of shit you'd be if they're like they discovered the source of the fire was a nine iron duct tape to the tree neighbors deny knowing anything of it that's what happened in notre dame yeah yeah yeah that's that's nine iron. Every so often, my picture freezes.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Is this related to the lightning strike? Yep. It's all lightning related. I don't know. Two years from now, the audio is going to be all fucked up. And he's like, you know that lightning strike back in 2019? It happened just now. Or maybe it's Discord.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I'll have to look and see. You're looking and sounding good on our end. Well, then, you know, it's genetics. I do look and sound good. Anyway, I don't know what's the issue with... It's not bad. It's just every so often, the video only seems to freeze. It hasn't done it in a bit.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I don't know. I hope it's great. This is good. Maybe I'll get me something to test before pka new yeah when you sent the lightning text like my first thought was like number one i didn't know lightning could do that i being a naive retard i suppose i thought surge protectors meant like any amount of surge we got it you know nothing's gonna get damaged number two i was like oh this is a whole new thing about owning a house i never considered like what if i get struck by lighting and it's
Starting point is 00:06:29 probably putting you out thousands of dollars to replace all this shit right or yes except apc the the uninterruptible power supplies they were plugged into has a guarantee so i might be calling them like at first i was like you know what for 400 dollars is not even worth my trouble well i mean what's the deductible on your homeowner's insurance i don't know that either these are all things i should look into because it is adding up to be like it's not five digits but it's into the fours like it might be two or three grand this is how my dad leap uh like leapfrogged his way through televisions for nearly two decades. Really?
Starting point is 00:07:08 He had an incredibly expensive TV in 1986, right? One of those gigantic boxes that $12,000 or something stupid. And lightning hits the motherfucker. And, well, we don't make that model anymore. It doesn't exist anymore so we had they had to buy the equivalent the modern equivalent of it to replace it and so they paid for that and that happened three times in sequence perfectly spaced through like i was like dad you could tell me if something's going on here i'll keep it secret Is it you or God that needs a new TV?
Starting point is 00:07:46 See, Kyle, what I do is I open the window behind it and I tape a nine iron. I knew you were coming there. That is really funny. They must have been suspicious by the end. Where they're like, sir, every four and a half years. And frankly, we've noticed it's when a new kind of resolution comes around. It seems to be tied into just before the super bowl your tv is ruined i mean you you filed last year for an led now you want a uled like like i go back like we watch those vhs vhs like christmas and like holiday and birthday
Starting point is 00:08:22 videos that were shot when i was like four, five, eight, 10. And always in the background is this huge fucking TV that's way out of place for the early 90s. Not many people. But yeah, it was always very fortunate that Lightning would always hit. And like the deductible would be like a grand or something like that. And it's like, well, new TV time.
Starting point is 00:08:44 It just worked out well so taylor as the resident hockey expert on our show nope no i'm passing that crown off to you you picked the right thing you know as soon as the playoffs start let me know for people who don't i chose tampa bay to win it all. I have them winning the cup. Everyone did. Everyone picked Tampa Bay. The NHL released the stats. Millions of people enter. Tens of millions every year for their, like, win 10 grand in a box for, like, 10 games or whatever the fuck. They released who has the possibility to still get their bracket correct.
Starting point is 00:09:20 One person at this point. It's Kyle. And that might be Kyle. Kyle even took Columbus in a sweep. Kyle literally might be the only person other than one guy on our hockey who was like, hey idiots,
Starting point is 00:09:35 look who called it. You and that guy are the only two people. And I'm blown away by it. I cannot believe it's gone this way. I haven't paid attention at all. just like people on people on discord occasionally message me and they're like how did you do it like your your brackets looking really good this isn't like if you're not a hockey like you're not you don't know that much about hockey so you may be like oh this is kind of like the 28
Starting point is 00:10:01 to 3 game or this is kind of like when the Warriors, they were up 3-1 and they came back. No, this is arguably the biggest upset in the Made4Sports history. The Tampa Bay Lightning won 62 games. Only two teams have ever done that. 62 games. They had a guy with 128 points. The best season since fucking Iserman was playing in the mid-90s. This team was a titan
Starting point is 00:10:26 everybody was like cup or bust if these guys do anything if they win 15 games but they they can't win that 16th to secure the cup total bust you know oh they're gonna trounce everybody they got an easy walk there their main guy didn't even score and he got suspended one of the games because he got so pissy that he checked some dude's head into the boards. Like, the guy pissed him off and fell down on his knees. And instead of letting the guy stand up, he took a stick and kind of
Starting point is 00:10:54 reorganized the guy's teeth up against the side. Yeah, Kolesnopuk. The left-wing tackle. Well, I mean, it's Kucherov, so you're not that far off. Can we talk about the Ovechkin fight? It was great. I liked that fight.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Let me say why I give Ovechkin some credence on this. He's known as a guy who throws big hits and will stand up for himself, but he never picks fights because he is a guy... This is, I think, the third or fourth fight of his entire career because
Starting point is 00:11:25 when you're the best goal scorer in NHL history, the other team can, if they know that you're easy to bait, they're just going to go, oh, fight Ovechkin. Yeah, let's take him out of the game for five minutes. And so he never fights. And this guy had been chipping at him. You know, nothing over the top dirty, just normal playoff hockey stuff. And he rang
Starting point is 00:11:42 the Ovechkin doorbell and he didn't like who came to the door. I see it a little differently first ovechkin threw the gloves off first ovechkin initiated this fight regardless of what that person taylor just told you and the guy that ovechkin finally decides to fight is this child he's 19 years old. In an NHL playoff game for some reason, and Ovechkin beats the fuck out of him. He's in concussion emergency protocol right now. And it's like, Ovechkin, you go your whole year standing up for yourself, supposedly,
Starting point is 00:12:20 but not really because you don't get in fights. And then when this kid does normal playoff hockey things and bumps you or something, you decide to dismantle him. Destroy that fucking child. I would be beating up kids with down syndrome to draw a parallel. Why did you destroy that child? Now,
Starting point is 00:12:41 if that were a sport, that's a bracket that I'd win at every fucking season. We would all do great. Another funny thing about it is Potato Bowl. What was it? It was his name, Potato Bowl. Don't be mean.
Starting point is 00:12:58 This year's Idaho Potato Bowl. It's sponsored by Idaho Potato Bowl. Ovechkin picked on a child. Brought to you by Spuds and Play-Doh. He sent him unconscious, and it just seemed immoral to me. That kind of mismatch.
Starting point is 00:13:15 He didn't rag on him too bad, though. He got him with two standard punches, and you know you've watched enough hockey fights to know how rare it is that one connects so directly that they actually get like fencing response knocked out like and another thing to keep in account is sashnikov or whatever the guy's name is he plays for the canes maybe what was his name would he oh yeah it is it's not a normal name yeah he's a russian guy and he's like 19 and so you know this guy grew up his whole life in Russia being like, someday I will be like my great hero Ovechkin.
Starting point is 00:13:49 I certainly won't in one of my first hundred games be knocked unconscious by him brutally. Heiressingly. Dude. So I had no problem with the fight up until the last part where it seemed to me like – so I don't know much about the sport or or what it's like to be on ice skates because i've only done it like three times in my life but i have to imagine that this ovechkin character has a bit of experience on the ice and on ice skates and he would be capable of letting this guy fall easily and what i mean by that is not
Starting point is 00:14:22 driving him with his forearm on the guy's chest still gripping the jersey head back of his head into the fucking ice which i do know is harder than fucking concrete because when i was learning to skate when i got home my ass was literally black and blue from falling on the ice dude ice is really hard i so hard it's hard to say harder than concrete but might be might be something about ice is really hard so i need to watch the clip again because maybe i am and the announcer remembering the announcer was like and i don't oh that was dirty oh shame on you sir that was dirty i you know the i like to see the fights as much as anyone but but the way he drove him into the ice head first that is dirty and i don't care for it
Starting point is 00:15:15 that's also the carolina announcer yeah that guy was on target i watched the replay and i was like unless you've been in altercation. I watched it here and when you're holding on to someone and they start falling away from you on ice and you're on skates, there's not a lot you can do. Oh, yes. Ovechkin was just powerless not to drive the back of his head into the ground. Ovechkin could not have done anything. Let's watch it. Is there a link? Yeah, I'm linking it to you right now.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Man, he is knocked the fuck out. And those Hurricanes jerseys are great. They need to switch to those. He is knocked the fuck out. This is not like a confused and dazed kind of thing. This is my brain rattled around my skull so hard that...
Starting point is 00:16:01 And it's a double knockout, really, because Ovechkin connected with a really clean right to the guy's chin-jaw area, and that just sent those vibrations up his fucking cheekbone into his goddamn skull and unconscioused his ass. But then when he hit the ice...
Starting point is 00:16:18 This is it, I believe, yeah. It is. I'm just looking for... Oh, a good place to start. At 111. 111, okay. Yeah, a good place to start. At 111. 111, okay. Yeah, if you want to see the replay. Yeah, good call. I want to see the close-up.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I don't want to see it from the cheap seats. Yeah, good call. Good call. I'm ready at 111. Ready, set, play. Not going to break as of yet. He's going to have a beat. And I know he's got to make a decision right as soon as he goes down there.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Bam, he's out cold. You have to end it. Oh. Yeah, he held on to that jersey until the guy was on the ground. All right. I don't know that he drove him. Now that I watch the third time, I don't think he drove him. I think, if anything, he was lightening the fall.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Because at this time of set. That's what I was saying. So instead of watching the guy's skull, which is what your eye is automatically drawn to to see how hard it hits watch Ovechkin's body like watches like Legs his his like lower torso and his shoulders and how what that's doing. It's definitely not a Because the UFC they do that a lot. They'll drop a forearm on somebody then there's this whole forward motion Using all my inertia and like gravity and everything to like put a coup de grace on you But that's not what I'm seeing here now that I watch it for like literally the third time
Starting point is 00:17:31 The kid just got got his clock cleaned Yeah, I didn't see enough of the game up to that point to know if it warranted a fight because I've actually definitely got The gloves off first and usually you like to see a little more because Ovechkin definitely got the gloves off first. And usually you like to see a little more, you know, both people having their gloves off before anything starts, even though he did have his gloves on. Hey, if you want to watch it another time, this time watch Ovechkin's teammate in the background.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Watch his mouth when the knockout occurs. Watch his, like... He's like whoa oh yeah yeah yeah oh he starts cheering oh he's fucking banging his stick on the ground people don't know banging your stick on the ground is like the hockey version of
Starting point is 00:18:14 clapping yeah I forgot what little English I had learned so far dude so I don't think Ovechkin tried to hurt him I do think he did a thing that didn't help him like I can even, on my screen, maybe pause it. Somewhere in the 121 second, you can see him almost holding him so he doesn't hit the ground to lighten the load.
Starting point is 00:18:38 But not planned. The effect turns out to be that it whips his head into the ice a little extra hard yeah his body does kind of a I hope he's alright because it is a shame when someone that young gets you know hopefully it doesn't make him gun shy because I don't know how big of a guy he is but if this was
Starting point is 00:18:57 if he thinks this is his role the kid's a professional hockey player from fucking Russia I'm sure this isn't the first time he's been knocked unconscious oh no Russians I would argue he's been knocked unconscious. Oh, no, Russians, no. Okay, that's very fair. I would argue that he's from Russia. They're pussies. Yeah, no, Americans and Canadians are the people who would know how to throw down.
Starting point is 00:19:14 It's really the Americans who are probably the best at fighting because the Russians and the Canadians are so much better at hockey in a lot of ways. And they were for so many years. It's kind of past that era now. I'm saying this more tongue-in-cheek now. But there were years where it was like Americans would just get really way too physical with Russians. The fucking Red Army didn't want to play
Starting point is 00:19:35 the Flyers or the Blues or any other NHL teams. That is one of Philadelphia's proudest moments. Yeah, because they're like, this isn't even hockey, frankly. Do you guys even know what is pass? What is score? What is shoot? We have, my God.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Philly beat the fuck out of them. After two periods, the Russians are like, I don't really want to play anymore. Well, all the forwards on our team have their fingers broken by the slash. And so I don't know what we can do. Yeah, the Red Army came and they beat like every NFL I'm sorry, NHL team they played until they came to Philly. And then Philly just beat the shit out of them, both on the
Starting point is 00:20:12 scoreboard and on the ice. They would have gotten really big heads if they made them play the NFL teams in hockey. They'd be like, they're even worse at this than we imagined. It looked like it was the first time on skates. At first glance, they were huge, but these guys can't even skate. You know it's a lot more belly when you get off the bus. All right, so if we're done with hockey, I have a video that I saw today on Reddit, and
Starting point is 00:20:39 it's a minute and 20 seconds. A wild turkey has gotten into this guy's vehicle, his semi-big rig truck. The audio's a little loud on this one, I found, so you might want to be prepared for that. But otherwise, this is a good watch. Alright. Alright, I'm ready. It's a weird aspect ratio, I need a second.
Starting point is 00:21:02 It's called Turkey Broke Into My Truck. Yeah Broken okay like it wanted something in there minute and a half. All right. I'm ready ready set play This guy needs a stable is it wow there's a turkey in the back of the truck. I don't know what I expected, but it somehow took me by surprise anyway. Woo! Come on, get out.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Get out. Get out. What is a turkey's predator? Man. Man. Is that why he made cat noises? Yeah, it sounded like a, like he was doing a bobcat type thing. I don't know what that was. Yeah, I can't do it either. Are you suggesting that wasn't good?
Starting point is 00:22:02 I'm noting that it is. Does he not want to touch it? It seems like he's not just reaching in there and pushing it. The door's open. Get the bug out. Well, he doesn't want to hurt it. Whoa. Oh! Wait for it.
Starting point is 00:22:22 He's like, leave the feathers. Well, he didn't make it very far. Well, he didn't make it very far. If people are watching this on audio, watching on audio, there's a turkey in the back of a big rig, you know, the sleeper section. He hissed at it.
Starting point is 00:22:43 He gobbled at it. Eventually, the turkey ran out into the highway and got smashed by passing traffic. Immediately. Like, you know those videos where, like, they set the wildlife free and instantly, like, an owl eats it? Yeah. That is the human equivalent of that. And, like, his truck, his big rig is parked on the side of the road. Like his truck, his big rig is parked on the side of the road.
Starting point is 00:23:11 He only, he did that thing in like superhero movies where he's like, what are you going to do, Dr. Strangio? And he's like, well, I'm going to use my infinite power blast. Missed. Well, I'll never try that again. Like he opened that one side that could have let the turkey out into the grass once for 30 seconds and was like, get out! It's like, well, I'll just let you out into the road. There was nowhere for this turkey to go other than to fall into the road and get hit by a fucking Mazda Miata.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Is that what it really was? It kind of looked like it was a little car. Taylor doesn't know cars. He would have identified one going by at 70. I just know a Miata is a funny car, right? That's like a clown car looking thing. Or maybe I don't even know at 70. I just know a Miata is a funny car, right? That's like a clown car looking thing. Or maybe I don't even know that much.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I don't know. It looked like a Ford Focus a little bit to me. This is what matters, folks. I don't recall what it was. It's a good thing she was focusing on not hitting turkeys. She failed that. I think it's a Ford Fusion, maybe? I'm going to get to the bottom of this
Starting point is 00:24:05 i wish we could see what like the what the front of that person's car looked like after it hit the turkey because it took the whole thing with it and you see the little puff and bluster of feathers right after the initial strike that is a ford fusion didn't you used to sell fords yeah ford fusion is now in the shop i would know it probably i probably is yeah i don't know you guarantee it second time yep that was fucking hilarious that is a good one hit that bird so god damn hard so fucking hard it hit it just square too it's right in the middle of the hood just just perfect and it made a nice standing though like it might have been a bumper hit right i don't know it it was like it was like hopping
Starting point is 00:24:50 it was a little off the ground it was you couldn't have scripted it any better that bird got hit squarely that was great i really enjoyed that well it'd make it very far yeah he was that all torn up about it you know he didn't seem upset. So what other topics did we have before the show started? Well, I think we should save Game of Thrones for PKA. Definitely. Yeah, because there's a lot to say there. I'm going to rewatch it again just so I don't miss anything.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Oh, well, this doesn't have to have anything to do with the episode. It's a friend of mine who I talk about Game of Thrones with texted me a fan theory that he saw on Reddit. And usually those fan theories seem kind of dumb or like a bit of a stretch. But this one, you know, and I don't remember all the details specifically, but I remember the big picture of it. It seemed pretty viable. Is that OK to bring up a little fan theory. So basically he was saying, or the person who wrote this was like, honestly, the next big battle between the people, you know, the free folk at Winterfell and the marching armies of the dead,
Starting point is 00:25:54 the Night King isn't going to show up. He's not going to be with them because why would he bring a dragon there when he knows he could get torched by the other dragons and just immediately lose his most valuable asset. What the Night King is going to do is send his army down there, the current one, to fight. He's
Starting point is 00:26:11 going to fly around and circumvent the fight, and so by the time that battle's happening, he's in King's Landing, burning everything up. And the guy's rationale behind it was, they've made a million, they've said a million different times that there are a million people living in King's Landing was they've made a million they've said a million different times that there are a million people living in king's landing they've made a point
Starting point is 00:26:28 about how big the the population is there it also would explain the vision that daenerys had and bran had when bran was had his vision uh with his magic and daenerys had the vision uh when she was in the house of the undying or whatever where she saw all the ash the ash or snow you can't really tell in that clip where she's walking around and the throne room is burned and so i think what that is you know and you see the dragon flying overhead in that clip and i think the reason you only see the shadow of it this as this guy very astutely pointed out is that it's the night king's dragon and he is making his own southern army as they're fighting what they think is the big army
Starting point is 00:27:05 and so as they beat back because they will beat back the army of the dead there they're going to only realize as bronze coming up north to tell them you know because bron would see the dragon flying by to say hey we have a way bigger army and way bigger problems and they're marching towards us right now cool yeah i thought that sounds pretty reasonable. Yeah, I'd like to see that. Yeah, I thought it was a good episode. I want to save all that talk for the... Yeah, I have things to say too, but... Yeah, and I'm going to watch it a second time
Starting point is 00:27:32 before tomorrow night. Do you think that seems like a viable... Yeah, yeah, that could totally happen. I mean, I think the dragon's definitely heading to King's Landing at some point, and that's going to happen. Whether or not it happens exactly like you just said or not, it could go
Starting point is 00:27:47 a couple different ways. But I hope that sounds good to me. I'd be down for that. That would be cool. Yeah. I want to find a new show to watch because I don't want to do that thing where I get to the end of a show I've been watching for eight years and I go, well, no, I don't have anything. I want to have something locked and loaded. What genre? Well, first of all, what's on
Starting point is 00:28:03 the horizon is a... Lord of the Rings, right? Lord of the Rings starts filming this fall. Halo. So far. Halo is being made by Showtime. They start filming in the fall? They start filming in the fall.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Halo is being produced by Showtime. They've already named an actor for Master Chief, a guy who looks very square-jawed and masculine. I hope they don't show his face because that would ruin it for me. And so I'm sure that's going to be something in the future that's going to be good. I want to say that, and these are upcoming shows that are in production or early production, Dune. I don't know if you've ever watched the movie Dune or if you're familiar with the series of books about Dune.
Starting point is 00:28:48 with the series of books about it's this enormously long and convoluted and complicated space opera um that involved like it's it's like game of thrones and space space opera yeah it's like maybe that doesn't mean what i think it means it doesn't it's a it's it's it's a it's a big long complicated epic yeah and there's there's multiple houses there's like the house of atreides and uh and and like that each house that kind of owns their own planet and the planets are kind of at odds with each other and there's there's this overruling council and the movie dune which is you either love it or you hate it it ran into a lot of production problems but it's it's basically um one part of the books and it sort of focuses on this like chosen one story this guy who becomes like the guy to to beat all guys through a series of like uh hero journeys that that he goes upon. I like the movie because it's a three-hour fucking
Starting point is 00:29:48 crazy science fiction movie with Patrick Stewart when he still had hair. In this future, you might think ray guns. You always see laser guns and ray guns in future movies, but in this this they've basically mastered a personal body shield that like has like everybody's got an energy shield on like you know on their belt and it sort of so nobody can get shot anymore so they had to go back to to edged weapons because like that that's cool because and you have to slowly go through the shield to stab the guy. You have to basically grapple with your enemies and sort of use jujitsu and then sort of slowly stab them or cut them
Starting point is 00:30:32 because a fast-moving object is immediately deflected by the shield. But anything slow goes right through it. How slow are we talking? Do old-school long bows and things, are they back or that's still too fast? No, real slow. I would hit them with a lightning bolt because that breaks all kinds of shit. Aha! Now your surround
Starting point is 00:30:52 sound is ruined. It is. Where will you go for relaxation after your stressful battles now? Oh! I want to see who's making it. It might be HBO. They might not suck then. Who makes good shows? That's the question, right?
Starting point is 00:31:14 Does Showtime make good shows? If I hear Amazon's making something, I usually think, Netflix? I feel like I, you know, they seven and six out of 10 it sometimes. Netflix has plummeted in that way. I agree with you. We're like, even like four years ago when I went on Netflix or and saw like Netflix
Starting point is 00:31:38 original, I was like, oh, these don't come out very often. They put a lot of time and effort behind this. This is probably going to be good. And then now there's 10 new Netflix originals on the front page on any given day and i've kind of come around to like god this this kind of looks like shit like it just looks like trash like maybe slow slow your roll a little bit i yeah netflix has totally lost my loyalty if someone came like they used to it used to be like they didn't have everything but you almost felt like they did like oh i want to go see this movie they might have it
Starting point is 00:32:13 now that doesn't seem to be true anymore they don't have that movie they they limited they lost stars or something and the amount of titles they have has been cut in half and these numbers are from my butt but they're about right. And now they just pimp all these originals, which are good but not great. It's only HBO. HBO has like the top five best miniseries ever. Would they be minis?
Starting point is 00:32:38 No, TV shows? They haven't done anything lately, and they only have one show right now. They have Game of Thrones, and it has five episodes left. Lately? That was like three days ago they've done something lately they have game of thrones i think it means like what is running concurrently to game of thrones that's also popular yeah they've got five more episodes of the best show on television and then they have nothing i mean
Starting point is 00:32:58 they have their library like i get that but i've seen all the sprannos i've seen it a bunch of times i've seen the wire a bunch of times, too. I'm talking about new HBO programming that's like... Maybe I'll watch The Wire. Everybody says great things about The Wire. Dude, watch The fucking Wire. If you haven't seen The fucking Wire, watch The Wire. Oh my God, Taylor, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:33:14 What are you even doing here? If you haven't seen The Wire, just watch The fucking Wire. You know what? PKN's called early. Taylor's got to go watch The Wire. Taylor, would you quit your job? You're going to want to take a day off of work Taylor's got to go watch the war. Taylor, would you quit your job? You're going to want to take a day off of work so that you can get to season two
Starting point is 00:33:29 and see what happens. But like HBO has kind of like, they've developed some credit with me. If you told me HBO was coming out with a new, well, fantasy is what they're doing now. They're coming out with a cowboy series. I'd be like, damn, I wonder if it's going to be incredible because it might be.
Starting point is 00:33:47 There's what's the goddamn show with the robots? West Wing, West World. Even West World, I think, is going down in popularity. Yeah, and it was never as big. It was never a Game of Thrones. Yeah, nothing like that. I like West World, but I watched the second season and I didn't love it. I liked the first season a lot. I felt like there should have been a whole season.
Starting point is 00:34:13 The park shouldn't have started its downfall until the end of the first season, and it shouldn't have completely fallen apart until the middle or end of the second season. Instead, they're like, well, the park has imploded at the end of season one. Season two, well, that is the end of the park. It's over now, and it's a full-out war, and the robots are now in the real world. And season three, I guess, is robots in the
Starting point is 00:34:35 real world. It's not even Westworld anymore. It's real world. Now you're not even pretending to be a cowboy. And what's the point? Exactly. I like the cowboy stuff yeah the whole thing that like got like i i liked the world more than i liked the the show yeah so i'd be like watching the first season and being like man even anthony hopkins isn't really drawing me in but think of how dope it would be to go be a pretend cowboy and shoot smugglers and and engines
Starting point is 00:35:02 and and go you know get go get treasure from the bandits. And it's like, oh, yeah. I couldn't take my entrepreneur hat off. Like, oh my God, they're practically encouraging people to ruin these robots. How is this economically viable? Yeah, I was with you until you got to season two
Starting point is 00:35:19 and you figured out what the real purpose of the park was. Go on. I must have not got to that point. I didn't get to season two i bailed well oh well they are you know they're capturing the by having these people be in the park all of these incredibly rich influential famous people they're copying their their brain and they're able to now completely replicate that person because the hats that everybody's wearing, like in the beginning,
Starting point is 00:35:45 they're like black cat or white hat. Either way, there's a sensor inside that scanning your brain and thoughts all the time. And, uh, and so that, that's how they were making it economically viable through like, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:57 the, the R and D that they were getting from that. And, uh, and the real longterm goal of the park, the reason that the main guy was funding it, I want to say, cause it's been like a year since I've seen it, but I want to say was to make himself immortal. The idea was that they're going to copy his entire, they're going to copy his brain waves and make a new him and put it in one of those super realistic robot bodies and he'll never know it.
Starting point is 00:36:22 And so they've been doing that experiment the whole time Westworld has been in existence and like a secret lab. It was pretty good. I did myself a disservice with Westworld that I do too much, which is I multitasked while watching it. So it is, it's not good if it's, if look,
Starting point is 00:36:39 it's fine for some shows. If you want to multitask while watching the Goldbergs, knock yourself out if you know it's a sitcom but i should have given westworld like the respect it deserves and and giving it my full attention complicated plot yeah yeah and and even there were like turns that you were kind of waiting for and such when you realize that like the i don't want to spoil it like you realize this guy's a robot and i was like all right noted like it just didn't have the impact on me that it would if i'd given it my full attention
Starting point is 00:37:10 yeah i i dig it you know i i think it's like a strong like a strong six and a half or maybe a seven out of ten you know but but but it's it's just not hitting it out of the park like i would like it to it's got a great potential it's written by the same guy that wrote Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton, I think. If you think about it, a lot of his books are about amusement parks going awry. Hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Just that one idea. It almost seems like a comedy bit. I got another one. I got another one. This time, they're smaller lizards. like a comedy bit i i got another one i got another one all right all right this time they're smaller lizards they get mad it's a six flags all right all right but all of the carnies are zombies now we're gonna save money on the six flags by telling them it's all digital and to wear a mask, but it's a regular rollercoaster park, which is actually much cheaper than the R&D for developing an entire fake rollercoaster park.
Starting point is 00:38:14 And they're like, oh my God, he's done it again. And at the end, there's a class action lawsuit where they're like, you put us in real danger on real rollercoasters. And that's how it ends. 40 minutes of litigation. Yeah, man, the Wire is the show for us. The movie's settled like 25 minutes in. The Wire is definitely the show you should watch. You've seen all of
Starting point is 00:38:35 what's that fucking... Fargo. You've seen all of Fargo, right? Yeah, I've seen all of Fargo. Is there just three seasons of that? So far, yeah. Are they making more? I'm sure. It's been such a hit. And the third season was excellent.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Every season of that show has been great. Even the Alien one. That still was interesting. It still caught my attention. It was weird and silly. It was no dumber than the Quentin Tarantino movie uh
Starting point is 00:39:07 where where it turns out it's about vampires ah from dusk till dawn from dusk till dawn because that movie threw me for the biggest loop because i thought i knew what was happening in that you're so lucky it gets spoiled but for so many people like like whenever i recommend it i'm like look from dusk till dawn it's i want to say it's directed by robert rodriguez but it's written by quentin tarantino and it's got selma hayek dancing almost naked with a fucking anaconda it's got quentin tarantino acting longer than he usually does and it's got harvey kytel and uh and george clooney it's a good movie gang it's a crime drama like violent movie don't read into it anymore just go watch it now don't
Starting point is 00:39:46 look at the poster you don't want to know what's coming just watch it and enjoy like let it cut let it happen to you that's how i went into it i i had no idea whoever i was watching it with was like oh let's watch this and i was like okay and so it got to that point where i was like man this is an interesting an interesting movie and then like they're in the middle of that bar, and Tarantino just got finished sucking that lady's toes. Yeah. And then suddenly someone's like, and they've got fangs.
Starting point is 00:40:15 And I'm like, wait, I was just so flabbergasted for like five minutes. I'm like, well, what is the movie about now? Is everything that happened up to this point thrown away? Really? None of that mattered. Now it's a vampire. Okay. I enjoy Taylor's dialogue.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I have Fargo shit I have to tell you. Because I was like, I wonder if there is a season four. It seems like it's been a while. The fourth season will star Chris Rock. I think it's been a while. The fourth season will star Chris Rock. Chris Rock will play the head of a crime syndicate made up of black migrants fleeing the Jim Crow South who have a contentious relationship with the Kansas City Mafia. It will be set in 1950s Kansas City, Missouri.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Production is scheduled to begin in late 2019. Chris Rock? It'll be good. Head of a crime syndicate in the Jim Crow South? No. All right, sure. I'll give it a go, but you're right.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Chris Rock is not the guy that I picture really running shit in the mafia. My first impression of that plot line was this is clearly Wikipedia vandalism. This isn't what this is about. I didn't expect Billy Bob Thornton to be a murderous, psychopathic hitman and Bilbo Baggins to be fucking a hammer-murdering wife killer. Billy Bob Thornton plays that.
Starting point is 00:41:41 There's a scene. Do you think there are rules? There's a scene where Billy Bob Thornton threatens someone. And I don't want to spoil it for you. Yeah. All of his scenes are great. Oh, my God. It made me think that you can do that.
Starting point is 00:42:02 No, you can't do that. No, you're not in real life. I probably shouldn't try. You just go back there, get in your car and drive away, and he's just like, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Yep, he had a weapon. Oh, he actually did have a weapon. I was going to plant one on him,
Starting point is 00:42:18 but the smartass actually had two weapons. But yeah, he played that to a T. Like when he was at this one, you don't even have to spoil. This was like season one, wasn't it? Yeah. Three, four years ago. Yeah, like 2015. Oh, 14. So yeah, there's no spoilers on this.
Starting point is 00:42:37 When he was like grabbed or nabbed by the police and he was leaving the station after putting on his glasses and being like oh well shucks i'm just you know i'm just the guy trying to live my life i'm not entirely sure about all these things you're saying but uh if i could go i'd be much obliged you know my wife was making a cash roll that i love so much you know he was talking like that being weird and then as he's leaving you know he gives that little monologue to the the shrimpy guy about you know like you
Starting point is 00:43:02 know why you know how humans can see more colors of green than any other color? Predators. We need to be able to differentiate between predators and our surroundings. Then he just, like, leaves. And he's just basically telling him, like, I'm a predator. Be fucking careful. Because you didn't see me.
Starting point is 00:43:19 It was fucking great. He has so many smart moments like that. Like, he's just the smartest guy in the room every time you see him. And he's the most... Worst hair, though. Worst hair. It's real bad.
Starting point is 00:43:32 I like that in my villains, though. Javier Barden had the worst hair ever in the film. It was so bad. But it worked. It worked. I'm going to look at his hair again. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Is this your gas station? I can show it to people. So you married into it. I put that in the wrong thing. I reckon you could say that. That's what I'm saying. That's what happened. Don't put it in your pocket. Like, what business
Starting point is 00:44:05 what business of yours where I'm going well that's just making conversation I need to know what I stand to win or lose nothing and everything fucking great oh that's a great movie. That is such a good movie.
Starting point is 00:44:27 That spooked me in that movie when he took that cow thing in the beginning and he's like, just killed that guy and I'm like, oh, well fuck. So that's the kind of man we're dealing with. He kills the cop within three minutes of being arrested,
Starting point is 00:44:46 and his face, just the bottom teeth bearing as he's on the ground. The guy's making marks with his rubber soles. That movie is so... And they have very little music playing in it. A lot of silence. A lot of silence, and that builds a lot for me. With the landscapes and stuff. It's a Western.
Starting point is 00:45:05 It's a really interesting Western. Those Coen brothers. I don't want to spoil anything, but Woody Harrelson plays a character who is like the peer of this badass they're talking about. And the way that follows through is like, oh, it's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:22 So good. It's like, would you say he's dangerous? Compared to what? The bubonic plague. Yeah. So good. It's like, would you say he's dangerous? Compared to what? The bubonic plague? Yeah. It's like, no, you piece of shit. Like a guy who's going to murder me. Oh, he'll do that.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Yeah. Javier Barden is scary as fuck. I think he won an award for that. I've watched so many analyses of that movie and of the various clips because there's a lot sort of left up to the imagination. And it's a weird format for a movie, the way that Llewellyn sort of like meets his end off screen, you know, like a very unceremonious end to what you presume to be your hero,
Starting point is 00:46:01 the star of the show. And then, you know, they never get the bad guy really. And then you're the star of the show and then you know you they never get the bad guy really and then you're sort of left wondering did he kill the guy's wife at the end you know he told him you know make right on this or i'll go after them too and of course he's that kind of bad guy that he keeps his word and done you know he goes after her too and makes her call the coin and i watched this whole thing breaking down like did he kill her or didn't he and it's like yeah he absolutely killed her and they show like several pieces of evidence to explain yeah yeah she's dead in there he fucking killed her yeah there were a lot of layers in that movie yeah it's i'm usually pretty honest about whether i get something
Starting point is 00:46:39 or don't and and at the end of no country for old man it was like all right i'm gonna need some help with this analysis wait wait i was supposed to look at the doorknob reflection i need to see this again yeah great movie the only coen brothers thing i don't like of course is a ballad of buster scruggs but everything else they've made is fucking amazing in my opinion some of my favorite shit you guys did me the service of lowering expectations before Ballad of Buster Scrubs and I liked it. The Coen Brothers, I believe they did what's the fucking one with the dude? Big Lebowski.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Spider-Man. Spider-Man was... There was a dude in that as well. Oh, they did Burn After Reading, which a lot of people said was dumb. I thought that Burn After Reading was really funny. Didn't they do Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? Yeah, that sounds
Starting point is 00:47:32 right. Yeah, I'm a huge fan of Oh Brother, Where Art Thou. That's an incredible movie. Another George Clooney movie. It's got a lot of the same actors that were in Buster Scruggs in it. And they use a lot of the same actors. A couple of the same actors that were in No country for old men are also in a brother.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Where are thou? It's over. Where are there is great. It's based on Homer's odyssey, but it's set in like 1915. I don't know, maybe 1920s Alabama or, or,
Starting point is 00:48:01 or in the South anyway, but it's, it's Homer's odyssey based there. but it's, it's Homer's Odyssey based there. So it's, you know, Odysseus is journey home to his wife to face off against her suitors and written and, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:13 retake his kingdom. But it's George Clooney trying to get back and keep his wife from marrying a dentist. He directed the dictator. Oh yeah. I haven't seen that yet. That's the one where like, wait,
Starting point is 00:48:24 wait, that's the one. like wait wait that's the one just they helped finance that i guess because it was under their list of coen brothers movies that's the one where sasha baron coen is okay yeah yeah okay yeah pretending to be the dictator of so it was in a made-up country i don't even remember no no no that's it so that's not one of sasha baron coen's movie like borat like borat where he's like spoofing people that's where he actually plays uh like a terror like a the like a saddam hussein type character yeah he's the ruler of uh wadiya yeah and that's when he goes to new york and he starts like making all like the insults to the lesbians that that like work there at the produce market and he like yeah it's a pretty
Starting point is 00:49:01 funny the best part is when he's like at the very beginning he's meeting with like his nuclear missile scientist guy and he's like i've done it i've got your nuclear missile sir it's it's it's it's 40 megatons it has a range of 3 000 kilometers and he's like uh why is no more pointy on top is well well sir because of atmospheric pressures and aerodynamics it needed to be a dome i would like it to be pointy sir changing the ballistic coefficients of this rocket would be it would just be detrimental to it could explode right above our country here in beautiful beautiful wadiya okay i understand i understand very good and he looks his friend he goes and like guards russian and drag the scientist away to be murdered i would like it to be pointy yeah that's at the end when he like gets with that girl
Starting point is 00:49:58 and he is like and she's like i'm pregnant he oh, what are you having, a boy or an abortion? And then she's like, well, I am Jewish. And he's like... Oh, no. At the very end, he finds out his wife is Jewish, and he does not care for that. That's fucking great. Yeah, that is a funny movie. Oh, Notre Dame caught on fire.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Yeah, that's awful. I don't want to... I'm sorry. Oh, Notre Dame caught on fire. Yeah, that's awesome. I don't want to... I'm sorry. I just feel like we're supposed to pretend like we care that this cathedral burnt down in a country across the Atlantic Ocean. Like... I got plenty of pictures of that shit, right?
Starting point is 00:50:40 It's still, like, sad because it's this really cool old thing. I kept, like... As it's you know i cared cool old thing i kept like as it was playing out i cared and and i kept caring because i'm like all right it's on fire well i i had this thought which seems so stupid in hindsight but i was like isn't that thing mostly stone so probably just like the curtains are on fire or something like maybe it's just that that's what i thought and then like more and more is on fire and like oh it turns out the whole roof is kind of like flammable shit so that's that's not good as long as no people got hurt you know i just fell down i think well nobody got hurt yeah oh maybe he did i don't know know. I mean, I don't want people to get hurt, but if I look and I see that Notre Dame,
Starting point is 00:51:28 or however you pronounce it, is on fire, and I see that, I don't know, like an animal hospital is on fire, I'm much more concerned about the fucking animal hospital. Well, maybe a real hospital, but I don't give a fuck about the animal hospital compared to Notre Dame. What if they specialize in capuchin monkeys? And they're just in there in their little diapers.
Starting point is 00:51:48 No monkeys or people. Like rattling those cages. Nah, you're starting to win me over. That's right. That's right. I do get that it's just things. And now there's like billionaires. Like, I'll give a hundred million.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I'll also give a hundred million and they're going to rebuild it. Yeah, I'm sure there's no poor French people who could use those hundreds of millions of dollars. People are making that criticism. Yeah, they're like, man, it's so easy to get a billionaire to give $100 million to a building, but there are people in need of help. I don't know. Those billionaires aren't going to start writing checks for,
Starting point is 00:52:25 you know, the, the poor of France. I hear you. I don't know. It's Notre Dame. It's a big deal. It's,
Starting point is 00:52:32 it's, I just think like the apex, you're like, like the historical district of apex, the town I came from, like established in 1965, like, Ooh, so this is what fire departments
Starting point is 00:52:47 were like they started building notre dame 30 years before post malone like this is not this is not history they started building what uh notre dame in like the 1100s and so i totally get the difference in in scope where it is like i'm not french and i'm not catholic but if i were french or catholic but if i were french or catholic i would kind of i bet they kind of look at that as like one of my least favorite things one of their main cultural hubs where it's like what do you think of when you think of france well the eiffel tower and you know notre dame mostly pretty much just the eiffel tower though really like oh those are the two big ones i think of uh you're you're twice as cultured as me because
Starting point is 00:53:23 i think of the eiffel tower and then i guess just like the city of paris you know it'd be a funny uh uh terrorist attack as if if they straightened the leaning tower of pisa that would be hilarious just an overnight construction group comes and they straighten it and then all the italians like there was not so much so much bad that when it so much bad there was just a big wedge on one side still in there just like a door stop looking thing they have that thing propped up at this point
Starting point is 00:53:55 like they've had for a long time to keep it from continuing it's on sandy soil and if they didn't do anything it would fall over I'm pretty sure if they wanted to they could straighten it out but they're like let's leave it the way it is. Let's just leave it like this.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Who's going to take the pictures going like this? Nobody will. You come into a straight tower, you find me a Sears Tower photo from the U.S. Going like this, you can't find it. I just don't care about that cathedral. Not even a little fucking bit. I guess I'm just ignorant. But it just meant nothing to me at all.
Starting point is 00:54:29 I just think old buildings, stuff that old, that has so much culture and history behind it, it's just cool. It's like looking into the past. And it would be a shame if we started losing things like this. Can I talk about the Leaning Tower of Pisa for a second? Because Kyle got me super curious. As a child, I was taught that it's still leaning
Starting point is 00:54:48 and that it's going to tip over and that it leans another two inches every year. And I thought that was fascinating and assumed it continued to be true. But Kyle is right. In 2008, they shut it down, but by 2008, it was announced that it stabilized and everything is right. In 2008, they shut it down, but by 2008, it was announced that it's stabilized and everything is fine.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Yeah. So, yeah. But as a kid, I was like, yeah, that thing leads more every year. It's so fascinating. That's another really, I didn't know it was this old. They started construction in 1173.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I hope it falls over. I hope that's next. You hope that's next? What other landmarks do you hate? Stonehenge is stupid I hate the Liberty Bell What? I don't know
Starting point is 00:55:31 Now you're ripping on Philly Yeah, you got a broken bell? They rang that bell to get liberty out of it? Exactly Do any of us actually know the historical significance behind the Liberty Bell? Well, it was dropped behind Patrick's pub. That is true. I saw that in
Starting point is 00:55:52 a It's Always Sunny episode, but I'll be honest. I like to think I know a little bit about American history. But I'm not really sure what the significance behind that... I think Ben Franklin fucked a girl on it once. That sounds right. That sounds right. That sounds right. They're like...
Starting point is 00:56:08 Yeah, I don't give a fuck about the Liberty Bell. It's been binging for five minutes! It's not 200 o'clock! I don't care about the Anne Frank House. They should call it, like, the fucking hide-and-seek world champion 1942 to 1944 house or something like that.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I don't know if that would have as much of a draw. You can find... Maybe you could hide inside the house and some guys dressed as Nazis would try to find you. Oh, it's like an escape room. Dude, Kyle is... Kyle is completely right
Starting point is 00:56:40 about the Liberty Bell. I don't know that much about the Liberty Bell. I don't know what the scoop is. So I look it up and they're like, well, you know, the bell was made this and so it couldn't have possibly be rung on July 4th, 1776. And they said that it broke while like announcing the death of Chief Justice John Marshall. But that's not actually true either. And this isn't true. And that isn't true. It's just apparently a broken bell. As far as Philly landmarks go, that statue of Rocky Balboa is more legit than the Liberty Bell. I can't figure out why the Liberty Bell is that famous, other than the fact that they put it on a tour and built a monument around it. I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:57:23 I've been there. I don't care about that. Statue of Liberty, I'm a big fan it. I've seen it. I've been there. You know, I don't care about that. Statue of Liberty, I'm a big fan of. I was blown away when I saw it. You know the steps that Rocky ran up? Yeah. I used to live in Pennsylvania, and I would go on these rollerblading tours where we get in the way of traffic and shit.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I probably can't do it anymore but i rode my skated backwards down the steps that rock ran up on roller base everyone was doing it and i was like i did it a lot on like smaller steps but they're wider so they're easier and i'm like i think i can do that but there's a lot of people watching yeah fuck it i'm in that well i mean i like that embarrassment is your biggest fear not cracking the back of your head open on one of those that's not how well if i do fail i'll be unconscious or dead so i won't even know they're laughing oh i don't know if we talked about it jorge masvidal is fighting ben askren yes yes did you watch him on joe rogan yes yeah masvidal does look a lot of guys so for taylor's
Starting point is 00:58:28 benefit and anybody who's not you know it plugged into this mma thing there are fighters who talk shit just to talk shit because it's it's promotion thing some of them think it's just and some of them really enjoy it because it's fun and funny to them ben askren's one of these guys he he does this corny boom roasted thing thing where he just sort of corny on purpose. He's corny on purpose. Masvidal doesn't understand that. Masvidal is literally a guy who was in
Starting point is 00:58:54 special education and fighting his whole life. The only thing he understands is he just doesn't respect it. He's not confused by this situation. He just thinks words matter and that you can't say them with it you know and and be like that this is a guy who was in special education throughout his educational career and is a street fighting thug literally everything i said is a literal fact
Starting point is 00:59:18 the street fighting thug shit that's on youtube check out the more hey masvidal versus ray ray he's badass he's the little one yeah so but masvidal so and the matchup is really cool because masvidal is this guy who's got a very strong wrestling base but just great hands just uh just demolished was it darren till knocked him the fuck out about a month ago and And, and I was shocked to see that. And he's the one Taylor who we watched the animated video where they were like, these, the guy who's talking about giving you like a three piece combo and shit.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Oh yeah. Yeah. I remember that. Ben Askren is the guy who takes two watermelons and gets them like this and crushes them both with his bare arms. Cause he, they call him funky Ben Askrenren because he's got like his own made-up wrestling style that's just weird and he's he's got like people describe cool he's really
Starting point is 01:00:14 cool i like him a lot and he's smart and he's funny and he's clever and he's he does great on the mic yeah boom roasted like he makes me laugh. And I really want to see the fight now because Masvidal wasn't talking shit to talk shit. Cause Masvidal literally hates that. Masvidal doesn't have a, he has a Twitter, but someone else runs it. Like, like he doesn't get into that bullshit. He's there to fight and make as much money fighting as he can. And he'll still, still beat you up backstage. But, but in the way he put it, he's like, I'd rather just beat you up backstage but but in the way he put it he's like i'd rather just beat you up backstage and have nobody see it because i don't want you to get any shine off of it he won't say ben askren's name he does everything he can to avoid saying his name at one point they said it rhymes with shen
Starting point is 01:00:58 no here's how here's how stupid masvidal is and I believe what Rogan said is true, that he's very intelligent as a fighter, and at combat sports, he's probably at a genius level. Experience, too. But they were like, he didn't want to say Ben Astrin's name, so Rogan goes, what does the guy's name rhyme with? And then I could hear the Jeopardy music in my head. Na, na, na, na, na, na, na.
Starting point is 01:01:25 He literally couldn't rhyme a word with Ben. And Jamie has to go, Sven, Sven Hakren. And Rogan's, because Rogan didn't know who he was fighting. He forgot that they had
Starting point is 01:01:37 a fight assigned. What does it rhyme with? Like, that's like the biggest Streisand effect thing. Or just say your opponent's name yeah you're right you just look like a fool otherwise dude Jorge Rivera has this
Starting point is 01:01:52 code and Kyle's mentioned to it mentioned it with regards to like no trash talk but there's more there's like don't talk about like if you and I trained and I won or lost against you in the gym that's in the gym that's not an accomplishment for me or a defeat. That's just training.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Don't go out and brag about it like you beat me at something. And Ben Askren violates that code all the time. He'll tell you how he stack ranks against people in private. And he just doesn't like everything about Ben Askren. And I'm enjoying... The hatred. The legitimate hatred that he seems to have. He asked Jorge Rivera
Starting point is 01:02:30 to name another fighter that he hated as much as Ben Askren. Or even another fighter he really hated going into it. It's Masvidal, right? What am I saying? Jorge Masvidal? You're saying Jorge Rivera. Oh, my mistake. It is definitely Masvidal. Rivera's an older fighter. Anyway,
Starting point is 01:02:46 he's never hated a guy like this before. These guys are oil and water, and I can't wait. Yeah, I like that. I like that. Is there an event this weekend? Isn't this the one with Holly Holm and Manu Nunez, maybe? Is it so soon?
Starting point is 01:03:02 I don't fucking know, honestly. I know it's coming up and so is saturday um overeem is on the next card and april 20th yeah so you're right there's an event this weekend but it's one of the main ones yeah it's a fight night. Ah, well, at least I don't have to pay for it. Yeah. Actually, outside of the top of the card, I only know one other fighter on this whole thing, Roxanne Matafari. That's because I met her. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Yeah, that time I went to go to Japan with Joe's thing. She's like real... There are some people who are just like enthusiasts of Japan who think Japan is like the neatest thing and want to know more about its culture and be more Japan. And she's like that. So she took us out to restaurants she wouldn't normally go to and meet things and
Starting point is 01:03:58 gave us a tour. That's cool. That's cool. Well, yeah, I think that's an hour, but we've got a lot to talk about with the Game of Thrones stuff on... I'm glad we didn't burn that. That's going. That's cool. Well, yeah, I think that's an hour, but we've got a lot to talk about with the Game of Thrones stuff on. I'm glad we didn't burn that. That's going to be interesting. Yeah, I look forward to your takes on it, but I'll say no more. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:15 You know, not, I feel like, all I'll say is I feel like they're setting the table. You know, not, there wasn't a lot of, we haven't gotten, there wasn't a lot of meat and potatoes out there but the table was set and i'm okay with that i agree so here we are talking about it because when you said there's a lot to talk about i'm like really there's just an hour of characters learning shit i knew but we'll save it for the show pieces are on the board all right uh pkn 243 i think

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