Painkiller Already - PKN #270

Episode Date: October 31, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 dkn 270 doing a lot of chit-chatting about tech yeah tech which i'm very familiar with gpus frame rates hertz electricity backlighting mice the whole gamut rats yeah so i'm excited to get going with the the twitch thing it'll probably be aggravating trying to get used to WASD for the first bit, but I've been reassured by enough of the Kyle clan who follow me on Twitter that if I tweet something out, they're like, just come play with us. We can carry you the whole way.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Don't even sweat it, dude. You could actively try to sabotage us and you wouldn't succeed. You're going to get some wins. So that makes me feel a little better. Yeah, we win a game of two a night something like that you know nothing crazy but what we have you know if we play 10 we're gonna win one we won two or three last night something like that we have a good time you're still playing yeah yeah i love pub g uh it's it's you know i've been obviously not playing too much pc games in prison so still getting uh you know tuned back into pub g just you know a lot of muscle memory got retarded so i'm picking it back up again you can do that fast
Starting point is 00:01:13 even in a week if you're a week's too much a week and and that first like hour back after a week even it's like oh this looks funky i feel kind of disoriented a little bit but um but yeah i'm getting right back into it i know i'm better than that guy yeah and i gotta say the best way to get good at games like pub g is watching good people play you know learning decision making uh habits and movement techniques you know just just how to strafe and when to take a gunfight when not to take a gunfight i don't know if you can watch Shroud for that particular advice. Not Shroud, no. Shroud just doesn't really give a fuck, and he's always pushing the action to try to just force a round peg
Starting point is 00:01:54 into a square hole. But somebody like Choco Taco is more of a thinking man's PUBG player. And he's all... Yeah, Choco Taco. He's a real chill guy. He's like the C-Nanners of PUBG. He's got a very smooth voice. He even looks a bit like C-Nanners.
Starting point is 00:02:13 I wonder what C-Nanners is. Anyone know? I thought he retired. I have. Because I don't think he does anything with his YouTube channel anymore. No. I sort of derailed us. Yeah, you described Because I don't think he does anything with his YouTube channel anymore. No.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I sort of derailed this one. Yeah, you described Proud one time the way that really fascinated me. So you're driving in a car in PUBG and you get shot at. Any normal person is like, oh my god. Get the heck out of here. We're being shot at. PUBG is like, I'm sorry, Shroud is like, how dare you
Starting point is 00:02:43 pull over? This guy wants to fight! And then wins a gunfight against some guy with a pixel showing behind a rock while he stands out in the open and drives on, having hoped that guy learned his lesson. Yeah, that's absolutely true. If we're driving, we're trying to get to the center of the map
Starting point is 00:03:08 so that we can find a building and lock it down like it's real life army shit. You've got this shrinking zone every couple minutes. We always stay in the middle of that zone. That's also what Choco Taco does. He gets a lot of wins. He definitely has a higher win percentage
Starting point is 00:03:24 than Shroud. Shroud. Shroud is... When they shoot him, like what he just explained, he's like, fucking stop, get out, fight these guys. He just wants to fight. He doesn't care nearly as much about winning as he does. He sounds like a fun guy to watch. If all he wants to do
Starting point is 00:03:42 is push and be aggressive and fuck shit up, no wonder he's so popular. What he does for a living. Yeah. Like Kyle said, a higher win percentage. And I thought, does that mean better? I'm not sure. I feel like I'm throwing stones at poor Wings.
Starting point is 00:03:59 But he has a really high KD. But we could all have a higher KD percentage if we camped and, you know, had those games where we go nine and one. Yeah, it's a mixed bag with those two, in my opinion. I feel like I'm qualified to talk about this. I watch so much of both of them. And it seems to me that Chaco is very good at the game. Like, don't get me wrong. He's not a guy who's just like all strategy and no skill he's a lot of skill and top tier strategy and
Starting point is 00:04:33 that's what i really like about what he does like everything he's doing is really well thought out the way he plays the game and the way he moves coming down to like how you know he's an expert at all the weapons and shroud is more like just a gunslinger who just sort of brings the same incredible um accuracy that he has in every game into pub g and just lets it lets it go is he more like xcal was just sprinting around and more extreme than xcal even he's shroud shroud just wants to even. Shroud just wants to fuck. He just wants to fuck, and he's just... Yet, sadly, his expertise is in games. I would think at this point, like...
Starting point is 00:05:16 I know. He's probably gotten some fucking expertise in. Good for him. As a segue, Taylor was giving advice on how to get girls he says you know what hit the gym get yourself fit make yourself the super you you know you'll do so well and i'm like is that what what made taylor succeed or is it like hey baby i got a job health insurance you know could put you on the policy someday just dangling that out there yeah that's that's the way i get it is i like the frank reynolds approach but instead of a magnum condom
Starting point is 00:05:50 for my monster dong my health insurance card falls out chicks dig it full dental eye coverage you need that much for your eyes shut up bitch i don't need i have a sensible car and a health insurance and 28 year old sploosh for that oh yeah they they love it that's that's what they want a responsible man it really is like i know right i'm not totally it's a joke but it it's a joke but it's not really a joke like like if you're out there like if you're in your late 20s like me or early 30s or whatever women when they start to get to that age are getting more desperate they're starting to realize that the clock is ticking and so rotting on the inside and they know it they're rotting like a like a banana with brown spots starting to form okay all right we can still make banana bread it's okay if we throw them in the freezer, they'll last, I guess.
Starting point is 00:06:48 It's like, nah, bitch, those eggs are going to be terrible once you take them out of the freezer. And so, yeah. Just be a responsible adult. Yeah, that's how you get serial killers. Most serial killers are also responsible adults. Responsible adults or absolutely retarded. There's a very interesting inverse bell curve for serial killers where they're either super idiots who are just like i was just killing as many people as i could until you found me and he's got like a necklace of ears on or super geniuses but i don't know if responsible adult is what you're looking for
Starting point is 00:07:22 that's that's where they don't exist i'm'm basing 100% of that point of contention on American Psycho. Yeah. See, I was on Ted Kaczynski. Do I have his last name? Yeah. Yeah, Ted Kaczynski. He was not responsible adult. I don't know if he was a serial killer.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And not an idiot. He was just that other thing. Yeah. Very eccentric. He was a really, really smart guy, like solving theorems like in goodwill hunting he was the unabomber yes yes but you said you don't know if he's a serial killer just a bomber and i thought i thought those bombs took people out but um it's been a while it's a different
Starting point is 00:07:57 kind of serial killer for sure when you're sending bombs but but still like frankly it's a much lamer comment. Is George Bush a serial killer? I mean, if we're going to... I mean... Every president gets a little. Not Jimmy Carter. He wouldn't raise a finger for anybody. Unless it's to hammer in a nail before falling down and breaking another bone. Did you see he fell again?
Starting point is 00:08:21 Yeah, he keeps falling. He's America's finest ex-president. Somebody prop that fucker up. Stop trying to hammer in nails. You're just slowing down the whole process. I wish Family Guy would go the fuck home. I wish Family Guy would have an episode where he's
Starting point is 00:08:37 just continuously up on roofs and doing electrical work on rickety ladders and stuff. No, no, I got it. Mr. Carter, please, not again. Oh, I'm going to get up on that eve and get this. Am I wrong? These are just photo ops now, right?
Starting point is 00:08:56 Yeah, probably. I saw a picture of him the other day, and he's literally in a wheelchair. His face is all black and blue from his last fall. And he's like hammering nails into a board that's on a wheelchair. His face is all black and blue from his last fall. And he's like hammering nails into a board that's on a table. It's like, all right. It doesn't really discredit the photo op theory. And you know there's a guy, someone behind him who's like, Mr. Foreman, all of this needs to be redone.
Starting point is 00:09:21 None of these are usable. You see, he is, how you say, old as fuck. I hit the nail all the way through. It's like that scene, remember in Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the original, if you saw that, the one that had Matthew McConaughey, where they're all sitting at the dinner table,
Starting point is 00:09:39 all the cannibal family, and they've got the poor girl, the last survivor, and she's at the table. And now it's been revealed what this family's all about. And they're like, and Paw Paw's at the poor girl, the last survivor, and she's at the table. And now it's been revealed what this family's all about. And they're like, and Pawpaw's at the other end of the table, and he is so fucking decrepit. And he's had a stroke, and he's like 97.
Starting point is 00:09:54 They're like, Pawpaw could always kill them cows at the slaughterhouse with one whack of the hammer. He'd just lay them out. How about one more, Pawpaw? Pawpaw's like, yeah. They put the hammer in Pawpaw's hand, but he can't lift it. They lift the hammer over the girl's head
Starting point is 00:10:14 that they're holding down on the table and drop it. They're just slapping her in the head with this hammer. She's just like, ah, God! Pawpaw's like, again, again! That's Jimmy Carter. That's Jimmy carter now he would be a terrible killer cisco used to mandate that people did volunteer time it was one of the things that made them like a good company right we take our
Starting point is 00:10:37 staff and uh some days instead of working they go do volunteer shit well we had some choices and i chose habitat for humanity and it was funny because like this was an area where i was a god amongst men it's me i bring my own tool belt i got like a framing hammer right i'm ready for whatever the day brings sheer navas patabi uh ayush none of these guys have the construction skills. If you don't know, they literally have servants back home. The kind of Indian that goes to college and then makes it to America and gets an IT job. They have servants making
Starting point is 00:11:13 their food. If I've told you once, I've told you a hundred times, this is not a sandals environment. You own other shoes. You laugh, but you're not. You're pretty close. They can't even carry things. They certainly can't hammer.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And I don't know how to describe. Like, if anyone here knows how to hammer, there's kind of a natural motion, right? And if you hammer out of position, you try to find a way to, like, replicate that natural motion from a different angle. These guys, like, it's like they're going to hit their own foreheads. They're all wrist. Just to look at them for one second, you're like, is this your first hammer swing?
Starting point is 00:11:51 You're 30. But it is. And yeah, so kind of a big deal. The Cisco Habitat for Humanity environment. They're going to put it in the toilet and they're like, now what is this?
Starting point is 00:12:03 Oh, Jesus. The whole scene's fine. what is this? The hole seems fine. What is this to be for? There is a perfectly good hole right here. All I must do is slip off my sandals, sit down on the floor. They're filthy people. I mean, India,
Starting point is 00:12:20 I've never seen a picture of India other than the one, from that one angle of the Taj Mahal. Yeah. Where I'm like, that looks sick. I'd love to go kind of poke around there. Every other photo of India is like dirty rivers with dead people floating in it and nobody caring. And like, do they not have air conditioning?
Starting point is 00:12:39 Like, why is it that people are always sort of sweaty and stinky and okay with that as if it were the okay state of affairs? Yeah, they don't mind. Now they look smelly. There was something with like, for some reason, Israel had to like use stink bombs on some Indians at one point. This is a real article, a real article. And it was like from Haaretz or Jerusalem Post or something where they're like, the Israeli army's stink bombs have no effect on Indians. They just didn't care. I think it's better.
Starting point is 00:13:14 What are you making for dinner tonight? Yeah, but I don't want to visit India. What's the list of countries that you will never want to visit? Honestly, India, I'd like to visit. I want to visit countries that are different from mine. That's like a thing I like. So when you say, Woody, where do you want to go? It's like Brazil, Nicaragua, India, Southeast Asia, places like that.
Starting point is 00:13:37 The places that like the way most people choose is like Australia, UK, places where there's not a big adaptation. And that's not my priority. Yeah. I like to avoid terrorism and kidnappery. So most of the Middle East is out. I was like, on the other hand, I like Mexico. Probably like Mac with that map of the United States or the map of the world.
Starting point is 00:14:06 You're like, you're going to want to avoid this and that. It wasn't Canada, baby. It was on over here. Rock, flag, eagle. Yeah. Yeah, I am sort of partial to the places that are very similar to us. You know, Canada, the UK, New Zealand is a big one for sure. Australia.
Starting point is 00:14:22 But at the same time, you know, you know, I hate some of those countries just, um, you know, just, I just hate the French. They just seem like shit, shit, shit, shitty people. And I didn't stutter there. That's four shits. That's, that's, that's my higher rate. Um, you know, Germany would be really cool to see. Amsterdam would be really cool. The, the Netherlands, uh, Netherlands would be really cool to see. Some of the stuff south of our border would be okay, I guess. I have no interest in going to Mexico, though. I feel like they're very
Starting point is 00:14:52 kidnappery. Argentina looks dope. Yeah. Don't cry for me, Argentina. Canada, for sure. Most of those Icelandic countries look really fucking cool. The people look enormous and beautiful Italy I would love to go to Italy for the food I can't go hang out in fucking northern Europe
Starting point is 00:15:12 or Iceland South Korea for sure I feel like South Korea would be great I had a friend that went over there to teach English and she didn't even speak Korean it made no sense to me how she could get that job I still don't understand it paid very well it came with all these crazy benefits very well can you say i
Starting point is 00:15:31 think 90k a year to like go and like get out yeah it made no sense oh yeah i thought you were gonna be like 45k but listen hear me out her only skill was speaking english like no like 90k plus all these other like benefits and her only skill was speaking english how is it possible that like i feel as if everyone i know who kind of graduated high school in my same like you know five years both ways knows dozens of white girls who went to south korea English. I knew so many girls in high school. And they never come back. Now they're just Chinese. They talk now. They would just
Starting point is 00:16:12 go and do that. The beauty is when they come back, the only first two inches of their pussy is used. Assuming they even were handing out any gash over their pussy. I think the coolest place to visit would be Japan.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Because I feel like it'd be going into the future a little bit. And dope food. And you get to ride fast trains. Which these are not Chiz trains. This sounds like Six Flags. Six Flags is great.
Starting point is 00:16:44 What's wrong with Six Flags? I went to Japan. The food was lousy. Great food. The trains were just trains. The cleanliness really did live up to the hype. And people like following order. Like the train station, I'm thinking of in particular,
Starting point is 00:17:00 really did live up to the hype. People were nice. Samurai culture. I'd take pictures because I was a tourist. You know, to give some of their own medicine. And like old guys missing teeth were like posing and being fun. So that made me think highly of Japan. But yeah, maybe it was better than giving credit.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I want to go to Singapore so I can rat out other tourists for things like spitting or frowning. Cain him! Wasn't that a real story from a few years ago? Where an American citizen... Singapore, though, right? Yeah, that's basically China, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:37 All China. All China. France? That's West China. That's far West China. They just don't know it yet. You just show off for not caring about your social credit score. Pick your nose and pee. That's just South China.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Chinese Antarctica. Very cold. What horrible people they are. They'll get their comeuppance someday. They'll be a plague. They're going gonna dominate us no a plague will handle them while we're talking about what bathrooms
Starting point is 00:18:10 certain people can use they're like I don't care you take that organ out you put it in the superhero we made with genetic engineering next two generations from now we're all going to be nine feet tall different color hair see who's laughing then yeah imagine where America would be if over the last 20 years
Starting point is 00:18:25 or 18 years, whatever it actually is, instead of just going to war all this time, we invested in our own infrastructure. We supported our capitalistic enterprises and made better roads and internet. Is it nine trillion? That seems too high. I think the wars were like a couple trillion.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Trillions of dollars dumped into America. Everyone could have gone to college. Or the college would literally be paid. For free. Everyone could have gone to college for free. And then there'd been money left over to go to Mars and Jupiter and Venus. And we all have healthcare. These wars are like a dumb jobs program.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And we all have healthcare. These wars are like a dumb jobs program, right? If we could do the same jobs programs and have roads and gigabit internet and shit like that and science advancements. I've always said we have holes in the sand. We should do what ancient Rome did when the legionnaires weren't out there
Starting point is 00:19:18 fucking shit up. That's literally their job. Like most of the legionnaires job was, oh, well, it's peacetime. This whole unit, you're going to build roads. You're going to build aqueducts. That's how they utilize their military in so many different areas of their empire.
Starting point is 00:19:33 We should be doing shit like that. We do, but we have them do it in other countries. Well, fuck that. That's not what the Spartans did. That is true, Kyle. I had to process that. The Spartans would have them train and they'd be better warriors than the other people. And now there's stories about them in their ruined society.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Turns out that was all lies. I watched one of those like history YouTubers and there's a lot of propaganda with the Spartans. I feel so lied to because I was lied to by my history teachers. I looked it up actually. And what I read was it was somewhere in between. They're like, on one hand, they don't get enough credit,
Starting point is 00:20:07 right? Cause they make it seem like it was just badasses with swords and spears. When the reality is, uh, that was part of it, but they had a Navy, they highly valued like espionage and they go in and like fuck shit up and other people like,
Starting point is 00:20:20 like, like civilizations. Um, on the other hand, they did lose some wars here and there. And a lot of the reasons that they were so militaristic is they had a huge like slave population, right?
Starting point is 00:20:32 If you watch 300, which I did last night, they're screaming about freedom and how we're free men the whole damn time. Yeah, they were. Weird, but free men. Right, but they were, one of the reasons they were had such a powerful
Starting point is 00:20:46 army is they needed to hold back a slave result revolt and eventually they didn't well they they would just like go to other greek city states fuck it up and it's like oh you're a slave now it's like but we're we're free greeks together a little bit right right? And they're like, no. Yeah. No, not at all. The amount of people that were slaves outnumbered them more and more and more. And eventually they lost. It was by a great deal. It was like three to one slaves.
Starting point is 00:21:13 I think they called them, did they call them serfs? I can't remember exactly what their word was. But yeah, they were doing a lot of the work. They would just like go to Athens, fuck shit up and steal a bunch of Athenians. Yeah. I think they had a real rivalry
Starting point is 00:21:30 with the Athenians, and that was one of the points that that historian was making that I watched on YouTube. He was like, you know, the Athenians didn't do all that crazy stuff, and when they fought, it was kind of 50-50. I guess like 1,500 Spartans
Starting point is 00:21:46 fought like 1,500 Macedonians or something like that. In the end, there were like three Spartans left and two Macedonians. I guess all that Spartan training really wasn't... Athens was also a much larger city than Sparta so they could deploy more soldiers.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I don't remember if it was actually the Macedonians, you cunt. No, no, Athens, I said. I don't know about the Macedonians. I think it was the Athenians. I read about it last night, so I'm a little fresh on it. And, like, the... The cunt. The, what?
Starting point is 00:22:15 Why is that funny? No, I was just joking around. Because Kyle called me a cunt for saying Macedonians. Oh. You talk shit about the Macedonians. I'm half Macedonian. The athenians beat the spartans the spartans offered like a piece or something they turned it down so then they fought again and the spartans won and the athenians were like fuck we should have just like what why didn't we
Starting point is 00:22:39 take a win when we had it fool me once not gonna i'm gonna fool me again later i have that i'm not like that is crazy this stuff like you'll think you know shit about history and then you'll like do a little more digging and be like oh my god i that's not at all what i was taught like i remember in high school everything you heard about winston churchill was just like genius the best guy the tippity top. Hell yeah. This dude, a genius. You know, he would sometimes even drink when he was given orders. And then like you look a little deeper into him and it's like this guy was a full blown booze hound who was making huge decisions wasted that like often resulted in tons of people.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Good decisions. That seems like good decisions to me. Not always. Sometimes they were very bad decisions. I just over a lot of Canadians That seems like good decisions to me. Not always. Sometimes they were very bad decisions. He fucked over a lot of Canadians on D-Day. Hear me out, Taylor. So, professional darts. These are the world's most elite dart players.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Because they practice drunk, they drink while competing at the world championships. Because that's their constant state. Maybe Winston Churchill's peak Churchillian happened a little buzzed. Did you even think of that? I like where he's going with this. I'm just never considering this angle. I need more scotch or we're going to lose the war.
Starting point is 00:23:58 He drank everything. He drank everything. He drank like a couple of bottles of champagne a day or something retarded. Imagine the heart. They didn't have Pepsid back then. No. No, no Pepsid. He'd just eat another goose or something.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Bring me a goose stuffed with a smaller bird with yet another smaller bird inside. That's called a turducken. Yeah. I would love to try one of those. I'm sure it's good. I would too. Because I love turkey. I love duck and I love chicken. That's an expensive turducken. I would love to try one of those. I'm sure it's good. I would too. Because I love turkey, I love duck, and I love chicken. That's an expensive experiment though.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Yeah. The only real way to do it, I've seen online, is to do it while they're living. Yeah. They hate it. I'm being gullible, right? I'm being gullible, yes. You had me for a half second. Like, wait, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:43 No. There's guilty guts in them. It takes a lot of butter to grease that goose up properly. It's just a very... But no matter how much you use, the chicken still don't like it. It's a very upset turkey with two little webbed feet sticking out of its ass. Flopping around. No, I'd like to try that.
Starting point is 00:25:06 French, what is it? I think it's foie gras. Is that the fattened goose liver? Yeah, that's the goose liver where they force feed them. Yeah. Now, I don't have empathy for animals that we eat that often, but that seems kind of fucked. Like intentionally giving them liver disease so we
Starting point is 00:25:26 can enjoy it a little bit more this is diabetes chicken they taste a little sweeter because straight up eat sugar cane morning day and night what was the character i was doing a few weeks ago about the guy who you want to scare the animals as much as possible oh yeah yeah yeah tastes good that's like literally what it is so there's a dish um i think i think they eat in france i know it or maybe it's england i had to look this up to remember i want to get it right let me get let me be 100 on this because this is the most outrageous thing you've ever heard in your life is this stuffing animals into other animals this is so much worse this is ortolan i think is how it's pronounced it's certainly how it's spelled
Starting point is 00:26:10 it is a bird that they i believe the way it's prepared is they they drown it in brandy okay they take a little bird which is endangered by, by the way. It's a songbird. I'm looking for exactly what the alcohol is they drown it in. Are you sure they're not figuratively drowning it? They put it in alive, and they take it out dead.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Okay. After it has inhaled the brandy and died from that. And you eat the bird whole feet first with a towel over your head so that God can't see. So they even knew
Starting point is 00:26:54 it was fucked up. In like the 1500s where they're like, Sire, we've come up with a delicious new meal, but you'll want to bring a towel. The Lord would be upset if he saw what we're doing to these birds. Yeah, it's outrageous. He first didn't want to bring a towel. The Lord would be upset if he saw what we're doing to these birds. Yeah, it's outrageous. He first doesn't want to eat bird feet.
Starting point is 00:27:11 It looks disgusting. It's this little songbird, and he's just drowned. On Fear Factor, they used to eat little birds still in the egg, but when you opened the egg, it was kind of a bird.
Starting point is 00:27:22 They claimed it was a delicacy. Yeah, that's an Asian delicacy. Probably Chinese because they're gross. Could be anywhere in Asia, really. Yeah, it's the duck eggs that are almost done. Duck embryo food. I want to see what it's called. It seems like a Chinese or a French thing.
Starting point is 00:27:41 It's balut. Yeah, they're real disgusting. You're eating a fully formed duck fetus in the egg, like raw and whole seemingly. Maybe they pickle it or something awful because they think that makes things taste good. But they're like chewing up feet and like fetal feathers. It's the Philippines.
Starting point is 00:28:05 The Philippines is interesting. It's like Asian guys, but their name is Rodriguez. It's Philippines. That's Southwest China. Southwest China? That's where I was headed, yeah. It's an archipelago state down there. Way more people than I thought living in the Philippines. That clears it up, Taylor. An archipelago state? Why didn't you lead with that?
Starting point is 00:28:21 I should have. All those little islands down there where like 120 of these people live it's crazy but i don't want to visit there if they're eating this egg shit this is one guy fucked up a hard-boiled egg once in the philippines he's like no actually this was uh this was i did that you i like it this way i like it this way. He's like, I like it. I did this on purpose. I did it on purpose. You idiot.
Starting point is 00:28:53 You thought I wanted it with the clean egg white and the yolk in the middle like the rest of the world does? Nah, bitch. I want feathers and shit. Those are the three of the grossest foods that I'm aware of that exist. What's the grossest shit we eat here
Starting point is 00:29:10 that someone from another country could conceivably be like, how the fuck do Americans eat that? Or like any kind of western white country like Canada, America, something like that. Rocky Mountain oysters, you know, the fried bull testicles. Some people might think that's gross.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I mean, I think it's gross. I've never tried one, but I bet it tastes fine. I bet it tastes fine. That's a good one. In my head, was it like banana pudding or something? It looks pretty yucky, but not yucky. Delicious. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Oh, beans on toast. That's a British thing. That British people eat. Yeah. Like that's pretty basic, but on toast. That's a British thing. That British people eat. Yeah. Like that's pretty basic, but I don't want beans on my toast. They eat beans for breakfast too. I don't get that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I don't know how they're functioning over there. I don't even eat beans. Beans do not agree with me. I get so gassy if I eat beans. Ketchup on eggs, maybe. I think that's gross too. My brother does that and it seems gross. Put salsa on there. A little hot sauce maybe. I've done that. that's gross, too. My brother does that, and it seems gross. Put salsa on there.
Starting point is 00:30:05 A little hot sauce, maybe. I've done that. It's good, but I tend not to. Sriracha is good. I like Tabasco on my eggs. I like Tabasco, but I would prefer Sriracha. I'm definitely on a Sriracha kick right now. It's going on everything.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Are you getting the regular kind or one of the different kinds? I get the regular kind. Yeah, just the standard kind. It's hot enough for me, I guess. And if it's not, I just keep adding more. I'm trying to think of what the grossest food is. Obviously not beans on toast. Most people like toast and pretty much everybody likes beans.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Yeah. We just don't have anything to compete with a partial bird fetus in an egg no no we don't i think it's just because we're we're such a great melting pot you know we we took the best from everybody and americanized it just a degree to the the right and then made you know our when you ask a little kid an american kid what his favorite food is he very well might is probably going to say something like pizza or chinese food or something like that like it's not going to be there aren't very many american foods that are like actually american burgers america's funny integration like like they will absolutely
Starting point is 00:31:16 not like most of the things your culture brings to america like you did do not speak your language that pisses us off uh you don't dress funny too would you just like an american hey leave that clit right where it is but the food open doors there's no food racism here whatsoever no because we're a very fat people and we want to we'll try anything i i can't get over you saying that the food in Japan was shit. Is that because you really didn't like it? Or are you a sushi guy? Or no?
Starting point is 00:31:50 I'm not a sushi guy, but that wasn't it. I think I didn't order conservatively enough. I might have had raw goose. It might have been cooked. I don't recall. But that was awful. I tried to order things that were Japanese. Whereas a smarter move would have been to order things that you know you're going to like, like
Starting point is 00:32:07 ramen soup. Things aren't too far from home. I was adventurous, and that was dumb. Excuse me, Hidori Matsuka, you got any banquet meals? Yeah, Salisbury. Yeah, come on.
Starting point is 00:32:22 No, 15. 15 banquet. This many? Yeah, Salisbury. Yeah. Come on. No, 15. Jesus. 15 banquet. Disminu. No, just put it in the biggest vat you have and just bring it out. You know, he's living by himself now. I've been trying to catch up on Wings of Redemption. I did know that.
Starting point is 00:32:41 He's all by himself. Is he in the same place? Yeah, of course. He is. So his grandmother felt like she was holding him back. by himself is he in the same place? yeah of course he'll die there his grandmother felt like she was holding him back that he needed to have a woman in his life and that as long as his grandmother was there
Starting point is 00:32:55 I don't know if it was sort of a push you in the deep end to make you swim sort of thing like hey experience loneliness and fix it or if she felt like she was actually preventing him from finding a girl, like some sort of, I don't know, female prophylactic. But yeah, she left so that Wings would get a girl. So they say.
Starting point is 00:33:15 And so now he's living by himself. And so now he doesn't have an excuse about what's in his refrigerator because after he did the boot camp with me, that was his big thing when he got back home. He's like, well, you know, with your house, everything was all healthy in your fridge and your cabinets. And here, there's Mountain Dew and Coca-Cola and ice cream everywhere.
Starting point is 00:33:37 So now he has no excuse. So you're predicting great things. Well, I think on a stream the other day, he showed his refrigerator and he kept having to say, oh, no that's uh that's granny's ice cream that that's granny's soda that's granny's this and that like i don't remember it was still there so you might be right but i remember um it was just like meals on wheels and they seemed like they were legitimately hers because she gets meals on wheels yeah it was like an elderly thing and yeah yeah so he's like yeah these are still left over from he doesn't call her granny what's he call her is it granny
Starting point is 00:34:12 maybe it is granny maybe i'm off target um but yeah there were like some meals on wheels in there and something else and there were some vestiges that clearly didn't belong to him yeah yeah i haven't i haven't been i i only watch you know the highlight videos and stuff like that that come across to me i've watched a little bit of that two-hour documentary um that's really good it's it is really good i've watched i've watched maybe 20 minutes of it and i i could i could tell right away it was going to be very well done it's hard for me in particular because i age 11 years in that video and i watched um you know i i you know i had to re-watch mr big guy and a few other classics um but then i we were playing games
Starting point is 00:34:53 the other night somebody was like wings are streaming it was like that scene in the matrix where they're like neil's fighting mate neil's fighting morpheus and everybody like runs out of the dining hall to like go watch and so we all flip over and he's lying in his bed in this blue room that i guess is his bedroom now it i can never keep up with which room was actually his bedroom because i it seemed like he used to have a nice bedroom and this looked like this did not look nice but the walls when he hit him sounded hollow um and uh but he's just lying in bed with the phone like above his head like like looking at back at his face and he's he was just doing weird stuff he was going he was doing
Starting point is 00:35:34 one of those he was doing some weird stuff and it was it was real cringy it was kind of hard to watch for me i i don't i'm not saying that looking at him made me ill, but after about 10 minutes, I got very sick to my stomach, and I had to leave the room and go. You have a shaky camera, too. I usually don't get motion sickness. It's possible, though. I couldn't take it anymore. It was just something about the whole thing made me really nauseous,
Starting point is 00:36:04 and I was able to keep from throwing up, but I probably should have thrown up. anymore it was just something about the whole thing made me really nauseous uh and i went i did i was able to keep from throwing up but i probably should have thrown up is he still doing good on twitch like like maintaining his lifestyle and everything yeah yeah so he i want to say like shortly after that thing came out he was doing 900 concurrent viewers but half that would be kind of his minimum it's more than i've been pulling lately i usually get to like 300 and uh um i think yeah whatever it's keeping him doing his thing i i watched so what happened was i streamed and everyone was like do what wings did they wanted me to walk him around the house but i knew that they were like like the kitchen counters were cleaned off and shit i'm like i, I'm not taking you around.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Jackie would clean up first. But it made me want to watch the video. I wanted to see what they were talking about. I'm told that Jackie got a new cooking device, a Ninja or something. She's ordering it. I don't think we have it yet. But yeah, we're replacing the George Foreman grill with a ninja grill, I guess. Ninja grill.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Why doesn't she use a regular cooking implement? You know, I don't want to question Jackie, but why not a stove? She uses the stove all the time, like every day. But how would you cook a chicken breast? I would saute it in a pan. Oh, that sounds... I don't know if I even want that. Saute it? What does that mean exactly?
Starting point is 00:37:29 It would be cooked in a sauce of some sort? There's a tiny amount of olive oil and some vegetables. It depends what I'm going for at the end, but it would be grilled chicken. Or bake it. I like to bake chicken breast. It'd have a nice delicious skin on the outside. She's been baking chicken.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I don't like that as much. The George Forma and the seasoning is really good. I'm fine with it, actually. It's quick, it's easy, it's healthy. We're good together. If you like it, more power to you. Maybe I was overcooking it, but when I had a George Forma grill back in college,
Starting point is 00:38:03 I'd throw a chicken breast on there. It would always be dry as fuck. Very dry. It clears out so much of the fat down those little gutters. That's how George went all in fights. He was known for his physique.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I've always wanted to call it a Gary Coleman grill. Those are two totally different people Gary Coleman would not have gone far in the heavyweight division No, not even three of him in a trench coat would have gone far Kyle, which fight are you looking forward to most upcoming? I don't know which fights are coming up I was going to mention Joe winning and how cool that was Joe had a big win in Boston I don't know which fights are coming up. I was going to mention Joe winning and how cool that was.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Yes. Joe had a big win in Boston over a tough guy. And it was a very convincing win where Joe didn't get hurt at all, really. Perfect. He's got a little scratch, literally a scratch. And he had that guy in that weird shoulder crank thing. They called it a reverse half Nelson. I didn't know that move. It looked like some playground bully shit.
Starting point is 00:39:11 It did. And just pounded the fuck out of the guy until, I think it was a TKO, I guess, because I think the ref was just like, stop hitting him. So I was going to say, like hypothetically, if your head's on the canvas and i hit the other side of it that's exposed i'm not like getting a ton of damage in right
Starting point is 00:39:32 because it's really that shaking of your head the knocking your brain to the side of your collar does it so i thought i wonder how bad that guy has it right you know like maybe it's not hurting that much and it was only seven or eight punches and then man by the time they raised joe's hand you know that like two minutes has passed i was like whoa that i'm so glad that's not me you know that guy was getting beat up in a fast way it was a great stoppage it was. Yeah, he got quite the pound again. I guess he had made a deal with Dana White before the fight that that was going to be his last fight,
Starting point is 00:40:10 but then he didn't retire in the ring. Now Joe is saying basically, maybe I'll fight again, maybe I won't. Maybe that was the last one, maybe it's not. I'll just take it as it comes. But Dana's saying, no, that's his last one. So I think you've seen Dana interviews, but not Joe's. That's what it sounds like. I'll just take it as it comes. But Dana's saying, no, that's his last one. So I think you've seen Dana
Starting point is 00:40:25 interviews, but not Joe's. That's what it sounds like. I've seen both. You saw Joe on Ariel Helwani's show? Even there, he didn't close the door. Right. So Dana White claims I had a deal with Joe Loza that he was going to retire after
Starting point is 00:40:42 this fight, win or lose. And now Joe's breaking that deal. So Ariel Havana said, Joe, he repeated what I said. And Joe says, false. That is not what happened. What happened was they had a whole list of things that they wanted me to do. And I did every one of them. I'm a man of my word.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I do what I say what I'm going to do. I did everything that they asked me to. And I said, hey, man, if it doesn't look good, I'm out. If it looked good, then we'll see. And that's exactly where I was. And that's exactly where I am. And that said, hey man, if it doesn't look good, I'm out. If it looked good, then we'll see. And that's exactly where I was and that's exactly where I am. That's Joe's side of it. Okay. Yeah, he comes back then. Like Joe. Dana says
Starting point is 00:41:14 he's not going to come back. Doesn't he flip-flop on things all the time? He's a promoter, so he's going to go back and re-evaluate situations based on the business interest, right? Yes, he absolutely flip-flops all the time. Also, Dana and Joe have a good relationship. They like each other.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Joe's trainer and Dana White are friends. His boxing trainer, Steve, they go on vacations together and shit. So Dana has a caring for Joe that's probably way above what he has for an average fighter. And when he says he's going to make Joe retire, that's where it's coming from. It's not a business decision. And a business decision would be to just, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:51 keep making Joe fight, keep bringing crowds in. That would be the, that's not where he's coming from. Yeah. You know, I'm sure that he doesn't want a situation with Joe, like,
Starting point is 00:42:01 like he had with BJ Penn, where the guy just keeps going out there and keeps getting thrashed because he cares about Joe. He cares about BJ. He respects them. It's probably even a much better word. The best years of Joe's career were
Starting point is 00:42:17 not the best years for the UFC. He was one of those guys who I don't know. His first 14 fights he had 11 fight of the night bonuses or some shit like that. You know, roughly speaking, it's not that works. But yeah, it was, you know, big wins over a lot of a lot of guys and really cool, entertaining wins that the UFC needed at that time to bring some some new eyes to the sport. And so I'm sure that there's a lot of mutual respect there. So I,
Starting point is 00:42:46 I, in the end, I, I, I'm hoping Joe does whatever he wants to do, I guess. Okay. I didn't think about the,
Starting point is 00:42:53 I just don't want you to fuck your brain up or get embarrassed or beat the shit out of angle. So it's, uh, yeah, I'm not in the business of prognosticating on Joe's retirement. You know, I want him just to be happy.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Uh, but I saw Chael talk about it. Chael, Chael talked about Joe a little bit. That was, that was interesting show. I let you, I saw that too.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And, uh, Chael said something I liked a lot. He's like, if you talk to Joe Lozon, it is all there. Guy talks a mile a minute. He's,
Starting point is 00:43:21 you know, he hasn't gone much brain, like even in the slightest, uh, you know, it'd be much brain, even in the slightest. It would be nice to lock that in. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:43:35 And on the other hand, I've taken a – I have this little short-term hobby of watching Tito Ortiz talk. And Tito Ortiz is an idiot here. Is he retarded because of the beatings or was he retarded before? Well, it didn't help. I think his intelligence has gone from like a four to a one because of the beatings. I just quoted him recently. So he's in a fight with Chuck Liddell, right?
Starting point is 00:44:02 He ended up winning this fight. But they asked him, like, are you jealous of him? Because Chuck Liddell had beaten him twice. He tells him he's not jealous because he can't string a sentence together and then strings the worst sentence together in the history of the English language. Sit back. Jealous of him? This guy can't even put a fucking sentence together, man. Are you kidding me right now?
Starting point is 00:44:22 He's reaching for those grapes. And he's trying to to make his wine and the wine's already sounding like a violin with that cheese and wine um we'll see on november 24th you're right anybody got cheese that guy can't put a sentence together he reaching for grapes. He's trying to make wine. The wine sounds like a violin and that cheese and wine. And November 24th. Clearly he went to like a fancy person party and that's where his mind went. And he's like grapes and violins. High heels. He's reaching for those grapes and something about cheese and wine what an idiot i mean this
Starting point is 00:45:06 guy i just see i'm looking at a picture of tito ortiz and he looks dumb he lives up to the hype yeah yeah but pretty fit how old is he now tito ortiz 44 he's a good looking 44 of course he fights in an organization that doesn't drug test, but still, good luck in 44. Oh, he's in Bellator or something like that? He was in Bellator. And then he was in whatever Oscar De La Hoya's promotion is. Golden Boy, probably. And then now I don't know if he's in anything.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Yeah. I think, did he just do one fight with the Golden Boy thing? Was that just the fight with Chuck? It was just one one fight but i don't know how his contract is like if he was with the ufc he wouldn't be able to fight outside it so i guessed that bellator wouldn't have let him fight outside if he was still with bellator but i'm guessing yeah golden boy his days are numbered his frame he soon he won't be do you remember that i know you're not a big seinfeld guy what do you remember that kyle yep that's uh that's jerry seinfeld's favorite t-shirt or uh polo actually that's a movie or not movie that's a show i can re-watch and i do like once every couple years at least and it still gets laugh out loud moments for me like there's
Starting point is 00:46:23 something about science maybe it's because i remember my parents watching it when I was younger and it was still coming out and I'd be like in the room and you know, the family remembering kind of thing, but like it's a comfort show for me. I really like Seinfeld for that reason. Seinfeld, South park office, sunny,
Starting point is 00:46:38 uh, probably even maybe parks and rec in there, although not as much, uh, those. It's a bacon wrapwrapped turkey leg. They call it a Swanson. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I saw Joker. Oh, how'd you like it? So, Kyle, you haven't seen it, but you intend to, right? I think I'm going tonight. I think I'm going to do you a service and lower expectations because while it hit the market, it was aiming for, it just wasn't my cup of tea.
Starting point is 00:47:12 What is it, Kyle? What are you? You talking about this reminded me of a little video that we should watch together. Okay. So the acting was fantastic. Joaquin Phoenix. I'm close, but what is it really joaquin joaquin okay he's incredible spelled with a j little defense um like juarez so joaquin
Starting point is 00:47:33 phoenix people are saying he did a great job and that's kind of true also i walked away from it thinking like it didn't seem like he had a huge range of emotions in this. He just hit that character two and a half hours straight. You'll watch it and then we'll be able to talk about it more openly. I'm going to predict that I give it a strong 8 out of 10. The people that I know whose opinions that I... We usually mesh up pretty well. They're kind of film buffs too. They're very big on it.
Starting point is 00:48:07 And they think that Joaquin deserves a Best Actor nomination. Probably not Best Picture or anything for the movie, but definitely a Best Actor for Joaquin. Can we sync up on? You're excited about this. Okay. I'm synced and ready. Maybe you guys won't like it,
Starting point is 00:48:23 but me and my friends certainly got a kick out of this the other night. We watched it three times. Joker starring Richard Jordan. Yeah, good old Richard Jordan. Hang in, I'm just like... Brain mediums. Oh, wait. Started by accident. This video is two and a half minutes.
Starting point is 00:48:40 You guys ready? Yeah, there is music in this, but I figured it didn't matter for PK. I agree. Ready't matter for PK. I agree ready set play Why don't you quit making videos about me Because you're a pedophile I'm not a pedophile You're not? It makes me feel that everyone in here used to support you, and now I fucking hate you now. My health is starting to fail.
Starting point is 00:49:20 I don't have the money to deal with my health problems. I am a continual failure on losing weight. I haven't seen my penis in probably eight years. I don't take care of myself the way I should. And I basically have to play games for a living that I fucking hate. It's going to take a happier turn.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Wings of Redemption is exactly like a NASCAR driver that crashes every weekend and thinks that people come out because of his driving skills. No wings. You made it seem like he was on the show. That was a good line. It was. I've never succeeded in anything. I fail at every diet I take.
Starting point is 00:50:20 I fail at every workout regimen I ever do. I give up so easily. I don't know what life holds for me now. You're a failure! You are a failure of a human! I don't know why I'm there. I don't know why I'm there. Well, let me tell you, Shay,
Starting point is 00:50:48 when she says no three times, it means yes. The blood. Send in the clowns. Squeak in the chair. Squeak in the chair. Squeak in the chair. Really caps that off.
Starting point is 00:51:16 I didn't put together that it was a Joker thing until the very end. You're making out to be a sociopath who's on the verge of cracking at any moment may have already cracked similar to the Jesus I'm on this subreddit there's a weight estimate on the side a surgery status a diet update an e-bagging update
Starting point is 00:51:38 I guess this isn't run by fans it well it is the wings of redemption subreddit but he's not a mod well isn't run by fans. Well, it is the Wings of Redemption subreddit. But he's not a mod. Well, we're not mods on the PKA subreddit. Well, you are. I am, but I... hands off. Yeah, that's the way to do it.
Starting point is 00:51:56 And there's an upload that says, a religious YouTuber prays for Wings of Redemption. She's just this cute little girl who almost certainly doesn't know anything about about wings. She's just being a... That's cute. It's kind of odd looking. I'm trying to think of ways to say anything about Joker without... I was careful as well.
Starting point is 00:52:19 It's a slow burn, which I enjoy a slow burn, but I feel like it lowers my odds of enjoying it whereas uh kyle is more inclined to enjoy a slow burn so he's got that going for him yeah um i i liked the way that it was kind of paced almost like no country for old men where ramps up ramps up ramps up oh you think there's a climax nope ramps up more intense and you think there's a climax? Nope. Ramps up more intense. And then eventually when it does kind of go off, I thought it was great. I thought, I know that, I'm not an expert in comics,
Starting point is 00:52:53 but I know the lore, like he doesn't have any superpowers, but sometimes people with no superpowers are almost like those that do. Black Widow comes to mind. Hawkeye comes to mind. Batman himself comes to mind. So I thought that you'd see a little Joker greatness that do black widow comes to mind hawkeye comes to mind batman himself comes to mind so i thought
Starting point is 00:53:05 that you'd see a little joker greatness you know like uh whatever him beat up nine guys or use his amazing powers of like that's not how it goes i i liked that about the movie. In no way is it a superhero movie. There's not someone bursting through a building and beating up a mugger at any point or Batman intimidating Joker or whatever. Yeah, he is in it. He's like six and untrained. I thought it was really, really good.
Starting point is 00:53:40 He plays the character so, so well. He gets you to empathize with him so much and for me even at the end of it i'm not like oh fuck this joker guy it's like uh i i see where he was coming from after that whole slow roll build like why he became the person he is so i i predict this is going to be one that I feel like I could say I know Kyle's taste with movies and I think this fits pretty well into that milieu.
Starting point is 00:54:12 I think you'll like it. I think you just made that word up. But I think Kyle will like it more than me too. You will. Are you seeing it with a lady friend or anything maybe we'll see not a very what is that word i think it's m-i-l-l-i-e-u meaning like in your lane in your wheelhouse kind of thing any person's in a person's social environment m-i-l-i-e-u
Starting point is 00:54:41 yeah yeah it's right with him The kind of thing you like Oh, I saw this too A couple days ago It looks like Boogie has put on Quite a bit of weight In recent months Let's dissect this first I saw this too And it sent me down
Starting point is 00:55:02 A rabbit hole of research So here's the deal The before pictures And it sent me down a rabbit hole of research. So here's the deal. The before pictures is what it is. And the after picture is too. The after after picture, for those on audio, we're looking at Boogie. Before, after, and after, after. And in the after, after, which is the most current, he's wearing his Francis shirt.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And he claims that that shirt makes him look really heavy and i you know i'm going csi on this thing okay it looks like he can see his belly in the shirt though causing it to hang down that far away i i i don't see how that's just shirt now like and i want to be like well you, you know, closer, farther away, etc. Look at the head size. If anything, the head size in the after after is smaller than the after. Like he's farther from the camera.
Starting point is 00:55:56 It's hard to tell. He also has less hair and less beard. But the evidence is he's gained weight. He's gained weight. Yeah, that's not how shirts work. Oh, yeah, that's my shirt that has internal volume. Kyle, you'd look like that in that shirt too. We all would.
Starting point is 00:56:16 You know, I could see if he was saying that like, oh, I shouldn't have worn stripes. Yeah, horizontal stripes. That's what did it. It was have worn stripes. Yeah, horizontal stripes. That's what did it. It was the horizontal stripes. Those stripes take me from a cool 280 to 410. I dread the day that stripes across your belly become the fashion. Or when men have to wear belly shirts.
Starting point is 00:56:39 If that ever comes into style, we're all going to have to really get on a fitness regimen. I'm fucked. I'll do whatever Joker did. You're going gonna have to really get on a fitness regimen i'm fucked i'll do whatever joker did you're gonna have to go on a joker diet if men had to wear belly shirts that would just be that that would be rough oh i had to go to my therapist today i had um i had uh that i guess to you know case i was traumatized from prison or something like that and she's like were you traumatized i'm like no no in my head i'm like a little yeah i was gonna say like would i be like i mean i'm really
Starting point is 00:57:11 glad i'm not there yeah i mean in reality it's like i i don't i don't want to come back here i hate having to come to these appointments you know like like she's a really very nice lady i like i enjoy talking to her we have a good time. I don't want to drive 20 minutes every week to go talk to her about... How long does this go? I'm not sure what you're asking. How long is the session? Hour-long sessions.
Starting point is 00:57:35 How long do you have to do it? That's it. She signed me off today. She'd already cleared me once before I went in, but I had to go back again post-prison to see if i had regressed i suppose or something like that and so she cleared me off again you come in with like a rasta hat and a bob marley shirt and a reeking of pot kyle you seem to have changed i'm just saying i've always been brother. A skunk sprayed me on the way in.
Starting point is 00:58:07 That's what. I've got my own Bob Marley soundtrack just blaring behind me all the time. Well, Petroli's the fashion. So,
Starting point is 00:58:18 like, I don't know how much we're talking about this session. Did you feel like you tricked her into signing you off? Or did you like share it? Like, did you off or did you like no share it like did you get it from it like i might i was from it no i no we it's it i've never gotten anything from the sessions with her um because i you know we just talk about um we'd usually talk about like
Starting point is 00:58:39 what gun she should buy for self-defense or uh uh, you know, how they got a BB gun to kill the sparrows in their backyard or whatever the hell. Um, uh, I, I had a real therapist before her that I thought was pretty helpful with some stuff, but, but, um, and, and not that she's not a real therapist. It was just the other lady retired and the other lady specified, uh, specialized in this sort of hypnotism, uh, stuff that was real therapist. Was that a state mandated thing? Are you talking about like in your past? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I haven't voluntarily went to any of these people. They make me go. Oh yeah. For all I knew you were like when I was 19, I had a good experience.
Starting point is 00:59:14 No, no, they, they, they make me go to these people. Um, uh, but, but I think that's over now. And I think I got to go back on Kodafone starting next month, which is the thing where you call the number and you get drug tested randomly. And then that'll finally be over in like a couple months, I think. So that's good. That's ahead of schedule. No. I thought I had said that it would be about two months of that.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Oh, I don't know where. Maybe I invented it. I thought it was for the duration of the probation i don't believe it will be now okay um i think it's just a couple months of that uh because i've already done so much of it um retrial are the travel restrictions for the duration of the probation yeah i think so but it's one of those things where you you just need to if you have a reason to go somewhere you can usually go i think like i just have to like is i wanted to a reason like i don't think so i don't think so um so yeah i've got some pretty pretty annoying travel restrictions i can't go to where my parents live without asking for
Starting point is 01:00:17 permission because they're outside of my district of georgia oh i thought you had the state that's not right no no I have the northern district of Georgia which is there's three yeah I got the north of Georgia we've taken the north and I guess like like there are counties in Georgia outside of the northern district where I think if I wanted to go to them they could they could say that I can't go there because i'm on probation it's a whole it's it's a whole thing that is restrictive i'm not a fan i thought you had the whole state and i i also thought if you were like i want to go someplace warmer they'd be like well that's a valid reason i like warm weather too no i guess not no i want to go to colorado i'm a skier why do you want to go well we're celebrating the end of codophone no well that sucks northern georgia only one area in
Starting point is 01:01:22 northern georgia like in What's the whole northern Georgia? I've got a map that shows what northern Georgia is. Are they pretty chill about it? If you say, I want to go visit my dad or my mom, is it pretty much an immediate... Okay, go ahead. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:39 I haven't done that yet. You know what? Don't do that. Make everybody come to you for the next next one. That's what I'm doing. That's where my head was too. I've been using that one pretty like, you know, I'd like to drive the two and a half hours and come see you guys, but they just won't let me.
Starting point is 01:01:55 By the way, I've got the deep fryer. I do have the deep fryer. I've got the turkey fryer sitting in there in the box ready to rock and roll. Turkey fryer and you've got your bread maker. Got my bread maker. And your ice cream maker. You box ready to rock and roll turkey fryer and you got your bread maker got my bread maker your ice cream maker you're ready to host quite the thanksgiving i so i i get that fancy milk that comes in the glass bottles willie's familiar with it and i i used instant cart the other day which is like a thing so you can order groceries at home you know it's like
Starting point is 01:02:20 postmates except they bring a whole load of groceries to your house and i I ordered cream, and I was going to make ice cream with the cream. But instead, they brought me a bottle of custard. And custard is like sweetened vanilla milk with egg mixed in. And I was like, wait a minute. That sounds like the base of ice cream. So I just poured the whole bottle of custard into my ice cream maker, and it was the best ice cream I've ever had. It made this incredibly delicious vanilla ice cream.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Did you add more sugar and shit to it? No, I just sprinkled some salt in. That was it. For the longest time, we used Lowe's Foods to go. One disadvantage of where I live is the grocery store is a little further. In Apex, it was a mile and a half, like really close.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Here, it's 15 minutes. And you go both ways. It's a whole thing. We're using Amazon Prime now, which is Whole Foods, and they deliver to the door. Jackie loves it. I guess she likes the online experience. They can do things to make it easier for you to order the same items you did last week.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Because if you just pick things out of a grocery store SKU list, it's ginormous. So she likes the online experience. She likes the shopping the guys they come when they say they're going to and it's packaged well and she just made her so happy yeah i love ordering um because i the same reason i like ordering food with postmates is i can be a real asshole about how specific i am specific kinds of cuts of meat and cheeses and stuff and then they gotta go and hunt them down I think I'm gonna do some Cajun food
Starting point is 01:03:49 this week, some jambalaya give myself a nice roux get a nice roux yeah I've never made jambalaya I've loved it every time I've had it little chicken thigh
Starting point is 01:04:05 Some shrimp Shrimp Rice It's fucking tasty And all the other ingredients of the dish I'm listing Flour, oil It's like taco soup without any tacos Think of it as a taco soup
Starting point is 01:04:22 But not at all It's what it is It's like taco soup but a broth thing no way that's a whole other thing you don't like jambalaya woody or just i do like i i've literally my only experience with it is at a restaurant chain i can't remember the name of i want to say it's kudobas but that's the sandwich one yeah is there another one that starts with a Q that's like the Mexican one Oh Qdoba is the Burrito one I don't think they have jambalaya
Starting point is 01:04:51 Well I'm not sure They have like Mexican tortilla soup And shit Never tried that though That's good too Yeah I like that Well you want to call it a wrap there i'm going to see what the show times are for joker i'm going to see how far i have to drive i haven't uh open showing in your
Starting point is 01:05:11 region uh yeah yeah but like i'm kind of picky about the theater experience like i i don't want like a real i i prefer like a bigger screen if i it doesn't have to be imax but i want it to be that sort of tier above like the old standard screen and IMAX like some sort of movie max extreme with the fancy seats or something. Makes every movie better but I will say this isn't like Avengers Endgame where you're
Starting point is 01:05:35 not a bunch of like huge you know super power things that you want to see. Yeah it's more of a drama and you're going to really like it. I think you will. I hope you will too. Alright. PKN 270.

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