Painkiller Already - PKN #278

Episode Date: December 27, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKA 278 I think. Yeah. More of a PKN but either way. Yeah. Shortest PKA. Does everybody do it? Everybody have a good week so far? I have.
Starting point is 00:00:13 You know who's had a real shit week? My dogs. Because they lost their nuts today. Oh. I think you should cut yours in solidarity. In solidarity. The Church of Kyle would approve. We are one. Oh, I think you should cut yours in solidarity. In solidarity. I mean, if the Church of Kyle would approve.
Starting point is 00:00:27 We are one. Just go full balls off. You go balls off. You might, like, forget priesthood. You'd be a deity. I really might be. I just, I forego all female companionship, and I just get really rich, and then eventually I kill myself
Starting point is 00:00:43 because I'm so depressed. Like Alan Turing. Nice. Just like Alan Turing. But yeah, I took him real early this morning and dropped him off at like 8 and then my girlfriend wasn't going to be, I've been busy all day running around and my girlfriend wasn't going to be able to get him until like 3.30 or something. And so I was like, oh maybe they're kind of in line for the procedure so they won't be like sitting there in a weird uh anesthesia woozy state for hours but then at like 10 30 i get a call and the lady's like yep uh teddy and
Starting point is 00:01:17 fozzie the procedure went fine now they're both just kind of uh sleeping in the cage on anesthesia and i was like, oh, oh. Now they just got to spend like four more hours there and waiting. But yeah, I came home. They're both in a cone. They put too small of a cone on Fozzie. So my girlfriend had to run back and get a bigger one. And I was imagining Fozzie like just wanting to immediately
Starting point is 00:01:42 just go right to nutsack land and start like biting at it but maybe just because there's such little dogs it's been like what seven eight nine hours since they got anesthesia they're still walking around like drunk like not able to function at all and it's like it's making me sad I'm just like oh my I think it probably my dogs are wasted all day and then that guy in the Patreon hangout that had the nose surgery, he was wasted all day. That's true. Yeah, but I didn't really expect it. I expected it to be more like a few hours later, they'd be mostly okay other than the cone. But yeah, they're stumbling around, the gentle little boys, and just sad.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I was like, oh, I feel so bad for you. Now you won't mark on my carpet anymore, so it's a net win. How would you feel equally as bad if they were girl dogs? They're bitches? It depends if they're acting the same way I would. Yeah, it's more just seeing them in a funk, probably confused, not
Starting point is 00:02:40 knowing what's going on, that you empathize, and you're like, oh, poor little guys don't even know what's going on. Yeah, they're going to have i just feel like taking a guy's balls is taking his manhood right and if you were to do the equivalent to a girl where you take like her ovaries i guess i don't know i just feel like it doesn't change her identity yeah i think i think with girl dogs maybe they you know what obviously with human females they they do um they tie the tubes i know that's the the's the way that people used to put it. I don't think that's the exact surgical explanation.
Starting point is 00:03:11 But with dogs, I believe they perform a complete hysterectomy. Oh, yeah. I think you're right. I'm not 100% sure the difference. Hysterectomy is the total removal of the ovaries, whereas tube tying is just taking the... Is it literally just ovaries? I think it may be more than ovaries whereas just tube tying is just taking the is it literally just ovaries i i think it may be more than ovaries oh uterus that's what it is taking like the ovaries and the uterus like just a full gutting like yeah and so the difference is the ovaries are
Starting point is 00:03:35 the um the organ that produced the estrogen for the female and make her a female and and all and that's and the estrogen is a big part of brain chemistry. That's giving them energy and making them enjoy life in many ways. And it's also helping to regulate other, uh, biochemical things going on in the body. So when a woman, a human woman has a hysterectomy, it can really kind of be life wrecking and they have to go on, um, hormones almost all the time if they're being treated correctly. So with the dog, we're just like, ah, she's fixed. Meanwhile, she's sitting there like, I'm feeling broken. If I had thumbs, I would blow my head off. Yeah, you know, I wish that they could just like tie the tubes of the dog
Starting point is 00:04:17 because that's really just like leaving them as a female that functions except for that one little part that carries the egg to the uterus. Well, I'm sure they'll be okay. Yeah, fuck it. They're going to have a happy life. They're Taylor's dogs. What are they, on the couch? In the heat? Eating whatever
Starting point is 00:04:37 people food right now? They'll be okay. Yeah, they're going to get so pampered. Because my girlfriend's going to make sure they have every single little thing they want for the next week while they have to wear these. And, you know, they had their last day of having nuts fun because we had so much snow last night. And like last night, like any training of come here, come, come. Out the window. Out the window when there's snow on the ground.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Because they're so fucking excited. They run around, totally become an icicle and then I have to take a goddamn hair dryer and like hold them up and defrost them basically Fozzie kind of likes that he's like oh man whoo nice
Starting point is 00:05:20 nice can we do this when I'm not even frozen sometimes and Teddy scares them to death. But he's got to buck up a little bit. He's got to buck up, Buttercup. He's afraid of way too many things. Well, taking his balls out are really making more masculine braids.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Or it'll make him just kind of blech, indifferent. Kind of lackadaisical and, oh, is that a car coming? Wish I could see red. Oh, is that a car coming wish I could see red oh is that a yeah or you know now like first little victory I mean they're still on their drugs but a guy came to finally look at my
Starting point is 00:05:55 garage door opener or my garage door thing because I went on YouTube tried all those things like the little wiping of the shit doing all that it still was not working and the actual garage door itself at this point, like it makes a very troubling snap sound like halfway through going down. And I'm like, ah, I don't think it's cobwebs.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I think it may be something more. But he came to the door, rang the doorbell, and the dogs were too high to even bark or freak out so little little victories but like i was saying yeah i was last night them running around being so disobedient in the snow freezing their little balls off i was just like god can't wait to get you guys fixed tomorrow and you'll start being more obedient and you'll actually you know want to obey a little better, stop being so rambunctious, and now I just feel bad for him. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Anyway, that's not very interesting. How's your guys' week going? Pretty good, pretty good. Had a lot of fun. My dad came over. We watched the UFC event. I cooked dinner for everybody. Very tasty.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Made some filet mignon. Some asparagus. Very nice. Sous-vided it up and put it in the cast iron. And then watched an awesome UFC event. Dad got tuckered out somewhere around, somewhere right before the women's fight and he went to bed.
Starting point is 00:07:20 But I stayed up and finished everything else off. Although the Max Holloway fight just about put me asleep. There were four decisions out of the final five fights, if I recall correctly, right? Could have been. Maybe Faber was finished. No, Faber decision two, right?
Starting point is 00:07:36 I thought Faber got finished. Maybe you're right. Maybe it was three out of five. If he didn't, he showed up. God damn, he was getting fucked up he's so tough like sometimes in a loss a fighter i get more respect from they get more respect from me i'm not phrasing it right yeah you know like a man that guy's a tough son of a bitch colby covington the main event i i kept hearing colby has fooled everyone into thinking he can't fight.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Because he talks so much smack, they think that that's what he's about. Colby can fight. And that was so even. It was even going into the fifth round. He was going to lose the fifth. He lost that fight. He lost the fifth, for sure. And there was a little controversy that the judge stopped at a touch early.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Best case scenario. He gets pummeled some more, it and loses a decision like that yeah i felt like he had hit uzman with like his best shots and they and uzman was just eating him he hit uzman with a very clean uppercut at one point and uzman's had barely moved i feel like oh sorry if they fight 10 times i don't think uzman gets 10 wins i don't know what that number is. Five, six, you know. Yeah, Colby catches him with a head kick at least once. Colby's going to get him once or twice. Or Colby's jaw broke.
Starting point is 00:08:52 There's something I don't fully understand about broken jaws. It doesn't need surgery, I guess, but it's like a misplaced mandibular fracture that's still in place. I'm out of my depth. But his jaw was broken a little. Maybe that doesn't happen. That changes the way Colby fights. You know, maybe Colby can go in there a little harder.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Doesn't it? I don't know. But Colby went in there two and a half rounds, broken jaw, tough as nails. I really enjoyed watching him fight. I want to see the next one. Like I'm a bigger fan than I was before the loss. I want to see Colby uh woodley which i guess is the next fight uh for him he's on a six month uh suspension uh medical suspension okay um because
Starting point is 00:09:32 of the broken jaw and uh and uzman just wow looking like a world beater uzman i want to see against mass fiddle so i don't know that mass fiddle that. And then, poor Leon Edwards out in the fold. I want to see loser v. loser. I want to see Jorge versus the loser of Woodley Covington. I assumed Jorge would lose when I said that, but yeah. I don't know if that... I guess it depends on how Jorge loses. If Jorge goes and gets starched,
Starting point is 00:10:03 then I think definitely you got to get that the winner of Colby Woodley in there because Woodley's been sitting out in the cold for a while and he was the champ for so long. I think we're on the same page. Covington-Woodley lost their last fight.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Fight each other. Jorge Usman fight each other and then losers fight each other and winners fight each other. Jorge, Usman fight each other. And then losers fight each other. And winners fight each other. Yeah. Hell yeah. Same night. I don't remember what your predictions were for the
Starting point is 00:10:35 Usman-Covington one. Were you guys split on it? My heart said Kobe, but my mind said Usman for sure. I just said Kobe. I think I said the same thing and i my uh opinion of kobe changed a little bit right it used to be i don't really like this guy but i do like him on my tv so i hope he wins right you know he's entertaining after like i i
Starting point is 00:10:58 just so respect him battling adversity like that and not quitting yeah for our entertainment it's made me even like him you know and he's he's a bad guy he's trying to be disliked he goes out there everybody boos him he's he's working that angle you're supposed to hate him but he's so gutsy i can't i almost feel like the people who dislike colby are a little dumb because they're not in on the joke their marks yeah and i i might be uh on the borderline there because there no no i think it's okay to hate the things he does but i think it's if you believe that that's him okay i guess what i'm saying is i think it's okay to hate his tactic of manipulation and what he's trying to do within the organization to make himself uh get in front of a lot of eyes. And it's working.
Starting point is 00:11:45 If you don't like someone who pretends to be the bad guy just to be the bad guy, then that's a thing. But if you truly believe that he's the bad guy the same way that WWF guys used to believe that this wrestler or that wrestler... Iron Sheik is actually representing Iranian interests in the ring. If you're in that fold, then you're a mark.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I hear you i there's a piece of me with colby that i'm like where does the truth start and falsehoods begin right like go back to his old interviews and you see i hear yeah and i've seen those but i'm like i wonder if he's really in the bag for trump or if he just knows that it gets under people's skin to wear the mega hat it's got to be that okay um i would say like 80 this is the trolliest thing you can do and 20 well i didn't like hillary people who know colby people who know colby are going against him john jones was his roommate in college john jones had something that was kind of convincing to me. He said, look, people think I'm a bad guy, right? You hit a pregnant woman and run away. People think you're bad. But I think Colby's bad. I was like, whoa, that's effective framing for me.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Like if I'm a two out of 10, I still look down on this dude. And then Jorge Masvidal, they were good friends. Now Jorge is like, this guy is scum. He didn't pay his coaches what they're due. And I'm just like, man, he's not paying his bills. The people who know him best hate him. I still like him on my TV. I still like him on my TV, man.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Colby forever. I like trolls. I like entertainers within MMA. I think that otherwise it can get very dry. If you get two guys who walk out and bow to each other and fight to the best of their abilities and then hug and break and break apart. It can get very dry. I do not want sportsmanship. I want theatrics. No, I'm with Kyle though. Cause the, the, the women had a really tough Nunez versus Durandamy perhaps something close to that um they hugged going into the fifth
Starting point is 00:13:46 round at this like they respect and and I'm just like two thumbs down two thumbs down look I like women hugging perhaps more than most but not in the octagon yeah I I'm okay with showing respect within the fight when it's earned I I get. I didn't feel like any respect had been earned at that point of that fight. I felt like it had played out exactly how the analysts predicted it would play out, exactly how the first fight between them more or less played out
Starting point is 00:14:14 with Nunez recognizing the superior length and striking of Durandamy and therefore taking her down to the ground with her superior wrestling and jiu-jitsu and letting that play out. And's saved the respect for after the like after the the bout you know like imagine if you know tom brady's out there you know in the super bowl again and at halftime he's like hey before we get to beyonce's song i just want to know let everybody know it's been a close game it's been a fun fun game. And win or lose, I'm going to go to bed easily and happily tonight.
Starting point is 00:14:47 It's really about the friends I made along the way. You bitch. Honestly, I think I'd look tacky if I had five rings and then one on the other hand. I watched a clip of Michael Jordan the other day. And I don't remember which. They were playing to get into the championships, into the finals. And they were going to game into the championships into the finals and uh they were going to like game five or game six against um may it might have been that might have been miami
Starting point is 00:15:10 but i'm probably wrong about that it doesn't really matter but what had happened in their previous game they had lost away and uh and uh one of the opponents had elbowed scotty pippen in the head and put this huge knot on scotty's head and it was intentional he went up for the ball and he came down with like a 12 to 6 l 6 elbow which as we all know is illegal and especially in basketball jordan took it very personally and he kept saying that like like there's behind the scenes footage he's like this one's personal this is this this isn't business anymore we're going to play with high intensity and we're not going to beat them up we're going to beat them because that's what they do and
Starting point is 00:15:45 jordan goes out and fucking like 20 in the first quarter or something crazy like that just at one point they're up like 16 to 2 at the in the beginning of the game just completely dominate him dream like shit but at the beginning when it's time for the captains to shake hands jordan's hands on the hips no no i like that kind i like that in sports like i'm inspired by him yeah yeah it's exactly what i'm looking for like i like he's like we're not gonna beat him up like they do us we're gonna beat him on the court and he said he reiterated that time and time again because he felt like they had like cheap shot at scotty pippen to try to get an advantage in the game because scotty's the man as a flyers fan like it's not true anymore but for the longest time they were the broad street
Starting point is 00:16:28 bullies and then when they weren't they still had the echoes of that they still really valued having some of the one of the toughest teams in hockey and it'd be like yeah we lost the game but we won two fights so that's pretty much a tie and that's how it felt it It was like, I'm okay with this outcome actually. We scored one goal, two knockouts. I call that a win, boys. Exactly. We can be proud of this one. You guys represented Broad Street.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I'm down. Yeah, yeah. I like that in sports and I don't like it when the veil is sort of pulled away and you see that these people are just working a job like i like to believe that they're not that's what's so um cool about fights like khabib and connor there's a true hatred going on there at least one way i don't think there's a hatred from connor to khabib but khabib certainly hates connor yes and and so that that one matters you know khabib's not a guy who's good at promoting fights necessarily like like it on a scale from one to ten maybe he's five but he's certainly not a seven or eight i don't even watch like the pre-fight things but my understanding is connor is aggravated at khabib
Starting point is 00:17:35 because it's almost like connor is using improv style comedy where he's hoping that khabib will give him a yes and and then he can play off of that but then Khabib's just like no actually I'm not I do not do that that pretty five times a day and that is it you want to make fun of this and kind of like yeah kind of you know punch it up a bit I'm trying to get people excited about this fight and you're just you're just a Debbie downer I hear Kyle's thing about could be not promoting promoting fights well, and that might be true. I think that I'm a unicorn in that everything he says is funny and magic and better to me. When Taylor does Russian accents to describe what Tarasenko says, those lines aren't Connor Brilliant in a normal, regular accent. But when you put it in this like slightly confused russian thing
Starting point is 00:18:25 like why is he saying that i don't just exercise it and you know i agree i don't actually like tiramisu why is he calling me fat i'm not it's almost like a russian character can make things more interesting yeah i see where you're coming from yeah and uh so other people might not think Khabib is great at selling fights, but it works on me. Yeah. Yeah. I just, I like the flamboyance and the shit talking. And I really enjoy that from Connor. Different people promote fights in different ways. You know, Jorge's great at it. I think Askren was excellent at it. But, but yeah, it was, it was an interesting night of fights. I felt bad for Max, but Max, some people were saying Max lost a step.
Starting point is 00:19:08 I was, you know, I go through the Reddit comments. I see what people are saying on the RMMA. Ah, Max lost a step. And then somebody came right back and I agreed with them. They, it's like, they typed the response before I could, not that I would have typed it, but before I could even think it. It's like, no, no, no, no, Max is 28.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Max didn't lose a step. Give this other guy like like like like praise don't take away from max max is still max max is a badass this Volkanov ski guy or whatever his name is from Australia is A new level of badassery that we haven't quite seen yet, and he has defeated our original badass now He is king badass like like like don't take away from max max is still max he can get better he can improve he's 28 but this new guy is a badass i don't know many champions that lost their title at 28 so there's not a lot of history there something about being champion seems to wear on people right the extra press the extra attention the way people treat you the maybe a sense of entitlement i made that part i
Starting point is 00:20:05 don't know but people being champion is this weight on fighters that the up-and-comers don't have they have nothing but focus and you know what would make all of these sports that have like russians and like eastern europeans and shit in them better like is if the ufc or the nhl i guess like nba nfl don't really have those guys, but if they just were like, all right, we're going to pay for English tutoring until you get competent. And then we stop.
Starting point is 00:20:35 We are, we're not getting you fluent. We're getting you competent. If your English gets too good, we're getting you a Russian roommate. That's the worst part. I think being out all year for us is I'm pretty sure he's going to double down
Starting point is 00:20:48 and actually figure English out, and I don't care for that. Even as far as winning the Stanley Cup, like Game 6, they're asking him, Petrangelo, our captain, they're asking him questions. Petrangelo's Canadian, even though it sounds like an out there name. Someone's like, so, Vladdy, do you think that uh you know petrangelo's uh influence that leadership that he brings to the room that's that's rubbing off on you and he was like what these uh what these rub off mean what what do you mean rub off on me he'd not rub on me
Starting point is 00:21:19 just like that's what we need more times don't get it and then we can all laugh at them like and that would be just as good as the u the UFC when they have their little barking back and forth orders, like little intimidation tactics. I want semi-fluent guys. I don't want someone coming in there that's smart. I don't want to see a guy who knows another language speak my language as well as I can speak it. They're already tougher than me. Leave the audience feeling a sense of superiority. I enjoy that.
Starting point is 00:21:44 I enjoy that when they barely speak it. They're already tougher than me. Leave the audience feel in a sense of superiority. I enjoy that. I enjoy that when they barely speak English. It can get into some nonsense when there's translations going on, though. That guy mistranslated Aldo. Somehow, they let Aldo's opponent translate for him. Even funnier. He's like, he says I'm great, and he's thankful for the opportunity to have fought me and uh he respects the judge's decision yeah yeah that's what he said aldo's walking away he speaks portuguese he doesn't know what the is going on back there behind him aldo won
Starting point is 00:22:16 that fight i think oh does he get cheated out of it you think that's my belief that's aldo's belief as well and that's a good number of people's as well. How can I look at the media score? Aldo versus... I saw the... Who did he fight? He fought Marias, right? It's hard to keep... Marias, I believe is how it's pronounced.
Starting point is 00:22:39 He's another Brazilian, but the man speaks fluent English. And Aldo, on the other hand, not. I don't know if he speaks ABC English. I don't think he could tell you hello. He really struggles with it. But yeah, I thought Aldo won that fight. Aldo thought he won the fight. Rogan thought he won the fight for what that's worth and um so you know significant strikes i know aldo had the edge i just looked it up uh there's a site that does media scores which i find i just use it as a gauge for like more opinions uh it was a split decision on the cards the media score had it nine to nine so very close yeah yeah did you hear what sahudo had to say about the what happened in that fight
Starting point is 00:23:28 i know that he wanted the loser right he texted dana and he said hey that was bullshit aldo won that fight let's just treat him like he did let's give him let's give him the next title shot and dana was like i agree let's do it and so that's what they're gonna do they're gonna do Aldo versus huda for the title and just Mariah's over I love it all right all right I'm starting to love it you're bringing me over but when I first heard it I was like freaking sir hudo he's always going for the easiest money fights he can find and I hate to throw Cruz into this but Cruz is very popular there's a high reward and he hasn't fought in years. And he must be approaching 40. I don't know how old the guy is, but he wants him, right? He's calling
Starting point is 00:24:11 out Cruz. He's calling out Faber. He's calling out Aldo. Aldo looks a hundred now. He looks like an old man, like literally like an old man who could be in a wheelchair. But he's 28. What? Right. He was, he was only only he's walking out my dad look my dad goes man that guy looks old and i thought he was old too i was like he is in my head i'm thinking like he was on he was getting close to 40 and then they said can you believe aldo's only 28 he's 33 33 he is yeah um okay it's holloway that's 28. Holloway is 28. Yeah, that is true. But still, 33 is quite young.
Starting point is 00:24:49 He doesn't look 33. I'm 33. I was going for 37 with Aldo. That's what I thought he was going to be. That big scar on his face doesn't help, and the weight cut didn't either. Right. Yeah, the weight. Actually, both.
Starting point is 00:25:03 You're right about that, yeah. But anyway, I just feel like he's been not, I like it when guys say, who's the toughest motherfucker out there? Khabib is doing that. Khabib is like, I want Tony Ferguson. And they're like, don't you want Conor again? That's the money fight. He says, Tony's earned it.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And if Poirier had won or something, they were like, let's fight Poirier instead. He just wants the toughest guy he can find, period. Then you get Cejudo out there who's like, you know, he does the whole GSP. Like, huh, whose stock is overvalued right now? I disagree. All right, so I believe that he's done that in the past. But in this instance, I feel like it's justice.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Because I believe Aldo won that fight. And if I'm in Cejudo's shoes, I would rather fight Marias than Aldo. Aldo proved that he can make that cut and that he's a badass at that cut. Aldo looked great. Okay. Yeah. I don't have a strong opinion on the winner. I watched it, but I was also performing tech support on my brother's computer at the same time. So I don't have a hill to die on.
Starting point is 00:26:09 I liked that fight a lot. That was my favorite fight of the evening, I thought. And I was pumped at the end. I was like, yeah, Aldo got it. Aldo got the win. Good for Aldo. And then they just say the other guy's fucking name. And it's just like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:26:21 That really took the wind out of my sails. It was a good card on paper, but in the the end i didn't love the nunez fight i felt like it was a little uneventful um a lot uneventful i i loved the main event i thought that was an excellent five round perhaps fight of the year it was very good it was very good um i i have a short memory when it comes to these things i would have to see a clip of everything that's happened this year um but but excellent excellent fight but the max holloway fight kind of sucked not just because i hate to see max lose but because kind of kind of sucked and um my favorite fight of the evening might have been that young kid who's like 20 oh yeah dude he uh i don't remember his name either he was
Starting point is 00:27:07 one of the prelims or white card guys and did you when he this guy was 20 right you hear his voice and he sounds 11 and afterwards he's like man I'm so excited after this fight I got to go get candy. I'm going to have M&M's, I think. I'm going to go get candy. My dad goes, does he mean candy? Or is that like code for something? Does M&M's mean pussy?
Starting point is 00:27:37 Joe's not talking about nose clams. He's talking about going to a vending machine. Joe Rogan is like, I've never felt older. We don't know. I've never felt older. I just interviewed a fighter and said, can I go get candy afterwards? What the hell? Like the youngest guy.
Starting point is 00:27:57 I started, my YouTube started recommending all of his fights to me, and it was Chase Hooper is his name. And I watched a few of his fights to me. And it was Chase Hooper is his name. And I watched a few of his fights. And he's an amazing wrestler, amazing jiu-jitsu practitioner. And he's got some pretty decent ground and pound. He was originally on Dana White's Looking for a Fight show, I think.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Or maybe Contender or something like that. One of those shows that Dana White does looking for prospects. And he did the same thing. He was on this guy like a goddamn spider of those shows that Dana White does looking for prospects. And he did the same thing. He was on this guy like a goddamn spider monkey, and he ate some shots to get inside. I like him. I would say one-dimensional fighters don't usually do that well if Khabib wasn't doing so great right now.
Starting point is 00:28:37 So I don't know. This guy is very, very tall and long and lanky. Yeah. He's a string bean. And he didn't look – he looked like he had a little body fat ony. He's a string bean. He didn't look... He looked like he had a little body fat on him. He's 20 now, so he could evolve into
Starting point is 00:28:51 the same weight class, but just stronger. I enjoyed him. I enjoyed his personality, too. Like I said, I watched two more of his fights, previous fights afterwards, and I liked those as well. His voice killed me. I didn't expect him to sound like a child yeah what have you got up there and he sounded like Olaf the impaler it was good fight I wrapped my enemy up and ride him like it was really great now I
Starting point is 00:29:15 could have candy without guilt is he Russian no he's American he's an American kid it's American child someone just wants some Mike and Ikes. The tropical kind. I tweeted out this picture today. I'll try to find it. It's like, had a good day at the park today with my dad, and it's Ben Askren pushing him on a swing. Oh, is that him? Or did Ben tweet that? Do you have it backwards?
Starting point is 00:29:38 One of us does. It's possible, but I'm going to try to find it. That's funny. Yeah, he tweeted it out. Oh, okay. What a wholesome little thing to want after a fight. Candy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Yeah, I mean, the man can't buy a beer, you know? Oh, you're right. Yeah, I guess that's true. Yeah. Yeah, I think one of the announcers, maybe it was Daniel Cormier, I was like, I'm going to get that guy some alcohol because he can't buy it himself. See, those rules don't apply to athletes right yeah they really don't oh Robert Thomas was 18 when we won the cup he got so drunk he vomited on Market Street in front of everyone and nobody cared my favorite story Tiger Woods won the Masters right and he's Tiger Woods and
Starting point is 00:30:21 he goes to a club he's gonna go clubbing this is like the night of his victory the day after he's just like okay yeah and the bouncer's like no you can't go out there you can't come in you know you have to be 21 and he's like i'm tiger woods and the bouncer says i don't care if you're the lion king you can't get in here unless you're 21 it's like oh fuck cool bouncer of the week. But now that bouncer has a story for the rest of his life. Hey, did you know that I turned down Tiger Woods when he was 20 years old? That bartender almost got tipped 5,000, but I fucked it up for everyone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:00 That Dana White got kicked out of some casino. I forget which one it was. And the crew got mad at management. I think I kicked out for winning too much. And they're like, this guy tipped so well. Like you're legitimately impacting our annual income by having Dana White not come in anymore. Yeah. Yeah. Mandalorian is just a normal TV show.
Starting point is 00:31:19 I'm putting my foot down. I heard Sandy Ravage talking about it on Twitch, not that i could have chatted with him or anything because but i was watching anonymously from my band account and he's like mandalorian sucks i don't know why people think it's special and it's a little farther than i want to go or further but um i i it's just a regular tv show i don't know that it's better than Brooklyn Nine-Nine. So I enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I like it a lot. However, it seems like a flavor of the week kind of thing where every week we're going to go to our next destination with little or no explanation. And we're going to find our next celebrity guest on the show. And we're going to have an episode with him that really is just a bunch of action pieces that kind of fall short of what we expected from a hundred million dollar show. I like a whole show of fetch quests for the. No, it would be nice if they were fetch quests, if there were a reason behind the things he were doing. But it's just like earning a little money here and there to like keep fueling his ship. So it's just like what? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Like every episode is like him. But the most recent one was the Bill Burr episode and I was I had high hopes somebody even messaged me like hey you're gonna watch this one and I was like, let's go this must be a good one and Bill Burr didn't have a lot to work with and there was a guy who was literally the devil Who was it was on the crew? It was like a crew of like It was like a heist crew. Everybody has their own stereotype, their own trope,
Starting point is 00:32:49 and they stick to that and do nothing else. Ah, we got the devil guy. He's a real rough character who doesn't see much. He's the muscle. He's the muscle. And we got Bill Burr. He's the wise, cracking guy with eight guns on him. Ah, don't get me started on space women. Rick and Morty ruined this episode of The Mandalorian for me
Starting point is 00:33:09 because as they were putting together their crew, it was like the tropes. It fell short for me. I didn't like it very much. I would give The Mandalorian a 6.5 out of 10 ten at this point as a series the first episode really hooked me There's just something about the writing and the kid-friendly nature of the show. That's annoying me. I love baby Yoda, though Don't I know you think it looks fake or whatever you're not into it I fucking love baby Yoda and I want him to have his own spin-off where he just boo-goos gaga's and fucking
Starting point is 00:33:43 There's a part where like the baby yoda gets cornered uh in like the previous episode and there's a bad no it was in this recent episode and the bad guy's about to shoot baby yoda for like no apparent reason and baby yoda goes with his little three clawed hand like he's gonna use the force on the guy and suddenly the guy's head explodes because the mandalorian has shot him in the back of the head. And Baby Yoda goes, huh? And looks at his own hand. I like that shit. I like when he's sipping his broth.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I like Baby Yoda. See, a whole show about Baby Yoda would have even fewer legs. Remember 12, 15 years ago when they made that Geico caveman show for three episodes? And I feel like the writers were like even before it started like but you know you know he really only makes jokes about car insurance i don't i don't know where we're gonna go from here for a full sitcom like that's what would happen i'm hoping that like an episode or two from now baby yoda starts talking normally like hey can we catch the early bird special at cracker barrel you know what's going on at golden corral right now and
Starting point is 00:34:43 he's like you can talk yeah? Yeah, I'm fucking 50. Of course I can talk. Can we get some senior specials? I hope that the reason that he speaks incorrectly is because someone like his English teacher didn't diagram sentences right. His English teacher literally had a stroke.
Starting point is 00:35:01 These are words they are. And he's just really just focusing on that method. He just doesn't go back from it. So, yeah. I have not watched any more of The Mandalorian. I'm starting to dislike it somewhat, but I'll keep watching, of course.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I'll tell you what had a great episode and bounced back for me, and that's Rick and Morty. The most recent episode of Rick and Morty that involves snakes. That's all I'll say. I found to be very good. They rip apart the entire premise of time travel and why it's garbage and entertainment.
Starting point is 00:35:34 And they make a few references and I found it to be excellent. I liked it a lot. Season four, right? That's what they're on? Yes. I'll have to check that. I had totally forgotten how funny i thought like early season simpsons was like that episode where you know mr burns is trying to hire someone who's kind of like you know an actor to play him and everybody's doing they're like excellent kind of thing and then homer comes in and he goes exactly like just little things like that.
Starting point is 00:36:06 I'm just cracking my ass up. That's such a feel good. Exactly. No. Yes. Just not. I don't know. It's just such a feel good show for me.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I haven't watched it in so long. I love The Simpsons. That's such a fun show. Speaking of, you said you were watching Sandy Ravage, Woody. Your suspension's up, right? Like, aren't you? I checked. I was able to log in today, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:28 I might stream tonight. We'll see. I've been playing. I was acting like a flipping maggot, I guess. So that's what I said. I'm a fucking faggot on my stream. So it's the Wings quote, right? Wings had a bad game.
Starting point is 00:36:44 He lost the 1v1. He goes, yeah, keep laughing, you quote, right? Wings had a bad game, he lost the 1v1, and he goes, yeah, keep laughing, you fucking faggot. I had a bad game, that was happening in my chat, I said it, and I got banned. So I think that's the, it was only a week. If it was 30 days, I might have asked for some sort of mercy, I've never been banned before. But at seven, I was like, eh can do this i'll just i'll just
Starting point is 00:37:06 serve my time but i'm like done with the uh stream or whatever you know people are always like raid this channel raid that and they always want me to raid wings if he's on but i'm like i don't want i feel like that might be like not not an uplifting kind of raid and so i did it like like yeah i either do yeah i either do you or tucker usually or filthy if one of them's on and it was fun doing it to tucker because like immediately everybody bombs in with the rsk's and you see tucker's kind of wheels turning where he's like oh that's right the real sweet kids that's all they are that's all the people they're all just real sweet kids aren't we let's keep it to real sweet kids in here, boys. Real sweet.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Here and then, I'm just like, oh, I didn't even consider. He might be concerned about my chat popping in. It's like him showing up at your work and dropping some N-bombs. Yeah! Whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't know that guy. Taylor, do some racist accents, Taylor. Do them. That's what the ton of donations are.
Starting point is 00:38:11 It's just, here's $5. Do African guy, but he's starving. Talk about how all their water is chocolate water. Do it, do it. Oh, I've been playing COD lately during my suspension. And I'm getting better. I can't tell if I'm good. Skill-based matchmaking really does a thing.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Like, Sandy Ravage will go off and the next game struggle. Because apparently there are more Sandys out there in the world. And even he gets matched up with people who are good. But my aim is more on target now i'm playing smarter i'm i bought an aim practicer which sucks uh i go into against bots and just you know it takes a while to like i've done those get have you yeah they they taught me to do it they're like what do you so the headshot multiplier in cod is higher than it's ever been so if you want to win those ties when you both sort of see
Starting point is 00:39:05 each other at the same time the headshotter wins so i go in i put bots on regular as many as possible free for all and just get you know like 300 engagements in the next 20 minutes which is way more than i'd get otherwise exactly and uh and you think part of it is that like you're instead of just playing on stream now, you're playing in a way where you're totally focused and so you're able to get better instead of worried about chat interaction? He's building hand-eye coordination
Starting point is 00:39:33 and muscle memory doing that. Yeah, but to say, does the stream make me worse? A little. I think in stream in particular, what makes it hard is I play with good players and I face really good competition. So I might get a reality check next time I stream and have a stacked team.
Starting point is 00:39:50 And it's like, oh, I still suck. You know, there is, I think his name was Melvin. He was a game battles guy, did call outs all game long. He succeeded all night long. But if he's in my party, I'm going to struggle. Because he brings in the talent i had my best night at tarkov ever last night i just nice there's um there's a map called reserve and on that map there's a one of those bosses and he has um like six bodyguards or something and
Starting point is 00:40:18 they're all like it's like um the avengers or something how each one has a thing you know oh this is the shotgun guy he's got the best shotgun in the game and, like, super mega armor. And, oh, this is the sniper guy. He's got, like, laser eyes and a long range. And I killed, I think there's seven of them, and I killed six of them in one room by myself. And just look at
Starting point is 00:40:38 how super, it's incredible. The pile of loot at my feet's worth millions of dollars, and it just keeps piling up. But there's one more left left if my math is right. Class above killed him, I believe. We got them all. We killed them all. I was blown away. I took a screenshot and I showed everybody and everybody was very excited and I was very happy. I made tons of money. I was like, well, that'll never happen again. Very next game, I killed him and four of them. I killed five of them the next game.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Usually when I run into those guys, I just insta die. But I think I've got their number now I've gotten better at the game. I'm really loving the Tarkov. I tried to watch Shroud Tarkov highlights. You know, this is like YouTube highlights. Yeah. It's not like PUBG. Let me help you. Okay, let me help you if I'm going to link you that i'm gonna link you i'll write his name in here His name is fair tx That's that's it. He makes the best Videos for non-tarkov players. They have editing music and a story. He'll do that bit where he's like, all right So here's what's going on and he'll show you like a downward map. I'm here in this little square building I've got an enemy here an enemy here and one here
Starting point is 00:41:44 All of my let my legs are broken, my arms are broken, and I don't have a surgical kit. It's looking grim. And then he'll pick up from there. And you'll see him do like a bunch of stuff and be like, all right. And like while he's playing, like, let's say like he kills three guys real quick, you'll hear him go like, like he giggles a lot. And it's endearing. That's it. Oh, I'm excited. Because I've watched a lot of Rust videos that are that well done. And I would love to see it in time. Stevie does those, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Yeah, he's better than... Stevie does this bit where he goes into Microsoft Paint and he's like, all right, so I got these bad guys here. And he draws like grim, like in Microsoft Paint, very poorly, like four guys with like helmets and guns with like mean faces. They live over there. The bad guys are over there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:29 The Spare TX guy, though, he has like custom music every episode and very nice editing, the kind of editing that takes a lot of time where you have to get like extra footage outside of like your regular play session and like all these fades and transitions and lots of lots of um lots of video editing going on it's it they're fun to watch it tells a story i know it is a as a guy who doesn't have a pka highlight channel i shouldn't throw shade but should sure i'll not have like a really good editor you know he does he has a couple of them okay so the clips i've been watching look unedited uh shroudy rowy Rowdy is his channel, I believe.
Starting point is 00:43:06 A Rowdy Shroudy. A Rowdy Shroud or something like that. It's something like that is the channel that he actually has editors working on. I could be on the wrong channel. I don't know. It's possible. Although, I mean, Tarkov doesn't really lend itself sometimes to the sort of fast-hitting stuff. Neither does Rust, but people can make a show. That's true
Starting point is 00:43:27 Yeah, I don't know raids get insane. But hmm. Yeah, I I see what you're saying I watched some of shroud stuff and then You know, I ended up turning it off a lot. I like veritas a lot And I like there's guy called filthy slob who is the opposite of a filthy slob like he's a real clean cut guy with like a really well manicured beard and like like like this perfectly coiffed hair um uh you watch all this on youtube yeah okay yeah and there's there's a few guys who like the cool thing about the tarkov developer um this nikita guy i don't know if he's the developer the owner or the ceo he's the dana white of tarkov let's
Starting point is 00:44:05 just put it that way um he puts streamer items in the game so like grims has his own shampoo in the game because grims has that long flowing black hair and like one guy has like um his own like gun lube in the game like they they name item in-game items off after streamers and throw them in there white boy had that on um slender man i was always envious of that yeah there was there's two things one i think there was literally a white boy seven street in the game and there was also a goat in the game i'm like yeah tip of the hat white boy you that's totally for you this is you know that's because he used to do a lot of slender man videos yeah he did he made that game big you know with a reaction type videos and stuff and i wonder whatever happened to that girl who stabbed her friend all those times with that
Starting point is 00:44:51 steak knife for the slender man in real life oh she's probably in jail i bet they let her out by now she was like 13. let's see i think 13-olds should have different. Like, I just know how dumb I was. Go easy on the kids. At 13. Yeah. Yeah. Even later. Some kids are even dumber.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I think they should have, if I was 20 and I did that, they should have still tried me as a child. That seems only fair. I mean. It looks like she survived. Yeah, the girl who was stabbed survived. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:23 The perpetrators were found not guilty by mental disease or defect Is that as awesome as it sounds it's did they just like you're kind of mentally defective. We're gonna let you go She's like Frank Reynolds. She has to show that certificate. We're gonna go somewhere. I don't see I've got donkey brains. It's okay Yeah, you have a certificate that says you do not have donkey brains Okay. Yeah. Do you have a certificate that says you do not have donkey brains? No, I have a certificate that says
Starting point is 00:45:47 I don't have donkey brains. What a ridiculous request. Says, Weir was sentenced to 25 years to life and indeterminate sentencing, or sentence involving at least three years locked confinement and involuntary treatment in a state psychiatric institute, followed by communal supervision until age 37 geyser was
Starting point is 00:46:05 sentenced to the maximum 40 years to life and indeterminate sentence same thing or and complete or treatment in a state psychiatric institute until complete resolution of symptoms or until age 53 whatever happens damn god so i wonder if she's like 19 now being like i was just dumb at 13 i don't know why they're sentencing me to 13 i never stabbed someone to death it never crossed my mind not even close to be like man and you know what they were that's probably the closest case to the whole video games cause violence thing right when i was 17 I stole something I stole um you know you know what a saw of course you know what a saw horse is at construction sites they have like saw horses with blinking lights yeah I took a blinking light once yeah stuff like that's cool
Starting point is 00:46:59 you know what I always wanted to steal that thing you drive past that warns you of your current speed that whole thing i always wanted to program one right make it say maga or something i don't know i wanted to use it i wanted to set it up and pitch at it and like get instant like speeds on my pitches but in my head i was like i bet it's got a gps in it and i'm gonna be in my backyard throwing fucking heat and the whole sheriff's department's gonna show up and haul my ass away and i'm gonna be pitching in some sort of a state prism no but your dumb ass is like but they'll come they'll see it reading error because i'm throwing so fast and they'll go we gotta get the braves on
Starting point is 00:47:37 the phone out of my country life into the big city where they take me you know what was it angels in the no rookie of the year style yeah yeah you're like that were the high school teachers just fucking throwing that 100 mile per hour heat and they just pick him up yeah yeah that's you know that could have been that's a movie that'll make you cry too when at the end when he's like just need one more one more angels in the outfield was good too they're all good like that same thing we're at the like uh what's his name that that black guy at the end is like gonna adopt him yeah danny glover's gonna adopt him and then he's like well you gotta you know if you want to take me you gotta take both of us and danny glover's like making a lifelong decision to adopt kids. And he's like, ah,
Starting point is 00:48:25 get in here. Well, he has a professional baseball coach. I think. Yeah, I guess that's true. Kyle mixed rookie of the year with for love of the game. I did.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Didn't I? Yeah. And for love of the game, that one, he's like, all the boys are here for you. You know, we're all here.
Starting point is 00:48:41 We're going to play. We suck. But right now we're the best in baseball and it's just like oh my god yeah like rookie of the year was the one where he falls hurts his shoulder and it gives him like oh is that the time where he's just like and then the last pitch in the world series or maybe it wasn't even the world series maybe it was just the pennant that was the the penultimate thing and he he falls and his shoulder's fine now oh no and so he does like the granny pitch that his mom who played softball taught him yeah and like the the guy
Starting point is 00:49:16 who's clearly just mark mcguire yep is sitting there with the biggest forearms you've ever seen in your life like got his fucking chewing tobacco in and like Misses cream that fucking pitch. Oh I'd knock that into the fucking bay But that's that's that's big head from San Francisco that knocked him into the bay What's his name? He holds the home run record right? It's not so sir Barry Bonds I think it's good that we can't remember his name. Yeah, Barry Bonds.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Fuck him. Fuck Barry Bonds. Yeah. I feel the same way about Barry Bonds as I do women who do steroids. Oh, okay. No, people who actually do steroids. Ah, my bad. My mistake.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Yeah. A lot of people who are falsely accused over and over and over and over and over and over. over and over and over and over and over and over. Not, the only people who cleared him was the organization that determines if people cheat. No, he literally was caught for doing steroids and they made his win a no contest. Is it one or two? I need to look into it again.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Ah, he's a winner in my book. Champion forever, undefeated, GOAT. He lost to Matt Hamill. That doesn't count. That's a disqualification for a bullshitter. There are many ways to lose a fight. And apparently raining down elbows on your opponent is one of them. Ah, cheatery. He could have started farting on Matt Hamill at that point. He could have.
Starting point is 00:50:38 It made a difference. Matt Hamill was done. His goose was cooked. He could have beat him in 10 different ways, but Jones chose the one that he can't. I'm looking forward to the next Jones fight. I want to see Jones do his thing. I always want to see Jones do his thing. Is he even fighting anymore?
Starting point is 00:50:55 Yes. He's actually the current champion. I keep arguing that he's not. He's pub stomping against 185 pounders at 205. Because he killed all the other ones. He's pub stomping. You know, you don't really fight any tough guys. I destroyed all the tough men.
Starting point is 00:51:15 They left the division or retired. I've been doing it for a decade. You know it's true. If you look back with a critical eye at how many of his wins are over 185 pounders, it's a lot. It goes back a long ways. Vitor Belfort, Leota Machida. These recent wins
Starting point is 00:51:31 have been mostly over 185s plus a Gustafson maybe. Those Gustafson fights were... The first one was amazing. The second one, John showed what happens when he trains. Yeah, the first one was a good... Remember I was saying when your champ weighs on people and er second one, John showed what happens when he trains. Yeah, the first one was a good... Remember I was saying that when you chant, it weighs on people and kind of erodes you?
Starting point is 00:51:49 That's what happened in that Gustafson fight. He didn't take it seriously. Yeah, yeah. John Jones is head and shoulders better than that guy, and not that great. That guy is one of the best there's ever been at that weight class. That's the thing about it. Like, Gustafson's so good.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I want to see what Cormier does next uh i i enjoy watching cormier fight um i want to see what what happens with steve there's a lot going on ufc's great i uh i don't know how cormier keeps being competitive so there's i i see it in myself sometimes i move like an old man right sometimes i don't like i do push-ups i have really good form of this or that. And then I'll like pick up a napkin off the floor. And it's like, oh boy. And I'm just like, I moved like, like I picture my father's partner in the accounting firm. He was a golfer and his back and arms
Starting point is 00:52:39 were always just a little high usage. And the way that he picked things up, even at like my age you know 45 it was just I don't know it like it had an old to it to watch him walk on a slippery surface he looked 70 to me you know just the amount of care he took and every so often I see sparks of that in myself if I go down I might not get back and you know, whereas like 19 year old me would just run and slide on my feet, you know? But it's like, oh.
Starting point is 00:53:11 If I take a huge break from squatting, then I try and squat heavy, like two days after that, that's how I bend down to pick stuff up. It's like the, oh, ah, ooh, ah, ooh. Like, it's just super easy bending over, but you're so sore. Yeah, not looking forward to when that's induced from age and not lifting. Have you been watching the new season of The Expanse? No, it's out?
Starting point is 00:53:33 Oh, yeah. The whole season? Yes. Oh, good times. Yeah, I've been watching. Expectations met? Hmm. Well, I like it.
Starting point is 00:53:43 They were a little high, right? Yeah, I'm liking the show. I don't think it's a spoiler to say that they go through the ring. You know, they opened all those rings last time. And there's a lot of drama over those rings, because all those rings lead to other solar systems, hundreds of them. And obviously, that's resources. And we have the three factions to consider and how we're going to divvy up those resources. And, um, our heroes go to a planet and there's drama on the planet. And that's kind of what the season seems to be about them on this planet
Starting point is 00:54:13 dealing with the drama over between belters and, uh, and inners. And, um, and there's also some proto molecule stuff goingule stuff going on still. It's present on the planet. I look forward to seeing it. I wonder if there's going to be new intelligent life.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Because all the intelligent life we know of are pretty much Earth people. They're humans. For people who don't know the show at all, humans move to Mars, form their own sort of thing and they're a little like Russia. Not great resources, really militaristic. To me, that's Russia. Mars. And then there's Belters.
Starting point is 00:54:45 These guys are actually a little deformed-ish because they grew up in a low-gravity environment. So they're very tall, weak bones. And they're scrappy and poor. You know, they're, I don't know, Nigerians or something. Sudanese. And, but now they're all sort of warring and having trouble. And maybe temporarily
Starting point is 00:55:05 two out of three will be friends and gang up on the other. In any case, are they going to go through one of these rings and meet non-human? Hmm. Hmm. Yeah. It's, um,
Starting point is 00:55:17 it, I've enjoyed the season so far. I'm probably four episodes in, uh, I would say something like that. I'm like these half hour episodes are like the hour i think they're almost an hour okay i think they are a bit of content i will say this about it it's amazing in 4k it's incredible like it's one of the best 4k experiences i've ever had it looks
Starting point is 00:55:38 like a movie um in widescreen 4k it's like you know uhd or whatever that's amazon calls calls it uhd 4k and i had to make sure i was plugged into the right port i think at first i wasn't with my amazon device or something and uh because it was giving it to me in 1080 and i did not care for that but i really like looking at the show it looks great you game in 1080 No, 1440. Okay. Some top gamers choose 1080. They prefer frame rate over... Yeah, I've chosen some sort of in the middle kind of option so that I can still get
Starting point is 00:56:14 decent frames but have higher resolution. Did you ever pull the trigger on that new PC part you were going to buy? You were going to buy a new GPU or something, were you? Oh, yeah. He did that. Yeah, I'm getting a new monitor. You're were you? Oh yeah, yeah, I did that. He did that, yeah. This is the old one here. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Yeah, I'm getting a new monitor. Oh, I guess the reason you're able to take that out is because of that, okay. I ordered the new monitor and then like three days later, Linus came out with a gaming monitor buyer's guide. It's like, you son of a bitch. But uh. Just don't watch it and you just believe
Starting point is 00:56:40 that you made the right choice. I think that's good advice. I got an ultra wide 1440p, and I looked, my 1080 TI is getting me about 80 or 90 frames. It's not as high as I thought it was gonna be at ultra wide 1440p in Call of Duty. But this thing does 120 hertz,
Starting point is 00:56:59 and it has G-Sync so it won't be torn and such, and I'm hoping I like it. Yeah, yeah. Tarkov's what i'm playing right now and it's incredibly demanding so at times i'm still dropping below 60 but most of the time i'm high 90s or so like 80 85 to 95 something like that which i mean if you shroud i think has two 2080 ti's he has a hard time keeping it much higher than that i didn't even think of sli but that's a good idea too i don't know we'll see where this goes if i keep game there's a fair chance that like spring rolls around and i aim less yeah but um anyway i've been having fun
Starting point is 00:57:40 with cod and i suck a little less i did did every so often. Like I remember I described myself as being like, not someone you want on your team. It's an act of kindness. When I played with you, that was the situation. Now there are more than half of the games. I'm an asset. Good.
Starting point is 00:57:58 I'm coming back to it as soon as they released the battle Royale for sure. Okay. Yeah. Like, like, cause I, battle Royale is, is yeah like like because i battle royale is is what i love the most um and uh i'm i'm definitely coming back back to it when they when they release that for sure until then i think i'm gonna stick with tarkov it's just really really
Starting point is 00:58:16 addictive i'll give it a go soon you're always progressing i mean i have at this point i have a hideout with a bitcoin farm in it you know i mean like and every gpu i get makes that bitcoin farm more powerful so that it forms more bitcoins per day and those bitcoins are worth quite a bit of currency and they're good for trading to the dealers within the game for items you don't have to grind all the time you can have money making i have passive income in game yeah mine. Minecraft does that, and it's nice. Finally you have some resources and you're not like, scavving all the time starting from zero. Rust is the opposite, really.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Rust is the opposite. Rust, you're always just going from rich to poor to rich again. I like this because you can earn your way to to being middle income fairly quickly and uh and i like that like i i wouldn't say i'm wealthy right now but i can afford anything in the game i want and i can afford to lose it and then buy it again and lose it again and i really won't care that can get to be too much right like the drama like the tension disappears when you can buy anything you ever want all the time i mean i it's lessened somewhat like early on i had like this is my one gun i lose this maybe i'll borrow one from larry i'm
Starting point is 00:59:34 sure larry will hook me up but like at this point at least it's not that but still like i was playing the other night and there are these rooms called marked rooms and keys are very valuable they randomly drop through in the map or they spawn very rarely in certain locations. They open certain doors within the game. And within those doors are the chance for very valuable items to spawn the chance. You never know what's going to be in there. And so turning opening these doors within the map, you're like big money, big money, big money, big money. Oh, two 12 gauge slugs.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Well, I turned the key and there's like a weapons case there, which is like a 1.2 million dollar item And it's like, all right We'll sleep gotta go gotta go and so now the whole game is about escorting me to the extraction point with my 1.2 million Dollar item which is more valuable than everything the rest of us have combined You know It's it's um There's moments like that and or when i killed all those six raiders the other night and i had all of their gear in my backpack i have like six guns and six helmets and all the best armor and i'm just like let's get the out of here man let's just go
Starting point is 01:00:37 yeah it's it's it's definitely still has those heart-pounding moments that i that i really look for in gaming i just having fun with it. This is a long Kyle phase. Yeah, I would say, yeah, Kyle's been into Tarkov a little longer than... I still think Rust is the best game I've ever played. And I would go back to Rust, but I don't feel like it's healthy. Like I can play Tarkov for 30 minutes. I played 30 minutes of Tarkov today, you know, like right before we got on. I hopped on for 30 minutes and played 30 minutes.
Starting point is 01:01:03 And I might play another two hours tonight. Then I'm done. I'll go watch some TV or I'll go hang out. I'm going to watch that Richard Jewell movie either tonight or tomorrow morning. It's supposed to be really good. Yeah, exactly. There's drama about that. So Olivia Wilde, I think, plays the female reporter in the movie. She offers sex to someone, an fbi person or like the
Starting point is 01:01:29 scoop and a lot of people are like even olivia waddle's like that never happened there's been no indication that ever happened uh i view her as a strong independent woman and it's like like a lot of people like why'd you put that in there i wish the real person would come out i suck so much that'd be funny every story i've got just picture it's it's unbelievable literally would blow my mind if a woman used sex in any position ever to get some information but apparently it didn't happen this is more fake than the galaxy's talking raccoons and he just wrote it in there yeah cares maybe it happened maybe he was like oh it's a little bit of a wild trick maybe uh maybe we can get those titties out i think the dumb thing to get up in your panties in a bunch about who cares it's not like
Starting point is 01:02:15 we think you're you olivia wilde no no no no no she's playing a real person an actual real life reporter and the indication and even in this call both of you were like she probably did suck dick it's weird that they put it in a movie if she didn't she probably fucked some guys just to you know i said it'd be funny if she did i don't believe okay okay i'm with you that it's a little messed up that they i didn't know the actual story i was just making fun of the fact that i thought she was saying that the idea of a woman using sex although Olivia Wilde doesn't have much room to talk because she read the script she agreed to it then she acted it out over the course of weeks in front
Starting point is 01:02:55 of it she probably didn't make much money yeah Olivia Wilde is kind of like acting like she's not core and complicit in the way this whole thing went down. Exactly. You did it, Olivia. People who are in the universe of the real life person who's being represented as a cocksucker, you know, to further her career, are like, that was really not a good representation of this poor woman.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Yeah, that's bullshit, honestly. I'm with you 100%. Well, then that's not fair if that chick actually did it. If they did the Taylor story and the part where you're about to be on this show, you're like blowing Woody while I watch it jerk off in the corner. Do you think for a second I wouldn't green light that?
Starting point is 01:03:39 I'd be like, that's the funniest way this show could have started. I'm absolutely on board. Let's get it going. Because then as soon as I agree to do the part and get paid, I can act pissy about it. Wait, wait. Taylor's doing the part. I want to do my part, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:57 It's all of us. We bring it to, like, you know, Paramount, and they're like, gentlemen, this is a sex tape. No, no, no. It's a snuff film. Keep reading. The part where you all blew each other after this. What did you have to get? There's not a lot of narrative structure here.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Don't worry. We're going to save money. We're playing ourselves. Yeah, so anyway, that's the drama around it it apparently they're portraying this woman as a literal cocksucker i'll still watch it i'm gonna do some research to find out if possibly she was an actual cocksucker but it's bullshit that they portrayed her that way for no apparent reason and because that's what i'm hearing right now that's what i read i'm only as good as like what that's your mom or your sister or your friend or something or what that's you you know that's i forget who's the blonde
Starting point is 01:04:48 comedian that i like maybe nikki something in any case she was talking about blowjobs and it was fucking hilarious to me she's like at first i thought you just blew on it right everyone says that and she's like you wish then i thought maybe i wouldn't have to he's like i got news for you ladies yes this is kind of your lot in life you're gonna be sucking a lot of and uh it was i don't know she just the way she said it what she said it cracked me up like yeah she's really not totally into sucking cock but recognizes that uh that's what you have to do it's yeah well on that note bkn 278

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