Painkiller Already - PKN #28

Episode Date: March 3, 2015

In this weeks episode of PKN, Kyle goes into great detail recounting his recent adventures over the past week as to why he was not around for PKA. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and we're live all right oh you know what actually say something real quick one two three one two three okay your mic is going to work ahead and check we have a new format here i think you'll notice kyle is probably 30 to 40 sexier yeah so uh um so it should be cool i do have to sort out how to do like the big screen and stuff like that but um for being killer nearly we should be good to go let's hear that joke oh god on the spot let's see i've always got some saved up um what has six boobs and 23 teeth tell me the night shift at waffle house oh that's a shame there it is that is true um that is true so i was telling kyle before the show started that i didn't have any like um stories queued up or anything like i didn't see anything cool this week to share but he said he had stories i got crazy stuff oh so much shit happened since the last pkn which
Starting point is 00:01:11 was the last time we were live so um if you watch the last pkn my power went out and that was kind of the end of the show well it didn't come back on again until like three days later or something like that. I left after a day and a half and flew to Atlanta and got a hotel because I was flying out the next day to go to Texas to do some filming. And I can't talk about the project that I was – hang on. I can't talk about the reason I went to Texas and the main video I filmed because I've still got an NDA on that and it's still pending. Um, but everything else was the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen in my life. All right. So this place is called the Ox Ranch. It's in, uh, it's out in Texas and this, it's, it's 18,000 acres. Um, it's full of African gamean game um there are camels there are kangaroo there are bison water buffalo kudu antelope pronghorn um red deer uh wildebeest white tail black tail
Starting point is 00:02:15 uh these gigantic cow cows called what two c's or something the horns come out of their head they're like this big around and they're like three and half, four feet long on each side going out. They look like Satan himself. And they look at you like, we're going to have a problem here? Because I'll just run you the fuck through, bro. They said that sometimes they see these things with dead coyotes impaled. It'll just be the skeleton rattling along on this thing's horn because it's so fucking hardcore. Everywhere throughout this thing, it's's paved roads on the main strip uh 18 000 acres i can't
Starting point is 00:02:51 explain to you how huge that is but there's dirt roads that go out everywhere because it's a hunting thing you go up in these blinds and and you hunt this this uh this wild game well i started hanging out with the guy that owns this place. He's my age. Wait, really? Yeah. He's wealthy though, right? Very. And a very cool guy. How fortunate.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Yeah. I don't know. It seems a bit rude sometimes to talk about people's money. I don't know. I guess he's worth a quarter billion dollars if I'm just guessing. I assume his parents were at one worth like a quarter billion dollars if I'm just guessing, something like that. So I assume his parents were at one time worth a quarter billion and it passed out. He didn't earn that at your age. I don't know. He started
Starting point is 00:03:33 a hosting company and it became one of the biggest in the world. Yeah, he started an internet hosting company when he was younger. He's pretty much self-made from what I understand. That's good for him. He's a really cool guy really down to earth we were um there was a point when i was like loading watermelons for targets and uh he's like you're pretty hands-on for a celebrity i'm like well man i like to get shit done you know i'm helping my guys load the watermelons
Starting point is 00:03:58 and you know before i knew and you know he was in the truck loading watermelons with us as well piling them up and stuff so we hung out with him a little bit during the day. And at night, we went back and stayed at this sort of cabin they had out there for us. And it was myself and my camera crew, the guys from RAC Veteran 8888, and another one of my friends from the past who's a tank and artillery expert who was out there, and two or three other guys. And so we're all staying together we've got a private chef who's cooking three meals for us a day it's the best
Starting point is 00:04:30 food i've ever had like the first night i was out in texas and san antonio we went to morton's and i dropped 450 bucks on dinner the ensuing meals afterwards at that cabin were all much better than morton's it was it was it was like duck with apricot glaze sauce. The first night, and this is how Jurassic Park-esque this thing was, it was Chilean sea bass, which is the first meal in Jurassic Park, if you remember. And I just kept thinking of John Hammond, as I would see wonder after wonder at this place,
Starting point is 00:04:58 spared no expense. They're assembling these cabins that have been disassembled from the East Coast, and they're being brought out. Each part part is labeled and they're being reassembled in the correct order so they'll be like legit cabins from like i don't know the 1800s or something like that so on the last night uh we were all done with our filming and everything and uh and the owner uh he comes and he's hanging out with us and we're drinking and eating dinner and everything. And he had been teasing us. He had been telling us about these caverns that were on the property.
Starting point is 00:05:31 He's like, would you guys like to go out and explore some of the caverns tonight? And I was like, totally, man. Let's fucking go. Let's explore those caverns. Let's do this shit. So we all hop in these, like, we go to his house first. We drive over to the main compound. to the main compound we we hop in um these six-person atv things like these polaris and yamaha like six-man big powerful fast atvs go to his house and when i get to his house i'm pretty well blown away he's got a beautiful beautiful house his swimming pool was uh 18 feet deep i
Starting point is 00:05:58 can't i can't describe how nice i love that that is amazing it was crystal clear it was there were two hot tubs built into it and and it was so big and long. It was a custom-made pool. I'd never seen one like it because there aren't unlike it. It was custom-made. He has a pet wolf outside, so I'm petting the wolf, and he's explaining to me how you tame a pet wolf and how they told him that you have to let it know that when you're feeding it, that that's your food. You're just allowing him to eat it. So he's like always putting his hands in the wolf's food when it's eating,
Starting point is 00:06:31 like keep that mindset going. And he said they told him one day if he got sick or weak or old that the wolf would challenge him and he would have to defeat the wolf to remain the alpha. And he's like, so I'm always ready for that too. Wow. remain the alpha and he's like so i'm always ready for that too wow and so and and even better than the wolf he's got a pet pig like a wild pig like a giant three i don't know 250 pound boar named bacon and this thing is like comes waddling up to me and it's like a dog i'm like rubbing its head and everything uh-huh and uh they thought it would be funny to mock this situation where I had been fighting it and it had killed me. So they give me this big knife and I lay on the ground.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And they stuff roast beef and cheese in between my two shirts. And this pig grabs the shirt and starts dragging me across the pavement and rips a hole in my shirt like this fucking big. I got video and pictures of that um so then we load up in the atvs and we start driving out into what i swear to you looks like the african savannah it's scrub brush uh you know shin high like tall grass lots of thorns and thistles everything's really arid not a lot green stuff, just lots of cactus and stuff like that, though. We drive for maybe 15 minutes out into nowhere. The air is so clear, and there's so many stars, and there's so little light pollution.
Starting point is 00:07:53 You can see the Milky Way galaxy through the center of the sky. You can see Jupiter, Mars, and Venus. So we get out there finally, and we get on foot and start climbing this hill. But it really was more of a mountain than a hill. It took us maybe almost 10 minutes to get to the top. It was lots of loose chert, which is sort of a granite, quartz-y type rock. It breaks off into sharp pieces. So we're climbing up this thing.
Starting point is 00:08:19 It's kind of precarious, and we get to the top, and then we start walking along the side of it, and there's a hole in the ground about as big as a manhole cover and leading down into it is an emergency ladder it's like um it's like aluminum rungs with like that yellow tie strap connecting each one and he goes down first into the hole and i go in after him and you go down about 30 feet straight down and then you get on your hands and knees and you start crawling for a few feet and then a cavern opens up about twice about the size of my entire home uh like the entire circumference of the volume of my house like it's big that's where those pictures were from there's like stalactites and stalagmites in there yeah like
Starting point is 00:09:03 five feet tall stalagmites growing up stalactites coming down from the ceiling all this weird growth and had you seen them before um yeah i had been on like a guided tour and ruby falls in tennessee but this was like this guy discovered this cavern himself and he's brought down you know a handful of other people so like it was just there's there's maybe like 12 living people who have been down there and the one human skull that we found down there. I guess he's kind of been down there too. No way.
Starting point is 00:09:32 We found a human finger bone. There was this big black scorpion on the wall, these white crickets jumping around everywhere. He gave me a stalactite to take home. I've got it upstairs. The day before, I found a fossilized nautilus shell half the size of my fist. I've got it upstairs. The day before, I found a fossilized nautilus shell half the size of my fist. I've got it upstairs. It's really well preserved. I think it's pretty valuable. They said they never found anything like that there. So we got out of that
Starting point is 00:09:55 cavern eventually, and we're really hot and exhausted, but there's coolers in the ATV, so we got some water, and he's like, you want to go see another cavern? And I'm like, absolutely. So we drive for maybe 10 more minutes, and we've got our flashlights. These really powerful rechargeable flashlights have like three settings, like high, super high, and blind everything. And we're all rocking blind everything, just shining them everywhere. And we see like four pigs start running. And the owner's in the front pasture seat.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I'm sitting behind him, and we've got a driver and there's another guy to my left he goes pigs so he we tear off the fucking road we were on a bumpy road now we're just in the african savannah it's we're we're clipping cactus down cutting them all like oakland or something i forget no this is this is i don't know what the nearest town would be it's 50 miles away is The state. Texas? Texas. Texas, okay. And so we're tearing off through the middle of nowhere, chasing these hogs down. He's got his SIG pistol with a laser and a flashlight popping them.
Starting point is 00:10:55 And he wounds a couple of them, got them pretty good. And he gave me the pistol, and I shot a rabbit, which we later fed to his wolf. But we finally get to the second cavernvern. You cross a river sort of thing. He's got tons of water on the place. Lots of springs and lots of dams with spillways built in and stuff, like concrete dams. We cross one of those. The water's that deep. You walk through it
Starting point is 00:11:18 and there's a 70-foot rock face that they're going to start doing rappelling off of later on. We climb up that a little bit and go up like an eight rung steel ladder and then there's a there's like a cliff uh face that kind of goes along the side of of this whole thing and just a hole opens up that you can kind of duck down and you start walking into and it just starts weaving left and right and up and down and we get all the way to the back of this thing after like climbing over lots of rocks and it's really precarious getting through there and it was like as far as anyone
Starting point is 00:11:49 had ever gone and I'm shining my light like straight up and I can see that there's like there's a wall here and a wall here and they kind of do this number they kind of go back and forth and I'm like I'm going up there so I like put my back against one wall and my knees against the other and I start like kicking into the mud it's like mud putting my elbows in and like climbing up i climb up like 15 feet into this thing to the point where i'm shining my light down at a minute they're shining theirs up at me and it kind of opens up again and i continued onward like 20 feet into like no man's land where nobody had ever gone before laterally after that and then it just turned into like slick mud on either side so it's as far as i could go this is crazy so we leave that
Starting point is 00:12:30 place and go back to his house because we're all out of ammo i i shot the rabbit with the last couple bullets and uh we don't have any more ammo and there was only a couple guns on the ride anyway because nobody was prepared for hunting we just kind of just happened to be carrying guns so i said he's like you want to go back out and maybe shoot some more pigs and i'm like oh absolutely like he's like i'm like we need to arm up though you got any guns around here he's like yeah i got a few double garage doors like fucking open up and there's like four big vols he's like and fucking like night vision goggle
Starting point is 00:13:06 helmets roll out and fully automatic m16s with lasers and red dots and magnifiers yeah we load up we arm up to a level that I was proud of it was really well armed like my buddy's got like a sega with a big like high capacity
Starting point is 00:13:22 magazine coming out of it and I've got a full auto m16 like a sega with a big like high capacity magazine coming out of it and i've got i've got a full auto m16 uh green like a like a infrared laser green laser like visible laser red dot uh magnifier on top of that and i've got like a tactical sling so i can like make it tight so it's just kind of laid against my chest and when i want it to it pulls out to the right length so i get in the back back passenger side of the atv the faster one this time he starts driving and my other buddies in the front front passenger seat of this thing and we start hauling ass down these roads again and it's just the three of us now and he's driving now and he's hauling ass it's screaming over these hills and he's like messing
Starting point is 00:14:00 with his phone and i didn't know what he was doing but he was getting like his music uh playlist up and all of a sudden little wayne this is my gun walk starts playing how to see this thing it's like he's just blaring this is my gun walk and i and i'm and i look up ahead as i'm bouncing along with my machine gun like hanging onto the side of this thing and the zebra are running from us a third of zebra and zonkeys which are half zebra half donkey galloping in front of us like trying to get away from us and we got these big led panels blasting light making everything in front of us daylight we got the flashlights going on blind everything mode and little wayne's blaring and i'm just thinking the pigs around here must hear little wayne and fucking
Starting point is 00:14:41 shit themselves so we drive all the way to the end of the property, and the whole reason we're going to the end of the property was he said there's this cabin out there, this old abandoned house. It's got a few mattresses in it, and the illegals will stop and stay in that cabin sometimes on like a pit stop, you know, further into the United States. And they like to go out there every now and then, clear the place, make sure nobody's in it or anything,
Starting point is 00:15:05 or otherwise they call border control if they catch someone or whatever. So we get to the house, and he's like, who wants to clear the house? So I'm like, yeah, I'll clear the fucking house. So I get my gun, and I'm fucking going around corners and stuff with this M16, got my flashlight on. I'm taking it pretty seriously,
Starting point is 00:15:20 because they really talked about this a lot. And I go in the back room, and I check left first. And then I check right, and there's a guy right there with a gun. He's got a mask on. He's like six feet tall. He's got the gun, like, pulled up, ready to go. And I'm like, ah! And it's a fucking dummy.
Starting point is 00:15:34 He's got a fucking dummy in the corner to mess with people. There's a person there with a gun, like, aiming right at the doorway as soon as you check right. Like, it was hilarious. We got another guy. Got him in there. Scared the fuck out of him so we got done he's like he's like you want to drive back and i'm like i absolutely want to drive back so i get in the front seat of this thing and hand him my m16 and i buckle my seat belt and i like cinch the motherfucker up real tight so what is it that you're driving it's like a uh like a gator type thing like a mule yeah but it's really fast it goes about 45 miles an hour the top line gators do that but so it's something like like a polaris
Starting point is 00:16:13 type ut i think it was a polaris or a yamaha they we kept talking about it but he had so many different ones it was hard to keep track of him he's got a razor and a polaris and a yamaha and he's got like four or five of them and we Like a four-wheel drive golf cart with better suspension type thing, a UTV. Yeah, it goes like 45. It hauls ass. Right. And it had like more seats. The one with more seats on the top.
Starting point is 00:16:35 But anyway, so I like buckle up, and he's in the back seat. He's like, ah, no seatbelts allowed. And I'm like. That's a horrible rule. And I'm like, you sure? He's like, yep, we all got to match. And I was like, well, we could all match wearing seatbelts. He i'm like that's a horrible rule and i'm like you sure he's like yep we all got a match and i was like well we could all match wearing seatbelts he's like ah okay that's yours i was like let me know if you want me to slow down so i'm hauling so much ass every time
Starting point is 00:16:59 we go around one of these corners the ass and this thing is sliding around the corners there's a cliff face off to our left it drops off like 50 feet and i'm in four-wheel drive like going up this thing as fast as it'll go i i didn't really let off on the gas i just kind of pumped the brakes against the gas when i went around corners and i went until i made all the people in the car squeal by then it was 4 30 in the morning uh when we got back uh We had left at 11 p.m. at night, and it had been the most ridiculous time ever. I had done a lot of cool stuff, but hanging out with that guy out there was a great time. I'm going back pretty soon. He's got some stuff going on right now, but he's buying a few more toys from what I understand,
Starting point is 00:17:44 so I'm going to go out there and use a few more things we also played with this thing it's called a um a paradigm it's made by a company called paradigm srp it's called the talent and it's a remote control that you hold i see pictures it's got a view screen in the middle you've got you've got d-pads on both sides you've got joysticks on both sides you've got a view screen in the middle. You've got D-pads on both sides, you've got joysticks on both sides, you've got a trigger on both sides, and you've got two cameras. One looks through your weapon. Your weapon sits in this thing. It's a gyro-stabilized marksman platform, is what they call it.
Starting point is 00:18:18 It spins 350 degrees any direction, up and down. You control it with this controller, obviously. There's one camera that's mounted to the top of the gun and it's sort of your wide angle view it's sort of if you're playing a first person shooter it's what you're it's looking through your player's eyes you know and then the other the other camera is looking through the weapon's optic system it's scope or it's red dot or whatever that's your aim down sights mode i can flip back and forth i've got picture in picture and i can flip back and forth so i've got picture in picture and I can flip back
Starting point is 00:18:45 and forth. So I can go from, I can kind of look around with my weapon system, just like the Jackal. If you've ever seen that movie, I can look around, find my target from wide angle, then click a button over here and it quickly goes to weapon side. I can like put my crosshairs on it. And because it's gyro stabilized, we put a guy on the back and had him bounce the cart up and down as hard as he could. And I turned the gyro stabilizers off and the on the back and had him bounce the cart up and down as hard as he could and i turned the gyro stabilizers off and the crosshairs are just like bouncing everywhere you can't even tell what they're aiming at and i twist a button and i twist a switch and it gyro stabilizes automatically and suddenly the crosshairs are just like this just like barely
Starting point is 00:19:20 vibrating so even on the move i just push a button and it's shooting a Nemo 300 wind mag across a lake 150 yards. Just ping, ping. And this thing, what is it? I'm picturing like the bottom of a velociraptor walking through the desert. Am I on target? It's more like a, yeah, I'll show you a picture. Actually, if you go to my Facebook, I've got a picture up on there now, I think. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:19:50 That might be easier for you to, like, show the crowd. Yeah. You can see it pretty well there. So which one am I looking for? The one with the remote? Yes. So this is what he's asking us to look at. I just can't see the device.
Starting point is 00:20:15 So the device, you see on the left side of the gun how there's a round thing? It looks exactly like that on the right side. And it's sort of connected to like a tripod bolted to the roof of the vehicle I'm in. And the whole thing rotates the gun left and right, up and down. It's kind of like a sentry gun, but it's a remote control sentry gun. That's basically what it is. I guess you ask yourself, what would you do if money were no object, right? And you hear money no object, and you often think, well, money is kind of, sort of an object.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Money no object being $3 million or money no object meaning $350 million? This is one possible answer. You would just create an earthbound Jurassic Park. I lost you for a second there. People, I've seen them. Oh, I'm sorry. Am I good now? Yes. So I found it really interesting to see what really wealthy people do with their money.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And I have a lot of respect for what this guy did with his because he's basically created a nonprofit wildlife habitat where you go and hunt the animals, but all of the proceeds go to wildlife charities and conservation charities and stuff like that. He explained to me this one situation where there was a certain kind of wild game that was popular among Texas safari ranches. I don't know what it was. Let's just call it pronghorn for the heck of it. They made it illegal to hunt for pay those animals. So all the ranchers killed them all for free.
Starting point is 00:21:52 They just murdered them all. So now all of them are gone because you can't have an animal out there that's illegal to shoot on your ranch where people come to pay to shoot things. You just can't have it. They're either going to accidentally shoot it, or it's going to be taking your resources. So in effect, the government was trying to save these animals, but they ended up wiping them out. So there's lots of situations like that.
Starting point is 00:22:12 So the guy genuinely cared for the animals. And when you're driving around, I can't, don't, I want you to understand that I'm not exaggerating when I say this. I saw thousands of deer. He had so many animals that as you're driving around they're just everywhere like watching you i i was chasing armadillos through the desert um like chipping through rocks for fossils and indian artifacts we found all kinds of indian artifacts all kinds of crazy stuff there's a silver mine on the place it used to be owned by some german baron who mined over 30 000 ounces of silver uh he was murdered at some point and they still haven't found his silver mine but the records are there they know that
Starting point is 00:22:50 he mined the silver so it's there somewhere on the property so he kind of like walks around looking for the silver mine and other caverns and stuff like that he went into one of these caverns and there was a 50 foot tall pyramid of bat guano bat shit and he was kind of crawling through it or crawling over it to get to the other side and he inhaled some of the dust or whatever from this bat guano and he got an illness i don't remember the scientific name but they call it like cavern disease or cavers disease or something like this is a thing i've heard of barely of it you can you can imagine the medical services that this gentleman could afford. I'm sure he got the best treatment,
Starting point is 00:23:29 but it still took him six months to recover from this thing. He was talking about being in his hot tub at 104 degrees and shivering and stuff and night sweats where he'd wake up drenched. It was a real problem. I was like, well, if we go to that one, maybe we'll just bring a respirator. He's like, we won't go to that one there's like another one there was another one that was full of brown recluses and he'd been bit a couple times and there was a there was a yeah yeah there was another one there was another one full of daddy long legs millions of them and
Starting point is 00:24:00 they fell off in balls of themselves then clumps and every time you would go down the ladder you'd squish like a million of them and he realized that he was because he was feeling sick because he'd been inhaling the like vapor of crushing millions of daddy tongue long legs and then there was another one where they had like went they crawled crawled crawled and then went up and crawled some more on another level and they're and they started feeling like light-headed he was like he asked his buddies like do you feel dizzy and the guy's like yeah i do let's get out of here and then the lights went out their lights died they had to like find their way out in the dark it's so dark down there the reason and everything i installed fiberglass in my crawl space oh tell me more god damn
Starting point is 00:24:41 no please was it itchy? It was. It was. Dude, that's incredible. I'm covered. My whole body is covered with bruises and I don't know if you can see. Oh, I see. Yeah, yeah. No doubt. All my shins and knees are covered with those things from crawling on the rock on the bottom.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Oh, there was allosaurus footprints footprints fossilized allosaurus footprints i got images of those with like my hands in them and my feet next to them um i'm trying to think uh some of the you know there's the kangaroo oh the the camel let me let me show you the camel hopefully this will show up you can let me know how well it shows up i'll uh try to get this going real quick here i had never seen a camel in person except for maybe like some sort of petting zoo safari where you like drive past one really quick and it's just some like sad camel who doesn't have any friends but um this camel
Starting point is 00:25:42 oh you're gonna need volume for this This camel... You're going to need volume for this. That's orgasmic. Can you hold it sideways? What would happen? Landscape. There we go. Oh, no, that's not better. Hey, I'm going to fix this.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I'm going to fix this. This is pretty funny. Let me turn the rotation on this phone off. And... Oh, yeah. All right, I'm going to get my microphone over here so there's some audio as well I won't get you a boyfriend get you a Big Daddy camel in here. I'm going to get you a bath first because you're dusty.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Oh, yeah. I'm coming. Oh, yeah. Ah, yeah. What if it bit my ear off right now? She's so sweet. Look at this. Look at this thing.
Starting point is 00:27:00 It loves me. Wow. Dude, that's... I feel like you came home emotionally richer than you were before. Oh, yeah, man. That's an amazing experience. I came home feeling good, man. I had a great time. I had a great time.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Is it pure good? Oh, yeah. We were there working with... I want you guys to really watch the next FPS Russia video because it pure good? Oh, yeah. We were there working. I want you guys to really watch the next FBS Russia video because it's an important one to me. We were helping out some wounded veterans. They were kind of part of the thing for us. We got them out there in their track chairs, and we made them part of what we were doing. And you would think that physically they couldn't do what we were doing, and we just fucking made it happen.
Starting point is 00:27:43 We picked them up and put them in there. A guy named Dylan. So we had a great time. That part was great. Spent the whole weekend with that guy. And got to know him a little better. I'd met him before, but we had a great time. Yeah, it was genuinely good. And I really liked hanging out with the guy that owned the place.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I feel like he was kind of in a similar position as I am sometimes. You know, it being kind of hard to make friends, I think. So it was a good time. Everyone's got their palm out, right? Yeah, we didn't talk about that at all. Not necessarily for money. You know it must be true for something. I'm sure it's difficult. The nanosecond I tell someone about what I do, they're trying to leverage it in
Starting point is 00:28:26 some way that can help them. Yeah. It's just weird sometimes. Sometimes I don't want to. It's just that I see how it is. Right. The whole thing was really physically challenging as well. I was a little worried when I went on the trip.
Starting point is 00:28:42 I was like, man, I'm missing out on my paintball workout here. I've been hitting it hard every day. I've been getting my cardio and lifting weights. It's kind of a shame I'm not going to be able to work out on this trip. I feel like I got a great workout. I came back. I'm down to 175 now. I'm running two miles a day.
Starting point is 00:28:57 It's it. Those kids are going to fucking pay, man. Are we getting a fucking paintball trip? I'm thinking about taking some gymnastics class, maybe limber up, maybe get some cartwheels mixed in there, hand springs i don't know working on my lower body strength doing lots of squats and uh and deadlifts like i'm really gonna have some fun because this thing finally showed up what am i looking at this is the die damn the die it's d-a-m die assault matrix this is a semi-automatic three-round burst or fully automatic magazine
Starting point is 00:29:25 or hopper fed paintball rifle it shoots first strike rounds it's uh it's got a quad rail so it'll take just about anything picatinny related that your regular ar-15 will take like uh like some of this shit i've stuck on there you can see it'll do mag feed so it'll take those first strike or paintballs in here but i'm gonna have first strikes each side is 10 rounds so when you want to reload it's you just pop it out rotate it put it back in again I got a shitload of these I got like 20 of them so I'm gonna have those strapped all over me I put my l can on there so let me make sure I know how much an l can costs that's why I'm laughing that is not a paintball scope hang on I'm gonna give you a good good here. That thing costs so much that I was afraid of it bouncing in my center console in my truck.
Starting point is 00:30:10 It's a very nice scope. Yeah. So it's a pretty nice scope. It is quite expensive. But the scope that I want to put on there, I'm going to talk to them tomorrow, and it's $8,500. I want to put that motherfucker on here. going to talk to them tomorrow, and it's $8,500. I want to put that motherfucker on here. That's going to make for some good video. A couple other things it'll do.
Starting point is 00:30:31 It's all electronic over here, so I've got like three buttons. There's no AR selector switch, which is kind of a bummer at first, but then I learned the codes, and you've got a lot more going on with these tiny buttons that are over here than normal. It's regular AR-15 stocks,
Starting point is 00:30:44 so I'm going to put... I've got like a couple hundred dollar Magpul stock I'm going to put on there instead. And if you just want to shoot paintballs, I've got this box rotor. So I think it holds like 325 paintballs or something like that. So I can shoot like 28 balls a second or something. Just, you know, just spray and pray everything in existence. I'm going to put a camera right here on this Picatinny rail, and it's going to look through whatever optic I use,
Starting point is 00:31:11 so the fans are going to get to see the paintballs go from the scope, like first-person shooters, really well-defined. I'm going to put another camera on my helmet. I'm going to put another camera on the side over here, so you're're gonna have three different viewpoints plus a cameraman uh i think it'll make for some good videos good lord that's it these kids are gonna pay i i'm really excited for it for being born being born yeah it's just it's it's like uh ringo from uh from tombstone he's like he's got a big hole in the right in the center of him i just want to fill it with shooting little children with my paintball gun that's what it's gonna be i'm really excited about going so remember we went
Starting point is 00:31:58 to cpx the first time and the um the rental guns were those tipmans which are a perfectly reasonable rental gun they're very durable if you wanted to rent guns out to people who were going to not take care of them tipman would be a super good choice but the place we're going to was it pb explosion or something like that yeah paintball explosion paintball explosion or pb explosion maybe maybe so they have an upgrade for like an extra 10. I've been told you can get like an axe equivalent, whatever that is, you know? Yeah. Which means that a lot of our subs are not going to be as outgunned as we're used to.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I never thought the paintball guns mattered that much, to be honest. They did. Oh, my God. If you thought that was our talent, you're crazy. We were firing ropes out there. We were in pretty much full auto, and they were like jiggle shake shooting. Yeah, that was true to some. In that situation, that was absolutely true.
Starting point is 00:32:53 But we were outnumbered like five or six to one or something. Like 10 to one. I remember it being like 80 to eight or something like that. Yeah, that's about right. It was all of them, plus our eight best. It was like, whatever, five or six YouTubers and then a couple paintball guys. Yeah. Yeah, that was great.
Starting point is 00:33:14 But if they had guns that shot like ours did, I think we'd have been shot back more. Yeah. Also, we had unlimited ammo. We were bringing cases out and stacking them on our side of the net. So I'm pretty sure that's going to be April 11th and 12th. I hope so. I invited Lozon. He said that he didn't literally say he was going.
Starting point is 00:33:34 He said, he's like, I totally want to go. Let me just make sure I don't have any fighters fighting. And then he wrote back and said, I'm all clear. Okay. Yeah. I don't know what we can get for him. The only thing I promised him was that we'd squeeze him into our rooms. Yeah, you definitely do that because Taylor isn't going to be able to make it.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Okay. So it'll be you, me, Chiz, and Joe. Okay. Joe can squeeze in a room and that way we can – yeah, everything will work out nicely. And what else was I going to say about that? Yeah, so don't sign up for it. There's nothing to sign up for just yet. We're going to get a whole thing going,
Starting point is 00:34:09 so there will be a thing to sign up for. And I'm hoping we make it so that PKA people and YouTube people in general that are coming for our thing are getting a special package. Yeah, some sort of coupon code, discount package thing. Yeah, and I'm thinking of maybe like and i haven't pushed this past anyone i'm going to suggest it and see if it flies anywhere but maybe do like a whole package where maybe you get like a a souvenir or a t-shirt from the thing like
Starting point is 00:34:35 you know something like that if we're getting enough signups i think that could definitely be a thing um and what else so yeah so kind of mark that off in your calendar, April. 11th and 12th. That weekend. Yeah, the goal is to do it. That's a Saturday and a Sunday. Yeah, I think it would be cool to do two days up there because there's just so much to do. And I like two-day events, and I love Chicago, and yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:57 That should be cool. Oh, one more thing. So I was thinking, so I met this guy out there in texas who was on the ranch he works there and he's sort of a um a bushcraft expert slash survivalist and he does classes out there like survival classes so i haven't pushed this past anyone either and i wanted to see what you thought about it but if we were ever going to actually go ahead and do another survival trip a cool place to do it would be out on that ranch amongst african uh game with a survival expert and i think because i think that would be a way for us to you know the filming of all the videos would be a good way to promote the ranch and to
Starting point is 00:35:36 promote the survivalist classes they do as well as to you know accomplish our goals i'm down i'll do it okay that sounds like a great time i'll have kitty ask uh that gentleman if uh if he's up for it he was a really nice guy too i i gotta say um i'm gonna say 40 uh 45 something like that uh he was a everyone that i go on a lot of these trips and there'll be like one douchebag in the crowd or one guy who's a little off and he's a little weird or something like that and everyone on this trip was a genuinely like cool guy with an interesting personality and great stories and a good sense of humor and this guy john was was one of those people i was i remember we were up really early one morning uh like just watching the sunrise out back looking at this incredible view you could see for about a
Starting point is 00:36:22 mile and a half to these orchards and there was cattle in between and green fields and just blue sky forever. And we were talking about the space program. He had been involved in some way in the space program back in the day. And we were talking about the Russians and the cosmonauts, and we were talking about the United States and a few other things. And before I left, he gave me a flag that went up about 25 or 35 years ago in one of the cosmonaut missions, one of the Soyuz missions or something. And it's signed by all the cosmonauts plus a Frenchman
Starting point is 00:36:51 who was like the first Frenchman to go up or something like that. So he got me one of those. He got one for you? Well, he gave it to me, yeah. That's amazing. Yeah. That's amazing. That was a cool gift i was really thankful
Starting point is 00:37:06 that's that sounds like the coolest week ever that you just had i had a great time uh we went to the alamo um i don't know what else um it was a ridiculous ridiculous trip i had a great time i've never seen so much cool stuff all in one place. I really, I'm really, I wanted to stay longer. I think at one time he said something like, well, you could just stay and you could take my truck to the airport in a day or two and you could fly out late. But then something happened and we like gunned down some animals or something and I never went back to that. But I kind of wish I was still out there now chasing armadillos and playing with camels. This whole concept of endless money is a crazy thing.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I'm like, how do I make that happen? He had a runway. He's got an explosives magazine. They're getting their FEL. He's on an FFL, so he's got his machine guns and stuff. What else? The runway. Oh, they had this giant, they call it the big blind.
Starting point is 00:38:10 And it's up on a hill. It's a blind. You walk up like two flights of stairs, and it's a big round hunting blind with window, with maybe, it's a circle. It's a circular room with maybe eight windows all the way around that you can lift up and close. It's got cameras looking at all the feeders in six different directions from this mountaintop. And one view is 850 yards, one's 350, and everything in between. And you can look at the TV up there, and it's displaying what the cameras are doing. So when you see an animal on the camera, you can stop playing poker or whatever else you're doing
Starting point is 00:38:45 in there and you can open the uh the window and shoot your animal it's it's ridiculous oh that's crazy and and there were so many animals that i'd never even heard of or seen before like he knew most of their names and he was like oh this is a blibbity blah and a jimmy joe and that's a red stag and it's like those are like twelve thousand dollars to each to just to get and i'm just wondering like what do you have to pay to shoot one of those motherfuckers do how do people have ultralights in your area ultralights like the planes yeah it's a plane but it doesn't even require a license yeah i, I think so. I've seen the ones that are like paraplanes, but... Right, right. I'm not sure about what the ultralights actually look like.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Oh, it kind of looks like a hang glider with a prop on the back of it. But you sit down. Oh, yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's very dangerous. Yeah, well, whatever. So, I don't know. i just had a bee in my bonnet lately because i'm from the fucking 1920s about an ultralight and uh i'm like hi you know
Starting point is 00:39:53 i've totally got enough land to like take off and land an ultralight if i wanted to what do you come on it's that's all right so first of all you could afford a larger plane than that. Second of all, that's too dangerous for a man of your responsibilities. And there is no third of all. There's no third of all. You don't need a third of all. You could get a safer plane for, I don't know, $75,000 and learn to fly the thing. And the maintenance would be like $10,000 a year or something. And you'd have a plane that you could fly three know three states in any direction in after five thousand dollars
Starting point is 00:40:29 worth of lessons that's pretty that's a lot of money but then you got a fucking plane that ultralight thing man i i don't know i could just see like one mistake one gust of wind out there i just yeah i guess it was just the idea of taking off from your backyard that was kind of cool well if you're gonna do that I think the paraplane is the safest option because it's got a parachute on it so if everything fails I feel like you still just float down yeah I don't know what's safer I know
Starting point is 00:40:55 in hang gliding for some reason the the para ones don't have a parachute but the hang gliders they all have parachutes I don't know the para thing i'm talking about you know it's i don't know you're like on a little skiff type thing with like a a big fan right behind you a prop blowing in the in like an almost an inflatable wing above you right yeah
Starting point is 00:41:17 those wings they can fail they can get all tangled up and deflated and stuff. I suppose so. They can turn into a popped balloon. Flying's not safe if you're doing it in your backyard. I'd probably just all talk. I don't know. I just got the idea. I could take off and put a hang glider. Or not a hang glider, an ultralight right here. We could see how my year goes
Starting point is 00:41:40 and maybe we'll split a small plane. That'd be interesting. Maybe you get into a six-seater Cessna for like $40 a small plane that'd be interesting maybe you get into like a six-seater cesna for like 40 grand that'd be something interesting that's the cost of a car you gotta move up here man no i don't want to take you from your family but that'd be please my sister especially when my power went out i went over to my parents house to shower and just spending like that much amount of time with my mom i was ready to just fucking end it all My sister especially. When my power went out, I went over to my parents' house to shower. And just spending that much amount of time with my mom, I was ready to just fucking end it all.
Starting point is 00:42:12 She was boring me to death. She warned me about the heater in that bathroom three times. I get drugged behind cars and shit in my spare time. And she's warning me about the heater in there three times before I can even get in to take a shower what was it you know it's that top switch now be careful now it if those wires in there i think something happened the other day because sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and then sometimes it comes on and it just comes back on later and it goes off and i'm just like mom i'll be okay i'm not gonna need a heater i mean my house is ice cold so like i'm happy to be here where there's warmth. So, like, and she's, I don't know, just little things just kept annoying me.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Oh, God. And then she said some, like, racist shit that I don't even know if I should share. This is what she said. She said something. She was like, I don't know how we got there. But she mentioned she was like, and then that dot head that owns the Dairy Queen in town. And I was like, oh, she's like, that dot head is going to blow us all up that lives in the Dairy Queen in town. And I'm like, oh, she's like, that dot head's gonna blow us all up that lives in the Dairy Queen in town. And I'm like, mom,
Starting point is 00:43:06 that's a completely different group of people. Like, those people are technically Asian, I think. And she's like, no, they're not. They're sand niggers. And I'm just like, oh, no. My mom's wasted a damn cent. And I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:43:23 oh, mom, God, no. I was like, I said, said mom if you're gonna be intolerant like this we're just gonna have to stop talking she's like intolerant and i just like walked away i was like jesus christ she's like what are you doing here anyway i'm just like i'm looking for a gun any guns that i might have left over she's like we should just get them all and take them i'm like that's what i'm fucking doing so it was just by the time it was over and and i just really wanted out of there so i got my shower and split so i talk about my parents on the show a lot right sometimes i talk about my my father in particular being like crazy christian fundamentalist or like non-thinking right wing whatever who doesn't believe in evolution or that the world's only a few thousand years old sometimes i talk about their ridiculous sex life but what happens is i talk to my mom on the phone
Starting point is 00:44:10 and uh like she she doesn't mention the crazy things i talk about she mentions something else like oh yeah i was watching painkiller already so uh so kyle got cooper tires huh right but i know and she knows i know like like it like it's like fuck she's listening to this she knows what we talk about she's on top of this whole scene it's uh yeah so kyle got cooper tires and mom praises dad in bed so my mama yeah they don't they don't watch yeah, they don't watch the show. My dad watches the videos, like my gun videos and stuff. I don't know if my mom does. I know my
Starting point is 00:44:51 dad does. My mom's seen a few of them, I'm sure. And they're all very proud, but mom just gets a bit annoying. To me, we've never gotten along. So yeah, please take me. Take me away. Are you thinking about moving up here? No, because I'm about to get the explosives license and everything.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I've got that all sorted out. One of the best parts about doing that Texas thing is hanging out with my tank and artillery buddy. And he's going to come down and we're going to fill the paperwork up side by side. He's going to inspect my bunker before anyone else does. Or my magazine rather and i think i'm gonna go ahead and just get two of those explosive licenses uh one for theatrical purposes if you will and one for a uh another another project so so here we're talking about a swimming pool in the backyard not now not you know we'll be moved in and stuff maybe in the
Starting point is 00:45:41 winter because it's cheaper to have a pool built in the winter. And they're like, there's a good chance that there's giant rocks under my yard. Like giant rocks, like, you know, bus-sized rocks. And they would have to blast them and stuff. Yeah. It costs like 10 grand to get this stuff blasted out. And I'm thinking, I totally know a guy. We'll just blast the rock we'll get it covered did i don't it seems like we need equipment like giant leather blankets or not leather
Starting point is 00:46:12 lead blankets or something like to to contain the explosion make sure we don't blow up the house yeah but yeah i don't know maybe we'll do a little blasting i don't know much about blasting but i could learn i I suppose. What better place than my yard? I'm willing. I'm willing to try. Right next to your home. I'm sure you have a C4 insurance or whatever they call it. Probably.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Oh, I got a new pocket knife. Really? Yeah. Is that an expensive pocket knife? I'm not sure. They didn't have any prices. What did they just... Did your new friend give it to you?
Starting point is 00:46:50 No, it was... It's from CRKT. I'm working with them now, and we're going to do some giveaways and stuff, and they sent me their... I can't tell. Is that a blade on two sides? Does the spine of it have... You're frozen for me right now, but... There. Does the spine of it have a blade on two sides does the spine of it have and you're frozen for me right now but did
Starting point is 00:47:06 there doesn't the spine of it have a blade or is it just sort of looking like that no okay gotcha um it's uh i don't let's see what it's called i want to get the name right it's not out yet this one's not it won't be out till may it's called a uh hmm uh deviation deviation is the model name uh by crkt uh i think i'm going to give some of these away on facebook at some point coming up soon not just not these in particular but just a lot of stuff from them so that's pretty cool company and i like this i'm really digging this knife i was looking through their um i don't know their brochure or whatever the thing with all their knives and like i picked the one i want and kitty picked the one she wanted and uh and we both ended up picking the exact same one we both like this one most of all out of their whole catalog so
Starting point is 00:47:53 yeah new knife i've been carrying a knife lately and i use it all the time so yeah uh here i'm in my underwear that's okay i can't see earlier i had to like turn my computer was overheating so i had to shit fucking cords so i had to um like turn the fan on and open a window and shit like that and i totally showed my underwear but back on topic so i've got two things one just because i'm like doing construction and stuff all the time. I carry utility knife Like this. Oh, you can't see me. I forgot we're working working that out, but this is a you've probably seen these It's just a utility blade with like a little laser razor blade that you'd use to cut like insulation and vapor barrier and like anything on a construction site
Starting point is 00:48:40 Not what you'd use as a pocket knife, but Sadly Kyle can't see me this really sucks the other thing I have is this have you seen the knife I have in my money clip yes yeah so I have that the challenge is if you guys can see this you have to slide your stuff down a little bit for this button to press there's a button there and then you pull the thing out and you've got a little bit for this button to press there's a button there and then you pull the thing out and you've got a little knife i use this thing all the time but it's a pain in the ass all the time like it's better than no knife for opening boxes and such but um i don't know i've been
Starting point is 00:49:17 tempted to get something like kyle has in his hand just because that's what you want that thing will be insta ready and it'll be better yeah i don't know i think a good thing to have is one that's what you want that thing will be insta ready and it'll be better yeah i don't know i think a good thing to have is one that's because this one's pretty heavy i don't know it i don't know if you can tell by looking at it but it's quite heavy and it's a full size too i yeah it's it's a bigger knife um i've got that little orange uh kershaw knife and i i i wear that i wear like a zipper armani jacket a lot and it goes in a zipper like right here. And I've just always got it like right there on my chest. I can grab it, and then when I'm done with it, it always goes back in that same pocket.
Starting point is 00:49:50 So it's just there, and it's so light you don't even notice it. So there's something to be said for that as well. But kind of the way that I'm outfitting myself these days is like there's a knife in this pocket and one in my pocket and my pants pocket, and there's another one stuck in my car door. It's the same thing with guns and ammo. I'm so forgetful and I leave so many things behind that if I don't have three of everything in every car
Starting point is 00:50:11 then I'll just end up unprepared. I've got so many GoPro accessories right now that I'm getting ready for this paintball thing. I got that guy, that Pistol Pete guy, to 3D print me a mount like he uses to get that viewpoint and he's 3D print me a mount like he uses to get that viewpoint. And he's 3D printing me a 50-round box magazine for this rifle that will shoot the first strike rounds.
Starting point is 00:50:33 So I'll be able to shoot first strike rounds 50 at a time fully automatically. Those things are like $40 for $100. So I think I'm going to show up with like $200 or $300 worth, something like that. I'm going to show up with like $200 or $300 worth, something like that. I'm really excited. I can't tell you. Everything I do is in some way like, yeah, that would make me faster for paintball. I've got stairs that lead up to the top. I'm taking gigantic steps every time and taking them really slow and
Starting point is 00:51:05 carrying weights up and down the stairs trying to go really fast. I'm doing box jumps. I'm thinking about getting one of those parachutes to sprint against. I'm hiking. I've been hiking all week. I totally want some videos of you getting strong now.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll do that. I'll do that i'll do that i'm gonna work out when we're done here i'll set a camera up and it'll just be like i'll get some b-roll of like my feet going faster and faster and stuff like that he's a maniac maniac i'll start out i'll start like bench pressing like 140 pounds and just every day it'll be a little more yeah i'll totally do that oh you can do it as our as a promo video on the second i like that because i'm gonna make a i'm gonna make some fvs russia videos about this rifle um i'm gonna i'm gonna show off the accuracy of this thing with first strike rounds
Starting point is 00:51:54 i've got a custom barrel coming for it i'm waiting on that and uh and i'm gonna see if that thermal optic company is is game for uh i I thought it'd be a really good way to promote a thermal optic company by hunting people with it. You think? Yeah. And they always hear about people... Are they down? We're talking to them tomorrow, I believe.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Okay. And you always hear about people freezing paintballs. So before you get ahead of yourselves, that's not what I'm doing, but I was thinking if I just refrigerated my paintballs and made them like, you know, 50 degrees or something like that on like a 70 or 80 degree day
Starting point is 00:52:30 and thermal, there's enough of a temperature variance that you'd be able to see them like tracers maybe going through the air against the like, there's a couple modes on this scope so I can do it so that it's like black and white and white is body heat and black is like cold areas and that's the differential you're seeing or I can change it so that it's like black and white and white is body heat and black is like cold areas
Starting point is 00:52:46 and that's the differential you're seeing or I can change it to like basically predator mode like infrared mode where you're seeing like just like the predator sees you know all the body heat registered in different color schemes. You should experiment.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Refrigerating might be the way to go or heating them might be the way to go. Yeah, it's all about getting the biggest temperature variance between the environment and the item the way to go. Yeah, it's all about getting the biggest temperature variance between the environment and the item you want to highlight. You might want to bake them at like 150 or something. They are plastic and gelatin, so
Starting point is 00:53:13 that might not be the way to go. I don't know how much you can bake them. Like you're alluding to, you know, what's the melting point on them? Even if you leave them in the sun, that makes them get kind of yucky. Yeah, yeah. So maybe not that, but. Hopefully refrigerating works, right? I'm just afraid because refrigerating is dark, so.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Oh, I can invert that. Okay, well, then that sounds good. Yeah, that's the best part. So that enables for filming purposes, for example, it might be hard to keep like something hot all day, but it's easy to get like ice and have like ice water and something showing up quite cold or black cold whichever you prefer whichever looks i can kind of see this right like i'm out there i've got hoppers all along my back
Starting point is 00:53:56 you know joe's out there he's got hoppers kyle's got thermoses full of half frozen he pulls them out loads his cold rounds be fun i think i've got a video of some thermal that i did one time i'll try to share it with a link because it's a longish video did you share it yet not yet tell me when, because I have to change the picture and stuff. I will. I will. So if you start at like 9 minutes and 28 seconds, I'm linking you right now. 9 minutes and 28 seconds. I'm linking you right now. 9 minutes and 28 seconds.
Starting point is 00:54:46 This is some fairly cheap thermal. Or at least it's... The thermal scope I'm getting will look much better than this. Alright. Are we just trying to say play or do you want to sync it? I'll sync. I'm at 928. 3, 2, 1, play. All right, we just try to say play or do you want to sink it? I'll sink. I'm at 928 3 2 1 play
Starting point is 00:55:18 So that's pretty good that's a clip-on system though, that's basically What you're gonna be seeing, we can see it right there, the scope is looking through the thermal device, but what I'm going to get for this paintball thing is an actual thermal optic, so the scope itself has the thermal part built in. What's cool about the paintball is you'll be able to see the projectile fly. Yeah, yeah, definitely. I was looking for it in this, but it's probably between frames or something, you know, just like, zap. We're using a Dazzle Platinum to record this, by the way.
Starting point is 00:56:02 The thing I'm getting is it it onboard records in standard def but since I'm gonna be putting a GoPro through it I'm gonna see which looks better and if the GoPro looking through it gets me actual HD good-looking footage and I'll stick with that depending on how the the onboard footage looks but it's got an in onboard DVR that records in standard def what the scope's doing so Painkiller Nearly has a new like template you haven't
Starting point is 00:56:30 seen it yet but I guess you will after this uploads and your video has been way better all show long I'm looking forward to see what Merca like in my dreams Merca's whole internet problem is significantly improved right like just the audio delay impacts how much he can contribute.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Remember him trying to do that trivia game where he buzzed in last for everything? Yes. Which was funny, but it's not what you want. And you know, every little quip he has or whatever, the timing can be a little off. I'm hoping that this makes a big difference. I need to get,
Starting point is 00:57:03 I want to have another mode for screen sharing because we do that a lot. So I'll get it sorted out. But as a first day, I'm going to say not bad. Not bad. It's a step up. I saw the template for a minute. I like the way it looked. I could see from your end that my picture did look better.
Starting point is 00:57:19 And the frame rate alone on your end when I could see your camera was really fast. So much better. It's going to be perfect. One thing I've learned is that I need two cameras, one for my capture program to use and one for my friends to see through. So, we got that ordered. We'll have it for PKA. Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Yeah, good stuff. So, dude, amazing trip. I envy what you're – I want to be Kyle when I grow up. Yeah, I had a great time. I'm going back out there again. If there's any way to get you included in a trip, as always, I'll get you on out there. I didn't want to ask, but I was totally thinking that.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Of course. And if there's a way that I can get that survival trip done, that would be a good way to swing it. Because he's already invited me back um to do other things uh you know to film some stuff and just to have some fun and hang out so um so yeah hopefully we get to go out there and do that the survival trip would be outrageous because i swear dude like there's wild pigs out there oh he's he's crossbreeding wild pigs that are there in texas with russian boar andar in this big pen to increase the population on the ranch.
Starting point is 00:58:28 And he's feeding them scraps of dead animals. So they're voracious in there, like bad motherfuckers. They're scary. So when we go back, I'm going to take one of my knives. I don't know which one. I may get a new knife. This knife's pretty big, but it's not really big enough. My SEAL Team Elite, that's pretty big. That's an appropriate knife for the job. I think I i may get a new knife like this knife's pretty big but it's not really big enough my seal team elite like that's pretty big that's an appropriate knife for the job
Starting point is 00:58:47 i i think i want to get a spear like a legit spear or not if they've got bull if they've got dogs to run the pigs down i'll definitely i'll use a knife but otherwise i think a spear and go like in game of thrones like a boar spear oh i think that would be fun now i was hoping that while you were on your trip you were unable to listen to as much game of thrones as you had been before there was a cold period but i still got some in there there was definitely a cold period where like i was just give it up where are you i am uh all right let me open the actual app i am 23 hours and 20 minutes into book number two. So I'm 63% finished with book two. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I am one hour, 18 minutes into book two. Okay. So you are still 22 hours behind. But I was 30 hours behind, I think. Yeah, you caught up eight hours in a week. Something to be week for that yeah this thing and I left my headphones in my in my other bag so I couldn't listen on the way back night before last from Texas so yeah you caught up for sure no
Starting point is 00:59:54 caught up as a stretch I closed the gap a touch hey we'll see where we can go from there but uh dude you trip sounds amazing good for you i yeah i really enjoyed myself great time i uh i had to figure out a way that i can be worth a quarter billion it sounds nice ah man i i have no idea how much money that guy has i'm just guessing because i know how much that ranch cost it's just like insane yeah my father had a friend worth not a quarter billion it was like a hundred million and um bill gates says that's all you need bill gilgate says that a hundred million you're set you can have anything you want and uh and from that you're you know the rest of it is just unnecessary yeah i could see that being true for sure you um you could accomplish what uh this
Starting point is 01:00:44 gentleman has accomplished with his money with $100 million, I would think. I guess, yeah. Yeah, I know you could because I know how much the place costs. You want to have enough money that your money still earns you money though, right? Like if you spent all $100 million on this place, then you're out of money. You want to have like a good $30 million left so that if you earn 10% a year, that's $3 million. It'll build back up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Yeah, definitely. So something like that. All right. Painkiller nearly episode 28. Um, dude, your trip was amazing.

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