Painkiller Already - PKN #294

Episode Date: April 17, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKN 294. With no inappropriate comment in the beginning this time. Yes, thank you, Taylor. No more slurs. No, we'll hold off on those until right after the call, as is tradition. Trying to slip one into the beginning. Yeah. I mean, you used to do that masterfully.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Or no, that was at the end, wasn't it? Yeah, very risky business dropping an N-bomb in the last maybe second of the video or maybe second after the video. High stakes, low reward. That's how I play. High stakes, no reward. That's how I play. High stakes, no reward poker.
Starting point is 00:00:38 So you're talking about this Israeli health minister. He's the Israeli health minister who claimed the coronavirus was divine punishment for homosexuality. Prove it wrong. Tested positive for COVID-19. Well, now we know a little more about him.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Well, as with any sort of disease, obviously some people get caught in the crossfire. You know, I do a lot of ministry with the gays. I get on my knees for the gays, you could say. And sometimes these things, the Satan works the mysterious ways, as does God. Do the Jews believe in the devil? I think so. It's not a thing I know.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I don't. They don't. They believe in hell in like a different way. Let me see. I don't know what the fuck they think happens after you die. Do all Christians believe in a fiery punishment bad hell no no a lot of them like uh episcopalians like the more like friendly like hey you can be a pastor even if you're a gay woman whereas like a baptist would be like did you even raid any of this like that's not what it says like
Starting point is 00:01:43 episcopalians people like i think it's episcopalians and some like forms of like lighter protestants they will say that like oh absence from god is hell and so you would kind of just continue living in a godless world with all of the sin and debauchery and problems we have here except even worse like sodom and gomorrah style stuff is is what we were taught that other that other christians sometimes believed everywhere i went to school i went to church it was fire and brimstone there was no mealy mouth around it was like their version of hell is some sort of orgy sex party i thought that too because i remember being taught that and being like wait so like i can still say bad words and do drugs in these hells right and like that's it like that doesn't sound bad but i'm like you know
Starting point is 00:02:23 they really hammer in the the fire and brimstone and so just to be safe i accepted god like all the time just to be like my i think the jews believe in the devil pretty sure i just read something about is it art is it like the christian devil or is it i didn't read very deeply into it i just saw that he makes several appearances in the talmud so that would yes say to me that yeah they believe in fire yeah i mean the talmud is most of the jewish scripts because like the torah the first five books of the bible that's really not that much it's really not yeah that's just the start you blow through that in a day it'll be most of it's genealogy right there's a whole read the bible it's terrible oh yeah it's a real yeah you're on the whole pages
Starting point is 00:03:05 pages where you just begat begat begat begat begat begat begat okay i'll try to read the bible i get like you know three four pages have gone by i've seen all of the words and i'll always get to this like wait what did what did i just get from that what what did that just say i'm lost it's difficult reading and because it's been translated like eight no jokes fucking times not a single joke what do you think about biblical movies, though? Because I think some of them are pretty fucking good. I thought that Noah movie was okay. But more specifically, I think like The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston. I think that's pretty sweet.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Yeah. I've only seen that once when I was much younger. Passion of the Christ. I thought that was a good movie. Was that good? That was good. That scared the the Christ. I thought that was a good movie. Was that good? That was good. That scared the bejesus out of me when I saw that. So, okay, I haven't seen Passion of the Christ.
Starting point is 00:03:52 It was my impression from hearing people talk about it that they liked it because they liked the message. They liked how Jews were viewed as kind of negative, I think. But, yeah, accurate. Not so much that it was a great movie. Or am I wrong it was uh i mean like everybody's perception of it i didn't like if i were to watch it now i wouldn't think of that it's that great because i'm not religious but i can definitely see as a religious person like at least the adults in my life and when they talked about it sunday school or whatever uh it was like their thing wasn't it they didn't even they didn't even mention Jews. They just said like, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:25 it's, it's so powerful to watch all the suffering that Christ went through on your behalf. Like that's what was harped on and on about was all the suffering Jesus went through. And like when he's getting cat and nine tail with those bones and he's like just trying to heave that fucking thing and make it up the hill. Yeah. They never mentioned a Jew thing at all.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Oh, they do. No, no. I mean like, well, yeah, but the Pharisees and the Sadducees, they begged
Starting point is 00:04:46 for Barabbas to come out so that Jesus would be killed. Like, they did lobby for... The Romans didn't give a shit. And they're out there in the crowd, like, cackling at Pontius and these late... You know, there's literally the washing his hands of the thing, literally and figuratively. It's where we get the... I mean, like, even in the Bible, they're talking about how evil the... Like, Jesus talked about how evil the Pharisees
Starting point is 00:05:02 and Sadducees were all the time. He was like, you guys are just fucking manipulators who are using this book to get more money and making it so like you have divine access to you know to to translate it oh you've got this much money uh well the this this i just read a new passage and turns out you need to tie a little bit more or something and so that's when jesus went into the temples and was slapping all the money lenders with whips and flipping the tables and being like, you've turned the house of God into a place of, of, of, you know, of usury and, and buying and selling goods and money and making loans and things. And he was like, what the fuck are you doing? This is a place
Starting point is 00:05:36 of worship, not a place of business. And so that's, you know, yeah. What's that word you used a minute ago that they did with bones, cat-a-nod-a-ties? Cat-a-nine-tails? Yeah. It's a flock with nine distinct whips. It's like nine whips attached to one handle. And at the ends, it's different because there's like a lot of different variations,
Starting point is 00:05:58 but there's usually something really awful at the end of each whip. Like it's either tied in a knot or maybe there's's some sort of metal in there. A little bit of bone so that it'll slash into your back. Just to be clear, Jesus didn't want this because I'm kind of down.
Starting point is 00:06:14 He did not want it. Based on the screening. Mel Gibson just off to the side, more blood! More blood for my scene! There was nothing sexy about that um yeah i thought that one was pretty good mel gibson makes a hell of a film he's an amazing director he really is i and and and i like that he resists the temptation to throw himself
Starting point is 00:06:33 into his own movies uh like like a lot of directors are like you're gonna see quentin tarantino in every one of his movies and i i don't mind it i don't mind it i've never seen tarantino in his own movie i've been like like, come on. It's always like a little lighthearted bit there. It's like, all right, he's Jimmy now. He doesn't pick the most flattering role for himself, Tarantino. He's often. Yeah, not usually. It's usually some little throwaway character.
Starting point is 00:06:55 He picks the character that can say the N word the most, which is pretty cool. You know, you see a sign out front that said dead storage. You see a sign out front that said dead storage. Nah, Jimmy, I didn't see no sign. And you can tell that he reiterated that like three times because he really wanted to. So many times. Everyone. Everyone, yeah. Leonardo DiCaprio said it, you know, maybe 15, 20, 30,000 times.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Jesus. I'm not really sure. They just, it was so much, so many end bombs that you were just, by the end of it, you were just like, you started working them into your own conversations. Whoa, I watched Django. I'm sorry, I just watched Django. No more, sir.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Please, no more. Shit hurts. I watched Django, I understand. I blame it on the Django. Oh, shit, I didn't know you saw Django, too. I'm sorry. I just had my Postmates. Thank you. If we ever get Arian Foster back on,
Starting point is 00:07:48 I'm gonna use that excuse. Like, man, I had just seen Django. High stakes on that Rizk in that ritual. Oh, will he leave forever again? No? He said he'd come back on. I don't think it's- Oh, that'd be awesome i like arian yeah
Starting point is 00:08:05 um it was actually a fan name for a black fella it was a fan of mine went into his live stream and you know asked some questions and kind of represented me in a positive light and said hey you gotta know woody this he wasn't meaning to put anybody down and in the context that's like incredibly true and and he was like yeah I'm not mad at him I'd come back on like this is nothing in my head he just splashed the water and I'm over here with a title wait and he's like I didn't mean all that it's like yeah that's what happened that's sometimes it goes like that I feel like I did that to more plates more dates I
Starting point is 00:08:42 want to talk to him about that I during the PKA hangout I made a tweet and I showed more plates more dates just jacked right he's all dried out words look like melons attached to his show he's the delt God right and and he's great any he's you know people don't have super low body fat, like competition ready all the time. But if you don't know anybody, you think he's like that every day. Like if he's going to get groceries, that's what he looks like.
Starting point is 00:09:11 And anyway, I posted his picture where he's just all jacked, lifting, dried out, the most extreme version of him. And I said, is this amazing or too much? And then hundreds of people like gave their opinion on him, lots of replies on it. And he did a video reacting to all the replies and he is a perfect gentleman about it and if it was super negative he's like you know if it was positive it was like thanks and I did what I think I don't do and clearly fuck
Starting point is 00:09:40 up sometimes which is like I mean I put him in a position where hundreds of people gave his opinion on him and that's not fair to him. I wish I could take it back. I think it is fair because that's what he does, right? Like he puts himself up for judgment. He sets himself as the example and then he judges people. That's his channel. On his own terms, right?
Starting point is 00:10:00 Like I would take it back if I could. Yeah, no, I see what what like he's definitely not like what i'll call a civilian you know like if this was youtube was some sort of mafia he's not uh tom hanks's daughter i don't even know he has one you know who hasn't put herself in the public eye doesn't deserve to be thrust into it yeah i hear you i guess to some extent but like i mean what he has achieved is probably too much um and i'll tell him that when he's on the show. Do you ever feel like you've gone too far? Do you fear that maybe you've got some sort of... What's that thing?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Body dysmorphia. Body dysmorphia. Do you ever fear that maybe you've crossed over to that edge because you're incredibly fit? I would wager that you were incredibly fit in what most people would define as ideally fit five years ago. But you keep going up. Are you ever afraid
Starting point is 00:10:51 that you're doing damage to your heart? I'd like to ask him that. What's funny is... I can't wait to high road somebody who is a million times healthier than me. I think he might be like, are you sure? No, I think he might be a million times healthier than him. I'll just sit through with a beer and be like, are you sure? No, I think he might be a million times healthier
Starting point is 00:11:08 than any of us, but the thing is, he might not be because there's an edge where you get into that Bret the Hitman heart range or whatever. Who's the guy who went crazy and killed his family? It's not Hitman Hart. Oh, Chris Benoit. It would be much funnier if the guy who killed his family was the Hitman.
Starting point is 00:11:25 I wish he had a more Brett the Hanger Danielson. How did Chris Benoit kill his family? I think he either stabbed or strangled them all to death and then he hanged himself on an exercise machine. That's fitting. Was it CTE or was it Roid Rid rage i think it was probably a combination of the two i think post-mortem they definitely did some scooping around and that ruined melon and found out that you know he much more fucked up than you would think or i guess what i don't you guys have
Starting point is 00:11:59 both seen way more professional wrestling than i have those guys take falls that make like an actual professional football hockey rugby rugby player be like oh ah oh is he okay well i mean they're in their underwear you know yeah like like there's no pads at all and like like i i get that it's silly and everything i liked it when i was five that that's when i was a big wrestling fan i was five years old so at five years old i also like the ninja turtles and he also liked the Ninja Turtles and He-Man. You know, like, so you turn this shit on and it's these Hulk Hogan's on there crushing people's skulls.
Starting point is 00:12:31 It's just as real as any of that other stuff. But like, as an adult, I get that this, I don't get it. I don't get how people still watch that stuff. Like, it's like a soap opera for them, right? Yeah. I like speeches in general. I used to watch Steve Jobs, partly to learn about the new product, but partly just to see this
Starting point is 00:12:46 amazing reality distortion field that he can create. He's not famous, but the CEO of Cisco at the time could also somehow connect on an emotional level with 200, 400, 5,000 people at the same time. And it was neat. I remember him talking about layoffs. The first time I heard his spiel and heard him almost break up, dodge tears talking about layoffs, I was like, wow, wow. And then I saw the same performance on CNNBC.
Starting point is 00:13:15 And then I saw the same performance somewhere else and the same performance somewhere else. And it's like, this is like a bit he's doing. This is bullshit. You know, like he hits the same beats again and again he's been working crafting this performance it's not true um you know but it seemed like like he just recollected a time he laid off people at a previous company and how hard it was and then he just anyway i like watching these performances and back to professional wrestling when i see like the rock
Starting point is 00:13:43 deliver something or um cm punk or the guy who had cancer recently. Everyone was hating him, and then he got up and talked about how he was taking a break to fight. I think it was cancer. I just like watching people work a crowd. It's an impressive skill. Yeah, I like that too. I like that too. I would never watch the actual act of of the wrestling but sometimes i will go on
Starting point is 00:14:05 youtube and like watch the best of like their like mic performances yeah like like uh rick flair was so good and so fun and funny to watch like i always talk about it but that 30 for 30 on espn about rick flair is amazing it's called it's called like 30 for 30 the nature boy and it's just just like when you see him out there wearing that sequin robe with that bleach blonde hair and he's got that Fucking speech and he's just like cadillac riding Cadillac driving limousine riding private jet flying son of a gun and i'm having a hard time holding these alligators down And then he does a little dance and he's like And that's just like that's just like two lines of his speech it has eight lines there's something about diamond rings and hot
Starting point is 00:14:49 women and and he'll rolex watch way and he'll show him he's all these things are real like he'll show you his big diamond ring and his big rolex and then there'll be two or three hot with him and and you watch that 30 for 30 and he's just like i feel like how many women do you think you've had in your life i don't remember the number but it's something like i don't know man 18 000 something like that it's like some absurd number that you'd have to just be banging two or three a night every night for decades for decades and wasn't he the one who was like he's like and so you were just drunk all the time he's like yeah is he the same one he sat down with the uh either a doctor or a psychiatrist i guess both are
Starting point is 00:15:30 technically doctors a medical doctor or a psychiatrist and they were like all right and how many drinks would you say you have uh in a given day oh i don't know eight twelve something like that look let me understand this you have eight to twelve drinks every day or like on the weekends oh no every day every single day of my life that's impossible because he's just ripped his in incredible shape he's just bursting at the seams with musculature and he looks healthy but there's no way he is he's still still alive. I mean, shit, I guess. Joe's stood the test of time. Now, your Rogan talks about how it's common for people to become their characters
Starting point is 00:16:11 and start believing their own hype, right? It can happen in, in the UFC, which sometimes he references, but Ric Flair is like a prime example where suddenly like it is this Cadillac drive in limousine ride and private jet flying rolex wearing you're 90 percent of the way there you're 90 of the way there because what they
Starting point is 00:16:34 explain in the uh in the in the documentary these other wrestlers and his family members they're like i don't know maybe they even had hulk hogan and he's just like we've all got characters that we do you know i'm hollywood hulk hogan or i'm this or i'm that but you know i go home i'm terry hogan right i got a wife i got kids i got neighbors i go to pta yeah i go to the pt rick flair is the nature boy he's not putting on a show for you folks he's just showing up and being himself he is the nature boy and it's just like holy he is the nature boy and the more you hear about his life he couldn't have always been the nature boy I have to imagine that the nature boy is what happens when you give Ric Flair a lot of money I guess right maybe probably have you ever seen the 30 for 30 it's it's pretty good
Starting point is 00:17:25 i need to like i'm sure you've been like you don't need to be a fan of wrestling to like to be blown away by like his training regimen and like how his coach was like he quit he quit the wrestling training because it was too extreme and you might think that it's all that like fake like i'll throw you at the rope and you bounce back and i'll duck under your arm stuff but their coach had them like running stairs in like this really tall building and then i want to say they had to walk down the stairs like on their hands or something like it was something extreme hands and feet you mean like bear crawls like like yeah like i think yeah yeah something like that it was something really good handstands yeah and he
Starting point is 00:18:02 like quit and the coach came and found him and like smacked him around like beat the out of him he's like you're coming back you're coming back lafleur like i think that's his real name lafleur not flair and uh flair sounds a lot cooler than fleur yeah but but yeah he it's uh i don't know i found that thing fascinating and like again not a big wrestling fan i i like seeing him on the mic because I like to see a good performance. I like seeing somebody who can talk shit. It's just like rap in a way. These guys are singing their own praises to make a dollar, and that's kind of cool to me.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I like it. But that ESPN special, The Nature Boy, I think I purchased it before I was subscribed to ESPN. I love that shit. It's really good. Never watched it. I've watched a thing recently with The Rock and Hulk Hogan. Did you guys see that?
Starting point is 00:18:55 The video went semi-viral on YouTube. No. So it turns out The Rock fought, for lack of a better term, Hulk Hogan. And I didn't even know that. And The Rock told the story for like 15 minutes from his perspective and then hulk hogan told the story from his perspective and it was neat to hear the two of them talk about it um the rock was supposed to be the baby face which means good guy and in mid thing he uh he changed into the bad guy and it wasn't planned
Starting point is 00:19:23 but hawk saw it happen hawk hulk saw it happening and they uh they put on a pretty good performance that everyone loved and it was two sort of legends from different eras going against it and hulk hogan uh like i the way that rock told the story was you know it became time and hulk hogan said like take it home which i guess is code for now is your time to win this. And Hulk Hogan was like, yeah, two weeks earlier, I hit the turnbuckle. I didn't protect myself.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I had a broken rib. I had to stop. I couldn't go any longer. Another good ESPN about wrestling is the Andre the Giant one. And they do the same thing that you just described with hulk hogan and andre the giant and andre was like or the hulk was like they fought each other at like a wrestle meeting and and hulk hogan was like i didn't know if he's gonna let me win or not i didn't know because the thing is when you wrestle andre if he wants to win he wins the man's almost 600 pounds he's he's a foot
Starting point is 00:20:26 taller than i am and i'm six foot nine he's he towers over me and and and and he's twice as bad he's not a beanpole either yeah exactly no he's he's he won't fit through a door a foot taller but 30 more man i was watching a documentary on him just called andre on hbo that's probably what i saw actually yeah it was it got really late and so i probably stopped like 20 minutes left in it but like when you'd hear andre talk there were times or someone off camera and be like andre can i get you a beer and like the way you're trying to be like oh you're gonna be like It's like his voice was so deep. It's like, you know, there are whales in the ocean getting wet right now because of the vibrations in the ground.
Starting point is 00:21:13 But you're going to have to speak in a human range here. I don't know what you're saying. It was so big. Yeah, that documentary was really cool. Like learning about his whole life and the struggles that he went through. It's sad. You know, it's sad at a lot of points uh such a gigantic man i want to say it was jake the snake that andre hated because like that sounds right i only watched this like a month
Starting point is 00:21:36 ago yeah because like like like andre like jake would oil up i think i want to say it was he would you know a lot of them would oil up to be shiny and andrew would be like no oil yes no oil and he'd come in with the snake or whatever and he's like no snake yeah no snake no no i think it was maybe it was macho man i want to say it was he was like yo uh andre maybe tonight you can let the macho man win one no oil You can let the Macho Man win one. No oil. The Macho Man got bit by one of Jake the Snake's snakes. Yeah. He's like, they're supposed to be defanged.
Starting point is 00:22:12 I know he brought the fang snakes at me and let me get bit. And as if Jake the Snake has a tub of fang snakes. That's literally how he would like keep them. When he traveled around to wrestle, he would have the snake in the top of hisanged snakes. That's literally how he would keep them when he traveled around to wrestle. He would have the snake in the tub of his hotel room. They would be in the tub. They can't get out.
Starting point is 00:22:32 They can't get out. Well, I don't know. Maybe he closed the door, I'm sure, as well. He would talk about those fucking snakes. Bringing the snake out and making it bite the people. He really would. He would have the snake bite people. There'd be blood pouring off their shoulder because you know they've got like two inch fangs or something they're not venomous because they're constrictors but it's still a snake they're still
Starting point is 00:22:52 angry about being in the middle of it i don't want to be still where they are right now yeah if he was jake the squirrel and had squirrels biting me and be like the awful experience yeah he really made a mistake by being Jake the Snake. That was a real error. His Rogue interview is great. Did you guys see the news story about the Secretary of the Navy? Do I have his title right? Yeah, the Acting Navy Secretary.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Are you guys on top of this at all? I can say I don't have a clue what you're talking about. I will do my best to lay it out. Unless, Kyle, did you want to? So the broad strokes that I know are that that Captain Crozier guy, who was the captain of the aircraft carrier, wrote a bunch of letters and sent them out to the media
Starting point is 00:23:35 about how they're not taking care of the coronavirus on his ship. And then he got subsequently fired. And then the secretary of the Navy guy or whatever said that the guy said that Captain Crozier was either too stupid or too naive to be holding that post anyway or something like that and now today I guess he himself has retired right the only thing I change about that is he didn't send the letters to the press they were leaked to the press. They were leaked to the press. And he was too stupid or too naive to not see that coming. Based on what's in front of me right here,
Starting point is 00:24:12 When you say that, though, I don't know anything about that shit, but what I think of immediately, what my mind goes to, is House of Cards, the way that things would get leaked. How you'd call your favorite reporter and be like, yeah, I've got this thing. Here it is. Yeah, do what you want be like how you'd like call your favorite reporter and be like yeah i've got this thing here it is here yeah do what you want yeah yeah you go first you go first and then send it to abcdef and g nbc could be right there's no way to know um but so yeah his ship had uh coronavirus and he wanted to sort of emergency dock and get the people off because there's no way to practice social Distancing on an aircraft carrier that makes sense So I don't know what makes sense and I'll tell the other side of it. They're a Navy secretary is like hey
Starting point is 00:24:58 You've got a job to do you don't have to like your commanding officer If all the people loved him for it, then The sailors felt like he was taking care of them. The Navy secretary felt like he was abandoning America. He's like, you don't have to like your guy. You just have to do your job. And your job is this. If we were at a time of war, then this would be the wrong move. We can't tell the world that this aircraft carrier has stricken with coronavirus and is not effective anymore.
Starting point is 00:25:24 I'm paraphrasing some of this. That also makes sense. Right? Yeah, yeah. I mean, people were on board that boat because that's important. Probably thousands, right? It's over 4,000, I know. Because those boats are just retarded.
Starting point is 00:25:38 They're cities. Right. It's a floating town. I'm looking for the quote, but it's something like, if this ship was in combat and there were hypersonic missiles coming at you, you'd be scared, but you have to do your jobs, and that's what I expect of you. That's what I expect of every officer on this ship to do,
Starting point is 00:25:54 is to do your jobs. And he's basically saying, like, hey, just because there's coronavirus running rampant on your ship, that doesn't mean that you stop doing your job, that everyone just abandons it and requesters themselves. Am I using that word right? Anyway, isolates themselves. Quarantines would be a better fit.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Anyway, so I'm not a military guy, and I'm like, who's right here? I can't tell. I do know that the acting Naval Secretary who gave him such a hard time, call him stupid or naive, had, he resigned, right?
Starting point is 00:26:26 Let's all assume he got fired. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so, but the other guy lost his ship. It feels like everyone's going to lose. Well,
Starting point is 00:26:35 we'll see. Did you see Trump speaking on this? No. Oh, I thought it was great. It was one of those moments where you're like, well, Trump's pretty good guy.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Sometimes he, he, he's like, he's like, I don't see why this should ruin this guy's whole career. I looked at his record just a little while ago. I looked at his folder. He's an amazing guy. He flew choppers and then he flew fighter planes. And then he worked his way up to being the captain
Starting point is 00:26:58 of a nuclear powered aircraft carrier. I'm gonna see if I can step in and do something about this. Look, what he did was wrong. Send in 28 copies of the letter or whatever it is. That's wrong. But should it ruin his career? I don't know about that. I was like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:16 There's two ways to- All these sides are making sense to me right now. It turns out this Captain Clozer guy had coronavirus. Like as soon as I get him off the boat, yo, yeah, you have it too that I have IT related stories right so I am the CIO of a company I work for QA D a long time ago was telling us about his job interview and something went wrong before he got hired there and there were no backups and they said what would you do with this guy? He's like, ah, I think I'd have to fire that guy.
Starting point is 00:27:49 He can't do that. And they said, all right, feels good, because that's what we did, and you're hired. Okay, that's one side of it. I've also seen some guy cause problems and create $625,000 worth of damage in IT. And it's like, is he gonna get fired? And they're like, no, we just spent $625,000 training him.
Starting point is 00:28:13 He won't be doing that again. Oh, I don't know what's right in this situation. I think particularly in the military, like it's a double-edged sword because on one hand, especially somebody like that, like I guarantee millions of dollars have gone into the training of that captain. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Many millions. Like just a regular soldier out there is worth a million or two in training and material lab that have pumped into this guy. He's the captain of a fucking floating nuclear city with all sorts of armor. But that thing is gargantuan i'd
Starting point is 00:28:45 like to see one in real life that would be tight take a tour oh that'd be incredible like i had an opportunity i think once to turn nuclear submarine i was like i don't care and i'm just like oh why don't you go why don't you go oh that would have been awesome but i would really love to see one of these aircraft carriers like like i would that. Because apparently, I mean, I'm looking at the specifications a minute ago. It says 6,000 men. It's like fully geared out, like compliment of people. But the number I heard on CNN and Fox was like in the 4,000s.
Starting point is 00:29:19 4,500. Maybe that's like the war time total. Yeah, who knows, right? 6K in there. But but yeah what a cool piece of fucking machinery trump said that it has replacement cost of 18 billion dollars that's expensive dollars that's an expensive fucking boat and i think we've got six or seven yeah like how much don't we have as many aircraft carriers as the rest of the world combined yeah i think it's more than the rest of the world combined also it turns out like how much don't we have as many aircraft carriers the rest of the world combined yeah i think it's more than the rest of the world combined also it turns out like like much
Starting point is 00:29:49 higher quality yeah yeah yeah like your aircraft carriers for helicopters should that even count you'll look at the end of theirs and it's this like loop-de-loop like vmx ramp at the end because their theirs is so short they had to put a ramp on it just so the planes could take you. You go to Thailand and they're all launching paramotors. It's like, no, no, no, you don't count. That's bamboo. This is a Swiss family Robinson aircraft carrier. You sad. That's a kite on a raft. No, no, no, this is the. You talked about touring a ship when I was a swimmer in college there was this girl she was hot I kind of had a crush on her right not that's super hard she was one of several girls I crushed on at the same time and apparently she went on a tour for the USS Intrepid and I never fucked her anyway just crushing on her you did
Starting point is 00:30:50 but it's no you did but we're twisting it okay take my words and get them off and paraphrase Kyle that kind of asshole would do that you're twisting yeah so um anyway uh she went to the uss intrepid with her ex-boyfriend at this point and him like they did a tour and they just sort of left the tour found a hidden room and had sex on the uss intrepid that's cool it's so cool i like i'm like that was probably fun right and i'm not busy you ever fucked in public taylor in a place like that like anything uh in a couple of uh airport parking garages yeah like in cars there's this place called like chateau elan or something like that let me get the name right i fucked it at the O'Hare Airport parking garage and the
Starting point is 00:31:48 airport parking garage yeah that's something about his public high-class public place and we did it in a dumpster I did. That'd be so gross. I was at this place for dinner. Chateau Elan. It's Chateau Elan. It's voted
Starting point is 00:32:13 Atlanta's best getaway destination. We had dinner downstairs in the dining room and then we just start touring the building on our own with no accompaniment. We found this big dining hall, like, like something out of a movie, like, like we opened these, these big heavy wooden doors. And there's a huge dining hall, like with nice round tables that would see eight to 10 people
Starting point is 00:32:35 with nice tablecloths on them and silverware already on them. But the room's dark, nobody's in there. So I put her up on the table and banged her right there. And I was very nervous that we were going to get caught because I felt like it might have been a crime to bang her in there. I was like, this is great and all, but I don't want to go to jail. I've had a few. Of course, I told the story of the, what's the really hot room with wooden sides? What is that called? The sauna, right? The sauna.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yeah. What did you do in a sauna? Because usually that's not a straight man thing. It was Jackie. It's a woman in there, which makes it a straight man thing-ish. This hotel gave access to the showers and the sauna and the bathrooms and stuff to the lifeguards who worked in front of it. who worked in front of it. And as such, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:25 I went back there under the guise of needing to go to the bathroom and had a quick romp with my now wife. More fun, back when I was in a countenance at my father's firm, we were the only people there. Right on the fucking meeting table. It was like, so I didn't like that job. And I...
Starting point is 00:33:40 What's that, the Johnson file? Yeah, use that. Yeah. It was just kind of like, that yeah you know like fuck this place man a little push back my way of father notice no he is not a patron but yeah they had two meeting rooms and we just we I was the only guy working there at that moment and the only guy in the office, I'm trying to say. He's like, was that 1992?
Starting point is 00:34:07 Yeah, Dad, it was. We all got pink eye. What is that? That's funny. Those are the only two that come off the top of my head. Not the bowl of roses on the desk. We thought someone went in there and sprayed a bunch of suntan lotion all over the place as a goof. I thought it was extra table polish.
Starting point is 00:34:25 We just rubbed it in. One time I shared a bed with Jackie. It was like an overnight whim meet or something like that. And we had the bed to ourselves, but we didn't have the whole room to ourselves. And we just like, I don't know what we were like. Everyone had to know, right? But yeah, just as uh
Starting point is 00:34:47 subtly doing like a laying on the side like a spoon yeah there's food under the covers quiet subtle this is gonna be the least movement fuck and i swear if you moan it's over yeah i'm just gonna steep my cock in there like a tea bag i'm just gonna soak it like mormons do yeah that's called it's it's called soaking where they just stick their in and then if you don't move god is like a velociraptor his eyesight's based on movement you you just sit in there get away with it As it comes up to you, sprays everything out. Then it spits right in Newman's dumb face.
Starting point is 00:35:31 That part of Jurassic Park scared the poop out of me as a little kid. When he got out of that truck and it's all raining. You were really little too. Yeah, I was young. I think that shit came out in 93. That made me nine. Even at nine years old, I remember being nine and watching a news report about the movie. And this lady is like coming out with her kids.
Starting point is 00:35:51 And she's like shielding their eyes, even though they're just in front of kids. She's like, there was a man's arm cut off. And as a nine-year-old, I was like, can we go, Paul? Can we go? There's dinosaurs and arms getting ripped off. We got to go. And we did. And a there's a there's dinosaurs and arms getting ripped off we gotta go and we did and i love that shit it was great i love that was so cool for a nine-year-old to see jurassic park in 1993 when you'd never seen anything on that level of special effects before as far as dinosaurs went so yeah i probably saw when i was five or so the first time and it
Starting point is 00:36:20 was like i was obsessed with dinosaurs artistically into dinosaurs at the time that's all i cared about everybody got into dinosaurs oh yeah dinosaurs were so cool as a kid and i'm watching that but i still remember that this the scene that i the scenes i liked with newman was the one where he's hiding the dino dna in the barbasol can and i'm in and like as like a five-year-old i'm like the peak of of cleverness to hide it in that and i didn't know what barbasol was though so i was so confused i was like is that whipped cream why does it come out like that when i saw that i only knew because like a little bit of cream did come out i assumed it was shaving cream because i bet i've seen it my dad's bathroom or something i saw jurassic park loved it right and then i remember i went to georgia not long afterwards i did this thing called bike ride
Starting point is 00:37:04 across georgia with my father where you go from the northwest to the southeast, right? All right, and we're listening to the radio on the car as we're headed down there. And this guy in the southern accent was like, "'Did dinosaurs eat people?' Well, I'm sorry to be the one that tells you kids, but yeah, dinosaurs do and I'm like
Starting point is 00:37:29 enraging like they were separated by millions of years like they did dinosaurs a Pete no dinosaur ever ate a person unless you count like alligators yeah and that's a loophole we don't't count that. So in my head, I was like, all right, note to self. People from Georgia are dumb. It's religious people. Although your dad was just like, finally, someone who knows what's up. I didn't look at it through that lens. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Maybe he was compressing this whole earth history into 6,000 years or something. Oh yeah, that's exactly what it is. Yeah, it's those young earth people who believe we coexisted with the dinos and they were part of the Noah's Ark scenario and all that. Yeah, that's what it is. Like if you put a bunch of dinos on- I just thought he was dumb. Well, I wasn't wrong. He is.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Yeah, he is. You know, there's a fine line between faithful and dumb. Really not a line at between faithful and dumb. Really not a line at all, I suppose. It's more of a spectrum. So part of me agrees with that. There's another part of me that has found some of the smartest people are religious. Sure.
Starting point is 00:38:35 There's a guy in Comp Sci, I think his name's Richard Stallman, but I might be mixing them up, whoever invented Perl. Bottom line, his father was like a priest, his grandfather was a priest, It just goes on and on. And it's almost like these people were bred for intelligence. And then he invented computer programming languages, changed the internet.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Yeah, so maybe the leaders are mega smart and the followers are not. Maybe that's a general breakdown. I don't know. Yeah, it's Larry Wall. Larry Wall? That sounds right general breakdown. I don't know. Yeah, it's Larry Wall. Larry Wall? That sounds right. Yeah, I don't know. I'm glad that I grew up without someone trying to make me believe that. Like my dad was always the voice of reason when my mom would start laying some of that thick religious nonsense on me. She's like, yeah, the Armageddon's coming
Starting point is 00:39:23 any day now. And dad's like, don't tell him that. Tell him that? What, he's not supposed to live a life? He's supposed to live life? What are you thinking? Was your dad ever religious, or was he more of an appeasement to your mom for the most part? He would not go to church with us.
Starting point is 00:39:40 She would drag us there every Sunday. And the times that I saw him there like maybe two times ever i if i had to guess i would say the loss of his younger brother to cancer probably like really made him upset with any idea of religion because i remember they went to one of those miracle working priest preachers and he got to see firsthand they're like you know who believes in the lord who believes the lord hold up a hundred dollar bill and he's just like everybody holds up a hundred dollar bill and they go around and start collecting them and you're thinking like you know your family was dying i don't want to be the one not holding up a damn hundred dollar
Starting point is 00:40:17 bill so you pull one out too and i'm pretty sure that like that sort of experience really made him not believe especially an organized religion worst thing that ever happened to my faith was a similar experience so ours i've told them before but we wanted hope to go to a catholic school right we thought it was better than the local public schools and that's what we were going for so she went to a catholic kindergarten that anyone could go with and this year in kindergarten was like a trial almost, you know, and, and they evaluate the families based on the time, talent and treasure. That's their thing that you were able to contribute towards their church.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And time was about how often you attended the Sunday services. So we never missed a talents. We're basically about like your contributions to the baked goods thing. Jackie made jewelry and sold it and gave it the proceeds of the church. And then treasure is pretty obvious, right? It was about your donations. And they said it was-
Starting point is 00:41:12 Can you write a check for the Lord? They said it wasn't about the size of the donations, just the frequency. You know, do you give every Sunday? Do you give this? Do you give that? And I'm like giving checks, like am I getting credit for this one? I'm not sure. Just go going in a basket with all the others are we sure the accounting is good in
Starting point is 00:41:28 this system i can help you know i'm putting i'm putting a bright sticker on mine yeah you know there was some cash in this pad how do you even know who's who's trying to get this kid into first grade and uh i'm gonna write a hundred100 I'm gonna misspell the whole thing. They're gonna have to call me back. And then I didn't like like some of the first you go and you give money every Sunday and then they start putting their hooks into you. They're like, what do you really need your bank account and routing number and permission to automatically withdraw from your accounts? I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:42:07 You know, I don't sign up for subscription services. My accountant doesn't have that. Yeah. And he's my father. My wife doesn't have access to that. We have a different account that I give her an allowance. It's not incredibly difficult to convince me to spend like a grand or two. It is for some reason incredibly difficult to get me to sign up for 1995 forever you know that stuff
Starting point is 00:42:26 just it never goes away you forget about it etc that's why i like to change my cards on a regular basis stuff starts you start getting emails like hey um payment decline and i'm just like good good discord nitro like i'm done with you like you don't give them i got a new hulu now and i don't want that old hulu yeah two years ago i canceled my subscription to pirate 4x4 an off-rating an off-roading site i have been paying 20 a year to since like 2004 and it's i'm like wow 16 years of this you know like i it just one payment a year just got by me and that i've been paying all this time by accident yeah yeah yeah a few hundred bucks to that website yes yeah and um it depends where it is they're just sitting there at the server room like when this guy finds out the jig's up
Starting point is 00:43:21 i have a feeling there are hundreds of people i will never financially recover from this if he realizes that we are debiting him every year that is my favorite meme from that show at this point that i'll never financially recover from this i wonder how she's like i will never digitally recover i've lost an arm you like that um yeah nothing all right easy to fuck my girlfriends with now. The guy with the hat, I watched him be interviewed later. Guaranteed. That footage that got destroyed,
Starting point is 00:43:53 they didn't quite describe what was on it in the Tiger King, I thought. He was murdering tigers and feeding them to other tigers. If the tigers got old enough that they weren't good for sales anymore, you don't need that many adult tigers. People want to buy the baby ones. tigers if the tigers got old enough not that they weren't good for sales anymore you know that you don't need that many adult tigers people want to buy the baby ones but he just kill them feed them and he they were so many like girl baskin had 10 tigers and the film sort of portrayed her as a fraud for not having the number of tigers that you'd expect one of the Florida's tiger queen to have. Cool.
Starting point is 00:44:27 He had 180 tigers in 16 acres. I have 14 acres. I don't know if I said this on the show yet. Hope says we're short 160 tigers. And that is so many tigers packed full. Those tigers were in cages stuck and it didn't get the kind of attention that it seemed. Whenever we saw tigers, they were in big enclosures.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Like things that you'd think would make them kind of happy. Well, even that guy who was filming it was like at the very end talking about, you know, oh, I had to keep it secret the whole time. But one of the most pressing things is watching. I think he even said like as it went on, like watching the animals become borderline totally unimportant, like just little props in his play, his grand play that he was directing. Again, I reiterate, I just don't care about tigers.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I, you know, they're monsters. They've never done anything for me. So, yeah. Like I definitely feel for those chimpanzees and honestly all of the little hominid fellas. He had all those little capuchin monkeys running around. I don't care about those crocodiles. Not even a little bit.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Those things. No, I would have killed them on my own. As soon as they look at you. Like those tigers. I just don't give a shit about them. I don't care about the lions. But when I saw the camel, all right. He probably has feelings.
Starting point is 00:45:44 But the tiger, no, he don't care. He don't care about you. Tiger would eat you. Yeah. I mean, clearly. Care by asking someone to put perfume on my boots, and that's how that happened. No, if I were to do that, it would be sardine oil,
Starting point is 00:45:59 which I definitely did not put on his boots. Yeah. Yeah, gee. I don't care that he's the worst. No. Wait, what? did not put on his boots yeah yeah she I know what new episode of Tiger King coming out this week that's so smart you're trolling mm-hmm well I'm will color me shocked there's no way to check I'm not gonna just wait yeah no it's coming up Jeff Lowe was talking about it in an interview recently. On Netflix? Well, the interview wasn't on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:46:30 It'll be on Netflix. Yeah, yeah. I wonder if stuff's going to come out that totally proves the entire Free the Tiger King meme proves it wrong. I don't know. I'm guessing it's probably just filler and extra tidbits that didn't
Starting point is 00:46:45 quite make the original cut um but they're seeing that I mean the show's still number one it's still number one on Netflix yeah Ozark up there at number two I'm seven episodes into this season very very good very good so far I haven't heard I've heard all good things about it I haven't started watching it yet I've been re-watching fucking star trek it is more it is a lot more brutal and violent than the last two seasons much more so do i need to see season two yeah oh definitely definitely season two has a lot of intro and season two is excellent too every season of the show has been great so far here's my plan i've watched season one already so i think i'll just read like a wikipedia summary oftentimes i can find that get back up to speed start at season two yeah that's what you should and i mean like
Starting point is 00:47:29 we're all quarantined so little an extra season of juicy content 40 to one hour episode you know length that's you might underestimate how time consuming tarkov can be i have a lot of work to do it's fun like i'll i'll do a stream and like i'm not really doing video gaming as much but like you know two to four hours is usually about how long my streams are to like this one i did this afternoon was only like an hour and 47 50 minutes or something because i had to hop on and do on do all this but i'll like i popped over to your channel and just like just see how you're doing like when you're streaming and everything and i'll look and i'm like nine hours and 45 minutes he streamed i was halfway through yeah i'm like jesus that is a long time to be streaming yeah
Starting point is 00:48:22 yeah turns out the most fun thing to do on streaming is watching retard documentaries and uh i watched a whole documentary not not documentaries but retarded people retarded documentaries i mean like silly documentaries i watched one about uh pedophiles the other day and it's the same one that kyle you'll know this from video and a that that that, you know, he sounds like a slightly more feminine Tiger King. And he he has his his yellow jacket on and he will say things like he's driving in his car being filmed low budget documentary. It's more like exposing Nambla. And he'll say things like, and this child I met and I will tell you the way he flirted with me. child I met, and I will tell you the way he flirted with me. It was so overt and yet so kind, and he suggested to me that we go on a camping trip. It was his idea, and he arranged for our sleeping bags to be zipped together, and we were laying in there that night he he positioned himself next to me in a way that was so tender and so inviting
Starting point is 00:49:28 and there was we will say that there was no need for any lubricant or anything for that act and it was beautiful it was loving and it was i it is and and he in like the old video in a clip just follows like it's like eight minutes of that guy it's an hour and 10 minute documentary with a whole host of characters that are doing the same and it is that's like our absolute demons yeah yeah like you're doing this guy whose sense of self is completely different than my impression of him right he's like it was beautiful and it was the kid's idea and this was a wonderful and and i'm like oh my god no it was not his idea it was yours you manipulate this child and him and oh my see and some of them some of the pedophiles like you could kind of tag him and be like
Starting point is 00:50:21 that guy just wants to kids and he knows what he's doing. This orange turtleneck sweater guy was the spookiest because like he genuinely thought he, he did not think he was manipulating the kids. He would go up to a kid, talk to him for two seconds outside of a store and convince them, not convince them just, just a normal chat the way that like if Kyle,
Starting point is 00:50:44 Woody, you guys were 12 years old and the adult comes up to you with a normal chat the way that like if kyle woody you guys were 12 years old and the adult comes up to you with a camera and starts talking to you your parents at least they taught me like hey adults outrank you you'd be polite you'd be courteous you'd be you'd be respectful all of that and that's what these kids were doing and he would like walk back to his car once he's like that and jared over there he's 14 years old he's cheese and he's so excited and you would not believe how excited he was to tell me his birthday and just the body language you know it's just a beautiful thing he is in bloom right now he said that isn't but it's like dude some people there is
Starting point is 00:51:22 you're not gonna rehab that there's no way of rehabbing that out he's an insane person who genuinely thinks all these kids are like oh oh yeah I would love to do this with you it's we put it none of them are because what you think evil is like is the people that Kyle I do right what evil's actually like is the people Taylor watches on stream. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we watch other fun things.
Starting point is 00:51:49 I watched a lady who bathes in bleach today and a woman who eats rocks. Oh, I know her. I do just chatting every now and then, and not lately, because, you know, Tarkov. But one thing that really impacts numbers and discovery is the thumbnail that twitch makes out of where you are i have had times where like i watch these on leto videos with people and they
Starting point is 00:52:11 really like it i think it's good content and i watch this or that maybe something funny and then somehow we looked at like kardashians i think we were i don't know them that well and i was trying to figure out like which one was the hot one or something yeah all of a sudden i go from like and I was trying to figure out which one was the hot one or something, all of a sudden I go from like 400 people to 900 people because there's like a Kardashian in a bikini and me looking at it as my thumbnail, and everyone's like, that one. Where's the pictures?
Starting point is 00:52:38 If you want to help Discovery, consider your thumbnail. Oh, did we talk about Blade getting punched out on The Hangout, right? Yeah, in The Hangout. Yeah, that wasn't on the show. Oh, man. Should we save that for PKA, or should we talk about it now? Or not at all? I've been talking about it on my stream. My take is
Starting point is 00:52:57 out there. Yeah, I got clobbered. We can do that with our last seven minutes. I guess it's up. Oh, We can do that with our last seven minutes. I guess it's up. Oh, yeah, we can come out in seven minutes. Do you want to watch it? Want to co-watch it?
Starting point is 00:53:09 Can we find it? Yeah, let's watch it, and then let's give our unadulterated takes on this. It's like two minutes long anyway. Do you have quick access to it? I can... Damn, after being in night mode for so long, this just snapped out of night mode holy
Starting point is 00:53:25 shit that is tough to look oh damn if you look at blade gets punched it doesn't take long no blade gets punched i have to watch somebody else's video on this oh wow oh the i wanted a short one oh i, I think... Two hours, two minutes. The 246 doesn't have the butt slap, which I feel like... Yeah, it doesn't have the butt slap on mine either. This other one is seven minutes, but I got time if you guys want to watch it together. I'm just afraid that it's a lot of juxtaposition and shit. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:54:04 It's going to be a lot of drunken nonsense and if the let's do the shorter one if the uh if the butt slap's not even in the seven minutes i don't know it's not in the short one that's all i was saying and that's why it was so let's see kyle linked maybe the oh no no not in this one either the the punch happens in the first minute of this seven-minute video. So it looks like it's running from... It looks like most of these are just picking up the punch. Well, let's watch the two-minute one. Let's watch the two-minute one.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Yeah, the 246 that you made. Yeah, and I'll just... Well, watch the 246. And to the people watching, one thing you want to know is that Blade was, in my opinion, a little bit hitting on, I don't know what his name is, Captain Mus- We'll call him O'Neal. Okay. I had been calling him Captain Muscles.
Starting point is 00:54:55 You know, not meant to be insulting, but O'Neal. No, you don't want that. No, I don't want to insult this guy at all. This guy is strong. And his girlfriend had tight pants on, and Blade gave her a hard smack on the butt, which struck me as sort of a cross between flirty and mean. Did you guys see it like that? Yeah, he should be slapping. It seemed to me like flirtiness masquerading as being silly.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Yeah, you don't want to slap anybody's girlfriend on the ass. No. Certainly not this fella. There's that old 4chan. It's like, this guy comes in and slaps your girlfriend on the ass. What do you do? Put this guy right in the place of that giant muscled up black guy they always use. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:55:40 Shit. You put Blade in there and everybody's like, I punch him in the fucking mouth. Or I just kind of stand next to him and he'll fall over on his own you know blade had been acting inappropriately towards O'Neill's girlfriend and then I think it's gonna happen at the top of this video yeah it's O'Neill so I'm ready to go you guys yeah three two one play by god i love that o'neill immediately put the camera on him me too what the fuck are you talking about homie i'm sorry dude i was in the wrong what happened blade's pants are never up. Let's sit down. I've seen them lower. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:56:28 I was in the wrong for that. I was in the wrong for that dude. I'm so sorry dude. I'm so sorry dude. Fuck. I'm so sorry man. I'm so sorry dude. I love you dude. I'm so sorry dude. No one's taking more of a beating than Blades hairline. It's all good, though.
Starting point is 00:56:45 I'm just, you know what I mean? I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. I told Sean, bro. I just punched Sean last stream, bro. I just punched Sean last stream. I didn't pick that up before. I was in the wrong for that. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:56:54 I'm so sorry for that, dude. It's all good. I'm not tripping, bro. Just like, you know what I mean? Goodness. Is anybody else drunk at all? Or is he just the only one who's absolutely wasted?
Starting point is 00:57:03 That's a good question. I feel like everybody else had like a beer. I am possibly an asshole, but hear me out on this. O'Neal's code of ethics, I align with, right? In my opinion, this is what happened. Blade hit the guy's butt. Maybe he didn't immediately act, but he was hair triggered. He's like, give me a reason.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Give me a fucking reason. And then Blade did. Times four. You know, he hit him on the head. It wasn't, that's the girlfriend. It wasn't a light pad on the head. It was, he hit him. And I don't know if everyone's wired the same way as me,
Starting point is 00:57:39 but something about putting your hand on like top of a guy's head or guiding him. It's a little authoritative. It's's like a big brother brother ring yeah bullying type of thing if you were to punch my shoulder then that would mean something different to me than smack the top of my head while I'm sitting right that's a dominance thing and I'm gonna turn this down a little bit so um no they're hugging it out at two minutes yeah I don't think I saw this part of it before. But Blade, you know, big brothered this guy and hit him on top of the head.
Starting point is 00:58:10 He immediately decided, enough. This attitude needs a correction and I have just the recipe for this situation. Only use me legs donated, Jesus Christ. And he turned around and punched Blade. And if you see that punch my god blade's head was like barely there he punched through his mouth to the other side you know i've watched so many punches and typically the the hand slows down one on impact right like yeah this guy
Starting point is 00:58:36 followed through this guy yeah he drove through the face yeah blade's head may have even hit the wall blade's head like he wasn't trying to punch here he was trying to punch the area right behind his head and that's that's the success he's you know that's very much apparently he's not the first person this guy's punched in the mouth he mentioned last stream yeah so but I he loves that hat you might hear that you might hear that and think the punching was inappropriate but not according to me he hit the guy's girlfriend he hit the guy in the top of the head he needed an attitude correction and by goodness did it work appropriately right i gotta say i agree with you 100 sometimes i'm more on the like reaction they were just kidding you know maybe we're just joking
Starting point is 00:59:19 around you know one person has gotten much madder than the situation but this it's like i didn't like him slapping the guy's girlfriend no that's wildly inappropriate especially when it seems like they're in their home right yeah yeah um i don't like him the fuck out you don't behave i don't like sloppy drunk people either honestly like like if we're all drinking it's one thing but like that's the thing about smoking weed is like you don't get to that gross i don't know how else to describe it that gross sloppy sort of thing we're seeing with him it's kind of it's gross like the way he's slurring his speech and especially like yeah you hit nail on the head if everybody wants to have some beer and he comes in with a liter bottle of jaeger and starts
Starting point is 01:00:00 drinking that like it's miller light it's like yeah he's way too drunk you know none of the rest of us want to be vomiting later yeah yeah yeah he's he's the drunkest person there by tenfold and then he he assaults the guy's girlfriend let's call it what it is it's what by the letter of the law he assaulted her and then he decides to do the same thing to the guy and not always put that card in the folder with the rest we didn't have the butt slap on camera so quickly if i remember blade's hand came from up here all the way down hit her on the butt like as hard as you can slap the butt they're like passing each other like she's walking in out of the kitchen he's walking into the kitchen and he does a big like whirly-durly and like smacks her on the there wasn't even a coy invitation from her. Not even a jokey little thing. She was just walking.
Starting point is 01:00:46 No. It's not like she got over and wiggled her ass at him. No, there was none of that. She's walking past and he slaps her. If he slaps her anywhere else, everybody's like, yeah, that is assault. But he slapped her ass, so it's supposed to be better? No. If anything, it's worse. It's a sexual assault now that you've just done.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Ooh, that's twofer. Hashtag me too. And then he literally assaults the guy and i get that like if you're palling around with your boys if we're all like if we're all 18 if we're hell if we're all if it's us and i goof around and like muff your must your hair up and then we wrestle around on the floor it's one thing and nobody's gonna get their feelings hurt i don't get the feeling these two know each other that well this is is not blades best friend. This is not an acquaintance This is someone like he knows a little bit it seems he certainly didn't know him well enough to know that if you slap
Starting point is 01:01:31 Him in the back of the head. He'll knock you the fuck out. Yeah, you shouldn't you shouldn't make any sort of You know that could be perceived as aggressive physical Gestures towards someone you don't know especially someone someone that big. Even if you do know. Yeah, someone bigger than you too. Maybe I go too far, but I've described this before, so in fast forward, where it's a toe day. This guy's a friend of mine. I see him once a month, for two days a month.
Starting point is 01:01:55 And he was describing what someone else did to him, and he put me in a headlock and made me kind of bend over. And I smiled and I said, I don't like that. And he responded to that by like doing it more and harder. So I hip tossed him and, you know, put him on his back. And, uh, and it was like, I'd do it again. Yeah. Fuck you. If I say I don't like that, that's a clue to back off, not double down. Yeah. It's a safe word. This guy, you know, like, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:02:23 I guess he went straight to the punch but still what played i had no problem what he did roughhousing i had no problem with what he did um if anything at all probably what i mean if he'd slapped any of our girlfriends we'd have probably already hit him i hope right i i hope that i would have gone to immediate violence i think that's me we don't know till we're tested yeah I think nearly as willing to jump to violence on camera on the stream is that guy's how we turn the camera right off you know that's got a fucking button but that guy was the opposite he pointed the camera right at his victim look at him now yeah
Starting point is 01:02:57 perfectly so he got exactly what he deserved frankly I like blade I really do that was a douchey thing for him to do and it deserved getting punched in the mouth and I didn't play agree with you slapping another guy's girlfriend's ass not appropriate yeah that was worse than the hat slap honestly i'd be much more willing to take a hat slap than i would be if you slapped my girlfriend in the ass um that's crossing a lot of lines like like not only have you hurt her but you're somehow like cucking me or something yeah you're coming at me. Without permission, even. And it's just, you know, like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:03:30 Don't you touch my clothes. We're in my fucking house. I mean, appropriately, while my pants are on. We're in my house. I don't even have my lubricant. You started way before I was ready, sir. You know, am I crazy or would, like, picture how condoms are packaged, right? Yeah. There should be a condoms are packaged, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:45 There should be a condom lube-like double pack. Oh, they are. Fuck, I thought that was the original idea. Yeah, it looks like those little... You tear the side off and... Yeah, like a ketchup pack with lube on it. Oh, I thought I had an original idea. No, I guess not.
Starting point is 01:04:02 I only know because a relative of mine robbed No, a relative of mine when I was like five they got in big trouble not with a law but with my dad They they robbed a some sort of like condom machine That's so funny What like I guess there was a condom machine or something in a bathroom and they like pried it open and like we find this Big pile of condoms and like lube and stuff and it's like what the fuck have you done and and it had like those little packets of lube that came when your story started i only know because a relative of mine i'm like are we about to
Starting point is 01:04:34 get a big admission here that we haven't heard before my uncle was a bit of a pedo my father was a drinker Beto. No. My father was a drinker. Call it a show? Yeah. It's my dinner.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Ready to fucking eat. I'm hungry. BKN 294.

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