Painkiller Already - PKN #298

Episode Date: May 7, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn uh 298 maybe let's start with this video we were just talking about all right i'm at zero ready set play hardest yard california is definitely known for having the hardest yards in the country the hardest prison yards by far one of the hardest yards that i country. The hardest prison yards by far. One of the hardest yards that I've been on was Centinella. This was C yard, it was a level four yard. Level four yards have the most politics. They're the most militant.
Starting point is 00:00:36 And they're gonna crush you if you ain't ready to put your life on the line. Your hand is gonna stay raised 24 seven. There's crazy ass rules, crazy politics at a yard like Centinella, a four yard. This is a yard where it's mandatory that every white boy has a piece in his cell. Every white boy will have a piece in his cell. And if you're the new booty, you're going to be holding it. You have to put your work in.
Starting point is 00:01:04 This is how the system is ran there's nothing up there is no fucking ifs ands or buts about it this is a dictatorship it's not a democracy i know he's looking good i almost wish everybody had to spend some time in prison so that they could learn that some shit in life has to be non-negotiable then they could transfer it out here to the streets because everybody's negotiating with their inner bitch too damn much and in the pen there's gonna be no negotiations when it comes to your workout your wake up time and whether or not you jump with your people and in the out here jumping with your people can mean, motherfucker, you hold your word no matter what the fuck you feel like doing. These are the key steps to becoming a fucking man.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Go into prison. Can we pause it here? There's pieces. Yeah, yeah, we'll stop right here. So this is Wes Watson. The name of his YouTube channel is GP Penitentiary Life with Wes Watson. GP stands for General Population, as opposed to Protective Custody, PC.
Starting point is 00:02:08 He makes it very well known. He was not a PC bitch! He was GP! And it's a good thing he clarified in the title, because I would have assumed PC bitch. Looking at him, he looks like a guy, you know, he was like, you know, I got a little careless on my taxes for a couple of years in a row, if you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:02:24 So I've been watching him all week, and I don't know what he did yet. I haven't gotten to that. And frankly, I don't care. But he did 10, 10 years in federal penitentiaries in California. And he talks about the race relations, the gangs. He was the shot caller who was like the leader of his cell block for the whites. And at one point he talks about what it's like being a shot caller and holding the keys as it's known.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And he has an intensity that is literally off the scale. It's he's so intense. It's like he gets a pump before the video starts. Oh, I'm sure he does. I'm sure he's working out 24 seven. All right. So I watched another guy,
Starting point is 00:03:02 another shot call. Did you know Mike hurt? Big Mike black guy. Yeah. Yeah So I watched another shot caller. Do you know Mike Hurt? Big Mike? Black guy? Yeah. Yeah. They've done videos together. Oh, that black guy was also a shot caller. He has a lot of...
Starting point is 00:03:11 Dude, that guy's always talking in phrases. You have to watch a few videos to understand. You got to know the prison lingo. Yeah, he's splitting wigs and putting in work. He's got a shirt that says wig splitter. Okay. This guy's body. What is happening?
Starting point is 00:03:28 Are there steroids in prison? How is it that so many guys in prison are jacked? I'm sorry to cut you off. He explains that, yeah. Like, do many people have this within them? And if they just devote themselves to it, they can look like this guy? These are literally all questions that he will answer for you in videos. So he explains it this way.
Starting point is 00:03:48 He says, for one reason, the reason I'm part of the reason I'm so pumped prison food, nothing but salt, sodium everywhere. So my muscles just swell up with water. I'm full of water. I'm soaked up in it. And he explains his workout. And he's like, one day I just decided I'm going to do 2,000 squats today. And people out there on the street, they say, Wes, that's impossible.
Starting point is 00:04:11 That's too many squats. I got a job to do. You know what I say? I got a job too, motherfucker. 2,000 squats. He's like, I get my- Well, I mean, if you're stuck in a place like that, it's healthy to have little benchmarks. Keep yourself occupied.
Starting point is 00:04:26 You know how long, how much of a day, 2,000 squats to probably take something? That's your whole thing. My takeaway is I need more salt in my diet. Yes, lots more salt. What if you just got like a salt block like cattle have? You just get pumped, Jackie. Just wait. Lick at the salt.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Like, I'm going to get at it. She's like, well, okay, good form. Conformally, yeah, conform on the lick. That's funny. That's the only difference between us and this guy, Woody, is salt and the hairline. So for one thing, he does have a fitness program. I noticed that he advertises it in his videos. I don't give a fuck about that, right?
Starting point is 00:05:01 I know what it is. It's cardio. It's Navy SEALs and it's burpees. I guarantee that's what's cardio. It's Navy SEALs and it's burpees. I guarantee that's what it is. It's Navy SEALs and burpees. And if you don't know what those are, then you'll find it real quick on a YouTube search. They're calisthenics because they don't give you fucking
Starting point is 00:05:16 workout equipment in 90% of the prisons that you're going to go to federally because somebody hit somebody with a fucking weight one time and they were like, alright, that's it. No more weights for you guys. He tells some pretty fucking hardcore stories he talks about and i did just enough time in prison to know like most of the lingo so when he's like you know you got to come correct you got to you got to bring your papers and i'm like oh shit wonder what they and i'm thinking my head i'm like i wonder what happens if the papers don't
Starting point is 00:05:44 check out right what that means is you've got to show up and you've got to show the other people what you're in for, a list of your charges. Then they're going to have that checked out nefariously, I suppose. I don't know how they get it checked out, but they go through a guard who's on the take or something and they get your rap sheet. They find out what you've ever done. And he's like, and if you turn out to be a chomo, that's it. You're done. You're done that day. You're dead. At least they get it over quick.
Starting point is 00:06:12 What if you're not a chomo, but you're in for something uncool, right? Like, what are you in for? Well, you know, lame thing to do. Fuck, what's a lame thing that we go to prison for? Organizing a protest without a permit. I'll give you an example of a lame thing to do i uh fuck what's a lame thing that we go to prison for organizing a protest i'll give i'll give you an example of a lame thing i'll give you i'll give you a good example there was a guy who came in he'd already spent some time at one federal pen in cali and his his stuff came back with child endangerment on it and they're like what the fuck what the fuck is this bro which children did you endanger and how?
Starting point is 00:06:46 And he explained it in the first prison. He's like, look, a guy tried to rob me, and I shot him twice. And because my children were present, they called that child endangerment, and that's why I'm here. And they're like, all right, cool, cool, you're fine. He goes to a new prison. It's not fine. And they take him out. That's not okay? Child endangerment. It's not fine. And they take him out. That's not okay?
Starting point is 00:07:07 Child endangerment. That's all it took. They hear anything about children or sex crime, and they fucking kill you. I understand how that's not cool, but I was going for a different type of not cool. Taylor's organizing a protest with no permit is a pretty good example of something that doesn't impress the guys behind the bar they won't say it to pooping in public oh that'll do it
Starting point is 00:07:31 you would have like that's a sex crime essentially you would have a public you would be on like a sex offender list if you survived where they sent you for pooping outside I guess if the certain words are on the sheet, they don't really care.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah. Yeah. So his videos are very fun. He talks about like his intensity and his workout ethic. And he was locked down in the shoe for 14 months at one point. Not only left the cell
Starting point is 00:08:00 every other day for a shower, three showers a week. The rest of the time he's bird bathing and doing like calisthenics in his cell. He'd have his boy on his shoulder so he could do weighted squats. That's cool. I suppose that's how everyone does it, right? Am I an idiot? You want weighted? Yeah. Him holding himself up is like a lifetime success story on how to be a better person is off target. I think you're, I think you'd be off there because okay so i don't know what he's accomplished but when i see his apartment in la it's very nice so he has made like
Starting point is 00:08:33 this room he's in for the video no i that may be an older video or it may just be a bad angle but i've seen like a nice um like upper floor apartment with glass windows everywhere and like a very modern kitchen and stuff and he's in la so i figured that's that's got to be going two grand a month or something like that no more definitely more than that yeah it looked it looks like he's done very well for himself and and the thing i don't like about him that would kind of speak to what you just asked he mixes in a lot of motivational speaking with his stories. Like I just want straight stories, right? Like I don't need any motivation from this guy. I don't need, I don't, I don't need to be like, you just got to
Starting point is 00:09:13 stay away from that dope. I'm like, yeah, I am. I am staying away from the dope. You got to stay away from them gangbangers you homies with. Yeah. I haven't seen Scott in a while. He's not exactly a gangbanger. Tell a cool story about jail, please. I don't want to know about how much cabbage you eat in a day. So he was talking about jail, and there, he's a subject matter expert. Then he was like, out here on the streets, that means keeping your word.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Well, all right. A lot of time on this show. You do your best. Don't go too wild with your streets talk yeah I like him a lot super high intensity it's funny sometimes he'll be he uses his outside voice exclusively inside
Starting point is 00:09:56 and his inside voice exclusively outside because he does a lot of videos like at a park or near a beach or something like at a picnic table and he'll be talking about how they'll like want to see your butthole all the time in prison it's like it's like they don't even know my face they're like who are you bend over oh wes hadn't seen you in a while i winked my asshole at him he's always talking about hooping stuff shoving it he'll be sitting there he's like he's like you know you just gotta stick it up your ass you gotta hope it and if you ain't down with that then you ain't down you gotta hope that shit and there's like an old lady what kind of
Starting point is 00:10:32 stuff is he talking about hooping uh all sorts of stuff like like he'll hoop uh like like the list of the chomos that gets hooped if the guards start coming around a blade like like a makeshift like stabbing paper up your asshole i would imagine they fold it up nicely and put it in some saran wrap type thing or maybe even like uh like something that's sort of cylindrical and you has like a like a cap on it like uh like a like one of those things and you know something a hooping device if you will now mike hurt the the big black guy who was also a shot caller um he says in this this strikes close to home for me that you can kind of age out of a lot of these like politics and problems right he's like you
Starting point is 00:11:13 get in there you gotta put in work you gotta do this but he said that if you're oh this is mike hurt he said that if you're over 40 then you can kind of like just not be a participant in all this under 40 craziness. I don't know. I'm 47 and I'm like, I don't know if I'd be completely exempt, but stretch that a little bit. Make it 52. And at some point, sort of off to the side, right?
Starting point is 00:11:37 You're not a player in this game. They killed a 65-year-old Chomo. Oh, well, Chomo puts you on the list no matter what, right? Yeah, yeah. The 65-year-old Chomo is even creepier than a 23-year-old Chomo. Oh, well, Chomo can put you on the list no matter what, right? Yeah, yeah. The 65-year-old Chomo is even creepier than a 23-year-old Chomo. But, yeah, the kid's definitely not going to like it then. Right?
Starting point is 00:11:54 Yeah. That's true. Yeah. A salient point. Plus, you know, we've done the whole thing. If one guy is, is like 19 and 14, they could be developmental. Sounds like, well, 19 and 14, it's pretty big.
Starting point is 00:12:10 See, the problem is if it's on that paper, it doesn't matter. According to him, you're not going to be able to explain that you were 19 and she was 17 or whatever the numbers are. That real close little area where it's like, my birthday's in August, so I should have started late.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah, they're not going to listen to that. What if you're both 14 and they get him as a chomo? Dead. Well, you'd go to juvie. You'd go to one of those used detention centers. And then while you're in there, maybe you get in a little bit more trouble. So you get like three more years tacked on. So you turn 18, they send you the federal pen,
Starting point is 00:12:43 and you got chomo papers, and you're dead. Wow, that's unfortunate because i feel like if you're both 14 that's not chomo i mean all it's you could have the pick at 14 or 6 call it 16 17 you're at 17 you have a picture of your own dick on your cell phone and you're getting that chomo fucking charge now what if i have 17 year old sticks on my phone? Also, and actually much It's actually much, much worse Do you not realize what you're saying right now? My officer brand Remember that deal we talked about?
Starting point is 00:13:14 They're not supposed to be plastic I'm ready to cash in Project Fallen Angel is a go Project Fallen Angel is a go Project Fat Headed Redarbit Can everybody look like this guy? Project Fallen Angel is a go. Project Fat-Headed Redarbit. Can everybody look like this guy? Does that what he means? Not everybody.
Starting point is 00:13:31 He's 250 pounds. How tall is he? He refers to himself as a motherfucker. I don't know how tall he is. Technically, I'm a bit of a motherfucker myself. Right? Well, I think he means something very different when he says it. I mean, she's got two kids.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah. He, uh... I mean, he's shredded. Good for him, dude. Yeah, I think everybody can get like that because he explains, he's like,
Starting point is 00:13:53 this is 10 years of muscle maturity. This ain't no overnight bullshit. This is 10 years of hard work and dedication. Yeah, and he was like, I wonder how he hit his macros in there.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I bet as soon as he got out he said that doesn't fucking matter he's like it doesn't fucking matter he's like i eat three big meals a day i eat everything they give me and i work hard and when i'm done working hard i work harder it's just like because all he's like you'll be in that you'll be in that room and christmas has already come around once and you didn't get a phone call christmas come around a second time and they didn't even answer. And now it's almost, it's over a year. You've been in this room.
Starting point is 00:14:30 The only time you get to go out is to take a shower three times a week. And them tears start coming. They coming. Them bitch tears is coming. And you know what you do? You get on the floor and you start cranking them out. You start cranking them out and you push that pain away. And I'm just like, what you do is you get in the floor and you start cranking them out. You start cranking them out and you push that pain away. It worked for him.
Starting point is 00:14:48 What you do is you get in your bed and you cry. You just cry it all out. It's healthy for you. It's a good thing. Nobody can hear you. And if you've got a good celly, he'll cuddle you. He'll cuddle you right to his breast. And he'll say, it's all right, little fella.
Starting point is 00:14:59 It's all going to be over someday. I love you. I love you like a brother. And then you'll shake him. You'll shake him because he must be a chomo. Yeah doing that and then you hoop it just in case you gotta hoop it sometimes you kill a man and you just hoop the whole man they came to my cell they said where's your celly at i said i don't know had him hooped there's just like a face pushed into the side of his body comes back he's still alive it's like when when mr slave
Starting point is 00:15:29 swallows paris hilton in his ass and stuff yeah exactly they're like wes you look like you're weighing at least 400 pounds i said yeah i'm swole in reality i hooped my celly yeah i don't know whatever like more plates more dates talked about some guy who's gotten jacked i always want to hear that he's on some steroid that i don't have access that's why i don't belong in the marvel universe just you know i mean this guy looks like he's probably natural like i'm sure he is i think the other day we were talking about how in our hangouts we've got a particular guy who's like on all kinds of drugs, experimenting and stuff. We did our hangout this past Sunday.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Again, $50 Patreons. You get hangouts for four hours. It's really fun. There's usually about a dozen or 15 of us in there. We just shoot the shit and chat for four hours. It's a great time. I think it's worth it. I think most people in there would agree. The one who taught us Romanian squats
Starting point is 00:16:21 and comes in a little zoned out every week. Oh. He's just real drugged up. We got a lot of cool cats. You're talking about the white kid who looks very youthful, like he's in his early, early 20s with blonde hair? Yeah, I think he is then, right? Yeah, he's usually outdoors and real spaced out.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Really fit, really spaced out, outdoors. Wearing a robe sometimes and nothing else? Yeah, yeah. Is he okay? What do you mean by okay and nothing else like he's uh yeah yeah like he's uh yeah okay what do you mean by okay i mean he's high as fuck yeah he's always high i think he's just stoned you know i think he's just smoking a lot of dope but uh but our boy that we were talking about last week that does all the drugs he showed up this week and he's like yeah i'm shooting 300 milligrams of testosterone every week, following that up with a little trend every other day. And we're like, oh my God, are you getting stronger?
Starting point is 00:17:10 He's like, oh yes, my friend. If you guys were to see a screenshot of our Hangouts, you would think that we paid a bunch of minorities on Fiverr to Hangout. Yeah. To like make it look like a more diverse group. We have, i mean like monsanto commercials you know facebook commercials they don't have anything on the diversity of our
Starting point is 00:17:32 yeah they really don't we'll have three i'm saying that unironically no for real we'll have at least it it's some people might interpret like it like you just suggested as a joke like yeah i bet it's all a bunch of white dudes their age no not at all there's three or four black guys and at least one or two asians there's always one asian but sometimes there's at least there's sometimes two asians uh there's a lady occasionally uh there's a there's a good mixture of people samoan samoan we'll have uh some middle easterns we had a moroccan this week uh yeah definitely a couple arabs yeah yeah yeah. It's honestly a very diverse group. It's a very, you know, melting pot of the world hangout. I don't think that one guy liked the slave joke that I was getting at.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I particularly liked when we asked him if he tested his testosterone. Yeah. And he was like, no, I never do. And we're like, but why? Why wouldn't you test your test levels? That's like the thing that you're doing. You want to know how high your testosterone is. And he's like, well, those tests,
Starting point is 00:18:30 they stop at like 15. And my mind's flashing to Chernobyl. Like, I forget what their test was, like 2.98 gigagrams. That's not bad. Yeah, because not terrible. Okay. Not good.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Not terrible. What was the test? Do you guys remember the actual quote from Chernobyl? It was like 3.5 Miller-Rams. I don't remember the quote. But yeah, when your test gets to like 1300, the letters literally turn red
Starting point is 00:18:59 because it's like a warning sign. It's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, something's wrong. Something's wrong. And he said that he was at like 1550 or something like that. And I was like, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Something's wrong. Something's wrong. And he said that he was at like 1550 or something like that. And I was like, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa.
Starting point is 00:19:08 That's super fit. That's literally super physiological. That's not natural by any means. He's like, I know. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:19:14 That's what I'm going for. You got that close. He said the test stops at 15. Therefore it has no value to him. I think he misunderstood. I don't think so. It definitely doesn't stop at 1500 i don't think that's way too high to have an agency those tests the ones that he's getting don't go higher we'll have to ask him yeah i yeah in any case it's at least 1500 yeah insanity levels insanity levels like like normal guy his age if it were 700 we'd be like that's pretty high if it were 900 be like whoa man's man he's at 1500 plus right he's about
Starting point is 00:19:57 double a man he's double a man's man yeah yeah uh but jacked and well of course he is you know right like like like if he weren't if he weren't we'd be like what are you doing with yourself mostly uh like you know this like isn't super tight for your body anyway but you're fat like you're wasting time you're wasting money you're dying what are you what are you thinking i did uh i did a stream today earlier today and i finished everything earlier than i thought and so i did my like 50 minutes to an hour of working out one of my not as hard days downstairs and i was like you know what i was saying i'm gonna do a an exercise bike stream while i watch something.
Starting point is 00:20:46 What do I want to watch? And so I was like, ah, you know, all the clips I've seen of wings down the rabbit hole have all come during the show. Really? I've never just sat down and watched it, decided to watch that and bike through the whole thing. Didn't realize,
Starting point is 00:21:02 or didn't fully internalize that is a two hour and 10 minute documentary and so like maybe 15 20 minutes before this started i was huffing and puffing on twitch finished i did go the whole time i had to slow down a couple times but i went the whole fucking time over two hours after working out all i got to uh like it was one of my biggest dreams in a while almost like 900 people at one point holy it was like average like 700 or so and like it was just me riding the bike getting sweaty and you know the the encouragement and by encouragement i mean people being like you'll stop soon fatty i was like no no i'm doing it i'm gonna do it but i'm like i'm pretty excited now i'm like i want to google around and see how many calories i think i burned because i see how much how much
Starting point is 00:21:52 how many snacks i've earned yeah well i know that it's certainly not the amount that it says on the bike because i checked afterwards and it was like okay it says you rode 28 miles that's six 1700 calories i'm like that can't be that's just not possible there's no way because it says that like an average speed of riding your bike is like 14 miles an hour holy shit um well i googled two hour bike ride calories 1688 yeah it's a lot of it's a lot of calories oh That's way over my personal. Oh, your man be snacking, didn't I? Yeah. A light ride is 800. A vigorous ride is 17.
Starting point is 00:22:33 There's a range. I'd give me somewhere between, I'd say moderate. High moderate. Maybe 1,200. Yeah, maybe around there. That's pretty good. Long ways to go. But yeah, that felt good.
Starting point is 00:22:44 I hadn't done it like anything on that bike since the fitness competition a year and a half ago or any use it had was like you know a smattering of it not really consistent but you ever tried a rowing machine i have rowing machines if that concept two weren't two thousand dollars or fifteen hundred dollars or whatever it is i would get that because that thing is like top of the line bees knees let me see what i've got i think you have the concept too i think you and chis both got they're really fucking nice like that's the one they have in gyms it's really really nice and rowing is easier for me than biking i it feels like you're you're using your whole body more harder to do for long periods like the only thing sore on me right now is like
Starting point is 00:23:25 quads and calves and that'll pass pretty quickly i imagine with my uh these shakes are great these met rx 51 grams of protein all the all the all the hits all the classics the b vitamins the calciums all that but it's got got only 230 calories and 51 grams of protein. So pretty good ratio. What's that ratio again? 230 calories and 51 grams of protein. Okay. Yeah. The protein powder I have is 200 calories and 50 grams of protein. So very comfortable. Do you have isopure? Yeah. I Yeah. Yeah. I have that one in my kitchen in a big bucket. Uh, I think it's 210 calories for 50 grams of protein. It's just, it tastes 10 times worse than this. Ah, what flavor? I could tell you didn't get the flavor I got. Cause I got the,
Starting point is 00:24:16 cause the flavor I've got is 200 calories. What's the, what flavor do you have? I got strawberry. Ooh, that's never a good idea with protein. Yeah. Well, it was the cheapest at the time. I think I got like, I think I got like salted vanilla or something it's some kind of a vanilla thing it tastes delicious i agree with vanilla i've never heard that one but it can only make it salted caramel vanilla like something like that like it's super tasty yeah i i always prioritize the lower calorie proteins because like muscling it down isn't nearly as bad. But if salted caramel is the same ratio and cheaper, I'm going to do that.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I don't know about cheaper. I mean, cheaper than these, like the canned stuff. Oh, it's got to be cheaper. I find it to be tasty. Like I just put enough water in it when I do drink it to like make it liquid enough to drink because I don't want to be, you know. But it tastes good to me. It tastes really sweet.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Do you add anything else in it or just, no, um, I have made, uh, like chocolate oatmeal cookies with it before though. I just, I look like, yeah, it's just like, uh, an egg, some, um, two, two scoops of protein powder, uh, oatmeal, cocoa, but no sugar. Uh, and, uh and uh like like two two tablespoons of stevia which is that natural sweetener that has no calories and none of the bad things that saccharin and stuff have and um i have some kind of what's that arrowroot powder so arrowroot powder is a flower it's a flower replacement it's made from a jungle plant that's very similar to yams. And you put like half a cup in there. That's part of the recipe that I found.
Starting point is 00:25:50 They're really good. They take eight minutes to bake. Really? Yeah. And cacao powder has no calories. Or maybe like 10 calories a tablespoon. That's not bad at all. Yeah, so you get chocolate oatmeal cookies for like and they're nothing but
Starting point is 00:26:05 protein i've tried like cauliflower crust on pizza and as long as you put enough cheese on it it's serviceable but that's more like i'm mostly eating cheese now like yeah it's not this isn't even a facsimile i think you just got to give up on. I think you just got to give up on pizza. I think you just got to give up on pizza if you're trying to go low-calorie. No, I don't want to give up on pizza, man. Makes me sad thinking about giving up on pizza. I could eat three pizzas right now. I am so hungry. I'm hungry right now, too.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah. I don't have a good two-hour bike ride to justify it, but I am hungry. I got that. Believe me. justify it but i am hungry i got that believe me uh i don't know my most intense feelings of hunger come after doing absolutely nothing where it'll be like man i've been sitting at a desk for six hours you need a porterhouse steak and two potatoes and fries so your brain is really your body's powerful muscle. I believe it. I think it's an organ. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Trying to justify. Oh, Sopranos has become my girlfriend goes to sleep before I do pretty much every night. I'm usually up an extra two hours or so. That's now my post her going to bed show
Starting point is 00:27:27 and my mid workout show. Did like, was dangerous bench pressing the other day, like looked over and like went off kilter with balance a little bit. And I was like, you can't be, cause I got my TV over here and I'm laying down looking, like trying to watch while I'm doing it. So that was dumb, But this show is awesome.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I'm already episode three, I think episode three, season two now. Did they go on a little boat ride yet? After Tony got food poisoning? They have not. Good things are coming. Okay. Well, I plan to power through at least another two or three episodes late tonight if I have time.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Because I'm all in. It's fantastic. It's great. I like that little updates on the characters because I said I liked that shitty little kid because he was just like causing problems. He's getting more annoying already. Oh, yeah. Tony, obviously love Tony.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Tony's his wife. Tony's wife. I missed him. His son, Tony's son. Me His wife. Who's Tony's wife? I missed a pill. His son. Tony's son. Yeah, AJ. Meadow, I am completely indifferent to. I really don't care about her. What the fuck is up with even the most really into getting into good colleges kids I knew in high school? None of them were like, you don't know how hard it is.
Starting point is 00:28:43 We're studying so hard to get into college and we just need a break like my dad would have laughed in my face if i tried that in high school like oh are you working hard in high school it's like i would have deserved it but like yeah she wants away from her family so she wants to try to get into berkeley she wants to go to cali oh i mean i put that those pieces together but yeah she also was applying to get into Berkeley. She wants to go to Cali. I mean, I put those pieces together. But she also was applying to really difficult schools on the East Coast. She could get in and just stay away
Starting point is 00:29:12 from home. But I don't know. The whole freaking out about college. I'm like, shut the fuck up. Who cares? She's indifferent. Sal. Or no, not Sal. Sil? Yeah, Sil. Number two. Conciliary. Is he the guy with the biceps and the weight? Sal, or no, not Sal, Syl? Yeah, Syl, number two. Conciliare.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Is he the guy with the biceps and the weight? No, that's Pauly. Syl is the one who does the Godfather impression. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. He has really dark priest hair. Pomodoro, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:43 All of the actors in this movie or this show are unbelievably italian looking like you go to like i was looking at the actor's page on sopranos there's not a single actor whose last name doesn't end in a vowel vowel yeah every single one i don't know it's all that and so uh uh oh what i was saying sill and paulie are two of my favorites i really like them they're especially paulie i like paulie a lot look uh pussy i like big pussy but he's there are a couple i don't want to say well i mean it's been so long i've seen this show eight times i know and you know what fuck it's been 20 years ago so i'm at the part where like he's talking to that fat cop basically like on his balcony at his home and his wife's all pissed and oh yeah i'm gonna divorce him i'm gonna leave him if i could
Starting point is 00:30:34 just have some coffee you know it's it's hard for me to think could i just get some coffee and he's just like stop cut the shit pussy just tell me who was at the meeting. I don't know. Yeah, and then I did notice, like, pussy trying to throw some cover for Tony when he's like, Oh, yeah. All I noticed was that Tony bought a pool table from that guy, kept it in his whatever the hell, you know, his little hideout, like trying to cover for all the guns and contraband they found in there. And so I'm still early enough with big pussy that i know he's he's doing some shit he's gonna end up getting clipped in the end i'm sure or you know turn and tail because he's already working with uh that fat blonde guy who kind of has a lisp that's always pushing for more information yeah he's a fad yeah yeah and so i there's no way he survives
Starting point is 00:31:21 it's just a matter of time i don't know know how long until Tony and them figure it out. The mom, Tony's mom, fucking hate her. I am so glad she has become not as much of a character in this season. Oh, don't worry. Olivia's coming back strong. I hate her. And it's just the manipulative games. Who is the guy who comes back and marries Tony? Richie.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Oh. Richie's in the little of it now. He hasn't gotten... Well, so Richie... Richie's a great character, by the way. Richie's dating the sister right now. So Richie's dating her, and then later
Starting point is 00:31:57 she also dates Ralphie, who's played by John Pantaleone. Ralphie is the biggest scumbag. They told him, like, I saw an interview with Joe the other day, and he's like, they told me, you're going to be a real fucking scumbag. They're going to hate you.
Starting point is 00:32:16 But your job is to make them love you and hate that they love you. And I'm thinking, like, yeah like yeah holy shit he nailed it i did love him and i hated that i loved him because he was so awful was it a ramsey kind of character where it's like you're enthralled when he's on the screen but you realize he's just a despicable a little bit yeah a little bit like that you could say that because he he does some cruel sociopathic things like for no reason just because his pride is hurt because he's some cruel, sociopathic things. Like, for no reason, just because his pride is hurt, because he's insulted a little bit.
Starting point is 00:32:49 He sounds like Richie. No, no, Richie was controlled. Ralphie does cocaine, and that's a hell of a drug. He's obsessed with the movie Gladiator, because it just had come out, and obviously, and, you know, Italians and Romans, and he's just like, he's walking around quoting the movie Gliator because it just had come out and obviously and uh you know italians and romans and he's just like he's walking around quoting the movie uh uh gladiators like father to a murdered
Starting point is 00:33:11 son husband to a murdered wife and i will have my revenge in this life or the next and they're just like the fuck are you talking about he's just lost his fucking mind he's crazy it's a contemporary movie at the time. I thought Richie was pretty out of control because I really... I think the act of everyone, of any act that anyone's done the show so far, the one that I disliked the most
Starting point is 00:33:36 was Richie hurting poor Beans, the pizza guy. Beansy, yeah. Tony's like, back off of Beansy, all right? He's like, I did. Then I put it in drive and Drove over him again Somebody beats up a bouncer That one's hard for me
Starting point is 00:33:55 That guy just He's a big guy but Gentle hearted I think Well he can't step out of line because everybody else is a made fucking mobster And he's just a barbie Oh is it the guy that can't step out of line because everybody else is a made fucking mobster and he's just the bar is it the guy that can't figure out the phone yeah there's a montage on youtube of him just catching ass beatings like tony whips his ass no less than four times throughout the series um one time he beats him with a cash register once with an ice bucket once with a phone
Starting point is 00:34:22 i've only seen the phone once so far it's like like, when you transfer a call, you hit hold. You don't hit the hang up, you hit the hold button. He comes over there and just bang, bang, bang. Yeah, later on, Tony's like, this is in no way a real spoiler. Tony's hurting for money a little bit. But when Tony's hurting for money, it means he can't go blow $100,000 on gambling. He's not really hurting, but he acts like he is.
Starting point is 00:34:47 And he sees that that bartender is throwing away the ice out of the ice cooler. He's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing? You're just throwing money away? He's like, Tone, it's a little melted, you know? And it waters down the scotch, especially scotch. He's like, what the fuck did you say to me? Sorry, Tony. Sorry, Tony.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Tony goes to walk away. I'm just saying it waters down the drinks. And Tony's just on him with the ice bucket, just beating him with the ice bucket. It's great. Yeah, I like more characters than I dislike. Yeah, you're going to. dislike yes you're going to certain characters like tony and ralphie they're maniacs but they're kind of controlled maniacs like the central people in the show are somewhat real but the characters that are unreasonable maniacs it's like
Starting point is 00:35:40 this is a really challenging workplace environment you know like how do you thrive in a place where guys are like that guy and you know uh is it ralphie is that the guy just ralph cifaretto yeah yeah he in particular is like he's a real problem chris chrissy uh that guy yeah uh loose wire if he feels If any of them feel they're genuinely being disrespected, they will beat you half to death or they would just straight up kill you right there. Yeah, Chris is a character that
Starting point is 00:36:14 I feel like he makes life too complicated for Tony. Sometimes. Very often. Yeah, I can see that point of view. Yeah, for sure. Is at the part where there's two stockbroker guys tried to kill chris and he like blows one of their heads off and then the other one runs and tells richie and richie's like who told you to do that you tried to do that i'll fucking kill you he's just chasing i'm gonna ruin this scene but i think it's like the season opener
Starting point is 00:36:42 he's in and they're what are they taking like the t7 exam or something to become a licensed stockbroker and they're like you know matthew woodworth are you there i'm here are you here yeah chrissy sarapanano or whatever christopher motazanti yeah this asian guy is like i'm here here yes my name is christopher moda santi like the stuff for her exam will be in two parts parts each four hours long and i'm thinking like god damn i had no idea it was such a serious test how is chrissy gonna oh it's great it's a wonderful opening yeah yeah it's it's it's real real good. That's a good part in the show. That's a good period
Starting point is 00:37:30 within the show. Your mic just changed. Now he can't hear you. It's back to the bad mic. That was just out of nowhere. Yeah, right? It doesn't usually change. With the reboot, it can change. That's strange.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Hello? It sounds like you're in a cave. I'll let you fiddle with it. There's six seasons. This is one of those shows that's so good already that I'm like, oh no, at some point, this is going to end. What am I going to end. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:06 What am I going to do? Do you know the ending already? Yeah, I know it ends mid-sentence, and I know a lot of people disliked how that happened. Really? Okay. I didn't hate it as an ending. And I didn't get it as an ending until it was explained to me.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Explaining what it's like to get hit. And you're like, oh. Yeah, that's what it's supposed to me, explaining what it's like to get hit. Then you're like, oh. Yeah, that's what it's supposed to be, right? Tony's getting killed in the last episode. That is the leading interpretation. And it ends, and it makes sense it ends that way, because it's like...
Starting point is 00:38:36 Yeah, it's like you don't see it coming, you're just there, and then one day you're not there. Don't stop believing. That's the song that's playing. Yeah, and... there. Don't stop believing. That's the song that's playing. Yeah. There's I don't know how much I want to spoil. I'll spoil a little bit.
Starting point is 00:38:54 There's a war between Tony and the other guy. And you have hope. And then the show ends. Okay. I guess that's the end. A lot of people their tvs were broken or their cable was out really yeah a lot of millions of people even though the credits are rolling that's crazy to me well there's a they pause on black for a a period of time like sec like five seconds six. And people are just like
Starting point is 00:39:25 what happened? And then the credits roll and they're like they think there was like a Super Bowl outage, right? They missed the touchdown. Oh yeah. I guess that would make sense. I can see where they're coming from. People
Starting point is 00:39:40 say it's one of the worst endings in TV show history and I disagree. No, it's one of the worst endings in TV show history, and I disagree. No, it's not what I would have preferred something different. They asked David Chase the other day, would you have done anything different? He thought about it for a second. Nah, I don't think so. I think it's fine, although I skipped that part. When the diner scene starts, when I rewatch the show, when the diner scene starts uh when i when i re-watch the the show whenever the diner scene starts and don't stop believing starts playing i'm like all right that's
Starting point is 00:40:10 the end of the show right there i don't need to see these people well i don't want to spoil that whole scene for you but like nothing else happens nothing else happens uh you know for the next like six minutes you just people just shuffle in and out of the diner and tension is built they keep they keep there's a there's one of those things where the door opens and little bell rings and you get that over and over and they and they cut to who's coming in tension's building uh it's it's uh it's a whole thing and he's with his family you know so it's like it could it could be about to go really bad and there's there's a lot of tension built. You watch Meadow parallel parking, and it's one of those shows where, like,
Starting point is 00:40:47 they don't show you wasted stuff normally. If they show a scene, it's for a reason. You're like, they're showing Meadow parking. Something's about to happen to Meadow when she parks. You know, you're thinking that, and just tension builds, builds, builds, and then zzz.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Well, Taylor hasn't seen here. There's a person that disrespected. Has Taylor not gotten there yet? Oh, no. That's season seven. Yeah, final season. Season six, I think. You're going to enjoy that.
Starting point is 00:41:19 I'll stop there, but oh, God. That's a Sopranos highlight. Yeah, that's season six probably episode six and then i'll probably do the wire dude the wire is better the wire although i'll say this i i feel like i can watch the sopranos with 60 percent and the wire takes more very uh complex storyline i take that back not very all right you don't need it like 85 90 attention i'd say like very you're gonna have to pay attention you know you're gonna have to pay attention if you're gonna follow everything the cool thing about the
Starting point is 00:41:55 wire is it goes back and forth the bad guys are just as much uh main characters as the good guys you know how in the sopranos you'll only occasionally go to the FBI and see what they're up to? That's not how The Wire is. The Wire, it's a 50-50 split. Every episode, you're going to spend half your time with the gangsters, half your time with the Baltimore Police Department and their task force. And you're going to see what both sides are doing and what they each think of one another because they do interact and bump shoulders occasionally. because they do interact and bump shoulders occasionally. And it is amazing. The writing is incredible.
Starting point is 00:42:30 The actors are awesome. The guy who plays McNulty, who has this incredible Baltimore accent that I can't even begin to approach, I think he's British. I'm almost positive that he has a posh English accent. And he pulls off this Baltimore thing to a T. And it's got Idris Elba. He's one of the main gangsters. And he's like the intellectual of them all. He's attending community college classes on psychology and business. And he's applying it to the drug game.
Starting point is 00:43:00 So he's using the psychology to be a good leader and he's using the business classes to structure the business more economically and more profitably and it's Very cool to see him and his counterpart his partner is the opposite. He's like wilding out like street thug He's at the top of the pyramid He's a Tony Soprano care type character, but's still wanting to get his hands dirty. If somebody disrespects him, he's wanting to go blast in the streets. And then there's this third
Starting point is 00:43:31 tip of the triangle. If you've got gangsters, cops, up at the top of the triangle that's formed in this thing is Omar. Omar doesn't play by anybody's rules he robs
Starting point is 00:43:46 Omar has his own rules yeah from Boardwalk Empire which is one of the best things about him what Omar doesn't have he walks around with a shotgun like just there's a YouTube montage of
Starting point is 00:44:04 just Omar's you know and they just they they tell the this they tell just the omar part he's a very and he's gay up till he dies yeah the most badass motherfucker in the whole show is gay he's not afraid of going to jail at one point at one point the gangsters can't figure out how to deal with omar so they frame him and get him sent to jail because they think maybe in there they can have him killed because he won't have a shotgun and but but he just has a couple of homeboys sent in to like watch his back and he's got armor made out of magazines wrapped around his whole ribcage and stomach. He's got a blade.
Starting point is 00:44:47 He's ready to kill. Magazines? He's not getting shot in prison. You're going to get shanked. Prison shanks are made out of things like sharpened plastic, chicken bones, toothbrushes with a razor blade in them,
Starting point is 00:45:04 shit like that. The magazines work perfectly he's omar's great uh the wire is my favorite show it's the best show ever made i think it's just the quality never dips the storyline drags a little i think in season two which i think is the one where they deal with the port a lot um but on the whole i think it's five seasons of that show i'm not positive but i think it's five seasons of that show. I'm not positive, but I think it's five. And I love it. Yeah, I got it.
Starting point is 00:45:30 I'm glad that I've got quite a bit of content to get through. Yeah, let me know when you're done with that. Yeah, I'll let you know when I'm done with the Sopranos. I'll keep talking about Sopranos as it goes on. Yeah. I'm sorry. I was going to change to like who's going to play the Tiger King in the Tiger King movie. Oh.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Nicolas Cage. Jesus Christ. Carol fucking Baskins. Carol Baskins. Who would it be? I'll put a bullet in your head. Nicolas Cage can be awful or amazing. He has the full range of performances.
Starting point is 00:46:08 They said they picked the only actor who will have to tone it down to play Joe Exotic. A lot of people were picking... Is it David Spade, maybe? David Spade, yeah. He would do it well. He can do that voice, and he looks like him. That's actually...
Starting point is 00:46:24 That would be my pick. It would be mine, too, but I'm happy with Nick Cage. Nick Cage, to me, is a much bigger star than David Spade. He is, but Nick Cage doesn't look like him. They'll make him look close enough, though. Yeah. Okay. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:41 We'll see. By the time a Tiger King movie comes out, I'm probably not going to care. I'll care. Have you guys watched the Jordan movie? I haven't. Or the Last Dance? What's it called? I don't even know. I have no idea what we're referring to. The Tiger King is the most popular.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Pretty big deal. Oh! It's on ESPN, though. Is it? Yeah. Like Michael Jordan you're talking about? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's the basketball thing called The Last Dance.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Yeah, it's on ESPN. It passed Tiger Skiing for most popular show or most watched show or most streamed or something like that. I watched the new episode of Rick and Morty last night. Oh, there's just one so far? Yeah, the second half of the season has begun. oh there's just one so far yeah they're gonna you know the second half of the season has begun i purchased you know the season at the beginning of the season like in october or whatever so um you know it just like popped up on my screen oh rick and morty and i was able to just hit play and watch it it was awful oh no you think they they they did like it was over my head um and i
Starting point is 00:47:44 bet that i bet that they they really love and I think they're so smart for like making a show that's so an episode that's so meta and so like it's about story design it's it's literally like them like being not even meta for the show it's it's it's about them being meta in their writing room almost and like talking about um plot pieces and take the ticking time bomb and just like ripping apart storytelling and and and like making fun of it and it's like you're four seasons in like like this isn't when you just give up on making creative stories and just start making fun of what it is to tell a story. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:48:30 This is shit. This is shit. I hope I disagree. I'm usually the slowest one to turn on a show. I haven't turned on the show. I guarantee there will be good episodes this season. But that episode is the worst rick and morty episode i've ever seen it's gonna keep going down because they switched out their
Starting point is 00:48:51 writers can't switch out all the writers on the show and expect the quality to stay the same um they make fun of uh feminism at one point you'll enjoy that part well i mean i don't really care what they're making fun of but it was funny in season one like they had the writing down pat. It was season three that I watched, and there were episodes where it was like, this is clearly not the same tonality of season one and season two.
Starting point is 00:49:14 You know what I mean? I know exactly what you mean. You would be saying things, and it's like, that's not something Morty would say. That's not something Rick would say. This feels ham-handed, and maybe I'm overly critical of it.
Starting point is 00:49:24 I think you are overly critical. I don't think every episode is going to be a home run. I don't expect that out of them. But it's almost like they've gotten to the point where a classic Rick and Morty adventure is not something they want to make. They act like they're beyond that.
Starting point is 00:49:40 That they've run out of ideas. They act like they've made 500 episodes instead of 30 episodes yeah you know it's it's like you've only made like 15 legit good morty rick and morty adventures ever dudes like don't act like you're halfway through one simpsons season i don't know how many times they've said it like like oh come on we're gonna go on a classic rick and morty adventure and then they and then they like ruin your expectations and they don't do that they do like this whole thing where like they never left but they're in their they're in a dreamland or they never left the
Starting point is 00:50:13 room or something and it's like why couldn't you do just a classic rick and morty adventure and not make fun of an established franchise it used to be a pretty complicated sort of alternate alternate universe storyline going on there. Is that the real Rick? Is that the real Morty? I don't see that so much anymore. I only saw maybe one episode where they did that. It was
Starting point is 00:50:35 the Atlantean Rick's Up, or whatever it's called, where our Rick and Morty went to Atlantis and the Rick and Morty we follow were doing something completely different. Maybe there's two. Yeah, there's about two episodes. I guess I had to watch some YouTube videos
Starting point is 00:50:53 of the game theory and stuff that explain, like, oh, the C-138, it's not what you think it is. They're not in their original universe. There was a swap in there. Well, I know they swapped universes, but what I was getting at was there are some episodes where we don't follow our Rick and Morty.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Oh, I follow you. The Rick and Morty we follow are completely different Rick and Mortys. We just follow them for one episode and then never again. It's been a while since I saw some YouTube theory videos on Rick and Morty that say, you're not even watching the Rick and Morty. Sometimes that's true.
Starting point is 00:51:30 There's an episode or two where that's true. Yeah, we're watching the bad Rick and Morty written by fucking not Justin Moreland. This is Matt Groening's Rick and Morty. Clearly, it's garbage. He's also dead, but not in the universe that they exist in that's what you gotta keep in mind they cured cancer in that one
Starting point is 00:51:50 or was it Sam Simon one of the main creators died Matt Groening is not dead which one of them died it was like in 2016 I didn't even know about this I haven't watched Simpsons since then since way before then
Starting point is 00:52:04 anybody out there looking for a rewatch of a show nice nostalgia seasons 1 through 10 I didn't even know about this. I haven't watched Simpsons since then. Since way before then. Anybody out there looking for a rewatch of a show? Nice nostalgia. Seasons 1 through 10 of The Simpsons. Sam Simon. He was the main guy. Go ahead. Oh, no. I think that's all I got. I think there was a stream tonight.
Starting point is 00:52:20 I'm excited about it. Taylor rated me. Anton. Al, do you know anton the tarkov streamer maybe you don't he's a he's one of the bigger players in the tarkov i enjoy his con i'm in there all the time and uh all of a sudden i had big for me and uh and it went really well like six hours later i still had over a thousand people watching me that's awesome yeah yeah no thank you this has to be a whole other group of people at this point
Starting point is 00:52:55 people that started with me six hours ago they must be gone and uh that's great yeah it felt good it felt good it was a little pressure, though. It was a new thing. Like, in Tarkov, not that people are really there for my gameplay, but I didn't want it to be bad. You're not supposed to talk. Of course. And 1,500 people watching me,
Starting point is 00:53:20 I felt a little added pressure to rush a little faster, to move a little more aggressively. Well, I bet the next time you start streaming, your base number is going to bump up a little added pressure to rush a little faster to move a little more aggressively well i bet the next time you start streaming you're you're like base number's gonna bump up a little bit from you know maybe a few new people right right maybe a few new people but uh for one night i felt like a big show yeah someday i'm gonna get that bastard tucker to raid me with his 50 000 viewers yeah right no he pulled numbers like that 50 he had 15 000 today 15 that's a no that's a that's rare air right yeah there's a lot of people who didn't not a lot but like i feel like if you're at four digits you're pretty significant twitch streamer if you're at five digits yeah you're a big boy yeah so it's a grind well
Starting point is 00:54:09 we'll get there eventually woody let's be fierce i don't know i enjoy streaming i like i've been solo streaming late and uh i find it easier to put on a show. I can stop talking meme of content. Whereas that would be very detrimental to me. I enjoy playing with other people. I think the show I put on is better when I'm with my girlfriend. I should have talked about this when we were back on Prison Talk earlier. I've been watching 60 Days In today.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Like I just started today watching watching one of the seasons. Did you see your episode? We've left Kyle to his own devices. We're sure he'll be okay. No, because they all thought you were from this. Yeah, yeah. No, I got you. There's a poor white boy.
Starting point is 00:55:03 One of the guys they put in is literally like a college quarterback, football quarterback, like a black guy. And he's ripped, you know, like a genuine super athlete. He's doing like muscle ups with his shirt off in front of everybody. He's doing like weighted chin ups and stuff. And like, he's super slick socially. He's just high five and everybody white guys, black guys doesn't matter he's just you know just just having a good time he's grabbing by the shoulders give him a little shake what's up what's
Starting point is 00:55:29 up slapping him on the back just making his rounds just everybody's loving him and the other guy is this white dude who's like skinny and not in good shape they know each other and they know that each yeah well they're not friends or anything but they both know that the other one's at part of the program. Right. And the other, and the other one, uh, he's so awkward.
Starting point is 00:55:49 He tries to shake people's hands like a businessman in prison and they, they literally stare at him. They won't shake his hand. They, like he tries to play basketball by himself and a black guy runs in, takes the basketball away and starts playing with it anyway. And after a while he goes, you see that chair in there?
Starting point is 00:56:08 The white guy's like, yeah, yeah. Go sit in it. You're on timeout. He did nothing wrong. He was just playing basketball by himself. By himself. Then he's sitting at a table with this other black guy
Starting point is 00:56:19 and the black guy's like, you know who you look like? A dude from American Pie. And the white guy goes, Stifler? You know, because Stifler is the really good looking slick guy in that show he's like nah nah the one that fucked the pie you know dude stuck his dick to his hand with super glue you look like him and he goes well at least it's a good looking guy he's like i don't i don't judge men that way and he's just like oh yeah yeah me either he's like so scared to take a shower like like he is not getting along well and there's no way he's gonna he's gonna uncover any they're in there to uncover like nefarious stuff but to do that
Starting point is 00:56:58 you got to get interwoven nobody's trusting this guy they're thinking about robbing him he goes to the commissary and buys like 8080, $90 worth of shit. And they're all watching him do it. You do it on a little computer screen, a touchpad in there. And they're just standing behind him like watching the money and the peanut butter and the cookies pile up. And they're just like, all right, all right. And some white guy's like, you know they're going to rob you, right? And he's like, what?
Starting point is 00:57:24 What do you mean? The blacks. They're going to rob you right and he's like what what do you mean the blacks they're going to rob you you know that right and he's like no i don't know that well they are and then like he goes back to his cell and he's like they said they're gonna rob me who said that well those guys said that the blacks were gonna rob him he's like well i wouldn't trust those guys that told you that either they're probably gonna rob you now he's just sitting there waiting on the call, his number holding his sack. Who would not rob me? He's like, you know, I'll fight.
Starting point is 00:57:53 I'll fight. And I'm thinking like, no, you won't. I don't want to go to prison at all. This was jail. Jail and prison look terrible. No, thank you. You're not winning me over with the jail argument either. Freedom is awesome.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I was like, there's this one guy, high school quarterback, ripped, socially amazing. College quarterback. Everyone. OK, college quarterback. Then there's this other guy and they all kind of bully him. And it's like, would he be realistic? Who do you think you are in this scenario? It's like, oh, no, I'm going to be bullied.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Shit. Yeah. Hey man look at your head yo calves yo it's calves and noggin walking around a little part of me does want to try it though is there five days in well you can leave whenever you want yeah i just i see myself ringing the bell like like a navy seal dropout i'm watching season six and this guy was a marine and he quit on like day two and he cried on camera like a bitch and i'm thinking like as i'm watching this i'm thinking like what they're doing is very similar to what i did on this on this particular season now the seasons are different don't get me wrong i'm sure there were some seasons where it was much harder than what i did and some seasons
Starting point is 00:59:19 where it's much lighter than what i did i feel like i'm at like 40 percent of on the scale as far as 60 days in goes as far as like how rough it was in there or whatever i didn't cry i didn't think about crying i was scared i was nervous but i gotta cry in front of these people are you fucking crazy yeah terrible move i watched shot caller night. It's got the guy from... They raped the guy. The guy came in crying. They fucked him in the ass that night. Bad move.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Shawshank Redemption. That one guy cried. Got fucked. He got beaten to death by a guard. But it was because he wasn't shutting up. They were like, shut the shutting up yeah they were like shut the fuck up he's like i want my mommy i want my mommy literally say that yeah there's something
Starting point is 01:00:11 some some sort of you know crime yeah he said he missed his mommy or something like that and the guard came up there and beat him to death then that anvil jawed mean guard yeah i like that actor he's out of him he's great at that that role. He's a tremendous piece of shit. He really is. He plays that well. He just looks like a tough guy who's just a bully. Yeah. Yeah, I don't want to go to prison.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Again, no fun. Yeah, no thank you. After watching Wes Watson's videos, I'm like, God, I'd hate to go to a real prison. Whew! I don't want to put in work. Yeah. Like, what if I'm not qualified for this job, right? How do they choose who to put in work for?
Starting point is 01:00:59 If they ask me to put in work against that Wes guy, that's not going to go well for me. I think putting in work early is like smuggling dope in your butthole. Oh, because putting in work early... Putting in work means doing something they need you to do. Hold on to some contraband or something.
Starting point is 01:01:16 In that other guy's videos, I don't know, whatever his name is. Big Mike. Big Hurt. Big Hurt. Mike Hurt is his name. It's definitely not Mike Hunt. It's Mike Hurt. Whatever his name is. Big Mike. Big Hurt. Mike Hurt is his name. It's Mike Hurt. Mike Hurt is funny.
Starting point is 01:01:30 I'm going to tell him you said that. He's going to split your wig. He will split my wig. You need to see the Woody Mess Up Name Not Montage to explain what just happened there. Play that and then the brother comment that Woody made. Back to back. Send just happened there. But anyway. Play that and then the brother comment that Woody made.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Back to back. Send that to Mike. Game over. When he talks about putting in work, it's almost always fight. I always understand it to be fight. Maybe it means more. Yeah, it means doing anything for the gang they need you to do. So that could be smuggling some dope.
Starting point is 01:02:02 That could be smuggling a weapon somewhere. Hiding things. Hiding weapons. Hiding a cell phone. It means doing something they need you to do that you're not supposed to be doing. And it could totally mean killing somebody. But the thing is I don't think they're going to put you
Starting point is 01:02:18 up to killing somebody if they don't trust you and think you can get the job done. Unless they want you to get hurt. Not on my best day. I don't think they're going to send you alone to get Wes. I have an unusually large asshole. Yeah, Wes is a big boy. Follow the show?
Starting point is 01:02:35 Yeah, I think so. Good game. PKN.

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