Painkiller Already - PKN #305

Episode Date: June 25, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 305 here we go boys yeah here we go how are you guys doing Kyle you you don't seem like you just woke up you seem like your sleep schedules probably back on point now right yeah I've been wrong on this before did you get a haircut recently cuz it's looking sharp no not for months fuck yeah you you have no chat I'm talking to twitch chat like i'm on twitch right now back me up his hair you can't always tell when it's cut right some cow has fantastic hair sometimes he just has a good hair day and it's not a recent cut do you even look at brushes is there any yeah what do you use um i think it might be... Like a pomade or a clay?
Starting point is 00:00:46 Yeah, it's like a clay. It's white and, you know... The trick is to put it in your hair and then let your hair almost 100% dry before you do anything to it. You know what I'm realizing? I did my haircutting stream like a month ago or so. And then after that, I went to my bathroom the next day
Starting point is 00:01:03 and buzzed it all the same length. I look like a retard now, because if you cut all of your hair the same length, it just grows. It makes your head look bigger and bigger. I like it. I think it looks good. I was going to say your hair's recovered from the cutting. But also we get a different perspective
Starting point is 00:01:21 with the headset on. You just need to like go around the sides with something like a two guard and it's going to be sharp. From now on, I'm doing high and tight every single time. What do you want? High and tight. That's buying me an extra two weeks. I think high and tight would be
Starting point is 00:01:35 a good look for you. You look so cool with a flat top. That would be so funny. Now I'm a trapezoid. That'll be a sub goal. I'm doing a flat top at some'll be a sub goal I'm just gonna continue growing the front of my hair straight up so I can stay taller than my son I have a plan looks like he's getting pretty tall so you better be preparing to go
Starting point is 00:02:00 yeah I'm gonna go like Jimmy Neutron on this shit. Just keep it going. You're going to end up being full Mark Simpson if you keep this up. That's a good plan. We measured recently. My wife was like, I think he's taller than you. So we did it. We went to the kitchen. We stood up tall. She put an iPad on the two of our heads, and I have them by like a quarter inch.
Starting point is 00:02:19 And it's fading. He's going to have me soon. But it's okay. He's got you. The battle's lost, Woody. You know, I remember on YouTube, people used to watch sub counts all the time
Starting point is 00:02:29 and it's like, yeah, I'm ahead of this guy, but I'm not being cocky about it because I can see his trajectory, right? I can see Colin's trajectory. He's passing me. I just cut the calcium out of my diet. 5'7". No dairy, no calcium whatsoever. cut the calcium out of his diet. 5'7". 5'7"? Okay. No dairy, no calcium whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Take that all out of his diet. This is good. See if he'd like cigarettes. Ooh. Or drugs. Weightlifting and steroids maybe? Doesn't that shorten you? We've got to hurry.
Starting point is 00:02:56 He's only a quarter inch down. I've always heard that where they're like, hey, you don't want to lift weights when you're growing because then your growth platelets will go to your muscles instead of your your joints and whatever it's like platelets i heard the spaces between your bones got compressed or something i i so it's hard to tell i think what is true is that short people often have stockier builds like if you took me and shrunk me to five seven i, I might be kind of tankish, right? Dwarf-like.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Yeah, dwarf-like, sure. And if you took fucking Taylor and stretched him out to seven foot, he'd be an ectomorph, right? So I think that maybe people get the vibe that weightlifting made people short when really people with big, like tanky muscles were attracted to weightlifting my body type is like you grab gimli and then just drag him diagonally to normal height very dangerous over short distances oh man i can't i keep saying it very due for a rewatch of lord of the rings extended edition it's just the amount of the way i always want to do it is the full day don't look at my work email don't tell you what put it off adult diaper count me in put it off
Starting point is 00:04:16 put it off for the fall and if they turn me loose we'll go get super stoned and watch the full trilogy in one day i will absolutely do that i mean that's how i do it whenever i watch lord of the rings i'm not gonna like have a little you know i watched the whole thing i extended editions back to back to back i don't want to get blitzed i know nothing about pop but i feel like that would help you know because sober you watch lord of the wings rings extend the dish and you're like that was a good movie you want to do two that's a lot of movie you want to do three oh i do not i do not understand that struggle when i finished number one my first thought is on to the second because the second's even bigger even better oh the second's done on to the third
Starting point is 00:05:02 even bigger even better like lord i just need something that makes me a good job okay with sitting in one spot for 12 hours or whatever marijuana does that quite well that was my thinking that's what i was trying that's what i let in with like i'm not a pod expert totally fine with sitting in the same spot for 12 hours as a matter of fact it's very pleasurable and the thought of getting up from that spot is uncomfortable. You don't want that. You just want to watch dwarves and elves do their thing.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And then every so often, as I assume Kyle and I will be high as shit watching it together, when things like Saruman being killed from the top of the Tower of Orthanc from Grimo Wormtongue, then I can go off for like 20 minutes being like, this isn't canon.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I don't like it. This is bullshit. Fuck this death. I should have had the Scourge of the Shire. I disagree wholly. We've talked about this before on the show, I think, that the Scourge of the Shire does not lend itself to cinema. I know it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I want to be slightly paranoid that Helm's Deep falls this time. I think maybe the game would be to smoke every time they smoke. Oh, when they have their pipe weed? Yeah. Their long bottom leaf?
Starting point is 00:06:21 It's so funny the little overtures to pot in there the whole time. I's like i guarantee there is a strain called long bottom leaf i like to think there's actually pot on set and that's what they're smoking if they when i go i'm going to colorado in about a month my girlfriend and i were going like camping fishing uh rafting like that kind of vacation in colorado obviously i'm also going to pop into some dispensaries and get some tasty pot candy you have to but yeah i'm really looking forward to that i i've never gone rafting ever i know both of you guys have she's trying to figure
Starting point is 00:06:58 out what level of rafting we should go on and this is this is a good question yes tell me because beginner seems boring i watched some videos online and i don't know what they talked up what we did quite a bit and frankly it was the lazy river i felt like it was so look i enjoyed hanging out with woody and chiz all day and being in the boat it was all like fine we're outdoors there's other people it was cool but as if we're just judging it based solely on the excitement and the fun of rafting it was awful how many times have you gone kyle what how many times have you gone rafting just with you okay so i've gone rafting maybe 70 times and uh yeah the experience you get is highly different after over here that
Starting point is 00:07:47 was like a family vacation we did all the time we weren't after down the Grand Canyon we spent two weeks on the Grand Canyon anyway super cool what the experience you get is all tied into what the river is if the water different obstacles benefit from high rivers you you know, cause like the water's flowing fast and it's rocking and it's a big deal. Other times, if the water level is high, the rocks are submerged and you're not even getting a good ride out of it.
Starting point is 00:08:14 So different rivers behave different ways. What we did was lame. Actually, what we did was cool as fuck for the first two minutes. You know, there was like a five foot drop, cheese fell out of the boat. Like it wasn't bad, right? I i was like this is gonna be great we already got a man overboard here this is gonna be crazy town yeah what was the rating of it like as far as like
Starting point is 00:08:36 beginner intermediate the problem is they rate the river and not the conditions so i think the river was rated five but we didn't catch it on a good day. See, that's the thing. So you kind of want it like, I don't know how to tell you to catch it on a good day. Like in, I forget the river in Tennessee, but there's one, I guess every fall is that they let the dam go and you can assure that you're going to get some badass rapids because it's manmade. You know, they've decided to flood the river um but if you're just hoping on rain and such then it's hard to make sure you get what you're looking for well in colorado when the snow melts right yeah when the snow melts like
Starting point is 00:09:15 spring and when there's all that rain that's probably when it's the most intense right gotta be i would i mean it literally has to be well this river i'm talking about is in the fall i remember it started to snow and well yeah but like like the difference would be like that's tennessee and this is colorado where they've got tons of frozen ice and snow like built up on the mountains and stuff and when it does start to melt there's a i'm outside my depth if i were to try to counter that i'd be like yeah but this shit is all man-made dams and they control when oh yeah i'm not comparing the two rivers i'm just saying that for colorado rivers like probably springtime colorado river is fucking freezing all the water comes from the bottom of the dam and it hasn't seen sunlight
Starting point is 00:09:54 and it's like glacier bullshit yeah you just gotta be really stoned mind you'll be having a great ass time yeah i'm looking forward to that that'll be having a great ass time. Yeah, I'm looking forward to that. That'll be fun. I want to do some, my girlfriend's like, I want to do fly fishing. And I was like, you realize that, well, first of all, I really enjoy fly fishing. I fly fish in Oregon only once and it was a blast. And I was like, you know that that means that you and I are going to be standing like 100 yards apart in a river in waders not talking and fishing like this isn't the kind of thing where you stand next to each other and you both fly fish together like no you got to be separate you can't be fucking around with it and you have to be quiet and one more thing on the white rider rafting do keep in mind you can do this again it's her first trip she's a girl she
Starting point is 00:10:43 may not have grown up with a pool in her backyard maybe go chill yeah well of course i mean i yeah i'm i'm what's right for her and what's right for you are probably different i would love to do some fly fishing fly fishing is a ton of fun i'd like to do i don't know if we're really going to do camping or if we're not and then uh hiking like i'm already scouting out like really cool hiking trails in the colorado I don't know if we're really going to do camping or if we're not. And then hiking. I'm already scouting out really cool hiking trails in the Colorado Springs area. That'll be cool. I'm looking forward to that. It's going to be a good time.
Starting point is 00:11:17 What are you looking at me like? That sounds so lame and shitty. No, no, no. I like these things. Here, look. Before I start on this, I could be 100 be 100 wrong but my head is in this spot like the chicks the things chicks will do before marriage is fucking hilarious yeah i like camping sure i'm down taylor what yeah i like dude i'm i love the yankees the yankees are my favorite yeah it is the things chicks will do before marriage i got her to watch me play age
Starting point is 00:11:52 mythology for a couple hours i don't think that shit's happening once speaking of which i'm getting back into Age of Mythology. That game is so much fun. I'm mostly playing through the campaigns again because those campaigns are... Kyle, did you ever play the campaigns or you just did public versus? Multiplayer. Yeah, just multiplayer. The campaigns
Starting point is 00:12:17 are a blast. I like beating people. Don't you like the story? No. No? Oh. Well, I do't you like the story? No. No? Oh, well, I do. And you can play through as the Atlanteans, as the Greeks, as the Egyptians, as the Chinese, as the, you know, everything. You can run through the whole gamut. It's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Yeah, same thing with Total War. You know, I just don't care about that campaign and beating the AI. I really want to just, it'd be like playing like poker against a machine or something like that or chess or checkers or something against a machine it is in total war at least i've played multiplayer and i've played campaign it is a million times easier to win five multiplayer games in a row than it is to succeed in a campaign on hard difficulty it is way fucking harder to win those campaigns especially if you pick a hard faction like if you pick the vampire lords yeah it's going to be pretty fucking easy but if you pick the chaos people good luck it doesn't sound
Starting point is 00:13:16 like kyle's fun is about hard it's about he just wants to he wants to know that someone on the other side of the screen is upset. It's very fun to meet people in that game. I don't know. I don't think you've played enough multiplayer. Like there's a, the, the, that game's meta is ever evolving.
Starting point is 00:13:36 I, I, I watch a lot of the streams. Chiz was asking me yesterday, like if I had any guest ideas and I was like, maybe Turin. Turin is a big um total war streamer on youtube and he's uh kind of got an interesting life kind of and he's a he's a
Starting point is 00:13:52 really nice guy um he's done a few things and uh he's got um great he's got this yeah and he gets these massive streams going where he gets the entire total war community together to do like a tournament like a 16 person play until there's a champion tournament and there'll be like these five six hour streams with several thousand people watching uh over on youtube and uh but his thing i think and i think one of the reasons he has to do that is because he has um carpal tunnel and also some sort of arthritis or something with his hands and it's almost crippled him and taken away his ability to play the game he loves and like he'll play like three four games in a row and he'd be like ah I really don't think I can keep going guys I'm otherwise I'm not gonna be
Starting point is 00:14:37 able to sleep from the pain but like next week I think he's having like hand surgery that's supposed to like correct his hands so uh it's it's kind of a big deal for him i wonder what he has um it's carpal tunnel and some sort of a flexor tendon arthritis or something like that okay yeah carpal tunnel there's carpal tunnel there's definitely surgeries for like programmers get it a lot so like people in my universe it would would have it. Um, arthritis that I know less about, but I don't think there's any fix for it. It may not.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I know that something, the flexor tendons, tendinitis, tendinitis, that's what it is. Flexor tendon, tendinitis. The cure for tendinitis is typically rest.
Starting point is 00:15:21 And it sucks because you got it because you like doing something so much you wore that tendon out and now the fix is to not do it at all dude i've gotten tendonitis in in both of my forearms before from like over lifting certain lifts that you know yeah that elbow injury i had tendonitis from it it was overworking it but it sucks it fucking sucks you just wake up in the morning and like your forearm and and like like these two fingers are numb because of like the overworking on the ulnar nerve here and that that's how you can tell you're overworking your ulnar nerve i learned from someone who's much smarter than me on twitter is that you'll feel numbness in just these two fingers and this side of your hand yeah and so if you ever feel that that's
Starting point is 00:16:11 that's the beginning of the ulnar nerve and tendonitis setting in which you don't want but it's it's gone away 100 like now i'm i'm sure the reason i got it was because i was doing stupid lifts way too heavy, way too hard. It's probably the farmer's carry. No, the farmer's carry is good for that because it's just to the side. It's like heavy pressing and clean and presses with heavy kettlebells that really gave me that. And I guarantee I was going way too heavy with the kettlebell clean and press and not doing it with the correct form. And that's what got me. So I have some expertise in the older nerve. I'm missing about half of mine in my left arm. And
Starting point is 00:16:53 like you said, it's responsible for these two fingers, your pinky and your ring finger. And you don't think of it, but those are your strength fingers, right? These are your dexterity fingers, your middle finger, index finger, and thumb. But if you were to carry a suitcase or do a farmer's carrier or something like that, you carry it with your ring and your pinky. And that's why my head went to the ulnar nerve because I'm almost sure that you rotate to those things and you carry it with those. sure that you rotate to those things and you carry it with those. That's why they say if you were to lose one finger,
Starting point is 00:17:28 the finger you'd want to lose is actually this one. Most people don't think, oh, I'd pick my... He's pointing to his index finger. Yeah, my index finger. They think you'd want to lose your pinky, but then pick up something heavy exactly like you said, Woody. Where's that pressure going?
Starting point is 00:17:43 It's going to the pinky and the ring finger. It's not going to the index. Apparently. You've got this big muscle right here. Yeah, you've got that big meaty muscle right there that probably tastes great if you're a cannibal. And if you lose your index, apparently your middle finger takes over very quickly.
Starting point is 00:18:01 It can do all the same things. Yeah, you don't lose. So your pointer finger right obviously has a ton of dexterity if you had to hit an elevator button or something you'd choose it but your middle finger can do all those same things just as well you'd adapt right to it so yeah i've heard that because of the hand surgeries i've had and pt and stuff i've got some you know i don't know if anyone listening has been injured, but suddenly you become an expert in the ACL and
Starting point is 00:18:27 its functions and how to rehab it and where it is and what happens if it's damaged. I've got a few areas of my body where I'm like a doctor. Which one of your hands is the one that you have nerve damage still? My left. You can't do everything right? Yeah, my left hand. Does that impact your lifting?
Starting point is 00:18:44 Mm-hmm. Yep. Sometimes I show it on stream. Like, my picture's so small here, but, like, I'll just do it real quick. So this is my hand, right? This is my good hand. You can see there's, like, muscle here and, like, muscle here. It's a beefy. It's like a normal man's hand, right?
Starting point is 00:19:00 This is my other hand. You can see, like, it's, like like skeletor almost in between it. Like, yeah, a lot less mass there next to here. There's like, I'm trying to show it on both, I mean, we can see it. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. And it, what the deal is, is I don't have the, all of my ulnar nerve. I have some, so I just can't activate those muscles and they atrophy and they suck. And I think I'll never be quite as good at WASD as somebody else could be. Is your grip strength? Like does that suffer from it?
Starting point is 00:19:33 Yeah, yeah. So, you know, I use my middle finger and ring finger. And like I use these three to carry heavy stuff. And this one's almost worthless. Like here's the thing. This is my good hand, right? I can do this. I can hold. So what i'm doing is i'm pulling my fingers together on this one i literally like can't get the pinky wow and if you look i'm cheating all
Starting point is 00:19:55 these fingers are drifting to the side to close it they're not straight you know they're it's it's a lame so if you're doing like bent over rows or something is the limiting factor often that hand's ability to grip uh wrist straps yeah yeah there's like i'm thinking when i do a dead lift which is probably the heaviest thing that i've done i don't do them all the time uh i don't think my grip strength was the problem it would just be the rest of me or fear of injury or something like that but it might be why that left arm is the one that had the elbow issues you know maybe i'm fucked up your form or yeah because you know you're using the wrong fingers and shit i don't know
Starting point is 00:20:36 i i just tried like there are people with bigger injuries than this doing more than me so like you know there's there's legless people climbing Mount Everest. I try not to talk or mention it much because it's like an excuse, right? We should achieve in spite of our trouble. The stories make me feel like a loser. So yeah, you can work around this. It's just a couple of weak fingers. I got both legs and i've never climbed a mountain
Starting point is 00:21:05 doesn't that like when you see stories like that where it's like legless man climbs mount everest is a little bit of you like go fuck yourself no yeah absolutely absolutely does that mountain and uh from band of brothers count because that's as close as i've come to climb i get skeptical i get skeptical they're like legless man clown climb Mount Everest really did he do it like a legged person did or did he ride on fucking hodors back the whole way did he carry his own oxygen bottles that matters that matters don't tell me he climbed Everest if he just hopped on Hodor's back while everyone pushed him up I just keep changing the story well look at that guy weighs 50 pounds less than a regular person he's
Starting point is 00:22:01 got no legs of course he's built for climbing and it's the way you'll see like those blade leg guys run and it's like you're even faster than a normal man you're prancing like a deer across the path it's crazy i wonder if you gave usain bolt mechanical legs how fast he could be i'd be fast as fuck dude right like you chop his lower legs off give him blades that guy is even faster than he was what if we just add blades to his feet you know put some sort of moonwalk boots on him i don't know see if we could just get more spring and rebound, less energy loss. No, we've got to chop his legs off. He's got to look cool. Fair point.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I'm not sure that the blade runners are actually faster than full-legged sprinters. They're faster than regular. Kyle's right. Their times are world-class, but they don't have the world record. But I just think that it's a much smaller subset of people, right? The fact that only like, I'm making up numbers, 0.1% of people have no legs and they're almost as fast as Usain Bolt
Starting point is 00:23:13 tells me if you took the other 99.9% of the population and gave them that mechanical advantage, we'd have even faster times. Yeah, I guess my real question would be like, okay, Blade Man, were you faster before the blades than you are now? That's the real comparison we need. That'd be interesting.
Starting point is 00:23:32 If Bill Gates ever starts a big foundation to provide blade legs to anyone who wants them in Kenya, the rest of the world is fucked in every running competition. We're ruined. We're done. What are we going to do? The Kenyans are already so fucking good at running and now we're going to give them blade legs?
Starting point is 00:23:50 I can definitely see him pissing away that Microsoft fortune for that. That's Taylor the billionaire. You know what? Wouldn't it be funny if Kenyans had blade legs? I'm going to rig the Olympics.ics blade legs for
Starting point is 00:24:06 everyone in kenya and steroids for everyone in iceland that's the way it's gonna fucking go wins every lifting competition kenya wins every running one you know they got to have something i found a new show it's uh h has a miniseries on right now. It just started about Perry Mason, you know, the old like thirties, like gumshoe detective guy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And it's really good. It's, I think it's gonna be six episodes. There's a lot of actors in it. Robert Patrick, you know, the guy played the evil Terminator and Terminator two, of course,
Starting point is 00:24:39 Taylor doesn't know. Cause he has never seen the masterpiece. And it's got the guy from boardwalk and boardwalk empire who played nucky's brother if you remember that guy he's really good he might be my favorite character i don't know the guy who's playing perry mason and then it's got a couple of other actors that i know i can't think of um the one fella's name is he a main character because i feel like he often gets uh nucky's brother like i feel like that character or that actor rather gets shoehorned into ancillary roles way too often
Starting point is 00:25:12 when he is a fantastic actor yeah he's great yeah i think he's perry mason's like partner or like his friend they work together and uh so far it's really good. It hooks you right away. There's some sort of weird conspiracy going on with a baby kidnapping and some sort of creepy church and lots of money and backstabbing. It's in the 30s, so you've got that going
Starting point is 00:25:38 with the cars and the way everyone's dressed and everything. I'm liking it a lot. It's HBO, so they don't spare any expense. I don't know how they've managed to come up with 1930 Los Angeles and make it look like 1930 Los Angeles, but it looks like it. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's great. I'll have to check that out. Yeah, it comes out on Sunday nights, so first episode just came out. I'm about to start the expanse finally as soon as I finish well another rewatch
Starting point is 00:26:12 of King of the Hill so how much how much King of the Hill are you like there's a lot of King of the Hill content right but you don't have to watch 15 years of it like what i know i know i'm not i'm not actually watching the whole series again i'm watching like
Starting point is 00:26:30 the first few seasons again because that's what i like the most the first few seasons is still like what is it i know i'm already i'm just gonna watch 45 episodes of it first it's no big deal what do you must have that too you must have shows that are just like your grounding shows that you love where it's like you know what I need something in the background while I'm working while I'm doing whatever
Starting point is 00:26:56 this is the one I like King of the Hill is one of those for me where it's like re-watching King of the Hill it feels like I'm coming back home I kind of don't I do that with YouTube videos a lot there's a lot of YouTube videos It's like re-watching King of the Hill. It feels like I'm coming back home. I kind of don't. I do that with YouTube videos a lot. YouTube videos, there's a lot of YouTube videos I barely pay attention to,
Starting point is 00:27:11 but I just get them going. I have YouTubers I watch where I'm like, oh, I like this guy. I wonder how he's doing now. Sailing Le Vagabond, I still watch those guys. I don't necessarily hang on every word, but it's like, oh, what are they up to nowadays? that's what i'll do or syndicate i haven't heard from that guy in forever what's he up to these days i think he's just playing zombies having fun right yeah
Starting point is 00:27:34 everything going well for him no no no he's uh having a hard time now dude so i i saw a comment now dude so I saw a comment that says Katie Lowe I saw a comment that said oh it turns out Wings isn't the only one who lost a 1v1 dude I was saving that joke I was my iteration of it went like this dude there's some video evidence of the raping it happened on bog right on pka that's good come on that's good that's good shit. That's a good joke. Yeah, but it turns out he's in pretty hot water right now, isn't he? Did you watch all the videos, Taylor? No. No. I saw that he got accused of stuff, and then I was like, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:28:18 So I watched every minute of it. Kyle flipped around, and you didn't see it, right? Is that where we are? Yeah, I haven't seen it right is that where we are yeah here's how my i watched most of the girl who the the unicorn person um uh and but i flipped around on the uh the second girl unicorn person so there's two girls one girl says that she was a friend she had a friends with benefit relationship with tom and you have to see the video because she's very upset. And that, I don't know if it should,
Starting point is 00:28:51 but she seems very credible because she's like saying it through tears and obvious mental distress. Okay. And she had a friends with benefit relationship with Tom. And there was one episode where he said he didn't have a condom she was like okay but you have to pull out because birth control and hormones like that are especially hard on me and he's like cool cool and then as he was nearing completion she's like time to pull out and he's
Starting point is 00:29:20 like no comes inside her and then I guess he has his assistant make sure that she takes the Plan B pill, which is emotionally tough on her, like hormones. Yeah, his assistant to make sure. Yeah. So, you know, the nature of these sexual assaults is that you never like get video, like real good evidence, right?
Starting point is 00:29:44 It always surfaces, not always evidence right it always surfaces not always but it often surfaces two three years later you only have the two actors who were there who really know everything and even they may honestly have differing memories you know who the heck knows but she sounded compelling um but the other thing is like i guess she tried to convince herself that he was just a jerk and not a rapist and she even stayed with him a little bit longer how many people are calling him i know of two i know of two people okay so she she didn't even end the relationship that day so i can imagine tom is like i'm surprised to see this surface because it seems like a bigger deal now than it did at the time. I just try to get inside Tom's head.
Starting point is 00:30:34 The other girl, she was younger. Not younger like a legal younger, but younger like... Not as experienced maybe. Yeah, manipulatable younger like even if you look at her now you're like oh this is a girl who's not as worldly and um she was very upset and her side of the story is that like tom was fucking her while she's crying and he's like what's wrong with you he pressured her in this way like the adults do this um like like she was the one that was wrong for not wanting to have sex
Starting point is 00:31:12 is how she tells the story like the other one i think she stayed with him for a little bit it wasn't like uh you know he did this and she's like that's it no more they both tell a story of a guy who's kind of like emotionally manipulative and even i don't know like they they didn't immediately see themselves as like assault victims they came to the realization they were and tom on his side is like i'm blown away by this like i i didn't think of myself an assaulter and you know our relationships faded over time but not like as a climax of an event so that's that's where it is they first said it on my twitch chat and i was like you know not i don't know anything about this i can't comment my twitch chat most unreliable source of news in the world so
Starting point is 00:32:16 okay okay portrait roger dies every time i stream um uh but then i watched all the videos and it's hard to know what to make of it you know like i i want to hear tom's side i suspect we never will my suspicion is tom is like already lawyered up and working with professionals and surrounding himself with the team like you know these girls are just making twitter videos and he's a very wealthy guy i'm sure he's surrounding himself yes representation so uh so that's what's going down he's in a hard spot right now these girls are seemingly are emotionally tortured you know from their time if you watch the videos you'll feel bad for them I don't know I I wish there was some surveillance footage or something so you really knew what the scoop was not because nope not no surveillance not
Starting point is 00:33:06 not for any other reason that's a joke kyle kyle's seen the surveillance footage clearly there's nothing to joke about here nope god damn it Kyle hanging yeah I thought you had a take I thought you had a hot take there nice Kyle Myers original
Starting point is 00:33:34 none of those okay well well it's a good show so well hopefully he didn't rape those gals, but it's not looking good, apparently. Yeah. You should watch the videos of the girls.
Starting point is 00:33:55 They're not hard to find. And they were on Twitter last night. I assume they're staying up. I saw one of them. I saw one. Oh, which one? Did she have dyed hair, or was she the younger looking one uh I don't I don't remember her hair okay but I remember she was she was crying talking about the experience that doesn't narrow it down the one that has dyed hair okay was it one
Starting point is 00:34:20 video or was it like five no it's one okay yeah yeah sure her hair is me I'm a boomer she had dyes her hair red not like orange but like it has red in her brown hair so it's attention-grabbing to me I think so anyway but anyway yeah yeah she's the one where he apparently forcibly came inside her and had her assistant supervise her plan B pill. Had his assistant administer a plan B pill? Allegedly. Well, I thought she administered it, but
Starting point is 00:34:55 she drove her to the store and made sure it happened. Well, I'm sure, but that's also like that's kind of callous. That when your assistant do it. It does come off that way, yes. sure, but that's also like, that's kind of callous. That when your assistant do it. It does come off that way. Yes. Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Yes, it does. Comes off kind of fucking shitty. Well, you know, he, no, I think. Yeah, it does. I was about to make an excuse for him and say, I think they were working. Having to hold back every other word. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Oh, that's funny. i think they were working having to hold back every other word uh nope nope nope nope no oh that's funny all right so you know you know who's uh probably watching this with a little
Starting point is 00:35:35 bit of glee right now yeah wings of redemption he's watching this being like, and who's getting canceled, bitch? You, not me. No, Wings needs to go on Twitter. I told you, Granny. You were right. Wings needs to go on Twitter fucking teary-eyed being like, I had an incident with Tom. It was on Bog, and the radar was supposed to be on, and he fucking raped me. It was terrible. You know what?
Starting point is 00:36:07 He would lose all of his optics with that video don't do that just just continue to enjoy in glee in private seeing one of your your former rivals torn down so nah do the joke video wings wings has got to be happy something else i heard about wings I don't know nearly as much as you guys he bought a bunch of pants and he's getting married he's got married he got married yeah he looked good too I I have his picture I showed it on my stream last night I he wore the Lincoln hat he has a white tuxedo shirt black pants white suspenders he looked good everyone's acting like he looked good i texted it to you taylor you've got it i saw it i saw i saw i saw the photo that's why i'm bringing it up because
Starting point is 00:36:59 you brought it to my attention yeah it's you look good it to my attention yeah it's you look good okay i mean you know um the child over here is not able to say anything today yeah just just trying not to just say anything horrific that's going to end up in some sort of youtube montage all right people being callous well i mean good for so okay he said his wings really getting married all right so here's the scoop i wasn't 100 sure i saw he was live streaming so I sent him a donation with two pieces of marriage advice and he confirmed it was true said that this isn't a person he just met that it was a childhood friend that he's known for a long long time and that he had gotten married the previous weekend and he talked a little bit about their
Starting point is 00:37:59 sleeping relation arrangements because it was related to my donation what do you mean sleeping arrangements I had some dumb marriage advice i think uh the the actual good part was like you guys are on the same team and your life goal includes making each other better than you would have been alone and the other was by the biggest comforter you can find so you can both steal the sheets and he said they use two comforters that that's their style that's fine by me I'm not judging that that's weird that's gonna be a sweaty ass bed dude you don't need that many comforters you need that much insulation I feel like they're both using one and then there's no like stealing of the covers is she a girthy
Starting point is 00:38:43 gal I didn't see a picture of her okay but did he ask where you get your parasails from I'm done I'm done I know and anyway I lost my train of thought there but yeah apparently he's married apparently he's married. He's married. He's leaving the church of Kyle. He's left. He's gone. He's gone. I think he abandoned
Starting point is 00:39:17 the church of Kyle years ago. I'm going to have a fucking conniption over here. And he's bought all these animals. He's got so many animals. Why does he have so many animals? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:32 How many animals does he have? I'm not familiar with it. Like four or five now. So how many pets? Like what kind of pets? Are these goats that he's having in the yard? Are they chickens? I know he has chickens.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Are they dogs, cats? He hasn't had the chickens for a very long time. But I i don't i honestly don't know someone just uh messaged me the other day on tiscord and they said he had four or five animals and and they they were like forget the marriage i'm so concerned about these animals one's a cat he has a cat he has a does he have a yellow lab and a cat that's two pal do you know anything about the... I honestly don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I remember seeing a yellow lab. Don't you? Yeah, there was that poor dog all locked up in the backyard that was so happy to see people. Oh, Jesus Christ. And he has a cat. There was a dog locked up.
Starting point is 00:40:23 We've been talking about rape and all sorts of things now taylor's offended oh jesus christ how's the dog there's nothing funny about that there's nothing funny about fucking around with dogs dogs are trusting loving kind creatures that the opposite of women right yeah dogs are dogs are our man's best friend they're our friends so when you the opposite of women right kyle fucking blocking the eyes with zevia just my face is so hot right now just just trying not to to be a a horrible human being just trying to be a bad person if i could just stay there at bad person i'd be so happy it's it's when you get up there the horrific territory that's what i'm trying to
Starting point is 00:41:17 stay away from that yeah yeah you haven't treaded into that territory regularly for the past seven years definitely at least 10 or 12 years. Don't limit me. No, I don't think you can joke about some of the syndicate stuff. And he's gotten married, so I don't want to joke about that either. We switched to wings, right? Syndicate's not married. Yeah, I'm talking about both things, right?
Starting point is 00:41:42 Like why I don't want to joke about either of the things, really because this you can't joke about rape because that's not funny and if what those girls especially if what that first girl said is true that is rape is that the one that bothers you more because that one is rape and the other one is um not rape what the The coming without asking? If you tell somebody no and they continue to penetrate you, that's rape. Well, no shit. Okay. But the other one didn't.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Again, I skipped around, but Woody and I were talking before the show and I was like, did she say she said no? He wasn't sure if she said... Again, I'm not excusing the second scenario. What I'm saying is it doesn't sound like by a legal definition, the second one is rape is all I'm saying. But the first one sounds like fucking rape
Starting point is 00:42:34 if that's what actually happened, which is no good. And, you know, if Wings has finally gotten married, there's no need to make fun of that too much. Yeah, with the girls I have a hard time stack ranking which is worse it seems easy for you right but like you know why I have this dumb thing in my head I in off-roading I had this guy he was married and in the time that I was off-roading he had like three kids and they were all accidents and he's like guys it just it feels so good I make bad decisions
Starting point is 00:43:10 that his pullout game was weak and bitch Taylor's pullout game is strong I guess that or he's sterile that or I'm sterile if I'm sterile I'm gonna be so sad but I don't think he was raped he just had a week pullout game so I take that and I apply it to Tom and like I guess it's rape I guess Kyle's right if if everything she says is on target but I put it through my own like moral filter instead of the legal one and be like, he might just have been insane for that moment. He held her down and she had to slap him. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:43:55 I need to watch it again. I feel like I forgot details. She was on top of him and he said, okay, I'm going to come. And she said, all right, well, I'm getting off. And then he forcibly held her down. You're right. Yeah, you can't do that.'s right that sounds sounds like rape yeah I know that's not what my friend did I think he just just he just liked he just like to bust he just like to bust he's got a central setting with
Starting point is 00:44:20 his wife yeah yeah where he's never a bunch of kids as the Lord intended for all I know she was happy with it maybe he didn't want kids and she did and she's like i know damn well that for a moment he will dude busting inside must be the the creme de la creme because i have a friend of mine who my age he already has two kids the most recent one was born four months ago maybe four months ago she's already prego again already they're gonna have three kids before either of them are or when they both turn 30 disgusting like they're are catholics common in missouri catholics yeah oh yeah there's so many italians here okay there's there's a're are catholics common in missouri catholics yeah oh yeah there's so many
Starting point is 00:45:06 italians here okay there's there's a lot of catholics jersey too yeah we called them catholic twins you know what that is catholic twins that's where that's where it gets her pregnant so quickly after the first child is born that they're essentially twins they're breastfeeding they're both still breastfeeding they're both learning to walk at about the same time all three of these are going to be breastfeeding it's when two kids are less than a year apart that's a Catholic where I'm from yeah Christ almighty uh what a mistake even Italian but he's still pumping them out it's good for him so this guy was creating Catholic twins twins he was italian i didn't even put those together but yeah italians tend to be pretty pretty catholic don't do it kids
Starting point is 00:45:53 don't don't bust inside even if it feels great kyle i'd rather pull out anywhere yeah i mean at this point And at this point, a lot more of me is thinking I'm just sterile. There's no way that I've been pulling a perfect pullout game for years. There's just no way. Maybe my cum sucks. Might just need boxers. Might just need boxers.
Starting point is 00:46:23 I wear boxer briefs. I like those compression boxer briefs that you wear especially when working out you don't want to wear normal boxers or or some nonsense when you're working out you need something keeping everything strapped down nothing flopping so drop a dumbbell on a nut you definitely aren't having any kids yeah yeah definitely jesus christ yeah i um i hope i'm sterile oh i'm not though that's right yeah yeah you pumped up a a time or two god i wanted to say it in the most lewd way possible sure did bumped up a oh man how many times have you had fake or not fake true scares of you having a couple of kyle swimmers escape a little too early i don't i don't i don't know what what you mean yeah are you referring to girls that needed abortions or just uh he had legit fear that someone might get
Starting point is 00:47:22 pregnant or plan b or i was trying to dance around a little bit. How many times have you had a bitch get sucked out? First of all, the worst way to say it is scraped out. And second of all, that's horrific. That's a real thing in my life. How many times has she been scooped out?
Starting point is 00:47:43 Tell me. Kyle had a line on pka that uh a girl who's pro-choice like pro-choice is a quality i look for in a woman i date which was fucking hilarious it was my skype tagline for six months or something yeah i mean that's pretty important like like like how can I date a woman who doesn't believe in her own right to choose? Thanks a little of yourself my right to choose Don't get me wrong. I want you to have a terrible self-esteem, but if you think so little of yourself You don't think you've got that choice ah boys Should the guy have a right to sign up financially yes or no during the pregnancy like it seems like
Starting point is 00:48:27 she has a right to choose preconception i think he had he should be able to do that i think i think like there should you should be able to have a document that says hey we will use these kinds of birth control and uh if if you become pregnant then it's all on you, and I get escaped. No, I'm not saying I would do such a thing. I'm just saying I need... But pretty fucking you're talking about. I'm just saying I've got that app on my phone,
Starting point is 00:48:55 and I'd have her fingerprint there. Yeah, it's QR code. You scan mine, and we would print them out. It's no big deal. That would be a good phone app, and I think I like your idea. I big deal that would be a good phone app and i i think i like your idea like i need a consent phone that's the app let's get on this right now we could we could brand it with the pka logo a consent app for the phone where you use thumb prints thumbprint
Starting point is 00:49:17 verification and uh and and there can be like various different ones like what the other person is consenting to do you want to end the show forever all of us to get cancelled we're making a branded consent app this is to prevent misunderstandings yes taylor we're not pro-rape we're pro-consensual sex it's consent maybe you don't get it maybe you've got you just don't get it no no let me explain it to you it doesn't seem like it would ruin any see this page is for pansies oh I can't
Starting point is 00:49:57 wait to group think on the list of approved acts that she's consenting to they're all approved I really feel like she should be able to say all right hand jobs yes blow jobs no um me on top yes you you want afterward you check all the anal you know blow jobs fucking you know piss play you have to check all of it yeah i. I mean, surprise, piss play
Starting point is 00:50:25 would be pretty outrageous anywhere. I don't want to play around with piss. It smells like... Well, I eat a lot of asparagus. Yeah. I'm going to grill some asparagus tonight. I went to the store tonight. Oh, nice segue, buddy. I was genuinely excited to talk about grilling grilling i've been grilling up constantly recently so many
Starting point is 00:50:49 so many grills so many good people taylor what do you got for a grill i have oh i have uh just a gas grill normal normal ass grill and i bought two how do you how do you even say it, Wagyu? Wagyu ribeye steak. I got two of those for tonight that I'm going to cook up right after this. And I got a bunch of deep-scanned or shelled. I can't be alone in wondering about your equipment, Taylor. What are you grilling with? Tell me. I want propane.
Starting point is 00:51:21 I'm grilling with propane. Is it a Weber gas grill you i want to know what it's like it's a it's like the off-brand weber where it's like it's like this wide and it's got the side fucking burner too it's okay like a hundred hot dogs at once so it has two lids that open separately maybe yes and and it's propane and it has you put like vegetables on one side and meats on the other maybe i'm gonna make i got some corn on the cob i'm gonna grill i'm really excited about that i love fucking love grilled corn i think i have a a couple of portobello mushrooms in there. I'm going to put some Lowry's salt and then some garlic in there on the underside. Roast that up.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Get it grilled in there. I'm going to do the Wagyu steak. I'm going to figure out. I don't know exactly. I've never grilled shrimp before in my recollection. And so I want to make that little tinfoil boat and then throw all the shrimp in there. Put a bunch of garlic garlic a bunch of seasoned salt and get that going i'm i'm excited did your dad do this like by the pool growing up i feel
Starting point is 00:52:30 like he might have uh not not as much as you would think yeah he did a ton outside i i just really enjoy it there's something cathartic about just going outside in the nice quiet and grilling i like it it's it's fun you know and i wait what is this you just linked file it's mexican street i love mexican street corn it's so good yeah i thought you would yeah i like uh i like grilling too but i i um i like to get like fancy um charcoal like lump fancy lump charcoal lump charcoal with different kinds of woods, cherry wood or hickory or something. And you can really taste it in the meat. You taste the heat.
Starting point is 00:53:13 That's a good thing. I feel like you need three grills, right? You need a charcoal grill, a propane grill, and a smoker. Am I right on this? No. No?
Starting point is 00:53:22 Why would you need the... You can get a big egg. Those egg things, they seem awesome. Right. But it's a a smoker that's what a smoker is isn't it am i crazy no well i mean you might be able to do smoking with the the egg but it's not a that's not all it does it's it's just the best grill you can get because of the temperatures those uh those big green eggs get to like a thousand degrees or something, maybe hotter? No. I mean, my gas grill gets to 1,000 degrees.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Does it? Oh, yeah. I don't know what the issue is, but if I turn all four burners on low, I get to 500 in no time. I have to open up and release the heat more often than I would think. Yeah. I think my readout only goes to 600 on my charcoal grill, so I just get it to 600 and then go. I wonder, what are you measuring?
Starting point is 00:54:12 Are you measuring the temperature of the lid, the air inside, the fire? Yeah. Yeah, it's the internal air right under the lid. It would have to be, because that's where the sensor is. I can just imagine a sensor built into the lid
Starting point is 00:54:30 that picks up the heat from the metal lid itself. I don't know. Yeah. But if that's 600, the air is 600. Yeah, probably. I'm looking for more chicken marinade recipes
Starting point is 00:54:44 now. Because I've like marinating chicken breast and I'm making firecracker chicken breast. Really enjoy that. That's good. Grilled up some of that the other night and it was fantastic. But I have different tastes from my girlfriend in that way. Like I want spicy ass food. I have different tastes from my girlfriend in that way. Like I want spicy ass food. I want really fucking hot, spicy food. And she doesn't like it.
Starting point is 00:55:12 So she likes more of like a soy glaze on it where it's sweeter. And even that's very good. I like that, but not nearly as good as the firecracker spicy chicken, which I've been making. I like to do a, like a Chick-fil-A style thing. If I'm going to marinate chicken, um,
Starting point is 00:55:24 and it's, uh, it's like pickle juice, powdered sugar, and a few other things. I could find it, but it's delicious. Do you use peanut oil with it? Yeah. If I'm going to fry it, I always use peanut oil.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Why is peanut oil best for frying? I don't know that it's the best, but it imparts some flavor, and it's a high-temperature oil, and they're not all high-temperature oils. If I'm pan-searing something, I use avocado oil. Ever since you said that, I've started using avocado oil for pan-searing, and it's way better than olive because, like you said, it has a much higher smoke point. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Olive oil's smoke point is like 325,25 350 degrees and avocado is north of 500. god damn i want to grill any that's supposed to be a grill by the way is just use a cast iron pan i like you doing mistakes but help me understand use a cast iron pan on the grill on the no on the stove top okay that's really like every gourmet steak place in the world i just didn't know that was grilling um yeah i guess it's not grilling because it's not a grill it's pan searing but you have a grill yeah and it's charcoal like a yeah just like a mm-hmm yeah just like a cheap like dome grill thing and you you prefer the stovetop cast iron to use on that definitely if i'm using uh especially if i'm used if i'm cooking like a thick steak because i'll uh you know put some season the steak if i've got like a thick filet mignon and then sear once sear one side for like a minute and a half flip it over and then sear one side for like a minute and a half, flip it over, and then put the whole thing,
Starting point is 00:57:06 pan and all in the oven at the highest temperature my oven will go for. The temperature varies depending on the thickness of the steak, but five to 10 minutes, something like that, and then you pull it out and it's perfect. Taylor, I can't be alone when I say I want a grilling stream. I want you to have one of those ridiculous chef's hats with the puffy top and an apron that says something funny and I'd like to see you grill. Well, I made the mistake on Twitch
Starting point is 00:57:34 saying people can donate the exact amount to get me to buy things. There's a didgeridoo on the way. There's a couple other things on the way. The slide whistle left out in the rain the other night, but it works. Dude, my chat said that they get way too much enjoyment out of that particular slide whistle. They think it's fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Oh, it's great. You have to use it sparingly, though. It's only for the power rankings on 60 Days In. Ah, an up and down for the power rankings on 60 Days In. Ah, an up and down for the power rankings. Yep. There was some dumb cunt from season four who started off decent and then sucked by the end. And so she gets the drop slide whistle.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Meanwhile, Nate. Nate, the true king of 120 Days In, his stock's always rising. If you haven't invested in him by now, you're a fool. For some reason, I thought his name was Mike. No, no. Nate is the real good one.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Mark is the one who thought my name was Aaron. Which is hilarious. Which is very funny. I'm sorry. Taylor was the lead interviewer right I knew less about him so my role on that part of the show would just to stay quiet and let the show be good and then at the end of it he knew my name he knew Kyle's he didn't AMA on our subreddit with like a thousand up votes or
Starting point is 00:59:04 something and they're asking like who'd you like most on the show and they're And he did an AMA on our subreddit with like a thousand upvotes or something. And they're asking like, who'd you like most on the show? And they're like, oh, and you know him, Mr. Wholesome Christian. He's like, they're all such great guys. I like them all. But that guy, Aaron, is really, really cool. And so now I've got a million people on Twitter calling me Aaron. That's great.
Starting point is 00:59:24 That guy, Aaron,aron though he stood out he's definitely the one that i like the most and he's such a nice christian guy he like he he he didn't realize i was joking when i was like this motherfucker thinks my name is aaron and he's like, he's like responding to me being like, I'm so sorry, dude. I genuinely enjoyed our interaction and chat on the show. Uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:51 I know your name's Taylor and I'm just like, it's all good, dude. It's fun. You created a meme. Yeah, dude. I'm on Twitch.
Starting point is 00:59:59 That is not even in the top thousand mean things. It's happened to me today. No, no, more people are going to be calling me Aaron and less people are going to be calling me fat-headed so whatever think about it i was like that's your new richard right you're erin now but that's an upgrade frankly it is yeah sorry kyle you had something i was going to say that um mixer is going under and like like going going to facebook or um mixer is going under and like like
Starting point is 01:00:29 going to facebook or something like that and so shroud and ninja are free agents again shroud came in there made 10 million dollars this year and then he gets to go back to twitch so oh i think they were merging with facebook was the thing like everybody who was on merging with No, they're getting shut down and shuttled off. Like they're dropping all their support essentially. And so Shroud and Ninja are now free agents. And Shroud made 10 million fucking dollars off of Mixer. And now he gets to go right back to Twitch if he wants to. That's sick.
Starting point is 01:00:58 I heard it. So I read about it too. They have the option to go to Facebook gaming and keep their original contracts my twitch chat said shroud chose a buyout you know I'm always cautious of that source and I thought his was five and ninjas was 10 or something but I could have it mixed up but anyway I don't know if it's even true maybe he was offered a buyout if I'm shroud I don't know that I decide like the day it's announced or maybe he't. Maybe he's known. July 22nd is either the last day or
Starting point is 01:01:30 the day it's gone. So if I'm Shroud, I listen to Twitch offer. I listen to Facebook's offer. And if Twitch comes anywhere close to Facebook, I do it. Also, I wonder this. Let me ask you guys. Who do you think is more relevant now and five years from now? Shroud versus Ninja? It's hard to say because I don't... Like, I've never really cared so much about Ninja, and he's never been part of my, like, the stuff I'm interested in because, you know, most of the time it seemed like he was playing Fortnite
Starting point is 01:02:03 and definitely not my game. But it seemed like he was playing Fortnite and definitely not my game. But it seems like he's much bigger now and probably has the longevity too. I would say Ninja's the horse to bet on. Really? But that's not taking anything away from Shroud, who's massive in his own right, but just not as big as Ninja, I don't think.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Yeah, so I have the same like bias problem right like shroud's a part of my entertainment world and ninja's not so to me it seems like ninja's bigger now and shroud will be bigger in five years if he chooses to keep doing this uh but who knows but uh yeah yeah i think i don't know i think ninja's audience too is is probably a lot younger and they're going to be into video games in five years and shrouds might not not that they're not going to keep growing both of them but i don't know ninja seems like more of an entertainer as well right shrouds appeal though almost involves not being an entertainer right it involves authenticity yeah and but that only good that only take you so far not that he is isn't again wildly
Starting point is 01:03:09 popular but I just think ninja is the the more popular guy and the guy who seems to have better representation based on the some of the deals that I've seen him get some of the like mainstream commercials that I've seen him in okay yeah my chat thought ninja was the horse I'm sorry shut thought shroud was the some of the mainstream commercials that I've seen him in. Okay. Yeah, my chat thought Ninja was the horse. I'm sorry. I thought Shroud was the horse to bet on. But it was a Tarkov chat, so they're going to be biased too.
Starting point is 01:03:36 It's really about who's got better representation and who's got what the demographics and relative size of their audiences are. And I think Ninja wins all three of those. Hmm. That's interesting. I think it's about the product, not that other stuff. And maybe Shroud is more appealing to me, but I'm not the demo that matters.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Yeah. When I watch them, I hardly watch the games anymore. I see these Shroud videos where they upload Shroud's thoughts on the state of first-person shooters. Shroud's thoughts on, you know, the found and raid Tarkov dynamic. Shroud's thoughts on this or that. It can be stuff I don't even care about. But I value Shroud's opinion so much on all like the state of gaming type things.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Shroud's thoughts on Valorant's anti-cheat mechanism I'm like I want to hear that I want to hear what shroud thinks about this stuff and then it's a for me I don't know that that has a lot of appeal he's and that's his authenticity that it's a thing that I find to be really durable so we'll see but yeah so they have the choice to go to YouTube but I feel like that's a choice to end your career and if I'm making that I'm like dude your career is likely going to end anyway right like most people in gaming have this bell curve of popularity most people in YouTube social media etc have these short half-lives you know actors, they last 20, 30 years oftentimes.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Chris Pratt will be a big deal 15 years from now. YouTubers, I can count the number who've stayed relevant on one or two hands for that long. So it's hard to have that staying power. When I'm looking at these contracts, I'm like, dude, if Facebook's gonna pay me 15 million a year for the next five years, and Twitch is going to say, eh, you know, you get what you get.
Starting point is 01:05:29 I hope your donations are good. I might take the guaranteed money over on Facebook. I would. Yeah. Absolutely. Well, you could bet on yourself and be like, $15 million is going to be a slow year the way I'm growing. Maybe I didn't really consider his, I guess, normal Twitch twitch revenue stream i don't know what he's making there i doubt it's 15 million a year though i don't know what normal
Starting point is 01:05:51 is gonna be right you know like it i it's hard to place someone on the bell curve when you only see the lead up to it everyone looks like they're gonna be disrespect like 25 000 subscribers or something i think yeah um you think so you know yeah yeah i don't know i do i i don't know again could be wrong um but i think ninja is probably the biggest streamer in the world um wherever if he wants to be especially on twitch until our 60 days in streams come for them. Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen. I tried to look up Dr. Disrespect on Social Blade. I don't do this very much,
Starting point is 01:06:40 but it seems like it's about his YouTube, and that's not his primary place. Let's see all right here he is on we've got 4.4 million followers and how many subscribers I have to go to twitch 26 800 jesus fuck yeah um which is like and you know he's not getting the me and woody rates of half the money more than that he's got i bet they gave someone like dr disrespect a special contract at the time that shroud and ninja left oh i'm sure they gotta retain their talent summit has just a hair more at 27 200. yeah i'm looking at if you just go by youtube views uh disrespect's been doing well
Starting point is 01:07:34 lately which for some reason i thought he peaked like two years ago but that's not what these numbers show so yeah good for him dude jesus 26,000 subs that's insane yeah there's bananas here with a little over 2,000 feeling like a big boy you are a big boy Taylor it's weird like well there's 99% of the platform would like to be in my position but have you seen the other one you know that's that's where I want to be hey I mean if you don't constantly stay ambitious and wanting to improve you're not very good at entrepreneurial shit are you you know yeah you can't sit on your laurels you have to always be hungry for the next
Starting point is 01:08:20 step that's the thing about social media in particular like I feel like a Hollywood actor they don't have to earn it every day right they make two movies a year they do some promotional stuff they also have their time off etc meanwhile you have twitch guys who are like I can't take a week off a week off the world will forget about me a whole week that's crazy like that's that's the world of Twitch yeah yeah I what is it let me check I've lost 80 subscribers since we started recording pkn yes are you streaming today you gotta stay grown I don't think I will today I think I'm gonna spend some time with my girlfriend and and do some grilling outside but maybe I will I think this sub drop
Starting point is 01:09:02 probably just means you had a really good day a month ago yeah but then like i'll have a great day i had my best day ever where i had like 402 subs on a stream and so now it's it's become like all right well you got to make sure that when that drops off at the end of the month that you've been diligent and you know ambitious enough to to build that up again so it's it's a constant grind I can see how how streamers get tired by this over the years especially over the years people like like like Destiny is probably the biggest one of the biggest streamers from the show that I follow that is live eight hours a day at least every single fucking day and it's like goddamn like that must get tiring at some point but at the end of the day we talked to him on the show i think that he would much rather be able to set his own schedule with streaming whatever he's
Starting point is 01:10:00 doing than being a carpet cleaner or whatever that job was that he discussed like so you know the motivation is pretty easy on the part where you are now like the run-up that like oh my gosh you know like people love me that that itself is motivating and it creates this feedback and then you love doing it and they love you and it's a real fun ride up it it's it's cool um then after a while it's like man there seems like they don't love me as much as they used to you know they keep pounding away through that the natural arc of every content creator a guy like destiny you know maybe finds a second bounce or just stays steady for ages and ages and ages like that's that has to be working when you don't feel like working which is what the whole planet does but yeah it's not the beginning the beginning is this euphoria of
Starting point is 01:10:50 like oh my god i'm popular i'm in a new tax bracket like who can believe this is happening to me yeah yeah that's well i'm riding out the the euphoria part of it as long as possible because i am having a really good time doing it still. It's a lot of fun. It's cool, man. All right. PKN 305.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Yeah, I got to get grilling. All right.

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