Painkiller Already - PKN #311

Episode Date: August 7, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 311 oh we didn't say taylor's not gonna make today's show he had a family emergency yeah cover it there um oh are we recording right now or yeah we are okay yeah has he put anything out no all right we'll think um sad not scandal there's nothing juicy here yeah yeah um i was i just found out about it maybe today i think think. They're doing this big Rust tournament on Twitch to raise money for COVID. And they've got like 50 teams, just under 50 teams of creators. And so it's three man teams, and they have this really interesting tournament way of doing a tournament. way of doing a tournament. Everybody's on the same map, and for a certain period of time, there's a farming phase where nobody can attack each other. And then they go into a PvP phase for a long period of time, and then they go into a time when raiding is allowed. So what would these times be? Would this be like
Starting point is 00:01:01 a week-long tournament? No, I think it's a day. A single day. All right. I think it is. I'm not sure, though. I just discovered the video of the last tournament literally 20 minutes ago, and I was skimming through it a minute ago. Yeah, you need some good rules because Rust doesn't lend itself to tournament style very much. I almost want it to be longer than a day. I want there to be an endurance aspect to it.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I almost want it to be longer than a day. I want there to be an endurance aspect to it. Like maybe if every phase was a day, then three days in, I have tired, exhausted, amphetamine lace competitors rating each other's bases. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Pastilli is, is leading a team. He's got, I didn't know the other guy, the third guy that's with him, but his second guy is B chills, who is one of my favorite content creators from rust. He's he, he, what he does a lot, he's really good at PVP, but the thing he's best known for is going deep on people, which is where you catch somebody sort of unawares and you jump in the
Starting point is 00:01:57 airlock of their base and you catch them making a mistake with, with the order in which they open and close their doors. And you just go right into their base early in the game and kill them chop up their sleeping bags and now you own their base like like he doesn't it's primitive it's a primitive style of raiding that requires like super aggression can you explain something to me so let's say i attempted to go deep on you right but you still own the base there's something about building rights and rust that i don't fully get so i could be in your base but still be kind of i could be trapped in your base how does that work so there is a thing called a tool cupboard or a tc as it's as it's called inside your base and um when i put that down that gives me building privilege throughout a big
Starting point is 00:02:41 diameter like a circular diameter and no one else can build solid structures or place anything within that diameter. And it also gives me control over things like the shotgun traps, the automated shotgun traps that are inside the base. They won't trigger against me or anyone else who has clicked authorize on that tool cupboard. Once your whole team is authorized on it, you put a lock on it so that someone can't just run in and clear the authorization, add themselves and put their own lock on it and they're they're kind of tough to break like there's various ways of destroying one fire is the best way uh fire arrows fire shock fire bullets etc but if you're just hitting it with an axe it probably takes five ten minutes and like eight different axes of durability to get it done jack so what you how does that jackhammer doesn't work good against
Starting point is 00:03:24 that sort of thing in particular works good against stone explosives explosives would work great one satchel charge a charge would break it one rocket one anything greater than a satchel charge just one of them will beam can grenades but the really the go-to is usually a shotgun with incendiary shells because you can just run in boom boom boom boom boom and then sort of turn and keep defending the base uh because they're they their spawn points are sleeping bags they've got placed, and they're going to pop up around you and try to close more doors on you or kill you potentially. So once you have their tool cupboard destroyed, you can place your own tool cupboard. And this is, of course, if the tool cupboard is locked. If they don't lock their tool cupboard,
Starting point is 00:03:59 you can run over there, clear authorization, like I said before, add yourself, place your lock, and now you own everything in the base. The doors still don't work for you, though. So if they didn't leave their doors open, you have to pick the walls, like literally with a pick, from the inside. But materials and rust have a soft side and a hard side. If you try to pick your way into a base on the hard side, it's just not going to happen. Like, I don't know what the number is, but maybe it takes three hours to do. If you're in one place for three hours going,
Starting point is 00:04:29 ping, ping, ping, someone's just going to shoot you in the back and it's going to be over. It doesn't work. You could repair too, right? They can't repair within 30 or 45 seconds after the last bit of damage was done to a surface. That's why a lot of times when people start rating before they start
Starting point is 00:04:48 shooting their rockets against say a stone base, they'll take a machine gun and like shoot all the walls so that no one from the inside can upgrade those walls from stone to metal or armored before they figure out exactly which wall they want to blow up with their explosives. Do you think Bastille can win? So I don't, I don't know much about Russ, but he thinks he put together a dream team.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Mm-hmm. He has a good team. But if it were eight-man teams and Pastilli was one-eighth of the team, then sure, yeah. If you get seven of the best guys and one guy who's kind of an amateur, they can definitely win.
Starting point is 00:05:23 But when he's one third of the team and every time he goes down now they're at 60 strength 66 strength or whatever i don't know i don't think so so you think he's kind of an amateur at this point in his rest career big time yeah absolutely okay yeah i've watched him like the guys he's playing against have like thousands and thousands of hours. I don't know how many he has, but I've got just over 1,000, maybe 1,500.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Of course, there's just a PvP skill that comes into play. Maybe somebody's got 200 hours and they're just way better than me at 1,200, but Pastilli isn't that guy. I've seen him play. He's not as good. Recoil control in the AK is a really difficult thing to do.
Starting point is 00:06:08 It's one of the harder recoils of any game. It's harder than Counter-Strike. It's way harder than any of the popular games like Tarkov or Call of Duty or anything like that where you just drag straight down for the most part. It's a zigzag pattern that goes straight up, and it is wild. And if you're good at it you're so overpowered like people die at such a fast rate that they can't turn around they can't react they just melt and they're instantly dead and the way the spawn points work in that game
Starting point is 00:06:38 you know it's your bag or a random spawn point and the way you're at such a disadvantage as a naked guy versus a geared guy as far as like how many bullets it takes to kill you you know a sniper rifle will one tap you if you're naked but you got to hit it but even a headshot won't kill you if you're geared so it's it's a big difference and the way this tournament's structured if you know i just watched the video quickly but that there are these phases of farm fight. That's not conducive for him either because so many of these guys know how to run the monuments so well and farm very quickly and efficiently.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And there's 50 teams. I'm not saying he's going to get skunked or anything. They're probably better than the bottom 15% of teams. But, I mean, because Beach Hills is an amazing player. He's very good. I was watching Beach Hills on an unrelated note earlier today. Like, like his shit but i don't know i don't think he's got a chance huh okay yeah so i'm um i've never played rust but i've watched quite a bit of it which makes me know just you know a little bit and i'm watching pastilli rain i'm like oh yeah
Starting point is 00:07:40 he knows stuff he's hitting the corners so he gets like splash damage on the other walls. He was playing. He had a bunch of nakeds like, you know, randoms that enjoy his stream, help him raid. And I'm watching them struggle with parkour in a really big way. And Pastille, on the other hand, is just pop, pop, pop, pop. I'm like, oh, he clearly distinguished himself on the way that he moved around a base in a way that the other people he was with didn't. And I'm like, it just gave me the impression he was good,
Starting point is 00:08:09 but I don't have a, you know, I don't play it. So I just, I saw the opposite, honestly, like, like I think he's good at hopping from one thing to another,
Starting point is 00:08:15 probably better than the average human being just in general. I think a lot of those people just bought the game to come fuck around with him. But like, he didn't know how to place twig and he didn't know like the rules behind placing twig. This is building a base. No, it's raiding a base.
Starting point is 00:08:28 You can place... So even within someone else's building privilege, you can build the first stage of structures, which is twig. It goes twig, wood, stone, metal, armor. And you can place twig on their base so that you can sort of parkour up on top of it or peek in their
Starting point is 00:08:43 windows. There's a lot of things you can do with that you can build just outside of their walls if they have walls and sort of hop over into their compound and get up to all sorts of hijinks and you know he didn't know the rules behind that which is fine but i it just goes to my point that you know he's still a rather amateur um right he's an expert gamer new at rust yeah yeah expert gamer but very new at rust you know that he doesn't know some stuff that you would learn on your first wipe i guess i'd say hmm well okay be fun to watch yeah yeah yeah i'm looking forward to it because they do that thing where like the announcers seems like h june is
Starting point is 00:09:22 hosting the tournament which is kind of disappointing because he is the best player in the world um i really want to see him fucking play uh i think he's got like 12 000 hours in this game it's it's absurd uh but you know they're doing that thing where they fly around um as uh as moderators and they can go anywhere and they can see everybody's name tags above them uh from a distance is secrecy a big element in rust it's a huge element in rust um so i'm sure they won't show map coordinates but if anyone's stream sniping like like they will get some information that you wouldn't want them to have i would think that they wouldn't go inside of bases unless they're it's like the base is being raided like there's no way they're going to show you the inside of someone's base right because knowing the the location of the tool cupboard location
Starting point is 00:10:11 of the tool cupboard and even the style of construction that they used is helpful for raiding it sure yeah um because there's generally two or three ways to go about raiding a base you go through the doors like one door after another destroying them as raining a base. You can go through the doors, like one door after another, destroying them as you go in, or you can go through the walls or you can go from the top down through the ceiling. Right. And I'd like to know if you're honeycombing this thing or not, or if,
Starting point is 00:10:33 you know, like there, maybe, maybe an expert you would have, you know, you'd be able to imply it, but yeah, anyway,
Starting point is 00:10:39 not imply, infer it. But, uh, in any case, yeah. So I can totally see that people get mad when i bring up minecraft but if i were to show you how if you were to show me how a base was constructed what to expect as i
Starting point is 00:10:53 work my way through the walls then that would tell me which resources to bring and how to construct my attacking for sure yeah there's a there's a complex equation for not equation but um you know there's there are tables of like like if you're blowing through a door, there are more efficient ways to get through various surfaces because there's like five or six or seven different kinds of explosives. So you mix and match them together to get the most efficient thing. But there's also expediency to be considered. You know, it may be cheaper to shoot three rockets at a surface and then use 15 rounds of explosive ammo, but it's a hell of a lot faster just to shoot four rockets.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Yeah. And you put stuff at risk, you know, like you may have things on you that are very expensive and you don't want to die with them. You know, I mean, maybe I definitely do.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Yeah. I could get a kill on you, run down, hop on that backpack. And suddenly like now I have what you used to have. I could either use it against you defensively or just own it, you know? Yeah, yeah. That's why you don't see very many online raids just in regular Rust.
Starting point is 00:11:54 These will all be online raids pretty much because everybody's just, you know, right in the middle of the tournament. But in regular Rust, like, it's really rare. I like tournaments. I like the – and this is why i wish that the best player guy never heard of till a minute ago was playing i like guys being tested to some extent that's what i put up or shut up like i it's i i think i like live streams you know like and i could make tarkov videos that make me look like i was gonna say make me look like landmark i'm exaggerating there's no way that i look like landmark but i can highlight my best of the best moments
Starting point is 00:12:28 and make you think i'm better than i really am and uh but live streaming you are what you are you know that that's how it is tournaments you are what you are and and um i remember we did a like hall of duty commentator tournament thing there were a bunch of them back in the day and some guys would show up and be like i'm gonna do a pistol only oh fuck you fuck you you know what you're doing you're giving yourself an excuse not to win you put yourself out there as a top player and then you show up and say i'm only using these pistols and when you don't win you're like well of course i didn't win i only use pistols no No, you dodged the competition is what you did. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah. And I want all of the notoriety, but none of the responsibility or the risk. Right. That comes along with competing. Yeah. It's silly. Yeah. And, you know, but like in Tarkov, when they do these things, Pistilli's actually won every one so far, which is kind of impressive.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yeah. I guess there's like a point structure, no this i don't know about i only know about the individual events oh i well i thought that they were like like like he said something about him going into like a factory and like accruing points oh yes that's an older one they i think they put out a challenge to get a hundred thousand points in a factory run which xp it is and uh um he got a hundred thousand xp in a factory run which is just outrageous yeah i saw that um just in my brief viewing this video is like two hours long of the previous tournament there's some highlights and uh i noticed that there was a point structure there um there's an attack heli in the game, like an AI-controlled attack helicopter
Starting point is 00:14:07 that drops four crates of really good loot, and you shoot it down, which is hard. Not hard to do, but if you're new, it'd be hard. Would you call it a monument, the attack heli? No, because it's... It's not like the ship, okay. Yeah, it's not... Yeah, it's just different.
Starting point is 00:14:23 It's flying around. It'll shoot at anyone who's armed on the map and really fuck them up. But the way you take it generally is from your base. And when it crashes, it has these crates of high-end loot that are on fire. And they're on fire for, let's say, five minutes, which makes them unlootable. So you've got to defend them for five minutes. So it becomes out of nowhere like a Call of Duty objective game mode, let's say five minutes which makes them unlootable so you've got to defend them for five minutes so it's like almost like it becomes out of nowhere like a call of duty um objective game mode where
Starting point is 00:14:49 everybody wants the good shit and you've got to defend the good shit and uh but but some of the stuff in there is so fucking good like the m249 is probably the best gun in the game it's um you know light machine gun 100 rounds you can put a four power scope on it and these guys who are really good can control that recoil to the point where it just melts people at very long range so that's neat that's really cool i might even watch it so you know if they and they'll probably learn from the event and make them more viewer friendly over time and uh yeah this is the second one they raised about 15 grand last time for uh corona i think and i think think they're going for 25,000 this time or something like that. Pustilli hit his million.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I guess you probably caught that. I didn't catch it, but I assumed it'd be about this time. You know, he was getting so close. So it became kind of obvious that, you know, he could hit it almost any time he pulled the trigger. All he had to say is, tomorrow's a special day. And tomorrow he would get like an extra big day and hit it all right so he dressed up as therapist so for people that don't know they're a bunch of traders you buy things from and therapist is one of them it's a girl and uh he dressed up as therapist did a sort of special day he had a bunch of people rolling he looked
Starting point is 00:15:59 like her he did a pretty good job of looking like her did you see that they replaced her in game with him yeah yeah um therapist is this matronly looking like wide-jawed russian lady with a lab coat and like a bob haircut and so somehow he nails it it's like something's not right about therapist anymore oh it's pastille okay for a second, I just thought the RTX was turned on or something. It was so close. He did a good job. Yeah, I'm trying to show people. Yeah, that's really funny. A million dollars that he's raised by charity.
Starting point is 00:16:38 They must fucking love him. Right? He must get to... You know, I guess they don't really have any perks at a children's cancer charity i can't think of one heated blankets i don't know but yeah right like i would raise money for like carnival cruise the sick children of the carnival cruise corporation these are money i don't know who these kids are but they're rolling in lambos at this point yeah no he did polio victims of tahiti need all the help they can get from kyle dude i i love that whole story
Starting point is 00:17:19 and um i i think about it a lot I put a lot of thought into Pastilles like what he's got going on. And just to be clear before I head down the other way, Pastilles doing this from a place of good, right? Don't let that ever be questioned. Don't let it come off like I'm questioning it. He's taken all of his donations and sent them straight to charity,
Starting point is 00:17:41 not through himself or anything, all his donations, all of them. He just lives off his sub money and his YouTube revenue and stuff like that. But every donation to his live stream goes to charity and he never touches it in the middle. It's all clean. It's good. Cool. I think that by not keeping every penny, he's even more successful than he would have been had he kept every penny. It's hard to make that argument, right? How's giving away money good for him personally, you know? But I think that his position in the community is elevated. His, like the respect that he gets from the viewers,
Starting point is 00:18:19 this like a guy who does so much good for the world is always going to be on the good side. Like, I think that while on the surface, giving away all your money to a charity or all your donations to a charity would be a subtraction from you. It may have turned out to be an addition. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I think it's a net positive. I think it's a net positive. I think if he hadn't done it, you know, he wouldn't be as respected. Like you said, all the things you said. And next year, maybe he doesn't give all of his donations away. Or when does he stop?
Starting point is 00:18:54 Does he complete the whole year and go to like, what would it be? 1.2 million? Or does he say, all right, I want the million down. And it goes in the pocket. I don't know. So as a viewer, look, when you're a viewer viewer it's very easy to spend someone else's money which is what i'm doing and i don't like it when people do it for me when people say like what do you should buy this thing from this guy or pay that guy or whatever and it's like bro like of course you want that well you know
Starting point is 00:19:19 that's like but uh i'm in my head i'm like what's the next charity you know are we going to keep giving to starlight for a year or are we going to pick another worthy cause maybe over this time that he's been raising money for starlight he's been he's had a thought like oh you know what would have been nice if i had chosen i don't know breast cancer so they got some kids over here that's much sicker. Right? Those kids are melting. Right? Like, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Find some lepers or something. Your thought process. Babies with leprosy. Your thought process. You know what I like a lot? Cleft palates. I feel like that's a life-changing, improving surgery that takes someone really being ostracized to just being fine. The success that you get from, like, I know there's a subtle, like, little hairline scar on their lip or something.
Starting point is 00:20:24 But by and large, they take someone with, well, it's a pretty serious facial deformity and turn them into a normal member of society who doesn't get discriminated against i don't know you know and then they're so in america i think if you need cleft palate surgery you probably get it but that's not always true in like brazil or india or whatever or apparently dagestan did you see that um that fighter who's associated with khabib who's got that awfully repaired hair lip oh i don't think it's like it's like it's like it's so off um He was calling out Conor McGregor randomly because he won two fights like in two weeks or something like that, like at two different weight classes. Very neat. And he was calling out Conor McGregor, and Conor McGregor just replied, rat face. And you look at it, and it's one of the worst I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Like his lip is like this far off. Like it just needs to be and it's one of the worst I've ever seen. Like, his lip is this far off. Like, it just needs to be – it's way off. It's like a puzzle piece that somebody tried to hammer in that wasn't supposed to go there. Just a nice, mean schoolyard bully reply. It was a pretty harsh rat face just out of nowhere. But, yeah, I agree with you. But here's my thing.
Starting point is 00:21:27 And look, maybe Stille is like, yeah, let's do good around the world forever. But maybe he's like, we just did that for a year. Maybe I focus on me for a year. Like he just raised $1 million and seemingly there's going to be a good bit more going to children with cancer and that he's going to he's spending a year of his life working to get that money to them maybe next year is the year of pastille where i wouldn't hate the money he earns yeah i am you know your time in the Twitch or YouTube sunlight doesn't last forever. You know, even if you do nothing wrong, eventually they find something to get frustrated with you about.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Eventually, maybe you're the same, but they're just they've seen your show enough times, you know, that that's what happens. I want Priscilla to be set up for life on the other side of this. And yeah, I don't, I don't know what the best route to make that happen is, whether it's charity number two or maybe charity number two is Pastilli. Yeah. I,
Starting point is 00:22:35 I, I would, I would tell if they were, if he asked me, I'd be like, yeah, maybe, maybe you just keep the money you earn next year instead of giving it all
Starting point is 00:22:42 away. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I don don't know i know he's looking at a boat did you see the boat he wants no it's a quarter million dollars well there you go all right that sounds fun there's another youtuber that bought this boat and uh i know this by watching his stream and uh you know he puts it on stream he says look at this guy's boat this and that i showed it to my wife i said you know hey honey this is the boat we should buy and it's a quarter million dollars which is higher than his like original budget but he's like you know honey this would make a really good platform for live streaming fishing and uh that's that's where he intends to take his stream he wants to live stream fishing
Starting point is 00:23:25 and uh um and and he thinks a quarter million dollar boat would make the right platform to to show him fishing how how much okay well look like you said i don't like telling anybody else and nobody asked my opinion and um it it says money but um that seems like a real horrible idea from every angle that you just described to me the idea of watching anyone fish uh on a live stream i mean fishing is one of the most boring um like like outdoorsman type things you can do it's even for the person who is doing it themselves it is boring for like 75 80 of the time it's only exciting when you get that bite that's why it's fun is because there's those moments of sitting there doing fucking nothing and then suddenly aha we got one i know i i wouldn't watch that um i don't know how many
Starting point is 00:24:24 people would um maybe i'm wrong maybe they'll just watch for his personality but for how long i'm cautious about my tendency my personal tendency to predict failure on things that sometimes succeed my favorite is fps russia what are you going to do after they stop selling pumpkins really kyle i see no future in this yeah so like take that and and just you know like don't put a lot of emphasis sometimes when you're on a platform like you and i are our opinions are overvalued when really we're just regular people and um but i'm i'm with you i don't think i'd watch Bill Burgo fishing. But I'm not a fishing guy. No, I would watch Bill Burgo fishing. Would you?
Starting point is 00:25:07 Yeah. All right. Because that show, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, is wildly popular. And it's literally like two guys going to get coffee. And it's hilarious. It's really fun. I like it a lot. Now, if you made that –
Starting point is 00:25:21 And Bill Burgo's Monday morning podcast is like the most low effort. Like, ah, so let me tell you what I watched on TV last night. Super popular. I listen to it a lot. He's not Bill Burr. I don't think that's an insult to say that he's not one of the greatest comedians of all time. One of the top two or three that are doing it
Starting point is 00:25:40 right now live. I would watch Bill Burr go fishing fishing especially if you had like guest stars like especially people like you know somebody's being a pussy about baiting a hook or something and he's roasting them uh that'd be great that sounds pretty good um i can meet his car with coffee that one's not my cup of tea i feel like it lacks any kind of depth or they're distracted it's a distracted conversation it's not my cup of tea. Bill Burr's thing also, I don't know. I feel like he's just not deep enough.
Starting point is 00:26:11 It's too surface when he says, let me tell you what I watched on TV last night. Every once in a while, he'll describe like a UFC event in a way that I find captivating. You know, Bill or Bruce Buffer goes out there. I think it was the first event he went to and he heard Bruce Buffer say, you know, are you ready?
Starting point is 00:26:28 What does he say? It's time. Thank you. That's what he says. And he's like, man, I want to be introduced on stage like that. Like there was a,
Starting point is 00:26:36 he has a bill burst sometimes hits home runs, but by and large, when I listened to it, I don't finish his, you know, little 12 minute videos, whatever they chose. But anyway, back to Bastille, I don't know if it'll succeed or not i think that i do a lot of gamers who are used to tarkov won't switch over to fishing but who knows i predict failure for
Starting point is 00:26:55 all kinds of things that succeed yeah yeah um you know nothing ben i got no skin in the game so so i would just say like that seems like an awful idea um it seems like like maybe renting a boat and testing the waters literally would be a good idea or maybe starting with get a hell of a boat for fifty thousand dollars i mean a hell of a boat like like a quarter million dollar boat is legit that's a big ass fucking boat it wasn't it was seven and a half meters what What is that? 27 feet ish? Yeah, roughly. Like I'm not saying that small, but for a quarter million dollars, like I guess I expected something a little more magnificent.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yeah, it's small. Like a 30 foot boat's pretty small because a lot of that is like stuff you parts of the boat that you can't do anything with anyway like the meat and potatoes of the boat or i'm sure there's a below deck and all that stuff like i don't know i need to look at the boat my boat was like 30 35 you should see the below deck it was like it's still small a yucky storage closet with bad lighting and a toilet sounds about right he must be getting a brand new fucking boat but you must be imagining like teak somewhere on this thing no no no oh no picture the side of fiberglass you're not supposed to see like that's what it looked like yeah oh god oh god all right this sounds awful
Starting point is 00:28:19 this sounds so awful uh i uh i i was surprised i thought quarter million would buy you a lot more than that it will like like there must be something wonderful about that boat that i'm not appreciating my boat was like 30 grand out the door um and it was all like it's a small sailing yacht yeah that's true too well i mean it had a motor and a diesel motor i thought people i said that because there might be listeners who have no idea what your boat oh yeah um and you know below deck it was um it was like two couches facing each other and uh behind them it was all wood like like shiny wood and i don't know there's a bathroom with a shower and there's a little kitchenette and everything and like a little place to like a little bed so this boat like you know what a center console fishing boat looks like right sure it's that but a little bigger and beefier if you picture a normal like center console boston whaler it's probably 21 feet
Starting point is 00:29:15 this thing's 28 okay but mostly you know so this is like this reminds this is starting to sound like tony soprano's first boat the stew gots oh no no no oh first boat i might i might not be thinking oh by the time you get to like the stew gots two or three it was like a four million dollar boat and it was so funny his lawyer was like i told him it's a terrible investment four million dollars for a boat you're never getting out of that thing tony what do are you listening? Ah. Alright. I'm going to show you the boat. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:51 So it doesn't lend itself. It's a 30 minute video. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Obviously we'll watch 30 seconds. Yeah, I'm trying to bounce around, get maybe a drone view or something. Man, this is is see this is just not ideal because it's like this is a new boat is is that's why this is expensive so if you go to 1658
Starting point is 00:30:18 i feel like that shows the boat pretty well. It's a center console boat with a roof on it. Like open sides. Oh, man. This is awful. Ooh. 17, 15 is a particularly good view of what the boat is. Mm-hmm. It's his money.
Starting point is 00:30:41 He can do whatever the fuck he wants with he earned every penny of it i think um i i think he can afford to just buy a boat so we should just look at it that way oh instead of a live streaming platform yeah yeah yeah yeah oh gosh darn i wasn't sharing it chat i'm going back i'm gonna show you what i didn't show you before my bad yeah i i think i think like like if he asked me and he obviously fucking hasn't so who fucking cares what i think but if he asked me i would say i forget about it being a streaming platform do you want that boat oh yeah i want the boat you love that boat huh i love it all right you should get that boat and you should fish from it and everything else should be secondary.
Starting point is 00:31:25 You know, don't, but, but if you're like, I love that boat and God willing, it will support me from into my retirement. Well, wait a minute. What if it doesn't? Oh, well, I'll be destitute. Oh, maybe not that boat. How are you with a paddle? I had a different, I, I, it's, it's, I wrote him. Shut that boat. How are you with a paddle?
Starting point is 00:31:46 I had a different... I wrote him just a one and a half page paper on how to handle the trip he's on. Just because I really like the guy and I want him to succeed. It was unsolicited. I don't know if that's bad. I don't know if that's bad form in some way. But anyway, for the finance part of it, you spend 10% of your net worth. Great. Did you manage to make yourself worth $800,000? This year, you live like you made $80,000. Are you worth $1.5 million now? Great, great, great. This year, you live like you earned $150,000.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Look, you're nose to the grindstone. You're not doing anything anywhere. You're live streaming 60 hours a week. Doesn't take that much money. This is a short ride. At the end of it, you can reevaluate and buy your boat or whatever, but just live on 10% of your net worth. And then when you're finished this thing, you may have a life where five hard years of streaming supports the other 75 years of life. And it's not a bad deal. Just focus on saving money, tucking it away, and then you'll take stock when it's over. That would be my take on it. Live on 10% of your net worth.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah. I just don't know about the idea of the the streaming um fishing thing being a thing you'll have that market cornered you're damn right um yeah i i mean i just want nothing but success for the guy but um you'd have to look to me a fishing live stream is not a fishing live stream. It's a podcast with revolving guests with, you know, and, and even then you have to deal with the distraction of the fishing.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I know. Yeah. You gotta like fishing. You gotta like fishing or you gotta love the people who are doing the fishing or a combination of the two and anything else just won won't work i would i would love to see um uh like a like hunting shows in general i hate they're awful like i love even when i loved hunting i hated hunting shows because like i didn't give a fuck about this guy i felt i felt like most of them were goobers and they were like they were excited i didn't like the way they were doing what they were doing.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Cause I considered myself an expert in it. And I was like, this guy, this guy is supposed to be teaching me and he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. And like, he doesn't even know what it's like to do it for real. However,
Starting point is 00:34:15 if Joe Rogan got, is it Ted Nugent? Did I get his name right? That is his name. If those two were to go on a hunting trip together, you might be interested in that content. Maybe, maybe not Ted Nugent, you might be interested in that content. Maybe, maybe not Ted Nugent,
Starting point is 00:34:27 but I'd love it if he took like, like Brian Callen. Um, like he did that like Brian Callen and like, um, I picked Nugent cause he's a big hunter. I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:36 He's, he, he's a bit controversial though. You wouldn't want to take him. Um, okay. I actually picked him cause I thought he'd be interesting to listen to you know look he's not going to tell me what i want to hear but he's going to be interesting listen yeah he i don't
Starting point is 00:34:49 think rogan likes him either he's all anti-weed and stuff oh okay they had a big argument about that years ago but but like you know a couple couple guys from rogan's crew and they went like deer hunting uh i i would watch a bunch of that i would want to watch their whole trip right like where they all gather in in like tex Texas or LA and get on the plane. You know who'd be good? Chris Pratt. Chris Pratt is a hunter, but he's not an expert hunter, right? He's not going to be a tour guide.
Starting point is 00:35:14 You know, he's more of a vacation hunter or something, right? Bring him along. It's my impression that Joe Rogan is actually a pretty competent hunter. And I don't know. Let them go together and see how it goes. I'd be down. Yeah, Rogan's a very good bow shot, which is a hard thing to do. Archery is difficult.
Starting point is 00:35:35 And killing something with a bow, there's very few people who have done that. Okay. Percentage-wise. Like of all the hunters, it's easy as hell to shoot a deer with a rifle. Yeah. I'd like to see him bring someone who's who does it but isn't an expert i don't want to see him out there with gilbert godfrey you know like fuck that no it's not the show yeah i agree so uh anyway that'd be cool uh oh news with me i hurt my back i hurt my back this is the worst my back has ever been in my entire life it's so horrible i was doing almost nothing so in my house when um when the boxes build up
Starting point is 00:36:14 and i let them we have too many boxes right i recycle what i can and i burn the rest that's what we do and the nature of this task is that you bend over and pick things off the ground a lot right so picture boxes light never more than like five or eight pounds but a leading tower of pisa the wind blows it over and probably had to bend over like 50 times and as i'm doing it it started to hurt but call it a two out of ten like you know so i just powered through when I finished the job two hours after I'm done. It's like five out of 10. Like my back is hurting and I, I'm not one who says 10 out of 10 lightly,
Starting point is 00:36:51 but Oh my God. Like if I didn't think this was going to get better, I swear to God, I would kill myself. You can't live in this level of pain that I'm in right now. It's yeah. It's suicidal discomfort. It's whereabouts in the back is it
Starting point is 00:37:06 like my lower back you know say the whole lower like right above your butt say four inches above the butt crack focus on the spine or the muscles to the side muscles to the side so i actually um i saw a doctor today not in person i i i was like i don't know i didn't know what to do you could google yourself but that only gets you so far. And there's a website called Doctors on Demand. And it's like a real thing. There are doctors who will see you over the internet. I think I fucked up the insurance.
Starting point is 00:37:36 I paid $75 when it was probably covered. But at this point, it could have charged double. And I would have saw them. at this point he could have charged double, you know, and I would have saw him. So I go and I do a video conference with this doctors on demand thing. And I lay out how I just bent over and a few hours later, it hurt more and more. And he said, I had old man's back and Kyle, he must've used that term six times in our 15-minute call. Bro, words hurt, all right? And to me, a back pain from like without a catastrophic event. You know, if your back hurts because you got in your motorcycle accident,
Starting point is 00:38:15 I view that through a different lens than if you tied your shoes and hurt your back. Than if you have old man back. And I've been pretty reliable with like, know my weight lifting and stuff and that didn't hurt it so i feel like my core and my back is like not bad right now but i guess it is i don't know because it couldn't do this motion and um uh i asked about muscle relaxants muscle relaxers because a friend of mine with back pain said that helped him and he's like no not for you you know he's like you just, it's muscle. He went through a whole bunch of things that it's not and why he thought it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:38:51 And lumbrosis, something close to that. It basically is just a muscle thing on either side of my spine. And it'll get better in some time. I can't rest it too much, even though that feels great. I could lay in bed in a certain position and have it not hurt how about massage maybe right maybe i haven't done that but i'd like it um uh but more ibuprofen than you'd think 800 milligrams three times a day that is the biggest prescription i've ever had and um a bunch of light movement and it should start to get better so yeah the light movement like i don't want to demonstrate me walking because it's like
Starting point is 00:39:32 like the penguin or something it would be it looks like someone with old man back it looks bad i think i like i don't know i put my chest and belly out in a way that is just not flattering posture. You're just trying to take your, cause you're not using those muscles. You're just like, you're, you're, you're just like legs. Yes. Without any wiggle up top. And it's just like, it's old man walk. It's so terrible.
Starting point is 00:39:59 And there's like, oh, so the power went out last night because of a hurricane and, um, or a tropical storm. It doesn't matter. So at some time, like it wasn't coming back. Around 5 a.m. this morning, our power company is really good about texting. And it basically said, we have no ETA on fixing this. There's no crew assigned. We're prioritizing these based on how many people are out.
Starting point is 00:40:22 If they could help 100,000 people with one fix fix that one's a bigger priority than ours cool so that'd be kyle my generator is this is like bigger than a mini fridge and it has wheels and like and i it was like four or five a.m i'm out there like crawling around the battery on it has a battery start it's 7 000 kilowatts if that means anything to anyone it does and i had to pull start it that's the hardest thing i'm trying to pull start it without using my back just like arm extensions and uh fortunately even though i didn't pull it that well it did start easily and just hauling um uh electrical like a 50-foot outdoor electrical wire, throws me off balance in such a way that's crazy painful. That's why I haven't been streaming, if anyone's missed those. I am suffering hardcore right now.
Starting point is 00:41:18 You need another doctor, man. There's no reason for you not to be on some narcotics. Oh, I don't want that. Why? Oh, by the way way you weren't honest i was i told the guy i was like that whole back pain opiate route that's what narcotics means right does that mean opiate yeah but you know like a light one like tylenol three which is and they gave me that at the dentist and like man they were effective i'm one of those guys that doesn't like to take one step on that path like i mean where would you get them like you couldn't you don't even know
Starting point is 00:41:52 where to score weed it's not like you're gonna be like on the mean streets of raleigh like hey you got any narcos i got old man back they're like yo here he comes it's old man woody you're doing that funny penguin walk he needs he needs his medicine uh i you know we'll see how i think the doctor thinks i'm gonna be better than not 100 better but better than now in like two or three days like it's gonna to be it's it's going to turn the corner uh if a week from now i don't know i don't know i'm really cautious about the whole opiate thing i hear you i hear you but you're just such a responsible guy and like like i've been on them and like like for for you know a week or two and i've never thought wish i could get some more like that never popped into
Starting point is 00:42:43 my head you know like it did to me well i was on him for three weeks and i was on him almost non-stop for three weeks a long time ago i was younger than you i was like 21 when i got my wisdom teeth out and uh at the end of it i was like i just really wanted to be on that altered reality i was like i if I could have scored more, I would have scored more. Okay. I think my experience was always like I had codeine cough syrup, which was heavenly
Starting point is 00:43:14 and you could just drink as much as you want until you got high. I had Tylenol 3. I don't know what's in Tylenol 3, but I want to know. Yeah, I don't know. What is in Tylenol 3, but I want to know. Yeah, I don't know. What is in Tylenol 3? It's acetaminophen mixed with 30 milligrams of codeine.
Starting point is 00:43:32 All right, there you go again. Good stuff. So codeine is an opiate? I think it is, yeah. Okay. Yeah, I'm a – yeah, that's not a path I walk down very willingly. But we'll see. We'll see where this goes.
Starting point is 00:43:49 I've been hopping in the pool, stretching. My pool has been the greatest therapy device that I, I didn't expect that out of it. When I broke my leg, you know, you can choose how much you weigh in a pool, right? You go neck deep, you weigh nothing. You go waist deep, you weigh, I'll make it up a hundred pounds. And, uh, it was really nice to be able to like walk well. What happens if you break a leg and you lose all that muscle and flexibility, if you just, it's hard to get that back and walk normally and have a normal gait. But when you had your good leg to model off of and you can weigh 50 pounds and start walking on it even though it's still healing it it was a
Starting point is 00:44:29 really great thing so uh and it's been good for my back too i can get in there and you know touch my toes pretty much and just weigh nothing it's cool but yeah yeah i hope your back gets better i i think it will i've had this half as bad once before, like three years ago, which the doctor also took as a positive sign. I hurt mine once, and it was such that deep breaths would trigger the most excruciating pain ever in my upper back. It was like mid-back as far as the height and on the left side. And I just remember one day I was chilling. This is when I was like mid-back as far as the height and on the left side. And I just remember one day, like I was chilling.
Starting point is 00:45:06 This is when I was like 22. But I was just like sitting on the couch, laying on the couch, watching TV. And I went to get up in kind of an awkward way. And I felt the muscle back there contract, like spontaneously go, like squeeze into like a fucking ball it felt like. And it was just the most sharp, excruciating pain. And I was just like, ah. And like if I didn't move at all there was no pain but any movement like to get up was just excruciating so i had to like roll onto the floor and like crawl my way up to a standing position and deep breaths like anything more than three quarters of like full would trigger would trigger
Starting point is 00:45:42 it and for it was like that for like five days where I was essentially just bedridden. Awful. For me to get out of bed, like a normal way I get out of bed is I pretty much do this move, I'm sure everybody does, where you slide your feet over the side
Starting point is 00:45:58 and do a sit up at the same time and you stand. That move isn't happening. I have figured out I can roll like a rolling pin with my arms down without pain so i kind of rolled to my belly slide my legs off and at this point i'm ready to be butt fucked and that is the the from there i can kind of do a push-up off the bed and like that that's how i get out of bed right now good god man it's fucked getting old is not for sissies chat oh man i would want like i would want a massage maybe that isn't even the best thing but like it i would want one i'm tempted so jackie can't miss look no one's perfect jackie has
Starting point is 00:46:38 she's 47 like me with the hands of like a 70 year old to ask her for that is a selfish ask you need you need you need a man you need a man you need man hands back there although like the women that i've gotten go ahead the women i've got massages with had like shockingly strong hands like like we were in a strip club one time and there was a lady there who kept all of her clothes on she gave massages while you sat and watched the other girl get naked she would rub your shoulders and uh it was like zero percent chance i remain flaccid in this thing well you know and she was attractive and uh i want to say she was russian or something like that but i just remember like she was like on scale from 110 how strong and i'm like looking at this lady and i'm like 10 from 10
Starting point is 00:47:28 yeah let's go you're 10 and she goes oh and i just go four four four yeah that dude i i've i think i've only had massages from women. It's my preference. Me too. Yeah. Yeah. And I've never met one that was too weak. They're pretty much finger weightlifting every day. Yeah. Yeah. It's like that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry and George go to get massages and they call Jerry first. This pretty lady comes out. She's like, Mr. Seinfeld. He's like, right here. And she's like, come on back. And he goes with her. And then this big buff
Starting point is 00:48:07 dude comes out who's good looking, like a long blonde hair. He's like, are you George? And he's just like, yeah. You with me, bucko. Let's go. He's like, all right, take your pants off. He's like, I think I'll just leave them on. Like, all right, whatever you want to do.
Starting point is 00:48:25 And he gets down face down and the guy grabs George's pants and goes, like, just pulls them really hard. So they come down like three inches lower. And George was like, and after the massage, he just looks violated. And Jerry's like, what's wrong? What's wrong? He's like, I think it moved. Like his penis had moved while the guy was massaging him
Starting point is 00:48:47 and he felt like maybe he was gay yeah i'd rather i prefer a woman uh i think as long as she's strong enough to get the job done for sure yeah i i've talked about this on the show before and people will judge me for this but it's like i prefer it if i get a massage from a woman and jackie gets a massage from a woman too yeah gets a massage from a woman too. Yeah. That's what I want. Yeah. Yeah. That's typically how all of my couples massages have gone. You know,
Starting point is 00:49:10 we're in the same room and it's like, Hey, we just get two girls. Right. She's like, yeah, anything else would be weird. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:49:17 agreed. Yeah. Agreed. I want it from a girl because I'm not gay. And I want Jackie to get it from a girl cause she's not gay. Yeah. Yeah. That's the thought process. What if the guy was incredibly gay though? i'm not gay and i want jackie to get it from a girl because she's not gay yeah that's yeah that's the thought process what if the guy was incredibly gay though oh that actually might help well no
Starting point is 00:49:33 she's like what if he nanced into the room like like he's sort of like like cartwheeled into the room hello mr magic fingers hair You know why that helps? Because I know Jackie doesn't like that. Oh, well, that's even funnier. Yeah. Well, I guess what I would – there are people in our universe where Jackie's like, that guy's just a little beta. Like that's a turn off for her. And that's what I want.
Starting point is 00:49:59 I want her turned off. So that's the reasoning behind why that would help. want her turned off so that that's the the reasoning behind why that would help so you want a woman but not so attractive that jackie might be tempted well actually i don't know maybe i like you being very specific i imagine being very specific about this about the woman who gets to massage jackie like someone who's sort of middle-aged matronly um maybe a cleft palate got any of those back there some eastern european gals you know what i mean um yeah play tar cop think therapist uh yeah so that's i got that cooking my back is wrecked right now and it's uh it's debilitating we'll get better yeah
Starting point is 00:50:40 oh yeah it's um human backs are weird we haven't quite evolved uh to just for that thing to work properly you know we've only been walking upright for whatever 300 000 years or something so like i've read a bunch of times for taylor taylor's people started walking upright around the time they invented the automobile automobile or something like that you can tell by the body hair it's a clue he's-grandfather moved like this through the underbrush right he's not here to defend himself but i think he'd like that perfect yeah um oh the um doctors on demand i this is not a sponsored message anybody but i have a positive experience with that the doctor seemed really competent um from the like you know i the sign up took like i don't know three four minutes and probably from the time i entered the website to saw a doctor was less than 15 oh that's fast
Starting point is 00:51:39 yeah i use um uh when i first moved out here i didn't have a doctor, obviously. I'd been going to the same doctor my whole life back in Hart County. So I used an app called ZocDoc, like Z-O-C-D-O-C. And I think that they had the option for a video conference thing, but I really wanted to go to an office so I could sit down with the guy. I wanted his full attention. I didn't want him getting a blowjob, he video chats with me or whatever the fuck. So I used that, and that was really effective. You tell them dermatology or whatever you're into,
Starting point is 00:52:14 whatever you need, and it gives you this list of local doctors. So I personally like to deal with a male doctor. What if I've got something on my dick that I want looked at too? I don't want this pretty lady to look at it like well maybe i do but after the male doctor fixes it yeah that's funny no i i think i'd rather have a female doctor look at my dick really yeah how would jackie what would jackie want who would jackie want looking at your dick
Starting point is 00:52:43 who would jackie want looking at my dick i don't know that she'd have a strong preference i don't think that that's an area that would spark jealousy from her do you have a strong preference about what her lady doctor the sex she should be a woman right i thought so right first of all there's just something odd about a male ob-gyn like dude so not anymore like now um she's had um uh i want to say both of her deliveries involved a male doctor and even though they were c-sections like oh yeah you want the male doctor when life is when lives are up in the air but if we're talking about a daily lady part checkup like so where i was headed on and you know I think you see the boobs and everything. Like, you know, they're basically working with naked women when they deliver the babies, even if it's a C-section.
Starting point is 00:53:33 And in there, I wasn't at all jealous. Like, you know, we had a mission here. This is medical and et cetera. But young Woody, like 19-year-old Woody, would have been, like like legit jealous of a guy obgyn like possessive like to say cheated on is an exaggeration but like the spark of like the hint of that idea like sure uh not so much anymore but but that's how i felt when i was young. Yeah. Yeah, I definitely get that. I remember, but I don't understand why a man would ever want
Starting point is 00:54:10 that job. I feel like maybe there are teenagers who are like, yeah, we look at hot ladies naked all day. You know, do the things that they do. Meanwhile, but when I was in high school, my friend Justin, his mom was an OBGYN and she would come home and tell horror stories about the disgusting vagina she had to work with that day.
Starting point is 00:54:29 And I just remember this phrase, too much cheese on the taco. Wow. But yeah, that's what you're getting. You're getting yeast infections, rashes, women on their worst days. They're not sending their best pussies. They're sending their worst days they're not sending their best pussies they're sending their worst the disease infected the misaligned pussies of the world and some i assume are good that's exactly right it's so on target uh and some are good i'm sure healthy checkups um but um yeah so anyway at this point i don't know if there is some dick inspection to be done i would just feel more comfortable with the woman doctor i feel so
Starting point is 00:55:14 much comfortable more comfortable with a dude okay look i feel like he would understand like i don't need the lady looking at my yeah I would just feel so much more comfortable with a dude. A hundred percent. Cause, cause like when I had, when I had an issue down there once I was, I had a, I had a lady doctor and I was like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:55:35 I got this thing going on. And she was like, well, describe it. And I'm just like, she's like, well, what do you think it is?
Starting point is 00:55:42 Like she wasn't going to look, she wouldn't look, she wouldn't look at my dick. And, and what I want just like, she's like, well, what do you think it is? Like she wasn't going to look. She wouldn't look. She wouldn't look at my dick. And what I want to say, I'm trying to think what the issue was. I really am. I think that I had gotten a blowjob from somebody with a cold sore and had transferred to my penis region. And it never came back again.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I thought that I would have genital herpes for life, essentially, because that's what that, the mouth herpes and the gen general herpes are two completely different strains, but they are like, they can travel from one to the other, but it's never cropped up again. And meanwhile, I've always heard that like general herpes is for life and it'll just pop up, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:18 three or four times a year. Hmm. Um, yeah, I don't know. I don't know much about herpes, but I, uh, uh, I, um yeah i don't know i don't know much about herpes but i uh uh i i once had a guy doctor and i actually got really upset about i didn't make a fuss or
Starting point is 00:56:36 anything but i think i forget why i was going to the urologist it might have been to just inquire about uh what do they call it when they make a guy infertile the snip the oh a vasectomy that is yeah yeah so i think i was just like exploring the idea of a vasectomy and um while he was checking me out this nurse just like bust through the door and like i was just full-on pants down like getting and i felt like it was really unprofessional and i didn't like it and the doctor didn't like it and she was like who the fuck doesn't knock in a urologist office yeah like even a regular doctor's office that's true but the fucking urologist you're just barging through rooms not knocking yeah i agree i never came back yeah that's uh that's my only concern if i'm like getting my junk checked out by a guy i'm like i don't want your pretty nurse to come in here i
Starting point is 00:57:35 was hoping i could fuck her maybe later on i was gonna talk to her on the way out and uh and and she's definitely not gonna fuck me at least not until this clears up. Yeah, yeah. I still, like, I'm just thinking about it right now. Like, did I overreact? No, bro. It's a urologist's office. Yeah, they should be knocking.
Starting point is 00:57:58 They should be knocking at the orthodontist. They should knock everywhere. Yeah, absolutely. If it was the other way around and it was a male nurse coming coming in and the lady was topless it'd be a huge deal yeah yeah so anyway uh docs on demand two thumbs up the guy seemed to pretty thoroughly uh take my case history and and you know i i guess he just gave it gave advice no uh prescription or anything. So he can prescribe things. I went in there thinking I might get a muscle relaxer because I have a friend with back pain who thought that helped him. But the doctor was like, you know, you haven't described anything in the family of spasms. Like that's not happening.
Starting point is 00:58:38 It's not locking up. He's like, I don't think a muscle relaxer is what you need. He's like, you are undertreating it with ibuprofen. I was taking 600 twice a day. Now it's 800 three times a day. So double. And, uh, he's like, you're going too low on the ibuprofen. You were right about the light activity, do some walking, et cetera. And, um, you're not allowed to just lay around all day and the muscle relaxer, that's not gonna, it's not gonna help someone with your symptoms. And then of course he went over this long list of things that it wasn't you know how he was able to rule them out and he just seemed competent fast i didn't have to leave my house you know the ordeal of driving
Starting point is 00:59:14 to a doctor's office right now would be hard on me yeah i'm glad that exists that's pretty cool yeah yeah that sounds great. That's cool. That's all I got. Call it a show? Yeah, I think so. You should probably walk or rest or whatever you need to do. We'll see. I know people are going to have this question.
Starting point is 00:59:44 We expect Taylor to be here on Thursday for PKA. Yeah. Got some good guests, too. Yeah. Very interesting show. So everything is fine. All right. PKN 311.

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