Painkiller Already - PKN #312

Episode Date: August 14, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 312 kyle was just talking all right kyle you've been streaming your rust all the time yeah do you stream it because of the 50 patrons or is there like an advantage for you and midi to see what you're up to no i stream it for them um like we're so like um if you're a 50 patron or maybe i don't want to say the wrong thing but maybe if you're a 10, you might also get access in there, but definitely if you're a 50, you're in, you're in our discord. And it's the same discord that I've been using for like five, six years to like game on. We just added extra rooms for the patrons. And so like when Middy and I go to play Russ, we play like duos,
Starting point is 00:00:40 like two player team Russ. There's that, that way it's, it's more fair that way in any case uh you know we're we get in an audio chat and then a lot of the 50 patrons will just jump in which we don't mind at all you know it's it can be lonely boring business playing rust in early white there's a lot of two chatty patrons there can be two chatty most of the time i don't mind because you know i'm cutting trees down or like you know farming stuff up and so like i i'm i'm happy to talk to somebody because i've you know midi me and midi been sitting there talking for six hours it's nice to have somebody else to jump in so like there'll be like a dozen of those guys in there sometimes and uh just to be nice to them
Starting point is 00:01:19 so that they can see what's going on we'll we'll me and him both will like live stream our points of view of of rust and uh and so yeah it's a good time um i i like all those guys uh so so it's a lot of fun uh you know we're already playing rust and we're already in that chat room they're already in there so might as well stream it to them but um we we've been playing normally rust servers wipe on thursdays but obviously we do pk pka on thursday, so I don't like to do those because I get a really late start. I'd have to wait until PKA was done and then start grinding, and I'm tired after PKA. It's midnight by then. So we've been playing on this server that wipes on Saturdays. So Saturday, we start playing Rust, and we're going hard.
Starting point is 00:02:03 We're just grinding real hard, and it's going super well. We already had some of the blueprints from the previous wipe, and that allows us to create certain items that are hard to get at. So we already had guns and such pretty, you know, within three hours. We've got our guns and our armor on, and we're really farming hard. I'm getting lots of explosives farmed up, and Middy's getting lots of, like of metal and components and gadgets farmed up. We grinded for nine hours. We started at 4pm
Starting point is 00:02:32 and we went for nine hours straight. Middy's starting to get tuckered out. I figure since he's getting off, he's going to take an hour long break. He's going to get off for an hour. I shut the base down. I close all the doors and all the hatches as it were so we're protected and i get off for an hour and i get a text message like 45 minutes after i've been off from midi because i guess he popped back in he goes we've been raided it's all gone it's all gone it's all gone the whole day wasted do you have all your things and in like if i were to raid your base do i get all your stuff or do you like because i hate to bring up minecraft
Starting point is 00:03:13 because people fuss but they would have different compartments you know like you might get into one of our armory rooms but you don't get everything i've ever earned you'd have to it's kind of like the way those ancient egyptian tombs were you know if you if you get to the sarcophagus all is lost right the main point of the pyramid is protect the uh the body of the king and then rust the main point is protect your tool cupboard because once they have that those that's the keys to the kingdom it allows them to have building privilege over your base so then they can start adding blocks of their own on your base and do what's called griefing it,
Starting point is 00:03:46 which is ruining it. So that even after they, if you, one thing, if they just came in and like took all your, your, your stuff, your guns and your explosives and then left easy repair and you just start
Starting point is 00:03:55 over ish, you just repair the hole they made in the side of your base and you'd go back to business. You wouldn't lose your base, but if they get your tool cupboard, then they can just put big walls in the hallways of your base they can they can ruin the base such that it's it's it's it's ruined it'd be like if i broke into your house robbed you and then like sealed all the doors
Starting point is 00:04:16 shut with stone walls and you're just like the fuck did you do that for you you took all my money jackie's jewelry that other people don't know and i love now the game of thrones room has a giant steel wall right in the middle of it you told me they left mean signs behind they left mean signs that's how confident they were and beating your ass right there they're like now let's stone them in and build some insulting signs well we already had signs what did they say funny stuff on them um you know because uh in rusk there's this plug-in that allows you to like type a command and then any file that's on the internet you can throw into a picture frame so rather than doing this like childish finger
Starting point is 00:05:01 painting art which is what most people do oh we we had Gary's mod way back in the day. Yeah. I remember that. We had high definition pictures of like, um, wings of redemption and, uh, and,
Starting point is 00:05:12 um, what's his name? Dennis Reynolds, you know, the, the poster of Dennis Reynolds, it says like, this man is a rapist.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Have you seen him? Like stuff like that. Um, like all over the base, like silly little signs, like goofy stuff. And they had just like, they,
Starting point is 00:05:24 they had written mean messages on our signs instead. They them with that can you put any words you want on the signs yes absolutely any words you want i'm gonna look at a free speech game there are bases that'll just be covered with the n-word and swastikas and stuff like that um but it'll be on the outside of the bay but it's okay the um so so yeah they they took all of our shit um we did have loot spread out on various loot rooms but the main loot the stuff that we had grinded the hardest for was all in the most secure location and they got right into that and so they took nine hours worth of work so we just quit you know we're like all right there's a saturday every week that is how that works dude i want to talk about the minecraft comparison because it's funny interesting to me
Starting point is 00:06:12 anyway so you can't get someone else's building privileges there's no concept of a tool cupboard you you claim that land and it's yours so you can't build a cannon very close they they claim so much land. It's like beyond visual range, which means that the cannons are kind of imprecise. And the difference is that rather than you're like, hey, they just repair that hole. Well, no. To get to all the different rooms in your base, they have blasted the fuck out of it. There's more than one hole or that hole is every floor.
Starting point is 00:06:43 They've destroyed certainly the wall facing the cannon and probably the walls on both sides too because these things are not that precise and there's water and lava and shit pouring all over them it's such a mess sometimes people decide to just start their base over yeah different game it's not a big deal to start bases over like like i find that most rust youtubers are lazy as fuck and i feel like they want to get on and like work for like an hour and make some content and to get off it's almost like they don't like the game that they're making content for see that's what it seems like to me and uh i don't get that because like when we put when i watch them and they'll be like their base
Starting point is 00:07:18 will be stone and it's like there's like six of them working hard supposedly working meanwhile me and midi over there like our base is all armor and metal and like you know we work hard to do the things we that's why it's so upsetting when that happens like can you like firebomb your whole base and ruin all that as they leave or is that not something that's even worthwhile so they blasted a hole in it using rockets and rocket launchers, which is like the premier explosive to use in the game. You have a handheld rocket launcher and you have rockets and each. And, you know, four rockets blows through a stone wall, eight through a metal wall, like 15 for an armored wall.
Starting point is 00:07:55 And they had to do, they had to go through like a stone, a metal and an armored wall just to get to the tool cupboard. And they did it perfectly. I mildly suspect they were cheating using esp which allows you to see through walls and find the best way to go into something but the server we're on is really like a practice server at least that's the way we look at it because the population is very low we're just trying to like get back into the swing of rust we there are servers with build orders down and sort of sort of yeah you know there's
Starting point is 00:08:25 servers where there's like 150 people on all the time grinding and it's it's chaos there's a lot of pvp we're on a server where there's you know 50 people and it's you can kind of lay back and relax and you might get into one or two gunfights every hour or something like that we're just we're just trying to like play it's almost pE the way we're playing the game. Now, our end goal is, of course, to get explosives and then go around and raid everyone. We raided two bases that first day. We blew them up with rockets, and we had all their stuff in the base, too. But, yeah, it's real upsetting when somebody does that.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And not only do they take all your things, but they grief the base. Like, griefing the base, there's no reason to do that. We'd never met these guys before have you ever done that i only do that if there's animosity between me and the other person like like if it's just if i don't know this guy then i'll just go in take what i want and leave you think i don't have time to goof around you're famous right did they see the wings and stuff and like i'm oh that's on the inside of the base. And I changed my name every wipe cycle. They could have seen the inside when they decided to grief. Be like, hey, dude, can you believe it? We're in Kyle's base.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I mean, the only thing that would have told you that it was Kyle's base was that there was a picture of Brandy on the wall. You know, like you have to really. You have to be a historian. you have to know who brandy was and like that that's it that's the only thing that connects that base to me and that's a real reach so no i don't think so at all nobody knows the server i mean the the patrons know some of them like what servers we play on but like this wasn't somebody who hopped in just to goof with me because they put in a lot of time themselves just to have the explosives required to do this you know somebody who comes in to troll
Starting point is 00:10:10 somebody comes in and they're like naked outside your base like an indian with a with a shotgun and they're just gonna like shoot you when you come out and annoy you and this was a coordinated effort to fuck me in the ass and they and they. And, and they even were clearly using, there's a website called battle metrics where you can tell when someone gets offline. So like, they were definitely like looking at our names on a third party website, waiting for us to go and take a break so that they could sweep in and like get in without any resistance.
Starting point is 00:10:40 If you are online for 45 minutes, it sounds like they use nearly all 45 to get that done yes it would have it would have taken a good 20 minutes of life if they were coordinated and they knew what they were doing like like all right go and just just continuously like working together no no you hit that you hit that you hit this you hit that and then you know they got to get the loot out of there and it probably would have taken two trips and they didn't live anywhere nearest because we killed everyone that was near us. It's real frustrating.
Starting point is 00:11:08 That's why I love Rust. If the lows weren't that low. The low is so low that when you die, you quit for a week. In Call of Duty, you die and you spam the respawn button. I got to get back in the next two seconds, not three.
Starting point is 00:11:24 In this game it's like i'll see you in a week yeah i'm gonna go re-watch one of my feel-good tv shows so i don't feel so sad are you on the tarkov subreddit at all kyle uh on and off yeah i check it out occasionally yesterday or the day before one of those someone posted someone the way he tells that he infiltrated a cheat discord server and the guy was live streaming his cheat oh my goodness those cheats are so effective it makes me not want to play tarkov it is it you have to see it and yet also for people don't play escape tarkov knowledge is power in that game, right? Let's say that Taylor's a much better player than me, but I know where he is and he doesn't know where I am.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I beat a player who's better than me nine times out of ten. That knowledge, that information advantage is gigantic. These guys see where other players are. There's these rays that show them what direction the other player is looking. They get to see where loot is, right? So I think every so often I think I've run into a cheater. It's hard to be sure, right? Because a guy who hits all headshots could be good or he could be a cheater. It's not unless they're moving extra fast or jumping through a doorway, hitting those headshots that I'm pretty sure. But he could also see what was in, where all the good stuff was. A big part of Tarkov is finding out where the loot but he could also see what was where all the good stuff was a big part of tarkov is finding out where the loot is and he would see what was in the bags without even having to go up to them he could go to a plate like a loot rich environment get all the
Starting point is 00:12:56 best rooms and skip all the not so best rooms and like i might just be like ah this place is a bust not realizing that a cheater got in and out before me. And he can phase through walls. I've seen them go into the arsenal room and red card room, and invisibly, you just hear that noise when someone picks an item up. Click, click, click. The guy turns arsenal key, which is like the creme de la creme of loot rooms and all of Tarkov.
Starting point is 00:13:22 The key to open the main door is like 25 million rubles, which you'd be happy if you just had 25 million rubles for your at all. And then there's another key called the arsenal key, I believe, to open the cage door within. I don't know how much they cost right now. Probably a million.
Starting point is 00:13:40 He's turning that key and you just hear click, click, click, and he looks at the tables of loot and the shelf of loot and it's just disappearing. There's an invisible man who has phased through the wall. He's just Easter egg hunting his favorite things. Why don't you play that way? That sounds like a blast. I do. You can't play that way. That's awful. That's cheating. It's like the steroids in baseball argument.
Starting point is 00:14:04 It takes... it's cheating it it's but if everyone's it's like the steroids in baseball argument if you were getting paid millions of dollars to win at tarkov then yeah let's download some fucking cheese someone's found a quote from nikita now nikita is like god of tarkov he's the lead developer and he's kind of helped me who was the lead black ops developer who was also like he took over the pr role too oh um shit it's been so long right i forget his name anyway not only is nikita the actual guy who's in charge of the decisions and leading all the devs and i think the original dev but he's also a guy who does a lot of pr he does podcasts he's the dana white of tarkov yeah i like that an actual decision maker and the public facing guy sometimes they're different people like when it was what was the name 409 or something 402 uh he was the face of cod but he actually had no power and people would
Starting point is 00:14:57 yell at him but it was a waste of time that's not the case with nikita anyway they found a podcast he was on where he's like yeah you really you really want cheaters because cheaters are an important revenue source. They buy 2,000, 3,000 accounts. We ban them and they get all new ones. But you can't have too many cheaters or the regular players will stop coming. You have to have the regular players. There is the draw for the cheaters to buy your game over and over. And I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:15:24 What? Like these cheaters. Dying in Tarkov is second to like only rust. Like, you know, when things go wrong, you've lost hours of progress. Like it sucks to die in this game. It hurts extra. And you're telling me the lead dev
Starting point is 00:15:41 has an attitude towards cheaters that they're a great source of profit? We just have to balance the cheaters versus the victims? Yep. Fuck you. It made me not want to play. It made me want to quit Tarkov. Thinking about it enrages me.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Yeah, it's complete bullshit. I've heard people talk about that before. Yeah. Right. yeah i've heard that it's complete bullshit i've heard people talk about that before yeah right i i i've heard uh people in uh in landmarks chat um sort of sort of be like you know what if uh what if nikita is behind the cheats themselves you know what what if yeah these guys somehow like get through all the anti-cheat like the anti-cheat doesn't stop anything uh landmarks getting killed by the same cheater today as he got killed by three days ago who's like speed hacking and like he calls it dunking on him where the guy literally flies like the guy's on the there's a doorway in front of him
Starting point is 00:16:35 and the guy jumps so that only his ankles are showing like like you can't jump high in this game no you can't it's pretty realistic as far as like how much hops you got't jump high in this game. No, you can't. This game is pretty realistic as far as, like, how much hops you got. You can jump about 12 inches off the ground. This guy fucking, only his ankles are showing as he goes through the doorway. He jumps so high. And Lemar goes, what the fuck? And the guy jumps back through. But this time he's shooting from the hip, which is super hard to do because jumping,
Starting point is 00:17:03 and especially strafe jumping, throws your aim down and to the left really hard. So this guy is jumping, flying through the air, and triple headshotting him as he goes. It's just like, I think we might have a cheater. I think we might have a cheater. Well, I'm sure if you cheat against a guy that big, you're immediately...
Starting point is 00:17:20 No! You're adorable. 11,000 people watched that guy cheat live he he killed landmark again two days later on the same account on the same account that is download his own hops how do you spell nikita is it n-i-k-i-t-a i can't i wanted to read the comment fuck every time i click on this. Yeah, that's a real scummy way of looking at things. That's pretty shit.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I don't like that a bit. I didn't like a lot of the changes they made a while back to the wait system. That's one of the things that's kept me away. But I really don't like that. And to see how many cheaters there are like landmark plays 12 hours a day so obviously he's gonna see a lot more cheaters than the average person but like he played like five labs raids in a row and 50 were cheaters like like like blatant cheaters like like really blatant um it wasn't like oh he hit me in the head and it was like no
Starting point is 00:18:22 he he was running at the speed of light and he and he shot me eight times in the head immediately with a shit tear gun i saw landmark kill some cheaters yesterday it was fucking hilarious though are you near the beginning of your re-interest in rust or do you think you're nearing kind of the second second part of the curve here and you'll be looking for a new game soon no i've been playing rust Rust for like three or four wipe cycles in a row now. Can I read the Nikita tweet I found? Yeah. Cheaters are a very tricky situation.
Starting point is 00:18:52 They fund you quite a bit of money and there's just, and if there is just the right amount, it somewhat forces regular players to spend money on pay to win stuff to catch up to the cheaters. But if there's too many cheaters in your game, people leave. The fuck? Yeah, that's a real scummy thing to say you want the right amount of cheaters because they fund you quite they fund you a lot of money by the way because they buy the game they
Starting point is 00:19:16 get banned they rebuy it they rebuy it they rebuy it and uh you know they'll ban 2 000 people 4 000 people in a day and there's a very high likelihood. That means they sell 2,000 to 4,000 more copies of this game. And they try to make their, like, a proper amount of cheats, it would seem, so that there are victims like me for cheaters to molest. And it makes for Microsoft Flight Simulator. I don't doubt that he made a bunch of money, but that was a really stupid PR decision. To phrase it like that and to announce that.
Starting point is 00:19:48 It's from 2015. I wish Tarkov would die, honestly, just because of that. I don't like that. I don't like a lot of the stuff that they do. I don't like his attitude in general. He just seems like a scummy guy. I don't like the whole
Starting point is 00:20:02 mindset that the game shouldn't be fun. It's one thing if you want the game to be hardcore but it's just it's a game it should be fun fucking checkers are fun like get out of here yeah he's backed off i think that was just a poorly phrased thing or a joke that people latch on to but what i want i think you do too is for a triple a studio to see tarkov and be like oh let's try that let's let's build a AAA studio to see Tarkov and be like, ooh, let's try that. Let's build a Tarkov that isn't so easily cheated in. I think part of the problem is Battlestate Games, they make Tarkov. They're Russians, and they don't have the same talent pool that an American studio would have. So they're all there kind of over their heads. They've made these horrible design decisions to put so much in the client early on that with the client being king it's very easy
Starting point is 00:20:50 for your computer just tell it like hey this guy has max stats on everything you know speed endurance strength etc like his recoil control every time they enter a raid everything goes straight to 51 which is the highest level and uh because client is king the server doesn't like check it they just say okay i got it i guess this guy earned max stats it's above that though like they should be able to check speed hackers right because they're they're going faster than anyone will ever be able to go and that guy there's somebody that was jumping max max jumps don't get strength doesn't get you there like his ankles are all that are showing as he goes through a doorway it's he has he has he has jumped four feet into the fucking air we had that problem on woody craft
Starting point is 00:21:29 right so um it is difficult for me to tell when you're speed hacking versus when you're lagging right and you've seen it in game before is it like as a non-cheater you catch up to your friend and then your friend like races ahead that rubber banding um and it's like all right but if the guy rubber bands for three minutes you know he's cheating that's a or over time you know it should be a flag it should be right flag like hey hey he went fast one time all right well he gets an eye on that guy that's how we did it literally like there was a metric and and like every time he behaved it sort of pulled you into the safe zone and every time he misbehaved and we'd look at it and some things were auto bans like if you were pretty obscene it would auto ban other things like headshots would just flag a guy and we'd look at like the top guys and be like this bonehead like
Starting point is 00:22:19 no one's kd ratio is 70 you know even landmarks isn't 70 so it should be easy to look at a kd like that and you know what landmarks kd is i don't know if it factors i know he's got like 8 500 pmc kills which is human kills it's crazy um but yeah there's a lot of he he's played more of the game than anyone else who plays the game in the world like not just streamers but like like like there's a race to get to level 70 which is max level there's no way anybody's ahead of him because he plays 12 hours a day every day and he's one of the best in the world like there's no way that anyone else has that same consistency and skill set it's impossible if i played as much as him which i don't i might
Starting point is 00:23:06 have half the xp right because he just does so well every session every yeah you'd be level 55 60 maybe but you know because it's easier to get to 69 going from level 1 to 69 is the same thing as going from level 69 to 70 yeah like that last level is gargantuan it's millions and millions of xp and a great raid might be 15 000 xp so it's it's like you need to like kill it a couple thousand raids in a row and then you go from 69 to 70 and raids can be anywhere from 15 to 40 minutes long yeah at the level i level I play. I made the first 10 levels in one night. And then last wipe
Starting point is 00:23:49 I went from level 44 to 45 in like a week. That's the difference. Yeah. It sucks that that game has to be that way. It's a great concept of a game.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I don't think any AAA title would make a game like that because there's so much going on there. It seems like games like that get made by smaller studios. Scum is a game that's even more insane. I don't know if you ever played any Scum. That's where you are like a released convict who's being controlled by a player somewhere. That's sort of
Starting point is 00:24:25 the premise of the game you've all got implants in the back of your head dude you get diarrhea in the middle of a fight that's too that's too real i know exactly that's what i'm saying like it's way too much and going on like you can be you'll be fighting and your player will be like oh that's cuttlefish is a not sitting well and you literally it goes like a third person viewpoint you drop your pants and you diarrhea everywhere out of your ass right there while you're supposed to be fighting there's other guys like coming at you with guns and and like trying to like fiber stats and like i like to think one percent of the players have a peanut allergy everywhere just that's why i bought my own server when when we were playing that game so that i could like no it wasn't like i spent a lot of money i don't know it was like 50 or
Starting point is 00:25:14 something to have your own scum server but then i'm god right i can just click click click and we can have things because it was it's way more extreme than tarkarkov. It's like a mix between Tarkov and Rust, except you get diarrhea and you have to piss. You have to eat a lot in that game. You might think, oh, yeah, I ate a fish an hour ago. We're good. No, no, no, you're guys hungry, bro. He's going to starve out.
Starting point is 00:25:38 You've got to go find some MREs. Dude, you can go an hour without food. Yeah, I don't want that. Is it like a calorie counter and a hard exert? You know, calorie realism. There's so many bars. Like Tarkov has like two bars for stamina. Like this game has, it's like this.
Starting point is 00:25:55 It's like 10 bars. You're like, oh, I don't know. My guy's feeling a bit conflicted right now. My conflict. He feels a bit guilty about that last guy he killed. It appears I'm suffering from PTSD. I'm going to have to go attend an actual therapy session. Like you, the
Starting point is 00:26:12 player? No, no, no. My character, he's got to go sit through one, but I've got to be there with him. I don't like the realistic shitting model in this game. I like the unrealistic shitting model that I do in Skyrim and recently Red Dead Redemption 2 2 where it's like once every four days i will make arthur eat 35 apples and that's all he gets other than that
Starting point is 00:26:33 it's just whiskey to make his dead eye better and then like occasionally cigarettes to make his dead eye better whatever he has does your red dead character get fatter and thinner is do they have that in there not on this diet they do in scum they do in scum it's so funny in scum your character like like over time like you could tell who was like paying attention to their diet like some people were just like i'm just gonna eat eight pounds of sugar and go to war that'll do it right eight pounds of sugar that's a lot of calories dude eight pounds of sugar. That's a lot of calories. Dude. Eight pounds of sugar. Kyle, have you given any thought to upgrading your gaming PC? I know you're pretty,
Starting point is 00:27:09 you're like cutting edge now ish. I don't know what. Yeah. Cause I think recently, didn't you? Or GPU or something like last year. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Everything's fairly new. I've got 20 80 TI and, I don't remember what CPU, I'm probably a gen behind on CPU, but, um, I don't know what benefit I would get, really. Because I would have to upgrade my peripherals to get a benefit.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Because right now I've got a 1080p monitor at 144 hertz. So I'd either have to get a 240 hertz monitor or a 4K monitor to really require any hardware upgrade. Are you able to get 144 frames excuse me not 10 ap it's um it's 1440 144 so i bet you yeah you bet you don't get all that in tarkov 144 is a lot of frames for tarkov i don't think you can i i thought that the most you could get in tarkov was like 100 no i i see streamers who do more than that, but the benefit must be pretty low. I'm guessing this... So the reason I brought it up,
Starting point is 00:28:08 NVIDIA put out a tweet today. It's been rumored that their 3080s come out in September, midway. And they put out a tweet today that's like, new things coming soon with some obscure modem dial-up video audio thing. And I don't know if the scientists
Starting point is 00:28:23 have gone out there and figured out what number it's calling. I don't know if the scientists have gone out there and figured out like what number it's calling or like i don't know if there's any like hidden message watch them call like 30 80 30 80 30 80 or something like that yeah but uh um i feel like it's confirmed the rumors confirmed that the new gpu comes out next month so i think yeah a couple gens on cpu i need to upgrade yeah i might get a new cpu i could see doing that sometime soon but i just have no need for a new gpu i don't think because like i mostly want to play i'm going to play halo i'm probably going to play halo 3 this week and then i know that um the new halo because halo 3 is remastered you know that just came out
Starting point is 00:29:03 with that a couple weeks ago and then the whatever the new halo is halo infinity or whatever the fuck they're calling it that got delayed till next year so like it's a while before that even comes out and i don't like the way it looks anyway it looks kind of like shit um so right now i'm playing a lot of rust and that's the only thing that's really on the horizon for me to play i could see playing like going back and playing some skyrim or something is rust very demanding on a computer uh i think it is a little i only get about 100 105 frames oh yeah i'd probably do worse i have a 1080 ti which is okay you know it's good but um it'll be two generations behind in a month, so good to upgrade. Yeah, yeah. 100 frames is kind of fine for the way I play that game, though, honestly.
Starting point is 00:29:49 It looks good. I've got the graphics turned down to medium-high or something like that. But yeah, that's all I'm really interested in playing right now is some Rust. It's a lot of fun. I'm going to see if I can drag Larry over with me. He offered to play a couple weeks ago and he downloaded it. I might pick up Larry and play some three-man
Starting point is 00:30:08 Rust next Saturday for a week. Until somebody kills us all, I guess, and takes all of our things and writes me messages in our base again. That's what I've been doing today. You don't have six cooldown days. I've been looking at base designs.
Starting point is 00:30:24 I'm like, we've got to build a bigger i'm like we got to build a bigger base we got to build a bigger base tougher base have you thought about the mineshaft bases because i've watched a little rust on youtube it doesn't make me an expert oh okay those are uh so there's yeah there's mineshaft bases that i the video made it seem like it was impossible to raid like you would have to blast through so much dirt to get there and to go down the actual mineshaft itself you couldn't do without killing yourself and like it it was a real problem to raid it but i guess they figured out a way around it they patched that uh yeah they made it so you couldn't build in the central... Caves have four different
Starting point is 00:31:07 designs that they sort of become. They made it so you couldn't build within one of the main, the biggest chamber, the deepest chamber of caves. Plus, I hate living in caves. It's dark all the time. Don't think like a little cave, Taylor, where you just walk in a little
Starting point is 00:31:24 entrance in a rock and like, alright, we're here. Like an igloo. Don't think ig a little cave taylor where you just like walk in a little entrance in a rock and like all right we're here like an igloo don't think igloo think like cave system where you're like holding a torch and walking down through a drippy corridor and down and down and down it's it's no i wouldn't like that either it would be depressing it's only not pressing minecraft because it's all 8-bit and it's like this is silly also in minecraft if you do we didn't do it on ours uh but you can make inside nice you can light it you can have an underground city that's beautiful what you can line the walls with pink wool if you want to and make it your happy space uh you don't even need to really know you're downstairs well the stream after we did it when i did it with midi he really took charge on finding a new area and building it on me yeah tell me more about your
Starting point is 00:32:09 affair with the same server so and there's two there's still two beds there that's all i'll say you know that's the same server so totally i wouldn't expect to find your shit lit on fire like like carrie Underwood would do. Like his house that Middy made. I was like, this is pretty nice. This is spacious. He made the ceilings nice because I was on a solo server. So just messing around with it a couple weeks ago
Starting point is 00:32:37 and I built my house, which was like a five by five block with just the roof right where my head was. And I'm like, this is, this is upsetting. I don't like this. I'm going to go dig a mine shaft more and just live off the land. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:32:50 I guess it didn't cross my mind at the time to actually put effort in and build something bigger, but it should have, because that seems to be the purpose of the game, right? You can, you can make rust bases really nice too, but we just never bothered doing it.
Starting point is 00:33:04 It's, it's just kind of, we don't have time for that, you know, to put rugs on the floor and bear skins on the wall. Like, like if you, if you get to that point,
Starting point is 00:33:12 then you've, you've already kind of beaten the game. Now you're just looking for something else to do. In, um, when you play on a well done server, you can like efficiently farm carrots, for example,
Starting point is 00:33:23 sell them to the server for in game money and then buy what you actually want. So that's how people get all their wool and things like that. They just yeah, there's a lot of like vending machines in the rust world where you can you can focus on just getting lots of one thing and get really good at getting that. And then you can use that as like you can trade that for another and then you can trade the thing you traded for, for everything else. Like the big thing right now that people are doing is making hemp farms in the game.
Starting point is 00:33:51 So you have like a big hemp farm and you have computer controlled watering systems like sprinklers. And you have to, you have to go so far as to pick the correct genetics for each hemp plant and then clone that plant over and over. Once you've got the best genetics for the plant, it'll grow the fastest and produce the most hemp per plant. And you can have a multi-floor automated watering system with sprinklers that it makes so much hemp every day that you can trade that hemp, that it makes so much hemp every day that you can trade that hemp, which creates cloth, for scrap,
Starting point is 00:34:28 which is essentially the currency of rust. And it's better than just playing regular rust. It's more efficient than just playing rust. You can just become a hemp farmer and now you're just going to the vending machine with 50,000 cloth in your inventory and just ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching. Now, how easy would it be for me to ruin your hemp farm or profit from your hemp farm? You'd have to blow the base up.
Starting point is 00:34:57 So the base is inside walls. Yeah. Yeah. The hemp farm's an indoor hemp farm. It's certainly not outside for somebody to come up and start picking my hemp yeah there's there's automated farms in minecraft but all you do is steal like as much as you can hold which is the last few hours of production and okay like i'm gonna give it to you if you want i don't give a fuck right like it's you know did i lose two hours
Starting point is 00:35:22 of production that's fine no, people are mean and rough. Yeah. They'll come and grief you for no fucking reason. They see you have a turret outside your, like nowadays, the way auto turrets work, there's a weapon
Starting point is 00:35:34 that you have to put inside this auto turret and it sort of scans and it automatically shoots people. So if they break your auto turret, they get that gun. It falls out. But it used to be
Starting point is 00:35:42 that you just made an auto turret and it had a machine gun in it. And once you break it, you don't get anything people would still break them people would still like see that you had an auto turn over on your on your base and they would go and make a compound bow with 90 fucking arrows because that's how many it takes and they would just meticulously shoot it 90 fucking times from a distance so to to deprive you of an auto turret. That would happen in Woody Craft 2. The thing is, and I'm sure there's a Russ parallel,
Starting point is 00:36:11 it's not that profitable. You know, like, oh, well, you're going to destroy my automatic carrot farm. Like, it will cost you so much to build a cannon that shoots past the claimed land to destroy some carrots. Like, you're really griefing you. Yeah. That's one of the big differences i think because in rust you know you just make rockets and like you can use those rockets for anything you're not constructing a stationary cannon that's now there and you kind of use it or lose it kind of situation it's like i can
Starting point is 00:36:39 i'll build 50 rockets and they can do anything i might use four of them on this guy or three on this guy or i might use all 50 on a giant base and right now imagine if you have those rockets to shoot the ground to do any griefing you'd be like well fuck i took out his hemp plant but it took me 12 hours to earn that rocket so that you know and it took him five minutes to plant yeah people are scumbags in in rusk they're real, real awful, awful people. It's the voice chat. It's the voice chat. The voice chat's a big part of it, but they'll just behave in a horrific way.
Starting point is 00:37:15 I'm so used to it. Like, I was taking one of the monuments the other day. Like, I was taking the oil rig by myself. Nobody was online. And there's a timed crate that I'm waiting to tick down from 15 minutes to zero that then it'll open and i'll get a lot of gear and a lot of loot out of it so right now i'm just sort of four stories up on an at sea oil platform looking toward the the main island in case somebody tries to come and and take it from me and i see a boat coming with two fucking people
Starting point is 00:37:43 and i'm like oh no they're coming but i've got a sniper rifle which is a very high-end piece of gear and i i snipe one i snipe the passenger out of this boat you know really far away he drops dead and the boat turns around and heads back to shore and i shoot that person in the ass but i don't kill her and and then she goes over the chat like the global chat she goes that rude. And I was so like befuddled by that response. I was like, rude. You have no idea what rude is. Like, you don't even know.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Rude would be spending the next eight hours literally outside your base calling you the N-word. And just screaming it in the most awful voice I could muster. And then just killing you every time you come out that's rude i just shot your friend she's like well we don't we just like to have fun i was like so do i that's when i shot him that's why i shot him so can i have his stuff back i'm like no no you can't have his stuff back it's my stuff now she's like oh we didn't have very much and i'm just like oh all right hurting my feelings because i feel like i'm bullying this girl on rust i was playing tarkov and uh i had a thought i had enough stuff everybody had a successful raid and some guy is stalking me and i hear him and it's like aha like i felt like i had an information advantage
Starting point is 00:39:04 on him I blast him and he comes to my chat I guess he recognized like Woody's gamer tag killed him and um he starts asking for his stuff back and I'm like yeah bro I give every if you ask for your stuff back I give it to you I don't give a fuck I'm rich and Tarkov and uh then my chat is like, what do you know? He's being a dick. I can't see everything they say. And I'm like, you know, like, I look through it, and I'm like, eh, it's not that bad. You know, like, I'll still save his stuff. And they're like, he's being racist.
Starting point is 00:39:35 And I look, and he's calling my chat a bunch of brothers, kind of. And I'm like, all right. Hey, whatever his name was i want you to know the second you turn racist is when you lost all your shit and uh yeah i took all of it all of it like we have the same helmet i'm like i'm throwing my helmet insurance fraud if people play tarkov know that i took it i was like that was what you did that i want like i want you to look back on this and recognize that was when i decided to take everything you owned yeah we've done the exact same thing like playing with larry um you know larry streaming and somebody would came into his stream and they had been stream sniping us using larry's stream and uh and then he starts begging
Starting point is 00:40:17 for his stuff back and i'm like you know what i'm gonna throw away better gear just so i can take your gear like i was gonna take this m4 out with me but no i'm gonna take away better gear just so i can take your gear like i was gonna take this m4 out with me but no i'm gonna take your bullshit ak to deprive you of it and then i'm gonna delete it when i get back to my stack i've done that on stream yeah i get people's stuff i get it out of raid and just to spite them destroy it just destroy like i'm not even keeping it it won't be i i'm just gonna ruin it no no no one has it now because uh it's like a flex for people that don't play the game um i have 20 some million rubles at this point like i my money problems are past me so uh yeah so i'll just fix
Starting point is 00:40:57 on them and destroy that gun they didn't want to lose so much that's a that's another mean thing you can do to people in rust is despawn their items. That's what they were doing to us. They took everything. They're like that squirrel that has its cheeks full of nuts, and it just wants one more, but then finally gets that one wedged in with these fucking nuts in his mouth, and then it's just like, well, let me ruin all the other nuts so that no one can have them. It just takes all of our nuts out of boxes and puts them on the ground
Starting point is 00:41:26 so that they just despawn. We get there and there's just shit piled up all over the floor. All of our mediocre stuff that they just didn't want apparently. So they're just making sure we don't get it back. They're just making a mess. They're just making a mess.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Insulting. Unfortunate. It's a toxic fucking game, man man can't wait to get back to I haven't looked into it much yet but I saw briefly yesterday there was something like Trump was talking at the White House and he had to get ushered back in by the
Starting point is 00:41:57 Secret Service because they thought someone was shooting some at him or at someone or whatever shooting at the White House do they know yet what I do know for sure is the Secret at him or at someone or whatever shooting at him. Do they know yet? What I do know for sure is the Secret Service shot a guy and that guy made it to the hospital. And that's as updated as I am.
Starting point is 00:42:14 I didn't know. Did that guy have a gun for sure? Did that guy live? I saw one clip of a guy walking with a gun in his hand and like he's in a t-shirt and he like lifts his hand to say hi and then get just shot in the stomach with what looks like a beanbag or something and goes down. Let me see if I can find that. This guy went to the hospital, which implies to me he got good and wounded, not a beanbag hit.
Starting point is 00:42:46 but and that's what i was curious about because i i didn't know if the guy i saw today if this video was a different guy that's fucking around making threats but not shooting like i wasn't sure beanbags are legit though yeah i was i'm sorry carry on you know you'd want to go to the hot like if you got shot in the stomach like literally in like the like the the stomach part of your stomach not the ribs i think you'd be all right you'd have a you'd have a real bruise like like don't think paintball bruise think like this big like slight like five inches across this big taylor fall out of bed bruise yes like taylor not quite that intense like taylor head butted you but if you get shot in the ribs it'll absolutely break your ribs like like it it might break your rib throw it into a lung and
Starting point is 00:43:25 fucking kill you if you get shot in the head it will kill you um because it's it's this really hardy cloth that's of a beanbag full of um shotgun shot like bird shot so and they go fast i i would i've shot like mannequins with them to try to get some kind of a visual effect and it's like oh it just goes right through them huh i've been rolling on this in my head they're the size of a um cornhole bean bag how big are they really they're much smaller no they're not so so they make 40 millimeter grenade launcher rounds that are like that that shoot the fucking cornhole bag okay and that'll. And that'll fuck you right up. That might kill a motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:44:07 If you put the cornhole bag in a shotgun, it might travel pretty slow. Like, I might even catch it. It wouldn't fit. You know? 12 gauges like the size of a nickel. You'd have to roll it around, right? Like, you'd have to turn it into a tube. It'd just come out like a silly spaghetti snake or something. You need this thing to like fold back and be exactly the size of like the shotgun barrel so that when it comes out, it usually has a tail to stabilize it like fin stabilization.
Starting point is 00:44:37 But it's like a strip of leather or cloth that trails behind it. Like a kite tail. Yeah, like a kite tail. And so that's traveling behind it keeping it stable so it's not like falling end over end or spinning or anything ideally but um but they're small um it's like getting shot with i'll just find a picture once i thought about it i knew i was wrong but i was like yeah they take a cornhole that you know you can roll a square into a cylinder you know i was like that must be what it's like. And then the air, it spreads out.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Like, wait a minute, that thing's so heavy. I don't think a shotgun would throw it. You might catch it with your hand if they tried to throw something that heavy. The shotgun, then. Wow, those guys are still in business. Who's in business? American Specialty Ammo.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I used a lot of their products back in the day. All the speciality ammo. American Specialty Ammo. They make a lot of their products back in the day. All the specialty ammo. They make a lot of nonsense stuff. The shooter story is dead now. I guess because Biden announced his VP, that's dominating my little thing. And I guess because they caught him too. If they hadn't caught him, it'd probably still be a bigger
Starting point is 00:45:38 thing, but they shot him and nabbed him. But you haven't heard anything about him, which you know. Why else do you go to the white house though and shoot guns unless you want to kill the president seems like a pretty open and shut thing to do right when you say it that way it sounded you know that that or commit suicide yeah there you go so he wouldn't have missed if it was number two so if you look at the top left image oh okay so if you look in the top left image you can see He wouldn't have missed if it was number two. Oh, no, no. Suicide by cop.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Oh, okay. So if you look in the top left image, you can see it's a little bag sort of tied in a knot. So the side on the left is full of shot, which is tiny BBs of lead. And then the right side is like the stabilizing like cloth that drags behind that's the tail so it want trauma pain clients hydrokinetic impact bag as they're called over here on less i shot jeremy with some of these tridents uh they're on the top right i shot him in the back with one of those he didn't like it what do you think's worse the bean bag or those i would guess the bean bags a thousand percent the trident was oh yes oh yeah i wouldn't think jeremy ended up there's three in there there's three in there but they're smaller
Starting point is 00:46:55 so less mass less impact yeah okay and they're made of rubber instead of lead so again less less kinetic energy okay yeah no it's like a bad paintball it's making sense the way you say it but i guess i thought that um with the tail it would lose so much speed that it wouldn't be so bad maybe it depends on distance i don't know aerial warning bang cool at 30 yards you're getting fucked up yeah with that with that beanbag however with the buckshot like i shot jeremy with that buckshot at like fucking almost point blank range like like like like if anybody wants to see the video we were just watching it last night because it was so it's so mean it's called shot pepper sprayed and tased or something like that dude maybe that's not in the in the title but i do tattoo him at the end of
Starting point is 00:47:46 the video it's so funny we were talking about this whole thing last night how like jeremy was just perfect for that sort of thing you know like i paid him 200 250 something like that and the free tattoo which some would see as a negative something but jeremy saw as a positive and uh you know at the beginning i shoot him right in the back with that rubber buck shot. And, uh, I think he plays it up a little bit. He falls on the ground,
Starting point is 00:48:08 which annoyed me. I was like, we're not here to fake things. If it doesn't hurt, then fucking say it doesn't hurt. I did not like when he dropped to the ground. Cause I knew I hadn't knocked him to the ground. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:20 It was play acting, getting shot in the movie. Right. He didn't want to get shot though. He didn't want to keep getting shot though. He didn't want to get blasted. I mean he already been blasted. I already shot him in the back with the buckshot. I know but if he had stood there.
Starting point is 00:48:33 You would have pumped another five rounds of that into him. And he knows that. The first round did not take effect. Just give him another. No I wouldn't have done that. But what I did do. Is next came the taser and so i popped him once with the taser and he hits the ground and he moans and screams just with his
Starting point is 00:48:52 face on the ground you know not even trying to keep his face out of the dirt just just like complete lock up and i'm laughing so hard i'm like and my my adrenaline's going my heart's going so like time is going really quickly and for me and so what was five seconds and as a pretty decent amount of time on video, you know, five seconds times relative though. Um, I felt like, oh man,
Starting point is 00:49:13 that's not good. That's not enough content. Let's give him a, let's give him another jolt. It goes in five second bursts. There's no control. It's just five at a time. Are they all like that?
Starting point is 00:49:25 The X 26 is, which is like the main, main one cops use. Okay. It wasn't five second bursts. There's no control. It's just five at a time. Are they all like that? Do you know? The X26 is, which is like the main one cops use. Okay. And so I give him five more seconds and you can hear it. And he goes, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. You know that taser noise? And I turn around. I can't keep a straight face.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I'm like, well, I couldn't resist. I had to give him a second job i had to and uh and then i pepper spray him and uh i'm peppers i pepper spray him with the same shit that i've been pepper sprayed before uh with before it's it's a rough day most people think pepper spray is worse i think they're wrong you think taser's worse. Yeah. Yeah. The pepper spray lasts for 20 minutes and it hurts and it sucks. But the taser is a transcendent experience from everything I've seen and heard. Like the pepper spray for me was medium discomfort. Not mild discomfort. Not extreme discomfort. Medium discomfort.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I didn't enjoy it. okay didn't enjoy it i didn't like it but it was over in like 15 minutes of rinsing and then i went back to the gun store with my face all swollen up and i was like that was some good shit you gave me and they're like oh what happened i was like what happened i needed to make sure it was real scott soaked my face in it that's what fucking happened and they're like we didn't think you were serious i was like what did you think i was doing i got a fucking 1911 on my hip what do i need pepper spray for if i'm not spraying myself in the face with it so like i didn't mind it at all now i didn't enjoy it don't get me wrong but jeremy was crying after the taser you know he
Starting point is 00:51:02 gets up and there are tears in his eyes like it's like it's extreme pain i do and i don't want to try but so here's the thing like it what you said ties into my perception it's that pepper spray is a problem for 15 20 minutes and then even an hour later you're not back at baseline your face is swollen you're like post injury it's like a very mild sunburn an hour later like very mild it's warmth so i've never been tasered but i have been you know electrocuted and i've been stunned gunned you know and the second that ends you're like sort of coming to grips with what just happened but you're okay you know the experience is behind you this is so much more extreme so i've i've been electrocuted but i i've like 110 volts yeah yeah that's yeah 110 110 volts um i've had 220 but it
Starting point is 00:51:55 was an electric motor and i definitely didn't get good contact because wearing shoes and stuff so like you know 220 can fucking kill you okay so and obviously i didn't die so i felt the pain of that before and you know me and you have goofed around with that cheap little like nine volt stun gun i had yeah yeah that taser man is a whole nother it'll drop a cow like like it's complete neuromuscular lockdown it's one electrode trode is in his shoulder the other and the other is in his thigh so everything so the electricity is traveling between those two points and so the back is the largest major muscle group and it's getting his back his ass his thighs like all of his biggest compound muscle groups are
Starting point is 00:52:40 convulsing to their their maximum your muscles have never convulsed like that your brain can't produce that kind of voltage they've never done that before ever and they're doing it like 20 times a second or something for five seconds and your butt like people shit themselves but it does end as soon as it ends right like it does it does. It does. Would you rather spend five? My cop buddy was like, would you rather spend five seconds in hell or 20 minutes on a hot beach? You take your pick. I'll take the hot beach. You know, that's, that's what pepper spray always was to me. Now, if you're going to, if you're going to pepper spray my ass and leave me in the back of a cop car for half an hour with no way to clean up and and i'm just rubbing it deeper and deeper or maybe just like getting worse and worse that's a different story
Starting point is 00:53:28 but if you've got water you're good it's no big deal at all yeah my i think my opinions is heavily influenced by something i saw on tv and he made the argument that i did that uh he's like the taser is terrible you're not doing anything while you're being tased but then once it's over like in this case it was a woman doing self-defense not a cop doing pain compliance and he's like but once it's over like if i wanted to i could make a run at her he says on on the other hand pepper spray i'm out of the game i'm out of the game for 15 20 minutes like i want nothing to do with anything but dealing with this eye problem some water now as a caveat to that i saw that a long time ago like it might be 10 years ago or better so batteries could be stronger now like it could be a whole different thing than
Starting point is 00:54:12 a 15 year old taser it i don't know the the x20 so there's a there's a really good personal a lot of the personal defense tasers you shoot them then you drop it and they go for 10 seconds so you're running away while they're riding the lightning on the ground. It looks like a Star Trek phaser a little bit, or actually looks like an electric razor is what it really looks like, and it's pink. It's called the jogger, I think. And you pop, and then you drop the thing, and you run away while they're on the ground convulsing for the next 10 seconds. Jesus Christ, these are expensive as shit. X-26?
Starting point is 00:54:47 Which one? The Pulse. Personal defense taser was like the first one. $450. Just buy a gun, man, at this point. I mean, you know, not every application calls for a firearm, right? I don't know. Can you take a taser everywhere?
Starting point is 00:55:03 Like, that's one of the problems with guns. You're not supposed to bring it to the mall, the movie theater, any place I don't know. Can you take a taser everywhere? Like that's one of the problems with guns. You're not supposed to bring it to the mall, the movie theater, the any place that sells a ticket. Yeah. I can't speak on that too. Well, um,
Starting point is 00:55:13 I'll tell you what I would do if I didn't have a record or anything. That seems like one of those things where you could ask for, ask, uh, forgiveness for later, right? Like I know lots of girls who would like carry their pepper spray or their tasers at school because like fuck you first of all i'm not going to be using it on
Starting point is 00:55:32 anybody at school unless they need it and and second of all like what are you going to do to me you're going to suspend me for a day i'll take the day you know this is so i don't get raped in a parking lot fuck you kyle actually helped me with this everyone comes to kyle for personal defense advice but he's like yeah it was hope going away to school and this was our this she's leaving the nest for the first time and he's like yeah here's good pepper spray this is stuff that i i suggest here's a test one so you know if it's ever game day it's not the first time she's pulled the trigger. And I was like, that's smart. I probably wouldn't have done that without his tips. Yeah, tell her to shake that thing.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Anytime she thinks about it, anytime she gives it a thought, give it a real good shake. Because if you don't shake it, it sort of sputters and doesn't – like the solids sink to the bottom. And so you get this kind of action. And it's just like, this was to defend my life, and I really want that shit to work. Hers was on her keychain, which might provide a little natural shaking, but
Starting point is 00:56:33 that is still good advice. If it's been just sitting on a shelf, it's not actually a taser, it's a stun gun flashlight. It just looks really cool. It's just probably not that effective. A gun's better, a stun gun, or a looks really cool it just it's probably not that effective a gun's better a stun gun or a taser again stuck you don't want a stun gun unless you're like some sort of i'm so the x26 taser system is both you can you can use it as a stun gun once you once
Starting point is 00:56:59 you deploy the cartridge now it's a stun gun so you're not completely unarmed anymore you can still electrocute people at your leisure um but you know those cartridges don't always work oh okay you know they don't always pierce the person they don't always hit the person i always have a knife like always a lot of my experience is a lot of people who claim they always have a gun actually don't like you know there's times when they don't have a gun my knife is part of my like wallet keys and phone and a letterman and i would i would hate to deal with someone with a fucking knife that's a scary proposition yeah yeah be a real problem and i use it so much not on people obviously but i will i can find that thing in my pocket orient it without looking at it and pop it out with my thumb like that would probably be the best move i would be afraid of all you got to do
Starting point is 00:57:52 is find one guy who's been in a knife fight and and you're bringing a knife to that gentleman's fight now and so like that's a scary prospect i've only used knives for knife things like yeah it's getting optimal i've never like done that with a knife i don't know what i would do do i hold it like i'm gonna come down do i try and slash i don't mean to be johnny tough guy but i think it's hard to get the knife out of your hand if you have a knife in your hand and my goal is to get it out i'm gonna get fucked up i'll show you how to hold a knife i got a little knife do you like this do you go i imagine i would do this action i would imagine waving it around like a crazy person and backing up would be the right move if you don't know how to knife fight
Starting point is 00:58:39 or throw the knife like this so you want to hold your knife like this because now you can't get wrist control. I've got the blade right here. I can stab and I can slash. Kyle's got this that's not a knife thing going on right here. That's literally not a knife you have there. Really? It's three inches. That's what it is. I don't know how small it looks, but it's not big.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Well, yeah. I mean, I guess I'd prefer yours. But I can't keep that in my pocket all the time. I actually have this. I didn't have to go get it. That's the argument. This was magnetized to the refrigerator at all times. Well, which helps if you're in the kitchen and you think of it first. But I don't know. That's like one of my...
Starting point is 00:59:22 No, I hear you. There are a lot of gun owners. This is a fucking kitchen knife. Yeah, obviously. You don't know that's like one of my no i hear there are a lot of fucking this is a kitchen knife yeah obviously yeah you don't walk around with this but i think a lot of people like like um i don't want to name names but i know a guy who said he carries a 1911 japanese carries a 1911 all the time he says i doubt it more than once i've been like show me your 1911 well it's in the drawer you look like a fucking goober if you're walking around in real life with a 1911 on your hip all day every day i could all you're doing is like if there is going to be violence you're just making it so whoever's about to start
Starting point is 00:59:53 is going all right so first and foremost we got to take care of that guy every once in a while harry over there we got to deal with that first every once in a while there's a guy whose whole wardrobe revolves around his gun like i'm just a hawaiian shirt guy yeah all right so that one guy conceals his gun but most people don't yeah i i um i didn't like hip holsters i've never liked hip holsters for actually carrying guns uh you know i if you're on a fucking youtube video it's one thing or if you're like actively shooting you you know, hip holster is great. But I can't think of what I like behind and small the back. I like to keep guns there. I could reach back really handily and have it out and ready to go.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Like a nice soft leather holster. Or appendix holsters. It's inside the waistband. Below, you know, and you're basically on your underwear line really kind of pointed right at your cock and balls so you want to be careful what kind of gun you put down there you know maybe not something with like like a hair trigger single action kind of semi-automatic or something you know you probably want like a that's going to keep me on edge yeah you want something with a serious trigger pull.
Starting point is 01:01:06 The gun I kept down there was like a Kar 40, like a 40 caliber Kar semi-automatic pistol. The trigger pull I think is outrageous. There's no way I was going to accidentally blow my dick off. But, you know, that's a major concern, right? I'll take a beating or a robbing every
Starting point is 01:01:21 day of the week if it means I never blow my dick and balls off. Big concern, small target. I'll keep on in that new ridge i have in my ass mate that'll be perfect a little subcompact yeah uh yeah no i like uh pocket guns i would keep a gun in uh maybe a desantis holster people probably don't know that but it's it's basically designed so that when it goes in your pocket it doesn't twist around and go upside down and shit like that so if you were to reach in and grab your gun it would come out the right way and that's yeah i could i could keep that little lcp like in a jean pocket you know i mean it fits in there with a along with like a phone or something it's so fucking small but i'm just so bad with an lcp i never felt confident in that thing. I was like, well, maybe I'll just shoot at them and they'll be frightened.
Starting point is 01:02:09 There's no way I can hit them. I couldn't hit them. Kyle said that. And I was like, that's odd. Here's the one situation where I'm a better shooter than Kyle. And then I tested it. No, I'm terrible also. I get it.
Starting point is 01:02:20 I was so bad. LCR is the revolver. He likes that one more. I was looking to get one of those when I was thinking more seriously about carrying every day. Yeah, I would carry the LCR on the small on my back. That's the revolver for those listening. It's a Ruger revolver. I think mine was 38.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Yeah, 38. Yeah, I like hammerless for concealed carry. You don't want a big metal hook on the back of your gun that can get caught on a waistband or a belt or a belt loop or skin or anything. And it's going to be a heavy trigger pull, so it won't shoot your penis off. Heavy trigger pull is good, especially if you're carrying the thing around with you all the time. It's not a target pistol. It's a self-defense pistol. It's a different use case.
Starting point is 01:03:03 The phrasing I needed to hear was, you carry it a lot and you shoot it a little. And it's like, a self-defense pistol it's a different it's a different uh use case the phrasing i needed to hear was you carry it a lot and you shoot it a little and it's like oh yeah that's the opposite of like a hair trigger gun the one where you'd shoot it a lot and carry it a little it's not your everyday carry gun yeah but i mean at the end uh an m&p or a glock is probably like the safest thing for like all-around use like, like one of the smaller ones, even a Glock 19 Glock 19. So small in my like frame, like, like it,
Starting point is 01:03:30 it doesn't even fit my hand. That's the reason I never had one. They're so tiny. I would need to practice a lot to be able to serviceably use an LCR. Cause like those, I've held them before and it's like, it doesn't reach the end of your palm and that's pretty tough. You know, like you don't feel in control you feel like you're pulling that way a lot because the head
Starting point is 01:03:49 it's not a fun gun to shoot you know it's like this is a just in case kind of thing so it'd be kind of kind of a pain in the ass to learn that the lcp hurts to shoot so for people who don't know like pretend your gun weighed 10 pounds the bullet would do very little to like smack it in your hand well this is a tiny super lightweight they've cut every gram from it that they can so when you shoot it all that energy like the gun doesn't absorb it by being heavy it smacks your palm and it vibrates and it's like this the recoil in the the impulse like goes through the plastic grip in your hand which does hurt a little my biggest concern was like like the length of my hand from here to here is is longer than the gun allows so to pull the trigger i had to like do like one of
Starting point is 01:04:38 the i couldn't use my trick this part of my trigger finger because the gun needs to be this fucking big for that and an lcp is this big so so i ended up having to like almost pinch the trigger against the back of it to like fire it yeah i could never use one of those the advantage of the lcp i intend i insist is not that you shoot it well it's that it's actually in your pocket it's good that's you just hope that brandishing will be enough it was so wouldn't you pull that thing out and be like yo what is that homes but the the gun fights i see on the internet are like two people at the same gas station pump or some or two people in the same doorway like it like places where you could hit anything with any gun it's it's not two car lengths away but i could be wrong i don't know glock 26 is real tiny that's i think that's what i'd go with
Starting point is 01:05:33 you get 11 rounds uh you can get an extended mag i think it is 12 you know plus one in the in the chamber it's tiny let me let me see if i can find a picture of a glock 26 compared with the lcp okay yeah jesus christ we passed an hour but i'm enjoying this conversation this thing looks ridiculous in hickok 45's hands okay that guy it looks uh of course he's shooting it well. I bet he does. So Hickok45, people, there's nothing for reference, but that guy's like 6'5 or something.
Starting point is 01:06:14 I believe he's 6'6. Yeah, he's a big, big dude. Yeah, he's hitting everything he's aiming at. I believe he's using an aimbot. Yeah, unfair. He knows this course. I don't know why. Ignore that. I don't know why the link looks like that. What is it?
Starting point is 01:06:34 I've found a picture of someone comparing the two pistols. He is hitting every single shot. And these are bottles of soda 25 feet away. Yeah, so it's obviously quite a bit bigger. The LCP is one of the tiniest pistols there are. But still, you're getting so much more in that moderately bigger package.
Starting point is 01:06:58 The difference is significant in a pocket. It is significant in a pocket. You would not put the Glock in a pocket. Sounds like some kind of kid's riddle or story. A Glock in a pocket? A gun safety limerick. Well, anyway, you guys
Starting point is 01:07:17 want to call the show? Yeah. Okay, PKN 312.

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