Painkiller Already - PKN 326

Episode Date: November 20, 2020


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 326 i was starting to get into my ridiculous fat loss plan i've lost five pounds so far and um five pounds you can't see and it's almost cheating right because the first two come from like measuring at different times of the day but whatever it's five i saw that number i saw my new number we're rocking with it here's how i've done it three weeks ago i got braces and uh i'm not wearing them now i wear them every stream i'm wearing them for three weeks no one said anything which is kind of cool um but the thing is you have to wear them for like 22 hours a day and when you take them out to eat basically you take them out and then you have to brush the braces like they were teeth and then after you eat you have to brush your teeth and then you put them back in this is enough of a pain in the ass that
Starting point is 00:00:48 if there's like a donut on the counter it's like no fucking way no i'm not like this it's like 20 minutes worth of bullshit to have a donut don't give me an errand yeah exactly that's what's happening like i used to go to bed and sometimes I would snack in bed and go to sleep. Do you know the process for that now? Like take the braces out, brush them, go downstairs, get the snack, eat the snack, go to the bathroom, brush your teeth again. You have to brush every time you eat or whatever little food particles just get sealed in there with your braces and rot them with cavity. So now you brush your teeth again, maybe give the braces.
Starting point is 00:01:24 You were in and out of bed like four times for a fucking dorito no no it'd be nice snacking is like not worth it anymore plus there's you know i'm down five pounds we'll see where this goes and um and my teeth will be it'll take they say 15 to 18 months which is like 65 to 75 weekly trays they give you. And I'm on tray number three. Awesome. It's great. It's progress. I can't see any difference in my teeth, but I know they're moving because...
Starting point is 00:01:58 Is there soreness a little bit? Well, there is at the beginning of each tray. Well, that's how you know. If each tray is progressively squeezing more and it's already better. It's my bite, where my teeth contact each other, has changed three times already. So something's happening. And also, they gave me enough... The braces, they're these clear braces.
Starting point is 00:02:19 It is a line if anyone wants to Google it. I have them through January 7th or something. So I looked ahead at what my teeth will look through january 7th or something so i looked ahead at what my teeth will look like on january 7th notably better like that would be such a good sponsor like we could all get them like are they imperfect they look perfect on camera is there something there they're like mildly imperfect like like they're doing like this number like like where they're like they're not perfectly like like the top ones are I wouldn't say perfect but they're straight and the bottom ones
Starting point is 00:02:48 right in the middle of those two teeth are like a little bit askew. I don't mind if anything it's a character trait but look if somebody was paying me to wear some fucking braces but I'll make them crooked first and then go the other way. I'm more interested in the weight loss aspect of it. I will try
Starting point is 00:03:04 anything but soft food. What if you got your jaw wired shut? My jaw wired shut? All you can do is have protein shakes. Oh, that would be so depressing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:19 It would be hilarious for the show. Do you have any silly voices or anything? You know what? I've already had enough wired jaw content. I think maybe it's not the best idea. You're a British accent sound boy when you can't open your mouth. Oi, governor. I can't really do much
Starting point is 00:03:36 here. Oi, I'm a Brit with my mouth wide shut. Woody is hating this. What a wonderful bit we've made. You were talking about midnight snacking like i've never done this type of midnight snacking where like i just wake up and i'm hungry and i go eat like that's not what happens like i've done that i mean i guess i've done it a couple times in my life but like it wasn't a it's never been a problem like what was a problem like and it's been like five
Starting point is 00:04:03 years ago now like like maybe not even i think it was right around the time oh no it was because i was smoking so much weed so it's been four or five years and i do think it was weed because i would wake up in the middle of the night and it was like sleepwalking first of all i get high as shit before i went to sleep like scary high like higher than you've ever been in your life high and and then i was like every night i believe you yes every night i may have had a problem i did go to drug treatment so i'm sure that's straightened out now um so you describe it as scary high like yeah oh time for bed i hope i don't freak out i love marijuana all right you know what can i say so uh but i would wake up in the middle of the night and it was like sleepwalking. I wouldn't be conscious of it. I would go to the refrigerator and I would have cheese and crackers
Starting point is 00:04:49 where I wouldn't even make a plate. I would just get the block of cheese and like a roll of Ritz crackers and a knife. And I would just whittle slices of it off as I stood there and like eat it. And I didn't remember that I was doing it the next day I would just wake up and like there'd be like a knife and crumbs is all over the fucking counter and I'd be like who did this I like I cleaned the kitchen up like like who got up in the middle of the night I'd ask my girlfriend she's like no I did not get up in the middle of the night and and have half a block of blue cheese like a burglar like i'm like well i know kitty didn't get into the blue cheese that shit's spicy she can't eat spicy things and she's like
Starting point is 00:05:30 i'm not the one eating your cheese you're eating your cheese there isn't a rat breaking into our house but master splinter did not sneak in here last night and have at your your one pound block of wildfire blue cheese no one in the world but you likes that shit. And so finally, she caught me one night. She was like, hey. And I'm like, come out of it. I was literally like sleepwalking, sleep eating.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Yeah, I was in a trance eating this cheese. And I'm like, what? What? She's like, what are you doing? And I'm like, I'm eating the cheese. I'm eating the cheese. I'm eating the cheese. Do you want some? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I did that when Chiz sent us the chorizo log. I was out with friends, got drunk, went home by myself, ate however much chorizo was in that log. From puncturing the seal to finishing off the last bite, I ate all of it that evening. And I was just drunk off my ass and then went to bed. You bought a special knife to eat it. You bought a special knife to eat it. And then I woke up the next day and I was just like, golly, this is the worst hangover I've had in my entire life. Like, I didn't even drink anymore when I got home.
Starting point is 00:06:44 What was wrong and then like i came out there and it's just empty thing of chorizo like three empty sleeves of ritz probably some cheese caught in the crossfire and it was like i think i shit four five big shits that day it aren't rich the best rich are so fucking buttery delicious yeah they're great dude anything in a bag probably tastes great the The snacking problem I have, I think it doesn't impact people with jobs, people that get up the next morning. But let's say you got up late, had lunch, and then you have dinner at 6 p.m. Now it's 1 a.m. You haven't had anything to eat for seven hours which is it's not like you can't survive but you're hungry again it's been seven hours and you're staying up two more are you really
Starting point is 00:07:29 going to exist hungry for the next two hours until like 3 a.m watching netflix or something the snacks are begging they're calling for you and that's that that would be my issue but now i never even let hunger begin to set up a stronghold in my camp. I preemptively fight off hunger. Anytime I even sense hunger beginning to attack, fight back. That's a big brain plan ahead play. I like it. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I guess you just had to sneeze. Well, I'll have a sandwich again. I honestly don't own any snacks. So the only temptation I have is ordering food. So that can be a problem, because I'll scroll through and I'm like, oh yeah, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy. Wingstop. Ooh, tasty.
Starting point is 00:08:15 We have a Wingstop now? Wingstop are the best hot wings that I think I've ever had. Wingstop or baked chicken? Wingstop. Treat yourself. Baked chicken. There's tears falling on the phone. Eating your baked fucking chicken.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Eating fucking baked chicken and rice. Steamed vegetables. Yeah. White rice. So I found on, I got HBO Max. I had to sideload uh it was it was a little bit annoying of course it is now on amazon that that news just came out but it's side loaded onto my amazon device now and i'm not gonna go backwards yeah um i watched this thing called
Starting point is 00:08:59 okay it's uh remember that part you would you i bet you know all about this woody action park in new jersey sure that's super dangerous the uh water uh park that they had where were like five kids died jersey don't raise no pussies yeah that's what the people in the in the show say so this show is called it's it's called class action park uh-huh Park. And it's on HBO Max. It's like a 90-minute documentary. It's badass. It's awesome. They tell the whole story of Action Park in New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And they have lots of Jersey natives who either worked there or attended the park. And that frequently comes up where they're like, we're from Jersey. Do it, pussy. They're like, there's a whole observation deck for the Tarzan swing. The Tarzan swing isn't even going into a pool. It's going into a freshwater stream that's 40 degrees. People would hit it and be so shocked by the cold they'd forget how to swim. Now you're supposed to swing in and just let go like Tarzan would.
Starting point is 00:10:08 But no, they're doing back flips, doing jackknives, showing their balls as they fly through the air. I've seen this in real life. Some kid would fall, be bleeding, half unconscious, barely stay in a float, and the crowd would be chanting pussy. Yeah, man. My wife used to go there too oh that's so cool that place is bad the like now these these water parks you couldn't fall out of the slide if you wanted to right like when it goes around a sharp corner it's a tube there in action park like it takes a little skill not to fall out of the water slide there's one ride it's the downhill like you let me know as i go through these you went right that's what you're
Starting point is 00:10:51 saying yeah i'm reading this on wikipedia this is there's a whole section of action park on their wikipedia page it's just fatalities yes and there's as i go through these let me know if like you did this did you do the downhill um like slalom thing where you're on this little cart where there's a handle you pull back to break and yes i've done that that's one of the ones that killed people so for those so for those listening most people don't die it's less dangerous than covid that's true but some people did like like you you're sitting on this little bullshit cart it's almost like a creeper that you would use to like uh creep under a car you know you lay on the thing and like it rolls uh under cars and and it's got this little handle like a like the joist like a joystick or like a
Starting point is 00:11:35 like a yoke in an airplane you pull back to break push forward to give it all it's got if you don't break in about three of the corners you leave the track because it's just like a u-shaped as it's made out of concrete fiberglass and asbestos that is the composition of that track i shit you not i'm not making that up do that and this and uh the problem was not all the breaks worked so some people were just destined to fly off the track there was no way out of it and so like there's this as you're watching the documentary there's some people who are like and it was the coolest summer i ever had and there's employees and they're like you know we all hated the job but we loved each other and then like
Starting point is 00:12:17 you see like the son of the park owner and he's just like my dad had a vision but then they keep going back to this old lady and she's like he was a son of a bitch he knew it wasn't legal his insurance company was fraudulent it was in the cayman islands and he made it up he had no insurance he knew that people couldn't afford to sue him and even if they did they wouldn't get much and i'm just like what a bitch what's she raining on everybody's parade for and then you get halfway through the documentary and she's like georgie was my youngest son oh no no but she's a biased source now can't take her serious she's like georgie was my youngest son he was always so athletic and strong and there's this montage of him like wrestling in high school and he's this blonde haired like good looking guy not quite fit enough for the tide pool.
Starting point is 00:13:06 He rode that thing I'm describing, the downhill slalom thing with the asbestos, concrete, and fiberglass, went off the track, hit his head on a fucking rock. They sued the park. The park's defense attorney said, it wasn't the ride that killed him.
Starting point is 00:13:21 It was the rock. You know what? They won. Tou they won they won she they got a hundred thousand dollars compensation out of their son being dead and he was one of like five or six people the wave pool alone killed at least two people maybe three they i was reading on the wikipedia page yeah two people died over a three-year span in the wave pool and the one the guy that flew off and hit his head on the rock like at first the owner apparently tried to say he was an employee because he had worked seasonally once in the past but he was never actually employee and the reason he did that is apparently because if it's an employee who dies in your park
Starting point is 00:14:02 you don't need to report it to the state. He didn't try to say that. He said it and won. What a cunt. That kid worked at, so there were two parks. He had a ski resort, you know, and he had like the world's largest snow machine that he made out of a jet engine. And a very popular ski resort up there. And in the summertime, though, it was shit i'm losing half my business doesn't exist in the summer you know like so they make the water park that kid had worked at the ski resort
Starting point is 00:14:30 like a year or two prior and and so in court they said look he's he was an employee all right and i think they even said that he wasn't even a paying member of at the park that he was an employee just you know, there riding. And so, yeah, he literally legally did not have to report that death to the state. He did not. He got no trouble for it. I want to watch this documentary. I want to go back to Action Park.
Starting point is 00:14:59 It's cooler than I remember. It no longer exists, unfortunately. I know. I knew that. But, yeah, it's a – I mean, probably the festivities. The wake was insane. The facility might still be there, Kyle. The downhill thing, I bet it's there right now.
Starting point is 00:15:10 It's not. In the documentary, they cover all this. They tore most of that out, replaced it with this other park that's like bullshit. Yeah, the wave pool killed two people. And they explained that like a lot of the people that would attend were from New York and couldn't fucking swim. And they would literally put a wristband on you that was green. And it said, CFS can't fucking swim. So that if you saw the green CSF band, you'd know to keep an eye on that kid because he can't fucking swim.
Starting point is 00:15:42 And they're like, it was the age of reagan people took personal responsibility right everybody believed that red tape was getting in the way of innovation slowing down democracy so of course you had kids that couldn't fucking swim jumping off an actual cliff 20 feet down into a pool. And yeah, we suggested they cross their arms. And when they didn't, they dislocated their shoulders. But fuck them. That's how you learn. It's New Jersey, bitch.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I got onto a sidetrack where I'm now seeing wave pool malfunction videos. And some of these are hilarious like there's I don't know where this is but everyone's Chinese and they are packed in so close and then there's someone like clearly like some mom standing like taking video you know like watching their kids have fun way out there and this wave is like cresting right off the start and people are just getting sucked up and just barreling over. You can see the kids doing that
Starting point is 00:16:49 water run trying to get out fast enough where they have to lumber through. Godzilla's chasing them. Pretty much. Oh man, no wonder people died in this. Yeah, dude. It's a great fucking show.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And the owner was a real kook like he just didn't give a shit he was like um they had this issue where people weren't paying for the chairlift i think you needed to ride the chairlift to get to the top of the park and maybe you rode rides down back to the bottom i'm not sure but people weren't buying tickets and he told one of his employees like here's what we're gonna do you ride You ride the chairlift up. I'm going to be standing at the top. I'm going to ask you if you've got a ticket. You tell me you don't have no fucking ticket. And I'm going to hit you with this cattle prod. You hit the ground and act like you're fucking dead. So they did it. This kid gets off. I don't have no fucking ticket. Hits him with
Starting point is 00:17:42 the cattle prod. Kid drops, hits the ground, ground fakes dead they carry him off on a back brace they get like 250 calls to like law enforcement and like like media groups say saying that their child saw someone murdered for not having a ticket on the chairlift you can't buy press like that that's the other thing they're constantly like he took out the news reporter who was giving him shit like had her fired like she's interviewed like she's like and i was informed that i no longer had a job like like anybody who got in his way because he had all these political connections and alleged mob connections and he had this financier who was literally like gordon the gordon gecko before there was a gordonko. He was like pump and dump penny stock guy,
Starting point is 00:18:26 like funneling hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars into Action Park because he thought it was cool. He's just a scammer. Dude, Ocean City, of course Ocean City had its little parks too on the boardwalk. It's a resort place. And we had a roller coaster that killed people every year. I mean some year there would just be like broken arms and legs and stuff and you might be thinking like i bet this was a pretty badass roller coaster it wasn't kyle kyle this roller coaster was so lame there'd be like six
Starting point is 00:18:55 year olds on it it was called the mouse right like but it was rickety it was never meant to be a permanent roller coaster it was meant to be like a traveling carny kind of roller coaster. And they didn't do proper maintenance. So, like, the deaths were coming from, like, you've got the iron structure of the roller coaster. And then there are these cables that would, like, be support beams. Like, you know, sort of maybe you've got an iron rectangle. And then you put an X worth of cables on it. And now it's rigid in a way it wasn't before.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Well, these cables would just wear out, or the bolts that had them would rust and be gone. And now the roller coaster is zooming by, and a cable decapitated a kid, right? Because it was hanging where the people go, and it pulled his head off. That's gruesome. And the kids would just sit there next to a headless kid the rest of the ride 16 year old us are like dude we should do the mouse the mouse is more badass than it looks remember to talk about gruesome here's another ride and i want to know this is the one i was most interested in did you ever get on that slide that does the loop the slide i don't i don't remember it no i don't
Starting point is 00:20:01 remember that there was a slide that did a loop. They were like, this thing looked like... Did people often not complete the loop? And they just fall in that jackass sketch. They were like, it was like Wile E. Coyote designed this thing. They literally built it there at the park. And it's a slide that's incredibly steep. It's a tunnel slide that does a loop-de-loop at the end. And first they put it together, and they made it, designed it, built it themselves.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Kids and the owner. Of course. Kids and the owner. And so they threw dummies in it to see what would happen. And the dummies were coming out mangled. Heads missing, arms missing, stuff like that. So they'd be like, all right. So they're like, this is perfect.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Let's change the loop a little, make it not, you know, bigger loop, not so tight. I think things are getting jammed up in the loop-de-loop process. And finally, some dummies start coming out with all their head, all their limbs still on. So they're like, all right, step two. Who wants $100? And the owner stands at the end of step two. Who wants $100? And the owner stands at the end of it with a handful of $100 bills, and the teen employees just
Starting point is 00:21:10 start going down the fucking thing. And they're coming out all fucked up. They're coming up, like, so they're like, he's like, what happened to you? And he's like, well, when the loop happened, they're sort of falling back down on the inside of the loop, right? So that means we need either more water pressure or change the loop side.
Starting point is 00:21:27 So they adjust it, and he's just doling out the $100 bills. And finally, they get it kind of where they want it, right? And they add this padding on the inside so that you go up, you do the loop, and as you're coming down, if you don't quite keep stuck to it, fall to the end you know the other way there's a pad to like so you hit your face on pad because people were hitting their faces a lot coming out with bloody mouths i just watched a video of this this is absolutely something that i would make on roller coaster tycoon so so they put the padding in there well they sent somebody down and they and and the person came out with no fucking teeth like this is a this is a this is like a like like kids like like customers are coming out with their
Starting point is 00:22:09 teeth knocked out and they're like oh god damn i'm back i guess that kid was too big or uh or too small i'm not sure they just keep sending kids through it well now kids are coming through cover with cuts and they can't figure out why are these kids all cut up there were teeth stuck in the padding and these kids there were so many broken teeth stuck in the padding on the inside of the slide that kids were sliding over teeth and getting all cut up from teeth that is outrageous that sounds made up that's so crazy you can't make it up well you see the teeth got stuck in the in the safety pad the best part is like they'd have one person be like and of course highway 90 runs straight through the park terrible design idea there's literally a highway going through the park
Starting point is 00:22:56 and we also put the race cars right next to the alcohol pavilion so people get real drunk get on the race cars and of course someone figured out how to tamper with them to make them go 60 miles an hour i heard somebody once took took them out on the highway and they were racing on the highway with cars in the go carts and then they cut to another guy and he's like oh yeah we did that yeah yeah i did that just some guy admitting it like that 10 cent beer night yeah we did that yeah yeah i did that just some guy admitting it like that 10 cent beer night yeah we did that yeah that's that's so fucking funny that i i gotta watch this this is only a six second clip one girl was electrocuted to death on the kayaks yeah it said that i think it was
Starting point is 00:23:41 electrical about kayaks so i don't remember exactly. They got tipped out of their, I think it was a guy. He got tipped out of his kayak. And he, against the rules, was like, I got to reflip my kayak over. But how is that a rule? You know, you got to try and get back in your kayak, right? And apparently there was like an exposed wire underneath the water and his foot touched it. And it was such a powerful shock that it gave him a heart attack and like people in the water around him were like and so then he went to the hospital and he later
Starting point is 00:24:13 died of a heart attack and uh yeah like it i guess maybe he was an employee also they were they were showing like pictures of some of the people who had gotten road rash from that downhill slalom. It was gruesome. Yeah, this looks dangerous as shit. This isn't... Just go to... Tell me when you're at 254. It's only a six-second clip. You don't even need sound.
Starting point is 00:24:34 But it's just funny looking at this guy expecting fun and not getting fun. This isn't even one of the big ones. It was just his point of view that's hilarious. Let me know when you're at 254. I'm there. I love his face. All was just his point of view that's hilarious. Let me know when you're at 254. I'm there. I love his face. All right. Three, two, one, go.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Action park. If you're audio only, we're just a guy doing like a selfie and there's a sea of humanity behind him with like people and floats and whatnot the wave comes and overtakes him it was good you just like you can picture the pain of that of like you would think about all those like you know soft floaty toys but really it's like some kids big melon heads coming through and elbows knees and skulls yeah exactly so oh i did yeah great documentary quick and dirty 90 minutes long um you'll laugh you'll laugh and you'll laugh so you think hbo max is worth the content i'm getting the idea that maybe it's your go-to lately i'm on somebody else's account like like um a
Starting point is 00:25:41 friend uh uh midi i don't know why i'm like pretending like it's somebody like somebody like midi gave me his account information so i just logged in and i've been using his and uh i don't know i really wanted to re-watch some south park that's on there and uh i already had hbo which was all the content except for like the prime brand new shit that they're making for hbo. And they made this a pandemic special for South park, which is like a small movie. Almost. It's like a double episode. That was really good. I laughed. I laughed a lot. Um, and it, you know, it's all about the pandemic and, you know, mask wearing and the virus and how the virus got started and
Starting point is 00:26:20 they have a lot of fun with it. It's good to ask you guys about that when they come out with a vaccine which appears to be very soon they'll be i'm reading 20 million doses which i think is 10 million people it's either 20 million doses which is 10 million people or 40 million doses which is 20 million people this year will you are you raising your hand do you want to be first in line for this vaccine? Hell no. No to you. No, I don't know. It takes years usually to develop vaccines.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Like they, I don't want to be, I'm not going to be the first one onto that beach. Someone else can go do that. I'm kind of on the other side of this. Like I'm perhaps, maybe I'm wrong, but I have faith that these scientists built a vaccine. And while it can take a while to do a vaccine, they kind of know how to do this one already. I heard some scientists explaining how they were going to do it six months ago. And now they've done it. It's 90% and 95% effective, according to the two different... There's Pfizer and...
Starting point is 00:27:21 Who's the other one? Moderna or something? Do you guys know? Yeah, something like that. Is 95... I genuinely don't know. Is you guys know? Something like that. Is 95? I genuinely don't know. Is that good for a vaccine? Like, is that pretty normal?
Starting point is 00:27:28 I think it's better than the flu vaccine, which is like two thirds. I guess I'll get it. Yeah. You know, especially if it's easily accessible. I wish they would just mail it to me and let me do it. Like, let me jab myself. Honestly, I do. Like, I don't think it seems so insane to go stand in a line of people who all want the vaccine for the deadly virus.
Starting point is 00:27:50 So I kind of just wish they'd just send me a fucking vial. That is true. What's this huge crowd of a million people here for? For the vaccine! I wonder what the line will be like. I had this idea I could go to CVS and get a flu vaccine with no line right now. I bet that's true. Especially if I go on a weekday.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yeah, but I think this will be different. I think this will be a big deal. Yeah, I guess I'll get it. I guess I will. Yeah, because I know my dad's going to get it too. I might as well get it. It'll be nice not to give a fuck anymore. I want to open the door for travel and gathering. i usually go to maybe three or four paramotor they call it a fly-in and like
Starting point is 00:28:31 100 pilots will show up and we'll fly together it's basically a solo activity but every once in a while people with this joint interest get together and hang out i went to none last year and i don't want to do that again this year like have nothing i don't know yeah that is the most appealing thing is being able to like you said my orgies as much of a fuck my orgies of late have just been down to three people depressing no oral everybody's got that fucking mask on whole body you know whole body condom can you get COVID from drinking the cum of somebody with COVID? God, I hope not. Right?
Starting point is 00:29:08 Christ. Case study. We need one. Only one way to find out. It's to guzzle some pause loads. Not pause loads. Yeah, I'm going to fucking get it, dude. There's no evidence that COVID is transmitted through semen or vaginal fluid.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Excellent. Good to know. Further research is needed. Well, we don't have time for that. Also, very little study has been done. I don't know. I bet it's hard to get it a lot. All right, all right.
Starting point is 00:29:43 We need a line of all the people who've sucked cum who haven't been breathing the same air, right? That's the – it's hard to get that. The glory hole attendees only. I didn't even think of that, but that would be ideal. Glory hole attendees only. Yeah, I was like, how does that even exist, right? Where there's no kissing, no breathing the same air.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Yeah, but I guess Kyle nailed it. Yeah. Yeah, I'll get it. And I'll feel safer for having had it. I watched some guy on Reddit who had lost his sense of taste. And he takes an onion and eats it like an apple. Then he takes a spoonful of garlic paste, eats it. He's like, nothing.
Starting point is 00:30:24 He takes a glass of lemon paste eats it he's like nothing he takes a like a glass of lemon juice like straight you know like straight lemon juice like gargles it nothing he's like nothing nothing school party trick wow oh it is way worse i heard loss of smell and which i guess is tied into taste yeah it's olfactory and like i didn't know that it was i always thought it was a reduction you know like you just a little less i didn't know you could gargle lemon juice yep yeah that's a serious heartburn i bet i want to i want to take airplanes i feel like it it's not me i i've heard some people uh in my life be like you know hey my sister did this and she's totally scared of covid i'm not scared of covid for me
Starting point is 00:31:11 i don't know maybe a little but like my bigger concern is like this sense of irresponsibility where i get jackie hope colin and the baby sick little george foreman like like you know that that's those are the people i'm worried about that's great yeah uh kitty flew to uh england a few months back and uh she flew delta and delta is like doing like every other row and every other seat so like you've got a little bit of spacing there or is that all right make a short story long. And everyone's wearing a mask. After 9-11, I think there was a whole lot of security theater.
Starting point is 00:31:52 You know, like, oh, we're doing this to make you think that it's hard to get a knife on the plane or to do that. But really, it's a security theater, right? Not being able to park where you drop people off and pick people up anymore that doesn't prevent terrorists from hijacking planes that's security theater so back to kyle's thing is distancing people by one like aisle or whatever one row when they're all in the same plane for two hours actually is that just covet theater i when they're all in the same plane for two hours, actually, is that just COVID theater? I think we're all breathing the same air.
Starting point is 00:32:29 We're all sharing this. I think that like – You're probably right. No. All right. So I've seen those things where like the mask is like letting a little bit out, like the ear holes and stuff. As long as you're wearing a mask, I think that that extra separation is like –
Starting point is 00:32:44 it does help. I feel like maybe if me and my seatmate are both wearing masks, there's still a chance that maybe I inhale or give him something through the corner of my mask. Whereas that little bit of extra separation, I don't know. I think it is a little bit safer. I mean, it can't hurt, right? It can't hurt, yeah. Let's do this. Back when I was a child there was
Starting point is 00:33:06 a smoking and a non-smoking section on an airplane well they were all smoking sections i remember smoking sessions sections in restaurants um they were all smoking sections sorry i had to sit with my i have smoked in one of those places, and I was on the edge. Like, I'm here smoking, and there's, like, a wall right here, and then a piece of glass that goes up, like, a foot above that. And then there's an old couple on the other side doing that, like, cough. Yeah, doing that passive-aggressive cough. That excuse me, I'm breathing your smoke cough.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I just remember Scott being like, give me one of those. He's going to stand up and blow it directly over the partition. Yeah, give me one too. There's four of us over there. It's like popping away. Give me two.
Starting point is 00:34:02 You didn't want to sit on the edge of the non-smoking section. It's just a secondhand smoking section. Smoke those old ladies out. Yeah, so I don't know. I guess that's where my head is. Can you go on a plane and actually feel like you're not breathing the same air as everyone else? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I want the vaccine. Yeah, I'll feel so much safer um you know it's the world's first rna vaccine or mrna vaccine i'm a little out of my depth here but i guess they're just taking a little piece of the covid but normally they give you like dead virus and then your body gets it and builds an antivirus i'm out of my depth but i'll try my best this one they're just giving you, it's not even a dead virus. It's a dead fraction of the COVID virus.
Starting point is 00:34:49 They've taken like COVID RNA and they give that to your body. Your body builds the antibodies for it. And then if you get the real deal COVID, you're already like prepared for it. Let me ask you this. Do you think Trump deserves any praise for this virus? I do now. Vaccine? so the first one that came out pfizer like so he did this operation warp speed thing
Starting point is 00:35:13 and uh i forget how it might have been eight companies that like through the trump program were working on a vaccine and the first one comes out comes out Pfizer and they had nothing to do with Trump. And I was like, all right, you know. So the government-backed ones didn't come out. But then the next one, maybe Modena or something close to that, that was part of Operation Warp Speed. And because it is, you got to give Trump some credit,
Starting point is 00:35:40 according to me. Hashtag four more years. Hashtag stop steal. So how long, like what's the are they even guessing like if they start rolling these out in the next few months do they have a plan of like all right so by may or what i'm just picking a month like by may it'll be back to yeah type actually um the i have heard stuff like that i'm only as good as my sources but some i remember i was 20 million is the key number and it takes two doses so like i said this year it was either
Starting point is 00:36:11 20 million doses which is 10 million people or 20 million people which is 40 million doses i think it might be that i think they're going to 20 million people this year which is pretty cool because there's only like six weeks left this year so yeah tons of doses this year and then april was the month i heard where like by april everyone who wants it can get it god you know is it like uh no okay i guess that makes sense that's hopefully it actually works and it actually does tick down at the rate they're saying. It's going crazy right now. There's so many cases.
Starting point is 00:36:49 The vaccine's nice compared to the mask because the mask, like, it's my understanding that my mask helps me a little bit, but it really helps you, right? That's the thing. So finally we're in a fucking apocalypse situation and it all depends on human kindness and we're really failing at that. Here's the thing, though. You think people are paranoid about wearing a fucking piece of cloth on their face. Why do you have to line up to get injected with a vaccine? And you've already had those nut jobs talking about autism for a decade. That's where I was headed with this.
Starting point is 00:37:24 The nice thing about the vaccine is I get to take it and it helps me right like i'm taking the vaccine for me you can be as dumb as you want but i get to protect me whereas when it's a mask if you're as dumb as you want to be well that fucks me right that fucks everyone out you're not just fucking yourself you're fucking the society. But with a vaccine, go ahead and fuck yourself. I don't care. I'm going to double down on that. I'm going to take the vaccine, and then I'm going to spread misinformation that it kills people.
Starting point is 00:37:56 You know what? I'm in. You know who else would be on your side? Darwin. Yep. Yeah. Oh, I've thought there was a bit of darwinism going on this whole time when you know you just it's like i mean come on somebody when you see those people at the
Starting point is 00:38:13 million maga march and they're they're like screaming and the spittle is just all that vaporizing i was like is that shocked or did he really this guy was screaming with such intensity that there was spittle coming. It was really apparent. He probably has some sort of spittle problem. Not a very flattering photo of the gentleman. It looked like an atomizer bottle. It looked like he went, shh.
Starting point is 00:38:33 It was so bad. Like a little Febreze spray. It was so bad, I questioned the picture. I'm like, dude, did some liberal Photoshop this and double it down or something? I don't think you have to Photoshop the Million Maga March to million maga march to find just has a devastating speech impediment and i didn't watch any i didn't watch any of it but like you know midi was telling me that he watched some of it and like um alex jones is up there talking about like like with a loud speaker talking about the
Starting point is 00:38:59 globalists taking over and the new world order and all this crazy shit and like boom they show this aerial photograph obviously it wasn't one million people but i i've heard 10 000 but i've also heard 100 000 people were there it looked like four city blocks of solid people touching like like like a concert or something like that it was a huge amount of people. Very different than all the other times we've seen thousands of people gathered up in the last eight months. It's not very different, and that's the problem. It's one more to add to a list of problems.
Starting point is 00:39:34 And it's just like, when you look at those graphs of how one infected person becomes a dozen, through spreading. And that becomes a gross, and that becomes whatever else is next you know what they're probably not gonna let you guys just they're not gonna let you guys just get in line for that i bet they're they'll probably like trickle out to the most high risk
Starting point is 00:39:54 people first right like it's probably going to be a second third wave of something where it'll be like they're hitting everybody's most likely to be out there i don't think it'll be like all right volunteer so i've i don't what i i don't know it will be. And then it'll be like, all right, volunteer. So I've... I don't... I don't know. I'm sorry to interrupt. What I read is that Taylor is right. That initially it's going to be people at risk groups, like old people, and people with jobs that makes it impossible to social distance and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Stewardesses, cash register operators, you know, whoever. Doctors. Doctors, that's a good one. What about at-home podcasters? Can we get a little of that? You know, Kyle, I think that we are, if not at the very bottom of the list, very near it.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I can't think of... Us in like months. Name a job that deserves it less than us. Twitch broadcaster. Oh, no, Woody, but we're in that too. Listen, so I posted on my Facebook today this is my world I was like most of the time if one person says a and the other says c the truth was somewhere in the middle if a person says there's millions of fake votes you want to listen maybe there are hundreds of
Starting point is 00:40:55 thousands but you wouldn't just make that up out of thin air would you he would there's a reason there's no evidence he's lying that's what he does he's done it every day he's not an honest man nobody likes losing but to turn it into a fundraising business stripping fools of their money is cruel these people trusted him he lied to them daily right so that's my post i'm stirring oh i bet that went over well dude when you go to quit get your information from those lying motherfuckers that are trying to gaslight the american people i get it you're biased and you think what you believe is better. However, you are clearly ignorant to the truth. And the devastating reality is the current Democratic Party
Starting point is 00:41:31 has made up a bunch of corrupt, greedy pieces of shit that don't give a fuck about you, even when you're backing them. Not like the Republicans. I know. Why don't you give it a rest and let everything play out? Your information that you are getting and posting is straight garbage. Then again, it does match your political views. Just because you've been successful at earning money
Starting point is 00:41:49 doesn't mean you're intelligent. I've watched enough of your YouTube understand that you're not really smart and you're definitely not intuitive. What's going on right now is far too complex for your brain to comprehend. Wait, Woody, how many all caps words were there? I got some truck driving, by the way.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Dude, he doesn't even capitalize the first word of his sentence. Oh, damn, I thought all-caps words were there? I got some truck driving, by the way. Dude, he doesn't even capitalize the first word of his sentence. Oh, damn. I thought it was going to be like, and you don't know your age. I guess I miscaged his writing style. But yeah. Well, I mean, Woody Slims, you got to take the L, right? Dude.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Sorry, Liptard. Yeah. This is so idiot. There was one guy who wrote, keep repeating it. You sell your overblown outrage when overwhelming evidence is presented through the legal channels and not so much the social media. Social media isn't a court of law. And he said something about me not being real.
Starting point is 00:42:35 And I'm like, I've got something that's real. And I showed him the $100 I took from him. So I heard that all of Trump's lawyers quit. trump's lawyers quit i don't know if you know this yes um and inside sources say that the the the thing that made them quit the the real thing that really started them all to like get together and be like we got to get out of here was when they accidentally booked the four seasons hardware store right between the crematorium and the dildo marketplace and had their presser there. So now Rudy Giuliani
Starting point is 00:43:09 is handling the president's legal team. Rudy Giuliani. Dude, that shot, I didn't see any footage of them at the Four Seasons landscaping thing. I did. But I saw the shot of them there
Starting point is 00:43:22 and it looks like a Tim and Eric sketch. You can see how many people were there prepped like, oh, well, we'll have plenty of room because it's the fucking Four Seasons. And then it's like, well, there's just a bunch of bags of mulch. My favorite was. Stack the mulch up over here. Who doesn't like a good mix up? There was an empathizing liberal who had my favorite line. They're like, when you think about it, though, aren't we all between a dildo shop and a crematorium?
Starting point is 00:43:46 And I'm like, yeah, that's kind of where we exist, I guess. See, stuff like that, I'll see I'm sure Trump did. What if they leaned into it, like pretended like it was meant to be subtext. Here we are at the Four Seasons
Starting point is 00:44:00 hardware store. Where gardening is a pleasure. To my left, a dildo store. To my right, a crematorium. And that's where we are, America. Poised on the brink between getting fucked by the liberals who are trying to steal this election and death itself. Here we stand. I love it, Kyle.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I love it. This is so good. I love it, Kyle. I love it. This is so good. I love that. If Trump ad-libbed something like that at the Four Seasons Landscaping Company, that'd be up there as one of his best speeches. Yeah, right over here. So small-town America is getting crushed. Look at this. This used to be a vibrant area. Look at this hardware store.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Lots of big corporate people said, book it at the Four Seasons. I said, I'm going to a landscaping place. And I'm not going to tell you until you show up. You're going to be the wrong one, and you're going to be the fool. It was the Four Seasons Landscaping Place, which is a pretty good name for a landscaping place. We do snow shoveling, too. I get it. But they make it less of a seasonal business.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Anyway, it's awesome. I love it. I try to put myself in the shoes of the other side and understand where they're coming from when a conservative just hears the word pelosi or hillary it's vile and it's terrible right like oh pelosi said whatever comes next i hate right before a guy i might have said that backwards i'm not sure for a liberal that's what we hear with giuliani right giuliani said whatever follows is garbage right you know like it's done that's america's that's amer we hear with Giuliani right Giuliani said whatever follows is garbage right you know like it's done that's America's that's America's uh mayor you're talking about I know that's true he did a good job back then can you believe when other people hear Giuliani is now leading Trump's
Starting point is 00:45:37 like election fraud efforts do they hear like oh now we have a top flight attorney or do they hear like, Ooh, now we have a top flight attorney or do they hear they have a disgrace guy? It was, he's scraping the bottom of the barrel. Like I do. I don't think, I don't know. I don't know. As a bootlicker though,
Starting point is 00:45:54 for Trump, he'll, he'll do whatever. He comes off to me as a madman. Like, like, like he comes off, like they replaced him some,
Starting point is 00:46:00 sometime in the last decade. Like that nine 11 Giuliani seemed respectable and intelligent and like he really had his shit together and and like knew what was up and then at some point he just it's like they came in and they they killed him and they replaced him with some sort of pod person who was insane that's what i see i just worry that's my bias like oh no yeah i see that giuliani that gave the speeches 20 years ago that was the good giuliani the one we have now is somehow not the same and am i just being an idiot uh i don't know i know but yeah i i think i heard the click too a little bit but it's not half of continuous click
Starting point is 00:46:38 or is it only when i talk only when you talk i heard it in noise right then It's not a super loud one At the close there's like a very Pal say something and then stop 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 It's either at the beginning or the end I think I heard it on the 3 But not towards the 9 God damn it
Starting point is 00:47:00 No you were good there I don't know My shit has been fucked up all day. Everybody's like, oh, your mic sounds horrible, and I've been tinkering with it. I'm going to get a new mixer. I think that's my first step. No one's fiddling with something, right?
Starting point is 00:47:14 No one has a nail clipper in their hand? No, nothing. Okay, yeah. I have this, but it's not making noise. It's a piece of plastic. Understood, yeah. Yeah, right. Taylor, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Just clicking a pen. That's how I'm going to make all my points now, with a pen in my hand, like I was taking notes about that. Well, I don't know about that. That's interesting. Economically, I'm not sure that that entirely checks out. economically i'm not sure that that entirely checks out one of us needs to get on like fox is this what you look like at zoom meetings at work
Starting point is 00:47:53 do you have hank hill in there and the blue lights and the no i don't use this pc at all for any of that stuff i use my i have a couple laptops that i use for all that stuff keep totally separate and so no wait do you lower your production quality like a real job down like a big like like green screen and then it's all professional behind him right he has a green screen of filthy's new office that he pulls up yeah my kitchen is nice and clean and crisp and so i just go set up on my kitchen table and or my dining room table and you get that terrible like upwards view from a laptop camera for work no i'll stack it on something if i need to most of the time i never have to turn my camera on which is tremendous because i'm not camera ready that is good also if the camera's on i can tell you're not paying attention you know the work vibe is no camera
Starting point is 00:48:42 quiet keyboard the fact that i'm over here on chatterbait while you're wasting my time is my secret that was one of the best parts that was one of the best parts in the pandemic special they're the kids are doing school from uh home you know through video conference and eric is like oh what you can't hear me when I'm talking? He keeps pretending like he's frozen. He freezes like this. He makes a face. And they're like, oh, Eric, it looks like your camera's frozen again. Just go audio only. That'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And Eric slides in this photograph that is identical to this. It's perfect. And then he just leaves the room dude that is that has definitely happened where like i'll be on some kind of call and it'll just especially in the beginning of quarantine just feeling like just a kid in a candy store where it's like i don't have to pay any attention to anything that's not directly involved with me like there were definitely a couple times where it'd be like taylor could you give us your thoughts on that and i'm like in the other room and i'm like oh shit like back in there click on mute and then just try and piece together what they were talking about well that's really interesting i would have to say well let me pull up the date fuck
Starting point is 00:49:59 what were they talking about that that's a little panicky but it's well worth the the many many times that you can sit there and another thing is like sometimes someone will be saying something on the call that you're just so over and you're just like this is so worthless why are you saying like i i've fallen into the habit too often now of doing like the shower argument like the fictitious past shower argument with someone and except i'll like mute during the call and i'll be like no and here's five reasons why this doesn't make any fucking sense what and just talking to myself and it makes me feel a lot better because then i that's a dangerous game you're playing
Starting point is 00:50:34 taylor yeah oh i've never i've never messed up dude i messed up so bad here's what happened we were having our pool put in and we were going to get a different pool from a different pool manufacturer and they delayed it and delayed it and delayed it and uh i guess i called them or something and they didn't answer the phone so their number was like on my phone screen i put the phone in my pocket and then i talked to jackie for like 20 minutes about how much we hate these people, how they're crooked, how they're thieves. What happened was the permits took longer than they expected. So we were getting a fiberglass pool like this big. Our pool ended up being even bigger, but it was the biggest one you could get.
Starting point is 00:51:21 And because the permits, they weren't ready to install it yet they had like half of the cost of that sunk so they sold it to somebody else and our pool got super delayed because they took they they sold our pool to someone else and they had to get a new one in and it matters because it's seasonal like it it's way better to get a pool in May or June than it is in September. And that's where we were trending. So I did this big rant about how they were dishonest businessmen, how they sold our pool to someone else
Starting point is 00:51:55 and they're acting like everything's my fault when they're the ones who sold the pool. Why'd you do that? What, this company doesn't have 10 grand? They could have asked me for 10 grand if that fucking broke, I would have paid it this is like how it goes and uh that severed our relationship i bet because i i didn't know it but i butt dialed them they didn't pick it up and we left like a 20 minute oh that's so much worse we left a 20 minute voicemail of me and
Starting point is 00:52:24 jackie just being like, they suck. I think they suck harder. I think they're crooked. They're really kind of thieves. Maybe we should get attorneys involved. They're like listening to the whole 20-minute voice. It was not a good scene.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Yikes. What did you do when you realized that you had been speaking into that? Well, they called at me and told me. And I was like, was there anything factually inaccurate that I said? Just to be clear, you've done that to me as well. I've gotten these voice... You weren't talking about me, but I've gotten voicemails from you, and I'm just like, how much of this should I in good conscience listen to?
Starting point is 00:53:05 This feels like a private, nah I'm not going to listen anymore. It's like an 18 minute voicemail from Woody and I'm just like oh no, what's happened? What's happened? Oh I didn't even know that. An 18 minute voicemail.
Starting point is 00:53:20 I just delete them. It'll be like you just talking to somebody. I don't know who. You having a conversation with a... I think it was another man. I think you were on a para thing. You were just talking to a buddy about I don't know,
Starting point is 00:53:36 sailing through the air or whatever you do. Sounds like what I do. I was like, this isn't for me. Probably dull. I'm sure. I wasn't going to listen to it though because i for all i know you were at any moment you're gonna be like and the jews can you believe it i put on a front but let's be real i've been i secretly agree with all my face you know everybody thinks that we're out here flying around in paramotors or something like that.
Starting point is 00:54:05 They don't know these things spread sarin nerve gas. Who knows what kind of terrorism you're actually up to. What kind of terrorism? Yeah. So I've been playing a shitload of zombies, like an unhealthy amount of zombies. I'm going to be playing some tonight. How many do I play with? One.
Starting point is 00:54:29 One so far. There's one map, and I'll mention the things that i think you will care about there are four good places to to to run around all right they are separate and uh and uh when when i play with my preferable group of people nobody bumps into each other that is a you know we i hate that and i'll even tell them i'll be like look if you gotta run from zombies and you're gonna head my way just let me know i understand that maybe something happened you got stuck in a corner you almost went down you got to bring them my way but don't let it be a surprise don't let me like know about it when i see the 35 zombies come through that door that's right to my left that I thought was empty, but still, it'll happen. We had a game.
Starting point is 00:55:08 I'm not going to call people out. Damn it, Middy. Middy's great. No, I choose to believe. Middy's the best player on the server. He's already prestiged, and he's only played zombies. Middy had, I'm going to call it 2,200 kills. I had 1,900 kills.
Starting point is 00:55:29 The next two people had 500 and 300. And they had both gone down over 30 times in 35 rounds. One of them had gone down, I think it was 71 times. Who got the, uh, revives? Midi got a lot. We kind of split it, but Middy gets a lot of them because I think he cared about them more than I did. Because after a while, I'm just like, you're not worth my time.
Starting point is 00:55:50 It can be a little bit not their fault. As you know, if you're on top of the world in zombies and you've got all your perks and you've got a good gun, it's kind of easy to keep going. Once you get knocked down to the bottom of the hill and now that happens a couple of times, you're out of of money you can't get these things again it's scary to go get them maybe it's a dangerous part of the map like you can get sort of behind the eight ball and zombies and have a hard time yourself in that hole though yeah yeah for sure but
Starting point is 00:56:17 it's almost like the gap isn't representative of the skill gap, right? Like, you might be better, but you're not six times better. You were just ahead of the curve. That's true. What happened was, you get about three chances. You get about three chances to go down and lose all your shit, and then maybe come back. And after that, now it's round 27, and you've got 1,000 points, and you have to buy a wall gun, and it doesn't even hurt them. And in this Zombies, you only get points for zombie kills, not zombie damage.
Starting point is 00:56:49 So you can't even accrue any points anymore. That fucks you so much harder than the old ones, because at least with the old ones, you could just get an LMG off the wall and get 10,000 points in one round. You'd maybe kill seven Zombies, but now, I think I went down on 33 or something the last time we
Starting point is 00:57:05 played and it was the first time i've used a wall gun that late in this zombies and it was like oh no like i you can dump a whole lmg mag on level only 33 into their heads they won't die yeah they won't they'll just keep running at you and so you like you'll have to empty like you're spending almost as much money refilling your shit gun as you are getting points, like 90 each, to kill your zombies. And so by that point, you're kind of fucked. I would say that this is not only the easiest zombies there's ever been, but it's the best zombies that there have ever been. I've never enjoyed zombies so much,
Starting point is 00:57:36 and I've never felt so comfortable training zombies. I feel like I can control them so well even in tight spaces uh earlier we were playing for several hours and i played you know downstairs like in corridors and over around machines and stuff and let everybody else go upstairs so they could like have the nice that main area right out front of the spawn like outside of the nocturne totem that it's it's almost too good of a training spot it's incredible it's way too easy it's like it's like an open it's like an open field i've only died in this game so far because i'm so goddamn bad at being agile with my wasd keys and so like i'll feel like that's what's really aggravating
Starting point is 00:58:17 me so far is i'll like turn around and try and like sprint jump and it's like i just i can't do that the way i can they've added a few new mechanics so now weapons have rarities there's like common uncommon rare like i don't know two more and they're color based so it's like red and then i think blue green purple gold and uh the color of the weapon determines its base damage, which is huge. Like a gold knife is more powerful than a pack-a-punched red knife. Like it's right off the bat, it's really fucking powerful. And that rarity becomes less rare out of the box the later the rounds are. So I try to save my points until like round 25 and
Starting point is 00:59:05 then hit the box for as long as it takes to like get the shit i want to get to get a gold gun and then pack a punch the gold gun and then it'll let you sail well into the 30s like no problem at all pack a person your starting gun is useless that's a no-no there's also um um like you can upgrade your perks. So there's, you know, jugs, stamina ups, light of hand, all that stuff. Like, there's always been. But you earn these crystals from playing the game in various ways. Basically just beating zombies, you know, playing rounds.
Starting point is 00:59:37 And you spend those to upgrade those perks in between games. And they get better. I'm sorry to cut you off. The perk upgrades upgrades they're not something your character gets like like so that next time you play you have it exactly that yeah like like my version of juggernaut isn't is totally better than someone who's just starting off version of juggernaut I think I don't remember the exact details but it's like my help my hundred faster I get a
Starting point is 01:00:04 hundred extra help like and something else, but it's like, my health might regen faster, I get 100 extra health, like, and something else. You know, it's really nice. And my version of, like, I don't know, stamina up is just much better. All my perks are better than anyone else's. And you also have this thing, I think it's called field equipment or something.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Everyone basically has an, if you press X, a thing happens. And there are four different things that can happen you can shoot like this ice wave out of you that'll freeze all the zombies around you you can turn invisible and invulnerable for five seconds and i think there's like a they're like elemental so i think maybe there's a fire one maybe there's a healing aura the invisibility one is by far the most superior one because you go invisible for five seconds. And when you upgrade that, it's eight seconds and it warps you forward.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And get yourself out of a jam is what it does. Yeah, it's your oh shit button and it recharges like on its own passively. So I always have this like oh shit button to like spam X if I get backed into a corner. I'm invisible. They all leave me alone. I'm good to go. The wonder weapon is the coolest wonder weapon I've ever played
Starting point is 01:01:08 with in a zombies game. It's this big fucking cannon thing and when you hold right click it vacuums zombies into it. It takes a while to vacuum a zombie up, like maybe five seconds per zombie, but it'll vacuum four
Starting point is 01:01:24 zombies at the same time so you're just walking backwards vacuuming a horde of zombies and they're just getting sucked in once each zombie is worth three ammunition 20 ammunition allows you to fire once and it'll hold like 60 or 80 when it shoots the base model of it it shoots this blue sphere of electrical badassery that kills everything in front of you. So this super weapon vacuum zombies, and that's one way that kills zombies, but you're actually
Starting point is 01:01:53 loading the gun. I see. And now you've got zombie ammo, I guess. You shoot at the other ones, and that kills a whole bunch. And there are four variants of that. You start off with the one that shoots the blue electrical ball. That just wrecks house. It's so overpowered that when they were like, yeah, there's other versions, you know.
Starting point is 01:02:12 They're upgrades. I was like, what could upgrade? What could be better than this? I pull the trigger and everything dies in front of me. Well, you could make it shoot poison gas balls that make this big area of effect where anything that walks into it just dies. Is it like the dog effect that happens to you? Yeah, but a hundred times more powerful. You die too, though, right?
Starting point is 01:02:32 No, you're immune to it. So you just shoot? You just shoot the ground. Like, you've got your big train of zombies, and you run them through a doorway or a narrow passage. Kaboom! Shoot this shit on the ground, and they're all running through it, like dying rapidly. But you don't just let them die. You start vacuuming because now their HP is like 10%. So they're vacuuming ultra fast now. So you're loaded right back up immediately. The other
Starting point is 01:02:56 version is an ice gun. It shoots this beam of ice. I think you can hold the trigger down for like a solid 30 seconds or something and if it just barely touches a zombie it kills it and freezes it it fucks the bosses up it's good at everything and it's just and you can just spin in a circle shooting this thing killing everything there's a fire version of that that's the same thing except it's better because it's fire and everything explodes uh it's a lot of fun i'm loving the zombies and the best part is like everyone gets a you get one free super weapon every game like you can do this little puzzle you open up a door you get a free one like you know we usually give it to somebody who hasn't used it and to be clear
Starting point is 01:03:37 it's one per group like not everybody group everybody can have one oh it can be four you said you gave it to someone who's not very you get one for free that you don't have to hit the box for like so you can hit the box and get them and you can also there's also another way where like you go into this ether mode where like everything goes all fucky and then like it's like twilight and things that normally aren't visible to the human eye are and there are these purple crystals around the map and you hit those crystals and random shit pops out of them. And I've had the Supergun and the Raygun pop out of those crystals. It's also
Starting point is 01:04:10 the best Raygun there's ever been in a Zombies game. It's super overpowered. I always enjoyed the Raygun. It one-hits Zombies, like, into the 50s or something like that. Do you shoot at the Zombies? I seem to recall hitting the ground by them before. Yeah, shoot their feet. You've got boss characters that appear every five or six rounds
Starting point is 01:04:29 now maybe over 10 rounds but it just seems like they're always coming it's this big radioactive man you kill him and he splits into two radioactive men and then you've got to deal with them and they're kind of a hassle unless you got a ray gun because then they just pew pew pew and they just melt and they survive through rounds which is yeah they'll just keep like you can kill all the zombies a new round will begin but you've still got those bosses to deal with oh there's kill streaks there's kill streaks now um you get your chopper the zombies randomly drop equipment like tomahawks grenades c4 so like you would never in the past use those items like on your character because or even
Starting point is 01:05:05 pick them up because that there was something better to have like a monkey bomb or something but in this they're just everywhere they're plentiful so you're just picking them up tomahawk how do the killstreaks work do you you purchase them from a bench with uh currency that you earn from killing zombies sure and uh there's a there's a bow and arrow that shoots explosive arrows there's a um like a death machine i can't remember what it's called it's like the huge grenade launcher that's like multi the war machine round the war machine it it wrecks house this kills everything with a big area of effect there's a uh auto turret that's really nice and there's a chopper gunner wait there's a chopper gunner. Wait, there's a chopper gunner?
Starting point is 01:05:46 By the time, like, when me and Middy get to, like, round 30, we have enough points to buy, like, five chopper gunners each. I believe I could get an 11 kill streak on zombie consistently. It's more than that. Yeah, I'm joking. It's probably like, I would estimate that, like,
Starting point is 01:06:01 250 zombie kills get you a chopper gunner. I would guess. It's something like that. But it wrecks house. You've got the red dots for the zombies, and you're flying over the map with a minigun, and you're invulnerable, of course. That sounds fun, man. That sounds fun. I've been having the opposite of fun. I'm on
Starting point is 01:06:18 Tarkov going for Kappa. Kyle will understand. It's one of the more difficult achievements in gaming, i would say and uh if people don't know you have to do all these quests but but and a quest will be like hey go into the raid with this disadvantage wear this stupid hat or this crappy vest and give it a go if you combine these quests you can make kills count for more than one so i'm like all right i'll take these two disadvantages
Starting point is 01:06:45 these two disadvantages and these two and we'll go in really fucked you know i'm gonna use a shotgun no helmet this that and the other thing and uh i'm not sure it's like when you get kills it's great like oh i got this one this one and this one all progressed and when you don't get kills it's like well what was i gonna do you know i i was screwed so it takes so long to get kappa in that game that you could you could genuinely learn a trade in the time it takes to like you could become a licensed truck driver in the time it takes to get kappa way faster you can become a long haul truck driver or get kappa. It's up to you. It's up to you. Yeah, I was watching Anton do it.
Starting point is 01:07:31 And I was like, you know, I think I'm not that far. I should just put some effort towards it. So whatever. Good luck. Thanks. We'll call it a show. Yeah. PKN 326.

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