Painkiller Already - PKN 331

Episode Date: December 23, 2020


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 331 first on the new computer so we'll see how this goes hopefully well so you guys are both chomping at the bits talk about the mandalorian which even though i haven't watched any of it i've seen the reception a lot of people seemed pretty stoked on this finale it was so good before we go long where what's our take on spoilers on this? I want to know. I think we should just like, like spoil it. Just say right now, you know, like, like we're going to spoil,
Starting point is 00:00:29 but we got a spoiler. If we're going to talk about it. Okay. A week. I, here's my thing. I think that everybody who has a Disney plus has it to watch the Mandalorian. And so like,
Starting point is 00:00:40 like if you're going to watch it, then you've already watched it. And, uh, and I, I just feel like that's the deal and if not just you know skip forward until we're not talking about the mandalorian anymore all right then consider yourself warned we're going full spoiler it was great it was
Starting point is 00:00:56 great so like it's ruined i was really worried i was really worried that we weren't gonna we're gonna do can you imagine a guy that gets upset at spoilers where you're just telling him what you thought of it? It's like, I really love the movie. God, fuck, dude. What I said... I think I've even been that guy. There have been some films where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:01:14 don't even tell me if you liked it. I want to go in cold. Yeah. I hated that. Anyway, go ahead. Sorry. It was fantastic. I was a little worried that they were going...
Starting point is 00:01:23 So Baby Yoda got kidnapped a couple episodes ago by the Empire or the remnants of the Empire or whatever. And I was worried that that was going to stretch into next season, that that wasn't going to be resolved. But they really got things moving. They were like, no, we're going to take care of this in two episodes. Don't worry. And last episode was great with Bill Burr.
Starting point is 00:01:44 We haven't even talked about that. They brought Bill Burr back. He was excellent. I really liked that episode a lot. What? Was he a bigger part than before? Because wasn't he kind of a bit one episode player last time? I mean, you know, one episode.
Starting point is 00:01:57 It's one more episode again. I would think the answer is yes. The last time he was on an episode, while he was there, he had a lot of screen time. He shared it with six other people. This kind of the bilber backstory yeah and it was like bilber and the mandalorian like infiltrating an empire uh facility and like working together and you know he's being bilber and being really funny like there's this part where they're like they're driving together bilber is driving the like the truck and the Mandalorian's next to him. And he's just giving him a really hard time.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And the Mandalorian just won't say anything. He's just looking at him through that helmet. He's like, I don't know. You know, you got these rules, but it seems like you bend them all the time. I mean, look. Is it you can't, you got to wear the helmet all the time
Starting point is 00:02:41 or you got to wear a helmet all the time or you can't show your face? Because those are different things. Those are are different things so is he another bounty hunter no no he was like he got he's he was a criminal and um he actually got arrested in his first episode and they went and like dug him up off of a prison planet he was like you know hitting space space rocks with a with a sledgehammer essentially and they picked him up to infiltrate to do like this secret mission because he had some inside info yeah he had some info or skill set that made him useful for infiltrating so they got him out
Starting point is 00:03:16 to help and uh good the season finale though really good. Basically, it was the culmination of the whole season, or maybe even all two seasons, where they went and got the boys back together. So they've got the fat girl. She's key to the team. They get the Asian assassin. They get two other Mandalorians, including Katie Sackhoff, who I'm a huge fan of. And, you know, the Mandalorian himself. And they all go on this.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And Boba Fett. And they all go on this rescue mission to save Baby Yoda. And it was all fine and good. It was kind of like a 6 or 7 out of ten episode until you got right to the end and there's a part where they've rescued baby yoda they've got the bad guy cornered the moff gideon guy who is um you know they got the bad guy from breaking bad and uh but but these like stormtrooper robots are outside the door and they're no joke like they're not going to be able to beat these guys there's like 50 of them or something oh but i'm sorry the mandalorian
Starting point is 00:04:30 just to cut you off the mandalorian went 1v1 they sort of demonstrated how tough they are and he went 1v1 and it was like a five minute fight and it was really even there was some back and forth where each was on top and our hero of the show got the best of it. Of course, because everyone in this fucking show wears plot armor and you know, so he it's back and forth. It's, it takes like five minutes to fight,
Starting point is 00:04:55 which is pretty long for a fist fight. And, and he barely wins. And then the problem is now there's like 70, a hundred more, I don't know, some big number. Yeah. So you're like all the heroes, The problem is now there's like 70, 100 more. I don't know, some big number.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And so all the heroes are like barricaded in the bridge of the spaceship. And the bad guys are out there like beating on the door. Like they're coming in. And Moff Gideon is like, you know, this is inevitable. They're going to come in here. You're going to put up a good fight, I'm sure. They're going to kill you all. And and i'm gonna be left standing here and you're like yeah that's that's pretty much what's gonna happen like there's and i'm like you know we could shoot you right now right like that would
Starting point is 00:05:35 just be super simple that's what i was saying i would have immediately shot it so much for that plan yeah but you die first get it like that's how this goes um and uh then like an x-wing fighter pulls up uh outside the ship and they're like one x-wing and i was like wait a minute who who's in the x-wing and and like they do this super slow reveal where like you see a cloaked figure you see it through like security cameras and you see like a cloaked figure like going through the ship and he pulls out a green lightsaber and i'm just i'm in here just like yes yes yes because like the guy who carries a green lightsaber in star wars is luke skywalker and i'm just melting down over here like how cool this is and he just essentially he's the only like one of that hard
Starting point is 00:06:27 yoda had had one too but but like this is clearly like a tall man yeah he's not a little goblin he's not a little goblin plus yoda's dead at this point in time in star wars history and he just cuts his way through like 50 of these like super troopers like force throwing them one of them he just goes like with his hand in the air and the trooper just implodes like like like he just starts shaking and like like crushes in on himself and he just cuts them all to pieces and uh they shoot at him a lot but he does that thing with this lightsaber where he can deflect it and i guess the lightsaber is the best weapon there is i don't even know a better one maybe that one that blows up planets it would be a phaser or whatever that shoots segments of a lightsaber as the laser you know
Starting point is 00:07:18 but lightsabers block lightsabers okay well a stronger lightsaber okay now you shot you shot luke skywalker i'll tell you right now i could kill luke skywalker in a second with a remington 870 because he can only block so much of that shot he seemed to block a whole lot of blaster shots yeah but it's a it's like a it's like a bolt it's like a chunk oh it's a buckshot i didn't process that right away he's hitting one project force way slower in star wars like the actual projectile you can track it with your eyes a real bullet like even a single shot you could fuck him up like he's not gonna be able to block that shouldn't blasters go at the speed of light just i don't know what they're blasting really i don't know if those are supposed to be lasers or if that's supposed to be some sort of a hot
Starting point is 00:08:04 projectile or some sort of energy beam i don't know what the fuck it. I don't know if those are supposed to be lasers or if that's supposed to be some sort of a hot projectile or some sort of energy beam. I don't know what the fuck it is. Well, it's made up. So the answer is no, Woody. They're traveling at exactly the speed they're supposed to travel. Roger, yeah. Yes, okay. I agree.
Starting point is 00:08:16 You got me. I seem to be the only person that's not wildly impressed with The Mandalorian. Like I like it. I 6 out of 10 it. I enjoy it on the six out of ten it. I enjoy it on the same level that I enjoy, like, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Some of the episodes are high. Some of the episodes are good.
Starting point is 00:08:35 None of them are truly, like, I want my time back. But the plot armor is so powerful in this show. Has literally no one ever died who mattered? Ever? Anyone? In this show? In the two seasons of mandalorian uh no not not really that i can think of i don't think anyone has died i'm i'm comparing it to game of thrones because it's some people would argue that it's the best thing on tv right now and it
Starting point is 00:08:58 was for some period of time and i'm like man no there's no clever speeches there's no turns you didn't see coming there's no nothing there's some catchphrases yeah there's two this is the way and what was the one that the old man said
Starting point is 00:09:20 I don't know who the old man is he rode like an animal i have spoken yeah yeah i think i have spoken is even better than this is the way but that was nick nolte nick nolte really yeah okay i didn't know that but uh yeah i have spoken i think i like more than this is the way but they're both very good i just can't get over the idea. First of all. Oh, McNulty died. That's right.
Starting point is 00:09:50 The actor? No, the character that he portrayed. Oh. I need to look into it. It's a little goblin man, actually. Yeah, yeah. Are you sure he wasn't in a more recent one? I'm sure you're right.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Oh, I'm positive. You wouldn't get that wrong. At the end of season one, he got shot carrying baby yoda and the stormtroopers took him and he's just laid out on the planet service dead well i even hire a famous guy to play a character that dressed up oh he just voiced the character the same reason you hire you know pedro pascal to to voice the mandalorian right how much weight did pedro gain and is he dating that two-couch chick, Gina Carano? Am I crazy? You think he's gained weight?
Starting point is 00:10:30 I could be wrong. I thought his face looked wildly different than... What's the incentive not to gain weight? He's not even a... He's been taking his mask off constantly lately. We saw his face twice this year and once last year. So tell me if you think he still looks like this. I mean,
Starting point is 00:11:02 he's chubby face now, right? I don't know, man. Here he is at 20. Here, 2020 red carpet. Here's a photo. Let's see what we got here. Yeah, he looks good to me. That just looks like he's getting older.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Oh. Starting to get like some skin saggage. Because how old is he? He's older than you. He's older than me? I would. I bet he is. 45.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Close. Okay, your age. Yeah. Well, I look older too, so I can't throw too many stones. But I don't know. I just see him as like he was chiseled and he had a jawline and now he has two chins and i'm the only one who sees this i mean i don't think he's gained a substantial amount of weight and it's kind of hard to tell because we so rarely see his character at all you know he's in that
Starting point is 00:11:56 mask that actors guild award whatever yeah like i would my thought would never be looking at that like oh my goodness he's ch. He looks perfectly healthy to me. Looks like he's picked up a weight or two since he was in Game of Thrones, if anything. Really? I just see his face is substantially filled out. His jawbones are now gone, and they're replaced with puffy face, and his chin is substantially filled out. His jawbones are now gone and they're replaced with puffy face and his chin is doubled
Starting point is 00:12:27 and... Well, we've all been there. It's rough. Dude, you gain like put some real age on, right? Gain like three pounds in a year, right? Three pounds is not... Like, dude, you hardly notice it happen, right? Three pounds in one year, it's nothing. You can gain three pounds and lose it in a day. It's just like, dude, you hardly notice it happen, right? Three pounds in one year.
Starting point is 00:12:45 It's nothing. You can gain three pounds and lose it in a day. It's just normal fluctuation. But no, let's make it three pounds of actual fat. Fast forward 10 years and you've done something significant. Yeah. That's how it happens. That's assuming you're only gaining three pounds a year.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Well, fat shaming Pedro Pascal pascal aside um i uh i i love the episode and did you watch the post-credit uh scene i think i didn't i didn't know about it i just assumed there would be one for some reason because you know it's the season finale okay um and so you it uh it goes to uh job of the the Hutt's underground palace thing. And there's this other guy running the show there. He's got some slave girls and stuff. And Boba Fett and his Asian lady companion go down there, fucking kill everybody. And then Boba sits on the throne to some heavys you know like heavy set music like dun dun dun dun and it's like uh then there's like a title scroll that said um i'm gonna book of boba fett coming
Starting point is 00:13:54 uh december 2021 no i i've read the book of boba fett's not canon or no no not that it's not canon i read that it's not what the next season is about oh no it's what they're saying is like next next year 2021 december there's a another star wars show called the book of boba fett in addition to a season three of the mandalorian okay okay i just read the headline i think i misinterpreted it a little bit. I think a lot of people were on the fence, but that has been clarified in the last 24, 36 hours. Okay. So, look, I'm happy to get more.
Starting point is 00:14:34 It's like this. Look, it doesn't cost me anything. I already have Disney+. Go ahead and make nine shows if you want. I'll see if I like them. Nine's a lot. They're going to make at least half a dozen. So, the Obi-Wan Kenobi show looks cool to me. It's going to be one season. one i'll see if i like them nine's a lot they're gonna make at least half a dozen because like um
Starting point is 00:14:45 so the uh the obi-wan kenobi show looks cool to me it's gonna be one season by the way it's gonna be like a mini series isn't obi-wan dead this is after the oldest trilogy right what we're watching right now the time period that we're in is not no this is this is like um dar just defeated Darth Vader in our current time period. Like recently. So that's after Empire Strikes Back, but before Return of the Jedi? No, it's the last of the original, original trilogy. That's where I started. That's what I said at first.
Starting point is 00:15:20 I called it the oldest trilogy. I didn't know how to call it. Star Wars is tricky because it's not the first three. It's the oldest trilogy i didn't know how to call it star wars is tricky because it's not the first three it's the oldest three okay well the obi-wan kenobi show will not be set in the same time period as the mandalorian it'll be um right after uh um obi-wan kenobi um like like right it's like it's like five or ten years after Anakin became Darth Vader. And it's Obi-Wan Kenobi. It's what happened after the prequel series ends, after the Clone Wars.
Starting point is 00:15:55 It's post-Clone Wars. So you're seeing Obi-Wan Kenobi fighting against Darth Maul and trying to keep Luke Skywalker and Leia concealed from Darth Vader. Who else other than the Emperor was powerful enough to do the lightning attack? Because I've only ever seen one Jedi do that, and it was him. You never see Luke do it, even though if Luke's the most powerful, he could probably do something equally impressive. Yeah, I think it's just like some dark magic. I think it's like in Harry Potter
Starting point is 00:16:25 where there's some spells the good guys just, you know, they won't do. There's not like a love beam or something? There's not a love, like a Care Bear thing where they get some love out of their chest? Yeah. The Care Bear, Huggy Bear, just sends his love to her too.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yeah, I love that show. Care Bears? Care Bears is all right I had Care Bear dolls all of those characters had so much plot armor I knew they were never in danger the Care Bears never died can you believe it never like I sure you had a 10 show yeah there was there were a couple times
Starting point is 00:16:59 that I thought that uh what was his name Arthur Arnold the redhead kid on magic school bus i remember like it scared me a little bit like watching that episode of that when like miss frizzle's just like we're going to the moon or like something just announced or no pluto they went to pluto this was back when pluto was a planet and they went there and arnold or whatever everybody's like jumping around and then arnold's like wow i wonder what it would feel like out here and like he goes to like remove his helmet and everybody's like arnold no and he just took off and immediately i remember the visual of just
Starting point is 00:17:34 like his whole head just froze like an orb of like just froze and i was like oh my god that is probably exactly what happened if you went to space. Obviously it's not, probably. I think it is. But I remember even thinking, I'm like, oh no, he's not going to unthaw. He's dead. Like he's dead on the moon. In some movies they depict the person like spontaneously decompressing and sort of exploding and like all the blood like
Starting point is 00:18:05 pouring out of their eyes and stuff like an event horizon it's like a known myth now right I think so I think I think Neil degrassi ties the grass Tyson the grassy not judging that one I I remember there was a hole in either the American space the International Space Station or a Russian one. Do you remember? It looked like someone had drilled it. It was a perfect little circle. And it was when I learned that like, oh, so if you crack a door a little bit, like every
Starting point is 00:18:41 monster in the spaceship doesn't just get instantly sucked out. It turns out they're at like one atmosphere and space is at zero and the spaceship doesn't just get instantly sucked out it turns out they're at like one atmosphere and space is at zero and the difference isn't that big what's one atmosphere underwater like six feet three feet it might be three feet well like it's it's it's the pressure that we're all under right now which is like 10 psi or something eight or ten psi so like you can just put your finger over that hole you can take some gum and put it over that hole but wasn't the problem that like it's so like what he said not cataclysmic that you can just miss it for two months until it's like oh now we're like actually
Starting point is 00:19:18 throwing off some some oxygen or like it's more than i thought. The pressure increases in atmosphere every 10 meters. So 32, 33 feet. Yeah, so 30 feet of water going underneath that. I don't know if I've ever been that deep, but I've been nearly that deep, but it's pretty significant. You have to like blow your nose like twice. The deepest I've gone is like a 12 foot pool. And by the time you're like,
Starting point is 00:19:44 and obviously like if you're like, and obviously like, if you're like standing on the bottom, your head's not 12 feet down, but like you're a little kid, you want to swim down all the way. And like your head gets down there. It's a lot of pressure. There's stuff that I've done in the past that I think about doing now.
Starting point is 00:19:56 And it fills me with terror to imagine, to imagine like, like I remember one summer when I was at my lake house and like me and two girls had, had jumped off the dock and we were like swimming in the water out there at imagine like like i remember one summer when i was at my lake house and like uh me and two girls had had jumped off the dock and we were like swimming in the water out there at night in the lake and uh i was i would like swim under the water and then come up to like scare him and like grab him and stuff and at one point i swam down as far as i could in the lake to like just see how far i could go you know whatever and i swam you know, whatever. And I swam down,
Starting point is 00:20:27 look, I don't think I swam down very far, probably just 12 feet, maybe 15, no more than that. But I swam down until it got cold. Like where I was, it was like, it's like almost bath temperature water. Like, you know, it's the middle of summer in Georgia. It's hot. It's like really warm water. water like you know it's the middle of summer in georgia it's hot it's like really warm water and i swam all the way to the bottom to the like the mud and it was like cold down there and then i swam back up and didn't think anything of it i think about doing that now and it scares the fuck out of me it is kind of i i was at this it was paragliding thing i do over water it wasn't in georgia it was in californ California and uh I went out with like a couple of people and it's deep it's deep enough like people are swimming down trying to touch the
Starting point is 00:21:11 bottom and not getting it like this guy goes down he's not getting it this girl goes down he said I go down I didn't get it we all take like another round I don't know how deep I went I bet it was like 18 or 20 feet like it was pretty deep and I came back with the fistful of muddy rocks and it was like, but like you said, like, are you, are your eyes open under there or are you just, they were closed.
Starting point is 00:21:34 But after in this lake anyway, I mean, heck, I don't think you could see your bathing suit. It was so thick with like sediment and stuff. So yeah, you wouldn't see anything. Yeah. It's very similar to Hartwell yeah that is scary I it's hard to remember sorry to cut you off it's
Starting point is 00:21:52 deep there right the water there are parts of Hartwell that are so there are parts of Hartwell that used to be towns there are submerged structures down there in places like like like a small old-timey town is submerged down there there are graveyards submerged down there i don't know what the deepest point of lake hartwell is i would i would guess it's 50 60 feet is probably the deepest point of lake hartwell would be my guess i don't know though if i die by falling 3 000 feet onto a water-filled cemetery just leave me there that's perfect like that's great bury me right in the cemetery 185 feet oh holy shit it's so deep it's so deep i don't think i've been where it's that deep i well i mean who knows in a boat, maybe. In a boat, who knows? But I swim there, too. It's so hot.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Just imagine it's like 95 southern degrees, right? The really humid kind. And you're working all day. What you think I'm doing is flying. What I'm actually doing is taking this rope and unwinding a winch while walking uphill and just, like, trudging. And you do that again and again and again as you like prep. You know, there's a lot more people flying than just me, so I'm getting them ready. And
Starting point is 00:23:11 it is hot, exhausting work, so I go swimming. That's where all that was headed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm trying to think of other stuff that I wouldn't do now. One of them, absolutely like swimming deep in a lake. I remember doing the same thing like we go to lake of the ozarks which is probably similar to heartwell and that you can't fucking
Starting point is 00:23:29 see anything in it and you just swim underwater you're fucking around with your friends and like now being like oh just being in the middle of that enormous lake as like the tube boat is coming back around to circle you and you're just like okay i hope nobody got feisty and put alligators in here there are alligator gar and uh in lake hartwell quite a bit of them no joke they have found piranha in lake hartwell well that's not ideal yeah i vote against that yeah um one thing that i did when i was like 13 that i wouldn't do now we were at jekyll island which is off the coast of georgia and it's just when you walk out into the the ocean there like i don't know at what point it gets deeper than chest deep but we didn't find it like we walked
Starting point is 00:24:20 until like the people were just tiny on the beach and it was it was getting scary and we're like feeling down for those conch shells and we're like collecting them because i'm from fucking you know i've never seen a conch shell so i mean uh yeah i don't think i had i'd been to the beach before but i'd never seen these things and i'm just collecting like the biggest ones i can get i want to take them home and like every now and then one pokes your foot enough to make you bleed so we're out there in this chest deep water at least three tenths of a mile from the the the beach bleeding like bleeding and and i just remember it occurs to me i say to my body you know that last one cut my foot um because i like did that you know, that last one cut my foot. Cause I like did that, you know, I like roll back on my back and like pull my foot up and look, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:25:09 I don't think we should be out here. He's like, yeah, I think I cut my foot on one too. I was like, we're out here bleeding and we're so far. I was like, I don't think there's a great white out here or anything, but like even if there's a shark that's three feet long, I don't want to look like, like what if he takes my Achilles tendon off or something like that we should we should go i wouldn't do that again no i wouldn't do that no chance the ocean has always spooked me though even when i was a kid i get out you know to the point where i can't stand and it gets a little nerve-wracking have you ever seen the subreddit
Starting point is 00:25:40 lasophobia lasophobia afraid of a dog getting rabies and you have to kill it that's uh it's the fear of the great unknown deep of the ocean oh you've the lasophobia yeah you've mentioned that before and we looked at yeah it's like these pictures of like roiling waves and tidal pools and um like underwater shots of like enormous whales and sharks. Dude, fucking swish on that spelling. Boom, right there. It's a video you'll be talking about all day long. S-ophobia.
Starting point is 00:26:17 And that's made up, so there could have been any number of S's. Three in a row. It's just the guy that made the fucking reddest decision on the spelling. Yeah, this is a spooky, spooky phobia. Yeah, that scares me. We have no business there. We can't compete with anything. We don't belong there.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Shit-tier animals that get bullied in the ocean can bully us. Like the nerd table can fuck with us all day long. A seal could kill us pretty easily, like a sea lion or something. Like anything that can actually, like belongs out there. And even like, oh, you're the mountain, you're the biggest, strongest guy. Not after, I don't know, 40 seconds of an animal that can hold its breath for 20 minutes trying to keep you down. That's not where my head went. I went to Michael Phelps.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Who would you pick to be your water fighter? Where is it? Is it in a pool or is it in the ocean? Aquaman. Okay, let's stick with real people. I mean, for example, John Jones, very good fighter. I'm not sure he's good if the water's deeper than his head. I wouldn't think
Starting point is 00:27:25 so it doesn't look like much of a swimmer i think i actually have seen him in the pool and i i remarked oh look that one can swim but how would how would michael phelps even defeat the seal he wouldn't that's what i'm saying is like what's the win condition because it seems like the only way for him to win is to escape with his life right i don't know what is the seal's best weapon the bite right the bite yeah so what is michael phelps best weapon i think the eye gouge and a lesser bite he's he's he's such a slow piece of shit compared to a seal in the water like he's not going to be able to be dexterous enough to be finding eyes as that thing comes in at 35 miles an hour, bites a chunk of his calf and keeps moving. Is biting a great technique?
Starting point is 00:28:10 I guess it is. Lots of animals use it. If I were to bite you, Taylor. 18 miles an hour. We're particularly bad at biting. I would be presenting all sorts of soft things I don't want hit to you if I were to try to attack with a bite. Is a seal, I guess it's better? Yeah, it's definitely better because its main point of attack is to bite.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Our main point of attack or defense is our hands and our limbs. Agreed. I don't think the seal is what's going to kill you, though. It's that you're going to be so exhausted from defending yourself against the seal that you'll eventually drown. I should have said that. He's not going to let you get away. He's going to be biting you in the ass the whole time and you're going to stop swimming to try to
Starting point is 00:28:53 fend him off and that's going to go on for a long time. As long as the seal chooses probably. As long as the seal chooses. He's loving it. This is fucking beach day for him going until it won't even be when the seal wants to stop it'll be when michael phelps dies when he's probably when he can't kick anymore and he's so out of breath and then the seal's like i'm
Starting point is 00:29:15 not even hungry and swims away that's yeah i'm not suggesting that a seal would eat a person or or or even attack a person they seem like pretty fun loving peaceful animals but no i just i'm just trying to illustrate how bad people are in the ocean i agree i'm so you know we do this thing where it's like what animal could you beat up but i always guess a little higher than the rest of you what animal what's what sea life could michael phelps beat up it's pretty low yeah i i think like a medium-sized octopus like like could probably take you no no i'm going the other way it could probably take a human down like i feel like if it wraps you up well enough like i don't know if you can tear an octopus apart with your big is a medium-sized octopus i'm picturing like like its arms can like like fully engulf like your your
Starting point is 00:30:06 chest it'd be like fighting i don't know how big an octopus mid-sized i don't know how big and i don't know how big an octopus whenever i see him on video they're like a little bigger than a human hand like maybe michael phelps's hand you know the aquarium in florida once that were really big like okay huge seemed like it had a wingspan bigger than mine i always see ones that could fit in a jar of jelly oh yeah i feel like it would wrap you up pretty pretty quickly because imagine like you're fighting eight snakes underwater that all have grippers right the beak in the middle and a beak in the middle that's just the yeah i mean like I don't think... Stop!
Starting point is 00:30:48 You know, you'd be more afraid of the sucker feeling where you're like, ew! Stop! They catch fast-moving prey, so they must be able to move quickly. They're super intelligent. Yes. They're some of the most intelligent things in the world.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Which is weird, because their brains are small. And they don't live very long at all they have really short lifespans i didn't know that can you estimate it like less than a year what yeah it says the giant pacific octopus 9.75 to 16 feet 22 to 110 pounds lives three to five years in the wild i didn't realize they died so fast me neither i how are they so smart when i was three i couldn't open a jar maybe i could i don't know i love when they open jars to get to get whatever's in the jar out it's crazy yeah i like when they uh when they accidentally get caught in fishing nets, and then the sailors will take video of it, slithering around, figuring out a quarter-width slit in the boat, and it'll put its entire body through that somehow.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah. It's just a bunch of bladders and membranes, and I don't know how it works, but it's pretty neat. I saw there was some squid or octopus, one or the other, in a research facility. And it kept jumping out of its tank and going to another tank and like eating the fish that were in it. And so they put a lock on the tank,
Starting point is 00:32:13 but it was like reaching out and like undoing the latch and like getting back out again. So they had to put an actual lock on the tank that required a key. One that would keep a person in there? Kyle, we talked about this as a topic pre-show. Joe Rogan talked about his GH usage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:33 He takes... So I watched the More Plates, More Dates video reacting to the Joe Rogan show. That's what I saw. That's what I saw too. Okay. I don't know what that unit of measurement that he takes is. He takes like one U or something? One IU. I saw. That's what I saw too. Okay. I don't know what that unit of measurement that he takes in. He takes like one U or something.
Starting point is 00:32:47 One, uh, one IU. That's an incredibly tiny, tiny amount. What? I don't know how big an IU is. Um, it's,
Starting point is 00:32:56 I think when you take those tiny, I think it's one, one hundredth of a milliliter. Oh, okay. So anyway, he takes a drop of GH and what, Of a milliliter. Oh. Okay. So anyway, he takes a drop of GH. And what I really want to know about Joe Rogan is what he's done throughout the years. Right?
Starting point is 00:33:16 Because in some ways, like, he won his fitness competition. He's strong. He's over 50. And he's healthy, it seems. Active's strong. He's over 50 and he's healthy. It seems active and strong. He's able to like be athletic when most guys over 50 can't do that anymore. So there's some good stuff there. There's also some cautionary tales, right? He seems to have some level of Palumboism, which if you don't know, you do. but like the people listening is like a distended belly that weightlifters get sometime. There's another term for it. Doctors call it like
Starting point is 00:33:50 dietetic neuropathy or something. Kyle, do you know this term? I don't know the term. Yeah. I don't know what caused that. I think maybe that was a temporary thing. Like maybe he was just bloated and on top of that like he's got a he's he's so short and he's got like a ninja turtle type core yeah i don't know like maybe it was a perfect storm that may i'd like to see him like right now and see what's going on i think that that's often caused by bodybuilders who are using um like insulin and uh and growth hormone you know the growth hormone i think makes their their internal organs grow and uh gh does something to insulin sensitivity that makes you effectively diabetic i might be i'm 80 percent high doses i
Starting point is 00:34:35 think maybe yeah yeah yeah yeah so derrick seemed to think the dose he was taking now was either completely fine or do it for such a long period of time that it built up right like did you did you hear the same thing i did i didn't hear him say anything about it building up i don't that doesn't make sense to me with my limited knowledge of gh but like one iu is like like i see what bodybuilders do and usually it's it seems like it's like four to six or four to eight somewhere in in there. And like, I think Derek mentioned like guys who did 15 IUs a day, like, like, uh, he described one IU as like growth hormone replacement therapy, essentially like, like, like to get you to the sort of the
Starting point is 00:35:16 medium high level, uh, um, like range of normal, you know, that it wouldn't really, it's not really about enhanced anything it's just like okay you you've got as much growth hormone as you really need you've got as much as a good person would have yeah yeah kind of like you know like 150 milligrams of testosterone like like similar situation like you're not on a steroid cycle but you've got as much testosterone as you need maybe even a little bit more because of the, how steady the levels are. Um, I don't think he's ever done any steroids, Rogan, like, like any real steroids. I think he's just been on TRT and, and maybe like at some points he's
Starting point is 00:35:56 been on like heavier doses of TRT. Like, like if he wanted to like pack on some pounds or like, like he really wanted to see what it was like to go from 150 to 250 to 450 or something. But I don't like just hearing him talk about steroids. It doesn't seem like he really knows a ton about them. I have suspicions that he's been on higher doses because he did a pretty significant body transformation. He packed on a lot of mass. If you look at Joe Rogan from 15 years ago, he's not nearly as strong as he is now. And he also has, I think he has Palumboism. You think that maybe that was just a bad day. I'm open to the idea that I'm wrong, but it's in my head that he has this distended belly and that's just kind of a permanent growth thing that's
Starting point is 00:36:41 happened is his gut is bigger than it should be than it would have been if he had never done drugs. And I don't know. But I don't even know that it's bad. Like I made a similar argument with plastic surgery sometimes. They say, look at this person. She doesn't look quite perfect. Something's odd about her. And I think, aha, but you're comparing her to the perfect her from 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:37:02 You need to compare her to the alternate universe where she just aged. And I bet that doesn't look so hot either. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. We've made this point a few times. I agree completely. Let me see what Goldie Hawn looks like because last time I saw her,
Starting point is 00:37:16 it was a goddamn nightmare. Okay, yeah. She just botched surgeries. She's really old for one thing. Actually. that she just botched surgeries but like she's really old for one thing like actually are you looking at her now yeah i think so yeah and again she doesn't look quite right but in my pictures anyway she doesn't look hideous either i'll show you the one that i'm focused on okay so show the audience that picture and then i want to show you like the cover art for the movie she just did with Kurt Russell. Okay. It's on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Um, I noticed it like in my feed and. To be honest in this picture, I don't know how old she is. Can you guys look how old she is? My guess is 67 to 73 because like she was like hot when i was born she's 75 75 so she looks good for 75 and in these pictures anyway i think she looks good there all right so so open this up and then like click the like the title of the movie and it'll get big. So like,
Starting point is 00:38:29 this is called Christmas Chronicles two. Oh goodness. Right. I mean, with that level of artistry, I look like I belong in fight club. They just drew her jawline on there. Like, like your jawline.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Her skin is that of a 18 month old. mean it's it's over the top it's like perfect like yeah and she's look i i every now and then when i'm in the grocery store i'll see like the tabloids and they'll have those mean fucking candid celebrity photos and like last time i saw one of her she looked like the fucking crypt keeper and but. But those guys are like the Hollywood Enquirer or whatever. They have their own Photoshop department where they're like adding wrinkles and scars and tattoos. Black eyes. Fucking throw a syringe in their hand.
Starting point is 00:39:18 So here's... Those people are scum of the earth. She doesn't look so good in this one, but she's also 75. She looks awesome for 75. Right? Like, that's a great grandmother. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:40 You know what my grandmothers looked like at 75? They were dead. None of them made it dead none of them made it none of them made it that hard nice try so 73 is where you're making it that's dangerously accurate yeah i got no problem with the way joe rogan looks because i think like everybody gives him a hard time it's like all right first of all, he's 50. Second of all, like over.
Starting point is 00:40:07 He's a yeah, older, 53 or whatever he is. Like he's in the top point five percent of 50 year olds. Yeah. As far as physical fitness goes, for sure. And like, yeah, I think his head has grown some. And I think that's what happens when you do like 20 years of growth hormone. I wouldn't recommend growth hormone as a substance like it like like it if you're happy with your current facial structure maybe leave it alone if you're already kind of a fugly guy like like who knows
Starting point is 00:40:36 maybe you'll grow a better looking head you know like like but rogan was like a good looking guy like like when he was on news radio radio, he's got nice bone structure. He looked like a normal guy. It's also expensive. It's super expensive. One of the things growth hormone does is it helps your like tendons and joints and stuff stay really healthy. So in the last year, not right now actually, but I had this issue with my elbow right here. I'm sure I mentioned it now and then.
Starting point is 00:41:04 It's called golfer's elbow and some other things. And I had issues with it from overdoing it on pull-ups and from my acro flying. I was like, if I was on growth hormone, then this would be like a solution to that. My, my, my tendons would be bulletproof. I looked into it. It's over 10 grand a year. That's a lot. If you found it for that then bye bye bye oh really oh it's even more i mean i i don't you know i i see it for a lot more than that um oh you can take this stuff this is what uh rogan was talking about that uh aids in the healing um this is that peptide bpp bpc uh 157. it says not for human use. Yeah, don't worry about that. What use is it?
Starting point is 00:41:48 Well, don't take it. I mean, but if you had an animal with some tendon issues, you could probably give this peptide to that animal, and it would just sort its tendon issues right out. I want to stand behind a company that isn't even confident enough to recommend their product for human consumption i don't think it's confidence that's holding them back taylor yeah more the fda yeah that's my suspicion too
Starting point is 00:42:11 i know it's like like one page over they're selling clenbuterol so what is that um i'm pretty sure it's like um uh something they give to horses for like um to to so that they like i can take in more oxygen or something like it's maybe a vasodilator um but i i'm pretty it's a performance enhancing drug i think that athletes use to some more oxygen it sounds like a cardio drug uh i think so i'm probably about 40 right on this most likely I've done a lot of Clint Buterol, uh, research, but I've read every time I'm reading online about like, like what someone was on or got caught taking clan is often like part of the
Starting point is 00:42:53 mix in the, is this UFC stuff? Just athletes in general. Okay. Yeah. I, uh, I really only pay attention to UFC fighters that get caught on pits.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I can't, I can hardly name another, maybe fighters that get caught on pits. I can't, I can hardly name another, maybe a track athlete now and then, but yeah, I don't know. Like you said, Joe Rogan to be is a little like a Bronco dilator. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:17 A little like goalie Han in that, you know, is she 19 year old hottie? No. Is she way outperforming her age group? Yeah, I think so. She was so hot. There's this movie that they did together called Overboard.
Starting point is 00:43:33 You ever see Overboard? That might be her peak. She's so fucking hot. Overboard is about, Kurt Russell is like this, he lives in the Pacific Northwest, and he's like a carpenter and he gets hired to work on her yacht and he's like putting in a new
Starting point is 00:43:50 closet for her yacht and she's being despicable to him the whole time she's uber millionaire and she's there with her husband or whatever they're both super fucking snotty and she as they're she like she doesn't even pay him because she like doesn't like the wood he used or something like that.
Starting point is 00:44:07 He used pine or cedar or something, and she wanted mahogany or whatever the fuck. She throws his tools over the side of her yacht. He needed those tools to surprise children. And then they sail out of town, leaving. Well, she falls overboard. She might have gotten pushed in the water by her husband i don't remember that little detail but she gets amnesia and when she wakes up they're trying the local people in town are trying to figure out who this lady is
Starting point is 00:44:34 and the only one that recognizes her is kurt russell and he's like annie oh come on back home honey i'll take care of you and he like tells her that he's her husband and like brings her home and he's got her like doing chores and like looking after all these bratty ass kids like getting his revenge on her and she they end up falling in love at the at the end he's like he's like are you really gonna give up all that money all all that wealth to be with me? She's like, oh, honey, the money's all mine. It's great. It's a great ending. It's a fun 80s movie.
Starting point is 00:45:14 He nailed it. What is that called again? You said... Overboard. She's super hot. Kurt Russell is kind of in his prime, too. I was watching this movie recently on an Amazon Prime. I was working on my laptop in my living too. I was watching this movie recently on like an Amazon prime. Just, it was,
Starting point is 00:45:25 I was working on my laptop out in my living room and I was like, you know, just during the day, I'm like, I want to put on something. So I just go to like this, you know, it says top suggested for you.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I just scrolled over a couple and I was like, Oh, assault on wall street, some violent action movie that I guarantee I'm not gonna have to pay attention to. And every once in a while I can look up and see people getting shot. Cool. Whatever. And I start like paying 10% attention and then I'm not going to have to pay attention to. And every once in a while I can look up and see people getting shot. Cool. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:45 And I start like paying 10% attention. And then I'm paying like 25, 30, 50. But within like 15 minutes, like I'm paying almost full attention to this, not getting as much work done. And it's not because it was like so great or anything. But like I thought it was going to be because it was made right around the time of the collapse and everything, the stock market. And we're talking about like everybody's losing their job, losing everything that they have, their life savings, their pensions, everything's getting lost. And it's this dude who's got like a wife with cancer. Obviously, they can't afford the treatment.
Starting point is 00:46:16 And the whole time, like to add a prerequisite to that sadness is like her being like, I always wish we could have had children together someday. And like that kind of thing, it gets sadder and sadder. You're half an hour into this 90 minute movie. It's still amping up the sadness like that. He gets fired because his job is a security guy who guards the money at the bank. And so he like,
Starting point is 00:46:40 he delivers the money in those trucks. And so like, he's taking out another mortgage on his house. He's calling about his finances and everything. And they go to him and they're like, hey, we can't have a guy that guards money having financial troubles. We found out about it. Sorry, but you're fired. We can't have a guy with financial troubles guarding money.
Starting point is 00:46:58 You understand it. We'll lose all our clients. He's mad about it. And then he's like, I got to get every cent of money I can out of my accounts. I have all my money invested with this guy that I trust. And he goes and talks to that guy. And the guy's like, hey, I'm so sorry. You know, it's not me who made these calls.
Starting point is 00:47:14 It's a guy way above me. But there's a bunch of red tape. It's going to be some attorneys. But not only do you have no money, the firm where you held your money is filing a claim that you actually are liable for $60,000 additional. And so he's like, now I'm broke and I owe him even more money. And it's still amping up. And then they threaten him with legal action.
Starting point is 00:47:36 And he goes to some skeevy attorney who's like, I'm not a banker. I'm not going to tell you that. But it seems like stocks are similar to attorneys. You're going to get what you pay for. My retainer is $10,000. Don't waste my time time i'll get them to drop that 60k on you guaranteed sir guaranteed but it's gonna take 10 grand keep me happy here and he's like then he's going around like now i gotta find 10 grand so that i don't owe 60 000 on all the money that i lost and like is just one really nice gentleman who he works with is like i don't have any family or friends
Starting point is 00:48:04 here's 10 grand keep it i don't even want it and so that was really nice but and so he pays off the attorney the attorney starts working and as like he's working on that trying to figure it out the wife is shown back at home and they can't she finds out the truth about their financial situation right where he'd been keeping her in the dark because he didn't want her to know how much this was bankrupting them and everything and so she finds all the papers and she's like oh my god we're in the hole so she goes upstairs and kills herself in his bed and she does it in a way like a killed yourself prank where it was like like i would just i guess drive into the garage do something clean she takes a knife she lays in bed takes a knife slits her
Starting point is 00:48:45 wrist and then pulls the covers over it and so he and so he comes home he's like susan susan susan are you okay and then pulls it off and he's like because he sees his dead wife cover yeah and the rest of the movie like it's it's over halfway of just and but the whole time you've seen this guy's entire mental state crack to then like he's like making cracks at one point to like the cops and his security friends where he's like like what are you we're so sorry like you know we're always here for you he's like yeah it's these goddamn bankers oh i gotta go don't contact me he just leaves and then immediately like the next day like that shows them back in the coffee shop like you hear about this string of bank and murders out of nowhere and he gets weapons he starts practicing in the in the train station because
Starting point is 00:49:41 he is like a former military guy and he just just starts, it's seen after rapid fire scene of like him finding a, you know, newspaper clipping, clipping it out. And it'll say like, you know, Steve Johnson, how I made 150 million for my firm on the back of the most difficult financial blah, blah, blah. And he just like put that on his wall. And then he would show him like going into a parking garage,
Starting point is 00:50:03 assassinating a dude. And then he would show him like going into a parking garage assassinating a dude and then he would just take the scope and look for anyone else in the building in a suit and just bang but you're just killing everyone and then he would lock it up get out there and then he'd go home put a big red x through that person and he is murdering dozens of them it finally it culminates at one point where he the guy who lost all his money initially was talking to him and that guy doesn't know that he lost his wife and everything and that he's in the midst of a killing spree.
Starting point is 00:50:32 He's killed 20 people. A race he's mid-rampage. He's mid-rampage and it's just today he's like, hey, you know what? I know we lost a bunch of money on that last deal, but I'd love to talk to you about some new ideas. And the guy is like, I would love to talk to you about some new ideas. And the guy is like, I would love to talk to you. We're going to meet here in this lobby at this big, big area, right in the financial sector.
Starting point is 00:50:52 How about 10, 10 30 AM? The other guy's like, okay, cool. And so, and you would think he's going to assassinate that guy at 10 30. That entire setup was the distraction he waits for that guy to start going into the building everybody's walking around he caps this guy in the back of the head and because it's like lunchtime on wall street there's tons of them and there's a bunch of people in glass buildings looking out and he just starts aiming at corner offices and killing everyone in the corner office of all the buildings everybody is freaking out about that. Like there's, there's pandemonium,
Starting point is 00:51:26 there's mayhem everywhere in the streets. And he like locks up his gun, burns everything, still has two pistols on. And he just walks into an adjacent building, which had the actual firm he wanted to fuck with, not the building he was shooting at. And everybody's rushing to the one he just shot and threw bombs at.
Starting point is 00:51:42 I forgot their bombs. And then he goes into this, he like slowly walking into this other building. He takes out, he's still 30 feet from the door and there's pandemonium happening. And he takes out just a white like theater mask and puts it on. He just starts walking through.
Starting point is 00:51:56 And then he gets up to the floor of the building that held all his money and turn it into worthless paper receipts and just indiscriminately opens it up there's just like a bunch of clerks bunch of like stockbrokers and sellers and everything and he just starts he murders every single person i'm like literally dozens of people he's boom boom boom boom boom goes in to the final guy and he the you know the final guy's giving him the speech of like i'm a winner winner. I'll always be a winner.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And you always be a fucking lose like that kind of thing. And it's like, you wouldn't talk like this to this maniac. Right. And then, uh, what he does is he tricks the guy he knows. Cause he has cameras bugged up.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Cause he's a secret genius that he, he, he tricks the banker into picking up his gun. That's not loaded. Right. As the SWAT team's coming in. So the SWAT team kills him instead. They got the banker.
Starting point is 00:52:47 They don't kill him. And then he walks out and just happenstance, his two New York police officer friends are the ones who are like about to arrest him. And then without any words, they're both just kind of like, get out of here. You rascal. He murdered dozens. Like 40 or 50 i love the idea that he faces off against like the final boss and it's gordon gecko yeah he's just talking about greed is good yeah it's called i think it's called assault on wall street and it kept me pretty engaged it was
Starting point is 00:53:19 it was so silly though have you ever seen death wish? You know what? I think I have. I think I'm thinking about, uh, we've been talking about doing like a group watch, um, in the, uh, in the, in the 50,
Starting point is 00:53:30 um, discord of a movie. And I think that would be a good one. You've never seen it. No, no, maybe, maybe like Wednesday night or something like that.
Starting point is 00:53:41 I'll, I'll rent it and then we'll all watch it together in the, in the discord. Cause it'd be fun. So so like basically it's um it's the story of this man whose wife gets raped and um i think to death or maybe she kills himself herself it's it's a little foggy because it's been so long since I've seen the first one. The character's name is Paul Kersey, but I'm trying to look up what that actor's name is because I can't think of it.
Starting point is 00:54:13 And it matters to me. I can't go on until I know. This is the bad guy in Death Wish? Charles Bronson. So like classic action hero, Charles Bronson did all those westerns and shit. Just a all right so jeff goldblum rapes his wife and uh and like maybe she kills herself or maybe he rapes her to death i don't remember which but he fucking just downward spiral of depression and he's's an architect in New York city. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:47 his boss is like, look, you need some time off or he's no, I need to be focused on my work. He's like, all right, well, look, we've got a firm out in, uh, on the Southwest down in, down in Arizona that, that needs a whole, you know, like, like shopping center, like designed. How about you go and take care of that one? Then you can do both at the same time. You get out of the city, you get a little time off, and you can work there. All right, fine. So he goes, and the guy that he's working with out there
Starting point is 00:55:14 is kind of like a cowboy. They're in the Southwest, and they become really good pals as he's doing the architecture for the shopping center or whatever. And on the way back home, he's like, Hey, I, I got you a gift. Don't open it till you get home though. He's like, all right. All right. It's just this little box.
Starting point is 00:55:33 He gets home and he cracks it open. It's a pistol. And he's like, Oh, Oh, that's cool. So he just starts walking the streets of New York at night, putting himself in the most dangerous situations you can possibly imagine until people start fucking with him. And then he just murders them. Like, like he just rides the subway late at night by himself,
Starting point is 00:55:57 like flashing money and stuff. Like trying to goad people. Yeah. And three punks try to try to like rob him and he just kills them all. You know, it's just like that scene in the Joker. That scene in the Joker was totally lifted from death. Wish.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Was that like an homage to death? Wish. Yeah. At best. He's just killing everyone. Apparently it's a true story. And so like they start running store stories in the paper, call him the vigilante killer.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And people are like, he's doing a good job. We need more people like him. And the cops are like, you know know we don't stand for vigilante ism and then like people are being interviewed they love it and he just kills a swath of like thugs in new york that's the end of the movie well don't worry because there's like five death wish movies and in every movie he's said the same thing he's gotten it out of his system you know he's like he's like all right well my wife's gone but i've still got my little girl don't worry and then they rape his daughter and she commits suicide and he's just like like she's like
Starting point is 00:56:57 like every movie they rape his girl then after that they might like rape his girlfriend and like then after that they kill his old like like army buddy or something like that every movie they take something else from him and he was old in the first death wish like like he's like i don't know it was the 70s so 60 year old 60 year old men looked 80 you you know? So like, like he's like, but, but he looks old in the first death wish movie. And by the fifth one, they're trying to make him still look athletic.
Starting point is 00:57:32 And he's out jogging wearing like, like Rocky Balboa type gear, like a stocking cap and stuff. And he looks a hundred and five. Steven Seagal of his day. I'm looking at the pictures. I typed in death wish five to see what he looks like this guy is so old he looks he's he's standing there next to a woman 30 years his junior
Starting point is 00:57:52 like holding a gun in a way where his like his face is saying like my back hurts he's mad he's he's frumpy and overweight so so here's let's uh let's watch this clip this is from death wish 3 he's got donald trump style hair yeah this is from death wish 3 this is going to be silly because i you like death wish but i remember it as an unrealistic silly movie but we'll see yeah that's why i like it okay yeah yeah i don't i don't think of it as like a serious like like like like nowadays you would get a movie like john wick would be like that's your that's that's like a good revenge movie right the 70s this is it are you ready i am cute at zero ready set play Set, play.
Starting point is 00:58:51 So this whole neighborhood is like full of punks. And he's moved into the neighborhood to clean house. She's like, thanks. She hasn't checked out yet. All he did is give you something to buy. Yeah. Oh, see this portrayal of punks... Oh, see, this portrayal of punks... ...
Starting point is 00:59:10 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... He doesn't even want the camera back.
Starting point is 00:59:38 No. All right, all right. They're all cheering. I love it. I'm not talking about the movies at all! Alright, alright! Go! They're all cheering. Everybody's cheering! I love it! That's that creep stole my pocketbook last week! Look at that, all came out of the windows. Look at this!
Starting point is 00:59:59 This is like Rocky! They're treating him like Santa. Like, they're so excited. That's a 475. He killed the Giggler. By the way. What's his name, the giggler by the way what's his name the giggler yeah yeah yeah they killed the giggler man i have to watch this that's hilarious that pistol he's got is absurd it's made for like african elephant or something like that it's a 475 wildy magnum like i've never even seen one outside of Death Wish 3. That's the only
Starting point is 01:00:26 place I've ever seen it. Didn't the gun switch between the aiming shot and the firing shot? No, that's the same gun. No, but it did blow a hole in the guy's back big enough to put a fucking orange in. He had an exit wound in the entry point.
Starting point is 01:00:41 That's just how big the entrance wound is with a.475 caliber hand cannon. I don't know about that, but okay. I don't either. There's one part in that movie where they kill his last friend, and they just start assaulting the building that Paul Kersey is in. And he comes out with a 1919 Browning machine gun that's got a belt of ammunition laid over his arm and he's just like a belt fed machine gun just mowing down infinite
Starting point is 01:01:14 amounts of punks after he walks around with expensive merchandise hanging out of his pockets yeah pretty well he gave up the whole subterfuge of like the whole he didn't he didn't have his nikon anymore he was just like yeah now it's war and he just he just murders them all he's hunting it's full of one-liners and it's funny as shit like like he walks outside at one point in death wish three and these guys are literally just stealing the radio out of his fucking car he's like hey what are you doing and they're like what's it to you he's like it's my car and he just kills him like he kills so many people in those movies like you there's probably that thing that colin likes to watch where it's got like the body count
Starting point is 01:02:00 yeah my son loves that he was talking to me about that in the gym today just dad do you like to watch the body count before or after the movie after i know everyone that dies but yeah ruin it i don't know it's saving private so much better knowing all right call to wrap yeah pkn 331

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