Painkiller Already - PKN 343

Episode Date: March 19, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 343 what's up boys so we were talking about how resident libtard woody thinks that the gas prices are going up because this uh the bide administration is doing so well that now people are able to travel being misrepresented but carry on intentionally very intentionally misrepresented um but but you were saying that maybe because um you know things are looking up. People are traveling more. It happens every summer. Gas prices tend to go up this time of year.
Starting point is 00:00:31 And I guess people are getting around not doing the restrictions that they used to. Yeah, so my theory was more on the side of Biden bombed a Middle Eastern country and then I saw that the israelis have apparently been doing covert operations blowing up iranian oil uh shipments yeah did you see that yeah like five or six shipments of oil that the iranian that the israelis have covertly um destroyed i think you might be right that does make sense k, Kyle. That or Biden is just the best.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I don't know. Stop it. Stop it. I didn't say that. But it is true that restrictions are being lifted. Masks are no longer being worn. Businesses are opening up again, especially in red states. And, you know, so it's like vaccinations are getting out.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I'm not saying Biden's out there working syringes, and vaccinations are getting out. I'm not saying Biden's out there working syringes, but vaccines are getting out. And I was like, all right, so we're kind of headed into a post-COVID economy. But the, I don't know what the hell they did, bomb oil tankers? That sounds like a theory too. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Something like that, yeah. I read that story the other day. What was it exactly they did to oil tankers? Can you say it again? They said sabotaging oil shipments was the headline, like five or six of them. And to me, that means either contaminating the oil, which would be super smart,
Starting point is 00:01:56 because then not only do you destroy that shipment, but you also destroy confidence in the product. Weren't the shipments from Iranan to syria and israel was attacking them i don't know where they were heading i know they were i just know where they were originating from or where it said they were originating from i think it was iran to syria but yeah you were you're talking about like a lot of the red states are opening up i saw texas did its thing not all of the southern states i always like i'm always defensive of like the south whenever we do a good thing i'm like but wait we did this uh i think maybe it was mississippi or even
Starting point is 00:02:31 alabama like one of the ones that you never expect to do the right thing was like nah we're gonna keep the masks on a little bit longer there is some other red states that were like we never wore masks it might have been one of the dakotas or something. But I really called out red states like that because I was trying not to claim credit for it. Like, you know, states are opening up, you know, like that's why. inside to get coffee and I accidentally left my mask in the car. It was like five in the morning. So there was like nobody in there, but she was immediately like, you got a mask up. And I'm like, oh shit, sorry. I left it in the car. She said, no problem. I'm sorry. I say I'm so jumpy. I'm so jumpy. So like I'm getting my coffee and like a Mexican work crew comes in and none of them have masks on. And she's like, y'all gonna have to leave if you can't mask
Starting point is 00:03:23 up. And he's like y'all gonna have to leave if you can't mask up and he's okay and so the one that speaks english like the driver starts explaining to everybody that they gotta get the fuck out because none of them have masks like none of them have masks there's like eight of them and so now he's inside with with his like torn up shirt wrapped around his head like getting eight people coffee i uh i walked in with no mask today i went to a motorcycle shop i'm like head over heels into motorcycles right now so uh it's rest day i had some time i went in and i forgot my mask on my own and i was just like i don't know like i like i like i had no pants on or something like oh my gosh you know here i'm inside i wasn't thinking
Starting point is 00:04:03 i went to the truck and got it and the staff like they thanked me for it here i'm inside i wasn't thinking i went to the truck and got it and the staff like they thanked me for it and i was like i didn't mean to yeah i just i just forgot and uh he seemed like genuinely grateful that that i messed up yeah well it's still i mean i am had to do this it's easy to forget this isn't we haven't been doing this since we were kids you know it's never been a like it's always been wallet phone keys it's for for centuries phone keys and to add a fourth thing in there come on yeah i i i don't i don't usually forget it like like if i'm going i don't know it was a rarity for me to leave in the car it was if you do usually you see somebody else walking around
Starting point is 00:04:43 you're like oh yeah yeah. Yeah, I have. Sometimes at a gas station I won't wear one. If it's just like me and the teller, it's like, all right, this is fine. But I definitely wear it in populated places. And they got those like plastic sheets up. And it's like, I've always been of the opinion like when you go to Subway
Starting point is 00:05:00 and they have the kind, or like angled down where like you're still on the side of the opening, right? Yeah i've always thought of those like this is this is not stopping sneezes this is not stopping coughs or sneezes or anything and so so many of these i see it's like oh you got a nice plastic sheet about six inches on the bottom the entire store on the sides and a nice big like hole in the middle to like you know who knows better than anyone i'll tell you the people who know better than anyone how effective and ineffective masks are for like spreading this shit is people who smoke and people who vape because like i was in the car and uh with my vape and i just like i just like freely exhaled and it like goes into every crevice
Starting point is 00:05:40 of like the front of my car like wrapping around shit and like going under things like when you breathe out you imagine okay there's just a little puff of air a little cylinder of air that just kind of stops in front of me no it's just everywhere it doesn't project as far right is that part true i'm asking as a question not telling but because it comes out right here right i'm talking about like maskless like i'm not i'm not vaping in my car with a mask it comes out right here right i'm talking about like maskless like obviously i'm not i'm not vaping in my car with a mask on but like i thought you tested it like with and without a mask that's what i projected like you see it just all comes out like around and up in the top but like it definitely because you've seen have you ever seen those uh infrared i guess videos of
Starting point is 00:06:22 people farting sometimes they're wearing they're wearing like jeans and pants and then you see like a big heater come out and it's like that's that's how farts travel so quickly i think that answered for me those clips of like how do i fart in the shower and i smell it this before i even begin to fart it's like and you watch those clips and i see somebody walking through a casino just crop dust and you're like, wow. Taylor has a very specific premonition ability. He can smell his own farts before they come out. Yeah, I can know I'm going to fart when I feel it.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I didn't know some of those were fake, the fart videos. Yeah, for sure. They use, you know the air can you might use to clean your keyboard like they're blowing cold air to make it show up like that sometimes yeah oh i thought it was hot air it's funny usually you're the one to know fakery and i'm the one to fall for it yeah it resonated with me like that's why parts travel so quickly when i saw this they travel at about five miles per hour. That is the speed of smell. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Is that true? The smell gets the pants beat off it by all the other senses. Yeah, I guess so. I get vision and hearing and touch so much faster. Look how fast I can see. Just pop! Just pop! Just pop!
Starting point is 00:07:42 Whoa! It's right there. Even Taylor's vision is flexing on smell yeah it's just as fast it's just worse um uh anyway yeah so i was looking at motorcycles today i want my bike back so bad i'm all jazzed to ride it and go somewhere and i want to do something not today though right weather is awful i literally want to test how rainproof my stuff is for a longer trip i can make any excuse kyle i want it i want it back so bad are you guys both in terrible weather right now yeah it's usually pretty similar i was in north carolina this morning so i drove through like fog and and like storms and like like zero visibility driving through the
Starting point is 00:08:25 mountains pretty bad storms are just sad not like not like thunder and lightning but like like steady rain like steady rain for hours and hours um it wasn't like pouring down but like just driving through the mountains like the you know the little reflective dots in the middle of the road like there aren't as many up there. Like it's, it's like, like half as many. And like, so like, and that's the only way to navigate the road. When, when the road is like slick and like shiny and reflective and the headlights are like bouncing off the water or the,
Starting point is 00:08:57 the rainwater on your windshield is couldn't see. Probably mountain roads need to be more snowplow friendly. So they, they don't put lots of reflectors all over it. I always forget the Carolinas have mountains. Yeah, the Great Smoky Mountains. I've never been to the Smoky Mountains. Yeah, and I guess the Appalachian Trail is on the other side. Going all the way up the Appalachian Mountains, right?
Starting point is 00:09:22 Are any of those tall enough to ski? Is there skiing in that region or not really? We have skiing, but as a guy from the Northeast, we are snobby that you would never want to. Is North Carolina skiing? Right. It's like the North Carolina ice hockey scene. Not so elite.
Starting point is 00:09:39 But then there are guys out West who surely think that about New York and skiing. Oh, I'm sure. Yeah, there is skiing but nothing like like colorado for example you want to talk to someone who has nothing but disdain for the places you've skied talk to someone from from utah or colorado because like and even like because i lived out in idaho like even the utah people would be like yeah those colorado guys they got some cute mountains out there.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And it's like... You mean the Rocky Mountains? Yeah. It's like, you guys are... It's the same range. It's the same thing. Utah people look down on Colorado? I didn't even know the stack ranking.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I'm saying definitively yes, because this one guy... That's all I need. And to be fair, fair other than this comment he wasn't that pleasant anyway so i could be maybe i'm aligning utahans utah utah indians probably not utah mites the utanese i like your knees actually The Utenese. That's good. I like Utenese, actually. Utonian sounds like a Star Trek species. I like that more. Sounds radioactive. Yes. Sounds like they're very advanced, too, and not like... Spock, they have ten kids apiece.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I need to listen to his voice. I don't know how to do that. That's close enough, yeah. They're called Utahns or Utahans? Utahans. Utahans. These Utahans are fucking at Utahhands? Utahhands. These Utahhands are fucking at a tremendous rate. Something like that. No, that became more...
Starting point is 00:11:11 Who the hell was that? Now who's this? Wait, I know that one. That's the Jew from South Park. That was the Jewish South Park kid plus Jimmy. They're the same voice, but with a different flavor on the end. Yeah, you get a little more slurring from Kyle's kid.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Matt and Trey only have so many voices in them. After a while, you realize that, okay, so every woman over 30 has the same voice. Okay. And then sometimes you'll hear Randy being like, we have to fight back. We can't let him do it to us. And then someone out in the fucking crowd's like, what do we do right there?
Starting point is 00:11:47 And it's like, it's exactly Randy's voice like asking back just with a little bit on the top. Like, cause yeah, they do. They're so that's the funny, that's one of the funniest things about South Park is the intended
Starting point is 00:11:59 shitty voiceovers. Yeah. Just two guys doing impression impressions poorly. Yeah. It's very low effort in in some in some aspects uh it's i i look at a lot they just released a special and i haven't seen it i didn't like it i don't like it yeah i'm usually really up on south park and like like come on it was pretty good uh i really like the pandemic special that they did i don't know a couple months ago five it feels like a couple months maybe it was a year yeah probably six months or something a while back uh you know
Starting point is 00:12:29 it's on hbo and i like that a lot i thought that was pretty funny you know they're going after the mask wearing and uh you know randy was doing his tegrity weed thing yeah but uh the vaccination special was see i see like i think now that i'm a little bit older i prefer the episodes that focus around the adults like like i i relate more to them than eight-year-old children at this point so like when it's a randy episode i'm more apt to enjoy it than if it's like a kyle episode or a cartman episode uh and this was like more of an episode about the kids. And they're trying to get the vaccine. And Walgreens Pharmacy is the hottest club in town. There's a bouncer outside.
Starting point is 00:13:12 You can hear oomph, oomph, oomph, oomph from the inside. And he's like, are you on the list? Yeah, I'm not on the list, but I'm friends with an old person. And I smoke. And they're like, not cut it buddy and then like some 80 year old woman like rolls up dressed like like wearing like hip-hop gear and she just like saunters in like yeah britches everybody's getting their back you know the old people getting their vaccines and the boys get some bootleg vaccine and i tried to get the vaccine
Starting point is 00:13:40 this week didn't work i i you didn't do that huge drive did you no no i so what happened was online they were saying at walgreens they were giving them out sometimes people missed appointments sometimes they were just expiring and uh you can answer the questions honestly like are you ancient no do you have asthma no all right you know i just have to ask here's your shot so i was like cool cool so i walk up and the guy's african like actually i don't know nigerian or something like he's not he's black but that's not the point he's from africa and uh i'm like hey you know like i heard you guys were giving out vaccines that you had too many that sometimes they were expiring
Starting point is 00:14:20 i've got an arm and i'm willing are you giving him out and he's like expire and i'm like oh no you brought up something you shouldn't have and now there's a goose trail to go down i'm lost like i'm like does he not know what expire means like is there a is there a language barrier here like he speaks english but he's talking to me like he doesn't know what these words are. And I'm like, yeah, someone else is administering the shot, right?
Starting point is 00:14:51 I'm like, expire. Yeah. Like, like, you know, they, they,
Starting point is 00:14:54 they only have like two weeks or something to give it, to get it in an arm and then they have to throw it away. And, uh, I'm like, I keep reading about people online who are like getting these opportunities. And I was just seeing if I could, you know, do it. And he's like, you know, you have to have an appointment. I'm like, I keep reading about people online who are like getting these opportunities. And I was just seeing if I could do it. And he's like, you know, you have to have an appointment.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I'm like, cool, cool. But like to get an appointment, do I have to answer all those questions? And he starts going into like North Carolina state regulations on it. And it's like, this is the same motherfucker didn't seem to know what expire means. And now he's going into like the different rollout groups. And I'm like like i can't get on the same page with him and i mean that expire it is good for oh you need to figure figure out go to your local congressman get from b1 section what what is shot do you ask for
Starting point is 00:15:39 and they're like i know people in real life who were like, yeah, went to this area. They had 5,000 shots to give out. They turned away no one. They asked him the questions. He answered them honestly. And they only got 2,500 people to give it to. So I don't even feel guilty. If anything, it's a social good. I remember a kid in grade school telling me that at Chuck E. Cheese once,
Starting point is 00:16:05 that the machine broke, and because it broke, they let him keep all the tickets. And it wasn't until many years later that I was like, there is no way. Number one, there's no way that happened. And that 17-year-old will come out, and that Simpsons kid is like, oh, well, there's a loophole here.
Starting point is 00:16:23 We've got to let him keep all the tickets. And it's like that kind of tale kid he's like oh well there's a loophole here we gotta let him keep all the tickets and it's like that kind of tale where it's like wait are they are they pumping you up with tales of available vaccines it could be it could be one of the guys see but when a guy is trustworthy i know him but if you go to the uh raleigh subreddit like a third of the traffic is just where have you been getting the vaccine how did i get it you know how i my story people are getting it i guess i'm gonna start my hunt today like like until like very recently like the last couple days i didn't i didn't think it was possible but like now i've got like i think i think chiz is getting his in like a day or two um and uh and i know i keep hearing from a lot of people like yeah i'm getting it this day or that day or I've already gotten it.
Starting point is 00:17:06 And I want it as soon as possible. I would prefer the J&J, you know, the one dose. The one. OK. Yeah. Because like. Can you just say you want that one then? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I have no idea. Like I haven't done any research. So I have done some research and it seems like different facilities have different ones. So you would just need to go to a J&J one. And they all say like when you look it up,'re handing out the moduna we're handing out the pfizer which one's the best so far or i guess it's so soon there's different ways to rate best the pfizer and is it moderna how close i believe it is um that's very right their efficacy is about the same the i think moderna is also astra venica in europe they're canceling it everywhere
Starting point is 00:17:46 for blood clot deaths but in america they're like that's such a small thing that like if one in a zillion get this it's fine so uh and then and then johnson and johnson the efficacy of it it's like 65 effective and the others were in the 90s. But hard to compare numbers because the Johnson & Johnson one is newer, which means that it was tested in a time frame where there were many more strains, the South African strain, the UK strain. There's all these different variants of COVID that the vaccine is less effective on. Perhaps if the J&J one was tested back in like 2020 or early 2020,
Starting point is 00:18:27 it would have been 90%. It's hard to say because they're – Now I'm leaning the other way. See, the main thing I was thinking is I know that like after you get your second dose, it's still like a couple of three weeks before you're like fully covered anyway. So it's like I just want that period to come as soon as possible. I get it 100%. Also, I feel like I have to bend over backwards to get
Starting point is 00:18:51 the shot. Am I going to have this same bullshit three weeks later when I need to get it again? Oh, that'd be annoying. It's time for my second dose. We have no more second doses. They have all expired. Oh, now you get it.
Starting point is 00:19:10 You son of a bitch. I am taking them down from the inside. I'm making this an absolute ordeal. That was really funny. You would rather just not get it than to deal with me.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I said enough. Fuck that. Yeah. The single dose thing to me is most attractive because of the fucking scheduling. And you only have to be sick once. Apparently, all of them. I seem to keep bumping into people who had a reaction to it. You know, I've had the flu shot and I barely notice.
Starting point is 00:19:44 My friend's wife got it and he's like she got it 12 hours later suddenly like flu symptoms hit her hard they only lasted 12 hours and then she was better yeah my dad had a like a sniffle like the sniffles like a like a like like what the stuff he knows i think is what he said for like a couple hours and he's like you know nothing like no big deal yeah i think which one did he get he got the it's i don't know exactly which one but it's the two shot for sure okay yeah one of those yeah my grandma got very very sick after the first one had to go to the hospital uh from the shot yeah it was soon after the first shot she started getting very very sick
Starting point is 00:20:26 and like right right feeling really really shitty like trouble breathing and stuff so she went to the hospital and i don't recall how long she stayed she stayed for a good bit like not overnight or anything and then the second one she she said she felt like kind of shitty but nothing like the first one at all hmm okay yeah i don't know which one she got, though. I mean, that's a good sign, though. It's like, this is how you react to the vaccine. Now imagine if you'd gotten COVID.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And apparently reacting to the vaccine means that your body is building the antibodies that you want it to. If you get no reaction from the vaccine, you might be one of those people it was less effective on. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:08 So what do they do? Are they testing people for antibodies first? I don't think that's part of it, no. I did see where one in five blood donations recently, those one in five have the antibodies already. Really? Here's a question. That's a huge amount of people that already have it. Fish was asking me this this morning. He like because he's had covet like like he had
Starting point is 00:21:28 covet and recovered from it rather quickly he's 20 20 years old um yeah yeah healthy guy like swimmer um so like he was asking like like do what i guess don't i already have some immunity to the virus or at least they i he's like, I definitely have the antibodies. You know, he's fought it off and recovered from it. Like, and he was, I could, I didn't have the, I was like, well, you definitely still want to get the vaccine. But yeah, I'm with you on this. Does he need to if you already had it? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:59 That was his question. If he's already got the antibodies for it, then he's probably fucking fine. I don't know if that's the same thing, though. I'm not a fucking immunologist. With other diseases, the vaccine is better than the disease. Like, you're more resistant being vaccinated than you are having been sick. With this one, I feel like the data's not out there very well. You know, it's too new.
Starting point is 00:22:21 They don't have decades of experience to pull on. Yeah. Yeah. It's really just a limit of time right now. Like, there's too new. They don't have decades of experience to pull on. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. It's really just a limit of time right now. Like there's not enough time has passed to really know. Like it's kind of just a waiting game. I forget which one Pfizer Medina,
Starting point is 00:22:34 one of those two shotters, uh, there's new strains coming out and it's less effective. So they're like, what if it was a three shot or change? Nothing else. Just triple boost it. And then virologists weighed in and they're like what if it was a three shotter change nothing else just triple boost it and then virologists weighed in and they're like that does make sense you just develop even more antibodies and it's a war of attrition almost like it and i'm like a triple shotter this just
Starting point is 00:22:56 seems like a way to increase sales by 50 percent wait so this is never gonna end oh that it's funny you mentioned that so like as you know like uh measles last a decade right smallpox a lifetime i don't even know tetanus last 10 years um how long does this one last is it annual like a flu shot is it 10 years i think that it's going to be forever for the variants that it covers but like the conversation that we were having a couple days ago was like i think that i think that i'm going to get the shot and then all right you're all good for covid one and two covid three just came out though so you were new covid just dropped and and don't even talk about COVID-5. That drops early next summer.
Starting point is 00:23:45 It's going to be epic. It's the most epic COVID yet. We are entering a new world of DLCs where they will be able to just immunize against a ton of stuff and be like, nah, bitch, nine shots. Nine shots. And the CEO of Pfizer is on a fucking hoverboard,
Starting point is 00:24:04 gold suit. Xerxes from 300. The new richest man alive. Big pharma rules the world. Oh, God. You guys sound like my Facebook feed. Every single. I think it's pretty likely.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I think it's pretty. It is possible. Like, and honestly, I think it's because of people who refuse to wear the fucking mask and these shitty third world countries that are still eating fucking raccoon shit soup or whatever the fuck, that these
Starting point is 00:24:36 viruses keep mutating. It's got to be it. It's the pangolin shit soup. Isn't there coffee made from poop? Well, there is, but it's not pangolin shit soup and like isn't there coffee made from poop well there is but but it's not actually made it's made from coffee beans that have gone my story i'll tell it like i want to yeah i mean they clean them off first there's no actual poop in there but but yeah like i'm like i want it to be over i want to go back to the way things were before this i don't expect
Starting point is 00:25:03 that to be a light switch you flip one night and it's like oh yeah it's all good nope fuck the masks unless you're in texas unless you're in texas uh because everything's fine in texas they they beat the virus weeks ago we just didn't hear about it until now uh but like for one thing i do like the idea that in the future a lot of people a lot more people are just going to keep wearing the masks just like like i you know, Asian people for forever were wearing those things at the airport. And I was always like, what are you doing? What are you scared of? What are you scared of? Hop sing. You won't get the sniffles. You're scared of the sniffles. Is it that fucking cowardly? You can't deal with the cold. But like now I think it's kind of a good idea. Cause I
Starting point is 00:25:41 haven't had a cough, a sneeze, the sniffles, anything since this started. Mostly because I've been hiding in my fucking house. But definitely also because I've been so careful to wash my hands, sanitize my hands, and I've worn the mask so much when I do go out. I just want it normalized, right? Like if you go back to 2017, pick a year, and you wear a mask on a plane you're a fucking freak people would do that on southwest airlines to make sure the seat next to them was empty because you choose your own seating on it genius right now if you were like i just want to shit my pants so so i would just like a mask to make me not such a freak if i want to wear it on a plane
Starting point is 00:26:28 because i don't want to be sick at uh you know wherever it is i'm going then yeah it i want socially to have the option i uh i was looking at one thing i don't know if all airlines do this but i was looking at delta flights the other night uh For one thing, I wanted to see like, what's the sweet spot to like book my flight to Colorado for like the lowest price? Because, you know, like booking it for tomorrow, obviously is like terrible prices. You're like, when do you want to fly to Denver?
Starting point is 00:26:55 Tomorrow. All right, that's $800 for first class. Whoa, maybe I should have planned ahead. But then if you're like, next year in February, you're like, we don't like planning that far ahead that's uh that's 550 dollars oh that's actually our down rate season so we're not gonna book that for you yeah wouldn't you rather book this but there's this sweet spot somewhere around like three and a half four and a half months or so uh where like first class is
Starting point is 00:27:22 like 390 dollars and uh and i I also, I was logging in because I have like 180 something thousand Delta miles. Uh, cause I've never cashed my Delta miles in and I've flown so much. And I was seeing like, what's the exchange rate on this? Like, like it's pretty fucking good. Like, like I can fly if I fly like, uh, the cheap seat, whatever that's called, economy, 10,000 miles to go to Denver. If I fly first class, it's like $28,000 plus like $6 cash or something like that. That's not even a long enough flight to want to do first class. I think it's two hours and 45 minutes. So I sort of decided that I would probably... I might go
Starting point is 00:28:06 first class anyway and get good and drunk on the way there. Just stumble off the plane. I do like the free drinks. Get some vodka Red Bulls. Are there free drinks in first class? All you want. They'll cut you off when you start slurring your speech.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Other than that, you just keep asking for... I feel like you can blame it on the mask. Just saying. Oh, yeah. What about snacks? What's the snack situation like in France? What about deli meats in France?
Starting point is 00:28:35 Hypothetically. Ask it for a friend. Do you eat the skinny boxes that they charge like $9 for in the back with like three little slices of pressed meat? The dinners are different. Like, imagine actual lobster and like cheesecake with some sort of raspberry gel on top but it's just like like this is like restaurant food that would be better decent yeah um it there's usually not a
Starting point is 00:28:57 free meal on like a two-hour flight but whenever i've flown all the way to the west coast like california seattle uh you know free meal and uh it's pretty decent and um yeah all the way to the West coast, like California, Seattle, uh, you know, free meal. And, uh, it's pretty decent. And, um, yeah, all the free,
Starting point is 00:29:09 all the alcohol you want and all the, you're going to get like a, like a nine 15 to 11 45 AM flight show up tanked just, but, but good and drunk. Cause you're full of free Red Bulls too. You're not going to, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:21 by the way, Kyle, if you look for tomorrow, that can be cheaper. I'm with you on the way the timing works. That makes sense. You're right. Way out in the distance, they charge you a bundle. Something like three weeks from now,
Starting point is 00:29:36 that might be a low spot. And then tomorrow, or whatever that is. 20 minutes from now, it's free. get on get on you roll the dice on that one if it's if the plane's empty it's so cheap if the plane's foolish then it's so expensive i'm looking right now raleigh to denver 57 dollars fuck yeah all right you know i might do that like well you roll the dice of course i got plenty of time to like
Starting point is 00:30:03 work all that out but like maybe i can like get a ticket for i don't know the fourth or fifth of october or whatever it is but then like we're like oh yeah actually your paperwork comes through today at midnight so you're free right now if you want and just drive the airport and be like so i've got this ticket for the day after tomorrow but i'm willing to get on any plane that flies right now just sit there and chill there with my laptop until they like have a seat available you're like a professional athlete like acceptable cities are in washington oregon nevada colorado massachusetts i would do that like that dc thing about magic mushrooms that's passed dc's on the menu yeah um uh i if it was a situation where like you can either fly in two days on your booked flight to denver or you can fly right now to
Starting point is 00:30:55 albuquerque new mexico i'd fly to albuquerque i'd fly to albuquerque i'd rent the car it's a four and a half hour drive i could see it it now. Like October 8th, PKA. Kyle's pulling a full on Nate's friend with his vertically oriented iPhone in the back of an Uber. Hey, guys. I'm here for the show. That would be such a joyous drive for you. Just tap, tap, tapping on the wheel, singing. Going so fast.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Like, ticket me if you want. Can't slow me down, though. I'm filling out the ticket and burning rubber as I leave the cop behind. I'm pretty excited to be free. I think it's about 200 more days, something like that. I have a timer
Starting point is 00:31:39 on my phone that's doing the long count. It's for New Year's or whatever. This is what college was like for me it was just this extended period of discomfort that i couldn't wait to end yeah yeah um it'd be it'd be super nice if i could get out of it early but you know six more months or whatever less than seven months it's i i've done years now so i can do another six you've watched your final super bowl with this problem you know wait you've had your last christmas that's true oh i like that well well yeah thanksgiving last halloween ways to think about it. Keep your spirits high.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Yeah, last Halloween, last Thanksgiving. One more Fourth of July. Just one more September 11th and I'm there. One more Arbor Day. I'm pretty sure. I wish I could get high for September 11th. That's usually a big celebration day for us. But, you know i
Starting point is 00:32:45 can wait nice yeah you'll put it together it'll work out i mean at this point you've gone so long like it it's just got to be like you're totally used to it at this point you're just bored right like so like marijuana is not an addictive substance to me i do believe apparently apparently like I'm not one of those anti-science people. So when like I read an article that's science based where they're like some people have this marijuana addictive disorder. And it's like, OK, yeah, those are the same people who like can actually get chemically addicted to like like or like gluten intolerance. The people who actually have like celiac disease or whatever it's like like everybody's like like avoiding gluten because it's trendy to do but then there's like four percent of the population who literally can't digest gluten and it just makes them
Starting point is 00:33:34 violently ill that's that's how i view marijuana like actual addiction i view it as the social like habit thing right like you can get addicted to reddit right you can get addicted to i don't know porn you can get addicted to whatever it is food you know people get addicted trail mix fucking morons yeah can you believe them and uh everything like like i we were talking about that this this morning and i was like i'm not addicted to driving my car but if you took my car away for three years i'd every day i'd be thinking wish i had a car i really miss having a car i can't wait till want to wake up go get in the car and not get out until i'm tired you scare me a little bit with how enthusiastic you are about driving
Starting point is 00:34:37 so enthusiastic you're you're doing so great right right? You're happy. You're fit. You're a great friend, a great host. Like, this might be peak Kyle. This is the best Kyle we've seen in a long, long time. You are crushing it in so many aspects of life. I'm like, do we have to roll the die again and hope for another six? Can't we just be happy with the six? Pete Kyle is high as fuck.
Starting point is 00:35:08 He's having a good old time. It makes everything better. Hundreds of episodes after I joined the show as a host, I just knew every episode was like, oh, Kyle's stoned to shit. Just for years. I'm just a much happier version of of myself just like i sleeping better i'm just i am enjoying life more if i'm just good and high just real good and high i want it for you because i know how much you like it i love it so i don't smoke everyone knows that but the sleeping aspect
Starting point is 00:35:42 i hear that and i'm like that sounds like one of the coolest parts of pot imagine your daily ritual being like 11 or midnight rolling around token up or whatever it is potters do and and then you're just like happy. Your YouTube videos are a little more interesting and you fade away and tomorrow begins. Like that sounds like a nice way to stamp. Like there'll be a point in your day where you're like, you know what? I'm finished. Anything productive, that'll be tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:36:17 And we're just going to, you know, do pot and then achieve like happiness and interest and contentness but i'm not one of those people who's like low energy and low uh motivation and effectiveness when i'm high like some i think that's for people who are like amateur pot smokers because every time they smoke a little they're like oh i'm dosed now now i'm high oh time to lay down on the couch all day but but for me it was like all the like when i was doing all that fps russia stuff and like traveling around and like grinding all the time i was high as fuck like like like that's like like like the the the busiest version of me that there's ever been was stoned all the goddamn time like like it was like all right let
Starting point is 00:37:05 me get super high and then go shoot some shit like like it you know it's so it's i'm not one of those people that it like saps my motivation i i can't remember maybe it was south park actually that has an episode about like uh they like tricked the kids in this really uh nefarious way uh into like trick never doing pot. They like hire, hire actors to, to show up as like the future versions of them that are like total losers. And the kids find out that they're actors and like,
Starting point is 00:37:34 you just deceived us instead of like telling us the truth about drugs. And they're like, all right, well the truth about drugs is like, there's nothing wrong with pot, but it'll just make you okay with not really doing anything. And that's not a great thing. You know,
Starting point is 00:37:47 maybe. Yeah. Yeah. Like, like you're okay with being complacent for some people. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:52 And, and for some people, I think that's definitely true. And I think that's even more true if like you smoke like once a day, but if you're just always high, if you just live in a fog of marijuana smoke, then like after a while, you're just like,
Starting point is 00:38:07 yeah, that's no, I'm a working professional. I'm micro dosing Jim beam in the morning. Fucking, uh, followed by another one. And then what's his name?
Starting point is 00:38:18 Uh, who was it that was running? Uh, I know you're down on him, but, um, um, that ran,
Starting point is 00:38:23 England, uh, during world war two, um, Churchill, Churchill, but that ran England during World War Two. Churchill. Churchill. Churchill. Churchill was wasted the whole time. He was very drunk the entire time.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Have you ever seen those like the documentation of like just how much he was drinking? Like he'd wake up and he'd have like like it was like so much 15 drinks a day or something like like. All right. So, yeah, he'd have a bottle of brandy at this point in the day and like two bottles of wine for lunch and a snifter of this for for like before tea he had to feel horrible i guess not because when he woke up in the morning he kept drinking so it was just a continuous war of being because i was thinking like dude imagine drinking a bottle of brandy so brandy woody is don't even know what it's stronger wine. It's even,
Starting point is 00:39:09 it's like distilled down wine. So it's like wine tasty, but it's even stronger. I've only had it like twice in my life. I hated it. But like, just imagine drinking a couple of bottles of wine every day, like waking up with dry mouth,
Starting point is 00:39:21 feeling like absolute shit, red wine, breath, red wine breath red wine teeth red wine and 10 cigars every day for five years teeth yeah that i couldn't do that like alcohol is just so different for me but like uh yeah i guess you know the point is like i don't see it being a negative uh for like productivity or like maintaining any of the like lifestyle or stuff that i do now it also hasn't been good in comparison to other drugs i think um oh i'm sorry i thought there was a break i i'm processing what i said and what i was thinking and you know
Starting point is 00:39:59 like it may a lot kyle's roughest period probably has a lot to do with stress and maybe I'm like a fool for thinking it was pot related because he's doing so well sober but you know when Kyle struggled the most you know a lot of things going on the prison being a big one
Starting point is 00:40:19 it weighs on him and now that he's looking at the light at the end of the tunnel he's doing so much better and i'm like at the end of like the the bong hit like i can see the embers glowing around the corner yeah i uh i do i don't have any of the negative uh like side effects i don't think that a lot of people have but i do recognize those i'm not one of those people that's like yeah marijuana is a health food you should it's like it's like granola but more probiotic i don't even know what that means it's like it's good for gut health yeah yeah gut biome oh yeah your biome luck you want your biome stoned as fuck it's great it's a you fight off covid for with marijuana i'm not one of those
Starting point is 00:41:01 people but uh 120 percent greater probioticness those people are more damaging to the pop movement than so much people who can't just let it be that it's like hey this is pretty great not a not a ton of huge drawbacks you know as far as drugs go this is a good one you know and then people have to push it to where it's like and then those people can even be like, yeah, and glaucoma and helping with nausea and things like that. It's pretty helpful. But they'll be like, and you smoke it every day. It's killing cancer cells, and it's actually causing your DNA to replicate more perfectly, extending your lifespan. It's like every – just shut up.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Shut up. People are being turned off by you you and then they're hearing your nonsense about like cancer cell uh death from pot and then they're going i bet that shit about nausea and glaucoma and being helpful for chemo appetites i bet that's all horse glaucoma one sounds like horseshit to me like i just see some 17 year old smoking under the porch. It's like a condom for glaucoma. So the reason your eyes get red on it is something to do with the glaucoma. It relieves intraocular pressure, and that's something that people with glaucoma have. I don't doubt that it's right, only that it's a very uncommon minor problem,
Starting point is 00:42:22 especially amongst the pot smoking population like like more 19 year olds getting high in college being like none of my friends have arthritis i bet this is good for that yeah dude if you're a big pot guy big pot activist that's the one to focus on arthritis rheumatoid arthritis it sounds science here yes that's what brought my grandparents to like the we're totally and they've been totally fine with it for many years now. They don't really give a shit. But like using CBD creams and like stuff like that was enough for them to be like, oh, well, this is fine. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:42:57 You know, like just legalize this. Then at least we can – isn't Colorado making a bunch of money? Well, shit. Why the hell is Illinois taking advantage of this and we not like that that's more their attitude with it so i think even old people they're starting to get it in their head that and i and it seems like one of the reasons that there isn't more like scientific data about like all the benefits of it is because it's illegal to get that fucking scientific data because it's because of the way it's like, like I'll believe I, I'm a believer in science for the most part, you know? Uh, so like, look, I'm not going to believe some like fucking high times magazine article about
Starting point is 00:43:35 extending DNA replication effect effectiveness or something. But, uh, but if there's like a fucking scientist who's like, yeah, actually it does. We, we, we checked it out and yeah, yeah, actually it does. We checked it out and yeah, it's good. Dude, but scientists can't even consistently tell us whether or not eggs are good. I think they're in a... Cocoa is good.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Let them figure out eggs. Eggs, wine, and cocoa. They're dark chocolate. They just need to flip back and forth on that shit all the time i think the answer is yes and no it's it's like moderation because like in the with with in order of the things you just you just named like you're dealing with cholesterol is the bad side and uh omega fatty acids are the good side and uh and with the chocolate it it's like, again, like highly caloric and fatty, but lots of antioxidants.
Starting point is 00:44:28 So the answer is moderation, right? It's like, yeah, eggs are good for you. But don't eat six eggs for breakfast every fucking day if you're 55 and have clogged arteries. The other one, you see it on Reddit a lot. So this isn't really science based, but they're like, they said that french were living longer because they drink red wine every day and it turns out they all have universal health care it's like oh i guess that's the thing the funny thing like a research like people in italy and spain and france are living longer it must be red wine and then it's like like wait but what are their obesity rates?
Starting point is 00:45:07 It's about, I'm an alcoholic. And I'm trying to make people feel healthy. I'm so healthy with how much red wine I drink. It's called a taster smorgasbord, and it's healthy. It's called the smorgasbord, and it's tasteful. And then he does that, like, he knocks all the things in there. And then chugs them, and then, then like blows the whistle while doing his beard yeah that is funny yeah it's moderation with everything because like there's there's definitely amount of dark chocolate you should be eating there's definitely amount of eggs you should be eating but if you
Starting point is 00:45:40 just like use that research as like this badge to like eat all the eggs and dark chocolate you want, like that's a fucking problem. Even if it's straight up bad, you can probably have some in moderation. I don't remember which of the fatty. Is it a mega three or a mega six that the eggs have? But I mean, you can get them both good, but you can get you can get those from like flaxseed. And what's the other thing chia seed chia seed for sure and also and also salmon you know like like you don't have to be eating all those goddamn eggs i was eating a lot of tuna and i mentioned to cal like tuna the
Starting point is 00:46:20 macros and tuna and the macros in a protein shake are comparable. It's about the same number of calories, roughly the same number of protein. And I was like, I just liked it more because I felt like I had eaten something. And Kyle was like, ah, mercury. You can't have tuna every day. It's bad. So I was like, oh, that's a trust but verify. He's right. You can't have tuna every day.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I was like, well, wait a minute. I actually have albacore or whatever the fuck it is like maybe it's better than tuna it's worse it's it's like a type of tuna with double the mercury and i'm like god damn it yeah what you want and and i i'm spacing right now on the name of it but it's the tuna that comes from the the uh the little fish like the small tunas uh because they've been in the ocean for a lesser amount of time, obviously, and absorbed a smaller amount of mercury
Starting point is 00:47:09 through the food chain. That is the low-mercury tuna. It doesn't taste as good. The tuna I like is like the star-kissed flavor pack, the one that tastes like buffalo sauce. It's like loaded with sodium, but I think there's 70 calories and either 14 or 15 grams of protein so it's like ridiculous macros if you don't you
Starting point is 00:47:32 don't give a shit about sodium and like you said it's very comparable to a scoop of whey protein which is like 20 to 25 grams of protein for 100 to 120 calories are you like just eating the tuna like out of the can yeah me yeah i would just open the can and eat it with a fork straight so i was dieting really hard um really hard i mean i wasn't crashing it but i was really low on calories i thought and when you're hungry tuna from a can tastes really good like i'm just like it's kind of salty and it's food and i really like it it's real food i think it's real food about two and a half weeks ago or so i increased my calories like i'm gonna all right i have abs you know like you guys have seen them uh you know and i'm like i'm gonna sort of main game from here you know i hopefully add a little muscle lose a little fat but not be so hungry
Starting point is 00:48:30 and occasionally grumpy and i've lost another pound or two since i did that but also um you know i don't just eat straight tuna from the can like i did before yeah yeah that's i i watched some guy talk about tuna and and i think he said like if you're gonna always be eating tuna like if you're just going through a tuna phase like it doesn't fucking matter but if tuna is going to be part of your life then like twice a week you know like three times a week the internet said once a week every day yeah so oh i was watching a youtuber you know and uh he looked healthy yeah oh well your body is your resume that well yeah yeah so i hit 199 today i know i mentioned it to you guys i was so happy like i was like so i had been at 200 for a long time ish call it like 12 days i got even like a little scared of the scale like i don't want to
Starting point is 00:49:22 hop on i'd weigh myself after breakfast so that if it said 201 i had a built-in excuse and uh and shit like that and this morning i'm like face the music woody let's just see if if you're gaining or losing right now and uh you know no bullshit like standing on the corner of the scale i weigh myself in boxes in a t-shirt uh but every so often if i don't like the number i'll take those off to cut like whatever three quarters of a pound so that i don't down on the counter a shave before you wear yourself yeah but just like going boxers t-shirt my big ass watch middle of the scale accurate if i gave one i could get one one ninety nine and i was like not interested yeah so i i did it i i hit the 100s and i i was
Starting point is 00:50:17 like macros on the moderna vaccine i don't know so i was the real thing it's like now you can get the vaccine you're gonna sign the waiver something to do with the science it's the thing it's like now you can get the vaccine you're gonna sign the waiver something to do with the science it's very interesting it's the equivalent of 30 000 calories on about 10 pounds of pure fat like you i guarantee a lot of people be like covid's not that bad yeah oh i have friends who had covid they They lost fat. I'll take that instead. Like doctor. I wonder, I think I'm going to go talk to people actively sneezing. See if I can slice a little weight off.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Not, not add. That's the way to go. That would be, that would be the ultimate, you know, that, that would add a problem for so many people.
Starting point is 00:50:59 If it got you fat. Yeah. What side effects would you be accepting of that are ridiculous? That's an awful one. That's an awful one. I would go through a day and a half of Bell's Palsy. What are the most ridiculous side effects that you'd be like? 36 hours of Bell's Palsy, I'd do it.
Starting point is 00:51:16 You go bald for a year. No. I don't like that. You go bald for six months. No. Because it's not like in 6 months you're going to be all good again it's like in 6 months the regrowth process will begin again
Starting point is 00:51:32 ostensibly they're claiming that you might just be bald that's the other thing you'd be the one guy who like whose Bell's palsy never went away fully and you're always it's a little fucked up that'd be the ultimate unity in America went away fully and you're always a little fucked up. That'd be the ultimate unity in America.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Everyone's all had it. Now that we're all bald. You could fake Bill's palsy to avoid wearing a mask. I'm vaccinated. Come on in. You're just making a face. I've seen it before. I talked to him earlier. He was faking with the other side dude whenever i see an anti-masker get like thrown to the ground and
Starting point is 00:52:14 handcuffed i'm so happy like you're i don't know oh yeah oh it's you haven't seen those they're great ones yeah there was one recently 65 A 65-year-old woman just refused to wear a mask. You can't ask me why I'm not wearing a mask. You have to serve me. It's a disability act thing, whatever. Apparently, the other side of that is businesses are private property and they can
Starting point is 00:52:38 choose who they serve. The anti-masker always loses. I love it. I love it. I love it. One of the ones I liked was the lady at the high school basketball game who was refusing to wear it. Did she get attacked? I think that maybe they stunned her too. They definitely like, they're like, stand up, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Stand up, ma'am. And she's not standing up. And she's just like, you're just going to. She's looking around at the other parents. You're just going to let him take me? They're like, yeah, what do you want us to fucking do? I'm trying to watch my
Starting point is 00:53:12 daughter play basketball, ma'am. You're upsetting the children, Deborah. You see what you're doing right now is I can't say, yeah, good job with that three-pointer Christy. That would piss me off. One of my facebook friends refused to wear one at a hertz rental car place and uh the way he tells the story like i'll make those people
Starting point is 00:53:31 deal with any more than they're already doing your fucking mask he had this i showed them pride he's like i went they said wear a mask i said no way my body my choice his wife is there like yeah i follow his lead and uh they called the police the police came the cop was like you know what are you gonna do the cop wasn't wearing a mask i guess he's like but they get to choose not to serve you so i took my business elsewhere you look like the loser to me yeah i went to the little guy. I went to a little mom and pop shop, enterprise rent a car right over there. It's part of the local business. It's like,
Starting point is 00:54:09 I can tell you this having worked at a company like a rental car company. If someone came in without a mask, I, I'm just writing their contract as fast as possible. I'm not starting any guff. I'm just doing it. If someone came in, if he came in naked,
Starting point is 00:54:23 I'd be like license and credit card like if he came in naked i'd be like license and credit card or if he came in no mask license credit card he comes in all that gives me a license and a debit card now i'm now i'm going off now i'm like it's not the same but i bought a bought a Coca-Cola and ran this credit at the 66. It's like, come on. Sir, you're naked. Where the hell is your license? Are you familiar with hooping?
Starting point is 00:54:51 Yeah, he's like, he just squats and produces his debit card. All right, but you swipe it. Sir, that's horrific. I'm like, he returns his car it's like and the keys oh shit the little key flipped out inside my ass it's stuck no base without a trace
Starting point is 00:55:20 you put like people who aren't making much money in those jobs an annoying situation don't don't do that it's not not nice you know i like the situations i like seeing the people get arrested for stuff like that uh i like it when they really take it to the next level and they get stunned and tasered and pepper sprayed i like it if they get roughed up a little bit i like it when the people getting roughed up look to the crowd for help and the whole crowd is like you're the dick you're the dick in this situation why aren't you you see all of us wearing a mask and you're there like are you gonna let them do this yeah we are we're cheering for them yeah i miss the trump crowds lock her up lock her
Starting point is 00:56:02 up like i want i want one of those to happen at a fucking Burger King at three in the morning. They're making everybody behind them wait in an extra long Burger King line. Yeah, yeah. Like I saw a video the other day. It wasn't COVID related or anything. But actually, I don't think the woman was wearing a mask. But she's like with her daughter at I think Taco Bell or like Burger King or something like that. It might have been Taco Bell.
Starting point is 00:56:24 at, I think, Taco Bell or Burger King or something like that. It might have been Taco Bell. She was literally loudly calling the police because they were out of nacho fries or something like that. Like, yeah, I'm here at the Taco Bell. Yeah, Route 15. They're out of the nacho fries. Can you believe it? Her daughter's standing behind her just dying on the inside.
Starting point is 00:56:45 The guy, the employee who's recording them is like look how embarrassed your daughter is and she's just like don't you bring my daughter it's like i didn't even want those i wanted a quesadilla i wanted a crunch wrap supreme please. Who does that? The people who call the police for McFlurry machine being broken. I almost understand. They have those nachos. That is a contract that is made with the public.
Starting point is 00:57:15 It has taken a huge withdrawal from our collective emotional bank accounts. I almost understand calling the police because they're not serving you and you don't want to wear a mask. I almost understand that. I don't agree with it by any means. I think it's absurd because you should be wearing the fucking mask. But calling because they
Starting point is 00:57:32 don't have like fucking nacho fries or some shit like how do you think they're in violation of anything that the police are going to handle involving nacho fries? I mean they don't even if they don't have them. What are nacho fries? They sound delicious mean, they don't even... If they don't have them... And what are nacho fries? They sound delicious.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yeah, I don't know what... It's literally French fries with nacho cheese. Oh. That just sounds like cheese fries. Yeah. I think they put some taco seasoning on the fries. The cheese at Taco Bell is terrible. The nacho cheese at Taco Bell is terrible.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Really? You don't like it? It's that cheap ballpark nacho cheese like the stuff you get at a baseball game. I don't know why I turn my nose up at Taco Bell. I've had enough Wendy's that I shouldn't be judging, but I see Taco Bell and I'm like, no, that's for people whose body is not a temple.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I'll see you at Wendy's. With a gigantic high C. There's some shit at Wendy's that's decent. There's nothing decent at Taco Bell. Come on. There's nothing shit at Wendy's that's like decent like like there's really nothing come on there's nothing decent at Taco Bell but but like it's hard to have a white trash baked potato at some point a baked potato is a baked potato to some extent so like if you're getting like a baked potato and a grilled chicken sandwich like
Starting point is 00:58:37 I get the spicy chicken sandwich there it's it's really fucking good yeah there's a lot of mayonnaise on that thing though and. And bread. Yeah. Like, I don't know why I worry about traveling. Like, what am I going to do when I drive? Because obviously you have, like, Red Bulls and potato chips and Wendy's all day when driving. And you can go to Cronometer and pop in what a Wendy's spicy chicken is. It's not good. No.
Starting point is 00:59:04 It's not health food. I would guess it's like 500 calories? You might be right. I have 600 in my foggy memory. I know a Big Mac is 550. I've got that in my head. They put so much mayonnaise on those though that sometimes you can look at the
Starting point is 00:59:20 menu and it'll parse out each of the ingredients and what the calories allotted to it is. Sometimes it's like, man, this is a 520 calorie sandwich. Oh, if you get no mayonnaise, it's 400. Yeah, mayonnaise is 100 calories. Sometimes these sandwiches are like a quarter or a third of the calories
Starting point is 00:59:36 is just fucking mayonnaise. Yeah, mayonnaise is just like whipped eggs and vegetable oil, I think. Yeah, cut the mayo out, save yourself a third of a sandwich and go. It's 100 calories. So Wendy's has the spicy chicken sandwich at $4.99, cut the mayo out save yourself a third of a sandwich and gals. It's 100 calories So Wendy's has the spicy chicken sandwich at $4.99, so Kyle was right basically. I haven't been to Wendy's in fucking forever. Yeah, I haven't either
Starting point is 00:59:52 but I like Wendy's like as a, for what it is you know, I think it's better than McDonald's by far. Absolutely it is you know the worst is Burger King I went to a Burger King a few weeks ago and it was so it was just it was awful i like the whopper i think i'm in the minority here but like as far
Starting point is 01:00:12 as like fast food hamburgers go like i prefer the whopper over the wendy's burger the mcdonald's burger i think the like carl's jr slash hardy's burger is pretty good hardy's is definitely the best of the burgers of those As far as like fast food, like big chains. Yeah. The big chains. Yeah. The,
Starting point is 01:00:28 the super cheap shit. Uh, and if you're really trying to like go like bargain bin and like, like you want to, you want a 99 cent sandwich or whatever. I think Burger King beats McDonald's, uh, there too with like their cheap chicken sandwiches and stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Yeah. I don't know if I ever had a cheap chicken sandwich from burger cake yeah i don't i don't get them i was just i was reading an article the other day but uh but yeah i i don't mind wendy's the the chicken sandwich is really good the nuggets are okay uh the fries are fine the burgers always just taste like grease though oh you know what else is on i think on the a similar level not quite as good as hardy's with the burgers jack in the box they're pretty good. They're definitely better than
Starting point is 01:01:07 Burger King, McDonald's, or Wendy's with the burger. McDonald's, I think, has the best breakfast. I haven't had McDonald's breakfast in so long. Depends what you're getting. I get the sausage McMuffin and a hash brown and an orange juice.
Starting point is 01:01:23 What's the one made with pancakes? Oh, that's the one made with pancakes? I don't know, but it sounds good. Oh, those are solid. They literally inject a little miniature pancake, two miniature pancakes with maple syrup and make that into a sandwich.
Starting point is 01:01:38 You like, you eat it and it's like, I'm so sticky. It's just, it's just, well, that's an easily solved problem. Oh, so it's not so much driving food maybe. Oh is it's not like dripping it's just it's just tacky a little bit tacky
Starting point is 01:01:51 it's a lot more calories than the regular one it's pancakes i know but it's that's why it's so good pancakes yeah you got to get the sausage kind because the bacon at mcdonald's is just you may as well get no meat if you get Sugar-free maple syrup is surprisingly low in calories. And it tastes good. But why does it taste like there's sugar all over it? I have coffee with Stevia and I'm like, well, this is
Starting point is 01:02:15 not sugar. That's because you're using Stevia. Fuck Stevia. It's my favorite of the ones. sugar is the best though. Oh yeah. ones but um uh well sugar is the best though oh yeah well i mean sugar is the also the og the original everyone else is a pretender to the throne syrup it doesn't miss the sugar somehow they have figured out how to have you can put like five calories go nuts go nuts put a stupid amount of syrup on your pancakes and you've just consumed 15 calories worth of that.
Starting point is 01:02:50 That's the coolest thing humans have invented so far. It's like, man, we love sugar. Let's make something like sugar but it doesn't add anything to your waistline. And now we've got like ten different kinds of that. Of which, what? Two are good. Most of them are trash. Artificial sugar. Some of them are bad uh i think it's swerve swerve makes like all the kinds of sugar um so they make like a grant like a regular sugar
Starting point is 01:03:15 substitute a brown sugar substitute and a confectioner's sugar substitute you like powdered sugar so if you do like french toast and you want to like dust it with powdered sugar they make a sugar for that. And it's confectioner sugar is also what you use to make like icing. Like, like if you're doing like a glazed donut or something, so you can use the same recipe to like make sugar-free icing for like pastries and baked goods and stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:38 As far as like the, the fast food breakfast go, I haven't had it and I don't plan to, but Wendy's apparently has just stepped their game way up. Like they've got like a lineup of ridiculous sandwiches that they make. They're like, you know, we could save a lot of money if we just forego the idea of having biscuits. Let's make breakfast sandwiches. We've already got these buns they'll be massive so they make like a baconator that's like a breakfast baconator it's like six strips of breakfast
Starting point is 01:04:12 bacon with like eggs and sausage and uh their chicken their chicken biscuit they slather with honey butter honey butter salad i like it honey butter why isn't all butter honey butter why isn't all butter honey it's clearly the superior to appreciate it you know what a butter could use more fat no no that's impossible more sugar there were a way to put carbs into this. The ultimate food. I see the breakfast Baconator. That's real. It's absurd. I see commercials for it.
Starting point is 01:04:49 And I'm just like, what are, what are they doing over there? They just don't give a fuck. Dave Thomas would be rolling in his grave. He had a healthy restaurant. Well, speaking of dinner time,
Starting point is 01:05:02 time is ready. I am hungry. All right. PKN three 43.

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