Painkiller Already - PKN 346

Episode Date: April 9, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 346 what's first drifter or dmx dmx or you did right god damn it that's how it is every single time when a death pool happens it's like oh that name's familiar is it me i don't know let's find out i did the same thing. And then, like, dude, it's hard to say anyone's in the lead in a death pool. But my guy, like, Putin captured him, threw him in the stockades. Random fuzzy in my head. Threw him in the stockades. And I was just like, Mike, he's dying. He's dying.
Starting point is 00:00:42 He's probably being poisoned right now. And somehow I still lost, I guess. Is DMX dead? No, he's dying. He's dying. He's probably being poisoned right now. And somehow I still lost, I guess. Is DMX dead? No, he's brain dead. He is in a vegetative state. So I don't think that counts, to be fair. True. Until his heart stops.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Now, if they pull a Terry Shivo, you guys got to give it to me. I think. No, that's part of the risk. But, but. Woody, you're nodding along. We can't give him any more leeway. Wait, they killed Terry Shivo I think he's saying if they say do you all right y'all do whatever you want to do I but but he's gonna say right now it's not looking good well
Starting point is 00:01:16 when he's in a state in which. If I recall, the last couple death pools you've beaten our asses, pretty good. Dude, the one... You knew Alex Trebek had cancer. That should have never been allowed. I told you guys he had cancer. It got me. Go back and watch. You guys are like, yeah, that's fair. I'm like, alright.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I just feel like it was betting on last week's football game. That's not fair. I'm like, all right. I just feel like it was betting on last week's football game. That's not fair. It's fair if everyone's like, yeah, I guess he can bet the Broncos, but they already played. Yeah, but it's okay with us, right, guys? And everybody's like, yeah, sounds good. And I'm just, all right, fair is fair.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I'm going to bet the Broncos win by a touchdown. Oh, I'm right. Yeah. We need to be better about that. So, yeah. Well, you know, we got some strict rules this time. Well, you guys are pretty much tied for the lead. Really.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I'm the only one with no one who's even close to dead. That's the beauty of a death pool, though. You could come out of nowhere. I could surge out of nowhere. Just a lightning strike is all I need. You know, you think we're tied for the lead because Putin's got my guy in the stockades or whatever,
Starting point is 00:02:28 but you don't know. Alex and all could fall off a cliff tomorrow. Seal it for me. That's true. The fat guy from Lost could just pop. Hurley. That is how fat people die. Quickly. Yep. Yep. They don't hang on. They don't wither by a finger or anything. When they don't they don't they don't hang on they don't wither you know by a finger or anything when they go they go yeah I think it's because
Starting point is 00:02:49 when the paramedics get there they're like yeah I think it's because fat people can't hang on by a finger body strength problem well eggs gonna give it to Kyle no good I hope so you. I hope so. I hope so. You know, I mean, he hasn't made a song in like 25 fucking years. Nobody cares about DMX. How did you know to get DMX? Did you know he had drug issues? I mean, you know, retired rapper who's like right on the cusp of like our age limit.
Starting point is 00:03:22 He's older fella. Like, I think we went to 50, right? I think so. So he's like 48, 49. You know, he was right on the cusp of like our age limit he's older fella like like i think we i think we went to 50 right i think so rings so he's like 48 49 you know he was right on the cusp of that and they've all got drug issues just about the bobby brown it you saw it coming like i'd look i'd get a little little wayne if like he were old enough yeah but i think maybe little wayne didn't count for some reason like i couldn't pick him for some reason no it's because you and i split dX and Lil Wayne. Oh, okay. And you took DMX.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And foolishly, I was like, you can't have Lil Wayne. You can have DMX. Man, I'm terrible at death pulls. Me too. I'm just awful. I'm terrible at death pulls. It's not over yet. It's not over yet.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Putin might polonium your guy or one of Taylor's guys might just drop over dead or get hit by a car. But it's looking good. It's looking good. You said you had some drifter information. Yeah. What is the story there? So like he put a video on his channel. If you just go to his channel, you'll see he's talking about what is the title?
Starting point is 00:04:20 Is it about tea? Tea? Testosterone? He said a couple. Oh, no, no. It's a video called Swatted, Threatened, and Home Invasion Attempts, Eight Thoughts Exposed. And so if you, you know, he's been keeping stuff close to his chest for a while because, you know, he's been dealing with doxing and swatting and a ton of people harassing him. of people harassing him. And he like, he starts off the video being like, you know, I haven't mentioned any of this for a long time at like legal, you know, behest to my attorneys, but a
Starting point is 00:04:50 lot of it has kind of wrapped up. Uh, I gotta say that like, even though a lot of this, I think was encouraged by eight thoughts, he did very little directly to blah, blah, blah. But I think he encouraged hackers to do this. And he like starts going through the, it's a 26 minute video. And he starts talking about like all the things that have happened. And it's like off the start, he's like, it started off with just little things, you know, uh, having a bunch of trolls call all my family member and have things sent there. And, uh, so many kids showed up my house trying to get PS fours that weren't there. I had a truck that was supposed to go to a charity for the elderly show up with like a huge semi because they're like, oh, we're here for all the stuff. And I had to send them away. I was getting doxxed.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I was getting my family was being threatened. And he keeps going. And then it came out that one of the trolls said something. He said his name is blue the troll was like or i think it was this was him one of the trolls was like you know promoting like his like go get his dogs like go get his dogs and like posting drifter's address and then drifter's dogs went missing and i was like what the fuck and apparently he got his dogs back but like drifter went by that way too quickly he's like and the fact that it happened right when my dogs went missing that was really stressful i'm like yeah no fucking
Starting point is 00:06:08 shit dude like you're already you're you're seven minutes into this 26 minute video and in like after the dog thing he goes and then it started to heat up and it's like really we're not toasty yet and he's like and that's when uh this guy this troll, live streamed himself on Twitch, driving to my house with a gun on his dashboard. And I was waiting in my house, like looking out, like knowing he was there because I had the stream on and Eight Thoughts was restreaming this to a couple thousand people on Twitch.
Starting point is 00:06:38 And he was just, this guy's like sitting in his, you know, and like, you can hear the stream, the guy's sitting there with the gun, the troll is, and you can hear eight thoughts being like, oh my God, you're at his house. You're at his house. You're really there. You showed up. And like, then a cop pulls up because Drifter called the police and arrest the guy. And it's a very funny little thing where the cop's like, what are you doing? He's like, I'm just here. I was coming to my friend. I was coming to apologize to someone. And he's like i'm just here i was coming to my friend i was coming to apologize to someone and he's like really he's like yeah also i have to let you know i have a handgun in my front seat the cop's like
Starting point is 00:07:11 interesting is that registered he's like no it's like this guy showed up at drifter's house with an unregistered handgun and like and based on everything that had happened prerequisite to this like you you know this is serious business like this is someone showing up with a gun this is serious he said that he saw another person in a ski mask walked up to his door and knocked and he checked his security camera later this was i guess after and he checked his outdoor cameras and he saw the same car go back multiple times and then stop and some guys start walking up and he says he couldn't tell what it was but the guy took a black object and reached back behind and put it in his pants and drifter was even like and i suppose could have been a cell phone but that's not how you put away a cell phone it wasn't a cell and
Starting point is 00:07:59 it's like yeah that's clearly not a cell phone he said the guy came up to his door oh you don't keep your cell phone in a behind the back interior holster yeah the smaller your back convenient place oh you want to sit down and it's back out go ahead and so he said this guy showed up and he opened the door and he said he had a shotgun back behind the door and this guy with his ski mask was like i was just making sure that someone lived here and drift was like what like and he said he showed his gun and he's like i've been getting a lot of threats like you you got to go and he said the guy just bounced and like it there was so much shit to this story of like harassment and doxing it's the most multi-leveled you're doing a great job apparently long term like i don't i don't want to miss stuff because there was so much shit in there You're doing a great job. I told this guy to stop, but I, I, I'm not responsible for the actions of other adults. You know, I, and so who knows where, what'll, what'll come of it. Apparently the actual trolls
Starting point is 00:09:11 who like did the showing up with the guns, the guy maybe blue was his name. He kept saying that he's going to actually do some prison time if I understood the video correctly, but eight thoughts because they didn't prove he did anything directly illegal based on what drifter said. He, I don't think anything's going to happen. Regarding. Yeah, it seems, and I'm sure I'm, I'm,
Starting point is 00:09:30 I'm missing stuff. Yeah, it was, it was so much, so much nonsense. I feel terrible for the guy. I can't imagine how fucking stressed I would be being harassed nonstop by a bunch of people,
Starting point is 00:09:39 a bunch of nameless faceless people, mostly who know where your family lives, know where your family works, know how to fuck them over wants to harass you wants to call in SWAT attacks on your house or the houses of your family and the whole time it's like oh yeah I'm your attorney and I know it sucks but you can't mention any of this just go do your job which is front-facing entertainment and keep a smile on keep a smile on buddy yeah I know you're so stressed out you can hardly function but you know your job kind of like an attorney wouldn't be that shitty.
Starting point is 00:10:06 But my God, it's just – That's crazy. I can't imagine that level of stress. I would be – I want to hear the other – Drifter, from my observation, has been mostly a fact-based Call of Duty analysis channel, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Was it when he talked about the damage per bullet of a scar in a video game that got eight thoughts so upset but like what did drifter ever do to warrant this kind of backlash no idea because yeah you go through his channel and it's like huh this guy just makes a lot of call of duty content. He's not a drama YouTuber. He's not someone who's always trying to poke the bear and start fights and make contrived conflicts for views. He's just kind of doing his own thing. A Thoughts on the Other Hand is that guy. He is always looking for internet fights.
Starting point is 00:10:58 He picks on Wings of Redemption a lot. I don't know. I don't know what he's thinking, what he's doing. It sucks. Yeah, that's fucking wild. I hope he's doing okay. And he was saying that he reported it to Twitch and was like, hey, here's a video clip of a guy who showed up at my house with a gun doxing me with my address posted on the screen. And here's another Twitch user
Starting point is 00:11:26 restreaming it for thousands of people. You know, this is really not cool. Like, is there anything you can do about this? And they're like, no, there's nothing we can, there's nothing we can do about that. He said, he reached out to YouTube and he even made the point. He's like, you know, you go on Twitch and you call and you misgender a trans woman and they'll ban you right away. This guy's streaming in the front of my house and guys with guidance are there. And they said, no. I was just like...
Starting point is 00:11:51 You should have tacked that on at the end when they were like, no. He also misgendered a trans person. And they're like, I'm on it. I'm on it. Don't worry. We'll take this scum out I just felt so bad
Starting point is 00:12:08 because Drifter was clearly so exasperated like you do this thing they shut you down there's a guy in front of my house with a gun it's being streamed on a platform that I use and I told the platform nice yeah I wonder what a really nice guy I don't
Starting point is 00:12:24 watch his content but but but just our interactions with him here he's always been you know just a nice guy yeah i don't know and do anything deserve this on the twitch not i don't know having any rules enforcing they have rules against bullying that's really what the misgender thing that we're sort of poking at is about it's it's about you know purposely calling someone who identifies as a woman he dead naming them shit like that it's just a a way of bullying and twitch is like hey you can't do that you can't just fucking bully the other streamers this is that in the extreme yeah guns in IRL. What? How much more intense did you get? What is Twitch's, like, rationale?
Starting point is 00:13:13 Please make sense of that to me. How this should be overlooked. No idea. It seems beyond the pale. Yeah. Outrageous. Well, on the lighter side of things, the Avalanche just trounced the blues a couple games this past week yeah you got your 10 bucks you got your 10 bucks and that's why the picture
Starting point is 00:13:35 behind me is the blues from a few years ago right after they got knocked out of the playoffs because it has been it has been a rough go of it if i run the table do you have to run the uh the the avalanche as your background for a whole show i think that'd be fun i think that's fair i think you get to pick the photo of the abs i use and i'll and i'll do that all right i'll if if if um if you win but one of the series i'll wear a blue shirt okay well it's it fucking sucks like the past like month you've just seen the steady march of colorado to the number one team in the league yeah and the blues have lost seven in a row they're in the bottom third now which means that like i get updates on my phone now for for both teams because i've searched the results so often like i like i swipe right and i get like those are my
Starting point is 00:14:22 results it's like boom what's going on and And like last night I looked, you guys lost to Golden State, I think, and we beat someone or another. Yeah, we lost. It's just like another game. We lost to Vegas 7-1, and you guys probably trounced whoever you played because your team's actually good. Yeah, the Blues are just unbelievably bad. They can't get anything going.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Seven in a row they've lost. It's only 6-1. It was pretty good. The Avs won 5-4 over the Wild, a good team. Yeah, 26-8-4. The Avs have gone on such a tear. What are they in their last 10? Something absurd.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Like, yeah, last 10 games, Colorado is 8-0-2. Means that out of 20 possible points, they've gotten 18 in the past 10 games. The Blues, out of 20 possible points, have gotten 5. Jesus. 2-7-1. Well, if it makes you
Starting point is 00:15:18 feel any better, the Braves are 0-4. Yeah, but that's baseball. They could forget to show up for the first five games of the season be like oh it's time to play and they can still show up with they have forgotten to show up actually i think that's that's that's what i'm going to say um oh and four you were sleeping on the hurricanes you always talk about how the flyers are you know they're gonna be good it's okay the hurricanes are one of the top teams in the league right now they're great if if they win tonight then they'll be like one point behind colorado like that's yeah i didn't
Starting point is 00:15:51 realize they were on such a good tear i knew that they long ago surpassed the flyers and the the team of yours that's going to be good this year yeah it's good to spread your bets a little bit. I bet on red and black. Always 50-50. It's turned up green in the last couple of years. But yeah, it's good to have two teams. Oh, for sure. The other team I like would be Tampa because that's the only other team I've been to that games. But right now, the Florida Panthers
Starting point is 00:16:24 are first place in in their division even over tampa and carolina which everyone predicted everyone predicted the florida panthers miami would be wonderful this year florida panthers aren't actually ahead of carolina they'll beat them tonight they'll be one point behind with a game in hand that's okay fair enough they're playing florida right now yeah are they is it still zero zero yeah nice i don't think the blues play tonight if the abs play tonight maybe i'll watch them there's so much more fun to watch than the blues this year they're fast they have better superstars you know they're they're better coached at this point i i'm hoping the blues are just
Starting point is 00:17:03 really really bad the rest of the year and we can actually get a good draft pick. Like, don't bounce back. Really, like, come on. Maybe a top five. Maybe a really good one. What they're going to do is they're going to go on some bullshit winning streak that does nothing but pull their attention for a good pick.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Guaranteed. Everybody's going to stop shaving. They're wearing the same fucking socks. Went 12 in a row. Just enough to be like, just not even make the playoffs, but not get a fucking draft pick wearing the same fucking socks when 12 in a row, just enough to be like, just not even make the playoffs, but not get a fucking draft pick at the same time. We'll go bull Durham and like wear women's underwear or something.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Yeah. Colorado did that to us a few years ago. We were one, I think it was Colorado. We were one point away from making the playoffs and Colorado had nothing to gain. They couldn't make the playoffs and they beat us. And so we missed.
Starting point is 00:17:48 We were the absolute highest-ranked team to be out of the playoffs, so we got the worst draft pick. It was... Hopefully we can put it together. We've had some bad goaltending. Everything's been bad. I'm going to go to a star game thing, Kyle. Do you have any opinion on that?
Starting point is 00:18:02 I was going to say like before i touch on that because that is really interesting i am gonna i'm gonna go i visited my dad my cousin um last couple days in a row and uh i was talking to them i think we're all gonna go to a braves game in a month or two we're looking at the tickets and uh they're fairly cheap to get like good tickets i guess nice maybe it's i'm hoping it's part of like greater story, which is the MLB pulled the All-Star game out of Atlanta because of Georgia's restrictive voting laws that many believe are targeting black voters in response to the Senate runoff, which went Democrat, Democrat this past fall. Yeah, they probably should, I guess. yeah they probably should i guess you know like it does seem like those laws are racist intentionally trying to disenfranchise black voters directly in response to the democrats winning uh those two senatorial seats it kind of sucks as a braves fan to like not have the
Starting point is 00:18:58 all-star game right here in our stadium in our city but on the other hand now i don't have to deal with that traffic like like if i were going to go into the city that day like now the whole that whole week would have been just swamped all of it all of atlanta's traffic with all the security and all the teams and and every and all the fans that the influx and everything it would have been obnoxious so i don't care i guess i mean if i had a if i if I had to check a box, it was like, do you want them there or do you not? Yeah, I want them there.
Starting point is 00:19:28 I guess it's good for the city. Give them the revenue or whatever. But I really don't care that much. It's interesting, though. It's interesting. Sorry, Taylor. What was that? I was just like, this is like where they do home run derby,
Starting point is 00:19:43 like that kind of stuff. Yeah, yeah. And then they have the National League versus the American League. Yeah, yeah. I think that has an impact on the World Series too. It did. They may have done away with that though. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Yeah, North Carolina had a similar thing where companies protested, decided not to move to North Carolina. I think we lost the basketball All-Star game because we had that bathroom bill. Oh, I remember that. There was like this made-up problem of transgenders raping children. Literally zero instances of this. So they created a law saying
Starting point is 00:20:16 that you had to use the bathroom that matched your genitalia to solve a problem that didn't exist. The law was enforced zero times. It cost North Carolina billions of businesses not moving here. All-star games, all this trouble, concerts, you know, like, uh, you know, you too. And other guys, I think I'm right about you too, but weren't playing here because of that. And in the end they just reversed the law and literally enforced zero times. It was a big blunder and it
Starting point is 00:20:43 should be seen as such. Fucking stupid. Yeah. It made no sense. Speaking of big blunder laws, a lot of stuff happening on the marijuana legalization front. It's been interesting to watch. So, you know, Chuck Schumer, uh, came out in his Politico interview and he was like, we are moving forward with marijuana legalization on a federal level with or without, uh, Biden. And you know, we're going to give him an, uh, uh, I thought it was important thatiden and you know we're going to give him a i thought it was important that he didn't say we're going to give him time he said we're going to give him a little time to to like review some of this stuff and uh look over things again and and then we're moving forward and uh and obviously they do have it passed the house last year
Starting point is 00:21:21 last fall and now the senate has the majority in the Democrats' favor. Plus, you've got the VP. Even if you don't get – even if you lose one dim and you don't get a single Republican and it's tied, Kamala Harris can come in and pass the deciding vote. But they'll get enough Republicans. At the very least, you've got Rand Paul types who would vote for the – There's some parliamentary procedure stuff I'm afraid we have wrong. I'm pretty sure that passing in the House last year gets undone. It does.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah, yeah. So that would need to happen again. Again, yes. Yeah. All right. Maybe I misinterpreted what you were saying. If I implied otherwise, I didn't mean to. You're like, it's already passed, so now it just needs a Senate.
Starting point is 00:22:03 You didn't say those words. Yeah, I was more suggesting that it passed one time, it'll happen again. Especially if they know that the Senate is waiting right behind them. Like Chuck Schumer's like, come on, get it up here. I think that's helpful. And the other thing is, nowadays it seems like you need 60 votes to pass in the Senate because the minority party filibusters everything so that you can't have anything you want.
Starting point is 00:22:30 I hope that doesn't happen. Obviously, right. I'm pro legalization, but if it does, like even that would be a step forward to me because it, I feel like both parties want to be like, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:44 I'm okay with pot, but then both parties want to be like you know i'm okay with pot but then both parties don't do shit about it maybe the democrats do a little because they pass so so 70 of americans are in favor of um legalizing marijuana marijuana at a federal level and 40 of americans already live in a state where it is um either legalized or medically available okay and uh they asked uh chuck schumer if he was for legalized or medically available. And, uh, they asked, uh, Chuck Schumer if he was for legalization or decriminalization. And he said, legalization. He's like, no, no, no legalization. And not only that, we want to incentivize all of the States where it's not let yet legal to legalize it, like, like financially incentivized places like Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina to,
Starting point is 00:23:23 to legalize marijuana. So it's actually kind of a good look. And then I sent you that article earlier, which was coincidentally also from Politico that the, uh, is it Koch brothers or the Koch brothers? I think it's others. Coke. It's Coke. Yeah. Yeah. The Koch brothers back group joins marijuana, uh,
Starting point is 00:23:44 joins marijuana push after zoom with Snoop Dogg. The Cannabis Freedom Alliance could change the dynamics of marijuana legalization debate. That's all it took this whole time was a little Zoom call with Snoop Dogg? Snoop! I bet he would have hopped on Skype 10, 15 years ago and helped us out here. Yeah, yeah. And, you know, that's,
Starting point is 00:24:05 that's a guy who's a right wing billionaire, right? You know, like, like, I don't know if people don't know who the Koch brothers are, they're kind of the right wings, George Soros,
Starting point is 00:24:14 like a major funder of Republican political campaigns. Yep. So that to me, like, I think you got a 50, 50 shot of getting this thing done. Oh, and also Chuck said he was going to expunge records, which would be nice for some people I know.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I know a guy. Yeah, I know a guy. So that would be lovely. So yeah, it's looking pretty fucking good. Like, fingers crossed, like, maybe I don't even have to leave Georgia. That's a possible, you know, outcome of this whole thing. I hope they get on it fast. I hope it's not like, yeah, in two years,
Starting point is 00:24:50 we're going to start the groundwork. I hope it's like, yeah, we're three weeks away from making the big push. That's what I want to hear. I want to hear this summer, it's going to be our focus. Wouldn't that just be us Charlie Browning that football again if it does happen three years from now? Front of the docket. us like god damn it we whiffed again we fell for it again. I hope they actually push it through. It's got to happen eventually.
Starting point is 00:25:14 It's just eventually it's just got to happen like everybody's in favor of it. It's a losing issue on both sides. People don't fucking care anymore. Canada legalized. No Mexico legalized that I was losing issue on both sides. I don't agree care anymore. Canada legalized. Mexico legalized. Losing issue on both sides, I don't agree with that. The Democrats are the pro-pot party. They're the ones who
Starting point is 00:25:32 passed it in the House. I've shown Biden's stance on this till I'm blue in the face. You go to his website, I've read it on my Twitch streams time and time again. They are the pro-pot party. They are. He's wishy-washy on the thing. He's very
Starting point is 00:25:47 wishy-washy on it. He's the problem. He has said that he is against legalization and for decriminalization. I just mean, I don't think... I need to see when and where he said that because his website was not wishy-washy. Yeah, that was then. This is now, though.
Starting point is 00:26:03 That's the situation. Oh, has he updated? Oh,y. Yeah, that was then. This is now, though. It's that. That's the situation. Yeah, but that's a kid. Oh, has he updated? Oh, yeah. I thought I was the current one. In my head, I made all this up. So forgive me if I'm wrong. That you were like, he's wishy-washy on it.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I'm like, silly, Kyle. I was grabbing something from 1972 and acting like that's not the case, is it? No, it's his current position. And that's why Chuck Schumer is like, we're going to give him some time, a little time to like reevaluate things in his position. But we're moving forward with or without him. I love that. I love that. All right. If Biden isn't true to his fucking election platform, then fuck him for being that guy. him for being that guy. And if, I don't know, Rand Paul wants to, I don't know if he does or not, he probably doesn't, wants to filibuster and be the guy that stops this all from happening,
Starting point is 00:26:54 then at least get on the record and have to face the music for being that guy. Yeah, I agree with you. And I still totally agree. Yeah, the Democrats are more pro-pot that you'd have to be silly to say it. I just mean like the critical mass of Republicans that are like working for their constituents, like those boomers, like pot's evil. Like I feel like that's phased out enough that like it's just not worth the fight for them anymore. Hopefully that's the case. And it's such a not winning issue or doesn't really move the needle on their votes that
Starting point is 00:27:19 they're like, oh, I can get a few more young people by being the hip guy who votes for pot. My parents are like part of the buffoon wing of the Republican Party. Right. Like, you know, I've talked about how Christian Michelle Obama secretly a man. Trump won like all the every insanity platform that the Republicans have. That's where they are. They're pro pot.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Like even they're like, yeah, you know, it seems like, uh, I never see guys high on pot shooting cops. You know, they're never see high, high on pot starting bar fights. Dude. It's so prevalent everywhere already. I went through a walk for a walk in my neighborhood today. Okay. Three people were smoking marijuana in my neighborhood outdoors.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Jesus. Not together. Three separate incidents of this. were smoking marijuana in my neighborhood outdoors jesus not together three separate incidents of this i was like i literally had to cross the street because i didn't want to like catch some kind of a magical contact it's not because you're black it's because i'm on probation yeah yeah i thought i was honestly thinking that too like that they were black coincidentally you know who would have thought you're in atlanta yeah yeah yeah a lot of black people here it's majority black so but like there's just three guys chilling with the trunk of their uh audi popped and they're just one i'm sitting in it and the others are like by
Starting point is 00:28:33 the taillights and they're all i i can smell it as i'm approaching them and like they see me and they're just like they don't give a fuck they don't give a fuck at all and they shouldn't it's like what am i gonna do i don't give a shit yeah of course i don't like like any if i were free i'd be like yo strong and then like i i go around a little bit further and there's a guy there's a little parking lot near our playground and he's parked right there and i'm like yeah he's smoking he's smoking 100 because it's so strong coming out of his car. And then a car drives past me and I can smell it coming out of their car. It's so fucking strong.
Starting point is 00:29:11 It's a different kind of weed. It was absolutely different. I can smell the difference. Yeah. That's so funny. You're like, God damn it. It seems like it's basically legal already. Just put the pen to paper and get it done it basically is like like in in the city of atlanta it's decriminalized is
Starting point is 00:29:29 my understanding um so like if if atlanta police department catches you they just write you a ticket that's my understanding and it's been a couple years since i looked at that any for any deeper than what i just said but i'm pretty sure that's the case i think you're right so you still get a ticket though it sounds yeah decriminalized it seems like the wrong term for it if it's still against the law it's against like an ordinance is the way they're they're doing it just like speeding or running a stop sign you're not gonna you know they're not gonna throw you in in prison for running a stop sign accidentally or speeding unless you like get crazy with it. They'll take your license away. Yeah. It's like a parking ticket or something
Starting point is 00:30:09 like that. It's a finable offense. And I don't know what the fines are in Atlanta, but like Florida, for example, they have like medical marijuana. And if you're caught in most of the major cities with a reasonable amount of marijuana, honestly, an unreasonable amount of marijuana, like an ounce, two ounces or something like that. They write you like very small tickets. Some places it's $10. Some places it's $50,
Starting point is 00:30:33 stuff like that. Like you'd be better off getting caught with two ounces of weed and like Fort Lauderdale than you would running two stop signs in a row. Running stop signs is a big deal. It is a big deal. You know what? If I'm King, well, if I'm king well if i'm king there's no penalty for pot at all but assuming there had to be i have a way bigger problem with stop sign runners they really hurt people and people who aren't themselves how about a firm all day and
Starting point is 00:30:58 manually hold the stop sign how about a firm tickling if you're caught with marijuana i like that one by really by like someone by like by that guy robert oberst oh jesus and he gets to tickle you until he decides you've learned your lesson oh no if it's me versus robert oberst everything we do is he decides i'm sorry i'll pay the ticket i don't know you could run you could outrun him for sure though Robert Obers. Everything we do is he decides. I'm sorry. I'll pay the ticket. I don't know. I bet you could run. You could outrun him for sure, though. Oh, yes. I think we could run it. I suck at running, but I like Robert Obers. I think I could beat him.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah, I think so, too. It'd be like heaving civics in your way. He's a tank and left for dead, just hurling cars at you. He does suddenly just a what's his fucking name the hulk the hulk jump where he crashes into the top of the car oh i'll just take the tickling i'll
Starting point is 00:31:55 just take the tickling so yeah i'm not gonna get my hopes up um but i am somewhat hopeful that like that whole thing will work out and uh you know best case scenario obviously i get my record expunged and i'm all 100 again not a felon and all that stuff but i mean i'd be pretty fucking happy if they just decriminalized it honestly and like i don't even know what would happen to people like me on federal probation for possession and intent if they decriminalized it seems like they'd be like ah get out of here you you would think um but who knows but who knows i mean it seems like a matter of time eventually this will happen like we've we've headed down that road we're on the road it's just a matter of are we getting
Starting point is 00:32:36 there this year next year five years from now are you concerned that if they expunge record you'll no longer have any street cred kyle yeah that's my main concern that's my main concern i think i'm so lame now yeah yeah that's that's that's been at the top of my concerns for some time now the loss of street cred oh i'm glad you brought that up i had to so yeah yeah yeah it's kind of funny that you mentioned that um so when i first got out of prison i had to fill out this little questionnaire and it's like criminal questionnaire or something like that and the questions on it are that's what you showed to us yeah yeah it's like the questions will be like when i was on the street i justified my acts of violence by thinking if I didn't do it, someone else would. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:33:27 agree, strongly agree, not sure, disagree, strongly disagree. And I'm just like, strongly disagree because I've never been on the streets and I've never done any violence. And I certainly have never had to justify my violence, but with some sort of convoluted mental gymnastics, so strongly disagree. It was 80 questions like that. And look, you don't complain when they put a questionnaire in front of you. You fill it out at the best of your abilities.
Starting point is 00:33:54 But I guess for some odd, maybe it's because it's been two years or since I filled that one out or a certain amount of time, I had to fill out another one. So yeah, I just recently filled it out again, and I had forgotten how leading and not so applicable some of those questions are for someone like me. It looked like there were seven questions. Was there a lot more to it than you
Starting point is 00:34:15 should have? There were pages of that. Yeah. There were several, there was like five pages, like 80, there's 80 total questions. Yeah. I remember one of them that was on there. like 80, there's 80 total questions. Yeah, I remember one of them that was on there. It was like, I often experience violent thoughts. And like, who's going to turn that in? I have it in front of me. Strongly agree.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yeah. Like, it seemed like it was set up in a way where it's like some guy who's giving these is like, all right, we need to structure this so that the fewest possible are being returned to me that I have to deal with. We need to make these the easiest questions ever. I killed someone this week. Strongly disagree.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I have hateful thoughts. I have desires to harm those around me. Like, literally stuff like that. Here we go. I pulled it up. Mostly agree that you had to get. I have used alcohol or drugs to eliminate fear or apprehension before committing a crime. Agree? Disagree?
Starting point is 00:35:07 It's like, strongly disagree. Here's one. On the streets, I would tell myself I needed to rob or steal in order to continue living the life I had coming to me. Strongly disagree. Oh, you know what? Some would agree. Oh, God. I can see where you're coming from.
Starting point is 00:35:28 There have been times in my life where i felt like i was above the law like who's who's agreeing with that who's who's who's agreeing with that even if you did even if you did have times in your life where you thought you were above the law like who's who's like yeah that's me all right like but no i answered it honestly into the best of my ability and uh and sent it in. And then I was like, hey, mind if I visit my dad this week? He's like, yeah, have fun. Well, I hope you get an A. That's a great answer.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I do too. If an A means like not Tony Soprano, sociopath, psychopath, fucking criminal. A lot of the questions were clearly aimed to root out sociopath psychopath fucking criminal a lot of the questions were clearly aimed to root out sociopaths like a good sociopath sees that coming a mile away i wouldn't know so i filled the thing out back in there'd be stuff like when i see small animals i feel affection towards them
Starting point is 00:36:20 that's literally one of the questions it One of the questions is something about like, like being nice to small animals and children, but violent to like others. Like that was the question where I was filling it out at Kitty's house because I don't have a scanner. And I was like, this one's for sociopaths. She's like, yep, that's sociopathic behavior right there. I'm like, God damn it. And I'm like, I got to pay attention here because it's either like strongly. Sometimes you have to be like strongly agree. Like, you know, there are a few of them. You need to answer one. What I think about 90% of the time.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Yeah. But they keep you on your toes because there's some fives in there. Yeah. Yeah. Like here's there's one of because there's some fives in there. Yeah. Yeah. There's one of them. I have made mistakes in my life. Well, that's an agree, right? Obviously, I'm here I am.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Can't get here without making a few. So that is an agree. But you got to be on your toes. If you strongly disagree, they're like, oh, haven't made any mistakes, huh? Mr. Federal probation. Well noted. I don't know what happens if you score like, like, like you said, 90% of them are ones. So like, I would think if you score
Starting point is 00:37:30 above and there's 80 questions, so 80 plus a handful of fours, you know, maybe if you score above 125, they're like, Oh, let's take a look at this guy. You score above 175. They're like, who the fuck is this fellow? You score two at two 80, three 50 something. They're like who the fuck is this fellow you score 282 80 350 something they're like all right we're gonna we're just gonna show up with guns um you know what if you're gonna have to serve your whole probation you should just go for the record kyle imagine you're some idiot he's like you're taking it was like dude answers always see none of the answers to see first of all the answers are numbers that would really throw you should really strongly agree to disagree with everything you should never go down the middle
Starting point is 00:38:12 as an enigma he disagrees with everything but never strongly if you were to answer it like the the opposite of what you should answer on every question and then attach an essay that was like a fucking manifesto that was completely unasked for. Like, where do I attach my essay? Wait, what essay? You just have to answer the 80 questions and fax it back to me. You're going to want to see this.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Well, I thought it was like ACT where you could add the written portion if you are better at that. Help my score out a little bit. Yeah. That sounds annoying, but it was an easy time. Can you remind me, does your probation end when your prison term started, like August, or ended, like October? I believe it's ended.
Starting point is 00:38:52 I believe it's ended. That would make sense to me because my punishment was two months in prison and two years of probation. And to me, honestly, it would make sense to serve them concurrently, not consecutively, but I don't think that's the way things go. Um, if I ever do manage to like get an appeals, um, thing started, that might, might be one of the things that I'd be like, Hey, maybe you mentioned to him, like I did the two months of prison. Unless if nothing else, maybe just subtract that from the whole, I took my drug classes in there. I wasn't even supposed
Starting point is 00:39:23 to be taking them. I was sitting in drug classes with fucking career criminals talking about how they had to sell weed to support their habits and stuff like that and they're like why were you on the street it was the same thing when i was on the streets blah blah blah what about you kyle why were you on the streets i wasn't on the streets I'm from a little town in Northeast Georgia. Like we don't even have streets. Well, I'm a YouTuber and, uh, we've got roads.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I didn't see a sidewalk until I was a man grown. Do you think that was a, that was your last remaining test or do they fire those surveys at you every so often? Make sure you haven't gone back to your, you know, psychopathic animal murdering ways. Yeah. My guess is that's the last of it. It was odd that I had to do it a second
Starting point is 00:40:09 time. I'm guessing that maybe there's just a period of time where they need another one or who knows, it's possibly lost the first one or it got lost in the shuffle. I've gone through three different probation officers since I took that test. I think that was literally like my third day out of prison when I took that test. it's like I got out and they were like, yeah, report here on so and so. And you'll meet with this guy and we'll do all your paperwork. And there was a ton of paperwork. It was like buying a car. I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Oh, what a pain in the ass. I can't wait till this is over for you. That would be the most delectable end of all time. If it was like weeds legal expunged,'s your guns back and a little note of apology from the federal government oh goodness yeah i'm sure that'll happen guns back i didn't even think about that but it the ability to get to have guns but they're not giving me my guns back you gotta start all over should and your guns are they gone yeah yeah it's not like they're keeping them in your old gun safe for you kyle's in case we ever change our mind kyle's now outfitting moderate rebels in syria
Starting point is 00:41:10 if you ever see a moderate rebel in syria with like a white and black tiger striped fnf 2000 you know you know yeah isis has begun using what they're calling dragon's breath rounds. This is a particularly effective ISIS member. He has blue camo. He must have got 25 headshots. He's making propaganda videos with dummies and you know,
Starting point is 00:41:40 shasts to two liters. Jesus Christ. Yep, yep. uh, I said, Shasta two liters. Jesus Christ. Yep. Yep. Um, so fingers crossed. You never know. Um,
Starting point is 00:41:51 I'm not super hopeful. I'm not like resting my hopes and dreams on it or anything, but it's, it's nice to see that going on because even if it doesn't happen this year and directly benefits me, I hope it happens soon. And it, it protects some other people.
Starting point is 00:42:04 You know, I saw this Reddit thing and it was soon. And it, it protects some other people. You know, I saw this Reddit thing and it was like, you know, for sure there's some guy sitting in lockup in New York right now, the day after they legalized it because he's still there. And for sure he is. And that's one of the reasons Chuck Schumer is not only is he financially invested in the legal marijuana industry, but he's also a sitting senator from a state that just legalized marijuana in New York. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I hope it happens. Can't wait. Needs to. Very overdue. Any updates on your motorcycle trip? Dude, I am so emotionally invested in this trip. Every single day I make progress towards making it happen.
Starting point is 00:42:47 It's stupidly ahead of schedule. Today I have this sheepskin seat cover and the deal is, yeah, one, it looks kind of Mad Max to me. It might look gay to someone else, but to me it looks positively Mad Max. And they say to have a seat cover because it changes the hot
Starting point is 00:43:04 spots. Even if it wasn't better, if it was just a tie compared to your seat, the fact that it's different, you can have it one day, not have another day, changes up the hot spots. It's been, okay. So today I was learning how to sew
Starting point is 00:43:14 so I can put mounts on it and put it on the bike. I went out and practiced for about an hour today. Just a little dirt, a little time, U-turns, you know, just riding skills and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I probably get out there five days a week you know i have new equipment come in new jacket new pants i just try them out break in the shoes break in the helmet break in stuff i am so far ahead of my riding partner in terms of being prepped like he bought a bike he has no license um i knew that i'm not particularly skilled on a motorcycle. Like, I'm not special or anything. I have a lot of miles, but, like, just, like, no skills. And he's like, Woody, can you drive it?
Starting point is 00:43:53 Like, I'm stalling it a lot. I don't know. You know, maybe it's me. Maybe it's the bike. And it's like, oh, yeah, yeah, I forgot. Like, you don't even know how to ride a motorcycle yet. This is two months away, buddy. I'm kind of afraid for your friend because, like, he's really jumping into the deep end here.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah, it's my impression. So the trail right by us is, like, paved and stuff. There's some river crossings, but it's roads, and it's pretty easy. And then it heads into the Great Plain States where it's kind of dirt maybe some sand but mostly like dirt and gravel roads like maintained and by the time you get out to the rocky mountains it's kind of hardcore and difficult so i'm like perfect we're gonna learn how to ride a motorcycle on the way there it's gonna get we're going from easy to medium to hard by the time we get to the rocky mountains we both should be good that's the
Starting point is 00:44:45 that is our plan imagine if you were mountain climbing and that was your goal it's like yeah yeah yeah it's not too steep down here we'll slap on some carabiners by the time we get up to the you know the the free solo part he's gonna be like a fish to water yes yes he'll be evil kenevil by the time we hit the Rocky Mountains I'm sure it's like leveling up in a video game you know you'll be more than equipped we'll do some side quests if we have to right yeah so does he have like
Starting point is 00:45:14 ATV and off-roading experience like is he a guy who's like driven race cars or anything no no and no he's a pretty good computer programmer I'm with him on the motorcycle experience right but I've done like a lot of off-roading and like No, he's a pretty good computer programmer. I'm with him on the motorcycle experience, right? But I've done like a lot of off-roading and like driven all sorts of every other vehicle except for the motorcycle. It's a relevant experience.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Like, I don't know. I have some idea of like when something is feeling loose and when I'm about to lose control. I can feel where the edge is most of the time when I'm doing anything motorsports related. I use that term tentatively, but I don't know what else to say. I don't know about this. Would you describe him as a city slicker? Yes. Yeah, I think you could.
Starting point is 00:45:54 A city slicker. You're going to be like barely into the trip, and you're going to be like, no, actually, we stalled. This is our fifth week in Tennessee because we have to collect all the wheelie tokens to get his skills up. All of the much. He's an interesting guy.
Starting point is 00:46:08 If you were to meet him, you would find him to be kind of a cuddly father, husband, it worker. But like, I don't even know how many confirmed kills he has in Iraq. Like, like there's more to him than you would just meet uh at first okay
Starting point is 00:46:28 you know it's neat yeah a little bit of a wild man then okay what what it's funny he was in this interview and the person interviewing him was very nervous and uh it's this woke company i don't want to dox him but you know she like, I'm anxious right now. I need a minute. And he's like, I haven't killed anyone in like 12 years. Relax. Interviewing a veteran and you got to go, this is putting me on edge.
Starting point is 00:47:00 So close to a veteran is making you make me feel better. I don't know if it was the veteran part. I think it was the interview stress. But anyway, yeah, so I like this guy a lot. It should be pretty cool. And, you know, I'm counting on him to be good by the time we get there. You have to stay on him. Hey, progress report for the day?
Starting point is 00:47:22 Yeah, yeah. Is that licensed yet? He's practicing a little bit so the license he um it turns out in north carolina you have to skip it's hard to get a date scheduled to take the written so it's in pretty deep into may i think like may 25th or something like that we're leaving june 4th so yeah this is incredibly ambitious on on his part i thought you were being mildly ambitious because it is a cross-country road trip he is really throwing himself out there this is okay you just kyle his plan is to quit his job take a motorcycle trip across the country come back and start a new
Starting point is 00:48:03 business this man is making so he's making waves out there yeah yeah you told me that like in his family they don't let they don't live past 50 or something that's yeah i may have the date wrong but it's something like that yeah yeah and he's like 46 let's say called 37 oh okay uh and but but he's in his mind he's on limited time yes so so he's just like yeah we're gonna do some shit yeah yeah i like it i like your friend i like his attitude yeah and uh we're gonna go we're gonna we're gonna make some waves we're gonna ride across the country uh and yeah i am far enough like ahead of schedule with regards to planning and such that there's going to be some bored, what do I do now type stuff. But he, on the other hand, seems to be last minuting it.
Starting point is 00:48:56 I hear you. Yeah. I'm like, Chris, maybe get a jacket and boots. Maybe. Maybe something to wear while you're practicing make some decisions you should go with him you should go with him to like a bike shop and help him with that because i tried oh yeah i was just gonna say like you need to buy the right thing like like i've done enough research to know that like we're not just gonna get on amazon and click
Starting point is 00:49:19 some things here we need to like we need to go try some shit on we need to like figure out what's gonna especially since you're riding so long. Right. If you were, if you're getting some gear for your like occasional two hour Sunday afternoon cruise, it's like, yeah, the boots don't fit that well, but they'll keep my feet on my legs if I crash. And I'm only in them for two hours a week, but you're going to be in those boots every day for a long time riding.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I told my dad about your trip. He's like, oh, he's going to be so sore. I was like, you know, leaned over that motorcycle for all those hours. I was like, I think so too. Like, like my back gets sore if I'm in the same, like even just like when I'm playing rust for too long and I sit in this chair for too long, I'm like, whew.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Yeah. We're getting getting my neck is sore uh there's a certain kind of say in shape is the wrong term but like when i first started doing some rides i did like a seven hour day or something yeah you go and uh like my neck was sore like that did happen and now like my hold up the helmet muscles are a little stronger than they were two weeks ago. And my, you know, I'm just sort of getting in position.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Those muscles I wasn't using before I'm using now. Yeah. I know Taylor and I rode Taylor and I rode those like crazy go-karts out in Colorado. And like our forearms were like numb after every, uh, every like race we were getting at, we were just like,
Starting point is 00:50:46 you get a pump! Like, for real, because you're just like, around a turn, you're like, this is genuinely tough, keeping the control of this thing. I guess they weren't lying when they said, don't take turns at full speed, and you're like, yeah, right, idiot, I paid.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I don't see any cops. You're like, oh, no, they were being serious you spin right out and everybody passes you speaking of muscle soreness i saw i didn't watch the whole thing but basically greg doucette apparently did i didn't watch any of the greg doucette video but apparently he did a critique video of brian shaw's diet and was saying like yeah this most recent one brian shaw did a response to and it's like i'm sure most of the people that respond to greg doucette aren't nearly as like muted and like calm because brian's like and you know i i'm really i'm i apologize i really wasn't familiar with you
Starting point is 00:51:35 uh but i watched some of your videos it seems like great content and i watched the one you talk about my diet interesting stuff a couple things i know, want to, I'd say maybe not necessarily correct you on, but, and he was just like, see, the difference is you're trying to get people into like really good. And the way I'm going to end up saying is to be even meaner. He's like, you're trying to get people into really good shape and that's great. Losing body fat. What I'm trying to do is, you know, still compete in the world's strongest man. And so I'm not going to be able to eat the way you do and get real slim because I still have to be able to overhead press 600 pounds. So that's more my goal is to maintain my strength and not lose any of that while cutting as much fat as possible.
Starting point is 00:52:13 And he's like going through why he does the things he does, you know, all the structure. And it's like, there's, you can't, you can't come back from this. What do you, what do you do? Go like, actually, Brianaw four-time world's strongest man doesn't know what he's doing with his diet it's like he does if you watch greg's yeah okay i think there's some truth to the idea that he's maybe using like one solution for everyone and you know it's because brian shaw was like really cutting the calories and really going at it hard in a way that most people wouldn't sustain. But this is also a four time world's strongest man who may have a willpower and a discipline that, you know, mom over here doesn't have.
Starting point is 00:52:58 So, you know, for him to like whatever, live on broccoli and chicken. Like, yeah, he actually might. He's the world's strongest man. He has a will that, you know, when he has a goal that he just drives forward and makes that happen. And the way he talked about the food,
Starting point is 00:53:14 like, cause the amount he was eating, he was like, he was talking about like, it was drug withdrawal where he's like the first couple of weeks of it. I was used to eating so many calories. I just constant headache. I felt terrible because I was only getting a half of my required calories and I
Starting point is 00:53:30 wouldn't allow myself to miss any of my workouts so that I could make sure I wasn't losing any of the strength. And it's like, just that you're right. Like he basically all but said, you know, you're a very knowledgeable guy, Mr. Doucette, you know exactly what you're talking about in your area but i am built different i am one of a kind human even among the strongest men on earth they look at me and go dude that's fucking brian shaw you're the guy who plays the mountain in game of thrones yeah but that's brian fucking shaw dude he's i'm never gonna get a quarter i got a quarter of the total wins he's ever had and i'm like ready to retire basically like is he still wind it's weird does he he can be beaten yeah so he's he's old enough now that he hasn't won since like 2017 or so and i think he's like
Starting point is 00:54:20 at the point in his career where he's like making his own competition. So like a Shaw classic where like he runs it and he has come, people come and compete to get like the Shaw belt because it's smarter. Yeah, exactly. Because it's like, he's so well known in that space that like that could be basically be like the Arnold of like the posing championship or whatever. The Arnold classic for obviously that's bodybuilding,
Starting point is 00:54:44 not powerlifting. But yeah, that seems like the smartest thing to do and he's killing it on youtube i assume all he has to do is be like hey watch me eat all this food in one day and it's like five million views or like hey how big a rock can you pick up um did you do you guys watch dick strength and power at all i I have before, but not regularly. So he mostly commentates on the bodybuilder scene. I know we watched him talk about the Jujimufu video, the bomb conflict. There's a guy named Nick Blessing and another guy, and they're going back and forth, trash talking, hyping this bodybuilding competition coming up. One guy, I think Blessing, has really great legs.
Starting point is 00:55:25 The other guy has a really good upper body. For months, they've been on Instagram sniping at each other, you know, like, dude, post your legs. Every time you show me how great you look and head into this competition, you hide your legs. And the other guy's like, show your delts. Where are your delts? Why aren't you? And I am never interested in bodybuilding competitions but there's one coming up in new york that i'll actually psych to hear about because there's it's it's a rivalry match these guys don't like each other what's the other guy's name blessing and nick blessing i think and yeah i found blessings instagram okay um i'm arnold I found Blessing's Instagram. Okay. I'm Arnold Champion. This guy looks great.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Blessing's? Shucks. So Blessing, it looks like, is the black guy with the incredible upper body. And already had a relative. Interesting to see them on stage together. One of the interesting things about their rivalry is also i think nick walker is the lower body dude nick walker let's see nick the mutant walker oh my god this guy's calves and his this guy's quads are
Starting point is 00:56:42 hilariously large oh Oh my god. Here's a picture I'm showing people watching. I like that this is the guy whose upper body is supposedly weak. No, you might be... The black guy has a good upper body. I'm looking at the white guy. Oh, I didn't see his upper body. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:57:00 I'm looking at him just doing all the poses. Okay. Oh, you must be in a different video i'm not in i'm i just google image searched roger that okay there's the link to the uh so if people are watching this is the dude with the upper body and and this guy on the screen right now is a different guy entirely yeah i was thinking you're like and you know this guy talks shit to to blessed about his weak lower body. And I'm like, how in what world could you look at this guy blessing and think his lower body is weak?
Starting point is 00:57:31 And this is your weak upper body himself. And you open up and you're like, oh, that's why. Like this Nick, the mutants quads are. His legs are as big as the trunk of his torso. Oh, my God. He's like's like like he's so big he it looks dangerous for his skin like i've never had that description but i love it like like it looks like like your skin is your largest organ and it is suffering his skin is just going all the time. Maybe if we start giving him a rash,
Starting point is 00:58:08 he'll stop going to that confounded place with all the metal and tearing his heart. Dude, I can't wait to see. I never care about bodybuilding competitions. This man wipes his ass with a stick. You know he does. This guy's just a monster. They're both very,
Starting point is 00:58:25 that's one... Dude, so you think that as a guy who's exercised, or maybe even just a normal human who knows what humans look like, you could grade which one's better than the other. I watched 10 guys on a bodybuilding stage, and I don't know how
Starting point is 00:58:41 to stack rank them. They always seem to agree with the results generally generally people are like yeah this guy beat this guy the other the judges got it right i dude it would be random numbers if i had to stack rank these guys they're all incredible it's like judging an art competition like a like a like an like an actual art competition not some kids or anything lately it's like i don't know they're all beautiful fucking paintings i know but see the brush strokes over here and see the see the cross hashing uh no i don't i don't even know if that's a mistake or a good thing yeah exactly but it is a funny looking panel of judges in those like a power lifting and body building because like you look
Starting point is 00:59:20 and it's just like they have to make the table three times as wide for the amount of judges there. Competitors and they're enormous still. Well, this is really cool. I didn't know there was a little rivalry going on. Yeah. It's smart for them to create one because frankly, I don't understand, have any interest whatsoever in bodybuilding, like competitive bodybuilding. And like they're all people making aesthetic mistakes, right? You have worked very hard to look worse than you otherwise could have. like competitive bodybuilding and like, they're all people making aesthetic mistakes, right? They're all people.
Starting point is 00:59:45 You have worked very hard to look worse than you otherwise could have. I, yeah, but no, I want to be like that guy. Just walk around scaring people all day. They're not even the scariest. Like I want to put a post-it on their back.
Starting point is 01:00:01 See if they can't get it. It reminds me of like we we watched this video years ago of like this um rap battle and one of the guys was fat and the other guy said to the other one you're uncomfortable to be around yeah these this guy right here that i just linked god i hope i never have to be in a room with him and he knows i said this he's uncomfortable to be around yeah he's uncomfortable to be around he's uncomfortable to be around he's too big lines aren't even a thing
Starting point is 01:00:29 anymore no one stops you anywhere how is his upper body weak TSA pre-check because you don't fit in the machine that other guy is acting like he's hiding his upper body this is
Starting point is 01:00:44 again I can't even stack rank these two mass monsters i don't know which one is supposed to be better than the other they're both five two like what's what's this forced perspective we're looking at here i i i hear you i just don't know both you good for fucking them oh my god i just now looked at the black guy holy shit oh my god his legs look like a horse's legs and this is and that's the guy with the smaller legs that's the guy with the little legs like like they don't even make like like you know those commercials where the guy is he's like i am a motor he's like he's like he's like his lower body is a motorcycle like this guy is like a centaur or something like like he's his lower body and this is the guy with
Starting point is 01:01:31 the supposedly weak lower body his quad his his thighs it looks like an animal's lower body you're right about everything you're saying but it's also true that they are weak compared to the white guy yeah i i put a picture of the white guy uh in the discord there's a picture of like oh he's super short by the way of this is this uh black gentleman there's a picture on his instagram of him posing with two white dudes um i wish i could direct link this i don't know how to direct link like a specific oh i found it yeah yeah yeah one of the white dudes has camo pants on yeah okay like this is this is a good like conversation piece guy on the far left almost perfect physique in my opinion guy on the far right is just another version of perfect guy in the middle you've ruined yourself you've ruined yourself and i'm sure the other two guys were like,
Starting point is 01:02:25 let's get our pictures with him, the centaur. Yeah, that picture you're talking about, the guy on the right with the camo sweatpants, that's like optimal fitness level, I think. I would argue a lot of girls would pick the one on the left. I think you're right. The guy on the right looks like he could play a superhero, but not
Starting point is 01:02:48 the superhero, like the freak superhero. Super villain in particular. Oh, that too, if we're talking about his face. He looks like a villain. The beard and stuff. Yeah, yeah. He looks like a villain. The shaved head and everything. The vaguely ethnic look. Right?
Starting point is 01:03:03 He's a Middle Eastern villain. I don't know why. Yeah. Yeah, that's funny. Yeah, I agree with you totally. You just need to get to that right physique and be like, alright, well we made it! We made it. Last stop on the train, let's maintain.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, I wonder when this New York show is. New York bodybuilding amateur. I don't think this is it. New York Grand Prix. I'm not 100% sure.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Yeah, I'm not sure. Not sure. What do you'm not sure. Not sure. Well, you guys want to call it a show? Yeah, I guess it's time. Yep, it's dinner time. I'm not trying my dinner. Okay. PKN 346.

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