Painkiller Already - PKN 367

Episode Date: September 1, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right your alarm didn't go off yeah and i was just telling you this is what people who are late because they are bad at fucking setting alarm clocks and being adults say i swear to god this is twice now that like the last two times i've set an alarm it hasn't gone off like do you look at it so sometimes i like when my alarm doesn't go off i'm like oh i didn't realize when i said it it wasn't recurring so it worked the first time ever, then not after that. Or sometimes I'll be like, only Tuesdays?
Starting point is 00:00:32 I do this thing where I just, I'm always setting a new one. So like, it just didn't go the fuck off. It's there, but it was shifted left. That's an... With a physical alarm clock, like an old school one, I get
Starting point is 00:00:49 AM and PM messed up if that's why it didn't go off. It's easy to set an alarm for 6 PM and not wake up in the morning. It's all good. I feel you. What's actually happening is confusing me. I think that maybe because my phone is on silent,
Starting point is 00:01:06 the alarms on silent, which has to be something that's like from a new update or something, because like we were just discussing the other day, my phone could be on silent, but the alarm still goes off in any case. Like, like, um, I went to my dad's house yesterday. Um, so I, I, I slept there and I slept in my childhood bedroom and, uh, and I, and I can never sleep very well in that bed because it's not even, it's not even my childhood bed. It's like a bed that he put in there for guests and it's, it's like so soft and fluffy that you like squish down in it.
Starting point is 00:01:36 That sounds like heaven, but not for me. I've got that Casper mattress. It's nice and stiff. But anyway, I slept like an hour last night and then got back up and like literally waited till 5 a.m until like there was somewhere to get breakfast from and uh i went and got breakfast and then i sat there and waited for my dad to wake up so i could like say goodbye to him and then drive back and i got back here at like noon i just processed that. Are you allowed to go there? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I asked permission and like. Oh, that's the part then. Okay. So you got permission to go that far. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I certainly wouldn't tell anybody.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I wouldn't go without permission to begin with, but like, I wouldn't like. You're so close. Yeah. I'm 30 days away. 31, 32. Yeah. 31. But anyway, like, like drove home this morning got
Starting point is 00:02:27 back at like 11 and um i was captivated by this high stakes poker game that was in the in the discord so i watched an hour or so of that and then i was like okay and i guess i'll get five hours of sleep that'll be plenty and literally like i woke up um i had the alarm set for 5 30 and i got to be here at six, which is fine. I can hop in the shower, take a shower, sit down. Everything's always already set up here. I just need to sit down and press a button.
Starting point is 00:02:53 And I got up at five to piss and I was like, all right, 30 more minutes of sleep. And then the next thing I knew my phone was vibrating. I was like, ah, that was a good 30 minutes. And it's you calling me. We need to start. We need to start on time. And I'm like, ah, that was a good 30 minutes. And it's you calling me. We need to start. We need to start on time. And I'm like, oh my fucking God, how does this fucking happen? I'm, I'm honestly going, I'm going to do it like in a moment, I'm going to order like a real alarm
Starting point is 00:03:16 clock because I don't have an explanation for why this has happened. And if I'm ever late again, there shouldn't be an excuse because I don't have one. It literally just didn't go off. Or if it did, it didn't wake me up because when my phone goes off, my alarm is like music. It plays my Spotify playlist. So like it's not that jarring thing because I had PTSD as a kid. Borderline. Like when I used to work, I would stay up all night and then the alarm would go off. And I always had it set to this alarm that went.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And like I would wake up with night and then the alarm would go off and i always had it set to this alarm that went and like i would wake up with my heart pounding it was like this traumatic experience of like that sound was like linked with like the worst thing i'm is like get up fucker but i don't wanna yeah it's time to do stuff you don't want to do and so now it goes off and it's like each morning i wake up i'm dressed and put on my makeup i rotate stuff like that because my alarm never goes off with good news it's going off sometimes it's no big deal right like trash night for example sometimes whatever like it but it's always like an unpleasant interruption it never says hey woody you forgot there's a free sex and money and steak yeah you know on the table and it like my alarm i don't have an alarm for that i've just got the one good alarm i've got the freedom alarm it's been ticking down for a while um the trash alarm is smart because i'm one of those semi-responsible adults who's like,
Starting point is 00:04:45 it's Sunday. Oh, no. I'll wake up at 3 a.m. And I'm like, wait. Wait, it's tonight? It's tonight, Sunday? They're going to be here in two hours in the darkness of night with that fucking truck. And I'll have to get up and take the garbage down.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Because you've got places to put garbage. If, for example, like, oh, yeah, I missed garbage day. You for example like oh yeah i missed garbage day you have garbage storage you could burn garbage technically and like like scoop up the cans or whatever that didn't burn i don't i don't i'm in a like a house and like in the suburbs so like when i miss garbage day it's a fucking catastrophe it's like what do i do with my garbage where does it go? And I end up with just a giant pile of garbage. It's a real problem.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I'm like, okay, well this week I guess we just don't do things that involve trash. It's a question for you, Kyle. If I were to forget garbage, and this has happened, right? So now I have two weeks of garbage and the can is overflowing.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Step one, let the can stack as tall as it can. It usually have a few extra bags on top and the lid's not closed is okay. Yeah. If it gets past that, then on garbage night, I will slip a few bags into the neighbor's garbage cans who have extra space. Now, if this would have happened in reverse, I wouldn't mind at all. My excess trash can space is yours.
Starting point is 00:06:10 It couldn't bother... Like, what? Are you going to get the inside of my trash can dirty? That can't be a problem, right? The inside trash cans are dirty. Are you taking space I wasn't otherwise using? Like, I don't care at all but i still feel like i'm being bad somehow for putting my trash in your can yeah what do you
Starting point is 00:06:31 fall on this i think it's a southern thing too because we're so territorial down here when it comes to like little things like that i feel like if i was in jersey it'd be like no big deal it's like like yeah your trash is my trash but down here It's like, yeah, your trash is my trash. But down here, it's like, what are you putting in my trash can? That is my trash can. It's like there's so much macho territorialism down here, alongside with that whole Southern thing where if we see you on the side of the road with a flat tire, we're coming. We're going to take pride in helping you fix that flat tire.
Starting point is 00:07:04 There's a little bit of both mixed in together i think if i asked my neighbor uh it would be no big deal but i'm not knocking on this fucking door like like but like i've been living next to the same guy for two and a half years we we both know each other work out because we like see each other like like heading to the gym or whatever and we just give each other that yeah like that's it i have no idea what this man's name is. I know he works nights. I know he has an odd schedule. He knows I've got an odd schedule.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I see him over there hitting the heavy bag in his garage and stuff. And he sees me coming in and out of the gym, clearly sweating or whatever from jogging and stuff. And we acknowledge each other, and that's it. Every now and then, I get his packages. He gets mine. We take them to each other. No that's it. No idea. Every now and then I get his packages. He gets mine. We take them to each other. No idea what the man's name is.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And I get it on a piece of paper, like at least once every two months. But yeah, I wouldn't put it in theirs. I'll tell you what I do. Well, I'm slipping it in the dark of night. They probably I'm getting away with. Oh, I'd be afraid of getting shot. You know, it is in the street at this point, not in their yards. They've already
Starting point is 00:08:08 declared they're finished trash for the week. That's why it's out in the street. I live in a neighborhood of very wealthy black people. And I am the only whitey in here, at all. There are two other white people, because I walk the neighborhoods for exercise.
Starting point is 00:08:24 I do these 10-minute walks after every meal. You get up all summer too? Even when the cold is good for you? Yeah. I intend to – I'm sorry to interrupt your story. I was doing that. Summer got hot. And I said, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:08:41 But I intend to bring it back. It's not too long from now. I don't like having to take like five showers a day, but I intend to bring it back. It's not too long from now. I don't like having to take like five showers a day, but I do it anyway. I, for one thing, it's good for my skin because, um, like, like I'll get acne if I don't like stay on top of like stuff like that. So I take my salt baths and everything. And I put oatmeal in the bath is colloidal oatmeal stuff. There's a whole, there's a lot of things I do that people are just like, yeah, I can do that. And it's like, no, you can't.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Fucking do it then. Fucking do it then. Take eight oatmeal baths a day one day. See how you like that. I don't take eight, but I've taken four or five before. It's silly. But in any case, yeah, I walk through the neighborhood a lot. So I've seen every neighbor in the whole fucking area.
Starting point is 00:09:21 There's two other whiteys. We look at each other like surrounded huh i didn't know the rent was high it seemed okay but like like i've got this big booty mama that lives right down the road from me and i mean like i could hit her with a rock if I threw it hard enough, uh, like, like five, six houses away.
Starting point is 00:09:48 And she's suntans in her front yard. She has a backyard. This is a nice area. I'm in a nice ish. I mean like, you know, like, but she chose the front.
Starting point is 00:09:58 She gets out in the front in this lawn chair and she's got like a kiddie pool and she'll get like face down in the kiddie pool. And she has one of the biggest asses i've ever seen and not visualize this is this a great big ass like like a fit wonderful juicy ass or is this like uh this woman has a cottage cheese weight issue it's neither it's more like it's more like one of those fantasy rap star asses. It's way too much. I don't have enough dick to fuck this woman from behind. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I would just be fucking cheeks. You need a foot of cock to fuck this woman from behind. I'll tag in. I don't know if there's any way to put our dicks together like a pool cube and like i just make whatever joke is funnier at the time big small i used them all same yeah but uh but yeah it's just like like she's out there and she and i see like all the neighborhood
Starting point is 00:10:57 dudes are just like like hey miss johnson how you doing today you need me to help you with your your bags or this and that she She's got like four kids. They're all hanging around. It seems almost inappropriate. It does seem inappropriate that they're around her big juicy ass because I'm walking by like I'm eight feet from the ass and I'm trying to like head forward. I'm getting my exercise out here. But like, you know, I'm walking by and I'm in like whatever shorts and like a um like a tank top or whatever and she's like hey you getting your walk in and i'm like yeah you and your front yard all white trash style with your ass hanging out like like she's
Starting point is 00:11:38 just always out there in like a very revealing swimsuit in her front fucking yard. Regardless of what they're doing, but a swimsuit sunbathing. Yeah. She's got a backyard and look, black people don't need to sunbathe. Like she's out there for fun. She's not getting a tan. I didn't even put that together.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Yeah. Black people don't sunbathe. What am I? Like, she's not trying to get darker. I've never heard of black person being like, look how light skin you are. You got to darken that up. Like they never they never say that like it seems like black people who are
Starting point is 00:12:08 light-skinned like being light-skinned and black people who are dark-skinned sort of like oh yeah that light-skinned girl yeah she's high yellow like they're into that wait what was that high yellow high yellow you've never heard that no what is What is that word? Say it slowly for me. High yellow. Oh, okay, okay. Yeah, work that into your vocabulary. Next time, Wolfson, drop that for him. I'm concerned that this is bad advice. No, it's not. It's not as bad as that other thing you said.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Oh, my God. I say son of a monkey all the time. Mostly around babies and stuff. Well, good luck. Good for you because I'm making a t-shirt they're making emotes for me i'm like i don't know if i can use those emotes until woody signs off also like several members from the black community will have to sign off on that that emote um yeah they're
Starting point is 00:13:05 they're pretty ridiculous issues if it's uh oh i'm teasing i don't like that i don't i don't have son of a monkey emotes i i specifically asked that they not make them um but yeah i'm sorry i was late i really am i i don't have an excuse other than my alarm didn't go off also my my dog ate my homework um a whole litany of things went off target yeah that's why i hate that fucking excuse because whenever someone says that i don't fucking believe them i don't believe them i'm like my alarm's never not going off i've never because you know i've got a lie i've i wouldn't say it as a lie i'd be like i forgot to set an alarm which is the other excuse or i might like i'm sorry cough i might go the other way and take
Starting point is 00:13:45 ownership of it like i could explain i set it for am you know i i said i didn't realize it wasn't recurring like you know like i set my alarm improperly is something that i've said uh as opposed to the passive like it didn't go off yeah i mean it's set here for 5 30 p.m i can only imagine that it did go off i don't it's set here for 5 30 p.m i can only imagine that it did go off i don't know if i get a notification that i missed an alarm missed alarm yeah it's literally here hang on let me make sure i'm not showing you anything i don't want to show um it's like pastilla's gone live and postmates is offering me a deal so i think we're good here um but yeah it says i don't know if you can read it'll focus maybe i put you small so you're
Starting point is 00:14:25 next to my camera how dare you anyway it's not you i make both of us small that one says missed alarm at 5 at 5 30 p.m so it went off but perhaps it was on silent well it shouldn't be able to be on silent which is the confusing part to me which I'm just going to buy a goddamn alarm clock. I'll get one of the cool ones that does stuff. I won't get the old red numbered rectangle. I'll get some sort of thing that shoots the time onto the ceiling of your bedroom or something like that. They've never worked for me. I don't know i don't know
Starting point is 00:15:05 what's cool i like the concept of one that's um mechanical and like flips with each minute but i also like completely silent i can hear i have to look i have to keep my watches in a different room because i can hear them while i'm asleep so sometimes yeah that was gonna say oh yeah i i hit pull day hard today i finished i was like you fucking got every calorie i don't know how you measure a workout every bit out of this workout and now every time i pull even a little bit my muscles are cramping up i tried to rehydrate i just like i can't drink a water without being like oh stretch that out yeah yeah that's it feels good when you do that because you're like yeah i i got my i got i got everything out of that time that i could have it's good
Starting point is 00:15:50 yeah whenever you get a really good workout and i'll walk out of the car and i'll be like it wasn't a good workout that wasn't a good workout but sometimes i walk out i'm just like we spared no expense tonight like we got it all done and went back for more. I am just fucked. I'll ask myself as I walk out, could you do a little more? Could you go back in there? Could you do some farmer's carries?
Starting point is 00:16:14 Could you do some, did you do lunges all the way to the door just for the fuck of it? Yeah. On your way out. Yeah, and everyone looked. Some of my exercises have a kicker at the end. One of my push
Starting point is 00:16:28 days, for example, has dips at the end. And I can get all the way to dips and feel like, you know, this has been kind of a 6 out of 10. But dips will fuck up every push muscle I have and make sure that the time was well spent.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I put in farmer's carries on pull days because I feel like that's a grippy sort of pulley exercise anyway. All the lat stuff and the seated stuff and even the curls, a lot of grip stuff going on anyway. It just makes sense to throw that in on those days. And on push days, I usually just like, I'll either mix in close grip bench or push pushups and do one of those until like failure. By the end, like I'm not putting hardly any weight on the bar for close grip bench because I just have completed an hour and a half workout of pushing stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:16 So I'll put like 25s on there sometimes and I'll just be like, wonder how many I can do. And I'll just like, just go to failure. Like, like sometimes it's only 15, sometimes it's 25, like whatever I can do. And I was like, just go to failure. Like, like sometimes it's only 15, sometimes it's 25, like whatever I can do. I, uh, I have a similar, like, it's not fair to judge a weight at the end of the exercise. I, on my push days, I do overhead press on each one. This is a, for people to know it's a bar value lift straight over your head. And, uh, one, I do one push dates at the front and the other it's at the back of the whole routine. I lift 40 or 50 pounds more
Starting point is 00:17:48 at the start of the day than the end. Anyway, closed grip with you said 25, so that'd be 95 total. Dude, that just tells me that you spent it. Cool. By the end of it, because I've already done like heavy bench and tricep tables and overhead press dumbbells and on and on and on and on.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Some people don't understand that because some people go and their workout is bench press until failure. Like, yeah, I'm going to do like 12 sets of bench press. Like I'll start with 95 and work my way up to 225. That's my workout. It's like, that is a stupid person's workout. It sounds fun, but not that effective.
Starting point is 00:18:33 But I don't know. I just like, yeah, I would like that day in the gym, even if it didn't give me what I was sure. If that day existed in my repertoire, like, like I would enjoy that day,
Starting point is 00:18:41 but it does. I got injured. I don't, I think that because I'm 13 years older than you, 15, something like that, I think I'm more injury prone for that reason. A lot of my
Starting point is 00:18:55 working out strategy involves not getting fucking derailed by that. Because our fans don't always understand satire and sarcasm, this is the one time I'm going to explain it. We're going to troll Diego Sanchez.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Did you see that I tweeted him? I did and I loved it. I'm going to say things to and about Diego Sanchez in the coming days and weeks that I'm aware are untrue and are not feasible but i'm going to say them nonetheless so this is your one time like slash s okay so let it be yeah
Starting point is 00:19:36 the trend continues a professional athlete replied to me oh yeah i didn't know that i'm just learning that now oh yeah i knew. I knew. I knew. I was like, okay, we got your attention. I'm shocked that you can operate an electronic device. Excellent. Excellent. Oh, wait. This needs to – is that the real him?
Starting point is 00:19:55 Because I got 577 likes and he got nine? That's the real him, right? Yeah. Yeah, that's him. Oh, he's verified the checkmark. Thank you, Zach. It's right next to him. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Yeah, he's going down. Yeah. Yeah, I think the premise is going to be that I've already signed and that he's running. This is fantastic. I'm a big fan. I'm here to to help you can't run forever diego i'm gonna hold up fake contracts contract make it a sign like list the whole sport a whole list of sports that i'll face him off in if he's too much of a
Starting point is 00:20:41 pussy to bare knuckle box i need chel sunnen to report on this story. That's when we've achieved success. I'll do that. What's that? Remember from Tombstone when you're like, how about a spelling contest? Like just whatever. We'll play Call of Duty. We'll box.
Starting point is 00:21:00 We'll do Jiu-Jitsu. We'll do kickboxing, Muay Thai, whatever you want. Whatever you want. We'll go into the woods. We'll do kickboxing, Muay Thai, whatever you want. Whatever you want. We'll go into the woods and have a kumite, you pussy. Just go on and on about how he's got CCE, how he's just a broke-down old man, how he's washed up, how the UFC doesn't want him anymore and nobody wants him, if we're being honest. This is hurting.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Just go on forever. Kumite. I've heard you say that. I don't know what that means. Oh, it's this old story that maybe Rogan retold or somebody on his podcast. I just remember someone telling the story of this guy who was
Starting point is 00:21:36 one of those fake martial artists and he was like, yeah, I've got a... There's a Kumite. A secret Kumite in the woods this week. Just drop me off. I'm competing. Kumite is like a Kumite in the woods this week. Just drop me off. I'm competing. Kumite is like a martial arts tournament. I imagine Mortal Kombat, but for real.
Starting point is 00:21:52 It would probably, I'm guessing, K-U-M-I-T-A-E or something. The C-U-M-I-T-E, but I don't know if it's spelled Kumite. They say that it's a part of karatee but i don't know if it's spelled kumite uh like that yeah they say that it's a part of karate training i don't know anyway you were saying but like this guy had told this story
Starting point is 00:22:11 about like and i can't recall where i heard it told it it's that it's probably someone someone in the joe rogan sphere right he was like yeah this guy he was like a fake black belt or whatever back in like you know the 90s when like nobody knew what anything was in the early 90s. And he was like, yeah, I'm competing in a kumite this weekend. Drop me off on this road, this track of road, and come pick me up in three days. Three days time. Come back. 5 p.m.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Drop him off. Come back five days later. He's got a huge trophy. He's just got a huge trophy. He's just got a huge trophy. He's just like, yeah, I won. I won the Kumite. Apparently this guy was like a well-known fake martial artist. One of those guys who would – he probably went camping.
Starting point is 00:22:56 And like his buddies showed up with like – and he's one of those grand champion oversized trophies that like you wouldn't even see in professional sports. You only see in like nonsense that are like four four or five feet tall my dad used to shoot he traveled around the country and did archery tournaments they do these 3d archery tournaments and he had like he never like displayed trophies but he had this storage place where like he just had like piles of them and some were like three and a half feet tall and When I was a kid, they were taller than me. It was one of those. These absurd, silly trophies that people only give away when they don't have enough money for a real
Starting point is 00:23:32 prize. We got you a $180 trophy in lieu of prize money. The highest prize I can think of in all of sports everywhere bigger than an NFL championship, bigger than an NBA championship, is probably an Olympic gold medal. And it's not that much to see. Yeah, I wonder what the monetary value of the gold is. And I wonder what, because I doubt it's solid gold.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I'm pretty sure it's not. These most recent ones, someone posted their medal and the gold's chipping off that's super lame um and uh but yeah the gold medal to me and like maybe the nobel prize and an oscar like those three are like the most recognizable like oh shit you did it kind of trophies like a grammy is like a step below i feel like and like an emmy is like four steps below i'll never forget that episode of the sopranos where that guy's trying to pawn off an emmy and the guy's like i don't know 80 bucks tv come on uh yeah i i forget what show it was but like someone had an emmy displayed on their uh
Starting point is 00:24:48 um like mantle above the fireplace and the guest walks in and they're like oh an emmy that guy over there has a grammy and he's putting down their envy but yeah yeah like especially back in the day, an Emmy was like, okay. It's TV, right? And Grammy is what? Music. That's like the highest music award. You'd think they'd all be the... Well, you'd think it'd be music and Oscar
Starting point is 00:25:15 would be the same because they're both annual prizes. I think they're very close, but I don't know. I don't know what the numbers of Oscars that are given away every year and the number of... Certainly, the MTV Music Award is one of the lower tier awards. I don't know. I guess Grammys are a big deal now that I think about it. Let's go what it's for matters. If you get an Oscar for Best Leading Actor, that to me is the cream of the crop.
Starting point is 00:25:40 That's the number one Oscar. But then there are other Oscars that are given away to a team of audio effects artists or something and that means less yeah it does mean less honestly um it's rare that the audio effects you can be like oh yeah man i do remember that that was kind of wild how they did a thing that was new and innovative but most of the time it's just like okay i guess that movie sounded okay or even if it is let's say it was like best cgi all right well that goes to the 92 people who worked on star wars or something like it yeah i think that i were i know the lord of the rings won like a lot of them they may have won nine or ten one year like it was it was a ton of them right um i was in high school at the time
Starting point is 00:26:24 and i did like lord of the rings a lot of them. I was in high school at the time and I did Lord of the Rings a lot at the time. It was one of those first movies where I had a driver's license and I could go experience a thing I was into. I was really into Lord of the Rings at the time. That's one of the bigger... I think they won more than anything. I think Lord of the Rings
Starting point is 00:26:40 did. I know Star Wars has a few. I don't know if they set the record for a year. But if I were to guess which movie it was, they'd be high on my list. Right? Yeah. Who would be more than Lord of the Rings? Like, whoever dominated more than them.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Especially when you had the whole trilogy. Because Return of the King alone, if I remember correctly, got like 8 to 10 one year. They were certainly nominated for like 8 to 10. It was a lot. But yeah, I don't know. Awards are cool. And anyway, this guy was a fake martial artist, and he was going and pretending he was in kumites,
Starting point is 00:27:16 like fighting out in the woods like Mortal Kombat, with a bunch of other champions who apparently also had to show out in the woods so that they could use their dark arts that aren't legal in in like some boxing ring somewhere so yeah i'm gonna troll diego because i think he's dumb enough to be trolled um i don't think i could troll like a tony ferguson he just wouldn't reply probably um i don't think i could troll uh uh um you know a max holloway or somebody like that or even certainly not at you know like
Starting point is 00:27:46 go extreme like chael sonnen would never fall for that colby covington i mean he runs the game he doesn't fall for the game he gets it he gets it fighters like that but we're dealing with a dumb dumb here and uh and so i think it would be fun to fuck with him so like you guys have to be like like tweeting him all the time and and like and you got to be like pumping me up like you guys have to be like, like tweet them all the time. And, and, and like, and you gotta be like pumping me up. Like you don't even know how long he's been training for this. You don't even know. Like,
Starting point is 00:28:11 like you need to be, you need to be on the side of like, look, don't let him trick. I'm going to put in a request, find a picture of Diego, not looking his best and do it. You versus the guy.
Starting point is 00:28:23 She tells you not to worry about me. Yeah. Stuff like that. And tweet it at him. And then, and then like every now and then be like, look, Diego,
Starting point is 00:28:33 don't let Kyle trick you. He's been training for this for years. This is all he does is train boxing or kickboxing. Like just make up martial arts that i do i don't care like tell tell him that i was in fucking thailand for a year and a half training with masters tell him that i lived as a shaolin monk for for five years one time in my teens like you might fear that like live with the shaolin monk that's not horseshit that's great that actually might terrify him because because he comes out with that nonsense painted on him but's great that actually might terrify him because because he comes out
Starting point is 00:29:05 with that nonsense painted on him but right from that pedophile who's been raping him joe lozon's not scared at all if you spent time at a religious retreat he's like that's that's not where good fighting happens i'll tell you what would scare me is if if they said oh yeah he went to he went to thailand and just uh fought in the in the Muay Thai circles for three years. Wait, they didn't immediately murder him and send him back home in pieces? Oh, no. He competed well. He won the jujujuju competition, and he beat Makoko.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And it's like, oh, God, what a nightmare in the night because those Muay Thai guys, they start training when they're like three years old or something like that. And by the time they're 15, they're washed up old men because they've had 150 professional fights. It's absurd. You might know this, but surely there's some listeners who don't. One of the reasons people go to Thailand and then come back a much improved fighter is that they're running from USADA, the drug testing agency. So they go to thailand they get some fight experience but they also get a steroid cycle in where no one's coming to test them yeah
Starting point is 00:30:12 and they come back and they're like what is a whole new guy yeah fuck i am yeah is it it's like you put on 14 pounds of muscle in th. That's a good estimate. I did. So that's one of the advantages to training in Thailand. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. I don't know. I think it'd be fun to, like, fuck with this guy because he's dumb enough to fuck with. And I just think it would be funny. Like, he won't get the satire
Starting point is 00:30:40 because he can't understand such a difficult concept. Just like some of you guys out there but that's okay because because you watch the show so i like you i have another topic yeah you brought it up earlier there was a high stakes poker game last night people had maybe 14 grand in there on the table does that have i exaggerated do i have that about right uh you're under the mark i think at one point there was like 17 and uh it sort of lowered down to around 15 but then like as when i started watching like people like joined to like watch me watch so like uh it went up because like new people joined the game yeah i don't know how it ended like like because i had to like rush in here and just like
Starting point is 00:31:21 sit down or whatever um like i'm literally like when i sat down i was just a couple seconds out of the bed uh i'm gonna pull it up to see like what happened because they started playing last night at 9 p.m 8 p.m something like that and like i said i slept a little i watched a movie at my dad's house drove back this morning got home at 11 a.m and um dirty messaged me and he's like dude there's like 17 000 on the table 30 made 1200 scum made over 700 that's nice we all hope he does well ghost rhino who i don't know was up 1900 and alexander is he the relatively good looking guy who plays poker really well? Young? That describes
Starting point is 00:32:08 him. He seemed to be the big winner up 3,400. I don't know if we want to call out the big losers, but one guy lost 6,650. That's a rough loss. Another guy lost 800.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Just to be clear, that's $6,650. Yeah, I wasn't clear on that. Thank you. Yeah. Dude, so one guy lost $6,000. That funds most of the winners. Yeah. I think that he was a big part of why everybody was still playing.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Yeah. Because he was just giving away money. Yeah. The outlander who's really good at poker that I've mentioned before, $3,400 that he won there. That's wild. And then a few of those other people joined
Starting point is 00:32:56 like Deon there who won $47. Look at his buy-in. He bought it for $5. He sat down when there was a ton of money on the table. Someone loaned him $5 to sit down, and he sat down and doubled up twice. And I know that that doesn't come to $50. Is that the DN with the mattress?
Starting point is 00:33:16 Yeah, yeah. $47 in winnings means a lot to DN. Yeah, he sat down with $5 and quickly left with $52. And he was like, cash me out! Because he played two hands in a row and won both of them against multiple opponents and just got the fuck up and left. Poor Dean doubled his net
Starting point is 00:33:33 worth. That's what they said! That's what they said! He had $0.27 in his bank account before that happened. You have no idea how big this was for him. He can eat this week. Poor Dean. Whatever class busted him one night, or at least he thought he was going to bust him, get all of his money, that happened you have no idea how big this was for him he can eat this week poor dude whatever class busted him one night or at least he thought he was gonna bust him like like get all this money and like class preemptively wrote in the chat like there's a poker chat he's like enjoy the ramen
Starting point is 00:33:54 bitch it gets a little mean-spirited sometimes between some of them but yeah they um i guess like people kept losing money to certain people and like so other people would put more money in to match them and by the end one guy was sitting there with five thousand dollars and everybody else had around two thousand to twenty five hundred dollars in front of them and they're still playing one two which is nonsense uh one dollar and two2 blinds, because you usually play like 100, 200 big blinds. So you play 1-2 when you have $200 or $300, but they're playing 1-2 when they have $2 or $3 or $4 or $5,000.
Starting point is 00:34:36 They should be playing at least 2-5, but they could easily play 5-10 or 10-20. It's kind of nonsense. I understand this for my fellow non-poker players the first guy who puts money in kind of like an ante puts in what do you say five two puts in two bucks so then everyone is subsequent to that puts in five as they go around the table yeah and there's going to be a raise like it's not as if everybody's going to agree to that like someone's going to be like ah let's make it 15 but but like just raising the
Starting point is 00:35:05 stakes of the game means that there's more money in every pot regardless of like what cards anyone has just because of the way the game gets played but um the guy who had like the most money seemingly to lose um wanted to play one two so everybody was like yeah we'll play one two sure sure sure that sounds good um that guy apparently um is like a hedge fund manager or wall street guy or something like that he's got um they told me he's i've spoken to him a few times is he the one i'm thinking of that mentioned he was an ex-hedge fund manager he had to leave early i don't know i believe he's Lebanese, so probably not. I know I'm told his rent is $45,000 a month. Yeah, so he was able to lose $6,000 in no sweat.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Yeah, it's no sweat to him. He doesn't mind at all. He's having a good time. Alex B., you need to come hop in my Twitch chat sometime. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, man. Yeah. Yeah, it was fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I just spectated the game for a while. I was still so tired, while i didn't want to i was i was still so tired and i didn't want to sit down with like i would have needed to like at least buy in for a thousand to like play in that game and i did not feel like risking a thousand dollars especially with so little sleep oh that reminds me of a couple topics i don't know if we can go the full hour today but we'll go a little longer um the woodley fight would so people don't know if we can go the full hour today, but we'll go a little longer. The Woodley fight. So people don't know. I always miss it. His name is spelled Tyrone, but it's pronounced Tyron.
Starting point is 00:36:30 It's actually spelled Tyron. T-Y-R-O-N. T-Y-R-O-N is exactly how I spell Tyrone. You don't put an E on the end? Am I wrong about? Maybe. Okay. I think I just don't know how to spell Tyrone. I think we've discovered that. Am I wrong about – maybe – okay. I think I just don't know how to spell Tyrone.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I think we've discovered that. So anyway, Tyrone Woodley fought Jake Paul. And it is rare that I want to bet big money on a fight because in air quotes, whenever I know who's going to win, right? Whenever I have a high level of confidence on who's going to win the fight, that guy's an overwhelming favorite and it doesn't make sense to bet. And you know, whenever I have an inkling that it's backwards or so, I have a lot of doubt. I had a lot of confidence that Tyron was going to win and he was the underdog. And I was like, and he was the underdog. And I was like, oh, is this the time? People who know me know I rarely bet over $5. $5 is my standard bet. And it's just uncommon for me to even do 10. I'm like, I should put $10,000 on Woodley. I should do 10 grand. The way the odds worked out is I'd get
Starting point is 00:37:40 17 grand. And to be clear, that's like 27 grand back, but 17 of that is winning. So you risk 10 grand and then you get 17 in profit plus your 10 back. Yeah. Cause I don't want to bet like $20 and have it not be worth like, not give a fuck about winning and losing. So I was like, I should bet $10,000 on this. I think I'm going to make this a go. And in the end, I just wasn't that sure.
Starting point is 00:38:11 And I kept my money in my pocket. Thank goodness, because what I knew to be true was not true. Tyrone Woodley in his last four losses has had this same problem. Kyle and I have joked he's been loading up that right hand for like 25 rounds now and when he finally throws it it's going to be a nuclear event uh like i watched him fight and even in the first round i'm like oh right this is why he's on a four fight losing streak this is why he's on a four-fight losing streak. This is why he's out of the UFC. He's just hesitant. He's not throwing. He's waiting and waiting.
Starting point is 00:38:50 It's a little longer. He's just waiting for this perfect opportunity to throw a punch. Meanwhile, the other guy doesn't give it to him. He keeps moving around. He keeps throwing his own punches. It's like he's waiting for a mailed invitation to actually throw a punch his nickname is the chosen one but the internet calls him two things the frozen one and tyke will right a nike will play because he puts you to sleep uh but not in a good way because usually because he bores you and uh i as soon as i saw saw a round or two in, I'm like, oh, my God. I am so glad I didn't bet on this guy because he's not fighting back.
Starting point is 00:39:32 It's embarrassing. The whole MMA community is slightly embarrassed today. They were after the fight. I saw so many memes where it's like the whole MMA community right now. And they're all like holding him up on their shoulders like before the fight and I'm just like ooh
Starting point is 00:39:50 we're laying a lot on the shoulders of a man who hasn't thrown a punch in years I don't know what like either he has an injury we don't know about in which case he should disclose it so that we don't rag on him anymore case he should disclose it so that we don't rag on him anymore because tyron if you have like a degenerative brain disorder or something like that
Starting point is 00:40:13 it's too bad shoulders can't throw a punch or something like that like if you literally have had both your shoulders rebuilt like poorly then like man you're fighting well for a guy with parkinson's you know like you're for a guy i mean maybe you should compete against other athletes with parkinson's maybe michael jake fox wants to mix it up in the ring like like who knows you could probably dig up muhammad ali yeah yeah you could take you could definitely take the corpse of muhammad ali um and i mean you you both have like very similar punch counts at the end of it. Frankly, it's waiting for an opportunity to throw a punch against the corpse.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Yeah. I'm not ready yet. I'm timing better first. I was so sure that Tyron was going to win. And in the end, maybe it's, they asked Jake Paul why he chose him. He's like,
Starting point is 00:41:03 Oh, a couple of things. I think he's incredibly overrated. He's really you know he's street so um you know he's going to help me hype the fight he's going to get legitimately angry and stuff and he did that and uh he's like you know he's got that big booty but what he's saying is that he's like carved out of marble if you look at tyrone woodley he has one of the best physiques to have ever competed in the UFC. He looks good. And those are the reasons that Jake Paul chose him.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And in the end, Jake Paul looks like a genius to me. They did hype the fight well. They did make millions and millions. He did come out like he was carved out of stone, or marble I meant to say. And he was overrated. Everything Jake Paul said was true. It's embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:41:50 It's embarrassing. And I was reading this morning, or yesterday morning, while I was in traffic getting to my dad's place. Like on the UFC subreddit, the MMA subreddit, and people being like, You're reading in traffic? Yeah. I choose to believe on the motorcycle, but carry on. It's stop and go. It's silly traffic.
Starting point is 00:42:18 This has set us back decades. The casual fan that we've been trying to explain for years that we are a sport full of actual ninjas and actual action stars. Like now they're like, I don't know, maybe Chuck Norris could beat up John Jones. I mean, yeah, maybe Bruce Lee would be the champion of the UFC. Like it's hard to refute them now. bruce lee would be the champion of the ufc like it's hard to go it's hard to refute them now now it's hard to refute them because a youtuber has beaten up two former mma champions like like a you like like he he wiped the floor jake paul or with um ben askren former like champion a guy
Starting point is 00:43:00 who had like an incredible record then he wipes the floor with Tyron Woodley. Another, not just a flash in the pan champion, but a guy who KO'd Robbie Lawler. A guy who was the champ for years. I remember when Tyron Woodley was the champ and being like, there's nobody out there that can beat him. After he beat Wonderboy the first time, as boring as it was, I remember, I think it was, yeah,
Starting point is 00:43:28 or maybe it was when he won it the second time or somewhere around that timeline. I remember like saying on the show being like, there's nobody in the division who can beat Tyron Woodley. There's no one out there who can deal with his like style because he's so hard to deal with. He's so hard to deal with. And then if you do try to challenge him and get wild and force him to act, his style because he's so hard to deal with. He's so hard to deal with.
Starting point is 00:43:48 And then if you do try to challenge him and get wild and force him to act, he's just so big and strong and talented. There's no one who can fuck with Tyron Woodley. And here we are four years later, not a long period of time, and nothing happened to the man. He didn't have some crisis in his life. His wife didn't pass away from terrible circumstances. And it's like, oh, no, he didn't have a car accident where it's like, oh, will he ever return? He didn't get KO'd and beaten where maybe there's a little bit of mental thing going on.
Starting point is 00:44:19 And also there's this – like Tony Ferguson seemed to fall apart at one point. That didn't happen it was just one night one day tyron woodley was no longer there in paragliding there's this concept of a fear injury where you know like maybe you had to throw your reserve i think it happened to me at some level and uh afterwards like you're fine there's nothing you landed fine but now you see the whole thing a little differently you're a little little nervous you're you just don't you never get into that like flow state where everything works properly for you you have a fear injury and that's how i see tyron i think kamaru uzman
Starting point is 00:44:57 i'm pretty sure i got that right you did um just like wrestle fucked him he was a stronger guy he was better at being tyrant than tyrant was and ever since then he's been loading up a punch for 25 rounds now shit he just fought eight rounds and what 33 rounds now he's been loading up that punch he's so afraid to throw and like like against a guy who can't hurt him it he just made so much sense for him to like turn loose and like do something but i don't But I don't know. I don't know. It's embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:45:27 It's very embarrassing. But not as embarrassing as what I'm going to do to Diego the Nightmare Sanchez. If he ever pulls that dick out of his ass, wipes that dirty shit off his chest, and steps in the ring with me. Yes. The Dirty Sanchez has no chance. We're going to have fun with this if you guys help me. We can literally troll this professional athlete to the point where it'll be hilarious. He'll eventually actually get mad.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Yes. It's not a very safe thing to do, but you should be okay over the internet. What's he going to do? What's he going to do? See you someday. Let the professional athlete assault me in public i would i would love that like i see where you're going with john jones want to come attack me as well bring it you need to pick on wealthier fighters i'll take i know right
Starting point is 00:46:19 fucking connor mcgregor lately yes now you're talking connor mcgregor must be easy to provoke he'll hit you if any professional athletes want to like randomly assault me in public in front of witnesses and cameras fucking bring it i'll fucking headbutt your fist i'd love that i'd love that first of all the lawsuit would be hilarious for the show but second of all i'll take your free money that you fought for right you trade so hard to get you spent yeah all those years you toiled away for eight to show and eight to win yeah a grand this is yeah uh all right should we call it a wrap i think we should sorry a little short voice it's my fault uh it's it's uh i'm literally going to buy an alarm clock i will never be late again it'll be
Starting point is 00:47:04 impossible yeah uh for people don't understand we have two hangouts tonight so we have to be on I'm literally going to buy an alarm clock. I will never be late again. It'll be impossible. Yeah. For people who don't understand, we have two hangouts tonight. So we have to be on time for those. So, all right. PKN 360.

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