Painkiller Already - PKN 368

Episode Date: September 8, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn368 how are you going gentlemen taylor welcome back good to see you yeah it was weird was weird not doing the show for so long shirt i know it's the shirt it's not me just saying you look at buff i don't know why thank you thank you i tried to get you i was in the um uh i actually took advantage of the hotel gym while I was there so basically I missed because of what's going on with my wife and it was going there and seeing like this like high quality
Starting point is 00:00:32 expert doctor made me like so much more like oh that original guy did not know what the fuck he was talking about because the original guy being like it's a tumor and I'm happy to operate whenever he's like clearly thinking about playing tennis and then like this guy who has an italian accident accent and is italian they may go clinic much as scooped him up from italy and brought him over and he's like yes it
Starting point is 00:00:54 is uh very obviously not the tumor and it's like and like in like passing it was like that level of like genius almost autism where he's like it's actually called a cavernous malformation which is in the spine very rare but it's the blood vessels get over growing and tangling and that can leak because those blood vessels have thinner walls and that leakage of blood in there can cause you know tons of problems because it's the spinal cord um and he was like just as an aside and he's like and it's something uh i guess you could say i'm the world expert on it you know doctors when they try and learn about cavernous malformation they read my book you may have heard of it
Starting point is 00:01:35 and i was like all right this makes me feel a lot better but he basically was like uh they did another mri there because apparently like there are levels of like what you can see on an mri and like the one at mayo and is like twice as good because they probably spent three times as much they've got a better mri there it's the one at mayo though yeah i'm still a little upset i feel like everybody should have be on the same playing field as far as equipment goes. If you went to Sloan Kettering, I'd be like, yeah, they've got this year's MRI machine. I just imagine them pulling out the stethoscope, and it's got
Starting point is 00:02:12 fucking digital readout on it or something. They're like, oh no, that's a heart murmur you have. What are you talking about? Oh yeah, I can hear it. There's a view screen here. It's like an iPad. You can see my heart with your stethoscope. The lady, when she was giving us the exit paperwork or whatever it's called,
Starting point is 00:02:30 it said they're like, in eight weeks to 12 weeks, get another MRI with a 7M machine. And she said, and it doesn't have to be 7M. I think we're one of the only places in the country that has one. They probably have a 3M, but that's fine. It was like was like wait they're like four behind they're very behind at this point you know
Starting point is 00:02:51 unless it's like the way xbox does it and they just went three to seven yeah uh that's probably what it is but yeah the the last week has been just non-stop go like we we drove to Mayo Clinic, seven hours in Rochester and Minnesota. And it was just pretty much every day. And if people don't know, Mayo Clinic is a very well-known medical clinic. And their thing is, if it's something urgent that needs to be taken care of in a week's time, instead of setting months, months, months, months of appointments, you go to the Mayo Clinic. It's so funny you say that. I'm pretty sure everyone knows. I was literally recommended a documentary on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:03:32 It was called like Mayo Clinic, the Miracle Workers or something like that. They're very good. I mean, there's a reason they, like on their campus, like all these flags, they're like number one. And then it's a bunch of, you know, fucking doctors walking around and everything.
Starting point is 00:03:44 But so we were doing tests. fingers with foam fingers they have like t-shirts like radiology rules the fuck dermatology it made little rivalries but uh yeah it was non-stop you know doing tests and everything um pretty like my wife and i pretty much instantly when we were talking to the doctors there because you get assigned like a team of doctors not just one guy and like we immediately knew like these people are way way better they're taking this more seriously um they gave her a little more i think comfort about it gave both of us that where they were like you know you know and he was realistic about it too which i liked where he's you know saying we're saying kind of what's
Starting point is 00:04:24 the what's the long-term thing here you know she's in a lot of pain but actually the week we were there her pain started getting a little bit lighter um but i think that could be you know she hasn't been working she's you know i'm forcing her to take it extra super easy um and she got on that second mri he said that it the amount of blood had gone down and that since it was going down and the the it didn't seem to be actively bleeding that we should take eight to 12 weeks and then get another MRI. And then he can say, you know, okay, well it's still progressing in the right direction or it's really not progressing in the right direction. I'm going to recommend surgery. And it's kind of like, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:58 hopefully it's going in the right direction. But even then he was saying like, even if it totally disappears, you know, there's this is really rare. And based on our data, you know, it is about 50 percent chance it'll re bleed. And if it re bleeds, you know, that could cause even more problems. And so what might be best to do would be to go in, take care of it, you know, before it could bleed worse. And even then he was like, you know, but this is a spinal cord surgery, not the spine, the cord. So, like, it's not uncommon. Like, you might get numb this is a spinal cord surgery, not the spine, the cord. So like it's not uncommon. Like you might get numbness in some areas on your legs.
Starting point is 00:05:28 You might have like a weakness that you need to like then learn to work through. And so that made us both feel better. We agreed that it seems best. And he seemed to lean this way, too. He was like, you know, take eight weeks, 12 weeks, come back or just do it in St. Louis, and then I'll analyze it and tell you. And so that's where we're at right now. too he was like you know take eight weeks 12 weeks come back or just do it in St. Louis and then I'll analyze it and tell you and so that's where we're at right now she's still not doing anything but just staying around the house and she's like I'm often kind of like a hermit and
Starting point is 00:05:57 so I don't mind staying home all the time and she's not like that at all and so it's I'm having to like keep telling her like no you can't go hang out with your nephews. You can't pick up our 12-pound dog right now. No, no tackle football in the park. Show her the ways of agoraphobia. Did you drop? Get yourself an Xbox account and learn to play. Did they warn her against flying or anything like that? That was a concern, but also she naturally is is wary on planes like it's
Starting point is 00:06:27 nervous and it she would be like all tensed up and so we just decided to drive yeah um that's what that's exactly that's exactly why i asked because that's a long drive i don't know it like drives like that i'm so fucking stiff and angry when i get there after four hours is like my max like obviously I've driven I don't know I don't know I don't know what the longest I've been in a car continuously is from the break of like you know from 5 a.m until midnight the next day or something like that probably so like all day before but I'm not driving but driving continuously like if it's more than four or five hours without a stop and like a real stretching, I hate it. I would have driven, too.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I feel like I don't know where the breakover is to start flying. But for me, it might be double that, like closer to 12 hours. Because, you know, if it's a six hour drive, it's what, a two hour flight? And then you need to get there two hours before. If you're packing any luggage, there's an hour to get out of of there there's the rental car insanity of getting there in the lines and all that and then once you're there you don't have your car you have some rental and it's uh it's nice to just show up with like yeah your comfort car and all the luggage you want to bring and stuff that's true yeah and it was it didn't even... So we got through the week at Mayo,
Starting point is 00:07:45 and this whole time, I'm having to text my brother and be like, hey, I might not be able to make it to your wedding, which is a couple days ago. And so we were able to make it, thankfully. So we finished the week at Mayo, drove all the way back to my house, spent the night. We were there for like
Starting point is 00:08:01 12 hours, and then we drive four hours to KC for my brother's wedding and stayed overnight there two days so just last night was our first night back and uh it's so much better being home i fucking i don't like being on the road and not me it's just like and i was so excited my my chest press thing arrived and like when i got back like i was so excited for it that like my wife was like you don't just want to hang out on the couch just you and me tonight with the dogs and everything i'm like i want to put together my chest press and i was like and she's like oh come on just hang out with me up here and so i'm like just straight up like six-year-old level of
Starting point is 00:08:38 pouting around the upstairs like until she's like go put together your fucking chest press did the doctor talk about i guess two things like whether lifestyle changes she needs to make to help deal with this whether it be diet or exercise or who knows what and what did he like suggest anything that might have caused it is he like ah sweetheart you're laying on your back and there's repeated pelvic trauma you have spinal damage. That's exactly what it was. No, it's so not common that he like,
Starting point is 00:09:11 when we were asking questions like that, like, is there anything she could be doing or taking or eating or not doing? And he's like, this is, you know, he's like, I'm an expert on this all throughout the world. You know, and I've seen maybe 50 people with precisely what you have because usually these cavernous malformations happen in the brain itself not in the spinal cord um you sound lucky yeah it's it we thought that but it's it's almost
Starting point is 00:09:39 bad for different reasons uh and it really just depends like where the blood is like if it's like intertwined in the cord itself or if it's near the surface of the spinal cord there's a bunch of stuff like that but we kept asking like does she need to not pick things up does she need to not do this and that and he was like just abide by what the pain says but from all the studies we've done like we can't find anything other than like just getting fucked with a genetic thing generally and like you just get bad luck um and people get it thankfully she's young and healthy and so that makes it a lot easier and you know we obviously have fear and you know he was very frank about it we're like
Starting point is 00:10:15 what about things like like permanent paralysis and he's like no i wouldn't be worried about that if there's always a risk of that with the spinal cord but you know he's like i've worked on people who have these in their brain and are you know 72 years old and also like you know not doing well and they have an okay prognosis like long term well not long term if you're 75 but mid term short term they made it all the way to six and a half yeah basically but um yeah that's basically what it all was we figured out a lot more and now we're kind of playing the waiting game um i'm still just because just because there's not like a study that says like you shouldn't pick up heavy things it's your fucking spine you shouldn't it just common sense you know you shouldn't be like if it needs to be on the squat rack she needs to be squatting
Starting point is 00:11:03 and i think heavy i think one rep maxing. Yeah. Six days a week. I mean, as long as you're lifting with your legs, I think it's right. No, no. You want to make the spinal cord stronger. But that was like. So we're still both in.
Starting point is 00:11:19 We're both insisting that she just takes it super, super easy for the next eight weeks or whenever we decide to get it. But there is like still the scary part of like he told us, he's like, you know, she's already had, I would assume two bleeds back there. And that makes it likely that it's going to happen again. And,
Starting point is 00:11:38 you know, even us asking like, how do we know if there's, if there's like a bleed going on? And he's like, oh, you, you won't have to call me. You will know. asking like, how do we know if there's, if there's like a bleed going on and he's like, oh, you, you won't have to call me.
Starting point is 00:11:45 You will know. Cause like, you'll be like getting numb and like in excruciating pain, like much worse than usual. In which case you need to go directly to, you know, whoever the best person is here to do that. But that would not be ideal.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I would obviously want to make it back ASAP to the Mayo clinic. So he didn't say he thought that was like overly likely given her age. But we're still on the lookout being pretty vigilant. Keeping it younger than you, right? Yeah, she's three years younger than me. So just bad luck, bad genetic luck. Dr. Boyardee. Yeah, Dr. Boyardee.
Starting point is 00:12:21 It's a secondary career. That's not even where he makes most of his money. His brother's the chef can you imagine that being like the like a best neurosurgeon in the country and still outshone by your ravioli making this brother it's not even a good like everybody's like proud of him like the chef boy rd no one wants to ask about him and his surgeries i wouldn't want to you can tell like a lot of these like high level doctors are absolutely autistic like they they're so into these things like who is so interested in cavernous malformations that like on his own time after work he's like yes like i wonder if it's a environmental autism or like a
Starting point is 00:13:07 genetic one right like it's whenever someone is like the top of their field at anything that's really difficult to do because like i've got a really good doctor um i can't remember what his specialty is but like i don't know you go into his office and like like you see the diplomas and they're all like ivy league schools there's like three different Ivy League schools on the wall. And he's like 75 or something. He's this old fucker. And I Googled him once and it was just all of this charity work he does and everything. But he's not like the top 0.01%. He's like the top 2%.
Starting point is 00:13:39 So he's still got a personality. He's got like, he makes jokes. Like you walk in, like when i walked in with that that sty in my eye he was like oh that's a staff like like he knows his shit but he's also still got like he's not he doesn't have the tism but like those people who are like the top 0.1 i feel like they're all just on the spectrum oh yeah he was sitting there the most educated man on this on earth with his shirt buttons so tight that like you could see his belly and it's like i don't know that was a funny
Starting point is 00:14:13 juxtaposition like very solemn discussion and like his like a button's about to pop off and i got a stressful job and you deal with it by overeating apparently i've talked before about how swimmers are sometimes socially retarded i'm retarded isn't like held back i'm looking for a better word yeah but um because they spend six hours a day with their face in the water just looking to the side like that it'll make you weird it's not a team dynamic it's the glory put your face in the water six hours a day your entire formative years from the time you're six to the time you're 22 and you'll be weird it happens to us a lot of them do that with a book and a similar thing could happen that was the theory yeah i uh i actually
Starting point is 00:14:58 while i was there i bought a book because i i forgot to bring the Stormlight Archive one and I bought Needful Things, which is, you remember that Rick and Morty episode? Yeah, I'm familiar. I didn't even know that was like a Stephen King book he wrote. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and so I saw that there. You thought Rick and Morty had an original idea?
Starting point is 00:15:20 Well, no. I'm positive. I'm positive I have seen that idea or that bit thrown out there before and so i was like oh it's just like you know when you know family guy or south park did this but no i started reading it and you know it's not as funny as the the rick and lordy so but it is good it's interesting it got to the point though it's like a like as stephen king is want to do it's an 800 page book and I think I got to page 280 before anybody died. It was at the point where it's like,
Starting point is 00:15:51 people have got to start getting fucked up pretty soon or I'm going to quit. But yeah, it's a pretty good book. He's such a fucking weirdo. Such a weirdo. Do you want to talk about weirdo? I did a rewatch of Sons of Anarchy recently. He's in an episode and, um,
Starting point is 00:16:06 Stephen King is, and, uh, he plays a character that they call to come clean up a dead body. Um, long story short, there's a dead body and, uh,
Starting point is 00:16:14 they're like, what are we going to do about this? And there's like, well, uh, I think that the cleaner guy, he, he lives up this way,
Starting point is 00:16:21 doesn't he? They're like, yeah, but how much money do you have? The pool, their money, they've only got like $2,000 and this guy They're like, yeah, but how much money do you have? Pool their money. They've only got like $2,000, and this guy costs like five. And he shows up, and it's Stephen King riding his own personal motorcycle, even though they begged him not to ride a motorcycle because of insurance reasons.
Starting point is 00:16:37 He's like, the only way I come on your show is if I – you've got a motorcycle show. I'm coming on my bike. And so he shows up on his bike fucking being weird as fuck and like he goes downstairs with this woman he's like measuring her arms and stuff like that and he's like all right i can do this he comes back up after like a couple hours and they go he goes all right all done're like, where is she? He goes, where is who? And they're just like, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Well, here we've only got like $2,700, but take anything you want. And he goes and gets this weird knickknack. He just grabs the biggest thing he can. Yeah, this weird fucking, it was like a golden hand or something like that. Just takes it and just walks out non like nonchalantly it was so bizarre it was one of the weirder things i've ever seen on that show he's a weird dude he like his face looked he it's from the accident looking guy wait he had tell me more he was i want to say he was struck by a vehicle he was either pedestrian or um really i i want to say yeah he he almost died. It's why he doesn't
Starting point is 00:17:45 ride as well anymore. He nearly died. Or was it a motorcycle accident? I don't remember the specifics. I know he was struck by a car. I don't know if he was a pedestrian or on a bike or in a car himself. I just know that he was struck by a car, seriously injured, and barely came away with his life.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I looked at his bike. It's pretty cool. He has a Harley. It's white and orange. And it looks like he's had it for a long, long time. Cause there's pictures of him at different ages with what seems like the same bike. Lots of, uh, like,
Starting point is 00:18:12 like stuff on it. It's kind of a big windshield, but yeah. Yeah. Okay. The one I saw, I thought was red, but he was on a walk.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Zach looked at it. He let me read it. June 19th, 1999. Stephen King was hit by a vehicle while out on one of his usual walks. His body was thrown through the air and he landed in a ditch, seriously injured
Starting point is 00:18:31 but not dead. He was walking. That's just for his motorcycles are safe. It does. That's what I thought it was. It's just been so long. His writing hasn't been quite as good since then, I don't think. I think that's sort of the general consensus. And he's old as can be also,
Starting point is 00:18:46 right? Like his son helps him with a lot of his writing now. Um, I don't know if when 11, I think 11, 22, 63 was one of his later works, but it is my favorite.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Um, I'm sorry. How does one help somebody else with writing? Oh, there's so much like I know with 11, 20, like with a lot of the research and that he had to do for something like when he's writing pure fiction like like about like oh yeah these people are in
Starting point is 00:19:10 a town and this crazy stuff happens it's like you don't really do a lot you don't need a lot of research but if he's doing something like 11 22 63 that involved the jfk assassination he wanted everything to be correct like all the historical stuff as well as all the technological stuff um because they were moving around in time like like he's not a super tech uh savvy guy and so he need a lot of help with that so a lot of the research and um i but i know his son's a writer as well he's he writes similar um kinds of kinds of stuff his wife is a horror author too i was about to say his wife um also i misunderstood you for a moment there. I thought you called
Starting point is 00:19:48 his wife a whore. His wife is a whore. His wife is a whore. Yeah, I have really strong opinions about Tabitha King. His son's an author and his wife's a whore. She doesn't respect him anymore now that the books are getting shittier
Starting point is 00:20:05 yeah um no i like the stephen king he's probably my favorite he's got to be my favorite author if you if you like pull out the the people who boy like um like um uh jk rowling with the harry potter shit orR.R. Tolkien. If you just remove them from the equation. It's not like I like their other stuff. J.K. Rowling's other books are god awful. I didn't even know she made other books. Do you have negative feelings about J.K. Rowling's? Some people
Starting point is 00:20:36 say that she's made attempts to stay relevant by changing the lore to make Dumbledore gay. Look, I'm 50% right on this stuff. No, I think it make Dumbledore gay? Look, I'm 50% right on this stuff. No, I think it's Dumbledore and... What did I call him? Dumbledorf.
Starting point is 00:20:52 You added an F on the end. That's not actually a name. Dumbledorf is Dumbledore's gay brother. It's pretty clear in the books that Dumbledore is gay. And what I've seen is that it's quite the opposite, that she is the one who's usually labeled as the racist and the, and the homophobe because of her opinions on trans trans rights and,
Starting point is 00:21:19 and some of the things that she did with some of her characters. But it's, it's sort of other people sort of trying to redefine her characters and hers kind of standing up and being like, no, that's not really how I wrote it. That's not kind of what I was thinking. And then people be like,
Starting point is 00:21:32 what do you expect from a white woman in the nineties? And it's like, all right, all right. I think I'm just going to, I'm glad I've got copies of these books before you people can get your hands on them. I didn't fully follow.
Starting point is 00:21:43 So maybe an audience member didn't too so you think that she's pretty innocent and people are projecting these bad things on her i think so like i know they have an issue that um harry potter's one of one of harry potter's girlfriends name is cho chang uh and they're like ha you named the asian chick cho chang and like i've heard from asian people be like yeah that's like becky smith um yeah right makes a lot of fucking sense like like or like one girl was like my name's cho chang it was just absurd that they're having issue with it but there's like i mean there's plenty of like black main characters and interracial relationships and literally got dumbledore is so so so clearly gay
Starting point is 00:22:27 and had like well never mind i only saw the movie so i was gonna say i didn't pick up on that but yeah you get it more in the books but just by you know you get more of his history and and everything and i mean the dude's been a bachelor for 100 fucking years or something like that it's like sappho and her friend you know friend. I love that subreddit. You pick it up after a while. He's got all these male friends that he has these incredibly close relationships with that are
Starting point is 00:22:53 like-minded wizards and stuff like that. It's pretty clear what's going on. Sappho and her friend. I guess Sappho is the name of a lesbian in history or something. Instead of saying this is her wife or lover, they make it her friend, I guess Sappho is the name of a lesbian in history or something. And instead of saying this is her like wife or lover, they make it her friend. And the whole subreddit is about sort of miscasting gay people as straights with friends or what have you. I saw one post where
Starting point is 00:23:18 this guy went to school with a girl and she said, if they ever make gay marriage legal, my God, like everyone will just marry women because they're obviously better right and it's like you're gay you're gay if you want to marry a girl like that you're gay i just can't stop thinking about pussy the only reason you marry a guy is that it's illegal to do otherwise. You're gay. Yeah. Yeah. Not even saying no to the whole marriage thing. Just getting married, straight married when you're gay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I mean, yeah. Alexander the Great. Except back then, it was like, yeah, our awesome general fucks guys. I fuck guys, too. Whether they like it or not. We all fuck guys. We go on 15-year campaigns, and we have a lot of gay sex together. It doesn't make us gay, though.
Starting point is 00:24:10 No, we're only doing that because women aren't here. Which makes a lot of sense. I mean, if you don't have any hang-ups, I guess. I asked some guys the other night about the question of whether you'd rather have sex with a dead woman or a live man. How long has she been dead? She's just died. This is what everyone asks. Everyone asks, how long has she been dead? How about this? She's chilly. She's been dead long enough to get
Starting point is 00:24:34 cold. She's cold now. Let's go with the man then. Yeah, I go with the man no matter what. I don't care if her head just fell off. You're fucking a dead body. There's a reason why one of these acts is literally a crime you're just a necrosist necrophile no you're you're against necrophile a necrosist and i don't like the way you're judging you're a necrophobe i just made the
Starting point is 00:24:58 word but it works a necrophobe okay i like it but that applies to people who are afraid of zombies, too. That's true. I mean, would you fight a zombie? I was trying to make him racist against people who fuck dead people. Yeah, I don't know, man. I'm not... I don't want to fuck a dead... Did everybody pick a man? I think everyone said they wanted to fuck a dead woman. I think that would
Starting point is 00:25:20 fuck you up long-term more. Yeah, I think so, too. I think, especially if I can get a femboy in the action. Like, I'm definitely fucking the femboy, like 100% of the time. Being forced to have gay sex would definitely be traumatic. You gotta get in the spirit of it. You can't be like
Starting point is 00:25:35 crying the whole... You're like, wait, I didn't have to be the bottom? You're like, get in position. Alright! I don't know how the dead woman's gonna peg me, so I'm gonna have to go the bottom? Get in position. All right. I don't know how the dead woman's going to peg me, so I'm going to have to go with the man. I was the bottom any finish
Starting point is 00:25:56 in my mouth. This wasn't necessary. Three-single man and a dead woman. Jesus. Things went down a dark road. I didn't want to excuse me, I didn't want to... Excuse me? I don't want to fuck a dead woman. Okay? That's on the
Starting point is 00:26:12 bottom of my list. There's a character in... I bring up Sons of Anarchy. It's been a week since I watched it, but I think Trigg or something like that. Tig. Yeah, Tig was talking about fucking dead women. They're in the morgue and he's staring at the chick's tits and they're like, go ahead, Tig. Yeah, Tig was talking about fucking dead women. They're in the morgue and he's staring at the chick's tits and they're like, go ahead, Tig.
Starting point is 00:26:28 You want to grab them? He's like, well, I mean, if we're already here. He's like, he's just talking about how fun it is to fuck a dead woman because they just lay there and they don't move and they're quiet. And the other character
Starting point is 00:26:43 goes, there's a lot wrong with you, isn't there? Because he's always fucked up like that. He's always giving these little glimpses into his sex life. And everybody will just be like, oh, I see. That's right. You've had sex with horses and dead women. I see now.
Starting point is 00:27:02 You are a bizarre human being. You mentioned Sons of Anarchy. sex with horses and dead women i see now you are a bizarre human being yeah you mentioned sons of anarchy and i'm like oh we're almost out of walking dead content there's only two more episodes and they're from this year and then we have to wait week by week anyway i'm like maybe colin and i will watch sons of anarchy and then the way you lay it out that seems like bad parenting it's rough man um i like like i stopped what i stopped watching somewhere around season four or something like that like there's a point where it gets too hardcore for me and and i start feeling like uncomfortable it like starts upsetting me um when when uh when they beat opie
Starting point is 00:27:36 to death in prison with pipes that's rough um and then later on when they scoop that one guy's eyeball out as he's sitting there screaming and send his eyeball to his friends and he's like a main fucking character and they're talking about cutting his fingers off his throttle hand and it's just like boys the stakes are too high i'm here for harley's fun okay you spent four years like not everybody would shoot a machine gun at each other and one guy got shot in the ass every one of you has a bullet wound in your ass at this point because the stakes are so goddamn low and then all of a sudden we're beating people to death with pipes and scooping eyeballs out and cutting fingers off i'm out i'm out walking dead is pretty parallel to that first
Starting point is 00:28:20 of all a lot of people die we've talked about that many times sure but carl loses his eye and he doesn't cover like negan demands that he he's like carl you are like a christmas present i can't wait to unwrap take it off take it off i want to see your eye hole and he does and there's this gory awful eye hole that has it oh yeah yeah oh that's terrible and he hurts his feelings so bad that negan feels bad yeah about how mean he's being this guy just beat the fuck out of glenn and abraham with a baseball bat a few days earlier so they're like we're not too far from pipe in a eye hole i love the rewatch sons of anarchy because i remember i guess i never cared enough or paid enough attention that you're you're a million percent right, Kyle. The first couple seasons, it's like petty crimes.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And by season five, they're doing things that are so outrageous that they're like a real gang. They couldn't be going around with like, oh, wow. They'd be wearing an ISIS jacket is what they would be doing. You guys, three seasons ago, you guys left the point the point where like you could recover from this every time a cop saw any of you you would be pulled over and arrested for being i remember it being about the relationship with a handsome dude's wife and mom and shit like that so much so they don't devote a ton of air time a ton of that married with children woman oh yeah too much katie seagal is her name
Starting point is 00:29:45 um yeah yeah a ton of time is spent on that um but you know they're gun runners so like the atf is always all over them they're constantly murdering people like like to say that the first few seasons are kind of like light light work is a little underplaying how hardcore it is because they murder a lot of people in seasons one two and three like like all the time they're murdering and like like gang members bad people or like kind of quasi bad people like they they kill that atf agent and all she had done i mean she was like dirty she had been setting them up and she had killed her own partner and framed uh and framed her for some stuff but that's pretty bad it was pretty bad but i mean they like straight
Starting point is 00:30:31 up murdered her like i want someone to die that fully didn't deserve it that you're like this is a tragic thing that just went i mean they gang raped katie seagal like like like there's all it's rough i think she survives the series though right yeah I'm pretty sure she survives all the way everybody I mean spoilers here but like everybody else dies like pretty much everybody dies
Starting point is 00:30:56 who gang rapes no the white supremacists oh are our guys fighting for diversity? No, I think it was about gun rights or something. Yeah, the white supremacists. They were trying to scoop in on their business. Well, the white supremacists don't want them to be doing business with black and brown, as they put it so eloquently.
Starting point is 00:31:21 What kind of gang doesn't want to make as much money as possible? Well, see, that's part of the plot of the season is that the higher-ups of the white supremacists are like, yeah, the Mexicans have plenty of money. Let's sell them some dope. But then the middling guys are the ones who are true believers, and they're like, no, we've got to get the Sons of Anarchy to stop selling guns to Mexicans and black people because why are we arming those people? They shouldn't be doing that. the sons of anarchy to stop selling guns to mexicans and black people because you know why
Starting point is 00:31:45 are we arming those people they shouldn't be doing that um so that's kind of like that's part of the plot of the whole season i don't remember much about that story did you eventually the top uh white supremacists like i mean that would be like like the owner of gamestop like just having like a couple rogue franchises that would not sell violent games to children. Right away, they'd be like, no, you fucking sell that shit. This is GameStop. You have to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Henry Rollins, I think, is in that season. I think he's the middling guy who's a true believer. His sons are like fucking Hitler youth, cracked out little psychos and shit. They're super fucking scary. I to re-watch it i don't want the sons of anarchy to be good i don't want them to have lots of heroic tendencies like diversity i i no i think they're they're bad yeah walter white was pretty bad walter white was
Starting point is 00:32:38 in it for wall they're as bad as walter white walter white was issued an out like in the first season when he could have taken that job with healthcare and whatever. So he obviously became this dealer in Kingpin. Like an ego, extra money. He wanted to be somebody of significance, I think, was his central driver.
Starting point is 00:32:59 So he was bad and he broke bad. I don't want the Sons of Arnegy to be like, we're bad but in the name of like gay rights yeah no that's that's not the case they are very tolerant though because you can't have a show about like bigots so like like there is like a puerto rican in the gang and um like tig is like down there's a um walter goggins comes on and guest stars for a while as a transsexual, which is hilarious because
Starting point is 00:33:28 he is not passable. And they are not trying to make him passable. It's horrible. He's got that Alabama accent and he just sounds just like a good old Alabama boy. How much content is it? Is it like Supernatural where there's like 20 hour long shows?
Starting point is 00:33:43 Seven seasons seasons 92 episodes it says on their wiki yeah good many and they're longish like like 40 minutes each yeah so that's a good bit of content yeah similar to walking dead in the length you know like some shows are 20 it's either 22 or 42 roughly it's a lot less in the length of a show but yeah yeah 11 years half hour versus an hour it's 11 years of hour long shows and it's in the 20s towards the end like 22 and 24 episodes a year you know i saw a preview for like a current episode the other day of walking dead and it was a little intriguing it was a little intriguing they're not they're not sucking me back in but negan's so good
Starting point is 00:34:19 um like i like i like him i like that guy's an actor he was great in supernatural um and uh i've enjoyed him and everything he's ever done but uh i love his like i love his cadence he's just got this way of talking and i'm just like yeah i could man i could get behind this guy why is he leading why is maggie in charge why is maggie leading the crew negan has a way of taking the time he wants to take to make his point and you're still hanging on every word right if someone else talks slowly you might be like next guy but not negan also he takes space right he's always using the unoccupied space with his arms and he's leaning back and and there's something like just not nervous about like he's moving around like he's not just sitting here like
Starting point is 00:35:05 what you've got to understand this he's just like well good googly like he can't yeah he can't say fuck or cock or like he's very limited on his language so he's just like good gracious almighty what do we have here like he's just like moving around and just like, he's so scary. Yeah. You can say shit. You can say shit on network. Um, but he can say shit,
Starting point is 00:35:30 ass, asshole, God damn, damn bitch. He definitely uses those, but you can't say fuck. Cunt is a real slippery slope. It depends on your,
Starting point is 00:35:40 uh, on your, um, network colony there. Yeah. There's no cuts in there. But here's, you can in there. You can, but the question is
Starting point is 00:35:47 what are the advertisers going to say about that? The tragedy of Walking Dead is that the show took a dip after they introduced Negan. They just took too long to beat down the survivors. It took a couple dips. It took a dip around season two. It took a dip around season seven, if I'll tell it right.
Starting point is 00:36:04 But what also happened along the way is they picked up better actors if you re-watch seasons like one and two you'll be like a lot of these actors kind of suck like there are some low-tier actors who aren't good at acting including the guy that plays daryl um watch it again all he does is throw shitty temper tantrums and deliver his lines unconvincingly i'm positive you'll agree with me upon fresh watch he is a great actor and in the first season an awful actor um uh but there are a couple offer after the guy that plays um dale is a pretty bad actor daryl's brother um what for the short period of time that he's on remember that guy he's a great
Starting point is 00:36:43 girl in the show yeah i never had issues with his act um you know he's on. Remember that guy? He's a great actor. His name is Merle in the show. Yeah, I never had issues with his acting. T-Dog, you might not remember. T-Dog or Jacqueline early on, they were all bad actors. I felt like the black people were often poorly cast. I don't know. I feel like we needed a like a
Starting point is 00:37:01 like a Ving Rhames or somebody in there. Somebody who had some gravitas. Or what's the lazy eyed black guy? Forest Whitaker. Yeah, Forest Whitaker in there. It's like some sort of nomad who'd been living out there covered in goo for years. Better budgets later on to get, or maybe the show
Starting point is 00:37:18 was just more attractive so they were able to get better. They're always cutting that budget. Not this year, man. There's a drop of blood that I watched fall onto a zombie and i'm like was that an eighteen thousand dollar drop of blood like the cgi they did and the camera angle that like followed it down and then the split and and i was like that's like game of thrones level shit that they just sort of tossed in there i didn't know they were still making the show yeah this is the last year yeah well there's a spin off next year you never know with cgi though like like you could be absolutely right or it could be like oh yeah that tech that comes free that comes free now with when you buy
Starting point is 00:37:54 the app yeah yeah the magic blood drop yeah yeah watch this now look this is a magic blood drop falling on you check it out cool huh Cool, huh? I just made that. So if you watch like the first 10 years of it take place, like in the same three towns and in the woods, which is pretty inexpensive set to deal with. Now they're exploring subways and shit. So it's like they must have done something to make that happen. Dude, it's right over here. I've been there.
Starting point is 00:38:26 It's like 20 minutes from where I'm sitting right now like it's nonsense like the places where they film at they build those little towns they fence everything in they keep the traffic away from them and like that's just what georgia looks like in the country like there are motor vloggers like motorcycle youtubers who go and explore the walking dead sets and just like show it to you and you see it like without the magic that's cool there's an airbnb there's an airbnb that was like one of the churches that was like a main element of the show for a while that you can stay in now and i guess the kid that played carl is a bit of an amateur artist he's terrible and uh It's decorated with his paintings. He's no Hunter Biden.
Starting point is 00:39:06 He's no Hunter Biden. He needs to get that straw out that he's been... I like to imagine that he does a few lines with the straw and then he does the ink blowings with the same straw. I like that idea. Let's see. Chandler Riggs.
Starting point is 00:39:22 These are like posters of the character. I was looking for his horrible art. Yeah, Chandler Riggs. Oh, these are like posters of the character. I was looking for his horrible art. Yeah, just Chandler Riggs artwork. Maybe that'll pull it up. It's quite bad. Unless he's grown as an artist over the last five years.
Starting point is 00:39:40 If he's grown as an artist over the last five years. He's 22, so that's totally possible. If he kept at it. I like i'm literally judging art that i saw like five years ago or something like that this has been a rough week for me i have been sick for i think since thursday i think since pka symptoms it sucks started with a really bad sore throat and then nasal congestion and then a fever and a really bad cough and chest congestion where I'm coughing up really thick mucus. These are like COVID greatest hits.
Starting point is 00:40:14 You were aware of that. You didn't get tested? I'm just going to stay here in the home base until it goes away. It feels like it's getting a little bit better. I've just been treating it with chicken noodle soup and that seems to have done the trick for the most part. Tylenol, sinus
Starting point is 00:40:31 pressure. Get yourself some ivermectin. Get your hooves on some ivermectin, Kyle. Your hooves. You already take vitamin D, don't you? That's good shit. Yeah. I think that
Starting point is 00:40:47 if nothing else, the ridiculous amount of vitamins that I take and my incredibly high testosterone levels will allow me to fight off the COVID-19. Pretty much everybody has got deficient vitamin D. Not me. You're good.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Yeah, I take it also. I take enormous amounts. Well,'s supposed to be good for you. I take enormous amounts. Well, then hopefully you'll get better soon. It's like a thousand percent of what you need. Like that's got to cover it. Right? You've been sick twice in like the last month.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Yeah, but it was food poisoning the other time, right? Yeah. Oh, I thought you had like... Remember he took Chick-fil-A and it made him sick. I might have been sick. He took Chick-fil-A again and it was a reverse you know it was so gross oh that was so gross this isn't that bad at least i have been like like one of the things i would like like like we talked about how like that doctor is like so um on the on the spectrum that you would it could even be hard to
Starting point is 00:41:43 get a good answer out of him whereas if you you have a doctor who's more personable, personally, I feel like things that I know a lot about, I'm good at explaining it to a layman. I feel like I'm good at breaking it down for somebody who doesn't know. I hear people talk about guns sometimes, who are gun experts. And I'm like, dude, you're talking over my head at this point like like you're you're you're over complicating this thing to make yourself sound smarter than you are this is some basic bitch shit this is so simple just say what it
Starting point is 00:42:14 is and stop using your fucking buzzwords like you're in the marine corps or something like that army guys are the worst about this military guys with their fucking acronyms get out of here we know that you're all just one credit away from not even having your ged and they've got you they've got you so high up that pay ladder that you can't believe it like let's not pretend like you guys are fucking the a team out there with your acronyms okay but they just they over complicate that shit i want a doctor who can break it down in layman's terms and explain to me how so much mucus can come out of my nose in a one-day period. Because if I were collecting it,
Starting point is 00:42:48 it would be like something out of a freak show. It would look like something out of Ghostbusters or like Alien when they're just like, I mean, that can't be good. I was rubbing my nose so raw from Kleenex that I stopped using Kleenex and started using a damp bath towel. Did you buy the Kleenex with lotion in it?
Starting point is 00:43:12 No, because I'm afraid that I have COVID and I don't want to go out. I don't want to make a big deal and say I have COVID. I probably don't. But if I do, I'm quarantined. Just order them offline. Next time you restock. Yeah, Amazon sells it. But next time you restock, that is the move, Kyle. I've been putting ChapStick on my nose, like all around myrils and uh and i've been blowing my nose into a damp bath towel and
Starting point is 00:43:30 i swear to god like every time i'll blow my nose and 10 minutes later i'll like feel more and every time i blow it it's like the biggest load of cum you've ever seen in your life like we know big loads i don't know we know big like you're talking to ounces it's literally ounces of a bottle of elmer's i could i could feel three shot glasses and i don't understand where it's coming from like what where is that produced in my body and how does it keep making enough because like i don't know that i'm drinking enough liquid to keep up with the amount of mucus that's coming out of me i mean are you better you don't sound horrible or anything like i think yeah yeah yeah i i have a fever right now um the sore throat has been gone for
Starting point is 00:44:15 probably two days and uh right now it's mostly as long as i don't as i don't take like big deep breaths i won't cough but if i ever like um if I blow my nose too hard and it like makes my lungs sort of run out of air, like it's when you get to the bottom of your lung. You know what I mean? If I were to keep exhaling until I was completely out of air, I'll hack and cough for like a long, long time. But as long as I stay in this like top portion of my lung capacity, I won't cough. But yeah, i'm feeling much better now uh i've slept i've been in bed the whole time since thursday i was gonna stream this weekend but like every day i told myself i was like yeah we'll stream we'll do it tomorrow
Starting point is 00:44:56 we'll do it tomorrow and then i'd wake up just feeling like ass just feeling so nasty um so i've slept probably 18 hours a day for the last like three or four days or something like that like oh like i'll sleep for like 12 hours or something and then wake up for like three hours or something like just a few hours just enough to like eat and like drink a bunch of orange juice and take my vitamins and my injections and then like take a shower because like like i've got to take a shower i just feel like a mongrel and brush my teeth and everything and then i usually pass right back the fuck out um i was worried i wasn't going to be i'm feeling good right now i think something about
Starting point is 00:45:35 doing this kind of takes my mind off it i guarantee when i walk away from here i'm going to be like oh we we understand i'm sick that's right I'm super compelled to say this before the moment passes that move you do where you sort of use the top half of your lung capacity and not exhale a ton. If you ever need to float for a long time, that's the move. Even a guy with Kyle's body composition floats well when he's at the full inhale. Yeah. Yeah. I got my dad's pool the other day. Sunk like a rock. Like a stone. I was like, I've never been able to just sit on the bottom of a pool
Starting point is 00:46:11 before. I don't know about everyone. I don't know. I don't think I've ever been able to do that. If I exhale, I'm just sitting down there like, huh. You don't have any fat on you.
Starting point is 00:46:25 So that's all just weighing you down. Not much. Not much. Enough that I can do that now. Are you bummed that you can't be working out? I'd skip laps of warmup. Like I just exhale. I'd sit on the bottom of the deep end where the divers dove.
Starting point is 00:46:39 I'd let people go down and back. Then I'd come back up and join them. Like not breathing for 40 seconds was you know the move to save energy it wasn't but i liked it kyle are you pumped you haven't been able to work out or are you doing like uh no i haven't worked out at home no i haven't worked out i've just felt like shit that's for the best i guess they talked about me on the joe rogan uh episode this week oh that's cool did they this week they showed the cliff of the door were they talking about Diego running from you?
Starting point is 00:47:15 god I wish they were I doubt it though I don't have my Spotify login on me I've got a link to it has anything else happened with that diego thing i mean he just keeps running into it i mean he keeps running he doesn't want to fight apparently um and i'm just tired of chasing him i i don't know what to do he's just a coward um what a fucking pussy that's that's the word on the street. Diego pussy. Everyone's talking about it. He's a huge pussy.
Starting point is 00:47:47 That seems to be the case. I don't know. I guess he doesn't want to fight, so I guess I'll leave him alone. He doesn't want to get his ass kicked by a YouTube guy. But never forget, Diego is a vagina. He's clearly just afraid to deal with the hurting that I put on him. You said if you had to fight one of these guys, you would want that guy that Jake Paul fought, Ben Askren,
Starting point is 00:48:09 because he'll just choke you out real quick, right? Yeah. Oh, I would love to fight Ben Askren. I have no illusions about beating Ben Askren or anything like that. I mean, I don't think. I don't think. I mean, God. Yeah, I would definitely guess not.
Starting point is 00:48:24 I don't know. It is difficult to beat Yeah, I would definitely guess not. I mean, after Jake, I don't know. It is difficult to beat a YouTuber, but he was an Olympian. He made his Olympic team, Ben Askren. I don't know what to say about what happened with him and Jake Paul. Like, after seeing what happened with Jake Paul, it's like, wait, but how did that happen? It's a real aberration. I'll just say this.
Starting point is 00:48:42 I have no illusions about beating up Ben Askren. However, I know that if I fought Ben Askren, I would watch that fight that night on TV with some friends laughing and, and, and like, Oh, can you believe I did that?
Starting point is 00:48:57 That was ridiculous. Huh? Didn't even hurt. Didn't even hurt. I feel like that's how the fight went in. Whereas if, you know, you fought like name of other UFC fighter, that's not the fight would end. Whereas if you fought, like, name another UFC fighter, that's not how it would end.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Yeah. For the most part. You know? It'd be mean streaks. Justin Gaethje. Don't fight him. Oh, Justin seems like a real nice guy, though. I feel like...
Starting point is 00:49:18 He hits like a ton of bricks, though. Me and him are going to have a talk before the fight. Dude, I'm such a big fan, first of all. And I am. I'm a huge Justin Gaethje fan. Yeah fan like yeah i'm wondering where the fuck he is he should be he's right up there as a contender in my opinion he lost one fight he lost one fight i feel like he had a fight announced good i want to see him fight fight like a top five guy because he is a top five guy he's a top three guy is dana white not big on him or is he not a good promotion self-promoter the whole division that his weight class division is like
Starting point is 00:49:50 a fucking mess because khabib retired and then you've got um poirier and connor had their whole thing for some reason and that fucked everything up and then you've've got Oliveira, who's like the champ. And I don't know why he isn't immediately fighting Poirier for the belt. And then you've also got guys like Tony Ferguson, who are in the top ten, I guess, but aren't seemingly fighting. But Gaethje is, to me, right there alongside Poirier. Gaethje is, to me, right there alongside Poirier, Charles, is it Oliveira?
Starting point is 00:50:30 Charles Oliveira or Olivier? Whatever it is. The guy with the fucking shiny-ass white teeth that looks fake as hell. Yeah, I like Gaethje a lot. I like his whole background, his whole story. I like the whole thing. So Zach found an update. I thought that he had signed about to fight Michael Chandler. And I just found a link saying he did.
Starting point is 00:50:48 So I thought it was true. But this is 11 hours ago. And he declined the fight against Chandler. So it might be one of those deals. The UFC sometimes announces fights before the contracts are signed. Because it pressures, like, Taylor's fighting Kyle. And then if Taylor's like, no, I'm not, then,
Starting point is 00:51:06 you know, Taylor backed out. Yeah. They do that to people. It's, it's a, it's pretty shitty, but they do a lot of shitty manipulation things.
Starting point is 00:51:13 But if it's not you and you're just a fan watching the evil go down, it's good entertainment. Yeah. Yeah. And it's, it's a good way to like drum up a little bit of interest for fights. Sometimes, you know, like, I like it if there's a story and sometimes it's it's a good way to like drum up a little bit of interest for fights sometimes you know like i like it if there's a story you know sometimes it's enough to say x is gonna fight oh boys let's go you're like yeah holy shit x is fighting oh let's do it but then it but then if
Starting point is 00:51:38 like x gets on the internet and starts saying that he's gonna fuck o's wife and and o is like no one talks about my wife x i'm coming for you and it's personal you're like oh shit okay i didn't care about x and o before but now i'm already doing analysis for some reason i think the letter x is a striker and the letter o has a smothering ground game yeah sure it doesn't seem like they would one's pokey and stabby it's kind of all encompassing yeah no i feel you yeah i i don't know it it it does it does seem like that sometimes like like i didn't watch the last event mostly because i was unconscious but uh um you know there weren't any fights on there that really were compelling to me. There was a huge football
Starting point is 00:52:27 game the other night and Georgia beat Clemson. Fucking first game of the year. Number five, Georgia has to play number three Clemson and we win. Not a really great performance, but we won nonetheless. Great defensive performance. Incredible defensive performance.
Starting point is 00:52:43 One of the greatest ever. Georgia's bread and butter is having really good defense. When you're in the top five, they've always had good defense. You hold the other team to three, you usually win. You hold the other team to three, you usually win. I didn't know that's how the score was.
Starting point is 00:53:00 10-3. The touchdown was a pick six. Interception was ran back. Technically, the defense won on their own. 6-3. 10-3. And the touchdown was a pick six. So, you know, interception was ran back. Technically, the defense won on their own 6-3. The defense won on their own. Yeah. That's so funny. The offense did nothing.
Starting point is 00:53:16 The offense sort of like helped control field position. Did they get the extra point credit? I don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they got that too, yeah. But they didn't need it, right? So, yeah. It was – I didn't watch the game. I had to watch the highlights of the game because, again, felt like shit.
Starting point is 00:53:32 But I'm super, super excited. I mean, Georgia number two. Number two in the country. But it's those fuckers at number one you got to worry about. We're number two almost every year. We get there at number two. You Usually make a visit to top two. Yeah, we'll make a visit to the top three every year for sure. The last five years
Starting point is 00:53:52 I think it's happened probably four times. But the problem is it's either first or last in college football, right? So that's how you feel if you're Georgia. As a team also receiving votes, two feels like a win. A single digit feels like a win. A single digit feels like a win.
Starting point is 00:54:08 I'm going to make a prediction. Here it is. It's September the 7th. Georgia is going to run the table this year. They're not going to lose a game. They might lose one. And the game that I think they could lose is to Florida. It's always a rough time.
Starting point is 00:54:23 South Carolina could be close because south carolina plays us hard somehow i somehow they always bring their a game other than that i think georgia runs the table um they go undefeated then they face alabama and for the sec championship which is the de facto national championship most likely yeah like, then like whoever wins that goes on to play like Ohio state or whoever the fuck else has, has, has like managed to get up there from a different division. And,
Starting point is 00:54:53 and Alabama probably wins that. I think, I think Alabama beats us because this is a pretty easy schedule. UAB is going to be a blowout. South Carolina. Like I said, they actually, I was,
Starting point is 00:55:02 this is UAB's university, Auburn, right? They always win a game or two. They're not to no uab is university of alabama birmingham i just know because someone i know went there for college it's a very small school right auburn's right below it's it's uh the ua um right below vanderbilt on the right column but but yeah vanderbilt's a blowout for us arkansas is a blowout for us south carolina plays you guys well i thought you said.
Starting point is 00:55:25 They do. South Carolina always plays us well. That could easily be like – I still think we win by like 12 or 14, but it could be a closest game. Kentucky gets blown out. Mizzou gets blown out. All these teams are getting blown out. Tennessee, Florida.
Starting point is 00:55:42 The SEC teams basically I think are the issues. Auburn, Tennessee, and Florida are going to be the real issues. And then Georgia Tech is just going to be – I love that it's the last game of the year because I know a lot of Tech fans. And it's sweet, sweet justice humiliating them every year. You just run up the score on them? I hope so. I hope it's embarrassing. I don't know where the game will be played at,
Starting point is 00:56:04 but I hope it's out here in Atlanta, and i hope that it's just a real butt fucking because it's i don't know i enjoy it they they they're tech fans are very hoity-toity how's mizzou this year taylor are they gonna get any votes uh i think on the list they were one of those teams that's like teams that got some votes but not in the top 25. I really don't follow Mizzou football at all. They should count. They should count. Instead of being top 25, it should be top, you know, like 36 to 41 depending on how many teams got votes. Top 60.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Give us the top 60. No, no, no. There aren't 60 teams that get votes, right? But there are like 35 to like 41 teams that do. NC State is 27th right now. And that's just fact. Yeah. That's the simple truth.
Starting point is 00:56:53 They're 27th right now. You don't have to count too far down that other team's receiving votes list to figure out where you are. I don't think Mizzou will be good this year. NC State is going to get ranked. Their first three games should be pretty easy. As a matter of fact, you know how they give them a percentage win chance? On one of them, we have a 99.6% chance of winning.
Starting point is 00:57:13 I think it's a high school team. So we should be 3-0, and during that time, we should get a number. Yeah, I'm looking at the Mizzou schedule. We're going to get probably smoked by georgia beat badly by florida texas a&m is really good this year so they'll beat us it's florida's ranking this at the moment they're 13 right now yeah so dangerous dangerous well dangerous dangerous for georgia a 13th ranked team uh For a team like State or Mizzou, you just hope they don't hurt you.
Starting point is 00:57:50 The Boxing Commission doesn't allow this. They make sure that there are two fighters of equal calibers in there. NC State just beat a team 45 to nothing. And our coach wasn't pleased. Man, I'm looking at just the history of Mizzou versus Georgia. Not a good tale of the tape. One and nine against Georgia since 1960. Last win, 2013.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Got you pretty good eight years ago. Take that. But that's it. They've never – oh, Georgia has never lost at Missouri. They've beat us every single time that they've come. Yeah, hopefully, I hope our teams get a little bit better this year. It's not fair. Every year we pretend to be into this, and Kyle's team is great,
Starting point is 00:58:39 and ours are not. We're always like, hey, did you see? For three days there, we were on the list we've got two running backs averaging over 100 yards a game right now so that's the benefit of playing university of south florida yeah i mean maybe who knows maybe that'll hold good and it'll be perfect i've been dizzy today and it's like like you know you stand up you're dizzy like no big deal right i'm like two and a half rooms later before i like regain my bearings and everything's okay i'm like do i need salt hydration i don't know i don't think it's a
Starting point is 00:59:19 covid sign but uh i'm just like this isn't normal for me just feeling a little off that sucks like a lot off like i could never read during these dizzy spells like that's that i'm light years from being able to do that i can hardly i bump into the walls like it's not a little like subtle thing damn i'm i could fall like and i have a big motorcycle trip planned this weekend. So I'm mostly denying it. That's my strategy so far. You know, it's going to be do or die on that motorcycle, sink or swim.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I will not get dizzy. One strike and you're out. Yeah, that sucks. Hopefully you're fine by this weekend. My prediction is I am, but we'll see. I drove today. It's not like I'm dizzy all the time.
Starting point is 01:00:10 I'm just dizzy when I first get up, so it wasn't super dangerous. I did get in the car, and I'm like, take a beat and then drive because you're fucked right now. It's Jackie's birthday. Happy birthday. She turned 49 today today so i wished her a happy 50th birthday because the day of her birth should count she doesn't think that's funny at all she is not getting that joke
Starting point is 01:00:36 no women are notoriously upbeat about 50. Remember? It's their favorite age. Yeah. So I bought her a pimp cake and a bunch of other stuff. Are you going to get off the diet for a night, have some cake? Yes. Very nice. I'm going to have a piece of cake. And also, I don't know why, I think blood sugar dizzy thing, maybe it's part of the solution. We'll give it a try. Yeah. Couldn't hurt. Just a piece of cake. I don't know why I think like blood sugar dizzy thing like maybe it's part of the solution we'll
Starting point is 01:01:05 give it a try yeah couldn't hurt just oh if you've gotten your blood sugar low you need to do some cardio you're on the you're right you're on that fat burning curve there's nothing in your system Woody get out there do some laps I will totally do pka with my face bloodied in the driveway oh you haven't done cardio until you've done crying crawls that's the best cardio you're sobbing and crawling through the yard oh the calories burned i thought i broke my wrist friday i was dirt biking right and everyone knows what a dirt bike is right it's not a bmx bike it's a motorcycle dirt bike and um we're going too long too long my goggles are like foggy i can't see shit that the sun is like sort of setting and through the trees whatever i'm going through the trail and there is a tree
Starting point is 01:01:57 that's stuck out and it's burnt making it even more invisible to me. Anyway, I might've been going 20 when my handle grip hit it. And it did this thing where it kind of pushed my wrist back and up, not different than like how you might fall on your palm, like the same sort of thing. And for days it was hurt. I would have gone to the doctor, but it was labor day weekend and they were closed. They were even closed on Monday.
Starting point is 01:02:23 I called the day I waited on hold for 20 minutes twice and didn't get through. But I feel so much better than I did Friday that I think it's minor. Yeah, on the back end. Hopefully both you guys are on the back end. Took a few days off from lifting because I was like, if you do have a broken wrist that's probably one of the bad
Starting point is 01:02:40 things to do. I did play poker last night so I got a quick $75 win in. during one of my like four hour, uh, periods of wakefulness. Yeah. It looks like you just had quite the sneezing and coughing fit. I think you have COVID.
Starting point is 01:02:56 I'm a little, I, so if you're on the back end of COVID now and you're fine, all the biggest issue was, uh, irritated nose. Then, uh, I feel like you've got more. You've got the vaccine and the COVID. You're like a COVID
Starting point is 01:03:11 battling machine at this point. Once I'm completely cleared up, I'll go get checked for COVID antibodies and we'll know. But I'm not going to go out and go into the healthcare realm right now with potential COVID. The whole system is so taxed right now with potential COVID. The whole system's so taxed right now. I could probably order a test. I'll see if the tests are cheap to order.
Starting point is 01:03:31 I bet you can get something on Amazon. But while you're getting off Amazon, get those Puffs Kleenexes with lotion. It's going to make a world of difference. I've got these. No! I've got these shop towels. You've got those blue towels. You've got like those blue towels.
Starting point is 01:03:47 They've actually got pumice in them. So you get all, you get every bit of the mucus out. It's 5,000 grit. I can polish up my headlights with these babies too. I use this before I put a clear coat on on a car. That looks fucking miserable. They have to blow your nose 25 times a day into paper towels. It's literally why I'm blowing it into...
Starting point is 01:04:08 Oh, there are COVID tests. Yeah, yeah. I figured there were. No, I literally on day two swapped to using a towel. It's really gross, but I just immediately... I blow my nose 10 times into a towel. Folding it over and over.
Starting point is 01:04:24 And then wash them. Truth. When I'm producing as much mucus as you are, I do, I do that move sometimes. There's so much. I don't like having like, let's say you're in bed and you're blowing your nose a lot.
Starting point is 01:04:37 You can have a towel in there, which is gross. I get it, but it's one thing. Or you can have 160 Kleenexes around, and then you have to eventually collect them and put them in a thing. I just treat it like a sex towel. I just treat it like a sex towel.
Starting point is 01:04:54 The gross part is the part we fold it up. You just pretend there's no gross part. Yeah. I mean, once you're alone, you open it up, and you lick it clean, of course. All the Krusty drivers. Rookie move, Kyle. You don't just sit there and smell it for the next two weeks.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Oh, God. That's some 4chan shit. Oh, man. With the cum box. Oh, it's so dark. Well, you guys want to call it so Kyle can go back to bed? That's a good call. PK and Kyle.

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