Painkiller Already - PKN 370

Episode Date: September 22, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 370 so there's big news it's big news and i can see kyle is fuming over this the those hunter eyes of anger at what has befallen friend of the show wings of redemption with all relationship with wings of redemption is tenuous at best there are times when we give them a very hard time. Let me lay out the background. I think PKN viewers tend to know what's happening, but I'll do it anyway. A Wings of Redemption dick pic leaked. It was from 2015.
Starting point is 00:00:39 He was a single man on the prowl at the time. Nothing particularly awful about this so far. Then that comes out. He does a stream. His wife is there, and they talk about the so far. Then that comes out. He does a stream. His wife is there and they talk about the dick pic and there's a highlight video out there somewhere. That's what I wanted people to know. Yes. And Kyle,
Starting point is 00:00:56 what was your kind of visceral take your, your face is an enigma right now. What are you thinking? I'm thinking that his wife is a real scumbag motherfucker. I think that she has no concept of when the mob is at the door with the fucking pitchforks and torches, the only words that
Starting point is 00:01:14 should be coming out of your dumb whore mouth are, my husband's dick is so goddamn big I can barely take it. It's so girthy that it makes me feel like a virgin every time. We play that song for madonna like a virgin and i cry after he's done after he's done pounding me out and making me feel like a like a virgin with his girthy thick veiny heavy car so i can barely lift it
Starting point is 00:01:41 yeah that's what you say that's what you say you dumb ass supportive you terrible wife you terrible excuse for a fucking partner that's what you say i hope he divorces you you are the worst partner you are the worst imaginable partner okay you terrible terrible in front of a stream of people who are like mocking him openly you defend the man you supposedly claim to love you dumb ass you dumb ass okay we've all given them a hard time but when like the wolves are at the door and you're supposed to be his partner in crime you don't fucking join the mob you don't you don't pick up a fucking torch. You stand next to your guy. Trash.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Trash human being. I totally agree with you a million percent. I think we all do. Because that is just gutless to see in real time a mob of people attacking your husband and not go to bat. And you can tell, maybe I'm reading into it too too much but i could see her in the video reading chat and it's like if your wife or husband or whatever the situation is your partner in life is getting attacked by a stream you certainly don't wait for mean commenters and then use that as your barometer of what your response will be like she almost seemed to be doing holier than now too cool for school and he's like well come on give me some backup and she's
Starting point is 00:03:06 whatever you say does that make you happy now and it's like fuck you absolutely fuck you either you're so tone deaf and stupid that you didn't realize that you needed to go to bat for him right there or you're not that stupid you're just a shit person who takes cues from an anonymous hater on twitch as to what your response is going to be instead of being there for your husband so let's get it before you keep going the missing context on what you said was he's like baby tell him i have a big dick and she's like his dick is big it's girthy it's fine and that's when she said are you happy now which undid all of the sing-songy sarcastic praise that she gave her and that's after four minutes of her like dancing around it and being a jealous like like being like oh this is
Starting point is 00:03:52 when you were just running around like like this is before like this is back when you wouldn't give him the time of day is what it was when he was like trying to like find a woman to love him, and you were off gallivanting around, whopping around, fucking, you piece of shit. You piece of shit. I need some air time. This is important. My head went to a place where yours,
Starting point is 00:04:17 neither of you seem to go, which is, why is she doing this? And there's two possible answers. She could be just emotionally idiotic. I don't think that's it. I don't think anyone's two possible answers. She could be just emotionally idiotic, right? I don't think that's it. I don't think anyone's that emotionally dumb. She could be just buckling under the pressure of YouTube Twitch fame, which is harder than a listener might guess it is. Just thinking, oh my God, I'm not happy in life right now because all this shit's piling on.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Or she's mad at him and doing this intentionally. Maybe that's related to it. Why isn't she backing up her man like any thriving marriage would? It seemed almost vindictive in the intentional phrasing of it where it's like, not only am I not going to support you, I'm going to actively undercut you every step of the way. Every time you try and give going to support you i'm going to actively undercut you every step of the way every time you try and give me an out i'm going to double down and okay like yeah i wouldn't give her the out of being emotionally so stupid i think she knew what she was doing well first of all man's got why does not have a small penis like what i think a funny response would have been if his only response was like, that was 2014. I was 29.
Starting point is 00:05:27 It's grown since then. That would be great. That was more to hit my growth spurt. If guys could choose their own penis size, they would likely choose wrong most of the time. Everyone would have an 11-inch hog that's literally as thick as a Coke can. And girls would be like, this is a bad night for me yeah you would get sex every four weeks right imagine either of you if every time you had sex you got fucked up the ass you might not want sex five times a week anymore you might calm down a little
Starting point is 00:05:58 bit that is what it's going to be like if men choose their own penis sizes anyway i'm getting off topic yeah this woman didn't back wings and i don't know why i don't know what underlying poison is there that she's consumed that's not enabling her that's not incentivizing her to what is obviously an awful person or a man in distress or a combination of both there's no other there's no third option like look i guess the third option is that like on a daily basis he body shames her, but I don't think that's the case. Yeah, I wouldn't imagine so either. He's on the receiving end of that so much, I wouldn't think. If there's a third option, and again, I don't believe it to be true, that would explain this,
Starting point is 00:06:38 it would be that maybe his friend comes over and he's making fun of her body in some way to his friend. And this is some sort of revenge for her. That's the only thing that would ever justify something like this. First of all, I don't know. What has happened that has her not? There was a point in the video that meant a lot to me where he looked at her, and I can't do the look as well, but it was one of these. Like, baby, help me here and
Starting point is 00:07:07 somehow in her mind she decided no like you know and just 15 minutes of i don't know you're drowning i'm watching you and i have a she's mad at him i've got that life preserver ring in my hand. I'm not tossing it. I'll tell you what. Not only not tossing, she's like poking him down with a stick. And you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Yeah. I'll tell you what. Um, I think I've got it. I think she's mad at him because his dick pic is out there. And it reminds her of the fact that this guy used to get pussy to some extent and that she never got any dick. I don't think,
Starting point is 00:07:44 I don't think there was anybody was beating her doors down other than wings and and uh i bet wings has had many more partners than she has had and i think she's insecure about it and so this dick pic getting released is a is just a reminder of that of a time when wings was out there actually getting laid on some kind of a basis like like like people like to give him a lot of shit because he's a heavy guy and everything i mean we're amongst those people oh yeah whatever but man got laid every now and then boys like like it's just dawned on me wings fucked more people than jackie and i combined i think it's true damn Damn. Wings is a player.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Wings got after it in his day. The man was... What was that thing they say about John Wick? He's a man of pure focus. Something like that. That's Wings. I wish I had the exact... I'm going to look it up. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yeah, I mean, it has to be some level of anger. That's a really interesting perspective, Kyle. I think there might be some truth to it. I hadn't considered it. But the failure of her to just even do something like phone call, anything would have been better than staying there almost
Starting point is 00:08:59 intently waiting to undercut him. I know you want to say it. He's a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will. That's Wings trying to get some pussy back in the day, okay? And he made it happen several times, I'm sure. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:09:20 You know, we knew about his girlfriends. He was never too secretive about that sort of thing. But, yeah, I think we're kind of big here about like supporting your significant other in all things you know like um you know i i've like i've had i've over the last 10 years i've been in like three or four relationships that lasted for two plus years or something like that. I'm more often not single than I am single. And I don't know, supporting the person you're with is super important to me. I know it's super important to Woody. I know it's super important to Taylor. And to you guys out there listening, all jokes aside, all trolling aside, seriously, this is important stuff. If you're gonna like live in this world and
Starting point is 00:10:05 like be happy at some point of course you support the person you're with in all things i mean look if you're if it turns out you're dating paul pott or like fucking some sort of psychopath like that's a different story but like ride or die bitch ride or die ride or die i know this if if some if some photos of her like wrinkled cunt got linked he be like, that's the tightest pussy I've ever seen in my life. That pussy makes me explode like a fucking nuclear bomb just by looking at that shit. Any man in this chat would die to get inside that pussy. And you know what? You have to because I'd kill you, you motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:10:43 That's what you say. That's what he'd say. i kill you you mother that's what you say that's what he'd say writer yeah you're right and i you so i'm saying those aren't words i'm stuck on this idea that this picture reminds her that wings had a sex life before her there's a real chance maybe she didn't you know yeah sex life before marriage i I know that she's very Christian. That would be an indicator. And she probably just didn't have an outrageous amount of opportunity.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Do you want others to do that? Do you want to do that to you, you big titty bitch? Smelly Kelly cunt? I don't think divorce is you. It takes you for everything. Yeah, and then you'll never be on stream. You'll get a real woman who'll support him. When you get a woman to hold you up,
Starting point is 00:11:24 not put you down. You deserve it, too. You deserve that baseline level of loyalty. That's what a disgusting part of it was, is just a total lack of any loyalty whatsoever and not even trying to play it for a joke. Wings, I'll put you on FPS Bootcamp 2.0 after this. Everybody keeps asking. I'd do it.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I'd do it. We'll fucking cut you out of marble, you son of a man. God damn it. And then we'll leave that bitch who doesn't want to support you. And we'll find a woman who's so fucking terrified by your thick six that she doesn't – she fucking looks at the ground when people ask her what it looks like. She fucking starts crying when they ask how big your dick is. And we'll take an even better picture.
Starting point is 00:12:04 And every fucking 30 pounds you lose, you're gaining an inch, because I bet it's the thick nine when we're done with you. Oh, it's going to be a thick 36 if that's the case. So I'm worried that Wings is going to see this, and we're somehow going to get in his head and make him start thinking divorce if he's not already.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I would rather get in his head and make him start thinking divorce if he's not already. I would rather get in his head and make him think this wings. You need to have an actual talk with her and say, Hey baby, when you didn't have my back, you hurt my feelings. This is a job where the mobs are always at my door, torches and pitchforks. I am out there on the front lines trading my mental health for cash so this family can operate. I can't have fights at home too. I need you to have my back.
Starting point is 00:12:56 And see where the conversation goes from there. If you were to say those words, that would be a good start. You can't be fighting a good start. Yeah. You can't be fighting a war on two fronts. All right? Yep. You can't have a fucking... You can't. No. At home and
Starting point is 00:13:14 abroad? I don't think so. That ain't how this works. Anyone who knows the show knows that I take my share of negative feedback, right? Constructive criticism. I try not to give them any attention, but it's true. When I step away from the keyboard, I get built back
Starting point is 00:13:30 up. That's how this is supposed to be. If I got torn down out there and in here, that'd be a rough existence. Yeah, that'd be horrible. He finishes up his stream of just getting roasted for however many hours he does it and then goes out and is like, oh, there's that lady who doesn't have my back and sides with, you know, you know, Poonan or 69 who makes fun of me and goes, oh, I really do think that it's something to do with it.
Starting point is 00:13:57 She was so intently looking at the chat. It's like she was looking for an in to like get it like to get popularity there like almost like oh wings his wife roasting him lol lmao ha ha ha and it's like and then she feels like i'm the one you know making the content making being funny right now people like me and it's like imagine being popular for the first time ever right it could be addictive to her i'm just making it it up here. It might be spot on. I don't think she walks into her room and has 400 people cheer her name, but she can go into a Twitch chat and have that happen. Does she want him to quit the online stuff? Okay, well then there's another angle that
Starting point is 00:14:39 almost sabotage of trying to make it so unbearable on there that he wants to leave. That implies this checkers players playing chess. I think we're a couple steps ahead here. Maybe, but I'm not going to stop wildly speculating. Have we discounted completely the concept that she might be some sort of secret genius?
Starting point is 00:15:03 You know, more and more likely as we watch this video. I don't know. Why does she need him to leave gaming and get a real job? Does she want more money? Because I don't think that's the downstream effect of that change.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Does she want more prestige? What is her problem with this? Is it the... My guess is it's the drain on the happiness. I think the cop showing up the other night about the pedophilia thing wasn't too chill. Oh, yeah. That is a strong point.
Starting point is 00:15:35 That wasn't his fault. Nope. Wasn't his fault. But it is a downstream effect of the job. Ah, you know. It's not his fault. It's not his fault, though. It's easy to say, hey, if you quit this, then people stop calling you a pedophile.
Starting point is 00:15:51 And again, guys, don't call him a pedophile. Look, this is an easy target here. If you want to troll somebody, there's plenty to hit at without making up criminal charges about the man. Good God. You want to be a good troll?
Starting point is 00:16:06 Write a fucking song. Fucking edit together a music fucking video. Mr. Big Guy. I was about to reveal who made Mr. Big Guy. I'll never do that. But you know, like Mr. Big Guy. I bet he's okay with
Starting point is 00:16:22 Mr. Big Guy. Yeah, it's funny. I would take that back. I bet he's okay with mr big guy like yeah it's funny no i would take that back i bet he likes it a lot more than like some like chick on tiktok who's been convinced he's a fucking pedophile because of trolls you know yeah yeah jesus christ but yeah um that's that that's terrible terrible look look for the wife there. For sure. Shame on you. Like, like shame on you for not backing up your,
Starting point is 00:16:50 your partner, for not having the common sense to back up your partner, for not having the common decency to back up your partner, all of the above. You should love that guy, support him in all things. And if there's something to be handled privately, then you
Starting point is 00:17:05 do just that you know if you've got some kind of issue that he had a sex life before you maybe you maybe you address that before you marry the man if you've got some sort of jealousy that this guy has fans and that you don't even have a single friend in the world maybe you uh like rinse that out before you marry the man but you you don't hold his feet to the fire when the wolves are at the door like you did. That was super fucking scummy. Wings has a girthy fucking cock. People should know that going in. And I'm sure he could get himself another big BBW.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Big, beautiful, big BBW any time he wants. I choose to believe you added more beautifuls. Yeah, those were beautifuls I added. Big, big, big, big, big, beautiful woman. Any time he wants. Because the man's fucking internet famous. He's got million view documentaries made about him.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Okay. You say his name in a crowded room and somebody is going to perk up. Okay. And nobody, nobody knows who you are other than that. You're a terrible wife. Work on that. Work on that. Work on yourself.
Starting point is 00:18:18 It's not over. Like, I don't think I've ever, I think the year that Jackie and I argued the most was the first one. We didn't live together beforehand and we were year that Jackie and I argued the most was the first one we didn't live together beforehand and we were kind of figuring out how to what was the biggest argument if it's not too much to ask I would say when I first got home from work I was looking for decompression I had a long commute and uh um this is a rough commute from New Jersey past Philadelphia to the suburbs. Yeah. And after a long day.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Right. Imagine. And it seemed like there are two main roads. One of them had an accident all the time, meaning that they were both ruined. I've done the same drive. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:59 You understand the deal then. Yeah. And you know, then you add to that any of the weather conditions that exist, like months of the year up there and the commute was rough it was just a slow stop and go high stress type of battle to get home and what i wanted when i got home was kind of this 1950s like put my feet up chill whatever what i like, Oh, thank goodness you're here. I need this, that, and the other like task from you. And, um, it just took a while to sort of sort that out. And yeah, that makes a lot of sense. That makes a lot of sense. You, you,
Starting point is 00:19:35 you both have similar feelings about the day, I'm sure. And you, you both need someone to lean on at the same time and making that wash is difficult i would imagine yeah i know what it's like to like work for fucking all day and be stressed out about that and then sit in fucking traffic and then get home and just want to like can you believe how bad my day was you just want somebody to be like oh that's terrible just to be a sound yeah yeah that's terrible dinner right you know you know what i cooked for you fucking blueberry cobbler your you want a back massage cobbler you little dick loser why don't you go fuck priscilla oh i just finished a stream
Starting point is 00:20:15 ripping into you while you were at work you know your discord mods say you're a piece of shit too what that's not what you want if you What? That's not what you want. That's not what you want after a hard day. Oh, God damn it. Yeah, you need a safe space in your home after that. This is hindsight, but Wings shouldn't have made her part of the show. In some ways, it's content.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And as a viewer, you're glad she's part of the show. This is some of the most interesting stuff to have happened. It's content and and it's like as a viewer you're glad she's part of the show this is some of the most interesting stuff to have happened it's content but for wings is like personal success she's not built to exist uh against the mobs on twitch yeah and for his like like maybe i'm totally wrong i don't know what he's making on his youtube streams or whatever but this content isn't even like serving him in the way that it does for most people like do you think he's making that much money off this like if anything clip channels are raking in more you know what my recommendation would be and i'm not even kidding only fans to fuck on only fans to make himself an only fans.
Starting point is 00:21:25 And it's just all fucking dick pics. But just like funny dick pics. Like his dick compared to tiny Lego skyscrapers and stuff. We will finally get Girthy Lincoln. Girthy Lincoln.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Put a little hat on it. Yeah, a little hat. maybe the beard under the uh what is the the rim called around the head is there a name for that the ridge i don't know okay yeah we'll go with no that's the underside yeah i know what the frenulum is but uh but yeah anyway we'll get yeah that's a pretty funny ham lincolnthingham Lincoln. I like it. Girthingham Lincoln, the fucking... I wanted to do something with Emancipator, but it doesn't work. Damn it. Emancipator.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Emancipator. Got it. Yeah. Close enough. I mean, that's a good given the hand he's been dealt here, that might be a way to make some quick bucks. I showed you guys a subreddit that's like Cospenis. Yes, and it's really funny.
Starting point is 00:22:31 His penis is dressed up in cosplay. And they put little hats on him and shit. Cospenis. What if I started an OnlyFans and just used this picture repeatedly photoshopped into different costumes? You get banned because he reports to you like we're gonna have to see a picture of your dick mr jordan that's copyrighted content
Starting point is 00:22:52 right there i'll verify it yeah man um but but yeah wings um if this gets back to you just know that like we give you a hard time around here for now and then because we kind of call them like we see them or at least i'm just and maybe i'm just a mean fuck sometimes sorry for that but goddamn i didn't like this i didn't like this for you um yeah it's fucked up if i'd been your wife out of saying the praises of the thick six that'd have been like thick six my ass that thing beats my cervix into a submission sometimes we only have sex once a day because I need recovery. I'd be like, once a week? He gets
Starting point is 00:23:29 it once a week at most. Is that a compliment? Because that's how long it takes for me to recover. I wasn't sure how to because that's not great either. My gynecologist calls my vagina a war zone now.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I like that. What Wings does to me down there is literally considered by the Geneva Convention a war crime. If she had gone with that, it would have been so funny. It would have killed the highlights. It would have been a... And then she gets up to walk away with a limp. That's what I'd have done. I'd have gotten up and I'd have walked real gingerly.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Yeah, knees apart like you just got off a horse. That's how you play this shit. Look, you want to like... But what you don't do is try to get the most awful people in the world on your side against your husband. Right?
Starting point is 00:24:27 And that's what she's doing, by the way. That's it. Yep. Yeah. She's like, oh, maybe the most evil scumbags in the world who literally want my husband to kill himself, not just to have a little silly fun occasionally. Maybe they'll be on my side. Oh, they're LOLing at the way i'm treating him like garbage right now that's that's a nice little dopamine hit of positivity for me like just just gutless i hope
Starting point is 00:24:52 i hope he leaks your fucking one of your titties and like there's a whole discussion about your fucking nipples and how weird they are oh the ultimate vengeance and then like knowing how that would go it'd be like that's bad wings in trouble for for revenge porn because yeah yeah i'm not suggesting that i'm just i'm just saying like look if your fucking pussy got leaked i guarantee he'd be he'd be talking he'd be singing the praises of that of that of that pussy not a doubt in my mind he would go to bat for you and yeah there for him so very very fucking bullshit. Nobody's as tone deaf as you. It's awful what she did.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Awful. It had to be some sort of act of vengeance. I don't think anyone's that tone deaf. I know in the beginning I was like, she's not backing him. Why? She's either tone deaf or she's being mean. She's being mean.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Why is she being mean? What's happening? Yeah. And then sometimes with someone that dumb who's not able to... I don't know. I spend a lot of time sometimes thinking about why I do the things I do. I try to
Starting point is 00:25:57 figure out... I try to be introspective on things like, I did that because I was insecure. I did that because I was insecure i did that because like i was mad about this other thing and i wanted to hurt this person's feelings about this thing to make me feel better that was wrong like i try to be introspective and like a decent person in that regard i doubt she's very introspective i doubt that she realizes that she's being awful because she feels bad about x y and z yeah you know i don't know what their home life is like.
Starting point is 00:26:28 For all I know. Afterward, hopefully he was like, what the fuck? You hung me out to dry. You participated in bullying me and being snide and basically marching shoulder to shoulder with the people who actively try to destroy my life every day. What's wrong with you? Do you think I would treat you that way? Do you think in any reality I would behave that way if you were on the chopping block? No. So what the fuck is your problem?
Starting point is 00:26:52 Next time, next time, like if you want to actually make the marriage better, while he would be justified in saying all that, a whole lot would be like, baby, that was bad. What I need from you is this. What's going on? Twitch gave me a week off because I called my friend a faggot. No, but you said it in kindness. I did say it. I said it in annoyance, and it just slipped out.
Starting point is 00:27:14 But if you guys are out there that maybe normally watch my stream or whatever, go on over to Wingstream, hashtag Girth Lord, and give him some love over there. Good fucking God. I did delete the VODod it didn't matter it's fine i you know i i guess i deserve my seven week my seven day uh suspension i did say it i said it i didn't mean to say it i didn't say it with hater in my heart or anything it was just you know we're playing poker my friend may it's my friend scum right it's literally one of the guys i'm going on vacation with he did a thing in the game it annoyed me a little bit and i was like ah you faggot was that i was just saying did he
Starting point is 00:27:48 yeah i did a point he bet money he was just playing the game he didn't do anything bad like like i was just you know there's sometimes in poker where it's like oh i really need him to check here and not bet any more money i don't want to pay any more money to see another card but this is the juicy this could this is this hand has potential like like i maybe i have like a backer sure i'm familiar with this yeah there's a lot of it's called backdoor draws where you need two cards in a row to like really get you somewhere but like i had like multiple backdoor draws i like a backdoor flush draw i had a back door straight draw i had a back door and i had a pair so like oh if i get enough if i get another pair then i've got two pair if i get another like five then i've got three fives if i get another diamond then
Starting point is 00:28:29 one more makes me a flush if i get another seven then holy shit i'm one away from a straight like i don't really want to put any more money in the pot but i really want to see another card and see if this hand develops a little bit and you know he made it like 17 more to go or something like that and i was just like you faggot and i was like immediately i was like god damn it it was either that or that very off color impression i did of uh walt jr no you can you can do that one all day but i don't know i'll get you in trouble i did racist walking though racist i just don't know why they should be able to share the same schools you don't even remember what he sounds like so i'm just doing jimmy Jimmy, I did the same thing. Becky the bear. Becky the bear. Becky the bear.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Wow. Woody Greenblatt. Yeah, that's exactly the same. There's another family that didn't ride or die with dad, right? Wife should have been like, oh, we're running a gigantic criminal enterprise now? All right. Well, I'm on your team. That's how this goes.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Yeah. Not only that, but he's hung. I'll tell you this. Look, I've said this before, so I don't want to beat a dead horse here. I honestly get annoyed with repeat content. I know what it's like when you're watching somebody that just always do the same shit. But look, I can't rewatch Breaking Bad because I hate his family so goddamn much. Skyler did a pretty good job for a while before she got all fat and of backing him up,
Starting point is 00:30:08 of helping to run the money laundering enterprise. But as soon as she found out that maybe some people had died or things were getting real dicey, she was fucking drawing away from her husband, leaving him to fend for himself. And the son, he has defended this little cripple against bullies he has bought this kid a brand new challenger i think it was
Starting point is 00:30:32 you know like a 40 fucking two thousand dollars car and take it back she did make him take it back which was that was that was a sick car yeah that was a nice car. And like, dude, this is your dad, right? Look, if my dad revealed to me there's nothing my dad could reveal to me where I wouldn't be like, we got to keep this on the down low, dad. But God damn, what are we going to do?
Starting point is 00:30:58 All right, if you're real that he was a Chomo, Chomo is the line, okay? Everything before Chomo on if he reveals chomoness i'm like all right we're gonna get you some help you know how you're helping him like set up dating apps you like notice the top and you're like plenty of kids i'd be like all right first of all got to get you some help. This has to stop. Can any of them identify you? No, they can't talk yet.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Oh, you really are a cool guy. I don't know if that's better or worse. This is your plan chest, dad. I'm very conflicted. But no, what I'm saying is like, I got your fucking back. I got your fucking back. If you revealed to me they had a drug enterprise, I'd be like, why didn't you tell me
Starting point is 00:31:47 before I was ordering that weed from Cali? I could have just gotten it straight from you and we wouldn't have been in this whole mess. Well, you're doing them bitch drugs. I'll handle that. Hair on. The heroin pronunciation was out there. In the South, they call it hair on.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Say it again. Hair on. That's how my grandparents call it hair on. Say it again. Yeah. Hair on. Hair on. That's how my grandparents call it. Yeah. But yeah. You got to have your families back. You got to have your families back.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I have my friends back. I always think before I speak when it comes to my friends, throwing them under the bus in any kind of a way. And I don't know. I wouldn't say the thing. I would be more defensive of syndicate. I'm more defensive of someone like syndicate who I know sort of adjacently. I've met him two or three times. We've been on the show or whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I've hung out with him like maybe twice ever, like, like maybe out in LA or something drunk with him. I'm more defensive of that man than his wife is of wings. Yeah. Like if somebody was like, did you see syndicate's dick? It's kind of small. I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:32:56 dude, I've seen it in real life. It's fucking huge. That's a bad picture. Yeah. It's so fucking scary. Bodybuilder knows. Yeah. It's knows yeah it's all about the angles man you put a little down lighting on that thing you'd be shocked you gotta put the dick in the foreground so that it's closer to the camera that vein alone is two inches you use one of those like
Starting point is 00:33:20 trick lenses that just makes it fish eye it's like man your dick gets like really weird and wide at the end there yeah yeah it's that's how it's shaped it's terrifying right that's how it is it's just a horribly shaped 15 inch penis yeah i don't know man i i that whole thing is we watched that video like right before we kicked off the show so i think that's why like if anybody's curious why we're so like hot to trot about this thing like i had been staying away from it people were asking me on twitch um sunday night you know did you see it did you see it i'm like i don't want to see it i don't want to see it it's probably not even real i don't want to see it don't want to talk about it and then somebody sends it to me on snapchat i'm literally like like in the middle of the stream and i go oh let's see
Starting point is 00:33:59 what so-and-so has to say boom there's there's wings dick and i'm just like fuck thanks fish fuck i was the other way i was like a pick i need to see it i need to see it for science everyone's like no don't show me and i'm like guys i'm so disappointed this hasn't been presented to me already woody woody sent it like i literally deleted it right away i was like i'm not gonna expose me to this. But now it's downloaded to my phone automatically because Woody just sent it via WhatsApp so that Taylor could get a good look at the Thick Six. I'm looking at it now. I got it.
Starting point is 00:34:37 It's the whole monitor. I can't hear. Wait a second. And now it's full screen. It's the whole monitor. I can't hear. Wait a second. So it does your background into solidarity. And now it's full screen. Here we go. Good God. Good God. I hate that. Poor dude. I feel bad for him. I think I recognize the carpet.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Yeah, the carpet matches. That's the one I saw where they're like, they do some forensics and they're like, here's his carpet and other shots. Here's his keyboard and then here's the dick pic. Yeah, this is right underneath probably that glass desk that he used to have, maybe.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Yeah. He's got all the... The floor is just riddled with cables. You know, I can't... Yeah. That's one of the things I like about this desk I've got. The Arazi or whatever. I wish they sponsored me or us.
Starting point is 00:35:24 It's got so much cable management like like the cables go in you know through the desk and there's all this netting underneath where they all get like held up and filtered toward the pc and toward your power saver or whatever that's a big deal that's a big deal yeah i like it so cheap the arazi desk um it's on amazon for like a few hundred dollars like what would happen if you stood on it it take it it take it it's very well built um the top is like i don't think this is hardwood i think it is some sort of like high strength particle board or something like that but it's got like a nice slick coating on it um the entire top is a mouse pad and i mean the
Starting point is 00:36:03 entire top and it's five feet wide uh yeah perfect that's it except i don't have red legs i've got black legs those legs are very heavy duty um and yeah again 450 bucks i think on amazon it may be a little a tad cheaper could be wrong but uh that entire top there is a removable mouse pad that's machine washable. That's nice. I just have a regular desk with a four and a half foot by two and a half foot mouse pad. What a fucking loser. I know. You need to have my back like she did.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Dude, the original? Dude, that's old fucking school. I like that. You're a fucking throwback. I bet people come in and they're like, fuck, Taylor's desk gets me hard. God, I wish my dick was as big as his, though.
Starting point is 00:36:50 I'm ashamed to touch it in front of him. We all do. I don't even want to touch his penis. Taylor told us one time that when he sits on the toilet, his dick goes in the toilet water, so he had to get a special thing in the back so the toilet water is extra low so his dick doesn't get wet. That's true. Yeah. Well, the bigger problem
Starting point is 00:37:06 is when you flush and it starts to go down. It sucked his dick into the toilet. Is that why you sit on that little like my first potty elevation? Yeah, he's got to be elevated. That's why I put both heels on the top of the bowl and I squat. He perches on the toilet like a gargoyle.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Like an owl. I'm just sitting there firing, missing. Just a real mess. It's a real mess. The hippopotamus is spraying. It is. My wife. I'm just like, honey, there's a mess again.
Starting point is 00:37:34 So we were talking about archery today in our little chat. You're thinking about getting into archery. Coincidentally, I am as well, of course, because I'm coming off probation and I'll be able to get back into archery. So I grew up shooting. My dad always shot. He shot 3D archery. He traveled around the southeast and shot. He was sponsored by a bow company called PSE.
Starting point is 00:37:56 What does 3D archery mean? It's 3D targets that look like animals. So there would be like turkeys, deer, boar, stuff like that. It's a bit like golf in that you walk up to each shooting station. that look like animals. So there'd be like turkeys, deer, uh, boar, stuff like that. Um, it's a bit like golf in, in that you walk up to each like shooting station and the distance to the target is completely unknown to you. And so you have to eye it. You have to be like, that looks like 30 yards. And then you adjust the sighting on your boat at 30 yards and you pull back and you fire your shot, you know then uh and you know it's got you get
Starting point is 00:38:26 it's like a bullseye right so like 10 points if you hit it right in the middle and then eight seven six five four three two and then of course you could miss and uh and they shoot those competitions like that and uh he did that a lot when i was a kid when i was like five like like he was always off like shooting one of those so when i was old enough to shoot which is around 13 you kind of got to be a you got to be strong to pull a bow back and my first bow was 55 or 60 pounds it was a pse nova and uh and i went right compound bow yeah yeah yeah um hunting the compound bow is the easiest bow to use because the pulleys at the top when you draw it back like you have to pull that 55 60 pounds or 70 you know it's adjustable and different posts have different
Starting point is 00:39:10 draw weights but what i'm getting at is when you get all the way back because of the pulleys you have something called let off and the better the bow the more let off it has it's a percentage ratio of how much you're actually holding once you have it all the way back, how much force you're exerting at full draw versus the maximum pull weight. And you could be sitting back only holding like a very tiny amount, like you can sit and hold the bow at full draw minutes. If you're a strong guy minutes and you won't get tired. And that's important sometimes when in hunting, especially because maybe you you you draw back and then you're waiting on the deer to like take another step forward past a tree or an obstruction
Starting point is 00:39:49 or something like that and uh at compound bows shoot very fast um well over over 300 feet per second i don't know what the like industry standard is now but back when i was shooting like if you were in like the low 300s that was fast and uh you shoot carbon fiber arrows aluminum is kind of out of vogue and uh you shoot broadheads at uh at targets which are i always use folding broadheads so that when they hit they do this thing where they like open up like this like my fingers are doing and become this big switchblade type situation that make a huge wound. Recurve bows are, I wouldn't say ancient, but they're old fucking school, right? It's just that the limbs are bent backwards away from the pulling angle, and it gives you a bit of a mechanical advantage.
Starting point is 00:40:37 There is no let off. So you're holding the full draw weight back when you pull it back. The recurve I used didn't even have sites. You just kind of aimed along the arrow. I just pulled it back, aim for less than a full second. It would be like pull back, let go.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And, you sort of shoot like a slingshot. That's how I shot mine. I've never killed a deer with a recurve. Uh, and I've never shot a long bow. Have you tried many times with the recurve? The deer just pretty much always went compound.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I never hunted with a recurve bow because I didn't think it would work out. Apparently it's unbelievably hard. Unbelievably hard. Were you looking at hunting with the bow or just target shooting? Off the start, I was thinking just target shooting because, I don't know, that just appeals to me. It seems fun. I don't know what it was in the last week. I just like started looking up those.
Starting point is 00:41:26 You can do it in your yard. Am I crazy? Oh, yeah. I could definitely do it in my yard. And so I would go recurve first because I'm more interested in the target shooting. And apparently, just based on what... There's one archery guy on YouTube I've been watching,
Starting point is 00:41:39 New Sensei, I think his name is. He's an Australian guy. And he said it was... and a lot of people agree that apparently it's easier to learn on recurve and then pick up compound than it is to learn on compound and then pick up a recurve bow and like even more shallowly i just think the like kind of old school simple aesthetic of the recurve bow is really really cool like it's neat it would be really satisfying to be able to learn how to shoot that accurately from any kind of distance and so this weekend i think you know my
Starting point is 00:42:11 my wife will go with me who knows if she probably won't be able to shoot a bow with her back uh but we're going to go to an archery range and i'm going to try out a couple of rentals uh it's called uh you can get like recurve or like there's like a traditional recurve where you where the limbs are like made into the the handle part but you can also buy these that are called takedown bows where you can take the limbs out of them and be like okay i just practiced with a 30 pound 40 whatever the draw weight is and that's really easy i feel like i'm getting my muscle memory right all right i'm going to bump up to 50 so i can shoot it faster and harder and then get used to that and so i think that's the best bang for my buck i'm not buying anything until i go to the range because
Starting point is 00:42:52 it's still entirely possible that i get out there and i'm like oh this sucks i don't like this but but in my head i think it's really cool how much is your bow selection influenced by the bow of Galadrim? Oh, I mean, so every... How's my pronunciation? Probably not great. That's a good bet. Yeah, I definitely think bows and arrows are cool. I remember watching... The bow of Galadrim for listeners being Legolas' bow?
Starting point is 00:43:24 Yeah, Legolas. It'll take me days until I'm good as Legolas. At least all day. All day. I'm just kidding. I can totally see this being one of those hobbies where there's 11-year-olds next to me
Starting point is 00:43:42 and I'm like, this is fucking gay. I don't even want to do this you'll be taking out elephants yeah and like i can't tell uh yeah the olifants olive the mooma kill uh but like another thing is i i don't know how like i'm glad kyle chimed in today when we were talking about uh the bows in our chat because, well, number one, like pulling like a 70 pound compound bow is a lot easier than the 70 pound recurve for the reasons Kyle said is that you're holding 70 pounds with the recurve. You don't have sights. You don't have all that. It's more of an intuitive shot. But I think I'm going to go that way anyway. Go with the recurve. Number one, recurve bows are cheaper than compound bows. And maybe I'll come around to it, but I don't like the way compound bows look.
Starting point is 00:44:28 I think they look chaotic and kind of shitty. Like it's too modern looking. And all the videos I see online, I have not seen one video of a hunter make a kill with a recurve bow. Every single one has been compound. It is. So what I would do with a recurve is i had uh i had one of those cube targets it's a foam cube maybe two and a half feet by two and a half feet and uh you know it's got bullseyes on one side and like every side is a different kind of target
Starting point is 00:45:00 it's kind of neat that way because it is a cube, you know, you've got multiple target visuals but I would just kind of sit there at like 20 yards or something like that and you know, my arrows would be in a group like this, you know, like light light You something like that? They're not going in very deep though because it's a recurve. It doesn't shoot nearly as fast and When you're alright so from my personal experience When you're in a tree and a deer walks up my heart would pound like it's never pounded before in my life like it is the it is the most intense um you know adrenaline rush i've ever felt um it's it's scarier than than anything
Starting point is 00:45:38 else i've ever done um by far is is the intensity and the um because because there's so much that goes into it. I've been practicing for weeks. Um, I've, I've gotten up at four in the morning. I've climbed a tree in the dead of night. I've waited till the sun broke and here he is all the practice, all of the, uh, all of the, all the hard work, all the effort. And my dad's right there. He's in a tree too. And he's just like, got this giving you the knowledge and i'm just like i hope i do and the first time i fucked it up the first time i shot the deer right in the ass it was i went fuck and the arrow went funk do you remember what went wrong i missed
Starting point is 00:46:21 i just missed i don't know exactly what went wrong i just i just made a bad shot i missed no excuses just missed made a bad shot probably died a torturous death and that's one of the other things about bow hunting is you have a big responsibility if you fuck up if you fuck up with a rifle he's still usually gonna die like if you just actually if you hit him in the guts like he's gonna die tonight it's gonna hurt a little to die. If you hit him in the guts, he's going to die tonight. It's going to hurt a little more than if you hit him in the heart of the lungs or the shoulder or even the neck, but he's going to die tonight with a bow. You did a bad thing tonight. You did a bad thing
Starting point is 00:46:58 tonight with your bow. Yeah, you feel guilty. I felt terrible. The first deer I ever killed was a small buck it had like really little antlers like like just spikes but i killed him and we got it mounted it was in my room forever when i was growing up and um another deer i killed uh was a doe you know a female deer and she was right under my deer stand my dad and i would hunt with inside of each other when we bow hunted because with rifles we would separate by hundreds and hundreds of yards because the rifle has that range. But with the bows, your range is so short because of the bow and also because of undergrowth and stuff like that, that we could be within eyesight of each other, both of us up in trees, 20, 25 feet up. And this doe walked right under me and i shot it right in the spine
Starting point is 00:47:46 nice and i paralyzed it and so its back legs stop working its front legs are still digging it's crawling away and uh and my dad was very proud of me he's like you're very composed you just drew another arrow you knocked it and you killed her and i was like yeah i guess i was i don't know what else to do because like but but but like stab it but i failed so many times i mean i could have i could have that would have been hardcore my dad stabbed one to death once uh he had shot the same exact scenario my dad shot one in the spine once from long range um he just and he saw it drop he shoots the deer it drops quarter mile away so he walks out there doesn't bring the rifle because it's such a long walk
Starting point is 00:48:31 it's still alive and all he has is his leather man multi-tool oh god that's tiny which one which one did he get the big one the big one you know The full pliers and the 18 piece. It's got all the attachments. He had to use that blade to stab it in the heart and kill it. Is it rated? I think he just used the regular blade.
Starting point is 00:48:59 He killed it with the scissors. He nipped it to death. He got a blackhead. out of the flathead. I'm going to file this little fucker. Death of a thousand cuts. Is that just a rumor? Yeah. That's a Chinese torture technique.
Starting point is 00:49:13 So, yeah. I failed so many times in bow hunting. And every failure was an incredible learning experience. Because it was such a big deal. Like, again, you had all that time invested, and that whole day was ruined by your one little mistake. And so those mistakes are forged into your mind to never be made again. When the stakes are that high, when you've wasted an entire day,
Starting point is 00:49:38 and not just your time, but your dad's time too, you never make those mistakes again. One of the mistakes I made, my climbing deer stand has this, once you've gotten to where you're going, it has this like canvas seat you're sitting in. It's like a, it's like a, it's like a cushion with like canvas straps that support it. And it's got a backrest too. And you're supposed to reach around the tree with this little thing that clips together. And that holds your backrest up, the thing you lean against. And so you're not just leaning against a tree. I just like leaned it against the tree and leaned against it.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Not because, because I was scared because it's, it's wobbly up there and like reaching around the tree unsupported and like clipping was a little scary to me. I was 13. And so I just leaned it back and sat down. Well, when the deer showed up and i stood up that canvas and synthetic
Starting point is 00:50:29 cushion slid down and it made this noise the deer ran away the deer ran away because because i didn't take the time the extra five seconds to clip my so now every time it's got to be clipped right you know like so let's learn so many things it's got to be clipped right you know like you learn so many things it's really fun hunting deer with a bow um and it's really satisfying when you kill one i don't remember how many i've killed with a bow probably five roughly probably five or six um but uh because like deer uh bow season is only for like a month or maybe a month and a half or something like that maybe two i don't really remember. But then rifle season begins and we'd get the rifles out.
Starting point is 00:51:08 What was the – do you remember what the draw weight was on your recurve bow? I honestly don't. I don't. I've still got it. I don't know what to believe from like reading archery communities online because they'll be like, oh, if you're starting with a recurve bow, don't even go higher than 30 pounds draw weight and i'm like i mean i'm not fucking the mountain or anything but
Starting point is 00:51:31 i'm like is does this apply to someone who's reasonably strong i wouldn't think so like they're giving this tip to like 14 year olds yeah i have one if it's not 30 it's almost 30 and um even when I pull it back, what seems like all the way, like anymore would be stupid. It doesn't always stick in our target. Really? It shoots so weakly.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Yeah. I, I don't, I would think a man of your strength would start higher. Yeah. I'm out of my expertise. Is, is the one you have the kind that it's just,
Starting point is 00:52:03 it's one solid piece or does it have those little limbs you can replace to make it higher tension i think it's one solid piece i bought it for colin i to play with in the yard all right yeah mine has removable limbs and um i don't remember what i paid for it uh it's it's a decent one i i would usually like oh yeah well look well this one's 100 but that one's 300 and it's so much better probably it's probably a couple hundred bucks that's what they seem to be but i haven't fucked with it forever um the only piece of equipment i would definitely recommend getting is the glove because yeah when you release that string it slides through your fingers and it it is very uncomfortable after
Starting point is 00:52:39 more than a handful of shots if you're going to be practicing your fingers are going to be really sore and then if you kept going they'd be disgustingly blistered like a guitar player it's a nice time of year to start to like one of the things that helped colin i were playing and then after you retrieve 20 arrows you're like this isn't that much fun in the north carolina summer like yeah that's how it went for us september going into october this is yeah yeah i agree with you prime time and like i know i'm gonna go recurve first like you were saying there's no sight on it kyle and that's like appealing i think that's neat like i think some of them have sides mine just didn't you can yeah a lot of people who like shoot them more i guess traditional uh recurve style they don't
Starting point is 00:53:25 use any sights and i think that would be a fun challenge to figure out how to intuitively aim with my horrible eyes i knew a guy who claimed the the only part of the story that's like wishy-washy he claimed that he was part native american he grew his hair very long um he was one of those guys who was just like kind of a craftsman like he'd just take odd jobs and just work hard all day and then last name warren high cheekbones yeah yeah he got into he got into like politics or something like that and then the cherokees threw under the bus but uh but no he would um he would come onto our property and look for arrowheads a lot because there were a lot of arrowheads on our property.
Starting point is 00:54:07 And I would talk to him about it because I'd be out there shooting my compound bow, practicing. And he shot a traditional longbow with arrows he made himself. That's true. That's awesome. I've seen them with flint and – not flint. That's awesome. I've seen them. With flint and, not flint, what's that volcanic stone? Oh, obsidian? Obsidian. He'd use
Starting point is 00:54:33 obsidian arrowheads. Yeah. The arrowheads that you may have found or seen before, they're like this big, that are like two and a quarter inches long and inch and a half wide those actually aren't arrowheads those are spearheads those are spearheads because if you think about it you wouldn't have that big heavy fucking thing on the on the end of a little arrow never
Starting point is 00:54:54 considered that actual arrowheads are these little fuckers made out of things like they would be made out of flint or obsidian but they're tiny they're really small and he hunt he said that he had killed deer with his primitive setup the idea of and and he would climb a tree by the way like he wouldn't use like like i've got a deer stand climbing apparatus like it does that almost most of the work for you he would just climb a goddamn tree that guy's awesome i don't know if he was bullshit or not he claimed it he claimed it and he always had deer to eat so maybe he was just getting his 30-06 out killing him and then come and tell me a big lie but that that was his story and he stuck to it those longbows are so
Starting point is 00:55:34 cool like the the english longbow draw weight is like well over 100 pounds apparently over 150 yeah 150 to 200 i was watching this video of like this old guy online who was like, just like a 4 million view shirtless old man with a beard being like, I've been doing archery for a long time. Look at how it's impacted my body. And he's like, like his right part of his back where he pulls so overdeveloped, strong, meaty back,
Starting point is 00:56:02 the left shoulder that he's pushing with big meaty shoulder up here and it's like he even showed like standing how he looked like that yeah and apparently they can even find like like the bones of english soldiers who were like longbowmen and they can be like oh this was a longbowman see you can tell from the stress in this area of bones you can tell from the the structure here that this person was used to doing total one-sided body movement it was a tremendous amount of effort especially like like like we're six feet here we're all we're all around 200 pounds back then those guys were probably like five seven a buck fifty or something like that and they're still pulling like over their body weight it'd be like us pulling a 250 pound bow or something like that you know it was a crazy feat and they're like building muscle on on bread and mead like they're
Starting point is 00:56:50 not hitting their mac that's the only thing bread's got extra meal worms in it today and in reality they're like oh you think in the future at some point life won't suck this bad nah people be shooting long bows a long time what's that bang i also was like you know like the meme where that's like those long bows they could punch through plate armor apparently that's not true like there was this guy shooting a huge long bow right at plate armor and like unless you hit it in the right spot it would deflect off so i guess that's where guns really took a huge but then again only like certain people had plate armor like you'd never come across an army of people in plate armor you know they'd have bullshit stuff it could blast right through most people yeah yeah i think that the
Starting point is 00:57:40 the knights of that time were more like the tanks on our modern battlefields. That armor was so expensive to have. You'd never have thousands of guys in real armor. That implies they were useful. I just have a concept that the knights were just worthless rich people. No. All the knights were super useful. I think they were like super that
Starting point is 00:58:05 so the the guys i watch on youtube to talk about it for it they described them as super athletes of their day and they talk about like this wasn't some lumbering fool in heavy plate armor who could barely move and swing and and swing his sword big wide strokes he would he could do barrel rolls and and and like sprint and jump and flail around and like his sword wasn't like this reality his sword wasn't his sword wasn't a sharp club he'd use every part of it he he would grab the blade of another man's sword because he had these kind of gloves and he could take it away and revising my stance i think they're like formula one drivers where some are there because of sheer talent and some are there because they're born into wealthy families i would imagine it would depend on the kid where
Starting point is 00:58:48 if you had like a son who was like naturally into it he'd be like all right little joey he's going to be a knight this little steve he's going to be a scribe he doesn't have it in the he doesn't he can't cut the mustard on the night field yeah Yeah. I don't know. Interesting time in our history. It is cool. But the medieval weapons do interest me a lot. I've been talking about the swords, but the crossbows that the French would use and the longbows the English would use
Starting point is 00:59:16 and all that stuff is interesting. I almost built a trebuchet back in the F.E.S. Russia days, but they were very expensive to build. Just the amount of lumber? The amount of lumber. Yeah, The amount of lumber was like... It wasn't a cheap thing. They seem complicated to me. I'm not sure how they know when to let go exactly. Maybe you fully understand how a trebuchet works, but if I were to try to be a human trebuchet
Starting point is 00:59:38 where I wrap a cloth around a rock and try to throw it, it would just stay in that cloth and come around and hit me. I'm pretty sure. I think it's got like a like part of the Is it time release mechanism? It wouldn't go straight if you just released one side. You'd lose the carriage. One side is attached
Starting point is 00:59:58 and the other side is like hooked with a like it's like a loop that's hooked on a peg, I think. And then when it gets to the perfect apex, it just comes undone on its own, I think. Like the inertia of the stone undoes the latch or something? Yeah. I think as it's traveling, it's unhooking
Starting point is 01:00:13 and releasing its projectile. What a smart guy to figure that out. Can you imagine the uphill battle? Catapult I get. You crank it and then you release it. Like that guy, the uphill battle he must have had he's like it's gonna get better trust me no this idiot and then ballistas and stuff like that like the romans would use i think those are the most common you know siege
Starting point is 01:00:35 pieces and that were that were used back then was the ballista which was just a gigantic crossbow where you have like hundreds and hundreds of pounds of pressure, launching a fucking, basically a big iron spear or something like that. And you know that people occasionally got impaled by one of those. And it was like, it would have been so fucking graphic if your buddy just took a fucking eight foot long
Starting point is 01:00:58 30 pound spear right through him. Oh yeah. And it wouldn't just go through him. It would, like you'd get collaterals. Oh, you'd get collapsed. You're go through him. You'd get collaterals. You're not getting collats. You're absolutely getting collats. From that thing? For sure. You hit some bum in bullshit chainmail.
Starting point is 01:01:15 It's going right through him. Maybe you're right. For some reason, I didn't realize this was a machine-propelled spear. Oh, yes. Let me see if there's any video. I think I'd aim it in such a way that collats were more likely. Right? You know, shoot into a crowd. Like, oh, then soldiers bump up, then they're
Starting point is 01:01:31 dumb. Oh, I've got video of a ballista. Let's watch it. Yeah, let's see this. Can you play this, Zach? While he cues that up. How cool would it have been if Wings called up an ex-girlfriend like, hey, Brandy,
Starting point is 01:01:47 I can't get any support out of my wife. Would you tell her my dick is thick and girthy? And if she comes over that speakerphone into the mic and does what his wife didn't, that's the reality I want to live in. That's points for her. See this machine here? It's a collater.
Starting point is 01:02:03 It's a collat machine. Look at this shit. That's a sizable. See this machine here? It's a collater. It's a collat machine. Look at this shit. That's a sizable machine. Let's play. Look at that fucking thing. This is a Roman ballista. It's a 12 minute video, so I'm not sure. Oh my god. Okay, so try to find the part where you shoot this motherfucker. I kind of want to see them
Starting point is 01:02:19 start cranking it back. Look at the chain that does the pulling. I kind of want to see how start cranking it back because look at the chain that does the pulling. I kind of want to see how much effort goes into drawing it because I think they're about to start turning wheels. It's a four-man operation. Oh, we missed the shot. Oh, no, no. They're still cranking it.
Starting point is 01:02:37 What was that guy laughing about? I don't know. How much further back does it go? Oh, apparently you just... That's funny. Let's do dangerous stand by. Holy shit. Christ.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Yeah, I think that can go through two guys. If you're lucky. I thought it was more of a straight shot near. Like they'd be 200 yards behind the fighting. They are shooting a mile away. Oh, yeah. It's hard to tell. I wish I could see the target. Do they show
Starting point is 01:03:08 the target at any point? Metal pipes for leverage to even crank it. I think the target is that field over there. The target is Earth. Planet Earth. What if you fired another one now? Entirely embedded.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Pull a Robin Hood. 200 meters. Okay. Maybe at a golf course. I think you can see the spear out there. I think that's on the left. I think that's it. It looks like he shot 200 plus easily.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Sure. It looks like it's halfway in the ground. I don't know how far a modern compound bow shoots but it's far like if you arc it up it's really really far they're cool bows are awesome i'm excited to try it out and hopefully i'll like it because it seems like a fun thing to to have as a hobby yeah i don't know what the laws are in um st louis or missouri but if you decide that like bows aren't for you crossbows like crossbow hunting is a big thing here crossbow hunting and the laws may have changed but it used to be for handicapped people um in archery season they could use a crossbow i didn't know that
Starting point is 01:04:17 crossbow is easy mode by the way it's it's basically just a rifle with limited range but they look so cool there's no kick on a crossbow right no it's basically just a rifle with limited range, but they look so cool. There's no kick on a crossbow, right? No, it's more like a vibration or something that you feel something when you shoot it, but there's no, like there's no walking dead.
Starting point is 01:04:35 There is a whole series of conversations about how bad the kick is from Daryl's crossbow and how the guy couldn't control it because it kicked like a bitch and all that. And I'm like, I've never fired a crossbow, but I'm pretty sure they don't kick it all. It's so heavy compared to the projectile. No, they don't kick. And there's no way these LA writers have fired one either.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Yeah. I was pretty confident, but I thought I'd ask Kyle. Yeah, that's another one of those nonsense things. I'm sorry. I'm walking dead talk. I like the show, but everything they do with regards to warfare is pretty terrible. It's terrible. They get
Starting point is 01:05:11 it wrong. They need a consultant. They need a consultant real bad. Yeah. And you don't even need... Look, I could do that job. You don't even need to go hire fucking Jocko or whatever. You don't need a Navy SEAL. Just someone who knows what happens when X, Y,
Starting point is 01:05:27 and Z happens. Like, don't tell him your crossbow has kick, bro. Hey, how expensive would it be for us all to go shoot a crossbow right now? Oh, we can't do that.
Starting point is 01:05:36 I have it right here. Let's just do it. They don't care. No, no. You know, the kick is outrageous. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:42 You can put like modern optics on it and you shoot it's instead of arrows they're called bolts they're shorter uh they go very fast they is it dangerous i don't know if it's called cocking it but work with me is it dangerous to cock it no um with my modern one you've got this loop you put your foot in with the bow pointed at the ground you grab the string with both hands pull it straight back and it locks in to a mechanism it like the string with both hands, pull it straight back, and it locks in to a mechanism. The string pulls back on this mechanism. Another thing clicks in, and it's locked in. I've worked with automotive spring compressors where it feels like if this thing slips the wrong way, it's going to unspring in a dangerous way. Yeah, I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Those are scary. Those are sketch. This isn't like that. spring in yeah i know what you're talking about those are scary those are sketch yeah um this isn't like that you know you put your foot in the in this little loop at the bottom grab that string with both hands pull it back it locks in very firmly you're like oh yeah that's like it's like a car you miss it a little bit it doesn't like hurt you i mean you're i mean you can't miss it you pull it back and it's a very audible and tactile click. It's locked in. And then you let go and you pick the bow up and then you take the arrow and you put it in this groove and pull it back against the string and you're loaded.
Starting point is 01:06:53 And would you say that to arm it, I'll call it this time. Does it take like man strength? Like we could all do it, but maybe you would do it on behalf of your girlfriend or 14 year old. Correct. Yeah. Maybe you would do it on behalf of your girlfriend or 14 year old. Correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Um, I never found it difficult at all, but I'm sure there are some girls who might struggle with it. Uh, and obviously there's little crossbows, big crossbows, hunting crossbows, target crossbows. I'm sure there's variants across the board,
Starting point is 01:07:18 but mine, I never thought anything of just grabbing it. Cause you get, you got both hands and your foot on a thing. You know, you've got so much strength. Like it's, it's it's practically a deadlift well adjacent to a deadlift maybe even more because because you got you know you're like pushing and pulling you can push with your leg you can like crouch a little bit and i don't even know i could probably pull i could
Starting point is 01:07:38 probably cock a 400 pound crossbow if i needed to you know what i mean i don't see why not yeah you'll get that super boost of strength to kill the bear that's coming for you but you would do it on behalf of like a girl or a kid maybe so maybe so and you know if i'm just showing somebody i'm gonna cock it for him anyway and you want to talk about adrenaline dumps i was talking about how like crazy it would be when like i would see a deer in practice i'd draw that 60 pound bow and i'd have to like and I'd have to like a little effort. I'm 13. When the deer would come, it was just, it felt effortless.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Like the amount, like I've never understood and been able to like quantify the effect of adrenaline outside of that experience alone. Like it is literally a 30% strength boost minimum like i could draw upon that suit i used to before um i swam uh so before a sprint event you hyperventilate you try to get all the oxygen in yourself you can because you're not going to be breathing much for the next 30 60 seconds and uh i would try to like i don't't know, panic or something like it. Here's what I want.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Oxygen and adrenaline. If I could somehow summon that and make this the absolute peak version of me, that would be so cool. Yeah. I don't know that I ever did. In that moment, I was incredibly strong. Like over my base level. We had blown past our cap and like like you know like i guarantee in that moment i could have bench pressed an extra 25 pounds or something like that
Starting point is 01:09:12 over what my normal max would have been or whatever it's an enormous strength boost just i mean like i said this is something that i did all day with the drawing of the bow so you have an idea of how hard it is. But then when that deer was there, it was just like, Jesus Christ, that was easy. You don't even feel it. It's like, it's as effortless as what I'm doing right now, pulling air. Wild.
Starting point is 01:09:37 It's cool how the human body works. Well, you guys want to go eat dinner? Yep. I like that idea. All right.

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