Painkiller Already - PKN 373

Episode Date: October 13, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 373 we were just starting to talk about last week's pka it's awesome it was awesome taylor the best episode ever perhaps that everybody loved it taylor was saying before right before we pressed record he was like i finished the show and i thought taylor you're doing good that was a good performance by you yeah and it's so funny when that happens too because more often than not if i do have a thought about the show afterward it's like thinking of missed opportunities or like shit that you botched or fumbled over your words on and so like to finish one and be like that was yeah that feels like it was a pretty good one and then it's just the least favorite one in ever in ever we had a 90 dislike ratio at one point i think it's gone up since then but i don't
Starting point is 00:00:53 know what it is and uh i was like you've made 3 000 videos i'm not sure you've ever had this bad a dislike ratio that's a lot of videos to break new ground with so they're mad because i didn't do the edible on last week's show is that it yes yeah i want to talk about that a little bit so i sort of fouled up in my faulty memory i thought we at least talked about it or explained it and it may have been pre-show or you think it was pre-show because i know for a fact it was because we talked to blame truth Truth about it. What happened was, believe it or not, I'm really fucking high over here
Starting point is 00:01:29 and planning things isn't going to plan very well. We discussed this before the thing. I was like, yeah, I don't have the edibles yet. I'm going to have to do it next week, which is this week's PKA. My memory of that was that it was part of the show so like as we
Starting point is 00:01:47 progressed through the show i was kind of like yeah we covered that thing and uh and we had also talked about you know being out here and just smoking and having a good time and the whole vacation and everything so um now why couldn't you take 10 100s because it's something about a card and i don't know because then i would need i would be one tenth of the way there did you say 10 100s yes you can't get 100s i think you can only get 100s if like you have a medical card but recreational users haven't capped it like tens or something like that is that right you would need to take a hundred tens yes so that would be so funny so obviously that doesn't seem to know that so so obviously like like uh that's a bit of a slow up too gotta make sure that we can get an edible powerful enough
Starting point is 00:02:30 uh for me which i i think we have uh figured out how to do um well you have by tomorrow or so yeah by thursday yeah yeah yeah it's we'll be good um you're making me nervous kyle i want this delivered i'm you know i guess i'll take it like two hours into the show. That way I'm awake for two hours and then slowly going to sleep for two hours. If you take a gram, you might throw up.
Starting point is 00:02:58 I will throw up, yeah. You'll probably vomit. That's not a pleasant amount to have. I'm underestimating the severity of this dose it's a it's a ridiculous amount to take like it's absurd a hundred gets you fucked beyond it way too much a hundred is for most people and a thousand is more than that as soon as times there's no telling exactly how much more. It's like someone being like, well, I mean, it's like a shot of vodka, right?
Starting point is 00:03:28 And it's like, yeah, but Kyle promised he would do 30 of them. And so that's like that big bottle at Costco. So he's going to be vomiting. No, it'll be fun. We're going to go to a scary place. Going to get scared, as they say. I haven't really done any edibles since I've been here.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I took about 20 milligrams about an hour ago um just to see how that feels and uh that's not that strong i mean i'm high but i 20 doesn't really register that that much on like the crazy crazy scale as soon as dirty got here um he ate a hundred hey you know i did a 20 and it's not that big a deal so i'm sure a thousand's fine like what can 980 more be well there is a difference right because like if i was really feeling 20 like god you know a thousand's awfully scary uh i think there's a saturation issue that comes into play at some point it's like how much can your body even like utilize or a thousand and ten thousand are the same probably i i believe that i believe
Starting point is 00:04:26 you know what i have had that theory about calories and i'm not sure it's true but i just feel like if i eat say a four thousand calorie day that gets me fat if i eat forty thousand calories i'm not sure i keep ten times as many no there's no way there's no way we're that like efficient at like the japanese the Japanese hot dog guy. He's probably... A lot of what he's shitting after those competitions, it's probably damn near fully formed hot dogs because he's barely taking bites. His body can't digest all of that in a day.
Starting point is 00:04:54 It's the same principle. No, but yeah. Kobayashi's theorem, they call that. Sorry, I guess we didn't cover that. Sorry, I'm guessing we didn't cover that. Yeah, I'm sorry too. It's our bad. I don't take any of the blame um i was mostly apologizing for them because they're sober like they don't they don't have an excuse like i paid my bills today like my checkbook's out right over
Starting point is 00:05:15 here like like i'm i'm this high and i managed if that's true show us your bank account number number yeah um it's real fucking real fucking high pretty much the uh all day since i've been here i've been having a great time um like taylor said i think they underestimated like how little i want to do um so but but i am having a fantastic time so who's there still right now like the shift has happened the changing of the guard. Yeah, so Fish and Dirty are here. Dirty is a new arrival. As soon as he got here, he did 100 milligrams of edibles. He just ate an entire jar of gummies and went to a scary place.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Attempt to put a number on that because it helps me. Like how many milligrams or yeah. He took 10, 10 milligram gummies. So 100 milligrams. And, and for that little fellow, that's a, that's a hell of a dose. Oh, I'm sorry. I keep interrupting you, but would you say that like hits and edibles work against your body weight in the same way alcohol does? I think tolerance probably plays a bigger role in it than anything else because like a skinny guy with like a decent
Starting point is 00:06:30 tolerance it doesn't matter how big the guy with no tolerance is like he's just there's just going to be a big tolerance is a big deal yeah which is why i like every time i take a puff of this thing i just go to another goddamn realm um it's it's ridiculous these things are so cool um i didn't realize that they were this good it's just a dab pen yeah it's just a dab pen yeah it's just uh it's you know more burning your hand on the ceramic no yeah i mean it's just like concentrate and the only problem is like sometimes i'll forget what i'm doing and i'll just keep puffing it like it's my like like it's my nicotine vape you know like you like zone out like sort of like like watching watching movies or watching TV.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And then I'm like, oh, what am I doing? What am I doing? What have I done to myself? Oh, God, I can tell it moved. You're getting vibrations in your vision. You're so high. I was so high on night number two, I think. I think night number two is when they started getting out pre-rolled joints,
Starting point is 00:07:30 I think night number two is when they started getting out pre-rolled joints, like these really fancy, expensive joints that have already been made for Woody's benefit. And they sprinkle magical powders and goo and all sorts of stuff on them to make them extra strong, like various kinds of concentrate. I figured it out eventually. Yeah. And so they're kind of a luxury item. They're a little more expensive than what the ingredients in them. Can you say what they were called again? It's just a pre-rolled joint, but there's a lot of different kinds. But it's just, like I said, sprinkled with keef and oil and all sorts of nonsense. But we smoked that thing, like passing it around. And when we came in and like started watching movies, I was just sitting there. Like if I wasn't trembling,
Starting point is 00:08:06 but it felt like you were, I felt like I was vibrating. Like I felt like I was vibrating. I was in another fucking realm. Um, and I think we were also watching Mandy. So, uh,
Starting point is 00:08:16 that, that was pretty trippy already. Um, and when you're like, like tell me if this is your experience with it, because you know, those movies where like, it'll be like a grandpa talking to like explaining a picture book to his grandson and then there's
Starting point is 00:08:29 the transition from the picture book to the live action movie where it's like the page is like yep that's like being in that foot like that is what it's like for me when i know i'm way too fucking high like you look around it's like things aren't in the right, like you're dropping frames in real life. And it's, that's horrible. I was talking to a friend recently where I'm like, uh, said the same thing I was saying to you were like,
Starting point is 00:08:52 when I can tell that delayed reaction when I'm too stoned is when I'm like, I hate this, please sober up soon. I hope I'm not on the way up. Just get me back down to regular high. And I talked to a buddy of mine. He's like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:09:04 that's the best. Yeah. When you've just like totally lost control and i'm like like man that's what a horrifying way to do it and like the the dirty thing it's funny like going to a scary place why would he do that to himself oh it's not fun i'll tell you more after the show like he went he went full wild man um that he didn't sleep for like two full days or something like that um that because of the weed no i think there's something he wants to tell us after the show perhaps i mean he's one of those clams that keep you awake. No, he's got Adderall. He's got an Adderall prescription. So he combined Adderall with marijuana edibles.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And so the result is this really twitchy kind of high where you can't sleep for a long time. It's awful. Yeah, wow. It's a terrible vacation. I don't know why he's done that to himself. My idea of a good vacation is the opposite of yours. Kyle's perfect vacation is to wake up, I don't know, kick it off with some coffee and edibles or something,
Starting point is 00:10:14 and then go back to sleep or hit the couch or something. This is a solid vacation. Double it up. For me, I want to get out of my tent and dodge death until sunset that is my like favorite kind of vacation it could be acrobatic paragliding acrobatics it could be motorcycle stuff it could be whatever when i come home on monday and feel like i fucking made a memory that's that's what my target is i can find a happy medium in between you guys. Yeah, probably normally I would be in more of a happy medium between what I'm doing right now and the latter. But this trip is definitely more about going to a scary place and watching old movies and stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So that's mostly what I've done. It's been fun. The weather is actually nicer now. It's gotten colder, a little bit chilly. Can I interrupt you for a second? Kyle, your camera looks cloudy to me. Do you think you can rub it with a t-shirt or something? Like a fingerprint is my theory.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Oh, yeah. Oh, that would just add more fingerprints, though. Put a better print on that. Put a clearer print. I was thinking like a t-shirt, like a little wiki wiki wiki no maybe between shows do you have a spray bottle in a newspaper
Starting point is 00:11:36 couldn't look worse ideal there we go this is what I was hoping for i wasn't looking for a difference yeah yeah i do see there's between him and both of us but i don't know why it's hard to say yeah i am very high could that be it yeah that's probably what it is could i be vibrating and it makes me a little fuzzy i was gonna going to ask you to vibrate less. So you're really not doing anything.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Have you done any activities since the go-kart a week and a half ago? No, a week ago. Not a week and a half. Because you did it before PKI. You're on your second batch of people, right? Yeah, so each one of them
Starting point is 00:12:23 was doing one week, not each one was doing two weeks more or less there's overlap but but yeah you're you're basically there yeah was there overlap because not everybody gets along or just scheduling things whatever it was a few different things part of it was initially um um we had like different like groups of people that like didn't really know each other super well. But then later on, it was like, oh, this guy's schedule doesn't really work out. It was just nice to have a two-week thing. And also beds, this place has like, it's one of those places where like,
Starting point is 00:12:56 oh yeah, there's four great beds. There's four great beds. And then there's these two other options, all right? If you'll follow me outside and around at the alley it's like the the fifth and sixth like beds are like slowly on the decline to poverty structural integrity of dumb and dumber yeah so certain people were like others my bad so there were plenty of people who were just like yeah i'll come week two just made more sense but but yeah um it's easier to keep a group like that chis come no chis had a family
Starting point is 00:13:27 engagement to deal with it's hard to get um a stage coach lined up to travel from california to colorado or i guess he'd train it he'd train it train it i wonder how long that is He's done it before Yeah yeah My guess it's What like two days Probably about that yeah Yeah I guess instead of one Because it takes one by plane really
Starting point is 00:13:56 I know it's only in airborne For a short period of time but the rest of it is a hassle I wonder what the security is like for a train Like if you can just like pop right on that thing there's scenarios where it makes a lot of sense like because because of the whole before and after like airplane thing like if you could just walk up and get on a goddamn airplane and go it'd be incredible but right but if you were flying from like atlanta to dc or something it's almost a break even with driving maybe maybe that's too far but say raleigh to um atlanta or something like that yeah or like down to jacksonville or something like
Starting point is 00:14:32 that anything where it's like a 90 minute flight but all the stuff surrounding it would suck yeah anything like five or six hours i definitely drive yeah same i might even go a little over that because it's just once you get there you have your car yeah there's no like gathering up and oh now time to go talk to the avis people for the car that they won't have yeah it definitely depends if you need a car or not we uh we opted for no car this trip and uh i haven't been paying super close attention but um i think it may have been better to go with a rental car like based on how much how many ubers we've used did any of them get rental cars or just nobody did no no one has a
Starting point is 00:15:10 car so it's all ubers and i want to say that like just getting here from the airport like those ubers kind of added up to like i don't know two two hundred dollars like for three or four of them they're like yeah and then um what was the other thing oh like um there were a couple other trips that really added up and but then like just going to the dispensary is like an eight dollar uber each way so it's nothing like crazy have you had to go there many times i imagine you went there and just loaded up like a maniac and see i i need so little that like that if I could go back, I would get myself some weed, and I'd be like, hey guys, this is going to be my weed, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:51 because I smoke so little. This will just be mine. Because fish just goes through weed like a locust. Like a biblical locust. He's just in everybody's dope. He's like something everybody's dope. He's like fucking
Starting point is 00:16:08 something out of Trailer Park Boys. He's just like, oh, you got a new vape pen? What's that? You got some edibles there? Oh, did you roll up some joints? He's like Cartman when he just eats all the chicken skin off.
Starting point is 00:16:31 So he's got cartman when he just eats all the chicken skin off and yeah so fish is he's got sticky fingers for other people's weed yeah yeah he's got weird id he's got he's like like his id isn't renewed or something like that so he can't technically get into a dispensary so we've got to buy his weed for him but you can only buy an ounce a day so like that's such a non-problem you'd be surprised like if you're trying to like really stock up like if you want edibles plus and i think maybe the vape pens like like the weight is the limit if you're trying to buy for a few days yeah yeah like like if you're if you're buying for right now an ounce is an absurd amount of weed but if you're buying for two weeks and you're gonna smoke a lot like and you want multiple things you know it can really add up but no fish is like a locust like scum it'll be like hey scum yeah i rolled up all of your weed into five joints i smoked three of them would you like would you like to come smoke
Starting point is 00:17:16 the remaining two with me that is that is that's a dirty pool you can't do stuff like that. I had a question queued up. I was waiting for the floor. In my head, pot is meant to be shared. It is normally, yeah. To be like, hey, I got a birthday cake. Don't you have any? This birthday cake's all for me. That's not how you eat birthday cakes.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Birthday cakes are community food. Pot, not too far from that really you know make sure you get enough i see it more like beer where it's like like if i'm going to a friend's barbecue and i bring a six pack of beer that i'm gonna drink and like i go into the cooler to grab one and he comes up he's like oh taylor i had four of them what like but i only brought six and he like, this is an all-day event. I only brought six beers. Yeah, well.
Starting point is 00:18:08 You want to split those guys too? There's a problem with my ID, and I couldn't buy my own. So I drank four of yours. Yeah, and once you started explaining that he smoked 60% of someone else's pot, I'm like, oh, we've switched from sharing to stealing i mean like it's like it's like pizza if i order a pizza and like six slices are gone i'm livid scum starts doing some like stoner math and he's like i've i've spent four hundred dollars on marijuana on this trip what the fuck how did i how have i spent four hundred dollars on marijuana and i'm sitting
Starting point is 00:18:42 there like i'm like i don know, man. I've spent like $130 and I gave most of it to fish. His tolerance must be, he's just high 24-7. Well, he has a he has a drug problem. A weed
Starting point is 00:19:00 addict. He has a problem. That's a thing like there's insecurity is not the right word uncomfortness i'm making up words but if someone were to offer me pot it's like how much money am i taking from you like that's that's a level of confusion for me so it's like it depends on who you are yeah it depends on who you are like if fish comes over and you have to like prop him up for a couple days it could's literally going to be, like, $120 or something for, like, two days of, like, propping him up at least. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:19:34 But, like, if you come over, it's, like, smoke anything you want. Like, just take a little puff from everything. Because, like, I mean, we have the same tolerance you and i right now i would imagine and like man like a 30 vape pen is like a week's worth of high like oh yeah it lasts so long i don't know what everybody like i've got a one gram one and i've got this half gram one um and i'm gonna have to throw them away when the trip's over. I was going to give him the fish. I didn't know how to ask that. So the plan is to, you're not going to hypothetically hold on to something. Are you insane, man?
Starting point is 00:20:14 Apparently. I don't know. I did it. Oh, you did it? No. I would say that, you know, maybe strike two is more serious than strike one. So maybe I don't smuggle drugs back to Georgia.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Especially because you're going by plane. Or you could always mail it home. None of these seem like good ideas. I hate you. So yeah, no, I'm not going to do that. Look, this is $30. Not worth the risk. Yeah, I'm not going to do that. Look, this is $30. Not worth the risk. Yeah, I'm throwing it away.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Because for one thing, there's Delta 8 back home at my house. I keep meaning... I thought that if I... I have this balance. On one hand, if I got a Delta 8 vape pen, then I could
Starting point is 00:21:04 legally join you next show. Thursday. It's not long from now. But that creates a bad influence on my children that I don't want. Like, I don't want to, you know, okay for me, but not for the type thing going on. Or I could just hypothetically duck off camera. We'll have to figure out a plan. None of them are patrons. They won't know any of this.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Unless they're listening with their ear up against the door right now. Yeah, I'll get high on Thursday with you. I'll have some edibles, smoke my stick, and then we'll all just be quiet and high. I'm going to a scary place. You know what the worst part is? And I didn't want to talk about it, but I have to
Starting point is 00:21:48 get on a plane like eight hours after this edible. That's when your flight home is? You're going to want to delay that. It's too late. You're going to be phasing through security. This is one of the problems in life that money solves.
Starting point is 00:22:07 They might just charge you. I'm leaving on a jet plane. I don't know when I'll be back again. It's going to be fun. It's going to be real scary. It's going to be awful. You're going to be high until the following peak I am. If it's real bad, I'm literally going to pay one of these guys like a hundred bucks to like
Starting point is 00:22:28 walk me through security. Dude, I'm going to eight hours later. You should be on the happy side of this. No, I don't know. I think it's going to be impossible to sleep. This is like,
Starting point is 00:22:44 this is like when you ask the brain surgeon. This is like when you ask the brain surgeon how it's going and the bag is like, well, anything's possible. We're in uncharted depths here. We just all need to hope for the best and pray. Pray hard. Pray hard for little Bobby.
Starting point is 00:23:01 That's what it's going to be like eight hours later. Either I'm going to be mostly okay or i might be on another fucking planet and literally need to like pay somebody to like come to the airport with me to get me through security not boxing you where are you what can you tell us are you in denver yeah i'm south of denver now so you're in a town that's south of Denver that's not also called Denver. I think. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Is it urban or like a subdivision? Oh, it's all whites here. I guess I wasn't really asking that. It was like... Oh, no. I read between the lines. Those weren't the lines I drew. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:44 We know. Are there like tall buildings and ubers and stuff around you or is it like hilly i don't know i could i could totally get like an uber like like we get them all the time all right are there are you in a bunch of houses on a cul-de-sac type environment or sure okay okay that's i don't know for some reason that it's a vacation and that like is paramount to me probably not to you what is what the like where the building is and where you're going and what you have access it could be a bunker it could it could literally be like a basement style bunker um as long as as long as i'm not sharing the home with other people um and it has
Starting point is 00:24:25 like like my like the boxes that i that i check are like i want a big tv i want at least a queen size bed it has to have air conditioning um i don't want like i don't know a decent shower decent kitchen but uh other than that i really don't care wow question so you're in a room a bunch of guys we like these, but there's still people. Do you need to like retreat to your own room and recharge by yourself? Yeah. Yeah. Dirty said last night, he's like, I feel like, I feel like you're not even here.
Starting point is 00:24:54 You got to spend some time with us. And I'm just like, I feel like we're spending an adequate amount of time. Cause I would need some of that too. It used to happen on the paintball trip so at the paintball trip we get a lot of attention there's hundreds of people there and they're there for attention and we're there to give it to them got it but then they'll be like this hour break maybe we head back clean up and go have dinner and i am just soaking up the solitude yeah um and also just like i'm getting so high that i just need to like step away sometimes and like just like like sit down with my laptop in my in here and just chill out and so i have
Starting point is 00:25:34 spent long stretches of time like by myself just like because it's so easy to get scared yeah i never used to get so yeah yes yes it's so strong it's so goddamn strong let me understand what are you scared of oh that's a figure of speech you know that's what harley says that's how he describes like being really high he's like yeah let's get scared like get so high you're scared i'm hearing paranoid and oh no actions okay no i don't i've never had that issue it's more so that that I need to separate myself from the group. I need to step away. You need to decompress and get some alone time.
Starting point is 00:26:11 There's too many noises. No, I can get way too high. And I have several times. Are they playing games really, really loudly in the main area? Right outside my door is the main hangout area. uh so they'll be playing super smash brothers and stuff like that on the tv but uh i honestly don't mind because
Starting point is 00:26:32 this weed makes me so sleepy that i can sleep through just anything and the sleep is so good i haven't slept this well in like five years how's the food situation going? Well, luckily, we have an area to burn boxes. So that's come in clutch. And the garbage pickup happened to fall at the perfect time because we were running out of space. From all the DoorDash? We were about to start literally putting it in neighbor's garbage cans. But the timing worked out.
Starting point is 00:27:02 What a hilarious way to get in trouble on your drug trip for stealing space in a neighbor's trash can. I do that from time to time. We've talked about that on the show before, right? Oh, we have. You do it to your neighbors. I was going to say, so it was like three in the morning,
Starting point is 00:27:19 and I was taking the garbage bins to the road, and at the same time, I'd also ordered early, early breakfast. And most of the drivers here are stoned, like really stoned. Like the delivery drivers, the Uber drivers, everybody's high as fuck. And so they're always driving past where they're supposed to be and missing the address and being like, oh, why did it send me down here?
Starting point is 00:27:44 And I'm like, because you didn't put in the right address. You see right there did it send me down here and i'm like because you didn't put in the right address you see right there it's a one not a three but but this guy i'm it's like clearly pulled like half a block down and he's got my bagels and i'm just like hey hey i'm like kind of yelling at him a little bit to come up there chocolate thunder is here and he's like about to fly out and he like comes outside like oh oh angry he's like oh i thought we had a problem he's ready to solve it he heard me outside yelling at the bagel man and he was coming to beat some ass he's got your back i would not want Chocolate Thunder mad at me. No, he's a big man. How tall is he?
Starting point is 00:28:28 Is he taller than you? I have a bad gauge of that. I really do. I don't know. I think Ari's here now. He's almost certainly taller than me. He seems like he's 6'3 or 6'4. Is he the one that's really strong? No. There's one guy who deadlifts a dumb amount.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Oh, no. That's a different guy, I think. He's the guy who deadlifts a dumb amount. Oh, no. That's a different guy, I think. He's the guy who crushed the soup can. Yeah. I don't know if he's taller than me, but he easily could be. He's somewhere between 6'1 and 6'3. But I thought that was really funny. I'm coming back with bagels.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And he's just... I thought he had a problem. It sounds like he was disappointed about that. It's like, Oh, I'm so bored of getting high in this house. I wanted anything, even a fight.
Starting point is 00:29:14 He said, I haven't killed a white man in two weeks. No, it was good. It was good to see him. And, but, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:29:23 now it's, it's dirty, fish, scum,um, and Ari. So it's an interesting group we got now. Are you guys doing any in-person poker? They were playing poker, and I slept through it because drugs. And right now they're actually at the casino. They went to the casino at 3 in the morning
Starting point is 00:29:46 last night. They left here at 2, 3 in the morning. That was a long time ago. Oh, I'm aware. Almost your time. Almost 14 hours. About 14 hours ago, they went to the casino. They're like, come on, it'll be great.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I'm just like, there's no way I'm going to the casino at three in the morning. It's pretty far in an Uber. And then coming back tomorrow to do like this show, because I know I'm going to be high as fuck. And I'm either, and then coming back again, like these things aren't happening. And I honestly don't want to go anyway. The idea of like a crowd and bright lights right now terrify me. We're going to have to...
Starting point is 00:30:26 This is a lot of weed. I am re-evaluating my weed use. This is too much. This is too much. See what I... I was thinking back to when I smoked all the time and I had no tolerance. And I really never got this high back then anymore. But now I'm going to a scary place all the time.
Starting point is 00:30:42 It's just too powerful. The technology has gone too far. It's come too far. But yeah, I had no interest in going to a scary place all the time. It's just too powerful. The technology has gone too far. It's come too far. But yeah, I had no interest in going to that goddamn casino. But I think they're doing well. Last time I talked to him, he sent me a picture of a gigantic pile of money. Well, I mean, you're like – so you've had a nice pretty much an entire day of solo time, right? Because you're the only one there.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Yes. Yeah, I'm the only one here right now um and uh it's it has been nice to like have some like time to myself for for a moment um yeah it's a big change for you like living alone and having all your time all your space 24 7 and then going to basically what is like a college dorm for two weeks and you have people still at the time of life where they want to go to casinos at 3 a.m coming in and out that sounds that sounds awful i've never wanted to get in a long uber at three in the morning that sucks um i don't know if this is a joke from Finster, but he just said, hey, sorry I haven't been around for a little while. Someone heard and did donate $300,000, so I've got to get these for a year.
Starting point is 00:31:54 And then it's accompanied by a photo of her with a ton of cleavage. That's hilarious. I said laugh out loud, no way. We'll see what she says i'm gonna go with she i can do what i want she can do whatever you want fuck he gets to choose that fuck no no i get to choose that's not how it works it is if you want to be indignant about it i'll call you whatever i want jack what if i get what if i get like special permission to call him her that would be different i'd be on board yeah just i'll get that in just a
Starting point is 00:32:33 minute we'll work on that well i hope he doesn't get it makes me feel better oh why not i wanted to be great i hope he does that would be a career boon would your girlfriend let. Would your ex-girlfriend let you touch him? Yeah, for scientific purposes. We're all doing a show at the same place. My wife would. I think if I said yeah, I think she'd be down. Can I touch his tits? Yeah, that's not offensive.
Starting point is 00:33:00 You just don't mention that they're not like my tits. They're like, hey, I want to touch my buddy Finn's boob. Can I do that? Oh, yeah, yeah. Wait, can I see a picture of him first? Nah. Well, let me pull up this gentleman's Twitter profile.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I don't think she'd be jealous of Finster. Really? I mean, if you fuck me, she would be. But if I just touched his chest, she wouldn't be jealous if i did it to taylor let me here i think that's fair maybe maybe how much time do we have yeah we got 30 minutes a loophole maybe text this picture in cheating maybe text this picture to jackie and ask if you can honk your buddy Finn's boob. Picture relevant. This is the one that's just the makeup tomfoolery.
Starting point is 00:33:52 That's Finn. I was meaning this is like his trick where he wears the special bra and puts in some shading and stuff. I'm writing Jackie right now. We'll see if I can get an answer hey he's over his sub goal good for him yeah he's he's a nice guy i like finn a lot i mentioned i think on the on the show but we like just out of the blue he messaged me like pictures of all his bows and arrows
Starting point is 00:34:20 i was talking about the ones he likes i'm like like, hell yeah, dude. I'm going to come across the pond and we'll play archery. He pulls out these knives and stuff just like, I don't know, like, what were those spinners called? Fidget spinners. Thank you. Yeah, that's what it's going for. He pulls out knives like they're fidget spinners. And after the show,
Starting point is 00:34:39 I had so many more cool knives to match with him. I had these like bushcrafting knives and I was like, God damn it. I alpha the fuck out of me. I could have held up a little better. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 00:34:51 well, I like knives. He's got more knives than me. He's way hotter than me. Can't compete. I don't have any tits. I don't even know how to fake people out. I don't shave my legs.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Yeah. It's easy to feel inferior. Now we would all look horrible if we tried the pretend to be a lady approach to online. He kept saying, I wish I could talk to him again about it. He kept saying that you would make the best girl. Now, most people think you would make the third best girl on the show. I wonder what he sees in you. What did he spot about you that he made you?
Starting point is 00:35:30 I've got a big round head and face, and that would probably be easier to make look feminine than a very angular face like Kyle has, would be my guess, is what he meant. But I don't know. Because kyle you could turn him into a very attractive like who who's a good looking lady with angular features taylor swift emma watson she's got angular feet yeah i mean you're too jacked now you'd look up oh are you still working out not out here no not out there no one wants to go with you or
Starting point is 00:36:05 you're just like nah it's time for my moment of respite this stuff makes me so sleepy dude this is a problem like i have switched from indica to sativa and that's helped a lot but when i was just smoking um indica i was just like and i and i wasn't the only one i think i think zt was the same way like we'd wake up and like get high and be like you know i could really go for a nap it's like we're smoking way too much we're gonna turn some lights on in here because i'm music playing or something drifting away putting yourself to sleep and i mean like you know how at least my dogs i know every dog does stuff like this you take them to the groomers or whatever they have to go to the vet and then they get home and they like immediately
Starting point is 00:36:44 want to take a nap like a trauma nap like they hated the vet so much they have to go to the vet and then they get home and they like immediately want to take a nap like a trauma nap like they hated the vet so much they need to sleep like this could be a long drawn out version of your trauma nap for being on probation and dealing with jail and all that maybe maybe this is what you need just to smoke yourself into oblivion for a couple weeks catch up on all that sleep you probably missed out on from being anxious. Then you'll be back to your old grind of taking Delta-8 edibles and doing whatever you want to do.
Starting point is 00:37:11 That could work. You're so high. You're so high right now. We'll have an answer soon. I can tell you're high. Any movies on the docket today? You said you watched Mandy, but you saw that last week too. Have you guys not been watching too much?
Starting point is 00:37:27 You know what we watched that was so fucking good? Samurai Cop. I haven't even heard of that. I've never heard of that. It's one of those so bad it's good kind of things where they're trying to make a good movie, but they're failing at it spectacularly. The lines are delivered really poorly.
Starting point is 00:37:46 The cuts, the writing lines are delivered really poorly. Um, the cuts, the writing, everything is like really bad. Um, it's awful, but it's really funny at the same time. Like it's, it's, it's unintentionally hilarious.
Starting point is 00:37:56 And, uh, the only place I could find to watch it, what the, I had to download the Roku TV app and watch it with commercials, which is really janky, but it's not the kind of movie that you're like, the commercial break comes on.
Starting point is 00:38:10 You're like, it gives you time to discuss the nonsense you're watching because you're not, you're not like, Oh no, what was about to happen? And it's funny. They stick the, they stick the commercials in like around the nude scenes.
Starting point is 00:38:21 So it's just like, boom, big, big woman's big ass in your face like like big sexy woman's ass in your face commercial lysol time let's talk about lysol and you're just like fuck i want to get back to the ass it's just just every commercial was like that it was like built around one of the and the sex scenes are very awkward the sex scenes are so funny like they just go on and on and on and there's and then they just end abruptly
Starting point is 00:38:46 is it a high level of nudity or like uncomfortable blankets in the perfect spot to keep nips no it's it's it's almost like full nudity um good for them yeah it's it's a real trashy film so finster all right finster is telling me that that picture that i sent you is real and that those are his new fake breasts that he got in spain and i told him i don't believe him and he says that he's streaming right now if i want to see them and um i'm going to just not reply i'm going to pretend that finster's been hacked and there is no way that he got a breast augmentation surgery in Spain 10 days after we talked about it. Wrapped up in what is that stretchy like ace bandage
Starting point is 00:39:30 type stuff? Maybe it's called ace bandage. But he'd be recovering from surgery. I think you have to like they don't unveil those puppies for two weeks. You don't stream on them so quickly. I'm just like, I don't believe you weeks you don't stream on them so quickly i'm just like i don't believe you
Starting point is 00:39:51 i don't believe you well i mean you're and he goes i'm streaming with him yeah but we know your tricks we know your tools of the trade now you showed us your special bra you showed us the shading like we now we're looking now we're like insiders. To be fair, that was a lot of cleavage. Yeah. I mean, he's just getting better at his craft. He's put in his 10,000 hours. I just don't know what to believe anymore. Did I get a ball rolling that made this man get breast implants? That would be funny.
Starting point is 00:40:26 And I mean, it would be tremendous for his career. How is he making that much cleavage? I mean, I'm watching the stream right now. It's, it's pulling the arms together, you know? Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:37 And I can see the, I think I can see the padding on top of them. Yes. You can see the, whatever she, what is it called? Like the little cutlet looking him. Yes, you can see the whatever she... What is it called? Like the little cutlet looking things? Yeah, he called them chicken cutlets. We know that
Starting point is 00:40:51 she's fooling. He. He's whatever. Yeah, no, he has a strategy. If he had actual implants, he wouldn't need the cutlets. You don't need the cutlets post surgery.
Starting point is 00:41:08 No one's like double a cups. All right. That's another conspiracy theory taken down by PKA. You're welcome. Debunked. So Jackie stopped writing me. I can't tell if she's mad, but the conversation went like this.
Starting point is 00:41:23 This is a guy he's into girls. He just dresses up for Twitch. He had a girlfriend. And I sent the picture that he sent, which is him live streaming right now, I think, looking all chesty. Would it be okay if I touched his boob? No.
Starting point is 00:41:39 The show wants to know. No way. Why? He wouldn't fuss if it was Taylor. Explain the content. I've been ghosted. Jackie, usually I smell dinner by now. Then I sent a question mark in case she just didn't get notified.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Nothing. And by the way, she has her phone on handicap person mode so the flash blinks when it gets a text. I've been ghosted intentionally. I can't believe she's not playing along with this retarded
Starting point is 00:42:18 nonsense. Maybe let this one go before she texts you like a lawyer's business card. Has your husband been trying to feel up foreign boys? Gotta reopen the pizza fund for Woody. I don't know the pizza fund. Oh, isn't it when like you would curse or something? You'd put money in.
Starting point is 00:42:43 I have in my head. It had to do with sending pizzas to my house I didn't want. I'm not sure. I used to have one on Twitch for people to buy them for you. Finster has admitted those are fake, fake titties.
Starting point is 00:42:58 I knew it. Because I saw the little thing. I saw the little cutlet you mentioned. I was like, I see fakies. I put them in full screen mode immediately and got down to business. Oh, shit. This isn't on Finster, but Kyle, Georgia number one after Alabama pisses it away to Texas A&M. We have three huge Georgia fans on the call.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Huge. I have a shirt. I need to get a shirt. I want to up a shirt i need to get a shirt i want to up it need to get a jersey or something but see i i didn't know who was gonna win maybe we'll all get tattoos when if we win the title huh i mean i'm gonna get it before the title i mean i i did buy a roll tide shirt also to hedge my bets waste of money yeahaste of money. Yeah, waste of money because Georgia is too good. So they're currently fifth, Alabama.
Starting point is 00:43:49 They're the top-ranked defeated team, if that makes any sense. And that tells me that if any one of those top four loses a game, they're back in the playoffs, I guess. This doesn't seem fair. Oh, go ahead. Bama and Georgia will play each other for the sec title right most likely i believe the way it would work is that they will play each other for the sec title but because alabama has lost a game if georgia defeats them in that title game then they would
Starting point is 00:44:18 not have to face them again for the national title because then they'd have two losses and there's no way there's a two lossloss team coming back for a rematch against someone they just lost to. In the playoffs, they probably wouldn't make the playoffs if they lost again. I'm kind of with you there. That's a big deal, though. But I guess I'm like, any other year you have to beat them twice.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Now, if Georgia loses, they might still make the playoffs. We'll have to see what the other teams have going for them at the end. If Georgia's only loss is to Bama and they go undefeated otherwise, they might still get a playoff berth. Then it'll be best of three. Yeah. It's looking pretty good.
Starting point is 00:44:58 We're good this year. I've been training. You're helping them out. State's good this year. State's ranked. We've been ranked for You're helping them out. State's good this year. State's ranked. We've been ranked for three weeks now. 22.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Better than Texas, SMU, and San Diego State. SMU, I don't even know who they are. They're six and up. There's always – I don't know enough about college football, but it seems like in the rankings every year there's like, okay, top ten. Georgia, real school. Iowa cincinnati alabama ohio okay these are all real schools and then it'll be like smu 7 and 0 against a bunch of what are what high school teams and they somehow make it in and then they get to the championship and they get butt fucked or they're like smu is one of those sometimes ranked teams just like state and mizzou
Starting point is 00:45:46 has mizzou been ranked before sure sure and we frequently hover in other teams getting votes you know like that that's our happy place so to me smu's around there too it but i what's weird is when the titans change when like Miami, me in high school, Miami was like just a dominant team, kind of the Alabama of their day. And maybe I'm exaggerating. Now, are they even ranked? It seems like they're out of the top 25 most of the time. Florida State, they used to be a dominant team, the national contender every year, Florida as well. And now these teams don't have numbers half the time.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Yeah. I mean, it seems like it's been a revolving door, the same teams from the little bit I've paid attention my entire – since I entered college, like my whole adult life. It's been like Georgia, Alabama, Florida State, Florida, at least from the SEC side, like all those more southern, southeastern schools. Florida State's ACC.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Yeah, Florida State's ACC. But they were really good for a while. Clemson. Clemson. Yeah, it seems like Clemson's fallen off. Maybe this is kind of the waning of their moon. Clemson's lost two games, and everyone's acting like they're dead. Their losses are to Georgia and NC State,
Starting point is 00:47:03 neither of which is all that embarrassing but yeah definitely no the loss to georgia the loss to georgia it's it's still kind of how hard to quantify like like what to make of that because georgia has just destroyed everything and uh i don't know clemson did lose that second game it's hard to say like how good they actually are but they won three championships in five years. We were talking about this last night because Dirty's from right there in that area. And I think it's three national titles in five years.
Starting point is 00:47:34 It's pretty good. That's absurd. Yeah. Pretty good. Everyone talks about how unbeatable Bama is. And Clemson's like, no, you can beat them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You just have to don't play any other SEC schools all year.
Starting point is 00:47:49 The SEC has that. I envy that. It's like all the good teams are SEC. So if you're SEC, you're really good. And if you lose to an SEC team, that doesn't matter because you're still amongst the best teams. Anyone else loses a game, and it's like the end of the world. But SEC loses to SEC, and they're like,
Starting point is 00:48:09 well, we're so head and shoulders above everybody. See, that's the number one tactic of people who like bad SEC teams. It's just like, no, it's not that Missouri's bad. It's that they're playing Titans here, and it's like every every year for a decade i'm sure if missouri was in the acc we'd be you know a top 10 team just beating up on cream puffs like clemson and state and whatever it would be better to deal with state and clemson than georgia alabama like no one expects us to beat georgia alabama ever like lsu florida yeah lsu
Starting point is 00:48:47 was good for years they butt fucked us a lot everybody took turns i mean i can't argue that acc is not the best but i just acc is not easy you know like we've got florida state we have um no nc state i don't know if i should mention them. Wake Forest is ranked right now. It's not a good year for us. Clemson, did I mention them? The Clemson Tigers as well. The Hokies, they get teams. And then Georgia Tech.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Are they good? I don't know if they've been good in a while. They haven't. I love it. It's wonderful. It's a wonderful thing. Lots of losing seasons. Anyway, I feel bad talking about college football because none of us are good enough to know what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:49:41 No, I enjoy watching it. I hate that you have to be an expert in something to be a fan and something i have found why can't i just like it i've taken two things lately basketball and formula one racing and i just say like yeah i'm a new fan and everyone accepts it and says welcome to the brotherhood like all right i get it you know i'm not steeped in formula one history i don't know how fucking good kimmy rickett was back when he was young but uh you know i i watch it i follow it i have my favorites i want to go fast yeah i've been riding my motorcycle like every day lately the weather is so perfect it's just nice that i've been going urban like into the city of raleigh every stoplight in like july southeastern u.s is a pain in the ass
Starting point is 00:50:36 you're sweating in your jacket it sucks now urban raleigh is a nice place to ride no one's going fast it doesn't feel dangerous i'm i'm checking out the skyscrapers. I'm checking out the monuments to all the various wars. I'm going into the yucky parts of the city and just looking around. And I don't know. I'm just enjoying every bit of it. Just cruising on my bike. Nice.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Yeah, the weather is really nice. I'm looking forward to getting home. And I guess I'll see what the weather's like back home. I forward to getting home and uh i guess i'll see what the weather's like back home i haven't looked but here it's like perfect i practice wheelies like i don't know 10 20 times an hour just on a scale of one to ten i've advanced from a one to like a three three and a half maybe can you do it on are you doing it on the road yes i did it on my grass for a while most of the time but the grip is so inconsistent i would i felt like i wasn't getting better right yeah right like it would like sometimes it would pop up easily for me sometimes the rear
Starting point is 00:51:38 wheel would just spin and i didn't pop it up like i thought now i'm doing it on the pavement more and i'm just like all right and i'm getting higher on the pavement more and I'm just like, all right. And I'm getting higher and higher and longer and longer. And to people who know how to wheelie, I'm not good. I get it up and then I sort of chase it until it lands. And a good wheelie for me is like five seconds, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:56 that not long or anything, but that's like a real wheelie. You know, it was up for five seconds. It was three feet off the ground. Like anyone who looked at it would say that gentleman just did real wheelie. You know, it was up for five seconds. It was three feet off the ground. Like anyone who looked at it would say, that gentleman just did a wheelie. And you're only being hard on yourself because you know. I know what good is.
Starting point is 00:52:13 How to wheelie. Someone who just sees that as like, whoa, that guy's wheelie-ing. They don't know the difference between a perfectly executed wheelie. People who are good, get up, keep it up. They're at balance point and if you go like a little too high as you slow down you it goes back down and you can control your speed by like taking it too far and then slowing down go ahead kyle you oh kyle froze guy there he is i'm here right yeah you are now yeah i saw a guy like riding a bicycle like through a city
Starting point is 00:52:45 and he was standing on the seat of the bicycle and he was like doing that sort of like a side to side motion like to like pump it like one roller blade so that he could accelerate and he was going so fast cutting really so fast and like how many wheels were two wheels on the ground though two wheels on the ground but he's standing on the seat and he's surfing a bicycle going going like through like new york or something like on sidewalks up like cutting lanes on a bicycle through other but and he's cutting lanes through other cyclists and through traffic and like the guy who's recording him i don't know what he's on but he's like a hype man he's like get it get it get it oh yeah oh yeah you got this oh and i'm just like this this guy's a great hype man because that's what i'm thinking too
Starting point is 00:53:35 like it was incredible he was i've never seen anything like that before i mean i've seen those guys on like motorcycles um like like just go all the way up on a wheelie and like stand on the seat and stuff like that yeah but the way this guy was like pumping the bike to like gain speed and stuff like it was terrifying it looks so dangerous his head was like 10 feet off the ground sounds dangerous it was he was always in the kind of guy that rocks he's not a helmet man he um he had the dennis he had the dennis rodman look if i remember correctly i think he was black with like white or like blonde hair. All or nothing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I watched this YouTube channel. They're called the Combo Kids. And it's a guy and his girlfriend and their motorcycle stunters. So obviously they wheelie and do wheelies and circles and stuff. But they also do endos and they peel out a lot. And they do tandem tricks where he's doing wheelies. And she has her feet on the handlebars but her head by the seat upside down while he's wheeling and they do that in circles
Starting point is 00:54:31 and stuff she is i'm trying not to be a creepy old man but she's like she's very fit she looks fantastic and yeah that's her stunts in in yoga pants and it feels like learning to juggle with a vase or something. It's like, that is too precious for this. No, you're gonna break it. Stop it. Stop it. I bet she could take it. Well, it just seems like bad safety anyway. They should be setting a good
Starting point is 00:54:58 leather pants. I saw her do a wheelie off a curb off this drainage facility thing and break her heel and it was like oh that sucks like go break an ugly person's heel this is a this is not cool break some uggos heel yes i don't know how to say it but she's just like ah that's she's too pretty but to watch them do it there's not that many girls who are in a motorcycle stunting So you see them, and it looks like relationship goals every minute of it. They're just perfect together.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Yeah, I'm looking at the account. It's pretty cool. I know two girls that ride motorcycles, but I don't know any girls that stunt motorcycles. I can train. I'll never be as good as she is currently, and she's getting better. She's just gapping me, lapping me in talent. I like watching their channel. They have
Starting point is 00:55:49 tutorials on how to do wheelies. I think they explain it better than anybody. Combo Kids. If you like motorcycle stunts, check them out. I'll look. I have not watched the Squid Game. I did finish off What If. That was good.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Me too. That was good. It's exactly what I called it. That's exactly what I said they were going to do on the show last week. So it was cool to see that go. I didn't. Do you want to talk about the ending at all i don't care all right spoilers up thank you zach so all season long they introduce us to these alternative superheroes that are in other universes like thor with no brother
Starting point is 00:56:40 captain britain chick uh etc and at the very end, we get Ultron, who is the big baddie. He meets Thanos with the gauntlet, with all the Infinity Stones, and he's got it all. Ultron kills him like it
Starting point is 00:57:00 is, like he's swatting a fly. It's nothing to him. He just beasts on everything. But then he goes up against the heroes that we met, the alternative versions all year long, and he can't beat them. Our good guys take out Ultron. And I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:57:17 What? They weren't that powerful. Thor wasn't that powerful. Black Widow took out this guy who who beats thanos with a blink it i admire how marvel makes someone like hawkeye not just a useless tag along but these guys were all useless tag alongs kind of compared to ultron and i'm just i don't know it seemed like they powered them up and powered Ultron down or something to make the battle.
Starting point is 00:57:49 So I was real stoned when I watched this, so I could, could be wrong about this, but if I remember it was, it was very much like the same way that Dr. Strange kind of figured out the one way and a hundred million that you could beat Thanos and kind of set that up. It was kind of like the Watcher did that
Starting point is 00:58:05 along with evil Doctor Strange. And they found a scenario that would work. I don't know. But yeah, I agree with you. I really don't remember how that fight went down. I think they took one of the stones out of his hand and then had to run it back and smash it with some sort of stone smashing.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Yeah, but the stone smasher didn't work. One of them was going to power the stone smasher. And the stone smasher was going to grind him up. But that was the trick. That it doesn't work in this universe. Because we've got to do something else. And then I got a little higher. And I don't remember the rest.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Yeah, what did happen next? I don't know. But. I know the good guys won. The good guys won. Thank God. And a key to the whole thing was like Captain Britain. And it's like, no, no, this person doesn't beat Ultron with the stones.
Starting point is 00:58:53 That's silly. It's like the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man suddenly being the most powerful person in the universe. He's not. He handles neighborhood level burglars. Yeah. Yeah. powerful person in the universe he's not he handles neighborhood level burglars yeah yeah he's mostly beating up like atm muggers and such he really shouldn't be doing what are his what are his powers the spider-man spider-man oh no i know i thought you were making someone akin to spider-man because spider-man his powers it seems like he is hemming himself too close or maybe too small
Starting point is 00:59:26 like daredevil should be handling armed robberies it seems like spider-man he's super strong he's super fast i mean he probably it seems he's mid-tier right yeah yeah i think spider-man's top tier because of uh you know especially if you go with like the the current universe where he's got all that tony stark gadgetry He's top tier. But he can die. Some of those top tier guys are invincible. The Hulk can't die, right? Yeah, the Hulk really can't die. Usually when he gets defeated, it seems like it's an emotional breakdown.
Starting point is 00:59:55 He defeats himself psychologically. Yeah, he's embarrassed or something. That's how you beat the Hulk. That's funny. But no, I was curious what what this next next phase of marvel was going to be like if they were going to keep us interested i don't think they could have done it if they just made a loki movie but because they made a loki tv show they got me with that and uh i don't know if i would watch like i don't know an episodic
Starting point is 01:00:22 avengers cartoon but it's what everything kind of caught my interest because it's always different. They're doing a good job. So they did four of them. Help me. First, it was Scarlet Witch. Then it was the WandaVision Falcon one. So WandaVision was the first one. The Falcon was the second one.
Starting point is 01:00:41 And then the third one was Loki. And the fourth one was what if? Okay. I think so. In my head, that's the reverse order of how good they are. What if best? Loki second, Falcon third, Wanda fourth. And you know Hawkeye's coming, right?
Starting point is 01:00:58 No, I didn't know. Yeah, I'm almost positive. I also watched the Black Widow movie on the plane here. Oh, I'm behind on that. It was all right. I didn't want to watch it, but it was like the best option. It's like when you go to the fridge three times in a row, looking at the same fridge, and after a while you're like,
Starting point is 01:01:18 hmm, Worcestershire sauce. That'd go down smooth right now, wouldn't it? I need to reevaluate my expectations in real time and just eat a slice of cheese. Oh, look at that. Were those grapes always purple? Jackie wrote. So I think we're done with spoilers. You mean if you touched
Starting point is 01:01:36 Taylor's boobs? If Taylor dresses like a woman and looks that good, you can touch Taylor's boobs. It does seem strange that you want to touch men's boobs, but i won't judge i can't help but notice she said if and not when she's assuming i couldn't get hot uh the hardest part about that would be controlling diet it would i mean getting getting implants doctor's taking care of that you can't sleep through it yeah you sleep right
Starting point is 01:02:03 through that but then you like get bigger you get huge tits and so then you feel like you can get fatter and then you're just disgusting before they they're growing so much hair oh that would be awful oh you gotta get this lasered dude you can't if someone were to give you the whatever we said 1.5 million dollars to get your fake tits like you should have to part of the deal is you have to spring for the electrolysis because there's no way you can have hairy hairy lady boobs no that would have that's baked in you know maybe 1.6 million that'll take care of the electrolysis and like we're discounting how quickly you would get your own reality show if you if you uh if you did this like like there's no way that like i i think if you went and bought implants for yourself that
Starting point is 01:02:51 wouldn't be a good enough hook to be a reality show but the fact that you were the guy who was paid one million dollars um and like so have you always done wildly crazy things? Like, no, no, it was one and a half million dollars. Did I mention that? I identify as a woman and get furious. If you don't call me my new name, Taylor, I identify as a millionaire. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:22 You get the $1.5 million breast implants. I'll spring for the electrolysis then we enter you into every women's weightlifting program that exists and any every every every competitive thing that involves strength like you're going to you're going to you're going to be like a gold medal champion you're're going to be in my weight class. These are going to be some big women. Can you beat them all? I'd have to actually train for it to figure out how to do Olympic lifting.
Starting point is 01:03:53 You're going to look like a fucking field marshal when they put all the medals on you. You look like a Korean general. Jingle jangle and walk down the fucking street. I lose because I can't get the form right because I insisted on triple H's. A woman's bench press record is 605 pounds. But then I win the bench press because it's just... 605 pounds? You're not winning, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:04:17 If that's the only... That's the range of motion from my big ass tits back up. There's no way that a woman bench press 605 pounds okay there are two records the women's equipped bench pressure record is 605 pounds equipped with what a forklift yeah the raw bench press record is 457 pounds oh my god that's so fucking much amounts i can't do that that's so you could but, but if you wanted to be a world champion, all right, you could do that. Cause here's the thing. Let's just arbitrarily say that you can do three 60 right now.
Starting point is 01:04:53 If I told you that the men's weightlifting bench press world record was whatever it is, 457 pounds, you'd get on that, right? You'd be like, I'd probably try and start working you'd be like wait a minute are you telling me that i am a hundred pounds off being a world fucking champion and i've never trained professionally yeah yeah let's do it let's double down the rocky music would start playing in your head so you've got to think of that but with the women's records so you can absolutely take the women's world bench press record you 457 i want to see the form that's what i'm really curious about yeah like have you ever i think kyle saw the same greg
Starting point is 01:05:36 ducette video about the bench press form that the women have i did if people and i hope you can imagine this you are allowed to arch your back when you bench press so what people do as maybe especially women but i'm not sure they arch their back so much that to touch their chest it only needs to go down a few inches and then so they arch it in such a crazy way that they they're pretty much extending their midsection up to the bar height. And then because like the way your body works mechanically, this is kind of the hard part. If you're just near a lockout, it's easier. They barely have to break out, lock out, break off, lock out. So I wonder when they bench 457 or 600, what it looked like.
Starting point is 01:06:22 I'm sure it's like I also like I can see women doing that more because women are just naturally more flexible, so they could probably tort themselves up more than a relatively sized man could. I don't know. I have to see it. Regardless of what technique, if a lady is moving that much weight around, it's impressive. If a human being is moving that much weight around,
Starting point is 01:06:40 it's pretty impressive. That's a lot. I would like to see it, though, because I'm just curious. It's probably what you're describing that's all right well motion well this now this like funny joke of mine has turned more into that that uh johnny knoxville movie the ringer you ever see that where he like pretends he's retarded and goes to like this fucking special olympics but yeah but he can't win at anything he's like they're actually pretty fucking quick yeah that was so good when he realizes that he can't win and like what who's that actor who's off to the side it's like horrible uncle who plays it so well he's like
Starting point is 01:07:15 come on i got everything riding on you as he's like he's like when are you gonna fucking get it together and what what do you call them these what was the word he used for retards he had a bunch of them oh i don't know i watched that shit like when he called them phoebes he's like you're about to go out there and lose to these fucking phoebes i got all my money riding on you and then there's like the mean italian gangsters who like for some reason are really into the special olympics because they love the the black guy sprinter who's the best. He's like, you're betting against Jimmy? First of all, you're a piece of shit
Starting point is 01:07:52 because Jimmy has got a heart of an angel. Second of all, I'll take your money, idiot. So in a minute, Zach will have this video queued up. Here, it's only 34 seconds long, 36 seconds. Watch this bench press. This is why I don't like piece press play. Women's world record bench press.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Look at her arch, her back. This is insane. It's hardly a bench press anymore. It's going to happen like midway through the video. Why is it starting so low? I noticed that too, but only on the second play. Mine starts so high.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Watch how much her arms move. Oh, you silly bitch. What? That was it. You just saw the world bench press record. It moved like an inch and a half. This is like against the spirit of it. Right? Of lifting weights. Okay, I withdraw my congratulations. Yeah, it's not
Starting point is 01:08:43 even hard at all. Bet you barely trained your whole life for that. If you put your arms this wide, then you barely have to unrack it and you just it's a silly thing. Yeah, and they have people. I look vascular. You don't even have to unrack it and move the weight forward. It's even
Starting point is 01:08:59 brought to you right above that point. Then they release. Then you don't have to rack it again just right to the same point they immediately grab it pop it right back on the safeties i mean i'm sure she's strong but that's not a bench press they define the bench credit press incorrectly by the rules yeah that's definitely not like if you were working out that way you're not going to see as many results as if you get just some range of motion. Some at all.
Starting point is 01:09:28 You're not doing any work, right? What is it? Force times distance? There's no work happening there. You're multiplying by zero with the distance by.0001. Isaac Newton says you're a fraud, bitch. He's going to throw fucking apples at you, you fucking fraud.
Starting point is 01:09:44 I hope he doesn't throw apples. Well, you guys want to call it a show what about yeah i think it's time pkn 373 uh pka standby we're gonna get

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