Painkiller Already - PKN 374

Episode Date: October 20, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pka 374 how are you kyle i'm good man i'm good i'm good i love it kyle when you get risque right before the start just yeah yeah i knew that would put a little smile on your face that's that's a little uh little method acting thing i've been i've been working on for us here at pka we're always trying to to rise above i saw this thing where uh there's a scene in uh sopranos where um bobby bockley area or whatever is trying to make Tony Soprano laugh. And so the actor walked into the room with a big dildo in his hand, like in front of his crotch. And because Gandolfini is supposed to look at him and laugh because he's wearing a silly shirt. And you really get like a genuine laugh out of Gandolfini because he's just like, you got a dick.
Starting point is 00:00:44 But a good acting trick but yeah i um i did not feel well after the show the other night i can't put my finger exactly on why it was probably the the gram of weed i think it was the gram of of of thc um it was seven grams of weed. Oh, my God. Did you ever look up at the top left to see the recording time? And what was the time you saw when you're like, oh, no, this is inescapable? There was about an hour and 20 minutes left, and I felt so bad. Because I had finished the cupcakes off like 40 minutes prior to that point, like roughly. I just felt so bad and I was feeling nauseous. And I was thinking that I should throw up
Starting point is 00:01:33 because then maybe I won't be as high. But I was also thinking like, I don't know, like I'm afraid to walk to the bathroom right now because I'm so high. So I just like sat there and uh and stuck it out um one of our beloved uh 50 patrons told me that she lost some sort of a a very interesting prop bet where since i didn't vomit she will be in our hangout this week um not topless unfortunately but but shirtless bottom shirtless no sure oh so just being a bra yeah yeah which i didn't think was
Starting point is 00:02:06 that hardcore personally right wait who is this is this somebody i know no she's new um i don't know i was talking to her earlier but uh but yeah i don't know when i sobered up i do know that so color i'm gonna do everything in colorado time um i think we finished the show at about 9 p.m i had to be at the airport at 4 a.m so you got seven hours to recoup but well but you know it's an hour drive according to my uh according to my phone turned out it was only but 30 minutes but the driver was like is it okay if i just run a few errands and i was just like i was so high i agree what a bizarre driver she's like i need to gas up and uh i need to you know i'm gonna stop by that she stopped by the dollar general or something
Starting point is 00:03:02 like that and you're just so high in the back of the car. Are you in the parking lot by yourself in the back of an Uber? And it's like when you got a kid in the car, she's like, you want anything? And I'm just like, no, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I'm good. I'm just, I'm just so high right now. I hope you eventually get me to the airport. But yeah, when I walked out the door to go to the airport at, I believe 3am, like something like that,
Starting point is 00:03:23 3 or 4am, somewhere in there. The guys were seeing me off. We were all outside. I smoked cigarettes when I'm on vacation. I smoked my final cigarette up the vacation. I was out there. I just remember looking at the guys and just being like,
Starting point is 00:03:40 I'm so fucking high right now. They're like, you got this. You got this. I'm like like you got this you got this i'm like give me my drink they're like give me my drink i'm like finish the cigarette and throw it on the ground like all right goodbye and then i staggered i staggered to that fucking car and so began my morning and it felt like a day's travel just getting to the airport through security and everything. Like every step of the way, there's this dumbfounded, stoned brain moment where it's like, travel documents. I need travel documents. Well, I got my boarding pass. What's that other thing?
Starting point is 00:04:22 All right. Everybody else has their license out. I'm going to do that. Yeah. I got my boarding pass. What's that other thing? Everybody else has their license out. I'm going to do that. I'm really leaning on looking around and seeing what everybody else is doing. Like a child or something like that. I'm like, is this one of the ones where they take the shoes off? Or no? Shoes off?
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yeah, shoes off. Meanwhile, you are looking probably sweaty. Like you died and someone reanimated you with a spell. Yeah. I don't know man i it was one of the scarier um things i've ever done thankfully it went really smoothly um and uh and once i got on the aircraft um i flew back first class um again and uh i because i couldn't
Starting point is 00:05:00 have dealt with like the stress of being like crammed up with two other people and not having a tv and not having like a charcuterie board. That was the option for my meal was this cool cheese board with dried salami and stuff. Nice. But when I landed in Atlanta at, it would have been, I don't know, like 9 a.m., 10 a.m., Atlanta time. I'm still high. I'm still high. It's been over 12 hours.
Starting point is 00:05:33 It's been 12 hours now. Are you still uncomfortably high at that point, or have you faded out a bit to just regular stuff? When I passed out the night before, I felt like I was a 9 out of 10. On my way to the airport, i felt like i was like a nine out of ten on my way to the airport i felt like i was a seven out of ten um when i landed in atlanta i felt like i was like a five out of ten and so i got my shit and uh i parked in like the long parking thing like like the the long-term parking um it's a it's significantly cheaper and by the time i got to my car i was still like a four out of ten i guess so i just sat in my car for like an hour and a half two
Starting point is 00:06:11 hours or something like that i would i just like got outside my car started walking around and like puffing on my vape and fucking around on my phone i just i wasn't good to drive i had to sober up i had to sober up i waited until i felt like a hundred percent good to go again and then i got in my car and got home and i felt like days had passed it was like a lord of the rings type experience like it was that that that moment where like gandalf comes into the bedroom and frodo is all happy to see him it does not simply walk into denver international oh my fucking god not when you eat a pan of brownies essentially and then stumbled into denver international oh my fucking god not when you eat a pan of brownies essentially and then stumbled into denver airports like six hours later it was so scary like i don't know why
Starting point is 00:06:54 woody and i were both like dude delay your flight just a few hours just a little bit it would have cost it would have cost 500 you know like Oh, shit. Okay. Well, that's real money. You don't want to do that. At least. And I feel like I could do it. I feel like I could do it. I feel like if I just put my mind to this and keep putting one foot in front of the other, eventually I'll be in Atlanta. As an ex-athlete, every now and again I'm reminded that some of this ability was just taken from me when i wasn't looking
Starting point is 00:07:25 kyle you are an ex-stoner you can't do the things you used to do anymore you don't you can't just do a gram and go to the airport you uh you're not the the stoner you used to be i bet if you were kyle right now with how low his body fat is he'd piss clean there's no way i i i smoked so much i smoked so much this week um i've been taking it really easy since i got back um but i did buy delta eight i um i bought like the disposable like delta eight um vape things and uh and i bought some of the gummies um i think i'll go back on what i said i think that at this point they don't get me as high as like lots of weed was getting me, but it is still like a really powerful high from this brand in particular.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I had a different brand that wasn't as, there we go. It wasn't as strong. But, but yeah, I think that shit's like the wild west right now. And some of the brands are definitely better than others like you go in there and you ask the lady or i do that works at the store and she'll straight up be like
Starting point is 00:08:31 this brand of gummy everybody says that they're not getting nearly as high this brand this moon walker brand everybody raves about it that's why when you come in here it's always gone and i last time i went in there this is like a week or two ago and i was like so i know these are good are you gonna be getting another shipment for a while she's like i don't know it's up in the air i'm like yeah why would why would you know when your next shipment is you're only the proprietor and i was like okay i'll take all of the watermelon ones and she's like so like like two three and i'm like whole line, all of the watermelon are mine. So I got four of these 50-piece gummy containers.
Starting point is 00:09:10 How much were they? And this will last a long time. Is this like $150 worth of wheat? Like $150, yeah, for an amount that's – I'm still on the first container and it's got a lot in it. So it'll last a while. I wanted to ask Kyle because as you were stoned to shit on the show you kept making little passing comments like i'm so i'm i'm gonna have to take a nice long
Starting point is 00:09:32 break from this for a while like a nice long break from weed and i know that's the same as being like so drunk you feel like you're gonna vomit and you're like i'm never drinking this poison again and then like you know time passes did you take that whole next day off just to like reset yourself or by that night were you like oh it's all good a little toasty um yeah i i didn't smoke um right away i think i skipped that whole day for sure um and then i've just been like sort of tentatively using this delta eight um because i don't want to be like high all day but i'm just like getting high at night mostly and like it's it really it's really good for going to sleep but um i i've never been as scary high as uh as that
Starting point is 00:10:19 edible i did not enjoy that it didn't look fun at all it the the like last hour of the show like tucker and i would start talking about something and i'd be like kyle what do you think about this we're talking trying to get you back in and you'd be like i don't know all right thanks for that and so tucker what else do you think about this? And Woody's sitting there like, you know, I feel, I don't feel bad, but I just,
Starting point is 00:10:49 I've got a case of the whatevers right now. Like, do I want to talk right now? Whatever. Yeah. Taylor had, would you have a alcohol or something to keep you chatty? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Yeah. I did not have that. I have coffee and did nothing. This clock is gonna tick whether i talk or not yeah i'm not a good host high i don't think i'm not i'm not i'm not that high good god good god like like oh that was awful i was i was i was in a coma i was in a coma i'm very high and i have a good time yeah that's what i said that's what i meant i was trying to like at least form like cogent thoughts so i would be like all right we've got a thing we've got a thing to say let's start working on it now like five minutes later you say it and say what are you talking about
Starting point is 00:11:37 like yeah i kind of missed the train um i had that um that that crazy like like i could feel it like like like kind of thing like like like like uh hallucination type thing it was really wild um i hadn't been thinking about just how bad it was going to be somehow i had just kind of convinced myself that it wasn't a big deal and uh you know when you've got something big coming up like that that like you don't want to do like like jury duty or a court appearance or fucking um you know anything like that i don't know why it always goes back to that for me something you really don't want to do most people say job interview but not you no prison no when you've got something coming up and you're avoiding it and there's somebody in your life who's like hey that thing's tomorrow right hey that thing that thing's tomorrow
Starting point is 00:12:30 right why aren't you talking about that thing that's tomorrow that's how fish was he's like oh you're eating that poison tomorrow right you're eating poison tomorrow right in front of all the people i was like i don't want to talk about it but It's tomorrow, right? Yeah. Yeah. Do you get everything? I'm like, yeah. Yeah, I got it. Fish is just hounding you, trying to stress you out. What do you think it's going to be like? I thought it's going to be horrible.
Starting point is 00:12:58 It's going to be real bad, huh? I was thinking about you. What if you're in there and you just start seeing demons and all the worst things that have ever happened to you in front of all those people, Kyle? Wouldn't that be awful? Wouldn't you cry? It doesn't do that. I don't know. It never had to be awful.
Starting point is 00:13:11 No, it doesn't do that. It doesn't. But you don't want to put that evil on yourself, right? If you're going to take something that's impairing. Kyle, your legal troubles first started like four or five years ago. I forget. We looked it up. Was it 2018? I think it or five years ago. I forget. We looked it up. Was it 2018?
Starting point is 00:13:27 I think it's four years ago. Okay. And then all that time, there's been a guillotine hanging over your head and a finish line at the end of this. You have finally crossed the finish line. The Colorado trip we've been looking forward to for ages has happened. Is there any kind of letdown now? Now that like like now what no i'm so i'm so like this has been a good few days like this last couple of days i've been
Starting point is 00:13:52 really happy because it's like i am sort of getting it's like um when uh when like a dog's been like locked in a kennel and you open the door and for a while he's just like sniffing like hey what's this see this other I can go out there, huh? So right now I'm sort of thinking of the places. Thinking of the places that I can go now? Because I was like, oh yeah, I'd like to do that. I could. I mean, I could just book a flight right now and go and do that thing or this thing or the other. That's been a big part of it um i've got such bad dry mouth from this shit though is that delta eight
Starting point is 00:14:32 yeah it's been uh that's been a big part of it um sort of like getting comfortable with like the idea that it is kind of over now and i can kind of go about my business on a daily basis and if i wanted to i could have a beer or you know go see my dad without asking for permission or just i don't know for the fuck of it drive to tennessee like i used to um you know just stuff like that i know how much you've been looking forward to a nice cold beer not really no although although you know when you're not allowed to have something you kind of do right like like i bet if i told woody like if i was like woody do you want a beer and he was like no i was like good because you're
Starting point is 00:15:17 not allowed them anymore right and then for the next three years i'm denied them at the end of it i'd want uh margarita. I started making lots of backyard barbecues part of his life as a demon. Like, hey, Cinco de Mayo! Everybody's popping their Dos Equis at the same time. Now everybody's
Starting point is 00:15:38 cool thing is lighters. You look at everyday carry bottle openers, trying to get into bottle culture. It's not working. You're not allowed to have the beer. So you're always thinking about it. I wish Kyle would let me have that beer.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Have you seen those bottle openers that you can put on top and then you open it and then you can hit a button and it shoots it? Yes. It shoots the bottle out? Yeah. Seems like a bad idea. Terrible idea.
Starting point is 00:16:01 At best, you're littering. At worst, you're assaulting someone put an eye out yeah i like that at best you're littering it's true i've seen what's the littering policy on when does it go from being composting to to to littering but when you add plastic okay so i can throw like a whole apple out the window, right? Oh, an apple? That'll compost. The contents of a Wendy's lunch, right?
Starting point is 00:16:32 With the paper fry thing and the paper bag, that's all compost. Boy, not the paper. He's like, the bag is clearly not plastic. If you throw the paper in there and that little plastic sheet that or i guess wax paper whatever all right so a whole an entire hamburger that you just didn't
Starting point is 00:16:50 care for the taste of as long as you unwrap it that's composting too it'll be fine that'll degrade could i throw a pineapple out of my moving vehicle you can throw two all right at what point do we cross from composting vehicle yeah into into some sort of road hazard now now you're just like the johnny apple seed helping other people compost i'm just wondering i'm just wondering because like i don't know i feel like i get looks like if i if i start throwing the tomato off of my chicken sandwich out the window like maybe someone's judging me as a litter buck i don don't know. If it's food like that? If I broke a watermelon
Starting point is 00:17:27 in your front yard by the sidewalk, assuming you have such a situation, would you clean up the watermelon or let nature run its course? Well, see, I don't want a compost pile in my front yard, and so I would clean that up. It won't be there
Starting point is 00:17:44 for too long. Yeah, but then I'll get ants and everything yes they will clean up the watermelon for you that's the service they provide i mean i'd try it you know i'd give it i'd give it a day or two until it was soupy and very difficult to remove and i'd be like oh fuck like i gotta i gotta shovel this into the garbage that is a terrible plan yeah it's the worst of both worlds there yeah like i've my wife tell you there's a watermelon in my yard i 100 won't do shit about it i might mow it if it's still there later yeah actually that would now you're composting all over the yard because it's spraying little bits of sugar you still have ants but yeah yeah yeah i've had like like my wife
Starting point is 00:18:23 thinks that too we're like i'll like take chicken nuggets out of the container that like we don't want to eat on a road trip or whatever and just throw it out the window on the side of the road. And like, you don't don't just throw that out there. And it's like all the paper is still in here. That's going to phrase it like that, that banana peel, that slice of orange, the rind, that half-eaten McDonald's burger, that is going to make a bird's day. A bird or some other critter out there, some bug, an anthill, they're going to come upon that like, oh, there's a god. They're going to take those nutrients. Whenever I've got
Starting point is 00:19:06 um i uh i ordered groceries a while back when i was when i was cutting weight and they sent me the wrong kind of bread and it's it was like 20 extra calories a slice which adds up yeah over the course of two loaves of bread so i was like i'm not gonna eat this bread so i uh i threw it all out outside for the birds and stuff and uh and just look through my blinds like like i threw it out in the morning and like by midday i feel like a disney princess yeah everywhere out there there was a fucking like it was like a trail cam video there were squirrels out there fucking munching and looking around and like there were birds just like they weren't even carrying it away anymore there was too much yeah the only negative part was like you did it
Starting point is 00:19:44 all the time, enough for them to start treating your house like expected food. Yeah. Like if you were a crazy cat lady or you could train birds. Well, you didn't see all of Rick and Morty, did you? I saw the crow one. You saw the crow one. Was it crows or ravens?
Starting point is 00:19:58 Two crows. Two crows, yeah. Crows are smart. Do you see both of the episodes? Because there's two crow episodes. Yes, I saw the one where he decides to abandon. I saw when he sets up with the cr of the episodes? Because there's two crow episodes. Yes. I saw the one where he decides to abandon. I saw when he sets up with the crows and then when he backs off the crows.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Well, they left him. The crows left him, to be clear. Yeah, the crows left him. It was important to the crows that that be known. I did get thrown for a loop when Morty made himself old. That was bizarre. That was bizarre. I feel really bad for him.
Starting point is 00:20:24 The last two episodes would be, like, if you really bad for him it yeah the season the last two episodes would be like if you really wanted to get like like cut to the chase you could watch the last two episodes of the current season you know i usually like work and morty and i haven't watched it this year i don't fucking watching um yeah it's not bad shucks what's the cowboy movie i think i talked about it a little bit the cowboy tvboy TV show with Kevin Costner. Oh, Long, not Longmire. The Yosemite. Right? Yellowstone.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Yellowstone. Yeah, that's what it is. Yeah, yeah. I'm still watching that. There's a lot of content in Yellowstone. Every show is an hour long. Oh. And not 42 minutes.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I didn't say 42 minutes long like you normally mean. You're Walking Dead is an hour long show. How long is it to watch it? 42 minutes, 46 minutes. This thing is like 57 minutes. I didn't say 42 minutes long like you normally mean. You're Walking Dead is an hour long show. How long is it to watch it? 42 minutes, 46 minutes, something like this thing is like 57 minutes. It's a true hour long show. I've been hamstrung with my television watching. I left my Amazon Fire device in Colorado and currently Dirty has it in his luggage. And I think he's still using it in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I think he needs to mail that to me because uh i don't have another device like um i had this issue where like i could i could never find out what the most current device was and there was a point where i had too many and then i just i threw them all away and i started afresh with one and i would just move it from my living room to my uh bedroom because there was never an instance where i was gonna like watch tv in my living room and somebody else was gonna be in my bedroom or vice versa it just didn't happen and uh and so yeah he has my sole streaming device so right now i'm streaming on like my tvs like apps which include youtube and netflix you can
Starting point is 00:22:00 just download more apps i know but it's come on man you can't click h apps. I know, but it's, I'm high man. You can't click Hulu install. Like, like the problem is that like when I, when I'm, when I have time to watch TV, that's also when I have time to like, all right, let's smoke some of this Delta eight.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Now it's nighttime. Like we're done with the day's work. Like, you know, do you ever like, sometimes I'll do that. I actually often I'll do this. We're like,
Starting point is 00:22:23 I'll sit down for the evening and i'll be like i'm gonna pick out what i want to watch nothing else to do the rest of the day gonna relax and get good and high take a bunch of hits and then it's like oh no now i'm stoned to shit and i haven't picked out what i want to watch so i'm in for 40 minutes of like clicking on things reading it and being like but do i really want there's probably something better and then in the end almost always after like reading 10 15 descriptions that i search for on different apps i'm like you know that first one wasn't bad yeah um what i do is sometimes i'll spend like if i'm just like if i'm not doing anything i'll spend some time researching movies that i do want to watch and put them on my list. So I had that list to sort of pull from when we were in Colorado.
Starting point is 00:23:07 But there were still plenty of times when it was like, nobody wants to watch a two-hour movie regardless of what it is. And so we're just sitting there, just stoned, just clicking through app after app and not knowing what the fuck to watch. It's like, I don't want to watch this two-hour movie. I want to spend 40 minutes picking a movie that's an hour and a half long. Yeah, I want to watch eight episodes of a 22-minute show. That seems like less commitment to me right now.
Starting point is 00:23:30 That's what I did just a couple nights ago. I was like, I can't find any horror movies that I either haven't seen or that look good. I'm just going to rewatch season five of The Simpsons. I watched a lot of horror movies while we were out there, and I didn't care if they were good or bad. I watched some real shit. lot of horror movies while we were out there um and i didn't care if they were good or bad i watched some real shit i went back to the friday uh the 13th series and watched a couple of those i'd never seen and also the freddy krueger stuff some of the later ones that i'd never seen did you do any hellraiser out there i've seen all of those fairly recently um and i don't think
Starting point is 00:23:59 they're any good other than the first one's not bad the first one yeah i like the first one i like i like the first saw yeah um you know the guy who made saw also did the conjuring you know i think that's james wan or something like that did i say something about asians in the last show i feel like i just felt a bit of guilt toward toward when i said james wan's name like maybe i said something did i say bad things about asians on pki i remember i don't think so oh i did oh i know what i just watched the the squid game thing that's what it is that's oh you finished squid game i finished it um i started it yesterday and i just watched the whole pretty thing. It's pretty good. You didn't like it very much? Here's what I think. I feel like everybody likes it.
Starting point is 00:24:48 It was good, but nothing can live up to its hype. How's that? It was so hyped. I was like, what I was imagining is a lot cooler than what I got. Yeah. All right. I wasn't imagining a show that was more like hunger games and it's battle royale like like i first of all i love that it's super violent um and that there's gore because that's what the hunger games was missing it's like hey
Starting point is 00:25:15 you know you're remaking a movie or you're you're drawing from material that's about school children murdering each other in cold they went a little light with the child murder in Hunger Games, didn't they? Way too light. They really did. All jokes aside. It was fucking dizzying. I wanted to see those kids disemboweled. Maybe use their bowels as camouflage like Walking Dead does.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Let's not get ridiculous, Woody. I want to see the children die classy deaths. Of course I want them to die classy deaths. Let's get real. That little kid kid we're not bringing her around for her like date her cake decorating skills or whatever the fuck that yeah the fact the the cake icing guy survived is dude how long have you been out here all day icing yourself instead of looking for clean water where did you get all the confectionery the cake icing guy was the strongest guy in the whole fucking thing he was poorly cast i know i never read the book so i only saw the show fucking hercules uh big dude yeah and and
Starting point is 00:26:16 in the cast he was a normal person i've said this before i remember when it first came out i was in college the first one and i went over to a friend's house and we were all smoking. And he's like, dude, guys, this Hunger Games thing, people are saying it's just for kids. I watched it. It's awesome. And so we're like, all right, Eric, show us what's up. And so we're all sitting around, hanging out, watching it. And we get maybe like until the cake scene or so.
Starting point is 00:26:42 And he's like, guys, I just need to apologize. I thought this was way better than it is now that I'm watching it with friends. Everybody does that with YouTube videos. Every video, every song. Taylor, this song is good. I try to only send my best.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Wait for it. Two and a half minutes in, this song gets good. In a God of Davida. Have you heard it? It's 28 minutes long. By Iron Butterfly. When I send you guys stuff on WhatsApp, I try to I'm always on Reddit or whatever, just kind of
Starting point is 00:27:14 scanning the internet for interesting stuff. You guys only get the best. You get the top 5%. You did great stuff well. I always watch your videos. There are some people who get the top 25%. They're getting fucking scraps. Stuff that I don't even want to see.
Starting point is 00:27:32 You guys get the creme de la creme. You get that British family singing that remix acapella. You get good stuff. Or you get that man who exploded the other day when he was checking the valve. That was good. You didn't expect him to just die. I didn't. I didn't think he'd die.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I thought it might have... He did die. That valve was full of anger and death. I think the valve was on a big container of death. And I think he unleashed it upon himself. It was wild.
Starting point is 00:28:04 This guy's on top of this big gas turbine type thing. And anyway, the valve explodes and the man explodes so violently that he kind of rains down like, like pinata pieces or something. Yeah. I'll be watching that again, but thank you for sending it.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I got that one saved right here. Yeah. It's like, oh man, what a great way to start the morning. Yeah. I like to saved right here. It's like, oh man, what a great way to start the morning. Yeah, I like to do them early. It's like, oh, mid-morning, 9.30?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Just having my coffee. Oh, okay. This is the kind of day it's going to be. Yeah, I feel like it braces you for the morning. You start off and you're like, oh, it could all be over right now, any moment. I think I don't have any valves to play with. You got to carry that intensity with you throughout the day when you see death. Like, you know, you're barely out of bed.
Starting point is 00:28:51 You sleep in your eyes and that man's exploded. You must always be consumed with your own mortality. I saw an old lady get drug out of a car the other day by a Bengal tiger. Dragged out. Did I say dragged? Or should I have said dragged? You should have said dragged. What did I say?
Starting point is 00:29:07 Drugged. Or drug. She was drugged as she was dragged. Well, it got her. That's all that matters. Was she okay? Dragged. That's something you like.
Starting point is 00:29:22 She was dragged in the vehicle. Like, you'll hear about stories of, like, a person wounded by a bear or something, but they escape. dragged that's something you like in the vehicle like you'll hear about stories of like person by a bear or something but they escape like you never hear about like a failed tiger attack they're like no really like nobody like nobody about tiger attacks in general maybe if i was in i don't know india or something i'd hear about failed tiger attacks oh i think tigers kill a significant amount of people in ind. They do. We've talked about this before, but you look up tiger
Starting point is 00:29:47 attacks in India, they found individual tigers who whole villages would be horrified of because it would kill dozens and dozens of people. I think the most badass land animal is an elephant, but we focus on tigers because they're
Starting point is 00:30:03 the pound-for-pound champs. I think we focus on them because they're the pound for pound champs well and we focus on them because they're predators and they'll and they'll kill us just because we're looking the wrong way and they want to eat us whereas you don't think elephants do uh elephants well i mean elephants don't eat meat right so like tigers like see us as food like there's a very small like group of predators who are like the the actual apex predators that actually look at humans as a food source, potentially. Bears. Grizzly bears are amongst that group of animals. The big Asian
Starting point is 00:30:32 tigers are, too. They always talk about how, oh yeah, if this shark bit you, he was just checking you out. I'm still not okay with that deal. I'm still not okay with that deal i'm still not okay with that but but i get it but i don't think i don't think they used to tell me you just lose like
Starting point is 00:30:49 like part of your foot like i use that part i use the whole foot you need the whole thing other than like the vestigial little toe i watched jaws on the uh on the trip and uh it was so it's it's to me it's as good every time um we had this big ass projector and um it was really good like i'd forgotten like if you're especially if you're stone and it's late at night that movie is still kind of scary there's a couple of shots where like the shark is like swimming underneath the kid that were uh that were really scary and they still look real because they have a big dumb fake shark floating around in the water. That's a good movie.
Starting point is 00:31:28 That is a good movie. I've seen the shark scares me. Like it gives me good, like sweaty hands feeling. No, I've never seen it. They, uh,
Starting point is 00:31:36 there's a tour in LA where you like, you go on like a tram car and the shark goes up next to every part of the thing and tries to scare the people. It maybe works on the first people. If you're like six in line, it's like, here's our turn. Is there something in movies like horror or thriller movies that like you get
Starting point is 00:31:54 the hand sweat thing? Like you'll get anxious on. So I always get darks for sure for me. And then if I see a movie that's like about climbing and like they're very high up i will that's the main one i'll get like sweaty hands like and i'm like imagining like how's he how's he gonna not fall down it's not his hand sweaty it's when it's real it's when yeah it's when it's some like usually an ambitious russian teenager climbing something dangerous like that shit. They're actually defying death. They don't have safety
Starting point is 00:32:28 ropes. You can do that stuff fairly safely. There are people who climb that stuff for a living and go 30 years and retire happily without an injury. These guys are not that. This is their third time doing it and they brought GoPros and no safety gear. That stuff,
Starting point is 00:32:44 I get the sweaty palms from it yeah i get a reaction whenever i see someone fall onto asphalt like if um if they catch themselves with their palms i know what that that injury feels like when you're healing from that yeah like i know specifically like what it's like with palms like like if you grind your palms off or you're like picking like small stones out of your stone out of your palms like like that hurts so much and like like i've never had it on my knee like full-on like bad i've had some little ones on my knee but like there's this scene in the sopranos when uh steve buscemi is chasing after his laundry truck that's being stolen and he falls like hard on his knee on asphalt like slides all the skin like off the kneecap
Starting point is 00:33:26 and off the shin right below it and it just looks so nasty and like i feel it every time i see him do it i'm just like ah fuck that's a bad one yeah that's a good one i've never really thought of that as like a cringy like oh anything with teeth like oh people's teeth getting ripped out something like that there's a scene in small spoiler for um the sopranos movie but there's a scene where they torture this guy and the way they do it is they take an impact wrench you know like like you take a tire off a car with and they put it in his mouth and when they shoot it when they pull the trigger it sort, it oscillates around. It's just oscillating around
Starting point is 00:34:08 knocking all the guy's teeth out, chipping them away. In real life, I don't think it would do that. You've worked in Impact Ranch, right? Yeah. Mine's steady as heck. It would just spin. Now, you could certainly use it and grind it and do it on purpose.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I don't know. I don't think it... I it and kind of do it on purpose. I don't know. I don't, I don't, I don't think it, I feel like if you squeeze it, it kind of wiggles a little. Okay. I've done it.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I don't know. Maybe, maybe you have a big, had a big enough, um, thing on it. Socket. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:37 If the socket wasn't round on the outside, my sockets are all round on the outside, except for the spark plug one. Oh, this one wasn't round. This one also, this one was like, um,
Starting point is 00:34:44 octagonal or something on the outside well i don't know in any case like like that was i didn't like seeing that happen to that poor man's teeth yeah something about there are a lot of injuries that are temporary right like if you were to get poked in the thigh with an ice pick that sucks that's an awful day we'll be all good in a month exactly in a month you'll probably be literally a hundred percent the tiniest little poke hole of a scar um but if i not i like i'm doing it but like if your teeth are busted if a finger is removed probably like there's shit that doesn't come back yeah yeah i think we all have that same reaction um i think uh reservoir dogs does that really well one of my favorite movies where where you know there are these periods
Starting point is 00:35:33 where it's like oh it's bad it's bad but we can come back oh nope nope that's it that's all there was nope he's dead like i'll spoil Reservoir Dogs. It's like watching someone drink the last of the milk and be like, I can still get some. They're torturing the hell out of this policeman trying to find out why he knows and he's not giving up the information. And as the cop is there, clearly tortured awfully.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Some of the worst torture scenes you've ever seen. And he talks to the guy that is the informant. That's the cop too. And the other guy didn't realize he knew. And it was just like, holy shit, this guy's going to die. This cop.
Starting point is 00:36:15 And he knows he's going to die. And it's a really slow, long, painful, tortured death. And the other guy realizes that he did it on purpose, knowingly that he could have given them up anytime it was crazy reservoir dogs a very good movie like the ear cut it was like oh that's horrible and then like it was permanent that's permanent
Starting point is 00:36:35 but then also like to immediately pour gasoline all over him like still gushing blood what's that what huh yeah apparently this is one of those like super common movie things like oh trivia but i don't think michael madsen like he added in the ear thing he's like oh can you not hear me like that joking thing which did make him seem a lot more doing that and then throwing the ear aside haphazardly and then wiping his hand on the cop it's it's so dark and that and that song i don't know about you but whenever i hear that song come on i i often think of reservoir dog stuck in the middle with you stuck in the middle with you it's such like a happy lucky song that that's yeah those are all the best horror movies where they have that juxtaposition
Starting point is 00:37:22 and he's doing that fucking dance. Yeah, it's brutal. It's so good. He's just such a fucking sociopath. Now that I think about it, that was really stolen from Clockwork Orange. Huh. A bit of it was, you know, with the juxtaposition of the music I think you're talking about. And the dance.
Starting point is 00:37:43 The dance as well? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, like it was really kind of, I didn't really put that together until just now. Torturing to music, that's too vague of a thing because there's lots of torturers in like horror movies where like they play their like classical, like I'm a mad genius and I'm going to remove your eyelids, like that kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Maybe those are just like the D-list horror movies i watch so can i change a topic yeah one of my friends is trying to get me into go-kart racing he was never he always wanted to do it and he never had the money but now he's an adult he's almost exactly my age right and uh he's like we should get into go-kart racing. How would you respond if your friend was like, this is our new hobby. We're go-kart racers now. It's a real money pit. First of all, maybe you're not even interested in it,
Starting point is 00:38:39 and that's enough reason in general. Yeah, I don't want to do that. Well, that sounds like a good way to spend time. It's a huge money pit um and there's always like a lighter piece or something or a better thing and there's so many different classes and you know it's how nascar drivers start so like people take that shit super seriously it's it's like it's it's like little league baseball but like everybody that plays in the major started in little league yeah this guy's lighter than me so i thought that i would never have a chance oh we rented go-karts um it the
Starting point is 00:39:13 order of finishing was almost exactly the weight of everybody uh heather was first chis was whatever fifth or something and then everyone in the middle almost lined up by weight i think i was faster than a guy lighter than me but he couldn't even drive he was too young for a driver's license i had so but my friend says that they add weight to the cars and even that out there's oh in the races yeah yeah that's what i was gonna say um obviously when we do it at the place they don't i did okay i was definitely the heavier and you outdid your weight then yeah i can't remember so maybe the times are irrelevant but uh it's this place called answer uh and uh in denver uh that's really taylor went there with me uh really good place
Starting point is 00:40:01 ours was indoors and slippery i think that played a big role in it it was indoors and slippery as well the track was like if people have never been there it's almost designed to be slippery so you really have to hit your lines and such right it makes it interesting at low speeds yeah i i never did figure out obviously the fastest way to take some of those corners i i didn't know if i wanted to take them slow or fast or how to like swerve the car around and like drift the corner correctly but um i think i was five seconds off and i think we were all like roughly had within a second of each other on our like fastest ever lap time because we went three or four times but um yeah i think i think we were still four or five seconds off like the fastest lap ever and it was like how is this guy beating us by five seconds it feels like we're going so fast yeah that's a huge amount of time in those races yeah it's a short track yeah so it doesn't
Starting point is 00:40:50 seem like you want to get into it very much so i would say no one of the challenges and he does this he finds cool things to do near charlotte and it's like so you found this cool thing 30 minutes from your house and three and a half hours from my house that you want to do together that's hard on me and that's each way right so now i have seven hours of driving every time i do this that to me is in your trailer for this as well by the way there's not worth it i have i don't even know how many trailers i have but you have one that would accommodate a go-kart yeah but it's not covered my covered one trust me all the other kids have one that oh kyle knows the scene kyle knows the scene right there are motorcycle track days
Starting point is 00:41:33 people roll in with like a hundred thousand dollar rvs there is a uh a horse and pony show that happens in the paddocks you know that happens off the track this okay i would imagine yeah everything is like this paintball is fucking like this every paramotoring is like this you go to a paramotoring fly-in people have 85 000 van life vans they have trailers they have motorhomes motorhomes stuff like that and they it just it's how every one of these hobbies is it's how it's how guns is of these hobbies is. It's how guns is. There's always somebody who's just like,
Starting point is 00:42:09 you got to take it to another level. But there is that sort of culture where it's like, oh, he's got the 2007 model I see. Oh, I remember 2007. This is the voice the people at the go-kart meet up have. Oh, how remember 2007. This is the voice the people at the go-kart meet up had. Oh, how terribly droll.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Maybe not the go-kart guys sound like that. They probably sound a little bit more like this. Yeah, they might. So it looks like if you go on a weekday, $65 for three races to see if you want to try this or not. Maybe I'll do that.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Yeah. That's about what we paid. Maybe a little more. Um, I think, I think the cars we went, I wish I knew how many CCs they were. Cause that's the determining factor,
Starting point is 00:42:52 but they went about 45 or 50 miles per hour. Yeah. The wrecks, the wrecks hurt. Um, but I didn't feel like my life was in danger, but I hit, I hit,
Starting point is 00:43:04 um, one of the guys really, really fucking hard, though. How? Why? Into a corner, and we had two different ideas on how that corner should be taken. It seemed like he took it this wide, lazy way, and I took it this really short, aggressive way that made me slam into him and basically T-bone him because he was there to be T-boned when I didn't expect him to be there. But I hit him going, I don't know, 25, 30 miles per hour,
Starting point is 00:43:34 just T-boned him, and that's really fast when you're just sitting on a fucking go-kart. Yeah, smashes you in your forearms. I hit him so fucking hard. I remember only making that mistake once where like i i think i the one time i ran into chis like i didn't know yet to like let go of the wheel because it would like send like shock waves like up your forearms like oh that's really uncomfortable you felt do everything yeah i didn't i was i didn't expect to run into
Starting point is 00:44:00 him and so like later when i would like see i was about to crash i would like just just let go real quick crash and then even though you're saying it doesn't feel like the move it feels like you'd want to make your arms are great shock absorbers you know maybe just don't lock your elbows or anything but you know like be ready i just did it badly the first time and i think i just assumed like okay so you don't want to have your arms gripping the wheel that tight when you are about to smash headfirst into someone but maybe kyle you probably didn't hold it that way like i didn't take my hands off um but most of my hits were kind of sideways except for that one i would like slide the car sideways into the wall really fucking fast and it would like make me like lean all the way out of the car and they warned me a couple
Starting point is 00:44:45 times for that um they like they have a sign they hold up and they like they can remote control take away like 90 of your car's power for a little while so they did that to me it was pretty lame is that embarrassing no it's just like come on i didn't hit anybody i just hit the wall you know i'm just trying to go fast i just want to go fast the best part about those is that there wasn't oh one time i thought horrible like one time i thought i was pretty even i thought i was behind fish um and he was going really slow and i was going really fast and i think we just had watched like ricky bobby so i just went shaking back and i just rammed him in the back because I thought he'd think it was funny. And it was just some kid. Just some enormous kid.
Starting point is 00:45:29 It wasn't fish. It was just some fucking kid in the car. And he made an audible noise. He went, eh. Meanwhile, like fish is at your side pulling up like, hey, Kyle, are you afraid of the thousand milligram edible? You have to take it two days. Fish, I swear to fucking God. fish ever pay people back for all the drugs he consumed no that's not necessary you know it sounded pretty necessary uh no he bought drugs of his own and okay he contributed then to some extent i don't know i
Starting point is 00:46:06 don't i wasn't really counting um i try not to do that sort of thing it i in any case like all the drugs i bought got smoked like if i didn't want something to get smoked i'd keep it in my pocket right i feel like if i'm leaving my drugs out on the counter with the rest of the drugs i'm sort of saying anybody want any drugs and in that household the answer is a resounding yes i'll take all of it please so like i i didn't mind if somebody smoked my uh my weed if it was like left out on the counter with like the grinder and the paraphernalia and shit i am still sore from my camping trip i got home a few hours ago i did a motorcycle camping and all my friends brought faster bikes.
Starting point is 00:46:45 They brought smaller dual sport bikes. They're kind of like street legal dirt bikes. I had my big touring bike. Just every second of the last three days were spent maximizing how quickly I could get to go over the trails and
Starting point is 00:47:01 standing up, holding on, going fast. I had two good crashes and two good scares not that's uh that's not a great that's an adventure by my standards that's fucking awesome seems like a lot for five days four encounters no that sounds no that's low if you're having fun every day come on i thought that was one day of encounters i thought i was like that's a great day yeah i i i don't on that bike i don't like to crash at all um but uh but yeah one time this the performance difference between their lighter bikes and mine on greasy like mud was really most that was the way it was most pronounced so i i slipped one time trying to keep up another time i just crested over the hill and on the other side of it were
Starting point is 00:47:51 big rocks but they were big and flat not like tall to crash into and for me they were just slick like ice and i don't i wish i had them on video because i don't know exactly what happened but in no time i found myself going sideways and sliding. And I just sort of slid off the side of it. And the bike slid in front of me. It was a rumbling, bumbling, stumbling. Everybody was on the other side of the hill parked. It was a gravel, rocky road.
Starting point is 00:48:17 But there was a stop sign. And I made quite the entrance. Just whatever. Me and 600 pounds of motorcycle and luggage sliding across the rocks. I wasn't hurt at all. It was cold. So I always have protective gear on. But in the summer, my elbows, shoulders, and knees and stuff, they're protected.
Starting point is 00:48:38 But everything else is like mesh. It's like a fucking 1970s disco outfit with padded elbows. In the winter, it's more like a card heart jacket, right? Which isn't protective, but it's got a little heft to it. You know, it absorbs the blow. So I was 100% fine. But they're like, Woody, take a minute. Dude, collect yourself.
Starting point is 00:48:56 It's okay. And I'm like, no, I really am just all here. I know it looked like hell, but it didn't feel like much i was okay so as i think about it i came to a slow stop i must have slid like 15 feet or so across the rocks and uh that's not a bad way to stop tree is much worse oh yeah a tree is gonna beat you 10 times out of 10 yeah i don't have much to offer a tree no it's been there long before you and it will be there to disable motorists long after you some of these trees might be under 49 or 48 true you're like no i would have fucked this one up 20 years ago what's the oldest tree you can beat up
Starting point is 00:49:40 well actually beat up? Well, actually... There is no actually after that question. No, no, there is. There is. There's a breaking point. I feel like I could beat up any tree under like 15 and some trees over like 150. Like El Presidor back in the woods, right?
Starting point is 00:49:59 He used to knock down those dead trees. Those are deceased trees. Yeah, I can beat up deceased trees as well. That is firewood. I can take out firewood. Anyone can beat up firewood. We don't punch a tree down. You have to punch the tree down.
Starting point is 00:50:14 No, you have to do it like Jean-Claude Van Damme in Kickboxer when he was kicking that bamboo. You remember this scene? I might need to go younger on this tree. He's training, and he's just kicking the bamboo over and over and it hurts real bad, but he just keeps kicking it. It's great. So all my stuff's wet. It's hanging behind me and the tent's set up in the office
Starting point is 00:50:32 here. Wait, there's a tent set up in the office? Oh man, I am high. Alright, I didn't notice that. It's subtle. I guess there is usually an orange carpet there. It's just an orange tent. I an orange carpet there it's just an orange tent i can see yeah it's a it's just a little short thing but i was watching the blues game last night because
Starting point is 00:50:52 the regular season finally started and this new guy buchnevich we have who's russian we just got him from the rangers and he was like sniffing a goal in the first win against colorado and in this game against uh phoenix a goal yeah like meaning like he kept like sniffing a goal in the first win against Colorado. And in this game against Phoenix, a goal. Yeah. Like meaning like he kept like shooting and just barely missing or hitting the post or like make a great save. Like it was one of those things where he's like, he's a good player. So he's like, you know, trying to make his, you know, his appearance like his first game on the Blues look really good. So everybody has a high opinion of him.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And in the second game, he scores. And so I think he's gotten a goal and assist in two games so point per game but and i was like watching i'm like oh this guy's gonna be a great score this is exciting he's like six three six he's a big guy he shoots hard he gets a little dirty three minutes after he scored he headbutted someone and got uh kicked out of the game and now he's suspended for the next two for headbutting, which is not a traditional hockey play. No. Usually punch.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Like he could have cross checked the guy in the teeth and they would have been like, Hey, knock it off, but that's two minutes. But no, he had to headbutt him. And so that's the rest of the game and is he
Starting point is 00:52:07 clearly guilty oh it's so obvious you see it like because i was watching the blues announcers and i must have looked down and darren pang one of them like very not not a homer announcer at all he was like i don't understand what they're talking about here they i hope they pull up a replay soon so you can see and then like it shows like a slow motion of Buzanewicz going... And the announcer goes, oh, jeepers. Oh, jeepers. Well, obviously that's a penalty. He's like, I think they're going to kick him out of the...
Starting point is 00:52:36 Yep, they're kicking him out of the game for that. Have you ever done anything regretful like that? I've definitely never headbutted anyone and've been kicked out of the game i've done two things so i learned to play hockey as an adult so even though i'm like i don't know 26 or 25 or something i'm really inexperienced and i'm here with my new team i i hardly know their names and one of them gets into a fight hey Hey, you take on one of us, you take on all of us, right?
Starting point is 00:53:06 I got his back. I was third man in on a fight. And even my own team was like, what the fuck asshole violates hockey culture. Like don't, don't two on one. Someone, the other team thought I was a dick.
Starting point is 00:53:21 My team thought I was a dick. The referee sent me to the box i'm surprised he didn't kick you out your own team because like that's such a rule in hockey i can't blame you for not knowing but like being like third like obviously if two guys are squaring off fighting no one can be a third man in or everyone is going to be like the fuck oh you're ruining the the great hockey right like any, I couldn't do that in boxing. Couldn't do it in... No, I feel like in a boxing match,
Starting point is 00:53:50 you've really committed what they call a faux pas. Anyway, yeah. So that was one thing I did. Another, and this one I can't take back either, but like, so we're playing the puck, and I'd fallen, right? In lower levels of hockey, if you're playing the pocket and I'd fallen right. And in lower levels of hockey, if you're playing against the boards,
Starting point is 00:54:07 one guy falls sometimes. And, and, uh, he was like trying to dig the puck out from maybe under my thigh or hip or something like that. And I kicked at his skate with my blade. Now,
Starting point is 00:54:21 no, it was hurt or anything, but I got a penalty for it. And it is a real faux pas to use your blades as weapons it is it is even worse than third man in to use your blades and i didn't think it through or any of the second i know i knew not to do this right it was an it was an instinct a reaction to sort of like, oh, maybe if I kick his feet out, he'll fall too. And I can still manage the best of this play.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I think that's what was in my head. I don't know. It all happened really fast. And I kicked, they blew the whistle, and I was like, oh, I really just did that. Fuck. Oh, that's brutal. Now I'm empathetic for other people who were like,
Starting point is 00:55:03 I didn't mean to do it. Clearly you meant to. No, I didn't mean to do it. Clearly you're meant to. No, I mean that I wasn't thinking. I was just dumber than normal for a moment. There was a guy in the NHL a few years ago who did something stupid or took a hit and was skating off the ice looking down all angry. And he wasn't fully, I don't think,
Starting point is 00:55:22 internalizing what was around him. And he passed a ref and he just goes and just smashed the ref into the boards and the ref falls down and the ref is not an nhl athlete and he's not prepared for a hit yeah and his excuse i think was like i was so shaken up from the previous hit i thought he was an opponent and it's like but you were skating back to the bench so like at best you thought you were committing a very obvious interference but really i think he was just so mad i bet he really did think it was a player on the other team because he didn't have a penalty called on him but like immediately he had to be like uh concussions are a big deal i have a concussion that's why yeah they suspended him for a while for that did you you've probably seen it because
Starting point is 00:56:05 it's been on the reddit front page repeatedly but there's a guy in the in the in the sin bin right in the penalty box and i don't know who's playing for i don't know the guy but he's like the fuck like everything's wrong and then he watches the replay and he goes yeah i've seen that yeah it was like kneeing or something on a young guy from Vancouver and he's going, and this is fucking bullshit. This is trash. He looks up.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. And I have a good attitude about it. I'm empathetic to the idea that you can do something that you didn't, that, I don't know if you had a moment to think about it,
Starting point is 00:56:43 you wouldn't have. Yeah. This is one. Well, I mean, that's why you're coming out to defend Harvey Weinstein, I believe. He's never headbutt anyone. Yeah. And he's never attacked with the blades. He's never been third man in. Well... He's a better man than I.
Starting point is 00:56:58 He's a better man. He helped make Lord of the Rings. He did help with all of that. We'll recall Woody had precisely nothing to do with the production of Lord of the Rings. That's true. That evens the score a bit, probably. He's off. Is he in jail?
Starting point is 00:57:22 Weinstein? He's still in jail. You're thinking of Cosby, maybe. Yeah. You think Weinstein will get out he might he is rich and powerful and memories are short and just they'll be a thing I disagree I think he's done
Starting point is 00:57:36 oh we don't have enough time we should talk about Dave Chappelle's special on PKA this week have you seen it watch it in time oh you guys should definitely watch it. I have not watched it. He's in a lot of trouble. Don't do any research. All I know is that
Starting point is 00:57:52 the LGBTQ plus community is not happy with it. That would make sense. That's as much as I know. That's as much as I'll spoil. Chappelle has a way of not getting canceled so we'll see i want to see it i want to see i enjoyed the special i thought it was very good and i think really anybody who has a problem with it is probably a straight white
Starting point is 00:58:16 woman oh interesting because it's like a lot of things the people who have problems with it are the lgbq that i've heard and i don't know much yeah they might work there well yeah i'll have to watch it okay you'll say is that do they have a storefront somewhere like gays or us or some shit it was the subreddit big and gay like is there a brick and mortar for lgbtq yeah like do they have a they have like a headquarters i want to see the decoration of that place. I mean, it's wild. I've seen Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. They've got the taste. I just want to see.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Yeah. There's got to be some good ones out there. Unicorns and stuff. Well, I'll watch. Is it a full hour long? He's been cranking out specials. Rainbows? No clowns.
Starting point is 00:59:02 He's decorating. Is this a full hour long special or like a 30 minute I was high it could be 4 hours I wouldn't know it was an appropriate amount of time and I felt bad at one part I felt like the last joke turns out to be like a heartfelt
Starting point is 00:59:18 fucking moment and I wasn't expecting that I didn't need that shit I like Dave Chappelle so I'll watch it i like him a lot i like him a lot it was uh it was pretty good i think he's actually in 42 minutes hour and 12 minutes oh yeah okay um yeah it was good i like it a lot i'll give it a go i'll have to check that out you want to wrap here boys yeah i think so all right i almost want to just do nothing for 14 more seconds hit the hour mark
Starting point is 00:59:50 just to make sure that bullshit nothing conversation for 14 seconds so we can say technically no

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