Painkiller Already - PKN #38

Episode Date: May 14, 2015

In this weeks episode of PKN, the guys go over the Mayweather fight, Jack's passing and some CQB paintball talk....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Here we go, Painkiller Nearly, episode 38. This episode of Painkiller Nearly is being brought to you by Squarespace, the all-in-one platform that makes it fast and easy to create your own professional website, portfolio, or online store. For a free trial and 10% off, visit and enter offer code PKA at checkout. So whether you're starting a business, building a portfolio, or just expressing yourself online, remember to sign up today at slash PKA. slash pka. slash pka.
Starting point is 00:00:30 The place to make your website. I can't think of anything that's right. Okay. Thank you so much. I was dying. All right. So here we go again. Everybody's strapped in taylor i'm glad you could join us again yeah thank you taylor my pleasure mickey i'm glad you're here too
Starting point is 00:00:54 i don't know what you did this week but um i started my week off by watching the manny pacquiao fight uh at least well i i didn't i couldn't i was to come watch it with you guys, but I got distracted elsewhere and I had to watch it on my own. I did watch it. It went exactly like I said it was going to go. It was just as boring as I thought it was going to be. I feel vindicated because everybody was like,
Starting point is 00:01:18 this guy's going to knock this guy's head off. That Pacquiao guy, he throws a lot of punches and the whole time it's like, I don't know. I don't think Mayweather is going to lose. I think he's good at not losing. He's never done it before. My boxing expertise is a little like my hockey expertise. I feel like I know more about the game than about the current players.
Starting point is 00:01:39 You know, if you put me on the ice, I'd know exactly where to stand, how to handle different situations, when to work the give and go, etc. You know, if you put me in a ring, I think my reactions would be, all right, I'm no pro out there. But, you know, I've got a couple combos in there. Whatever. But I had Pacquiao and I was wrong. I thought that Mayweather's shoulder roll was not going to work well against a Southpaw.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I did not know it was going to be as boring as it was, in spite of the fact that a lot of people said it was going to be. I watched Chael Sonnen's prediction. I talked to Lozon about it. People who watch boxing more than me were saying it was going to be just like it was. I had hoped for more. I was wrong. God, it sucked.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I did see that, and who knows, fighters are always given excuses, especially after the fight. But Pacquiao was saying that his right hand was bothering him a lot. And it turned out, I guess the athletic commission refused to allow him to have an anti-inflammatory shot in his hand before the fight. And he felt like he wasn't as effective with his hands as he could have been if he'd had that shot. It wasn't his hand, though. It was his shoulder or his elbow i forget which i want to say shoulder you think it was his hand yeah he said hand i'm gonna google this like in his broken english i heard him say you know my right hand blah blah blah and it's kind of hard to make him out a lot of the time english isn't his first language pacquiao injury it was his shoulder he said his hand though in the interview like post fight i believe you uh he's from the philippines
Starting point is 00:03:15 whatever but but it was going into what he was saying shoulder i don't know there'll be a rematch there's so much money involved and i will not watch watch it. I like that. And I will not watch it. Yeah. Fuck it. You know? Can you imagine if you paid $100 for that? Oh. I did. Oh. Well, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:03:37 I watched mine on a streaming website to avoid paying $100 for that. Dude, if there's anything that makes me a UFC fan, it's watching boxing. I guess it turns out the boxing that I watch is often highlights or cherry-picked best ever.
Starting point is 00:03:55 And I somehow thought going into the fight that it was going to be more like that. It's not rocky. I think a lot of people are like that, especially the general public well not fake boxing but you know like you watch the hbo like you know there's all those boxing matches there they're often like the best from the last five ten years and i'm like all right
Starting point is 00:04:15 cool like this is what boxing is like it's not bad but it was you could say the same thing for baseball you could watch like you know the last five years of like home runs and like clutch plays and you know That play we saw the other day where one of the Braves did that crazy across his body, off-balance throw and got the guy out. You can watch all those you want, but baseball is still a pretty boring sport. You have to have a love of that game. You got to watch 300 hours to pick out one of those good 10 seconds. Yeah. You watch an entire baseball game and it's a bit like NASCAR. You're waiting for the two or three highlights.
Starting point is 00:04:49 And a super exciting game might have five or six highlights, but it's not like a UFC fight where UFC fights can be done sometimes too. They can be. Not every fight is going to be the best fight you've ever seen in the UFC, but goodness, it'll be better than that boxing match. It will be better than that boxing match. I would much rather watch, just name one, any undercard fight in the UFC than that fight
Starting point is 00:05:15 of the two greatest boxers of our generation. I'd much rather watch two guys who I'd never even heard of before but were UFC caliber fight. If a UFC fighter puts on a fight like that mayweather pacquiao that guy is on a watch list people have been fired coming off wins although it's rare um but what happens is if you're a boring fighter like that the second you lose the ufc is just chomping at the bit waiting to fire you and that's it's um that's where it is i i think the sport i think with the ufc they're trying to to to gain ground they're trying to expand their audience so they can't afford to have duds like
Starting point is 00:05:52 that boxing is sort of a it it has always been kind of established as such a major sport but i feel like they're losing ground every day i feel like the the old guard who are like who who appreciate boxing and pugilism as it were, they're dying off left and right. They're just like that same crowd of like conservative Republicans that want to keep the gays down. Pretty soon there won't be enough of them left to matter. And either boxing will change, die, or become more like the UFC. It has to. It's so lame and boring. And it's much more dangerous.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Like we pointed out all the time, people think of the UFC as a blood sport. I love when they call it that on the nightly news. But we talk about it all the time. It's the tapping. It's the repeated fucking jabs. You fucking hit me in the head all fucking night long, every night. And your brain is smooshing back and forth against the inside of your skull
Starting point is 00:06:49 it's a lot more harmful for you than that one crack to the jaw that one kick to the head not that that's it's not great no it turns out it turns out that it's worse to get hit in the head 220 times a night in boxing than it is to get seven good shots in the ufc before you're done and that it just it just worse to be hit hundreds of times football too i was gonna say that if i had a kid um i wouldn't let him play football uh even if he had an aptitude for it i don't think really yeah even i really don't think. Really? Yeah. I really don't think I would. Especially if you ever considered that, like, ah, he's good
Starting point is 00:07:28 enough to maybe play at junior college or something. You know, this is a guy who might go to the next level where somebody who's making it their life's goal to be the best football player is going to be the one tackling my kid. Like, nah, let's not go in there and do that. Let's play baseball or basketball or soccer or lacrosse
Starting point is 00:07:44 or swim or anything every sport will hurt you and although football is kind of you and most sports don't hurt your brain right you finish swimming you got a rotator cuff thing if you did it yeah well your knees out playing baseball i'm all good with that you'll be 50 by the time you're feeling it really but you could get four or five good head injuries in a college football career and maybe by the time you're on the back side of 40 or 50 you start seeing it then we don't know like like brain injuries are weird maybe when you're 50 all of a sudden you can't remember where your fucking keys are and it's all because when you were 22 years old you wanted to see if you could make it you
Starting point is 00:08:20 know and everybody knew you couldn't i forgot to fix your picture but you look pretty good if i'm honest oh good i got kind of lucky let me see if i can change my lighting a little bit i had borrowed uh i've got one of kitty's studio lights and the one that's coming over here is more of a it's a lot warmer than i'm used to i've got a cold light over there and a warm one over here and it's usually it's a little different i'm gonna have to adjust it yeah my dog died yeah that was sad yeah he was five he wasn't supposed to die yet uh i i think he had a heart attack um i didn't know i made a vlog about it and i said it in the vlog i've seen people vlog stuff during key moments like where it's real like this just happened to me and they put a camera on themselves and um i love those vlogs like i've always thought to myself like if it ever happens
Starting point is 00:09:12 to me i'm gonna do a thing and uh and then it was like well fucking the dog died like two hours earlier or something like that i forget the exacts but um this is Xpex but anyway Jack died when he died I said it in the vlog if you guys didn't see it but like he was he was in our bed and then he like went right to the foot of it to the dog bed and then while he was laying down he pooped which is never a healthy like that's not the sign of a healthy dog and he let out this whimper I thought he was having a nightmare and I also I didn't mention this but i thought he was having a nightmare and i also i didn't mention this but i thought he was throwing up i was like what is in his mouth and um i thought
Starting point is 00:09:51 maybe he was choking or something and then later i realized it was his tongue but it was like grayish bluish type thing and that is a heart attack sign if their tongue or their gums turn color like that like ash and gray or blue and it's called is that called going epoxy or something like that maybe there isn't a lot of oxygen reaching the brain that's my theory although i don't know for sure i'm a lousy doctor and uh um having a heart condition was synonymous with some of the other things that were wrong with him that we didn't pay much attention to like Like his weight had dropped from like, I don't know, like 118 to 108, something like that. And he's too young to be losing weight.
Starting point is 00:10:30 But we thought, whatever, you know, maybe he's just, I don't know, weight fluctuation or something. But losing weight can be a sign of a bad heart. Of course, the way that he died with the racing heartbeat and the epoxic gums and tongue. I don't know if I said that right. I don't know if I did either. Yeah, so it looks like he had a heart attack. Hypoxic. I think that's it. Yeah? Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:51 It looks like out of the blue he had a heart attack probably because he had a bad heart. Probably because he was a purebred Great Dane. That's one of the things that impacts them. Jackie's looking at Great Danes, but she's just trying to fill a hole in her heart. I don't want three dogs.
Starting point is 00:11:07 I feel like with three dogs, like with one dog, he is a sibling, right? That dog is a part of your family. He's just like all the others. With two dogs, it's the dogs, you know, they're a little, is it called a herd? What is a dog? A pack. You know, they're a little pack, but, pack, but it's two of them and whatever. With three dogs, it's livestock.
Starting point is 00:11:31 It seemed like we had indoor livestock at times. Not many people have 100-pound-plus dogs, though. Exactly, and we had several of them, right? And 100 pounds is only part of the story. Now, that's a good measurement of how big a dog is. And they were, I don't know, like 120 and 107 or something like that. And then the little one is like 60 pounds. Like he's not that small either.
Starting point is 00:11:52 He seems like that. Maybe he's 50, something like that. But when you put it all together and you're threatening like 370 pounds worth of dog or something. I don't know if I did my math right. Let's see. What is it? We go 120 plus that's 230. 230.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah, something like that. Yeah, yeah. 250, 290, whatever. Somewhere in that range. I don't know what they all weighed. But it's just a lot of animal, you know? You open the door to let them out and like a train of livestock comes rushing through.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And, you know, I think we're a two dog family I think that's a good number for us I like having more than one but threes a lot and not that I would have chosen for one to drop that's totally not the case but I just don't want to go back to three yeah you just don't re-up it and be like I'm you know maybe maybe if another one drops then we'll go back up to two we just won't go back to three and that's my my thought on it but um but yeah i thought it was interesting to make the video at all like yeah i liked it i uh i know that happened really early that morning uh i watched the video at like you uploaded early it seems like i watched your video at like 9 a.m or
Starting point is 00:13:05 9 30 a.m or something like that and uh and then uh it was really uh i felt bad for you i was like i could definitely uh see you were hurting and it had been a major thing you're like it just had happened you know it's like you said it was good yeah you're still kind of shaken from the whole you know it's not just you lost your dog like if if you had been like on the paintball trip and he'd been hit by a car or something that's very different than him just you know dying in the bed with you like that that's that must have been traumatic that's weird yeah and after the vlog we had to take him to the vet and we ended up take him to the vet. And we ended up taking him to the vet to get cremated. And, dude, it was rough. So I thought when he died, that was going to be the peak of the trauma, you know.
Starting point is 00:14:01 But in reality, carrying him into the truck was kind of rough. It wasn't that it went too poorly, jackie had to help me like i could carry jack when he was like standing and i could kind of pick him up by like his rump in his chest or his belly in his chest yeah but um when he was dead like i just couldn't quite get the grip i wanted and his head would fall in an unnatural way and stuff and i didn't want to like desecrate the body so i i got help and we put him in the truck and then carrying him into the vet I was like what do you guys do with them and they're like well it's the weekend and they don't come till Monday so we put them in that freezer right there and it was a freezer like I don't know how to describe it you probably people have them in their garages too you sort of
Starting point is 00:14:43 open the lid to it. Was it one of the wide ones that's like as wide as your arm span or was it one of the more ones that's more like a cube? It was as wide as my arm span and it was almost like a dumpster type size and shape. Yeah. Yeah. A deep freeze is what I hear them commonly called. Okay. Uh, it would be like a small dumpster in terms of size. And I knew exactly what the next step was. Get the owner out of the room. And there was two women helping me, like Harry the dog. And they were just not strong enough to do this gracefully. They were going to dump him like trash in a freezer. And it was just like, oh, that sucks. And it was just like, oh, that sucks. And that was kind of rough. And but I made the video because I feel like that's the difference between YouTube and TV, right? YouTube is supposed to be somewhat real anyway.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I mean, it's entertainment. There's all kinds of videos on YouTube. But one of the kinds of videos that people put on YouTube is the real stuff you don't see on TV. And I was like, I'm going to do one of those. So anyway. Well, that's sad. I'm sorry for that. I hope you feel better soon. That's a real shame.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Yeah. It's hard losing a pet. Chiz lost his dog. It seems like only 10 or 12 days back. So that's terrible. He was like, these things come in three. Maybe Dak will die. And I was like, fingers crossed.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Come on. The top comment on the thing was, poor Jack never got to see his dream of killing Kyle. Not poor Dak, poor Jack never got to see his dream of killing Kyle. Although either would fit. Yeah. I've been trying to, uh, to like cozy up to him. So now I put a bag of dog treats in my car and every time I come home, give him one.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And I figured maybe he'll associate me showing up with like treats and maybe that'll be a good thing. Maybe that'll video of a guy who won over a dog like that. I should show it to you. Cause it was pretty, he took a lot of time into it. He wore a GoPro and, and the dog hated him a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:45 I showed you that video the other day. I texted it to the group of him just like, Err! Err! Err! He's like, You! You! Fuck you! But yeah, I came home yesterday, and I gave him... I'll usually bring like half my lunch or something like i had some sort of weird breakfast sandwich from starbucks that was like turkey
Starting point is 00:17:09 bacon and egg and cheese and he's just like suspicious like watching me the whole time like suspiciously chowing chowing down on all the food i bring him so maybe i'll win him over eventually and i i don't even care about your friends with the cocksucker I just wish he'd stop barking at me and stop stopped acting like I'm an intruder because it's annoying at night I've got one more thing on the dog desk so we've had I guess our last three dogs to die Jack Brandy and Dakota when Brandy died she had cancer in like her face and her brain and uh it was like she was doing okay with it, a little bleeding of the gums or whatever. And then one weekend, she fell off a cliff.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And we decided we were going to take Sunday, love her up, and then Monday, that'll be that. And I never thought twice about that decision. With Dakota, it was rough. It was a long, slow decline. I still wonder if we should have kept him another six months and jackie wonders if we should have done it six months earlier you know there was no perfect day for it she thinks it's hard it's hard to to know when the right time is now in my case
Starting point is 00:18:17 it's usually me putting the animal down myself and that's even more uh responsibility it's like do i pull the trigger now? Maybe tomorrow, maybe I could, maybe I could like feed it tonight and tomorrow it'll be up and walking again. Like it's rough. Now when we put them down, they're literally laying on my lap with their head there looking at me and stuff. Like I'm not just dropping them off, leaving them alone. But, but I will admit pulling the trigger is another step in the whole thing. With Jack, at least there's no second thoughts.
Starting point is 00:18:49 He had a heart attack. He was in bed. I was consoling him because I thought he was having a nightmare. Like I used to play with his floppy ears a lot and like rub him on his – he had this big, broad chest like a horse. And, you know, he liked like solid, you know, man touches to it. And I was sort of doing that thing to him, you know he liked like solid you know man touches to it and uh and i was sort of doing that thing to him you know pet and uh that's that was his out his exit but it wasn't my decision it wasn't my fault you know those things of all the like it's there's no second
Starting point is 00:19:19 guessing so at least that much is nice but he is yeah that's good i i always love telling that story about how my dad sent me to go put the cow down and and i'm just like i don't want to do that he's like yeah go put her down i can't i can't stand to do and i go back to the backfield and there she is she's standing there the red cow with the white spot on her eye like he told me it's like all right here we go she were like right behind the ear she drops instantly dead i go back home he's like how'd it go i was like it went fine i was like it was real it was like she didn't feel anything it's over i was like she was just standing there one minute and then he goes standing
Starting point is 00:19:56 she was up and walking i'm like oh yes you're standing there and then you know oh hell that's why i wanted you to go shoot her she hadn't been up in three days I'm just like you didn't mention that you told me to go kill her that's what happened I totally thought this is gonna be the wrong cow that would have been worse right yeah yeah I shot Bessie and then meanwhile there's a sick cow down the road that was the red dot behind her right here or her left and then meanwhile there's some sick cow down the road yeah that was the red dot behind her right here or her left here wait what there's two dogs or two I I uh I felt a little bit bad about that again I didn't feel bad about that that was just funny that was his own fault but uh it was um but but there's been a few cows I had to shoot like that and it's it's always like now
Starting point is 00:20:43 what about deer you feel absolutely nothing killing a deer? Because you've killed a lot of deer, more than most. You killed more deer than most hunters. Yeah, I've killed... I think I've killed... 60. 60 would be an easy number to say, at least. Yeah, like white-tailed deer.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I won't get into my squirrel story, but I'm kind of a legend myself. So sometimes you feel bad, sometimes you don't. Sometimes there have been times where I shot a bunch of them at once, like there were maybe four or five in a herd, and I took the whole herd out. And it's hard to feel sorry for an individual one because it's in the heat of the moment, your heart's just racing,
Starting point is 00:21:22 and you're just concentrating on trigger pulls, and it's just over before you know it. I've also been bow hunting before, and the deer was, like, right under me, so, you know, I'm drawing a bow back and, you know, having to shoot straight down. And I tried to shoot her where her heart or lungs would be, but at a downward angle, that's kind of weird, so I just hit her right in the fucking spine, and her back legs stopped working,
Starting point is 00:21:44 and she's just, like, crawling with her front front legs going like like digging around trying to get away and I'm just like fuck I'm like grabbing another arrow and you know finishing her off and like you know I put three or four in her before she was down and I felt a little bit a bit a little bit bad about that because of the suffering not because of the suffering not because of life no um no not with deer so much uh that's why i stopped doing it because i didn't feel like it was sporting and i really wasn't enjoying it anymore because it was just too easy with a rifle i'd still go bow hunting if it weren't just it's a lot of effort to become to go bow hunt like it's a lot of effort to go paintball i've got a lot of gear to get together it takes me an entire day the day before to get my camera gear all my guns all my air paint and you know get everything straight but to be a bow hunter it's it's just as much setup and just
Starting point is 00:22:35 as much equipment plus there's a lot of practice and preparation and you've got to smell just right and you've got to be wearing the right clothes and it's just too much bullshit for at the end of the day just for my heart to race a little bit and to kill some poor deer i don't know why hunters drink that pee that's disgusting it tastes awful i'm gonna tell you and you don't you never get used to the taste no you don't it don't get any better we used to always have deer piss in the car just for pranks like i'd fall asleep on the way to florida and i'd wake up what's that fucking smell and come to find out they were trying to put like a drop like on my shirt and like i woke up so they just spilt the whole thing on me like uh deer piss just reeks and uh scott drank that whole
Starting point is 00:23:15 bottle though he swallowed that that's he don't don't don't play no shit is Is that right? Gator don't play no shit. I had something else to talk about. Oh, this is nothing. This is so dumb. I started getting my room ready. I don't know. The echo is just slightly better. I have two lamps with lampshades shining at me.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I've got the Black Ops 2 thing in the back. It's still an echo. I hear it. But piece by piece. It's significantly lower. Is it? Yeah is it yeah definitely piece by piece we'll get this thing better i got a great big picture to put up in front of me which i think will have a huge impact and uh and then we'll be almost there i've got a chair to bring in so how much daredevil have you watched none none none i so my sleep schedule is on point right now, which sucks. Since we moved in this house, every night I sleep in the master bedroom.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I never like whatever cheat and sleep in the guest room or something. And the kids go to bed at like 11 something. And every day I'm up at like 630. And there's just no TV time. I haven't watched TV at all for weeks. I go to sleep somewhere between 3 and 4 in the morning, and I wake up somewhere between 11 a.m. and noon. That's kind of how I've been operating lately. And as long as as soon as I wake up, it's like in the shower and then out the door to like get my business done for the day that that works out nicely because I never have it's rare that I
Starting point is 00:24:48 have like eight or nine hours for the shit to do like it's usually like three hours of stuff to do and I can operate that way and get my TV time in I always have like 10 to 12 hours of shit to do always yeah it's you get or more you're uh well it's like I always say say you know that that that minecraft thing is like it's like there's a fucking industrial project going on just outside your window. And every now and then you gotta be like, hey, put that down. No. You two, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:25:15 Fucking hell. You know, you gotta get in there and actually manage. We're having an issue with the Bungie servers now. I think I did a day in the life yesterday where I declared it solved, but it turned out. I still haven't watched your day in the life video. Oh where I declared it solved, but I woke up this morning and it wasn't. I still haven't watched your Day in the Life video. It's not bad, but I've got another one filmed. I'm going to edit it, and if I think it's good, I'll upload it.
Starting point is 00:25:33 I really do want to watch it. I played Mortal Kombat all night last night. I guess I just forgot about it. You're under no obligation to watch my 40-minute videos. No, no, no. I want you to know that I'm excited to watch it. There's some pretty compelling yard mowing in there. Well, you just interviewed in part in the first one, right?
Starting point is 00:25:50 Like that's part of it? Yeah, but I didn't capture the interview. People liked it. People liked it a lot. I wasn't sure they'd like it. One of the comments that kind of burned into my head was like, now this is a day in the life. I hate those eight-minute videos of like sewing, so go shopping. Like, you know, this is 40 minutes. This is your day. And, uh, I don't know who they were talking about. Like
Starting point is 00:26:09 it could be, they were talking about like old school white boy by socks videos, but I don't think it was a 2011 reference. I like sometimes I know the optic guys apparently have been making day in the life videos. Maybe that's what theirs are. I don't know. I don't really watch everyone else's videos, but a video like that, it's, it's. I don't know. I don't really watch everyone else's videos. It's not a video like that. I wouldn't know where to find the balance with my own life and to do an honest and accurate one because it's like which day?
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yeah. Well, I try to choose a day that something interesting goes on. I picked that one because I was going to go to court with the whole Jamal thing. It's spelled Jamel but they called him Jamal the whole time he was here. I don't know. But that turned out to be a bit of a dud, but I filmed it and did my thing.
Starting point is 00:26:55 But, yeah, so I try to pick a day that's kind of interesting and then just film what I'm up to the whole time. I'm pretty busy every day, camera or not. So there's just shit to do dude i uh i i went to i went paintballing this weekend i played a place called paintball atlanta they're not paying me or anything but they should and uh i dropped 240 dollars worth of paint i shot three cases at those fucking kids noon till five that is a lot of paint i didn't skip a single game i played every game every round i brought three different paintball guns two two full setups
Starting point is 00:27:32 you paid 80 bucks a case yeah they charge a lot i think your pay you're not just paying for the for the paint though you're paying for the you know all the people you get to shoot with it it's you i 60 a case isn't worth it if it it if it's no fun when you're using it. You said $80. $80. It's $60 at other places. Right, right. I thought this place wasn't amazing.
Starting point is 00:27:56 So I would have expected paint. How much is it where we went to Chicago? It's like $60 or $80 a paint there, right? I think it's $80 a case there as well. So if 60 or 80 bucks a paint there. I think it's 80 a case there as well. So if it's 80 a case there, I would have thought your crappy place would be like 50 a case. You know, it's not so crappy.
Starting point is 00:28:11 It really isn't. It's pretty nice. They don't have a nuketown house built or anything. But other than that, it's pretty on par, I guess. There's four or five different fields and they're all very different from one another. One of them is like a lot of wire spools and one of them is a lot of these square plastic barriers.
Starting point is 00:28:31 It's a different field for every... Each field is very different from the others and it's a lot of fun. They got a field with a tower in it, which I... I wore a full pack. I've got a new pack that I borrowed from Kitty and I can carry six pods on my back plus my air tank and then I've got a new pack that I borrowed from Kitty and I can carry six pods on my back plus my air tank and then I've got my my my um my hopper with another 200 in my pistol and I think I've been running my dam so that I've got a hopper on top like a standard hopper but then I've got that big box magazine that uh that guy 3d printed me of first strikes on the bottom so I've got 200 on top another 50 on the bottom and another like
Starting point is 00:29:05 i don't know how many rounds are to pot maybe 150 so like 800 on my 900 on my back or something and i i just went up in this tower and i would pop up and kill a guy pop up and kill a guy i i don't know how many people i shot on sunday but it conservatively 60 i don't know every every single game I'd get. There were a few outliers where I got shot right out of the start. But most of the time, I'd say I averaged six to eight kills a game. Every game. One game, I shot like 12 people out.
Starting point is 00:29:36 It was great. I ran really far up. I flanked a lot of people. And I actually shot this guy a few too many times, he felt like. I got it all on video, too. I'm filming all this. I'm making a montage out of it. But this guy, I start shooting this guy in the side.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I can see his entire side. His ribs are exposed to me. And I light him up pretty good. I shoot him maybe 12 times into his area. They're bouncing all around him, and I don't see any of them break. And then I stop, and he looks and starts shooting at me. So I'm just like, all right, now you're getting hosed. So I send maybe 20 more, and it takes two seconds to shoot 20.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And he's just, like, rolling on the ground as they, like, hit him everywhere. And he's screaming. He's like, come on, stop shooting me, asshole. I was like, get out of the fucking game. We're playing here. And just shoot some more. The video is going to be great when I get done. I can't wait. I think I'm going to film for at least four weeks and get four different days of gameplay and compile.
Starting point is 00:30:33 In Chicago. I don't know if I told this story on air, but I think I told you. Basically, I came around a corner. I shot two guys, and they shot me. So now I'm out. Fine. Nice. Nice bruise. And then another guy comes through a doorway and shoots me. And shot me so now I'm out fine nice nice bruise and
Starting point is 00:30:45 then another guy comes through a doorway and shoots me and I'm like I'm out and then he shoots me again and I'm like I'm out and he shoots me again and I start shooting him back right because cuz fuck him you know yeah he's clearly like and we're only like four feet from each other it's like he's not hearing or whatever so then I start shooting him just to be like, well, fuck you if you're going to keep shooting a dead guy. I know exactly what you're talking about. Yeah. And then he goes, oh, good shot.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I didn't expect that. I'm like ramping up into fight mode. Yeah, yeah. I know exactly what you mean. If someone shoots you too many times and you've already been like, you feel like you've already like, you feel like they should know you're out, you've raised your hand, you've got your barrel plugged in, you're waving, everybody knows. I did this. I kind of like...
Starting point is 00:31:31 You're just like, what the fuck's your problem? Yeah, right? Because one more of those and we're going to escalate things. It's clearly you're fucking with me now. Yeah, yeah. I'm not going to sit here and be your victim as you shoot me while i'm already out just because i have a paintball mask doesn't mean i like it i don't enjoy getting shot no no i enjoy those rare moments where i shoot them yeah that's what we live for but
Starting point is 00:31:56 uh but i had a lot of fun i played with my uh my two really expensive guns and then i broke out a cheap gun that i hadn't played with in like 12 years, like a really old autococker, and I did well with that too. So I had a good day. I swear we should try Airsoft too. I know paintball enthusiasts would consider that to be sacrilege, but I just like being lighter.
Starting point is 00:32:15 You're light, you move. But if there's some Airsoft field out there that wants me to come shoot Airsoft, I would love to do that. Let us know. But yeah, the downside of Airsoft is people cheat i'm told when i played it wasn't a big issue and when i played it hurt enough you said what 400 feet per second it hurt enough at least right people wanted to be out like they wanted you to stop shooting and uh one thing is airsoft the rounds they go straighter than paintball.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Like if you're a perfect shot with your paintball gun, sometimes it takes, like they just curve. You know, they're not. That paintball guns have so much rate of fire. It's accuracy by volume. Yeah. Whereas like you can literally use a scope and expect it to behave like a bullet with airsoft. And that's interesting. I've watched you.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I love get like late at night. I'll watch YouTube videos of people playing paintball and airsoft. And one of them in particular, this guy was in like a spider hole. I don't know if you know what this is, but like you dig a hole in the ground, like, you know, big enough to like sit in. And so that, you know, it's like, so you're like eye level. And then he's got kind of a little mini roof covered with leaves and shit so he's kind of got this area to peek out at people
Starting point is 00:33:30 and he's just about invisible and he's sniping from inside this thing with an airsoft sniper rifle and it's a big bolt action thing like he really has to make each each shot count and if he and he can't like do follow- up shots because every time he shoots they all kind of look around like where did that come from? And he sits there for maybe half an hour within view of their base just taking them out one after another. So, I don't know, I might like it. Yeah, airsoft guys are into milsim a lot.
Starting point is 00:34:00 That's the thing. Yeah, right? Whereas I'm more into like call of duty, like real life call of duty, right? Like I die, you die, whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Let's all run around. I don't care. I'll wear a fucking jester's hat. It's fun. But, um, I'm cursing in front of Colin, but,
Starting point is 00:34:16 uh, uh, you know, they're into Milsim. They, they want like realistic SWAT team scenarios where they take over buildings and stuff. And maybe that'd be more fun than I think it is.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I don't know. Do you want to look at a video of someone playing some CQB paintball? I think it's really entertaining. Yeah, if you got it. I'll try and set this thing. Yeah, if it's not too much trouble. If it is, then we'll just, I'll show you off the air. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Hopefully this doesn't share anything I don't want to. Okay. hopefully this doesn't share anything I don't want to okay alright so I haven't done enough research into where this paintball field is I'm guessing it's on the west coast that would just be my luck but it's a small field it's two stories it's all close quarters combat and I've seen
Starting point is 00:35:04 a lot of people use pistols on this map. And it looks like a ton of fun. There's ladders, doorways, hall. It is a very small field, though. And they do, like, multiple re-entries. So you've got, like, three lives. So you just run to the back, tag a barrel, and jump back in. So I'm at zero.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Ready, set, play. You notice how he's running past all these other players? Yeah. Like, this guy plays with some bravery. He's all the way towards the enemy spawn in the back. And that, to me, is kind of an airsoft-y thing. Like, of course that happens in paintball, too. Bad guy.
Starting point is 00:35:46 But, yeah, that was cool. of an air softy thing like it of course that happens in paintball too bad guy but yeah that was cool but you know you can be a little light and subtle and sneaky bad guy bad guy you know there's more up here uh-huh he's just he's just... He's just catching campers. He's asking clear because he wants help. Yeah. And he doesn't want his teammates shooting him. I think he just got shot. I think he did too. But this looks like a lot of fun to me. He's got some kind of a flag. I think the flag's to let people know what team he's on, maybe. So he doesn't get team shot, because that seems like it'd be a real issue. Or maybe he's grabbed an objective, I don't know. I've seen objectives on this map where they put a beer keg in the middle that you've got to grab and then retrieve. But he's just, he's in their spawn.
Starting point is 00:36:43 But he's just he's in their spawn And because it's a respawn game like you can do that a lot like if once you get back there You can go to work on people Double that. How do you shoot both guns? Yeah I've been using that Tiberius pistol that I had in Chicago and I had failure after failure out of it I think I'm gonna switch to these Tippmann pistols I've got one I actually got it right here are you done with this video did you say yeah yes okay but that looks like fun I'd love to go play at a place like that I think I think I'd enjoy that a lot you could run a lot lighter and I've got that pistol already. I just need to get some of those
Starting point is 00:37:26 cool 12 round magazines he has for his. Yeah, I have a little MP7 that I could play with. I also have an assault rifle. I think it's like an M16. Oh, you're talking airsoft. Yeah, I am. Oh, you're on paint. That was paintball they were just playing.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Was it? Yeah. I didn't notice. Yeah, those are paintball pistolsols that's what i was getting at like he's he's got those uh tipman tpx paintball pistols like this one pretty nifty tool tpx yeah just like it says huh so uh i'm thinking i was talking to Kitty about it. I was like, why don't more parks play like that with door-to-door hallways and stuff? And she said, because kids are such a big part of it, of the money-making nature of a paintball field,
Starting point is 00:38:16 and they won't play that shit. It's true. At my field, or Atlanta Paintball where I went, all the kids hide in the back. It was great. There's one big wide bunker in the back, and I look and there's four or five heads sticking up. With the masks, I can see the top part of the mask peeking up,
Starting point is 00:38:35 and every now and then I go, and they all just jump down. They just stay in the back. It can't be fun to play that way. Well, they say that in cod too right like camping's not fun well living a long time not dying much hurts less you get kills though if you in the back and cod you can snipe people but that doesn't work in paintball you're just kind of just wasting paint lobbing it around when i'm up close when i'm up on the snake crawling around
Starting point is 00:39:01 and i pop up and all of a sudden i flank to you and you don't even know I'm there. And I send those three or four paintballs your way at your ear. Like, I get to see those hit you. I get to hear them hit you. What I think is fun is playing with a team. Two, three guys is all it takes. And you can really do a thing. You know, like you and me and Joe were running around a lot.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Maybe Chiz was in a part of it. But, you know, like you'd cover or one guy would flank. I used to not understand why flanking was so effective. Like militarily. We've got forces coming from the west and forces coming from the north. And I'm like why does that even matter?
Starting point is 00:39:37 I can just shoot here, shoot here. The transition time is very small. What's such a big deal about flanking? But now I realize it's the cover. I think it's such a big deal about flanking but now i realize it's the cover i think it's the cover in a military sense too you cover shrinks it is it's the difference between you know if you're trying to block something the difference between doing it like this and having full cover and all of a sudden being like this because you've got to block something from that direction and this direction now i'm a little exposed though you
Starting point is 00:40:01 need an l shape or something like it's And you need the perfect L shape, right? Because three out of four of them aren't going to work for you. I'm probably thinking about that wrong. That's why being in a crossfire, for example, would be the worst. When they're on either side of you shooting. That's what we do in paintball. We set up the crossfire every time we can. Even if I got the kill, I might have only
Starting point is 00:40:22 got it because he was taking cover from you. And he had a hard time taking cover from both of us. And that to me is now how I play paintball. I try to find a flank. Try and get on a flank. Own rooms that are critical and get flanks. And that's my objective in playing paintball. Communication is huge.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Like when I'm playing these games with just, you know, I don't know any of the people out there. It's usually just a mixture of kids and young adults and I kind of look at their guns to gain some knowledge of their experience level. I assume rental guns means very little and a more expensive gun means at least a little bit. And you know, you can look at someone and usually tell a bit. But I'll yell at those rental kids. I'll be like, hey, hey, there's three guys behind me. I need you to shoot at them when I say, and I'm going to run. And they can usually handle that just fine, and it works great. Like that kind of, just that amount of communication alone.
Starting point is 00:41:13 It helps a lot. And what's fun is when I play like a living legends type thing, and I communicate like that, a lot of times I don't get the result I'm hoping for. Like, all right, guys, six of us, let's push forward, we'll do this, whatever. And I run it and I'm all alone. But when we did the PKA Adventure,
Starting point is 00:41:30 everyone was like a painkiller already guy. So if I had six people, like let's do this, they're all coming with me. I have a hard time not getting 12. You know, like some of you are gonna have to watch the side where I'm not. And, but that was kind of you are going to have to watch the side where I'm not. But that was kind of neat being able to.
Starting point is 00:41:50 And after I did it a couple times, they started looking at me. Woody, what's the plan this time? They want to be on Team Woody, and we do a thing and have a plan as opposed to just like what, casually pushing up the middle to opposing forces. No, no, no. Who's the sneaky one? Let's do that. And Joe's always down. It doesn't matter how dangerous or foolhardy it is.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Like, you know, Joe, I think we could run to the third church. Why not fourth? They spawn at the fourth church, you know. I think we could take it. Let's go in there. And sometimes it would work, sometimes it wouldn't. But it's always a good time. Well, I'm looking forward to the next one.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I think Kitty's working on that now. I'm hammering that back out again. But I'm 99.9% sure it's going to happen. Even if they didn't pay me to come, I'd probably just go at my own expense. I want to go play in the game. So it's July 12th, I think. Cool. That's the day.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Yeah, I don't think we got paid for the last one I got the check in hand you must have missed the message on Skype the monies are being diversified nice now I get a check from you guys
Starting point is 00:42:59 now you get a check from us we always joke that that Woody guy never sends anything in the mail but matt woodworth he sends good stuff they're all fans they're like woody's all right sometimes he's tired sometimes he's grumpy sometimes he's fun but matt woodworth always a winner if you hear from matt woodworth you're getting money the only interactions I have from Matt Woodworth are money. He just sends me money all the time. That's really the only correspondence we have, and I love it.
Starting point is 00:43:32 He's a swell guy. He's like that grandma that goes a little senile and starts sending you a few extra cards every year for your birthday. Oh, another fun thing is I get to know everybody's name. We have an admin named Ice. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know if the other staff even knows everybody's name. Like we have an admin named Ice. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know if the other staff even knows Ice's name. We had one named Zero. No one knew his name, and he had fun with it.
Starting point is 00:43:53 He wouldn't tell anyone his name. Lefty, his name was like a secret. It's kind of out there now, but I'm not going to say it. But, you know, I have everyone's name and address because I sent it. You're my man. Yeah, you signed the because i said lefty i had worked with lefty for like a year he was left he's a really private person and uh and i was like lefty i need your name and i need your address i think i had his name but i needed his address he's like what's it for and i was like i have to send you a check you know i forget what it was but for whatever reason the money wasn't in PayPal it was in my bank account I needed to send him a check and he's like you know well could you do this or could you do that and I'm like dude I
Starting point is 00:44:31 like that's need to send you a check why are you fussing so he gave me his address and that's that I probably still have it somewhere but I'm not sharing it yeah of course not yeah yeah yeah it's for you know they didn't end on great terms but i'm not going to dox the guy do you want to talk about the privacy issues you had the other day publicly sure yeah i don't care it's uh we i've had a lot of people send me my address telling me they figured out my address like like they were the one who figured it out meanwhile like yeah tons of people seem to know my address well you docked yourself like half a dozen times oh yeah inadvertently or or or inadvertently i just only care so much you know like it it's gonna happen they found it well like doxing myself i just even i talk about
Starting point is 00:45:20 my life a lot and some of that included details of the home like the size of the lot or something and you mentioned if you would mention key characteristics accidentally occasionally and you gave yourself away a few times. Just the size of the lot narrowed it down because it's in Raleigh and the lot is this big and then people started checking all the recent real estate sales and there weren't too many. And so it was known before I even got the house. So my own like give a hoot meter really wasn't budging much. And now like if you watch my vlogs I'm like filming my yard and stuff like that. I haven't shown the inside of the house
Starting point is 00:45:56 yet because we're still furnishing and in some rooms still cleaning like there's boxes to be unpacked and stuff. And I want it wanted to look right you know i want to put my best foot forward when i finally show the home so uh yeah um anyway you got a few pizzas sent to you i got a couple pizzas sent to me and then that night i like i had called the police the day before like to sort of initiate my relationship with them and such but that night i was like look i'm getting pizza sent to the house. I don't know if the SWAT team's coming or not, but this is me. And the local news had just run a story on SWATing where they came and interviewed me on WRAL.
Starting point is 00:46:34 And I guess a lot of the police community saw it. Like, you know, I don't know. If my local news ran a story on YouTubers, I'd take a special interest. So like when I'm talking to him, like he knew me. He's like, you were on that story. I'm like, yeah, that's me. So here's the thing, I'm not a murderer.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Great. If anyone says I am, I'll call. I'll reassure you. You can come out, you know, send some uniformed officers. It's all good. You can come out now, meet the wife and kids, you know, get a vibe for who we are. It's all cool just just keep
Starting point is 00:47:06 your SWAT team at home and uh you know now I'm I've developed a relationship with the Raleigh Police Department that's good that's like that's that's smart that's definitely a smart thing to do I would I would keep building upon that relationship it's a good I was at my local sheriff's department just recently had a nice meet and greet with everyone I think it's uh I think it's good to know them and to have them know you so that when they do hear something crazy, maybe they don't just jump, well, get the SWAT van. Let's go. You got the harpoon, Mike? All right, let's go.
Starting point is 00:47:36 You don't want them thinking you're crazy. Like, we just got to call this Woody guy. He's got sharks with lasers, and he's killed his family. Well, get the harpoon and let's go. Come on. You want them to be like, nah, I don't know about that. Right. I'm trying to grab props around here.
Starting point is 00:47:50 All right, boys. Set the lasers to kill. Or the tasers. I said it better in my practice in my head. But yeah, they set the tasers on kill and rush in. They should be able to set the tasers on kill. I would like that. Is that a thing?
Starting point is 00:48:07 Can you kill with a taser? I mean, I guess it is technically. People have died from tasing. No, but I mean, they could ramp it up. Like, okay, current tasers are non-lethal technology, but, you know, people... Increase the amperage, and I think you could kill someone.
Starting point is 00:48:23 People touch electrical wires all the time and die. They could step up their game. I think if they increase the amperage, which is something they could probably do if they wanted, they could totally make a lethal taser. Oh, I already mentioned, I already talked about playing with the Zeus in Counter-Strike. We should play some more Counter-Strike.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Yeah, I'd be down. Part of it is my sleep schedule. God damn me and my responsible lifestyle screwed up if i mean i'm by 9 a.m i'm finished taking hope to school if you want to play in the mornings man that seems like we're gonna play with the uk people i'm joking really yeah i haven't loved the game enough to play in the morning since like cod 4 and i remember up on british kids like with with silenced uzis and shit at the crack of dawn uh you're gonna have to play in the morning since like cod 4 and i remember like up on british kids like with with silenced uzis and shit at the crack of dawn uh you're gonna have to play in the evening time when chiz and i get online what's fun is when you like in cod you play against british people
Starting point is 00:49:15 but every so often you'd pull host and you know all those poor guys you know it is lagging uh so yeah i've been playing i've been playing a few different games lately i've and i'm pretty excited about all three of them i started playing mortal combat recently love that really into that i'm remembering memorizing all scorpions fatalities and brutalities cut i cut one of them he cuts the front of your face off and it just slides off and then you're it's it's great i really like seeing the jason mortalities i don't want to pay i think you got to pay for jason i think he's part of like a package and it's like 30 i know that he's a dlc character i have no idea how you earn him money is probably
Starting point is 00:49:56 a good guess but his fatalities are cool he fits right in yeah i saw that he's like he's over there but he's grayed out like i can click him and i think he's part of like the expansion packet which is it said 30 maybe there's a cheaper way to just get him but i don't think so because that four-armed guy who's like rioi or something he's like five dollars which i'd probably i might have paid three to five dollars for jason but i don't want to spend five bucks on that guy game prices haven't really gone up but effectively game prices have gone up like rocketed like skyrocketed when i played cod 4 it was 60 bucks for the game and then there were two dlcs and i think there were 15 each
Starting point is 00:50:38 but they seem more um optional than any dlc since then you know nowadays like if you play cod i feel like you need the dlc you know it's it's a part of the game that you're really missing out on there's guns there's stuff in there man although i will say this we we bitch about the micro transactions and stuff now but i remember playing cod 4 in its second year and it felt really tired and burnt out and it seemed like we were doing the same thing over and over again. I remember playing Search and Destroy on Crossfire and we were
Starting point is 00:51:13 dead and we were in the lobby and talking to each other about the game and everything and I just remember saying, you know, if they just give me a Black Desert Eagle or a green one or some new weapon camo, I'd pay $5 for it like that. Like anything.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Just a new handgun, a new weapon pack. And we're talking about coding and how it would work and what would happen if I had the DLC but you didn't. And I don't know. In the case you're talking about guns with skins, pick them up. It's advertising. If I pick up your gun and it's green and I think it's cool, then I might buy it. I mean, in the case you're talking about, guns with skins, pick them up. It's advertising. If I pick up your gun and it's green and I think it's cool, then I might buy it.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Whereas, you know, if I can't pick it up or if it turns black, then maybe you've missed an advertising opportunity. Yeah, of course. But back then, you know, we were just talking about how that even works. I don't mind. I just wanted to correct because you're like, we bitch about microtransactions. Not me. I don't bitch about microtransactions not me i don't bitch about microtransactions i was just saying game prices have gone up uh oh they've definitely gone up and but it's kind of like they snuck them in there you know they stay at 60 or 50 or whatever it is but um they just they make you pay on the back end you don't all you don't pay up front necessarily which maybe is more fair you know and if games baselined at 90 bucks instead of 60 plus 30 then if you don't like it you get screwed in a
Starting point is 00:52:32 bigger way yeah maybe that's true it's like i really like steam and we were talking about this uh chis and i were talking about this just the other night we were going through all this bullshit uh trying to get sieve to work and where I'm like going through the process and trying to see why it's not working in my task manager and we're trying to recover all these auto saves and we're doing all these backhanded ways of doing it and meanwhile we were talking
Starting point is 00:52:56 about wanting to play multiplayer mods which requires you to extract all these files and move them around in different folders and they're like.tlk files or something. And I'm just like, man, I love PC gaming. It's not simple in the least, and you better come ready for a bit of frustration,
Starting point is 00:53:17 and it's great if you've got a friend there to hold your hand. But in the end, I feel like the experience is just miles ahead of the console. I had so much fun playing counter-strike with my keyboard mouse i suck at it but it's just better all the stereotypes are true right console gaming really is cheaper pc guys are gonna freak about that no i can build something as powerful as a console for 400 bucks whatever fuck you console gaming is cheaper 400 dollars you could for a decade right that. If you build a low-end PC, you won't be PC gaming on it
Starting point is 00:53:47 for a decade. Console gaming is easier. That's true too. It just is. You put in the disc and it plays. It can be a pain as it first installs and such, but it is cheaper and it is simpler. PC gaming is
Starting point is 00:54:03 better. That part's true simpler. PC gaming is better. That part's true too. In virtually every aspect. Yeah. What is a video game if it's not the video, the audio, and the way you interface with it? And PC gaming wins in all three aspects. The video is better. It's higher frame rates, higher resolutions.
Starting point is 00:54:22 The audio is better. Your PC isn't limited by what they could shove into that plastic box without it overheating it heating anymore you can have the best audio stuff in the world if you want and you don't have to worry also the accessories you know we don't think about that there's so many accessories that are like console specific whereas with your pc stuff it kind of works with everything but yeah pc gaming is just better and it's word mouse for sure this is kind of specific not just to me but you know not to everybody i really like that in pc gaming i'm all ready like if i wanted to pc game this mouse and keyboard sitting in front of me is ready right now we're good to go whereas in console it's like all right we're gonna switch over to console mode
Starting point is 00:55:01 right we're gonna like power that thing up, turn the TV on, change the HDMI inputs and, you know, get my audio ready, whatever. Like this is literally, I play with these headset. I play with this mouse and keyboard. Here we go. You know, it's, and then, you know, for recording, which is really small portion of the gaming population, but for recording, like it's ready.
Starting point is 00:55:23 It's just software sitting around here. portion of the gaming population but for recording like it's ready it's just software sitting around here the we're we're it i like that for pc gaming it's just always at my fingertips whereas for console gaming that's not the case i agree 100 it's uh it's it's not as easy but it's much better it's much better so and uh and I love the whole nature of Steam. I love Steam. I didn't even understand it fully, and perhaps I still don't, but I love the way that people can give me games. I love the way
Starting point is 00:55:53 the friends list works. Everything's just customizable and editable, and I like it. I am going to play some console tonight, though, because that's where Mortal Kombat is. That's going to be fun. Mortal Kombat's not on PC? If it is, I certainly wouldn't want to do keyboard and mouse.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I like the feel of a controller for that, I think. That's different. Or you might even buy a stick and set it up for pros use. Some games are console games. Assassin's Creed is a console game. People ask me if I'm pc or console gamer and i guess i'm a pc gamer now since it's all i played for a while but you know if it's better on the console like assassin's creed then that's where it belongs absolutely yeah and i it's i don't have anything against the consoles i just prefer the pc like
Starting point is 00:56:42 like if there's a game that i think is better on the console, I'd happily jump on an Xbox One or a PlayStation 4 and be like, oh yeah, the PC just can't handle this. That PC experience on this game just doesn't work. I've heard stuff about, is GTA 5 having issues on the PC version? I read
Starting point is 00:56:59 some Reddit comment and they said it was terrible. Really? It seems like there's a lot. I see tons of gifts coming out of that look wonderful. A lot of people like it. I do know that they're not handling mods correctly. Like people are playing with mods that don't impact other people or they're playing with mods on single player and they're getting banned for it. Whereas, you know, that's one of the things that makes PC gaming so great.
Starting point is 00:57:22 So they need to they need to, you know, get this right. I feel like a lot of mods can be your friend, you know, they're your free development team. Like you should partner with them like Apple does. I was going to do a video on this just exclusively, but you know, modders are friends, not food, right, to quote Finding Nemo. And, you know, Grand Theft Auto could have as long a life as Skyrim does because of all the mods and all the things keeping it. Or Counter-Strike. Or Counter-Strike. You know, all these things.
Starting point is 00:57:55 I think Counter-Strike started as a mod. But all these things that breathe life into your game that you get for free, you know. And, you know, you might wonder, like, what's the advantage of having a long life cycle in your game? When you come out with the next release, you've got a huge audience just dying to play the next one. Like Fallout. I'm so ready for the next Fallout. Perfect example. Yeah, if Fallout didn't have the mods, you know, you might
Starting point is 00:58:20 tire of it earlier. I'm trying to think of another game. Skyrim is my favorite example where it's all modded up and it's kept the community alive. So if they came out with Skyrim 2 today, there's so many active players ready to jump on the next one. So yeah, modders help a ton and sometimes developers treat all of them like they're enemies. Like if you're not playing the thing that we invented here, you're doing it wrong. You know, Minecraft did it wrong and then Notch eventually sold his company and got out.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Now they're doing it right. But, you know, they were like, ah, no one can make a buck from it. And that doesn't help the modding community. On Bethesda's thing, they were like, yeah, we get 75% of your money. No, stop. You know, one guy wants to kill anyone with a profit motive.
Starting point is 00:59:07 The other guy wants to rape them and take every golden dragon, I'm in Game of Thrones here, from their purse. And it's like you need to go the Apple route where you encourage people to develop stuff for your platform and then more fairly split the money. Apple is the most valuable company on the planet right now. And they're doing it right. Follow that model.
Starting point is 00:59:30 So that's my take on it. Yeah, definitely so. I heard that Bethesda was supposed to be releasing an RPG title this year. And some are alluding that it may be the next Fallout title. I'm pretty excited about that. It's time. It's been so many years. I think it's been like five years or something like that. It's been a long time.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Who did Skyrim? Was that Bethesda? Yeah. I feel like they took a break. It's either going to be an Elder Scrolls game or a Fallout game. Give me either one of those and I'll be happy. But I just hope it's nothing else. It's time for one or the other to have a new entry.
Starting point is 01:00:12 I love those games. They're soul-sucking. When the new Fallout comes out, I don't know when the last Fallout came out, but I got into it mid-game game cycle and that was years ago so like so like now like you said i'm part of that audience that's like hungering for the new fallout where it's where you know i'm starting on day one with as much experience as everyone and i can be the first to explore that cave and to get to the end of the storyline and i'm excited about that that's gonna be fun i'll i'll make videos of that when that happens.
Starting point is 01:00:46 That'll be fun. What was I going to say? Yeah, I don't know. Fallout. I tried to play it. It moved too slow. Like this 40 minutes of walking at times.
Starting point is 01:00:56 You ever watch any of, um, Excalizor's, uh, Fallout videos? I watch Wingses sometimes. Excal's the best, as you might imagine
Starting point is 01:01:05 do you think he's good at video games yeah he's like the best at video games one of them at least yeah he's fucking pro at fallout if i wonder if he's less of a cocksucker in real life i hate that this will probably get back to him. Maybe so. I bet he probably is. It's probably a little bit of a persona he's putting on. I don't know. In the time that, no, I meant over time. So the thought process when I said that was I first got to know who Xcal was four years ago.
Starting point is 01:01:38 I don't know how old he was four years ago, but I'm going to call him 17 or 18. A man changes a lot during those years in his life. If he was a dick and he was 32, I'd assume he's pretty much the same guy at 36, 37, right? Yeah, all those guys on YouTube and in whatever cod community or whatever who are like 30 plus who are assholes, you could just write them off. They're always going to be assholes.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah, 15 years from now, they're going to be the same jackass. Meanwhile, someone that everybody hated, he seemed to be such a nice guy. I'm glad we had him on. That's been forever ago. We should have another check-in with him. He wasn't a good guest.
Starting point is 01:02:18 No, he wasn't. But X-Cal was really difficult to get along with at a time when people change a lot. The 23-year-old version of him might be a pretty easy going, cool guy to hang out with. I don't know. I just try to give people a break when they're young because I know how much I change between like 17 and 22 a lot. and 22 a lot.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Well, in any case, if you want to see what Fallout can be, you should watch a little bit of Fallout of Xcow's video. I think his character is Linda Wreckface or something. I can't remember. But he's got this character that he uses all the time. It's the same character.
Starting point is 01:03:00 He does challenges. He plays on the most extreme versions of the game. The highest difficulty plus the hardcore mode that makes you drink water and eat food like a normal person and deal with radiation like a normal person. He's very good at it. It's fun to watch him play. But it can be slow-paced.
Starting point is 01:03:19 It definitely can be. You've got to care about the story mode. You've got to care about the people you're reading about because sometimes you'll spend three or four hours can be. You've got to care about the story mode. You've got to care about the people you're reading about. Sometimes you'll spend three or four hours going deeper and deeper into a vault and you kind of get pieces of clues as you go along the way that tell the story of what
Starting point is 01:03:35 befell this vault. What went wrong here? Was it a power struggle and then the water treatment thing went out of order? Or was it because they had set this particular vault up went out of order or was it was it because they had set this particular vault up to fail to begin with and you know it was the one where like there's there's one man and and a thousand women or whatever uh it's fun to go through all that stuff yeah they did a couple of vaults like that that sounds like a recipe for success the vault
Starting point is 01:04:01 tech people just really when they like I think one of them was just like, it seemed like there's a lion in there. They put a panther in or something. There's always something crazy that they would do with the Vaults. They weren't all meant for the people to survive. Many of them were meant as social experiments.
Starting point is 01:04:20 So they just put fucking awful things in there. Would you want to be in a Vault with a thousand women? I mean, what's option b uh 50 50 what what's 50 50 you know maybe even one girl for every guy here's the thing i feel like no i feel like i could be the king of the vault maybe and just get all the pussy and just be the boss and be in charge. If I, if I can rule and have power,
Starting point is 01:04:52 I will take the one where I get what you earn. I think I'm, I think cock is in limited supply and because of, because I'm controlling the only resource of cock around there, I will, if that makes me leader of a vault 69, and because of because i'm controlling the only resource of cock around there i will if that makes me leader of vault 69 then then yeah yeah i'll take that but they're just gonna like rape me like repeatedly like if like if the only way i get food is if i like fuck 10 women today well like then we're gonna have a problem like i don't want that like they could do that's probably
Starting point is 01:05:24 what would happen they'd have me in a cell. It's the non-sex stuff that scares me. It's the non-sex. It would be like, how catty is this place going to be? How clicky is it going to be? How functional is it going to be? Am I going to have to lift everything heavy in this vault?
Starting point is 01:05:41 Because I just moved a house and I'll tell you like everything heavy everything like everything heavy that shit like i instill that from the beginning in a relationship or anything like there's no this is an equal partnership physically speaking like there were these 50 pound bags of salt the other day and i was like get one i'll get the other like come on what the fuck are you doing like don't just stand there there's three jobs that need doing i'll do one you do the other like like i split up the manual labor that's how i work i'm very communist about that everyone does what they can with what they have i yeah
Starting point is 01:06:23 jackie will sometimes get what i call them alligator arms or t-rex arms you're like oh i can't i can't like well all right i'll get it so well i've got uh because kitty doesn't drive i often end up being her errand boy and sometimes like what sometimes her errands are just a fucking absurd you know it's not like give me a pack of cigarettes it's not that it's like i'd like a mountain dew it's not that either it's like how about driving half an hour and bringing me back a bit of chicken hibachi and it's just like shit really i wanted to play mortal combat and and you got to make a half hour drive to go get hibachi. So I wish I just had to lift heavy things.
Starting point is 01:07:09 What happens with her car? It's still here. But she doesn't drive. So who drives it? Whoever is driving her that day. So she's the passenger. She is the passenger in the car, yes. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:23 So it's interesting. I hadn't thought about that because it seemed to me like she doesn't need a car because she can't drive but she's always going places so she needs she needs her own car because it just wouldn't work for like her to pay someone to drive her somewhere in my car it's hard to appropriately pay that right like 10 bucks an hour you'd have to like overpay for gas or something like that like it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, totally Wow Jackie just brought me homemade ice cream What kind strawberry it has bits of strawberry in it too. Those are strawberries. Oh, that's great. That's real You guys are just living it living at large
Starting point is 01:08:03 you guys are just living it living it large got an ice cream churn and everything yeah she has what is the ice cream maker thing called is it a churn it's a Cuisinart ice cream maker Cuisinart ice cream maker apparently her mom bought it for her
Starting point is 01:08:18 peach ice cream is also very good he says to try peach ice cream it turns out well homemade and mom did it she doesn't out well homemade mm-hmm hear that loud and proud baby there's a lot of ice cream to be had here hey you do need to get on watching your Daredevil because here's the thing about Daredevil. It's just the beginning. So, and apparently
Starting point is 01:08:51 they're going to have this whole thing where there's like three or four more characters who are each going to have 13 episode series on Netflix. And they're all going to band together, including Daredevil. And they're like the Defenders or something like that. They're from the Marvel Universe.
Starting point is 01:09:08 And it's like, I can't think of all their names. I was reading all this earlier. But yeah, that's the thing. So there's going to be like three to four more Marvel series on Netflix. And then they all come together as the Defenders. I thought today we were getting mattresses and this cabinet that holds the TV. So at the foot of our bed is going to be a cabinet, right?
Starting point is 01:09:31 But not like a nightstand. The TV, like a mechanical lift, raises and lowers it from inside of this cabinet. And I'm like, man, at the end of the day, I'm going to be able to watch TV from my bed. That sounds incredible. No more sleeping on the floor. All they delivered were flipping box springs.
Starting point is 01:09:53 That's it. What? Box springs. We got box springs. All the bedrooms in the house now have box springs. We have six box springs. Six box springs. Idiots.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Everyone knows it should be three and three. You should have gotten three beds in there, three box springs idiots Everyone knows you it should be three and three you should have gotten three beds in there three box springs. It's Crap it's crap. It's crap. I'll be sleeping on the floor again. Did you set up the beds on the floor yet? No, apparently this heavy things to be moved how much do they weigh oh I know apparently this heavy things to be moved. How much do they weigh? Three floors. Oh you washed floors? Yeah everything that the game in front. Okay cool. What you did master bedroom sunroom and game room? Okay. Anyway she washed floors but. Fair enough. Yeah we'll let her get away this time all right yeah the the cleaning people wanted like a thousand bucks a month so 500 but they're gonna come twice a month they wanted a thousand dollars to do this house I'm really just seemed too
Starting point is 01:10:59 high we're gonna keep shopping yeah I think so too I think you want to find like I don't i guess you do have a lot of floor space but we do but we were like basically it's like just you know we have four bathrooms and um what do we want bathrooms and kitchen done and that's like roughly it you know just like keep the place tidy kind of i mean we're not asking them to wash all the floor space all the time. I think that's $100 each trip. That's what that sounds like to me. So the lady that comes here, she vacuums all the floors, does all the bathrooms.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Right, we wanted that. Vacuum the stairs and the roads. Does all the dishes and straightens the whole kitchen, like anything that's awry there. If I've had an extravaganza the night before, it could be crazy in there. But she wanted $500 a trip, and I thought that was too much. And we were supplying all the cleaning supplies.
Starting point is 01:11:51 She does the laundry. She folds it. She puts it away. It's $100 a trip. That's what you want. Jackie's friend was like, it should be $80 a trip. And we're like,
Starting point is 01:12:01 it's kind of a big house, so maybe more. And in my head, I was like, if it was $250, we'll make this happen like i would pay 250 every two weeks is like six grand a year i'm like i think that is worth it to me to live in a nice clean home but um uh you know what they want which is i guess 12 grand a year i'm gonna look for someone else yeah definitely so that's that's way too way way way too much
Starting point is 01:12:25 yep yep they better be polishing those floors by hand like fucking cinderella for that bunch of money right and that yeah i and i thought we were like real chill on the requirements too like you know just bathrooms uh vacuum the rugs and uh yeah that's absurd yeah you you i i think you honestly it's mason this may be a bad idea maybe you want to find someone off like Craigslist or something get one of those people in there I mean I'm always worried that those people are going to steal from me though
Starting point is 01:12:53 there's not much to take here there's a little jewelry laying around somewhere I'm sure like in a bedroom or something there's probably something you wouldn't want someone to take away it might have more sentimental value than anything and you just it's just uh i don't know i don't trust people like digging through my things the lady who cleans our house is like a the mother of a friend and i've known her for years i feel like i don't
Starting point is 01:13:16 have any stuff there's no jewelry or money laying around here there's no barabans no no Barabans? No. No Barabans. Nothing. It's all mutual. No doubloons? There's no McDuck vault over here where we swim in our golden coins. You want to call it a show? Yeah, I think so. It's Cinco de Mayo, so I'm making it a taco night. Look at me. I'm the Mexican today. There we go. PKN episode 38.

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