Painkiller Already - PKN 382

Episode Date: December 15, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 382 kyle new phone what do you got uh i got the motorola uh power g or the motorola g power it's one of those um how much was it shit like super crazy cheap like 130 or something like that nice you know like like i know you're i there's some people out there with iphones that god they just do so much more but um but this, but this one was like $130 and, uh, it's, I got it because I had a three day battery life. Um,
Starting point is 00:00:28 and I thought that was pretty cool because I have been using this little fucker here. And, uh, I mean, it's just considerably like smaller phone. Exactly. Three days of battery.
Starting point is 00:00:40 That's a great feature. Yeah. My old one was light as fuck. Um, I thought that I had a brick here. I was complaining to my friends and they and we googled it and apparently this is like 400 grams or something like that everybody else's phones were like 600 fucking grams or something crazy so i'm the pussy who can't lift my phone you are not good at picking things up yeah i'm
Starting point is 00:00:58 the pussy that can't lift my heavy phone now um but uh but no i'm so excited like i just dropped that one i i replaced him every time i dropped him and break the screen because i don't feel like wearing uh using um like screen protectors like those big cases and stuff like i just like to feel the phone um so when i drop my just like make the phone yours again like is there pro i don't do um android yeah so contacts and all that shit switch over. The authenticator app that I use for a lot of things, that has a really nifty way of importing
Starting point is 00:01:30 from one phone to another. It's almost instantaneous. I think I used a QR code from one phone to the next and then authorized that with a PIN code or something like that. But anyway, the only thing that's annoying is, just like anything else, is just sliding your apps over. And if you've got like password stuff going on,
Starting point is 00:01:46 then it's easy to slide everything. If you have to remember every password, it'd be fucking annoying. Yeah, iPhone does that pretty well. If you have both phones, it'll take your new phone and make it like your old one. Yeah, pictures and videos, I always just... It's like, oh, so this is a photo album now. It's not... Yeah, it's not yeah that's funny it's not that uh like
Starting point is 00:02:08 i don't know i have all these apps things i use rarely i have um weather apps i'm probably more interested in weather than most people because of the flying stuff so i want to see like over three different apps that have approaching thunderstorms and the direction and the forecast and whatever and they're organized in all my little groups and stuff. So it would be a pain to recreate that on every phone. Apple does that pretty well. Yeah, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I'm sure it's, but I don't use all the sharing stuff anyway. So I kind of have to do a lot of stuff manually. I'll do a lot with my phone. I'm sure the iPhone does stuff. Mine does. I'm not so sure about that. I'm not so sure my iPhone does more than yours.
Starting point is 00:02:46 It might be faster, but I haven't cared about phone speed, and I don't remember how long. Oh, speed. Oh, who fucking knows anymore? What are people doing with their phones where they're worried about the processor? Unless you're gaming. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:58 It's mostly emails and texting. Yeah. Reddit is pretty low and low intensive on on my my phone's hardware but um right the camera looks cool like how many i don't know anything about cameras but let me see what the camera says it is the iphone has a fairly fancy image stabilization which helps you get good pictures even in less than perfect situations but i put it on my motorcycle handlebars and broke it right because so there's a mechanical thing like holding the lens, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:27 steady like a chicken's head. But if you vibrate it on a motorcycle, it's like, ah, it just, it dies. And now every picture is just constantly freaking out, shaking.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I need to get it fixed. How long do you guys keep phones on average? I've had this for, I think a little over five years. That's insane. Okay. And never in my life, almost five it's it's been broken the screen's been a little cracked for two years let me say this this is this is the weirdest thing i know about you at this point so like like back when i was a kid back when i was a kid and and we had a phone that was literally drilled to the wall.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yeah. We replaced it more regularly than every five years. Like, every five years, it's like, oh, shit, we're going cordless now. And then it's like, oh, now it doesn't have to be a brick. It'd be a slick little thing. No, it's right on its last leg. Like, it could die any time. It's a Samsung, is it S7?
Starting point is 00:04:22 Oh, dude, you're so, you're like, yeah, five years. You're up to, like yeah five years okay 12 hours okay so that okay well then they're they're that wasn't even a good phone when you got it no it wasn't but like i like like i'll listen to youtube and stuff while i'm cleaning dishes or working and i'll just leave the the phone open playing it and it has played youtube for so long that no matter what I have open, I can see the difference in color where the screen is. I can see the up arrow or up thumb and down thumb. I can see like what looks like random.
Starting point is 00:04:53 So badly. You can just get one. They'll give you one. It still works okay. No, it doesn't. It doesn't. It just looks bad all the time. Outside of that. Outside of that. I can still send emails, text. I replace my phone every time I drop it and break the screen,
Starting point is 00:05:12 and it gets annoying. I can deal with a little crack. Or when inevitably, after a couple years, it seems like they just get slow sometimes. Maybe Apple's don't, but my Androids, some of them anyway. I'm sure it varies depending on the hardware. They've just kind of slowed down after a while, and maybe it's what I've done to them or how much shit I've got on them,
Starting point is 00:05:30 but it doesn't matter. So it's either dropping them, them going slow, or the government taking them from me because I've had a significant amount of phones taken from me by the government. Apple's get slower. I just had bought. I'm sorry to interrupt you. I just had bought, though sorry to interrupt you. I just had bought one of the flagship phones
Starting point is 00:05:46 last time around. I can't remember what it was special about. I think it had a curved screen or it had maybe it was like 8K or something. It was something like, oh shit, that's the one that does the new thing. And I bought an $1,100 phone and the government took it like six weeks later. Did they give it
Starting point is 00:06:04 back? No, they Did they give it back? No, they don't give it back. They're in the take it business, not the give it business, Taylor. I've rarely gotten things back from them. Like only a couple of times have they been like, all right, you can have this back. Turns out it was okay. When the battery gets worse on an iPhone, they slow the processor down so the battery life doesn't get worse. And for a long time people
Starting point is 00:06:26 were like maybe they still do they're like it's a scam they intentionally slow down your phone to make you buy a new one and it's like no they thought that was the better customer experience and they put a slider on it so you can choose now but yeah no i like that um i definitely see a decline in the phone after a while and the battery life for sure like the battery on this fucker sucks like like when i saw that this had the three-day battery life that's what made me kind of like yeah get that one because i'm so sick and tired of like being plugged into the fucking wall all the time and like if i'm going on a trip like if i don't have like 70 or 80 percent like i don't feel i don't feel comfortable going on a real trip so this will do the this will do the trick now yeah cool cool is it how so cheap it was 100
Starting point is 00:07:09 like i think zach showed it it was like 180 was like msrp the back glass of my iphone is cracked it's pretty fun camera needs to be fixed i have pre-paid for the repair because i have apple care and i think it will still cost more than your phone. It's going to cost more with AppleCare. I like expensive things and nice things. I just don't see the gap there. I agree. Millions and millions of people do, so maybe I'm wrong about something.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I have a few specific, actually one specific paramotoring app that I can't live without and it's only on the iPhone. I'm sure there's a lot of like there's probably some social media shit that maybe the iPhone just does so well or something. I don't fucking know. But to me, I just want a glass of calls people. It's one of those
Starting point is 00:07:54 things that like I couldn't agree more like it. Everything I need done is done on a very simple phone. I'm up when I upgrade from this one. I may do a lateral move to something like Kyle's. What do you really need it for? What do you use it for?
Starting point is 00:08:08 Texting? Email? Kyle's phone is a huge upgrade. It's okay. Fine. It's a huge upgrade. I bet his doesn't have color distortion. I mean, you can program it in if you wanted.
Starting point is 00:08:21 But something else that I – there's a home gym forum on reddit and every once in a while i'll pop in there and go to like top of the year and see what it is and like something even dumber than going all in on a phone it will be a guy like taking pictures of like it's called like an ivanko weight plate a calibrated weight plate which means that they went through extra levels to make sure that it's exactly 40 kilograms or whatever it is and like it's got little holes cut out of it with like to like make sure it's exact they'll like they put out a hole and put plugs in to balance it and then it'll be a guy and i look up online they're hundreds of dollars a piece he's got a thousand pounds exactly and that's like eight grand and then like the guy's
Starting point is 00:09:07 taking a picture of it you can see him in the mirror what are you doing with all of those it's like my god like i don't know if you you're just all lower body man but i saw a guy give a tour of his home gym and this thing had more equipment than a commercial gym he had a fairly he had a good sized home gym maybe it was twice the size of mine or maybe the size of taylor's but it was like it overflowed into the guest room like the guest bedroom in the hallways and stuff and the equipment was packed in so tight you could maybe not use it i'm not sure if you could actually you know like a lot of times you need to extend it and maybe pull it down or whatever this was clearly an equipment collector and not a fitness enthusiast he's like hoarding more than he is using it that one guy on youtube
Starting point is 00:09:59 uh home gym reviews which one is uh i think his channel is just called no garage gym reviews that's the name of his channel he's kind of balding yeah that guy's way stronger than you i was gonna say yeah like everyone would always leave in the comments they'd be like are you ever gonna use any of that shit like ever and like apparently it got to him and so he made a video he's like my lifts and like he looks like a normal guy and he like repped like 315 on bench which is pretty impressive he squatted like well into the 500s dead lifted well over 500 almost six and it's like okay this guy i don't know his body type a way to describe it other than compact like he must be hard or something yeah he just said he doesn't have human muscles he has chimp muscles because they look kind of like human muscles but they pull more yeah he's strong as
Starting point is 00:10:49 shit though so good for him i don't squat heavy i don't think it's there's a good trade-off to squatting heavy unless you're like really competing to my squat is light i uh i feel like whenever i step up the weight my knees start to hurt. And I've used wedges. I've used bare feet. I've used weightlifting shoes. I've had a personal trainer look at my form. I might just not be a guy that squats heavy.
Starting point is 00:11:15 I bet there's something we can inject into those knees that would fix this. Yeah. Kyle, every time you say this, it is more compelling than the time before. What's that shit that Joe Rogan and Tom Brady got where you go to Germany and they spin your blood in a centrifuge and they re-inject platelets? Something like that? The acronym has P's in it. I've had that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:39 When I broke my ankle, my orthopedic surgeon, his physician's's assistant did his like whatever thesis on prp and was an expert i had it in my elbow as well i've had it twice could you tell a big improvement it's one of those so i am the way that let me take a step back my wife will say i don't know eat something not feel well and say this thing makes me drowsy. I will be like, no, we need to do some controlled experiments here. We need to see if this has repeatable results. We need to try it again without it. Maybe it was the time of day.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Maybe it was. So to answer your question, six weeks later, it got better. Now, was that because of the PRP? Not. I don't know yeah yeah it was either that they put your blood in a centrifuge and carefully injected it into the target area or just luck or that time had passed yeah right or maybe it took six weeks maybe you know yeah yeah you never know i guess i guess but but they should know right they should be like oh yes this is healing
Starting point is 00:12:41 much faster than normal the um research is inconclusive like it seems like on some parts of the body it works well on other parts of the body it doesn't work well like you can get any answer you want maybe some human growth hormone though into your knees or maybe yeah i don't think it matters where you put it i'm not sure maybe you're right yeah no it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't cool you just put it in your fucking deltoid everything It fixes everything. And all your things get better. You don't have to put it in a muscle.
Starting point is 00:13:08 You can go intra... What do you call it? There's intramuscular injections and then intravenous, and then there's subcutaneous. That's the one. We're not going intravenous. As soon as Derek's getting out the IV bag, I'm out. You don't want intravenous HGH? Kyle, quick word of advice. Don't be such a pussy.
Starting point is 00:13:24 All right. Watch your skull grow in real time. If he gets out the IV bag, I'll stick on. I thought that PRP stuff was way more prominent. I thought I heard that Tom Brady, LeBron, one of those guys
Starting point is 00:13:38 got it done a bunch and that made me think it was something. Is that what happened? In Germany, it might be stem cells. Maybe. That's what I want. Stem cells yeah what would you use it for oh just really petty things like headaches hear me out hear me out what if in one arm we took the blood out and in the other arm we put younger blood in wouldn't that substantially de-age a big chunk of me, your blood? That's what supplies everything else.
Starting point is 00:14:10 It could be. Get me some 12-year-olds. Like young blood? I mean, it couldn't hurt as long as they get the types matched up right, that young, feral blood. I think I honestly, like no joke joke i think i read something about this recently but then that would make jackie a pedophile it might have been a 12 year old it might have been a horror movie though i'm not sure afterwards they tied the mouth to the butt
Starting point is 00:14:37 to the mouth to the butt um no i'd take some uh blood. I'd take some stem cells, some growth hormones, some, I don't know, if baby eyeballs were the thing that made you feel better, I'd take some of that. People are pumping young blood into their bodies. I'm going to read what Zach put. People are pumping young blood into their bodies to reverse aging, but the FDA says don't do it. The Food and Drug Administration is advising people against young blood infusions. and drug administration is advising people against young blood infusions. Clinics say the treatment can reverse
Starting point is 00:15:08 aging and memory loss. But the FDA warms these claims are unproven. They're just trying to keep enough saved for basis. Shouldn't you remember some shit from the other person though? Oh, yeah. That's how blood works. Like third grade math class or something.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Right? Suddenly I'm going to feel really upset because Mary doesn't like me. We'll take care of that now, but we're 6'1". That's like a movie plot. You get injected to try and cure your blood cancer, and then you develop an intense crush on a nine-year-old. That's right. I can't help it. They take you to court.
Starting point is 00:15:44 The Jared Fogle story. old i can't help it they take the jared fogel story the drug was meant for weight loss and it did its job dude our house is side effect our house is low on food right now but i've been eating disciplined and it's like so normally we have um i call it tropical food but it's just like melons and cantaloupes and grapes and blueberries and salt or strawberries and kiwis and stuff like that anyway that is what i snack on and if i'm hungry i eat that and i stop being hungry cool when that's gone and the chicken is gone and i start having like dry tuna straight from the can and sugar-free jello to get through the i don't know how much
Starting point is 00:16:25 discipline i have left boys i'd rather be hungry than eat dry tuna from a can i like you should get the you should at least get the flavored tunas they have like buffalo flavor and teriyaki this exists yeah you tear it right apart and it's like it's like they're like flavored like sauce and stuff they're pretty good i've that. What I used to do when I'd wake up starving is I had those little protein bars, the ones from Amazon. I think the brand is Pure Protein. They're like 200 calories and 22 grams of protein or something. But I would wake up, and I would just be like, yep, this makes sense. Let's get that protein synthesis kicking off at 3 a.m.
Starting point is 00:17:02 And I'm not sure it's not a good idea. Derek seemed to think that late night eating and midnight eating the digestion would hurt your sleep. But I was waking up anyway, so I was going to have a protein bar. I have been... So the last time I lost weight
Starting point is 00:17:20 in this winter-spring of last year, I was pretty hard in the paint about really restricting calories. This time around, not as much. I'm just pretty hard in the paint about restricting bad food. So if I want to have cantaloupe, I will eat it. I don't know anyone who just really fucking blew up over their cantaloupe consumption. And it's been working for me i've been uh
Starting point is 00:17:47 not suffering as much and losing weight do you like watermelon yes but it's not everybody yeah the thing about watermelon has um a lot of uh it was it it was something it was something that uh that helps you with pump it might might be lysine or something. I don't remember what it was, but I had switched to just eating that as my fruit. That or pineapple toward the end because I had this idea. Which explains the delicious cum. The delicious cum. The delicious cum. And the delicious juice because I was so sick and tired of drinking that much orange juice every day
Starting point is 00:18:21 and using the orange juice in my protein shakes. So I switched to the pineapple juice, my uh in my protein shakes so i switched the protein the uh pineapple juice and it was really fucking tasty it's the same calories virtually i've done that same thing what do you like with the cantaloupe where it's like you'll all convince myself like i did this years ago like i i can eat as many strawberries as a snack as i want so i eat like 43 strawberries and then it's like, okay, well, that was basically hard water. Where's my real snack coming? Fruit does not fill you up. If it doesn't, then you're right. I will have
Starting point is 00:18:55 a large bowl of fruit. This is more than your typical cereal. It's a bucket. It's a bucket. Okay a bucket okay five gallons but afterwards it like you said i do feel like i don't poop afterwards i just pee and it's all gone but uh um i it does solve hunger for me if you just eat it and give it a chance i got some mango in the refrigerator i'm gonna try that out when i uh when i get out of here. In the summer, I'll do watermelon, like Kyle said. Yeah. I'm sure there's watermelons at the store, though, right?
Starting point is 00:19:28 They have them, right? My experience is it starts to suck, though. It's like you don't even want it. Yeah, you sprinkle a little sugar on it. It's good, though. Genius. Yeah, yeah. Put some salt in there, maybe some fats.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Problem solved. I like to get mine in butter yeah i mean i put gravy on mine have you ever seen those uh have you ever seen those crazy expensive japanese grapes the enormous ones so in japan this so in japan um something it's something about the color it's like ruby red grapes or something or crimson something or another but uh they're they're first of all they're enormous and they're incredibly expensive and they have like three or four different categories of of classification as far as like how perfect this this grape is and the most expensive the the ones that are i think it's premium is like the highest grade and i might have my years like moved left or right by a year, but in 2021, I think they had two bunches of grapes
Starting point is 00:20:28 in all of Japan that were premium. That guy's holding one. I mean, they look tremendous. Get those dirty-ass fingernails away from those perfect grapes. Those are big grapes, but I don't know that they're worth that much more. You don't even know how much. So there were two bunches in 2021 that,
Starting point is 00:20:44 all right, these are premium. In 2020, there were two bunches in 2021 that that all right these are premium in 2020 there were none in 2019 in 2019 there were none like that's how high that level of classification is they scan it with this uh this like star trek looking instrument that measures the sugar content and then they they measure each berry and uh it's it each grape. I guess they're not. Are grapes berries? They look like berries. I don't know. I honestly don't know. But I kind of want one now.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Although, like, watching people eat them, it's a little gross. Like, I watched this Japanese woman eating, like, $800 worth of these grapes. And she was, like, peeling them, like, peeling the peel off and off and then like popping the inside in her mouth. And like it was like exploding. What a bitch. That was who eats grapes. Like was she eating it like a gross like. Apparently everyone's tomatoes.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Apparently you're supposed to peel them. You're supposed to like peel the fucking. There are thousands of dollars and it's harder to eat. They're most of them, I think, are like five hundred dollars a bunch or something like that. Roughly. Most of them, I think, are like $500 a bunch or something like that, roughly. They are classified as true berries because the fruit wall or pericarp is fleshy all the way through. I would have guessed not a berry because I thought the seeds had to be like on the outside or different in some way.
Starting point is 00:21:55 What do I know? Interesting. Fair enough. I don't know anything about berries, but I like grapes. I've never had this fancy-ass Japanese grapes, but I'd like to try them but i'm not i haven't i have a theory that the fancy ass japanese grapes can become more common that we just need to like breed them and in like 2030 freaking they'll be like uh dispensaries or something i watched a documentary about how they grow the grapes it's i don't know if all that's necessary to make a documentary they missed three out of four years this is a fair point i just people who grow pot don't grow them like i grew sunflowers as an adolescent or you know prepubescent kid they're scientists about it and they love the flower and
Starting point is 00:22:40 the nitrogen and whatever other shit is happening. I don't know what that is. But people take the passion they have for pot and put it into grapes, and I believe we can pump those numbers up. I mean, they might not be able to. What's the name? Are they morels? Those things you have to hunt for in the mushrooms or something. You have to hunt for them in the woods because they can't figure out
Starting point is 00:23:02 how to grow them correctly in agricultural. Are they they truffles or something some kind of truffle or something where like the reason they're so rare and expensive is because you like they can't start a farm of them yeah the way they grow or something yeah i guess i guess there's not too many things we can't domesticate and like figure out a better way to do of doing it right would you ever go like mushroom or morel hunting no No. I would need to know how tasty they're going to be. Unless they taste... There's no chance they taste
Starting point is 00:23:31 good enough for me to go hunt them. There just isn't. I still have an issue with hunting mushrooms. Okay, baby. I take it back. I was wrong. You better watch your back out there. They'll turn on you. You're avoiding the other hunters. The most dangerous game.
Starting point is 00:23:49 The morale. They use pigs for the truffles, though. I think there's a Nicolas Cage movie that came out a couple years ago called Pig. It's about a guy who's a truffle collector or whatever the fuck. He's got a prized pig.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Pigs are really good at sniffing them out, and somebody steals the pig, and he's on a mission to get his pig back. It's called Pig. The whole movie? That's the whole movie? Apparently. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm hoping he gets violent.
Starting point is 00:24:15 I'm going to watch it. He's also got another movie coming out. Is he in financial trouble? Why is he doing all these? See, that's interesting. So he's got a movie coming out right now called The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. And the premise of the movie is that he plays himself. He plays himself, but everything else is fictional. And this guy offers him a million dollars to come to his birthday party. I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And his agent's like, come on, it's a million dollars to hang out with the guy. And he lands on the island. I can't think of the actor's name, but it's the guy who played the Red Viper in Game of Thrones. Yeah, Oberyn Martell, that guy. Yeah, with the spear. It's that guy. He meets him at the boat. And he's like, Nicolas Cage, we need to get a few things straight. If this fuck that's paying me a million dollars to come here
Starting point is 00:25:05 wants me to screw his wife and for him to watch or he wants to screw her and wants me to watch, that's out. I'll get back on the boat right now. He's like, I am the crazy man who owns the island and I think you're okay. I turned it off right there like the preview because I was like,
Starting point is 00:25:21 I want to watch this. Either of those things for a million dollars we're good right yeah right but not if you're nicholas cage no because he's got many many millions yeah i mean he doesn't yeah yeah he can make a million by making another awful movie yeah although i will say like like lately i don't know why he's making so many movies first of all um you would imagine he needs the money that's the most likely thing um but some of these are have been fairly successful and he's making a lot of them and they're all weird lately like he's not making any normal shit everything's weird like the color uh he made this movie called um color out of space i think it's yeah i watched that yeah that was wacky uh i liked it though and then obviously mandy and then he just made a movie where like this guy puts like explosive like
Starting point is 00:26:10 codpiece on him and and like wrist cuffs and neck cuff and like makes him go like rescue his daughter with ninja swords or some shit i haven't watched that they like put a bomb suit on him and it's like you have to find this mobster's daughter or it'll blow up and it's like well what if he's i haven't watched it but what if he's like close to rescuing her when time's up they're both fucked yeah that's why the exploding vest doesn't doesn't really work is have you have you seen this other like rough movie he made i think it's on netflix called i think it's zoo or the zoo or something and he's like an animal trainer on a freight ship and some like oh and a snake and yeah it's loose and he's like a like a alcoholic like trying to take down you can't watch that
Starting point is 00:26:51 no that's that's one of the bad ones anything he does that has like a lot of like there's there's different levels to shit sometimes he makes stuff that looks like sci-fi channel like really bad c cgi color out of space i thought was like it looked good to me it had practical effects and decent cgi and then mandy looked great to me i thought that was cool as fuck it looked expensive it didn't look expensive it looked well made yeah and uh but this newest thing this like real life kind of version of him i'm interested in that i don't know what he's up to i like nicholas cage though yeah i like him too it's like there's something about his acting that's interesting and also not very good.
Starting point is 00:27:27 He was great in Con Air, though, and he was great in The Rock. I haven't seen Con Air. Really? Dude, you should watch that tonight. It's legitimately good. National Treasure is fun. National Treasure is fun. John Malkovich, he's in that, right?
Starting point is 00:27:41 John Malkovich is in it. His character's name is Cyrus the Virus. All right, I can picture the front of the movie, the DVD. Yeah, yeah. Steve Buscemi. Steve Buscemi's in there. Bubba from Forrest Gump, he's in there. Good for him.
Starting point is 00:27:56 He didn't get much work after. Who's the Mexican with the real bad face? Danny Trejo. Danny Trejo, yeah. His name is like Johnny 49 or something like that. And the number changes every time he rapes a woman he keeps count of how many rapes he has he's kept count and he has tattoos of all of his ladies uh like i don't remember what he has like like either hearts or something for every
Starting point is 00:28:15 woman he's raped he has a tattoo of and he's getting real rapey with the females like like security guard that they've got like prisoner and uh cyrus the virus uh has to keep it being like stop with the rape no rape she's a hostage and it's just like he keeps but but of course the guy all the guy wants to do is rape so he keeps like trying to rape like trying to rape it's great it's great and nicholas cage is stuck there he's supposed to be released and uh but he stays behind anyway to try to like do some good and save his friends that seems like risky business for danny trejo because rapists get beat up in prison and he's bragging about it i think it's child molesters more than anything but uh but i don't know a lot
Starting point is 00:28:54 about that so according to the internet which must be true nicholas cage blew his 150 million dollar fortune and he's taking film roles left and right to pay off his remaining debts. How do you have debt when you were once worth $150 million? It says he's worth $25 million. It's the IRS. So he was dodging
Starting point is 00:29:18 some pretty hefty bills at some point. He didn't pay his taxes. I remember that being a thing, but I assumed that like... Who's the the country music singer um kenny um not kenny but um um can he change the fucking old with the braids um oh the guy who smokes pot willie yeah willie nelson willie nelson got in all that trouble with the irs and they like took his mansion and all the shit and like but he like paid back eventually and got i assumed nich Nicolas Cage had done the same.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Wesley Snipes did. He went to jail. Prison. For a couple years. He must have really not paid. How do you get to prison over not paying taxes?
Starting point is 00:30:01 That doesn't make sense. How's he going to make money to pay the taxes back? We've got Willie Nelson who didn't pay his taxes. And we've got Wesley Snipes who didn't pay his taxes. I don't know. That doesn't make sense. What's the difference? How's he going to make money to pay the taxes back? Let's see. We've got Willie Nelson who didn't pay his taxes and we've got Wesley Snipes who didn't pay his taxes. Only one of them kills vampires. One sings. That's it. That's it. If you want to be a musician, you'll stay right out.
Starting point is 00:30:20 That's rough. Poor R. Kelly. What happened? I don't think that was taxes. The musician thing didn't save him either. No. So the Omicron variant, have you guys been following this at all? I don't think that exists
Starting point is 00:30:34 because I haven't watched anything on television or allowed anybody to talk about it, so I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist. Allowed anybody to talk about it? Yeah, everybody's like, you've heard about the Omicron. Shut the fuck up! I heard that it is a godsend now hear me out i am an expert in these sort of things i've been studying virology since i'm young
Starting point is 00:30:55 so i am facebook qualified anyway the deal is apparently the omicron variant doesn't get you very sick. It's not as deadly. It's not so bad. But it does seem unaffected by a lot of the vaccines and people who have antibodies from already having had COVID already. So the problem with Omicron problem is that it spreads very easily, even amongst people who took took precautions not that it makes you really sick so what this thing is is a herd immunity gift from god this thing will spread throughout the population not really hurting anyone making us all resistant to covid it could i don't know that's accurate um how do you know you've shot everyone you yeah that's true they would be saying that if that were the truth they'd be like everybody get in the streets now actually i did hear that i was listening to an hour-long podcast on something good like npr like you know legit ish
Starting point is 00:31:58 and uh they were saying they were describing the ultimate virus and like what would help us and that was what they described. They weren't saying the Omicron variant was that. I think that's like, isn't that a normal thing for a lot of viruses? As they mutate, they tend to get less deadly, more transmissible? I mean, I know that I'm an expert,
Starting point is 00:32:19 but I'm not telling you. But evolutionarily, that would be a better step, right? It would make more sense. Have you ever played Pl played plague that game where you spread diseases around the world last thing you want to do is make it too deadly when you haven't spread to every country because then all the other countries shut down their air traffic and you can't get your disease named like my dick into norway you know what i'm saying you always have to amp up the sneezing the coughing and then you go for brain hemorrhage at the end once you once you tag iceland finally you guys have never played that
Starting point is 00:32:48 no i know of it oh i know of it i haven't played it in years like it was probably 2014 but it was a fun little game to pass the time at the enterprise rental counter desk before getting screamed at by people dude it that wasn't your fault but also the system is designed to make people hate you oh yeah i i can buy a bundle of grapes in 15 seconds and check myself out i can't rent a car in less than 20 minutes it sucks the experience is so terrible it's terrible they had us working on like a dot matrix printer that took half an hour to print out on its own. And I can't count the number of times. It'd be midnight, and it's me and a manager. And the manager's like, there's a flight landing in 10 minutes. We're out of cars.
Starting point is 00:33:36 And they're like, all right, Taylor, it looks like you got a pretty solid handle on this. I'll see you tomorrow. And it's like, you're a piece of shit, dude. You know for a fact you ran tight. Running tight means you have no cars on the lot because you get a little bonus at, dude. Like, you know, for a fact you ran tight, like running tight means you have like no cars on the lot because you get a little bonus at the end of the month for not having anything on there. And you're going to leave me here totally Stockholm syndrome by the customers. Like they'll get mad at me. And I'm like, sir, you are preaching to the choir.
Starting point is 00:33:56 You're 100% right. I'm going to talk to Hertz over there. I'm going to talk to the Ava Scott. I don't give a shit where you go. Like, you're right. You know what? I'm going to call and complain. What's your name? Tell him Taylor agreed.lor agreed taylor i gave you a high five on the way out and
Starting point is 00:34:10 apologized as i'm calling reservations are they just looking oh no they had reservations and you don't have a car for people that have reservations so often yeah it was all it's so uncomfortable because like they don't deserve that obviously they reserved it that's the way it goes if i showed up and i didn't have my car i would be genuinely pissed knowing how it works i would be courteous to the person behind the counter knowing that they have zero control over it but uh it i went through this just recently it wasn't a car rental my garbage hasn't been collected the last two weeks two weeks is kind of hard to get through. That's a lot more than that. Three out of the last four weeks,
Starting point is 00:34:49 it hasn't been collected. So they've been pretty bad for a while, but it seemed like they would miss like once a month or something. Even that's a lot. You shouldn't have to feel like there's a 25% chance your garbage won't be collected, but having missed two in a row, like now we have trash in the back of the golf cart,
Starting point is 00:35:04 making the garage stinky just because there's no room. So I'm calling them to fire them. And then I'm on hold and I'm on hold and I'm on hold. I'm on hold for 25 minutes. So I put them on hold and call someone else. And I get voicemail and I tell them whatever. They call me back. I hire another garbage man.
Starting point is 00:35:31 And then I come back and I'm still on hold with the first people. But now when they answer, they are getting fired, which is exactly what happened. And just like Taylor and his rental thing, I wasn't mean to her. She didn't fail to get to my truck. But I was like, she failed to get to your call yeah oh there's a little more like she sucked too because yeah because what happened was um she's like i will cancel your uh payment for the end of december and i was like honestly i don't think that's fair i haven't seen
Starting point is 00:36:05 you since november why am i paying for this month and it's not even a big deal i don't know it was 30 or something but when she said it i was just like but why would i pay i have you can't miss yeah and she's like well let me put you on hold it was like 15 more minutes that she had me on hold for 30 bucks that's below my hourly rate my friends yeah in situations like that i'm like oh no no you won't need to talk to me again because here's where here's where i am which means it's where we are i'm not paying that's a good move i like it it was a refund but yeah uh still i would have rather said like scary i want my money i would have rather said hey you know what why don't you just call me back or handle this when i'm not on hold because
Starting point is 00:36:51 i didn't know that it was going to be 15 it was like a 45 minute phone call did you tell her that you had managed to hire someone while being on hold yes yeah and like that that blows me away like the other company like i left a message and they called back and got hired while i was on like there's so much more responsibility and they got me to trash cans the next day which was today it's one of those things where it's like if if it's bad it's it's like what the fuck is the problem but but if it's good you never even think about it but i've i have had like good trash people and bad trash people my people now show up and they are not qualified to use that robot arm these fuckers should they should make them get out of the truck and fuck it it must be two little kids in there having fun
Starting point is 00:37:34 they ripped the fucking lid off my garage off my um my trash can my trash can although now that i mentioned it that's just a freudian slip because um there was like a leaf or something in the way of the garage door so it didn't want to like close and instead of like going in and getting a broom there was like a lot of leaves like they had blown in and i didn't i couldn't find the one leaf so i was just like fuck this i'm just gonna like pull the disengage and i'm just gonna like pull the garage door down because i can do that you know it doesn't want to close because it thinks it's a car or something in the way so i did that and then so i went back out there today and i'm like all right re-engage it and i i go to i press the button which makes the arm reset to the end so now i can lift the
Starting point is 00:38:13 door and the spring explodes damn and it sounds like a bomb going off inside the garage it was so fucking loud you know it's that huge coil spring that's wound the fuck up and it just broke like in the middle like like it didn't disengage from one side of the other like like the spring itself broke like full charge and i thought i'd been shot so your garage door is fucked so now my garage door is a little workout that i get to do like anytime i want to leave the house because pull day we're doing deadlifts oh it's push day because you got it's already down so you got to get that you got to squat and like get it here and then you got to like do a squat and then an overhead press when i was doing it i was thinking like how hard is this how am i going to explain
Starting point is 00:39:01 to people how hard this is your wife can't do it um okay okay um a kid couldn't do it for sure and a shorter man definitely can't there was there's a point when i'm like finishing it off where i'm like like exerting i would say it's 150 pounds isn't it pretty light near the top but at the top there's nothing because there's one point there yeah it's when the door is straight up and down and you're lifting an entire garage door that it's real fucking heavy down at the bottom. As I get toward the top, it gets lighter and lighter.
Starting point is 00:39:33 The problem is I'm not strong enough to ease it down when it's time to come home because it starts getting away from you real quick. It goes from nothing to 100 in your fingers instantly. And so every time I come home, the neighbors know it.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Is this a two car garage? Yeah. Dude, your garage door must be heavy as shit. Because I had to do this just earlier today. Because it would do that thing where it goes all the way down. And then goes and then goes back up. So I had to pull the little thing, disengage it. But I lift it up all
Starting point is 00:40:05 the time mine's pretty buttery smooth i just need to grab one little handle right you know why why springs don't have a spring yeah it's lifting half it's lifting it for you silly head oh well see that does make sense now yeah you're on the assisted machine and i'm doing i'm out there with well i hope my spring doesn't bust i gotta call him to get that fixed though i keep forgetting You're on the assisted machine and I'm out there with raw steel. Well, I hope my spring doesn't bust. I got to call them to get that fixed, though. I keep forgetting and then I go to leave the house and I'm like, fuck, that's right.
Starting point is 00:40:33 It's push day again. The garage door seems like one of those things that you don't realize how expensive it is to repair until it's busted. It's not on me. That's got to be like a them thing. I hope. You rent, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Well, then definitely. For sure? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, then definitely. For sure. Yeah. But it's been a mild winter so far. It hasn't been cold at all. I'm still in the backyard like hanging out in my chair and stuff and watching the stars at night. I messaged you guys the other night with a super Venus. The thing was crazy bright.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Dude, you wrote that and it was super gay. You're like, boys, Venus is super bright tonight and it's at four o'clock off the moon and i'm like all right that was gay but i'll go look i'm so happy you wrote me that was really cool they go outside and they're like dear god dude it really was like it was brighter than any star it was so bright weather here we keep getting a bunch of tornadoes because like it'll be monday it'll be 70 degrees and then tuesday it'll be 37 and then wednesday it'll be 65 and then thursday it'll be 41 so it's like i guess with all those hot cold hot cold hot cold like we're supposed to we just got a huge amount of
Starting point is 00:41:43 tornadoes last weekend to the point that like my wife and I, we were picking up some food and we were driving back. Like we were sitting there while we were at the restaurant and the whole restaurant does that like amber alert thing. Like the whole, all the phones. I'm like, oh, someone must've been stolen. And then it was like, in your area, 810 is gonna be struck by a tornado and i look at my phone it's 808
Starting point is 00:42:09 it's like well this isn't good we get in the car to leave and it was like the like i like to think i can drive in the rain pretty well it was like the first time driving in the rain that it's like oh i can't see anything like it's too much movement like your car is getting like pushed a little bit from the wind on the side thankfully we made it back okay and it's our our house was fine because uh like we just lucked out but there were pictures from kentucky did you see those like a town in kentucky got flattened by a couple tornadoes so where that tornado like goes through is right where I've been driving up into Illinois to like hang out for a few days and smoke weed. It's like it went through northern Kentucky or like a northern part of Kentucky that touches Illinois right through there. So I saw it flatten that candle factory and also like an Amazon warehouse.
Starting point is 00:43:00 And I guarantee when they get to the bottom of it, there's going to be something where like they wouldn't let those amazon employees go home early or something like that they're like no no no it's fine it's fine and then the fucking thing collapsed on them i guarantee when they get to the bottom of it that that'll be the case i think six people died in that warehouse right i have no idea i didn't really follow it again i don't watch the news anymore i'm done with it it's it's it's always sad and depressing um i just don't care. It's never affected me once. I am watching sports. I get on ESPN. Oh, man. That's right. The fucking Amanda
Starting point is 00:43:31 Nunez fight. Have we talked about that on any of our shows yet? I watched the GIF of it. That was great. It was so good. Amanda Nunez is the greatest female fighter to have ever lived. And Kyle bet against her. And he won. It's the greatest upset in UFC history. history and i had 20 going the right way so did you get 14 140 or something like that okay
Starting point is 00:43:54 yeah um and it was a good night because like i used the same site that i play poker on um to to make the wager so like i won like that 140 came in from the man in nunez fight and then i won like 300 in poker or something of Nunez fight and then I won 300 in poker or something like that. It was a fun night. By the way, if anybody plays on America's Card Room and you want to use my code, my username is MoGh
Starting point is 00:44:16 if you want to use my referral code. What do you get? A few bucks? I get 50 every time one of you uses my referral code. $50? Yeah. If you guys send a bunch of money, we'll out. How do you spell it again? M-O-G-H. You have to use that thing. There's like three letters that go before it.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Let me see what they are. But if I were to get a bunch of referrals or something, I would probably stream and we would do something silly with the money. I don't think there will be. But if anyone wants to play poker, I've been playing a lot of tournaments. It might be if you use the big show. How have the tournaments been going? Consistently ahead, honestly. I've been playing a lot of tournaments on the big show. How have the tournaments been going consistently ahead?
Starting point is 00:44:48 Um, honestly, um, every night I think, um, I'm usually first, second or third. I play sit and goes though.
Starting point is 00:44:55 I play sit and goes. So like, um, it's like nine players go in and, you know, we played the top three. One comes out, uh, top three,
Starting point is 00:45:01 top three, get paid. You get your money back and a little more if you're in third place. Um, so I like playing those and I like playing, just regular texas hold them at uh like either 50 cent one dollar or one dollar two dollar there's a bunch of cool stuff on there i have never i've never once in my life bet on a sport no but i have so many friends who have done it and they seem to be having fun with it. I don't think I've ever bet with the house. I've made lots
Starting point is 00:45:30 of small bets with friends. Yeah, I don't think I had ever bet with the house either, unless maybe in Vegas I bet on a horse race or something one time that I don't even fucking remember. I used to bet on football games in high school all the time. I would write it down on my notebook and
Starting point is 00:45:45 make them initial it because that's how people agreed like it was like oh you want to bet on the raiders fine fine fine you know here it is woody plus seven whatever initial it right here and uh that's what it because otherwise they wouldn't remember it the way i did so it was good yeah if you use code r a h and then dash m o g h i think you get something too i think you get like 10 or 20 but i'm not positive about that it's a win-win yeah it sounds good the man you're beating the man and i like i always think like oh yeah i'm gonna download fucking whatever the biggest sports betting app is and try that and it's always like okay let me look at sports that i would bet on it's like okay well knowing my past history of hockey playoffs not gonna bet on hockey because
Starting point is 00:46:31 i'm kyle just guessing against what i pick is right is more correct every year yeah every single year all he does is pick the opposite of me and he's more correct and then i look at football and i'm like okay well this team's nine and3 and this one's 3-9. I'm going to go 9-3. It's like, oh, you bet $100, you can win $102. All right, so I'm on my sports bookie thing right now. You can bet football, soccer. All right, I'll skip.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Let's get Chase. You can bet all the major sports plus table tennis, martial arts, darts, rugby, handball,ball volleyball snooker politics and futures what is futures oh football basketball golf and soccer futures okay that's interesting dirty would bet darts and shit just for fun um okay random bet so maybe you'd like to bet on the upcoming presidential election um it's like three fucking years away but we don't know who's gonna be running so i've got a huge list of names though and they all have odds then
Starting point is 00:47:29 you can place a bet right now so like who do you think's like a real long slot who's kind of in the conversation or at least they're in the field paul ryan paul ryan let me find his name what kind of odds would you get from him those have got to be real good odds because i haven't heard that guy's name in forever all right i apologize paul Paul Ryan is not one of the names. I'm just going to tell you who the names are. No, I can't do that. There's too many fucking names. Who did judge?
Starting point is 00:47:51 He's got to be here. Yeah, I would expect him. He's kind of one of the top three Democrats. Where are you at, Pete? Is Hillary on there? Maybe 2024 is her time. That's her time. People will start wanting it.
Starting point is 00:48:02 You know what? She was too young before. She didn't have the wisdom. You know that woman we hated for the last 30 years? Buddha Judge is plus $1,850. $100
Starting point is 00:48:15 if he gets elected pays back at $1,850. Can you do not just elections? Can you do who the parties pick? I'm sure on a different website, but right here, it's I can do either party, or I can do, but it's all presidential
Starting point is 00:48:32 election. What do you win if you bet on Biden or Kamala? If you say Kamala. Kamala? If you put There's got to be way less money, less of a payout than Buttigieg. So $1 pays $6.50.
Starting point is 00:48:51 That's still pretty good. Yeah, she's plus $6.50. Joe Biden is plus $4.25. Michelle Obama, plus $8,500. Donald Trump, the most likely candidate. The most likely winner at plus $3.15. By a long shot, he is the most likely candidate. The most likely winner at plus 315. By a long shot, he is the most likely. Dude, I really look forward.
Starting point is 00:49:10 I know people don't like politics talk, or at least too much of it. But Trump is intriguing to me. First of all, he somehow makes news more interesting. I think both sides, everybody agrees. The ratings are indisputable. When Trump exists in the political sphere, more people pay attention. Love to love him. Love to hate him.
Starting point is 00:49:27 That's what's up. The next time he runs, there's going to be a lot more dirt around Trump. His actions on January 6th, his actions throughout his term. The dude's like federally barred from running a charity now because of the way he used it as a personal slush fund. I want to see what his opponents say about him in the debates. Like, I think it'd be really fun to see DeSantis or something just stand up and say, like, why are you voting? Like, this is what this guy is. I wonder.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I want to see it. It'll be a show. Can I bet against one of them? Or is that not how it works? I wouldn't think you could bet against him. You to bet for someone i don't know but um yeah the next political especially on the republican side is going to be great theater showmanship if i could bet money and there's like a bet where it's like that trump will not be the next president i would do that like he has no chance i think any chance he has he has the most chance to get he's the favorite why do you
Starting point is 00:50:31 think he has no chance because he's banned from all big tech that's his main outreach no it definitely doesn't it definitely does he has been real he hurts himself when he goes up there and represents himself and says you know what what? I got this great idea. We should put disinfectant in your blood or maybe shine a light bulb up your ass. It hurts him when he's quiet. The idea of Trump, a guy from the outside who's for the little man who hates immigration and loves pro-life is a much more compelling candidate than the guy who actually tweets at you i i i disagree i think that he riled people up with his social media presence and i can't see how losing the reach to hundreds of millions of people like like there's pretty much five sites now and he can't participate on any of them and so like he has no control over narratives at all and so like they might have to give a media they're not they took it away from him when he was president they're not gonna give it back he had a social media presence when he ran for president and he beat himself he lost all joe biden did was stay in a basement and take zoom calls while trump got out there and spread
Starting point is 00:51:36 his gospel and people said no well you could look at 20 or 2016 like he won because of because of that social media reach i just i i just i find it very hard to believe that like losing reach to hundreds of millions of people is going to help him in any way it's like a lot of the boomers who are going to vote for him they don't know how to access his new app if that's even going to be a thing like it's just but in the same way like if they say hey who's going to win joe Joe Biden or the unnamed Republican? The unnamed Republican kicks their ass every time. And we could flip it the other way. Who's going to win, Trump or the unnamed Democrat?
Starting point is 00:52:11 It is hard to beat a guy who's unnamed. It doesn't have anything to dislike him about it. Trump gets to be closer to that unnamed guy when he's not on Twitter shooting himself in the foot day after day after day. And I see how you see it as him shooting himself in the foot day after day after day and i see how you see it as him shooting himself in the foot but it's like for his base that's not what it was it was oh look at him he's firing back at msnbc oh that makes me want to go out in november whatever the fuck his base is one third of the country and that loses like he he's got to win over people who are independent and he's going to have a hard
Starting point is 00:52:45 time reaching anyone who's not already all bought in if his only access to people is via his own probably poorly run he's going to be all over cnn fox news and all the major networks in 2016 kyle's right he called them all the time he he would get on fox news almost every day and do chats with fox and friends or Hannity or whatever and I want to say it wasn't just them I feel like he called into definitely CNN maybe MSNBC
Starting point is 00:53:12 he called into fucking Howard Stern but like you said a different time they allowed him to call into those shows 2015 because it was great for ratings they saw it as a stop it they allowed him thing he absolutely when Trump calls they need him they want him the phone they love it brian stelter is no trump fan but i guarantee you if trump wants to get on his show he gets on
Starting point is 00:53:34 anytime he wants anytime he wants anytime he wants maybe any any anytime he wants any network he can make a phone call and they will put him on the front of their air right then he could be like can i come and sit in with fucking and anderson cooper yes what time anderson's asleep right now but we're jostling the cock out of his mouth he's coming jeb bush made these jeb bush made these complaints he's like why why do you guys have trump on so much you know why don't you have other the candidates on it's not fair and they're like jeb call us you're jeb bush we'll take your call call in trump calls in that's how he gets on the air like jeb call us you're jeb bush will take your call call in trump calls in that's how he gets on the air you're just complaining that you're not getting as much
Starting point is 00:54:09 attention when you're not the best part is i bet trump doesn't mind sitting on hold at all i bet he's got like three phones they're all on hold this is gonna be a good morning like one of them is like oh is like fucking jay rock in the morning or something. Like some tiny little radio station. I mean, I hope he becomes a big part of the discussion again because having to slice down on the Trump impression, it's getting rid of a lot of material. Oh no, it's coming back. Don't worry, it's coming back.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Or we need a, okay, we need someone with a funnier voice than Kamala or Biden. You know what we need? I want a disabled presidential candidate. Severely. I want a disabled presidential candidate. Severely. I want a guy who has like, one of those voice boxes. An anti-smoking ad and a president.
Starting point is 00:54:51 No, he's a veteran. I could go for an athlete. I watched that Dave Chappelle special again last night. It was so fucking funny. He was talking about like transgender people in the bathroom. And he's like, he's like, you think I'd feel comfortable?
Starting point is 00:55:01 The point was he wouldn't feel comfortable if a woman walked up in a dress next to him and pulled a big dick out. That would make me very uncomfortable. She should be over there in the women's bathroom in her dress. Just like if a dude fucking backed up to the urinal next to me
Starting point is 00:55:16 and started pissing that way. I'd just be like, that man is pissing out of his ass. That's odd he must be a veteran thank you for your service that was a great joke that is a great joke i uh if a dude pulled up an address dude whatever whatever they want to be called if a person pulled up an address and peed in the urinal i don't think that would bug me too much. But if a guy backed up in a dress and peed in the
Starting point is 00:55:46 urinal, I don't think I'd like it. That one actually does catch my attention. Neither one of those would bother me at all. I might laugh if somebody backs up to a urinal though. Eyes to the wall! That's a rule. I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to get the fuck out of distance because I don't know they're trying to pee out of their butt. I think they're trying to take a shit
Starting point is 00:56:01 right there next to me and I'm moving. I'm moving along. That's very true. I'm out of that bathroom quickly, not washing hands. I don't want to be blamed for the Chernobyl that's about to happen. I'm going to sidestep so fast like a square dancer. There's a guy in there shitting. It wasn't me.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I shouldn't have led with that. I seem suspicious. So yeah, he's shitting. It's the bathroom. Have you been watching Tarkov at all? Oh, of course. I watch every day. It's the bathroom. Have you been watching Tarkov at all? Oh, of course. I watch it every day. It's very exciting. The wipe just occurred. Lots of big changes to the mechanics of the game. Inertia system.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Weapons and grenades added. A few other little things. The inertia system seems to be one of the bigger things, but VoIP is the biggest. The map is cool. The map is a bit of a clusterfuck. It's fun to watch. I would hate to play it. I love to watch it, thing. VoIP is the biggest. The map is cool. The map is a bit of a clusterfuck, but it's fun to watch. I would hate to play it. I love to watch it, but the VoIP is
Starting point is 00:56:49 the biggest thing. The ability to negotiate with your opponents, finally, because you never knew if you could. There's a lot of decent people playing Tarkov, but they can't trust you. Now you can be like, hey, man, look. Here's the thing. You killed my friend. How about I just leave him and his shit right here you have
Starting point is 00:57:05 all that and i'll be on my way nine times out of ten i would take that deal like yeah i i can't care your shit anyway get the fuck out of here and i tried we could make a deal i saw landmark get into a gunfight with a guy and he's like look man they're fighting right over there let's team up and fuck them up he's like yo dude let's do it it's like they they go together and they fuck up this other team it was really cool i like it i like it uh i watched people talk shit too so kyle for people don't play there's a mission where you have to like get something from one map and then go to factory and plant it there last wipe or two i did that myself and it's tough factory's a very small map.
Starting point is 00:57:48 So you kind of have to kill like four players. Actual people. Humans. To get enough time to plant this thing. And it took me a couple tries. But it really really sucks because you need to survive two maps in a row to make this happen. Anyway, Anton's playing. And he negotiates being able to
Starting point is 00:58:03 He's like, look, I'm just questing, man. Don't kill me. I just want to plant this thing and leave being able to he's like look i'm just questing man don't kill me i just want to plant this thing and leave and the guy's like you know what kind of gun do you have m4 i got a keter you're good because he's out he's he's out weapon like he like look i'd rather not fight but if we do i i like my odds and the guy's like i like your odds too carry on no for sure um i i would never kill people when i saw them do do those like planting challenges and stuff because i know you can kill them afterwards they might not oh yeah you kill them afterwards they don't have to escape yeah i would wait till they were trying to leave and and then kill them or something like that because it's very obvious what they're doing when they like there's no
Starting point is 00:58:41 reason to go in there and just sit still for 15 seconds other than you're doing that and if it's at the start of the wipe you know this is an early task you can really uh figure it out that that's what everybody's doing it um yeah it looks really cool uh even the inertia system looks better than i thought it would be uh but that i thought it would i've always thought the weight system is bad though i i just watching people play under like with zero strength uh it makes me reminds me of why i don't want to play the game all you know they made a bunch of more flea uh changes you can't they limited the items you can now sell in the flea market i think key cards might be amongst them i don't remember um there's there's a lot of changes like that and that's the stuff i like to do like the stuff i
Starting point is 00:59:19 like to do was like treasure hunt for those really valuable items all day by myself and like creep around like a rat like there's so many times where i'm like laying in a bush and like a whole team walked by and it was scary because i had a led x on me but um i don't know they they kind of did away with a lot of that kind of gameplay that's why i liked it the most i like just playing by myself and looking for led x's i think i just think they nerfed the value i'm sorry the stakes are so high in in tarkov that it's a bit stressful and i found a good way to enjoy the game is to watch someone else play yeah yeah that's the only way to enjoy the game uh i and and even then like i was watching landmark earlier like before we started this and there were a couple times where
Starting point is 01:00:01 he like things went badly for him and i'm like man i'm not having fun imagine how he feels like uh i guess gas analyzers are really rare this time around and you need them for the quest and uh nobody can find them and he's uh he's an interchange and he finds two he finds two it takes two and then i think you also need like bleach and he's like oh this is great now i just need to craft that bleach he finds the bleach he's like oh we got it and then he's extracting and it gets down to 0.2 seconds and he kind of jiggles out of the extract so it starts over and a guy kills him you know what that sucks but it's good content and like two raids later he's right back in interchange and and some guys like don't kill me man don't kill me i got a gpu i'll give it to you right now and the guy's looking at the floor you know like you do when you're like giving somebody something and then like looks up with the mozen and kills
Starting point is 01:00:51 him he got killed by a liar the guy the liar with the mozen the guy like flip flips on uh landmark and one taps and it was he's like all right that's it. No mercy. No more mercy. Everyone dies. Gun, no gun. You know? Is this guy your friend? Is this guy going to stay your friend? Probably. Probably not. Probably not.
Starting point is 01:01:17 I don't know. I would be trustworthy, I like to think. But if I'm really poor and if I'm bad at the game, if I don't think I'm going to see this high end gear anytime soon, I might just go and take Landmark out too in that situation. I don't know. Depends how good you bad at the game, like if I don't think I'm going to see this high end gear anytime soon, I might just go ahead and take Landmark out too in that situation. I don't know. Depends how good you are at the game. Yeah. But I'm going to keep watching them. Yeah. Yeah. I got
Starting point is 01:01:33 to make dinner. All right. PKN 382. Moog.

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