Painkiller Already - PKN 390

Episode Date: February 9, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 390 uh quick note yesterday our producer's internet was out and i had a sore throat so it was like good news for me and we pushed the pkn recording until today that's what happened yeah sometimes you get them early sometimes you you just fucking don't you still get them early just as early but so the big news on the on the internet recently in our little sphere has been Ice Poseidon. Did you watch the coffee video, Taylor? I know Kyle, you said you did. Yeah, I also did. That was, it was funny.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Like when drama things like this happen, there's always like one documentarian that actually follows and compiles. documentary that actually follows and compiles. And then by the time that video is 14 hours old, all the other hot take people have posted their response of that guy's hard work, which is very funny where they're like, oh, I think he's right there. But the shout out to the coffee Zillow guy, he did a very good job on the video and he didn't take two hours to do it. He took 20 minutes, laid it out very quickly. And so basically Ice did what a ton of influencers are doing right now, which is starting their own coin, their own kind of shit coin, so to speak.
Starting point is 00:01:11 And so he started CX coin because CX is like his... Oh yeah, I'm invested in that. Yeah. Oh, well then you're in deep shit. Before he did that... I said he'd tell me when it was time to sell. Is it time? Is it time?'s about to rock it up because we shouldn't upload this don't tell everybody before he created his own coin he was pumping and dumping other people's coins and yep like i guess in my head if the scam is so clearly a scam and everyone's in on it then
Starting point is 00:01:49 it's not a scam anymore in the same way that that the magician isn't scamming you he's putting on a show that everyone realized isn't actual magic right he's like all right boys we're live streaming we're showing you everything we're doing i'm'm trying to buy this coin, have it run up, and at the right moment, sell it. And I'm going to do this with mirrors surrounding me. We're all going to watch. They're like, wait a minute. Aren't you kind of buying low, selling high,
Starting point is 00:02:15 but making it so public that it kind of makes it go high? Yes, that's what I'm doing. Are you watching? Here we go. In my head, I i was like is that even a scam since it's so like yes that is what i'm doing i'm trying to buy low and sell high we're all watching this do these things have value no i'm pretty sure if i don't sell high soon enough it'll never so is that what i said did he say no not not i'm gonna buy low and sell
Starting point is 00:02:42 high he said that right he? He started that way. He started by buying other people's shit coins, sometimes called poo coins or whatever, and sort of like buying them low, selling them high. And he's like, you know what? These coins that we all know are going to be worthless four days from now, the real money is making the coin. So he got developers to make what's called a fork which is to say they just copied someone else's code behind a coin and
Starting point is 00:03:14 were able to with very little effort make a coin of their own called cx coin and there are details in it where i get really sketchy and unable to explain it properly. But I guess typically when you make a coin and everyone else pours their money into it, you might allocate some of other people's money for different purposes. In their case, they had a quarter million dollars for marketing. They had it was 300 grand for like the float. Is that what it was called? That was something like that yeah like his his liquid his initial liquid investment in in the there was some other like little areas like it was like 150 250 300 something like that and um the marketing people
Starting point is 00:03:58 are like why aren't you spending money like that marketing money on marketing stuff and he's like what i'm gonna spend marketing money on stuff that doesn't work yeah and if i recall he even said he had a post he was like i spent fifty six thousand dollars marketing it on whatever platform they were selling and people apparently were like do you have an invoice or something you can show us he actually spent marketing on and no reply to that so i think he it seems more likely than not that he wasn't quite that much yeah or at the very least it was not 56 grand of marketing um so so he basically kind of getting a little worried here yeah it sounds i don't like to sell or should i so is this a diamond hand scenario the biggest challenge to me i want to get this out is there's a part i only
Starting point is 00:04:47 half understand like i guess that 300 when you have a shit coin right not bitcoin or something where there's other people happy to buy and sell when you have a shit coin you need to take some of the money that other people invested and leave it in the bank in an area that i don't fully get it so that there's like an automatic buyer and seller like the coin itself has 300 grand around so that kyle you can take your five thousand dollar investment and come and go and there's this like there's like a buffer buffer escrow crypto escrow seems sounds like exactly like so the transactions can flow right so apparently taking 90 of that 300 000 putting it in your own pocket and doing the wavy arms thing is bad yes yeah it turns out it
Starting point is 00:05:34 immediately devalues your laid up currency is it bad or is it illegal aha it can be both. Thus far, no one's gone to jail for this. So this is really interesting that you brought all this up because I came here today to talk about PKA coin. We're only limited quantity. I don't want to touch this shit with a 20 foot pole.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I have no idea how it works. Everybody's talking about it right now. I'm going to end up in fucking Enron jail. But not Enron jail because i'll end up making 60 and i'll be a fall guy i've been to inron jail you'll be fine you're hairy they don't want i have a problem with your idea i don't want to soil pka's good name no of course not which is why I think we should do RSK coins. How about Kyle's cool coins? What would it be listed as on the exchange? KKK. Nah.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Nah, that's all right. You asked, like, is what he's doing bad or illegal? And, like, I'm sure you guys have both seen that movie the big short when it's a very good movie it's about you know the 2008 financial crisis and uh michael from the office whatever steve carell he was like talking to some guy who was a member of the fraudulent kind of chain of real estate and he's like i don't understand why are they confessing and he's like they're not confessing they're bragging about like that and that's what fucking ice poseidon was doing in this interview with coffee zilla like it was it was like ice you're a professional talker you should at least
Starting point is 00:07:16 be able to weasel your way out of things a little more you know eloquently than that but the coffee guy was like so you don't feel bad about doing this. And you admit what you did was you promoted this to your most loyal of loyal fans. Who do you think bought it? Was it your casual fan? No, it was your most loyal of loyal fans. And then you pull all that money out. And now all these people with way less money than you, they don't have anything.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And you don't see a problem with that. And he's like, well, I mean, no, I don't really see a problem with it. You know, like people need to take, like, I understand what you're saying. Like there is a responsibility for me, but there is also a responsibility of people, you know, like buying their own crypto coins. And so like they, they, they signed up and took a risk when they did this. And it's like, and he's like, okay, so you're saying it's their fault that they that they trusted you and he's like i don't like the way you're putting it dude like i don't like the way you're phrasing it it's not a chill way to phrase it but like i guess i'm getting like close it's pretty
Starting point is 00:08:16 fucking close and he's he's like the way you guys like it doesn't make me look very good doesn't it doesn't make me look good so i'm not gonna it doesn't make me look good. So I'm not going to say like that. And he was like, the coffee guy was like, so I just want to get it straight. We're still at the position now where if you wanted, you could take every bit of money you've taken out of it and put it back in refund everyone. And I was just like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:08:37 yeah, I could do that. And he's like, okay, are you, do you have any plans to do that? Do you have any, any plans at all?
Starting point is 00:08:42 And I was just like, dude, I don't know what to tell you. Like, I'm going to look out for me. I'm looking out for myself and I'm going to do that? Do you have any plans at all? And Ice is like, dude, I don't know what to tell you. I'm going to look out for me. I'm looking out for myself. And I'm going to do what's best for me with this. And so, no, I'm not giving the money back.
Starting point is 00:08:57 And so, basically, he got him to admit, he's like, you talked about all the work you put in, your team and everything. What was it? You cleared, what was it, $350,000, $400,000 through this? But that must have been a lot of work. How much prep time was this? He's like, honestly, dude,
Starting point is 00:09:10 like about two weeks made 400 grand. Yeah. So apparently that taking away that $300,000 that we talked about that, that enables other people to buy and sell the coin, like adds that, um, like sort of removes friction from the market. Um, it's called pulling the rug out when you take all that money
Starting point is 00:09:28 and dude there it's such a like it seems to be an industry term because they're like dude like you rugged your coin and he's like yeah all right i rugged it i rugged it i did i love that phrase that's so good and that's that's really what he did so okay well look we don't like throw people under the bus here but he did it himself i'm glad that i didn't invest in what was it called it's the x coin yeah of course it was um he literally talked about doing this on the show right like like the pump and dump thing and like making your own coin and like we joked about making pka coin and like how we pump and dump it and how we tell and like how we pump and dump it and
Starting point is 00:10:05 how we tell everybody we're going to pump and dump it. But, and we'd still make money pumping and dumping it. And I just imagine him being there. Like, yeah, yeah. He took those bits as like instructive,
Starting point is 00:10:19 like what to do to succeed. I kept saying the Sopranos when they're sitting there talking about the HUD scheme. And then Tony comes back. He's like, yeah, I did it. He's like, wait, you did all of that? You defrauded the federal taxpayers by running an entire housing scheme with eight different moving
Starting point is 00:10:36 parts? Yeah. He has this huge response to all this and he said my one and only response on the subject he posted this like a week ago or so yeah it's like a long tweet thing and it's it's enormously long his response but uh well not enormously long but to read it would be long but it is like i'm not gonna bother reading it because there's nothing here it's just deflection are there any typos that's what we're
Starting point is 00:11:10 looking for taylor this isn't about there is this isn't about what's in there i mean he didn't capitalize every instance of i i'm picking up on that right away uh let's see if he got fancy with like any incorrect semic colons or something. No, don't think pretty good. Actually, this is, this is a good grammar.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Like, like this is a hundred percent, but a lot of time into this one, but yeah, someone did. He's saying that like, Oh, he, I didn't even advertise it to my casual fans.
Starting point is 00:11:36 It's like, what, what does that even mean? That doesn't, that's a phrase that don't, don't even put that in. That doesn't mean anything. Oh,
Starting point is 00:11:44 Oh, well you were advertising to a different subgroup of people in your fan base that you thought would be more apt to give you money that you could then pull oh oh okay but you weren't targeting casuals you weren't targeting the kind of person who's so casual in the financial market that they would invest in ice poseidon's cx coin, right? He says that in the tweet longer. Yeah. I want to read. That's just so shitty to do to his fans. That's fucking...
Starting point is 00:12:14 That is so shitty. The people that put him where he is, the only reason he doesn't have to have a real job that's way infinitely harder, that pays way less money, and then just... Alright. I think he can make this right. harder that pays way less money and then just basically... I think he could make this right. I'm going to need to control that robot
Starting point is 00:12:30 that's got the knife on it, though. A Roomba with a knife taped to it? Yeah. I only advertise to people in the crypto sphere and fans who knew about crypto and understood what they were getting into. So I guess he advertised in the crypto sphere and feels like because of that,
Starting point is 00:12:47 he's not dealing with babes in the woods. Babes in the woods? I think I got that about right. Or a babe in the woods. That's a porno. That does sound ideal. Rape a pig in the woods. So a pig now. You don't have to rape a pig in the woods so a pig now because you don't have to um well this took a turn anyway uh
Starting point is 00:13:12 so that'll do that'll do zach said assuming that zach's right that rug pulling is illegal the thing where he took all the money that enabled people to buy and sell with less friction but pumping and dumping is legal and that was the thing that i was kind of okay with i don't know how to better phrase that but like when he was doing it on a live stream buying low and selling high it felt like there was never this implication that these are solid investment strategies it's a show kind of you know and yeah i don't know the whole thing is so murky that i mean you just laid it out there like hey like we're doing a thing here y'all get it right here it comes are you still there duck you're still there i mean it's coming i let it go it's on
Starting point is 00:13:58 the way i can't look you're doing that, and yet they're still there just like, this is code for something. All I'm hearing is diamond hands, baby. Like, I've seen this happen before. You sell, and where'd my money go? Think of how much that'll be worth by the time you're 60. It just keeps appreciating in value, and then you're living life on easy street.
Starting point is 00:14:26 We're not talking about EFTs here. This is Ice Poseidon's coin. It is not going to appreciate in value. It's already appreciated in value and then you took all the money out and that's the end. I've got a whole business going on Discord. Kyle, I have it on
Starting point is 00:14:41 good authority that money was made on this coin. A tremendous money was made on this coin. Oh, a tremendous amount was made by this one guy I know. I've been working. He said EFT is dark. Of course it is. I'm just going to get GP coins exclusively. That's my whole strategy.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Oh, God. Well, I hope things go right and people get their money back. But it would seem that Ice Poseidon is going to keep that money and skedaddle. I talked to Ice Poseidon. He assured me things have already gone quite well. Yeah. He let me know that he can afford the best attorneys available. Dude, so apparently, like and during the video that
Starting point is 00:15:25 the coffeezilla guy made uh apparently that i don't follow the live streaming world of ice poseidon at all i've never watched his streams outside of like the clips we watched on the show together i just i'm just not interested in in the irl streaming really uh but he was there's some other streamer named sam pepper apparently that used to do it with ice poseidon i looked it up when i heard about him he had he hasn't uploaded for everybody has a couple million before ice was known for these social experiments in which he would like kiss girls who didn't want to be kissed and stuff like that so his name was a little tarnished from way back carry on okay and so but basically it was like a sam pepper wasn't in the clip but
Starting point is 00:16:04 it was ice talking to some other guy maybe one of his friends in a hotel room. And they were like, yes, Sam, he started his own coin and then he must be worth like millions now. And and he bought a he bought out his lease on his car and for stacks of cash. And then he flew to a European country and he's living there now. And like all this money apparently was from doing the same thing that Ice did where like rug pulling. And they were talking about it
Starting point is 00:16:32 in like in a voice of adulation. Like, and this guy, he beat the game. He beat the system. He's out, he's living the rest of his life. And they're like, man, if only, if only I could like pull the rug and never do whatever you know the sam pepper did and just like that it's gone and just like that well i all the money's you know you can say what you want there's a lot of ways to look at this but
Starting point is 00:17:00 one thing you could say morally wrong no matter what yeah well we we could we could also just be happy for our friend right because because we have you know like no if one of my like if one of you guys did this one of my like real friends i would be like the fuck is wrong like privately i'd be like this is beyond fucked you really need to look at yourself in the mirror like what if i cut you in? Well, now we're talking. You went off on that whole reprehensible thing. And I was like, I don't think you skipped a couple zeros there, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:17:39 And we're just talking about your end. I think you'd be like, well, you know what? I had no idea that that's what we were discussing here today i have to go on the show again and be like guys i know it's it's hard to understand sometimes just want to say i'm happy to be here at vandalay industries kyle um thank you for welcoming me aboard so uh so kindly let's get out and uh let's get out in the head of this thing um no we will not be starting a coin because that's uh that's nonsense we're jizz biz here nobody can look down on that we sell tangible products with tangible results
Starting point is 00:18:12 yeah dude i was i was gonna go on and on about what a happy customer i am there are aspects of it that are cool yeah and you don't have to and at no maybe don't overshare just say you're not you're not gonna walk back you're not gonna walk into your bathroom you just enjoyed the show like an overshare you're not you're not gonna buy jizz pills from us and then walk into your bathroom to take a dose one morning all the pills are gone and your bank account's cleared like that's not gonna happen someone was someone was just be like, why is my stream splitting too? Like, well, last night was the best.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Somebody was giving a guy a hard time the other night in the Discord because he doesn't have a girlfriend and he's using lock and load. And they're like, you're just paying these guys money to come more and use more tissues for cleanup. And he's like, God tissues for cleanup he's a goddamn right i am goddamn right i am and then we sat there and we like fixed his tinder profile and and told him
Starting point is 00:19:14 like what he'd been doing wrong because he rocks good for him yeah yeah different guy than the you come at the hangout or is this yeah yeah you know it all melts together i'm in there so much in the hangout i suggested he get an airline pilot's uniform oh yes you told him to go catch me if you can with getting some pussy well he was like hey i'm a trucker in town for the weekend and everyone was like hey that really works there are girls who find the guy who won't be a problem three days from now no clinging or whatever as an attractive selling point and i'm like hey instead of trucker why don't we do airline yeah truckers are scary yeah that's when i went
Starting point is 00:19:49 yeah women are i don't know about women but i'm kind of creeped out by truckers they're moving around from state to state nothing tying them down flexible hygiene they're living in that truck who knows what's in the back of it and then and then the guy that we're coaching goes actually i i am a trucker i knew that everyone else didn't catch on i didn't know yeah yeah people didn't know i wasn't just fucking with him i truly think that truckers are weird creepy people all of you that's a blanket statement that i mean i'm gonna tell all the truckers in my family you let them know there's a lot of truckers that listen to the show and it makes sense right because it's a it's a podcast right that kills five hours of time a week think about how many people are
Starting point is 00:20:35 doing uh uber eats and postmates right now like you know what i'm proud of the um the amount of transsexuals that watch this show. Transgenders? Both! Both, yeah, yeah. Dude, like, I would say that... Is it like 8% of the hangout? It's like 8% or something. I think in society, it's like.05%.
Starting point is 00:21:01 So we're like overrepresented by 400 fold or something. 8% would be like 1 in 10, but you're right. By percentage of the population, it is 1 in 10. There's like 1 or 2 in every hangout. There's 1 or 2 in every hangout. I didn't come upon that number randomly. You didn't come upon 8 randomly.
Starting point is 00:21:19 No! I was like, it's not 10. That would be 2.5. He tried to average 5 in 10, but he didn't know what seven and a half people looked like. Between five and ten. What am I going to say? 7.5%? I mean, I don't know the math on this.
Starting point is 00:21:33 To be fair, some of those people in there are. And so I lose this. To be fair, I think with some of the guys in there, you could make a case as 1.5. You count as 1.5, so you could get the 7.5. No, they are overrepresented. Yeah, by hundreds of times. And I literally...
Starting point is 00:21:53 I'm an ally. And I use it as one of my allies. One of the quivers in my ally... Like... One of the arrows in my ally. When people say they're like allies of the gayivers in my ally... Like... One of the arrows in my ally... When people say they're like allies of the gay community, I always
Starting point is 00:22:09 think of like Civ, like you trade goods with the gay community. I'll put a dildo up my ass if I need to prove it. You give them a little bit of military power, they'll send you culture. And then now you're both going. Alright, so I wanted to talk to you guys
Starting point is 00:22:26 about... That does seem like how it would work. Yeah, it seems like how it would go. All right, so the jizz biz has been profitable. I have some other ideas. I think, I really think that we, look, if you're selling gloves, then you're kind of in the hand business,
Starting point is 00:22:41 right? Some things just go together, right? I'm listening. Condoms. Why aren't we selling condoms? We need our own condoms. I have a couple of ideas that are funny, and I don't want to spoil them,
Starting point is 00:22:55 but it's a little pun name for the condoms, and we definitely need to get on this. We're going to have three sizes, and there's funny names for the sizes too, And we definitely need to get on this. We're going to have three sizes and they're all going to, there's funny names for the sizes too, but we need FPS branded and RSK branded condoms that we sell. There's got to be. Enormous, horrific, and the Punisher.
Starting point is 00:23:17 All right. First of all, I love how this is going. I love, love, love it. So where my head went to is how can we do condoms better? Can we put our faces on the condoms? Yes. I think our mouths should be... My lips should be below the head.
Starting point is 00:23:33 No, the... It's like your girlfriend sucking his dick. It's like, oh, I want the one that's Taylor flavored. She's like, I don't like that one. It tastes like bacon. It tastes like fatty meats that have been left out on lights. It literally comes with hair on it. Oh, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:23:51 So here's where my head went. When Kyle's like, hey, we should get into the condom business. I'm like, where does the condom business fall down now? How does it work? What exactly does fucking Magnum mean? They don't tell you the sizes. But there are sizes that you can look up if you google it and i forget that they're in millimeters but generally goes
Starting point is 00:24:10 from like 58 61 63 i think in the diameter this is yeah and uh instead of just like dumb ass names which we should also add we could have could have the girth and the length appropriate. People know what the fuck they're buying. That's one of the problems now. They're always way too long and way too big around. Oh, look. You can see the condom length
Starting point is 00:24:39 change. Sometimes you feel like you grabbed a hefty bag out of there. Look at the lifestyle snugger fit. I've never heard of that like it goes down to 49 and i thought they were in the 60s but i guess not an extra extra large is 58 um i didn't realize so the magnum and the magnum xl are the exact same size and then it has as an annotation not a typo exact same size and then it has as an annotation not a typo ah so it's good so it's just i mean they probably charge more for xl i don't know but i feel like we need to take these links and widths and make them like so people know what the fuck they're buying i have not worn a condom so god damn long i don't even know i probably need the xx wow neither one of you have worn a condom it's so goddamn long i don't even know i probably need the xx wow neither one of you have worn a condom and so goddamn long what is extra what does extra strength mean directs extra
Starting point is 00:25:32 strength uh i think that's a thicker condom i would think the material is less likely to break see here's the problem they they they say one thing they use this this like colorful language for things and and look it's a condom okay let's be direct about what i'm getting don't tell me that it's stronger if it's thicker like don't tell me it's magnum if it's the same version of magnum so that people who who who have a medium-sized dick can say they use magnum condoms like let's just put a foot six inches on there i don't care whatever it needs to say it needs to say that i would say both though right like if so i saw the links were set i got a better one i really wanted to be like cervix pounder 8.1 inches what if what if what if you know how in
Starting point is 00:26:21 doom the more damage you take you know your character goes from like and then he slowly becomes like he's like all bloody and stuff like like maybe like it's a woman's face who at the smallest size looks rather disagreeable and the and the further you go the happier she gets oh really i i actually thought that she got big enough that she started getting a little roughed up. There's a bell curve. At the end, she's running away. Dude, I kind of like that idea. I think the bell curve represents
Starting point is 00:26:56 reality. I want to sell a novelty condom that's literally as big as a book. Like a windstock. And that way the people who are like, Oh yeah, I have an extra large rhino penis or whatever size we put. It's like,
Starting point is 00:27:11 it's like boot waiters. It's just enormous. Yeah. That, that could be a good idea, but we definitely need to like 65 to 70% of this will happen. Um, if it's profitable,
Starting point is 00:27:23 I mean, I don't, I don't work for free. What do you, to 70% of this will happen if it's profitable. I mean... I don't work for free. Do you? I don't want to... Get off my back. I'm looking at where you can order custom condoms. Seems like most of the custom stuff is to do with that.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Also, sorry to the truckers. You rapey fucks. You know it's true. Truckers out there, if any of you have any stories, like I'm guessing none of you are criminals, wink, wink, nod, nod. But have you ever heard any stories about like other truckers who were like killers or like rapists or, you know, up to some criminal stuff? Like I'd like to hear some of that.
Starting point is 00:28:01 I'd like to hear some of that. That'd be a good one of those good Reddit questions. Like truckers of America, like what are your darkest secrets? I want to hear stuff. What i'd like to hear some of that that'd be a good one of those good reddit questions like truckers of america like what are your darkest secrets i want to hear stuff what are your darkest secret you guys dude if you're on the road that much you see shit they're out there all the time what are they at the fringes of society apparently people shit there's world but i'm not first of all first of all i know a guy in china who can hook us up with condoms at an incredible savings i don't want to sell people chinese condoms if there's not a little bit of
Starting point is 00:28:37 lead in these condoms i'm going to be disappointed okay make your dick harder it does make you it's probably not it'll put some lead in your cock. Put some lead in that pencil. Put some lead in that pencil. That's what I was looking for. What are these dumbbells? I remember in my youth when they started advertising
Starting point is 00:28:59 maxi pads with it's got wings. It was like a big thing. Yeah, my dumbbells have wings can you show kyle's dumbbells that he bought here what insanity did you pick up here with dumbbells that have wings on them bro those things are sick so basically like imagine the stability on pressing movements curling movements how much more it's going to focus your forearm because it's not able to roll in your hand. Oh, I'm when I saw these that convinced me to buy a home gym. I was like, I need those in my life and they're not going to happen otherwise.
Starting point is 00:29:35 So I got the full set of those. I didn't get the tens because what's the fucking point? I wish there were 60s. I'm going to look at that 20 through 50 is what? Yeah. 20, 30, 40 30 40 50 which is interesting because i'm used to you know on the five yeah segments i don't know are these new yeah what do you mean like new weights or like like did they just come out with these kinds of design
Starting point is 00:29:57 ideas that would make sense they don't have all the weights yet um i have no idea i uh i i was on rogue last night and saw those and are they i didn't even notice they're not they're just cast iron they're not like neoprene on the sides or anything they're powder coated i think but i think i think they are like metal they look like a single piece cast iron construction is what it describes itself as yeah it. It'd be expensive to drop and break. I use my fives and tens all the time. No, no, no. I'm not saying I don't use the fives and tens. I just don't think that that ergonomic grip is necessarily required.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Look how much the 10 pounders cost. Yeah, they're $80, right? Yeah. So in that case, I don't think the ergonomic grip is going to help at all. But I could see myself doing supersets like 20 pound curls with those ergonomic grips and just looking at my forearms going. Watching the vascularity increase by the moment. But now I'm in my garage.
Starting point is 00:30:58 So like the neighborhood just has to hear it echoing. So, yeah, I have no idea when they'll be here. As I was telling Taylor, I thought about it and the only thing I don't have to make a full home gym is a peck deck. I literally have everything else. I don't have that either.
Starting point is 00:31:17 You have a squat rack you can stand in? Yeah. That is probably the core piece of my whole home gym. And some people just have a squat rack, like this thing behind me, you know, bars that will hold it up. No, I, whenever I saw that, I thought that that must be something that like experts used or something. I was like, why would you use something like that? Cause in school we always had like this big safe thing, you know, like, like like and so i never considered anything else
Starting point is 00:31:46 to be like even standard like like anything that didn't have like the full stand-in bars to your left and right so that you can't hurt yourself seems like a car without a seat belt it's like oh is that a race car is that not street legal eh like and like when you're picking out like those power racks and things i know because i poke around i'm interested in gym stuff even if i'm not buying it because i have one like the difference in price it'll be like you could get this half rack for 550 or you can get the full rack for 580 and it's like there's there's no price difference if you're going to well rogue rogue is different if you're going to rogue it's a fucking shit you're going to Rogue, it's a fucking shit show how expensive
Starting point is 00:32:26 it is. It's only two more... In this instance, it was $2 more expensive per weight. Yeah, that's not bad. So I ended up paying... That's over going to Mutt's website.
Starting point is 00:32:41 And I don't know. Oh, that's what you meant by you trusted rogue shipping like you got that easy paypal clickety click clickety clack it that's how you get my business if it like i will buy almost anything if you have paypal checkout because my phone knows me and they know paypal so it's just boom boom bought and it's coming to my house it's on the way it's beautiful and there's something psychological i've got to go out to my car it's on the way it's beautiful and there's something psychological i've got to go out to my car and like dig under my seat for my wallet and like the credit card that i use for online purchases that's hidden up under the dash right right right you keep it under
Starting point is 00:33:15 the cheeseburger wrapper that makes you know what a pain i'm not going all the way to my car i'm just gonna drive to the gym in the next five years honestly that's what i'll that's the sort of thing that'll happen because like i'll be doing one thing and like i'll be i'll be like oh yeah i could i could order those real quick fuck i don't have my wallet well i don't have time to like make a thing of this this was supposed to be just like press a button and be done browser knows my credit card i just have to know the three numbers yeah which usually i do. I just got a new card. I lost my card. Seven, four, three. There you go. What if he looked really scared all of a sudden?
Starting point is 00:33:53 Oh, me? You can't scare me because I don't know the numbers myself anymore. Oh, I know mine. I used to know mine. I lost my debit card in Mexico. Oh, no. I haven't memorized it yet. You didn't mention that. Yeah, I somehow left that out of the story i i some guy i hopped on the back of his motorcycle we went into
Starting point is 00:34:12 town and while i was getting uh pesos with my debit card he was waiting on the curb for me now you know in america all the debit card machines it seems like they make you take the card before they give you the cash. Well, the process here is the inverse. So I got the cash and it's not the guy's fault. He was being a gentleman and waiting for me to take me back to the other side of town on his motorcycle. But internally, I had this pressure. They hurry up. This guy is waiting for you outside.
Starting point is 00:34:44 So I grabbed the cash i turned around i got on the bike we got all the way back and then i was like i don't have my credit card oh no it sucks so i'm like uh uh the guard guard i done that rapido rapido and he's like vamonos and i'm like yes so we get on the bike and we zoom back with our limited understanding of hurry and it was too late. It was gone. The machine takes it back after a while.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I thought maybe whoever was in charge of the machine would be like, oh yeah, there's a pile of cards at the bottom here. Every morning, the idiots come and get them. But apparently it's just gone gone yeah not in mexico it feels feeds directly into a shredder they made it seem like that i i don't know what to tell you so i just called the bank told him i lost it and there was a card waiting for me when
Starting point is 00:35:37 i got home i do the kyle strategy anyway of every couple years i switch all my cards a couple months a couple months you get at most like a year but like and then i switch it out and then i realize all the subscriptions i need to like re-up on the new card yeah so so so that is a i just anyone who just heard that that is a that is a tip that i just made up i'm sure it's probably on like light it should be a life pro tip somebody posted get your free karma can't you change that fucking card it's free to change your card over and anything that you actually need in your life you'll remember to re-up everything else will send you an email you'll be fine like it's it's beautiful you just magically save 45 next month and the next month and the next month because you for you signed up
Starting point is 00:36:21 for some streaming service called shockwave so that you could watch a movie one night and you forgot to unsubscribe and and now it just kind of folds off like there's a lot of things that and sometimes like people will be charging you that aren't supposed to and you don't know it like a gym membership you've canceled or i don't know a movie club thing or just fraud and and you'll catch it that way you know some people don't have excess money that they just throw 45 dollars into the wind without noticing some do though and they listen and uh look i'm not saying look it's 45 dollars that i'm trying to save you i'm not saying it's 45 dollars that i accidentally threw into the wind okay and i'm telling you how to reach out there and grab it take it back to yourself and and spend it on some more nonsense next month yeah um yes my different wine club
Starting point is 00:37:10 that wine club you're a member of so oh my god i was a member of a wine club for so long i ended up with like 30 bottles of wine or something like that it was one of those things like the more money they were like spend here's how they got me it was with these handcuffs if i remember correctly it's it's fuzzy but it started with i was on a sex toy website and uh the sex toy website was like if you add any of these items we'll give you a coupon code to a wine website and i was like i looked at the items for the cheapest one eight dollar pair of handcuffs boom let's go and uh then i go to the wine website give me my fifty dollars of free wine and and it was so ridiculous you don't even like wine i couldn't even drink the wine yet illegally i was sending it to kitty
Starting point is 00:37:55 this is not even my wine i'm just i'm just like hey if there's free wine i'll click some buttons and kitty you'll get it kitty do you like wine? Kind of, I guess. That's the real answer. Occasionally. Yeah. But it was like, okay, here's my $50 of free wine. And I was like, holy shit. But if I sign up for a month, I get $90 of free wine. And a month only costs $6.
Starting point is 00:38:18 So I'm getting 24 more free dollars of wine for signing up for this. Oh, and then if I do the campaign, every time you add just like a little bit more money, they gave you so much more wine. And then I forgot about it for three months and it was charging me, which is secretly their business model. It's secretly their business model, but it's charging me every month, this membership fee, but that's not a complete rip off. Cause I'm accruing like wine credits, like, like every month. Like, like it's, it's not like you rip off because I'm accruing like wine credits like like every month. Like it's not like you forgot to buy wine last month.
Starting point is 00:38:49 You're fucked. It's like you forgot to buy your wine last month. Let us know when you want it. So at some point I finally caught this shit like three, four months in. It was like four hundred dollars worth of wine cases like like like 80 bottles of wine or something like that is so much fucking four hundred will i do i don't drink i i took the reds out that looked like they made sense for cooking the rest have been gifts i could you know what i could actually picture because you enjoy you really like cooking fine meals and
Starting point is 00:39:25 like something that people like doing with wine even if they're not big wine drinkers is like you know fancy meals you pair something like a certain wine with a certain thing you might have fun like oh i'm gonna make a wellington and the site says i could spend some of my credit on this 80 good bottle of wine that's supposed to complement this and then if you don't like it who gives a shit i like this idea that next time i see kyle he gives me white wine oh i thought alcohol you i looked in my much thought into this oh and for taylor for you vegetables then we assault you. Yeah. It'd be hilarious. Got to be alcohol and you vegetables.
Starting point is 00:40:22 We don't even trade because he got the bunch of vegetables you don't like and I'm like, I don't like white wine. That shit's gross. I really don't like white wine. I can't drink it. I've noticed the cycle of wine purchasing. I always keep a couple bottles in the house when I have company over because people tend to like wine. And then company comes over. If we're drinking, I'll drink beer or something because I prefer that.
Starting point is 00:40:51 And then those bottles of like half drink wine will sit under my drink cart until the next time someone comes over. And then like I go to pour for them or something. And it's like, I don't know if wine can go rotten, but this has been here for months. It's probably disgusting. And that's it. Like there's no reason to keep wine in the house other than for company. And I feel like a lot of people do that. Like my dad, my dad loves wine.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Every time he and his wife come over, I had like buy a couple bottles just so they have some, I cleaned out my cupboard and there was a bottle of red wine that had been sitting for so long. It had stained the bottom of the bottle red. When you tilted the bottle, the bottom stayed red. Is it had like that sedimenty stuff in it?
Starting point is 00:41:23 Yeah. I just shook it up. It was still good. The cycle of wine in my house is even... It's like there's wine in the pantry. Why is there alcohol sullying my house? Can we get it out?
Starting point is 00:41:42 Look, I'm trying to put away the sugar-free ketchup there'd be more room if there was no alcohol in here and then she just goes that makes sense for you because you guys aren't drinking and that's precious fridge space i it got i bought for my not living in my main area like the glass front drink fridge thing for like cans because it the amount of zevias and bubblies and spin drift waters and shit that I just keep in the house. Like it was filling up half the fridge.
Starting point is 00:42:12 And so I bought like 120 can drink fridge and like, it's like, I feel like fancy now. Like I'm like, I'm going to go get a, I'm going to go get a can of water from the drink fridge. Like right there. It's, it's a quality of life
Starting point is 00:42:26 thing that I would have gotten so long ago because I've always been hating how packed my fridge was because my wife buys so much shit and I pack it full of drinks and I do drink way too many of these you know it's not like it's gonna hurt you because it's just water with like lemon juice in it
Starting point is 00:42:42 okay well I mean just like the fact that I'm restocking my drink fridge Because it's just water with lemon juice in it. There's no such thing as too many of those. Okay, well, I mean, just... The fact that I'm restocking my drink fridge, like I work at a gas station, that amount of turnover... I don't think that that's a problem at all. I don't know why people take issue with things like that. Like, oh, you drink a lot of those.
Starting point is 00:42:59 What do you drink all day? You ever see that thing where they take... Maybe you're right. When you take a fat person's diet and you put it all on a table and you visualize a week's worth of it, it's like – it'll make them cry. I remember that show where she saw what she'd eaten that week. Super-sized versus super-skinny. She starts crying because she's ashamed that she ate that
Starting point is 00:43:21 because you eat it a little at a time, a nipple at a time sometimes. You could sit there and eat a whole bag of candy but if you were to pile that candy up like high of chocolates you'd be like oh no i did that oh the shame it's i've been doing my frustration when someone's too heavy and then they're like oh i skip breakfast i skip lunch i really don't eat that much it's like stop lying i can see you right you know i can see you right now you're clearly eating too much that it's it's written all over your hips oh speaking of like that is the silliest thing have you seen the uh most recent pictures of uh broba uh no i saw him in the hangout yeah in the hangout he was looking very good
Starting point is 00:44:06 let me uh you know hunt him down no i've got it here i just need to like clip it he's like approaching the end of the race for his goals i think unless he wants to get like super jacked or something if you don't know the background broba broba fett is a uh pka fan he's in the hangout and he used to be fat and not like he was really he was heavy heavy like he'd be the heaviest guy you saw that day you know not not a lifetime expanding man but he was the heaviest guy you'd see all day now he's legit like ripped abs strong he added a lot of muscle he didn't just cut fat. Body recompositioned into something that nearly everyone wishes they were. Yeah, he's looking good. Good for you, Broba.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Congrats. Hope you stay the course. Are you finding the photo, Kyle? I'm making this up. Did he aspire to join the military? Was he getting in shape for that at all or no? I don't remember him saying anything about the military. It's hard to keep it straight. There's so many people in there.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I have the file on my computer. How can I share it? Drop it on Imgur and share the URL? You're going to pull up system 32? This might be an easier way, but that's how I do it. Click the share button and share file. Did you say it was on your phone no no no it's it's just
Starting point is 00:45:26 on my um computer click the share button and share what zach said click the share right and share file oh is there a share button on your computer that's a solution that's very funny oh share it well no it's my options are share screen video file or slides oh he means the share button on this browser in the bottom center next to cam mic and such that's what i'm talking about as well oh okay i'm going back to Imgur. I could have been done by now. Sons of bitches. I never read it in my head as Imgur. Even now. Knowing that it's supposed to be Imgur, I always say Imgur in my head. Where's the part?
Starting point is 00:46:18 Where do you click to put a thing on? You can literally just... You know how you copy-paste? So right-click copy and then paste while your browser's in the foreground and it'll just happen. I do control V while I'm on the Imgur website. I need to get it on Imgur first. No, that's how you do it. So first in your file, like you can see the file, right?
Starting point is 00:46:41 I'm looking at it on my desktop. I'm looking at it. Right click copy you've done that yep go to imager the website yep control v seems like it won't i see your hands you didn't do it i just pasted it because it seemed easy enough okay i see your hands i did it with my mouse because it was just that works that work and it worked right no I don't I don't know where on imager to you literally
Starting point is 00:47:09 any like just go to the imager website hit ctrl V and it should start uploading like click somewhere on the page I do this like every day no didn't work didn't happen no I didn't is there a less snazzy way like
Starting point is 00:47:26 a button that you click on imager that says upload new post in the top left on imager okay please whitelist us on your ad blocker to continue you know right broba's made a lot of successful progress. Just take our word for it. He's fucking yoked. If you want to share it on Discord and do all the heavy lifting, he'd be happy to. Let's see about that.
Starting point is 00:47:59 That might be its own difficulty. You could probably just drag it to Discord and everything will happen. You could probably just drag it to Discord and everything will happen. You'd think that. You'd think so. That's not how things work. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Oh, you did it. That's an app that works. Look at us, everyone. Who would have thought? Taylor, 343 minus 185 uh what is that oh i'm not the math guy 343 we agree that's not something that humans know it was like 168 159 161? Do I hear 162? Well, 340 minus 180
Starting point is 00:48:48 is 160, right? So if we added two pounds, it'd be 60, so it's 58, right? Yeah. Yeah. He's looking good. That's important. I'm sure he wouldn't be happy with me saying 58.
Starting point is 00:49:07 158, he shaves his whole torso now kyle style yeah and he also look how much better his hair is now he had kind of a actually you know what his hair grows back you know he's he's got it pulled back into a bun on that left one so it looks like it's receding I got him on the full stack we're injecting him with 18 different compounds every day twice a day some of them some of them legal
Starting point is 00:49:35 but we don't talk about those is he working with more plates more dates you know no there is definitely telling Is he working with more plates, more dates? Is that something he talks about? There's no telling. No, there is definitely telling.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I just don't remember is the honest answer. I think it's all natural. I'm almost positive it is. I think that the main thing that I remember him doing is the fasting. Like intermittent fasting. There's a few guys in there who have gotten jacked and varying levels of jacked. Some of them
Starting point is 00:50:10 have started TRT and some haven't. I want to say that Broba is our natural. Whenever the guys who are enhanced are going back and forth with him, they're like, why don't you just go fucking eat a meal for once? You fucking starve yourself, you anorexic bitch because brobo was doing like long fasts to like
Starting point is 00:50:30 lose that weight this quick because he did that he did that quickly like that's this year like yeah that's very quickly i think that's since like fall or something like like this is only a few months i know that i take that back there's been some working out for a while but a lot of you guys updated pictures I'm as right now I'm as strong as I've been in maybe my whole life but certainly since like college and
Starting point is 00:50:56 you guys tease me so much about the shirtless pictures that I've cut back but I'm benching more now. All my weights have gone up. I have to share my unappreciable weight. All right, let's end the embargo. Hit us with all the shirtless photos. Can I just label that thing
Starting point is 00:51:13 that saves them to my phone before? I just... I wish you could see them without saving them to your phone. The setting you're talking about on WhatsApp is a real flaw. I usually like it because usually it's some good content. saving them to your phone. The setting you're talking about on WhatsApp is a real flaw. I usually like it because it's some good content.
Starting point is 00:51:29 You either don't get to see it or you save it to your phone. I want the option that every other app seems to have managed which is you get to see it without putting in your freaking photo album. Literally every other app. Oh wait, it shows to me blurred out.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And then I have to download it and it's never blurred out for me um yeah my mom like that but i was annoyed i had to change the setting oh maybe android's better or i'm wrong it could be that too it could be either uh in any case um all right i want to watch that video. I'm ready. Can Zach share it? Is that a thing? Yeah, let's do it. It's PKN, right?
Starting point is 00:52:11 Who cares? Yes. So credit to Mitty for this video. I have no idea where it came from. I know it's 240p, Zach. It'll be just fine. I promise. Oh, Zach. It'll be just fine. I promise. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:29 This is quality. Oh, it's almost two minutes long. Oh, you're going to wish it was a five. And, Zach, the volume's up. Did you just check that? Oh, we're going to need that volume. Yep. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:40 I'll be quiet. We interrupt this program to bring you the number one jerk of the month. He's a San Francisco radio guy. Hey, nice to meet you. This dude invited listeners, women only, to show up at a boxing ring and fight him for free concert tickets. Oh, like Andy Kaufman. One of those women looked like a fighter. Nine on one.
Starting point is 00:53:14 He's a fighter. Did you see that trip? He knows what he's doing. Oh my god. He did a mounted triangle on her He did a big wind up style thing He headbutted her He just headbutted a woman
Starting point is 00:53:32 This guy has MMA moves When I saw the trip It was like well a normal person might hit that When he hit the mounted triangle Jesus Christ He's being merciless Pride rules It was like, well, a normal person might hit that. When he hit the mounted triangle, Jesus Christ. He's being merciless. Pride rules.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Pride rules. Yeah. Look at this big one. What did this bitch think she was getting into? Look at the ground. What the fuck? Look, he almost killed this one. She collapsed.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Is that the mounteded Triangle? You must be feeling real good about yourself right about now. Look at him celebrating. But that one goal, did you see her warming up? There's a very special place in hell for dudes like you. Yeah, the ruler. You're going to burn him apart. I wish I could show the warm-up.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Really? For sure, i thought the twist was gonna be and then he hit up this one and this one trains too oh no no he was thrashing like and i loved he did that like wind-up cartoon hit and then just pops her with the jab with the other arm was that sugar ray leonard that did that or herns i that is a like a famous boxing thing and it's easier to fall for than you think like if you i don't mean to make myself out as someone who was ever really good at boxing but you get used to seeing very standard things and like you know when this happens you you instinctively go for the next block in the combo like cool cool when these guys do shit that you've never seen before,
Starting point is 00:55:06 sometimes it's just like, back off. I don't know what's happening here. I'm very confused. That's what the wind-up does. It's easy to fall for. They said he was a radio host. I like to imagine that he was like, if you show up, you get the tickets.
Starting point is 00:55:22 But I'm like, you know. I'm coming at you hard. You women may think that you show up, you get the tickets. But I'm letting you know, I'm coming at you hard. You women may think that you're tough. You think you're strong. I've been waiting for an opportunity like this. You sign those papers. I got you for five minutes. All of you.
Starting point is 00:55:38 I got you for three minutes. That dude obviously trains. I wish I could see him without the uh skeleton costume on i mean i liked if you're listening to the audio version of this he was wearing kind of like pajamas that covered everything from ankles to wrists if you're listening to the audio of this you're fucking up because that man just clobbered nine nine women at the same time like they were children and like he wanted to kill like it looked like a man who wants to beat children to death i mean there were times like he wasn't
Starting point is 00:56:10 knocking them down and then like as they recover he's walking around like yeah he's like they're still on their knees and he's firing punches and knees at their head he headbutted one of them yeah did you see that and it wasn't like it wasn't like a silly headbutt, like, ho-ho, we're being goofy in here, huh? It was like, and then followed by punches. And it was clear the headbutt hurt her. She was like, oh, and she turned her back to him, and then he just unloads, right?
Starting point is 00:56:41 Yeah, that one time he almost died. Men fighting women is really lopsided as a father of a daughter there was a point in her young life where you know like well i would just hit him in the nuts or something and it's like look look for real we need to we need to leave fantasy world that's not your move your move is clever words uh finding another guy, running, running. The police. I don't even know if that's the move, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Are you going to outrun a guy? Yeah, even running, you're going to get out. Honey, do me a favor. Try to get to the mailbox real quick. Pretend I got a knife and I'm going to kill you. Go. I'm coming.
Starting point is 00:57:24 He's just a hole in his ass. When she looks over her shoulder and sees how quickly you're gaining it's an uncomfortable lesson to give this like you know asymmetry i think um taylor gave that lesson to a girl and a woman in his life at one point where he was able to maybe it was kyle hold both wrists with one hand like hey let's play this game where i hold both of your hands with just my grip and then they're yeah flummoxed surprised to learn that you know a guy like taylor's an extra strong guy but you know a guy like taylor can control both your hands with just well i remember in high school yeah i remember what you're talking about it was with my high school girlfriend and she was like we're messing around she's like oh see if you can like control me with
Starting point is 00:58:07 both hands and it was like just like this like one wrist here one wrist here with the other three yeah that's how i did it like that yeah and and i was like surprised like how old she's five no we were both we were both 17 and so i was like I thought she was like joking to like be impressive to like me, be like, Oh, you're so strong. I was like, come on,
Starting point is 00:58:30 try it, try and try and get out. And she's like, I genuinely can't, you have, I cannot move my arms. And I was like, man,
Starting point is 00:58:36 I'm not, I'm just a normal guy. I just went like, I had like these three fingers like that. And I just put one wrist here and the other one here and just kind of locked it. I don't mean to flex on you Taylor I could totally break free yeah I believe you you you guys probably also have man-sized wrists that would hold you back
Starting point is 00:58:54 not teeny little wrists where like you're like full-on like grabbing the top of your thumb yeah yeah my favorite one has always been like to propose like what, like, hey, what would you do if there was a fire and like I was passed out? Oh, yeah. We've all done this one.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Oh, I'd get you out. I'm like, how? Well, I just dragged you out. To where? Like, you know, out of the house. Oh, OK. If you can drag me out of this bed, I'll give you a hundred fucking dollars.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Are you resisting or just doing dead weight? I'm just dead weight. I'm just dead weight. She can't drag me out of a fucking bed. You're resisting being pulled out of a burning house. I'm too old to fucking dance. You gotta want it. I'm too under fucking pounds. You gotta want it. I'm processing
Starting point is 00:59:48 it in my head, especially if I'm on top of a comforter, which can act as kind of a lube. Yeah, you can flex your glutes a little and make those a little bit of resistance. I'm not going to hang on, but I'm dead weight. I'm making myself a difficult thing to drag.
Starting point is 01:00:04 They'll grab my foot and go and i'll move the most minuscule amount and what it really was was like the blankets adjusting yeah yeah have you ever done like just the other one where it's like oh i'm limp i'm on top of you you gotta escape like oh yeah joking around and then it's like now you're dead it's like if i die while i'm fucking you you die too they're gonna they're gonna find one four days more rotted corpse what effect does rigor mortis have on your dick uh i don't know dude there's a related so in my world there's a paramotor pilot who was hurt recently. He was doing low acro. I got to complain about people doing low acro all the time, all the time.
Starting point is 01:00:49 It was a move where it's so low the wing touches the ground. You go sideways and spin around while your wing touches the ground. It looks really cool. And if you're nearby, the sound of moving and rushing air adds to the coolness of it. I get it. I get that it's cool cool but it's wildly dangerous and if you're in the business of playing dodge with the earth enough one time you don't and the initial rumors came out were that he was um paraplegic now and he had no feeling in his legs
Starting point is 01:01:18 and i'm like oh my god it's bicycle time What about his dick? How's his dick? Dude, you think the loss of your legs is the big deal, but psychologically and I think this is normal people say this too, that losing the dick is actually a hard thing to accept. Of course. I told myself right away, I don't know why they take so long to do it.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Are they hoping for a miracle or stem cells or something? Are they're gonna put a horse dick on him there's been a lot of progress in the last couple weeks about miracles for paraplegics but um anyway it turns out he broke his tailbone and he'll probably be okay oh good but uh not good but yeah i don't know when i heard my friend lost his dick i was like oh that super sucks yeah there's the guy in the uh in the hangouts um the franny cap guy yeah you know he's uh he's on a chair and uh he's kind of he's pretty jacked he's got like a six-pack somehow on a fucking better gym than me he's like he's like fucking crippled he man he talks about like how he does pull-ups and we're like so you just you like you
Starting point is 01:02:20 get under the bar and then you unstrap and then you start going. He's like, no, I don't unstrap the wheelchair. That would be too much. He just pulls up with the wheelchair too. I didn't want to call him out. Those chairs are fucking light. Don't brag to me, cripple. I don't use any weights when I do pull-ups. I can go back on that.
Starting point is 01:02:38 People don't want to hear me pull-up talk. He has a ladder system where he goes up and climbs and then does his pull-ups. It's very important that you keep some gas in the tank for the way back down. He can't just go to failure at the top. I want that.
Starting point is 01:02:55 I want something where I can do those. At my dad's farm, he has grain bins that have those ladders. Whenever I'm there, I do that like i climb up them with my hands it's really fun and your your forearms are burning by the end because you're using grip strength and like i don't know you can't duplicate it without doing it and uh it's really fucking fun it fucks my hands up though because i got my hands are soft like a lady's
Starting point is 01:03:19 i gotta wear my gloves when i do it i've changed my pull-ups i So I was doing pull-ups where I just pull my chin above the bar. That's kind of like the normal beginner way to do pull-ups. And then I did more and more and more to the point where I could do three sets of 12. I take the last set to failure, which was around 16. So I do 12, 12, 16. And I started getting all wrapped up in it. It's like my head. You know the power lifters that like take fucking 10 minutes to psych themselves up to do a deadlift i was turning into that
Starting point is 01:03:49 but pull up guy there it's like yeah so now i only do three sets of 12 i've stopped it and i've um i can't clean my form up so i bring my like nipples to the bar instead of my chin nice and and i've added more time under tension and like there's a different way to do these better but i don't want to add weight because i'm always battling a elbow injury i don't think it's not worth it i don't think you should because i don't know what your fucking goals are he man like like i don't know this is like i was talking to you about leg day the other day like you were like oh i'm so sore i'm so sore i'm like why are you doing legs your legs are like there,
Starting point is 01:04:26 like, like mission accomplished. This was your genetic strong suit. Now you have so much extra time to spend on the things that were just genetic, you know, like, like mid liners or whatever. Like, Oh, do you have what an average man's biceps are? Great. because your legs are done so now you've got a whole two days a week that are bicep day now if you are still doing legs you're wasting your fucking time because your legs are done hit your legs are done they're getting too big i would honestly honestly unless you want to step on a fucking stage or you're getting into some sort of only fan situation you could you could go on only fans and just flex your calves and there is a very small group of people who like pay for that just calf shots like like like part of the high highs find a find a punny name
Starting point is 01:05:16 for it i uh part of working legs for me is just if it adds a little money muscle mass and lets me eat more calories i'm down yeah i mean in like our that's kind of why we've looked at that math before woody i disagree with you with a lot of calories people are like dude it's like 300 calories a day do you know it's not though do you think it's 300 you'd have to add like a huge amount 25 30 pounds of muscle i need to look at the math again i I thought 12 pounds of muscle would be a good 300 calories a day. I think it's like... What is that burn rate called? What's the term for it? MBR?
Starting point is 01:05:52 It's got a hair in my eye. That sucks. Muscle tissue will burn 7 to 10 calories daily per pound just to exist. See what I mean? It's like nothing. Oh, yeah. If you had 10 pounds on the high end you're talking about 70 calories 70 to 100 yeah yeah i've really been wasting my time i could
Starting point is 01:06:10 have just laid around and not eaten i got you what like if you want to stop doing leg day a hot bath every day for 40 minutes burns the same amount of calories as you've been like you know what i started doing that i like a lot walking i'll walk for like it but i haven't i so i do that seasonal effect thing and i was pretty i didn't have my best two weeks so i'm like dude fucking accomplish something motorcycle build project by the way um and uh get outside exercise sun etc and i've enjoyed my walks it's been i i i uh i'm moving very soon and i'm i'm looking at one of the things that i want is a place like i wish i could walk out of my place and like go on like a hike and like do a whole thing and then like come back to my place because i do these 10 minute walks like all day long, like after every meal. So it's like,
Starting point is 01:07:06 but I'm just making the rounds in my neighborhood, which is actually kind of nice. Like there's trees and interesting people to look at, but I'd be nice if it was like more of a nature type thing or even, I don't want to jog though. I don't, I don't jog. I don't do anything high impact.
Starting point is 01:07:20 I haven't been hurt yet. Uh, and I don't, I want to keep it that way. Good for you. I don't know how you, yeah, you haven't been hurt yet. That's to keep it that way good for you I don't know how you yeah you haven't been hurt yet that's very fortunate looking at the body you achieved you must have been
Starting point is 01:07:30 lifting some really heavy shit it's almost weird to me that you you must have increased the amount that you lift a whole lot you did that the whole way and never had like a shoulder or an elbow or a knee well but Kyle's also not like going for like you weren't
Starting point is 01:07:46 trying to get to a 500 pound squat that you could fuck your knee up or your meniscus no no i i mean i specifically didn't don't do deadlifts because i'm afraid of hurting myself and i don't do uh bent rows because i'm afraid of hurting myself anything that ever like i felt like tweak myself a little like pull muscle and like maybe my maybe I needed to sleep on the floor that night or something. But there was never a thing where I was like, oh, I've got to skip a day. One time I hurt my shoulder, my right shoulder, doing rear delt work on a pec deck.
Starting point is 01:08:20 You can invert the pec deck and you can do rear delt on it. Yeah, make it, spread it. Yeah, yeah. And something about the angle, maybe the seat height had been adjusted by somebody else or something. And like, I hit it at a certain angle that was not good. And it like popped and hurt bad and it hurt for maybe five days, but I just cut, I just cut that exercise out and just went to dumbbells and I like dumbbells so much better. I, I do this thing where I just cut that exercise out and just went to dumbbells. And I like dumbbells so much better. I do this thing where I just take my towel and put it on a rack and put my head on that and bend completely over and just do rear delts until I can't move anymore. And you can drop the plates and it's all good. Kyle told me about surfing the rack.
Starting point is 01:09:00 And now surfing the rack, that's how I do my shoulders. rack and now surfing the rack is that's how i do my shoulders um the shoulders for me are one of the aspects of the male body that i value the most yeah so uh i surf the rack too you can blitz your shoulders and so live with it it doesn't it's not like quads which really so if you imagine like if you imagine those muscle fibers right um they're all going you know in the same direction and there's like three muscles there in your delt that are kind of like connected and wrapping over each other and it's not like the bicep exactly how you've got the one under the other and you can kind of get this one to make that one stand up so like the thought process i've got now is that based on like the angle that you've been doing your, your dealt work, like, like you've been hitting specific muscle fibers harder. So like if my,
Starting point is 01:09:48 if like my closed hand is like how the muscle could be, my fingers represent like muscle fibers that have gotten big, but left some others behind in their wake. And I could, I need to fill all these gaps out because like, so I think that something like bus school bus drivers um are perfect for that and like while you're doing them you can throw in some of this and this is the sort of thing that i want to do in the privacy of my home all right but but do this and flex and you'll start burning within six or seven seconds if you're flexing doing that and and if you can
Starting point is 01:10:25 twist while you're doing them with a 35 pound plate and do it for the length of the fucking song you're listening to by the time you're done you're like take it to the limit have you ever done uh with a kettle have you ever done halos with kettlebells it's where you you grab the horns with the weight on top yeah and then you do like you start in front of your face and you work around your head yeah like that yeah that is unbelievably hard if you do a lot of them i think kettlebells are are really good at achieving like that sort of thing that i'm talking about where you're hitting like every bit of the muscle i uh i've never really done kettlebells much though for some reason.
Starting point is 01:11:07 I think I just don't like the cardio aspect of them. I feel like I'm moving around a whole lot and I don't like to do that. I like overhead press exercises. I do them with the bar and with dumbbells. Kyle once told me that when he does chainsaws, chainsaws is when you sort of bend over put like one hand and a knee on the bench and pull backwards like this, that he feels like that exercise is one that flatters his body the most. He's like, I don't you'll have a hard time finding me looking better than I do them when I do chainsaws.
Starting point is 01:11:40 That's how I feel about me doing overhead press. The things that I value about my body when I do one of these deals and see myself in the mirror, that's the best me you'll find. Yeah. When I'm doing those chainsaws, it's like, because it's pulling my delt, it's like stretching my delt as much as it can be stretched. And then the exercise, like it's activating it. So it's just going from its longest to its, to its shortest in the, in the action of that exercise. And,
Starting point is 01:12:08 and I'm doing them slow. So it's just like, Jesus, I look like Rambo. I do though. Like, like I do look like Rambo when I'm doing, I've got such a crazy pump.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Cause like I'm taking, I'm taking the recommended amount of Cialis a day. And, and you know, I take so much of Derek's pre-workout and everything. I saw Derek uploaded the, the jizz commercial. That's fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Yes. There's a guy in the, in the hangouts who, who does, you know, when you hear someone who's got that radio voice and you're like, you're like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:12:42 what do you do? What kind of mic is that? What the fuck? And he was, he was like, well, I have done a bit of voice work in the past i suppose and it's just like yeah you want to work with me on a lock and load commercialism yes i do you got a pretty good radio voice right there kyle i'm gonna talk to him well maybe we'll maybe i'll be his co-host in the commercial then oh um good idea get a dribbly wide uh i guess it's time to wrap you guys done yeah um hope you guys enjoyed the woman beating video um anybody wants to come fucking play some tarkov with me hop in that 50 patron
Starting point is 01:13:20 where uh we're just shitting on people i'm actually kind of good at the game now. It's scary. I've wiped out a whole fucking five-man squad last night, and then more people came, and I killed all fucking them, and I had so much loot I couldn't carry, so I took a fucking mule stem, and I carried it all. Awesome! It's so fun playing this game right now. I'm having a great time. I'm all this fitness time.
Starting point is 01:13:39 And all you fans that I've bumped into and killed or been killed by, thanks for the kind messages on Tarkov. It's fun playing with y'all on Factory. I'm in Factory for like an hour every night. Atlanta servers. Factory, for people who don't play the game, is a smaller map and it's kind of PvP centric.
Starting point is 01:13:56 So if Kyle's going there, he's looking to... Bring your Alton. Atlanta. 9pm tonight. Factory. Damn. Man's got confidence. I'm not even going to be there. Fuck y'all. Waste your time.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Waste your time. I'm on customs. I'm the other way. I'm like, yeah, no helmet. I'll see you there. I show up with a fucking welder's mask on. I've been wearing the fucking Alton. It's so fun.
Starting point is 01:14:25 In the Alton on Factory, I agree. Often at times I like the hearing advantage of not having it though. That's a wrap, boys. Good night, everyone. GKN 39.

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