Painkiller Already - PKN 416

Episode Date: August 10, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKN 416. What's up, boys? How's it going? I measure my cast in showers. I have one more shower and this thing comes off Thursday. Nice. I was just about to ask how you were feeling. Is it getting itchy? No. So, it's a pretty new cast. Usually people wear a cast for six weeks.
Starting point is 00:00:20 I wore mine for one. Had a shower mishap I still can't understand. I have this, like, most people probably have never worn a dry suit, but it has a little rubber cuff that like goes around my thigh. And then a big sort of bag that goes around my foot. I took like five drama free showers. And then on the sixth one, roughly, I noticed it's hard to tell that you're wet, right? Like your whole body's wet, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Everything's warm and wet. Yeah. But and showering is very slow with a broken leg everything takes me longer so i'm like 15 20 minutes into the shower when i realized that the way that my big toe and second toe rub together is not the same i'm like i i think it's wet oh no it's warm it's wet and if your toes are wet i assure you your cap's not dry that's where it came from yeah so they told me that if i got the cast wet i need to go in and get a new cast this is a irreparable problem you can't just blow dry oh the thing's gonna stink it was only like a week old it wasn't too bad but anyway the bugs will get to it so it was in a wet cast for a few hours and it was already like
Starting point is 00:01:25 yucky and bad and I worried that they'd say, oh, we meant really wet, but they were like, oh no, not even a close call. This thing's soaked. You have to get in here. They're like tallying off my cap and everything. So now I have a new
Starting point is 00:01:41 orange one. So you had going to get casted up twice? What color next week? I don't know. Tell them you had your eyes on purple when you're coming back. Just don't shower until Thursday. Let them make a big swim meet tomorrow. You're coming back
Starting point is 00:01:57 afterwards. And so what should happen is I should, on Thursday morning, it's pretty early too, they'll go in and they'll cut the thing off. Nice. And that I'm in a splint I'm not walking around nicely or anything but uh it'll be nice to be able to remove the cast I think I'll be in the pool and I'm hoping oh yeah that too I'm hoping that um PT starts on Thursday like I I feel good about it's like taking power back. When some of the recovery is my responsibility,
Starting point is 00:02:28 instead of just me waiting for the bone to heal, now it's like strength training. Like, aha, effort in equals results. And that's the part I'm looking forward to. You have more autonomy in how it gets better. Something I want you to do, or I was interested in, or I just thought of, is measure the girth, the circumference of your uninjured calf at the third point and then see the comparison with your like slightly atrophied calf. And then, as importantly, I want to know the amount of time it takes to equalize the calves.
Starting point is 00:03:03 All right. I bet it's going to be quick. I hope so. Here's the thing that you might not have considered that's fun to me. When I need to go far, like all the way across the house, I grab crutches. But a lot of my time is spent between
Starting point is 00:03:17 a bedroom, a kitchen, and the office. And I hop with one foot everywhere. One foot is nice because I can carry things with my hands rather than crutches. You know, if you just need a coffee or something, I can like carefully hop around. I can take my phone places, my laptop. Um, but with the crutches, it's real perilous to hold anything in your hand. So anyway, my good leg has been hopping all the time and i rarely notice my own calves but after like a week and a half of hopping i was like fuck this might be the way to move from now on doc i just want you to
Starting point is 00:03:57 move the cast to the left leg now maybe maybe i'll just bunny hop everywhere. But yeah, my left leg is looking prime right now. I've been hopping on it for 10 days. That makes sense. But I'm interested. I bet it'll only take a couple weeks for it to get back. I feel like something like calves, you're overusing them all the time. I bet it jumps right back. Kyle, do you know anything about this?
Starting point is 00:04:23 About gaining the muscle back from atrophy? Butrophy but i think about that in like the upper body way like people who get like big and yoked and then they stop working out for a couple years then they jump back in because you think i i think more of like what woody's going through because i think of like athletes you know in sports who go down with something like this and they always pop right back like like it's it's never like it was is the leg strong enough it's like is the bone strong enough they're worried about the injury the muscle always catches up so fast because just he's so active with walking around the paramotoring and all the other stuff like it's just going to grow back fast i'm a little worried that tendons and ligaments are going to like even on thursday they're going to be like do not walk
Starting point is 00:05:01 on your toes do not do this keep it in the splint and it's not going to bounce back. Like I hope it might not be done atrophying. We'll see. We'll get some instructions in two days. You're on the final lap. Oh, and so I'm in the gym doing leg day, right? I have these like lead weights that I wrap around my ankle and just, just work the quads, you know, as best I can. You got to do something. What are you going to do? So I'm in the gym doing leg day, just focused mostly on my broken leg, trying to keep whatever I can. And I get a text from one of the guys that was on the trip. He's like, how's the leg doing?
Starting point is 00:05:36 Like, freaking splendid. You know, like, I'm coming along. I'm trying to keep my spirits high. And I'm in the gym right now with some lead strapped to it. And he's like, cool. So he went and he brought his son with him. Really nice guy. Super athletic, by the way, even though he's older.
Starting point is 00:05:52 And his other son didn't have the appropriate bike or time off or something. So he's like, hey, Woody, in September, I want to do it again. You in? And I'm like oh maybe emotionally i'm in i haven't like at the time i hadn't talked to jackie i hadn't like it but uh there may be a trip in september of course there's a trip in september in colorado same trip or similar the same trip this will be harder though because it'll be cold you know how they everything hurts more when it's cold like i don't know if you i don't know if you've ever
Starting point is 00:06:30 skied before but i tried once uh so if you're on like a big mountain there's a lot of runs down there and like it's very common for it to be like because you ski in groups so it'll be like oh we're at an impasse there's a black here and there's a blue or a green over here we'll meet at the bottom everybody go comfortably you could do something like that woody like you could just forego the really dangerous forest part and just kind of meet them i think that's the whole part though but you still get most of the enjoyment of it no taylor imagine a dinner right right? Four course meals. We have steak. We have cheese.
Starting point is 00:07:08 We have drinks. We have wine, whatever it is that you're into. And I'm like, you could skip that, but still have the salad. When you put it like that, you're right. It wouldn't be, but not before. Yeah, I guess it's gold. You got to go all in or not at all yeah i mean the way he got hurt was trying to jump something taylor yeah calm on the jumps and we're good you're good
Starting point is 00:07:34 wait first of all fuck you for thinking that no no no well a little bit i need to my real mistake is i like process it which i've done 14 000 times is uh i look i left before i looked right i didn't look before i leave that's the phrasing i needed to really make sure that the landing area on this jump is as expected and not just you know i jumped all day long right i made educated guesses as to what was on the other side but you get one wrong and suddenly you're broken. Yeah. It just takes one. And I was embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I'm embarrassed that I got like, like I made bad decisions and all my friends didn't. And I was talking to one of my friends. He's like, Oh, it could have been any of us. Not two minutes before you went down. I almost did the same thing.
Starting point is 00:08:19 And it was, uh, it was just what I needed to hear. Like, you know, it's kind of you to say. Isn't that weird how you get hurt in a sporting event or something? By total happenstance, and your impulse, even more than pain, is like humiliation.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Like, oh no, everybody can see me hurt. I remember I pulled my groin in a hockey game once. And groin pulls are very common when you're a goalie as kyle can probably imagine with the leg movement and everything and i remember like in my head my like goal being like don't let anyone know it wasn't an important game like i could have just like skated off and been like i hurt myself but like i was like no that's embarrassing like don't like don't let them know that you fucked up your your groin right now kicking your leg out way too aggressively that's like it was like a jump like what he said sometimes like now, kicking your leg out way too aggressively. It was like a jump. Like Woody said, sometimes you would shoot your
Starting point is 00:09:07 leg out expecting your former level of flexibility, but if it was early in the next season, it wouldn't be there and it just sucks. Groin pulls are the worst. They are so much more painful than you would imagine. Your groin's used at everything. It's like anything that leg does now.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Any movement. If you're watching this and maybe you don't know, between your legs at the top, right by your balls, there's a curved area that you can probably feel is super ticklish. That's your groin. That's what Taylor's talking about. And what it does is it kind of pulls your knees together. So in hockey, that is a super common movement.
Starting point is 00:09:45 And groin injuries are like this hard to heal big deal in amongst all hockey players. But I can imagine goalies especially. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. I would kill myself if I tried the splits right now. I'd have to go to the hospital. Like I think I'd have to go to the hospital. I think I'd have to go to the hospital. Well, you need to get your jean shorts on first,
Starting point is 00:10:08 so you've got mobility. What about this is white trash? I cut the pockets open. I got Apple TV, and I started watching that show For All Mankind. And the premise of this show, it's one of these alternate reality universes where the deciding factor, the twist,
Starting point is 00:10:29 the thing that's different from their world and ours is that the Soviets beat us to the moon by like a week or something. Like we were orbiting. My history's bad. Was it Apollo 11 that landed on the moon? In any case, Apollo 10 goes up and they are like eight miles from the surface
Starting point is 00:10:46 and they can land technically. Can you say the show's name again? I want to write it down. For All Mankind. It has three seasons. Is it Apple? Apple TV, yeah. Yeah, for All Mankind.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And so in this universe, the Russians win. They get to the moon first first and this is a big deal because now the first guy that gets on the moon is like alexei communist cough and he's just he's just like i come to the moon and stand for leninist communist principles and and you know for us you know not for all mankind you know's what our plaque says, but not what their plaque says. And the United States is shocked. And it causes a bit of a culture thing.
Starting point is 00:11:30 The world's like, yeah, the Soviets might have this thing figured out after all. And the Americans rally. Nixon is shitting himself. He's so angry at NASA. He's like, what the fuck has happened? And they're like, the CIA told us they were months away. And so they had this big meeting at NASA. And he's like, we can be pissed today and we can be pissed tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:11:51 But on Monday, we're going back to work. Now it's the race for the base because the race isn't over. The race isn't over until that nanosecond we're in the lead. Until we've won, goddammit. We're winners. Then we're in the lead. Until we've won, goddammit. We're winners. Then we define the finish line. We just build the crappiest base. It's a cardboard box.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It's done. It's just made of dirt with two windows on the side. I learned everything from Minecraft. They just dug a cave. That doesn't count. I'm telling you. You've got a lot of cool characters, mostly astronauts, who at that time
Starting point is 00:12:27 were like hot shot test pilot pieces of shit. And their wives are main characters too. And so quickly things, we land on the moon pretty soon after, like soon enough that it's like, yeah, we're close, real close. A week later, a a month later something like that and then like that same day my timeline might be a little off the soviets go back and they're like
Starting point is 00:12:50 ah they're up there again huh and the the cosmonauts on the moon and the cosmonaut lifts its fucking visor up and it's a woman they put the first woman on the moon now and nixon's like fuck all right i need I need lady astronauts. And they're like, sir, we don't even have any lady pilots. And so they fast-track this process of like... Is this in the first episode, or are we pretty deep in the season? Like three episodes in, maybe. I'm just getting...
Starting point is 00:13:18 But that's the show. It's one thing after another. The Russians are going to put a base up there? Not before we do. Do they want missiles? Who's going to bring guns first? Who's going to bring guns first? Who's going to do this first? And the technology, the really cool thing I like is you see consumer technology keep pace with this new NASA technology that has to continue to keep up.
Starting point is 00:13:39 So now all of a sudden we've got little teleconference TVs in color where the person we're talking to is teleconferencing to us through a big old tube TV that's sitting there. Everything is tube TVs. The show moves forward. Sometimes it'll be like two years later. You're like, oh shit, we're going to advance. As soon as they make an accomplishment,
Starting point is 00:14:00 they don't wait around for the party and the champagne and that was cool what we did, huh? Nah. Three years later, then we did this and the show really moves forward well they age the actors as it goes and you know people get promoted through the agency so maybe your test pilot is maybe run it's teaching test pilots later on stuff like that happens is the end of the season out is the end of this show out like is it a limited series where there's only going to be 10? No. This thing is continuing on.
Starting point is 00:14:29 The third season is either all the way out or debuting right now. So there's years of content built in. They're an hour each, like a legitimate hour, not 52 minutes. And so at the end of season one, I'm not going to spoil anything, but there's one of those Marvel-style post-credit scenes that i just got lucky and happened to catch and that had me cheering so much i stayed up till four to watch the the the first episode i literally i was like what is that blowing my mind is it only that one episode that has an after credits yeah as far as i know um i just because it was the end of the
Starting point is 00:15:05 season i was just letting it roll and it doesn't do that thing where it automatically starts playing the next episode in the corner so the credits rolled and it got to that post-credit thing but it's got some uh some pretty good actors i couldn't say who i like the most who the star of the show is i'm not sure there really is a guy who like leads the thing i can't think of another show like that where i couldn't name the main protagonist. I mean, there's one NASA guy who's at the center of things. He's an astronaut.
Starting point is 00:15:31 His family is part of everything. But he doesn't... I don't know. It's a bit like Game of Thrones where we bounce around a little bit. We're going to see what Mission Control is up to and we're going to see what... That's a good example.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I don't think I can name the main guy in Game of Thrones. I want to say Jon Snow. Or The Wire maybe. A show like that where you've got that huge cast that's all doing stuff. It reminds me a bit of The Wire where you'll find two or three guys or girls that you like a lot and race relations becomes
Starting point is 00:16:00 a big part of it. And one thing I'll say about the show, I won't spoil anything but the show gives you what you want a good bit i know how that sometimes like like like what like like lots of special effects on the moon or the kind of drama that you like pretty damn good but but what he means is like this romance that you were looking at they they actually do it. These two guys that are always chipping at each other, they actually fight. Like there's a little bit of delivery.
Starting point is 00:16:29 They actually do the thing that so many other shows are just like, if only we could just risk everything to go save Johnny. And they're like, yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna, God damn it. Everybody get in the car.
Starting point is 00:16:41 And they save Johnny or whatever. Like, like they do stuff a lot. And, and like, there'll be an actor that you really want to like get their day in the car. And they just go and they save Johnny or whatever. They do stuff a lot. And there will be an actor that you really want to get their day in the sun or on the moon, literally. And you're like, they're going to let him go. He works so goddamn hard for so long and they're going to let him go. They're going to let him leave the mission. Sweet things like that happen where people work and they're
Starting point is 00:17:05 rewarded for their work um despite people sort of tearing them down there's a lady who works for nasa who's treated poorly because she's a woman and no one works harder than her this isn't a spoiler either but she lives at nasa there's this scene of her morning routine of her waking up on a cot and like a storage cupboard, taking a bath with Arby's towelettes, and then getting into NASA command control. No wonder she's not getting promoted. No one wants to spend a bunch of time
Starting point is 00:17:34 up in space locked in a capsule with a stinky bitch who uses Arby's maps. She's like mission control, the people with the knobs and the buttons. Why are women so stinky in this scenario? Because she lives at NASA and is using Arby's little wet wipes to take a shower.
Starting point is 00:17:50 She smells like dog shit every day and she's like, why is everybody bullying me? And everyone's like... I've watched... I'm sorry. Why can't I go? She's like a fucking pig pen. Mike, why won't they send me up into space?
Starting point is 00:18:05 And all the other astronauts are like, I don't understand. There's a lot of good actors. There's pretty good special effects. There's some scenes in outer space. The first yeast infection on the moon. Finally, we draw the finish line with the space race.
Starting point is 00:18:22 We have living cultures. You know what? if you create something living on the moon you've technically colonized it i learned that in the martian so it's true that's how we win loopholes there's a scene there's a scene where we've got a a base on the moon but the base is like one of those pieces of like a uh a space station or something like just a pod that they landed you know like ah we're here it's a base like no that's one tiny piece of your spaceship that you landed here and put a kitchen in and so three people have to live in this base and the thing that's going to relieve them gets delayed. And they're like, two more weeks. I'm like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Two more weeks. And a long time goes by. And they are losing their goddamn mind. And all they have for entertainment is the first six episodes of the Bob Newhart show. And every time they talk to NASA, they're like, hey, CBS, come through with the rest of those episodes. No, no. They just won't do it. Something about a blackout for the ratings. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Okay. Alright. They have memorized it so much that they're acting it out perfectly. They're acting it out perfectly. I am so hooked on this show. Kyle, this is one of your better sales. Alright, so these are the good things.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Let me tell you the bad things. There's a part in season two where where i yelled at the screen and went just go back to space what are we talking about i don't care about the relationship get in the ship go like that because it's been it feels like it's been like three episodes and we've had 10 minutes of space time and i'm like god damn it i don't care about your pussy anymore i don't care yeah about your relationship with your daughter or like hour long episodes if every show is a movie then move along yeah it can be i literally yelled at the screen and went go back to space i mean they should like you know what they should add to tv shows is i've been playing a little skyrim at night before bed they should. You know what they should add to TV shows is,
Starting point is 00:20:27 I've been playing a little Skyrim at night before bed. They should add, like, you know how you can hit A to skip dialogue? Yeah. They should have that in TV shows. So when you're like, go back to space, you could just skip over that dumb bitch talking about her daughter and all those personal things. Get right back to the men. The character building's good.
Starting point is 00:20:40 It just goes a little, there was just an imbalance, I think, in a couple episodes between space time and emotional time. Were they doing that thing where, like... And I'm picking up on this more, like, re-watching The Sopranos. And this is, like... You can find this in any show that does, like, the 50-minute runtime episodes where they'll have, like, a set number on the fucking writing board
Starting point is 00:21:00 of these are the big plot points that need to be moved forward this episode. And sometimes there's just not many there. And so you'll be watching an episode and be like, well, Chrissy already talked to Tony about this, and I already saw the heroine scene. Okay, so they're just mealy-mouthing around, like filling time with Adriana walking.
Starting point is 00:21:18 My wife and I, we were watching an episode, and after there's a clip at the end of an episode that's like 30 seconds long maybe 20 seconds and it's just a guy unrelated picking up groceries answering a phone going I got it I got it honey and then gets in his car
Starting point is 00:21:36 and drives away and the episode ends I didn't think about it and my wife was like what the hell was that and I'm like I don't know it was season 3 at the hell was that? And I'm like, I don't know. It was season three. At the end of an episode, the one guy whose twin died, that Tony killed, and he still is kind of an enforcer for him.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Oh, that's an important scene. That's him accepting that his brother is dead, and he's got to focus on what's remaining of his family because family is what is important to him. But that's not important. In that scene, he's got to focus on what's remaining of his family because family is what is important to him. But it's not important. In that scene, he's calling his wife. He's got flowers for his wife, and he's gotten dinner for her. And he's asking about his son.
Starting point is 00:22:12 You're getting a little bit of insight into that character, I felt. I like that scene. There was already the emotional reconciliation when he was sitting there initially. But you didn't know. Because they're all liars, though. You know immediately when he accepts the hit and he does it. Like, when he does that, that's bought in. Like, I'm going to continue this.
Starting point is 00:22:30 This is my only life. And so, like, that end part, I'm like, yeah, I get it. You don't need, yeah. Like, when he didn't kill Tony. When he didn't kill Tony and when he did the hit, they asked him to. And then it's like, okay, well, he's back in. I don't think they had him doing a hit. In any case.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Or whatever the task was. I feel you. Sometimes they're just feeling. That's what it was. They had him intimidate someone. I'm sure. I highly recommend the space show. I like it a lot.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I'll check it out. It does make me sad because you see what could have been if this had happened. It would have been better if they'd landed on the moon. You need a foil to continue, and I feel like without the Soviets, we're just kind of spinning our tires. Why did the Soviets stop? I feel like it was a very
Starting point is 00:23:14 American finish line that we defined as putting a man on the moon. Putting a man in space, circling the Earth, those were all, I think, as notable achievements get into the mind of the soviet i i think what i'd like to know and maybe what you're getting at is like where how did they view the space program how did they view the race for the moon where
Starting point is 00:23:35 it seems like they were investing huge amounts of money and they had a future you know they had that i'm sure you've seen the reddit picture of the the space shuttle that they built that's sort of 70 done but and it's all falling apart and left a rod and like they had ambitions for a future space program and for whatever reason did they run out of money like i'm like why did they admit defeat because we just made a rule hey they didn't they turned out it was a race to put a man on the moon that was it you lost and they'd be like what no that doesn't like to be fair that is the biggest accomplishment right like like mars is the only thing beyond that like like if they were going to one-up us they would have to do what the show does right the show does a pretty good idea uh job of painting this out i guess if you reverse things but the you know instead of doing what the americans are doing in the show after being beaten saying we're not losers this this shit ain't over no we'll be there
Starting point is 00:24:30 three weeks from now and after that we're going to put a base there and after that we're going to go to mars and jupiter and the and and the rest of the solar system uh we have it now but like the international space station that could be a new suitable finish line oh the first man to spend a year in space. Oh, they run through all that. We're going to have a sky lab. Okay. And you're the first person to grow something on the moon.
Starting point is 00:24:52 The first person this, that, the other thing. That's seemingly easy to do. What they're looking for is water, right? They need water ice on the moon because they can use ice to make fuel. And then they can use that as a refueling station to go anywhere they want. You can make fuel from ice? Water's H2O use ice to make fuel and then they can use that as a refueling station to go anywhere they want. You can make fuel from ice? Water is H2O,
Starting point is 00:25:08 right? So hydrogen and oxygen. You separate the two and it's rocket fuel. Except that you need energy to do that. Not in the future. Or nuclear energy. Well, if they have solar energy, they have fuel. No, no, no. They need rocket
Starting point is 00:25:24 fuel because that's what powers rocket ships. They can't have battery operated rocket ships. Okay. They don't have any battery powered rocket ships. However, they do have rocket fuel powered rocket ships and the ability to make rocket fuel on the moon. Someone's going to say this sounds stupid, but I would
Starting point is 00:25:39 imagine, I'm actually not sure what propulsion would work in space. I was about to say, look, escaping the moon's atmosphere is not that hard. You don't need rocket fuel. But what do I use? A prop? Well, it's not just escaping, right?
Starting point is 00:25:59 It's getting somewhere fast because the idea is going from the moon to Mars. And the faster your ship is, the faster that trip is. That's the thing I don't understand either. Maybe you understand this better than me. There's an actual gap in my science understanding. But it seems like you need a very mild engine that somehow pushes really fast. You don't have to accelerate fast. You can accelerate over the course of a year and a half. But you eventually go wicked fast when you get there like it it's not like on
Starting point is 00:26:27 that's how the the the uh the voyager probe is working it's accelerating as it goes from my understanding i think but we want to get them there in like a timely fashion we're in a hurry this is a car we're driving you know you could do the same thing with a car right you could be like hey why can't we just have a really, really long gear that eventually speeds up? It's just better to have a rocket engine for a rocket ship. How long does it take to get to the moon? To the moon? Like a week?
Starting point is 00:26:53 It's 240,000 miles. That's not bad. In a rocket ship. I thought 1,000 was bad. They're going real fast. Like 18,000 miles an hour or something? It's my understanding that, okay, like a propeller, right? I could give you a prop that would push you faster than like a rocket engine, perhaps. Not a big one, but the top speed on it isn't there.
Starting point is 00:27:23 It only pushes air at a certain speed, whereas the other one has, if you were to put it in a space environment, has a really quick push. It just doesn't push very hard, but over time, it gets you there. It's a tall gear. I don't know. I'm not laying this out well, but in any case, they need rocket fuel.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yeah, they need rocket fuel. They've already got rocket ships that burn on rocket fuel. They're going to leverage that've already got rocket ships that burn on rocket fuel. They're going to leverage that investment. So that's the idea. I like the show a lot. I'm trying to think of any complaints I have. All right, so it's a little bit woke, but it's the good kind.
Starting point is 00:27:57 It's the good kind because we're going through the 60s, 70s, and 80s, right, with this show, with the first couple of seasons. That's the time when they stopped beating gay people to death and started letting black people actually work in offices and stuff. So those are the characters who are like, I want to go
Starting point is 00:28:16 to space. I want to go to space. There's the gay character who's hiding that they're gay and it's a big deal. And there's a black woman and she's like, I want to be the first black woman in space. He's like, we're really splitting it up like that now? Sorry, Russia beat us to everything.
Starting point is 00:28:32 She's like, yes, we are. She is the first black woman in space for sure because there were no more like... I kind of like that. We're really split up like that. I want to be the first guy with the nose ring. You don't have a nose ring. We can make it happen. Alright, Larry, deal. You're going right after me. We're in the up like that. I want to be the first guy with the nose ring. You don't have a nose ring. We can make it happen. All right, Larry. Deal.
Starting point is 00:28:46 You're going right at it. We're in the portion of the space race where both sides are just trying to build up that Wikipedia trivia section. Like, who has the bigger list? We got 109. They got 108. Who cares if the nose ring got us over the top? Another little thing about the show. I think it's made by the same guy who made Battlestar Galactica.
Starting point is 00:29:06 So you get those really cool cockpit shots when they're flying stuff where the camera's right outside the cockpit looking in, the guy's kind of talking, and the audio's through that. Yeah, we've got to go on our... There's a lot of that going on because, again, they're all fighter jet pilots, it seems like, which is a cool group of characters to follow. We're all fighter jet pilots it seems like which is a cool group of characters to like follow we're all fighter jet pilots and that comes around along with that comes like drinking being a piece of shit being completely absorbed with yourself and all if that's how
Starting point is 00:29:35 fighter pilots really are i think you have to be to get get in a fucking 30 million dollar rocket jet plane and go fight the enemy like you gotta be like you gotta think a little bit of yourself right yeah it's funny so in the paramotor world every so often there's a guy who thinks a little bit of himself you know he's like look less than one percent of the population knows how to fly anything and we're in that group we're that elite top one percent and then the rest of us are like, the fuck you on about? This is a silly sport. Have you seen the helmets we wear?
Starting point is 00:30:11 Take it down a notch, bro. If you're having fun, come join us. I think you gotta have a pilot's license to be a pilot, to get into that sort of sphere, in my mind anyway.
Starting point is 00:30:25 I don't want to diminish what you do because you go thousands of feet into the air in an aircraft and do stunts. So the piece of paper really doesn't matter that much. I feel like if you wanted to transition to one of those Red Bull biplanes and do that stuff, you'd pick that up and do it. I have no doubt that you are capable of doing
Starting point is 00:30:41 that, maybe not at the highest levels because it seems like there's some reaction time stuff when they're like wobble winging through balloon. Highest level guys are old, I think, but they're just pretend that they're very good in their experience. You could be the Tony Hawk of Red Bull. But you could be a Red Bull airman.
Starting point is 00:30:57 I just, I don't know. I'm way more impressed by a guy who's modest about it. You know, guys like, yeah, I, especially if we're talking about regular general
Starting point is 00:31:05 aviation if you just fly a cessna flat and level and go from south carolina to north carolina bro not only is there nothing you sky drive about that all right so that so my my two hours of flying an aircraft um taught me that it's really really fucking easy to just fly an airplane from A to B. It seems like most of the pilot's license was like the what-if scenarios and navigation. Navigation's not just automatic. You have to learn to do it manually if they're going to send you a plane.
Starting point is 00:31:39 In the kinds of planes you're more likely to buy, especially starting out, right? I imagine your plane budget would be somewhere around $40,000, $60,000. It doesn't have the kind of navigation your car does. It's from 1974. Okay. So you can't just slap a Garmin in there and select airplane mode. Airplane mode doesn't do what I expected at all.
Starting point is 00:32:03 It just turned off, honey. I don't know. It just turned off honey i don't know they have so many rules around it you're talking about a seventeen thousand dollar avionics upgrade and that's non-trivial and yeah i guess that makes sense uh the plane that you imagine those things have avionics uh they had gauges high on and they were uh there were pedals like have you ever seen the uh the cockpits or the control rooms of the first submarines it's nothing but a whole room of like literally a hundred different sized dials there's no labels it's just dials everywhere like it looks like a room in
Starting point is 00:32:45 portal that you'd have to like solve the puzzle but it's just hundreds of of dials what that would be being on a modern submarine to be horrifying back then like i think u571 scared the shit out of me in that regard when i saw that movie that it seems nightmarish for the red october kind of guy i wonder if you take a modern plane right i don't know 757 something like that right regular run-of-the-mill modern big plane did the guys that fly it know every dial engaging button off the top of their hand if you were to point to a random one in the corner that they don't use much are they like oh that one that does you probably don't need that like yeah it's really these core ones in the middle that i'd use all the time and there's some buttons around they absolutely know what all the buttons do you think i don't know i i would
Starting point is 00:33:35 bet a large amount of money you know and here's the thing you've never known because if you went into the cockpit no you probably didn't know this a lot of these are show buttons it's because there was so you know it's really it's genuinely believe me it's just the wheel it's just the wheel that's all just the facade it's all a facade what do you think is the door locked yeah press the go button which one the one that says la asshole well we lift up the fake panel designed by apple with just one button that you press yeah it's like uh it's like that king of the hill where they they uh they realize that all the truckers are auto driving and the truckers chase them down because they don't want them to let them know yeah that's what i imagined it was more like have you i've seen conflicting stuff on the cyber truck
Starting point is 00:34:30 like one the price is going to be very different elon musk came out and said when i told you guys this thing was going to be a fifty thousand dollar truck in 2019 i'm making that up but it's about rightish uh we live in a very different world than 2019. Okay. I kind of see that. How different, though? Is it $100,000 now? How outrageous did it...
Starting point is 00:34:51 Is he going to use this opportunity to really change the price in a dramatic way? Yeah. And is it going to happen at all? I've seen some more prototypes floating around, which made people feel good about it. And they also allowed people to cancel their pre-orders, which made me think that it wasn't a good, I don't know. They'd have to let them cancel the pre-order.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Yeah. If they're going to double it up or make it way more, that'd be, that's a good point. Of course. Right. I don't know. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:35:16 We'll see if anything happens. Maybe he knows the writing will happen, but, but like he's going to do something even if he just makes, I don't know, a limited run of them or something. Well, yeah, that doesn't make sense. I just think he's going to do something. Even if he just makes, I don't know, a limited run of them or something. Well, that doesn't make sense. I just think he's going to do it. He's invested so much into it.
Starting point is 00:35:30 And there is hype behind it. They'll sell. Everybody wants it. I saw it on Reddit today that Elon Musk is a televangelist for atheists. I was like, yes, that's it? He's their messiah. He's like the atheist guy that they just look to and love. Every word that he speaks is just treated as if it's brilliance.
Starting point is 00:35:51 I saw they rated Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago. What do you think of that? I'm sorry. I've been information gathering on it, but without a lot of success. I try to get informed on this sort of thing. I, I know that they've grabbed a bunch of documents from him. Him taking classified documents home is bad.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Apparently is that that's what they allege, right? I'm not sure what, like, I feel like they haven't really laid out what they think he did, but him taking classified documents home is bad. The thing is, a president has the power to just call things classified or not. If I'm president and I start spilling secrets, well, that was me on the fly deciding that these weren't secrets anymore.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Boom. And that is okay and it's legal. So to catch a president in that is kind of impossible because they define what's legal what's classified not but he's a former president did he like do that did he did he infer that as he brought the shit home i don't know i don't even know if what he did is bad or if he's in trouble or what they're hoping to find it seems like a lot of it is circling around the january 6th stuff like what he did and sort of how complicit he was in you know all right off the record we all know this guy fucking loved the riots that went into the
Starting point is 00:37:12 capitol and we're fighting on his behalf this is the kind of thing that pumps his tires he loved that shit well you know the question is can we catch him in this like dereliction of duty coup attempt shit the fake electors i'm sorry i cut you off that's another thing i've heard they're looking into if people don't know what happened was i think it's arizona it went for biden and they wanted to get another set of electors that didn't represent the votes and have them vote for trump and that was his plan and that apparently is illegal and they're hoping that there's documents around that I don't know I don't either but um uh it's it's interesting that they would rate a former president like that you would think that they had some sort of information um because it's like I feel like they can get away with rating the average person and messing up but it looks bad if
Starting point is 00:38:02 they go to his place and don't find anything you i've had both i've had both thoughts right on one hand this is a former president stay the heck away what are you doing like this is third world banana republic stuff which is a line the republicans are saying a lot on the other hand i saw some tweet that phrased it as do you know how much certainty and evidence they had to have to pull this off you know the secret service approved the raid like the fbi went to the secret service said this is our documents and they're like all right come on in well they have a choice i guess i'm just trying to testify to the amount of like eyes they dotted and t's they crossed to do this right i i don't i don't know what those eyes and t's though. It might come down to one
Starting point is 00:38:45 person saying, yeah, go. Maybe it was a judge who's able to say that. Maybe it's someone at the FBI who's able to say it. I'd like to know who the person who said, yeah, go get him was and why. And hopefully we find that out. Not necessarily who said go get him. I don't really care that much. I mean, I do,
Starting point is 00:39:02 but they will never tell us. I care more about why. What did they find? Did they find some dossier about Russian involvement? Do we have... I don't know. What is it? I need to know. I need to know why they raided a president
Starting point is 00:39:17 who's only been out of office for a couple years and about to run for president again. Why did we raid that guy? Because we left... at all. Well, not if he can't run again if they get anything on him. Well, that's true. Wait, is that right? Yeah. If he's convicted,
Starting point is 00:39:35 he can't run again. So, I'm not saying you're wrong because I'm not an expert. I thought there were literally two qualifications. U.S. citizen over 35. No felons. Is that a thing? Or did you just saying that?
Starting point is 00:39:49 No, you can't. I thought you had to be a natural born citizen, which means like you didn't come here. I mean, they won't let a felon vote. They're going to let him run. I think. That's nonsense. I'm not saying it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:40:04 I just know what i'm doing next year what we learned in schools there were literally two requirements and anyone can run but i could be wrong then it might be hard to win like that i think we can all acknowledge that you know there's certain things that will prevent you from winning uh well i saw i saw some gay for example from a real law guy. It wasn't some frog avatar. It was like... Or someone with
Starting point is 00:40:30 a hammer and sickle up there. It was someone being like, hey, this is what would have to happen in order for him not to be able to run. And I could not tell you the details of that. Did you see the thing that came out about Alex Jones today? Uh-uh. As Alex Jones, I would like you to
Starting point is 00:40:50 defend some of those text messages that were leaked when your legal team, of course, sent them to the prosecution and then told them it was okay to keep them. There was that one where you sent a nude photo of your wife to Roger Stone and I was pretty
Starting point is 00:41:06 fucked. I tell you, I was so horny. I was beating off to it and then believe me, I almost climaxed. I look at it, realize it's her. I almost wasted a perfectly good nut on someone I could have seen the other room. So I shut that right down, opened up something else.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Something a little wild. You may know of my, my you know i like the t part of the lgbt uh community when i'm looking at that sort of thing did you get did you guys hear that like a few like a year ago he got in trouble for having like like not a year ago yesterday oh no this was a previous thing i i didn't know about the transgender porn i why do i this is like a separate this is someone was into what is anime porn called there's a term for hencha someone's into hencha i forget now i might be conflating that with jones is that how you say it i probably don't go by me how do you say it i i hench i spelled's spelled Hentai. I think it's Hentai. I think I'm,
Starting point is 00:42:06 I learned it by reading. I don't really. But it is Japanese. So Hentai. I thought I just got educated right there. Now I will no longer humiliate myself in business meetings. That fucking loser said Hentai instead of Hentai. Yeah. Alex Jones. so he has some he's only lost four million which my interpretation is he pays four million and stays rich but i know there's also that wasn't all the
Starting point is 00:42:38 parents like there's more suits incoming so if they all win four million what does he pay what does he i don't know how that lands i don't know how that shit works either because like kyle was saying how oj didn't pay anything after they were like you owe millions and millions right so maybe it'll be that thing again where they or they like trickle out payments at such a low rate where it's like they technically are paying but it's like your great greatgreat-grandchildren won't see. They'll finally get the last check for $67. I have not followed what's up with him.
Starting point is 00:43:15 I thought, is it over now other than the payment? That trial is over. So he's been ordered to pay. He lost. It's a thing. But there's more trials inboundbound i don't know how they're gonna go and if they'll pay more and i i really don't like alex jones i i there's a certain money i've never watched a show probably i i think that people who sort of make the world worse to profit
Starting point is 00:43:43 i don't like that I don't like that. I don't like that. I see Tucker Carlson. I see Tucker Carlson that way. I'm sure there's some examples from the left. But guys who just like knowingly. Glenn Beck is a really good example. He's kind of off the air mostly.
Starting point is 00:44:08 But his show was just wild, ridiculous conspiracy theories. You know, like I think he saw grass on a building in New York and linked it to communists because they grow wheat and more and more and more. And it was so stupid. And but for him, like he just connected all these weird dots to demonstrate that the Russians are really running America. And these are their imprints. And that was his shtick, right? Like on his whiteboard. And it'd be like he wanted to talk
Starting point is 00:44:25 about illegal immigration so he'd be like here's a picture of an illegal gun and here's a picture of a person that reminds me of illegal and it's like what are you talking about like yeah that just start where you wanted to start man and he would draw all these links that weren't really there and make you feel like it was well researched shit but it really wasn't rachel maddow does that to some example too hers is a little more it's less fantasy and it's more like document based yeah yeah but there's still links and bullshit in there and and it's tough when someone tells four truths and a lie but that lie really changes the character of the other four truths sure and that's rachel maddow stick to some extent anyway when people do this shit i would disagree i would not say rachel maddow
Starting point is 00:45:10 is more truthful than not she she is like what i would say is like an equivalent of like a tucker like they're just beating the drum throwing red meat out trying to get like the already died in the wool like rah rah shish boomba people like even more amped up like here's another thing that's gonna happen like so on the you know the rachel madhouse they're coming for trans people they're sending troops trains for trans people and then trucker will be like if you say jesus in public biden's america will kill you don't you dare begin a prayer in a public school or the teachers will have you expelled. And it's like, yeah, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Like, you can't, like, come on, calm down. Yeah, it might be my bias preventing from seeing her as the parallel. I do know that she kind of ran her show in this, Trump is circling the drain right now. The walls are closing in. he's about to meet his maker he's gonna do all his legal problems are in one kick the football yeah yeah i they i think i repeated something i heard in nbc foolishly on this show where i was like this is a paper case
Starting point is 00:46:20 the paper case and what that means is that they don't need trump to testify they don't need some a few good men turn you know guy to go wrong in court they don't need to win this it's already won they have the documents that prove that he's guilty and uh thus far the paper case did not land like they told me they would yeah i mean i remember so many times there were like three years where it was like robert muller just got the last piece of evidence it's all falling into place and then it was like like then again the next week and again yeah and then again and again and then it was like with the on the right you can see a good analogous thing there with the trump election thing where they were like at the 2020 thing where they're like one more day and then a rogue judge from maine has is flying down with a helicopter
Starting point is 00:47:09 full of the valid votes and he's gonna drop them on the congress and like and then it was just that over and over like just one more day hey that day before everything all the electors come that's when it's going to explode okay the electors came and now biden's president but wait for two weeks from now and then someone's gonna come and say the whole thing's in bed and it's like just you're just that's how i won money on who was i think i won i forget the amount i won a hundred dollars when biden won and then i won like 300 more when biden won yeah that bet was placed after the election i remember kyle and i being, can you loop us in with this guy? I would tell him I'll bet my house.
Starting point is 00:47:50 I got some more bets I want to place. 95 World Series? Yeah, I think the Braves got this. Yeah, I would love that. Find an absolute retard and bet on the past 40 minutes. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it was fun at the time, but now I feel like I took money from a mentally ill person.
Starting point is 00:48:11 I mean, they wanted to do the bad ones. He was professionally successful. This guy, I forget where he worked, but like Anderson Consulting or something parallel to that. He wasn't dumb and he was smart, but it was a very odd bet to make make however hey if trump if trump had had
Starting point is 00:48:29 his way he'd have been right right like if trump had been able to to finagle some sort of craziness and pull a coup and like you'd have gave him his 300 dollars and i would have that would have been the least of our concern yeah i paypaled you we've got bigger fish to fry trump took over did he give you or did you give him odds or it was a straight up actually on the 300 i think i gave him odds of the second part the first one was straight up the second one he had but it was like three to one like that would be such a fun odds to place it'd be like i'll give you 10 million to one and he's like i can't pass this up you know oh man that's great how about that one i'm glad trump didn't take over the uh the federal government um and become uh god emperor trump or anything like that uh i still i think the odds of
Starting point is 00:49:23 him winning president are waning just a little bit with this uh with this fbi raid but but i midi sent me the link to it it said tick top tick top well played midi he's crab copping so fucking hard every single day if it i can have him loop you guys in but almost every day he's taken down a big time crab thief. OK, he's got like thirteen hundred dollars worth of Tide Pods piled up that he took some guy down for. The funniest story is when when the guy's like, bro, just get out of my way. I don't want to catch an assault charge. And many reaches for his pepper spray. And the guy goes, wait, you got a gun.
Starting point is 00:50:04 charge and midi reaches for his pepper spray and the guy goes wait you got a gun like he thought he was a he was changing his tune really yeah there was a gun involved but he's like no he's like all right then get out the way did he spray him no i don't think he sprayed anybody did he get out of the way i'm pretty sure he got out of the way the man was threatening him the other time he's got footage of a guy stealing and this is like six in the morning and i watched the video footage of this guy doing it he's got pizzas like maybe ice cream like munchie food at 6 a.m and he's walking out the emergency exit that's how he's chosen to do his thieving because nobody's gonna stop him from walking out that but he's got a big like eight inch blade in his hand flipping it around in his hand in case anybody gets in his way he's just like wish a motherfucker would try to stop me from getting my stuff crust home he's like spinning it flipping it in his hand as he like walks out the emergency door what a lunatic and i guess
Starting point is 00:50:54 did many to mess with him either of course you only get stabbed over yeah yeah yeah they didn't even know about him until they saw that on the on the camera afterwards but but there's all sorts of like he really needs to just become a fucking cop i don't know why i told him he needs to tell him that look how about you give me one percent of everything that i recover because that's going to motivate me to recover more and it's going to reward me for putting my life on the line for crab meat crab meat that's the problem with corporations no one has the authority to accept even a good deal i watched this video as well his friend was tussling with a lady outside the store she had a bag full of stolen goods mostly meats and uh she starts pepper spraying him the other security guy
Starting point is 00:51:37 and he's taking it i mean and you can see it going into his face and mouth and eyes and he's just he's got that bag though he's getting her shit out of it all of it i want his face and mouth and eyes. He's got that bag though. He's getting her shit out of it. All of it. I want all of it back. She empties the whole can into him before she leaves. I was like, what did they do for that guy? They give him some time off? Yeah, he got a day off.
Starting point is 00:51:57 One day. Jesus. You don't want to be a crab cop. It's not a life of luxury or fame. You know what, Mitty? Thank you for your service. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Thank you, Mitty, for your service. We should get him on that. Supply and demand. The price of crab would go sky high if it wasn't for Mitty. That's right. That's true. He's doing God's work. They could at least pay him in crab.
Starting point is 00:52:19 They should give him a gun. Give him a gun. He's leveled past pepper spray. Think so? Absolutely. Give him a gun. Give him a gun. He's leveled past pepper spray. Think so? Absolutely. Give him a gun. Give him two guns. Are you sure he's leveled up to gun, though?
Starting point is 00:52:31 Because I'm thinking katana. You're right. You're right. It should be more Skyrim-esque. We have to march through the ring. I'm not sure where his crafting is yet, but guns are kind of high. Oh, my God. Start him out with an orcish dagger.
Starting point is 00:52:42 as crafting is yet, but guns are kind of high. Oh my god. Did you see those goofballs who tried to rob the guy at the smoke shop? Like a vape store smoke shop. I haven't seen this. They come in the store wearing masks, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Not like COVID masks, like N45s or whatever. They've got some goofy ass cartoon shit. Who's that character from Fat Albert who has the silly stocking cap? He's got a stocking cap. Bubble mouth or something? With big eyes cut out of it.
Starting point is 00:53:13 And the guy goes, why are you wearing your masks like that? Because they both have robber masks on. And they don't really have a – he's like, how else should we wear them? Because they're dumbasses. And he's like, else should we wear them you know because they're dumb asses and he's like dudes just get out how about that just get out and the dude comes over the counter and the guy that works there grabs his stabbing knife from it dude it is like it's this long it's you know it's like this is an audio show, 10 inches long, maybe 12 inches long. It's a fixed blade.
Starting point is 00:53:47 It's not a folder or anything. When Kyle says it's a stabbing knife, that's what this is. This is a murdering knife. He doesn't use this to open boxes. It's not really that good at that. This is a fixed blade murdering knife, the Jim Bowie. It's like one of those things Legolas had. Sounds pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I interrupted Kyle. Go ahead. He falls upon the would-be robber and immediately starts working. He starts stabbing him like he's Jason Bourne. He's got lab-singer arteries and shit. He's like, couple in the neck, couple in the back.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Have one down there in your ass too. In eight seconds seconds he's got like four center of mass like down downward by collarbone in the chest in the back and the guy's like spinning and turning and stuff and i don't think the robber i'll almost call him a victim i like robber better i don't think the robber realized he was getting stabbed not right away like right away like he might have felt like he was getting punched or hit i know but then he starts defending himself he was being stabbed because he tells us all the robber says oh no i've been stabbed then he goes and he literally
Starting point is 00:54:57 fades off when he says this i'm dying yeah after like no mercy at all he grabs the guy like he's yesterday's garbage and drags his like lip body out from behind his counter drops it like trash and then walks back i saw slightly different first of all i want to say this he defends himself he starts putting his arms in like a boxer does like to keep the knife and the clerk is starting to do legs jabs. Now he's going after his like thighs and hamstrings and shit. So where's the second where's the second burglar or robber? The second burglar decided
Starting point is 00:55:34 to not do this. Yeah, he and the and the stabbing knife was the robbers. No, no, no, no. I had the stabbing knife. He didn't take it from the robber. It looked like he kept it by the cash register. He kept it on the ready, but not on his body. Did you see that too, Kyle?
Starting point is 00:55:49 Yeah. Anyway, Kyle says he dropped him like trash. What I saw was a trophy. I saw him mount the robber in the center of the store. It's a warning to others. Is there anybody else? Is there anybody else who wants a free vape? The police
Starting point is 00:56:10 come and he's crucified to the door. No, we're keeping the body here so that the other robbers know what's up. People need to know we play for keeps at this vape shop. Dude, that guy was... What a stupid thing to die over. what a dumbass i i want to see this guy doesn't look super badass behind the counter it's an 11 second video two three
Starting point is 00:56:34 oh he's quick with the stab at night isn't he good and he didn't decide to stab him i remember the middle being more open than it is in this video. I guess I'm crazy. This is how you kill people in a video game. Yeah. It is outrageous. It was pretty nutty. Yeah, that guy definitely doesn't realize initially. I'm dead.
Starting point is 00:57:00 I want to hear the audio. Yeah, I'll listen to the audio afterward. I'm dead. Did the guy die? I heard he died, but I'm not sure. The clerk was so ready to go. That was not the first time that clerk had been robbed, and I feel like that clerk had made a decision.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Next time somebody comes over that counter, I'm going to stab them a lot. Not like that last guy that I just poked a few times. I'm going to stab the next guy a lot. I can't tell where the knife came from. From a field location like Dwight Schrute. Where the fuck did the knife come from? I didn't see where he grabbed it either.
Starting point is 00:57:43 It just materialized into his hand. I did listen to the audio. That guy going, he stabbed me. I'm dying. I'm dying. He said, I'm dead. Sorry, I'm dead. He was running out of energy. Sorry, you tried to assault the guy
Starting point is 00:57:59 who's making nine bucks an hour at a vape shop, you know, and he defended himself. Get fucked. Well, you know, that's one way of looking at it. guy's not in any trouble he's done a couple of tv interviews um uh i i i it was pretty gruesome i don't think i would stab somebody over blunts but are you kidding you'd be terrified someone jumps over aggressively and starts moving towards you you're gonna defend yourself the knife is my my dude's weapon it's just kind of gruesome i don't want to stab anyone.
Starting point is 00:58:25 He was leaping over and he ran towards him after he was behind it. The guy was defending himself. What are you supposed to assume? This guy's not here to harm me. Taylor's right. He was leaping. He leapt over. Wait, wait, wait. He wasn't Taylor, watch it again. The stab in the back of the head.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Reverse headbutt me. This guy leaped over and immediately started taking things off the counter. And you're like, it's self-defense. I don't think it was. He was defending his property. It was my Marlboros, boy. Stab, stab, stab. If someone comes in aggressively, jumps over,
Starting point is 00:59:01 you have to assume for your own safety that they mean you harm if someone came into your house and was going to rob you and they go we're just here for the tvs there's no need for violence you need to assume that person is trying to fucking trick you and they're going to smack you in the back of the head with a vase like they're what i think that you're you got a dewalt and a three-quarter inch bit I believe them. They brought the right tools for the job. They're going to... How did you know it was three quarters? This guy's good.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Taylor, I kind of agree with you morally. If someone comes in your house and you shoot them, I'm like, all right, you know what? I'm not going to question your call. The guy was in your house, right? You could have had kids there, wives there, girls, whatever. You got my blessing. the only part i kind of pushed back on is that it was self-defense dude taylor if someone's in your house and you murder them because you're afraid they're going to take your cheese sticks bro i'm on your side just say say less but if you were like i'm also worried
Starting point is 01:00:05 he might have killed me. I'm like, well, he was three cheese sticks in. I'm pretty sure. I'd be good with either. But yeah, in that situation, if someone is acting like that
Starting point is 01:00:16 and they're leaping across the counter aggressively, like behaving in a way that's like violent, like you have to assume that they mean you harm. So here's the shelf i think he's okay with everything he did but but like you know it's fine however i
Starting point is 01:00:32 think we all know that it wasn't necessary it it it it really wasn't he didn't need to stab him so many times and i think if he'd shown that guy the knife and be like you want to get stabbed the guy would have ran but he chose to stab him because he was in a situation where it's OK to stab people. And that's the situation he's in. He's a guy jumped over the counter. Oh, dude, don't you know I'm allowed to stab you now? And he stabbed him up real good. That's what happened.
Starting point is 01:00:56 That's how I see it. That's right. He's like Homer Simpson in that episode where he's like, hey, I think the benefit of hindsight and not having been in that situation like two people come in and they're acting like that like yeah they want to rob you but you also assume how many robberies have you seen where the person behind the counter gets absolutely fucking brutalized for no reason and kill with everything he did I'm just saying I don't think it was necessary I can second see that I'm just saying you have to assume that this is why
Starting point is 01:01:26 they are a danger to you plus plus look i've never been in that situation i bet he's terrified and once you're in stab mode you don't stop not able to count his stabs you know like i beat up this silly little pale kid one time in like eighth grade i didn't realize it hit him so many times we were in a fight and i was winning the fight handily and i should have stopped at one or two i didn't know i'd hit him like seven or eight times i really didn't it was a fight like you get lost in a pale child i imagine if like the nr if there was an nra organization or like a self-defense organization for knives you know how with guns they're like shoot to kill don't be some guy who thinks they can wing him in the shin there's probably a knife equivalent
Starting point is 01:02:08 like keep stabbing until he goes i'm dead i think he wasn't defending himself but he's in the clear because i'm okay with murdering over other things you know what green i think yeah that guy... I would hate to get stabbed. Hot take. I'm trying to... I thought you were pro-pegging. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:37 There are definitely some gunshot wounds that aren't nearly as bad as some knife wounds. There's some overlap there big time. I would hate to get stabbed. Those wounds are always gross looking. When people get stabbed and shot in the stomach and stuff like that, in the movies it's like, oh, he's got shot.
Starting point is 01:02:56 We better get him out of here. It's like you know he's going to have a colostomy bag for life, right? Riggs and Murtaugh from Lethal Weapon, those guys would both be dumping colostomy bags out by Lethal Weapon 4. Like those guys are taking it from Syria. Like they really underplay what it's like to get shot apparently. I just don't think you recover from it that well. But that guy who got stabbed like four good times at least
Starting point is 01:03:19 and maybe a couple of glancing ones, he's fucked. Zach wrote that like his – we don't really know his condition. He's fucked. Zach wrote that we don't really know his condition. It's kind of up in the air right now. I know his condition. Stabbed. He's dead. He's dead? I mean, look at what happened. I mean, I'm sure the police got there really fast.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Maybe the angle was off, but that one in the back of the neck, maybe it was more in the shoulder on the other side and it looked like it but I don't think you can recover from that. It looked like he was going deep too. Yeah, well it's a stabbing knife. That's what it's for. That's what it's for.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Not a stupid impulse Amazon purchase now, mom is what I'm saying. It's not. I bet the mall cops in America are all just like slow clap. They just wish he'd use that carambit knife. The one that's like a raptor claw and like really pieced him up. Like remember that Benicio del Toro movie where him,
Starting point is 01:04:14 Tommy Lee Jones had trained him to be like a knife assassin and he'd gone crazy in Kosovo. I've not seen that. Oh, it's pretty good. Tommy Lee Jones has this special unit he trains, and they're like assassins. They use a knife. That's their primary weapon.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Down and dirty, sneaking behind enemy lines, taking out one guy quietly. And Benicio Del Toro is his best student, but Benicio's gone crazy and committed a lot of crimes, and now Tommy Lee Jones has to chase him down into the forest, and they have to fight to the death with knives to settle the score. And so that's how it's a pretty good movie. I like it. The Hunted. I'll check that out.
Starting point is 01:04:50 After For All Mankind. That seems cool. I'm trying to find the guy's name. What's his name? Johnny Wynn. His name is Johnny Wynn. Oh, that's cool. He's like a video game character. Johnny Wynn. That's all he does. But I hear that. I'll show you how his name
Starting point is 01:05:06 is spelled n-g-u-y-e-n yes um taylor's spelling cheat codes in his brain vietnamese but uh i've worked with a bunch of guys with that last name before and it's pronounced winn yep and uh so his name is johnny winn and um he has a GoFundMe now, I guess. And he's the owner of the smoke shop. I haven't been able... The article that's linked in the Reddit thing says they don't know his status. So I was trying to find a more current one.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Why does he have a GoFundMe? Bad, I don't know. A new knife. They would take the knife as evidence. So he will need a new knife. And if he would... I would love to present johnny winn with a pk ace rsk stabbing knife to replace his old one so he's raised about eight thousand dollars in his
Starting point is 01:05:54 gofundme and it's to show support for his valiant decision to stand up for himself against delinquents oh shit we're just giving him money for being a stabber. He should be made like an honorary sheriff. Or at least like a hibachi chef. He should be given leeway with the law. He's demonstrated in aptitude. An aptitude for vigilantism. Are you pro or against vigilantism?
Starting point is 01:06:24 How do you feel? are you pro or or against vigilantism how do you feel uh if they have a costume on then i'm okay with it okay because there's that one vigilante who was molested as a as a young man and then as an adult when he discovered the sex offender registry he used it to then go to sex offenders homes and beat them to death with a hammer so okay was he dressed up orange these days i mean it sounds like he so he went to the oh he just went to random people's houses or he went to the guys he had the sex offender register he was like ah child molester i see 33 bluebird street see you soon gary uh Gary. This guy should have been given the key to the city. Well,
Starting point is 01:07:08 that's a true story. I was watching that earlier today. He's in prison now for like ever, I think. He killed several people with the hammer. Get rid of child molesters and you, you know, solve the housing crisis. Now, when you make it twofold like that, you're starting to win me over.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Now we're cooking.'m gonna go like watch it now like i've been binging it for like two days now i'm gonna get apple tv i'll check it out all right so here's there's a few other things on apple tv here's what i don't recommend ted lasso that's that one where that's all of it here's why i don't like it and and and maybe it changes i'm sure it changes the first episode i felt so sorry for him that when i went to bed last night i was bummed out i went to bed last night and like laid in bed for a little while they've seen what episode the first i watched the pilot it is the saddest shit i've seen in a long time he's this guy who like smiles through everything like he's just so glad to be here oh you're gonna be mean to me to my face well that's just the way you are but hey i'm gonna sunshine and rainbows and lollipops baby we're positive over here we're winners like
Starting point is 01:08:15 he's just that all day when he's getting shit on all day and then he gets home and he like calls he gets to the the hotel he's living in because he's overseas, and he calls his wife, and you realize that she won't even tell him that she loves him, and they're separated. And he's just like, no, no, no, I love you. No, you don't have to say it back, baby. I'm giving you that space. That's what I'm doing now. All right, then.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Good night. And then he's just like, then he lays in bed, and then it's another joke. He just goes, well, now I can't sleep. Because all day he's been like falling asleep from the time thing. It was sad to me. I'm sure it gets better and there's some funny moments, but I feel so sorry for that man.
Starting point is 01:08:59 He finds some allies in the team and has some success. Some measure of success. Things don't go super easy for him. But I like that show. I like it. Sorry for him. He's too pitiful.
Starting point is 01:09:16 The dynamic between the players. Some players are really good, but they're not team players. Other guys are maybe aging and over the hill, but they have respect to their team. He sort of finds everyone... you see a manager do management shit which can be kind of inspiring and interesting you hear manager if you're like me usually think like piece of shit riding on the accomplishments of his team but sometimes managers are inspirational and really make good calls and make the team better than it would have been with bad management.
Starting point is 01:09:47 He's that guy. I'm trying to remember a specific episode where some crazy shit happens. I will say this. When you're watching the space show, it can be a little slow at times, but they're often building toward a launch. Oh, yeah. The launch is next week. When the launch happens, that's usually
Starting point is 01:10:03 when they blow their special effects budget and uh they have some cool like space walk emergency maneuvering type stuff like i don't want to spoil anything but they use their special effects budget sparingly and very well and when they're in space it looks as good as any apollo 13 or something like that i don't know it looks good probably a wrap huh hour or something like that. I don't know. It looks good. Probably a wrap, huh? Hour two? Yeah. I'm going to go eat dinner. All right. Let's wrap it. PKN 416.

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