Painkiller Already - PKN #43

Episode Date: June 24, 2015

In this weeks episode of PKN, Woody and Kyle talk about ALL teh things!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we're live. Painkiller Nearly, episode 43. So, you were saying? Oh, Chiz linked me to that new movie trailer for The Martian, which is a Matt Damon film where it's not about space aliens, but it is about space travel.
Starting point is 00:00:16 It's a NASA mission to Mars and a big storm kicks up and all the astronauts have to evacuate ASAP and Matt Damon gets left behind and everyone thinks he's dead. And it's about his story of trying to survive on Mars the whole time I'm watching it I'm like don't rescue that fucker you know you can't trust him you can't trust him he won't he won't get it's all a trap on you yeah he will turn on you he'll kill you he'll take your spot don't trust Matt Damon in space I'm wish matthew mcconaughey was in
Starting point is 00:00:46 this movie and he'd show up like i don't think we should get him fuck that guy we're talking about of course if you've seen interstellar um well i won't spoil it he's uh he he's been a traitor before but uh in any case this yeah that's not spoiled at all and well you know it's a while before you get in there so basically it's matt damon surviving the the post uh storm thing on mars with less than what he should have to be able to survive you know it's like a 30-day habitat or something they were just inspiring it was inspiring because he's like all right i've got a 30-day habitat and it's going to take them four years to rescue me anyways there is they're eating their food and stuff. He's like, so I'm going to science the shit out of this thing.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And, you know, so he starts like, all right, calculating how much food he needs to grow. And I guess he's producing oxygen with the food too. And it was pretty neat. It was pretty neat. I'm looking forward to that. I like space movies where it's Star Trek is cool. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:01:45 But at no point in Star Trek am I worried that the ship's going to break down and they're all going to get sucked out into space. They've mastered space travel in Star Trek. Or at least mastered it as much as we've currently mastered air travel. They've got it down. But in a movie like Interstellar, there's even a scene where they're sitting around during the space journey and one guy goes, he's just like, I'm just trying to wrap
Starting point is 00:02:09 my head around it. And the other guy's like, what? There's three millimeters of aluminum separating me from the vacuum and void of space and the radiation. And it's just like, yeah, if a fucking like pebble hits us, it's going to be moving like 20,000 miles an hour or something. And it's going to rip a hole in this. And if I'm leaning against, it's going to be moving like 20 000 miles an hour or something and it's going to rip a hole in this and if i'm leaning against it's going to suck me out through the hole like through a hole this big or something like that we're all dead do you remember when the chinese blew up a satellite vaguely okay it was maybe two or three years ago and china was testing their anti-satellite technology which by, by the way, is really significant. People don't talk about it much, but imagine how crippled we'd be if they took out our GPS system.
Starting point is 00:02:54 The American advantage in technology could be wiped out if it weren't for the satellites. There are a lot of those satellites, though. I am outside my area of expertise. I just know we really need those satellites. We do. Those are key. Everyone does. I also know throughout my whole life it seems like it's way easier
Starting point is 00:03:11 to break shit than to build it. If the US were going against China, then if they could take out our technology supremacy, it would just be a matter of manpower. And it'd just be a matter of manpower and it'd be hard to beat their manpower.
Starting point is 00:03:29 You know, it's weird to think about that conflict because it's like, is it a no-holds-barred conflict? Is it like, how does it start? Who gets the first blow? And like, how is that battle fought? I kind of think of it in civilization terms, you know? In civilization, it's like, all right, well, we just need these two land units and a bunch of them and then maybe a boat or two. But in this war, there's so many different aspects of it.
Starting point is 00:03:52 There's space. There's kinetic weapons. They could have missiles in space. I know that's outlawed currently, but who knows? Who's keeping track of that? China did it anyway. China sent a missile into space and took out a satellite. And the reason that the topic came up to me was the United States was like, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:04:12 You can't do that because you've created so much space debris that now space travel is dangerous. The amount of known space debris went up by like tenfold because they blew up that one satellite into a million pieces. went up by like tenfold because they blew up that one satellite into a million pieces. I wondered at the time, I'm like, are we protesting about space debris? But in reality, we don't really want them to have the technology. I think it's both probably. Yeah, it doesn't have to be one thing. But yeah, that war would be scary because you don't know what's going to happen. There would be, obviously there's ICBMs and we could turn all of China into glass and they could probably do the same to most of us.
Starting point is 00:04:47 But then there's like the naval aspect of it and they've got all these kinetic weapons. These kinetic weapons, it's not even an explosive charge. It's just a missile moving so fucking fast that its impact alone is enough to destroy a battleship or something like that. I don't know how that war would play out or how it would even be fought with the technology we have now with the air power, with the long range, with the drones, the missiles, and the naval power and everything. I don't know. Are they able to disable things like drones
Starting point is 00:05:15 by taking out satellites? And then the other thing is this. So we won World War II pretty much single handedly, if I have my history right. And Europeans, and British people in particular love to say that the U.S. had nothing to do with it they're like yeah all right I'll give the Russians a nod but the U.S. was not involved and uh you know I I think that we were at the very least the straw that broke the camel's back we single-handedly beat Japan Pacific yeah
Starting point is 00:05:44 yeah not single-handedly I mean the there were other countries in every battle they were there was a contingent of other countries and you hate to leave them out of that with d-day just the anniversary just came by but you know there were canadians on on normandy beach but the pacific would have gone the same way if it was just us yeah probably so as far as i know germany on the other hand was something of a team effort lord knows the russians were rough on them the russians put the back the the main work in on the ground and we bombed the fuck out of them and so did the english for those lancaster bombers uh it was a team effort against germany for sure but i feel like the amer the americans did just as much as the british against them and more yeah more than the british i don't know how we said i know we didn't die as much as the British against them and more. Yeah, more than the British.
Starting point is 00:06:25 I don't know how we... I know we didn't die as much as the Russians did. Definitely not. They lost like 10 million people. Dude, I saw a video recently on where the deaths from World War II came from. Russia died more than Germany did. They died a lot. But that's not always a measure of how much fighting they did.
Starting point is 00:06:44 They might not have just fought quite as well. It was hard fought. It was fighting in cities as well. And it was starvation. They starved. They lost Leningrad and starved them out. It was a real wreck. But I had a point when I brought up the Russian thing.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Oh, oh. One of the reasons that that went so well is we out-manufactured the rest of the planet at the time. You know, we had... Russia had better tanks. Russia might have had better machine guns. That might be something you know. But no one had more. We had more tanks.
Starting point is 00:07:16 We had more planes. We were making planes quicker than you could knock them down. And it's going good. The entire... Some people don't know. Because the History Channel is showing nothing but reality show trash now, but like we were making so many fucking B-17
Starting point is 00:07:30 flying fortresses. Every day they were rolling out. When they build planes now, I feel like weeks are going into each plane and lots of quality assurance and stuff like that. When they put a plane out, they really are trying despite disasters here and there to put out a perfect piece of machinery but back
Starting point is 00:07:47 then there were no there's a reason there are no like 1945 Ford's it's because Ford Motor Company was making bombers and tanks it's because all the automakers every industry you know the they federalized a few a few of the the industries just to make that war effort as efficient as possible. They put everything on production. Tanks and bombers were rolling off automotive assembly lines at the rate that you might expect an automotive assembly line to make cars. That was our big advantage. It was that we had, because of the way, the thing about the U.S. is we had these wide open spaces in this interconnected road system
Starting point is 00:08:25 And we needed and everybody could afford a car we had such a great economy And so well we were in Great Depression at the time, but we had the infrastructure there From to make all those and the the assembly lines to make all those vehicles and stuff that we we had been building and they Just switched all that over to planes and weapons Sorry about that. Taking the edge off the ceiling fan. Getting a little chilly in here. Yeah, my ceiling fan has a switch on the wall for it. Like it's wired in. It's weird. I haven't seen it before. Hmm. Wait, now it's making noise.
Starting point is 00:09:01 You either stop that or turn it back. I'm turning it it back i don't have this all sorted out no worries but anyway yeah that that was um where i i'm i really like uh my favorite thing about world war ii to like look at and marvel at is the united states production i i think that that was really cool. And that's what won the war for us. That and lots of brave soldiers. Turn it off. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Want to talk about Game of Thrones? Okay. That thing that happened was the thing I was talking about. The dragon scene. So spoilers, I guess. Spoilers, I guess. Yeah. that thing that happened was the thing i was talking about the dragon so spoilers i guess spoilers i guess yeah so keep that in mind if you haven't seen the most recent episode of game of thrones it's season five episode nine then for the next minute or two we're going to be talking about that i thought it was coming off of it i thought it was one of the best episodes i'd ever seen a game of thrones chis nitpicks at it lot. He wrote this whole like synopsis and he dissected the thing and he didn't care for a couple of the moments, but I don't think it's fair to judge
Starting point is 00:10:11 it yet until the next episode comes out because he didn't like things in particular like Ramsay, he felt it was lazy that in the last episode Ramsay says I don't need an army any twenty good men Let me go after him in the snow and then this episode episode, we just see, like, fires get started, but no one literally starting the fire. We just see fires spring up, and we didn't get to see Ramsay do any cool shit. And I'm with Chiz. I wanted to see that.
Starting point is 00:10:33 But I think next episode, maybe they, maybe we see him, like, up in the mountains, like, looking down below at Stannis' camp or something like that. I like that he burned the girl. I don't think, I, I, he explained his reasoning. He explained his reasoning. I feel like he didn't have a choice, personally. I feel like the lady's proven that her magic is legit. If he keeps his daughter, he can stay there in the snow and die. He can try to move forward and die. Or he can go back to Castle Black and sit there until the winter ends, which
Starting point is 00:11:04 we all know is going to be 10 or or 15 years or something like that minimum and probably die there too so the girl was going to die regardless it's just a matter of uh do we all die with the girl and and he made a choice in the end that that was a pretty nasty choice and he burned his daughter alive we'll see if she like cooks up some kind of a nasty ghost with this sacrifice and it just rips the North apart. Like, I don't know what... Who is it going to kill? Is it Bolton? I'm not sure if it's going to...
Starting point is 00:11:33 In the past, it seems like she conjures up like a spirit or a demon that goes and like kills one person or something like that. I'm hoping this time it's like some legit magic. Like we saw the White Walker do when he raised his hands and like walls come crashing down or snow melts. You know, maybe there's a fiery path that leads straight to Winterfell. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I predict next season there's a whole lot of frustration over nothing happening. It's a weird thing because I'm trying to think of who she's killed before. She claims responsibility for the Red Wedding. But you know,. She claims responsibility for the Red Wedding. But, you know, there's other explanations for the Red Wedding. Like Tywin signing a contract with Frey and telling him to do it. She claims responsibility for something else.
Starting point is 00:12:16 I forget. Joffrey. Joffrey. Yep, yep. But there's other explanations for Joffrey, right? Someone put poison in his drink. The Lord works in mysterious ways. And she claims responsibility for Renly. and she was totally responsible for Renly.
Starting point is 00:12:29 She was definitely responsible for Renly, and she was also definitely responsible. Remember in the books, there was a siege that wasn't in the show, where they go to take Renly's castle after he's dead, and the guy who's in charge of it won't give it up. I actually think that the bastard is in there. King Robert's bastard son is in that castle. They won't turn him over to Stannis. And I think the guy who's the Castellan or whatever, the guy in charge at the time, he's not a king, but he's in charge of the castle's defenses and he's the leader, says something like, fight me in single combat and that will decide this battle. Who wins the castle or whatever?
Starting point is 00:13:09 And the bastard. And I think Stannis' buddy with the missing fingers says to him, I think that he's trying to save his honor here. He's willing to give up, but he can't lose his honor and surrender. He wants to fight and die. We've got many men who could slay him in single combat, but no. He once again used the lady's demon powers she go it goes in the guy falls off a tower mysteriously and and i'm pretty sure she's responsible for that one as well so i i believe in her power i think it's legit we've seen uh you know the lord of light is also the same god who's resurrected that
Starting point is 00:13:42 one guy multiple times yeah he's a legit god and so long as we're spoiling the lord of light i'm i they've resurrected um catelyn stark yeah that is a show spoiler big time that's not in the show that's not even in the show that's a that is a book spoiler um and uh so so yeah that was all cool and i was already okay with the episode up until there you also got a little tidbit with john snow and you got to see that basically all right uh you know the first ranger who hates him has enough honor to say he's lord commander i don't believe in any of this but i'll obey my orders he lets the wildlings and the giant and john snow back in. There was a moment there where you thought, like,
Starting point is 00:14:25 maybe they just turn away. They just turn away, walk backwards, and Jon Snow and all these wildlings are dead in a week. But he lets them in. That's good. They're heading towards Stannis, I can only imagine, once Seaworth comes up and tells them to. But the show didn't get really good and really interesting and go to, like, another tier of shows
Starting point is 00:14:43 until you got to the Khaleesi. Every moment of that I found good. I like the dialogue between her husband and her boyfriend, Dario Noharis, arguing over whether the big guy or the fast guy was going to win. You got the payoff. He lops his head
Starting point is 00:14:59 off and it's funny. And then Jorah's fighting was pretty good. The choreography was pretty damn good there. I like that he's just really suffering against the fast guy but then when he gets against the guy with the spear he's much more well matched i like that he's just not infinitely good right when he played when he fights against a guy who would basically like a i don't know what kind of sword that is a saber scabbard it's not a foil it's it's very it's a very thin, whip-around kind of sword. It's not the big, broad sword or the short sword. It's not a long sword.
Starting point is 00:15:32 It's not a scabbard. It reminds me a lot more of the swords from the Princess Bride, when the sword fights are all ting-ting-ting-ting-ting-ting-ting. It's like that, and he had a hard time to fit against that, but he won those fights and then suddenly grabs up that spear and fucking launches it right at the Khaleesi's box and And you see it hit somebody and they die and you're like oh god Did he kill the Khaleesi? Did he kill her husband? Did he kill Dario Naharis?
Starting point is 00:15:58 Did he kill Tyrion? Did he kill some like what is he doing? And then you see they're coming the gold the gold massed men you know are what are they called the haggard the harpies i don't know harpies yeah yeah call um and they're coming from everywhere and she didn't bring nearly enough unsullied to her sporting event she's got like 20 of them or something yeah and it's just and the fight goes on for a while and it was, I thought the fight was great. You got, they're like, they're stabbing random people. Like, I saw one part where they like stab a woman like multiple times in the chest.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I'm not sure what they're doing there. It seems like the mission should be to kill the Khaleesi, the queen. But they're just kind of killing at random and there's dead people everywhere. But then of course they get surrounded in the center of the arena. They're backing them in farther and farther, completely surrounded, completely outnumbered. And I i was like this would be a good time for a dragon
Starting point is 00:16:49 and suddenly here that giant fucking dragon comes in to save the day dragging people off like like like raking them with its claws and then burning maybe 20 20 30 people and uh and then they start spearing the thing i'm like shit are they gonna kill her dragon and then they start spearing the thing. I'm like, shit, are they going to kill her dragon? And then she hops on the thing's back and flies away. And Chiz didn't like the CGI there, but... It was bad. It was bad. Was it?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yeah, it reminded me of like 1990s SNL skits, the CGI in there. Toots the Driving Cat for all the other old people listening to this. Oh, that's a good one. Remember when Toots was doing the remember the terminator 2 episode with uh linda hamilton that was funny um what was i gonna say oh oh the book it happens there's a material difference so in the tv show calise jumps on the dragon and flies away and everybody sees it. In the book, but everything else is kind of the same.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Like the harpies, there's like chaos, etc. In the book, though, the dragon comes and flaps its wings and it tears some people up. But it also creates like a dust storm from the sand pits and no one can quite see what's going on everyone's running from the dragon except calise who goes up to it and in the book there's like this real nervous moment like is the dragon gonna eat her there was a bit of that in the show yes well you know the book it takes the show and drags 10 seconds to be 10 minutes and uh um then eventually the dragon kind of like lets her mount and they fly away, but no one sees it. So there's all these rumors that she's dead.
Starting point is 00:18:32 There's Rubens the dragon ate her. There's some rumors that the dragon flew off with her and the talons. And like it's not clear, like it is in the shows, that she like mounted a dragon and now she's a freaking dragon warrior s and another thing that's different if i have my facts right and i think i do her husband isn't killed in the melee instead there's like a power vacuum left in the city and her husband seems to be like the ruling until she comes back well that won't be happening this time no that motherfucker's dead um they stabbed him a lot of times because in the book you're like look at this a new player Well, that won't be happening this time. No, no. That motherfucker's dead.
Starting point is 00:19:07 They stabbed him a lot of times. Because in the book, you're like, look at this. A new player to the Game of Thrones. This guy owns the city. There's all these armies here. He has the people that were loyal to Daenerys and the people that were loyal to him, the Harpies. And, you know, he's got a lot to manage. It's kind of like managing Iraq where half the people hate you, but they are under your rule uh and that i hope i have it right and that's the guy who's actually leading it but yeah he kind
Starting point is 00:19:30 of holds this power he filled the vacuum while denarius is thought to be perhaps dead well not in the show i like the episode um the cgi definitely could have been better i didn't think it was terrible but maybe I should watch it again. And I'm looking forward to next episode because everyone seems to be saying that there's a massive thing that's happening next episode. I know that one of the co-author of one of the books who writes with
Starting point is 00:19:56 George R. R. Martin, she tweeted something like she tweeted something like, since D&D, who can only assume are the producers or creators of the Game of Thrones television show, she was like, since they are fine with, like, spoiling it for book readers,
Starting point is 00:20:16 maybe I'll throw a few spoilers out there for next episode in episode 10. And it was just like, really? What a cunt. Like, I didn't notice any book spoilers but i can i'm sure there were if she says there were i guess maybe the maybe one of the things that that happened earlier in the show was a spoiler for future for future books or something i feel like we we've learned some stuff about the white walkers that that aren't in the
Starting point is 00:20:41 books okay you know like i'm just the valerian steel sword doing well against the white walkers i think that's is it yeah it's it's a small thing there's this part where i think sam's in the middle of it he's read something or another and maybe he's talking to john snow or some other character and the consensus is the consensus is that like we're not going to be able to get enough valerrian steel to be effective here. Oh, I do remember something like that. Someone says something to the nature of like, oh yeah, well let's just go to all the lords of Westeros. I'm sure they'll give us their priceless heirloom swords to fight at the wall to a bunch of rapers and thieves.
Starting point is 00:21:22 It's just never going to happen. Sam Tarly, his dad, has one of those cool valerian definitely think about where the white walkers come from right they're they're babies that they convert into people and they grow up and have a society like that's not in the book um i don't know what she was talking about there yeah i i don't either and i don't want to know like uh Definitely. I don't like spoilers. I got a little bit of a spoiler from 4chan. There was a thing that said, how do you feel knowing that this little shit's gonna die tonight?
Starting point is 00:21:51 And it turned out to be the little girl. And there was a picture that I looked away from really fast, and I could tell someone was gonna get burned. So I was kinda sure it was her, but I thought it might be Ramsey. I thought maybe Stannis captures Ramsey and burns him. Like, that'd be nice and like like i'd like oh i in and i don't want to spoil the next episode yeah don't yeah see if he's got any king's blood in him
Starting point is 00:22:20 burn his ass he does he's got some king's blood in him right yeah a little bit he's bolton's bastard sure that counts yeah burn him i'd like if they burned him but maybe he survived it and he was all burned from now on something like that i don't know i'm looking forward to the next episode though that'll be cool uh and this season will be over and i'll start my book reading again and i'll uh i might finish so i have like five and a half hours left on the book now. And I think I can. The challenge is this. Hope's last day of school is tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And that accounted for an hour a day. So I'll have four and a half hours to finish sometime. And I'm not driving anymore. I like to listen to it like Kitty's got a pretty nice stereo system. And I've listened to it just playing in the house while I'm like, if I'm like cleaning the living room, like running around, like straightening stuff up, like I'll just have it playing loudly in the house.
Starting point is 00:23:13 And I don't think anybody likes that, but I really don't care. I'm meeting a painter in Apex. This is not a good show topic, but we're prepping that house for sale, and that involves painting the walls and fixing some like holes and stuff like that. Not like big holes, but like where you'd hang a picture. Make it look nice and fresh and good and uh so it'll be at least an hour to take hope to school and drive back and then it's about an hour and a half to go to apex and back so that's two and a half hours right there that'll take me down to three hours total and i can find three hours yeah yeah that'll be good. I'm going to get back into it soon.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Like I said, I just wanted to finish the show off before this season of the show. I didn't need double Game of Thrones to keep my appetite satisfied, but I feel like once the show's over, I'm going to start missing it and that'll be a good time to get back into it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:03 I was, I don't know, I wanted to know all this stuff. That's what I did. I had a deep-seated curiosity to know this stuff. And throughout most of the season, I felt like I was ahead of the books, and I want to stay ahead. You know what I also want? I want to know everything so that I can participate on the subreddit. I want to know everything so that I can participate on the subreddit.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I oftentimes see posts from the Song of Ice and Fire subreddit. They're always labeled with spoilers all or spoilers show aired or spoilers book. They let you know going in. But I'd love to be able to click them all because there's lots of funny stuff in there. They find little moments, little quirks that are similar or dissimilar from book and show. And I like that. If you're a show watcher and you watch like the theories and stuff, you know, they haven't laid that out for you. But if you're a book reader and you want to know like the theories and stuff, then, you know, it's just something you didn't think of on your own. They put together some pieces and it's like, ah, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Yeah. The next book, I would bet anything, comes out next year in the fall. I bet we are like 13, 14 months from a new book. Really? I've heard he's been quoted as saying he's doing everything possible or anything possible to get the book done. But for next year, I know he's got a co-author. It seems like he's on the grind to get the book done but for next year i know he's got a co-author um it seems
Starting point is 00:25:25 like he's on the grind to get this book done and he better be because well we all know he's just not gonna make it he's not gonna make it to 2020 or anything like that oh gosh never mind i'm not gonna bring up this next topic because that is a segue um chiz and i have reached a new level of of uh civilization uh no lifery i guess we joined a steam group called uh no quitters it's like civilization no quitters and uh yeah i know i saw i knew i knew you knew oh yeah yeah i was way ahead of you that's the way or i was at least on uh keeping step i knew exactly what you were saying I saw that too what was I fucking saying oh we joined this no quitter steam group and basically the deal is they play
Starting point is 00:26:10 civilization 5 multiplayer and no one quits and if you do quit without a reason they kick you out of the steam group and then you don't get to play anymore and they're all multiplayer civ players and I've seen some videos of them the filthy robot he streams and makes videos and he's the number one multiplayer player in the world from what I've seen some videos of him. The filthy robot he streams and makes videos
Starting point is 00:26:25 and he's the number one multiplayer player in the world from what I understand. And just watching him play, the kind of micromanagement that he employs on his cities and stuff is just next level. I've learned a lot of stuff watching him. Nowhere near as good as him. I don't have the patience to be like...
Starting point is 00:26:42 He'll be right in the middle of a war and he'll get all of his war stuff done and then he's back to his 18th city making sure that it's granary is going to come out in the most efficient way. And it's like, at that point in the game I don't give a fuck about that granary way back there, but he's like, should I work
Starting point is 00:26:58 the wheat tile or the stone tile? And he's like, locking tiles and it's all super micromanaged but anyway boring yeah really boring for me i'm buying all the war and then he takes the time to spend 35 minutes maximizing his production on his 18th city that's the other thing that's neat about watching him play is he's clicking it's click click click click he's got a really loud mouse for one thing like when i scroll my wheel it's, you can't even hear it.
Starting point is 00:27:27 It's silent, right? On his, it sounds like it's like click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click. And I feel like it's a special sieve mouse or something. But when he's clicking stuff, like you know how many pop-ups there are and it's always dragging you places. He's like clickety, clickety, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click. When he goes to like pick a religion, he's like click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click. When he goes to pick a religion, he's like, click, click, click, click, click, close. Click, click, click, click, close. City, city, city, city.
Starting point is 00:27:48 This unit, that unit. Building, building, building, building. Tile, tile, tile, tile, tile. Click, click, click. You make me want to watch him. Does he stream a lot? He streams Civ every Saturday. But he posts the videos up on his YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Oh, maybe I'll watch it. It doesn't have to be live. But anyway, we played this game, this no-quitters group, and I was a little intimidated going in. I didn't know, because I've watched his videos and they're very warlike. Nobody sits back on their laurels in SimCities, which is what they call it. I love SimCitying in Civ, but you're right. I don't like people who pick on people who SimCity in Civ.
Starting point is 00:28:22 I don't like that. I don't like it when people... I feel like it's elitism they're like scoffing at the guy who was trying to build wonders instead of crossbows as fast as possible but we did pretty well um chis and i uh we held her on and the game ended up freezing of course you know three or four hour five or six hours in but i was leading in points at the time really yeah i had um i had four or five cities i had a massive army they were coming for us but it was going to be a stalemate i feel like it was going to last you know another three or four hours i feel like i was ahead so you belonged in the
Starting point is 00:28:55 game without a doubt though like i definitely belonged in that can't say you were gonna win a game that didn't finish but you were a player oh yeah i had i had i had a thousand scores second place like had like 800 score and then it just went down from there um so i think we're gonna play some more in that steam group that's uh that's fun and they don't quit that's for sure like people i'll see people whining in those streams trying to quit they're like look man i'm really not effective in the game anymore just let me quit and they'll do a vote and one guy be like nah and he'll be and so his goal will be like to go kill that one guy he's like well let me quit and they'll do a vote and one guy will be like nah and he'll be and so his goal will be like to go kill that one guy he's like well let me go kill rome and then his vote won't
Starting point is 00:29:29 matter anymore yeah and then but then the other players won't let him go kill rome they won't give them open borders to like get over there to do it it's uh they get they get pretty pissy sometimes i've seen that filthy robot guy like that scrub play fucking scrub play see this is what i gotta deal with these scrubby dubbies he's like he's like on one hand i got these two scrubs teaming up and rushing me from the left but i gotta build science to fight this other guy who is an elite player and he'll do both at the same time he'll he'll i've literally seen him fight off two players like they show up on his boards with 10 crossbows and like five or six other units and he's like well i'm gonna lose this city but i'm gonna kill all those units and take it back and two hours later he's done it
Starting point is 00:30:10 his his unit control is so good um he knows so many little quirks about how the units rotate in and out like swapping positions and healing and stuff and just how to how to like concentrate fire on one unit and get get kills rather than wounding a lot of units. I would hate to have to play against that guy. I really hope I don't get matched against him ever. I really don't want to. I think a lot of people will be like, yeah, I'd love to play with Filthy, but I know I don't. Especially in a
Starting point is 00:30:36 no-quitting game. Civilization is a game that hurts to lose. It is long, slow, and painful. It's death by fire. A little fire. Yeah yeah they bake you to death yeah it's roasted marshmallow fire stuff there it's it's not it's not a good death and it's it's long and it's hours and uh i just i started to think about it but um yeah oh collins in parkour camp ah is that so i know he goes to like a weekly thing or
Starting point is 00:31:07 something like that where they do parkour this is different though is it the same group of people or is it a separate parkour group same group of people so here's the biggest thing for us colin has like a separation anxiety um you know he does doesn't do well by himself he's afraid to be afraid to be alone like even in this house, which to me is our home, right? We're all cool with it. No, he'll be like, if he recognizes that there's no one else nearby, he's looking around and he's panicked, kind of. I don't like being alone either. It even started in Apex and it's not right. So we've been trying to sort of work through that with him. And one of the things we did is we made him comfortable with more
Starting point is 00:31:50 parkour coaches. He used to just be all about Coach Nick and we're like, we got to send him on different nights so he knows the other people. And now they're doing these camps. And he went to camp today for the first time by himself, all day camp, rocked it, came home. He was completely happy. When Jackie showed up, it wasn't like Americans coming to rescue the French in World War II. And he's like, oh, my God, thank God you're here. He's just like, hey, Mom, yeah, been doing parkour all day and just rocked it. So that was really cool. And then, and this is only a two-day thing, but since we've had kids, we've had kids all the time.
Starting point is 00:32:32 All the time. Much more than anybody else I know of. One of the things that makes us unique is that we moved away from our friends and family. So we're out here in North Carolina kind of doing it all solo. Whereas most people that have kids have, you know, like grandma and grandpa, a bunch of built-in babysitters, sisters and stuff. A structure of support. Right. And Colin in particular, through most of his life really,
Starting point is 00:32:55 we haven't been able to leave him with random sitters. We could leave him with Hope. But, you know, that's something where we might go out for a little bit. I can't remember any other time where like – and Colin's homeschooled. That's another thing. You want to talk about being with your kids, Colin's homeschooled. So he's with us all the time, all the time.
Starting point is 00:33:16 And today Hope was in school and Colin was at parkour because he finished his homeschool for the year. And it was just like, wow, holy smokes. We're like testing out the empty nest for a few hours. Never had this before ever. And that was kind of a cool thing. You walk around naked for a while? I fucked her.
Starting point is 00:33:38 In the Game of Thrones room? She initiated. No, it was in the master bedroom. I feel like, you know what would really like uh top off the game of thrones room if you had an enormous table that was carved out like the map of westeros i'm just i would love to have one of those that's sick i i do like that idea actually we have a pool table in the game of thrones room which is pretty neat i have this thing uh i can only point one camera at a time so here's the. I have a map of the world on the side, which I'm going to show to you next.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I have two cameras. One's for Kyle and one's for everyone else. But that's my map of the world. I like that. Yeah. I like that a lot. And I don't know if you remember, but the first painkiller already, how bad the echo was in here. All there was was my computer desk and a chair.
Starting point is 00:34:25 And since then I've been putting these canvas paintings on every wall. That one you've probably never seen before. But that whole wall is virtually covered with sound absorbing stuff. This wall on this side is sound absorbing. I've got curtains and shades now on the thing and the carpet and this leather chair. I feel like my echo, like I don't really have a echo.
Starting point is 00:34:49 It can get better yet. A little bit. Yeah, but it's way better than it was, and we're not done yet. I feel like you need like a, maybe like a Barka lounge or something in the corner, so like you could take a nap or something. Oh, you do. Do you have like a futon over there or something? I have a reclining leather chair.
Starting point is 00:35:08 That's exactly what I was thinking of. Yep, yep. Oh, come on. You can't sleep in that. Dude, it's way better than you think. With those wooden armrests? Right. I feel like you want it to be really cushy and like absorb you like wings couches.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Hang in there. Okay. Let's see what we got going on here. It's heavy, so it doesn't move that easily. Oh, he's fine. okay see what we got going on here that's what she said okay sometimes I I put Netflix on this giant monitor. Lay this shit out. It's so comfortable. Okay. I'm sold. That looks pretty comfy.
Starting point is 00:35:57 When we were shopping, like we were sitting in chair after chair after chair, and Jackie's like, oh my God, this is the one. And we sat in it. Someday you you'll come over you'll sit in it and you'll be like yep that chair rocks because fair enough because it does I uh I got some crazy stuff in my p.o box today you want to see yes let me run and grab it I'll just be right back right back. I'm afraid I might get poison ivy. I'm super allergic to poison ivy. I didn't even know
Starting point is 00:36:34 there were people who weren't super allergic. As a kid, I would get poison ivy just by not even touching it, by being in the area and such. I could catch it through the wind. That was something that most people couldn't do and I could also get poison ivy by eating cashews which is a sign of people who are like mega allergic to poison ivy because they're in the same family if I eat too
Starting point is 00:36:56 many cashews I would I would get poison ivy I'm not quite as bad now but I was weed whacking like on my property and I think I weed whacked poison ivy in shorts and just splattered it on me. And we'll see how bad this gets. All right. What do you got? That guy had to have a lot of those laser CNC things. Maybe. He might have had it made.
Starting point is 00:37:24 I'm not sure. It's i think he i think he has access to a laser burner thing does it look burnt by chance or is it stained it doesn't look a laser it looks like there's lots of horizontal very tiny horizontal lines carved in um so that's cool i think that's for kitty actually she's gonna put that in her office and then i got this. Motherfucker. Oh, my God. It's big.
Starting point is 00:37:51 That's great. It's fucking huge. It looks thick, too. It's good quality. Yeah. Yeah. I pictured it being really thin and cheesy. It's like a giant glove. Oh, my God. It's so giant. I need to being really thin and cheesy. It's like a giant glove.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Oh, my God. It's so giant. I need to get a P.O. box. I'm excited about it. I wonder if I'll get anything cool. I also got like a big box of candy, like a shoe box full of candy. One of them was these tiny penis candies. That was actually a second.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I got two packages of candy. One was these tiny dick candies. It was like, here, I got two packages of candy. One was these tiny dick candies. And it was like, here, suck a dick or something. Or like, eat a dick or something like that in the letter. Perfect. Every time I go there, it's something neat. I check the P.O. Box a couple times a week because it's a little bit like Christmas. I got something today.
Starting point is 00:38:38 An annoying Christmas. My Leatherman came in today. So I am going to try and show you guys the Leatherman it's much smaller than I thought it was it's two inches and 1 eighth wide squirt it is the Leatherman squirt are you familiar with this now so here I'll go through the tools real quick it has a knife and you can see like next to my finger. It's really small. But for opening boxes, it might be just a ticket. I have this thing that I don't like heavy things in my pocket.
Starting point is 00:39:14 This might be, I wish it was maybe like 25% bigger. This is perhaps a screwdriver. I guess they call it that. And a file. It's like fine and coarse file. So that's kind of cool. On this side, there's three tools. One is the scissors
Starting point is 00:39:28 On YouTube they say these scissors are great They seem to work well, but I can't imagine using them for much more than like a stray string on your clothing And then it has this guy I know what this is, but I didn't know until recently This is a two-dimensional Phillips head have yours like I thought it was just like a bad poking tool or something but it fits in there and kind of works a Phillips head like it's a screwdriver it's still auto centering but it doesn't ever seen one but I understand how that would work that's neat and then the last thing if I can get it out is like a bottle opener screwdriver combo oh wait there's one more thing of course. It's a Leatherman. So it comes with pliers. So this... oh and then last but not least, I had it
Starting point is 00:40:11 engraved. So it says Woody's Gamer Tag on it, which I'll show you too. Nice. They come in multiple colors I suppose. Yeah, I like the blue. I'm happy with my choice there. But it's really small. We'll see how it works over time. It's my new pocket thing. I've talked about this before. I felt like I was using my knife for cutting, but then for everything else too. You know, if a screw needed to be turned, if I needed pliers, like I'd use the blade and my thumb to sort of, you know, create like a grip sort of thing because it was better than just fingernails or skin and i'm like you know i think what i really want is a multi-tool there are so many times when i find a little thing
Starting point is 00:40:49 that's loose and i i don't want to go all the way to my toolbox for stuff so we'll see i might end up buying a bigger multi-tool at some point we'll we'll figure out how this works but as for right now i was super excited when it came in the mail i've been waiting for a while and they got the billing right they billed me not they billed me but there was like a there were two pending transactions and i'm like did they double bill me and then they both got wiped out and then i saw the like the correct amount got posted so they billed me the right amount and i'm like i think that means it shipped it should come any day now and it came today i um it's a completely different topic but uh i i found this subreddit for people who slow cook stuff like in you know slow cookers
Starting point is 00:41:31 and i'm i'm i think i'm gonna get really into that i think uh i think we're gonna start my mouth is watering right now thinking about the potato soup we're about to make i'm pretty excited about that you put a whole chicken in those things like how long is a slow cook three at three or four hours yeah it'll be tomorrow or i'll stay up all night either way it depends it's gonna be really tasty potato soup it's 10 15 at night right now god damn is it jesus yeah yeah you're right i didn't even just for people that want to know i used to like it that there was a clock behind me like i felt like it was just an interest not whether the clock but my tv would sometimes flash the time and it would like yeah people knew what time it was. I thought it was an interesting little
Starting point is 00:42:10 piece of the show but I don't have that anymore. Oh I didn't I don't know if we should we talk about this. or would that just in you know get other people to try to do it too um i don't care if other people try what's the what's the number 25 hours do you think that's long yes i think that's long's super long, but I think it's one of the more achievable things that we could do. I guess we'll just tell everyone. We are contemplating going after the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest podcast. It's only, it's like 24 hours and change or 25 hours and change, one of those. And that is a long podcast but I feel like we could do a 25 hour podcast get in the
Starting point is 00:43:11 book of goodness for hey Kyle what if we got it sponsored by gamma labs how much would they pay me I don't know I want it to be extra profitable but it seems like I see the gamma labs I get it I get it yeah right there's a tie in there they could keep us awake. They could ship product to everyone and get us some cash. I'll drink the Gamma Labs, but I'm really going to be snorting Adderall. I won't snort it, but I would take a few, I think. I think I'd take a couple Adderall at the beginning and maybe another one about halfway through.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Yeah, totally. So, yeah. I'll do it. I'd do it, too. We need to figure out how to get in touch with them and stuff like that yeah that's the other thing you got to get in touch with them beforehand and make sure that they're even interested in like noting our achievement if they're like uh you know we don't really do those every year every three years we open the books on that one it'd be a shame if that were the case by some weird uh coincidence but like if they're like yeah okay go for it then i guess we'll go for it there's there's another way apparently like the
Starting point is 00:44:10 longest rpg stream ever is also like 25 hours the longest it was strategy game is what it was i said rpg but it's actually strategy game and uh it's minecraft you could play yeah someone was like what so two civ games um you could play civ and break it we could play we could play civ and we could uh not be so war like we could play like an information war game but they go all the way to like crazy shit i heard about this on um the uh the woody craft skype call and there's like a skype call for a bunch of staff members who talk to each other and uh they're like we could do this to promote our faction server i was like oh that's a neat idea too so like do a 25 hour stream and get in the guinness book of world's records well i don't know if i can play minecraft for 25 hours you can stop by
Starting point is 00:44:59 so yeah that'd be interesting um yeah this stuff is supremely unhealthy it's not just staying awake it's all the like gamma and adderall and whatever caffeine and such that i'll be taking all the performance enhancing drugs that are involved in breaking these records it's really not that awful i guess when i really think about it because i'm just going to be sitting here most of the time talking and i'll have food you know me there will be like three meals during this thing, I would imagine. Yes. I'll probably bring the Keurig down here and just keep cranking out coffees. Dude, I'm thinking flip it onto the laptop, cook a meal.
Starting point is 00:45:35 We could all do cooking in a stage of this thing. I'll take you to my kitchen, show you around. Yeah, that would be good. Yeah. We're going to need stuff to fill time um 25 hours of talking it's a lot yeah we could do it um and i'm willing to try if taylor's on board and we need a couple of guests probably like maybe like he'd book a guest for for friday for thursday and one for friday i guess like they'd show up and we'd all be just like dark circles and worn out.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Like, hey, boogie. How's it going? We'd be doing it for 12, 14 hours or something by the time he shows. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I guess I'd be willing to, especially if we'd get in the Guinness Book of World Records, because I think that'd be a nifty little achievement. Dude, I'd love to have that plaque hanging behind me and we might as well push for like 30 hours right right yeah you make it a little tougher to break makes make it so someone else see it and sees it and goes ah fucking i don't want it yeah like like that's a
Starting point is 00:46:39 day and then six more fucking hours like like we could start now and then tomorrow we still wouldn't be done like we'd have to keep on going into till like six in the morning if we started yeah so that'd be good and and also i think we would have it would be smart to uh to not start at 8 p.m at night to start it like in the morning start when we wake up if we if we started when we woke up and we made sure we got you 8, 12 hours of sleep. I wake up in the morning. I don't know. When do you wake up?
Starting point is 00:47:09 It varies from day to day. There's some days when I – like last night I stayed up until 5 a.m. My girlfriend went to bed at like 1. We stayed up watching Sopranos. And then I tried to go to sleep. I slept for maybe an hour and then woke up and just was energized again. And I kind of laid there in the darkness for another half hour.
Starting point is 00:47:29 The whole time thinking about playing Civ, I was like, I'd like to play as a Ravia. They get a lot of cool shit. Yeah, I play on deity, get my horse archers and I'm just like thinking about it. I'm like, yeah, tomorrow, tomorrow, get your sleep. And then like another half hour goes by and it's like two in the morning
Starting point is 00:47:44 and I'm just like, I could knock that game out in two hours if I play fast. And then the next thing I know I'm sitting here, clickety click, clickety click till 5am. And so I woke up today at 1130. So I mean, when I do that, when I stay up till five or six, I don't sleep through the whole day. I generally try to get six, seven, eight hours of sleep and then get going. I'm probably more efficient when i do that when i go to bed at like midnight i might sleep till noon or something like that and get like 12 fucking hours of sleep and uh and i don't think that's i'm like an ex-smoker on this like like not only am i sleeping normal hours but i'm like how dare you not sleep normal hours what the hell like you know
Starting point is 00:48:25 dude I spent years having kind of work just regulate it you know I'd be up all night doing stuff I'd stream till 4 sleep until 10 you know like I think there have even been times when Jackie's out of town and my sleep schedule like flips the clock right you know like all a sudden, I worked a graveyard shift. You're nocturnal. Yeah. I've gone nocturnal for long periods of time. It is not healthy for your social life or your body.
Starting point is 00:48:55 I'm sorry I cut you off. You were doing great. But you're nocturnal. And then I'll get my sleep schedule back on track. But I know in my heart, I don't have a healthy sleep schedule. I'm collapsing at 10pm because I'm exhausted and that sounds right.
Starting point is 00:49:11 It sounds early to bed, early to rise, but really, I fucked up so much, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Yeah, I know what you mean. You were talking about being nocturnal and how bad it is. There was a time when, like, I was really focused. So my bedroom faced the sun rises in the east, right?
Starting point is 00:49:33 East and sets. I don't want to pull a Wings of Redemption here. You have it right. Sets west, rises east. Forget about the rotation of the earth and time zones and bullshit. But, you know, it was rising and hitting my window first thing. And there were't trees there, so it was just like, as soon as it peaked over the curvature of the earth,
Starting point is 00:49:50 it's just like right into my window, and you know, very early, and I was staying up all night playing COD 4 and shit, and making videos at the time, so I blacked the window out. And blackout curtains weren't enough. I got blackout curtains, and there was a little shining in around the edges that would reflect around. So I took cardboard, and I duct taped it to the window. So if you looked at the window from the outside, it was literal blackness.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I painted the cardboard black because I felt like it looked really quite trashy for it to be brown cardboard that said Amazon on the side if you looked at my window. So I literally blacked my fucking window out and I would wake up and have no idea if it were 4 a.m. 4 p.m. and it could be either it totally could there were times when I'd wake up at 6 p.m. and be like let's start the day you know and that's just not good for you it's really not changes like here I am with my reformed passing judgment, but yeah, it's nice to wake up early and go to bed on time, and I feel like I have my act together,
Starting point is 00:50:54 and I do outdoor stuff now, mostly yard work or whatever, but I really enjoy making improvements or I fix something outside on the house, and in the morning, it's hot in the summer here. Like I'm looking at our highs, 87, 87, 90 are the next three days. But in the morning it's 70 and 70 is beautiful to be outside. So it's like, if you wake up on time, then you know, it's 70 out.
Starting point is 00:51:19 You can do your thing and then come in for lunch and that's the outside part of your day. It, and it's, it's really nice and that's the outside part of your day. It's really nice. It's good. I eat breakfast outside on the porch like three or four times a week now and I get breakfast in bed a lot or at least I did. And it sounds awesome, right? But it's a little bit like having a bad sleep schedule or being nocturnal. You might think that's awesome too, but in the end, you're a slob who's eating breakfast in his bed quite a lot. And the unspoken part of this is that
Starting point is 00:51:52 when I get breakfast in bed, sometimes it's a really sweet act of aggression. You know, like Jackie will more or less have in her head, like, this guy. Time to wake him up. It's time to get this, it's time to wake this guy up. I'll give him... I made you some frosted flakes.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Get the fuck up! It was usually better than that. You know, pancakes, French toast, or, you know, toad in a hole is my new favorite. It's some sort of thing. Egg bread thing. But, you know, she made me a nice...
Starting point is 00:52:21 Oh, bread on... Eggs on toast was probably the most common out of all. Eggs on toast with jelly. But it's because after I have breakfast in bed, typically I'm up. It's like, all right, well, now I'm awake. I'll get out of bed. And there it is, a very sweet act of aggression.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Time to get this guy out of bed. If I've got to get up, I usually tell him, you know, I set an alarm and everything. But I'll usually have my girlfriend bring me some coffee uh like she gets up earlier than i do anyway so i'm like yeah i gotta get up at seven will you bring me some coffee at seven and that way i'll sit up in bed and like sip this stuff for 15 minutes and like that'll keep me from just laying my head back down and eventually it'll perk me up caffeine doesn't affect it takes a lot of caffeine to to have an effect on me she's too is she working outside the house now she does the etsy thing right that's i it feels like that's becoming more common than it was before like lots of people
Starting point is 00:53:18 firing up tiny little home businesses and uh i know she's not making trillions on it but yeah i think she made like 30 35 3600 last month something like that um kitty gave her some pointers on how to streamline things a bit i think and uh i think she was having issues with uh shipping and uh keeping her supply of uh stuff up but yeah i think she's doing okay and it's kind of an interesting like environment we got going on over here because everybody kind of works from home in a way you all have a world traditional jobs you also have flexibility in your schedule and like in my I lived in a world for two decades where no one had flexibility of schedule everyone was like in their cubes looking at their monitors, doing their thing.
Starting point is 00:54:05 We were like, I'd show pictures of this floor with just like, I don't know, 100, 200 cubes. It's hard to count. Probably 250 cubes, you know, all as far as the eye can see in this big building. And they're like, I thought stuff like that was just like a joke in movies. But no, we're like a human freaking,
Starting point is 00:54:24 like intellectual property production facility and uh and you know it's it's it's like a comfortable version of abuse right like all the matrix like you're all cat like you know you're all cattle out there getting milked or something just sit in your stalls thank you that's what I couldn't verbalize. Like we're all cattle just being milked of intellectual property, because I was writing code or whatever. And for decades, I described it as soul sucking. You know? And it is.
Starting point is 00:54:59 It's not that I'm being abused. Like my chair is ergonomic. My desk, I've got nice monitors, my computer, I got a new one every year. I, you're just, you're just not being stimulated. The air conditioning was good, but like, it's just like cattle, right? You know, if they could just suck like from your brain, that would be a more efficient way of getting what they wanted from us. And, um, you know, it wasn't until like the youtube thing popped up and i'm like god damn you know like there's another world out there i didn't know this was an option and meanwhile like you and
Starting point is 00:55:32 and like all three of you you kitty and your girlfriend have this like you found a way to keep yourself going without submitting to that environment which is really i know i know the girlfriend uh doesn't work well in standard working environment. She doesn't like having a boss. She doesn't get along well. She doesn't play well with others. Nobody does.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Yeah. Who does? Who likes having bosses? I don't think anybody likes having a boss, but I think there's some comfort to that that's traditional work environment. It's sort of a safety net if you've got a job where it's stable work environment and there's the whole 401k retirement plan insurance, all that stuff there waiting in the wings for you. You know that you're necessary
Starting point is 00:56:18 here. Maybe it's a job where you don't have to go get reclassified every 18 months to stay on pace. Some young kid isn't have to go get reclassified every 18 months to stay on pace. So some young kid isn't going to come fresh out of college and replace you when you're 35 or something like that. And you're going to lose all those benefits. You got a job like that. And especially if you got a good relationship with your boss. Or maybe you are a fucking boss. I can see that being very attractive.
Starting point is 00:56:41 But I like being. A lot of times when you work at a place for a long time you build up skills that are specific to that industry or that company and that company is like god you know kyle's got 12 years doing this you know kyle knows how we work kyle knows what our traditions are kyle knows why we do things the way that we do kyle knows our business our customers our customers like kyle you, it would be super hard to just swap him out with someone on the street who's also smart, but doesn't have his background. Even if we hired from a competitor, there'd be a lot of coming up to speed, you know, because we,
Starting point is 00:57:16 we aren't the exact same as them. And that gives you some job security, but we're, we're actually all gearing up to go on a little work trip together. I, uh, I'm going to do, I'm doing that gun show in Pennsylvania. And, uh, and so, you know, we're all going gearing up to go on a little work trip together i uh i'm gonna do i'm doing that gun show in pennsylvania and uh and so you know we're all gonna go up there i'm gonna get uh the girlfriend to uh work like the merchandise uh table they're giving me several tables of this gun thing so i'm gonna have her work the merchandise and uh kitty's kitty will be there doing stuff and i'll be there doing autograph signings, I think. Are you going to do the accent all day? No, no, absolutely not. No, no.
Starting point is 00:57:50 So that's going to be a thing. Right now we're looking for some sort of, what do they call it? I think they call it like a doggy. It's not dog daycare. It's like. They call it doggy daycare in my area. This is nicer than a doggy daycare, I think, because my girlfriend's dog is like really particular. Yeah, it's a dog resort. Oh, that's great. 22 bucks a day. She gets her own private room
Starting point is 00:58:10 and her own outdoor space with a view of the woodland creatures. So we're going to do that. I really, really love my girlfriend's dog. It's a little Datsun, which is his weenie dogs. And I always thought they were the lamest of dogs, but it's got so much personality. It's so intelligent. I feel like it's another little person. And it started going on like car rides with me now. Like it sits in my lap and like it wants to get its head up high enough to see where we're going and the people out the window.
Starting point is 00:58:38 And I like that dog a lot. Lots of personality. That's cool. Yeah, I've, like you you opened up to more dogs like it in I'm in the farming subreddit right because you know I'm an amateur farmer and and there's like a Friday dog farm dog thread and it's just a lot of like like the kind of dog you might see in those agility competitions they're I'm gonna make it up 45 pounds all sorts of different furries some are lavish some are like I think you might see herding sheep or something
Starting point is 00:59:12 and uh these dogs just run next to the tractor all day at 45 pounds they could even sit in your lap while you like hop on a gator or like a golf cart or tractor and they just like they're the companion that they have all day. I love my big dogs and it looks like we're getting another one soon but and but they're just not agile enough. They can't hop on a golf cart with me. Dogs eight feet long. You know that's ridiculous but uh oh on dog talk my my wife and i've been looking for a new dog and uh we checked out all the different breeds and everything and we decided that great dame was right for us we like the way that they're short-haired we like that they're big and we like that they're lazy like that's that and we like that they're athletic they're both
Starting point is 01:00:01 athletic and lazy which is a neat combo to me. I love that the dog, you send them outside, they run around, they gallop, they cover so much ground. They're magnificent beasts. And then 10 minutes later, they're passed out on the floor or the couch or something. And they're lazy all day long. Great Danes are known as good apartment dogs, which sounds insane because they're so big. But they just don't require a lot of constant walking and everything. So we looked at all the breeds and decided that a Great Dane would be a good pick for us. Also, Jack aside, you know, they're supposed to be really nice and gentle and everything.
Starting point is 01:00:33 One thing we've learned with our past three dogs actually is that the expense isn't in acquiring the dog. It's like Buddy has pills that were costing us like a hundred dollars a week or something crazy like that um jack had special dietary requirements or he would get bad skin and we're just like we need a healthy dog so we jackie's been searching day and night pretty much since the day jack died and uh we found one that we want so it looks like next week we're getting a new dog. The one thing I don't like, he has cropped ears. And it's not a choice. That's already done. Right?
Starting point is 01:01:10 We didn't make the choice. But, you know. But you're financing the industry that does. Yeah, right? There's another cool thing, to me anyway. He's like three and a half months old. He's already housebroken. And I feel like at three and a half months old,
Starting point is 01:01:26 we have a better feeling for what his temperament is like. If we had met Jack at a year old, for example, we would have been like, no, this dog wants to kill me. I can see that this dog has aggression issues and he's not the right pick. But we got him at eight weeks old and you didn't know who he was going to be. This dog will know who he's going to be a little better.
Starting point is 01:01:44 We'll know what he looks like. We know what he looks like. And, um, what's the coloration like? He's black. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Yeah. He's black. It's going to be a really, how big is the, uh, the father there? I don't mean to be a douche about this, but like giant,
Starting point is 01:02:00 the mom is giant. The dad is giant. They're both literally like champion show dogs. Yeah. Yeah. That was my, that was my thought. Like, like thought like is this gonna be like an average dane or is this gonna be like a great day this is going to be a giant dane um he's going to be large by great dane standards and he's gorgeous and uh at three months old he's already huge and he's uh yeah and his paws are all giant you guys you'll see him soon we'll have him yeah i want to see him a few times before he's big enough to kill come on over so uh so yeah and he'll be here for the woody craft team building event which is
Starting point is 01:02:37 interesting to me we'll socialize him are you gonna film any of that video it i haven't talked i haven't thought that through i i don't know if I want it to get in the way or anything. It is a series. Yeah, I see your point. But also, I know people would like to see it and there might be some funny moments and stuff. So, yeah. It could be good.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Well, that's going to be good. That's a pretty good choice on the dog. I still would lean towards some sort of a hybrid or something. I thought that idea sounded cool. Like when you were talking about like half St. Bernard, half Great Dane, like something like that appealed to me. So that people look at it and they're like, what the fuck is that? Yeah, I liked that idea a lot too.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Jackie was not down. And then one thing about going the whole purebred breeder route is we literally have like health certificate and inspections on both the parents and the child and uh we we were just huge on the health thing this time like uh buddy had skin issues for so long they kind of got better when we moved here but he had skin issues for so long and it cost us forever and he's always you know itching and scratching and whatever jack died early which made us super super conscious of health issues in big dogs. And Harley has a thing with her eye. And her mother and her sister had to be put down for wobblers. So we fear that she's like a time bomb.
Starting point is 01:03:56 So that's why this time we wanted known parents, records of health on the parents. Vets check them out and stuff like that. So hopefully we're doing everything we can this time to get a healthy dog. Oh, and for the rescue people, we checked all the rescue dogs in the area and didn't see what we wanted. They weren't up to snuff. Yeah. We wanted a big dog and, and, you know, there were even a bunch of Danes up for rescue and they were all bad they all had health issues or aggression issues or something and it was like no i we have
Starting point is 01:04:33 done more than our share on the whole rescue thing uh but um yeah jack was a rescue yeah i don't like people who are like all right so so i get that it's a good thing to say to people like, hey, you should consider rescuing a dog. If all you need is just a dog, if your goal is to get a 25 pound dog, then you really shouldn't go buy a Shih Tzu or whatever a 25 pound dog, Shih Tzus are smaller than that. You really shouldn't go buy a purebred dog. Just why don't you go get some cute thing down at the pound that they're going to euthanize otherwise but you got something very specific that you want that you don't you go get like some cute thing down at the pound that they're gonna euthanize or otherwise But you got something very specific that you want that that you can't just go pick up at the pound you want a fucking
Starting point is 01:05:11 125 pound Purebred monster that's got health papers. Yes, that's it. It impure brain isn't even my thing But we want a big healthy dog and I think big and healthy are kind of at opposing Ends and by the way he'll probably weigh like 150 170 something like that he i will see but he might be a big i weigh 170 what the fuck dude this i'll have to get the weight on his dad see what that is but um yeah he'll looking forward to seeing the dog that That'll be good. Any thoughts about names? Yes. Colin's naming him this time.
Starting point is 01:05:48 So Hope named Harley. She's a Harlequin Great Dane, which just means that she's got that cow spotted pattern. And Hope named her Harley Quinn after the Batman character because she's a Harlequin. I kind of named Buddy. His name was already buddy so they stuck that with me because we decided to keep it jackie named jack and collins never named a dog
Starting point is 01:06:11 so he's naming him enderman after the minecraft character are you familiar with what an enderman is you've told me it's some sort of a monster it's a black monster um i bet a lot of people listening have at least a visual idea of what an Enderman looks like. But I'm sending you an image. He's a pretty cool monster. He can teleport and he hurts people. yeah, suddenly this seems like a bad name.
Starting point is 01:06:38 But whatever. We're naming our black dog after the black character in Minecraft. Okay. That'll be cool. Yeah, I think we're just going to call him Ender, like around the house. But his full name will be Enderman Woodworth, I guess. Did you happen to watch that movie Ender's Game or maybe read the book?
Starting point is 01:06:57 No. Ender's Game, it's in the future. And basically, there's this whole recruitment program that's testing and evaluating children to find like the world's best uh military leader they need a they need uh some like super intelligent child to go like control this army to fight the aliens like there's i know that doesn't make a ton of sense, but this is a very exceptional young man. There's this whole process where they tested all of his siblings, and it's a future where you're only allowed to have two children,
Starting point is 01:07:30 and they allowed this family to have three. Just because they thought genetically he was likely to be this genius kid. He's been going through this program his whole life to see if he could be the one. He finally gets accepted to the program where he goes with all these other exceptional young children. They're all training in a series of training things. There's stuff where they're in zero gravity flying around with laser guns. But there's also a lot of tactical stuff where they're controlling computer simulations. And basically he's controlling these computer simulations and basically they're they're he's controlling these computer simulations he's standing and he's like a he's like a uh what do you call it the guy who at the orchestra the
Starting point is 01:08:10 conductor it's like he's conducting a symphony like controlling these troops like touching the air like one of those interfaces a little jadeka like to me so far well he's like grabbing these holograms and he's like you know these units here and these units there and he's like controlling it and the whole time he thinks he's preparing for the war but it turns out at the end he's been fighting the war the whole time they just didn't tell him and he's completely annihilated all the all these peaceful aliens that were just trying to find a hole i was gonna watch it ah no you don't watch it it's not any good but at the end he realizes that he's like uh it's it's been a genocide like he's he's wiped them all out.
Starting point is 01:08:46 And he's making this, because he thinks it's a computer simulation, he's making life and death decisions. Like, he doesn't give a shit because he thinks it's a game. So, like, there's one point where the aliens are going to take out one of his, like, offensive weapons. And so he just steers another ship in between. And, like, a thousand people get burned up because their ship takes the brunt of the force. And, like, he thinks it's a game. So he's just going.
Starting point is 01:09:06 And then at the end, there's this moment where he realizes what it is. And smart viewers know what going in. You're like, oh, I bet this is all a setup. And it's an okay movie. It's kids. And it's hard to do that. Harry Potter did it somehow perfectly so that you could watch an eight-year-old on screen and relate to them. But this movie fell short. And the book's good, though though you know i i think i'm the only guy who doesn't
Starting point is 01:09:28 like it but did you see the sandlot the baseball one yeah i liked that as a kid i love that uh maybe i was too old for it but it was awful to me like the acting the kids would all like scream and run somewhere and they really seem like kids playing and i i wonder if you watch it again and you're more critical of the actress performances i'm sure it would be that little red-headed punk yeah if you just be like this is so stupid and you know we found ourselves in the greatest pickle they were in like four or five pickles in that film and i'm just like fuck your pickles oh my god the writing and acting is all bad i i didn't think of it as a kid's movie like you know stand by me the movie with the railroad and the dead body and the yeah the three there's like three
Starting point is 01:10:11 or four guys that are all friends yeah and they walk and they find a body that to me isn't it was starred children but it wasn't a kid's movie to me like it was a coming of age movie that's what i thought the sandlot was supposed to be too but it was lame to me if you're going to be commercially successful with chip with a mostly child cast you've got to bridge that gap between uh both audiences parents will bring their kids to watch something but they'll wait for dvd if they're not going to be interested too most parents won't sit through a bunch of bullshit like that that's why you look at all these pixar films now and there's lots of adult jokes mixed in there and they're for the parents who have got to sit right next to the kid who's laughing at the penguin. Yep, yep.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Yeah, you know, Frozen did it really well. A lot of movies, Pixar movies in particular, do it really well. It's a story that parents enjoy. Does Disney own Pixar? Those are two separate things, right? I'm like 99% sure Disney's got their own animated division and
Starting point is 01:11:03 Pixar has their stuff. Yeah, they do. Yeah. Cause there's no fucking like toy story ride at Disney world. So they bought, Disney bought Pixar in 2006. I know that at first Pixar was an independent company.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Steve Jobs ran it actually. And they had a, like an exclusive contract with Disney and then it got re-upped and apparently instead of re-upped and apparently instead of re-upping it the next time they bought Pixar for 7.4 billion ah that was that like two years ago or something
Starting point is 01:11:32 um 2006 okay I could I could try and look at this some more uh it made Steve Jobs the largest shareholder um Steve Jobs uh it made steve jobs the largest shareholder um steve jobs yeah that guy i i don't i don't know it's a tough thing did steve jobs live a great life or not i'm not sure nah from everything i hear about steve jobs he's just a
Starting point is 01:12:01 real eccentric uh weirdo. Asshole, too. Yeah, an asshole. He rubbed everybody the wrong way. Even his hygiene. They say he didn't take showers for weeks at a time. He'd just be a stinky, smelly guy. He was just gross. That cancer that he died of was completely treatable.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Especially with a man of his means. He could have gotten the chemo and the best surgeon in the world. Then, I don don't know gotten some fucking human growth hormone whatever rich people do and you know it's true you know that really wealthy wealthy people have have there's like fountain of youth ask things that they can do like we were talking about how celebrities will get in shape for a movie the other day and how you know it's kind of a no i bet it's a no holds barred thing where they're doing all kinds of stuff if they can and will. I feel like it's the same thing for someone who's worth $30 billion.
Starting point is 01:12:48 I feel like if you're worth $30 billion, it might even be for the greater good to fix him. And here's why. Let's say there's a trial, experimental drug trial, where they think this thing could fix you. This is what it takes, this experimental drug. And normally it's a lottery to get in. But what if they say look Steve if you contribute 500 million towards R&D will
Starting point is 01:13:09 get you in he'd be like how about I just buy your company fire you my guy in charge and then sell them medication at a profit maybe I don't know but I just feel like you know this is a guy i see what you mean you know who has the means to do some real good you could demand it from him and you know let him let him have your drugs well i instead he went for didn't he go for some sort of homeopathic treatments um some hippie dippy bullshit i've heard that too i haven't looked into it and found like reputable sources and like i've heard that it was treatable i don't know how treatable it is or what stage it was caught in or all that funny stuff.
Starting point is 01:13:47 But yeah. I just know he was apparently a tyrant to work for. I know that he worked at Apple, liked it, got ousted, spent a decade scrambling, working at Next and shit like that. Then went back to Apple,
Starting point is 01:14:03 had a huge success success story became you know multi-billionaire apple became cooler than microsoft and like everything went his way but he was also sick he had a ton of personal trauma i mean he probably lived an above average life but it was also not a smooth happy one no i doubt he was a happy guy yeah i bet he's he had a lot of bad days and bad years and he he died at a fairly young death i mean yeah 40 or something 40 41 maybe somewhere in there i i want to say he's a good bit older than me no maybe so he looked he looked terrible at the end i saw i saw some photos of him without his hair and everything, I think. Or maybe he was just...
Starting point is 01:14:47 He wasn't on chemo, I don't think, but it seemed like he had lost some hair. I just remember him looking like shit. He looked terrible. So he was born in 55 and he died in 2011. I'm going to rip out a calculator to help me. 56. Six. Yeah, so 56 is...
Starting point is 01:15:03 It's too young to die. It's too young to die it's too young to die yeah totally yeah the um speaking of hippy dippy bullshit i know robin quivers from the howard stern show is doing this cryotherapy now where they like she goes into a freezer naked and they basically just like chill her out really really cold for periods of time i've seen that on youtube it people like it I don't know I here's my idea of it I think it wakes you up I think it like you walk in there and I don't know that it's much different than a really fast cold shower but you go in there they freeze you and you come out and you're like whoa like a polar bear yeah like jump in the ice water yeah like you jump in the ice water you come and you're like, woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Woo-hoo-hoo! Like a polar bear. Yeah, like...
Starting point is 01:15:45 You jump in the ice water. Yeah, like you jump in the ice water, you come out, and you're just like, boom! Like, that just happened. You live your whole life in this, like, comfortable human habitable zone where you get into kind of a, like, a blah, sort of, like, you're coasting.
Starting point is 01:16:01 And this, for a second, wakes you up. Shocked to the system, you system you think yeah and you come out of it like oh yeah i just did a thing i i'm not i don't know what the health benefits they're claiming if they're claiming alertness and like a pick me up then i bet they're delivering if they're saying that it fixes your arthritis i bet it's crap yeah i know um she's always been into like hippy dippy bullshit like that i know she was doing coffee enemas for a while i'm not making this up uh you know they they're flushing her butthole with with coffee they're just injecting coffee into her ass i'm sure it was
Starting point is 01:16:35 warm my dad was hot steaming coffee um i know she did high water i think it's this uh hallucinogenic drink you drink i don't even know what they make it from, some root or some tree. She had anal sex with a stranger in a bathroom. She had in her bathroom. Or no. In a public bathroom, I think. Oh, I don't remember that story. I know she had anal sex with a guy she just had met at her home,
Starting point is 01:16:59 bent over a sink or something like that. Oh, maybe I have it a little bit twisted. Yeah, because it's from her book. Ah, that's the one then. Yeah, she had met the guy that day. She'd hung out with him a little bit. She was talking to him on the stoop of her house with some other friends. The other friends left. She asked him up and he just kind of took her there over the sink from
Starting point is 01:17:15 what I remember. Yeah, she was willing. Yeah, totally. Yeah, that was not rape. Her boobs are enormous. They're like a G cup or something like that. I like that show. I was listening to it today. He had Dr. Ruth on, you know, that old Jewish sex lady.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Oh, yeah, she's still alive? Still alive, just came out with a new book. They were discussing things like bestiality and Fifty Shades of Grey. She'd be a good PKA guest, it sounds like. Terrorism and, you know. How does she feel about chicken sex she said she said i'm not a veterinarian she's like i leave it at that um she uh you know her she lost her family in the holocaust she's uh you know she moved to israel so it was it was pretty cool she
Starting point is 01:17:59 she had a lot to share howard stern does great interviews. He's what I'm going to listen to after Game of Thrones. I'm going to get HD for my phone and I'll have it there. And that's what I'm doing next. Right now, it's all about Game of Thrones. But like I said, come tomorrow, I'll only have like three hours left at the end of tomorrow. And we're closing in. He annoys me sometimes. Like she'll read the news like she was reading about how ran
Starting point is 01:18:25 paul was filibustering the the re-up of the patriot act and he's like i'm all for the patriot act he's like i want him looking into everything trust no one and it's like and and robin's like what about people's privacy blah blah he's like no we lost that that's over we don't have that anymore they blew up some buildings like and it's just like really that's how you feel and it must i'm sure it is that's that's what he does that's a thing so when i listen to um i don't know i'll say hannity he's one rush limbaugh i think there's another guy i'm thinking of in particular he's only big on radio not tv mark levin nope uh he's a real booming voice. That doesn't really separate all the Republicans on radio. It is not important. But anyway, this guy, when I hear these guys,
Starting point is 01:19:16 I think they don't always believe what they're saying. Rush Limbaugh? Uh-huh. I've seen Rush Limbaugh play vacuum cleaner noises and stuff when he talks about abortion. I suspect inside a lot of times they know that they're telling a very biased version of events. They know that what they're saying is sometimes untrue, that it's not as cut and dry as they say it is. That they're putting on a show. They're preaching to the choir. They're talking to the people who literally want to believe
Starting point is 01:19:49 that Obama's birth certificate is in doubt, right? And when these guys talk about such issues, it's an entertainment show, right? It's not news. Like, they have a good time saying, well, where are these documents? Where is this? And just, you know, flaming and trolling and such i feel like stern believes what he says what he means it means what
Starting point is 01:20:11 he says that's the difference like when even if stern says something crazy it's because he has a crazy belief system uh these other guys it's because they make money being crazy yeah he's neurotic germaphobe fucking uh social anxiety kind of a weird guy you would i would not want to be friends with stern like i see people suggest he comes on our show and those people are so those are children i shouldn't read that because those you're a child you're a child if you think that guy worth 500 million dollars and it's about to increase if you knew anything about him period like like you'd know that that's a joke he thinks podcasts are a joke he thinks internet radios uh internet podcasts are just a complete laughingstock he's he thinks they're silly he jokes about how everyone's got one how it's so easy to to get
Starting point is 01:20:59 one how it's amateur and unprofessional and like it's not part of his uh business he doesn't he would not want you drawing comparisons between some sort of a podcast and what he's been doing for like 35 years he doesn't like it so you would have to point a gun at that man's head to get him to like get on skype on a computer and talk no that guy watches he doesn't even use a big screen tv he gets all of his entertainment from an iPad. He stays in his fucking multi-million dollar apartment with his gorgeous wife or at his house elsewhere. And he doesn't do much else. He doesn't go outside.
Starting point is 01:21:33 He doesn't socialize with people. He doesn't do anything without being paid for it. He's so recognizable. He can't go anywhere. Six foot six. Ridiculous head of hair. With that crazy fro. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:42 The nose. I mean, he's Howard Stern. I suck at recognizing celebrities you know because when they're not in their like uniform which is like dressed up crazy like you know perfect hair with it i i would never pick out a celebrity at a restaurant stuff i'd just be the worst at it but i'd pick out howard stern every time yeah some guys howard stern a couple nba players um it's just like yep that's totally the guy that's shack this you know there's no mistaking him yeah there's no mistaking howard
Starting point is 01:22:12 did you see shack's feet there was a thing recently his toenails were either painted or bloody and there was like uh there was like a lady like uh uh giving him a pedicure i suppose but it must have been the first one in a long time. And they were blaming it on basketball. They're like, yeah, that's what the NBA does to your feet. And I'm like, really? They take your shoes off every night, cover them in filth, and hit them with a hammer? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:22:36 For 10 years after you retire? Yeah. Like, that motherfucker should have, like, you know. I got broken toes that look a little weird. But, like, nothing like you know i got broken toes that look a little weird but like nothing like what he's got um i'm looking up shaq's pedicure oh yes i found it i think that one bends weird yeah that one bends weird let's see if i can get the camera to like point right at my toe this won't be perfect but i think i'll be able to share
Starting point is 01:23:05 this check this out oh no i'm not sharing it too uh oh there it is so that's shack's foot everybody you can see what we're talking about if you're oh if you're a patreon then you're oh you're one of the sexy people all right here so first of all, I hope they're painted. If not, that's disgusting. Someone should remove the pinky nail. I feel like he needs real work here. Now, I see that his big toe has been broken. That's what that bulge is about.
Starting point is 01:23:36 But the nail should be fixed, and he needs some moisturizer. It just doesn't have to be like that. I'm sure it doesn't. I agree, especially if you're Shaq. Even if he spent through all of that Laker money, he's a broadcaster. He's got a great job.
Starting point is 01:23:56 He's making tons of money, I'm sure. He's still making money. His money's making money. All he has to do is not try to run through it. He can live on his broadcaster salary, which i'm going to assume is a couple million and be really happy and uh then his other money just going to grow in the background and he's he's fine yeah for sure he's definitely got fix those nasty ass feet money
Starting point is 01:24:22 it was bad. You want to call it a show? I had a good time. Yeah, I did too. It was a good one. PKN episode 43. Thank you everyone. Double thank you to the Patreons who make this all happen. So thanks.

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