Painkiller Already - PKN 432

Episode Date: November 30, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, boys. Hey there. How's it going? Did you guys see the big news? The whole country is excited. Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Edition? No, we beat Iran in a soccer game. So...
Starting point is 00:00:15 Oh. How big was the score? What was the score? It was one to nothing. I knew it. I fucking knew it. Yeah, it's a win. And apparently, we had a goal called back too.
Starting point is 00:00:28 And so it could have been a blowout. But instead it was just a thrashing 1-0. I guess after we talked about how shitty. I thought Iran was good. So that's good news. Wait, wait. Can you pause there? Did you think?
Starting point is 00:00:41 I don't know anything. I just go by the countries. America should buttf fuck Iran in sports. If you look at Olympic medal counts, you know, Iran's never contender for most gold. But I think they're like into soccer. Like they're like good at it relative to the size of their country. And I think that countries like that, like take every competition they do so seriously because they don't have you know a navy that that could destroy the planet and also an army that could destroy the you know i
Starting point is 00:01:12 think there's a lot of like pissing contests that go on just air force and second largest air force and probably the third largest air force if we're actually counting planes that fly it doesn't matter um it's not i saw saw that after we ranted about how shitty soccer was, or at least our Ignorant America opinions on such, one of the guys in the Discord was like, Kyle, I'm taking your advice. 500 bucks that it's 0-0 in the next one. I didn't see what he bet on.
Starting point is 00:01:40 But I bet he won. I bet he fucking won. It seems like they mostly end in ties. There's a huge amount of ties. There's no scoring d the d must be strong in that game like everybody's just great at preventing that other guy from running across that huge enormous field and kicking that goofy ball into that huge net it's so big dude have you ever looked at like the box score of a soccer game afterward this is the world cup the prem I didn't know they had box scores. I didn't either, but I went to one.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And you know how you can go to the bottom and see shots, penalties, or whatever? Yeah. It will show you every shot. And hockey, for example, 30 shots to 38 shots. That would be a pretty normal game. The shots are like four to three four to twelve and that's more shots than i've ever seen in a soccer box score four and shots on target that's what that's six total shots on goal i didn't know that they
Starting point is 00:02:38 counted shots as in like you wanted to yeah yeah no be on net to count as a shot. Get out of that one. Shot. Iran had one shot on target. Yeah. So if I were goalkeeper for America, they would have no more than one goal. At the worst you could have done is a tie. The absolute worst. Because, like, what is shots on target? That's got to mean shots on net.
Starting point is 00:03:01 That means that the U.S. goalie made one save, which is what what what is that prorated over two hours one save every two hours like that's it's not man i care so little yeah i just don't it honestly like as americans like you know we get shit on for this but like the flopping is over it's it's here's what it is it's not sporting it's not good sportsmanship to pretend to be hurt in a game. It's not. You're fibbing. You're lying. You're pretending to be hurt.
Starting point is 00:03:31 In the world of sportsmanship, it doesn't matter if it's accepted. Pretending to be hurt is not sporting. That's not good sportsmanship. It happens in basketball, too, and I'm embarrassed about it. I saw LeBron talking about it recently. They were complaining about one of his metrics was off a little. He's like, yeah, I got to learn
Starting point is 00:03:49 to flop better. I did hear him say that. LeBron is just a really big, strong guy. He's not the tallest guy, but I remember at his peak they were doing these weird stats about him. It takes him fewer strides to get down the court than all the other players and he's just massive and he's big his game is not about pretending to get
Starting point is 00:04:11 knocked over his game is about fucking i i am more fucking man than anyone else on earth and i play basketball let's go that's i like lebron he's very good i don't know anything about him other than that he's very good at basketball yeah Yeah, you can't go wrong with that. He is pretty good at basketball. Yeah, I just get the bullshit social media of him where it'll be like some old photo of him being carried out like a prince of Persia hundreds of years ago off the court because of a stubbed toe or a sprained ankle or something. But yeah, I totally agree. It jumps out at you as not sporting when you see a guy roll, and he knows he's faking, the refs know he's faking,
Starting point is 00:04:53 his teammates, the other teammates, every single person in the stands. It's just like this theater that everyone's pretending at the same time, and for some reason they don't take it out of the game. Can a soccer fan correct me on this? time and for some reason they don't take it out of the game how would it like can a soccer fan correct me on this like how would the game become actionably worse by removing flopping would it like how would that harm it could it harm it seems like it would get all the people who don't like the flopping bet and even my friends who like enjoy soccer none of them are like like they don't love the flopping like i don't know anyone who's a big soccer fan.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Who's like, yeah, that's integral to the game. Maybe it's because I haven't talked to enough Europeans about it, but do you, do you celebrate when your team gets a good flop off? That's what I want to know. Look at him writhe in pain.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Oh, I wonder if his shin bones broken. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. They brought out an aerosol can of something. They have sprayed the fibula. Do you save space on the roster? Do you save space on the roster every year for a performance artist?
Starting point is 00:05:50 He doesn't play ball. He's a great actor, though. I don't think that would work. In hockey, the refs will call you out. They'll be like, are you doing all right there? Think fast. And throw something at him, and he catches it. He's like, oh, look at you.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Still catching. Get in the box. Two minutes for embellishment, tell me is that true no they're not throwing stuff but they will pretend to be blind and they throw a pocket here catches it no but there's like there's like clips of like when the there's like clips of when the refs are miked up and some guy like takes a hard fall or gets hit and he plays it up they'll be like hey jonesy save it for the Oscars. But,
Starting point is 00:06:26 and like, and then they'll put them in the box for two minutes for embellishment. No, in hockey, you don't celebrate embellishment because you get a penalty for it. Every, like if you see someone on your team flopping, what you do is go fucking Christ,
Starting point is 00:06:37 dude. Now they're, now you're never going to get a call. Now they're going to actually trip you and they're going to assume you're flopping and they're not going to call. Like it's a bad thing because you'll be known as a flopper and then the refs will look at you and you'll get slashed and they'll go, not him, not him. It sounds like he's not a good flopper.
Starting point is 00:06:53 You need to pull off. I guess he needs to get better. If you're more convincing, you get more calls from the ref. P.K. Subban was a good flopper. That lasted like four games and the refs like had a little meeting and then he didn't get calls anymore. It doesn't work out well. But yeah, I could see soccer being fun to watch if they got rid of the blocking and they changed the ball into some sort of material that explodes off the foot.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Like it goes so much faster. Like some sort of NASA technology. They need better boots. Yeah, great idea. Now we're halfway there. Notice I said boots, not shoes. You need a fucking boot. I want you to kick the shit out of that thing.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Maybe an explosion happens when you make contact. I like... Remember when games were 1-0? That was before the aluminum boat era. Oh, yeah. The ball is covered in a thin composite of granite. And all of the boots have flint on the tip. The ball is covered in a thin, you know, kind of composite of granite. And all of the boots have flint on the tip.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And it goes, every time you kick it, a little shower of sparks. Yeah. This is a better game. I would like electricity involved somehow. Maybe you connect a circuit when you score a goal. And I would like that. What happens? Someone dies.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Someone dies. I mean, no one What happens? Someone dies. Someone dies. I mean, no one would ever die in soccer. It'd be like season three, no deaths in the new death ball league. No, I don't. I don't think soccer will ever. If the US literally won the World Cup. Do you think most people here would care?
Starting point is 00:08:27 No, I wouldn't care at all. I wouldn't care either. It would make me question the legitimacy of the World Cup organization, I think. I would care. I would be a fair weather fan. I believe Kyle might get a jersey. I can see that happening. Have you seen their jerseys? No.
Starting point is 00:08:43 They're not very good looking. Yeah, they're ugly. Still, if we would get out into the playoffs and stuff, I forget what they call the elimination rounds that goes farther. If we were to get deep into this, I think America would start paying attention. I'm telling you, I've seen Raleigh, for example. Our hockey team does well.
Starting point is 00:09:02 This place lights up. Suddenly, hockey fans are coming out of the woodwork. You think Raleigh, for example, our hockey team does well. This place lights up. Suddenly, hockey fans are coming out of the woodwork. You think Raleigh's a huge... Dude, you could be the best player on Raleigh's professional hockey team and not get noticed at the grocery store. Where do you watch the games? If I wanted to watch... You're under the impression that I watch the games.
Starting point is 00:09:18 No, no, no. I meant like the Royal U, I guess. Where does one watch these games? Like Fox Sports or CBS. They're on those kind of channels. I don't know what sports channels I've got. I get all the NFL shit and all the baseball shit. I'm not paying more for fucking soccer.
Starting point is 00:09:36 That just ain't happening. Yeah, I don't blame you. I would pay more for less soccer if I'm being honest. If you could just completely remove that from... That is what every app is missing. And if somebody creates... Obviously, you could just have a private server. But I want to go on Netflix, and as I'm scrolling,
Starting point is 00:09:56 I want to be like, never again. Never again show me this. Never again show me that. YouTube has that. YouTube will be like, hey, I don't want to see this. They're like, why? Is it because you've already seen this video before or because you're done with this cocksucker and i'm like done with that cocksucker don't like his shit do not recommend this channel again yes yeah and and he's done i want to be able to do that on on netflix
Starting point is 00:10:20 with actors directors maybe even genres i never want to see a romantic comedy. They'll never make one that's worth watching. For me, there's not going to be a great acting performance. And if there is, I'll hear about it. I don't need Netflix to show me. I'm not going to sift through the 10,000 bad ones to find the one good one. No more rom-coms ever.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And then I would pick actors. Like, oh, no more of this. But more importantly, individual titles that have been recommended to me so many times. Sometimes it's a movie you just watch once and that's it. Or maybe if it's a Shyamalan movie and you know the twist. I'm never watching that Marky Mark movie where the plants kill everybody again. I got it.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Never again recommend that. And I'm not saying this because. I don't even remember the twist. There wasn't one. The plants was killing everybody because they were mad about pollution. That was it. The it sucked and so like it's not that i'm like i have to look at this i shouldn't have to it's that if i'm looking for something to watch i would rather not be encumbered by this one another tile in the way between me and like what i'm looking for if i could just get all those if i could excise those as I went, rather than sort through them every single fucking time,
Starting point is 00:11:27 that would be beautiful. And every single one of the streaming apps needs, and maybe I just haven't found it, the language selection thing. I should just be able to hit a button that says, just show me English movies. Because I don't know how many dozens of times I've read the description of a movie, and I'm like, how on earth have I not like heard of this before 1899 right 1898 fucking exactly dude i wanted to watch that so bad we're on the same wavelength and then oh i can smell it
Starting point is 00:11:55 i want to watch it and i put it on and then it's like guten tag oh hell god i'm like fuck man like let me tell you about 1899 and then you go to the actual voice acting. Before you do, is there no... Is it not dubbed? It is, but it's not dubbed well. No, no, no. You can't watch it dubbed. So here's the problem. So I have not seen the show.
Starting point is 00:12:15 I have heard about the show. The show is about 1899 immigrants in a boat and some sci-fi shit happens. But the deal is, I think, a core concept of it is that these characters can't understand one another because they're immigrants from so many european countries so if you turn the dubbing on now everyone speaks english and when one person is confused because of language barriers
Starting point is 00:12:36 like the captain will go all right everybody we gotta get in the in the in the crow's nest or whatever and and like the german lady will be like what the fuck did the captain just say but they'll say all of that in english if you dub it in english and you'll be like what do you mean what the fuck did he just say we gotta get in the crow's nest so these people need to pay attention yeah yeah they translate to her and you're just like left confused so you have to watch it in the you know in the the the correct original are you watching languages not a bit i i i've only seen the poster of that triangle in the water i will watch it probably but it looks cool doesn't it yeah it's one of those where i like to like do edibles to watch something like that
Starting point is 00:13:15 because i i can't have my phone distracting me i got to be focused into that thing because i got to read every word right i've dialogued to know what's going on. Do you feel like edibles help you concentrate on a show? Edibles help me focus on one thing. One of the reasons I like weed so much is because I can be real scatterbrained, and I can want to jump all around, and they can help me really just get on one thing. Well, it's like Adderall for Kyle. It's more like making it so that I can only focus on one thing.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Yeah, that's what it is. It's where, like, I'll do that, where it's like, I'll take some edibles or whatever and I'm sitting there playing Age of Empires or whatever on my computer. I'm paying half attention to something and before I know it, it's like I either haven't looked up from my computer screen in two hours or I've totally
Starting point is 00:14:00 forgot about my game and I'm four episodes into a series of something because you're just, like, too baked to do more than one thing at once. I don't like to be that high too long. Yeah, I don't mind. Dude, I heard one of the funniest
Starting point is 00:14:15 lines last night. I was re-watching Veep. It's like season one, episode two maybe. What has happened is somebody on her team, she's the vice president, somebody on her team she's the vice president somebody on her team has tweeted out something that's gotten her in trouble with like the plastics industry or whatever it doesn't matter what but someone but they think of that guy on her team who did the tweeting or like social media guy as a real idiot a dummy and someone makes has this line he goes ha ha hoisted by your own retard and i was like that's fucking slick
Starting point is 00:14:49 i had i liked that line so much i sent myself a text hoisted by your own retard to be hoisted by one's own petard is uh is shakespeare and and he's just turned it and turned it into this neo thing that's hoisting a retard i love that i love that is clever i wanted to know who wrote it uh i bet there's some writer out there on twitter i could be like dude did you write that it's like actually i did i loved it i loved it i told people about it i wrote it down it was so good that expression hoisted by your own petard petard is like an explosion right that's thrusting you into the air do i have that right um uh yes yeah so it means um that that uh you were about to throw it wasn't explosive i can't remember if it was a grenade or if it was like a
Starting point is 00:15:35 explosive you placed to demolition something but it means like oh he died from his own bomb his own plans worked against him and and so he hoisted by your own it's something like that because there's a there's a unit in age of empires called the petard that you can make and it's a dude who just carries a big explosive barrel and then he blows up next to a building to yeah is that um yeah made of metal or a wooden box filled with powder used to blast down a door and make a hole in a wall, which is what Taylor was saying. Yeah. So if you get hoisted by your own petard, it blew up in your hands and your plan backfired. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:11 And I can't remember the, which, which play it is when, when Shakespeare writes it, but of course, he's not talking about a literal petard in that, in that sense either. I believe it was Hamlet. Are you guessing? See, the fact neither of you know, I just got to guess. No, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Listen, I only half knew what a batard was at all. I was like, Romeo and Juliet, that's the well-known one. Everyone will know that's not it. But Hamlet, I feel like that's the one. He holds the skull. It's for smart people. Is it? I don't know. That's like the vibe know that's like i think they're all for smart people um i really i think that stuff like shakespeare is uh best taken in with a youtuber who's passionate about it because he'll stop he'll
Starting point is 00:16:56 he'll read you a line and he'll stop and go all right let me tell you what the man just said because wow three lines earlier he's here and now and it's you gain this greater appreciation for something that your little mind isn't capable of gathering on it like i didn't know he invented the n-word yeah yeah no i'm just talking about how far back we could travel in time and still understand the language yeah like shakespeare is an example of, like, ah, we're both speaking English, I assume, but I'm not getting everything
Starting point is 00:17:30 he's saying. Am I wrong? The vocabulary here. When was Shakespeare? That's not that long ago. 1600s? Am I right? Probably around there. I don't know. Zach? I don't know. I say 1500s. My guess, 1568.
Starting point is 00:17:45 1567. I'm comfortable with that. My guess, 1568. 1567. I'm comfortable with that. I'll take 1569. No way Kyle gets this. There's no way. Wasted by your own retards. I won. 1590 to 1630. I was higher.
Starting point is 00:18:03 How did he win? Because Kyle's at 1568. I chose 1569 and higher. in 1613. How did he win? Because Kyle said 1568. I chose 1569 and higher. He wrote 37 plays. That's less than I would have guessed. Actually, no. That's a lot of plays. How many pages is that? Oh, there's rumors
Starting point is 00:18:18 that there are lost plays that the wealthiest people on Earth perhaps have in their private collections. And that one yeah right and it could because something like that would only appreciate in value like maybe they just want to keep it to themselves that's the ultimate right they're like we heard shakespeare's 28th play or whatever you said he did 27 lately what do you mean he's 28 then no why don't you come we're having a performance of it tonight you know ian mckellen right like he's got like
Starting point is 00:18:44 hollywood stars i need to start writing ftx ain't got nothing on me i can scam you like Why don't you come? We're having a performance of it tonight. You know Ian McKellen, right? He's got Hollywood stars. I need to start writing. FTX ain't got nothing on me. I can scam. You start watching it and you're like, fucking Step Brothers ripped this off. It was his first foray into comedy. That's the kind of shit that Saudi royal wealth could buy.
Starting point is 00:19:04 You've actually got to be one of those almost trillionaires Saudi kind of like royal wealth could buy that, that like even made that you got, you've got, you've actually got to be one of those almost trillionaires or maybe trillionaires. They say there is, there are trillionaires to, to pull something like that off. I like the idea of those private gigs where they hire celebrities to like come into our thing and like,
Starting point is 00:19:19 like, yeah, yeah. We'll fly out there and you'll put on a little, I like those stories whenever you hear the behind the scenes about those. like oh i think jay-z's rich but someone out there thinks jay-z is his play thing to hire and have him dance for him at his birthday party yeah i don't think jay-z's uh that guy anymore i wouldn't think jay-z you can hire i really wouldn't like like like because he's rich but yeah you're right yeah he's there with a
Starting point is 00:19:46 b you can't hire joe rogan i don't think i think joe rogan does what he wants to and yeah he's just not interested in more than 100 million if you were like dude i'll give you a whole million to come to my party he'll be like ah the flight the like it's just not worth it to me the flight leaving my compound with my archery set up. Right? I think he does UFC, not for the cash, but because he likes doing it. He likes being front row. He likes hanging out with Daniel Cormier and calling the fights.
Starting point is 00:20:17 It's a good gig. It's like a fantasy camp thing for him. He's always loved that. And so now he's participating in the world that he loves. So he didn't agree for a long time, which is interesting. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:31 That's a, that's a thing about the super rich. It's not about what you can buy anymore. It's about the access. It's about the, the things you can have that, that money can't buy kind of organs. Oh,
Starting point is 00:20:44 money can buy those. Believe me, I guess in a round. Oh, money can buy those. Believe me. I guess in a roundabout way, money's buying all this. But like, that's that's what it's about. It's about rare things. The one of a kind. The trips, the experiences. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:56 It's I mean, if they've long surpassed anything you want to target. If I had that unseen by anyone Shakespeare play play like you're telling me you wouldn't release it taking credit for it no because i think it would you would either be thought a like look at this um terrible like derivative work like like he's stolen shakespeare's style he's stolen his his wordplay he's just it wordplay. It's just a shitty Shakespeare copy. That's what they'd say. And then they're going to look like retards when I reveal that they were making
Starting point is 00:21:31 fun of Shakespeare. You better have his fucking signature that you can x-ray and a lineage and maybe he jizzed on the hot part of the thing or something. Sir, am I to believe this play was written on Zark's paper? It was printed off of Shakespeare. of the thing or something? Sir, am I to believe this play was written on Xerox paper? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:47 It was printed off of Shakespeare's dot matrix. Yeah, you can tell it's old because it's a dot matrix. It's just those that paper that's like doing that thing. You have to tear off the chad. Yeah, it's one long scroll. Jesus Christ. No, you could, people would probably like it.
Starting point is 00:22:06 You'd just be like... I don't think so. You don't think so? Well, it depends if it's a good play or not. If it was not released because Shakespeare internally at the time was like, honestly, this one's not good, then that would be different. But if it was one that was released in high acclaim... Actually, this was only 500 years ago.
Starting point is 00:22:23 There'd be something in the paper about these, right? About what? About new plays premiering from Shakespeare. There were journalists and people writing about that. Well, the idea is that there were hidden ones that maybe he made at the time for a private benefactor, and then that person owned that material, took it, and they kept it,
Starting point is 00:22:42 and maybe it's passed down through generations because a lot of, apparently, what do they kept it, and maybe it's passed down through generations because a lot of, apparently, what do they call it? They had patrons, which is basically like rich aristocrats who were like, I like what you do. Have some money, and I'll fund your plays and your playhouses and all that.
Starting point is 00:22:57 So it's very much within the realm of imagination that someone was like, hey, let me have one. Yeah, just for me and my guy pals. Yeah, make it weird like you know what i like i never liked reading shakespeare stuff in high school did you guys mind it i didn't like it i didn't mind them we didn't do a lot of it i remember shakes uh the uh romeo and juliet stuff we watched the movie and that's got titties in it which is always fun in ninth grade and um then 9-11 happened and yeah i kind of lost interest in shakespeare after that you got really into 9-11 yeah i saw a thing the other day
Starting point is 00:23:33 they were showing like the things that 9-11 had created and i get because the guy from my chemical romance i guess like watched it happen from a window or something and and it inspired him to do his whole thing and they were like but that's not but there's more that my chemical romance is strong blah blah blah inspired so and so to write this and they're like going down this line of shit like like the twilight movies don't happen if 9-11 doesn't happen it was uh it was really interesting i guess it was worth i wonder what would have happened like like did How much sports got knocked off. All sorts of creativity got knocked off. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:08 People got refocused. Kyle's interest in Shakespeare was ruined. It was ruined. You could be a playwright. That would have been a great order. Yeah. The times. I saw...
Starting point is 00:24:18 Oh, I was going to say two things. One, this morning, I'm making breakfast making breakfast and i look and my dog gives me that look and he acts like he's about to poop on the floor so i start running toward like the i'm like come on here we go here we go like leading him like like stop what you're doing follow me and i'm like i have to round a corner it's it's hardwood floors and my foot slips out from under me and i fell flat on my left side so fucking hard like it was one of those where you'd have no time to even put your hands up because i'm like running around a corner and like my foot didn't have enough grip it just went and slipped and that foot that ankle hit so hard that it's it really hurts now
Starting point is 00:25:06 i lay and of course i fall and i don't yell because i think i might have broken my ankle i got the impression that this is the story started that like your butt or back hit hard and that was the my hip hit so hard and it hurt so bad but my ankle hit the hardest of anything. It did this sort of slip out and slap thing to the hardwood and so I'm just laying there going and I'm thinking I'm trying to envision my ankle in my mind. I'm like, like is it together is it in one
Starting point is 00:25:46 piece and i'm wiggling it around and i'm thinking like i'm all alone laying on the floor am i going to the i'm about to go to the er i'm about to go to the er and i wiggle it enough and i'm like all right it's together are they keep why does my achilles tendon hurt it'll be fine it'll be fine so now i'm just walking around it hurts so much i haven't fallen in like a year i think i i started thinking when's the last time i i had a panic attack about a year ago and passed out fell over uh uh uh my my rowing machine did a trip backwards had a whole tumble and yeah and that's the last time i'd fallen this was worse this hurt so goddamn much. Did your dog shit in the house while you were writhing in pain? They thought I was hurt so they all piled on top of me
Starting point is 00:26:30 and were like, what's wrong? They started licking me and stuff. It was actually really fucking cute. He made it to that until I could recover and get him outside and limp him out. That is sweet. They're just consumed with worry. They're like, food man went down pretty hard right there.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Yeah, they never seen me go down that hard. I could not get back up. They were like, what the fuck? Is he dead? Sandwich man. Are you limping now? Sandwich man. I would limp if I didn't want it to hurt.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I wouldn't limp if people were looking. Okay. I'm wondering how you're healing all right so i had this thought i was like all right kyle's not an old man but he's also not 17 so i wonder how he'll heal from this i was like wait a minute kyle's better than any 17 year olds ever been kyle like chemically inside hormonally. Kyle is juiced. He needs a different, super physiological. I'm a transhuman. That's what they refer to the space marines in the Warhammer 40K universe.
Starting point is 00:27:32 They're transhumans. That's why you got your dick cut off, right? It is. Didn't need that anymore. The space marines, it's actually questionable where they have a penis or not. They certainly don't have sex. You have to. You have to pee in your suit.
Starting point is 00:27:46 They think there's maybe like just an outlet there that you just plug into. Maybe they cut the dick and balls off when you make the transformation into a space marine. They do a lot of stuff to you. They replace organs. They add new organs. They put this thing called the black carapace on you, which is like a second
Starting point is 00:28:02 skin bonded to your skin that allows you to interface with your power suit perfectly. like you know your nerve endings now move your suit as if it's your muscle and muscle fibers and such um speaking of warhammer they they ended the the beta stop midi and i were grinding last night we we've got our fucking like music just and just swiping and killing and then that was it. They cut us off. They said we'd had enough and we had to go home. Mid-game like that? It just stopped? No, we had to finish our last one, but 11am tomorrow is when the grind
Starting point is 00:28:32 begins again, so they gave us a day off, I guess. There are some major in-game features that will not be present during launch, and it's a little lame. It's a lot lame. Like what? Yeah, help me with that the weapon customization will not be fully live um on uh on launch which is like tomorrow at 11 a.m so right now you can't expect that kyle when they only were on two years late yeah they're only like a year late it's it's
Starting point is 00:28:58 it's it's pretty frustrating you seem to have like twos of maps to choose from see the map thing i don't mind and i so there's a are there so few they look the same to me like there's no unique well they're all the same color palette but like taylor said the color palette and seemingly like the the artwork the the in-game models is what i'm looking for like i can give you two maps but if i use the same buildings and cars and call of duty then it's gonna look the same that's my impression of their maps yeah yeah and it's like this fantasy incredible world like there can't be a map in a jungle somewhere like no absolutely not well no no the the whole thing so the launch game is inside the hive city there's one map that's outside.
Starting point is 00:29:45 It's in a desert exterior environment, and the rest of them are all dank, dark interiors, and that's what you're going to get. It's called Darktide. And it's Warhammer 40k, which is also referred to as the Grim Darkness. It's called Darktide. I won't be satisfied until there's a water mission.
Starting point is 00:30:01 There's a water mission. There's a mission where you go restore the water because it's been poisoned. But for us, like Vermintide grinders, we're like, I'd be okay if there were only one map because my job to a map is to grind that map over and over and over until I can play it on the hardest difficulty
Starting point is 00:30:19 that I like to play, which for me will probably be four. And I can do that when I when i go as wings would say i go stack my team up um then then i then we beat level fours consistently and we haven't tried level five yet let me ask you this if you wanted to rank up fast right your goal is just to fucking rank your character up my idea was to go to Play, join games that were nearly over, and just, you know, there it is. Five minutes later, I've completed a level. In practice, it doesn't go down like that.
Starting point is 00:30:51 I had the same thought. I was like, yeah, I just want to get in real quick because I would need like 1,000 more gold or 1,000 more XP to like get to a monumental thing. It's like, hey, maybe I could just get in one of these quick games and they're almost done. Never happened. mental thing it's like hey maybe i could just get in one of these quick games and they're almost done never happened never once because they're when games begin they have holes in them and bots are filling in and when games are going downhill fast they have holes in them otherwise not really there
Starting point is 00:31:18 are very few games where things are going well we're in the late stages that simone's like you know what i don't want the XP and the gold and the crafting mats I'm gonna leave two minutes before this is over it's just so rare that I it's never happened to me it happened to me in Vermintide I I join a game and it's late it's late they're like 150 yards from the very end and I join in and I'm like all right guys like this is my first time on level five. I'm going to do my best to keep up with you. And he's like, well, it's your lucky day.
Starting point is 00:31:53 We're like 150 yards from the end. We have every Grimmore, everything. They have maxed out every possible benefit you could get from this map. And I just walk to the end, maybe slash one rat. And I'm going to shit on of XP Emperor's chests and XP all dropped on my head I was like that's how I'm going to rank up you just need to join session off that guy yeah it just won't work for this
Starting point is 00:32:18 game because it's so populated there's so many people trying to play and so into it and everything I'm looking forward to the game tomorrow but it is disappointing that they're so far behind in essence, what they're going to be there for the game. Oh, they haven't even talked about it. I,
Starting point is 00:32:35 that would be just, that would be an unreal oversight. Unreal. It wouldn't surprise me at all. If there's no scoreboard on launch, I really hope there is. I doubt it's going to show you kills. How hard could that be?
Starting point is 00:32:47 I'd be surprised if it shows everyone kills. I'd be shocked if it shows everyone kills. And I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't even show you how many kills you get. We'll see what they do. I wonder if it sucks. Is it the fact that it's an incomplete game? Or did they make a design decision to say, you know what? People were not playing as a team. they were playing for their own scorecard and oh that's toxicity they yeah
Starting point is 00:33:10 they specifically said that it's all about trying to deal with toxic toxicity in the community which was never an issue for all of us who play with our friends and like i don't play randoms like the idea of playing randoms is crazy because it's a game where we're so integrally connected and I need you and you need me and you can't run off. You got to be right here because if a dog jumps on me, you got to hit it so that I can get up and keep fighting. I go down, we all die. We're like, hey, there are specials that cause us big problems from 100 yards away. Kyle, your character is good at dealing with that. Stop.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Let me slay these masses of easy characters. your character is good at dealing with that stop let me slay these masses of easy characters my character is good at that we need you to stop these the specials and a score card might incentivize you to attack the masses because that's how you rack up a score yeah if i wish they would have like um a kill board for like carapace armored carapace enemies which are their own thing honestly you need a guy with armor piercing to kill them quick and fast and you need another guy who's killing the hordes really quick and fast and those are two different weapons more usually but you really need that special guy so i'd like to see who got the most specials for sure who got the most armored carapace monsters and shit, and who got the most fucking kills. I mean, Vermintide had that, right?
Starting point is 00:34:26 We got to kill them all. Oh, of course. In that post screen, Vermintide would say, like, 13 specials killed by Kyle. And it's like, oh, see, Kyle did his job with his character. He was taking out the specials. Oh, look, Woody, 300, you know, rat, 300 kills. He was out in the middle with his paladin
Starting point is 00:34:43 slaughtering the rats, you know, tanking damage like it had a pretty good i would always pick out like the one stat i did well in and it's like you know melee hits with a gun to the knee is really the measure of a player wow look at me i have the best ping that was a good line that's what i was going for, but you delivered it. That's really good. That reminds me of one of Chris Pratt's funniest moments in Parks and Rec. And it was ad-libbed. He came up with it on the spot.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And I think Leslie Knope is sick in the show. Her character is sick. And Chris Pratt's researching what might be wrong with her computer. He's like, Leslie, I think I've got it. It seems that you have network connectivity issues. They've been detected. I got it right here. That's just such a fucking good line.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Dude, I saw Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Edition. Jackie and I were watching it, and the moment Chris Pratt goes on the screen, he was on screen for less than like 10 seconds and i was like ah didn't have to get in shape for this role huh and she's like i was thinking the same thing that guy shows up with a fucking parks and rec body for going into the galaxy yeah they all do it more or less like like thor is the only one who like keeps that physique
Starting point is 00:36:04 more or less and he does like slim one who keeps that physique more or less, and he does slim down for his normal roles when he's got to be, I don't know, handsome man who drives car and can touch his own spine. It's hard to be that guy in Thor. You can't touch your own spine if you look like Thor. You can't. It seems like it'd be way easier to maintain that,
Starting point is 00:36:22 at least somewhat, than to do the Christian Bale, where's like getting fat as hell to be Dick Cheney. And then in the machinist, he's like he every scene in the machinist, he looks like he could die just through malnutrition. Batista, that's the that's the blue team, right? Sure. He's fat, too. And he's kind of like that really strong body guy and it's like you can't be fat he was so round in the face and uh he didn't really have many scenes without a lot of clothes on and this is a guy who's shirtless throughout the whole film typically like yeah he doesn't have shirts but yeah he's movie and he's like covered with scarification. He's talked about how like, guys, I'm like almost
Starting point is 00:37:05 60 now. I can't maintain this forever, okay? Just so we're all clear. It's like, fuck. He's 53. It'd be like a 30-year-old woman. I had no idea how huge this guy is.
Starting point is 00:37:23 6'4", 290? Like, this guy's i had no idea how huge this guy is six four two ninety like this guy is he twenty now that's what it says i don't know two twenty now he's lost some i said he's added some body fat um oh i wanted to talk to you so you're gonna get a new pc taylor yeah yeah i was talking to just a friend of mine about it and uh i was telling him i kind of wanted one for a while and he sent me like a list of mine about it, and I was telling him I kind of wanted one for a while, and he sent me a list of stuff, and I was like, I want something that'll be good for a few years, that if I want to play in the highest quality, it'll do it.
Starting point is 00:37:54 If I want to stream in the highest quality, it'll do it. And he recommended the 4080, not the 4090, because he was like, there's no point to doing 4090. The 4080 will do everything. It's not the move to urgently take advantage of, I guess it's tuesday cyber monday over it's it's still going yeah i have like a window up on i buy power um and i think i'm gonna do it i don't think i know and like it's only like 3804 grand or so like all wrapped up I'll probably send I'll probably text the like the
Starting point is 00:38:28 pre-build thing he sent over to me to you guys just so you can see and tell me if it's like overkill or underkill or whatever here's my thoughts real quick my ignorant opinion and I've been I've talked to some of the like smart guys in our discord the science the computer science
Starting point is 00:38:44 guys you want the good CPU smart guys in our discord the science the the computer science guys um you want the good cpu the 13 uh gen cpu um but as far as here as far as motherboards go i can't see any reason to get anything other than the cheapest motherboard that money can buy that has the correct chipset or whatever and and will take your ddr5 ram and and and has like m.2 slots and all that stuff or whatever why would you spend more than like 150 160 dollars on those there are five or six hundred dollar motherboards out there that light up and glow and have why i don't need wi-fi i don't want wi-fi yeah i do i'll add it after fact i don't need it on my motherboard i don't need any of that shit i don't need a
Starting point is 00:39:24 motherboard that like oc's everything perfectly none of that are there downsides that i don't know about to like getting the cheaper motherboard or it really doesn't matter it it has to have the features you want so i'm with kyle kyle might be muted i don't know um i'm not okay in that way i'm getting my message to him but not interrupting you i've purchased the most expensive motherboard of one of my builds before. And I guess I just thought like I'm going high end. It did not add to my life. You do want one that takes what, like an M2 hard drive and you need it.
Starting point is 00:39:59 M.2 slot. It needs DR5 RAM. And it has to have the features you want. Mine might have had Bluetooth I never used. It definitely had Wi-Fi I never used. And it had all kinds of overclocking abilities. I could control the voltage on my RAM and CPU and the clock speed and this and that. And even though I have some education in this stuff, I didn't have –
Starting point is 00:40:24 They don't teach you how to overclock in school. I in this stuff, I didn't have a tutorial in school. I don't know. I know what a basic. Here's my thoughts on over. I just want it reliable. Yeah, that's what I want. Reliable. I wanted to do play any game in the best quality stream, any game in the best quality.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Do just do gaming things. So that's the here's the problem. do gaming things so that's the here's the problem i i think and i saw a youtuber talking about this the other day in his video where he shit all over the 4080 at the end of it he's like but the benchmarks let's go back to the benchmarks because i've been talking about dollars per cuda core or whatever you know and like dollars per power improvement gen per gen that doesn't matter benchmarks matter whatmarks matter. What really matters to you, I think, is what resolution you're going to play in, whether that's 1080p, 1440, or 4K. There's others in between and ultra-wide options, but those are the basic three.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Do you care about the frame rate? Do you want it higher than 60 which is like what every monitor that exists does but but and um do you i think that you want 144 hertz to me that's when things start looking smooth and uh and looking really nice i think that 4k is better than going from 144 to like 270 or something someone i talked to someone the other day who sold me on that idea. But I'm not going to... If I improve things, I'll stay in 1440... Or excuse me,
Starting point is 00:41:52 I'll go to 4K at 144 hertz. I think that's like... Is that what you're at now? 144 hertz? Yes. Right now I'm in 1440p, which is significantly better than 1080 visually
Starting point is 00:42:06 yeah i don't think 4k is a huge step up visually from it like but i think getting more frames is i think what you want what i would recommend to you is 1440p and 144 hertz which is a very affordable monitor and the system that does that on even the best of games is pretty affordable. Now, Darktide is its own thing because it's so poorly optimized right now. They shouldn't have released the game. It's not done yet. So if you try to run this game in 4K with a 4080, you're getting 75, 80 frames. It dips down to 40 or 50 frames sometimes with the system you're talking about, a $4,000 computer.
Starting point is 00:42:43 The brand new PC. Yeah, in 4K. But 1440... 1440, you're getting 144 hertz. I'm almost positive. If I don't get 144 hertz on this game after buying this new computer, I'm going to be rather upset. 4K monitors can do 1440, right?
Starting point is 00:43:00 Everything Kyle said. And more. But I want to add to it. 1440p can be in 16 by 9 or 16 by 10 like most people have or you can get ultra wide i got ultra wide and i think that was a mistake it doesn't really add a lot to my gaming and it takes away from it if you ever want to stream because now you have all these complications of trying to just use the middle third middle two-thirds of your monitor and have these edges. And it wants to stream the wrong shit, and it's a problem.
Starting point is 00:43:29 So I would avoid ultra-wide, especially if you think about streaming. Yep. Okay. I don't have any ultra-wide monitors. Of course not. I thought you might be shopping with your new computer. Yeah, monitor-wise, I have two 1080 bullshit ones,
Starting point is 00:43:44 and then this is a good one. Like, that can do 4K. Well, it's a good one, right? Your vintage monitors are adorable, but I think they should all be 1440p because when you drag things from one window to the next, they stay the same size, and that makes a big difference. Oh, dude, it is hilarious,
Starting point is 00:44:06 dragging from my dog shit monitor onto this good one because it's the like it's tiny when i drag it onto the good monitor it shrinks like a like 50 so i i have two very cheap 1080 hp 1080p monitors on either side and i got one of them like vertical and one horizontal and i love it um and i don't notice a change in size like like that it was very alarming it gets bit it definitely gets bigger over there but it's not like alarming and it doesn't like fit sometimes like like yeah you know that you have to like aim for the middle of your monitor to get it over to the other one because like it's it's here in your middle one and then it's this big on your on your side monitor so you can't just drag it over haphazardly what is it in this scenario uh take it a bit a browser window or something like all right we're gonna take this browser
Starting point is 00:44:52 slide it to the side and put our game in the middle and now it's it's huge over there and it didn't even fit i had to shrink it and drag it over i don't understand so i just grabbed the top of like a chrome window and like drag it to the top of my my window over here and then it maximizes and fills the whole screen but the because the 1080p one is effectively smaller sometimes i had to like drag it off the top or off the bottom into the middle so that it would go to that other monitor because it would be off screen it doesn't have the same amount of pixels if i were to just go straight to the side. So while they're not going to be able to visualize this, but I don't mind having them different.
Starting point is 00:45:32 It's never been an issue. I've never noticed anything, even streaming. I don't know. I think it's a great idea to cheap out on the secondary monitors. If you're not, if you're not doing like video editing or something, all the advice you got once for discord,
Starting point is 00:45:44 once for YouTube and Spotify. so it's like okay uh all the advice you guys just gave like lines up almost exactly with what my my buddy was telling me he's you know very into pcs he didn't not very smart he didn't mention he's not like you hang out with a lot of hang out with a bunch of losers he he didn't mention the motherboard thing so i don't i didn't know about that but he was like all about like the 144 hertz like nothing but that it has to be 144 hertz your monitor has to be like this and i was like oh i think my monitor is good enough and he said the like the one he pre-built for me only had like 32 gigs of fucking ram or whatever an enormous amount that's enough oh that's enough 64 is silly
Starting point is 00:46:27 if you're doing 64 it's your work that's your like you're doing video editing you're doing a million chrome tabs you're doing some weirdly ram intensive stuff that has nothing to do with gaming so so doing this right now i don't need that no no that's another route that i think four might work i've lived that way like i think i might have 64 gigs in this computer and at the time it was like well you know sometimes i video edit and i stream and i do all these things at the same time i don't even want i used to make the thumbnails for pka back when they sucked and uh it's like i don't want to have to close photoshop so that i can run adobe uh premiere pro and like. I just want all my shit open.
Starting point is 00:47:06 And I still didn't need 64. 32 is enough. Really? So that's just needless overkill unless you're doing a bunch of rendering. It doesn't help you. It's multiple tasks. It's not one task well, if I understand it correctly.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I know that Chiz has this weird thing where he likes to have an enormous amount of Chrome tabs. It's more than 60. Oh, it's more than 200. It's really something. There's no point. I didn't know they got the little tabs, whatever you call them, got that small. Because on my PC, maybe I'm OCDd i never have more than three or four like
Starting point is 00:47:46 if i get more than three or four and i can't fully read what each one is they gotta go i'm clearly not that into it if i got that like i got three or four things i'm working on right now or thinking about or into or whatever you want to call it and i can't imagine that many but yeah he needs 64 gigs of ram i've never had more than 32 and i've never had a ram issue right the they did ddr5 ram is like the faster better ram and then there's three speeds of that i went with the middle version because of like dollars for for uh you know megahertz or whatever it was do you remember what it was called that you got that piece ddr5 5600 um megahertz ram um it doesn't matter what brand you get okay but it's DDR RAM
Starting point is 00:48:27 Dance Dance Revolution RAM Dance Dance Revolution 5 it's the 5th iteration that's very important 4 is cheap that game was fun back in the day did you guys ever play Dance Dance Revolution no I mean I wasn't like good
Starting point is 00:48:43 but I thought it was fun where did you play like at home you had a pad and everything uh we had this well we had like this you know those like cheap ones sure that they had back in the day like we had something like that yeah i think it was for i think it was for playstation maybe i think i think it was like playstation 2 and we had that and it was so much fun like we would do it at home all the time for like not not a long streak. But then I had one friend, like I've mentioned before, he lost like 60 pounds doing DDR. And he was he was very, very heavy and he lost a shit ton of weight doing nothing but that nothing.
Starting point is 00:49:21 And it's because he would get obsessed with games. And so he got obsessed to the point that like he was just forgetting to eat, wasn't sleeping, was just dancing all night long by himself in there. And he was someone who like he wanted he the foam pads. He moved too quick. He had a foam pad, but he tore it to shreds with his with his foot movement. And so he now he's a computer engineer. And so he went to Home Depot. He had like his dad driving to Home Depot and bought all these supplies. And then he had his dad drive him to Circuit City and buy all these circuits. And then he went to his dad, drive him to Michael's and bought the colored paper so he could do all that in all the different colors.
Starting point is 00:49:58 And he built his own DDR machine. He had plexiglass that he sanded down on the sides. We were like 14, 15, like an incredibly impressive project for like a 15 year old to just on a whim do because his parents wouldn't buy him a good pad. But I remember we used to go to movies in high school every so often. And one of the theaters had a DDR like arcade right there before you went into the theaters. There were a bunch of arcade games and he was that dude. He would be like,
Starting point is 00:50:27 Taylor, you want to go play DDR? And I was like, never confident enough to do it in front of people. Cause I'm like, man, I don't know about this. And he'd be like,
Starting point is 00:50:34 I'm going to do, I'm going to do a couple of, he cared so little. He'd be like, really? You don't want to, I'm going to do a few songs, man.
Starting point is 00:50:39 And so he just walked over by himself and start doing it. And everyone in the theater, it was like waiting for the movies to start with, like, start moving like towards him because he would put on like my little butterfly japanese song and he's having to hold on to the bar behind him because his feet are going all over the place not it's to the point of ddr where like it's not even vaguely reminiscent of dancing it's like at that point it's a lot of stomps guitar hero with your feet
Starting point is 00:51:05 guitar hero with feet and i just remember being so impressed by that like just trying like looking at the screen and just the solid wall of instructions and then looking at it and being like how are they all saying how is it excellent how is it perfect flawless like how are you not missing any of these things it's i was way more impressed by that than any of the guitar hero stuff because i also came up like in high school like guitar hero was huge but like and everyone thought guitar hero was cool but i was always like dude ddr that's like that's so much more impressive i agree with what you're saying that ddr is way more impressive it's incredible it's an athletic feat although Although I am also impressed with Guitar Hero. I was never great at Guitar Hero. I was never even good. I could do the songs on like the second hardest difficulty and maybe the easiest songs on the hardest one. But even that looked impressive. Like it's I'm like, how am I taking in all this knowledge and executing it on the guitar as well as I am. Hours of practice, of course. Do you ever do something like that when you're in a flow state
Starting point is 00:52:08 and then you realize you're in a flow state and you're like, oh no, he's not being able to do it. I shouldn't have thought about what I was doing. I should have just instinctively kept doing it. I got into such a zone playing that fucking video game the other night. There's a combo that yeah my there's a combo i can do where i take my chainsword and i push and then i slash out with it and then i pull it back and i pull a big like sweeping right to left and i repeat and it's so
Starting point is 00:52:37 effective that i can if i and then i add a slide in the middle i dash to the left and if i keep doing that forever they can never hit me and i'm just killing everything and all three of my teammates are down and i was just slide slash slash slide slash slash for like eight fucking minutes and then so they're all dead though they had been they're they're down there waiting to be rescued they're all tied and bound but like you can't revive them without getting fucking stunned in this game. You can't get... I want to just give up my HP to get... I want to trade if I have to.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Get the Ogryn up. If I can trade my life for his, get the Ogryn up, he revives so much faster that, in turn, he might be able to get the whole team up. He's just a better character at doing that. But they just fucking start my shit in yeah yeah faster the ogren revives faster he carries objects uh faster like when you've got to pick up the the ammunition canisters or the fuel or whatever it is later on he carries those faster he throws them faster um all that
Starting point is 00:53:42 stuff he can he has to crouch when he goes into some areas that the other characters just sprint through. It's real fun playing that character. A lot of thought was put into it. Does being the smallest ogren possible help you at all? I did it. Did it help? Do you know? Who knows?
Starting point is 00:53:56 I bet there's a laser shot that zooms over the top of my head that otherwise would have hit me right between the eyes every now and then, though. I hear you. When you're walking around in that common area, you're the same size as all the other ogrens. I'm a little bit smaller, no. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:54:11 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Maybe it really does make the hitbox. If you look at one of the people I play with, her character is this tiny little girl. And it's like, you're smaller than everybody else. If you slide the slider down tiny you'll just be a tiny person now all right that's a good move then it's like just odd jobbing a new game
Starting point is 00:54:32 i job for the 21st century who knows maybe the hitbox does i know for a fact the oberon has an enormous hitbox i just don't know he should that's part of his character yeah i just don't know for sure if this if the slider changes the hitbox it definitely changes the appearance though in game and like you know what you look like amongst the others it's disappointing that they are just releasing a not finished game well it's it's there's a couple thoughts there like one is they're really going to want to keep player retention high although this is not the kind of game that keeps a very high player retention high. Although this is not the kind of game that keeps a, a very high player retention because it's, it's, it's just not that kind of game for a lot of you eliminate a scorecard and
Starting point is 00:55:11 metrics by which people can gauge their, their progress. I would agree with that. Yeah. Um, for me, I, I,
Starting point is 00:55:17 I really hope they put the scoreboard in, but, uh, but you know, I'm going to be there at 11 AM or noon tomorrow or whatever, playing the shit out of it. I'm sure. But,
Starting point is 00:55:24 uh, but I hope they improve upon some things because it was crashing constantly. The performance is awful. There's a lot of content missing. The weapon customization is missing. It's a worse system than the last game. And we're already putting up with a lot of stuff
Starting point is 00:55:44 that's frustrating to just deal with. It's like, okay, if that's the game you want to build, then that's the game I'll play, but Jesus, those dogs are fucking annoying. The dogs in this game are just like, bing, bang, boom, boom, boom. They're like ping pong balls bouncing around a room. They don't obey the laws of physics. They're not running.
Starting point is 00:56:00 They're flying. You'll hit one, and he'll bing, bing, boom, boom like boom and like zip off into space out of nowhere they got so much zip to them they gotta fix that the uh speaking of like gaming or like i guess servers not working i don't know anything about like professional gaming but i've heard of uh nadeshot before i know he's a big like call of duty professional gamer and there was some like viral thing on twitter and it was him i guess he was like fucking livid over like i guess how bad call of duty servers are and i said i suppose maybe
Starting point is 00:56:33 he's known for being more reserved i don't know but he was like i've been sitting here for nine fucking hours trying to play we just finished our fifth game no the middle of the fifth game and they booted us out nine hours i'm trying to play trying to stream our fifth game no the middle of the fifth game and they booted us out nine hours i'm trying to play trying to stream this fucking game for nine hours it doesn't work every year they make a billion dollars and the servers don't fucking work and he's like spazzing out about it and if if that's true like what what the fuck has happened in video games in the past few years it's one of the reasons i quit playing thisD. This did not used to be a thing. You could just get on Modern Warfare 2
Starting point is 00:57:07 and yeah, the one-man army noob tubes might suck, but you could play. There weren't server problems months afterward. And when they were, those were the kind of things they actually did fix quickly. They'd be like, eat my ass on one-man army noob tubes.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Servers are down. Oh, okay, fine. We have servers back. Yeah, it's... Last time I was playing the game which is right before this beta came out for dark tide man we were just not getting a lot of matches in it in old cods for one thing you kept the lobby together but that meant that there was 60 seconds 120 seconds between games and then you'd hear that tick top tick talk it's like oh
Starting point is 00:57:44 shit we're gonna we're in another one let's go like they all stayed yeah like did you change your class you change your class yeah i got three frags on let's fucking go and you'd be in another one and this is like all right that one's over and then like everybody fucking goofs around with their fucking weapon classes like it's tarkov it's like tarkov it's like between games of tarkov now that's irritating cod's supposed to be irritating yeah it's an arcade game like it's it's yeah tarkov is frustrating that way like when you play with a group of five just know that it's going to be 30 minutes before your next game you got to give them a pep talk at the beginning of the night i find that works so well because because you're not the only one who
Starting point is 00:58:24 feels that way everyone's just putting up with it because they think it's the status quo so if you at the beginning of the night you say hey look guys you ever hear of a hustle up offense that's what we're running tonight we're running a hustle up all right that means right now it's when you get all your classes together and i don't mean get a good class together and when you die next round you got to get another one you're gonna die next round, you've got to get another one. You're going to die next round. Just know that. If not, then one after. So make two classes. Nope, make five. We're ready to go.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Hustle off offense, and they'll do it. The same thing in dark tide. Sometimes there's a guy who wants to stay way in the back. There's a guy who wants to run ahead. I'll give him a pep talk when I'm playing with randoms, but look, guys, together we prevail. I want a shoulder to fucking shoulder storming through these hallways. No man gets left behind.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Together we prevail. Rev my fucking chainsaw up and they'll rev theirs up too. And we are when we're running through those hallways. I'll look to my left and my right and they're right with me. And when we find an enemy, it's not that thing where we got to have a little duel like me and him. All four of us raise our swords and come down and we keep going it's beautiful i it's i never talked about it because it it's not very humble but one of my skills in old school call of duty this is like modern warfare 2 black ops whatever leadership like this is back in the day when having an adult voice and a $400 mic was a rarity in this game.
Starting point is 00:59:46 So I would pop on professionally sounding like, all right, I need two of you to come and take B flag with me. And sure enough, I'd get like volunteers jumping on board and rally. I do call out. You're not being braggy. That is 100% true. We're playing on Call of Duty 2010. It was just a bunch of children being like, shut up, faggot.
Starting point is 01:00:15 And then a real adult would come and be like, hey, we're going to get this under control. And it's like, oh, there's a teacher in the room. Okay, all right. I want to make the adult proud of me all right yeah yeah he's a tactician the rest of us are just thinking of meaner things to say to each other to the british guy but we have to yes we do oh your mic dropped off kyle your mic dropped off kyle but we have put a link in here we have to wrap it up because we have the patron hangout in just a few minutes.
Starting point is 01:00:47 So there we go. Kyle's here. It's still muted. Do we want to group watch this thing at the end? Is that what you're looking for? I'd love that. Yeah, it's pretty fucking great. And I wanted to say, if you're like a $10 patron right now and you want to play some Darktide with us,
Starting point is 01:01:03 it's going to be grind time. it's going to be grind time. That $40 might get you... Are you guys going to play in the Discord with me? Yes. We didn't talk about it on the show at all, but I've started playing Darktide and my GPU broke. The new one arrives Friday. Which is why my camera angle is different and everything.
Starting point is 01:01:20 It's a new computer. I'm not 100% that I'll stream on Twitch. i probably will at some point uh very soon with this game but we're definitely gonna be in the discord having fun like asap very excited but yeah uh bye

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