Painkiller Already - PKN 437

Episode Date: January 4, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 437 what's up boys how's it going not too much i'm like i'm like a third of the way through that book now kyle the good book i'm very much enjoying it it's a fun world it is one of those worlds where like because 40k is so deep there are times where i'm like i'm pretty sure that this guy misspelled a common word what the fuck kind of shit is this editor doing and then i like i look it up and it's like oh okay so there was just a not very creative guy in this section of the universe being like it's not a car it's a car with a fucking k instead of a c it's like oh okay that's it's fine i guess you know but it's a great book i'm really enjoying it it's a cool world it's violent as can be um and there's a great book. I'm really enjoying it. It's a cool world. It's a violent as can be. Um,
Starting point is 00:00:48 and there's a good bit of mystery still. It probably wouldn't be as mysterious if I had the requisite knowledge of the universe to like know all the little deals, but I don't know all of it. I didn't know. Um, I didn't understand the Krieg fully until I read that book. Um, that book is the source material for like everything that
Starting point is 00:01:05 a lot of the back story of the Krieg so only after reading that did I even know a lot of the stuff that I know about him now it's really interesting stuff I saw in the beginning of the book they have one of those lists where it says all the other
Starting point is 00:01:21 titles that the guy has written it's like World War I in space it's like a 500 year old world war one please yeah i wish they'd come out with the movie that that i'll consume it is funny like the way because it's such a long history that there are times in the book where it'll be like you know out in the beginning of books you know they introduced the first kind of the a storyline and then after that chapter they introduce the b storyline and all that and sometimes there's flashbacks flash forwards like this is like you know a storyline for the first couple chapters and then it's like 2 000 years earlier and then like a couple chapters after that is like
Starting point is 00:02:01 and even earlier than that! It's like, I'm in my head, I'm like, okay, so this kernel is the one 5,000 years ago, and this other one's 2,000 years ago, and this guy's current. Okay, I'm locked in. I'm ready. Yeah, I wish one had been a major. That would have made this so much easier.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Yeah, if they weren't only using kernel, they were thrown around other titles. So one of the interesting things is that the main character, he is a Colonel, and so now no one is allowed to rise higher than the... They just made the rank of Colonel the highest rank.
Starting point is 00:02:38 So you're like, why are there so many Colonels? I just think of them as generals, I guess. They're space generals. No, I like the book too. I hope you like it. It's a good introduction, I think, to the universe too because you don't... I think occasionally they mention, like, maybe some Astartes
Starting point is 00:02:54 will come, but they don't, like, get into any of the outside world at all, really. They just kind of focus right there on that planet. It's good stuff. Yeah, that's good. And, like, they've got that guy himself, Steve lyons or whatever the the author i think that's his name he's written like a dozen warhammer books like about all sorts of different tales and stories and and timelines so it's cool it's such a i just think it's neat
Starting point is 00:03:22 that it's like not one guy didn't come up with all of it. It's like an amalgamation of a ton of people contributing to this world. And at no point is someone like, no, I can't do that. It's like, that's fine. In this other reality, that doesn't occur. And there are some things that are canon, some things aren't. No, so Games Workshop is the canon overseer. You can't, you can't, you can't, this isn't fan fiction.
Starting point is 00:03:47 I can't come and be like, actually, the Emperor was a woman. And she gave physical birth to all of, no, they, so there are mistakes and there is stuff retconned and it's all made up up so there will be some errors but he can't just go off script and go wackadoo with it. They've got to... Then I misunderstood that.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Then you know what? Then there are a bunch of books of people just doing their own thing out there. Maybe this guy's canon. There's tons of fanfiction. I found on Amazon real deal books that I don't think are canon. Just some person wrote a whole...
Starting point is 00:04:29 Why is that? What about them don't you think is canon? Because it's more of a fan fiction feel. I didn't realize until now and now I'm kind of realizing like, oh, those Steve Lyon legit ones and then there's the fan fiction-y ones. I guess what I mean as far as canon is
Starting point is 00:04:45 like like games workshop sets out the rules and and like this happened on this date and every and this happened on that one this guy's name was this and his son was that but you can that doesn't that's not to say you can't stay within canon and write your own story yeah and expand on it that's a better way yeah but but you can't write a story where like the things that games get workshop has agreed arc in and are now not i can't make my own 40k part you know kyle verse where the emperor the emperor is a woman like i said and you know that there's space squids here and and and i get to be the hero like i can't i'm just glad that i got some cool i mean 40K content to consume that is taking the place of that game that's not finished.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Yeah, it's not finished. I'll go back to it next year, and I'm sure eventually they'll flesh it out some more. I've been so just neck deep into Tarkov. Can you go deeper than neck deep? Ears deep? Eyes deep? I'm here'm i'm here i'm here i'm like i'm like that soldier in every movie he comes out of the water with their eyes
Starting point is 00:05:50 open like they're not about to get the worst case of pink eye ever the marine what are you doing can't see anything under there now you're i will just once i want that guy to come out like do you know Streets of... What? Do you know Streets of Tarkov yet? I've only played it once. I've only played it one time. The world waited five years for this map. I can wait longer.
Starting point is 00:06:17 You know? Like, what's the hurry? Is it not good? The new map's not good? No, it's tremendous. People love it. No, I just don't have any reason to... I have some quests there, but't have any reason to i have some
Starting point is 00:06:25 quests there but i have other quests to do and i'm kind of trying to there's some easy quests there yeah i just got to go in and do this and that i don't know my way around though i'll go later like larry is doing nothing but playing there so he'll be my guide whenever i want to go there i'll let him learn and like trip and fall and and get eaten alive um i'm i'm sneaking around through the darkness doing my quests i'm um i'm having a good time i got the gym in i got my guy pumping iron in there i saw that clip that's so ridiculous it's fucking silly the internet says the gym's not worth it that you only get like a point or two a day but to me i'm like that's not bad i felt like my strength maybe strength goes up faster now but back when i'm like that's not bad i felt like my strength maybe strength goes up faster now but
Starting point is 00:07:05 back when i played strength barely moved to get strength you had to go to like labs and throw every native every radio you killed which i wasn't good enough for so what they did is they changed the uh the overweight system so that it takes almost it takes very little to make you overweight so you're always grinding strength so strength actually outpaces endurance by far um last wipe especially they've they've tweaked that now and they've made it so you have to be even more overweight to be uh to be training strength but when i play they're more 50 50 the overweight system was incredibly punishing you could barely leave the map with the tank battery for example like it was incredibly punishing it's still that way and building strength though was
Starting point is 00:07:50 near impossible like streamers have nine strength and shit like like it it seemed really tough yeah it um you i'll max out strength by level like 30 32 somewhere in there i've never maxed out strength yeah so and i usually finish a wipe in the upper 40s i don't know if i've cracked 50 and i didn't max out strength like so yeah for listeners benefit yeah this wipe is has a lot of good stuff it's got a lot of bad stuff too um the audio is broken they shouldn't have done that to the audio you get super delayed audio sometimes no not nothing nothing like that. I know they're that way, but I have no idea how far exactly away and what floor. So I've just kind of got this cone that they could be in that I'm imagining.
Starting point is 00:08:38 So I'm just like, fucking, he could drop down from above. He could climb up from below. He could come from the left, from the right I'm just like so they made sound whoring worse? well they didn't mean to they've got a broken audio system it's bad
Starting point is 00:08:55 what it is is they have a hard time dealing with verticality and as they try to fix that, as they try to make it so a guy on second floor hears the guy on first floor but not like he's right next to him. Yeah. As they try to make that work, they break everything else.
Starting point is 00:09:13 So now the guy's just down the hallway from you, like three rooms down in like a hotel hallway, but he sounds like he's in your asshole. He sounds like he, you're're like is he in the wall hang on i've got a meme but like like there's so many um there's so many problems with that and the scavs are the worst problem i'm mostly playing at night because they got the scavs the ai the the ai is so cracked it will shit on you the regular ai i mean it's like some douchebag who's dirty his fingernails have doo-doo under him he's got a pistol from the 70s and it barely works
Starting point is 00:09:55 he's got he's dry bullets he's drunk he's got no chance you can hear in the voice lines i don't speak russian yeah but some there's a voice line that goes on for like four minutes of just Russian babbling. And that's how they clue you in, like, oh, that character is drunk. Woody, I was going out the extract on reserve, the one where you have the hermetic door, and a scav starts coming in from the front, and I'm peeking through a box box and I shoot him three times.
Starting point is 00:10:25 He starts spraying me through that crack in the box so I'm like, fuck you. I don't need to kill another scav. I go and lay down in there. He pushes me and sprays through a different crack and shoots me in the eyes. He extract caps.
Starting point is 00:10:42 He kills me. They will come and get you. They will come and get you. Yeah, it was an AI scav. It kills you. He came in. They will come and get you. They will come and get you. Yeah, it was AI scav. It was. Is that on purpose? Like they meant to make him a lot stronger? A lot of people are saying.
Starting point is 00:10:55 So here's the thing. Almost every wipe, people say the scavs are more powerful, but they forget that they're comparing it to themselves previous wipe where their character was much better because you know his strength and endurance and this and that were better his recoil was lower he's so wealthy that he's going in there with a quality helmet a quality vest etc now when you're up against low tier opponents you yourself being low tier because you were just wiped scabs seem harder but it seems like there's enough people agreeing with
Starting point is 00:11:24 kyle it's not that scabs are genuinely harder i mean i'm i'm wearing i got a u-lock on a level four armor and i got i got 12 strength and 12 endurance and none of that matters because the problem is that they'll be far away and and if you don't like one tap them in the head as soon as if he sees you and goes slagy we the timer has you've already been lucky because he's one of the ones that that's slow because because some of them don't say anything they see you and go boom headshot they're fps dug out there some of them will go slagy we and they'll crouch and like take aim run do not try to draw down with him. You cannot draw down with him. You're not fast enough. You have to hide back behind your thing, wait for him to reset,
Starting point is 00:12:09 and peek him from a different angle and try to lean out slowly and shoot him in the head. You have to treat him like Raiders. If you stand out in the open and try to trade, they'll shoot you in the face. My PC is broken, so I haven't been able to play it yet. By the way, Ram came in today. I'm hoping it's fixed for the next show. Nice. Hopefully I bought the right parts. i needed who the fuck knows but i'm back on topic so all i do is i i'm almost as invested in this game as kyle is i watch like
Starting point is 00:12:36 six eight hours of tarkov streaming a day now it's often in the background i'm in the gym or whatever but but it is it's going on and i'm keeping on top of it i'm watching a ton of it i feel like i kind of sort of know a little bit about streets i can recognize some of the extracts barely have loaded the game so i watch the best players on the planet and i watch like i guess i like streamers that are good at the game so i'm watching like anton and smitty and pest like, these are the not personality streamers, although they do have good personalities, guys who are known for being world-class at this game. And I watched them and I think that's what I would do also.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Oh yeah. That part where he just clicked on a, like one pixel head of a scab across the map and killed him with his first shot. That's how I play too. And that's, that's what happens in my head. But of course it's probably probably not my reality it's rough um that's why that's another reason like i said i like playing at night at night they're fine at night they they can't they don't
Starting point is 00:13:33 see you as soon that they don't you know they lose you more readily they'll shoot through bushes as well you know normally bushes will hide you from them no they can see through the bush they'll kill you through that bush i was on a i was on a discord call with a couple friends of mine who are like new like i was playing a different game but they all jumped onto tarkov and were playing and one of them had never played i guess i don't know the rules but was low on health or something and he's like oh i've got a bunch of sugar and he ate a ton of sugar and the guy in the party who was leading them was like don't eat the fucking shit all right guys we got to get him water now apparently he dehydrated himself to the point of death and was like i just ate sugar i didn't know i was gonna and the other
Starting point is 00:14:17 guy's like anybody have what fuck man don't eat sugar anymore like if you play targoth any amount of time you've done that and like multiple times yeah and you've or somebody with you've done that multiple times it's why i i've played this whole wipe solo like and it's been so nice it's been so refreshing i'm able to get right into the rates i'm not waiting on anybody i'm going i'm doing what i want to do lazy you know like greedily i'm not i'm not waiting on anybody i'm going i'm doing what i want to do lazy you know like greedily i'm not i'm not dealing anybody else's shit but when you've got people you've you got to babysit it's like you have children if you're the experienced guy which oftentimes i am at this point it's like does everybody have their medicine yeah is everybody you got you got your snacks
Starting point is 00:15:02 yeah yeah i do what kind of snacks did you bring? I got this. Oh, no, that's no good. See, those crackers. Look how much. Those crackers won't fill you up, now will they? Everybody else brought a full lunch. What are you going to do if you get shot?
Starting point is 00:15:14 We'll have an eye fact. I'm not kidding. What if it's a heavy bleed? How are you going to handle that? What if you break a leg? Are you ready for that? Your CMS kit doesn't fit. Do you have a surgical kit?
Starting point is 00:15:24 That's not the right. If you bring that smaller surgical kit, you need to bring splits, too. What do I have to dress you? Do you remember your backpack? Yeah. I like the snack thing. I'm like, did you bring a full lunch? No.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Let's get you that full lunch. Let's get you a banana in your pack for potassium. I was watching the streamer. Same thing happened. He's in a food crisis, and he's like, oh, he killed a guy who had oat flakes and it's like yay accelerate well now i'm in a dehydration crisis yeah you can't drink oat flakes without your milk just the guy in the russian wilderness like almost dying shoveling oats into his mouth dry oats so dry what'll happen though you have like uh your body's broken up into these sections obviously
Starting point is 00:16:07 head torso arms and legs but also stomach it's its own thing and you put enough damage into one of these body parts it it turns black and and it's useless to you now and the use of a stomach is your metabolism so all that shit tanks now you're dehydrated and starving because you got your stomach blown out. Now you could fix that, stop it, just like you could bleeding by doing surgery on yourself. I look forward to the day where he looks down and he's digging around in his guts.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Like I really want, right now he just, it's kind of off screen. You see him like pulling some stuff out and like clicking and sewing. Scissors and stuff. Stapling, yeah. How do you fuck up your stomach? You just like get shot there oh get shot there so it's not like you eat too much sugar or too many that would be hilarious if like you eat sugar and now all of a sudden like
Starting point is 00:16:57 all right you're good for now but 20 minutes from now you're gonna be exhausted you remember that yeah you're gonna lose your foot like and in scum you would you to be exhausted. Remember that game Scum? You're going to lose your foot. In Scum, you would be fighting and you would have to take a shit mid-fight. And it wouldn't be a combat shit. That's too real. It wouldn't be a combat shit because we can all imagine an emergency shit while we're in a gunfight.
Starting point is 00:17:20 We'd probably just shit ourselves. But if we decided not to shit ourselves, it would be like pants down, squat a little, and like a sumo stance and you're just blasting behind you because you got to kill yeah right and blast it's life or death we're ruining the carpet honey no that's not what they do in scum he drops his gun pulls his pants down like your girlfriend running off the highway and like shit's right there. Gets his phone out. It's not a quick shit. It's loud and obnoxious, first of all.
Starting point is 00:17:50 It's disgusting. And it goes on for a solid three to five seconds. And video game time, that's forever. If you're in a gunfight, five seconds of sitting here. That's retarded. Do you even have to shit in Tarkov? No. There's no shitting in Tarkov. even have to shit in tarkov no there's no
Starting point is 00:18:05 shitting in tarkov there's eating there's drinking there's metabolism and like all the rpg aspects of a get rid of the bathroom and all that shit like that is one thing that we can all agree like that's not a fun part i do have a bathroom that i had to build in my hideout but you don't actually take shits in there you use it to construct things yeah for some reason, you make cases of weapons and shit in there. You can make soap and shampoo in there. You can make toilet paper, I think. Make toilet paper, yeah. For what?
Starting point is 00:18:32 Out of regular paper. You take stacks of a ream of paper and you turn it into two rolls of toilet paper, I think. It's like, oh. Although, I did this in high school construction paper in school you'd be bored sometimes so like you do silly things if you take a piece of notebook paper and you crumple into a ball i did this flatten it out
Starting point is 00:18:54 crumple it again now repeat this process 10 times 2 000 times the more you do it the more soft that paper will get and i promise you very quickly it becomes soft enough to definitely be like toilet paper yeah or like bleak next i used to do that in class it gets soft like really really soft really quick and it quickly becomes like the kind of paper you'd see a pirate map on yeah it's very aged you could take that and then maybe put some diluted um tea on it or and you could definitely make some old timey pirate paper. That is how they make the discolored paper. You put tea on it and it makes it look old.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Coffee, whatever you got. Dilute it. What do you think, guys? I like politics. I like to watch it. I like the sport of it. Who's winning? So the Republicans won the House, right?
Starting point is 00:19:44 But they have a very slim lead um kevin mccarthy can only lose four votes right and still win the speaker of the house speaker of the house is a really big deal uh third in line of the presidency and arguably the second most powerful person in washington all right. Behind President Biden. So the really big deal. And the Republicans, there are a handful of people in the Freedom Caucus who were like, I don't really like this guy. I'd rather have someone else.
Starting point is 00:20:15 And there are five people that describe themselves as never Kevins. Right. You've heard of never Trumpers. They're just Kevin McCarthy. Absolutely. No way. No, how he's not going to be my guy. You'll never get my vote for him. The thing is there's five of people saying that a handful of others who are voting against him and he can only have four
Starting point is 00:20:36 dissenters. So they held the vote today. And for the first time in over a hundred years, it took a revote like, and it's still going going on as far as I know. They don't have a House majority leader yet. And where this goes from here is interesting because the Republicans have, I think my numbers are right, 218 votes and the Democrats have 214. If this isn't right it's really close so what could happen is maybe five republicans work with the 214 democrats and pick somebody else someone who isn't the republicans like majority choice like kevin mccarthy like even though he can't get the majority vote i mean he has the plurality is that what it's called when you have like you know the most votes but not a majority um he has that by a long shot but the next speaker
Starting point is 00:21:32 they're talking about this guy i forget his name it's like johnny utopian or something like that and uh he's not even in the house there's no rule that says you have to be in the house of representatives to be the leader of the House of Representatives. And he's a Republican. It's not like the Democrats. You don't even work here. Democrats aren't going to win. You don't even go to school. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:54 The Democrats aren't going to win. That's not in the table. That's not in the cards. But the Democrats may get someone they hate less. And like Matt Gaetz came out today, and he was like, we need actual oversight we need to actually do a good job in this thing i don't want to have another four years of political theater like we did with benghazi it's like what like you're republican you're not allowed to admit
Starting point is 00:22:18 that that was just about like you know smearing somebody like you're supposed to think that was real those men died hillary clinton was just hillary clinton killed them i personally i don't know this but i think she killed them yeah i mean i've heard that so it was here um and they want actual oversight not just a bunch of like show trials and uh that's matt gates's take on this thing i don't know but i might need to it's been over 100 years since the majority couldn't agree on a leader and uh that's where we are right now and i don't know where it'll be figured out this week i'm sorry i bet they figured out this week i bet they do i don't know if it's gonna be kevin mccarthy though the thing is kevin mccarthy forget what the number is say they need 215 votes
Starting point is 00:23:05 he has like 212 and no one else is close right like 212 the next best guy has six but do you have any wacky traits that would make him endearing or memorable to me like like like does his wife have like nudes or or did he once fuck a page like like that's one of the issues against i must be boring i don't know anything about he is boring as fuck and he's absolutely like within in line with whatever the wind whichever way the wind is blowing and so a politician yeah yeah but like some politicians have principled stances on spending or this or that he's not that guy um the only thing i care about anymore is bernie i look forward to seeing bernie yeah yeah bernie's gonna run and he's in his 80s man they all are they all are um and he's a spry as a man
Starting point is 00:23:53 in his 70s i didn't say i'm looking forward i didn't say i'm looking forward to the bernie sanders presidency i can't wait what i said was i'm looking forward to bernie sanders running for president because that's always a good show. It's a different flavor. There's vanilla and there's chocolate, then here comes fucking Rocky Road. He's got a bird on his fucking podium over there. Oh, now he's getting talked
Starting point is 00:24:16 down to by a... I got my window open. I mean, I played. In Atlanta, so he's like i'm getting talked at windows open five i feel the same way about trump trump is threatening a third party run now right which is weird and it's early right like trump should be acting like he has the majority like he's gonna win the primary but he's almost shifted to, if I don't win this primary, I'm going to fuck your shit up,
Starting point is 00:24:49 and I'm going to take off 20% of the votes, and there's no way you can win. I hope he does that. Give me the MAGA party. Give me the MAGA party. I'm ready for it. Oh, you know what I'm going to do tonight? The show will be good.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Instead of, I'm going to hop off this thing and go eat some dinner, but watch that Channel 5 thing on hbo i think that's going to be excellent where he comes and you know it's the all gas no brakes guy okay he got an hb he did an hbo documentary and it's it's it's about a lot of stuff but it sort of centers around the election you know he he was there at a lot of the major events. QAnon, how the media
Starting point is 00:25:30 twists things and feeds off of the craziness and it's a repeating pattern. He's obviously got tons of those wacky interviews where he's talking to the people on the ground. You get so many political pundits telling you what the people in the crowd want or think. Then he goes and he talks to the people in the crowd. And he'll talk to, sometimes it's something wacky, he'll just go to everyone there and be like,
Starting point is 00:25:58 do you give a fuck? Hell no, I've never given a fuck. Like instantly without thinking. Nah, we don't give a fuck. Nobody here gives a fuck. Everybody says that. It's always fun and lighthearted, but then it'll get weird. The QAnon family is so bizarre.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Like I said, those little children. Breadcrumbs are what they call the little clues that maybe you would have missed in this QAnon message, but me, deeply steeped and intuitive in these QAnon, the drops that they do, I could bake these breadcrumbs. They call it baking the crumbs.
Starting point is 00:26:34 That's fair. I'm a baker, and I get what you don't. Where do I go read the Q thing? I still don't fucking know. You gotta go to the Q board. Yeah, yeah. So you're gonna wanna watch it. Where do you even go? You don't wanna know yeah yes so so you're gonna want to even go you don't want to know dude like like they go to the keyboard yeah but which site there's so many
Starting point is 00:26:52 you don't want to go is anybody else in that site like i don't know what the fuck q actually like what their thing is i've never read it watch this documentary you're gonna love it okay because he goes he shows and he's and he's there on his... Well, it's a comedy, right? He's got one of those Amazon tablets. Embarrassing. And he's showing... Bring it on out.
Starting point is 00:27:14 You buy Apple products or... He's got a fucking fire tablet over there. They gave away in exchange for sending a package three days later or something. And he's showing him the cue boards on it. And he's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:29 That's the one where he shows him the chili pepper and the Chipotle logo. And he goes, now that there is a symbol for a boy lover. And Andrew Callahan, of course, always agrees with whatever they say. Yes, he is. Exactly. He's like, okay and i guess that like they just got that in plain sight so that they all know or yeah yeah and and and they go to another one and here the way they i can't remember the exact word but it was something
Starting point is 00:27:57 like the way they and they misspelled invincible um that's got to be like an they did that on purpose right maybe to send a deeper message or do you think they misspelled it maybe because they're not very good at spelling whoever wrote this and he goes oh no the people who write this stuff they're geniuses so any misspellings or errors
Starting point is 00:28:17 you might see that's subtext alright there's something deeper there you gotta look on what if they're so on the run that that's the reason for the misspell this guy's wife meanwhile is on the couch sitting there like it sure is and all three of the kids like yep uh-huh and they know the same shit they're afraid of pedophiles and then it's fun that's like one of those like millennials who's way too into harry potter and it's like get over it at this dude like everyone of those millennials who's way too into Harry Potter. It's so interesting, though. Get over it at this point.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Everyone needs a fantasy. That's in Atlanta, by the way. So he goes a few miles across town to, you may remember this situation where a black man in Atlanta was shot by the police. After he stole the cop's taser off his belt, ran around in circles for a while, then tried to shoot him with it. They then killed him. I think I watched that, yeah. around in circles for a while then tried to shoot him with it they then watched that yeah well in response the wendy's where he was killed at was burned to the ground and a woman was killed um in the crowd and uh and there was some big riots andrew calhan's there he's there baby he wants
Starting point is 00:29:18 he's he's asking the people on the ground like what do you think about this and they're like well to be to to be real you know he was intoxicated you know and he was in that parking lot but they did kill him you know they killed him but what about burning the wendy's down oh hell no first of all that was a caucasian bitch she came over there and burned that shit down we wouldn't do that and and the guy got next to him goes uh-uh i fucks with that faux for faux we know we know for sure that guy didn't do it yeah like he's all about the savings and andrew's like he's interviewing them all and they're all talking about how like these are little kids some of them 14 to 16 whatever like. Some are younger. It's every age group. And the kid's like, yeah, my brother was killed.
Starting point is 00:30:08 My brother was shot over by some drug dealers. And Andrew's like, these families, the two brothers whose little brother was shot by drug dealers and the white kids who are afraid of Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile submarine live five to ten minutes apart.
Starting point is 00:30:23 They're in completely different worlds here here in atlanta you know but it's it's it's pretty interesting i can't i haven't seen it yet i've seen like excerpts and and i bet sometimes they're in the same xbox live lobby yep yep and they get after it i bet it's i bet they do yeah but it's a good time for all involved. I'm still super invested in this, Kevin. My money's on the white kids. I got better broadband. I looked at an update. They held the vote.
Starting point is 00:30:51 He lost. They held a re-vote. He lost by more votes. They held the re-re-vote. This hasn't happened since 1855. He's lost by more votes. The opposition to him is growing more than the support for him. The Democrat, they're all
Starting point is 00:31:06 voting for the same Democrat, has no chance of winning because they don't have a majority, has had more votes than the Republican all three times. This happens with the Pope sometimes when they have that voting. Yeah, then they have to have the white smoke. The way that one guy
Starting point is 00:31:20 can get weeded out of his plurality and then someone rises up above. That's always because there's whispers in side rooms. Hey, how about you do this and we do that. And hey, I talked to the big guy and he says... He says we can rape children.
Starting point is 00:31:39 He says this thing in your cranes going on for a while. And let me just say, we're going to be needing a lot of jet fuel pretty soon so you're gonna want to be on board with that program for 9-11 too you got some buildings you want to take it down in chicago right lair sears tower because yeah there's some illuminati stuff going on right now figuring out who runs the is it the house of representatives we're talking about again yeah yeah we'll see i what
Starting point is 00:32:11 do they do there they control the money that's their they control the money and they like have subpoena power that's i'm gonna need you to the senate doesn't i'm gonna need you to sing a song about what they do. They're like, I'm just a bill up on the hill. Otherwise I won't retain it. It'll be. Yeah. Learning through things. That song is great. You know what?
Starting point is 00:32:35 The Catholic church, what I like about him. I like the outfits. I like the ornate churches. I like, especially like, honestly, the Pope has a cool outfit.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Everyone knows that. The Cardinals. The Cardinals are like the coolest. The red. Like, that's such a powerful posse of men of God. Think of the spells, the casting. Like, I would like to be a Cardinal. Because then you don't take the blame of the Pope,
Starting point is 00:33:04 but you are still so fucking high ranking that you can just show up anywhere in the world where there are Catholics, which is most places. And like, everyone is going to be like, Oh my God, it's a fucking cardinal cardinal Taylor, like fucking bowing to me,
Starting point is 00:33:17 like doing, you can send, you can send a priest like anywhere in the world. I think, I think you get to decide, right. Or like your word matters so much that much that you can make it happen. Cardinals are fucking high-ranking.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Popularity and travel plans. Which rank gets your dick sucked the most in the church? By whom? Well, it depends who you want sucking. You know who sucks church officials' dicks. I don't. I think that everybody knows. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Maybe. I mean, they have. Well, yeah. Maybe. I mean, they have a very high rate of child abuse in the Catholic Church. They knew it. That Pope just died, and he absolutely 100% has been confirmed for knowing about child abuse that they let slide. You know what's wild and that people don't know about is the rate of child abuse in public schools is similar to the rate in the Catholic church. Well, I mean,
Starting point is 00:34:06 that's where the kids are. That's what I'm saying is that no matter what you do, people like a lot of people, not everyone, obviously they're good priests. And what's the rate of child abuse in their own homes. Let's compare that one. Cause then we have the,
Starting point is 00:34:19 I would say lower than at church or the school, or maybe, I don't know. Cause then we have all the places that children are like where do they get molested the most in the church i mean going back to high school or even middle school like there were absolutely teachers that inappropriately like were like rubbing girls shoulders in class that is not uncommon by the way talk to any person who's ever gone to school and they saw these fucking ghoulish men i remember this dude like touching this girl ashley in my class's shoulders
Starting point is 00:34:50 when we were like all 12 and 13 and like giving her a little massage and being like dude this is like i'm 12 so i don't have the you know wherewithal to fully analyze how wrong this is but like this is fucking ghoulish this is creepy you're flirting with children regularly i still want to know about the girl in my high school there was a girl in my high school i don't want to dox her in the slightest but she just seemed a little more mature than like all the other kids in high school michelle easily including me it wasn't and she hung out with this one teacher and he would like, like not in school, like afterwards they'd walk to his car together and stuff like that. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:35:29 what's happening here? Is this a mentor situation? Possibly. Is it grooming? Is it, is she fucking him? How does she look back? I want to know how adult her reflects on her relationship with this guy.
Starting point is 00:35:41 I don't know how physical it was. Is she like, dude, he was trying to get me, but fortunately I had the pushback. Or is she like, I fucked him and that was a huge mistake, or I fucked him and it was terrific, he was really nice and he helped me become the woman I am.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I want to know how she reflects upon this relationship. Well, messenger, dude. It won't come up. Hey, wanted to see how you were doing. Take this clip right here and and just cut a little send it to her hey we're all curious about about your your molestation what do you what he lies awake at night thinking about when you're molested in school and he really wants to know how it went
Starting point is 00:36:18 for you we don't want to waste your time ma'am just a scale of one to ten that's all yeah one would be super sad face two thumbs down ten means you don't think it fucked you up that much having this uh this man preying upon you as a child station yeah attempting to molest you seemingly but do you remember that like did you have guy teachers in your high school or middle school kyle that you recall like being too forward with the girls no i don't remember anything like that really okay nah that's fucking weird you didn't have any pedos jeez i said before my male gym teacher used to stare at our dicks all the time dude i have a friend whose male gym teacher bullied the fuck out of him and like when i heard the stuff he did like like he would
Starting point is 00:37:06 physically bully him the shit he would say about like just tearing him down he was still mad and he was like 40 when i was talking to him about it like he held a grudge and look and he's like he wanted revenge like he's like not too late it's not it? He should get revenge. Dude, if there had been a teacher who had been like legitimately like that kind of mean to me. I mean, right about now, the horror, they're going to be like 65, 75. Oh, you got to get in before they finish. I just like the idea of slapping them around. Right. Just I want him to feel the fear and physical intimidation advantage
Starting point is 00:37:45 that he had back when this guy was like 15. Go put on your tightest shirt and head on over there, dude. Yeah, grab your soaked clothing. Play it against sports, get 10 dodgeballs, the old kind that hurt. Full mount, hold him by the neck, and you don't have to bash him or break his nose, slap him. Let him feel the fear that comes with being completely dominated by it bring it you know how you make the best dodgeballs it's
Starting point is 00:38:10 not dodgeballs it's not the squishy ass bullshit it's breaking glass you take a um you take a volleyball and you deflate it you let like an eighth of the air out or something so that you can squeeze it enough that you can like grab it you get a good purchase on it yeah and you can hurl that son of a bitch so fucking hard i can throw pretty hard like i i can throw like a seven out of ten i would say there were guys at school who would throw three who would throw intimidatingly hard like when they slung one of those things and it go past you it go like you'd hear it
Starting point is 00:38:51 and it hit the wall go boom and I was like fuck I'm in the wrong game I can't do that looks like I'm gonna be spry dodge guy this time my one volleyball trying to dodge that. Kyle,
Starting point is 00:39:07 hit it back on this topic. Tell me you saw the Dana White news. What is it? I don't think I did. You would know. Okay. I've been out of the loop. I've been grinding. It's forgivable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:23 So Dana White's at a nightclub. He and his wife, his real wife, are drinking. I say his've been grinding he's been grinding it's forgivable yeah so dana white's at a nightclub he and his wife his real wife are drinking i say his real life because he's yeah he's had so many women in so much public i have to believe it's like an open relationship at this point that the wife cannot possibly be in denial all right so anyway he's with his actual wife who he's known since he was 12 years old and huh he's with her and it looks like things are tense he whispers something in her ear and she slaps him with a good slap and dana white less than like two seconds later counterslap slaps his wife and Dana if you don't know is a big strong guy and he's particularly fit right now he was holding back and
Starting point is 00:40:12 yeah if he wasn't holding back he would have knocked her out yeah dude he's got knockout power wait a minute wait a minute I gotta interject with a quick question here so you're telling me that Dana White has been filmed getting slapped and then slapping his wife and in January I got to interject with a quick question here. So you're telling me that Dana White has been filmed getting slapped and then slapping his wife.
Starting point is 00:40:27 And in January – wait, wait. It is January. And later this month, his new TV show about the professional slapping championship is going on the air. I'm just saying. Continue. Yeah. Dude, watch this video.
Starting point is 00:40:43 It's only 14 seconds. Fuck it. Can you show it, Zach? I don don't care let's show this thing we'll see if we get away with 14 seconds dude there's no way that he's he literally has a slapping league going live this month on tv does he really hear you yes oh shucks i don't i can't get on board he's on network he's very embarrassed look at that boom dana white reigning champion i think you might have i at least missed the very beginning He's very embarrassed. Look at that. Boom! Dana White! Reigning champion! I at least missed the very beginning.
Starting point is 00:41:10 She hits him first. Oh, Dana White slays him. There. It almost cut off hers. But yeah. Some rough quality for 20 minutes. This is good stuff. Dude, this is... Here's what they're going to say. Oh, maybe you know more than me. here's what they're gonna say i i oh maybe you know more than me here's what they should say she should be like they should pretend they should do like a whole
Starting point is 00:41:32 wwe thing for the for the for the slap boxing they should make their own wwe empire there where it's all staged and it's all silly like that and and and that'll be like one of the running like storylines that she's got her own league of slappers and they're gonna go against Dana's league of slappers I don't know where they were when that happened some sort of nightclub they should totally
Starting point is 00:42:00 rent out that nightclub to host their first slapping competition what they actually did was this Dana White came out and he They totally rent out that nightclub to host their first slapping competition. It's a wink and a nod. What they actually did was this. The slapping championship. Dana White came out, and he's like, this is incredibly embarrassing. I have for years gone on the record as saying, you can't come back from hitting a woman.
Starting point is 00:42:16 There's no reason to ever hit a woman. Yada, yada, yada. He's been anti-hitting girls since the beginning. And he's like, now here I am tmz after having hit my wife he's like we're super embarrassed um there was alcohol involved for both of us uh we have three kids we talked to them about it and you know hopefully you can respect our privacy nobody has including me and uh what are you telling me for? I'm over there ratting on Dana. I didn't know any of this.
Starting point is 00:42:47 It's really I'm to blame. Poor Dana. You think less of Dana White. That great man. Not at all. You know what I saw? I saw a man showing his wife a business. All right?
Starting point is 00:42:58 You know who wears the pants in that family? We do now. I hope he's wearing the slap championship belt next time i see him yeah next time he should put a few more rings on it's got one ruby on it for his for his title defense that was it uh no i'm looking for i'm honestly looking forward to that because daniel championship championship is an interesting thing to get into after UFC see what what doesn't appeal to me is the part where two guys stand there and slap each other it's everything around that that'll be interesting and Dana White's producing it I I'm hoping that that the slaps
Starting point is 00:43:34 are the least interesting part of the whole thing if I were pitching this to a network I would I would tell them that the least interesting part of our show is the part where two men slap each other other unconscious that is that is that is the part that's the boring part yeah and it has to be because what's the interesting part the synchronized dances where the teammate and the the player and the team go out the shit talk and the drama so you've got to have tits and ass you've got to um you're selling me you've got to have um like drama you've got to have tits and ass. You've got to... You're selling me. You've got to have drama. You've got to have background and stories. You've got to root for these people.
Starting point is 00:44:08 You've got to have costumes. And I need Dana White there in person to legitimize it. I need him there like, All right, this is big Mike coming out of Oregon. Mike, show us that fucking meat hook of a hand you got. And he lifts it up. McCraggo's like, oh, look at it. You know, they need to get that dude who drives the forklift in Minnesota
Starting point is 00:44:36 who pops up every few years for just having enormous arms. Remember that guy? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like the genetic freak who his hands are the size of like cast iron and he gets finger banging the biggest hands in the world and you'll find a picture of this dude from minnesota who quite literally wins an arm wrestling champ yeah but he doesn't he doesn't train for it he's just genetically huge i found another guy and i know he's second place to the guy you're talking about i'm not trying to outdo you but he has a genetically fucking weirdo pinky they call it the claw or something and like his pinky is stronger than any of his other fingers it outdoes the thumb and they're all like how you
Starting point is 00:45:19 get this guy and yeah that's the guy taylor's talking about massive hands almost looks like four fingers somehow to my brain yeah right it doesn't look enough fingers at first it's because the middle three are like their own thing his fingers are like the three fucking amigos and then
Starting point is 00:45:38 two weird thumbs he has two thumbs he'd have to pick flowers like Stavi and uh he's got hands like a god damn ninja turtle did you watch that whole like did you watch that little video I sent where it's like Raphael
Starting point is 00:45:56 coming back to talk to Master Splinter about how the how Shredder's boys don't have those silly laser guns anymore they got fucking guns now Shredder's like oh't have those silly laser guns anymore. They got fucking guns now. I just like, oh, no. He's like, yeah, so, you know, Donatello, I told him not to, but he went running at him with his scythe.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Oh, did he get away? No, no, they fucking killed him. He's dead. No, they fucking killed him. Were you able to get any of these weapons perhaps well the thing is our our weird claw finger hands don't really go in the triggers at all so no going there either oh you just have we just have to rely on our quarter stabs and pokey pieces of metal and our carotid is not's not going to stand up against those AR-15s.
Starting point is 00:46:46 What do they call the Foot Clan or something? I think they're the Foot Clan. Something like that. Have you been following the Ukraine war lately? I know you've been Tarkov-ing. I've been in the goddamn war, alright? Hoorah! You should be thanking me for my service.
Starting point is 00:47:02 That's how much Tarkov I've been playing. I do, you just don't listen. Thank you, Colonel. Thank you. Thank you, Lieutenant. Colonel. So here's what happened. Ukraine, a couple of weeks ago, bombed two Air Force bases in Russia.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Right. And the strikes were so deep that they demonstrated their ability to hit moscow which they didn't have they didn't hit moscow but everyone's like well fuck if they can hit 600 miles into this base they could if they wanted to hit moscow so russia maybe appropriately pulls 2 000 troops and a whole bunch of like missile defense anti-air type stuff to protect their capital right i don't shit about shit so like i guess this is a good idea you got to protect your capital um they're hitting kiev so what's to stop them i played civ it sounds like a plan you want some missile defense up there so now their front lines are less protected than they otherwise would have.
Starting point is 00:48:05 They pulled off the anti-air stuff. The Ukrainians know this. They also somehow knew that where they were housing 600 soldiers, they also stored the ammunition in the same building. So the Ukrainians hit the building in the ammo, causing a chain reaction that blew the whole fucking dormitory to smithereens. I saw the pictures of it. It looks like they demolished it on purpose. It's just like, what was it? It's just rubble on the ground.
Starting point is 00:48:38 The Russians say 60 some people died. The Ukrainians say, oh, no, it's filled to the gills. 650 people died. I Ukrainians say, Oh no, it was filled to the gills. 650 people died. I can't know the truth, but I do know that. And that's only one of the strikes. They took out a couple like really important places. The Russians that don't have a roof over their head anymore.
Starting point is 00:48:55 So, and they've lost a ton of ammo and presumably a bunch of soldiers too. So the strikes previous strikes, they used Jerry rigged cold war era soviet camera drones carrying explosives this most recent strike used american-made himars rocket artillery the most advanced rocket artillery in the world like 70 000 a shot it it goes real far and it goes exactly where you want it to go and then it makes a huge huge huge fucking explosion so um yeah it it i i read a small a small article about what you're talking about um i think with my coffee this morning and and yeah
Starting point is 00:49:38 the no one wants to be accurate about the number of people that died but yeah somewhere between 50 and 500 600 yeah right yeah um in any case they blew the fuck out of a i i like that when when when it's the good guys doing the shoot and we don't it doesn't matter that it was a school well it was an evacuated school are we sure like probably if the russians were putting their soldiers in there and their ammunition i guess that's probably and it's under russian control i bet school was closed also aren't they on a christmas break right now that's true christmas break no kids there hey i bet they're cheering christmas break just got extended for them by the time they get to go back to school they they'll be in the fucking war. They'll be getting drafted themselves.
Starting point is 00:50:26 I've been watching the attack, like Russian. They're trying to save this city. I forget the name of it. It might be that Bach Mach one, but don't quote me on it. I might have it wrong. And it's in the low ground. So the Ukrainians had the low ground and they're like,
Starting point is 00:50:39 fuck this. You know what? Let's just back up a little bit up the hill. And every time the Russians come and try and take it, we'll blow them down with our altitude advantage, which is what they've been doing. So the Russians came around the side and then the Ukrainians came around and separated them from their resupply. And they all they lost weeks of progress. And I'm watching what the Ukrainians are doing and what seem to be unbiased sources are the most unbiased I can find.
Starting point is 00:51:03 what seemed to be unbiased sources are the most unbiased I can find. And it's like, God damn good thing. These guys are way better military planners than I am because I'm very impressed by how this is working. I don't think they are. I think, I think that if you had the intelligence that they have, that you could do the same stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I think it's as simple as the United States is feeding them so much information and giving them the tools to exploit it that it's, it's not like, it's like, Hmm, should me make should we maybe have the the rockets that go real far shoot the big building full of the enemy what do you think general i like it i feel like that's literally how it went because i think
Starting point is 00:51:41 america hey they're housing their ammo and their soldiers in the same building. Want to make it all go boom? Some CIA dude shows... It's just there all day, and he's like, Hey, hey, hey. This is Commander Klink. He's running the Russian 3rd Brigade. He's going to be in this building here
Starting point is 00:51:59 and up on the big map there. Yeah, Quadrant B-32. It's just like battleship. Actually, it literally is. Just put the peg in that hole Yeah, Quadrant B-32. It's just like Battleship. Yeah, just actually, it literally is. Just put the peg in that hole, and it'll send the rocket. You sunk my colonel. I think it's that simple, because we're giving them the technology
Starting point is 00:52:16 and the intelligence, and they just have to put two and two together, I think. And meanwhile, I'm sure there's a lot of brave Ukrainians on the ground fighting tooth and nail, because I've seen this. I don't know what to believe. Right. Some of it seems you hear about Ukrainian victories or things the Russians are doing.
Starting point is 00:52:37 And it's like, man, are they really that incompetent or am I getting propaganda right now? Because they talk about human wave attacks from the Russians, like running across the field and slaughtering dozens and dozens of russians at a time it's world war one tactics yeah exactly like a whistle's getting blown and they're like over the top i think i'm being told that that's what's happening i outrageous and one thing that gets me it seems like a lot of the russians death that that at least i see and read about isn't the russian soldiers fault like if you and i played paintball against each other on nuketown and you beat me you probably made some better decisions use cover better your aim was better but like you outdid me in some way cool when i watch these guys die it's like oh no no what we did is we waited till woody went to sleep in his foxhole which seemed like reasonable behavior you do have to sleep and then in his
Starting point is 00:53:31 foxhole we dropped a paint balloon on him and that's how we won it's like the fuck how do i do this how even if i'm really smart and i never start a fire and i never make coffee when the wind's blowing in your direction and i never do this and i'm always in my foxhole and i don't do that's how every war is though right like the average like roman soldier who was walking forward like a legionnaire like he could be the best trained guy in the world he catches an arrow it's over it doesn't matter he was the fastest guy i didn't let you finish but i still feel like like let's say that you're a spearman and i'm a spearman. If you're stronger and better at this than I am, then that increases your odds.
Starting point is 00:54:15 If you're a spearman and I'm a spearman, but we also have drones dropping nades on you in your sleep. It's like, what? How good can you be at not sleeping? Yeah. But I mean, every war has always been like about like leveraging supreme power, like like a lot of ancient battles aren't what you see on TV where it's like and then a thousand Scots lined up against a thousand English and they fought and the battle fighters won. No, like the reality is like in the English realize. Yeah, thank you. And the English realized that at this juncture in time, the Scottish only had 300 men while the English had 30,000. The English routed them although the 300 scottish
Starting point is 00:54:45 fought like so that wasn't the scottish guy's fault they got fucked because of a tactical thing that is not at all i think the point what he's trying to make here is that they were still guys on the field of battle even in your example i bet some englishman died that day when a ukrainian is in his house fucking smoking a cigarette and and he's basically playing Call of Duty. He sends a drone over and drops the mortar into your hole. He's not even on the battlefield. He's sent in that drone. That's true.
Starting point is 00:55:15 That's where it's different. And then the guy who's being killed, he wasn't in the fight. He was asleep in his hole, as safe as he could make it. I see sometimes they'll put shit over the hole like cloth to camouflage it but the drone's camera is so good that it's like i can tell the difference between trees and camouflage dummy because it's just camouflage netting you got to be really high for that to blend in this thing's a couple hundred feet up maybe with like a 4k camera so it's like oh dude like a heat
Starting point is 00:55:45 sensor or something great a camouflage net that it'll blow up above you now and they just drop it the one guy gets even better the one guy that put the nade to his head that that shit was crazy that's fucked up i watched that the same around the same time i saw all's quiet on the western front which is a world war one movie and all if you haven't seen that yet it is a really brutal depiction of war and it's it obviously the the war part is absolutely terrible but the cold and the mud and the trench and the lifestyle that they lived is equally awful and i see that and i'm like that's what's happening in ukraine right. You think it's not muddy in Ukraine? It's super muddy.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Some of that mud is pee. Some of those foxholes have water in them. Why? Because it's snowy and rainy. It's brutal, terrible, worst weather on Earth right there right now. And they're living in it outside. Hundreds of people just died. And the ones that didn't don't have a place
Starting point is 00:56:45 to stay anymore like that's the russian reality in there and i know they're the bad guys but i still just wish there was no fighting at all it is super brutal and and i can't it doesn't seem to impact other people the same way it does me but i can't wrap my head around how these people are dying and they're not even bad at soldiering they're just sleeping in a fox hole under camo netting seems like good at soldiering to me but yeah you still die from that i've seen a lot of videos of russians walking in um walking in like i don't know a field like maybe trees spaced out even oftentimes well you know like like like in a line like like like filed up like like maybe a dozen 20 at a time and there's a drone above recording them and it's telling
Starting point is 00:57:31 artillery where to shoot and they get massacred by accurate artillery that's that starts hitting them and it follows them they're like all right they're they're adjusting um the targeting continuously to a crew of guys who's you know three kilometers away or something maybe further and and they're just they're there's no chance for those guys it's maybe soldiers would look at that and understand the mistakes they made but as a regular person i'm like what they do wrong stand in a field look at this here i've got a video here i mean these guys are just these guys are laying on their bellies in a field with binoculars or something it's got music on it oh my god i don't even see the guys now i know where the russians have good camouflage they're on their bellies crawling it doesn't matter because
Starting point is 00:58:27 the goddamn drone is so good i can't tell how hurt they are you can't tell but i yeah drones really ruin the fairness i think the thing about war though is if they're hurt at all they're like out it's almost like paintball right i'm hit uh-huh yeah it's like well you can't really perform your duties lugging that fucking bucket to the front lines go to the hospital they got chunks of shit in them yeah although there's a lot of the combat footage subreddit is uh is ripe with with all sorts of nonsense you can see a lot of thermal sniper footage of just ukrainians just i don't know i don't know who it is they say it's ukrainians
Starting point is 00:59:05 shooting russians all i see is a crosshair on a white like glowy body and he goes down from long ranges like up to a thousand years you don't even know kyle you're a good marksman can you accurately hit center of mass at a thousand meters like all the time or is that like an exceptional marksman i think the hard part about doing that is um determining on the fly that this target is a thousand meters away calibrating the rifle um to that to that range and any any windage that you might need to and then hitting the target that might that probably isn't sitting there like a target it might be wiggling around or moving even that i cannot do but if you sit me at a bench and there's a man-sized target a thousand meters i'll just tear it up all day okay it's just pointing and clicking and i can do
Starting point is 00:59:57 that um you know if the once the rifle's dialed in it's just putting the crosshairs on a thing and squeezing it and any of us here can do that at first you might like need to you're like ah this will be more stable you're maybe you're wiggling or like it's all going to be about your trigger pull and um like uh if you're if you're if you're shaky at all or your heartbeat is extreme or something like that otherwise it's just squeezing the trigger and a lot of it's also the the scope what magnification are we talking about if we got a 50 power scope it's going to be child's play it's just squeezing the trigger. And a lot of it's also the scope. What magnification are we talking about? If we got a 50 power scope, it's going to be child's play. It's going to feel like shooting some 20 yards away.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Assuming someone talented set it up. Yeah. I'm saying the magnification. If we've got a 10 power scope, it's hard as fuck now. Yeah, I'm just saying that the scope has to be aligned to the barrel properly. Yeah, it'll be zeroed to 1,000 meters,
Starting point is 01:00:51 but the thing would be the magnification is a huge difference in challenge. I always shot long range with 30 power scopes. 32 power scopes or 34? No, 36 power scopes. These long unertal um they have springs in them so the rifle recoils and the uh the scope doesn't move it stays there
Starting point is 01:01:15 because it's got it's it's really it's in the spring system and it still stays aligned oh very much so you've because you've got you've got um you've got one from the top and you can see the adjustments touching the scope and you're like click click click click click and you can see this tiny little thing pushing it um yeah those unertal scopes are real cool i live in i guess the low budget world of like these are more secure it is the more it stays you know i don't know um if these are like well, I don't know if they still do that anymore. These are very old scopes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:51 But yeah, 1,000 meters, you could do that. No problem. You just need the rifle adjusted to that and a rifle that's accurate enough to do it like most rifles are. Like a Remington 700 out of the box will just do it. The best version of me, i've only shot at 100 meters and if i can put like three or four shots on a quarter then that i've done exceptionally well if i can put all of them in a like fold a dollar and a half that's more typical of of how well i would do yeah so hitting a guy in the chest at 100 meters is very easy
Starting point is 01:02:22 assuming that like i get time to set up and he's like a paper target standing there for me yeah it's a pistol shot yeah you can 100 oh that's a tough pistol shot i think he came a little high um no but it it again it's all about the situation right it's it's not the distance ever it's it's about are you standing are you at a bench are you um propped up against a table are you leaned against a tree like that's what makes shots there's me carrying sandbags through the combat zone and a bench rest are you are you zeroing in that scope no this is how i shoot like like hunting you're a lot of the times you you'd end up in weird situations trying to
Starting point is 01:03:03 stabilize shooting offhand is almost never done. Like just standing with a rifle and then there he is, bang. I've done that and killed deer. Shit, maybe twice ever. You almost always like either take a knee or I go down to this. I go down to a stance I made up where I'm kind of leaned back, kind of half cross-legged with my left leg extended straight away um i do like a baseball could you not just touch the gun
Starting point is 01:03:31 against a tree and have it be if you have a tree yeah you don't always you don't always have a tree um there was one time when a deer was uh just sprinting it was rut which means their breeding season so we saw a large deer in our our backyard's 100 acres out there so it was it's running through the field so i'm sprinting out of the house with a rifle and i do a baseball slide like down the hill back behind dad's house and i'm and i have to and shoot him in the neck at like i don't know 175 200 yards just sitting on my ass and that's that shots like that happen. But if you have a tree, if you have something to lean against,
Starting point is 01:04:09 that's what makes – what I'm saying is that's what makes shots harder or not hard, not really how far it is. The situation. Yeah. Yeah. I've overtold this, but I thought I was a decent shot, and then I did it in an unimportant competitive environment, and suddenly I have to rush,
Starting point is 01:04:27 and I have a little pressure because I want to look good, and I wasn't half the shot I am at home against fucking index cards with time. Yeah, there's a lot of muscle memory that you need to get built up, and that takes away from the jitters and stuff like that. It's the same in sports. I bet when you're on the blocks about to swim swim and you're waiting on that like chop or whatever like that
Starting point is 01:04:49 doesn't scare you at all but when i imagine that oh that's intimidating because i don't know the rules i don't know what i'm supposed to do i haven't i haven't done a thousand times so i don't i bet you know what happens if you get up there and somebody's going to take a shit. I bet you go, I got a Code 37. Everybody knows, dude, it's a Code 37. We have to respect it. We want shit in the pool? I don't think that I've ever seen that. I don't know what happens.
Starting point is 01:05:15 I'm thinking ahead. Anybody who's running swim meets out there, let everybody know Code 37 means if we jump, I'm diarrhea-ing the pool. Code 37 is an instant 10-minute break. You get one per meet. means if we jump, I'm diarrhea-ing the pool. It's an instant 10-minute break. You get one for me. The whole meet will be canceled unless you get a chance
Starting point is 01:05:32 to go poop. Yeah, you know what I mean. You wouldn't be nervous in that, but if you told me that I had a swim meet coming up, I'd be like, oh my fucking God. I don't know the rules. I gotta learn a whole new thing. Quick.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Going to that three gun shoot is the same thing. Like I would be intimidating to go to a three, three gun shoot. If I didn't spend some time training, you know, I'd want to be watching videos. I'd treat like a video game, right?
Starting point is 01:05:56 You know, you gotta go to anything's like that. You know, I wouldn't want to go to a, I don't know how a hockey game begins. Cause I've never like paid attention to how one begins. I've seen them at the, out there. Do y'all never paid attention to how one begins. I've seen them out there. Do y'all flip a coin to the side?
Starting point is 01:06:08 No, y'all flip a puck out there. You fight over it. It's a face-off. Yeah, that's right. Now you know. Why don't other sports do that? Rugby does. Football should do that.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Yeah, I think rugby and hockey are the only ones that do that, which is it's good to have a scrum off the start a bit rugby gets like they oh basketball big time oh yeah they have the tip they throw it high and then the taller player tips it to their guy that's always been the most hilarious beginning to a sport for me because like rugby entirely skill-based hockey entirely speed and skill-based basketball 100 disconnected from skill it has nothing to do it's nothing to do with skill that's i mean i've said it before so that's what makes watching basketball hard sometimes is i as a guy who is like moderately athletic i can watch the nba and with 100 certainty be like i am more athletic than 20% of these guys.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Every single guy who's seven feet tall, except for one, I am more athletic than that guy. 100%. You make me seven foot two and I am a better jumper than most of them. Yeah. You're a starter. Yeah. 100%. Have you seen some of these guys jog? It's hilarious. It's embarrassing. Uncoordinated. They're uncoordinated. They're gangly. I've never seen so many uncoordinated. Is there anybody in the NBA who's 7'6 that you could make 6'2 and he would have a job? One guy.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Is there one guy who's 7'2 in the NBA? You're talking about players from like 1992. Nowadays, the 7-footers can nail threes. Nowadays, the 7-footers are hitting crossovers. No, that's true. It's totally true. I watch balls. There's a guy, Bull Bull.
Starting point is 01:07:52 He might be the tallest guy in the NBA right now. He's been playing point guard his whole life, which is a position for small athletic people who distribute the ball and shoot the three. They're like, you're going to be an NBA player someday. You're going to need handles. You're going to need be an NBA player someday. You're going to need handles. You're going to need a three-point shot. You're going to need to be ready for this.
Starting point is 01:08:09 They have been training him since he was like a seven-foot, nine-year-old for this role. And now he can do this shit. That's what these players are like. I'm looking at his highlights. Do you know he can dunk? It's true. He can.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Do you know this guy can dunk? And I almost see the beginnings of muscle definition maybe maybe there am i looking at a frog i mean if if any of the three of us were to arm wrestle this guy it'd be like arm wrestling a bird i don't think our arms are long enough to arm wrestle this guy he'd be like all linked out yeah he'd be like he'd be shaking your hand while you were trying to there's no way he could ever win no i can be this guy in arm wrestling i i think the leverage is not gonna be if he doesn't get to grab the table with his left hand i think he's fucked it's too long if you make that guy six foot two instead
Starting point is 01:08:58 of seven foot six does he have a future in any sport at all? This is what his body looks like. Zach, can you show this picture? This is the unathletic, could never compete, like loser of a tall guy. Oh, come on. Wait, wait, wait. Time out, Woody. Time out. This guy doesn't look fucking human.
Starting point is 01:09:21 This guy looks like this. What's that Totoro where like he puts his hands in front of his face with the eyes it's just like that shit you take away his money i'm not saying that i'm not saying he's handsome i'm just saying this guy's athletic and he handles the ball well and he shoots the three and of of course, he's a defensive. Dude, we don't care about basketball anymore. Let's talk about how weird this motherfucker looks. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Holy shit. Look at him. What is he? Oh, my God. Yeah, that's. Those are some interesting proportions. For some reason, this guy can already make the league. And now he's playing for a losing team who's giving him some minutes.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Yeah, because he's 7'6". This is not the body of a man with athleticism. He's not athletic. Oh, my God. Is he young in that pic? He doesn't look good there. Come on, Zach. Find flattering photos.
Starting point is 01:10:18 I'm trying to make more points. Find his handsome look. It's just like it'd be like in hockey if it's like you know the best hockey players are those scandinavian guys who are born with steel feet because they're just born on ice it'd be like yeah of course the steel feet guy they always get in the league well this this freakish human being who apparently exists um disgusts me i i I hope that he falls because it'll surely be. Don't wish that upon him. It'll surely be.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Kyle, that's the body of one of the most elite athletes on the planet. He cannot handle a fall from head height. This is the kind of guy that would be athletic if he wasn't seven foot six. If I throw a ball at that guy think fast guaranteed i take a nerf ball with a fin on the back and i go think fast it can even be the whistling kind that goes on the way he's not catching it that's definitely not true this is a person who can catch and throw well wow look at his girlfriend she looks like an instagram filter but she's more athletic i I didn't even see.
Starting point is 01:11:26 She doesn't look like she's real. I'll tell you this. His pictures are not edited. He didn't put himself through one of those hands. If he put himself in that anime filter,
Starting point is 01:11:42 he'd come out a fucking goblin or something. Or some sort of ghoul. But at the end of the day, he's an NBA player, which means even if he's shit, he's going to make like $50 million. So good for him. Get in the bag.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Yeah, he's popular. Fans like him. I don't know his personality that well. I feel like I haven't heard him interview or anything. We're over time, but I want to talk UGA on Thursday night because that was just crazy.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Yeah, that's a good one to save. Well, dinner time. You guys want to call it a show? I do. I do. I'm hungry. BKN 437.

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