Painkiller Already - PKN #44

Episode Date: July 2, 2015

In this weeks episode of PKN, the guys do this episode LIVE for the rest of the world. Discussing what happened at E3 this year, including Fallout 4 talk, the new Xbox One controller that may be the e...nd to Scuf controllers and.................. Minecraft hololens technology.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, all right, so we're live right now. Awesome, yeah. So this is Painkiller Nearly. There's probably not that many people here right now, it doesn't even say. But here's the scoop. Kyle and I record Painkiller Nearly, which is kind of an hour-long, like, one-on-one thing.
Starting point is 00:00:16 It's a casual version. Yeah, crap. All right, all right, so we're live right now. Awesome, yeah. So this is Painkiller Nearly. This is probably not that many people here right now awesome yeah um so this is painkiller nearly but um this is probably not sorry people right now it doesn't even say but um here's the scoop kyle and i recorded painkiller nearly which is five an hour sorry i was getting an echo i had two browser tabs open and i'm like what the heck is happening so anyway kyle and i record painkiller nearly every week it's available
Starting point is 00:00:42 in video form typically exclusively for our patrons. I don't know what it is. It's like $5 a month or $10 a month. I believe it's $10 a month. You think it's $10 for this? Okay. Yeah. See, that's the best one to get
Starting point is 00:00:56 because you get so many things. $10 is the way to go. All right. And then we release the audio version for free later on. Anyway, just on a lark, we were like, hey, let's do this one live and see what it goes. So it's about an hour long, and I thought we'd hang out with you guys and do our thing. Yeah. You ready to go, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:01:15 Yeah, I'm ready. All right. Taylor has – I don't think he's ever been on one of these. Maybe one. Maybe he's been on one. His demanding schedule means that getting him to do one of these is just about impossible, perhaps in the future. So what do we want to talk about?
Starting point is 00:01:33 Lots of stuff has happened. I think the game has done its own stuff. I usually start with a bad joke. I don't know if you want to start with a bad joke. Ah, I love the bad joke. All right. So I tell a joke. The only promise is it's every week, and sometimes I don't do that, and that it's bad.
Starting point is 00:01:45 So here it is. An engineer dies and he's sent to hell. He's hot and he's miserable, and he decides to take action. The air conditioning has been busted for a long time, so he fixes it and things cool down quickly. The moving walkway motor jammed, so he unjams it. People can get from place to place more easily. The TV was grainy and unclear,
Starting point is 00:02:03 so he fixes the connection to the satellite dish. Now they get hundreds of high-definition channels. One day, God decides to look down on hell to see how his grand design is working out and notices that everyone is happy and hell, enjoying umbrella drinks. The devil asks, he asks the devil,
Starting point is 00:02:17 what's up? The devil says, things are great down here since you sent us that engineer. What? God says, an engineer? I didn't send you one of those that must be a
Starting point is 00:02:26 mistake send them upstairs immediately the devil responds no way we're keeping the engineer we like them god says if you don't send them immediately i'll sue and the devil laughs where are you gonna get a lawyer that's funny that's funny well then i didn't hit my mark it's not supposed to be good it's actually not that bad. It's a little drawn out for such a weak punchline, but yeah, that's comical. Okay, I like it. It's definitely a bad joke, though, so you nailed it on both fronts, I suppose. All right, then.
Starting point is 00:02:56 All right, then. So what do you want to talk about first? We were discussing before, Game of Thrones was huge. Obviously, the season finale, season five was huge because they've pushed so far into the books, much farther than anyone anticipated for this year. At least I anticipated. I thought they were going to finish books four and five.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I didn't think they would finish four and five this year. I just didn't think they would be to the max. Do we want to talk about Do we want to go with that first? that our first topic game of thrones okay then all right guys be advised there might be spoilers in this conversation if you're not caught up with the books in the show then that's the thing i see i see that there's been a bit of a a mutiny if you will against uh
Starting point is 00:03:40 the the show online i i see people on reddit saying they're done with the show and everything. And to that I say, I know where you're coming from, but you know you'll be back. You have to, right? You've got to hope that maybe they redeem themselves in some way. So I guess that I really loved this episode until it got to the end. And for about
Starting point is 00:04:00 20-30 minutes after the end of the show, after the credits were rolled, I just felt like there was a heavy weight in my chest. I felt a little sick. And then I realized that there's no way they're actually going to let Jon Snow be dead, right? The Red Woman is totally going to revive this guy next season. That's where we're going from here, right?
Starting point is 00:04:27 I don't know. i don't know i don't know um fuck so in the book and this is only a slight difference as he dies he's saying ghost you know the his dire wolf's name and a lot of people think that he wargs into his dire wolf and i'll just close they say the audio is crackly i'm closing anything down that might help with that um so so he like wargs into his dire wolf and a lot of people think that he becomes the dire wolf and sort of lives on in that thing's body there's a handful of people that think melisandre or the fire people will bring him back to life although we haven't seen that in the show before. There are people that think... Yeah, we have.
Starting point is 00:05:07 We have seen it. Remember, they brought Thoris or whatever back to life after the Hound killed him. In the book, they bring a couple people back to life, but in the show, they did bring that guy back like nine times, I think, they brought him back. Several times. It's a bunch.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I think Jon's dead dead i don't know i i see it you can't tell see here's the thing john's not dead sansa's not dead theon isn't dead sansa's definitely not dead and um um um stannis is not dead my opinion. I don't think any of those characters died. But Sansa and Theon jumped off the fucking castle wall at the end of their segment of the episode. A seemingly deadly fall, which I think is going to be broken by some snow. I'm prepared to give out a book spoiler well then don't you're bad at that stop no resist the urge you're that you're that adult walking by like the line for santa claus at the
Starting point is 00:06:16 mall you're like he's not fucking real kids you're wasting your time just let it go but yeah i uh that's what i think and i don't think Stannis is dead either. I think he's got more to do. And I don't think Brienne just chopped his head off. The last thing he said to her was do your duty. So I feel like she's going to think that her
Starting point is 00:06:37 duty has something else maybe related to saving Sansa, which is what she's there for in the beginning. So we'll see. But I liked the episode a lot the whole thing was with Cersei walking naked through the through the the city was pretty intense and but then I realized that that definitely wasn't she wasn't she wasn't naked I don't know how they pulled that scene off but like that's not her naked body I know I think her the actress's name is like Lenaena heady heady or lena headley or something like that right um she
Starting point is 00:07:10 was in 300 and she has a she has a nude scene in that where you can clearly she has an awesome nude scene in that she the nude scene in that is one of my favorite nude scenes that and the what do you like what he likes the doggy style i so here's the thing i talked about this last painkiller already it's true kyle's right on the money with that when i see two people having sex in like the That's the doggy style in the main sex. So here's the thing. I talked about this last painkiller already. It's true. Kyle's right on the money with that. When I see two people having sex in the backseat of a car or a missionary in a bed or something like that, it's like, okay, these two are a couple that has sex, whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:35 But when I see some girl getting hit from behind in a sex scene on 300, for example, it tells me that these people don't just like each other they lust each other their love is deep and strong and and like i don't know i i what i feel like the storytelling element of tagging it from behind is a strong one and and it tells me more about the couple than they're just married it tells me that they would fucking do it again right now that's that's what i I'd gather from that. Maybe I'm alone. No, definitely so.
Starting point is 00:08:08 But anyway, in that scene, you can see her boobs, and they're very small. And whoever the body double was had much bigger boobs. They're definitely not her. They CGI'd her head onto that body, I would say, which is kind of lame. I felt like this was the show that like you know there's lots of gratuitous nudity that seems like the foundation of the show seems to be like nudity violence and and like the good guy doesn't always win in fact sometimes in fact often the good guy loses i thought this show kept a whole, like, a dozen naked chicks on set just for whenever they thought of it.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Like, you know what? Yeah. Bring them all in. We're going to have a room full of naked women that the main actors walk through for kicks. I know that a lot of those actresses are actually porn stars, like Tyrion's love interest. What's her name remember um his the the prostitute that tyrian brought in was it sasha was it you're asking me a few seasons yeah it's a few seasons ago anyway but but that actress is a porn star was a porn star like they
Starting point is 00:09:17 they drew specifically i i actually uh have my you watched the porn i may have seen her work yeah yeah okay well fair enough. It was like, this is the character from Game of Thrones. And I'm like, what, really? Definitely is. I've seen her work. I'm a fan. Well, they just don't seem like they're going to do that anymore.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I feel like it's... Shay. Shay, that was the character's name. So, yeah, lots less nudity. I feel like using a body double is cheap. I feel like that's cheating. And I don't know. Overall, the episode was good.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Khaleesi's left in another pickle. We'll see how that goes. I'm not really too afraid for her for whatever reason. I'll be shocked if anything bad at all happens to her. She'll probably end up leading that huge khalhalasar uh you know and adding them to her she always lands other armies right yeah right you know she gets sold by her like father figure and suddenly she's the queen of the land you know her husband dies and suddenly she went from one army to three like you know tyrian i think in the show put it really well when he said like you know
Starting point is 00:10:21 you started this with no armies no dragons and no i forget what you think wealth and you've managed to acquire all three it's like that's uh yeah that's a good thing so so yeah i'm i'm just not afraid for her i think john is totally getting resurrected uh i think jorah and um uh dario naharis are going on one hell of a journey i i it won't be cool though i know we all want it to be cool because those seem like the coolest parts of of stories i feel like it's when like a couple of really cool heroes break take off on a quest together to travel somewhere and do a thing like that's that's right for good storytelling but don't worry that it won't be good at all
Starting point is 00:11:00 like dario and jorah will just arrive somewhere and then they'll cut up like eight minions cut them to bit pieces and when it was supposed to be 80 minions and like a wall of crossbows or something and fire and dragons and then they'll go in and like they'll get there and the khaleesi will have convinced all those wild men to come fight with her and they'll be like come jorah lead my wild man army and and that'll be that i'm starting to think that ger martin is incredibly important to this series because uh dnd whoever they're like dan and dan or something they do the show um left to their own devices they do really shitty stuff like jamie lannister and bron's buddy movie thing over to dorn and back jamie lannister and bron going to dorn and trying to rescue her could have been a really interesting storyline instead it was absolute shit that we had to suffer through all season long that didn't happen in the book that wasted time wasted time
Starting point is 00:11:55 that could have been spent on aria or it could have been spent on every week are precious yes absolutely i like i'm here's my problem with game of thrones uh bigger than bigger than the twists and and some people feel like they're just be at this point they're just killing the people you love for the fun of it rather than uh they feel like it used to be sort of that the good guy doesn't get away with uh with bullshit anymore like good guy bad guy whatever if it's a situation where you should die you you're going to die. That's just how life goes and it's supposed to be fair storytelling in a way.
Starting point is 00:12:30 But it feels like lately they're just kind of tearing wings off a butterfly or something like that to fuck with you. I don't mind that though. What I don't like is I feel like even though it's the most popular biggest grossing TV show of all time, their special effects are still bad.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And their battle scenes have still not come together. If you want to see a really good battle scene, I was saying this earlier, go watch Braveheart. It's on Netflix right now. You can see when the Scottish and the English meet up in the field of battle with long swords, axes, hammers, crossbows, and longbows, which is exactly what these battles would be like. It's blood and guts and just gore, and these battles go on for like 15 or 20 minutes. D&D need to go get Mel Gibson on staff,
Starting point is 00:13:14 and maybe they'll learn how to do at least one battle well, because they haven't had a good battle in the entire series. And I worry about the change. If you look at the parts that weren't in the book, they're typically awful, like Bran and Jaime Lannister's trip to Dorne. When they diverge away from the Gurr-Martin material, then it just turns into garbage,
Starting point is 00:13:33 so that's a concern. Hey, there's a riot in the chat asking for Fallout talk. Oh. So, yeah, I played Fallout a couple of times. You walk around in the desert and there's some cactus and people. And that's my favorite part. I love when you're walking around in the Mojave Desert and the moon's over your shoulder
Starting point is 00:13:54 and you look down at your Pip-Boy and, you know, you get your fucking rifle out, start sniping some fire ants, and then the next thing you know, three hours have passed by and you're in a cave somewhere reading sort of a mystery novel while you fight off mutated animals. I love it. So Fallout 4, is it a prequel? Looking at the trailer, it looked like it was a prequel. No.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Okay. It's all in the same universe. Some aspects of it take place before the um before the uh the war started it looks like but it looks like it's going to be sort of a flashback thing but the the post-apocalyptic landscape as it exists is kind of in the same time period with all the games i think but i okay it just did the other games start literally from the bombs dropping like that um no they usually have like an exposition at the beginning that kind of explains they There's kind of like a... I'm inferring a lot here, but I'm starting to wonder like maybe there won't be a bottle cap monetary system developed yet, right?
Starting point is 00:14:52 Because these people are just emerging. No? Well, see, they're always just emerging from the vaults. The fact that there's some material in here that takes place before the bombs drop and no way changes the time framing that our hero is coming out of his vault. So in all the games it's for the first time. It's usually like the first person of his generation to actually come out from under the ground.
Starting point is 00:15:16 They've been down under for a generation or two. So it's always kind of like that. But there's a lot of stuff they introduced. It looks like the weapon mods are going to be just ridiculous. One of the things I like that they introduced, there's tons and tons of items in the world
Starting point is 00:15:32 like everything from teddy bears to tin cans. In the past, there's been very little reason to collect many of those items. There's just tons of components and parts. I can't think of any right now, but now you're going to be able to craft using all those parts like a toy car's uh... there's just just tons of components and parts i can't think of any that right now but now
Starting point is 00:15:45 uh... that you're going to be able to craft using all those parts like a toy cars do stuff glued us stuff some copper wire is gonna do stuff and you can combine them all together to make things like that in the example i saw they were combining like a toy car uh... maybe a toaster and a and uh... some glue and some other things and they were making a scope for a rifle. So that looks cool. The weapon crafting is going to be really cool. There's tons and tons of variations. It reminded me a lot of Borderlands. There were so many different kinds of variations.
Starting point is 00:16:16 But then, you know, you put mix and match components, make your own variation. The base building, I don't know exactly what they're calling it it's sort of a crafting thing where you can build your own little house and shelter yes my Minecraft self was like how does this base building work
Starting point is 00:16:36 how do you build up your fort what kind of craftability exists in this thing I don't know we'll see I don't think I'll be interested in that part of the game at all. Every time I play, I mean I always have a house in Minecraft or an apartment or something but that's just where I stash my stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:51 All I want there is like necessities. It's really just a storage locker for my shit. You're all about getting out, not building. Yeah, I don't really like that aspect. I like exploring. Because it is an open world environment,
Starting point is 00:17:06 I'm always wanting to go deeper out into the world and find something new I've never seen before. The storyline bores me pretty quickly. I really oftentimes veer off the storyline and don't really care about it after about the midway point. I end up just exploring caves and going in vaults. Each vault has its own little mystery story.
Starting point is 00:17:28 You've got a piece together about what went wrong and what was going on in that vault. It takes a while to clear a vault. You've got to go level by level. Some of them are creepy and there's mutated creatures and murder and death and mayhem. There'll be wild people down
Starting point is 00:17:44 there with chainsaws and shit. I don't know. I love Fallout. Fallout 4 looks amazing. The graphics looked incredible. I'm excited about that. I may have to get a whole new gaming rig just to fully experience what that game's going to look like. The graphics looked incredible on a PS4.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Now, I'm not silly enough to think that what I see in a game trailer will actually happen, but they said like this was all real gameplay that we recorded off a PS4 and it was like oh it's not a CGI trailer but then again you know like Witcher which I haven't played but I'm told is great that looked amazing and they downgraded the whole thing so they might do that for Fallout 2 they always seem to we'll see I hope not.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Regardless, it's going to look a lot better than the previous games because as much fun as Fallout 3 and New Vegas are, the graphics aren't that great. The voice acting is terrible. And I feel like there's just not enough voice actors being used. I guess they're doing a great job for the fact that there's only like a handful of them. All they need is Roy Detrice. It's like that. being used. I guess they're doing a great job for the fact that there's only a handful of them doing hundreds of voices. It's like that.
Starting point is 00:18:48 They've got one guy doing dozens of voices and you pick it up after a while. You're like, wait a minute. Weren't you the same guy at that store back there? Aren't you the sheriff? Yeah, exactly. You can't be the sheriff and the mayor. And it's like, uh.
Starting point is 00:19:03 It's bullshit. I didn't like that. But it looks like they've spent some money on this. I like that it's based in Boston. I don't love that it's based in Boston. I think there were other things they could have done. I didn't want one that was based. I had a cool idea for this. I don't remember what it was.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I said it on a past PKA, where I would want this thing to be. But I don't recall now. But anyway, I think that having it at boston opens it up to for a lot of cool things mit is in boston the massachusetts institute for technology so i bet there's gonna be some crazy tech loot there maybe the brotherhood of steel is set up there utilizing that tech or something like that some cool storylines will definitely be had there um harvard it's in boston too there's some there's a lot of There's a lot of old school stuff in Boston.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I'm excited about the game. It looked great. It exceeded my expectations. The character crafting looked really cool. I saw that whole demo. I like that Fallout has color in it. That's been talked about a lot. That it's much more colorful this time around. I like that as well the updated vat system looked
Starting point is 00:20:08 looked really nice I don't give a fuck that you can have a dog with you and that he's supposed to be better I like can I enter after I saw I guess it was conned ghosts they interviewed me and asked me what I what I thought of it and the interviewer led off with the question like, well obviously the major innovation this year is the addition of a female character. And I'm like, wait, what? A female?
Starting point is 00:20:34 I don't care at all what sex my character is. I wanna know about the maps, I wanted to know about the killstreaks, I wanted to know about the gameplay and the movement, is it still smooth? Like there was a lot I wanted to know about Call of Duty the new game types like I cared about that girl boy I I could have been the robot who cares predator thing with the skinny dreadlock with it Whatever doesn't matter does all that customization. They always like hey, would you like your character to be dressed up like Mr.
Starting point is 00:21:00 T like not really because then everybody's gonna be like kill Mr. T like fuck that shit I just want to be average Joe, white guy with a helmet on if I'm playing a first person shooter. I don't want flames coming off my head. Any of that bullshit. I'm not willing to pay extra for it. I'll even pay extra if you leave me alone and make me a normal guy.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Yeah, it's a different thing, but in Minecraft I wear a cape and it means people kill me the second they see it's just kill on sight that's woody kill that guy I'm just I'm Kyle from South Park I think yeah yeah I we didn't spend too much time figuring out what I think we nailed it perfectly that that was my Xbox avatar forever as well cool so I thought that was funny so let's's see uh last last bit of game of thrones
Starting point is 00:21:45 talk talk i will say uh the mountain that rides uh was um seeing him come back into play while i don't i think they could have done better i still pointing i still thought it was pretty cool just to that we that we see that he's up and moving again it's nice to to do something uh i wish they'd done more though so taking a holy vow silence. Let me make a short story long on this Game of Thrones thing. I took Cersei's walk. She's supposed to get progressively more and more broken
Starting point is 00:22:14 emotionally. And I took this music appreciation course back in college, way, way back. And I can't name the piece, but there is a piece, a song, where the drummer plays louder and faster for 45 minutes. So for 45 minutes, he's supposed to play louder and faster in a straight line. And these guys, of course, they're like Carnegie Hall or whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:37 They're amazing at it. But if he gets louder than quieter again or if he goes faster and realizes that the guy kind of picked up too much and backs off, then he sucks. He has to go 45 minutes in a straight line i was waiting to see circe do the same thing emotionally in the book they make a big deal out of the fact that like they shave her to sort of shame her and in the book they shave her pubes and armpits and arms and everything but uh the idea is they're kind of dehumanizing her and And she's bald when she does that walk, I think. Not just short-haired. And, you know, when they take her clothes off, someone else had done this punishment. And not in the book, but they just told in the past.
Starting point is 00:23:19 And that person, like, immediately, like, broke down and started whimpering as they took her robe off. But Circe kept her chin up, her pride about her, shoulders back, and she was just going to walk. And in the book, just like in the show, she kind of broke. At first, it was just like a stumble. And then she was supposed to progressively get worse and worse and worse. And until the very end when she's on the ground, ready to give up, but she's just a hill away from the castle. ready to give up but she's just a hill away from the castle and um i didn't really feel like seriously seriously nailed it or whatever leona helmsley or something i don't know her name the actress um i felt like she came out and was okay 10 seconds in she's broken and just remained a same level of brokenness throughout the entire walk well maybe it's because her head's just cgi'd
Starting point is 00:24:02 on a body so she's not really even reacting to anything, probably. That's, yeah. Dude, what? I don't even know what's going on there. Like, is she the one walking through the crowd, or is the naked chick the one walking through the crowd, and they're just putting her head on the naked chick from a room somewhere? Is she too big a hotshot to get naked? Like, if I compare her body now
Starting point is 00:24:20 to, um, her body in... 300? No, when she was hitting it with Jamie Lannister and in season one will I I don't think she got naked never maybe I'm wrong I don't think we've ever seen her naked maybe you're right I feel like there are a lot of people they got naked that suddenly like they all had it written out of their contract suddenly they're all denariusenerys. I don't know. But that definitely wasn't her naked.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I love the comments that are talking about how hairy her bush is. And it's like, well, that's not real. She's wearing a merkin. Yeah, a merkin. It's a hairpiece for your vagina. Kyle's like, don't censor. I love that you censor yourself. For your pup, pup. What was you going to say, Woody? Oh, it's a mystery. I love that you censor yourself. You're like, pup, pup.
Starting point is 00:25:05 What was you going to say, Woody? It's a mystery. Nobody knows. Yeah, it's called a merkin. And I don't know if that actress is wearing one. She might have rocked a bush. Totally, no. But the lady that cut her hair in the book
Starting point is 00:25:19 shaves her pussy. There you go. That seems a little harsh now that you actually say it. Right? That's why I censored it. Yeah, just censor yourself from now on. I didn't like that. More from E3. The Microsoft came up with a new
Starting point is 00:25:38 controller. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Poor Scuf, right? I don't know. Like, if... Alright, so first of all i got nothing against scuff they make an excellent product and they've sent me a lot of them and i i have a lot of them i don't have one within arm's reach but they're very good however if i'm them and i see this this new microsoft controller if you haven't seen the uh the video for this thing there's like a 30 45 second promo video for it it does everything the scuff does seemingly and more and better and sleeker and
Starting point is 00:26:07 With a warranty you know what I mean, and I bet it's not as Expensive as the scuff is because the scuff is quite pricey I bet this thing is like a $75 controller, and it does everything it has the buttons on the back it has customizable directional pad customizable joysticks, the trigger stops that don't involve that special Allen key that we've all lost now. It looked really cool. It looked like it could do anything and everything you wanted. And AskACapper doesn't have a reason to make videos anymore because finally he has full on button remapping on the Xbox console.
Starting point is 00:26:45 So you win, Ask a Capper. I've got a couple of things. That's funny. I forgot about him. One, I think you may not have the latest and greatest SCUF controller because it's tool-less now. Two, SCUF has been staying in front of Microsoft for, what, four or five years? I'll admit Microsoft just took a leap forward and presented some competition but they've never beaten scuff before they're like the new england patriots of controllers they just seem to win every time i wouldn't be at all surprised if duncan was like ah all right
Starting point is 00:27:16 but can it fly and we get fucking hover controllers coming out in no time or who knows um i don't know this thing looks amazing and what I also fear they may have done is they may have put some sort of DRM in there so that Scuf can't make a controller. Or Scuf might have a hard time modifying this controller or something.
Starting point is 00:27:37 That's possible. I feel like Microsoft spent a lot of money to kind of take Scuf's you know their whole business away. We take Scuf's, you know. Their whole business away. Their whole big point from them, yeah. We'll see. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:51 I've been so impressed with all the work Scuf has done that I don't see them going down easily. I see them still being the one. And, oh, by the way, Scuf is willing to, it's hard to say out-advertise, but they'll certainly you know get it in front of uh not decision makers but like they'll get the controller and in the hands of thought leaders and and stay relevant that's what i think they'll have to do something big because this thing looked really cool to me like i want one like like i i really do want one now because of just all the things it does and look I like that the joysticks themselves were it seemed like Legos like you could
Starting point is 00:28:28 just pop and play and move things around so we'll see and the trigger stops look cool as well because I always want that huh we'll see yeah I don't know but it's interesting you know who's going to win in this thing the consumer the consumer absolutely always does good news for us. That's pretty cool Oh, I didn't see this. I just heard about it. The Xbox one is gonna play Xbox 360 games Yes, that's a big deal to me Like I is that an update or is that a hardware thing? I? Hope it's a software thing right right
Starting point is 00:29:03 I hope in my head like I feel like I felt like it was a little bit of a stupid question for me to ask but on the other hand I was like like is it because it's like art are they gonna flip a switch and make the machine I have in my bedroom suddenly start playing those 360 games because if so that's great but if not if there's like gonna be xbox 1.0 that 1.01 or something then that kind of sucks you'd think it'd be possible to write an emulator you know the xbox one i'm pulling numbers out of my these are pka stats but the xbox one's going to be like five or ten times more powerful than the xbox 360 was so you know even the overhead of an emulator should be able
Starting point is 00:29:44 to easily be there's like a 20 overhead on an emulator they should be able to do that they just have to write the code and the optical reader should read those discs so i it it seems like a thing that they could do you know does it have enough ram yeah tons of ram they i want to say the xbox one did it have a giga ram and the ps4 had dual 256s or something and the new one has like eight gigs of ram like it's there's tons of extra space they should be able to run a couple f360s in there well good we'll see oh someone's saying call 34 it's an emulator app is what they're saying in the chat and um and something else oh that it doesn't play from the disk.
Starting point is 00:30:26 That I guess you... Maybe you install it or you download it. Digital download. Yeah, okay. Well, that's a shame that it doesn't play from the disk, quite frankly, because I have the disks. But it says it reads the disk and downloads it from the cloud. If that's how it works, then that sounds great.
Starting point is 00:30:42 The disk is essentially your DRM. Very smart. Okay, fair enough. That'll be cool great. The disc is essentially your DRM. Very smart. Okay, fair enough. That'll be cool then. I'm glad they gave me one. I have been getting mail. You know how you have that PO box? I want a PO box.
Starting point is 00:30:51 I want to get it set up. But even without a PO box, I got some stuff. Go ahead. Kyle and I are going to have fan gift wars, I think, right now. We're going at it. I'm not going down easy let me see Kyle where's the rest of my stuff ah you can't hang We'll see about that. I have seen the booty you pull in before,
Starting point is 00:31:30 and this is going to be awesome. Go ahead. I'll match you piece for piece. You want to lead or you want me to lead? All right. Bam! All right. Bam! Bam!
Starting point is 00:31:49 That's really funny, but I think I win. Bam! This is me as Aquaman. Right? I have a candle that smells like napalm. Oh, yeah. That's from us. Yeah. It keeps going. I have Keep Calm and that's that's from us yeah yeah it keeps going i have keep calm
Starting point is 00:32:08 and carry that's from you too yeah along with a couple professional russian things he really sent me an order from this hey you got some stickers dude everybody does i have um you got a whole bag of stuff i just got oh i got something even better oh yeah does it beat this because i got a whole bag of stuff. I just got... Oh, I got something even better. Oh yeah? Does it beat this? Because I got a fucking butterfly knife. Yeah, it does beat that. I'll be right back. Really? He can beat this shit? I thought I had like the best fan gifts ever. I fucked it up So when I first got this thing from the box Here's the thing, this is a butterfly knife, right? And to open it, you flip it back
Starting point is 00:33:01 Flip it here, and then flip it forward I don't know if I taught that very well. But it's just sort of two flips. And you can do that again and again. And hold on. I was just talking to everybody, Kyle. And I thought it was a standard that if you held the one with this thing on it, that you're safe.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Because the way it works is I never let go of this. There are flippers and people who do this amazing. But I'm not one of them. I just hold onto this. And that means that every time it hits my hand, the dull part of the blade is hitting it and I'm fine. But I took it out of the box and I thought you held this side. Now either I'm wrong or it's not standardized because I immediately gave myself this cut on my knuckle because I held the wrong side of it but um hey Kyle what do you have I got a letter from a guy he said he was a big fan uh he said that his fiancee left him while
Starting point is 00:33:53 he was in boot camp uh or he was overseas one of the other and and so he sent me his engagement ring holy shit oh my god I have a letter from a guy too. Get this thing to focus better. Oh, this is about the knife. He gives me a list of things. Wow, Kyle. I can't believe you got an engagement ring. Yeah. About the butterfly knife? He says, a while ago you explained the concept of headsets. Something about how a cheap headset does 80% of the jobs and an Astro A40, like being a better headset, is 20% better but like far more expensive. He goes, that's the deal for this too. This is a clone of the Benchmade Balisong, like their butterfly knife. And he says it's 80% is good
Starting point is 00:34:42 and then the expensive one would be far more but i have more stuff i'm almost out let me just double check that that was the last thing in here the last thing i have is a spider co everyday carry knife and oh wow i thought this thing was pretty cool too so uh i had one of those i lost it did you yeah i i had is it digital camo it is i had the mine i think mine was gray but yeah i had the same thing yeah i'm really psyched about this i i've to say i got into knives there are people who are into knives who would say woody what you are is not into knives but um i've been way more into knives than i've ever been before i have an everyday carry knife on me now and uh and he sent me two options for that and my knife collection's kind
Starting point is 00:35:31 of growing and and uh i guess as a fan of the show he knew exactly what i would like so i thought it was super cool so yeah thank you so much out there i don't know if you wanted to give this that's an expensive knife it is dude this this setup that he gave me like i like he shipped all this to me and there's a couple framed pictures there's the candle there's the cup there's two knives and some sticks oh that's all from one guy yeah like hey what are you doing dude you sent me like i sent him woody all this great stuff i and uh so anyway thank you so much i don't know if you want to be outed in terms of who you are, but
Starting point is 00:36:07 I know who you are and I appreciate you out there. So thanks so much. I mean, this ring looks really nice and everything, but I just don't know if I can wear it outside the house. It seems like you would hawk it, but that also seems like something you're not supposed to
Starting point is 00:36:24 do. The whole thing is confusing. Well, I don't think it's very expensive, so no worries there. That's pretty funny though. Yeah, you should get yourself a P.O. box. Yes! It's always fun. It was funny when
Starting point is 00:36:42 I matched your picture of you with the picture. This enormous dick that I got. Yeah. Dude, this is hilarious. It's always fun. It was funny when I met I mean this picture of you Yeah Black and white like that was his choice to make it black and white Yeah, that was his choice to make it black and white that's funny Yeah, yeah, so I'm trying to think we had some other topics lined up fallout game of thrones the the new controller I don't know. I don't have a lot up. Fallout, Game of Thrones, the new controller. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I don't have a lot to say about it, but there's a new Minecraft thing, which I think is pretty exciting. So did you see the video at all? It's two minutes long. All right. Well, there's something called, I think, a halo lens. It could possibly be called a holo lens. So forgive me if I messed up. Messing up names is my thing. I think it might be holo lens. You think it's a holo hololens all right because i feel like i read it more than i heard
Starting point is 00:37:29 it so i missed it it is i definitely read it more than i heard it yeah and uh so they have like this holographic like surface table and they're they made a minecraft client that uses it and it's three-dimensional and it it like listens to your voice and you can say like minecraft lightning strike and and where you're looking at on the map a lightning strike goes in which i totally want i want like like i wish i had factions fire sitting here next to me and i could just like smite people being dicks all the time oh you're represented in-game by an enormous you? Like, here comes Woody. Boom. Boom. Just shoot lightning bolts out of my eyes and blast people and stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:13 But then he could, like, raise the map and, you know, see underground and stuff. Why does it do that? It's just in and out. It has something to do with Skyping with you. When Kyle talks to me, and seemingly only when he talks to me, his camera has a mind of its own. It works fine all other times, but when he's in a Skype call with me, he zooms in, he unzooms, whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I put the new shanker on her. It's a good look. Oh, I have a thing. I got a new dog. Oh, well, let's see this thing. Yes. All right, I'll tellie to make the dog make an appearance hold on okay wait i'll i'll holler so that i know she heard me
Starting point is 00:38:51 oh thank you my daughter overheard me she said she would make it happen. Okay. Okay. So is this the – I guess we could talk about it before it gets here. It's not too much of a surprise. It's the black Great Dane? Yes. So this thing – oh, I'll warn you. Before you see it, it had its ears cropped. So they're, like, taped together right now.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Yeah. And they were fine when Woody found it. And Woody was like, I want a legit Great Dane. And they were like, no, we don't do that here. You have to take it somewhere else to get its ears cropped. And Woody looked up online how to do it, and he used sheep shears to actually do it. My everyday carry knife. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Yeah, that's what he did. He did it himself with his Leatherman mini tool. You know those little scissors that he said would be good for cutting a thread off your shirt? Also good for cropping puppy ears. So the truth is we don't i guess we don't believe in it like it's santa claus or something and uh but the dog already had his ears cropped if you see him he's 15 weeks old and uh my daughter almost like put her foot down like no i want nothing to do with the ear cropping industry but uh we thought that it was like
Starting point is 00:40:01 racist or something we're like we really like everything about this dog. We wouldn't have chosen to have the ears cropped, but it is what it is. So he's got to wear tape on his ears for another week or two. Until the wounds heal. They'll just stand up all the time. I'm afraid they're sensitive or something. I don't want to bang them. Of course, right?
Starting point is 00:40:21 If we cropped your ears, I think they'd be sensitive for quite some time I guess I don't know before you want anybody like rubbing on my light roughing them up or anything see this dog. He's Magnificent I don't mean to overhype them, but like he's just a beast he was magnificent. Yeah, right he is He's I mean overhype the puppy before it gets here, but think magnificent Just you want that going in okay dude the dog he's got bigger feet than my full-grown dane he's he's all black like it not that this matters to me like i like my mutt too but um if you see him you'll just be like oh that's what these dog like snobs are talking about this thing like i think it's cute when the dogs have what they call socks like white feet and they're otherwise black oh that thing's
Starting point is 00:41:08 huge he's three days old three days poor things ears I know right so here let me oh it's so sad he's down a little bit oh woody why why woody my ears now when I hear the sound of scissors clink I piss my soon so how old is this dog 15 weeks so almost four months that's outrageous that dog is bigger than a lot of adult dogs. He's 55 pounds, and he should gain another 100 or 120. Cultivating mass. Yeah, he's cultivating mass right now.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I gotta try and pick him up, but I can't. Oh my god, those feet. Those feet almost look too big. Jesus Christ, what is he? Look at that poor dog's fucking ears, he but look at that poor dog's fucking ears guys look at that poor dog's fucking ears looks like he he looks like a war war one veteran who just got home and they bandaged him up all old-timey fashioned it's so sad.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Oh, the poor thing. It looks like there's a splint in there. Now he needs to be hanging out with that picture. He needs to spend a lot of time. Ender, sick him. Bite the picture. Woody's last dog really had it out for out our new dog to hate kyle too that dog is so big for oh my god ah he's really he's really good looking dog though look at his
Starting point is 00:43:12 look at his head his paws look like they could are you a good boy it looks like he's holding on to woody's hand like a like like in in the movies when you whenever you see a person morph into a werewolf there's that middle phase between person and werewolf. That's where this dog exists. Look at those hands. As big as a fucking mouse. I like that mouse for scale. I wish we had a banana.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Look into the camera. Hey. Hey. Look into the camera. The cameras are here. Okay. You get what you get. All right. Thank you are here. Okay. You get what you get. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Thank you, honey. Okay. Good boy. Good boy. I killed a toddler once. So that's our new dog. I don't know. Yeah, he's very, very sweet sweet it was one of the things that that
Starting point is 00:44:06 we were so concerned about it seems like you mean carrying oh please carry me would be right back your magnificent hardwood floors are too slippery for my puppy paws oh now this is the life. Carry me, human. That dog is going to be so fucking big. I'd hate to be the intruder that goes over there.
Starting point is 00:44:34 These things, if you've never seen a dog that weighs 150 pounds, it's weird because there's somewhere between pony and dog in a realm that I wasn't comfortable with and I'd never experienced before. I'd seen like Rottweilers and stuff, which are like large, scary dogs. But those Great Danes are extra, extra large. I'm back. Oh, yeah. People are like, what did he do to his ears?
Starting point is 00:45:00 I guess they just got here. I don't know. But he's a leather man. Kyle says I did it I guess they just got here. I don't know. But, um, he's a leather man. Kyle says I did it. I didn't do it. We looked all over. This dog was actually from Georgia. And,
Starting point is 00:45:12 uh, I think it was not the one that blamed that on us. No, it might've been Florida. I don't know where the dog came from. I know Jackie met halfway in South Carolina. So, so that's a hint.
Starting point is 00:45:23 And, um, but the dog is 15 weeks old. So the breeder cropped his ears, like to make them stand up like that. And, uh, we don't like it actually. We wouldn't have chosen it, but we're not theorists. So we took whatever dog we got. I'm glad you mentioned that because I found a, uh, a dog, doggy plastic surgeon. He works out of Palm Beach. Very, very pricey, but I know that you're going to want what
Starting point is 00:45:50 Ender would want, so we'll start moving forward on that. There's going to be some grafts. They're going to bring in some special doggy... You want to put the ears back to the way they were? Yes, yes, yes. We found a donor dog. A lesser breed, if you will.
Starting point is 00:46:06 The ears should match fine, but we're going to, you know, get him some ear implants, get the shape that back out for a more natural look. Dude, to hold the ears up, there's like shotgun shells in each ear. Are you familiar with this?
Starting point is 00:46:18 Well, I could see them, and I was like, there's like a split on the inside, and the ear is sort of wrapped around it to form it, and as it heals from its massacred state he was magnificent though his hands like they look like my fucking hands they were his is like each claw or finger i guess whatever you want to call it like each his paws look like a werewolf like when they're mid transformation or something he really you have to get the uh like
Starting point is 00:46:45 to see him in person it's amazing and he's so sweet and gentle so like just to touch his fur it's like the dog's been bred both his mom and dog and dad were champion show dogs like literally both not just like oh there's a champion in the line. No. Champion bred with champion to make that dog. He was the biggest one in the litter, and he's just a freaking magnificent beast. Magnificent. Albeit with cropped ears. Colin named him.
Starting point is 00:47:14 So I named Buddy, if you say that. He came with a name, and we decided to keep it. Jackie named Jack after her father. Harley, no. Hope named Harley. Her coat is called Harlequin. That's what that cow print thing is called. So she named it Harley Quinn because she was going through a Batman
Starting point is 00:47:33 phase. And Colin named Enderman. So we call him Ender. Well, that's a good name for a magnificent dog. It's a shame that you had him mutilated. I didn't have him mutilated. I know that's a good name for a magnificent dog. It's a shame that you had him mutilated. I didn't have him mutilated. I know that's what Jackie wanted.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Like I said, there was a family discussion. Hope was not into it. But we were like, we really like to think. And I don't like puppies. I like puppies and everything, but I'd rather have dogs. Like, I'm more of a dog guy than a puppy guy. You're halfway there with that guy. You skipped all the, like, shitting on the floor.
Starting point is 00:48:10 He's literally crate trained and house trained. Yeah, yeah. And especially with, like, you just moved into this brand new fucking house. Right. Like, it'd be a shame to, like, have the dog peeing on those floors and, you know, making a mess somewhere that, you know, you'd then have to. It's, yeah. Something's going to happen. but this will be better than any a normal puppy situation of course total like like yeah totally you're not starting scratch teething right he's gonna be teething that's the thing so we need to be like maybe some of those doorknobs might start appearing
Starting point is 00:48:40 attractive that's what like have you ever seen a big dog chew a doorknob mm-hmm they will chew a brass doorknob? They will chew a brass doorknob until it's just... They punch holes in it with their teeth. I've seen dogs chew doorknobs to let nothing. No, our Danes have never done that. They haven't actually chewed anything too bad as I think about it.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Dak is a monster. Dak has Kevlar toys now. Yeah, Kitty told me that Kong toys don't hold up. The Kong toys just get ripped apart. No, they're so tough and so stiff when you hold them. Like, I can barely flex them at all. It'll be like a donut. But it'll be like, you can't bend it or flex it.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Does he have titanium teeth or regular teeth? Regular teeth. Okay. Just checking. You don't know. They do that. Yeah. They do that when dogs lose their teeth. Like like I know military dogs, maybe police dogs too,
Starting point is 00:49:28 but when they lose a tooth doing something, they'll replace it with a titanium tooth. I've heard – I don't know if it's true, but I've heard they do that preemptively on some of those service dogs. I read specifically that that wasn't true on Reddit once. I think that's kind of a myth that they – it's only for replacements. But who knows? But yeah, he's got regular old teeth but they they seem to chew through just about anything so we got um uh the body armor company to make him some kevlar toys and uh i don't know if he's chewed through them or not yet i i haven't got
Starting point is 00:49:57 an update on that but people who watch my videos in the very beginning might remember dakota my yellow lab he lost teeth and we had to they they built it back up with silver filling or something. And he had a couple of root canals. He was a really expensive dog. Yeah, root canals. Jesus, why don't they just pull the teeth? Oh, because he's a lab, and labs are really mouthy. And there are four teeth.
Starting point is 00:50:21 The way the vet tried it, she was laying it out for us. She's like, it's his hand. He's a dog. He has one hand. It's all the way the vet tried that. Like she was laying it out for us. She's like, it's his hand. This, you know, he's a dog. He has one hand. It's his mouth.
Starting point is 00:50:29 And those four teeth are his fingers that like the canines on top and the associate. So he lost the, like, it'd be like losing a finger or you could, you know, like root canal and get it repaired and everything. And we're like,
Starting point is 00:50:40 ah, you know, I, I was really fond of him. You know what? He used to help me get better at hockey. Like I'd have a ball and i just sit there and like do all this stick work and he'd try to take the ball off my stick and i'd like pass it through his legs and stuff and he'd sit there and practice hockey with me all the time and it's like well i can't let my hockey
Starting point is 00:50:57 buddy not have like a finger so so we had his tooth all fixed and everything so um well that's good yeah yeah my um my dad's always been the same way he spends a lot of money on his dog's upkeep uh ridiculous medications you know that dogs have the same complications humans have and i i think you know you always hear about people putting their dogs down and like when you really think about it we their dogs down and like, when you really think about it, we put dogs down for things that like, you know, if your grandpa had, we'd probably do something about it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:51:29 Like, like if that was grandpa and instead of spike, we might work on that diabetes, but you know, but my dad, like his dog gets diabetes and he's like, well, all right,
Starting point is 00:51:39 I guess, I guess insulin shots for you or whatever, you know, like he just goes the extra mile. Like, like they recently lost a Jack Russell that was like 14 or 15 years old. She'd been, insulin shots for you or whatever. He just goes the extra mile. They recently lost a Jack Russell that was like 14 or 15 years old.
Starting point is 00:51:50 They'd had that dog forever. At the time it died, it was on multiple pills, a nebulizer machine, one of those breathing... Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've never seen one for dogs, but carry on. They make a puppy... A mask that specifically fits
Starting point is 00:52:06 dog snouts uh-huh so this so this dog is wearing they're like he's like sitting on the couch with my mom watching tv wearing the mask and the and the machine is very loud it's and the dog's just fucking doing its breathing treatment it gets done and it's over there like the dog coughs like a person. It's got this awful cough. I have a nebulizer story. I've told it before, so I'm just going to run through it. But my friend, best friend in high school had cystic fibrosis. And one of the symptoms, cystic fibrosis, one of the things it does is it creates like a mucus in your body way more than you'd want. So it's in your mouth, but that's not a big issue because you can spit or whatever. It was in his lungs. It was in his
Starting point is 00:52:49 testicles. He just like his whole body's kind of mucusy, whatever. So, um, uh, it got harder and harder to breathe. And I did a video about it once, but he wrote us, he wrote me this letter that pretty much was like, it was half a goodbye letter, you know, and he was dying. That was a thing. And he needed a double lung transplant to save his life. And he was like the perfect patient. You know, he worked out super hard. He played tennis to keep in shape, which was really important. Like if he falls out of shape, he can't get back. It's just dreadful. Like he needs to save his life by exercising, but he could only exist with oxygen on so he literally played competitive tennis in a league in New York City with a backpack on with an
Starting point is 00:53:29 oxygen tank in it and he would just play you know with the o2 flow and she seems like cheating to me I'd like to play I'd like to play competitive sports with an alright take on my back to right next paintball trip I'm bringing the o2 with me that's my newest accessory the o2 tank right it's like powering on the gun beep beep beep power on the camera beep get the scorpion tail engaged all right fuck yeah it's fucking you know the straps going over my ears mask down like this is next level why is your why is your paintball gun need two tanks this one's for me yeah and so uh trouble children i have come to play we thought he was gonna make it and they like you know they brought them all in for the double lung transplant and everything but it was a false alarm
Starting point is 00:54:22 and that happened a second time too. And it was real like, it felt almost tragic. And then he actually got his double lung transplant. And now he routinely takes his kids out surfing. Like he has cystic fibrosis still, right? It impacts his fertility, it impacts his digestion, et cetera. But his lungs don't. Like they don't get it.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Like for the rest of his life, he will have CF, cystic fibrosis-free lungs. Cool. Yeah. Like, it's not a problem anymore. Well, I would become some sort of an organ fiend, I think. I'd be looking for some new balls and some new intestines. I'd be whatever it took, you know? Go to some south
Starting point is 00:55:05 they're doing a head transplant yeah there's an italian doctor right now doing a head transplant it's a thing so i so the person who's so the body is the dead thing, and there's a live person, and they're going to take a live person's head and put it on a body that's freshly dead, right? Yes, yes. Okay, because that's the only thing that seems feasible, if I think about it. At first, I thought they were going to, like...
Starting point is 00:55:39 Add a head? Yeah, and I'm like, won't it be a different person? Because, okay, okay. Because mutant's so much cheaper now listen i was born in the 70s and the 70s weren't that far removed from a time that like like anytime somebody died they thought it was a heart attack like why'd this guy die got into a car crash oh yeah yeah car crash caused the heart attack like heart attack was the only kind of death they knew shortly before there was me. And people also thought,
Starting point is 00:56:10 like really thought, like scientists and doctors thought your soul was in your heart. So as they were first doing heart transplants, which is like 20 years before me, but you can imagine this is like the 90s to you, that they thought that if they put a new heart in someone or an artificial heart in someone that person might not have a soul and they were
Starting point is 00:56:31 like medical like oh what does happen when you switch your heart and i feel like i'm living that now like if i literally put your head on a new body is all the shit that makes you you just in your brain like are we sure 100 yeah totally we're all up here we're all up here because we're just like like in futurama when they got them in the little uh you know the the liquid the little jugs or whatever all the heads totally that's how it works yeah you could just be a head you ever see that old russian video where they get the the german shepherd's head cut off and it's still alive and they're just like feeding it like with tubes and stuff and the head's just like, what the fuck is happening? I think we can by and large agree that we are just a whole bunch of chemical reactions, right? You know, whatever's going on in your head, your thought process, et cetera, is some sort of chemical and electrical reaction, synapse, father, firing, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:57:23 of chemical and electrical reactions, synapse, firing, etc. Who's to say that if I give you an 85% new you, that that doesn't have a serious impact on the chemistry of your brain? No. You don't think so? I mean, I'm sure I'll be... Sure, it could change some basic stuff, some dopamine levels maybe or something. Maybe this new body's cholesterol level is higher, and that makes me depressed or something. Something minor.
Starting point is 00:57:47 I'm not going to be a new me. I'll throw one out there. Maybe the new body's testosterone production is much higher or much lower. Now all of a sudden you're a much more or less aggressive or moody version of yourself. I don't know. But the brain regulates that. Your balls don't
Starting point is 00:58:03 just say, more testosterone. Your brain just say more testosterone your brain says more Testosterone and then the balls do it so that's not gonna happen like I don't think but I've never sewn a head on another body before so They're doing the operation right now you say or so the opera I this is a different article than the one, same guy in the thing. But he's hoping to perform the surgery in December of 2017. And it'll probably take place in either America or China. I read in, it was just a headline.
Starting point is 00:58:35 I kind of skipped the article. But the headline was that he's actively working with American surgery centers, hospitals, etc. To let him perform the surgery there. The doctor is Italian. And he appears to not be a kook. Like my first head transplant, this guy's a kook, right? Like he's off his rocker and this isn't a real thing. But it appears that this guy is actually a world-leading surgeon like you know like maybe
Starting point is 00:59:08 the guy that oh i believe the first transplant yeah yeah i believe it's possible and i'm sure they'll pull it off but i just feel like so here's the thing like your quality of life going into that could be so horrible you don't know what you're gonna feel you don't know what what your existence is gonna be like now i don't think you're going to be a new you there's gonna be there's an if they put my head on your body Minus your head. There's no woody left for me to like get a sense of that that I do know like You're not gonna continue to haunt that body. I will have control over your massive lung capacity over your massive lung capacity, your award-winning dancing legs, right down to the super powerful calves, every bit of it. I'll be able to swim like Aquaman. I think I'll be able to control dolphins, but probably not now that I think about it, because I think that's just a woody thing.
Starting point is 00:59:57 But yeah, but like there'd be no you left. Like some of your body chemistry might affect my brain chemistry, but I think that would all get circulated out after a while. I think the main problem would be, like, getting the connection made at the, you know, the base of the spine from, you know, getting the connections made so that my brain can do things. I feel like there's tons of paraplegics and quadriplegics whose spine we can't repair. And suddenly he's going to be like, yeah, well dude, fuck it. No,
Starting point is 01:00:27 no, no. I'll just reconnect everything. I'm like, well, you can't do that in Star Trek. I feel like maybe if, if like you have the body,
Starting point is 01:00:35 if the, you know, the, the body has died of natural causes and, you know, seemingly, I guess the guy whose head they're going to take off, he's like dying of something related to his body.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Like, like maybe he has cystic fibrosis. Maybe he's like dying of something related to his body. Like maybe he has cystic fibrosis. Maybe it's something like that. Whatever. But he needs a new body, so I would imagine that they, you know, very care- they're not going to guillotine his fucking head off. You know, they're going to very carefully, surgically remove his head and leave the wiring
Starting point is 01:00:59 intact, I suppose. So you got some frayed ends on either side to connect together. The head donor has spinal muscular atrophy, which, you know, that's not something I'm familiar with. But I do know all three of those words. Exactly. I know what that means. He's all fucked up. It sounds like his body is slowly atrophying because of some sort of spinal issue. And I have, so in my left forearm, I have damaged a nerve here. And that means that I can't use these fingers very well.
Starting point is 01:01:34 And they atrophy and et cetera. And I'm just like, oh, that's what it is. Because of this nerve isn't able to send the signals to the muscles, he has spinal muscular atrophy. That's got to be what that means perhaps in any case it sounds like he has something real fucking bad and he needs a new body for yeah that sounds awful so yeah it's got it would be the such a huge fear going into something like that though i feel like you know if i'm going in for a heart transplant i'm like okay you know there's there are statistics on heart transplants like Like maybe one in six people die.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I don't know what they are. I'm making that up. But I'm just saying, going into it, you could look that up and you would know. Your doctors could tell you, you know, we got a good feeling about this. You're strong, blah, blah, blah. The left ventricle looks good. You know, they could be like, you know, you got a 90% thing going into this. But with this, they're like, well, Jimmy, as long as we don't damage any of the nerves too
Starting point is 01:02:25 bad while we're removing your fucking head i think we'll be okay well you know not okay but we'll get you attached after that it's a real crap shoot because none of us ever done any of this what if it was this what if it was hey you know what we're in kind of a tight spot here we have a good donor but it's a chick oh yeah totally i prefer a chick right yeah yeah yeah because i think you're gonna be so fucked up going forward that like you're gonna want some tits or you're not gonna get anywhere in life if you're a head transplant like you're gonna you're gonna be discriminated against everywhere i feel like you know what i did see this is kind of the opposite direction i saw those uh those twins that just have the one body and the two heads i saw a bunch of pictures
Starting point is 01:03:09 of them on the beach the other day like bikini pictures uh that that's always shocking every time i see it i have one more topic before we wrap the the pkn did you see that fucking chick who worked for the naacp who's white but pretended to be black and now she says she's trans black or trans racial transracial is that what she is this crazy motherfucker do this black guy pretend to be her daddy and there's there's there's I saw a screenshot of her with this black man and they're on camera like smiling like i saw the meme orange is the new black uh you know because she's just really tan and orange and she's got her hair permed and frizzed
Starting point is 01:03:50 out to to make herself look look more black her and her parents said that she always kind of identified as black and growing up she was like more just in sync with black culture than white culture but she's white she's i saw both her parents they make white kids like it's not a close call it's not one of those things where like one of the grandparents is black so she's like three quarters white but if she wants to identify no no she's white is even now when she's like admitting this whole thing that she actually is white but she is she's still using sort of a black accent. And I saw another meme making fun of her.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Have you seen Tropic Thunder? Do you remember when Robert Downey Jr. played the black guy? I don't think I've seen it. You haven't seen it? No. Oh! Okay, so here's a tidbit. I bet this will interest you.
Starting point is 01:04:41 So Tropic Thunder is basically a bunch of actors are trying to make a movie, but the movie's going poorly. It's a Vietnam movie, and so to toughen them up and to get some good footage, the director throws them out into actual Vietnam to get a taste of the jungle, but it's supposed to be like Jungle with Training Wheels. He steps on a landmine and dies, and they think
Starting point is 01:04:59 that they're acting in a movie and that the landmine was fake. Ben Stiller's got the head. He's like, I know fake blood when I see it, Stiller's got the head. He's like, ah. He's like, I know fake blood when I see it. And he's got the head stuck on his AR-15, and he's waving it in the air. Meanwhile, actual heroin drug dealers, like Jungle Militia, are seeing this, and they're speaking in Vietnamese. They're like, they have no fear of death.
Starting point is 01:05:22 They're terrified of the actors. They're like, they have no fear of death. They're terrified of the actors. And so long story short, the character that Robert Downey Jr. is playing is a black guy. And he's gone under this controversial pigmentation surgery. So he's actually black. He refuses to break character, even though he realizes they're in real shit not acting anymore. He's like, I don't break character until the DVD commentary. So everybody's comparing her like now that she's admitted but she's still
Starting point is 01:05:49 going on with a break fucking character oh there has to be trans something that can benefit yeah she's transracial I'm trying to leverage this into something that could help me or you or us. Transfinancial. I am a super wealthy man trapped in this body. Right? Am I transgenius? I don't know. Something. I've got to figure out something. I need to be trans something to... She's hilarious though. She's such a fun... She's so fun to make fun of and and uh and i love it i black people twitter is hilarious they're yeah they're like oh my gosh lots of funny posts on there um really good stuff really good stuff she's a perfect target to make
Starting point is 01:06:36 fun of she's so ridiculous and she's done such a shitty thing you know because clearly that's a position that she's taken from an actual minority. This is the greatest. She pretended to be black to get a job. Like, get a job, a black guy. So, like, all white people just think she's a mockery and just a hilarious, like, punchline. And black people are genuinely offended that this fucking white person has come in and taken somebody's job. Like, pretending to be black. She's talking about the struggle and all this shit and they're just like motherfucker please tell me that the day she went to get a loan she switched back to white just went back and forth as whatever fit her like i get this job as a black woman
Starting point is 01:07:20 i get alone as a white woman you know her mug shots whatever yeah i'd love it if she played both sides of that coin all the time that's that's great you should watch tropic thunder though check that out that's really good it's ben stiller robert downey jr uh robert downey jr was nominated for an oscar that year uh-huh for his performance as this as this black guy in a comedy really keep he lost to heath ledger for the joker it's uh you know he couldn't really go any other way i guess that year after he died and everything all right so uh that's what painkiller nearly is like you can go to pka here i'll spam a few links in there uh
Starting point is 01:08:00 i'm trying to... There. If this interests you and you want to get this show every week, then that's where you get it. Go check out the donor levels and whatever. I'm told that all the people who... You also get PKA a day or two early. Yeah, you get PKA. The things are there.
Starting point is 01:08:19 But check that out for sure. People who sign up for Patreon, I'm told, are taller and sexier. So that's a thing. I hope you guys liked PKN. We just kind of on a lark decided to do it live this time. And that's that. So bye everybody. Later.

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