Painkiller Already - PKN 443

Episode Date: February 15, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 DKN 443. What's up, boys? Howdy. Super Bowl champions. The game that I was invested in. I did catch bits. And Kansas City, Patrick Mahomes, the greatest of all time is what I'm hearing. Yeah, I watched every down. I watched every commercial.
Starting point is 00:00:20 I did watch the highlights and track it. It was an unbelievable game that seemed to end in a bunch of bullshit as someone who doesn't know football that seems like a bullshit penalty uh i thought it was a great game um it was they came back from down like what was it 10 or more maybe more than 10 at the half maybe eight or ten something like that uh my home's real fun to watch that eagles quarterback's incredible man he's good super religious jaylen hurts is that right jayden hurts well they often i think but yeah yeah uh i thought he was incredible um i didn't think they were going to be able to pull it out but as soon as they called that penalty um i was like that's game and and and the people in the room were like no no they can
Starting point is 00:01:02 pull it i was like no, that's game. I was like, they're just going to take a knee now. I was like, do you realize how much time bleeds off that clock every time? So that was game. I'll say this. It was a correct call. It wasn't a call they should have made, it seems. Certainly not at that juncture.
Starting point is 00:01:18 And it's not how you want to see the Super Bowl end. Is it a correct call? So I don't know enough about football i'm an eagles fan i grew up an eagles fan if people don't know watching this and if you grew up in the southern part of new jersey you root for the philly teams that's so yeah they were my local team or they beat you or they beat you yeah you get beaten anyway they beat you for like harder way harder if you show up with like New England shit or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:45 What's Philly's rival? New York? Yeah, yeah. New York's a big one. Dallas is a big one. You're 100% right. It was weird to me that you could safely wear the opponent's jersey to your stadium or arena. That's not a Philly thing.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yeah, it depends on the rivalry and the sport, right? Down in the South, or I'll say Atlanta and Georgia, it doesn't really come into play until you get into collegiate sports because you don't have a rival that you – you don't have a sport that you care about enough with a team that's good enough with a rival that's close enough. You need all three of those things to beat somebody up over a goddamn football game.
Starting point is 00:02:20 You don't think so? You think you – because you're not going to have a lot of Dallas fans walking around sporting Dallas gear. They're in texas where they live yeah florida oh there they are yeah alabama right across the way i don't know i feel like in philadelphia you're you can't wear the opposing teams it could be soccer you know and they'll just be like what you're rooting for the la Lightning here in Philly? I owe it to the team to beat you up.
Starting point is 00:02:48 It's his New York residential electrical company. They're like, hey, what's the problem with the Philly residential electrical outlets? We provide good electricity here! Whatever they sound like. I'll say this. Game aside, it was a good game to watch.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I think no matter whose side you're on, I think that it's a correct call in that he was holding him. I think that it was incorrect to make that call at that juncture in the game. Um, there at the end, I think you let them play and it wasn't an egregious hold by any means. And I'm not an expert, but I watched experts all week.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Talk about it. You know what I mean? And so it does. And I feel like it does and uh and uh when they made the call i was like oh well we just won the game but it doesn't feel good because that's not how we want to win the game um so that was part of it for me i was like i don't want to win this way like we we we're about to make something happen here. Maybe that hold caused him to throw the ball the way he did, but it didn't seem like that was a catchable ball anyway for that receiver. Oh, wait a second. I think I'm looking at the wrong play maybe.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I thought the hold was on a receiver, and you're saying the hold was on the quarterback? Am I looking at the wrong play? No, it's on the receiver. I'm saying, but the reason that it matters is because the quarterback was throwing a ball to him looking at the receiver i'm saying but but the reason that it matters is because the quarterback was throwing a ball to him right right yeah from what i can tell like i saw like football people talking about it and it was like yes that is a hold you can't grab someone's jersey but like my take from what the way they're talking about it
Starting point is 00:04:21 is like it would be like calling a mild cross check in the last couple minutes of a game seven stanley cup final like stuff that does not happen it's not in the spirit of the game and apparently the refs didn't set that standard like you know usually in professional sports in a championship game they kind of set a standard the refs of like we're gonna let them play or we're gonna be stringent here and they kind of let them play all game and then to call that at the end is kind of you know yeah there was some interesting calls throughout uh i thought that that um there's an instance where philly player um they throw the ball laterally just straight out philly player catches it and then he immediately takes a huge hit and the ball pops out and they're like oh that
Starting point is 00:04:59 wasn't a catch and i was like okay well maybe i don't know what a catch is anymore he's got control of the ball both feet are on the ground and they catch is anymore. He's got control of the ball. Both feet are on the ground and they go, all right, yeah, he's got control of the ball, Mike and you see both feet are on the ground, but what we're looking for is that third step, Mike. He needs to take a third step and it's like, Jesus, does he need to check the PSI on this motherfucker too? At what point does he have it?
Starting point is 00:05:18 Because, I mean, he's got it like hugged two feet on the ground. He bounces, then he gets slammed ball pops out. We grab the ball the chiefs running in for a touchdown they're like no no bring it back that wasn't a real catch i mean y'all can have the ball and all it's a fumble but no they didn't make a fumble did they it's ridiculous incomplete pass what it catches in football is so much more complicated than you'd guess like i remember it was a big news story i'm gonna call it two three years ago where like all of a sudden all these things that look like catches that seem
Starting point is 00:05:49 like catches to you and me like you were like hey he caught it with two hands and two feet on the ground the catch was complete but apparently he has to like i don't know turn and make a football move before i love that football they use that terminology because there's nothing else. We're looking for him to have control. And then yell, hike. And then do like a football type move. I wish he'd do like a little wave dance. See, that's clearly break dancing.
Starting point is 00:06:17 It has nothing to do with football. Look at that. He quickly went into a husband pose back to hold it. That's a football move. That counts. But this other gentleman doing the worm that doesn't count look at that he ran over to the sidelines holding the ball and that's a football move the rock would do that thing where he pointed that the whole pose yeah
Starting point is 00:06:34 like that pose like something like that anyway um what i took from it was the commercials were the worst i'd ever seen i i was 50 i was 60 there for the football 40 there for the commercials like i generally am i thought that there may or maybe two there was a dog commercial i don't even remember anymore there was a michael lobe commercial that i don't remember anymore and i genuinely can't think of a i liked the gutfield commercial just because he's a small guy on fox who does the comedy thing and it was funny that they bought 10 seconds or 15 seconds or something rather than 30. They were like, wait, that's it. He's like, these are expensive. And it's gone. I was like, I like that. They bought
Starting point is 00:07:14 two 15s instead of 130 and they spread them out. Then Rihanna came out pregnant and lip-seeking. pregnant and lip-seeking. And I didn't care for any of that. I love Rihanna. Rihanna's probably my top five favorite artists who are still making music and doing their thing. I love Rihanna. She is awful. Terrible. Oh, and I almost forgot. The Black National Anthem. Oh, what is that? I've never heard that term.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Like, I heard people complain about it, but I interpreted it to mean they sang it, a black person sang it. Is there a different Black National Anthem? So black people have their own national anthem. Well, that sounds seditious and traitorous. So you get yourself a black... Does that mean that the white anthem is the normal one? That's right.
Starting point is 00:08:04 So what they did was they had some black people come out and angrily sing the black national anthem, and then they had that Stapleton guy who's a BLM activist sing the white national anthem. It was beautiful, by the way. The white national anthem. He killed it. Chef's kiss.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Anthem classic. The Eagles coach started crying. Like tears pouring down his... Really? I'm not even exaggerating. Like, after this, it's worth going and, like, watching that national anthem rendition. It's the best I've ever seen. It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:08:37 It was on the homes, kind of, like, jogging on the sideline. That's why he was crying. It was a little country bluesy, and he played the guitar during it, and it had a lot of feeling to it. Way better than the Black National Anthem. What did you say? He was a BLM guy that sang the White National Anthem? Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Well, yeah. I wish they'd had a white person sing the Black National Anthem. Then I would have felt a little bit better about that part. Why do we have to do two National Anthems now? That's bullshit. Because that black man got suffocated that time.
Starting point is 00:09:07 So is it a whole different song? Yeah, it's a whole different song. Does it take longer? They have their own national anthem. It takes about the same. It's about three and a half minutes. Enough is enough. I'm not a fan of the regular national anthem.
Starting point is 00:09:21 It's wasting people's time a little bit. You know when we play the Canadians or something, and you've got to listen to two, and you're like, geez. That's wasting people's time a little bit. You know, when we play like the Canadians or something, you got to listen to two and you're like, yeah, geez. Yeah, that's what get real. That's what it's like in America. Now we've got the black national anthem. I have a different take on it. Whenever I listen to the Canadian
Starting point is 00:09:35 national anthem next to the American one, I'm like, there's better, right? It's just better. They have an Canada. Dude, our home and native land oh canada it's it's better i wish about like seeing victory in the midst of battle in the war of 1812 none of them are great like a rocket's red glare the bombs bursting in air but they gave truth through the night that our flag was still there these are guys fighting fighting and shit. They don't know if they've lost the battle.
Starting point is 00:10:06 It's that kind of war. And the bombs in the air light the sky enough so they can see the flag on the fort. Once again, Kyle tells the story better than the story was. This is cheating. All the national anthems would sound good if Kyle described them. Oh, stay cat.
Starting point is 00:10:21 He's asking, can you see? Because most of them are blind at this point, this point from the gas all right you're right i think ours is better than canada's oh maple leaves and friendliness on every street the snow so deep get out of here apologizing for something where ours is about fighting the british yours you surrender to them. You still have their shit on your money. Yeah, they have that old...
Starting point is 00:10:50 Space arm designing bozos. Have they sworn in the new king yet? I didn't keep up. How does that work? He just glides in. He just glides in. Just fondling all the way. Is he that one or is that a different family? No, you're thinking of
Starting point is 00:11:05 what's andrew prince andrew andrew yeah yeah okay philip is the one who looks like he's already died and they're kind of like using some dark magic i feel like andrew is like a younger person's name it's weird to see that ancient decrepit old man be andrew am i am i alone in that i guess there's like founding fathers that are Andrew. Andy would do the trick though, right? Like if he was Prince Andy. Come sit on Prince Andy's lap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Prince Andy V. Is this a Leatherman? Yeah. So Super Bowl. The commercials sucked. You know, the fucking Black National Anthem is so wrong. It hurts my teeth. But man, Patrick Mahomes, stats-wise, he's done some incredible stuff. It's a shame that Brady somehow won seven Super Bowls.
Starting point is 00:11:59 He went ten times! Only five more to go for the Kansas City Chiefs. No, he's a two, right? To tie, yeah. Two wins and one loss. Does that sound right? Two wins and a loss, yeah. And his loss is to Brady.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Man, if he'd won it three in a row, you would start being like, all right, maybe he can beat this record. He can get three more in the rest of his career. He's a young guy, right? I mean, a lot of it is. It's already a record. It's already a record. It's already a record-breaking pace. He's the youngest to do X, Y, and Z, all the things
Starting point is 00:12:30 that he's done that sound good. Apparently, he's really good at football. He turned 27 a few months ago. He's the MVP this year as well. I don't think that happens rather often that the MVP wins the Super Bowl. Kurt Warner, probably the last one to do it. I think that pops to mind. Fun game.
Starting point is 00:12:46 The footballing part of the game was great. Everything else that they designed was so vanilla and milquetoast and non-offensive as long as you weren't, I don't know, a person who likes the National Anthem, that it was just not entertaining. There was no meat on that bone. There was nothing. I remember, I don't know, the Go Daddy commercials, Danica Patrick making double entendres about her pussy constantly.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Yeah, those were great. Her tits were all out. The Budweiser, the beer commercials were like dudes doing dude shit. I don't know. It was a bunch of lame, lame shit. Dude, no, I totally get what you're saying. It was the stupid ass. I mean, I was probably like 12, but I remember the WhatsApp commercials cracking up at those.
Starting point is 00:13:33 It was just such a stupid, funny, silly thing. Did you and your friends say that now? Yeah, we said that. Yeah, we did too. That became like, yeah. It was a thing. It was a thing. Because everybody was cracking up about it. We should bring it back. You're on the show. WhatsApp. WhatsApp. Don't do that. It was a thing. Because everybody was cracking up about it.
Starting point is 00:13:45 We should bring it back. Don't do that. Don't do that. They can't bring back a 1999 beer. That would be the bomb. No, they're all remember? They're literally answering landlines with like chords. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:05 They should bring that back. They should. That's a comfy aesthetic. Did you see that? I like to watch the southern border stuff because it's always interesting. Are we winning? Well, from the left, you always get the, there's nothing to see here, folks.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Nothing at all. While the fireworks store explodes behind them. But like a Russian design engineer a a russian design engineer showed up at the southern border and he's like for last two years i've been working on the white swan like terminator bomber please give me a citizenship and i'll tell you all i know um i guess he filtered up through there white swan sounds dangerous i don't know i don't know um but but i was just watching just so many people flooding through that border every day. Fox News likes to do a segment on it, so I always catch it every day.
Starting point is 00:14:50 The migrants. It's one of the many topics in which I can't seem to get accurate news. The left, as you, I think, accurately said, is like, nothing to see here. What? This is all typical. The right is like, oh, my gosh, is all typical the right is like oh my gosh we're being invaded by the mexicans every day thousands of them come in and then i see politicians do stuff like we've seized more fentanyl than we have before and the left is like what is that
Starting point is 00:15:18 losing like i get that like we're catching the fentanyl now and you're acting like that's bad what are we supposed to not catch the fentanyl like the previous admin well that would be indicative of more fentanyl crossing than them capturing you can't say that capturing more of it could be caused by capturing a better percentage of it a bigger we kept the same percentage of more loads i mean it's going to i would imagine that like you know know, those business interests, the cartels shipping drugs across the border, they're going to be more stringent and less willing to send huge amounts of it with like a Trump admin that's always hooting and hollering about like we got soldiers down there and fences versus. I don't care about the drugs that actively ignores it and doesn't. I want the drug. It's not there.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Keep our drug prices low. I think the competition is always good in a free market economy. So that's where I differ from the right. Fentanyl. Get those drugs in here. Okay. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 00:16:10 everybody makes a big deal out of fentanyl. It's like putting a little bit of a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
Starting point is 00:16:14 a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
Starting point is 00:16:15 a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
Starting point is 00:16:15 a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
Starting point is 00:16:15 a, a, a, a, a, a, I, I,
Starting point is 00:16:16 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:16:16 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:16:18 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:16:18 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:16:20 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:16:24 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, in the chicken feed and and and i don't know what it does but but it's good for them and and nobody complains and makes a big bitch about it i season my food with arsenic they gotta stop that that human resistance but they gotta stop like you know coming coming in here that's that's what they gotta do stop what i hear you human wave of of unvaccinated migrants we gotta vaccinate them
Starting point is 00:16:41 woody it's very important we took people's jobs away because they wouldn't get that shot. And we shouldn't let a single fucker walk over that border who doesn't have it. Do you have your shot? Like that should be the encounter every single time the way they treated that shot. They should be freaking out that every day 3,000 more unvaccinated come into this country. Can you believe it? That is. Can you believe it?
Starting point is 00:17:09 Crazy. They're walking the streets. We don't know where they're going. Super spreaders. I haven't been vaccinated for a while. I think it's. I'm trying to think. I got a booster, I want to say, before my Mexican trip, and I haven't been vaccinated since.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, you're good. Yeah, I think now our trouble is going to be the avian flu that I heard had crossed over to multiple different types of animals now this year for the first time ever. Well, great. I can't remember where it was where they found like,
Starting point is 00:17:43 it was like, what, do you have a petting zoo there? Because they were like, in this area, a hippopotamus, a stingray, and a marmoset, all struck dead by avian flu. And it's like, what the fuck was happening? I think I know why it's crossing over. Y'all have some sort of an animal orgy
Starting point is 00:17:59 going on. Why is it at the Wuhan Zoo, next to the lab? Oh! If it turns out somebody fucked a chicken and and and made this happen somebody was eating cloacua or what cloaca like with a pineapple core like that's all you're eating out of the chicken no there's no no they're like like in a sexual way they're not consuming it they're their tongue fucking oh yeah that's much worse like a native american like use every part like an apple core Like in a sexual way. They're not consuming it. They're tongue-fucking it. Like a Native American use every part. Like an apple core up the cloaca. They used to use the cloaca to string their bows. I instantly knew when Kyle said
Starting point is 00:18:32 eating cloaca, it was an oral sex joke. Yeah. See? Woody's on point. Yeah. Could be an eating ass joke, too. It was. You just now catching up? Eating ass is oral sex. You said the eating cloaca thing, and I got sidetracked in my head
Starting point is 00:18:49 thinking about how would you extract just the cloaca, and I was like pineapple core, and... You actually want to use an apple core. It's much smaller, and that's how I make my French fries. Do I think these little pussy bottles are? It's a chicken.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Note to self, I don't like the way Taylor eats ass. There's apparently coring involved, and I will not sign up. Yes. I want nothing to do with this. Oh, I even wrote this down, so I'd remember to say it. Please write it down on a scroll. I need to get a scroll for a PSA.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And you know what? I'm going to write it down with smoke signals. I'll go further back. I'll start a fire in here. But no, I made a recommendation for a show called Banshee last week. I don't know if it was PKA or PKN. I don't recall.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Yeah, that's with... Yeah, with a guy from The Boys. And I had in my head, I'd seen, because I'd been smoking a bunch of weed, I had in my head that I've seen, because I'd been smoking a bunch of weed, I had in my head that, like, I've seen, like, four episodes of this show. It's rolling. After that episode, I recommended it. I went back to start more, and it was, like, start episode three.
Starting point is 00:19:52 And I'm like, that can't be right. Like, I thought I'd seen a good bit of this. And, like, honestly, by the time I got to, like, episode seven, eight, I'm, like, watching incredulously because it has gone so far off the eight. I'm like watching incredulously because it has gone so far off the rails. I had the thought in my head. I'm like, oh God, I hope Kyle didn't start this. Oh no, I can't have this be on the recommended list.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I hope Woody and Kyle didn't start this show because I'm telling you, the first two episodes suck you in. You're like, this is so cool. It's neat. It's a cool world. There's a lot of stuff that's rough around the edges, but it's basically this. The boys guy is a criminal. He gets out of prison. He is at a bar with an old friend in this small town in Banshee, fucking Oklahoma or Pennsylvania or some shit, town in Banshee fucking Oklahoma or Pennsylvania or some shit, Pennsylvania. And then the new sheriff comes in and like, you know, the way it would in a book and is like, I start tomorrow. And the guy who hired me hasn't ever seen me before. And then like a couple of bikers come
Starting point is 00:20:57 in, they get in a fight and the sheriff ends up getting shot and killed when he tries to kill the bikers. And then this guy steps in as the sheriff and the black bar owner is like another kind of con guy and they work together and you would imagine that like there would be a little bit of this guy being like i gotta be undercover how do i pretend to be a cop how do i keep this ruse going this guy assaults every single person he comes across for for nothing for nothing he's like i gotta like he's like talking to this black guy like i gotta be careful i think they're gonna find out i'm not the sheriff and then he like busts into work and like there's a criminal there or something and he'll be like
Starting point is 00:21:35 hey where are those guns and the criminal will be like fuck you and he will beat the the the teeth out of that guy he won't even ask again. He won't even be like, you better tell me. He just beats him almost to death sometimes. And then the guy will be like, fifth street. And he'll be like, there. And then all the other cops see him day one do some serious criminal shit, like almost killing people. And they're not his friends to have his back.
Starting point is 00:22:05 They all were watching and like horrified and he just goes to him and is like i'm the sheriff and then just as if like you're the boss of a company like that's how he must think i mean to be fair it's just him assaulting people it uh the thing about it that you guys would both hate is that thing i don't recall i think you both mentioned this like shows where everyone can fight exactly as good as they have to in that moment yeah of course the main guy he for example one time he gets roughed up and almost beat the heavyweight world champion. He tore the man's hand in half. I learned that in Kung Fu.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I think it's bullshit. Yeah. It's absurd. Dude, in Kung Fu. If you grab my hand like this, I'd be like, I quit. I quit. That's exactly what it was. So I'm in Kung Fu courses like this, I'd be like, I quit! I quit! That's exactly what it was.
Starting point is 00:23:08 So I'm in Kung Fu courses like 15, 20 years ago. And they're like, here's what you do. Some guy puts his hand on your chest to start the fight. Now, you know what actually happens is they might grab your shirt and hold a fistful of it or something. Hockey players do that. Playground bullies might do that. No one puts their hand on your chest like presenting the fingers spread but he's like grab two hit pull them apart right you know grab these and pull them and i
Starting point is 00:23:31 thought i i was before i questioned whether any fighting technique would actually be effective it was just like karate kung fu fucking akito i don't care they're all great krav maga if you grab my hand i'm gonna take it back faster than you can do anything to it. Unless you're already so much stronger than me that you didn't need to rip my hand apart. Yeah. Yeah. It's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:54 It's never necessary. If a girl grabs me like that, it's like, bitch, you're about to turn into a goddamn crab. But if a man grabs me, it's like, I better try to apologize. I don't know. He grabs his big hand and he's just gonna you want to hold hands faggot if that's what you want like if you had a grip on each of my fingers i feel like i could get my hand out of here like you're taking away from me yeah that's what i'm saying yeah i don't yeah you'd have to like like you said you'd have to be brian shawler or something you's what i'm saying yeah i don't yeah you'd have to like like you said you'd have
Starting point is 00:24:25 to be brian shaw or something you know what i chopped up like i've been practicing this grip come on yeah yeah so don't watch this show he's like he he he murdered multiple people in public during the daytime like for no reason it's it's so over the top and stupid. There's no character development. There's a new ultimate bad guy every 15 minutes and half of them aren't compelling. Most of them aren't compelling. Actually, you know what? None of them are compelling.
Starting point is 00:24:56 I'm glad you guys didn't watch Banshee. Recommendation redacted, people out there. I'm sorry if you wasted your time. That's good. You tell 200,000 people to watch it and 10,000 never mind yeah sorry gotta get the patreon i'm gonna do give awful recommendations on the show and only redact them on pkn i my wife and i are watching better call saul right now i'm told that show ends great that it's one of the best things on television come like season five or so. We're midway through two.
Starting point is 00:25:29 This show sucks. This show moves so fucking slow. I didn't like early going. And I get frustrated. They're like, okay, what they need me to know is that this guy is at like a Mexican restaurant. So how do they do that? know is that this guy is at like a Mexican restaurant. So how do they do that? Well, fucking attach a camera behind a hood ornament and watch him travel down the road and then put another camera in the fucking exhaust pipe so we can watch the rear version. And then they'll put
Starting point is 00:25:54 a camera on the ground as a fucking upskirt shot as they get out of the car. And then there's another. And I'm just like, oh my God, you guys spent 13 hours filming this dumb ass sequence, each cut being one and a half seconds and more worthless than the one before. It's possible you don't like Vince Gilligan's work. And that's okay. This was my favorite. I'm surprised I found it so quickly.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Zach, show this photo. This was my favorite. One of those like goofy stills from the entire show it actually made me laugh oh Jesus Christ this is so better call Saul I thought this was really funny where he's got his
Starting point is 00:26:40 his face is like the next to the mirror I like that like a very serious moment where he's trying to spy and he looks like that i don't hate it like simple simple chat yeah you know but but in the grand scheme of so many silly shots and awkwardness it slows down the show and and that's a thing we've watched like 15 hours of this show now and my goodness you know like we still haven't sued his brother yet or whatever oh you've got years of that you've got so way too much i would say the first four years of that show
Starting point is 00:27:17 are rather slow i would say that 10 of the time for the first four seasons it's what you care about because what i always care about is the peripheral stuff. What's Gus up to what's what's Mike up to what's the, what's the Mexicans, what are the Mexicans doing? And it's like, so much of that show is about, about Jimmy's decline into Jimmy,
Starting point is 00:27:41 you know, him becoming, um, um, Saul, it's about going from Jimmy to Saul and they spend the whole four years really letting you know
Starting point is 00:27:50 that he tried. Tried to be the good guy. He tried to be the straight guy. They wouldn't have it. They wouldn't play by their own rules. And so he decided if they're not going to play by their own rules, he's going to make up his own. And it takes four years for him to really start making that transformation and start doing crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:28:06 But I agree with you. It's real slow around season two. What's his brother's name? Chuck? Yes. All the stuff surrounding Chuck could be handled way, way faster. There are so many needless scenes in Chuck's house where the plot isn't being progressed
Starting point is 00:28:23 and it's just relitigating the same issues between Jimmy and Chuck. You're right. Mike is a way better. Yeah. Mike is a way better character. He's more interesting. Chuck, like I just I remember season two. I think that's the Chuck heaviest season.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Like every fucking episode is that dude. I remember thinking like, please Gus, like kill kill chuck like some somehow someone come into the mix maybe he's hit by a car maybe a tragic heart attack like something because he he sucks i think you're right that's a that's a great point about that show because like it was the ancillary plots that kept me moving more so than jimmy like i every time mike came on screen i'm like boom like i'm locked in i want to know what's up with mike and his family me too yeah mike's i'd rather watch the show for mike than i mean i like jimmy too it's just taking too long it's just i like jimmy when he's scheming i don't like
Starting point is 00:29:16 jimmy when he's playing it straight i don't like jimmy's relationship with his um his love interest as much as i love her she's great i like her as a give me when he's on the hot seat right and scheming is part of that but also like when chuck is calling him okay there was a scene where he went on a like van filled with elderly people and every single one of them joined the class action suit apparently you're not allowed to solicit and you're especially not allowed to solicit old people so what did he do he had one who returned the mailer he talked to her but in such a way that everyone else on this bus overheard and wanted a part of it also was he soliciting not greatly not directly right like it wasn't so over the top, but this is where he really cares about the reputation. So, you know, and then Chuck holds him to the hot seat.
Starting point is 00:30:08 How is it that when this one person responded to the mail, you came back with 24 people on the case. This is too good to be true. You must've been soliciting. And he's like, no, you know, the one person here overhears me, then suddenly they all come. And anyway, watching him on the hot seat is great television i hate chuck um i don't want to spoil anything but every time something bad
Starting point is 00:30:31 happens to chuck i i celebrate it and uh and uh i haven't watched all of it i'm i'm still a season and a half out at least it's it's weird now shows seem to have like two seasons a year now or something and yet there's only and so there's not enough episodes still like they used to have two seasons a year now or something, and yet there's only... And so there's not enough episodes still. They used to have one season and put 25 goddamn episodes in it. That's what... You go back and watch Star Trek. If somebody tells you they're re-watching Star Trek,
Starting point is 00:30:55 no, they're going to be doing that shit for a while. Because there's hundreds of episodes an hour each. Two weeks. They fill those shits in two weeks. They would film an hour's worth of Star Trek in two weeks. At least two plot lines, special effects, makeup. They're filming
Starting point is 00:31:12 half a movie in two weeks. And it would look pretty goddamn good. I wish they still did stuff like that. They never filmed Star Trek in the fucking reflection of the automated doors. Yeah. No, they shot it quick and dirty you can like there's places where you can see the the shadows of the boom mics you can see
Starting point is 00:31:31 um consoles wiggling i like i've seen the guys on red letter media talk about this a lot i think they watch it more than me um that you can see screws in the in the glass in some places where the you know the set screwed together some little switch the set's screwed together. Some little switch. Data's got this futuristic thing, his armband he's going to put on, and you can see his makeup's rubbed off on the inside of it. There's lots of little things like that you can see.
Starting point is 00:31:53 It's fun. It's like, should we reshoot that? No, we have episode three, four, five, and six done in two weeks. Because it was four by three, so you're not even supposed to be seeing a lot of the screen. It was considered to be off screen. So if you reach just to here like i am like like this is a mystery
Starting point is 00:32:10 land if you never show this then i can just have a table there but we can pretend like it's a cabinet right then all of a sudden hd wait it that the mcguffin was in plain sight the whole time that character came in there's an episode that's like that there's a there's a headset that everybody's addicted to on the on the enterprise it's taking control of their minds it looks like a video game like vr but it's it's it's doing something more seditious and uh wesley comes into the captain's office and before he lets the door in he does a little something over here wesley comes in they have a whole conversation he's like ah let's say i'll get right on this these these scary headsets wesley leaves he reaches right here and grabs his headset and it's like come on like wesley would
Starting point is 00:32:49 have seen the headset yeah i was here for um but and then i i watched the whole thing about four by three versus 16 by nine recently and i came away with it thinking that four by three still had a lot of um good applications they talked about how they showed a lot of different movies that i think of being great and they're like what's the point of showing all this over here what's going on what's going on here oh you want to see the grass you'll see the woods what you care about is these two people right here their faces they're like what they're up to and it's like yeah i guess it is better for that if it's a character picture and we're going to be looking at um like like the lighthouse right, where you had Willem Dafoe and Pattinson screaming at each other and ranting and raving and going through soliloquies.
Starting point is 00:33:31 I probably don't need to see the background too much. It's grayed out anyway. That's interesting. I have grown to accept other formats. To me, if it really needs to be cinematic, is it 21 by 9? Yeah, ultra wide. Yeah, like ultra wide. That looks amazing to me if it really needs to be cinematic it's is it 21 by 9 21 yeah yeah ultra wide yeah like ultra wide that looks amazing to me even though it's the same size screen so i'm just losing more on the top something about that when i see it i'm like oh these guys were serious
Starting point is 00:33:56 they went ultra wide 16 by 9 is my standard and do you remember that fuck 15 years ago 20 years ago this puppet came out and said to hold your phone sideways that video went super viral you do remember this taylor looks baffled but it yeah this puppet is like you know don't don't film like this film like this and it just got spread everywhere now i'm like actually it depends where you think this thing's going to be consumed is this an instagram video is that where you think most people are going to watch it you think most people use instagram on their 16 by 9 desktop computers yeah yeah format this for the phone format it use a vertical video if it's going to be watched on a phone yeah this is the format right now you know like this size right here if it's a youtube short you know like i watch them on my desktop but a lot of people don't
Starting point is 00:34:50 make it vertical taylor did you watch the uh the ufc event diligently taking notes like i paid some attention i didn't take much and i didn't pay that much attention if i'm being honest um that was a great night of fights it was fun i thought that i thought that um first of all the lab the pay-per-view the pay-per-view prior had been in brazil where they're known for being loud and boisterous but that's a misnomer they're known for being awful they're known for being south america's philadelphia like they're known for threatening people and burning things and robbing people and shooting and murder. They're not known for supporting their heroes. So it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:35:31 That night, was it Glover Teixeira? He was retiring. He's retiring because he lost the championship fight in front of his home country. They left that place empty while he's up there all beaten and bloody. Thank you for all your support throughout my career. You know, in Portuguese or whatever. Thank you so much. He's all beaten. It's like for all your support throughout my career you know in portuguese or whatever it is thank you so he's all beaten it's like this is your guy and as an american i'm like glover to share is a big deal for mixed martial arts it's bullshit that y'all are walking out on him contrast that with australia holy fucking shit let's just move to australia and do all the events there those dudes were drunk for the prelims. That's commitment.
Starting point is 00:36:06 The early prelims begin at 6 p.m. The main card doesn't begin till 10 p.m., doesn't begin till 10 p.m. There are four hours of fights, and they are drunk for the earliest of early. And I'm right with them watching. But, you know, the expensive seats stay empty. But every now and then they pan up, and it's like everybody who spent less than $300 is there. That place is full. And they were screaming.
Starting point is 00:36:31 They were loud. They were supporting their guy. They were booing the other guy. It was great. Fucking Australia has the best crowds. It's better than Madison Square Garden, I think. But it's close. They're crazy there, too, mostly because the Irish fly in
Starting point is 00:36:48 and because New York has such a high Irish population to begin with that they basically have this Irish contingent that screams for Conor. Conor in Madison Square Garden is probably the peak, but this was nuts for Volk. It was great. That sucks for Teixeira. It's been a couple months. Fuck him.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Should have won. Yeah. You lose, you don't get the... Winners get cheers. Winners get cheers. Yeah, I was going to say that the number one ticket sales, this is not online, but like real life thing was Australia.
Starting point is 00:37:27 And I'm looking now, I'm pretty sure number one and number two are both Australia. I don't know if last this last weekend's event was one of the biggest ticket sales. Oh, I don't I don't even think numbers would matter, though, to be honest. I think that if you take 10,000 Aussies and 5,000 Brazilians, I got that backwards. Even if they're outnumbered, I just think the Australian crowd is a better fucking crowd. They just seemed like they were drunk and happy drunk. I was kind of
Starting point is 00:37:54 agreeing with you. If there was a stadium that sat 60,000 here in Raleigh, we probably wouldn't fill it for a UFC event, but they routinely do in Australia. I saw Volkanovski retained his pound-for-pound number one spot. we probably wouldn't fill it for a UFC event, but they routinely do in Australia. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Um, I saw Volkanovski retained his pound for pound number one spot. I felt like that was right. Okay. Because, you know, the idea is that he weighs less. He's still pound for pound, but I think if you make him 10 pounds heavier,
Starting point is 00:38:19 he beats the other, he beats his lump. If, if there's 10 more pounds of Volk, he's going to have to move up to 170 now. That was an amazing fight. I love that fight so much. I have no complaints about the outcome or the decision,
Starting point is 00:38:37 but I was blown away by the strength of Volkanovski. And I don't know how to score it when one guy's holding on to the other's back and the other guy's laughing and punching him in the face continuously because that's what happened right what it's like wait a minute all right i get it he's controlling volk volk cannot get up but what's volk doing with his time he's punching you 37 times in the face. Now I get it. He's doing this. They were wildly ineffective arm punches that wouldn't hurt a girl, right? On the other hand, what is a choke you can't sink? That's not hurting anyone either. It's like, oh, you're going to give his hug credit,
Starting point is 00:39:18 but my arm punches don't get credit? So in that sequence, I didn't feel like anybody was really pulling ahead too far just because he was able to i mean we call them arm punches it wouldn't hurt a girl i wouldn't have wanted to be on the receiving end um i feel like afterwards i'd be like man that big man hit me in the face 13 times yeah but um i saw the fight only the last fight uh and it was funny like i tuned in for the last fight and i'm like oh my god every fight all night has been a finish
Starting point is 00:39:52 oh woody this was one of the one of those cards where like i was cheering every fight yair rodriguez is one of my favorite guys he doesn't seem to fight much i remember he always has been i remember how that flashy, crazy spin kick stuff. Him and Cody Garbrandt were two of my early favorite fighters. And Yair Rodriguez fights like your video game character. He spins and jumps and does crazy shit. And man, he was kicking that guy, Josh Emmett or something, whatever his name is.
Starting point is 00:40:23 He's one of those people that has those weird shaped ribs that jut out already naturally and he's kicking this guy in the ribs so hard it sounds like he's clapping him with an axe handle every time and he finished with a really nice triangle choke like like watching him sink it in and like cinch it up just right it was like this is one of those moves where like the ref is who decides if this man dies or not like he can kill him right now if he wants and uh and he won that fight that was a huge win and then the rest of the fights were just knockouts um for the most part if i remember correctly lots of knockouts all night good night yeah you i was looking at josh emmett because i thought maybe i had ribs like him. I kind of don't, but this guy's clearly on steroids,
Starting point is 00:41:06 but he's a beast. Josh Emmett has a crazy body type. I want to show this picture, Zach, as soon as you can. The top one where he's like double flexing his biceps. One, those nipples,
Starting point is 00:41:20 so pointy. I'm thinking he has gyno, but also interesting this guy has an amazing four pack and just struggles to get those last two look at that this guy was born with four abs yeah that is a confusing torso right he was like if i stare into his chest like i'll see an elephant or something eventually like one of those fuzzy things. His nipples will poke an eye out. They're so pointy.
Starting point is 00:41:48 It looks like the underside of a stingray. Yeah, it does. The muscles don't make sense. Where are the other ones? It's like his top four stole the bottom ones and then added them to the sides. If it was body fat, it's a common fat distribution than I have
Starting point is 00:42:07 where the two abs next to your belly button, you have to be so lean for them to be prominent. But he is that lean, and they're still not there. It's weird. Well, he got his ass beat, and it was very impressive because he was so dangerous throughout the fight. It was one of those fights where it's like,
Starting point is 00:42:24 if Josh catches him, he's going to destroy him. Yair just needs to spin for five more minutes and it'll all be over. He's beautiful when he fights. Yair Rodriguez is incredible. The best part is that was a number one contender fight. No, no, no. That was the fucking interim
Starting point is 00:42:40 belt. That was the interim 145 belt. I didn't know it until the fight ended and they strapped a belt on him. So Volk will fight Yair. Yair. Yair's got a tough job in front of him. Fuck Yair. Fuck Yair.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Fuck Benil Dariush. Fuck everybody at 155. We need an immediate rematch of these two guys. And look, I would normally be against that, but here's the truth. Nobody at 145 can beat Volk. Nobody at 155 can beat Islam. Most likely.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Most likely. It's like 80%, 90% likely that neither one of them can be beaten in their own divisions. They're each other's like, these guys can make each other rise to the highest levels of intensity. Nobody else can. You think Volk is going to come with the same intensity against Yair? No, he's going to chop highest levels of intensity. Nobody else can. You think Volk is going to come with the same intensity against Yair? No. He's going to chop that big dude down.
Starting point is 00:43:29 You think Islam is going to be as... Islam might be a different man after he felt somebody get a hold of him like that. That was cool. I couldn't believe... Watching him reverse him and out-wrestle him for a little bit, it was incredible. I'm the Islam fan. I think it's safe to say.
Starting point is 00:43:45 You're the Volk fan. Although, I'll say, watching that fight, Volk didn't win me over to make me dislike Islam or anything, but I'm like, I have to like both these guys. It was a terrific fight, and they both made fans that night. Next rematch,
Starting point is 00:44:03 I want Volk to win because I want to see a third i want to run this could be one of the great mma rivalries that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying like like i almost that's what i want i want an immediate rematch and i want to hold up the 155 and 145 pound divisions for six more months each that's what i want to happen and And I want Volk to win. We both do, I bet. Oh, yeah. And then come third one, I want Islam to win. Now, you probably won't be on that team,
Starting point is 00:44:30 but cool, that makes it more fun. Yeah, yeah. Let Volk go beat Islam in Europe somewhere, whatever his home court would be, and then let him fucking roll out to Madison Square Garden or Vegas and do the three-peat rubber match and do that world tour. Let Volt win
Starting point is 00:44:47 in Dagestan and then the rubber match in Madison Square Garden or Vegas. I don't know. Great night of fights. I love that. We let Philly slide a little bit though because Chiz pointed out they've lost three
Starting point is 00:45:03 championship games in three months. Yeah. Getting all the losses out of the way. Damn. Dude, Philadelphia, we're number two, baby. Yeah, we're number two. We're number two in baseball and football and I think soccer. Speaking of number two, have you seen the clip of the Philly fan last year or maybe the year before eating the horse shit in the streets?
Starting point is 00:45:26 No What was the occasion? Did they lose the Super Bowl? That's the question Did they win? I don't know but this fan gets down and eats horse shit right out of the street
Starting point is 00:45:41 in front of tons of other fans Best fan They were booing somebody it right out of the street in front of like tons of other fans that's uh best fan that yeah it's it's it's an op did you they were they were booing somebody uh the philly the philly fans were that was like i don't know some auto completes philly fan some hero or some shit yeah all right what happened what happened five years ago okay eagles fan eats horse poo to celebrate winning super bowl so at least there was an occasion. There you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:07 A little disjointed. Philly Taylor assuming that's his first dish of horse poop. He's like, I was gonna eat this either way. Can you imagine like that hungover? They just leave this out here for free. You can have all the work. You know how if you get regular
Starting point is 00:46:24 drunk the next morning, you wake up and you're like, um, that doesn't taste normal. Can you imagine? Hammer drunk. What did I eat? Horseshit. You ate horseshit.
Starting point is 00:46:37 And it was fresh. It wasn't even the crispy kind that most of the moisture has been wicked away by the elements, which if you're going to eat some form of know herbivoric shit that's what you want you prefer not to eat any it looked awful just for fun now i looked at ufc 285 right you know like what they just had a great one what's next oh a banger yeah a real banger so it starts off bo nickel fights i very much want to see that this guy is supposed to be a world beater but he's a wrestler and he's new let's see uh valentino checo is the co-main yep and then john jones is the main event against cyril gagne for the
Starting point is 00:47:17 heavyweight title i think yeah return of john jones big deal good gosh it's been it's been two years been waiting on john j Jones to finish bulking up. Literally, Taylor, that's what he did. This is the guy who was the 205-pound champion. So 19-year-old man becomes the 205-pound champion of the world. That was like 14. That was 16 years ago or something. He's still the champion of the world, and he's never been beaten.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Now, he's been – he got a disqual he's never been beaten now he's been he got a disqualification along the way and then there was you know drugs and crimes yeah but he's never been beaten up in the ring and he's decided he wants to be the heavyweight champion at um what 225 and above our and uh and he's bulking up for there yeah yeah he's been yeah you're right yeah yeah so he's been bulking up for two fucking years just doing squats. Who's he fighting in heavyweight? A man named Cyril Gagne. He's a heavyweight.
Starting point is 00:48:12 He's technical, so he fights well. Sometimes heavyweights just throw heavy hands. I didn't know that. I'm almost positive that Cyril Gagne and John fought before and that Gagne had fucked him up and obviously John had won, but maybe I'm almost positive that Cyril Gahan and John fought before and that Gahan had fucked him up and obviously John had won, but maybe I'm thinking of...
Starting point is 00:48:29 Gustafson? No, definitely not Gustafson. He's white. Okay. They start with G. I'm trying to help. I'm thinking of a brown person that kicks. Maybe Santos or something that had that big hammer on his chest. I'm probably conflating him with him, confusing him with him.
Starting point is 00:48:46 In any case, it's going to be a huge fight. Looking forward to seeing John back and seeing how he moves at that weight. If he finally wrestles, I've never seen the man wrestle. Everybody says he can. I haven't seen him do it since that night I was at your house and he wrestled Chael Sonnen. It's the last time John wrestled. Chael Sonnen's a very good wrestler that almost made the Olympic team and John Jones
Starting point is 00:49:06 made it look like he's not good. Chael Sonnen talked enough. Chael's still trying to talk his way into fights. You ever notice it? I know you watch his YouTube. Not lately. There was Francis Ngannou wants to fight
Starting point is 00:49:21 Tyson Fury, the boxing heavyweight champion of the world. He's like 6'9", 270 or some shit. Francis, the former heavyweight champion of the world in the UFC. He's out of his contract. He's trying to make some real big money by fighting this guy. And they had these crazy contract stipulations that involved Mike Tyson being the referee. Well, I'm watching our boy Chael Sonnen get wind of this. And he's like, I hate to see it.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Man like Mike Tyson out there begging basically for money. That's what he's doing here. Begging. Belittling himself at the feet of these people. Like, like he's just really shitting on Mike Tyson. And I'm like, what he means is what Mike Tyson should do is find an MMA guy.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Like, you know, who's been out of the game for a while, just like Mike's been out of the game with a little brain in his beard. He should be fighting that night, not reffing. I could tell. That's what Chael's bucking for, but he won't say it. He can't say it. All he can do is
Starting point is 00:50:16 throw a little shade at Mike Tyson and see if Mike bites. He does that every now and then. He'll start shitting on somebody. It's like WWE shitting on somebody. And he'll just... But it's like WWE shitting on them. Like, it's mean.
Starting point is 00:50:29 It's mean. But there's a little bit of jabroni. Candy ass. You know, it's like, what are you doing here? Like, he's still trying... You know he'd jump right in there for whatever his number is. I know he still trains. He talks about that every so often.
Starting point is 00:50:45 He's training with people. He's still big. But he doesn't still diet, so he'd have to do that. I don't think his weight floats that much. He looks like he... Look, if he came back, they'd do one of those catchweight things where, yeah, we're fighting a heavyweight or whatever, but he doesn't look like he's carrying around too much weight.
Starting point is 00:51:02 He looks good. I need to look again. I thought he looked too fat, but I'm going back like two and a half years and maybe now he looks good yeah he smoked those guys in that hotel room or in that hotel lobby or whatever guys got skills i wonder how that court case is going yeah me too i like chill um he's one of my favorite guys i still go back and listen to his highlight videos of him just talking shit you can't say those things about Brazil in my defense I didn't know they had the internet in Brazil
Starting point is 00:51:33 never knew they'd hear the things I'd said about them just the meanest calculated shit he's a bit of a showman yeah absolutely 100 like he should have never fought john jones him fighting john jones is the equivalent of like i don't know like when harley called out um um dr disrespect it'd be like if he was so good at calling out dr disrespect that dr disrespect had to fight harley it would be like that happening it's like yeah harley's a respected guy but i fight Harley. It would be like that happening. It's like, yeah, Harley's
Starting point is 00:52:06 a respected guy, but I don't know. Dr. Disrespect's on TV and stuff. He's a multimillionaire man, and he's the big guy. He's the streamer of the year fella. Oh, but he said that to you. You got to fight him then. That's what happened. That's what happened. Chael's like, I'm here. You queer.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Let's go. He's always rhyming and stuff oh he's constantly rhyming he's got prepared lines i did you see i got the arms and i got the charms there was a line of people asking chael sunning questions and uh you know he's there for whatever 90 minutes taking questions and then when this one guy gets up and he's like, I'm here to talk to the guy with the biggest arms and the most charms. I'm here to talk to this published art and this, that, whatever. And he sings Chael's praises for like a minute and a half. And Chael's like, my brother, ladies and gentlemen, had a routine.
Starting point is 00:53:02 They had a skit planned out. And his brother, I guess, has some of Chael's charm because he did a good job. I liked hearing that Stone Cold Steve Austin would slip him lines to say and stuff because that's what he did. He brought that WWE trash talk and he was bringing it against meatheads
Starting point is 00:53:17 who couldn't form complete sentences. So they're just like, yeah, I'm going to whip your ass. And he'd tear them down in a jokey, funny kind of way that made them look like adult. And they wouldn't get it. And so everybody's just laughing at them. And he did it for his whole career. Not that he wasn't a decent fighter. He would prepare.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Like their meathead, sure, sure. But they could have done better. They just didn't know that this was a part of their career worth investing energy into. Chael would go into a press conference, right? So there's, whatever, 15 fighters in kind of stands, and Chael would be like, I'm the only guy here competing at a press conference. At the end of this, I want the most questions. I want the most airtime. I want the most attention. I am here competing with these other guys trying
Starting point is 00:54:04 to win the press conference. Everyone else is there because they're contractually obligated and they wish they weren't there. So Chael would win. It's like when I was 17 at the red light, I would race to the middle of the intersection, right? And I'd be like, I beat that guy at a drag race. He didn't even know he was racing. But here I am the winner. That's what Chael does at these press conferences. They don't even know they're competing yet there he is winning and in hindsight chael was right we're still talking about chael retired fighter never won a championship who else are we talking about in his position not many no i like him a lot he's a really funny guy um and uh and i and i i always like when i see him like still trying to get a fight going with somebody.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Like, yeah, I'll do it. I don't care. I like it when he talks shit to John. And Chael's genuinely a tough guy who's not afraid to fight. There isn't a fighter in the world who he wouldn't say, like, yeah, standard contract. I'm for that guy. They accused Chael of talking his way into a championship fight. And he's like, it's true.
Starting point is 00:55:06 You know what I said? I said, yes. This fight, I was the third guy offered this fight. Lolita Machada, he said no. And I forget who the other guy is. He said no, maybe Ryan Bader. And then they got down the line to me. And I said, yes.
Starting point is 00:55:21 And now I have a title fight. I'm like, yeah. Fuck. Everybody else is afraid to fight they're protecting their records and a lot of times it'll it will be a situation where hey if i'm gonna fight somebody i need eight weeks notice i need this much time i'm gonna i gotta go hire my dietician he's on fucking vacation like like there could be reasons for that but they might come to you hey you want to be the backup fighter for this thing in three weeks ah yeah i guess or even or sometimes it's like hey tomorrow night can you make weight yes i can if you if you're always like grinding like that and you can make the weight that you
Starting point is 00:55:57 fight at and you can be the guy who on a moment's notice could be like or really a day's notice because they got to like medical and weigh you in and shit. If you can be that guy, you'll get it. That's how Conor McGregor got to where he is. He just fought and fought and fought, right? Do you remember? This is like, this is way pre like Conor, but like late 2000s when Kimbo Slice fought in the UFC and that guy Seth Petruzzelli or something like that. I watched that. Like got brought in. fought in the ufc and that guy seth petrozzelli or something like that i watched that like not
Starting point is 00:56:25 brought in and apparently he was literally like a that day they were like this other dude is sick like flu vomiting will you fight kimbo slice and he's like yes and then he knocked out kimbo and what like like i think like five or six seconds yeah i think some people were like people act like kimbo's fights were fixed or semi-fixed like okay okay you can win you can try your hardest but no wrestling and it's like no wait a minute this is mma it's mixed it's the mixed part you get to fight any way you want nah kimbo doesn't wrestle don't do that yeah yeah they told that was the case well he did no he didn't and the petrocelli fight like told me that was the case. Well, he did. No,
Starting point is 00:57:05 he didn't. And the Petrocelli fight, like that was literally before the fight. They, they paid him money and they said, Oh, do not take Kimbo down. And he said, yes,
Starting point is 00:57:12 sir, I will not. And I went out there and knocked him the fuck out. That's what you, that's the famous quote from Dana White. Dana White is like, you can't do that. It's illegal.
Starting point is 00:57:22 It's fucking illegal. It's fucking illegal. Like if you've seen that's what he's talking about he's talking about them paying seth petroselli to semi take a dive to fight kimbo's fight against kimbo and i watched that in my bedroom it was on like abc or cbs or something and i remember like running in the living room being like did you see that that's it it's over that's like what do you mean the? That's it. It's over. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:57:48 The fight's over? I was coming in there. It's all done. Yeah, I didn't see that in real time, but I've seen it. But man, good fights. I wish I hadn't missed everything but the main event, but oh well. Main event was good.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Yeah, looking forward to whatever they decide to do with that i've always liked volkanovsky the fact that he's beaten max holloway three times is just i thought max was the had the best hands in the ufc and folk beat him three fucking times in a row yeah is is that the one where i thought max won two of them or i might be mixing it up with a different fighter i thought he won at least one of them okay i thought max won the first one i think or maybe the second one fighters dude if you watch a fighter's career they have a nine-year window at the end of those nine years every one of them just falls off a cliff now i guys like john jones did his nine years expire i'm not even sure how to count it on a guy who's that inactive a guy like conor mcgregor i don't know how to count it against someone who's that inactive but most people that's the number i wonder where holloway i think this
Starting point is 00:58:59 this conor fight is going to be is very interesting i think it's a perfect opponent for him and chandler they're both like one and three in their last four um they're both um just amazing in the first in the early rounds uh-huh i think it'll be a firework show it'd be fun to watch they're both like i don't know how to say it really good at losing in the same way that uh volkanovsky lost a really good fight last weekend uh a lot of Chandler's fights. When Connor lost to Khabib, didn't he win a round? He put up a good fight. No one else can put up a good fight.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Volk, when he loses, which is rare, he put up a really good fight. So does Chandler. It'll be good. I want to see it. Yeah, for sure. Looking forward to it. About time to wrap. I know to wrap i know i'm hungry i'm hungry yeah yeah you can make myself a big sandwich is that that what you're doing for dinner you're
Starting point is 00:59:52 making yourself i don't know actually i actually i might make myself uh like the boring ass chicken broccoli and rice that that might be my man i like it that's what i should do but i don't want to do it all right i'm gonna get whatever she's making down there i'm sure it's cut. I like it. That's what I should do, but I don't want to do it. I'm going to get whatever she's making down there. I'm sure it's done. I'm making a turkey. That sounds good. Never mind.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Scratch that. I'm going to Kyle's place. PKN 443.

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