Painkiller Already - PKN 447

Episode Date: March 14, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKN 447. How you guys doing? Pretty good. Taylor and I have been grinding away playing Total War Warhammer 3. So fun. Very fun. They added a game mode called Domination, and it's exactly what you would imagine it is, A, B, and C flags. And so instead of just crushing your armies into each other and doing that,
Starting point is 00:00:22 now there's a lot more strategy. We're trying to develop a map presence and it's like oh which unit do i bring and there's a mckinney as you kill things you accrue like no but i'm okay i've watched videos of other rts's right all the way back from starcraft and and civ isn't real time but like I just kind of get the idea, like instead of just expanding in any which direction, trying to be something you're going for map control. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:51 That puts a whole twist on these things that wasn't there before. Yes. You've got a B and C flag and they're ticking down. The ownership of them ticks down to the winning of the game, but killing things. I think I could be wrong is giving us right currency and with that currency we can bring reinforcements in and we've got a list of reinforcements that we made before the game and what you do is you kind of make a swiss army knife
Starting point is 00:01:15 effect so if when i get in there he's nothing but giants i'm like oh my god i brought a bunch of guys with swords he has giants now i can like switch it up and that's something you could never do before you would just you would show up and he had how do you counter giants range weapons so there's like different kinds so like if you don't know total war it's a for the listener it's a top-down rts and unlike a lot of other rts games it's very big scale and slower in movement so like when you tell someone in starcraft or age of empires to go attack someone they immediately go do that in this it's slow like army movement every unit can be up to like 160 guys if it's like zombies or something big and so the way you or you can just be one bad
Starting point is 00:01:55 motherfucker with a club which is always yeah and so like if i'm playing the ogres and kyle's playing the skaven which we just did 25 minutes ago. And I send out, you know, I bring reinforcements of giants or something. Kyle needs to respond in a way you never could without reinforcements. He goes, oh, shit, that's large. I need something with anti-large. I need poison wind glovedeers, these little rat men who throw poisonous bombs. Yeah. Or something with anti-large bonus.
Starting point is 00:02:22 So stuff with like spears gets bonus against large units. Kyle has a big... The bombardiers are good behind the spears. Kyle is single-focused on the rats with the vials of gold. Those are fucking obnoxious, man. I knew the word, but it was... Poisoned wind globadeers? Globadeers,
Starting point is 00:02:40 yeah. It's close to bombardier. But they're anti-large. Anyway, a lot of funer. But they're anti-large. Anyway, a lot of fun. Oh, they're anti-large. I didn't know that. Yeah, they are. It's a lot of fun with the domination mode. That's a good thing they added to this game.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I'm going to play some more after this. I went to the North Carolina Aquarium near Wilmington, Fort Fisher, or something like that. It was pretty cool. We did a few laps in it. We enjoyed it. It's a good weekend. The way that the building is structured, they kind of have everyone walk in these circles. I think the idea is that you see everything and then you're done. But we were like, let's go around again and then again.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Atlanta's not exactly like that. They have sort of multiple out and backs. So there's this big central area that has, I don't know, it's huge. There's a big central area, like a mall, with food and stuff and lots of signs pointing, go this way for this and that way for that. But then each exhibit is an out and back. So out and back might take 15 minutes, and it might be everything from eels to penguins, but there's multiples of those.
Starting point is 00:03:48 So each one is like a different theme. There's like a deep ocean thing and like a freshwater one and lots of stuff. I would love to go to that. I think that we will. Jackie and I were talking about it, but the one we went to, they make this mistake. I've seen aquariums do this before. They're like the, our biggest, coolest display are all fish you see in north carolina and they're like off i guess off the coast of north carolina the gulf stream takes some of the cooler fish up and there's like rocky shoals or something and there's like reefs or
Starting point is 00:04:16 something but i'm like no this is a shitty version of floridian fish which in itself is probably a shitty version of like Australian fish. Here's what I want you to do. Go grab the brightest, most gaudy fish from around the world. Philippines, Malaysia, Australia. I don't give a fuck. Put them in your tank together in a way they would never normally coexist, but look cool. That's the tank I'm looking for. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:40 They probably eat each other. Around the world. Throw a rainbow trout in there. I don't care. I don't give a fuck. So long as it's rainbow. When you do that with fish that is a freshwater fish throw it in it just becomes like the top food chain's new tank doesn't it i remember like when i was a little kid i caught like a bluegill like at my grandparents pond and it was too small to
Starting point is 00:05:03 eat you know and so i brought it home and we had like goldfish in a regular aquarium just like a freshwater like who gives a fuck like little kid aquarium and i put it in there and my dad apparently nobody told me not to and i was like oh neat and of course like this tiny little you know too small to eat perch which is like that big is a monster compared to like goldfish in there and we came back like the next day and my brother was like devastated because it had murdered his fish which he had named dog and uh and it and it had eaten it had eaten half of my fish which was like camo colored so i named him soldier and he had one one eye hanging out just like swimming around and i was like oh oh yeah he was
Starting point is 00:05:49 still alive and i i was like i learned that day i'm like okay wild fish play for keeps you cannot you cannot put those outside fish yeah that is an outdoor fish that was used to being picked on and then it got in there and ate half the face oh your typical home aquarium is filled like i like i described but they know which fish are compatible with each other and which ones are alphas like you said i'm sure you just stay away from the freaking trigger fish what if you're looking for a new game you got to look at this total war warhammer three thing like it is so fucking fun it is coming from age of empires 2 to this this is so much less sweaty it's like gaming advanced 20 years in that time you're also playing against me who has never
Starting point is 00:06:35 played the game before i haven't played either though so we're playing against like equal exactly we're trading wins back and forth yeah what i'm saying is like if you were to go online if either of us were to like i think it'll get real real rough oh no i don't mean sweaty as in like people don't i sweat i thought sweaty meant like you're like intensely micromanaging and like having to i have to go over here and do this and it's like not having to worry about an eco and just focus on military oh i see what this is is a nice change of pace honestly where it's like you just go in. And I wasn't giving credit to the eco factor of it, which is actually building your army.
Starting point is 00:07:09 That's a whole eco side of this game. The winds of magic have to be looked after as well. I don't understand how that works still. What's your question? Who wins? Don't tell him. No, no, no, not wins. Wins, like...
Starting point is 00:07:22 Oh. Wins of magic just means magic, and the bottom right, whatever that number is, that's how much magic you have to recruit from for your spells. Yeah, so, like, if I have... One of my lords is a, you know, disgusting, nurgle, you know, plague beast. Real gross.
Starting point is 00:07:41 And I see I have a bunch of points, I can be like, oh, I'm going to curse some of his units with disease i'm going to you know and afflict his general with like weaknesses and all that but i don't know yet how you get more winds of magic it and so like i just will go over that later it's not a big deal that's it's easy yeah i know i know all those answers because i played a ton of the second what i don't know is like what i don't know unit specific stuff and how to play domination like what the strategy in this is uh i i did decide that like i don't know maybe two or three games ago i was like wait a minute i gotta stop playing like it's call of duty and just trying to jump on these flags i need to try to just win the battle at the flag like like that should be my goal so like i think since i started
Starting point is 00:08:21 thinking more like that um it's i don know, it's went better for me. Because you won like four or five in a row or something. It's like, this isn't going well. This isn't going well. Yesterday, I was feeling top of the world for a while. I was like, damn, five in a row. And then going rough. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And there's so many factions. It's a great time. I know Jackie likes Star Trek The Next Generation, the old one. So they made that Star Trek Picard show. They've made two seasons of it. The third season is currently debuting. The first two seasons were awful, and they tried to send Picard on new missions with completely new people. And he's very old and frail, so it was a little embarrassing, and it wasn't good.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And last season, the bad guy was Ice. They went back in time, and they faced off with the Border Patrol. Those were the bad guys. It was so woke and awful, I couldn't stand it. This year, they threw all that shit out the window. And they're like, what if we just get all the old fucks from the next generation and bring them back? If Worf isn't working. Dude, Worf's scene is the best scene.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Worf comes out of nowhere, and he's like a white ninja. He's got a sword on his back, and he's slicing heads off, and he's all gray now, and he's kind of made peace with himself. I wish I could remember what exactly he says. She says, who the fuck are you? And he's like, I am Worf, son of Moog, house of Martok, son of Alexander, whatever his Russian daddy name is, house of Fedorov, bane of the Duras family, slayer
Starting point is 00:09:54 of Martok. Would you like some chamomile tea? Is that what he says? Yeah, yeah, it's good. I like that. But the whole thing thing the first four episodes are like a self-contained movie it it feels like they had a movie idea that they never used and they then they made the first four episodes of season three a self-contained movie where picard goes to save beverly crusher that you know the doctor his love interest from all the years from 40 years ago and he brings along a couple of other characters and uh and they get in some hijinks against a real scary fucking alien an actual
Starting point is 00:10:30 good enemy too it's the the enemy is the honey bunny lady i think from pulp fiction the like great the crazy i think it's the crazy bitch who's like sitting at the table any of you motherfuckers move i'll execute every fucking one of you! I think it's that chick. She's the villain and she's got a scary ship that dwarfs theirs. It's fun. It's good to get... Now that it's the old people,
Starting point is 00:10:55 they don't look that bad. Do we need to watch the first two seasons? Fuck no! No, just skip them. You just need to watch four episodes of season three. Okay. That's my recommendation. Jake and I watch TV together every night. We're watching Kaleidoscope right now.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Have you heard of this? No. The lead character is the guy that plays Gus Fring in Breaking Bad. He's black, but maybe Mexican. Cuban or something. Cuban, yeah. What's interesting, but maybe Mexican. I'm not exactly sure. Cuban or something. Cuban, yeah. And what's interesting, so the first episode,
Starting point is 00:11:29 all the episode numbers are colors. So the first episode, I think, is black, and the last one is white. I don't recall. That's not important. What's interesting is that all the episodes in between, like the other six, are random order. When you pop onto your Netflix account,
Starting point is 00:11:44 you'll get a different order than me, than I get from mine. And there are people online who argue about the best order to watch these in. So I read some Newsweek article on it where he gave his suggestion on the best order to watch them. And I was like, let's do that one instead of just trusting luck. And it's kind of the first episode watch them and i was like let's do that one instead of just you know trusting luck and uh it's kind of the first episode we watch it and i'm like this almost seems like it's supposed to be the first episode you know that there's sort of this like introduction into the world and then
Starting point is 00:12:18 we watch the second episode and i'm like all right somehow this simultaneously could be a first episode where you're like learning the characters. But it also fits as a follow up. And there are like, do you want to watch it in chronological order? These are the this is the list. Do you want to watch it in the style of a Quentin Tarantino movie that like jumps back and forth? Yeah, it's your order. And we're only two episodes into like that.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I prefer the Tarantino thing. And we're only two episodes into like the, I prefer the Tarantino thing. I enjoy bouncing around a little bit. Cause you, you get this little extra brain fun where you're like, Oh, so, so earlier when I saw this guy here,
Starting point is 00:12:54 this other guy was sneaking around above him and I didn't see it. And now the camera like pans from the old footage and goes up here and does some new shit that I didn't get to see last time. I enjoy that. Yeah. I love a little brain fun in my films. I'll say this in a way that doesn't spoil anything, but I'm like,
Starting point is 00:13:10 oh, I bet this one double crosses that one. And then they get to the next episode and I'm like, oh, wait a minute. I think I misinterpreted their relationship. It's deeper than I anticipated. I no longer think that he or she is going to double cross he or she. Kaleidoscope is on Netflix? Yesflix yes all right i'll check it out i uh i'm always looking for something new but i highly
Starting point is 00:13:32 recommend that star trek thing i i was so impressed by it i was happy i think i almost cried at one point which is like really and it's fucking star trek so that just doesn't happen oh no judgment here kyle none i wish i could remember what happened what he's like watching like iron man land and he's like yes i know what it is yeah there's a scene where where someone realizes that like they never got to meet their child and someone had taken that from them and it's real sad it's it's real sad oh speaking of that i oh well i'm saving that for pk it's a different story never mind but yeah highly recommend the the tng thing um season three star trek picard season three episodes one through four there's
Starting point is 00:14:17 gonna be more but like those four totally make their own mini story it's like wrath of khan it's two ships battling it out in a nebula. Na-na-na-na-na. They even play like the music. Episode four is an ending? Because the way you describe it, you make it seem like episode five will be the next part of the season.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Episode, well, I feel that those first four episodes are their own little story, and there's even sort of a conclusion where you could leave it at that you know but there's gonna be like five or six more episodes the season will continue but but i'm just saying like those four are their own little thing that you could feel walk away from and that was great dude there's like a russian news today and i don't know how
Starting point is 00:15:00 significant it is i like so america has been flying unarmed drone or unmanned drones i'm not positive about unarmed but unmanned drones this was a surveillance drone and i saw it it was like big enough to be a plane but there's no one in it and over the black sea caspian sea some international air over international waters a place we're allowed to be russians come along in their migs see it and damage it and force it down i i got the impression it was like they landed it but it's damaged i don't know how big a deal it is and i'm like how important is this i don't have a good idea if the russians attacked a u.s plane with the pilot in it that would clearly be like an act of war that we don't just let slide i think you know you can't
Starting point is 00:15:53 just go shooting down our pilots over depends where we are and that would be the dispute right the russians because you know our shit's been shot down before um but but but like you know there would be an argument over where we got shot down I bet but at this point I really don't think like Biden's wishing somebody fucking would he's like come on I only got a little time left haven't killed anything yet
Starting point is 00:16:16 it's been my impression that no one's arguing we weren't supposed to be there that it's clearly international waters that this is a place anyone can fly, that it's okay. Ah, the Black Sea. The Black Sea, thank you. Okay. So, uh,
Starting point is 00:16:31 Caspians to the right there, I guess. But anyway, so, yeah, we were over the Black Sea, we're allowed to be there, it was an unmanned drone, the Russians saw it, decided to fuck with it, damaged it, and I don't know if it crashed, or like how damaged it was, I didn't get a vibe for that. But I'm like, is this just let slide we let them yeah i think so and i think this is a let it slide kind of thing um you know what are you gonna do i here's what i would do
Starting point is 00:16:56 i'd be like 10 more tanks we're giving the ukrainians 10 more tanks fuck with another drone you know you should be like all, now we're even for Nord Stream. One for one. Have you seen how much shit Poland is buying from us and France? And South Korea, I believe. Like tanks,
Starting point is 00:17:17 helicopters, planes. I didn't know South Korea made a bunch of that stuff. Can you start that over again? Poland is purchasing enormous amounts of armaments from the United States, France, and South Korea. Artillery systems, rocket systems, Abrams tanks, Apache helicopters, fighter jets, everything. Like hundreds and hundreds, billions of dollars. Billions and billions of dollars worth of stuff. I did see that.
Starting point is 00:17:43 And there's another piece of it too which is they're going to increase the size of their standing army. So they're going to have more trained soldiers at the ready. Poland seems to think that Russia might invade. We're going to invade Poland? Yeah. I think we're so close
Starting point is 00:18:00 to a world war. Yes. It's fucking scary. We're so close to a world war against and the problem is it's not taylor's all scared he hasn't defeated cancer like we have he it's russia it's russia when you've seen what i've seen but i'm boning up on my wartime tactics now and i really need to get him it's like no we need more anti-large we need we need more uh a little bit of armor piercing perhaps on the front lines so the real issue is right We need a little bit of armor piercing, perhaps, on the front lines. So the real issue is, right, you've got a bit of an axis of evil, if you will, with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Switzerland just hanging out. You can see why Poland might be like, are we next? Poland's the front line. Well, Poland is literally the front line. Poland is literally the front line for NATO. So was Ukraine. Well, okay, for NATO. I'm sorry. You're right.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I just said that. I was wrong. Belarus is... They take a step into Poland and it's World War III. We start that day. Yeah. It won't be like, oh, Mr. Biden, what are you going to do about that thing that happened today that thing that happened today was world war three beginning what i'm going to do is win it that that's that's how that goes like i would imagine russia knows that so they'd probably
Starting point is 00:19:14 like i don't think they're gonna go for any i don't think so either because they really seem to be struggling with the ukrainians dude i've saw some crazy video today i don't i didn't know who the good guys and bad guys were so so you just make it up in your head like there's an armored vehicle with like i don't know a 30 millimeter cannon on it that's like and there's a man in a trench fighting it with like rifles and. And it's missing him. The bullets are huge and glowing as they go past him. And the tracers are popping off the bullets and fizzing around
Starting point is 00:19:52 him. And there's a man on the tank too with a rifle shooting at him who's bleeding because the man in the trenches hit him at least once already. And it's wild because he's just... The bullets are constantly going right through him. Does it end with the armored vehicle winning? It just ended.
Starting point is 00:20:08 I was like, what the fuck? Like, I know the armored vehicle wins. It was insane. I might be able to dig it up again, but I've seen a couple of videos like that of armored vehicles attacking trenches. And I saw one where the guy just tries to crawl away. He's just he's just so low. And the bullets are right over him. Like he's low enough that they can't shoot any lower.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I was learning about the Russian military structure and why they're having some of their problems. And as someone who doesn't, I've learned how little I know about how to wage war. I'm going to digress for a moment here. Like all men, or at least many men, I have this idea that like, could I be a general? Well, I mean, sure, I wouldn't be a great one, but like I know a little. I could be a terrible general. But as I watch the tactics, every day I watch the tactics and how they're unfolding and stuff. All right, we'll check that out. watch the tactics every day i watch the tactics and how they're unfolding and stuff all right we'll check that out um i'm like oh yeah i didn't understand about surrounding i didn't
Starting point is 00:21:10 do you know what operational surrounding is taylor it's i'll just i don't mean to put you on the spot but that's when you have three sides and your artillery can reach the fourth so i don't actually surround you i've actually just u-shaped you but i'm forcing you to go where i want to go and my guns are trained on the road i expect you to drive on and i was like why are these russians running into the mines all the time why are they so idiotic you see the mines right like did you see the three other tanks that blew up on the mines why do you think there's no mines here anymore here's what happens they drive their tanks to the ukraines ukrainians and then the ukrainians start like hitting them with artillery well they can place mines with their artillery i didn't i can't say
Starting point is 00:21:58 that word artillery artillery artillery yeah artillery thank you so they have these you know it looks like a giant bullet the size of like a upper torso and it lays nine mines so they have they have these things like queued up from days ago it's totally dialed in people are like tank mines tank mines anti-tank mine yeah so now you get close to us we put mines behind. And then we start shooting at you. And you're like, oh, fuck. It's getting hot in here. I was here before. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:29 And then they go back to safety. But on the way home are mines that weren't there 15 minutes ago. That's awful. Look at this shit. Wait. So I didn't realize, to me, placing mines involves some guy being stealthy. Did that bullet turn into springs and cheese? Well you can picture what a giant bullet looks like.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Like an artillery bullet. And then there's like six cakes in it. That's what it looks like. Stacked on top of each other. That's fucking cool. I didn't know about that. Okay. I've seen those little popper mines that they drop from the air and they're kind of u-shaped so they always kind of sit at an angle and they just blow your goddamn toes off if
Starting point is 00:23:11 you step on one and there's just just dump them everywhere yeah so that they're anyway afternoon in like 50 years now i see these totally idiotic russians running into the mines and i'm like ah no i could be that idiotic as well i could totally see how they would make that mistake because they just just drove there 15 minutes ago and um it it's a kind of trap that they lay yeah come again the ukrainians have been doing it non-stop when the the russians lost 134 tanks and armored vehicles in one day and that was basically what they did. They waged a huge attack and then on the way home,
Starting point is 00:23:49 either they hit them directly with the artillery or they ran over mines that they placed on their retreat. This is a couple days ago? A week ago. The Russians have banned using these mines, saying they aren't fair.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Well, all's fair in love and war, I suppose. That's like the trench gun thing. Which, remember? World War I, the Germans didn't like the pump shotgun. They were like, this is not a fair type of warfare. It's cruel. It's for killing animals. And Americans were like, like well we made a lot of them so no it's not like that like well okay let me just take all 500 000 of these and put them in a warehouse for
Starting point is 00:24:32 hunting post-war like no you know you jump down in that trench that the thing's got a big bayonet on it too and and then i don't know you got five or six shells or something like that and at close range it's just blowing people apart pretty much everybody else is using like i don't know 30 caliber bolt action rifles and then here's fucking here's a dude that just jumped in amongst you with a pumped shotgun with a huge knife on the end and he stabbed your best friend and then blew your face off butted somebody else down just kept going dude that's the guy to be in the trench. I would have begged for the shotgun. So another thing, I bet a lot of those guys got fucked up. They're in the front.
Starting point is 00:25:09 They had guys who would stay in the trench, and their job was to shoot incoming grenades. I'd have gotten that job. I'd have thrown some shit up and shot it, and they'd be like, alright, you can shoot the grenades. I don't have to go over the top? Never. Awesome. I'd have sat there and shot grenades all day. I'd help because I'd sit next to you and I'd go, ah, ah! I want to be awesome i just sat there and shot grenades all day i've been some british guy who makes
Starting point is 00:25:25 i want to be way in the back making tea for a decision maker in britain england that's my job what i'm your guy that's who you want to be the dude in a clean outfit never been washed and they're like, the battle goes poorly, my lord. Eastern tea! You're jittering on his saucer. Yeah, that's the best job. And it's like, I'm stressed. Give me head.
Starting point is 00:26:00 You'd be like, this is way better than dealing with the Germans. What is the worst general ever? His troops. Yeah, they're gearing up for World War III over there. It's getting pretty wild. I don't know what the deal with Russia is. I saw that they were pulling up a half a million men.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I just can't imagine that. Didn't they say something like that a year ago? That they were bringing up half a million? They did can't imagine that like like five thousand like a year ago that they were bringing like half a million they did it yeah oh they did yeah they're fighting right now it's going poorly i have the number 300 000 in my head but yeah they're just okay they're just throwing unprepared troops into the slaughter and they do it again and again. And I don't understand why Russia isn't more unhappy with the situation. I see little spotted things like a couple of moms being like,
Starting point is 00:26:51 stop throwing our children into the meat grinder. But by and large, the country's being kind of patriotic and pro-war. I don't think they know exactly what's going on. They canceled YouTube in Russia. Well, you know, I didn't know about that. There's a good move, but other than what's going on? They canceled YouTube in Russia. Well, you know, it is a...
Starting point is 00:27:05 I didn't know about that. There's a good move, but other than that, they've been really... They don't want people looking up tutorials. They want them getting frustrated with things. They're going to get wrecked in that game you're playing. How the fuck do I fix this goddamn washing machine? Like...
Starting point is 00:27:21 Fucking Russian YouTube is bullshit. Those Wagner recruiting videos are great when you see the guy at the prison with all the prisoners listening and he's telling them like, look, you want to get a prison? We don't want somebody who's here for a short time.
Starting point is 00:27:42 We don't want somebody who's here for a couple years. I'm looking for multiple offenders. I'm looking for guys who have no other options because where we're going, it's bad. It's real bad. Dude, you know who's got a real powerful mercenary group now? Those El Salvadorians who just locked up 30,000 gang members. Now you put some sort of explosive net control device on them and then you send them
Starting point is 00:28:07 wherever in the world el salvador uh needs a fucking deal with business escape from new york what is what are el salvador's problems i guess not gangs anymore so uh oh i'm starting to the russian armies do not cooperate with each other. There's the Wagner group, which you hear about a ton. The PMCs, which are different than the Wagner group. There's another group called PMCs. And then there's the ones that are like Russian proper army. And they're not sharing information. So when one of them learns something, they don't tell the rest. They have actually opposing motivations. Like the Wagner group, if he takes the salt mines, then he can make money off those salt mines in perpetuity.
Starting point is 00:28:52 I guess it becomes his or something. So he doesn't want that guy to do well. He needs to be him who takes this area. And that's why they're not sharing ammo. It's why they're not sharing intel. They're competing against each other. And it sounds incredibly stupid because it's not working but if you told me that like oh this is like kind of a capitalism where our different groups compete with each other and the most successful ones get the spoils and that's how we motivate them i'd be like ah i see the logic in this country to fight it's not a good way to do it though manner well you're right because it's not working well but if if i didn't know it wasn't working well and you said hey what works better everyone just fighting because they're professional soldiers and that's what they do
Starting point is 00:29:33 or different groups being motivated by the spoils of war i'd be like but that's just adding another layer of split like if me and kyle are going to war with you like there's already a line in the sand of who's getting the spoils at the end it's our side or yours but if kyle and i add a layer of division and now we're competing with each other in addition to competing with you there's no way that can benefit like we it wouldn't i want the flying contraption but what you're describing is almost socialism war where you both win and you both split it but if you do better than kyle you still split it evenly whereas in their system if you do 80 of the work you get 80 of the spoils and you can see why maybe that would motivate an
Starting point is 00:30:17 army to do it's not working i don't know why i'm defending it but i can see how someone might think it was like i think they have much corruption that they need some way to motivate generals and higher-ups to get out there and get some work done, right? Otherwise they'd be hiding somewhere, not trying at all, just preserving their lives. Why don't Americans do that? Because it seems pretty rough. Because less corruption, I guess? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:30:37 I think when someone here signs up for the army, or the military, and certainly when they get up to being an officer, because I think they screen them them pretty well they're like gung-ho like flag carrying americans like yeah they love america that's why they're there why else would they be there i mean to get a promotion but i'm talking about the officers the higher-ups the generals those people in generation kill and made it seem like they were doing it to get recognized so that they could get promoted and do better and if you can't trust an hbo special i don't know who you that's true generation
Starting point is 00:31:09 kill was like a not good band of brothers i agree but i do think it was good yeah yeah it was all agreed not the first time i'd seen that scars guard guy uh so so i like i liked him in that the blondes oh yeah yeah yeah it was my first time seeing him too did you watch the finale of So I liked him in that. The blonde is tall. Yeah. It was my first time seeing him too. Did you watch the finale of The Last of Us? Yes. Yeah, I watched it. It was fine.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah. Yeah, we talked about this a little bit earlier. I wasn't. Kyle, you're breaking up a little bit. I'm not in. He said he wasn't blown away. I think you're back. Yeah, I am. I liked it.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I would say early in the series, I could almost not tell it was based on a video game. I was like, whoa, okay, now they're giving us the universe. Now they're doing this. You get to episode three, which we all agree was a tremendous piece of television with the gay love affair. And I loved it, loved it, loved it. we all agree was a tremendous piece of television with the gay love affair yeah and um like i loved it loved it loved it and then there were other times in the last episode especially where like okay now one guy's gonna work his way down the hallway popping off guy after guy it was like this is very true to the video game and i can see why staying true to a video game
Starting point is 00:32:23 handcuffs you when you're trying to make great tv yeah i like as i was watching that scene and you can put up spoiler zach like of him going around the the hospital shooting people and everything i was even thinking i'm like oh i guess the tv shows on easy difficulty like yes i thought that like this is not a difficult thing he's doing like he's at no point was anyone else in that hospital even vaguely a threat to our hero. Not even vaguely. Even like if they would have sneezed on him, it could have been scarier in the long run. Like at no point when I was watching him run around was I like, oh, I hope he gets out of this.
Starting point is 00:33:04 What? Like, no, it it was like are we the bad guys we have what kind in that do you know what kind of gun we had in the mini 14 i think oh was it bolted there's semi-automatic i think um there's a similar gun a ruger 556 uh the stock on it in particular is like the paratrooper stock i think um which i've actually shot a ruger 556 with a paratrooper stock so i think that's what that was uh and rl that thing would go full auto if it's the the ruger or at least the one i shot what was i only asked because in the scenes what would happen is some guy would have what i think is an ak-47
Starting point is 00:33:40 and they'd light up like the drywall we're hiding behind nothing hits us and then he comes out with what seemed like a semi-auto yeah tap once and the guy would go like he was hit by a cannonball flying backwards insta dead i was okay with that okay i i saw the opposite you know there was the one guy who had to double tap. There's a fancy boy. Yeah, that's real efficient if you're jumping out of an airplane. You can imagine everything folds up to the whole thing. The width of your shoulder is long. I just felt there wasn't a lot of danger in that scene.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I wanted to like it more. He like doing an awesome thing but it was presented in a way that wasn't exhilarating or thrilling or fun and i told taylor i reminded him of a scene from boardwalk empire where the exact same thing is happening you've got um richard harrow i think yeah his name um is going into the mansion yeah he's got the guy with half a face he's going into the mansion to save the child who's at the top he's in the top bedroom and the far end of the house and to get there he's got to kill an entire gang he's got to kill like four guys immediately and then two of them are stragglers they've got to die and then up a staircase the whole way changing weapons and
Starting point is 00:35:01 even with the way that uh last of us kind of ends there with him in a standoff with the last guy who's got the kid you know same shit but it's so much better it's so much cooler um maybe the way it's shot it's just it feels like it feels like he's coming in there with like the righteous judgment of the lord and he's just like die die are you gonna run die just just every step of the way and and with us it felt like target shooting or something i don't know they also lowered the volume which i guess is to let us know that he's like going fucking death like they've mentioned that before and maybe that's a part of the game that he can't hear shit but we're not they haven't they haven't given us enough of that they haven't't had him... We should have had him getting snuck up on all the time
Starting point is 00:35:47 or not being able to hear her. Stuff like that. By the way, the amount of hearing damage he sustained in this season alone... Yeah. He wouldn't be able to hear too well. It's been rough. He got flashbanged in the last episode.
Starting point is 00:36:03 One of those will give you permanent hearing damage? I don't know. I know I would not want someone to throw a flashbang at me. I would imagine yes. My answer would be yeah. At your feet, a flashbang? Yeah, I would think permanent hearing damage. He's not deaf.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Oh, the hearing thing is a show-only problem. Oh. Well, then no wonder it's so boring. So they lowered the volume down and they sort of added some tinnitus to the audio during that that that shooting notice okay and and i was like and that can be fun if he's going into like kill mode right like if he's even but but he didn't he just he was methodical i did like the one guy who put his gun down and was like, I surrender. And it's just. I like the doctor.
Starting point is 00:36:49 The doctor. He came at him with the scalpel, I think. Right. I can't let you take her. I can't let you take it. And he's got a knife that's not much bigger than your finger. Understand the doc's motivations, right? Say humanity's cure on the table.
Starting point is 00:37:04 One dude in front of me trying to take it away i can't let you i can't be the if they show up here and ask where the cure went i can't say i just stood here and let you take it come on what they should have said is like it's like if they would have led with more details of like joel it's an outpatient procedure like he's why did they tell him yeah it's an outpatient procedure if you want you can wait here and it about 40 minutes we'll probably have the sample and then you guys can be on your way want a cookie like that it could have been it could have been solved with with retard tier communication like yeah yeah just a little lie i might be a little retard i was like
Starting point is 00:37:43 is she definitely gonna die from the procedure? Is there any way? And it turns out that like I read articles on it afterwards. Yes, we're meant to know that she can't survive the procedure. I bet I could get it out. I think what they need to do is. Are you suggesting you're better than the surgeon? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:38:00 They're all guessing. Here's what I would do. Have you ever seen that thing that they use for for brain clots right they open up um an artery down here and then they run that little wire in with the uh with the contrast die and they go into the brain with a little wire why can't they go in there and do that little grabber and i don't mean to hurt your feelings but i bet you're not very good at that i'm so much better than you! That's not a hard part.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I'm the only one here who even thought of it! Y'all can get in line behind me. You're just like halfway through. You're halfway through. You're halfway through and there's just blood pouring out of her nose and eyes and you're like god botched it i made a wrong turn somewhere
Starting point is 00:38:51 wait which artery was it again i thought it was yeah no we just guessed it was there's probably a fuck ton of girls like this out there but find another one why is her asshole bleeding this has gone horribly it's just every bit of her oh here's a little factoid brain surgery ellie's mother ellie's mother the lady who gave birth obviously there at the very beginning that is the voice actress for ellie in the game yeah jackie told me that while i watched yeah and i can see why one she really looked like the character in the game I saw a resemblance and at first I thought they just got the right actress because ever see like a parent
Starting point is 00:39:32 brought into the show later on and you're like that seems like it would be that person's parent I see the resemblance I saw the resemblance a lot and assuming the character in the game looks like her I can see why they cast i thought she was a little bit like the ellie actress yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah her like eyes and mouth um look similar so yeah no i uh i would say this year this that's season one um and i would i would
Starting point is 00:39:57 say it's like a b plus the last of us that's how i rate the series on the whole there is a at no point are you going to be frustrated it will never make you angry unless you're like actually homophobic like like and i don't use i don't like the word homophobic because it doesn't make sense you'd have to be scared of gays though to like not like the last of us i think because it's not like there's a scene in the star trek where like one lesbian looks to the other in the middle of a battle and she's basically like want to eat some pussy later? And she's like, hubba hubba hubba.
Starting point is 00:40:26 And it's like, fucking fix the ship! Fucking fix the ship! You're supposed to be a goddamn scientist. That's unrealistic. Which show is that? Star Trek Discovery. It's the woke one that I refuse to watch. That's ham-handed and stupid, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:40 It's like a black lady captain in a ship that spins using a fungus network to travel the stars and crying all the goddamn time. I won't watch it. Ugh. Yeah. And not for any one of those things in particular. It's the combination. Half of their gay episodes have been horrible.
Starting point is 00:40:57 So they had a good run of the Nick Offerman one, and then the lesbian one was fucking awful. And it wasn't because of the lesbian stuff. It was just the whole one was fucking awful and it wasn't because of the lesbian stuff it was just the whole episode sucked to me it had nothing to do with anything i liked it more than you but here's the thing though if you remove it and you use all that time to add like to give us more time with joel and ellie it's just so much better spent or how about this let me see joe kills some different people how about joe kills a raider i haven't seen a raider yet. We were led to believe these were serious threats.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Raiders on the road. Weren't you picturing barbarians out in the wilderness who were rapey cannibals who would have an outdoor fire pit made out of a shopping cart. Somebody's got a hat made out of squirrels with rotten teeth. The guy that stabbed Joel with a baseball bat, not a raider?
Starting point is 00:41:48 More of a... Those were cannibals. Those actually turned out to be cannibals that were part of that community with the child molester. Pretty rough group if you think about it. Jesus. You guys play hard in the paint. You guys... Yeah, he was a... Murder's not... you guys play hard in the paint.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Yeah, he was a murder's not nothing. They should have revealed his darkness right away. I should have been afraid that he was going to rape Ellie from day one, from the first moment. As soon as he started quoting Bible verses, I knew he was bad. Well, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:42:22 That might be my bias. I'll tell you this. It might be. They double-crossed me because when he bitch-slapped that 12-year-old girl, I was like, oh, shit, this guy's... This is a good guy.
Starting point is 00:42:34 This is a good guy. He put that little bitch right in line. Yeah. He's getting rid of her refusal to be part of the team because that's bad for morale. Oh, not Ellie. The daughter of the other guy who had bad for morale. Oh, not Ellie. The daughter of the other guy who had died. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:42:47 She was starting to get a little uppity about his religious rule. Shut up and eat your dad. The show leaves a lot to be desired for me. I would have liked to have seen more of the good stuff and less of the boring. There was just some times when I was watching and I was
Starting point is 00:43:03 like, this is okay, but it's not good and uh specifically the whole time that they were in that goddamn mall but every episode there's a little bit of time where i just feel like man i've my favorite parts when they're talking that like their dialogue together is my favorite and then after that it's fighting so talk and fight talk and fight talk and fight don't fucking flash back again to some some character who's already dead especially when ellie's gonna tell him what happened anyway that's the best part she told him in five fucking seconds in the season finale about episode six yeah which was 52 minutes or whatever like we could have got so much more backstory no raiders no marauders no no road warriors for them to contend with for the most part pretty pretty
Starting point is 00:43:52 annoying there walking dead did a pretty good job now walking dead wasn't an a plus show but it did a good job of making you understand that the people are the scariest thing around and that the zombies could if the world had been littered with pits with spikes in it but people were the real problem it wouldn't be any different it'd be the same walking dead zombies were just uh you know pve no big threat type thing yeah in last of us like what is this show about exactly is it about the clickers is it about those lost characters is it about the people i i didn't really define it for me i think i think the big idea is that the main danger is the people and the in the in the in this and the focus of the show is the interpersonal relationships
Starting point is 00:44:37 but meanwhile humanity can never really recover because you've got that fungus out yeah like in this situation like in last of Us, unlike Walking Dead, it's like the biggest threat are the other people out there. No, it's not. It's a fungus that infects all of us and can live anywhere. By the way, here's one thing that annoyed me.
Starting point is 00:44:57 I've turned on Walking Dead recently just in the background. I thought, oh, Woody's watching this. I don't pay much attention to it. Most of the deaths come out of like laziness like they just won't run it's stupidity or laziness they won't run and that's all it takes like just walk a little bit they don't they're not they're they're not threatening enough frankly they need to be scarier kyle loves to watch i'm not kyle i'm sorry colin loves to watch walking dead highlights with me and uh um that's how i fill his bucket so i watched one
Starting point is 00:45:32 today and my goodness the level of threat that a zombie is and walking dead is so inconsistent i'll watch two women basically unarmed one of them had like a street sign and the other one had like broken glass win a 14 v2 right yeah and then there's another time where like a single zombie's in the woods and for some reason they don't stand up they're like boot butt scooching backwards and they can't deal with this 1v1 threat you just want a 14 by 2 and the same person is incompetent versus a single zombie and they don't have boss zombies like Last of Us I don't know the names of them
Starting point is 00:46:10 but like some of them are bigger stronger they can take people and rip them in two that doesn't exist in Walking Dead every zombie is just cannon fodder and the level of threat that is so inconsistent it ruins the show and I love how consistent like or inconsistent rather
Starting point is 00:46:25 their level of volume is just by convenience because like sometimes they'll be in the middle of the woods and you can just hear and it's like there's one there's one five miles that way and then other times they'll like this has happened five times in the show where the dude they kill
Starting point is 00:46:41 the last one and they're all sweaty in the woods going and then it pans to what would be a red shirt and then out of nowhere one goes and it's like you were standing in a circle like you would have seen My situational awareness is
Starting point is 00:46:58 so good. Like if I'm in a situation like that, I'm like I'm on my fucking toes i'm crouched down i'm fucking looking left and right i'm spinning knees kyle high knees high fucking knees like like it's like none of these people ever played football baseball any sport that required coordination or fucking being heads up like there's no you can't sneak up on me are you you fucking crazy? No. Never. Hypothetically, we're in the woods.
Starting point is 00:47:30 There's dead leaves everywhere. How about now? But Kyle, could you avoid one sneaking up on you if you're standing in the woods and you and I are facing each other? Because that's the situation these guys are put in. They would have to go...
Starting point is 00:47:46 What if you're in an old field with nothing around you from miles around? The only way that could happen is if there was a Scooby-Doo thing where I get scared and I'm like... What? What is it? What are you freaking out for? I know we live in the zombie apocalypse, but I can't imagine what's got you all stirred up there, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Zonk Scoob, Mr. Zombie. Oh, how's it bitten? Zonk Scoob, I'm too goddamn baked. Yeah, it's a frustrating part of shows like that. Just any show where that you've got gangsters who dislike each other and people don't regularly just get blasted that's frustrating
Starting point is 00:48:33 tulsa king is quite good tulsa king i've seen called yellowstone meets um sopranos and it kind of it kind of fits that it's um i haven't been frustrated by the by the gunplay yet but i could see how it could get into um sons of anarchy type territory if you're not careful where it's like bad the sentence of anarchy well yeah the sons of anarchy are gun runners they have ready access the whole point of the show is is importing machine guns and explosives or exporting them rather to Ireland for the IRA to fight their bullshit and also selling them to gang bangers
Starting point is 00:49:09 in Southern California. So a lot of times you got the Sons of Anarchy biker gang versus a Mexican drug gang and they all shoot at each other with machine guns in a junkyard and one guy will be like, oh, I'm shot in the ass and they'll all like
Starting point is 00:49:25 leave and it's like did anybody die we should all be dead it's just an epidemic of minor wounds in because they're all so well armed like everybody's got a big machine gun and one guy's got a rocket launcher you know it's just
Starting point is 00:49:41 they do struggle in that show though with fatness. You know in shows where they'll have a big bruiser, but it's like that guy's just fat. And they step over the line of the boogie conundrum, we could call it. Where it's like someone who is really big and like a Michael Chiklis, for example. You're like, that guy looks like he might actually be kind of strong under all that fat. for example you're like that guy looks like he might actually be kind of strong under all that fat you know but he does that one main guy in uh not the main guy but his like underling who's an
Starting point is 00:50:11 absolute sphere with the big beard in sons of anarchy that guy's like so fat that like when he does try to act tough and he's like we're the sons of anarchy it's like i bet you are champ like yeah what are you gonna do you got You got steel girders on your bike. You're like the fat uncle of anarchy. Yeah, you're the fat uncle of anarchy. You're the going-to-die-alone of anarchy in a gutter. Even worse, remember there was the one grandpa with the oxygen tank. Every now and then, he'd get in on the action.
Starting point is 00:50:46 He literally had O2 on. And then Ron Perlman, he was always getting snuck up on because of how close his eyes are together. That's why he couldn't ride anymore. Trying to run this gang, but he can't ride. And damage from winning so many fights or something.
Starting point is 00:51:04 He's got arthritis. But wasn't it from punching people? Am I crazy? Back in the day, I was a boy. Punching people would always hurt him because he had arthritis. Maybe I put something together that wasn't there. A lifetime of being a motorcycle man
Starting point is 00:51:22 would do that to you too, right? I bet it would. I didn't think of that So my wife has Arthritis in her hands She just sucks her mother did too Genetic and she ages that way cool But vibration is awful Like the doctor told her that she couldn't vacuum anymore
Starting point is 00:51:38 Or mow the yard Yeah she's like Oh no We sought a second opinion But Woody's like oh no anything but that we sought a second opinion but what he's like yeah but in this household we don't take no for an answer and so and so i've bought her a series of gloves you ever seen a woman vacuum with her feet kyle come on over it's wild and frustrating
Starting point is 00:52:03 stop dropping the goddamn vacuum on the tile you hear you're fucking clacking around in there all day i'm trying to enjoy myself you have one job in this house no no you gaslighter. I do everything around here. Jesus Christ. Yes. Now I'm imagining you're cutting the yard with her feet. All right, anyway.
Starting point is 00:52:40 On the zero. Oh, man, I'm excited to play more of this game tonight. Yeah, me too. I'm really digging it. On the zero. I'm excited to play more of this game tonight. Yeah, me too. I'm really digging it. I haven't watched any videos of it. I went to Turin's channel. It looked like he had diversified a little bit. It's kind of hard to find the kind of videos that I want
Starting point is 00:52:58 that don't teach me mechanics that I already know because I'm very familiar with the series. I played like a thousand hours of the second game. It's the same shit. It's just I don't know exactly. There's some specifics in this that I'm not aware of. I need to figure out how to do that. Move
Starting point is 00:53:13 your army up and they stay in position. Ask me questions when we start. I'll do a practice one and I'll show you some basic stuff that you just need to know. Sounds like what Kyle wants would be best in written form. Sometimes I'm like, man, I don't want to watch a 38 minute video. I believe I could scan
Starting point is 00:53:30 a webpage and get this in 90 seconds. Yeah, if I could ask the questions, if I could ask an expert, I could get the answers that I need in 30 seconds. I'm going to have to comb through a couple hours of videos, but it's fine. I like that shit. It'll be good someone sent me a fit a picture of our boy
Starting point is 00:53:48 fenster's ass today really yeah he's got his uh his only fan of stealing he charges rocking and well look i i felt guilty when i received the ass no not you the gentleman who sold it i mean come on yes i didn't request. I didn't request to ask. It was just sort of sent to me unsolicited, if you will. I'm assuming he's like bent over wearing some sort of underwear and passing for a girl miraculously. Is that about right? No, it's not quite that dirty. It wasn't quite that dirty.
Starting point is 00:54:21 He was just kind of show. He was doing the show in his butt, though. And, you know, he's dressed up like a pretty lady. It's real off-putting. If you guys want to head over there, I think it's like $20 a month, and there's thousands and thousands of people who have already signed up, apparently.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Go buy Fenster a house every month over there on OnlyFans. Break it in, Fen. Break it in. That's what I would say anytime anybody gave me any shit. You know, I make a house a month showing me, bum. How much do you make
Starting point is 00:54:52 a month a house? I make multiple houses a month. I make a house a month. Probably not where he is. He's so expensive. Make your ass work for you. He might have to save up six weeks to buy a house. I don't know a really nice one probably making a hundred grand a month yeah so so i probably know hundred thousand dollar
Starting point is 00:55:10 houses where he is oh i saw this thing the other day where um uh in london i guess and maybe i misunderstood what i was looking at but it seemed like because rent prices were so high there's this loophole where you can rent a dumpster for $50 a month. And so people take dumpsters and they turn them into mini houses that they can just stick there and nobody can say anything because it's your dumpster. And they've got like a bed and like a little kitchenette, you know, it's like a little mini house that they're building. And how do they clean the dumpster? I guess.
Starting point is 00:55:50 When you start living in dumpsters i think they started they started with like a new dumpster and it's a british dumpster so it's cheap toady door mate you got your dumpster license you're living in there you know dumpsters though they call there's a british word for them that i don't recall right now that i've never heard before it was was something else, but it's along those lines. We call it a big bin. It's like Big Bin that Clock would like so much. Is it a skip? A skip, yeah, yeah. I Googled it.
Starting point is 00:56:13 I didn't know. Because that's what it sounded like anyway. I heard skip or skiff, and I didn't know which it was. I remember now. I think a skiff is that thing that politicians do where they go into that special room where the kids are. A scud
Starting point is 00:56:32 is the missiles that Saddam Hussein was shooting at us in the Gulf War. A small world. Patriot missiles. My parents sat me down and told me this. They shoot the scud missiles at us. And I'm thinking like us right here.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Yes. I don't know where the Persian Gulf is. I'm five. I don't know where the Persian Gulf is. Persia is that near. I'm like, are they going to get us? And they're like,
Starting point is 00:56:55 no, the Patriot missiles, they go up and they shoot down the Scud missiles. And I'm like, we'll be safer in Livonia. So you're right. That is called a skiff. Although I think a skiff is also a boat.
Starting point is 00:57:05 It is. I believe it is. You'll find many words sound similar. English is very difficult. In the boat skiff, there's one F in the secret politician room skiff, and it's a P for the British dumpster. Live and learn. Learning English is very, very
Starting point is 00:57:22 difficult with all of the homonyms, all the words, all the synonyms, all the words that sound alike but are completely different things. I saw an example the other day and it's like, oh my god. Maybe it was seal. Seal is one of them. There are so many different
Starting point is 00:57:38 seals. Run is one too. Seal of approval. There's a seal on a piece of paper. There's a seal on a piece of paper. There's a fucking seal the animal. You can seal something together. There's a bunch of them. There's a run on banks.
Starting point is 00:57:53 There's a run in your stockings. There's running, like the physical activity. There's the runs. The runs. I didn't think of that one. There's a run is another one where there's a ton. I'm missing some of them big things i heard that i heard that those banks were had a lot to do with crypto and that that was further exacerbating the problems that uh crypto has been suffering
Starting point is 00:58:16 from i'm still gathering stuff i understand the t-bill problem and that they that they bumped themselves into uh i understand the woke red herring um but i really thought it was about t-bills but i do oh and i understand the um the the payoff thing that people are kind of misinterpreting the public um losses and private gains like that business is kind of it's not right in this situation. Can I give you my like quick take? And I watched 30 minutes of CNN. It seems like these banks were taking the money that people had given them as a bank and they were investing it, which isn't out of the ordinary, but they were investing large amounts of it in long-term investments. So that meant that there, and the people who utilized the bank that had their
Starting point is 00:59:06 money stored there um were primarily startups and things like that people who need small businesses people who need their money all the time like oh a hundred thousand here hundred thousand there big orders and such so a time came when it looked like there might not be enough money for everyone that which created a run on the bank which caused the bank to fail which called the caused the federal government to put it to want to put a finger in the dike um by saying we're going to take money out of this fund this fdic fund or whatever we're going to use that to make everyone right or to bail out these banks um and don't worry taxpayers it doesn't you, except it does when you go to get a mortgage because the money from that is being taken out and put into that account.
Starting point is 00:59:53 I got all that? I actually got a little lost at the mortgage part. You might know something I don't. I heard mortgage rates dropped because of this, which I don't know if that's good or bad because we're fighting inflation. But the T-bill part, you said they made long-term investments. Here's the deal, right? Let's say a treasury bill pays 2% and it's going to do that for the next 30 years. You can buy $1,000 worth of these T-bills and then it's going to keep paying you like a 2% gain for the next 30 years. Cool. If you decide that you don't want to be in that investment anymore, you can always find someone else willing to buy it. But here's the rub. While that seemed like an incredibly safe US government backed investment that would always
Starting point is 01:00:36 give you a 2% return, now they're 5% return. So that $1,000 investment that you made is not competitive with the $1,000 investments that I could make today. If you want to sell it, I'll give you 800 for it. Do you follow that part? They can't get their money out whole. Yeah. Well, if the interest rates had stayed flat, this would be a really safe investment. If the interest rates had dropped even further. So essentially they can't get their money. Or they would sell at a loss. Which is going to cause them to fail.
Starting point is 01:01:08 They can't lose 20% of their money as a bank. Yeah, well, that number I made up. But still, it holds roughly true. You're talking about $10 billion or something. They just can't. So it used to be, I guess because of Dobbs-Frank, they couldn't invest stuff like this. They had to put it in safer stuff.
Starting point is 01:01:24 And then they made it so that banks that weren't uh really big ones had looser rules they this bank lobbied the trump administration to make it so that regional banks as opposed to big national ones could take bigger risks they said look we're experts in what we're doing we're not going to fail and even if we do what's the big fucking deal we're not not fucking Bank of America. And the Trump administration said, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Let's loosen up the regulations on this little bank. Well, what happened was people in little banks everywhere were like, oh, my gosh, little banks can fail. And they were starting to run on other little banks. Little is relative.
Starting point is 01:02:01 It seemed like a pretty big bank. And there was a bank in New York that nearly went down. And government had to step in and be like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We will make sure that the people who put their money in don't lose it. But the people who invest in this bank, they get wiped out. Fuck them. That's how the Biden administration- Yeah, welcome to Capital. Yeah. Which is fair. I do like that i've always thought the fdic insuring quarter million of your money thing it's like oh man like i don't want to start moving your
Starting point is 01:02:32 money around a little bit when you if you ever had more than that liquid which wouldn't really make a lot of sense but still i mean if you're a billionaire it does but but yeah yeah so the business owner yeah the fdic insurers i If you've got 800,000 dollars, you're a business owner. Yeah. The FDIC insurers, I think it's all your accounts at that bank. So you can't have four accounts and make it a million dollars.
Starting point is 01:02:52 It's still a quarter million dollars. Yeah, you'd have to move your... You'd have to use different banks to... Bank of America, Wells Fargo, you gotta move... But in this case, even people who had a million dollars at this Silicon Valley bank
Starting point is 01:03:03 will get their entire million dollars back. The government is out of the ordinary. Normally, they would lose three quarters of that. But if they didn't do that, then everyone in these little banks in New York and wherever, we're going to start making runs there, too. So they were able to sort of nip this in the bud and stop a more systemic problem. Finger in the deck. Finger in the deck. Seems like a move by Biden.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Well, that's better than an economic collapse yeah yeah and again and this part i don't fully understand but it's not costing the taxpayers anything nothing that there is this fund that i heard different i doubt that well you might know something more than me well see the fund is funded by taxpayers and so now that fund is being emptied so the fund is funded by taxpayers. And so now that fund is being emptied. So the fund is funded by taxpayers. It's funded by banks and the banks pay into it. I'll show you where my source is. The banks get the money from people who pay for mortgages or something. They're getting the money from their customers.
Starting point is 01:03:57 And now that that fund is dry, they're going to have to get more of that money. Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, yeah. So when you say taxpayers, you mean bank customers. It was, again, I watched 30 minutes of the news today, 15 on CNN, 15 on Fox News. That's how I make sure I get all the relative information. The money is not coming from the U.S. government.
Starting point is 01:04:16 I think it's coming from things that the banks pay into. And you could argue all money ultimately comes from people who are working for a living. I'm not 100% on where money ultimately comes from people who are working for a living. I'm not 100% aware that money comes from. The person who was speaking on the news this morning made it sound like, and they're going to sell it like it's not coming out of our pocket. But look over here. He's paying John.
Starting point is 01:04:38 But I don't know one way or the other. It's a good thing that there's not going to be a run on fucking banks. Yeah. It's another case where I feel likeiden's doing the absolute right thing they're a great job but terrible at selling it absolutely terrible at selling it and they're like rabble rousers who misinform and sell a negative spin on it better than he sells his truth yeah yeah he sucks. I'm looking forward to the election cycle, seeing if DeSantis and Trump can put their heads
Starting point is 01:05:10 together and do something fun. I don't know. I want them to fight. I want DeSantis to paint Trump as a bad president. I want the president to paint DeSantis as whatever he does. I don't know, DeSanctimonious or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:24 I want to see him. president to paint desantis is whatever he does i don't know to sanctimonious or something yeah i want i want to see him uh i want to see a food fight sure i guess but i would prefer if they just immediately got together and beat biden because that's what i want to see they're gonna put you back in jail we're gonna combine our trump is gonna come after you again this time I heard this guy's got THC. It's not even illegal. Well, fuck him. If you elect me again, I will send Kyle Myers to prison.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Again. Everyone. No. I'm sending him there believe me lock him up look at him he came to try and
Starting point is 01:06:13 curry my favor look at him over there take his coat take him out of here I'm a Richard Ryan guy myself and that's a shot I'm a Richard Ryan guy myself. And that's a shot. All right.
Starting point is 01:06:32 PKN 447.

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